#unproofread at 2 am; probably not good
faolonfiendrender · 1 year
Monster slayer's guide (Formerly Mage slayer's guide)
First off, I'd like to retract my former statements about vampires. Apparently "hurr durr move their coffin while they sleep" does not work. On a side note, the spell to regrow your limbs is a handy one if you choose to fight a vampire, whatever gods may be bless the bastard who made it so that it works when you have no limbs. Anyways, what distinguishes monsters from Mages is simply a matter of toughness, for the most part mages (at least those who haven't figured out the level of BS they can do with simple powers) are still mostly human, and go down pretty quickly once your attack lands. Some types of monsters are known to actively block attacks with their head to avoid damaging their clothing. Suffice it to say, a .44 hand gun won't cut it. For general advice, do your research almost all monsters have an exploitable weakness, fire, running water, native iron, and silver are all pretty common things that work. Also, if you can't find a weakness bring absurd firepower, not much will stand up to rocket launcher or being fed through a wood chipper. The common ones are vampires, werewolves, and revenants. Generally speaking, revenants are the easiest to deal with from afar, just figure out why they got back out of their pine boxes and fix it. Barring that, burning their body or nailing it into the coffin works pretty well. Of course, some revenants are incorporeal, I suspect it's an age thing. For them, there ain't much to burn or nail, and the thing to fix is probably not findable, so you basically either ignore them, or try to talk to them, make them understand that it is done, and even if they didn't win nothing will happen, and hope the trauma healing that takes lifetimes expedites itself. Werewolves are nasty motherfuckers to fight. They are tough enough to take a 16 inch shell to the gut and keep going, strong enough to manhandle whatever shot the shell, and fast enough to run down the vehicles that brought the shell and gun. But, if you are lucky, the guy underneath is still in some sort of control, and you can get him to stop murdering. If you are unlucky, the guy underneath actively wants you dead to the point where even his human form might keep coming after getting hit by a cannon. The uncontrolled ones tend to be weaker, less conditioning, less tactical prowess, less able to exist as wolves without the full moon. It should go without saying that you should not engage werewolves. If you must, try to use silver slugs, and do not engage in hand to hand. Vampires are interesting, their strength varies from basically human martial artist to able to fight gods. Simply put, they are unpredictable. However, they do need to return to their coffin every morning, and they do die when exposed to sun, as well as a handful of other ways depending on the vampire. It turns out that they can wake from their slumber after at most 3 hours of coffin time (probably less) They do all weigh the same as humans, so an angry mob can be effective.
0 notes
skalfy · 8 months
A Reputation for Good Taste
Misa x Reader, ~3.5k words, part 2/?
Part 1 here
Another part! Again, deeply unproofread, so apologies for any errors.
“I’m sorry, what??” Your friend made a show of rolling over to look directly at you where you lay, bundled in her bed. “You’re telling me that Alma cheated on you, then you drove her mistress home and somehow ended up seducing her into giving you free tickets to a football match? Actually, I’m not surprised about the Alma thing, sorry, but the rest is beyond me.”
“Maya!” You blushed hard. “None of that is what I said! Well, except for the Alma thing. I did not seduce María, and please don’t call her Alma’s mistress. All I did was drive her home and probably make her uncomfortable by crying about how I’m a bad aunt. She definitely only offered the tickets because she feels bad that my girlfriend cheated on me with her. It was so obvious that she thought she needed to do something to apologise.”
“If all she felt was guilty about Alma I hardly think she would go to the lengths she did, but out of courtesy to your broken heart,” she fixed you with a look, “I won’t argue about this right now.”
“Thank you, Maya.” You mumbled, then, “I don’t even know if my heart is broken. I’m angry at Alma for doing something so stupid to both of us, but it’s really been getting worse for a while, hasn’t it?”
“Oh honey, it has, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” She lifted the covers between you. “Now come here and let me cuddle you.”
You rolled over and let her pull you against her chest, relaxing into the comfort of your friend’s arms.
“I think my heart broke a while ago, but I really wish we would talked instead of this.” She just squeezed you tighter and you drifted to sleep.
You awoke the next morning alone in Maya’s bed, the sounds of her in the kitchen with Marc, her boyfriend, faintly audible from through the closed door. Your first thought was about Alma, and whether she had bothered to say anything to you since you left the flat. You quickly found your phone and unlocked it, opening the messages app. At the top there was an unread message, but it wasn’t from Alma. You tapped it open anyway.
María: Hi, good morning! I hope you are feeling okay and that your friend is taking care of you. I talked to the club and the tickets will be no problem and no cost. I’ll give you the details later :)
María: Do you have a jersey for the game?
Maria: It’s El Clásico, you have to wear one.
You felt a blush rise as you read the first message. It was sweet, but you were also a little embarrassed to think that María knew you needed taking care of. You quickly typed out a reply.
Me: Thank you so much, you have saved my aunt reputation and Luisa’s trip! And I am okay, thank you for asking. Between my old friend and a certain new friend who has gone out of her way to do me a big favor I’m feeling better.
You wrote and deleted the last line several times before hitting send, unsure how María would take it. You didn’t have to wait long to find out, the little dots that showed she was typing popped up after just a few seconds.
María: I think your new friend would be very glad to hear that, and glad to hear she is your friend, even if the circumstances you met in were not ideal.
María: You didn’t answer my question, do you have a jersey?
There was no resisting the grin that spread on your face as you read her message.
Me: Luisa definitely has a jersey, I got her one for Christmas.
María: I didn’t ask if Luisa had one, I asked if you did ;)
Me: Hmm, I think I have an old Barça one lying around somewhere.
You figured if she worked for worked for Real Madrid she must have a healthy animosity for the rival club, and it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun about it.
María: We will discuss that later, but I might let it slide if it’s an Alexia kit. Sounds like you are in need of something to wear on Saturday. Green or white?
Me: Green?
María: Yes, it will bring out your eyes. Good choice!
María: Meet me for coffee? I will give you the jersey. Before you ask, it doesn’t cost me, I promise :)
Your head was spinning, but somehow you didn’t really mind. You weren’t about to turn down the offer for coffee, if for no other reason than to buy María acoffee as a thank you.
Me: I’d love to. Let me know when and where, I am off work today so anytime works.
She sent a link to a cute looking coffee shop and said to meet her there at 3 before signing off to get back to some work. You were still giving your phone a bewildered smile when Maya opened the door to her room to check in on you.
“My god, please don’t tell me Alma has sent you some ridiculous make up text that has you falling back under her spell!” You looked up at her words, startled and confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the lovesick smile you were just giving your phone when I walked in.” You scoffed in response to Maya’s words, but still felt a sudden urge to keep your conversation with María to yourself until you had a better idea of what was going on.
“I’m just smiling at the death march sightseeing tour mum has the family on today. I was planning to meet up with them, but the play by play is equal parts funny and frightening.” It wasn’t really a lie, you knew your mother well enough to know that your prediction was probably true, and you really were going to meet up with them. It just wasn’t exactly what had you smiling, or the afternoon plan you were most looking forward to.
Maya looked like she might say something more, but a particularly loud clang from the kitchen had her hurrying quickly back out. Alone again, you decided it was long time to get yourself ready for the day.
Dressed and showered, you caught Maya and Marc as both were headed out the door to work. Maya had instructed you to be back for dinner with the two of them, but otherwise you had free reign and your spare key. Sipping the cup of coffee one of them had left on the counter for you, you pulled out your phone and called your mum.
A short itinerary run-down later, you had plans to meet up outside their hotel and a half day of sightseeing between you and your unexpected coffee plans. That left only one other call to make, and it was one you didn’t want hanging over your head any longer. You dialed the number and listened as it rang through three times before you heard the other end pick up. When she didn’t say anything, you spoke first.
“I know, I’m sorry.” She answered, the guilt unmistakeable in her voice.
“I’m sorry, too.” You sighed. “It was a shitty thing to do, though. I didn’t deserve that.”
“You didn’t.”
“Did you want me to see? You had to have known I wouldn’t be out that late.” You couldn’t help but ask. Her silence was all the answer you needed. “Okay. I’ll stay at Maya’s another night, but can you have your things out after that?” Thankfully, she had moved in with you only a few months back when her lease ended. Almost everything was yours, and you wouldn’t have the added insult of losing your flat along with your girlfriend.
“Yeah, I’ll pack everything today. I really am sorry.” You could hear her holding back tears, and you were struck by a pang of affection and sympathy for her. As cruel as cheating on you was, the last few months had been hard for both of you, and falling out of love with her first hadn’t been particularly kind either.
“Thank you, Alma. I hope things work out for you.”
“You too. I’ll miss you.” She ended the call, and you felt the weight on your chest ease.
It had been a long morning with your family, but you were immensely happy to have spent the time with them. Mum’s heavy-handed tourguiding made everyone laugh, but she had done her research well, and you were glad for it. Even after living in Madrid for three years, you still hadn’t taken the time to see all the sights. Plus, everything was more enjoyable with Luisa dragging you along to point out the best bits. You walked double the steps, but it was worth it to be honored as the most interesting adult, and you loved any opportunity to hear more about what her latest activities and interests were.
Having arrived a few minutes early to the coffee shop, you were lost in reflection on your family’s antics when the light touch of a hand on your elbow pulled you into the present. You jumped a little at the contact, and felt the hand grip a little tighter to steady you. It only took you a moment to look up and catch the owner’s warm brown eyes. As soon as you recognized her, María tugged you forward gently into a hug, and you sunk into the contact.
“Hi.” She said, releasing you to arm’s length.
“Hi, how are you?” You responded a little breathlessly as her hands finally fell away from your arms.
“Better now.” She answered you with a smile. “Have you been here before?” You shook your head no, returning her smile. “Good. It’s my favorite and I’m glad I get to introduce you to it. Come!” She pulled the door open and gestured for you to step inside. Stepping through the entrance, you were hit immediately by the rich smell of coffee, and you paused to appreciate it. You looked over your shoulder as María entered behind you and spoke with joking reverence.
“I think I’m in love already.” She chuckled and nudged you ahead with her own shoulder.
“You haven’t even tried it yet, keep walking!”
The two of you approached the counter and greeted the barista. You inclined your head to María to order first, and after a moment’s hesitation, she requested a café con leche Before the barista could give her a total, you ordered your cortado, card already in hand to cover both. You turned to look at the woman next to you and she raised her hands in mock surrender.
“Any pastries you recommend?” You asked, still looking at her.
“Everything is good, but my favorite is probably the pear tart.” She answered, and you looked back to the barista.
“One of those too, please.” She nodded, then recited the total and let you hand her your card. After ringing you up, she retrieved your pastry and passed it over on a plate with two forks.
You followed María to a quiet corner with an empty table. She pulled out one chair before walking to the other side and sitting down.
“Can’t risk you dropping our tart.” She said with a wink when you gave her a look. You rolled your eyes, but still felt a blush as you set the plate down carefully and took your seat. Her fingertips quickly snagged the edge of the plate, sliding it to her side of the table. It didn’t exactly bother you, but with her earlier chivalry you weren’t expecting her to immediately lay claim to the shared treat. You watched as she industriously carved out a bite with one of the forks, clearly taking care to perfect the crust to filling ratio and center a perfect slice of pear on the wedge she cut. Her focus was charming, but your mouth was nearly watering waiting for your turn.
“You have to have the perfect first bite, my reputation for having good taste could be on the line here if you aren’t impressed.” She spoke as she finally lifted her fork, extending it toward you with a shy smile. There was a burst of warmth in your chest as you realized the care she had taken was for you, even if it was only to prove she made the best choice. You opened your mouth and closed your eyes, leaning forward slightly to meet her over the table. Her free hand was loosely cupped under the fork to catch any crumbs, and it brushed your chin gently as you closed your lips over the forkful of tart. You tilted your head back as María pulled the fork away, instinctively raising your own hand as well. The back of her hand was soft where your palm met it, and she let it rest against yours for a moment before pulling away. Her trailing fingers were far from your mind, however, as soon as you began to chew the bite of tart. The flavor was divine, sharp and sweet and fresh all at once, paired with a perfectly buttery-flaky-crisp crust. María let out a burst of laughter and a fist pump at the wide-eyed nod you gave her when she asked if her reputation was secure, which in turn had you covering your mouth as you tried to swallow through a growing smile.
A barista calling out your orders had María quickly standing, waving off your offer to help, and gave you a chance to sneak a second bite and collect your thoughts for a moment. You felt silly for being so charmed by María’s kindness, from her it seemed more like second nature. Her actions, while some were a little over the top, felt like they came from a combination of genuine thoughtfulness and her desire to make you laugh. It struck you after a second, you felt taken care of. Not in the big-gesture way that Alma always wanted you to exhibit, hinting at big gifts and dramatic arrivals at her office to sweep her away to Ibiza, but something much gentler. It was nice, you realized-- both to be taken care of and for the acts to be so unpretentious.
“For you,” a hand touched your shoulder and your cortado was placed in front of you, “and for me!” María set her own cup down and took her seat, smiling and waving her hand dismissively as you thanked her.
The conversation flowed once again between the two of you, and you enjoyed it even more than you had the previous evening in your car. You managed to draw out the tart, each taking smaller and smaller bites until finally María nudged the plate toward you and insisted you take the final piece. You brought out a chuckle from her by solemnly confessing that you’d taken an extra bite while she fetched the coffees, and she happily stole the plate back to finish it off herself. With the food out of the way, you were both focused on each other, and you felt the heat of her gaze as she listened carefully to everything you said.
You covered a wide variety of topics, learning about her family and friends, her love for music, and the meaning behind some of her tattoos. She didn’t speak much about her work, but you could tell she was driven and passionate. You shared plenty in return, her open interest in what you said and thoughtful questions leading you down plenty of tangents, including a retelling of your family’s antics that had you both laughing. The two of you were so engrossed in the conversation, that it wasn’t until your phone started ringing that you realized how much time had passed.
“It’s the friend I’m staying with, I better answer.” You told María, who gave you a thumbs up as you stood to move a few paces from the table before you answered. “Hi Maya.”
“Girl, where are you?” She asked, skipping over any greeting. You looked down at your watch and realized it was after six. Not time for dinner yet, but Maya was no doubt expecting you to be there when she returned from work. You caught María’s eyes on you and rolled your own dramatically at her as you replied.
“Sorry Mum, I’m out with a friend and we lost track of time. I’ll be back soon. Do you need me to pick anything up on the way?” You could very nearly hear Maya’s eyes narrowing on the other end of the line.
“What friend? I know all your friends, they’re my friends. Unless…” You winced as she trailed off, realizing you didn’t want to have this conversation within earshot of María. “You’re with Alma? Or Alma’s m—”
“Okay! We can talk about this later!” You cut her off firmly, feeling your face heat as you wondered how audible Maya’s voice was from your phone speaker. “Also,” you continued, thinking it might be best to clarify once and for all, “I ended things with Alma officially this morning, so safe to assume I’m not with her.” Maya’s honest-to-god cheer was a bit embarrassing, but you did feel a little like cheering yourself, so you chose not to mention it.
“I’ll expect all the details when you get here. Be safe until then, love you!”
“Love you too.” You ended the call, looking down at your phone a few moments longer than necessary before raising your head to look at María. She had an unreadable expression, but quirked an eyebrow at you when you met her eyes.
“Your friend seems very fun.” She said, then after a pause, “sorry to hear about Alma.” It felt like she was giving you the option to choose whether you wanted to talk about it, which you appreciated.
“I’m not really sorry,” you said, “it should have happened a long time ago.” María kept her gaze on you, not interjecting, face carefully neutral. It reminded you of when you first looked at her in your lobby. In a quieter voice, you continued. “I don’t wish it did, though.” María’s easy smile was familiar to you already, but her lips didn’t curve this time. You felt a strong urge to leave quickly, or even better, for the floor to open up beneath you. Closing your eyes, you heard the chair scrape as she stood. How predictably thoughtful of her to leave you to recover from your embarrassment. Just as you listened for her departing footsteps, you were caught off guard by two strong arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace. Your eyes opened in surprise, but it didn’t take you long to squeeze just as tightly back, relief coursing through you. María’s face pressed into the side of your neck, and you felt her speak, but the words were too muffled to hear. The two of you held each other close a while longer, before she pulled back enough to look at you.
“This might be the strangest friendship I’ve had, but I’m so glad I met you.” She said, smiling softly. You returned her smile, and couldn’t resist saying,
“maybe Alma did both of us a favor in the end.” She gave your shoulders a squeeze in lieu of answering, but spoke after a moment.
“I had better send you back to your friend before she grounds you, I would hate for you to miss the game because you aren’t allowed to leave your room for a week.” It made you laugh, but the possibility is more likely than you’d like to admit. Maya had a greater chance of grounding you than your own mother did, in all honesty. It’s enough to spur you into action, and, after returning your dishes to the counter, the two of you made your way out of the cafe. You hugged one more time, then parted ways, but a shout of your name had you turning around before you made it to your car.
“I almost forgot to give you this!” María held out a folded piece of bright green fabric to you. “It’s the whole reason I dragged you out here after all.” You took it from her and unfolded it, quickly realizing it was a Real Madrid jersey, though not in the colors you were used to seeing.
“I thought you were joking when you said green!” She laughed in response to your confusion and explained that it was a goalkeeper’s jersey, hence the bright color.
“I brought a regular one as well if you prefer.” She added, sounding a little uncertain.
“No way, this is much better,” you held it up to your chest, “does it bring out my eyes like you said?” She leaned in a little closer, reaching out to lift the fabric up to your cheek.
That evening after you returned to Maya’s and took a longer look at the jersey you sent María a text with a picture of the back of the jersey.
Me: This Misa better be good if I’m wearing her name on my back
María: Don’t worry, I wouldn’t let you wear her name if she wasn’t
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verdantcrimson · 1 year
Lotus and Vows - 2
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Autumn
TL: verdantcrimson
1 | 2
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Kuro: —Well, she knew she was comin’ to the temple. As expected of the little miss, she didn’t bring her worldly desires here with her ♪
Keito: Kiryu. You- When did you- Anzu, don’t you start nodding your head in agreement over there either. What are you trying to accomplish by admitting to the fact that you’re harboring worldly desires?
Souma: Anzu-dono is quite earnest ♪ Even so, thinking of the ‘Quarrel Festival’ makes me quite nostalgic. That time, with the second half of the-
Keito: Kanzaki, don’t bring that ordeal up again. That one isn’t a flowery memory to be reminiscing about.
Keito: More importantly, now that both of you have returned, I’d like to hear what you two have to say about my ‘Special Outfit.’
Keito: Anzu has provided me with many designs… Honestly, many of them seem appealing, so I’m finding it difficult to settle on just one.
Kuro: Hm, just one… Just one? All of this, from here to here are all costume ideas. Little miss sure wrote down a whole bunch.
Souma: U~umu. All of these costume designs are wonderful indeed, so it is quite troublesome to decide, but if I had to choose just one…
Souma: Judging by Hasumi-dono’s expression, I think that this ‘peiji’ is good.
Kuro: I’m with Kanzaki here. I know ya said you’d listen to our opinion, but ya really like the design on this page the best, don’tcha, danna?
Keito: … How could you tell?
Kuro: Cause, Hasumi, you’re the type to let it show on your face. I could tell you’d pick it by the way you were lookin’ at the sketchbook.
Keito: … Haah. You saw right through me with ease. Clearly, I haven't been training myself enough.
Keito: Both of them were right. I'd like to use this particular design, Anzu.
Keito: Then let's proceed with this, that's right... Anzu, is it alright if I add a few more things to the design I requested?
Keito: That being said, it's difficult to act when being watched so expectantly. Incorrigible...
Souma: Though he says such, Hasumi-dono continues to write with fluid and clean strokes. Such impressive skill is difficult not to admire.
Kuro: Ya did it, little miss. Ya got a note from the 'sensei' you're a big fan of…. ♪
Keito: ... Hm, that's pretty much it. I know I said I'd only add a few more things, but I'm sorry, I ended up asking for a lot more than I had anticipated.
Keito: You say you'll do your best—
Keito: Well, that's a good answer. If you insist that you'll be able to do it all, I'll keep my mouth shut and let you work.
Keito: ... You've always been like that, I think. No matter what I do or say to you, you still maintain the same positive attitude.
Keito: I know it sounds strange hearing it from me, but because I'm such a nag and I drone on and on... To be perceived so positively, it feels odd.
Souma: ? But I feel similarly. I do not dislike Hasumi-dono's lectures.
Souma: To preach is to teach. To a boorish and inexperienced person such as myself, the words of Hasumi-dono, which provide guidance, are nothing but kindness to me.
Souma: Fufu. I am certain Anzu-dono shares the sentiment, correct? Because Hasumi-dono is a kind person.
Keito: .... Is- Is that so...
Kuro: Haha, you feelin' embarrassed cuz of 'em? You're trippin over your words, Danna ♪
Keito: Oh, so you think this is funny, Kiryu? Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I gave you a long lecture.
Kuro: Whoops, spare me.
Keito: Seriously...
Keito: We've decided on which design proposal to use as a base. Kiryu and Kanzaki are back from their walk too, so they're probably hungry.
Keito: Let's have lunch. I'll prepare it, all of you come help me.
[After lunch]
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Keito: —Anzu, a moment please.
Keito: I was telling my parents about why you, the 'Producer' had come to visit. While explaining, I also told them about the 'Special Outfit'.
Keito: They didn't seem to take issue with it, but my parents are allergic to minding their own business, apparently.
Keito: They told me that they had some Kimono lying around that may be of some use. If it interests you, would you like to take a look?
Keito: ... Got it, I'll show you them later. Though you'll likely be receiving more help from my mother than from me, It might be good to have some company.
Keito: …Hm. What, why are you smiling?
Keito: We get along well with eachother...? Well, yes we do. My family is very supportive of my decision to leave the mountain and work on my idol activities.
Keito: Had I remained in the temple, I would have just been a nuisance... I'm grateful to my parents for being understanding of the profession that their child chose.
Keito: I mustn't forget to be thankful to the people in my life that understood and supported me no matter what.
Keito: ... Not just my family, but Kiryu and Kanzaki as well. Being an idol, there have been numerous moments that have made me think to perservere.
Keito: Because the two of them follow me, because they both walk alongside me. I can continue to exist as the leader of 'Akatsuki' without faltering.
Keito: When I look at both of their faces on the stage... When I go home and see the faces of my family...
Keito: I haven't reached this stage by myself. In order to repay the support and encouragement I've received, I must reach higher. Those are my feelings.
Keito: ... Did I catch you off guard by talking like this?
Keito: Anzu, you'll be making my 'Special outfit'. I thought it might be possible to incorporate my personal feelings as an idol into this costume, so I made an attempt to tell them to you.
Keito: When I put my arms through the sleeves of the finished costume... I'd like to reciprocate your support for the same reasons I just mentioned.
Keito: ... Hm? Why are you nervously holding out your sketchbook towards me?
Keito: You came up with a new drawing based on my requests? Fufu, you work quickly.
Keito: (... Hm. This new design proposal is drawn well. It has everything I asked for.)
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Keito: ( —And these, Lotus flowers)
Keito: (To be like a lotus that blooms beautifully, even in muddied waters... I know it's ridiculous of me to wish for such a thing.)
Keito: (In this world of showbiz, swirling with conspiracy, I won't be stained. While remaining true to myself, I shall bloom like a flower. As an idol, I shall continue to grow.)
Keito: (Just as I had vowed to Anzu.. For the sake of other people, and by extension, for my own sake. This flower is proof of my wish.)
Keito: ... Ah, sorry. I was just admiring the quality of the work you produced in such a short time.
Keito: Anzu. I look forward to the completion of the 'Special Outfit' that you've created.
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maybeimamuppet · 9 months
2, 5, 9, 11, 16 for the fic asks?
hello darling friend tysm for the ask!!
2, will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc?
if i’m asked to absolutely!! i think they seem so fun but being in smaller fandoms i think they’re a lot harder to figure out. i’ve actually considered forming a few of my own for like halloween or the holidays and stuff but i’m kind of the only cadnis writer still somewhat consistently active and everyone else who writes for mean girls is into very different things (which is great we love to see it but it makes group stuff hard lol) and matilda i haven’t checked up on in so long i have no idea what’s going on in that little corner anymore whoops
5, which wip is first on your list to complete this year? will you post a snippet?
we are continuing my beloved series of ‘someone has to write all the cliche fics for this ship and by golly it might as well be me”! from the looks of things the first one to be finished will be a college au (professor/student) that i’m honestly really proud of. i’ve been hammering away at it for a while lol. but we also have a few more like that and obviously plenty more that aren’t that i’m not gonna spoil just yet but i’m very excited for them :)))
“As long as I’m your professor, this can’t happen, no matter how badly I want it to,” Cady says with a sniffle. She gently presses a kiss to the corner of Janis’ lips before she pulls away and takes a couple steps back. “I’m so sorry, Janis.”
Janis watches her go for a minute, barely feeling the frigid rain slamming against her face. Cady hunches in on herself and clicks off. “What about when you’re not my professor anymore?!”
Cady freezes and turns to look at her. “What?”
“Once I graduate,” Janis begs. “Can we be together then?”
“…Technically, yes, we could,” Cady says. “But-”
“Wait for me,” Janis says. “Please.”
Cady bites her lip, but she nods after a second. “Okay.”
“You will?” Janis asks, finally feeling hopeful enough to smile for the first time in what feels like years.
“I’ll wait,” Cady agrees. “If you’re willing to do the same. Come to me once you graduate, and… we’ll see what happens. Okay?”
“Okay,” Janis says, smiling around a sob. Cady does the same before she continues walking away.
unproofread snippet brought to you by maybeimamuppet :)
9, short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in january?
i’m really hoping to have that and the next chapter of pt done by the end of the month!! my third writing birthday is at the beginning of march and i’m really hoping to have a batch of fics ready to crank out by then :)) matilda is kind of wonky for the time being bc i have very few wips and i need time to sort through which requests i can actually do/want to do so they might be a while but focusing on my meanies for a while will be a nice change i think!
11, would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
i don’t think i do!! at least not in fics lol i’m good with my romance and family fluff sorta genres i’m in but i am trying to write a few publishable like real actual books that are a little different so we’ll see how that goes!
16, do you have one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? will this be the year come hell or high water that it WILL get finished and posted?
UHHHH honestly most of my wips are kinda like that lol. i hyper focus on one and then get bored with it and move on to a new one and herein lies the cycle of Big Issues. so i have a lot of like half-done oneshots (including requests i literally got in 2021 and am sobbing trying to get done i feel so bad). i do have an entire folder of ‘unpublishable fics’ that will never see the light of day. they’re mostly just writing exercises but some of them are just really embarrassing so most of them stay there lol. and i have a multi-chapter The Good Place au i started years ago and couldn’t figure out other than the title but i only wrote a couple scenes for it but that probably also won’t ever see the light of day. ce la vie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lookatthisdork · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool).
Aaaaaah, I got this aaaaaaages ago. And I’m really bad at listing positive things about myself. Five things, I can think of five things I like about myself. Hmm...
1) I’m overweight, but well-proportioned. My primary care doctors have been gently reminding me that I’m 20 pounds overweight since I was a child, but you probably wouldn’t know it from looking at me. Yes, I have a bit of a gut, but every time I put on extra pounds, the fat ends up distributed evenly enough that I look perfectly average at every weight. It’s actually super nice considering I can’t stay on a diet for the life of me.
2) I’m really good at proofreading as I write. Seriously, I’ve gotten B’s and A’s on first-draft, unproofread essays more than once. It’s a skill I’m super proud of.
3) I’ve never had braces, and I don’t have wisdom teeth. As in, I never developed any wisdom teeth. I am physically incapable of growing wisdom teeth. All these stories of people getting them removed? Yeah, no. Not me. Can’t remove what was never there.
4) I am unfairly good at taking standardized tests. You know that one kid in your class that got a 1300+ on the SATs without any prep or studying? That was me. I was That Kid.
5) I don’t faint at the sight of blood; I don’t puke from smelling vomit. Don’t ask how I know these things. Sometimes, shit happens, you know?
That was...actually pretty nice, given the absolute funk I’m in right now. But I hate sending out chain letter things (no offense, @buckysl3ftarm, it’s ingrained in me at this point). So if you’re reading this, hey! Post five things you like about yourself! And tag me if you do! I’d love to see!
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