#ur wondering pidge you literally made this how do you not know the ep
castielfucks · 5 months
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wuhkie · 7 years
voltron season 3 thoughts under the cut!
OK SO FIRST OF ALL this is season 3.1 like lauren and joaquin literally said it’s one season they were made to split into two. in oct it’s season 3.2 if you say season 4 ur blockd
felt like she wasn’t doing enough when she was just piloting the castle….insecurity/feeling useless conversations w/ lance?? brother sister bonding moments
allura bonding/flirting with blue is my SHIT
allura’s bayard being WONDER WOMAN’S LASSO IS MY SHIT
srsly that One Scene of her battle with it was the coolest shit ive ever seen
give me a scene where allura walks across a galra v. marmora no mans land
klance moments? more like Klance Season 3  ft. moments of other ppl
“pls don’t leave the team im gay for you”
“hey man. ur cute”
lance being keith’s right hand man and the one who keith listens to and giving keith advice like FUCK ME UP
blade of marmora is apparently on vacation after ep1 i guess
if pink means mourning did allura shapeshift her face markings to be pink after the old paladins died but before alfor put her to sleep
does her dress have pink elements bc mourning is constantly remembered in altean culture
why is Mom Allura’s dress pink? did allura’s grandparents just die when she was born?
is Mom Allura a hot topic stan
is allura magic tho. what happened to that
hunk and pidge speaking Math to each other w/o a single food joke is this a dream
haggy and zarkon woke up and saw alfor had just death star’d their planet like. they had no memory of before. they didn’t know they were married for 10,000 years. 
dead emperor zarkon: *walks out of crypt* look alive boyo we about to fuck some shit up
galra employee: this seems fine
“my love!” i never thought i would feel sympathy for straights
u know, u KNOW that someone’s gonna be hurt and someone’s gonna take him to be healed in the quintessence rift just like before. im not saying it’s gonna be keith carrying lance but it’s gonna be keith carrying lance into the quintessence while allura watches history repeat
how is lotor their son?? was he in a sleeping pod? was allura born before him? he doesn’t seem like he’s a quintessance zombie like his parents so? when was he born? can zombies do the nasty?
blue paladin job requirements: u cant be straight lol
why did the lions paint job look like shit when they were new @alfor did you even go to art school
what if the comet is like…a guardian spirit of the universe that comes in times of trouble. like. “guardian spirit of the sky, ect” is a thing already. and when this is passed and voltron is no longer needed it’s gonna leave again. 
voltron isnt the hero the universe deserves, but its the one it needs rn
conclusion: voltron is batman
alternate reality Amity Faction Alteans are scary as shit but the pink haired lady is a lesbian it’s canon 
that entire storyline is batshit crazy also it’s like Dust from his dark materials…quinetessance IS the space bt realities. it’s dust flowing into reality from the subtle knife’s cuts the comets
sven took a bullet for lance like 30 seconds after meeting him like. me too, sven, me too
Im A Real Boy™ Shiro
shiro: *moonwalks onto the bridge* “hey team im back. good work. let’s go fight evil!” *eye twitch*
rest of the team: this seems fine
that convo he had with keith was just Factory Settings Shiro™ shit again. if you look keith isn’t happy even after that convo is finished. like yeah it *seems* like shiro but it sounds like what Pinochio Shiro thinks Real Shiro is supposed to sound like
was Our Shiro a shiro clone? bc escaping to earth is like the exact same Project Kuron scenario
was Texas Keith a shiro clone who escaped the program loop with keith’s mom’s help? ultimate sheith found dead in miami 
acxa (you fucking know Lauren “Laith” Montgomery came up w/ that name spelling) is keith’s sister right
acxa and ezor are one hundo percent getting a redemption arc im calling it rn
why the fuck does narti have haggy’s cat
srsly are we gonna solve teh evil alteans thing are does that reality just have to figure out their own shit
are lotor and Murder Squad the voltron paladins in that reality
no but did sven actually happen or did i just fucking dream that ep
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things i think about season 4 (or 34 points i feel compelled to make, shoved under a readmore):
1) every named blade except keith and kolivan has died so CONGRATS IF YOUR NAME STARTS WITH K UR SAFE
2) literally shiro has a bayard for the first time in FOUR SEASONS and we couldn’t have even three seconds of coran asking him to show off during their showbiz episode?  literally what the fuck is wrong with y’all
3) they literally fucking wrote keith out of voltron and it makes sense how it happened and it sets him up for a DOOZY of a char arc 
involving him learning his own form of leadership (he was directing those rebel fighters and talking back to kolivan you CAN’T tell me he’s not a good leader after that) (he just wasn’t good at leading voltron) (PROBABLY BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW MUCH SHIRO NEEDS BLACK) (and also because of how out of place he’s always felt with them RIP)         
........my fucking heart hurts
4) people are saying they don’t like the showbiz ep but like... if you look at the way worm!coran distilled their characters, you can tell how self-aware the writers are.  like, they’ve written hunk as a joke and in the episode coran wrote him as a joke.  they favored keith’s development over allura’s last few seasons (...she has magical powers and can shapeshift and they mentioned it once and then not again until like... now) and coran LITERALLY made allura be keith, like that is pretty obviously some shade at something.  maybe the fandom’s complaints?  idk, but it seems like they Know what they’re doing.
5) THE REUNION EP goddamn that was so good, that setup with the code books and the flashbacks and then the CEMETERY!!!  THAT MONUMENT!  god the monument was beautiful... 
6) matt is such a fucking meme oh my god.  okay who wants to bet that lance is going to get super jealous and insecure over the smart boy who acts like him but that people appreciate more?  (this could go on a bingo card: LANGST OVER MATT) the heart eyes over allura thing pisses me off but.... i’m so ticked off about how they handle her like OOOH every boy is obviously fawning over her because EYE CANDY fuckin 
7) the alteans trying to get milkshakes by talking to the cow was fuckign wonderful and THAT WAS WHAT I MEANT BY SEASON 3 LACKING ANY FUNNY BITS.  like s3 had a few one off jokes but the whole rest of the time was die-hard angst and it... was not good
8) “keith’s tearing apart the team” LIARS.  the team is tearing apart keith and i will not STAND FOR THIS SLANDER.  also???  ‘we’ll always have your back’ or whatever bull shiro pulled out of his ass i’m.  you literally did not?  if one single one of y’all had stopped to talk to the boy you would have realized how awful he was feeling about everything.  but no, shiro’s brilliant words of advice were ‘suck it up and be the leader even tho i can clearly see that no one likes you as the black paladin, least of all yourself’.  god they were just... so cold to keith.  blah blah i’m a keith stan but like... dudes.  did you see how much he was hurting?  and NO ONE wanted to talk to him.  he’s still the loner to the team he would DIE FOR, WITHOUT HESITATION.  this kid STOOD IN FRONT OF ZARKON, all alone, on the miniscule off chance that he could save the universe and be done with it.  i’m
9) still need that hunk/lance development (allura’s is starting to pick up, thank god, but.........)
10) what the fUCK is up with shiro?  he has never been this angry before.  i can see how hard a blow it was to lose the support of the black lion, but it’s literally never been his MO to angrily order people around.
11) god no one is... talking to each other?  no one but the holt sibs.  fucking rip communication.
12) WHERE.  THE FUCK.  IS SLAV.  bye bye to literally the smartest person in the universe i guess???
13) ...keith was the first actual paladin to make a paladin vlog, so where does that fit in with the timeline?  also RIP MY HEART
15) dudes... voltron still has a sword.  WITHOUT keith.  in both of the last formations, keith’s bayard, either the black or the red, made the sword.  what is up with that??
16) NARTI.  
17) i REALLY 100% expected axca to be diehard lotor fangirl but her loyalty is greater than that.  i’m love her???  she’s literally lawful good and I WON’T HEAR ANY WORDS AGAINST HER.  I WANT HER BACKSTORY.
18) they left the goddamn cat behind.  also, for real, i thought he was gonna murder the cat.
19) something’s up with jack haggar.  can she consciously turn her face blue?  or is it somehow linked to her memory?
20) zarkon is a zombie now wrapped in a tin can and im DYING
21) RIP galra command tbh.  lotor is rogue, zarkon is relying on quintessence to stay alive, haggar currently gives NO fucks (we’ll handle it ourselves now lets BLOW UP THIS ENTIRE THIRD OF THE EMPIRE i’m???)
22) what the goddamn fuck is lotor’s backstory???  does he know who haggar even is?  is he also 10 thousand years old???? hOW???  I NEED TO KNOW DAMMNIT
23) pidge’s room is so GOOD.  plus the gaming system???  heck yeah.
24) pidge and hunk showering each other in compliments gives me life honestly
25) I LITERALLY JUST WANT KEITH TO BE OKAY if someone gets mad at him again and ignores the literal, like, four times he was about to GIVE HIS LIFE for the cause i’ll just.... explode
26) lance and his aerial dancing I’m?????
27) paul blart mall cop has voltron figurines that is all
28) how did that unilu trader become a war vet??
29) how is sam holt going to fit into this???
30) my dudes the galra ships can go underwater that is TERRIFYING
32) how did matt get the scar on his face HOW DID IT GET THERE
33) ....and there were some good hugs in there.  keith/shiro hug, pidge/matt hug, matt/shiro hug, group hug with KEEF :”D
34) IF ONLY THEY EVER TALKED TO EACH OTHER LMFAO.  aside from lance’s sudden speeches mid-life-or-death-situation i guess???  like wtf dude.
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