#unreasonably pleased with some of these for her tbh
astriiformes · 1 year
I'm sure someone else will ask you for Hunter, so I'll pick...hmm, Harrow.
Harrow my beloved incredibly messed-up girl <3
A New Brain - I Fight Dragons
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Will Wood
Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Deliverance - CHVRCHES
Third Eye - Florence + the Machine
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating the Hazbin crew based on how much I trust them to drive me places 🚗 😈
(This idea comes from @not-just-another-hazbin don’t think I didn’t see your reblog my friend, it’s been making me cackle for a week now 🤣)
Charlie 🏨🎶:
Oh this is the SAFEST person you could get in a car with
9 times out of 10, she’s probably not the one driving
It would be Razzle and Dazzle
That being said
When she DOES drive, you’re guaranteed to get from point A to point B in one piece
She’s a little too safe though….
She follows all traffic laws to the letter
And that wouldn’t borne a problem…if you guys weren’t in hell
Traffic laws in hell are a suggestion more than anything else
So more often then not, people are yelling slurs and insults at you two
Also, she’s lowkey a s low driver
She refuses to go above 30mph unless absolutely necessary
And that’s usually never with her
So if you have an appointment at 4pm and she’s the one driving you
No you don’t
It’s at 2pm
3pm at latest
She honestly gives off massive “trying to be the cool mom” vibes when driving
But her some slack, it’s the daddy issues that make her give that vibe
Vaggie 🦋🗡️:
She’s pretty ok at driving tbh
She’s gonna keep you safe and she’s more than capable of navigating you through the hellscape of hell’s roads
But her road rage is insane
Like you’d think someone like Husk has horrible road rage right?
It’s Vaggie
She genuinely might actually start ramming into people if they’re being truly unreasonably unhinged and threaten your safety
She truly just wants to keep you safe so that’s exactly what she’s gonna do
Just keep your seatbelt on…please
She’s also just not gonna let anyone eat in her car
No exceptions
Why…oh why in the ever loving FUCK would you get in a car where the RADIO DEMON was behind the wheel!?!
Get out of the car!
He’s gonna cause an accident on the freeway on purpose!
And god help you if you say you’re in a hurry!
He’s gonna grove even slower than Charlie!
Like 5MPH kind of slow!
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
He’s an average driver tbh
When he’s being chill/sober
He’s pretty good at staying out of trouble and getting you from point A to B in the time you need
Now if he’s having a manic episode or had too much coke….
Please for the love of god buckle up
He’s speeding so fast it makes Sonic the Hedgehog look like a tortoise
He’s there for a good time, not a long time and he wants to see some shit get wrecked
But tbh he might not let you in the car if he’s doing this
He doesn’t care what happens to him
But you?
Your safety matters so much to him…
Thankfully he hasn’t done stuff like that in a long time so for the most part, he’s a good person to go to if you need a ride
He’s got the soul of a grumpy old man and he drives like one too
First of all
He’s gonna complain when you ask him to take you anywhere
He’s gonna drive you ofc
But he’s gonna act like you took him away from something important
It was booze
You took him away from his quiet drinking time
How dare you
He’s gonna get you from point A to B as quickly and as safely as he can
Nothing crazy, he just wants to hurry back home with as little chaos happening as possible
Low key I feel like he plays country, blues and/or rock music from around the time he was alive
It’s mostly sad music if you really listen to the lyrics
He honestly doesn’t care if you eat in the car but if you make a mess, he’s making you clean it
It’s honestly like getting a ride from you’re very tired and jaded uncle
Absolutely not
First of all
Look at her
She’s like 3 ft tall
How is she supposed to reach the pedals or look over the steering wheel????
Even if she was tall enough to drive properly….would you honestly get in the car with her???
The best way I can explain her driving….
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And even then…I think she’s 1000 times worse than this guy
She’d tumble it hard enough to make it explode while you’re both still inside
And she’s laugh gleefully….
Just get a cab…it’s much safer
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
I know he’s capable of piloting his war machine
But piloting a ship and driving a car and very different for him
Ships are easy for him
But cars????
It’s like reading a foreign language to him
You’ll eventually reach your destination sure
But the town you just passed through is somehow on fire
And so is the car
And it’s only being held together by duct tape and prayers…
Just walk
Your chances of coming home in once piece is much higher that way
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mylospookiebear · 5 months
Can you please do sfw and nsfw Loona x Short Male Vampire Sinner Reader? Thanks for your time!
Loona x M!Short male vampire sinner reader
(IK, that was unreasonably long)
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Would and WILL bully the absolute shit about your height
You despise her first
She despises you as well...
(and Blitzø)
Calls you "Short stack", "Twink" and just anything that pisses you off
Loona does think your fangs are cool though
She went to Beelzebub's party once again but Vortex wasn't there due to him being sick
You were alone sitting at a table sipping vodka but then she came up to you and sat in front of you
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"Bored. And I know this place is normally for hellhounds, I have seen a few Imps but just thought this place could be some fun I guess"
So basically
What happened next is that "Queen Bee" had started singing "Die Young" and you two were just talking and getting drunk (and or high) off your minds
Everyone was dancing and you two decided to join in, Drinking, Smoking, Snorting crack, Etc
Loona actually realised you're pretty cool and not a small vampire twink she thought you'd be!
Even more times past and you two decided to go to a separate room..
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Tbh, Is a switch but sometimes actually prefers to be a dom
Fast but not rough, Doesn't wanna hurt you
Biting kink as well
It's a big problem because like I said, Loona doesn't wanna hurt you so when she bites you, you start bleeding and she'll stop (Or force you to stop if your Dom or Bottom) and start licking your wound
You bite her occasionally on the shoulder or neck with your fangs and she lets out a howl of pleasure
Blood does mostly come out and you just suck it and may or may not give her a hickey while your at it
Her tail wags a lot so if you're in doggy style or something, It will 100% get in your face and you both will just start laughing alot
Doesn't mind giving head, She does a good job at it too
Fucking LOVES it when you eat her out
Can last about 5-6 rounds
Not very vocal but let's out soft moans and howls if she's REALLY into it
Aftercare is in fact a MUST DO.
She sees aftercare as, Cuddling and food while watching TV
(Try your best not to do it in Blitzø's house because god almighty if you get caught you will definitely be IMP'S next victim.)
Overall just a great person when it comes to this
Sure she might not have much experience but she is fucking AMAZING at it
Will bully you less after this and will officially be dating you
Kissing you everywhere
(Not in public though.)
Thanks for reading!🐺
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not-poignant · 6 months
Im really sorry if this is too personal please ignore me if it is but i saw your post just at the right time and im just, im struggling in my twenties at the thought of possibly having did right now. And you say you "used to", can i ask how you healed?
A lot of therapy, anon.
It does tend to show up in someone's 20s, and I went the path of Internal Family Systems Therapy (also known as IFS or IFST) which is extremely useful alongside the three C's (Compassion, Communication, Co-Consciousness).
I wasn't aiming to eliminate any alters, and anyone who wanted to stay as a separate alter could, but I taught myself through the help of other/s to be self-compassionate, to open up opportunities and methods for communication (which also included art, writing, journalling, etc. in fact the very first tumblr that 'I' ever made was actually made by an alter, and was originally called artforartists - it's now renamed and run by 'me' because Dani has absorbed back into the system, but you can still go to the earliest entries and see her in them.
It took a few years and I didn't rush things. The main thing to know is that while it feels extreme, it usually comes about as a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation, and it usually becomes very manageable with self-compassion (to all yourselves), impartial judgement, open communication, compromise (i.e. if you have an alter that wants to play video games 24/7 to the point that you're losing weeks of memory, find out small areas of compromise where they can be given something in exchange for something), and sharing consciousness where possible (co-consciousness).
It's very scary at first but imho for me personally, it has been the 'easiest' of all of my diagnosed disorders to deal with. I still have severe treatment-resistant depression and I still have severe treatment-resistant PTSD/C-PTSD, but my DID went into remission after about 4 targeted years of therapy. It's now DDNOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) which means I don't have the symptoms enough to qualify for DID anymore, but I still have a system prone to dissociation / derealisation / depersonalisation and I have days where some alters are fronting a bit more than the central self, but I usually just use it as a sign that I'm really stressed and overwhelmed, rather than a sign that there's something wrong with me.
I'm extremely zen about it, tbh. And look, I didn't have the goal of 'absorbing' my alters (or them dying or w/e), I didn't set out with the idea of getting rid of it so much as learning how to live with different people who have different opinions about things in my head. But through the course of IFST and giving everyone a voice, that started to happen anyway. Healing doesn't always mean 'getting rid of alters' it mostly just means getting a handle on the memory loss (which is the most severe part of the disorder for me) and the polarisation so that it becomes regular dissonance and not so distressing it causes someone to switch. A person can be fully healed from DID and still have alters that front, if there's co-consciousness and communication for example. This was actually what I was aiming for, it just didn't end up being my outcome.
You may not be able to access therapy or IFST, and it can be hard to find DID-friendly therapists who know what they're doing, but you can actually look up and explore IFST on places like Instagram and in books like No Bad Parts and start doing the work gently already. (IFST isn't just or only for DID patients, but it is uniquely very well suited to them).
It can be very scary at first, anon, to think you might have this. Because it's a highly stigmatised and misunderstood disorder. At its root it can be understood as 'a child who didn't understand how to cope with something, at the time of personality formation, just developed a new personality to deal with it. But as a result of this, their brain got so good at developing new personalities that it became a maladapted coping strategy, and as an adult they can learn ways to cope that aren't splitting, switching, or losing memory with compassion and self-understanding.'
And honestly we all have a lot of maladapted coping mechanisms and the whole journey of life is learning to unpack them, and repack some healthier coping mechanisms into the lunchbox. And that's really about it. Still very scary and upsetting to go through, but also not a mysterious, "insane" thing. <3333 If you can reach out for help, please consider it, but otherwise do look into IFST. I started working on those strategies long before I found a suitable therapist and I honestly feel like just the mindset of radical self-acceptance and self-compromise and self-compassion was - while extremely hard to do often - the key for me, and some of those things will at the very least be helpful for you.
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l-e-morgan-author · 6 months
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Draft cover for the on-newsletter-signup free stories which I haven't finished editing yet. (So you can't have them yet; I'll finish editing them to my satisfaction before I open up my email newsletter.)
Further ramble below; it got kind of long. First about what these stories are about, then more rambling about my current works-in-progress and specifically aspects of Patience, Changing that I'm enjoying. Might recycle some of this for the next newsletter tbh.
A quick and not-edited summary of each story:
Ever Changing, Ever Near - Hadassah is different to everyone else, but despite that finds great joy in the changing seasons.
A Fragile Solace - Hadassah and Nem are friends. Despite what happens after, she treasures the friendship that they have.
Both stories were entered to (different) local competitions and were highly commended. I can't give an estimated story length because at least A Fragile Solace requires a bunch of editing that may lengthen it. Since I no longer have a word count requirement because I'm not planning on submitting them to any other competitions, I can go ham on them.
In case you don't know who Hadassah is, Hadassah is from the 2022(? maybe '23) Inklings challenge, which I wrote about 8k of. I was Team Lewis, portal fantasy. A very rough summary is that Hadassah is an autistic girl in a neurotypical world, one of the peasants of that world and chosen to be sent through a portal. Nobody knows what lies beyond. For Hadassah, what lies beyond is found family such as she hasn't experienced her entire life.
I found getting into her head unreasonably hard at the time, which is why I wanted to write stories about her, and why I haven't finished drafting her story. With more understanding of autistic people and also myself than I had then, I expect that when I get back to that properly I'll find it a lot easier to write.
I also intend to edit The Patience of Hope to be another newsletter freebie - the edited version, I mean. I intend to leave the first draft up on my website indefinitely, even if an edited version is published as part of something else (such as A Quiet Patience, though with the number of novellas I've got planned, that might be quite long...). But that's for a little way down the road, not yet.
As for a general update on writing generally, I've written a little bit more of Hands Made for Gentleness, but not much. That will require a lot of working with it once the first draft is done, but I've written up a rough outline of the rest of the main story beats, and I have a clearer idea where I'm going. I'm ideally going to finish drafting Patience, Changing before I really get back to that, which is about 20k away (yay!). I'm thoroughly into the third act, figuring out I need to know my characters better so the third act will require a good deal of rewriting, even though the bones are good. I'm pleased with the balance of characters, and at times even though I'm going "Hmm this needs work", I can switch that off and just work on it. I've been writing drabbles every day for this month, and currently I'm one (1) day behind. The drabbles have been helpful, providing scene ideas I can flesh out into full scenes, so they might be a bit janky in context, but I can edit that later.
I've really enjoyed two characters I didn't intend to include in this manuscript: Hannah (Patience's aunt) and Connie (who Patience meets in hospital). Hannah is a symbol of the seriousness of anorexia, and I am not looking forward to writing her death. At present the scene I'm writing is set on the 19th of November, 2018, and Hannah dies on the 16th of December, 2018. She's already written the letter to Patience, as well as the anonymous letter Patience doesn't realise is from her and which needs rewriting. But she has to die and it will tear my heart out to write her, though I've got to read at least a good chunk of A Grief Observed (C. S. Lewis) before I write about that. At present her death is set for the third last chapter, but I expect to rearrange things - events that I thought would work for two chapters turned out I'll need to significantly rewrite to get to even one chapter, so I'll probably use those events to close the second act rather than close the second act and open the third act as well, and therefore rearrange things to give enough space for Hannah's death. If I go over my planned word count in these chapters that's fine; whatever works. I just don't want to go under.
Having the 3k aim has been really good, because some of the time it's forced me to write 'filler' that I reread and am convinced I'll keep in, and sometimes it's kept me to only that long which is good practise too.
Oh, and also! The other character I've enjoyed. Connie. Connie's in hospital following a suicide attempt, but the psych ward's full up and she's not considered at high risk so she's in a general paeds ward, which is where she meets Patience. She isn't particularly forthcoming about why she's in, and Patience respects that. She suspects but is only told right at the end:
“You make me brave,” she said to Patience, just before she was transferred. “I came in here with a suicide attempt and you have made me discover I want to live. Live! When living has been a slow death all this time. You make me want to live. I wasn’t going to make it and I was okay with that. Now I’m going to fight, because of you.”
They keep in touch afterwards, and probably when I edit The Patience of Hope I'll include a scene with Connie in it. Because just as Hannah has to die, Connie has to live. I love the way both of these characters add to Patience's journey, but without trivialising her own very real issues. That's definitely something I'll have to do an edit pass to make sure I'm not doing, because yes, in the grand scheme of things Patience's hangups are very small but to her they're huge. Which is why I held off on writing this story for a good five years, and I'm terribly glad I did, because this story is far better than it would have been years ago.
Anyway. I'm rambling. All this to say that while I'm struggling a bit with writing it, Patience is still going swimmingly. I anticipate finishing the draft either by end of this month (stretch goal) or next month (realistic goal). Then I can dive back into Hands Made for Gentleness and maybe plotting The Time Travelling Midwife and/or Hadassah's story on the side.
I'm also having a fantastic time with Patience and Nathan's interactions at thirteen/fourteen:
“You’ll get through it,” he said. “In Christ, Patience. In Christ.” She smiled at him. He was very dear to her, standing there awkwardly and smiling his dear awkward smile back.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (season 12 because i’m back, babey)
-bailey i love you but you are in way over ur head
-the music this season is insane tbh. soft piano covers of megan trainor and iggy azalea?? is this a choral cover of “shake it off”????
-i love maggie actually
-wait, maggie, bestie. i thought we ALL mutually decided as a group that none of us were gonna kiss interns anymore. stop it
-i love that ellen pompeo is just using her natural voice/accent now. i feel like she definitely put on a “meredith voice” in the early seasons
-okay, i’ve seen clips of this whole edwards-wilson-amelia conflict on tiktok. with context, jo and amelia don’t come off as AS bad but it’s still wild that jo just assumes edwards is lying AND that amelia believes it too. like, i get that edwards has been known to lie and finagle things to work the system, but still a crazy leap to make. not the first time jo has just ran with an assumption. tbh i think amelia is the most in the wrong in this scenario.
-i really like the way this dinner party episode is filmed!
-also: the only social scenario i can imagine more nightmarish than a new partner straight up abandoning you at a dinner party full of strangers is if the dinner party happens to be hosted by the woman you helped make a widow
-“skanks, PERHAPS?” i love maggie
-i love meredith so much but sometimes it feels like she doesn’t get that amelia is grieving too. i get it. and i know that amelia can be brash and childish and also that mer is used to dealing with her pain in a very solitary way, but i think it would’ve been better if they’d grieved together.
-i guess the writers decided the beating meredith takes every season was gonna stop being figurative
-i like meredith and amelia’s relationship a lot more than i thought i would. they are very very different people and i like seeing them sort of not knowing how to navigate each other or their relationship with each other.
-obsessed with arizona and richard’s friendship
-i think my brain just skips over anything about april and jackson
-i am so deeply confused about this single leg surgery thing. is this guy just supposed to hop around like the pixar lamp?
-lowkey i hate jackson
-i am genuinely confused about why catherine thinks it’s necessary to sue april???
-ben is going a little cuckoo bananas.
-why is he shocked and flabbergasted that he’s suspended????? what the fuck did he think was gonna happen???
-what is callie on about??? has everyone lost their damn minds???!!
-one thing about meredith grey is that she loves a pair of belted loose pants and some sensible loafers
-i don’t feel as bad for callie as i probably should. like… this is kind of your fault.
-edwards needs to CHILL
-owen and amelia are both way too impulsive to be with each other. they both need to be with people less impulsive to balance them out
-i know it’s just a real life logistics issue but i genuinely cannot fathom a universe in which addison doesn’t come to amelia’s wedding
-i do think she’s being unreasonable but part of me loves grouchy mean meredith
-“nothings wrong with owen” “well, he could use some sun” meredith PLEASE
-i always thought that april had DIY mom energy but this IS NOT what i meant
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lonesomedreamer · 20 days
The Rings of Power Liveblog: “Adar” (Episode 3)
In which the wheels finally come off this cart. (But not because Galadriel rides a horse.)
I just don’t care about Arondir being captured by Orcs.
“Halbrand” is so punchable. Ugh.
These sailors must be Númenóreans, right?
I love how secretive the captain is being…surely Galadriel recognizes the uniforms/insignia, even if the audience doesn’t. Reverse dramatic irony, if you will.
“The island kingdom of Númenor.” Surprising absolutely no one who knows their Tolkien. Still, nice cinematography and design work in this sequence.
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this is probably not how I would design Númenor, but it is gorgeous. I said “wow” out loud.
While the design’s a little on-the-nose, I appreciate the obvious visual links between Númenor to Gondor.
“Is that an Elf?” Elves—both canonically and in this series—do not look so different from Men (especially Númenóreans!) that some dockworker would look at Galadriel, with her messy hair and days-old plain white shift, and immediately go, “Oh, must be an ELF!”
Really liking the Mediterranean vibes of the city architecture.
“In time they broke off all contact [with Elves].” Did they? They envied the Elves’ immortality, and eventually, goaded by Sauron, they tried to sail to Valinor and were therefore destroyed…but this seems like a stretch for the sake of Drama.*
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I’m sorry, the subtitle said this dude is Elendil??? (Whose name literally means “Elf-friend”, btw.)
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Wow, so subtle. No foreshadowing at all.
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It’s giving Constantinople.
They’re taking Galadriel to meet the queen and no one thinks to offer her a new dress or even a cloak to wear??
Actually, they might be leaning too hard on the Mediterranean/Byzantine aesthetic…Númenor is an island, sure, but these people don’t look like they inhabit the same universe as the characters we’ve met in Episodes 1 and 2 tbh.
Not Halbrand telling Galadriel, who is more or less an Elven princess and who was born in fucking Valinor, that she should kneel in front of royalty!!!
And of course it turns out that he’s wrong about that, lmfao.
Why are they so instantly antagonistic? The queen’s hostile, Galadriel’s defensive—why??? Frankly: why is everyone in this Middle-earth so overtly racist all the time?
This would be a nice time for a history lesson: tell the audience that Númenórean royals are descended from Elros, Elrond’s brother, which means they’re also descended from Elves (specifically, from Lúthien Tinúviel, his great-grandmother). However, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that they will not bring that up…
Again with an Elf (Galadriel now) being in an unreasonable hurry…three DAYS? That would be literally nothing to her!
I don’t understand the writing/adaptation choices made here. Elendil? Isildur?! They lived almost two thousand years after the titular Rings of Power were forged! @ the screenwriters: pick a LANE. You can tell the story of the forging of the Rings (S.A. 1500-1600) OR the events that led to the Last Alliance of Men and Elves (S.A. 3430), but how can you look at the source material and say “why not both????”
I love a good naval/shipboard sequence, and the shots of the sea are breathtaking. It’s just that all the stuff related to Isildur is wasted screentime.
I can’t believe they’re actually going to acknowledge that “Elendil” means “Elf-friend” as a way to show the queen as a narrow-minded bigot, lol…
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She’s written/acted as a Cersei knockoff.
Helping/bringing an Elf to Númenor is treason? Please be serious.
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He’s kind of hot, help?
“The sea is always right.” What a dumb catch phrase.
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“And that’s how Elendil came to possess Narsil!” Give me a big fucking break. Warriors have swords, and in legends, many swords have names. Not everything needs an origin story!
[record scratch] So this—after the awful exchange between Elendil and the queen and the equally bad Orc torture session with Arondir—was the point when I realized: I need to change the way I approach this show if I want to keep indulging in all the eye-candy. It’s not and cannot be Tolkien, or even a proper adaptation, in any meaningful sense. It’s an especially pretty but still “edgy,” borderline grimdark fantasy show loosely based on Tolkien’s work and set in his universe. Fine. Let’s go.
Galadriel knows parkour!
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I want to be mad, but it’s all so pretty.
The way Galadriel has more chemistry with Elendil than with Halbrand, oof.
How big is this island, exactly? I always pictured the Valar having to sink something like…Sicily-sized, not Great Britain/Japan-sized, lol.
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Oh, it’s the infamous slow-mo horse ride that pissed off so many people online. What’s the big deal?? It lasted for about ten seconds! Jackson relied on a ridiculous amount of slow motion in the LOTR films, and people have called those “cinematic masterpieces” for decades…
[Redacted] is supposed to be a master manipulator—think a charismatic cult leader type. Halbrand is…well, not that.
Wow, is the guy who just single-handedly murdered and mutilated a bunch of grown men (after he stole from them and was confronted about it) going to turn out to be a villain? Who can say??
“You knew Elros.” By all rights and internal logic, Elros should be the Númenórean featured in Season 1 rather than Elendil. But hey, Elros is mentioned! Cool! I asked for that, after all. (Now tell us who he was and why he matters.)
Shocker: they do not tell us those things.
“I was always closer with his brother.” He’s my son-in-law. Galadriel and the writers: Celeborn whom? (And wasn’t Galadriel righteously pissed at Elrond just a few days ago?)
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Yeah, definitely hot.
“By [Morgoth’s] successor.” When I was little, my dad simplified deeper Tolkien history/lore for me by calling Sauron Morgoth’s “son”…it took me years to unlearn that, lmao.
Look, I love the Harfoots and am not ashamed to say it. They’re fun and charming, plus I’m actually invested in Nori and her story arc. I almost fast-forwarded to find out when they would show up! But the whole “anyone who falls behind gets left behind” mentality makes no sense.
“You’re just a child!” Marigold could’ve piped up with that when the entire community was threatening to abandon Nori and her family…
The way Isildur is written to be a slightly whiny, thoroughly twenty-first century teenager is fascinating. Like a car crash.
“There’s nothing for us on our Western shores.” Foreshadowing!
I’m not interested in Elendil’s family drama. And regardless of how lovely she is to look at, I don’t care any more about Galadriel’s massive error in judgment wrt interactions with Halbrand any more than I do about Arondir and the Orcs. This entire Númenor subplot was a mistake!
I was wondering when the Stranger would do something help the Brandyfoots. The actors playing him and Nori do excellent facial work, too. My heart broke a little when he said, “Friend.” Though he’s not Gandalf, not the real Gandalf, he’s still kind of lovable.
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And instead of ending on that shot, they throw in some more grimdark Orc content. Skip!
The Good:
The music and visuals are still great. I’m a sucker for seascapes and great architecture. All the little details in the streets and palaces of Númenor were incredibly impressive, and the visual connections between Númenor to Gondor (presumably for the sake of non-readers who might not know) were nice. Many of the costumes were also beautiful. The visuals are where the show’s ultra high-budget reveals itself.
Shout-out to great-great-great-great grandpa Elros!
Elendil’s kind of hot. Galadriel’s gorgeous. We’re already so far from the light of Valinor that Galadriel should ditch “Halbrand” before they even get involved and hook up with Elendil instead.
The actors playing the Harfoots—Nori and Poppy in particular—and the Stranger are killing it! This show should just be about them. They continue doing a lot with very little.
The Bad:
Everything else? Where to begin…
The decline of the writing is noticeable. The dialogue is significantly worse, the foreshadowing is clumsy and obvious, and of course as an adaptation of the source material, this episode threw out both bathwater and baby. Elendil and Isildur are included for the same reason all kinds of IPs now include legacy characters: instant name recognition = (in theory) a dopamine hit for the viewer.
To make this even worse, I think the writers bungled Isildur’s character in hopes of making him “relatable” to appeal to a younger audience, I guess? He’s the Wesley Crusher of TROP.
Elros is mentioned…but the audience learns almost nothing about him, not even that he was the first king!
The entire Númenor arc is, in fact, a waste. The queen is two-dimensional. No explanation is given for the Númenóreans’ dislike/mistrust of Elves. Isildur’s storyline is a coming-of-age/family drama arc this show did not need, never mind that neither he nor Elendil should be alive for another two millennia (!) anyway. Halbrand sucks even more than before without becoming any more interesting. Galadriel doesn’t shine here, either. And despite the impressively detailed sets, even the Númenórean costumes seem visually unrelated the rest of the show’s own universe.
In short, it almost feels like Galadriel was dropped into a different fantasy world for this episode.
I mentioned him, but Halbrand gets his own bullet point again.
Arondir and his gory, violent imprisonment storyline…thanks, I hate it! It’s anti-Tolkien! It’s grimdark! It sucks!!!
The Harfoots’ beliefs and customs are inconsistent and confusing. Nomadic people and hunter/gatherer societies don’t just abandon people who need care! But they’re still the high point of the show imo. Not a compliment to the writers.
It’s almost funny…my opinions on this episode are diametrically opposed to most of the IMDb reviews I read. I like the Harfoot subplot in spite of its problems, I adore Nori, and I don’t hate Galadriel (either the character or the actress—God forbid women do anything) despite the weak writing. I also couldn’t care less about Arondir and found the Orc scenes totally unwatchable for several reasons. Go figure! This show’s not really worth it even for its beauty, but now I’m sort of invested.
*I went back and looked through the Appendices after I finished this episode, and eventually (many years after this show supposedly takes place…) the Númenórean kings, jealous of the Elves’ immortality, did “turn away” from them and even “punished” people who spoke their languages in public—after which the Elves “came no more to Númenor,” understandably. But it’s at least 700 years in the future if this show is set before the Rings were forged! This kind of unnecessary time compression in an epic, multi-season TV series makes no sense to me.
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oneirataxia-girl · 6 months
Top 5 one piece characters whose design you love and 5 designs you just don't feel
SCREAMS. okay so I should say that I am Not Good At Styling (or pairing stuff in general), so just take my comments as the rantings of a gremlin probably way shorter than you, but other than that-
five one piece character designs I like:
Trafalgar Law - I could go on and on and on about how hot good he looks in every arc he’s in (yes, even stoner!Law), plus all the hearts in his tattoos with the connection to his crew the Heart Pirates and Corazon is elite tbh his tattoos and accessories in general have me looking respectfully
Killer - at first I was intimidated, but after Wano I have a newfound appreciation for him + his design, the mask makes him stand out bc not many characters cover their faces, and his hair is the single most glorious thing I have ever seen, I want a Rapunzel!Killer au for shits and giggles (Kid can be Pascal lmao) (if there's a fanfic of this pls link it)
Uta - UTA MY BELOVED, her look is gorgeous, the two-color hair?? the hairstyle?? the asymmetrical dress?? YES PLEASE, she looks absolutely beautiful and very pop singer-ish if you know what I mean, tbh if she was real I would go in the song realms no questions asked
Doflamingo - now let us be clear, I hate this mutated flamingo as much as the next person, but his design fits him so perfectly that I have to grudgingly give him this win, it's bright, it's over the top, it's hideous to look at, it feels like he too the flamingo part of his name too literally, it feels like Doffy, and so I do think it fits him well
Nico Robin - or more specifically, pre-timeskip!Robin, I just adore the gothy cowboy aesthetic (purple-black and leather fits you'll always be famous to me) and I feel like Robin looks really nice with those bangs. I'm sorry but I'm a part of the pre-timeskip!Robin squad through and through, which brings us to...
five one piece character designs I don't like:
Nico Robin - this time it's post-timeskip!Robin. when I say that I couldn't recognize her, I mean that I actually thought she was Boa Hancock but with a slightly different hairstyle. she's literally so different looks-wise it's hard to reconcile pre and post Robin as the same character. also, (and this is a nitpick) the sunglasses make me stressed bc I keep thinking they might fall off
Rebecca - I know, I know, One Piece defies the laws of everything real-world related, but the gladiator armor makes me unreasonably upset because it's virtually useless. I guess it's a testament to her skills that she's barely hurt during Dressrosa, but still, everytime I see the stupid armor it makes my eye twitch
Carrot - or just most of the Minks to be honest. Oda make them more animal-like challenge, give Carrot the round fluffy body of an actual bunny, don't just slap a fluffy tail and some ears and call it a day, I want a bunny Mink that's like Peter Rabbit, but considering that Oda's... preference as to drawing females, I'm not expecting a miracle
Caesar Clown - it might be influenced by his laugh, but I genuinely sigh whenever this guy comes on screen, his appearance does him No Favors, absolutely no drip whatsoever, he’s so difficult to stand on screen so I won’t talk about him more, I just have an irrational hatred for him
Kozuki Momonosuke - more of a ‘wistful sigh of what could’ve been’ than anything, I just think it would be cool to have Momo be near Toki’s height and Hiyori similar to Oden.
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
Could you share more about Sky in your swapped quests au? I’m curious how the og hero’s spirit would behave in an inter-dimensional war (in which he is presumably no longer the og).
Correct, Sky is no longer the OG holder of the hero’s spirit (that goes to Wild).
Tbh Sky is just so tired. He just fought a war caused by someone lusting after him so much she got corrupted by evil, all while he already has a girlfriend (now fiancée). He got 3 months to rest before his next time travel adventure began. Someone please just let him rest.
Admittedly, Sky is not the smartest man. He’s the best swordsman in Hyrule and can command troops on the battlefield with a sort of ease that grants him a lot of respect, but he was absolutely not the brains of the operation. Groose was. He was the strategist, the tactician, and while Sky might’ve been out on the battlefield more often, he’s certain that he couldn’t have done it without Groose. I’m not saying Sky is an idiot, I’m just saying that out of Sky and Groose, Groose is not the himbo.
He met a wide variety of characters on his journey through eras. Time and Hyrule appeared, with Hyrule being around 10 and Time being around 12. Sky practically adopted them as his little brothers and adores them, even if they were tiny menaces. At the time, Hyrule went by Fae and Time went by Lily, which are names that Sky still calls them, even if he’s trying to get used to their new ones.
He also met Wind’s Grandma, as she went in the place of Wind, who had been only 6. Despite this, Tetra showed up. Seeing as it pulled people from across time, it’s not unreasonable for an older Tetra to show up. Grandma is very proud of the woman Tetra will become!
There’s also the Sheiks. First is Artemis, who is 100% ready to be a wastelander ninja. Then there’s captain Sheik from Time’s era, who’s a pirate. Sun ends up having her own Sheik arc after getting personally targeted by Cia.
Groose is eternally being pestered by two weird fae children who are the past selves of his best friend and 3 creepy ninjas (plus Tetra).
Shadow and Ravio (specifically the Twili imp Ravio that Legend met) also appear, both arriving after their own Link’s adventure (though before the links vanished for their own time travel adventure). Some of the champions also arrive, namely Revali and Urbosa (but the Skyloft champions are a story for another day).
As for Sky himself, he’s officially decided that he no longer wants to take a leadership position like that again. He may be marrying the Queen of Hyrule but he’ll just be a prince consort; he won’t have any actual power and he wants to keep it that way. When he joins up with the chain, he’s more than welcome (and even eager) for Time and Warriors to take leadership positions (with Time having years of experience wrangling chaotic idiots into doing what he wants and Warriors having spent his entire life strategically planning how to not get killed). That won’t stop him from using his army commander voice on everyone if needed, and goddamn is that intimidating.
Sky still loves birds, and has 12 cucco hens that he loves dearly. He calls them his daughters and they adore him and Sun and nobody else. Groose fondly refers to them as “Link’s little demons”. They tolerate him at best.
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merymoonbeam · 2 years
I don’t think that it would be a lot of extra work or a huge burden on SJM and BB to put out a random IG post with some very hidden Easter eggs and in the caption a mundane fact about the universe or characters that doesn’t really give anything away.
The fact that she only comes on to sell us stuff or tell us when you can buy something and NO interaction with her fandom, really makes me frustrated with reading her books and being a fan. To be honest I am waiting for the next big book series to sweep me away from this toxic mess.
I don’t think this is an unreasonable ask. One picture. one sentence.
Disappointing 😕
same anon.
tbh I'm done with this fandom after cc3 and elain's book. that's all I care about. I already distanced myself from most sjm fandom. I only answer anons in here and I'm only on twitter for my own enjoyment. I found different things I like so I'm good.
the last two years showed to me that sarah only cares about money. that's all. She turned into "I will write whatever I want and don't even need to promote it because people will buy it anyway" so I'm done after Elain's book. I don't wanna be in a fandom where the author can't do even little things.
there are so many things she can do. I understand her reasons for staying away from social media for mental health and family. but she is not a person who is short on money. she can hire someone to do ig posts for her or write monthly newsletter or something. that's all she gotta do and fandom will be pleased but they are doing nothing and because of that the fandom became so toxic.
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writcraft · 2 years
....damn it, I'm never good at making decisions.
I really wanna ask about a Snarry, but Hinny (or as I call Ginmione if that helps you for future endeavors!) is calling my name. I'm DYING for a good Ginny/Hermione fic so I am !!!!!! about it. Please tell me things! :)
I'm so excited about your WIP list!!!!
Ahhhh I have a ship name, thank you :D - I could have got into all sorts of trouble tagging it completely wrong too LOL.
God this fic. I feel like I have been talking about it for years, I think I probably have. I can't seem to finish it. It's just...heavy. Heavy to write, heavy to get into the headspace, it makes my heart hurt (am I selling it??? :D). I come back to it in waves, write in a burst then put it to one side for months. I actually think it will have a hopeful ending, but the getting there is rough tbh.
Here's a fairly long extract pre getting together, pre Hermione/Ron breaking up and the start of Hermione feeling some kind of way about women. Under the cut <3
Hermione makes her way to the bar, through the crowds of people who all seem friendly enough. As she waits to be served, she notices Ginny chatting to someone close to the stage.
“Here you go.” After battling her way back through the throngs of people, Hermione hands over a pint of cider to Ginny. “I’m Hermione.”
“Cool.” The girl swigs her beer and shoots Hermione a rakish smile. “Sam. I’m with the band.”
“They’re amazing,” Hermione replies. Ginny seems unusually quiet, her cheeks pink. “I was just saying to Ginny how brilliant it is here.”
Hermione knows she’s babbling but there’s something about Sam that makes her hot and unusually self-conscious. She’s finely attuned to the loose material of her dress, her sensible white wine spritzer and the way her hair is probably wild and untamed after all the dancing. Sam seems so cool with electric, ice-blonde hair, a loose vest and low-slung jeans. Hermione bets Sam doesn’t stare at herself in the mirror and see a stranger looking back.
“How long have you two been together?” Sam waves at someone else across the bar. She holds up a finger and mouths "one minute."
“Just a couple of hours,” Hermione says. “We went to the pub first.”
“You move quick.” Sam laughs under her breath. “Alright, I’m coming. Have a good night, yeah?”
Just like that the space is empty and Hermione can breathe again. She glances at Ginny who can’t seem to meet Hermione’s gaze. “You’re quiet.”
“I don’t have to talk all the time,” Ginny snaps. She glares at Hermione. “For someone with a gazillion Outstanding N.E.W.T.s you can’t half be dense.”
“There’s no need to be like that.”
“We’ve been together for a couple of hours?” Ginny snorts. “Together, she meant. Like…romantically or whatever.”
“Oh.” A rush of heat travels through Hermione’s body. The realisation that Sam might have been interested in Ginny—that Ginny might have been interested in Sam—makes her unreasonably irritated. “So sorry for cramping your style.”
“It bothers you, doesn’t it?” Ginny scowls, looking at the floor. “I knew it would.”
“It bothers me that I’m just a spare part, if that’s what you mean.” Hermione’s irritation deepens, part annoyance, part embarrassment.
“You’re not a spare part.” Ginny looks up at Hermione, her frown softening. “I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be this. I don’t know anything about any of it.”
“You will,” Hermione replies, quietly.
“Yeah?” Ginny sighs and leans back against the stage. “How can you be so sure?”
“Because you’re Ginny Weasley.” Hermione leans next to Ginny, their sides nudging together. “And she’s brilliant.”
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Not a request, it’s just another one of those “I’m telling you about this because I’m obsessed with this idea and my only other option is to scream it into the void or write it myself”.
Romulan let’s the mute human woman (born this way, trauma, etc) touch his hand so that she can communicate freely or so he can act as her voice when she is frustrated with others in the room that don’t know sign or if a thought/idea is too complex to sign easily. They become so used to this they are practically glued to each other and constantly touching hands not really thinking twice about it. He had no idea human women could be so damn snarky and cunning - not having had much experience around them - but is very pleased. She’s highly amused by his arrogance and surprising softness that he has accidentally let slip through his thoughts. When it’s time to go their separate ways, they both feel as though that would almost be like cutting off a limb they are so used to one another. They’ve become extensions of the other. Guess she’s gonna have to be a Romulan citizen now? 🥺😭
In my brain this is in a Jem hadar prison camp and they are the ones who mutilated her so she couldn’t speak. She’s bitter and frustrated with how she can’t communicate, so he offers her his help.
This is so Letant tbh - can you imagine him going all politician at a party on Romulus or something and leading his now wife around by his elbow, touching her hand. They’d be silently gossiping and reveling in their own private jokes while keeping straight faces in front of the other Senators. (Sorta kinda like one of your Vorik fics at the luau)
Ugh just a screaming, crying, throwing up. Seriously tho - I love your writing so much. You’re such an inspo - keep up the amazing work ❤️
sorry not sorry for the brainworm,
OHMYGOD, OKAY. Okay, I'm finally forcing myself to post this. I've read it an unreasonable amount of times and it's been in my brain since I received it last night. Thank you for the really sweet words, btw! I’m glad you enjoy my writing, friend! ❤️
*shifty eyes* @horta-in-charge! You need to see this and suffer with me, okay? Okay! 😇
This got so long omg. I had A Lot Of Thoughts.
This whole idea makes me fucking feral! Going off of the concept that the Jem’Hadar were the ones who made it so she can’t talk leaves so much space for so many emotions! Like, she gets tossed in the cell Letant is in, and he’s there to witness her realization that she no longer has the ability to talk and her first few struggles to make her thoughts known.
At first, he helps translate for her because seeing her struggle is an annoyance...and in a way that he doesn’t want to admit, seeing her in pain/crying makes him want to bundle her up in his arms. He wants to make that feeling stop, and he thinks it’s just empathy, so he starts doing the touch telepathy translating thing.
But the feelings don’t stop (obviously). They get stronger and stronger until he finds himself smiling more despite their captivity and protecting her despite the danger to himself until “oh no, I love her.” Then the moment comes when they’re free/heading back to the wormhole (or some close Starbase depending on where the camp is) and they realize that their state of existence in a nearly inseparable pair is imminently at risk of being completely destroyed. As you said, at that point he’s a part of her and she’s a part of him. And they can both tell when the other realizes, because they’re both scared - it’s not her first time being terrified, but it is the first time since the Jem’Hadar took her ability to speak that she’s been this scared; it’s definitely his first time being anything close to this frightened of losing someone, and all semblance of arrogance is just completely gone. Because he can’t lose her. And she can’t lose him.
He just doesn’t let go of her the entire trip to the wormhole/starbase, cuddling her close and trying to figure out what to do while she sleeps - should he stay in Federation territory with her? Or did his responsibility as a member of the Romulan Senate render that impossible? If it did, would she go with him?
When her hand touches his face, he realizes that oh fuck, she was awake for that whole thought process. How much did she hear?? And he’s suddenly hit with the terrifying thought that she would think him ridiculous for wanting to be with her. After all, he was only translating for her. And she was human - he was so much older than her.
But then she kisses him and holds his hand like she always does when he translates for her. Just one request filters through: “Take me home with you.”
When he does, it’s as his wife, and he’s So Proud of her. They absolutely have the little gossip sessions telepathically at every social function, and if anyone says anything rude about her being human or mute or whatever, they face the Wrath™ of a Very Protective Romulan Senator.
Screeching and throwing things and sobbing and–
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luzho · 1 year
what im gonna be up to this week:
sydney adamu from the bear fanart. shes holding a sledge hammer. shes the best!!! i want her to succeed and her star please please pleaaaase STARS OH FUCK I GOTTA ADD STARS
next is gonna a nimona fanart. i need to find a ~metal~ pose for her first tho. and fun!!! it MUST be fun!!! (spoilers stop reading for real) Those Two will not get fanart from this man, for i have yet to process their amusing fallout and ten minute divorce and then 🥺🥺
there’s this house design project that was my final 3 years ago. i almost flunked it and i am not confortable with my proposal. and for the last years, every vacation period i say ‘i’m finally redoing it!!’ and then i dont. well. im an architect now and i gotta do it or else i will live in shame of knowing i did a shit job
read foundation’s edge!! its getting gooood tbh. i think i know where this is going but wow i like the unreasonably long explanatory conversations asimov fills this book with. also: fuck the series man. i was so fucking excited when they announced it, i thought apple tv could be trusted with not butchering it and the first episodes were all right (the proposed lore about the genetic dynasty and trantor ARE interesting)… BUT!!! spoilers blahblah WHAT THE FUCK ARE DORNICK AND HARDIN LIVING AT THE SAME TIME??? these protagonists should do their part in history and then we move the fuck on. that episodic pace of the trilogy spanning 4 centuries makes it amazing and those fucking assholes just barely sorta covered the first crisis in the entire season???!!!!! gaLAXy shut UP about these peoples personal lives and get to the part in which they outsmart fucking interstellar KINGDOMS!!!!! and seldon’s vault is OUTDOORS?? fuck off man
i wanna watch the shining again! maybe carrie but the newer one (i like the murdering effects better) maybe even citizen kane or y tu mamá también! i have a letterboxd now and i gotta inform myself on the classics u know
mmm i should write a synopsis and some basic character descriptions for my death note oc’s so i can post the art i already made. i’ve been trying to make the Perfect tumblr theme to condense all that info but im probably wasting my time there. should i just do a word file and use links? i really wanna hyperlink it. thats fun
thats it:)
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baizhuo · 1 year
alright, because i think this really DID NOT need to be publicized at all because it was a personal and PRIVATE qualm and issue, i'm gonna be 100% real and honest with y'all.
the user @/wiindscng is a controlling little bitch ( sorry ) individual that wants me to stop using the penname 'ghost' because i 'took' it from an ex mutual of mine and they dont wanna 'come back' because im using it.
as i have explained before: yes i had an ex friend named ghost. and it was unfortunate that we arent friends, and out of decency i didn't use the name but after a while i decided that... fuck it. NOBODY controls a fucking penname and alias. I have WANTED to use the name for a really long time because, as i have said..... i tend to GHOST people. ( albeit unintentionally and i always come back but it happens )
also, i will say that i do, in fact HAVE PROOF of this conversation because despite her not listening to me about how i dont like phone calls, she wanted a phone call. Because i am aware of her manipulative and victimising behaviour i HAD to fucking record it because i knew she was going to twist something. I didn't do it out of malice, i was just done and tired of her fucking bullshit. I also had Finn ( aka @legendsung ) listen in on the conversation because of how batshit crazy her requests would most likely be.
I WILL be transcribing that ENTIRE phone call from start to finish just to PROVE AND SHOW EXACTLY what went on and to show how her asking for something that neither I nor her can control is absolutely UNREASONABLE.
im sorry but im kind of over her petty bullshit as well. yes, this IS drama. i am saying that right now, im being wholly honest with you guys. but im also done with her disrespecting me.
to whomever the anons are, please stop sending me stuff, please stop hovering her blog. I have told her that i cannot control who goes on her blog and who tells me shit, but she also believes that im stalking and harrassing her. im not. but i've also stopped caring to keep this private.
she wants to air out our dirty laundry, then fine, absolutely FINE. but i will also say this, im over her treating me like shit and her being an ACEPHOBIC and ABELIST piece of shit.
She also apparently thinks that its not okay????? for me to hyperfocus and talk to only specific people and that i HAVE to validate her. ( well had to at this point. )
i have so much more to say about this, but tbh, again, this is all drama. i'm over it, this is just me airing everything out.
feel free to read THIS explanation if you want to understand some of the depth and breadth of what is going on. Fair warning this is VERY long and only SCRAPES the tip of the iceberg.
if you wanna keep in touch with me, feel free to ask for the discord, otherwise, if you can find my other blogs, then cool. have at it. if you dont you want anything to do with me, thats fine too.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
The Scientist
(Hange (Hanji) can rearrange by guts tbh :P Lol, anyways, this is a Yandere Hanji x Female Reader story! It takes place in current time tho (same universe as Yelena). Also, idgaf how tall the creator says Hanji is. In this fic, even the tall girlies get to be shorter than Hanji. 
TW: kidnapping!, !drugging!, unwanted advances, stalking!, etc! 
Please proceed with caution! Also, I’m sorry if you can tell that this was in my drafts for a hot min. I started to write this when I first started this blog, and I just finished/revised it lol. ) 
“Hey, (Nickname!” Hearing the loud shout of a certain brunet, you jump about a foot in the air. As usual, Hanji decides to surprise you whilst you’re in the middle of something. 
Pulling away from the microscope you’re currently looking at, you put on a strained smile, “Yes?” 
Their one eye sparkles in a hopeful fashion from behind their glasses, one of her their fiddling with their eyepatch, “Sooo,” They draw out the o, seemingly trying to disarm you, “Are you free this weekend? There’s this suuuuper cool bar that’s just opening, and me and the others are thinking about going! It’s totally not a date or anything,” They pause to let out a loud laugh, “I think it’ll be fun! What D'ya say?” 
Forcing out a chuckle, you shake your head, “Ah, I’m sorry, Hanji, but I’m busy this weekend. I have a lot of samples I need to process for that upcoming court case,” You chew your bottom lip nervously, “I’m sorry. I hope you and the others have a good time, though!” 
A new voice is heard, butting into your conversation, “I can do those! I’ve been needing more hours, anyways,” Whipping your head in the direction of the voice, you silently curse. Fuck Armin for being so helpful! 
Hanji beams even brighter than before, clapping their hands together happily, “See! Armin can do that for you!” They lean in closer to you, their lab coat brushing against yours, “Come on, (Nickname), I’d be reaaaaally happy if you go!” 
An uneasy feeling pools in your gut, as an anxious sweat begins to bead at your brow, “I-uhm-I suppose I can go for an hour or two.”
“Great!” They grab your hands in theirs, squeezing them in a friendly manner, “The bar is called ‘Titan’s Wrath,’ and we’re meeting at eight on Saturday!” Releasing you, they pat you on the back, “See you later!” They run off, most likely back to the dry lab. 
After a moment of silence, you slowly turn towards the short haired blond man, “Armin, I’m going to kill you.”
He blanches at your blunt tone, flushing a bright red, “Wha-what?” 
You grit your teeth, tears starting to bead your eyes in frustration, “They’re the person I was telling you about! Hanji constantly harasses me, and you practically just tossed me into their arms! Why would you do that?” 
A look of pure terror and remorse appears of his face, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t realise that they were the person-oh my God, I’m so stupid. I-I really didn’t know! I’m so, so sorry!” You let out a quivering breath, hands clenched into fists to calm you down. 
“It-it’s alright. I never really told you who they were. Just never do that again, okay? If you need more hours, just tell me, and I’ll see what I can do,” The younger man sighs in relief, shoulders deflating. 
“I promise to never do that again!” You nod, blinking away your unshed tears, and smile at him. 
“Okay, then we don’t have any problems,” You laugh lightly, shaking your head, “Who would’ve thought our newest intern was the dry lab’s wing man?” He panics again, making you cackle good-naturedly, “Now, can you please grab the dilluter? I forgot to grab it from the fridge.”
Hanji, being the ever cheerful person that they are, set their sights on you the moment you were hired. 
But, if they came out with their feelings immediately, you’d just assume that they wanted to take advantage of you. 
So, they watched you. Writing down your likes and dislikes, your quirks, everything. Through their ‘research,’ they came to realise that you’re very good at your job. The wet-lab should be lucky that they have you… but they never give you the recognition you deserve! 
They bombard you with assignments, become upset when you don’t finish them in seconds (which is so unreasonable!), and hardly give you any time off! 
You don’t seem to mind, being the good girl you are, but Hanji sure does! 
So, they’d seek out the top graduates from the college nearby, and help them become employed at the lab. The newbies really helped get the load off of your shoulders, and once done, they decided to swoop in now that you had a decent amount of free time. 
It started at the vending machine- they’d asked you if you wanted to get coffee with them sometime. You said no, probably because you felt it wasn’t professional. After all, rumours would spread like wildfire if you went out with the lead lab tech of the dry lab! 
So, everytime they knew you had a weekend off, they’d approach you with new places to try. 
Be it a movie, a store, a concert- it didn’t matter. They just desperately wanted to have some time with you! 
But, you reacted the complete opposite of how you were supposed to. 
You’d pick up as many shifts as possible, most times going into over time, just to avoid the flamboyant lead. Whenever you saw them in the hall or by the break room, you’d turn in the complete opposite direction. If wet-lab needed to correspond with the dry-lab, you’d send your most qualified coworker to do so. 
It was saddening, to be honest. They love you so much, yet you refuse to even face them. 
But, thanks to that Armin kid, their plans can finally bloom into fruition. For once, you can’t escape the brunet’s advances! 
Because of that, Hanji made a note to the owner of the lab that Armin would make a good contribution to the lab after he gets all of his qualifications. 
Saturday night comes far too soon. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a cropped, white long sleeve, you stand in front of ‘Titans Wrath.’ Scoffing at how the bar sounds like a metal band, you make your way inside. 
Grabbing the door handle, you yank it open, immediately hearing loud rock music. Mentally patting yourself on the back for your observation, you step inside of the cool building. 
Looking inside, you see a large, double sided bar in the middle of the room, a stage and standing area just behind it. There are a few pool tables in the front area where you’re standing, along with double doors leading to a hidden kitchen. 
There’s also a lot of people inside. You can’t see Hanji or their friends, but seeing a band setting up on the stage tells you that they’re probably on the other side of the bar. 
Walking over to the steps leading down into the stage area, you try to ignore the leers of a few men around you. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn clothes that accentuate your beautiful figure. Peering around the corner, you see the scientist and their friends, an empty seat in between them and a large blond man, that you vaguely recall being the police chief of your city. 
Strolling towards them halfheartedly, you give yourself a small peptalk inside of your mind. Sure, Hanji has always been touchy-feely with you, sure, they’ve asked you out about one hundred times, sure, you run into them every time you leave the house, sure- 
“(Nickname)! You actually came!” The brunet’s voice is loud, loud enough to cut through the loud music and equally loud chatter. Forcing a smile onto your face, you give a small wave, suddenly uncomfortable with the line of strangers at the bar suddenly looking at you. 
“Yes, hello, Hanji,” When you’re close enough, you’re thrown into a tight embrace, their body practically molding into your own. They’re about a head taller than you, making it so your head is practically forced against their protruding collarbones. Hesitating slightly, you give them a soft pat on the back, trying to escape their suffocating embrace. 
“I’m so glad you came!” They release you just as suddenly as they grabbed you, putting a hand on the small of your back, and practically forcing you in between the blond man and themself, “(Nickname), this is Erwin. Erwin, this is (First Name).”
His blue eyes rake over your appearance, recognition appearing on his face, “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. (Last Name), especially under better circumstances.” 
You nod, thinking back on some high profile cases you met with him for, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.” 
A loud scoff is heard from beside Erwin, the head of a short, dark haired man peeks around the broad chested man, “It’s about time you brought a respectful brat,” You have to stop yourself from flinching at his harsh tone, “I am Levi,” Opening your mouth to introduce yourself, he holds up a hand, halting you, “There’s no need for introductions, Shitty-glasses has gushed about the ‘pretty wet-lab scientist’ for months now.” 
“Oh, alright. It’s nice to meet you,” His lifts his whiskey on rocks in acknowledgement, before downing it with one swig. 
“Likewise,” After that, he turns towards a light brown haired woman, her high pitched voice is heard from where you’re sitting. 
“I’m sorry about that. The detective is very… unsociable.” 
“It’s alright, Mr. Smith. He kind of reminds me of one of my interns, Annie,” You say with a small smile, before your swiveling bar stool is forced around so you’re facing Hanji. 
“Sooo, you like the bar so far?” Their smile is somewhat pleading, and you can’t help but just go along with them. 
“Yes, this place is, um, cool. Very interesting choice,” They clasp their hands together with a pleased expression, as they somehow move closer to you than they already are. At this point, you’re worried that they’ll fall off their stool. 
“Right? Our residential emo boy found it, and we’ve been hooked ever since,” A loud ‘Shut up, Shitty-glasses,’ is heard from behind you, making the brunet laugh, “Let me order you a drink! I think there’s something that you’ll really like!” 
Opening your mouth to reject, it was seemingly too late, because the brunet has already waved over a punk-ed out bartender. You didn’t really hear what the drink is called, but the man sets to work immediately. 
It barely takes a minute for it to be finished, and the purple drink is suddenly in front of your motionless form. Looking up, the purple haired man winks at you, before turning his attention back to a speaking Hanji. 
“Anything she orders, put it on my tab,” He nods, before walking off to service another customer. 
Turning your attention back to Hanji, you try to persuade them to let you pay, “Thanks, Hanji, but it’s alright. I can pay for my own drinks-”
“Don’t worry about it; I asked you out, remember? And it’s the least I can do for harassing you for the past few months,” Startled by their uncharacteristically somber words, you nod in understanding. 
“Alright. Thank you,” They nod, before motioning towards your drink. 
“Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it!” Grabbing the cool glass cup, you bring it up to your lips, and take a small sip. It’s amazing. It tastes like (favourite flavour), and it goes down smooth. 
“You’re right, this is delicious!” They grin brightly, clapping their hands together in glee. 
“Great!” They motion towards the stage with their head, “The show’s about to start! Are you ready for a kickass night?” You laugh at their vigour, and nod. 
“You bet!” 
Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all. 
You spoke too soon. 
It seems like you’ve drank too much, because you’re now feeling dizzy. Throughout the set, you’d ordered about five more drinks, and they seemingly hit you all at once. 
Hanji, who’s been watching you since your fourth drink, feigns shock at your unstable form. That Rohypnol they grabbed from work works quite well! Now they can see why it’s the choice drug for those awful, awful people. 
“Whoa there, (Nickname), it seems you’ve had too much to drink!” Hanji jokes, hands holding you steady on your bar stool. The only person from your group still at the bar is Erwin, but he knows they have it under control. As chief of police, he feels a bit of remorse, but he knows it's for the best. Hanji will take care of you, because, after all, you’re their only true obsession. 
“Wha-huh? Was’ happenin?” Hanji can all but coo at how cute you are. 
“Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get you home safe,” Helping you to your boot clad feet, they send a knowing look to Erwin, who smiles in return. Wrapping an arm around your waist, they help you stumble out of the bar, and walk towards their car. Once at the passenger side, the brunet unlocks the door, and assists you inside. You flop onto their leather interior, eyes unfocused, and body movements random. Chuckling to themself, they buckle you in, not before pulling on gloves, and taking your phone, keys, and wallet off of you. 
Taking these items, they empty your wallet of its cash, and chuck everything into a nearby bush. Knowing that the cameras outside the building and the buildings surrounding the place are off, they feel at ease. If anything, they feel like your knight in shining armour. If they hadn’t taken you, someone else would’ve-you’re just too cute. 
Closing your door, and rounding the car, they slide into the driver’s side, before starting the car. Buckling themself in, they look at your out-of-it form, and smile. 
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Hello! I want to participate in the game please!
About me:-
🍁My nickname is Diya. I'm an introverted person I don't like to talk to strangers unnecessarily but if I have to and there is a reason then I can. I don't like public speaking.
🍁MBTI type- INTJ, I'm a Virgo, height- 5'5 weight- 50 Kg. Chinese zodiac sign- snake. Moles are significant on my face (under my lip and on the cheek)
🍁I'm a reserved kind of person but have never shy away from what I want to say, I'm opinionated. Direct in my speech. When I met someone for the first time, they think of me as someone who is arrogant, cold, mysterious and sometimes intimidating but I'm a soft-spoken person most of the time. But can show their place if I find something inappropriate with only using my words. I'm a very calm and expression-less most of the time. I'm a loyal person, I don't trust easily but when I do, I REALLY DO.
🍁I look younger than my age but have a mature mind. Also I'm a very open minded person, I like to talk about absurd theories, how this universe works and I focus on what is POSSIBLE rather than what is already present here which means I like to focus on the future.
🍁I don't have a specific type TBH but who'll help me to grow and improve myself and expand my knowledge and will always support me and loyal and devoted to me till the very end AND WILL ACCEPT ME AS ME.
🍁I'm currently studying management but in future I want to be a successful chess player. Also want to make songs and music and maybe some collaboration with other artists.
🍁I love to play chess and like to play other video/phone games! Like to read books, sing, paint and I can cook too. I LOVE TO WATCH ANIME.
🍁I have a habit of lifting one eyebrow up unintentionally while taking to someone.
🍁I love dogs and would love to adopt some but I don't have any pets right now.
🍁TBH I don't have a bias or bias wrecker. I don't get the concept of this. Don't mind me and I found it unreasonable (it's my opinion)
🍁I like BTS as a group and like to listen to their songs. But if I have to say whom I found attractive as a person it would be JUNGKOOK and I have reasons.
🍁First, his voice. I personally find his voice very soothing and calm. And then his passion for music, He is a talented artist and also smart! Remember when he said to the staff about the merchandise, the floating moon shaped lamp with a attached charger or which doesn't need to be charged something like that and no one gets him. After hearing that out I actually do some research on that and also found something very similar to that. And it fascinates me!
🍁And other time when he asked RM about Koalas that why they did not die after eating eucalyptus leaves even though it's poisonous? After heard that, I did a full reaserach on that and come up with a right answer to that! Again it really fascinated me. It helps me to expand my knowledge, I get to know about new things.
🍁He ask really interesting questions, his ideas are unique and he thinks out of the box and I really like that about him.
🍁And he never failed to make me laugh and I appreciate it.
🍁I'm okay with any trope but please ignore the hybrid and because I don't understand that. (preferable: idol AU)
🍁Regular ship type please.
Thank you!
Ship Post
The person I ship you with is Yoongi.
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"Hyung, why don't you ask her out?" Jimin tells Yoongi who has been staring at you for the past half an hour that is ever since you entered the studio.
Jungkook had brought you around when you had shown interest in learning music.
You were also heavily engrossed in a discussion about how ok was it to name a star after your girlfriend and boyfriend.
The conversation went back and forth between the two of you somewhat like this.
Should you do it because you loved them or was it just the guilt of neglecting them assuming that you discovered the star or what if you broke up then everyone would know and how could you save face infront of others but like why would you name it after someone.
Jimin who happened to overhear commented.
"People who find stars don't have the time you date."
To which you both nodded and decided to get some ramen.
"Wait." Yoongi interrupted. " Let's all go to eat."
"Let's go eat lamb skewers."
"Have some manners and ask our guest..What do you want to eat, Diya?" Yoongi asked.
Jungkook was confused Yoongi wasn't exactly a manners kind of guy not that he didn't have any it's just Jin who was always focused on that kind of thing.
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It was then you would realise that drunk Yoongi was loud.
You were introduced to a side of Yoongi you had never seen before the out there excited, knowingly acting cute side. Which caused Jimin to fall of his chair laughing and Jungkook you might have heard him swear under his breadth.
As the drinks kept going in his system his excitement kept rising. Finally the group decides to separate. You called everyone Taxis since you hadn't drunk much.
"This isn't even anything Diya ssi you should come to my house. I will cook you the best lamb skewers you would have ever tasted. Its min kitty secret recipe." Yoongi says squatting on the sidewalk as you wait for the taxi.
"Then give me the recipe." You suggest.
"Nope.no.. no.. can not do... how will you come visit me if you have the recipe." He says mostly murmuring.
I might visit anyway. You want to say.
"I will be sad then." you say fake pouting.
He thinks for a while.
"Come close." He says.
You bend down.
And don't be surprised if a drunk Yoongi confesses his feelings for you.
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Hope you like it !!
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