#unless I lose loads
coldcrypt · 11 months
was talking to a friend this time last year about disordered eating and weight loss goals & going shopping together for some new clothes. Saw her a cpl times the past month and she looks amazing. Flat stomach, thin face, ribs and hips. Everything fits her perfectly. She followed through with what I wanted for myself while I drank to oblivion for pretty much 12 months and just gained 20 pounds.
Have got to get at least as thin as her
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nonairy · 1 month
How to savescum animal breeding in Fields of Mistria
1. Just before you end the day, feed the heart treats to the animals you want to breed 2. Make a save at the diary (Save 1) 3. Sleep, then make another save at the diary (Save 2) 4. Load Save 2 and sleep repeatedly until the baby is born. 4a. If they are the color/tier you want, load Save 2. The color/tier is locked in at this point, so you can continue playing normally and/or repeat from step 1 with different animals. 4b. If they are NOT the color/tier you want, delete Save 2. Load Save 1 and repeat steps 3-4.
Keep in mind regular breeding rules still apply, so the colors/tiers that are available are based on the parents' tiers.
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nangua · 10 months
every time a brown southeast asian girl compares herself to east asian beauty standards she explodes and dies true story
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Me at an outdoor festival: wow this is great! Everyone looks so cool, and the air smells wonderful-
Cannon ball 50 feet away:
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Me: This Is The Worst Day Of My Life
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rubys-domain · 1 year
at this point i dont even care if i get kokomi. i just want a 5 star
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pawbeanies · 1 year
sorry puppy CANT be horny rn he's tilting in splat3
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pastadoughie · 5 months
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alottt of transmascs seem 2 think tyhat vocal training is somehow superr hard n super difficult, but its rlly not! i think part of this is in part because of voice instructional videos, half of them are people spouting bullshit or not being descriptive enough, and the other half (by vocal coaches) are loaded with technical termonology witch is missmatched between them, making it very difficult to tell what part of the body they are talking abt just to preface, you probably will not have an extrordinarily deep voice, but you can absolutely get a passing male voice even if you have a super high pitched voice! vocal gender is not determined only by how deep your voice is, you can have a high pitched male voice and a low pitched female voice to give you an example of how much change you can expect, here is my voice, ive been doing vocal training for about 3 years now.
there isnt actually a massive difference in terms of the depth, but there is a noticable difference in terms of masculinity i sound a little bit uncomfortable in the normal voice example, this is because i pretty much never use my natural voice, so its not my "default" voice anymore you will not lose your normal voice as you do vocal training, you simply will get better at controling your mouth and throat muscles to make it deeper, so if you are closeted you can still do vocal training while maintaining your higher pitch voice, its a matter of building up a muscle memory, after a while it becomes automatic the examples were taken like, a minute from eachother, its just moving your mouth in the right way you can also see i have a bit of a thicker accent while doing my vocal training voice, this is because pronouncing words very clearly and distinctly while also making your voice deeper is very difficult & something i am still working on note that this is still good to do and to work on even if you plan on going on T !! unless you have been on puberty blockers or started hrt very very early (at puberty age) then HRT will not be perfect and is not identical to the effects of stereotypical amab puberty, this isnt to say that it wont help, but the differences in larynx height that you will naturally get are not the same intensity as what generally happens in male puberty. this means you will have a higher then average male voice, as well as transmasc voices absent of vocal training generally sound more buzzy and nasaly here is an example, given by a dear friend of mine who would prefer to be unnamed
this isnt to dunk on anybody who has this kind of voice, i personally like it, but it is clockable if you know what to look for, witch could be unsafe depending on where you live to start : anatomy you are not a guitar, youre more like a bottle. to speak you blow air through your windpipe, and depending on the width of your tube/windpipe you will have a lower/ higher pitched sound, your vocal cords/voicebox are a fold in that tube, witch can open and close to constrict or widen your tube thin tube = higher pitched wide tube = lower pitched within stereotypical male puberty, these folds thicken, making them close less easily then thinner folds, making the voice deeper the opening/closing of the folds is sometimes called the "glottal cycle" and thick folds are are sometimes refered to as having a "high closed quotient" having thicker vocal folds is something only achivable through testosterone, but you can get a deeper voice by making your tube bigger, sometimes refered to as "lowering your larynx", a lower larynx results in an adams apple, and you can use how much of an adams apple you have during training as a phisical reference point
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beside your tube, you have a set of strap muscles, these you can move, its by controlling these that you can hold your tube open. you cannot move your windpipe itself, only the strap muscles
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to find your strap muscles, you can do a small excersize - in a relaxed position and your mouth open, place your hand underneath your collarbone to one side firmly, pinning the skin down - tilt your head backwards and close your mouth - hold for a few secconds, then close your mouth and tilt your head back to a normal position - repeat on other side you should be able to feel a pulling in the strap muscle on eather side, generally one is tigher then the other. doing this excersise can help you make them a lil more flexable, witch helps you maintain your deep voice when you move your head around making your voice deeper / lowering the larynx :
on an anatomical level, you are going to control your strap muscles to tug your windpipe downwards, creating more space and a deeper sound you can feel this in your mouth, use your toungue to feel the bottom of your mouth, this bottom part of your mouth is what you wanna try to make bigger, kindof like a frog
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people sometimes refer to this as speaking with a yawn, or liken it to trying to eat something large like a snowglobe, but this is a ultimately harmful way of thinking about it, and generally leads to people moving their larynx and mouth in a way that is straining, not very helpful for making your voice deeper, and also kindof slimey sounding you should not feel pressure in the back of your throat or the top of your mouth, you should only feel the pulling of your strap muscles and the expanding of the bottom portion of your mouth. below your toungue if you place your hand where your adams apple would be, you should be able to feel it bulge and tense up when you do this
you can do vocal slides in order to practice this - drink some water and clear your throat - take a deep breath and, at a volume and pitch that is comfortable and natural for you, open your mouth and go aaaaaa - trying to keep your mouth open the same ammount as you go, try and expand your tube, feeling the bottom of your mouth inflate a little, you can feel your throat to have phisical confermation of if you are doing it correctly - once you have reached the maximum ammount of open that is comfortable for you, try and hold that note as long as you can, being careful not to slide your pitch up if done correctly it should sound something like :
you need to make sure that you are pacing your air properly, you should be able to hold the note at a consistant volume for the length of the slide here is an example of a slide done without properly pacing your air, this is called "vocal fry"
you can help avoid this by doing the slide slower, you dont have to rush getting to the lowest note as fast as possible, try not to stress your vocal cords this slide is very difficult, if you are having trouble, you can modify the excersize if your issue is keeping your volume consistant, or keeping your jaw open the same ammount, you can do the same thing but humming instead
if your issue is pacing your air, and going into vocal fry, you can do the same thing, but you pant like a dog
being louder / vocal weight : vocal weight describes how loud you are / how much air you are pushing through your windpipe, if you find you are too quiet, you can try doing a volume slide
- drink some water and clear your throat - take a deep breath and, at LOW volume open your mouth and go aaaaaa, i would reccomend doing this at your normal pitch - trying to keep your mouth open the same ammount as you go, increase the ammount of air you let through your lungs, getting louder - hold it as loud as you can for as long as you can, and once you run out of air you can stop as with the other slide, you wanna make sure you do this one slowly, and make sure to start the slide at a low volume, this is to help you get more familiar with controlling the ammount of air you let through your windpipe once you get comfortable with that, you should combine that with the previous slide, and try to expand your tube/ lower your larynx as you get louder
maintaining that depth when speaking :
speaking is the same thing as singing, but it involves way more movement of the mouth, and if you dont change your technique a little between speaking and singing it will sound bad try to keep in mind the position of your tongue, while flattening it can help with getting the opening of your tube part down, you dont wanna actually talk like that, try to have your toungue in a natural position just resting against your bottom teeth try not to compress your throat, you shouldnt feel any kind of pressure against your windpipe, you should only feel a pulling in your strap muscles if you notice your voice sounds slimey or nasaly or muffled, youre focusing a little bit too hard on creating good mouth space that youre messing with your throat space
if you sound slimey, make sure you arent flattening your toungue against the bottom of your mouth, and that you arent straining or over exerting yourself, it shouldnt feel painful or tense at the back of your throat or top of your mouth if you have a hard time maintaining your voice while doing things you should stretch your strap muscles using the excersize in the anatomy section, if they arent super flexable then its going to be hard maintaining your voice while tilting your head when you start its gonna be pretty hard, so make sure that you dont overexert yourself or get hyperfixated on having a deep voice 24/7, you dont wanna damage your voice at all not being embarrassed / practical use :
alot of vocal training excersizes sound pretty stupid, but you dont have to do the excersizes exactly how they are shown here when doing my vocal training i generally sing or hum to a song, ideally one with alot of sustained notes and that doesnt require very fast pitch changes if you want a song i like to start with, i like this one by cats millionare, but you can really do whatever song you like as long as it works good for you
while not required having a male vocalist in the song can also help. it helps switch vocal training from a concious effort to a more subconcious thing, because your brain trys to mimic the voice of the people you listen to with speaking around people i used to feel a little embarrassed about using my deeper voice, because it made me feel like im just like. a stupid little boy trying to make my voice deeper to sound cool. but one thing you have to realize about this kind of thought is that its internalized transphobia if speaking in a certain way, even if its unnatural, makes you happier then you should do it, the idea of having a "natural" and "unnatural" voice is a common idea in transphobic retoric, this idea that youre "faking" a voice so you can "trick people" into "thinking that youre a different gender" ultimately, youre doing this to become more happy and comfortable in your voice, and if anybody HAS an issue with that or think that thats stupid, then theyre transphobic, though they probably dont realize it. if you dont like singing or humming, you can also just speak and read things out, there really is no reccomendation i have for this, maybe get on a call with your friends and play a visual novel or something, reading out all the dialougue. having friends while you do this helps, as you can have them remind you when you start losing or slipping up with the deeper voice you dont actually have to make sound to vocal train, you can do it in complete silence, anatomically youre just moving the muscles in your mouth a certain way, and the sound part is done by blowing air through, but the making sound part is just the final step of the excersizes and it is optional. you can vocal train in complete silence at any time i would reccomend doing it with sound to start, but as you get more used to it then you can do it without the sound to practice most importantly for doing it consistantly though is dont make it a chore to do, while the anatomical and technical aspects are important to learn the most important thing is having it be practical for you to do, so find a method to do it regularly that works for you you dont have to like, do it 24/7 or anything, though you will build a habit for it quicker if you do. if you need to switch how deep your voice is around family thats not gonna somehow take away your progress
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fankyu 4 reading!! if you have any questions pleaseplease ask them and i will try to respond!! i know theres alot of formatting issues, i tried so hard to fix them but tumblr is just not having it, i dont know why
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nighttimealone · 6 days
Cw: Nsfw
You have an important document from your work that needs to be fixed now, but your poor boyfriend König already got worked up the moment you leant down to retrieve your book from a lower shelf moments ago, your ass in full display to him, so you compromise when he look at you with that heavy cock hanging between his thighs, “liebling, please, I won’t interrupt you doing your work.” he says while pulling you onto his lap, your core rest just against his growing erection. How can you say no when he pleads so nicely?
Your arms wrapped around his neck, typing on your phone and dealing with the job, while König humping like a dog in heat against your clothed pussy, groaning and growling just beside your ear as he prods his tip repeatedly at your clit, still cheekily trying to let you lose control and finish whatever you’re doing now. But he needs to be a good boy, he already promised you he’ll hold back until you have time, so he settles with grinding his cock along your pussy for now.
You hum in approval, sparing a glance at him and his dick when he slide it between your pussy lips, your panties’ already a mess after he pulled down the hem of your panties and pumped a load inside, clinging onto your skin and showing the curve of your mound.
“I can’t wait anymore, Süße…bitte bitte…” A grin decorates your lips as you see his face, all flush with the desire burning in his body, can’t even think straight and talk coherently, because sweetie, he just wants to sink his cock inside your drenched cunt and fuck you so good, overwhelm you in pleasure so you can forget about your job.
So you finally set down your phone. Actually, you already finished correcting the mistakes in your documents minutes ago, but the sight of him blabbering and moaning, like all he wants in this world is you and your pussy, is just too entertaining.
“Oh…oh my god…” Your teasing words don’t even have a chance to make their way out of your lips, the moment you put away the phone, he already stands up and flip you onto the mattress, slamming his cock inside you in one swift move, legs pressed back to your breast for mating press, pounding into you with the full force of his hips that you’re practically screaming his name in ecstasy.
Just don’t let him discover that you pretend to be occupied by work for a few more minutes, just to see him eagerly rolling his hips against your slick folds, unless you want to walk side to side the next day, from how he teach you a lesson with his weapon that he calls his cock.
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catcatb0y · 2 years
So, my game finally finished uploading. After a three hour download that got up to twelve percent before getting deleted when I closed out of the app, I sat in the void for an hour, and then resumed the download. Kept my phone open to the app, kept it on the whole time, and it still took FOUR FUCKING HOURS. I lost a good chunk of my progress in the Event Ranking and feel like absolute utter garbage.
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rebouks · 10 months
Keeping Lag to a Minimum...
I was chatting about a few things I do to combat lag over on discord and realised I do quite a bit of maintenance to reduce lag/load times. I decided to write em all down and before I knew it, I had a big ol' list. Here's hoping it helps!
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Save/File Tips:
Clear your caches (located in the same spot as your mod folder fyi) I usually delete the onlinethumbnailcache, avatarcache and localthumbcache caches every time I exit the game, the main one to delete regularly is the localthumbcache file, they're just temporary files but it can get pretty big after a while.. if you're having any mod issues, particularly ui ones, it's always worth deleting that to see if it helps.
Remove any saves you're not using from your saves folder, and keep an eye on save file sizes. In my experience, any saves over around 30-40mb start to get a bit laggy. Things that bump this size up are the amount of townies in game and the amount of lots/objects in the world.
Regarding the above point, I regularly bulldoze lots I don't need anymore, just to save the game from having to cope with extra shit to load in the background and reduce save file bloat.
Similarly, I delete a lot of unnecessary townies. Also, try to keep the amount of outfits on townies to a minimum, ain't no townie need four swimsuit outfits, the game will thank you..
If you have cheats enabled you can usually shift-click/delete object on things like random coffee cups or stray cupcakes sims foolishly drop around the world (or eat em.. whatever tickles ur pickle) just get rid!
Whilst we're keeping objects in game to a minimum.. I try to clear sims inventories now and then, including townies. You can do this via mccc even if you're not currently playing that household by heading to MC Cleaner -> Sell Sim Inventory/Sell Household Inventory. RANDOM LUMPS OF CLAY BEGONE!
Think of a save file like a lot.. the more objects in it, the laggier it gets! Try your best to remove anything or anyone unnecessary where you can.
Hit "Save As" instead of "Save" now and then - the more you overwrite a save, the more chance it has of going wonky, treat your game to a fresh one now and then and remove the old one from your saves folder (maybe don't delete it right away in case you wanna roll back, keep it somewhere safe).
If you can (although ik it can be a pain) set up a new/fresh save, you'd be surprised how bogged down old ones can get! For legacy players, it's usually best to do this whenever you have a small family to save yourself some pain, since you can just save the household and take em to a new save (you will lose sims inventories/household inventories/relationships with sims outside the household tho so beware! Pictures/other collectables can be saved to a lot however, and you can always cheat back relationship bits etc.. bit of a last resort but new saves are shiny and fast!)
Make sure your Screenshots/Video folders are empty - move em somewhere else, it works, trust me. If you have a lot of custom music installed try n' clear some of those out too.. the smaller that Sims 4 directory is, the better.
Delete any last exceptions/last crashes (same spot as your mod folder again) you don't need em unless you're planning to upload em somewhere for help.
Settings Etc:
If you get a bad lag spike, opening the main menu and/or saving can randomly stop this. If it doesn't, try exiting the game, clearing your localthumbcache and restarting.
Clearing all notifications from the game panel can also help.
If you can, close all other apps and background apps you don't need whilst playing, ts4 is super memory hungry so it can definitely help.
The GraphicsRules Override file by Simp4Sims can reduce lag/latency and make your game look a little better in the process!
Srslysims Simulation Lag Fix mod can help reduce lag too (if you've altered the game speed via mccc tho, don't use this unless you plan on resetting it to default).
If you aren't keen on, or barely use a pack, consider disabling it.
Not ideal, especially for those of us taking screenshots, but lowering the graphics settings whilst playing definitely helps.
If you use re/g-shade, consider switching it off whilst playing and only turn it on for screenshots.
A clean and tidy pc/laptop runs better in general. Remove anything you're not using/don't need anymore to free up space, remove temp files, clean up your folders now and again etc etc.. especially that dreaded mod folder, speaking of...
Managing Mods:
SORT OUT YOUR MODS FOLDER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.. skdsjdjs it doesn't have to be immaculate but at the very least try n' clear it out now n' then. Also try to separate your script mods/overrides from the rest, patch days don't need to be so stressful ;-;
Personally, I don't merge my mods; if something breaks it's much harder to pinpoint! It makes it easier to find/delete specific mods too.. and let's face it, there's usually one or two items in that set you could do without lmaooo.. also, don't think it helps much tbh! Yeah you could say the game doesn't have to work as hard to load merged files but that's debatable, it's still the same amount of items/polys at the end of the day ¯\(°_o)/¯
If you like merging files and/or see results from doing so, you can merge stuff you definitely know you're never getting rid of, especially CAS/BB stuff.. but steer clear of merging gameplay/script mods! If a merged file seems to be the culprit when using the 50/50 method, try unmerging it and 50/50ing it again! You might not need to get rid of everything if something's borked.
Bulk Rename Utility can be used to remove all spaces and special characters from your mod files, the game doesn't particularly like loading those so it'll thank you.
The Sims 4 Mod Manager is a great way to sort through your mods, you can easily see, move and delete files from here (not great for build/buy, poses etc as thumbnails are usually missing, but great for CAS stuff). An extra hint with this that I've noticed is that if any of my mods get renamed with [D1] at the beginning after looking through them via the mod manager, it means it's a duplicate file so you can get rid.
I also use the Sims 4 Tray Importer to help me sort through mods. Simply save a sim/lot with any cc you don't want and find it in the importer, you can then go through all the cc in the cc tab and delete/sort it (I also use this to sort cc if a bunch has the wrong tags etc, makes it easier to find in my folders by saving em to a lot or w/e - it also spots duplicates which is handy).
It's a ballache, but the 50/50 method is tried and tested if you're having issues.
I like to keep an abandoned cc folder tucked away somewhere, that way you can remove mods willy nilly without stressing about losing them. If you change your mind, you can always grab it back!
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victory-cookies · 2 years
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lexirosewrites · 5 months
Steddie as rival lawyers who have very different careers.
Steve became a prosecuting attorney after graduating from a top school at his parents’ insistence. It pays well and makes them happy, even if it’s joyless for him to fight for things he doesn’t believe in.
Prosecuting innocent people and fighting for the sake of money without morals.
On the other end of the spectrum is free-spirited Eddie Munson. He’s a defense attorney who shows up in ill-fitting suits that show off his many neck and hand tattoos. Piercings in his ears and hair that’s not tidy or tamed in any way.
He’s a rebel who barely graduated from some lower tier law school with no prestige whatsoever.
Steve naturally assumed their first trial would be a breeze.
But somehow— sheer dumb luck, bad jury selection, or just stupid fate— Eddie wins. And he keeps winning.
Over and over for months.
Steve’s long uninterrupted winning streak becomes a losing one. If Eddie’s in the courtroom too, Steve knows he’s already lost his case.
It’s humbling.
Actually, it’s frankly embarrassing to lose to someone who’s so unprofessional and doesn’t take the law seriously like Steve.
Eddie is respectful of course, but he doesn’t use lawyer-speak unless he’s referencing a precedent of a law. Other than that, he’s overly casual and friendly. Everyone’s favorite lawyer.
He doesn’t lack passion though. No, the guy all but hops up on tables to make speeches about freedom or the American dream during every trial. Utterly ridiculous.
It works though. The juries fall for his bullshit about being down to earth and his clients walk free because of it.
Steve can’t stand it. He can’t stand Eddie and his mockery of his career.
This ultimately culminates in a confrontation in the parking lot one night after a particularly tense trial conclusion.
Once again, Eddie’s guy walked free and Steve knows he’s gonna hear about it from his boss (who also happens to be his dad).
So he might snap a bit when Eddie comes out whistling and looking happier than anything.
“Hey, jackass!”
Eddie looks around like Steve might be referring to some other jackass, despite the otherwise empty parking lot.
He points to himself in question and Steve rolls his eyes in answer.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Eddie finally greets him with a smirk. “Chinese takeout for tonight sound good?”
Steve’s stomach growls at the mere suggestion.
He’d accidentally skipped lunch earlier so he could make changes to his closing argument. Fat load of good that did him.
“Yeah, sure, whatever. You’re not off the hook that easily though. What the hell was that brutal cross examination on my witness, you dickhead?”
Eddie smiles extra sweetly and presses a quick but affectionate kiss to Steve’s forehead first.
“All’s fair in love, war, and court, baby. You can whine about it later when we’re home if you really want to. I happen to know some very nice pillows that would love to muffle your pretty little moans.”
He blushes, glancing around to make sure they’re still alone before he pulls Eddie into an embrace.
They’ve barely spent any time together this week because of the tense trial and he really missed his boyfriend (not to be mistaken for the jackass who argues with him daily in the courtroom).
As much as they can separate their personal and work lives, it’s hard to not be on the same side of things.
“What if I want you to hear me moan, Eddie? I think it’s only fair since you seem to get everyone else off and I’m the one always suffering for it,” he mumbles snarkily into Eddie’s shirt.
Eddie laughs at the pun. He knew that he would.
“Is that why you’re sulking, babylove? You want me to get you off too?” He nods with a pathetic whine. Not getting to cum for a few days can do that to a person. “I think that can be arranged. You’ve been such a good boy for me lately. You’ve earned a treat.”
Steve melts into his boyfriend’s arms, feeling loved.
“I missed you.”
Another kiss to the forehead, but this time Eddie’s lips linger there as he speaks.
“Missed you too, sweetheart. Not sorry for winning, but I am sorry that you lost.”
Steve knew the defendant was innocent. There wasn’t much of a case to be made anyway. It still stings though.
“Yeah... I’ve been thinking about that and it might be time to quit my dad’s firm. I’d much rather be on the same side as you,” Steve confesses.
Eddie pauses.
“Does that mean…”
Steve looks up smiling and confirms, “Yes. I’ll accept the job offer if it’s still on the table.”
The rival lawyer had offered him a job months ago, before they even got together.
By accepting the position, it means they’d finally be allowed to be a couple publicly and they’d be sitting on the same side of the court for once.
It would also free Steve from his dad’s control and disappointment.
“Stevie, I’d love nothing more than to have you as my partner. In both the court and life. I love you, sweetheart.”
He can’t resist.
“I love you too… jackass.”
Eddie makes good on his promise to get Steve off that night. He even brings out the handcuffs for accuracy sake.
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autolenaphilia · 5 days
One of my strongest gaming opinions is that I should be able to manually save my game whenever I want, how many times I want, with lots of save slots. And when I reload it should return my gamestate to exactly what it was when I saved, including the location in the game world, not at the last checkpoint I touched.
This is a very “30-year old boomer” opinion to have, and reveals me as a literal 30 year old who has played a lot of old pc games. But manual unlimited saves used to be the standard for PC games, and it was wonderful. It’s such a quality of life thing for me, it ensures that you won’t lose progress when real-life interrupts your game, or you just don’t feel like playing anymore.
Sure, some games have it still, like the excellent retro-shooter Dusk and that’s great, but a lot of the games world views it as a thing of the past. And of course it was never the standard for console games, they pretty much always had some kind of save game limitation. But that was because of technical limitations that PCs didn’t have. Only having autosaves at pre-defined checkpoints feels like an old console limitation being presented as a feature.
Sure it can be convenient to have autosaves, but without manual saves, it’s suddenly not so convenient when you need or want to stop playing but you will lose serious progress unless you reach the next checkpoint first.
And for games that tout themselves as hardcore and challenging, limiting saves absolutely can increase the challenge for those looking for that. But it feels like a particularly cheap way of adding difficulty.
A game that is difficult even when you have unlimited manual saves, now that’s a real challenge. And that’s the case for a lot of old PC games, who are often infamously difficult. In part that was because their difficulty was designed with the player having unlimited saves and reloads in mind. One of my favorite games is Commandos 2: Men of Courage. It’s difficult, an unforgiving stealth game with long and complex missions in which minor mistakes will almost always lead to a game-over. And the only way to make this playable is the generous save and load system.
To be fair, for a lot of modern AAA games, it’s probably still technically impossible to implement an old-school pc game save system. These games have so much stuff going on that the game state has too much data to save all of it to a save file without that file becoming too big in size. So the designers instead make save games only save only a minimum of data, things like the player’s story progression, inventory items and the latest /nearest checkpoints and reset the rest of the game world when the game reloads.
But frankly this is a case of triple-a games becoming bloated, because in that case the developers’ GPU-melting graphics and massive open world actually gives the player less options, less features than what was once standard.
I can accept video games having limited saves of course. But that requires the rest of the game being good enough to outweigh that, and it will always be a minus in my assessment of the game’s quality.
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userchai · 9 months
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smut warning ⚠️
I need 90s cowboy!steve more than I need air.
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Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you sink down around Steve, bodies yearning for each other in a way that was almost animalistic. Moving to a ranch to be a housekeeper was the best decision you ever made. You spent your days cleaning and working around the farm but at night, you stayed up in the loft, tucked into Steve’s bed. You hardly left it unless Steve had to go into town for something, you’d lose track of time. The both of you focused on how good you felt, moaning as he pumped you full with load after load of his cum. Sometimes he’d make you handcuff him to his bed, letting you ride him while wearing his cowboy hat, “That’s it Darlin, fuckkkk, bounce yourself on that dick, such a good girl.” He says, the southern twang of his voice making your toes curl. You knew if Steve’s dad ((the owner of the ranch)) found out about your little rendezvous you’d most likely be fired, but you couldn’t stay away from Steve, and his sexy country accent.
tagging below cut
@seexyyprincess @imyourdaninow @reidsbtch @xxhellfirebunnyxx
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diorcities · 6 months
ace of spades (zcl)
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☆͟ 🎱:pairing: chenle x afab!reader ☆ genre: smut, mature content. ☆͟ ♠️ content: pwp, gambling, rivals / frenemies, meandom!chenle, softdom!chenle, oral fixation, skin fixation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (chenle pulls out), cum eating, spanking, dirty talk, nipple play, fingering, make up sex, biting. some other cautions: small mention of a crime, alcohol consumption, chenle calls himself daddy once, they're both competitive, intense and extend kiss scene (i love writing this), reader makes one incestual joke, featuring jisung, ningning being chenle's sister, haechan, the hwang siblings, ex former nmixx jini, an yujin and hu yunjin. ☆ wc: 6.4k.
☆͟ 🃏description: in the world of asia's rich and powerful, nothing is as it seems. behind the smiles and luxuries, secrets, lies, and betrayals are hidden. a group of pretentious young adults, children of wealthy parents from the asian elite, move between parties, business, and scandals.
son of the west's most famous tech tycoon, chenle is arrogant, capricious, and manipulative; his unquenchable thirst for glory and greatness moves him to do the most despicable things if it keeps him getting what he wants: you.
based on little white lies by one direction. to my friend, @ohmytyong ♡
ningning shares a glance at jini.
“stop that,” she says with annoyance. the girl ends up stopping the clattering of her foot on the pavement and disposing of the cigarette; ningning has lost count of how many she has on.
“what if someone saw us?”
“what if?” ningning responds, distracted. “are you worried, little lamb?” ningning was growing tired of the whining of the girl. pure empty concerns, in her opinion. “i thought you wanted this. i thought... you'd kill for it. what if someone saw us? no, better, what if one of us speaks? would it be her brother? would it be... you?”
“hi, girls.” yeji arrives offering them both a cup of loaded coffee. “god, you look like you're losing your shit,” she says to jini.
“i don't like coffee,” she points out.
“i know,” yeji simply responds.
jini lets out a disbelieving sigh. “fuck! am i the only one who's worried of what we've done?” she utters seeking comfort, as if she didn't already know that she won't find it there.
the girls share a countenance that makes jini more uneasy. she opens her mouth to surely continue complaining when she leaves ningning expectant and dazed when nothing comes out.
“what you've done,” you correct, announcing your arrival. “lighter, please.”
ningning shares fire with you while jini watches you in a bewildered look when you share complicit glances with each other but her. “first murder?” you joke, looking at the girl's colorless face.
the three of you watch pleasurably her head putting the puzzle together and the realization settling in her stomach. “you.”
you smile wide and sharp.
you've always found the strange relationship intriguing. questioning every smile and every look; they all play a game that was best not to get into unless you know how to play equally well.
the queen of the deck game.
ningning, with her wit that sparkles like a sharp diamond always seems to be two steps ahead, leaving you to wonder if her words hide sharper edges. yeji, with eyes that have seen more than they tell, hides her true interests under enigmas, and you wonder if her shadowy wisdom is a guide or a labyrinth. jini, with her appetite for success and fortune echoing like a flame, is attracted so much by the heat that she can't stop until it burns.
sometimes you don't know how far the limit is. sometimes you'd like to know it for yourself. one misstep, one wrong play, the stakes are high, and faces are masks.
although, you've always known how to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
the academy bell rings and you take the coffee from jini's cold hands. you smile condescendingly as the girl seems to have seen a ghost. “next time, do like me and go for the head.”
── 11:30hr 🃏 ago ──
the outlook was promising. the wealthiest people in asia all gathered in one place. the ensembles, clubs, and parties were in abundance as they made deals to become more millionaires with jazz music playing in the background.
the world revolves around the rich. sports cars, expensive champagne, private schools, commodities. the privileged part envied by the masses. gambling, scandals, fraud, felonies, cults, crimes, scams, obsessions was the side that was kept secret. with ambition comes power, and with power comes temptation. something that young blood can't control after tasting a pinch of it.
chenle had had enough of that.
other, less mundane things excited him now. like seeing your delicate skin bristle when you noticed his presence very close to you, your body tense up, your breath freeze in your throat because god forbid it to be so close; chenle had taken all his willpower to contain the urge to bite your naked shoulder.
the eyes of your companions register it under your ignorance. haechan smiles smugly as jisung says, “look who's here. done sucking your father's balls?”
chenle arrives at the circle with a nonchalant air. “ask your mother.” haechan bursts out laughing.
ningning approaches in an ethereal halo with a glass of champagne between her claws of the same shade as her lips. she's machiavellian beautiful, with sharp features, her beauty is certainly a weapon. chenle's aware of the influence ningning has on people, and couldn't be more disgusted by it. “gentlemen, having a reunion without me?”
“god forbid. i have not yet psyched myself up to put up with you so early.” jisung replies, stealing a glass of champagne from a passing tray.
the illusion is stronger when you are together. chenle has grown up with you, he has known you all his life. something so secret and twisted can only exist with people with the same tendencies. and while friendships are bound by affection, you are bound by secrets.
a circle. an alliance. the selected and exclusory society of the young wealthiest children. forged with vice and deception, glory and greed. to be the best. to be the ace.
“so, how's business? making deals to sell personal information to the highest bidder?” haechan wonders, playing with a loose strap of ningning's dress while giving chenle a sly smile although his gaze is not even interested in returning the look at him, somehow spellbound by the nice view in front of him.
he shrugs behind you, “marvelous, how's yours?”
“my dad's closing a deal with one of the big ones. he's been talking to me about it, i couldn't be more bored by the criminal laws,” he concedes, vaguely.
“oh, pardon me. i meant the drug business,” chenle points out causing a flurry of reactions. jisung chokes on the champagne in front of you. his cheeks are flushed and he is flustered from the alcohol.
giggly and careless, your brother's naïveté makes him the weakest link of all. jisung is simply too good and disinterested in anything that doesn't involve going against you. sometimes you wonder if he is so afraid of disappointment that he doesn't even try.
he's never been good at drinking either.
“don't you think you're overdoing it?” chenle casually asks, looking around.
“stay out of my business, would you?” he says fed up before going in his direction and giving him a playful headlock. the pleasant laughter of the pair makes the rest of the group join in just before the music changes and becomes livelier.
ningning lets out a scream and hurries up the champagne, taking haechan to the track without any objection.
“ji, dance with me,” you request under the nagging gaze of the only boy who's unmoved by your charms.
“don't be capricious, sister. you know i don't dance.”
“allow me.”
before you can answer, chenle grabs you and drags you toward the center of the room. the closeness of your bodies only makes it harder for you to manage to stay neutral, not when his fingers seem to be caressing your waist. “how aristocratic, since when do you like to dance?” chenle shrugs his shoulders as he leads you.
“i'm tentative. i am quickly influenced by beautiful things. and because this proximity can be excused if we dance, otherwise, how am i going to be able to tell you without raising suspicions that i know a little secret?”
chenle is entertained by the reaction he gets from you, feeling your heart pounding against his chest. look at you, a whole personification of purity, too bad it can't stand alone. “what about a gentleman never tells?” a sly smile forms on his pursed lips as he hears you.
chenle pulls you to him, your jaw now resting on his shoulder as he embraces you and spins you in his arms. “i am no gentleman.”
“no,” you say, “you're vain, vicious, and perverse.” chenle takes your chin in a playful and twistedly affectionate manner, observing your body slowly spinning until you press your back against his chest. you sway to the melody when you hear chenle clearing his throat. his breath hits your cheek when he laughs then, his hands press you more against him.
you muffle an exhale as you feel him pressing against your back, his hands molding to your waist, the dominant grip he holds you under. “and yet, you find yourself fascinated.” chenle makes you face him, and you shake your head with peppiness. “explain this... lingering feeling every time we touch. i know you feel it too.”
“what thing?”
“this tension.”
“i'm afraid i have no idea what you're talking about.”
“oh, no? may i ask why are you get suddenly agitated when i touch you here.” he moves his hand dangerously toward your naked lower back. “d'you run out of air often, princess, or it's just me?” his warm breath brushes against your ear as he keeps you close.
chenle's intoxicating aroma clutters your thoughts, and you have to make an extra effort not to trip over his feet. “these are your tactics for flirting with girls? i'm very unimpressed.” chenle watches you roll your eyes, curling his lips.
“not remotely close, although i'm pleased that you are interested in knowing my seduction methods. but since you're talking about tactics, i'm deeply curious about whether this is how you act with haechan too or it's just for my eyes only.”
the piece is finished and another one begins right after. however, your bodies remain frozen in the same place, gazes glaring at each other, trying to see weakness, trying not to be the first to bend.
“and that act you talk about is...?”
“playing dumb, which i confess, never looked good on you.” you were always amazed at how chenle's brain worked. calculating wit, this personification of scheming and wickedness made chenle a dangerous adversary.
“i thought you liked them compliant and subtle.”
he hums in denial, “i like them dainty and haunted, like a drowned lily.”
you giggle with a grimace, throwing the boy off. “is that one of your puzzles? sorry, i don't like games.” chenle nods, his tongue playfully pushing the inside of his cheek as he grins in amusement.
you wouldn't be so careful not to play his game. he is a prodigy at plotting, there was nothing that escaped him. the deceptive epitome of why no one beat him at strategy. nothing that would imply competition. billiards, fencing, chess.
if you could describe this interaction, if you could describe even the purpose of the allyship with such devious people it would be a simple card game, and if so, that would make chenle the ace of spades.
chenle escorts you off the dance floor. “no, you just like the chase.”
“what makes you think that?”
he shrugs, with nonchalant air, “i happen to know how much you love the euphoria of being caught doing something you're not supposed to. maybe that's why you hang out with friends who wouldn't hesitate to push you off a cliff, or be part of a circle with such vain people, or how much you want me to fuck you on this dress.”
you burst out laughing, “you're the smartest person in the room.”
chenle delights to see you look around in case anyone has heard him; he also hasn't gone unnoticed the way your breath got stuck in your throat for his words, and you hate yourself for it. he comes so close to you that you smell his manly fragrance. “no. i'm the most ambitious.” his warm lips rest on your skin for less than a second, yet the feeling it leaves in your stomach lasts longer than that.
you let the bewilderment win, and you hate him for that. you hate how he can get into people's heads, how he can mess with yours. by laying his intentions so bare, it can't be that simple. what does he intend to do?
“see you at midnight.”
your eyes follow his devilish figure as he leaves the room, and your hand itches at the place where he kissed you. someone comes next to you and you suddenly feel a sense of rage.
“good evening, would you like to da...?”
a hand reaches out towards you but you cut it off when you pronounce “no.” harshly, reenacting the path taken by the young man with fervent eyes.
── 🃏 midnight ──
the music becomes so subdued, carried by the cool night wind, that it seems like a distant, forgotten dream that slips through a forgotten room full of previous gala guests revealing their true selves after a pretend night when you set foot inside.
there is a pool table in the center where two beautiful bodies touch each other impudently. the air feels heavy and ningning steals a bottle from her father's collection, returning to the hungry embrace of her lover that night.
haechan pulls away from her neck just enough to give you a sly smile.
“well, hi, there,” greets ningning. “done using my brother?” your fingers snatch the bottle of champagne from her, taking a long sip. “oh, i was starting to be afraid that sharing wasn't your thing.” your eyes sweep her under the amused gaze of the tanned boy with lipstick smudged all over his face.
“and i was starting to think incest was your thing.” a pleasing rush washes you by ningning's stunned look, it feels gratifying. “luckily, this is a safe zone.”
she scoffs.
“safe zone, huh?”
“yes,” you assure, “we've grown up together, we're close. it almost feels like family.”
haechan's laughter echoes just when you scan the room.
“cheers to that.” jini laughs, approaching as she drinks from her glass. “let's make a toast for stealing achievements, and stealing boyfriends,” she says to ningning under your bewildered gaze. both girls clink their glasses and their venomous gazes fix on you.
“i don't steal achievements, i own them. but, yes, let's have a toast.” you clear your throat and your fingers steal the glass from jini's hands without her showing any resistance. “to the circle, to camaraderie, to the ace, to boy toys, and last but not least, a toast to the copycats.”
it will always amazed you how you could show your darker side to a bunch of petulant and vain young people and distrust them so much. these people, these twisted people were your friends by default.
besides the pool table, there is a small bar where jisung pours himself a glass of many in the company of the hwang siblings, yeji and hyunjin, sons of the hwang dynasty. their parents were renowned businessmen in the country and that night future partners of your parents, with riches made by extraction and export of precious minerals. haechan was the only child of attorneys who worked in the tax and criminal fields, with the best criminal law firm and soon closing an important alliance at that night's gala. and finally, the zhong. specialized in computer engineering and big data, they've created an empire that ningning and chenle were responsible for squandering.
then there were the... twins? cousins? known, perhaps? you couldn't tell since they both behaved the same way —yujin and yunjin. one was the daughter of fencing's most prestigious director and the other had nouveau riche parents, who were at the time, having a bliss as chenle buried his head (and teeth) in their necks at times.
his shirt is a mess and you soon find out why when yujin runs her hands over his toned, pale chest. then yunjin laughs at something chenle says to her before they both look in your direction and you feel your cheeks burn, choleric.
how dare he? turn you into a joke that he can tell in the ears of his lovers?
“new attendees?” you ask.
“applicants,” chenle corrects.
“in that case, shall we vote?” you suggest, feigning to get the attention of the others. yujin lets out a skeptical huff that chenle tries to ease, but it has already triggered your bigotry. “get. out.”
yujin looks at you dumbfounded as chenle's embrace unravels from their shoulders. helpless, yunjin asks with an anxious laugh, “who do you think you are? chenle?” she seeks for comfort that the boy shakes off when he shrugs his shoulders.
yunjin laughs in awe before leaving in sheer frustration and giving you a dirty look, that you politely respond to with a quick smirk, deciding to back out once you've done your job of ruining his night just as he ruined yours.
you hear chenle's shrill giggle behind you as he decides to follow you closely to the now-unoccupied pool table. “jealous, by any chance?”
“remotely. sick, perhaps.”
“is that what causes you not to have my attention?”
you scoff, “quite the opposite. a friendly game?” chenle takes his eyes off the lower part of your body when you turn around to face him. his darkened eyes go from yours to the cue stick you're holding. a smile dances on his pouting pink lips.
“i like a little bit of challenge.”
“a competition, then,” you solve, going for the rack when chenle intercepts you by taking you by the wrist to go for it instead. the balls are arranged just as ningning's high-pitched laughter breaks out in a soft melody drifting from the floor below.
“stop being so loud, woman.”
jisung turns his head from your direction to look with amusement at the pair. “shall we move the party to the lake?” yeji suggests; they steal a couple more bottles, and a couple of cigars making their way to the exit amidst stumbling and fraternal hugs. jini stays behind, pulling away from jisung and hyunjin's arms to ask, “you coming?”
chenle is not interested in looking at her when he replies “in a moment.” his eyes fixing on yours. a slit of light enters through the half-open door of the illuminated corridor, and chenle's eyes absorb every glimpse of it. “do the honors.”
the crackling of a fireplace warms the place and flutters your chest, or is the gentle brush on chenle on your waist when you head toward the cue ball. chenle watches you from the other end, and that's why your body leans more than necessary and the breeze hits your cleavage.
“has the match already started?” he wonders, darting his gaze from you. his wild eyes following the path of the balls shooting in all directions; you see his mind scheming behind his focused gaze as his feet move in the direction of his target.
chenle disappears from your view and your body betrays you when you smell his lingering fragrance closer. feeling his presence behind you, the proximity once again tortures you. your body is caught in the middle as he prepares to shoot the cue ball with you in his arms.
the warmth emanating from his body impact your naked back as he pins you between him and the table, makes possible for you to feel the growing bulge pushing against your lower back; the unexpected friction catches you off guard. your pelvis twitches in an involuntary motion and chenle misses the cue ball.
he muffles a sound at the time you bite your lips, struggling to suppress the thrill of electricity that runs through you when your mind becomes dense and thick. your body charge with elation and you blush when he hums, the mere gesture sending shivers down your spine. chenle tenses against your body as your back gives in and arch into him, hips moving slightly upward feeling his erection a little more pressing up your butt; the thin fabric of your dress causing the sensation to feel even rawer.
your mind doesn't think it through as you lean across the table taking the cue stick from his hands. fingers instinctively going to your waist as you bend over. dizzily sensing the hardness of his boner, your chest heaves as an avid thrill takes force in your gut.
chenle welcomes you again when you get up and the number 1 ball has entered the pocket. you feel his haunting presence as he removes the cascade of hair from your shoulder and moves closer to your ear, “and it's only just beginning to be midnight.”
you hum, “i'm done with the fun here, i'd like to go to the lake now.” a gasp of surprise freezes in your throat as his hand squeezes on your waist and easily turns you around. you witness the words that freeze in his throat as his gaze drifts below your clavicles, and you are aware at that moment of the soft hardness of your nipples, poking through the silky fabric.
a velvety feeling creeps down your thighs as a smirk blooms on his lips. “not the smartest decision, but sure shit, princess. anything else you crave for?”
“not really.”
a gasping sound comes out of your mouth when chenle squeezes you close to him without forewarning. something wild flutters in your chest under the young man's sharp gaze. your lips part to let out shallow exhalations when his mouth dangerously lurks on yours, tingling with anticipation. eyes closing against your will and body giving in to his command. you become lighter as he holds you like he pleases. “you sure?”
the answer trembles on your lips, but you are unable to say it.
chenle enjoys having you this way. seeing you so affected, your body reacting the way he wants it to. “say the magic words, princess.” you swallow hard when he lurks on your exposed neck, surprising you when your head pulls back to give him more access.
you wait. you anticipate his lips finally resting on your skin, blood burning in your veins, eager to feel him, but you are stunned when he pulls away just enough to look at you again.
your eyesight has become narrow, covered with black fog, your gaze feel heavy if you try to focus on him. you look at him with narrowed eyes. breath becoming a wild beast that writhes and lashes out at your ribcage. mind blurring his sculpted figure with sharp strokes, smooth and tender skin that reveals the first three buttons of his wrinkled shirt.
fuck it.
his fingers dig painfully gently into the untouchable skin of your waist as you slam into his body and your lips attack his. teeth and tongues meeting in disorder, wild gasps as your mouths devour each other to the point of dissolving the other.
his mouth feels hot. his taste addictive. your tongue savor his while your fingers mess up his hair. pull. caress; your emotions scatter and get tangled. your body hums and you find yourself out of breath as you feel him pushing you backwards until you hit the edge of the pool table.
chenle pants against your lips and your instinct is to reach out and bite them with desire under layers and layers of resentment.
“shit.” he mutters, hissing. heart pounding his chest while your hands won't stop touching him. he can do nothing but gasp desperately. he wants everything. being bitten, caressed, kissed.
he wants you. he craves you. always has. his body burns from the rawness and cruelty in which he desires you. your body stuck to his, your predatory eyes on him... his head pulls back, briefly having a lucid moment, and he pants “one last chance.”
his fingers glide down your soft thigh and your eyes close, sensitive. receptive. you feel him position himself between your legs, your thigh slightly brushing against his hips. you see him grit his teeth. one of his hands wraps around your neck gently, his thumb brushes your jaw before bringing his face closer, and you ask “for...?”
“stop pretending.”
you scoff. you delight in watching him frown in annoyance before he falls into a trance as you wrap your wet lips around his thumb. you're able to see in his eyes the urge he tries to repress. how he tries to keep pace with his breathing. how he tries not to get excited about the way your mouth sucks his finger before he chuckles under his breath.
all your boldness shakes as he locks you between his body, hands gripping your waist and assisting you to sit on the board. your arm instinctively wraps around his neck. faces very close. dangerously close. yet chenle doesn't give you a break, and you sense his next move when he tilts his head and kisses you again. unscrupulously. like a hungry man. split lips for his tongue to tease you and taste you a thousand times, breaths suffocating in the other's mouth. tongue swirling over yours before his lips hover over your mouth. chenle sucks playfully, drawing you towards him. sticking to his body. his hands rest on your lower back as he lets you take the reins of the destructive kiss in which your mouths merge.
heads turning the other way when the other does, deeper, safer, bolder kisses. an eternity or maybe a second has passed, in which your mouths meet infinitely, lips fitting into each other, moving to the same beat as the other, imprinting thousands of repressed emotions that you taste them on each other's tongue.
your body reacts to his midas touch. fingers running down your back, arching against him. belly holding everything in a ball that begins to grow and expand, feeling heavier, and harder to keep at bay. it twists you inside and melts towards your intimacy, making you want more.
he breaks the kiss and you watch his arrogant expression falter as he pulls himself together, “well?”
your breathing is ragged and your thoughts are scattered all over the room. your head pulls back, cornered, “fine! i need this, badly.”
“that's my girl,” he rushes to say, succumbing in front of you as his mouth attacks your neck.
his tongue slides down the hot vein that throbs under your sweet skin and it's taking all your will not to whine loudly. a grunt leaves his lips and hits your skin when your nails burrow into his flexed arm, moaning breathlessly. “look at that, she can moan.” your mind collapses from the silky sensation that begins to fill you and makes your fingers go towards his hips, searching for the buttons of his pants.
chenle pulls away from you and helps you take off your pants. your hands finding the bulging from the erection underneath. mouth begins to salivate as the edges of your vision blur, teeth catching your lower lip when a gasp comes out of you. tummy burning with aching desire to see it, hurriedly grabbing your hands on the waistband of his underwear and pulling it down to reveal his manhood.
emotions are too strong to think clearly. turns you into a disaster of clashing mouths and groping. your body buzzes with the intoxicate feeling chenle causes you as he grazes your body and attacks your mouth with fiery kisses. you let the primitive pleasure that lashes your being make you submissive to him when he pulls you down from the table by your thighs and forces you to turn around. his fingers tangle with the bottom of your dress as he pulls it up and exposes your body. “fuck. you know how much i love lacy things.” any hint of a response is undone when you feel his fingers touch your core due to the lack of fabric covering your intimacy.
your breaths freeze for related reasons.
his digits massage the area with delicacy and you feel like you are about to lose your mind. “so deliciously wet.” your body breaks at his diabolical touch. fingers up your folds to the swollen and needy area.
your throat builds a cry. your eyes shut tightly. chenle's fingers slide down at your entrance until they detach from you. the scream comes out of your mouth when he spanks you. “easy, pretty. you'll want to keep it quiet.” his digits attack your clit once again and you dig your teeth into the forearm that holds you against him while his fingers abuse you. eyes roll as he sticks his middle and ring finger into you and starts pumping rhythmically, the coldness of his rings nibbling on the sensitive skin of your entrance. “so soft. so good taking it, darling.” a shudder hits you from the smooth and solid of the material pressing deliciously against you while his digits fuck you.
sounds burst out of you against your will at the pace of his swirls. your walls take chenle's fingers until the squelch sound joins your moans. he pulls his fingers out of you and spanks you again before pulling your panties down.
he makes you take them off completely before he comes back with you and you can feel him press the tip of his penis into your folds, sliding up and down, covering his erection with your luscious excitation to push it inside you with ease. the full feeling leaves you breathless and you find yourself letting out a breathy giggle from the pleasurable sensation that blooms in your lower belly when he stuffs you with his cock.
chenle rocks in and out of you, getting you used to his length, and your legs tremble as he does so, feeling the shot of arousing sensation every time he thrusts you. your heart flutters as the speed changes and you find yourself gasping for breath. pelvis begins to hammer yours mercilessly. your crotch fills with dripping, numbing pleasure as your body twitches and contorts, having moved nothing. chenle dominates you. he holds you in place to receive each merciless, demonically good thrust. moving one hand to your mouth when you threaten to scream from how well he's fucking you. legs trembling as your pussy takes him again and again, you welcome him into your slippery, swollen walls, feeling sensitive. his cock penetrates you with sharp, swift thrusts and you find yourself in space, taking him deliciously. belly filling with searing fire that threatens to spill into your bloodstream.
“god, you feel so well, you feel s—so nice, angel.” chenle fails to contain his own moans, and his teeth bury into the smooth skin of your shoulder, muffling the moans in your skin as he buries his cock and your pussy begins to tingle. “a-ahgh, fuck!” your lips are caught in your canines at the growing knot in your belly as chenle hammers you ruthlessly.
your eyes squeeze closed and a white noise takes over your mind as you try to find your train of thought, but all your common sense vanishes from your hands before the delicious pumping of his cock abusing your needy pussy; heat spreading from your belly and spilling down your thighs.
it takes almost all of your strength not to succumb right there. to not let the wonderful sensation of his cock driving you to ecstasy.
“o-oh god, chenle,” you cry. your body collapses on the pool table and causes chenle to thrust you from another angle. eyes rolling to the back of your head and moaning building up and spilling from your lips from how good it feels. chenle hisses “s-shit, don't stop moaning. f-fuck, yn. you feel so fucking amazing. sound so exquisite.” his thrusts become sharper, your body jolts and the feeling leaves you dizzy and groggy, mind blank as the pleasurable sensation takes over your body.
chenle grabs you tightly by the waist as his pelvis hammers yours roughly, the sound of your skins clashing filling the room along with your moans and the squelching noise of your cunt taking him with each stroke.
the snap of your skin when his palm hits your butt pulls you over the edge. your hands turn to fists as you try to hold it inside, but the fire crackles inside you, and a pleasurable pain forms in your core. the tingling sensation spreads through your belly wildly and you must stifle a scream.
“feels good, princess? too good? want to cum on my cock, baby?” he coos, “fuck, let me feel you. i need to nut in you so bad, need to stuff you nice and pretty.” his cold hands pull you up and slam you against him, starting to stroke your hard nipples, your lips part open to release a curse that chenle waits for with expecting eyes. “fuck, i'm so close,” he announces, stopping briefly to catch his breath.
chenle suddenly chuckles behind you, “yn, don't fucking tell me you're making this a competition?” your laughter turns to an eager gasp when the switch the pace.
the constant movement has turned you into a whining mess as you try to encapsulate your newfound desire. your dress has wrinkled and the straps that hold them now lie undone, exposing your breasts that press against the pool table moving slightly from the magnitude of chenle's pounding.
your head pulls back and a hoarse moan breaks on your lips as his mouth rests on your neck and his teeth nibble on your skin as the thrusts slow down. your body feels enraptured and weak, and your muscles don't respond to your commands, totally carried away by the crushing desire.
chenle mutters something under his breath before his hands leave your breasts and you feel him cover them again with your dress. your cloudy gaze rests on the half-open slit of light coming in from the hallway, and like a spell you return to your five senses as you process what chenle has said before. your hearing comes back to you the moment you hear someone approaching the room, and something wrinkles in your stomach as you feel chenle still inside you, with no hint of pulling out his cock of you. tummy burning with aching thrill when the door opens and a figure hidden by the shadows stops right at the entrance.
your body is embalmed with terror when you recognize the figure. “sungie,” you pronounce, feeling your mouth dry. jisung slowly enters the room and your body tenses; chenle stands still behind you but one step closer and jisung would be able to see that his pants are on his calves. and your dress is wrinkled and moved up to your waist. and his dick is shoved down inside you. you swallow very hard. “still on the billiard match?” he asks with curiosity as he passes the two of you and heads to the bar.
“as you can tell,” chenle blurts out, and takes you by surprise when he moves his pelvis towards you; his penis slides easily in, then you feel him slide out. your cheeks burn at the notion that he's really fucking you while your brother is in the room, “will you take too long? we're in the middle of something.”
your eyes widen in panic at the choice of words and your belly tightens in turn because you're still aroused and because chenle keeps rocking you torturously slow and deep.
“mmm,” jisung hums and forces you to hold back the grimace of pleasure that was beginning to form on your face when he looks over his shoulder. “just came back for more cigars.”
your hand squeeze chenle's bicep as he shoves his cock, hitting the delicious swollen spot inside, rocking side to side to make sure you feel him against your walls, full length coated with your creamy arousal. your hips react impulsively and you grind against him when his hand pushes your stomach towards his dick and you feel it buried in you.
his eyes meet yours when you look over your shoulder, smiling smugly, “just like that.”
“screwing up.” fuck, he said what you think he said? you both stop abruptly when he walks towards you and stops right at the other end of the table. his eyes squint you for what seems like an eternity until his sight falls on the billiard balls. “the game's pretty much fucked up from the way i see it.” he clicks his tongue, “i'll let you to it.”
jisung barely leaves the room when you feel chenle slide out of you. your throat forms a groan when you feel the emptiness in your pussy, forced to die instantly when he spin you on your heels and his hands tug hard at your dress. “hey, this is silk, moron!”
you let him strip you of your dress and manipulate your body as he sees fit when he makes you sit on the edge of the table to slide the fabric down your knees when he responds, “i'll buy you a new one. only if you let me take it off.” the cold bites your bare skin and chenle's heavy, dark gaze devours it. your breath condenses in your throat by the primal look of the boy contemplating your body; it fills you with infinite glory to know how affected you are that your legs spread open.
his eyes fall on your crotch and something furious flutters on your belly when he licks his lips. “gonna stand there and look stupid?”
a wail of surprise escapes your lips as his cold hands open your legs wider to position themselves between them. your hands grind on his shirt, unbuttoning it with nimble fingers as you feel his mouth creeping around your neck. “you look so fucking delicious.” warm lips sit on your sensitive skin and for a moment you forget what you're doing, rolling your eyes as his teeth finally bury themselves in the smooth flesh and his cock enters you slowly.
you feel every inch he pushes inside, hands making you grind against him until he shoves it all the way in and leaves you stargazing.
your moans in unison gather in the air. “o-oh, god.” you swallow hard. face burning and tickling with raw desire damping chenle's cock when he begins to pound you.
chenle's head buries in your breasts and nibbles and sucks on your tits, tongue wrapping around your hard nipples, before taking them in his mouth one and then another, sending shivers down your spine. your insides tighten as he hums and you feel the vibrations of his vocal cords deep within you, wreaking havoc on your sanity.
you're completely out of your head. spacing. thoughts liquefy with every hard thrust he gives you. legs trembling with pleasure as your mouth spills moans one after the other. “jesus, le, o-oh~.” you lock glances with him, watching his face twitch excitedly, brows furrowed, and skin starting to sweat. “so good, princess.” his mouth attacks you fiercely in a wet kiss before his lips move to your shoulder, where he sucks and bites.
chenle makes you drown out a sound when he lunges at you and pushes you against the pool table, laying you on it while his fingers burrow into your ribs without stopping the haunting hammering of his pelvis. cock hitting over and over your sweet spot, making you smile mesmerized at how good it feels. hissing and groaning, “yes, yes.” fog clouding your senses, sharp pain numbing your limbs, dick fucking you so good. “o-oh—” you cry from pleasure, back arching and tears forming on your eyes. the crushing climax coming closer, you bite your lips, troubled.
your body arches and twists, pelvis moving in a spasm towards him, “fuck!” he pants, “fuck, i'm close, s-so close.” his eyes close savoring the thrilling moment of ecstasy that embraces him. your body goes into another spasm as the searing pleasure spills into your belly and runs wildly down into your pussy. “chenle—” a scream escapes your throat before your mind is clouded with white noise and your body is paralyzed before it starts to suffer waves of strong spasms.
chenle drinks every pronounced throb of your pussy, and delights in your clenching walls wrapping around his cock empties his seed inside before taking his length out and milk the rest on your stomach. pearls of cum dripping into your tummy as his hot nut inside you starts to slide out.
the fog begins to recede from your thoughts and now you find yourself totally sober to say “le,” in a whine, staring at your stomach, “you better clean this up before someone comes in.”
your hand gets lost in his hair as he comes down to you and his mouth begins to clean his cum from you. an excited laugh assails you when he also takes the opportunity to bite your belly.
you bite your lip when he gives your pussy a lash with his tongue. sucking and tasting your velvety arousal. you drown out a groan and a current shakes your body. chenle diligently wipes the remnants of ejaculation with his mouth, taking his time. hands spreading your legs wider as he teases you, tongue swirling against your folds and your entrance before moving to your swollen clit.
you let out a shaky groan when you suddenly remember something.
“you still have my panties, a souvenir?” you taunt.
chenle pulls back far enough for you to look into his eyes, mouth pulling away from your pussy when a smile forms on his lips. your body shakes in anticipation just as he pronounces, “a trophy.” he comes over and kisses you, the taste of his cum mixing on your tongue before you break the kiss and look out the door.
“d'you hear that?” you utter.
“the wind?” he says, making a pretense of kissing you again but you stop him.
“someone was there,” you pronounce, blood rushing up your neck just as a knot grips your stomach. “jisung! oh, my god, jisung was standing there!” you squeal, panicking.
chenle removes your nails off his skin and rolls his eyes “okay, and? hope he enjoyed the show, that fucking heathen.”
you shake your head, starting to freak out. “oh, my god! no! it can't be, right?... he c-can't-” you breathe before your eyes glaze at chenle, because the more you come out of lethargy and hysteria takes hold of you the clearer your mind becomes, and the sharper the figure in the hallway. “that foul harpy.” chenle sighs and holds a hand to his septum in anticipation.
“jini,” he states as if it were some kind of poison.
“you have to do something about it.”
chenle snorts, in disbelief. “like, what? killed her?”
“seduce her or something!”
he bursts out laughing. “yn, are you serious right now? remind me why would i do that?”
“because, because! she's blinded by greed. she'll tell everyone, and no one can know, jisung can't know. he'll ruin me.” you mutter.
“because you're daddy's girl?” he sneers maliciously. his eyes squint at you when he sees you so tormented.
you see him debating behind his wild eyes whether to help you or not and panic lures in you. shit. you're willing to cry if it means convincing him, and he can notice it, because he clicks his tongue in delight. “yn, yn, yn,” he says like a mantra, “fine, fine.” he gives in, watching you whipping away the fake tears.
“let daddy take care of it.”
there was no way to describe the relationship you had with zhong chenle. it could be this symbiosis where both parties could get what they wanted. putting your reputation in his vain hands not only made you feel stupid but at the same time relieved. despite being a manipulative liar, he had ambition. you don't think you can remember a time when he didn't get away with something he truly wanted. there was no better prospect than to leave your faith in the hands of his machiavellian wit.
so you return to the party, trying to look composed. but chenle is still haunting your head and not allowing you to concentrate. your parents introduce you to some important figures and you are forced to put up the best façade because jisung is nowhere to be seen to help you.
thinking about jisung doesn't help either.
chenle: meet me at the pier.
the cold nibbles your skin as you make your way to the old zhong pier. you used to come when you were younger in the summer to lie with ningning and jini on the shore to sunbathe before getting splashed by your brother and chenle. vacations on the lake were full of refreshing days where you either took a swim or lay on a boat where you fell asleep from the swaying.
the lake is frozen by a thin layer of ice, and the closer you get, the more you can hear the laughter and pleasant chatter that others have a little further away from you.
there's a cut-out silhouette at the edge of the pier, waiting for you.
jini turns around and smiles at you sharply. “just the copycat.”
you smile patiently.
“dear jini, tell me what you plan to do? murder me?” you mention, stepping closer. “are you going to push me into the lake? literally stab me? i'm hard to kill, and i wonder, how long will it take before someone comes?”
“do you really think someone will come?” she utters furrowing her eyebrows, “your brother? who lives under your shadow? hyunjin or yeji, after telling them that you were against the agreement with their parents? ningning, who hates you as much as i do? haechan, or perhaps chenle?” her eyes sparkle when she mentions his name, and the implicit of it gives you chills when you start to doubt whether it was he or she who sent the message.
“you want everything i want,” you provoke.
“gosh, you're so self-centered, aren't you? taking space, and taking the things that were for others. you don't realize this is your end, and no one will come to your rescue. chenle won't come to your rescue,” she corrects.
“oh, no need,” you say simply. “i've always loved to be a martyr, it's poetic.”
“you're quite a psychopath.” she laughs, and it's only at that moment that you notice how much she's been getting closer to you as you talked. “i... like to be ambitious.”
a scream freezes in your throat as she pushes you toward the lake.
── 8:02hr 🃏 after ──
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peavhyshy · 11 months
𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗘 𝟰 𝗠𝗘 (oneshot)
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Pairing: Boyfriend!Rafe Cameron x Innocent!Pogue!Reader
Summary: In which you working as a waitress at the Country Club where Rafe and his wealthy Kook friends spend time at and he gives you a ride home after your shift.
Warnings: strong language, smut, dubious consent, fingering, oral sex, power dynamics, corruption/innocence, hair-pulling, degradation, rough sex, unprotected vaginal sex, exhibitionism, lose of virginity, possessiveness, orgasm denial, car sex
Words: 2,614
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist | RIDE 4 ME (song it's based off by chxrry22)
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The sun beat down on the perfectly manicured lawn of the Figure Eight Country Club. Rafe lounged in a cushioned chair on the patio, leisurely sipping an ice cold beer as he watched the other Kook teens splashing around in the pool. His eyes, however, were focused on you making your way between tables, carrying a large tray loaded with drinks and appetizers.
"Well hello there, gorgeous," Rafe called out as you approached his table. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your smile.
"I'm working, Rafe," you replied, setting down the empty glasses from the table next to his with a clatter.
"Come on, you can spare a minute to chat with your favorite Kook," Rafe said with a charming grin. He reached out to gently touch your arm. You sighed but relented, sitting down in the empty chair.
"Only for a minute! If my boss catches me slacking he'll have my head," you replied.
"You worry too much. I'd never let anything happen to you," Rafe said. He leaned in close, dropping his voice to a husky whisper. "Have I told you how hot you look in that little uniform?"
You blushed deeply as Rafe's eyes roamed over you appreciatively. You smacked his arm. 
"I'm just showing my girl some appreciation," Rafe replied innocently. His hand found your knee under the table, squeezing lightly.
You hastily stood up. "Okay, I really need to get back to work now. I'll see you later?"
"I'll be waiting eagerly," Rafe said, as you hurried off, he saw Sarah and Topper approaching from across the pool deck.
"Well, well, if it isn't my darling sister and her lapdog," Rafe said snarkily as the pair reached his table.
"Who's the waitress, Rafe? Don't tell me you're screwing around with one of the staff," Sarah said disapprovingly.
"Don't be rude, Sarah. Y/N happens to be my girlfriend," Rafe said defensively.
"Your girlfriend is a Pogue?" Topper asked incredulously. "Isn't that kind of…beneath you?"
Rafe glared at Topper. "Watch yourself, man. No one talks about my girl that way."
Topper held up his hands apologetically. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend."
Rafe leaned back in his chair, glancing over at you. "She may be a Pogue, but she's still hotter than any Kook girl here."
Sarah just shook her head in disgust. "You're hopeless, Rafe." She turned and headed for the pool, Topper trailing behind her.
Rafe watched you as you worked, admiring your cute figure. Maybe you were just a waitress, but you were his waitress. And Rafe always got what he wanted.
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You walked out of the country club, exhausted after a long shift. You were lost in thought and didn't notice the familiar black truck idling in the otherwise empty parking lot. The sound of a car door slammed shut behind you made you jump.
"Hey there, gorgeous. Need a ride?" Rafe said with a crooked grin, coming up behind you. Before you could respond, he wrapped an arm around your waist and steered you towards his truck.
"Rafe! You startled me," you protested, though you couldn't help but smile back at him. "What are you still doing here?"
"Waiting for you of course," Rafe replied smoothly, opening the passenger door for you. "I wanted to take my girl out for a night on the town. Unless you're too tired from work?"
You hesitated, knowing you should probably just go home and rest. But the hopeful look in Rafe's eyes made your decision for you. You climbed up into the passenger seat. "A quick stop for ice cream would be nice," you conceded.
Rafe grinned triumphantly and hurried around to the driver's side, revving the engine as he pulled out of the parking lot. You settled back against the leather seat, glancing over at Rafe's handsome profile. You knew your friends wouldn't approve of you dating a Kook, especially if it was Rafe Cameron, but you couldn't help your growing feelings for the charming boy. And when Rafe reached over to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, you knew you were willing to give him a chance, no matter what anyone else thought.
The night breeze felt refreshing as you guys cruised along the coast with the windows down. Rafe drove with one hand on the wheel, the other still clasping yours. You shyly shifted closer on the seat until your thighs were touching. Rafe gave you a heated look. "I've been thinking about you all day, you know," he murmured.
You blushed, heart fluttering at his words. You weren’t used to male attention, but something about Rafe made you feel excited rather than scared. "Me too," you admitted softly.
Rafe's hand left yours to trail lightly up your leg. "I don't think I can wait for ice cream. I need you now," he said roughly, blue eyes dark with desire.
Your breath caught at the intensity of his gaze. You knew you should stop this, but the swirl of emotions inside you left you powerless to resist as Rafe's hand slid higher…
Rafe's eyes darkened with lust as his hand slid higher up your thigh, his fingers dancing along the hem of your shorts. You gasped softly at the intimate caress, both nervous and excited by his boldness.
"We shouldn't do this here," you whispered, your cheeks flushed as you glanced around the shadowy coast road. You were alone for now, but anyone could drive by.
Rafe just smirked, edging his fingers up under your shorts. "Come on, baby. Don't you want to have a little fun?" he murmured, stroking along the edge of your panties.
You squirmed, both scandalized and aroused by his actions. "Rafe, please, not here," you pleaded, even as your body seemed to melt under his skillful touch. You couldn't believe you were letting the cocky Kook take such liberties, but you were powerless to resist him.
Ignoring your protests, Rafe continued teasing you through the thin cotton barrier of your underwear, feeling wetness gather under his fingertips. "That's it, just relax," he purred. "You're so fucking sexy, I need to make you feel good."
You whimpered, legs falling open to give him better access despite your misgivings. Rafe took full advantage, slipping his fingers under your panties to stroke along your slick folds. You jerked and moaned at the direct contact, the lewd wet sounds audible in the confines of the truck.
"Rafe!" you cried out, unable to hold back as he relentlessly stimulated your body. Your hips rocked uncontrollably, seeking more friction from his talented fingers. You were embarrassed by how easily he could undo you, but the pleasure was too intense to resist.
Rafe's eyes blazed with possession as he watched you surrender to him so sweetly. "That's right, I've got you now," he grunted. He finally withdrew his hand, leaving you squirming and unsatisfied.
"Please," you whimpered, beyond caring how desperate you sounded.
Rafe smirked, sucking your juices from his fingers. "All in good time, baby. But first, I think it's time for your mouth to please me for a change."
You looked at Rafe with innocent confusion in your eyes. "What…what do you mean?" you asked uncertainty.
Rafe smirked, enjoying your naive response. He unzipped his shorts, freeing his hard cock. Your eyes widened in shock and you instinctively tried to look away, but Rafe grasped your chin firmly, forcing you to meet his heated gaze.
"I think you know exactly what I mean, baby," he purred. "Be a good girl and put that pretty little mouth to work pleasing me."
You trembled, unable to tear your shocked gaze away from Rafe's erection. You had never even seen a penis before, let alone done anything sexual. The lewd suggestion made your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"I…I've never…" you stammered, shrinking back against the passenger door.
Rafe's eyes darkened. "There's a first time for everything, princess," he snarled. "Now get over here and suck it. I know you want to be my good little slut."
You recoiled at his crass words, even as a secret thrill ran through your. You knew you should refuse, but something about Rafe's commanding, dangerous presence made resistance impossible. Timidly you leaned over the center console, hands shaking as you wrapped your fingers around his rigid length. Rafe groaned in satisfaction, tangling his hands in your hair.
"That's it baby, just like that," he encouraged roughly as you began to stroke him awkwardly. Precome beaded at the tip and Rafe used it to paint your plush lips, coaxing you to part them. Your eyes fluttered shut as you accepted the salty fluid on your tongue, the musky male taste overwhelming to your innocent senses.
Heart pounding, You took the head of Rafe's cock between your lips. The Kook boy groaned loudly, bucking his hips to press deeper into the heat of your mouth. You gagged slightly but kept sucking, eager to please him even as the lewd act made you blush. You were in over your head, but there was no turning back now.
You fumbled awkwardly with your first attempt at pleasuring Rafe, cheeks flaming with embarrassment even as arousal coiled hotly within you. Rafe groaned lustily at the feel of your soft lips wrapped around him, his fingers tangling almost painfully in your hair as he guided your movements.
"Come on baby, you can take more than that," he grunted, bucking his hips to push deeper into your mouth.
You gagged, eyes watering as the blunt tip hit the back of your throat. Rafe held you there a moment, reveling in the tight wet heat enveloping him before letting you pull back gasping.
"Sorry princess, guess I got a little too eager," he chuckled without remorse. You caught your breath, wiping at your teary eyes. You should stop this insanity, but one heated look from Rafe had you leaning back in, determined to pleasure him properly this time.
Under Rafe's rough tutelage, You soon adapted to the rhythm he set, lips gliding slickly along his rigid length. The musky taste of precum flooded your senses, making your head spin dizzyingly. Rafe's bitten-off curses and the clench of his fingers in your hair let you know you were doing well.
"Fuck yes, just like that," he rasped, eyes smoldering as he watched his cock disappear repeatedly into the your sweet mouth. You flushed with pride at his reaction, abandoning your inhibitions to suck him harder, flicking your tongue teasingly over the weeping slit.
You could feel Rafe swelling and pulsing on your tongue, his thighs tensing as his climax approached. Suddenly he wrenched your head back, leaving you gasping.
"Did I say you could make me cum yet?"
You stammered out apologies even as your body thrummed with unfulfilled need. Rafe cut you off with a searing kiss, plunging his tongue into your mouth as though to taste himself on your lips. When he finally released you, your head was spinning, panties soaked through.
"Please Rafe," you whimpered, no longer caring how desperate you sounded. "I need…"
Rafe's eyes flashed victoriously. "I know what you need, baby," he purred, hand sliding back up your thigh possessively. "Don't worry, I'm going to give it to you."
Rafe smirked triumphantly as you whimpered and squirmed beside him, your innocence only making the prospect of corrupting you even sweeter. His fingers slid back up your thigh, hooking into your panties and tugging them down insistently.
"Lift up, baby," he commanded gruffly.
Cheeks flaming, you obeyed, raising your hips so Rafe could strip the cotton barrier away. The cool night air on your exposed, slick flesh made you shiver, thighs clenching together reflexively. Rafe drank in the sight of you, bare and vulnerable before him,
"So fucking beautiful," he rasped, grabbing your knee to force your legs open again. You gasped as he trailed a rough fingertip along your sensitive folds, gathering the evidence of your arousal. "This is all mine now, isn't it?"
You could only whimper and nod helplessly, lost in the overwhelming sensations as Rafe's talented fingers stroked and teased you. Your hips rocked desperately, seeking more friction as he purposefully avoided where you needed it most.
"Please Rafe…" you keened, you were his now, to use as he wished.
Rafe's eyes flashed with dark satisfaction at how easily you submitted. "Since you asked so sweetly," he purred, finally pressing two thick fingers into your tight pussy.
You cried out, back arching off the seat at the intrusion, inner muscles clenching around the thick digits. The sounds of Rafe's fingers pumping into your naive body echoed obscenely in the confines of the truck. His mouth descended on your neck, sucking a vivid mark into the sensitive skin. You shuddered, clutching at his shoulders as he claimed you so completely.
"That's it baby, cum for me," Crooking his fingers just right, he sent you spiraling over the edge with a sharp cry. Your whole body spasmed, inner walls clamping down hard around his fingers. Rafe groaned as he imagined that tight clutch around his cock instead.
As you trembled through the aftershocks, Rafe gently stroked your hair back from your face. "Such a good girl," he praised, pressing a surprisingly tender kiss to your forehead. You curled trustingly into his embrace, spent and satiated for now. But you both knew this was only the beginning.
After letting you rest for a few minutes, Rafe pulled you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your frame. You gasped as you felt his hard cock pressing insistently against your core.
"I want you to ride me, princess," Rafe growled into your ear, nipping at the soft skin of your neck. His hands gripped your hips, grinding you down onto his erection.
You whimpered, torn between apprehension and need. You knew this was wrong, but your body craved the fulfillment only Rafe could provide. Timidly you began to rock your hips, rubbing yourself along the rigid contour of his cock.
Rafe groaned approvingly, one hand sliding up to palm your breast through your thin top. "That's it baby, get yourself nice and wet for me," he rasped, tweaking your nipple roughly.
You cried out, back arching into his touch even as you continued your hesitant movements. You could feel your slick arousal soaking through the fabric separating them.
"Please Rafe," you finally gasped out. "I need more." your plea seemed to break the last of his restraint. He pushed your shorts aside, before thrusting up into your untouched entrance.
You saw stars, a scream of pained pleasure tearing from your throat. Rafe gave you no time to adjust to the intense stretch, gripping your hips tightly as he immediately started pounding up into you. "So fucking tight," he bit out through clenched teeth.
You could only cling to his shoulders, lost in the overwhelming sensations. The initial sharp sting faded to an aching fullness that somehow felt so right. Rafe guided your movements, using your body ruthlessly for his own pleasure and pushing you rapidly towards a shattering climax.
When he finally spilled inside you with a shout, the feeling of his hot release triggered your own orgasm. You convulsed around him, whimpering his name. Rafe held you close through the aftershocks, stroking your hair tenderly.
"That's my good girl," he praised, brushing a soft kiss over your sweat-slicked temple. You burrowed into his embrace, a sense of belonging settling over you even as guilt pricked at the back of your mind. You knew there was no going back from this life-altering line you had crossed, but you prayed it would all be worth it for a chance at love with the Kook boy.
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