#up fcs
akascow · 13 days
smth smth behind every gay man is an even freakier, gayer man
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“which is which?” yes.
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butchfortress · 6 months
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i need to see medic be more testy methinks
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sweattyspaghetti · 21 days
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Bleeghhhhhh 😝😝😝
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bellcza · 1 month
prepare to be SOOOOO sick of me when i get the pedri captain photos this season
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ikram1909 · 2 months
Found a better video they're so cute 😭😭
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samkerrworshipper · 9 months
twos a company, threes a crowd pt.4 | alexia putellas x reader x lucy bronze
r is loaned to real madrid and suffers with being away from her partners for so long… when the el clasico rolls around all of her problems are solved… but not without some repercussions for her actions.
warnings: angst, fluff, comfort, sadness, over working, touch deprived, sleep deprived, punishment, safe word use, injury, concussion, so much angst lol but y'all were begging for it.
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Getting loaned to Real Madrid was possibly the worst thing that had ever happened to you. 
You’d been blindsided by the request, you were happy at Barcelona, you were Barcelona’s star striker, an indomitable force on the field and you’d just won the Liga F golden boot, you were everything to Barca, until you weren’t. It was astronomical to your teammates that Barcelona would loan you out, seemingly it was for the money and with the hopes that you would learn some leadership skills from being the strongest in a team. Real Madrid was paying a hefty fee for your season with them, but it still hurt knowing that to Barcelona you were a mere transaction. 
Everything you loved and knew were in Barcelona, your family, your girlfriends, your house, your dogs and cat, your friends.
Madrid was great, and there were plenty of upsides to the team, they were all lovely, the coaching staff was great, your new apartment was awesome, but there were things missing, your girlfriends firstly. 
You face timed every day. It had been impossible for the two women helping you pack up and move all of your things across the country. Sure, they were only a six hour drive away and a hour long flight away, but it killed them both nonetheless. 
They saw the way that as the season progressed you began to become more tucked up in your own shell, the bright light in your eyes slowly fading. It killed them, talking to you every night and seeing the way that your eyes struggled to meet their own anymore. 
They loved you more than anything, but you were a person who needed structure, you couldn’t function by yourself. You needed attention, attention that they couldn’t grant you from hundreds of kilometres away, so you started to get cheeky and bratty. Sending them videos of you touching yourself in the shower, or explicitly disregarding text messages they were sending you. Normally, the two older women would be pissed off, and they were, but the underlying theme was that you were struggling, struggling being away and your coping mechanism was to act out for their attention. The more weeks that passed without their presence, the more needy you became for them, the desperation for your two girlfriends growing in your stomach and slowly swallowing up all of the other organs that resided in your body. 
With the El Clasico match quickly approaching though, the women took solace in knowing that you would be able to spend the rest of the weekend after the game, that they’d finally have you in their arms and for even a second they could make you feel loved and less alone. 
You’d agreed that before the game you’d be strictly professional, you’d stay in your hotel room but as soon as the game was over you were heading back to your old house for a few days of peace with your girlfriends. You were a little bit scared, when the facetime request chimed in from your phone the night beforehand, you were lying in your hotel bed and you couldn’t help but feel anxious. Because you knew what you’d been doing to the women the last few weeks, it had been like a game for you, seeing just how much you could push before you found the end to the Barcelona players tethers. 
“Hola Bebita.”
You pushed yourself up from the bed sheets, sitting yourself up against the headboard to get a proper view at Lucy, whose face was directly in front of yours on the phone screen. 
“Hi Luce.”
Your voice was as meek as ever, your throat clearing itself from the sleepy haze you’d been in. 
“How you doing sweetheart?”
Lucy’s voice was so sweet, it was interesting to you, considering the outwardly explicit videos you’d been sending them over the week, progressively getting more scandalous the closer your date came to travelling to Barcelona for the game. You were expecting a angry Lucy, deiniftely an angry Alexia, especially considering that you’d broken her one cardinal rule that she’d given you before you left. 
Do not orgasm without her permission. 
That wasn’t to say that Alexia was expecting you to hold out for months at times, of course not, she just expected you to call or text her, so she could guide you through it, you’d explicitly ignored that rule, and you expected her to be annoyed. 
“I’m okay, tired from the train, how’s Ale’s knee?”
There was worry laced in your words, when you’d received the news that Alexia had a set back with her knee you’d been gutted for her, and worried, because Alexia tended to fall down the rabbit hole when she was injured, and you just hoped that she was doing alright. 
“It’s a minor injury, nothing to do with her ACL, which is good. She’s sitting out tomorrow, so she’s obviously upset, but it’s not her ACL, so that’s what matters the most. She’s in the bathroom right now, but I’ll chuck her on when she’s done. How are you feeling about tomorrow?”
Lucy’s voice was so genuine, so calm, so caring, and if you were feel less insecure you probably would have confessed all of your worries to her, but you felt so fucking desperate for Lucy and Alexia that it was starting to hurt you but you also didn’t want to come across as needy, even if you felt like you were breaking at the seems for them. 
Your answer was short, and Lucy frowned at it, because she knew that you were most likely feeling anything but okay. She was going to push it, but she was interrupted by Alexia emerging from the bathroom and walking over to join her on the bed, climbing under the sheets and pulling Lucy’s phone from her hands so she could look at you. 
“Hola bebe, how are you?”
Alexia’s voice is gruff, and if you didn’t know her so well you probably wouldn’t have picked up on the slight puffiness to her eyes, that told you she’d probably been crying whilst she was tucked away in the bathroom, you knew her like the back of your palm though. 
“I’m okay, how’s your knee?” There was some obvious tension coming from Alexia, tension that you were sure you’d get to feel in person tomorrow. 
“I’ve had bigger setbacks, we still have to assess the scans indepthly and get a treatment plan in action. It’s probably just a few rough weeks, but I’ll make it.”
You nod, she always does, she never fails to amaze you with her can-do attitude and determination to always be better, to always be at the top of whatever she’s doing. 
“I believe in you.”
Ale gives you a soft smile, and it doesn’t calm all of the nerves contained in you but it does manage to calm your heart down. 
“We’re so excited to see you tomorrow amor, you’re going to make us proud even in that ugly uniform.”
You know that no matter what club you are at, Alexia and Lucy are always going to be your biggest supporters, but you can’t shake the reminder that tomorrow, when you step on the pitch, all of your friends and family are going to be your enemy. 
It plucks at your heartstrings, and almost sends tears to the back of your eyes. 
“How’s the team been? I feel like we haven’t talked about any of it with us all being so busy.”
The team was fine. 
That was the problem, the team was your team, but they weren’t your family, they weren’t the support that you needed and craved. 
“They’re good, Olga’s been nice and me and Raso get along.”
The two women nodded, they knew they weren’t going to get much from you, but this was even less than what they had expected. 
“That’s good, you can tell us all about it tomorrow, hmm? We’re so excited to hear every single detail.”
The way both of their faces were so happy and content made your stomach do front flips. 
“I’m excited to see you guys as well.”
It’s hard for you to admit, because for the last six or so weeks that you’ve been apart, you’ve internally been denying it, trying to convince yourself that you were fine without them, but in reality you were struggling more than ever. 
Alexia gave you a small smile, her lips tightening upwards into a sweet smile. 
“You’ve been taking care of yourself, sí? Getting your sleep and listening to your dietician?”
You don’t like lying to anybody, especially Lucy and Alexia, but in your mind in some situations, there is justification for some white lies, especially when it’s going to benefit the person you’re lying to. 
Your words are half empty, trying to get this conversation over as soon as possible. 
“Well, we’d better let you get to sleep then, we’ll see you tomorrow bebe, don’t hesitate to call us if anything happens, okay?”
You nodded at the two of them, a little part of your heart begging for them to hang up so you didn’t have to see how happy they were together, how at peace the two of them looked lying in bed together without you. 
“Bye, see you tomorrow.”
They both smiled at you, Lucy pressed a kiss to the camera. 
“We love you amor, good luck tomorrow.”
You gulped, just another reminder of what tomorrow held. 
“Love you guys too, see you tomorrow.”
Before you had to look at them any longer you pressed the red button, dropping your phone onto the duvet and groaning into the pillow behind you. 
You’d never considered yourself as the jealous type, in the beginning of your relationship you’d been the glue that kept it all together, Alexia brought Lucy in for you, not for herself. When you’d been in Barca their relationship had grown slowly, but surely, you encouraged it. 
When you’d left, you’d almost been scared that it would be the end of your relationship with the both of them, you just weren’t sure that they’d be able to sustain it, but you’d watched their relationship strengthen massively, the two of them becoming practically inseparable in your absence. 
You were happy for them, so incredibly happy, but it made you feel a little bit out of place, a little bit like when you returned to Barca everything would be different, maybe all of their love was being used for each other and they didn’t have anymore to give to you. 
It felt like you’d become a chore for them, a scheduled call every few nights, flowers or meals showing up on your doorstep every week from them, texts here and there asking how you were doing. 
You were all trying your best, but they had each other, the both of them got to come home to each other every night, you came home to an empty apartment. 
Your apartment was a shell, exactly the same as when you’d moved in. 
You didn’t put out any pictures, didn’t buy any furniture, it seemed pointless to you, because Real Madrid was supposed to be temporary, you didn’t want to settle down, didn’t want to become at home in a place that you would be leaving as soon as you could. 
You knew it wasn’t exactly healthy, but it worked for you, or it worked for the first little while. 
The hard part though was that you didn’t have a home at all, and a person can only survive so long without having some form of home, some form of comfort. 
You tried your hardest to sleep through the night, to get some rest before the game, but no sleep came to you as you lay in the lump hotel bed trying your very hardest. 
The team all woke up at 7 o'clock and headed down for breakfast, you went with them but kept to yourself, sitting by yourself. 
You weren’t hungry, more emotionally starved than anything. 
You got a few wayward glances, but you ignored them, opting for scrolling through your phone and trying to put yourself in the right headspace to get you ready for the hellish day that was to come. 
It was a 12pm game so as soon as breakfast was done the whole team was being sent to the bus to Camp Nou. 
It was a bittersweet feeling, returning to a place that had so many incredibly positive memories for you, with a completely different group of people, people that you liked but you didn’t love. 
Your anxiety only rose as you got even closer to the stadium, the realisation of what was about to happen setting in for you. 
Stepping off the bus and into the stadium was weird, normally, it would be with your closest friends, Ale by your side as the two of you stepped foot into a place that had been the highlight of so many of your childhood dreams. 
Barca had always been the dream, when the two of you were little kids it had seemed unachievable, a mere figment of your imaginations, and then it had come true, but it wasn’t your life anymore. 
You kept your head down, speed walking into the change rooms and getting into your game kit as quickly as possible before walking out on the pitch to warm up by yourself. 
Instead of being met with an empty pitch, you were met with a lot of your ex teammates already out warming up, and your girlfriends as well as your closest friends loitering by the sidelines. 
It’s impossible to avoid them, they’re standing directly in front of the entrance to the pitch, you wouldn’t put it past Alexia or Lucy to have planned it, planned a little sneak attack on you pre-match. 
You dragged your feet up and out of the tunnel, loitering a little bit as you waited for one of the women to take notice of you. 
It didn’t take long, Ingrid being the first one to spot you, her big green Norwegian eyes lighting up when they landed on you, her arms lighting up almost immediately, a small squeal leaving her lips. 
The whole group was quick to turn to you, both Alexia and Lucy’s faces lighting up as they took you in. 
Alexia looked insane for an injured person, the Barca olympic t-shirt and leather jacket hugging her body perfectly and making her look absolutely drop dead gorgeous. 
Alexia’s big arms opened to you, and you allowed yourself the luxury of walking into them. 
You felt so safe, so at home, it made you sort of sick to your stomach, so much so that you forced yourself out of her arms. 
You knew it was only going to be harder the more you integrated yourself with them over the next few days, because it would only make leaving that much harder. 
Alexia frowned a little bit at the way you almost pushed her off of you, it hurt the Catalan woman more than she would ever admit. 
“You oldies ready to get your asses kicked?”
Mapi’s jaw dropped, her arms reaching for you to put you into a headlock, the only thing stopping her being Ingrid. 
“Oldies? Disculpe? It’s called being experienced.”
You smiled a little bit at Mapi, she was like your older sister, the closest you had to one. 
“Sounds like an excuse for being old.”
Mapi just rolled her eyes at you, her arms opening up for a hug and you allowing her to. 
“It’s good to see you, nena.”
Mapi lets you go fairly quickly, letting you take a step back from the group. 
“It’s good to see you all as well, I’ve missed you guys.”
It was murmured under your breath, the loudest you could vocalise without the words hitting you across the chest. 
“We’re going to have to put a stop to your scoring fun tonight I think, 4 braces in a row? Can’t let you get too big for you… what is it the English say? Pants?”
Ingrid rolled her eyes at her girlfriend and her lack of knowledge for English idioms. 
“Britches, but we get your point.”
Mapi nodded, a little sparkle in her eye. 
“Yes, well, me and Lucia will have to work hard to keep your magical feet at bay.”
You laughed humorously, entertaining María. 
“I guess we’ll have to see, you oldies should get to warming up, don’t want to harm those old bones.”
Alexia hit you across the shoulder, rolling her eyes at you before bringing you into a brief hug and then pushing you towards your half of the pitch, where a few of your teammates were already warming up. 
You went through the motions, all of it blurring in your mind as your eyes glazed over the iconic Barcelona stadium, this was once your home, it was the pinnacle of your career, not today though.
Walkingout of the tunnel, and onto the pitch, a crowd full of blue, red and yellow, normally would be the adrenaline hit of a lifetime, enough for you to walk up mount everest, but not today, today it did nothing but make you weak at the knees and sick to your stomach. 
You did your best to avoid your former teammates' eyes as you shook hands before taking your starting positions. 
Mapi was marking you, which wasn’t abnormal for when you were in training, but dealing with it during a game was a whole different playing field. 
She was one of the best centre backs in the game, you knew this, the crowd knew it. 
You were faster though, more agile, quicker on your toes. 
That was your advantage, that was what you had to use against her, and you planned to do so. 
The first thirty minutes saw no shot opportunities for you, Salma and Aitana both managed to slot in their own goals though, leaving Real Madrid and yourself with big room for improvement. 
You put your head down, focused on what you knew you could do, waiting for the opportunity to come, and it finally did in the form of a beautiful cross from Olga that was sent directly to your head and then into the back of the net.
Your team went wild, you were shocked, completely gobsmacked at how the ball managed to somehow slot itself into the corners of the goal, you didn’t have time to wonder though, your whole team engulfed you in a big hug. 
You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, the crowd booing you as your teammates pushed you back to your position gutted you, never in your life would you have expected to be booed after scoring, but here you were, standing in the stadium of your childhood dreams with a crowd booing at you.
It was then, in that very moment, that everything sort of set in for you, and as Barca kicked off you couldn’t help but find yourself stuck in position, your studs dug into the turf as you willed your legs to move. 
All you could do was sit and watch the ball moving on the other side of the pitch, the blood was rushing to your ears, deafening you of the booing and making you feel like you were in a fishbowl. 
You felt like a spectator, a external part of your body. 
It was only when the ball was being sent your way, in the form of a pass from Bruun that you finally found yourself being able to move, your legs darting towards the ball as you searched for someone in the box, finding Raso and sending the ball soaring towards her before Mapi had the chance to land a tackle against you. 
It was bread and butter, a simple pass, one that you could make in your sleep. 
For whatever reason though, it came off your boot completely wrong, not making the distance nor going remotely anywhere near Hayley. 
You growled in frustration, cursing under your breath as Lucy of all people took possession of the ball and sent it flying as far down the field as her bott could muster. 
Ras sent you a worrying glance, a silent question of what happened, all you could do was shrug and wonder to yourself what was happening? Why was this happening?
You hardly made it to half time, your body just managing to hold itself up long enough to trudge back into the tunnel and down into the Real change rooms, where Alberto was already getting into his half time pep talk. 
You accepted a gatorade and protein bar from one of the trainers, focusing all of your energy on sustaining yourself instead of paying attention. 
You weren’t trying to be respectful, but today, everything was harder than normal, thinking, breathing, moving, living. 
You weren’t sure why, you were fairly sure you didn’t really want to know why, you just knew that today of all days just wasn’t yours, and it made you hate every single part of yourself. 
By the time half time was over and you were making your way back onto the field, your head was somewhere else entirely, everything from the past few weeks playing on repeat in your head. 
You weren’t in the headspace to be doing anything at all, let alone play out a match of football, but it wasn’t like you had a choice. 
It was clear Mapi had picked up on your inattentiveness, her eyebrows furrowed in concern as the both of you tried to watch the ball moving on the other side of the pitch. 
She didn’t push you, she knew better than to, knew from experience that when you got pissed off on the pitch it was a ticking time clock. 
The ball didn’t end up anywhere near your feet until the 80 minute mark, Barca’s midfield managing to stop any attempts at getting the ball into your third. 
It was aggravating, but you were also grateful, because the longer the ball was away from your feet the further your mind began to drift to places you didn’t trust. 
What happened when the game ended?
When you had to go home to Alexia and Lucy and act like all was fine, be their perfect good girl, be whatever they needed or wanted. 
The ball finally made it to your feet, just above the right corner of the penalty box, before you could even look at the goals though, Mapi was edging her feet towards the ball, sending you towards the corner between the baseline and sideline, managing to boot the ball out of bounds. 
You groaned as everybody set up for a corner, slotting yourself into the goals, watching as Robles set up to take the kick, she was searching for you, nestled between Mapi, Sandra and Pina. 
Pina was tugging on your shirt, slowly teetering your off balance and forcing your further forwards then you’d like, closer to the goalpost as every second passed. 
You heard the sound of the ball connecting with Robles foot, all you could do was jump and send your body forward to where the ball was supposed to be heading. 
You closed your eyes and prayed. 
All you felt was an initial contact, it lasted a second at most, the usual length of a header. 
Then you felt your body continuing to propel forwards, and then there was secondary contact. 
This time it was more blunt, harder, more painful, lasting longer, then there was your body thudding against the pitch, your face going down straight into the grass. 
For a few seconds, it was just pure pain, ringing ears, your brain completely unable to process anything more than that. 
It wasn’t until somebody rolled you over and the bright light from the sun started to try and penetrate your eyeballs. 
“Y/n, Y/n, can you hear me?”
You flinched away from the hand that was dusting the turf off of your face, pushing yourself away from whoever was trying to touch you. 
There were more hands though, on your neck and head, preventing you from moving anywhere at all. 
This stressed you out, your ears were still ringing, your head swarming as you tried to focus on the faces hovering above yours. 
“Y/n, keep still, you hit your head pretty hard, nena.”
It’s Mapi’s voice, extra soft and gentle, her head peeking over yours as she pats your hair out of your eyes and the turf off of your face. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
The other people holding your head didn’t give up, holding you still even as you tried to move. 
“Nena, stay, the medics need to check your neck out.”
María’s voice is a little bit sterner, enough for you to let out an annoyed sigh but relax, no longer thrashing against the hands holding your neck and head. 
“Where’s Ale and Luce?”
Your voice is meek and questioning, a little whisper. 
“Lucia is standing a few feet away, Ale is on the sidelines, they’re here for you nena, do you want them?”
Of course you did, they were all you wanted right now, but for whatever reason you shook your head. 
“No, no, no.”
Mapi looked half hurt by your answer, but she didn’t question it. 
“Okay, that’s okay nena, the medics are almost here okay, just stay calm for me.”
Just as the words left María’s mouth a crew of medics were at your side. 
“Hola, how’s your neck and head feeling? You’ve got a nice shiner on your forehead.”
You nodded at the medic, allowing a small smile to fall across your lips. 
“Neck is fine, a little bit stiff, head’s throbbing but it’s fine.”
You knew subconsciously that all of the sub windows for Real had been used, that if you were to leave the pitch your team would be down to ten, and that simply wasn’t an option. 
Barca might have been up by three goals, but there was a part of you that believed that you maybe still had a chance. 
“Okay, well we’re just going to check your neck to be safe, then we’ll concussion test you, sí?”
You shook your head. 
“I’m fine, seriously, it was only a little hit. My head doesn’t even hurt.”
That was a lie, your forehead was throbbing so bad that you were struggling to make out different colours, but there was no way you’d admit that to the team doctor, not if you had any hopes of playing out this match and the ones to come in the next few weeks. 
“Small hit? Your head practically hugged the post.”
That explained the secondary hit. 
“I feel fine, seriously.”
You were doing a piss poor job at trying to be convincing, you knew it, you were fairly sure the medics knew it. 
“We have to clear your c-spine and head for concussion, it’s not up for discussion.”
Your body involuntarily slumped into the turf, as Mapi and whoever else was holding your head moved out of the way for the medics to continue their assessment of you. 
Flash lights shone in your eyes, and your head was tossed in every which way as they assured you that your neck and spine seemed to be intact. 
Once your neck had been checked they allowed you to sit up, painkillers and a drink bottle being forced into your hand. 
“You’ve got a concussion, I’m not sure what stage, you need imaging and a proper examination inside the medical room, you need to come off.”
You shook your head, this was the El Clasico, this was the pinnacle of your season, you weren’t coming off for some collision with a pole. 
“We’re three goals down, I’m not coming off.”
The medic furrowed her brow at you. 
“Two actually, you somehow managed to put the ball in the back of the net, you need to come off.”
Again, you shook your head in complete refusal. 
“Is there a sub window left?”
Your medic bit down on her lip and shook her head, after that your mind was completely made up. 
“So, I’m not going off to leave my team with ten, I’m playing out the next five minutes and stoppage time, I will deal with the repercussions, when we get back to Madrid.”
You didn’t wait for permission, pushed yourself off of the ground, shoving the water bottle into the trainers hands and righting your uniform. 
“Y/n, you need to come off.”
You once again shook your head, sending a thumbs up to the umpire, telling her that you were fine to continue. 
You went back to your position, getting as far away from the yelling from your team doctor. 
Mapi was on your mark, a very concerned look across her face. 
As you took your position beside her, she leant down to whisper in your ear. 
“You should be getting checked out.”
You gritted your teeth, you were so sick of everybody telling you what you were supposed to be doing, what you were supposed to be feeling, it was your call to make, nobody else's. 
“I’m fine.”
The ball kicked off, the sound of the umpires whistle had stars darting across your vision, all of the background noise from the stadium made the pounding in your skull so much worse. 
“That’s bullshit.”
You ran away from María before she had any more of a chance to give her opinion on your current predicament. 
The five minutes were hell, your body was tearing at every seam, the throbbing pain in your head was making it hard for you to breathe, impossible to try and focus on the people around you and where the ball was on the field. 
Mapi was practically dragging you around the field, her hand hovering on your jersey as she directed you around for the last couple of minutes of stoppage time. 
When the final whistle blew, you practically collapsed against your best friend. 
“Hey chica, let’s get you off the pitch, yeah?”
You couldn’t do much more than nod into Mapi’s jersey, allowing her to drag you over to a sideline and into the arms of somebody else, who helped to pull you down into the tunnel and into your locker rooms. 
The Real locker rooms were very quiet, everybody was too bothered in tugging their cleats and kit off as quickly as possible to pay any attention to you, something you were fiercely grateful for. 
You took your time tugging off your uniform, your body slowed down by the blindingly searing headache that was penetrating your head. 
Most of the girls decided against showering in the rooms, there were showers at the hotels and there was an obvious overshadowing feeling that the quicker the girls could leave the stadium, the better. 
You however, were in no rush to leave, so you clawed off your sweaty kit, flinging it into your cubby and then heading towards the showers. 
The hot water against your battered and bruised skin was beautifully painful, it made you feel cleaner, sure your head was pounding but this was like some kind of refuge, at least until Alexia and Lucy came to find you, as soon as that happened you knew you were going to have to put up with two extremely doting and overly-concerned girlfriends. 
You weren’t ready for that, you weren’t ready for the two of them to act like they cared for you, to love you so much for two days all for you to have to leave them once again. 
You couldn’t do it, you couldn’t take up all that love and space all for it to be ripped away, leaving for national camp was hard enough, at least when that happened there was a guarantee you’d see the both of them after it was done. 
You wanted to enjoy their company, how you loved to the most, good, rough, reunion sex. You wanted the two of them to treat you like you were an object, like nothing to them, because that’s how you felt, you felt like just an accessory to their relationship. 
Which was kind of ironic to you, because the relationship had started with just you and Ale, the two of you against the whole world, it was great. Adding Lucy to the equation had been fantastic, she was the missing puzzle piece to every single part of you and Ale’s relationship. 
It just made being apart from the both of them that bit harder when they got to fall into bed with each other every night whilst you were left all alone in your apartment. 
When the boiling water stopped making your skin crawl you stepped out of the shower, drying yourself off procedurally before walking into the empty away rooms and getting yourself changed into a matching plain grey sweatsuit. 
It was neutral, you weren’t going to go home with your Barcelona girlfriends fully kitted in Real hear, but you also didn’t feel up to wearing some of Alexia and Lucy’s clothes, it would break you down well before you were ready for it too. 
Once you were done getting changed you collected up your gear, finally ready to go see Lucy and Alexia, but you were stopped in the doorway by your favourite team doctor. 
“You need scans, and a proper examination.”
You knew theoretically she was right, you did need scans, to make sure that there were no brain bleeds or a significant traumatic injury, but you really didn’t want to either. 
“I’m fine, a big bruise and a concussion but apart from that I’m fine.”
You’d tried your very hardest to cover up the bruise, but it was hopeless. There was a big, red, slowly forming bruise down the left side of your face where you’d made contact with the pole. 
You were honestly unsure so far as to whether your cheek bone or eye socket were broken, they sure felt like they were but you figured at least it wasn’t your nose. You’d dealt with a broken nose and it was probably up there on the list of one of the worst injuries you’d ever dealt with in terms of practicality. 
“You know just as well as I do that you can’t be cleared to leave without an examination.”
You rolled your eyes, an action that hurt a lot more than it probably should have. 
“Maya, c’mon, it’s my few days off, as soon as I’m back in Madrid you can assess me every way you want, but just let me rest for now.”
She didn’t move from the doorway, her stare beating down on you. 
“You’re going to stay with Putellas, sí?”
You nodded your head, trying to hurry the conversation along. 
“I want to speak to her, if you’re going to refuse medical care then the person who you’ll be in company with needs to be aware of the complications that could occur.”
That was almost enough to convince you to get the examination, Alexia was hell when she was aware you were injured, she’d probably make you get the scans and exam. 
“I’ll tell her, it’s not that big of a deal, we both know concussion protocol.”
You were really hoping she’d believe you, but you knew as soon as you saw the look on her face that she could see straight through the lie. 
“If it’s not that big of a deal then you’ll let me accompany you to the Barca rooms and talk to your girlfriend.”
You couldn’t be bothered with the fight, so you just nodded your head, pushing your way through the door and navigating yourself with ease to the home changerooms. 
They were rooms that you were familiar with, you knew Camp Nou like that back of your hand, it was probably your favourite place on earth. 
The atmosphere, the history, everything that resonated in Camp Nou was magical. 
You hesitated before pushing your way through the locker room door, pushing out all of the doubt in your mind when a Rosaliá song hit your ears and the sound of tone deaf singing rang out. 
It was a beautiful sight, watching your ex teammates celebrate a well deserved win, dancing, drinking, singing, it was the magic of the El Clasicó. 
It hurt your head, but it still managed to put a little smile on your face, you shrunk into the doorway, observing the utter excitement and happiness on all of the girls' faces. 
Ingrid was the first to realise you’d joined them all, and before you could even really smile at her she was walking towards you with open arms and wrapping you up in her embrace. 
It was nice, homey, she smelt like sweat, grass clippings and oranges. 
“Hola bebita, how are you feeling?”
Ingrid was probably the best person for you to have initially run into, she was soft and kind and possibly one of the most empathetic and caring people you’d ever met. 
“I’m okay, I miss you guys more than anything.”
Ingrid pulled you out of her arms, only to lean down and press a little chaste kiss to your forehead before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“You know we will always be your home, and you’ll be back soon enough, this Real thing isn’t for forever, you’ll be back with all of us soon enough.”
Soon enough couldn’t come quicker for you, you quite literally were counting down the days before you were finally back in blaugrana. 
“Yes, well I suppose that is the positive.”
Ingrid nodded at you, a big smile on her face as the both of you watched the group of girls. 
“Ale had to go and deal with some press conference things, Lucy should be just finishing up in the showers if you're ready to go. I know the two of them were eager to head home as soon as you showed up.”
You smiled a little bit and nodded, as fun as the celebrations that you knew would come tonight sounded, you definitely weren’t feeling up to it at the minute. 
“That’s fine, I’ll just wait around until they’re done.”
Ingrid nodded, giving you another smile. 
“You’re welcome to sit wherever you’d like, would you like an ice pack for your face?”
You snorted, looking back at Maya, who already had one in her hands. 
“I think we’re all good on the ice situation here, Maya is hell bent on talking to one of my carers, so she’ll be waiting around with me for now.”
Ingrid looked behind you to wave and flash another smile at your doctor. 
“Good, someone needs to look after you, because we all know that you won’t be doing it. Here’s Lucia now, you won’t have to wait long.”
Your eyes locked onto your girlfriend, who had emerged from the showers, her hair damp on her shoulders. She was dressed in pj pants of all things and one of Alexia’s vintage Barca hoodies. 
Her knee was strapped up and already had an icepack secured to it, something that was routine for Lucy after any game. 
“Lucia, your girl is here for you.”
It was the loud and painful voice of Patri that made you roll your eyes, but sure enough it managed to get ahold of Lucy’s attention, her head rising from her phone and searching for you until she located you in the doorway of the rooms. 
Immediately her face lit up, and she was running towards you as quickly as she could with one of her legs so restricted. 
“Nina Bonita!”
Before you could say anything her arms were wrapping around you, bringing you to her chest as she cradled you gently into her. 
“You were magnifico, mi amor, how’s the head?”
You roll your eyes painfully once again at the concern. 
“It’s okay, nothing that some chill time with my favourite girls won’t fix.”
Lucy smirks at you, a big wide grin like the cheshire cat. 
“Well, I think me and Ale are more than happy to amor, but let’s not forget you’ve been misbehaving the last few weeks.”
This was good, this was normal, this wasn’t life being overshadowed by pity. 
“Y/n, I need to talk to a caregiver.”
You were brought out of your happy bubble by the sound of your medic. 
You swivelled on you heel, pinching your face when the rotation hit you and you began to be a little bit dizzy. 
“Lucy, Maya, Maya, Lucy, this is our team doctor, she wants to chat to you about my head injury, which is not major at all, I feel fine.”
Lucy’s face expression changed into something less recognisable, a mixture of concern and something else. 
“Well if it concerns your health then it’s best we have a chat. How about we talk outside then, stay with Ingrid, we’ll be just a minute and once we’re done we can head home little one.”
Lucy patted you on the back, giving you absolutely zero opportunity to argue before she was exiting the change rooms, taking Maya with her. 
It made you frown, but before you could follow them out one of Ingrid’s arms was wrapped around you, followed by Mapi’s, essentially sandwiching you between the couple. 
“Hola, how’s your head, nena, I was worried for a good second, I’m surprised they didn’t veto you on the head injury rule to get you off the pitch.”
Mapi’s voice was a whisper, hard to pick up in the room of cacophonous sound, but you heard it. 
“It’s sore, but I’ll be okay.”
Mapi whispered directly into your ear, to avoid Ingrid. 
“You’re always okay, nena, that’s the problem, it’s eating you up, before you know everything inside you will be gone.”
You tried your best to keep a straight face, it was hard though when what Mapi was saying to you was making you tremble. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about María.”
She was relentless as always, she was like an annoying younger sister to you, always prodding, even if she was technically older than you. 
“I’ve been where you are, before Ingrid, when I was spiralling, you know it, you saw it all, and now I’m seeing it in you. Telling you from personal experience, hiding from your loved ones only gets you so far, and worrying them only makes it that much worse. Pretending and lying, it only makes everything worse.”
It hurts, because it’s true, but you keep a straight face, determined not to give into Mapi’s games. 
“María, now you’ve actually got no idea what you are talking about.”
Mapi pulls you from Ingrid, who seems a little bit confused but lets it go. 
Mapi pushes you up against the wall gently, right beside the door, her hands pushing on your shoulders to keep you where she's put you. 
“You might be right, I don’t know exactly what’s happening in your life. But I’ve seen the look in your eyes, whatever is going through your head, whatever thoughts your having out there in Madrid, if they aren’t getting back to Ale, then you know you’ll be in trouble, so get your head out of your ass and start to talk about your feelings instead of shoving them down your throat until you are choking on them. That cowboy shit you pulled today to put that ball in the net was stupid, you were asking for a hospital trip, you are lucky you didn’t get stretchered off the pitch, so count your lucky stars because if there is a next time I can guarantee you it will be a far worse outcome.”
Mapi released you from the wall, just in time for the door next to you to open up and Lucy to return inside the rooms. 
“Have you got all your things?”
Lucy’s face was pointed and pinched, and slightly scary. You nodded at her quickly. 
“Wait outside for me, I need to grab my bag.”
It was the kind of voice that Alexia used on you, the mommyish anger that she used when you’d done something to piss her off. 
So, knowing what the most likely consequence of disobeying Lucy would be, you just nodded your head, stepping out of the rooms and finding solace in the silence that hit your ears. 
It made your head hurt far less, the silence highly appreciated inside your brain. 
Lucy took maybe 30 seconds, before she emerged from the rooms, the same solemn look on her face. 
“Let’s go y/n.”
Lucy didn’t refer to you by your name, it was always a variation of some pet name, it burnt you in a way. 
Lucy didn’t wait for you, she marched forward, straight towards the staff car park. 
You struggled to keep up, your sore bones lacking the strength to keep up with her, but you managed well enough. 
When you made it to Lucy’s car she was already seated in the driver's seat, leaving you to sling your bag in the backseat before sliding into the passenger's seat. 
Lucy stayed silent until the two of you had pulled out onto the main road, until you made it to a red light, and then she was turning to you. 
“You didn’t get examined, or scans, we should be going to a hospital, can you imagine what Alexia would say if she knew?”
You’d known this was inevitably coming, you’d just expected it to come from Alexia, not Lucy. 
“Please, don’t tell Ale, she’s mad enough as it is, I feel fine, if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure that it was just a minor concussion I would get the mri or whatever, but they take hours, and then hours to get the result, all I wanted was too come home to you and Ale as soon as possible, I miss you guys.”
Lucy took a deep breath, this situation was no different to all the other times you’d had to convince her to join in on your plans to disobey Alexia. 
“You put yourself in danger, Ale would be furious.”
It’s a deliberation, like Lucy is trying to weigh up the pros and cons in her mind. 
“Exactly, she would be furious, which will do nothing, I’ve already made the decision, if anything feels wrong I’ll let you know, but I feel fine Luce, all I want to do is get what I’m owed from my girlfriends and enjoy you guys’ company whilst I can.”
You know Lucy’s folded when she sighs, her eyes coming off of the road once again, the orbs softening towards you. 
“Alexia’s furious, those little videos and photos have got you deep in the shit, the only thing that’s saving you from that is admitting you're injured. You might be good enough to pretend with me but I know that head of yours can’t handle what she’s ready to give you.”
You knew that Lucy was right, it was one or the other with Alexia. 
“I’m not weak, I knew what I was doing, I can deal with the consequences.”
Your words are said with gritted teeth and furrowed brows. 
“You're a determined little brat aren’t you, if I didn’t know you well I’d think you were fine, but you aren’t, if you were fine you wouldn’t be acting out at every opportunity you could.”
The underlying message is that Lucy isn’t just talking about your injury, which makes you annoyed, because you’d been trying so hard to mask it with defiance and cheekiness, but Lucy’s seen through it, which most likely means that Ale has as well. 
“Can’t you just punish me without all the feelings and shit.”
You’re asking for a reprieve, for a break from all of the concern, all you want is to fall into the arms of your girlfriends without any feelings. 
“I would love to, but that’s Ale’s job, I just get to sit back and enjoy the show.” 
You bite your lip, turning to look out the window as you slowly crawl closer to your girlfriend's shared house, previously it was yours as well, but not anymore. 
“Where is Ale anyways, didn’t you drive together?”
It’s a deflection, one you are fairly proud of. 
“She had some media commitments, she should be home by the time we get there, we drove in by ourselves for convenience.”
It’s said just as you pull into the driveway to see Alexia’s car already parked in front of the house. 
Lucy stops the car, but she doesn’t pull the keys out immediately, just turning off the ignition. 
“Take a breath.”
You nod at Lucy, eyes wide as you take a forced breath. 
“Alexia and I love you, when you are away we miss you more than anything, it’s not the same without you around. If you are feeling like shit because you are injured we want to know, and we won’t be mad at you, I know for a fact that Alexia will be far angrier if you lie to her about it.”
You nodded briefly, trying to absorb Lucy’s words before you opened the car door and grabbed your bag from the backseat. 
When you made it to the front door you hesitated before opening it up, leaving Lucy to lock it behind you. 
You toed your shoes off, stacking them on the rack that Alexia had put at the front door to prevent the mess of shoes that normally accumulated around the apartment. 
You walked slowly down the hallway, into the kitchen, where you found Alexia hunched over the island, looking intently at her phone. 
Your voice is soft, you don’t want to break the sound barrier but you feel like you have to. 
Alexia looks up and her facial expression scares you a little bit, it’s stern, but you aren’t quite sure what she’s mad about. 
“Come here.”
You bite down on your lip, walking towards Alexia tentatively until you are directly in front of her. 
Her hands go straight to your face, pointing your jaw downwards so she can take a proper look at the damage across your face. 
“You were looking to break your neck on that corner, estúpida.”
Alexia continues her close up examination, studying the bruising and swelling. 
“How bad is it, don’t you dare lie to me.”
Alexia’s face is so stern, it almost scares you into admitting just how horrible you feel, but you can’t, you just can’t.
“It’s sore, but I feel fine, it’ll bruise up a treat but it’s not that bad.”
You pray to whatever god that is listening that Alexia believes you. 
“You feel good enough to take your punishment then?”
There’s something in Alexia’s eyes that you aren’t used to, it makes you a little bit tentative. 
“Yes ma’am.”
Alexia’s eyebrow raises, it’s like a dance between the two of you, the both of you waiting to call each other's bluff. 
“You’ve been misbehaving, sí, I think you’re well overdue, bend over the table for me.”
You force yourself to take a deep breath, it’s unlike Alexia to be so harsh, to be so forward, especially considering that you’ve been gone for so long. 
You look back at Lucy, a little bit of hope in your eyes that she’ll save you with some weak excuse. 
“Ale, I don’t know if that’s a good id-.”
Alexia sent a glare Lucy’s way, her hand pressing itself against your lower back to push you over the table. 
“She says she’s fine, if she wasn’t fine then she’d tell me, right bebita, because we trust each other. We don’t lie to each other.”
Suddenly you feel a wave of guilt deep in your stomach, Alexia knows you’ve lied to her, that’s why she’s mad. 
“Lucia, go and get my belt for me, the thick brown one.”
You blink a few times, unsure if you’ve heard Alexia right, you’ve played around with a belt once or twice, but it’s not something that Alexia regularly punishes you with, more something for a little bit of funishment, a few lashes here and there but nothing truly painful. 
Alexia must give Lucy another look because she stops mid sentence once again. 
“Lucia, don’t make me ask again, or else you’ll be joining her.”
Then there's the sound of footsteps going down the hallway, into the main bedroom, rustling around for ten seconds and then returning. 
You flinch when you hear the sound of Alexia tossing a belt in her hands, the sound of the buckle clinking against the leather. 
She reaches for the hem of your sweatpants, you flinch away from her touch, she doesn’t question it, making quick work of tugging down your pants, leaving you butt naked. 
You shiver from the sudden feeling of cold air brushing down against your skin. 
You hear Alexia fold the belt in two, your senses heightened weirdly from the headache across your temple. 
Then you hear her raise the leather, and suddenly you realise you can’t breathe. 
Just as you hear the sound of leather slicing through the air you realise that you can’t do it, you can’t do this. 
The words are choken between gasps for air and sobs, your body going limp against the counter. 
It’s then that you realise the pain, the feeling, it never comes, the feeling of the belt connecting with your ass never comes, which makes you even more confused. 
“Lucia, bath, now.”
There is urgency in Alexia’s voice, a discomposure that wasn’t there previously. 
Alexia’s hand falls to the lowest point of your back, her other one tugging your sweatpants up. 
“Deep breaths for me nina bonita, big deep breaths.”
Alexia gently flips you over, her face so much kinder and softer than it was a few minutes ago. 
“You-You didn’t hit me, you didn’t punish me.”
Alexia rolls her eyes softly, it’s just like you to be completely stressed out about something that doesn’t really matter that much really. 
“I didn’t need to. You safeworded, which I’m very proud of you for doing, because you weren’t feeling up to it, I just needed to remind you that it’s okay to admit that, you don’t have to be brave all the time, especially when you are injured, now, it’s time to get you into the bath and bed, no screens or lights for you, you’re on concussion protocol for the next few weeks, which means that if I can have it my way you’ll be staying with us for a little bit longer, how does that sound?”
You force yourself to take some deep breaths to calm yourself, you're still crying but the gut wrenching sobs have come to a more steady halt. 
“Don’t want to be a bother, you guys need a break from me.”
Alexia looks at you with hurt in her eyes.
“A bother? Bonita, you are the glue for this whole situation. We need you here, more than anything, we’ve been broken without you here, if I had it my way you would have been on a train home weeks ago, but Jonatan is being an asshole, that cábron will thankfully be gone next year, so at least you’ll be coming home without having to bother with that, hm?”
You don’t really understand what Alexia is saying, suddenly your head is hurting too much for anything to really make sense. 
Alexia seems to understand it, because she leans down to pick you up, you attach yourself to her, koala wrapping yourself around her body, leaning into the warmth that she provides. 
“I’ve got you bonita, not letting go for a long time, you need Lucia and I to remind you just how much we love you, and we’ll spend the next few weeks doing just that okay, no more hiding behind facetime calls and text messages anymore, we’re here for all of it.”
533 notes · View notes
junipernight · 2 months
Yangvik Week, Day 3: Literal Sleeping Together
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There was only one bed.... and a desk.
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pedripics · 3 months
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trentione · 1 year
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suckmyarschkarte · 5 months
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one hour later...
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gadriezmannsgirl · 11 months
Heyyy I have a request can you do one that gavi and her are eating something in his car and she’s wearing his hoodie and she accidentally stains it and she panics because when something similar happend with her ex he yelled at her
Food Stains are a Work of Art - P.G6
Summary: You mess up one of your boyfriend's hoodies and that has you worried
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You were laughing at your boyfriend's antics, he was often very shy; yes but not with you, he loved acting like a fool for you and having confidence with you (after almost a two year relationship) his goofy side never left. You loved it because it meant a smiley Pablo and you loved his beautiful smile since he wears a frown everyday.
"I can't believe she did that" You said shaking your head while grabbing his watter bottle and drinking some from it
"I know, it was crazy. She started singing and dancing to Envolver out of nowhere, she probably was wanting to get Mario's attention"
"There are better ways" You shook your head "Or maybe she was trying to get your attention" You hinted softly with a smile
"The only one I want to randomly sing and dance to Envolver is you, preciosa" He smiled "In fact, you don't need to sing or dance to get my attention since you always have it"
"Such a charmer, you are" You smiled pinching his cheek
"Cállate, que así me quieres" (Shut up, you love me like that) You smiled grabbing his hand that was on your thigh to kiss it softly
"I do" You jokingly bite one of his fingers "But you don't love me so much since you are leaving me die out of hunger"
"McDonald's sounds good?"
"What about your diet?"
"You won't rat me out, right?"
"I don't know"
"I'll buy you a double cheese and double meat burguer with extra fries if you don't"
"You think I'm that easy to buy?" You scoff "Please" You shake your head side to side "Can you add a dulce de leche ice cream?" Pablo laughs
"Will you give me a kiss?"
"Of course"
"Then done" You nod satisfied watching how Pablo turns into the drive through, his hand squeezing your tight once in a while.
You play with the hoodie strings of the white hoodie you stole from your boyfriend and with his hand. It was relaxing for you lacing your fingers through his over and over again.
Being so into your thoughts but you realized when Pablo took his hand away from yours and you went to protest but then when you saw the food you shut up and helped him with it.
"Gracias" (Thank you) He said softly before getting out of the drive thru "Let's go to the beach?" You nod
"De verdad que me encanta como piensas, Pabs" (I really like how you think, Pabs) He smiles lifting your hand to kiss it
And that's how you got to the beach, eating burguers and laughing like crazy at each other.
"No, wait no" You tried to say with your mouth full of Coca-Cola but then Pablo did a funny face and it went down your nose, making Pablo crack up in laughter as you froze after coughing.
You looked down at his hoodie and froze, a big ketchup and Coca-Cola stain was decorating the front of the piece of clothing. Panic went inside your head.
You've gone through this situation before and it didn't ended up good. You were already thinking of the amount of chlorine, detergent, softener and soap you were going to use to make the stain go away.
Or at least, hope to make it go away.
"What's wrong?" You heard Pablo said
"Nothing- I just- I-" You started shaking your head
"I messed up your hoodie" You said softly not looking into his eyes, you didn't wanted to, you didn't wanted to see the anger in them.
"I got food stain on your hoodie, Pabs. I'm so sorry. I promise I will wash this very well-Ugh god! I shouldn't have eaten with your hoodie on if I knew this could happen, I'll buy you a new one!! Don't worry about it, I can-"
"Slow down your horse" Gavi said shaking his head "You will not buy nor wash anything, it's just a hoodie"
"It was your favorite hoodie tho"
"I stained it! You have every right to be mad at me by that"
"No, I don't. It's just a small mistake, nothing too big. Okay?"
"No buts. It's just a hoodie, it's not a big deal. I can buy us another one and done"
"Señorita, para" (Missy, stop) Pablo said shaking his head "Why so worried about a simple hoodie?"
"That was your favorite hoodie! I messed it up!"
"You didn't! And stop it! I don't know what happened before but you don't need to worry about a damn hoodie stain. I won't get mad at you, love. I'll love it even more because it has good memories" Pablo said as you shake your head
"My ex didn't liked whenever I stained his clothes"
"Well, your ex's an asshole and I'm not him. I don't care about a simple thing like a hoodie" He grabbed some ketchup and put it on his finger, staining his hoodie with it
"Food stains are a work of art. You should know that" He smiled softly "But on the other hand, the good news are that we match now"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
529 notes · View notes
creative-robot · 3 months
I know The Founders Cut, generally, is the edited scrubbed over version of genloss from Showfall in-universe (as well as a not-8-hour-long-three-stream-binge-night whenever we want to watch it again) but something that struck me as odd and I haven’t seen anyone mention yet, is this warning
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It shows up right at the junction where the third act starts, where it appears the Hero is breaking free of Showfall thanks to Hetch. But here’s the thing, while a LOT less than the previous acts the audience still played a significant role in this act, even when really only given two audience interaction choices. Which makes me wonder, how real is this warning, and who is it for? Obviously the audience involved knows what happens past this point, but the audience is also implied to be an integral part of the Social Experiments, which is part of why things start to tweak out when the Founder removes them in the Founder Cut as the Generation Loss generation loses.
My first thought, was that obviously this is another bait and switch, a way to draw the audiences attention, seeing something that’s secret, something that’s not “meant for them”, which is a tactic I could see Showfall using in universe to keep people’s attention and add an air of mystery to their shows.
Showfall is doing all their experiments and these shows with a LOT of help from their censors to show it off, displaying a fun silly show that is definitely not uber fucked up and that is 100% just slime don’t worry about it, it’s kid friendly if it’s green! And I don’t think they’d want to bet all their cards on this one experiment doing well enough to their audience to not question the sudden shift in tone that follows this warning. Which makes me wonder.
They did their test, they did their experiment, and the evidence of this last act? I think it was a one time run, they don’t want anyone seeing this, it isn’t for the audience. Act three is specifically to both test and play with their Hero, Hetch’s new lines add a level to this, never once does he call the Hero by their name, just refers to Ranboo as their Role, and he’s not exactly. Nice? About literally any of Ranboos concerns, which wouldn’t really seem conductive to making an audience trust him, especially with his monologue at the end. Ranboo has escaped before, possibly right before act 1 started, they tightened the security on his mask to be unremovably part of them, Hetch doesn’t like the Hero but they’re a fan favorite so he can’t just get rid of them.
Act three is the cumulation of Ranboo being punished for things they don’t remember, for daring to break free from Showfalls control, this is Hetch taking the Hero and essentially majorly fucking and manipulating them to take his frustration out on a fan favorite they can’t otherwise get rid of or give a smaller role like Slimecicle. which is exemplified by the fact that we now know Charlie most likely was never able to actually able to fully snap out of the control, that even in act three in panic and confusion there was at least still a part of him being influenced by Showfall.
So the first two acts are the usual show, they have their posters, they have Squiggles to introduce them, they have goofs and silliness and only a couple slip ups that’re quickly dealt with, the usual rose tinted curtains. Act three?
Do not watch the following material
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evercelle · 2 years
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time to raise the bpm ♪
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divingsave · 1 month
i refuse to download threads but i just saw this in the suggested bit on insta and 💀
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alexi-01 · 4 months
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worst moment for me as well you’re not special mf
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birdypacks · 5 months
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𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄! — 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐: +334 gifs of DEV PATEL in the movie MONKEY MAN (2024) have been added to the source link, making it a total of ( #478 gifs ) /  dev patel is a british actor of gujarati indian descent and was born in 1990. all of the gifs were made by me from scratch, so do not redistribute them or claim as your own. if you enjoyed them, a like or reblog would be very appreciated. if you consider buying me a coffee, i'd be very happy as well!
cw: blood, fighting, crying, explicit violence, injuries, partial nudity, guns, flashing/neon lights.
commissions info. 💌
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