#urgh lord let me finish this one please
solarrene · 8 months
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very rough draft. platonic and just a short one
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obeymewritting · 1 year
Don’t look yet.
Mammon X Male!Reader.
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Your head was heavy. What have happened ? Was it how it ended? How did it even ended, exactly ? Death. There was only such a word that could bring fear in the fear of many humans. But was something to accept in your opinion. Fatality.
“-Welcome, Y/N. We were waiting for you. Would you please open your eyes for us?“
Someone called. What? Death wasn’t a fatality maybe, still alive, yas queen. But seriously, you decided to open you eyes after hearing this man’s voice. You were surrounded by a huge place, walls, an.. assembly ? What would you do here, exactly? Confusion may have been easy to read on you face, since one of the men decided to speak. A black haired person with a blue lock of hair, while a red haired one walked toward you.
“-Don’t you worry, you’re safe. I’ll let the young master explain the situation to you.”
Young master? Was the red haired one the “young master”? What the actual fuc,,
“-I welcome you to the Dev,,“
The poor man didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence, that the hand of the human came to grasp his shirt collar with brutality, under the chocked gaze of everyone.
“-Lord Diabolo!
-Would you be so kind to shut up? Keep talking, « Diavolo. »
-Do not panic, Barbatos, ahah! Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N. We are sorry to put you in such a panic state, but your candidacy have been selected to be part of the exchange s’étendent program.“ Finally said Diavolo, smiling.
“-panic state? Nah. I’m more startled than panicked. What candidacy. I didn’t apply to any exchange student program. Where is that even, the… Devildom?
-We’re in hell.
-heh? You really want me to beat your face up, huh?“
The situation would have gotten out of hands if Barbatos and a ginger head wouldn’t have come to separate the human from the Prince Diavolo. What a human.. So THAT was the human they decided to select? Strange tastes. After explaining the situation and understanding that something must have gone wrong in the exchange program, Diavolo sighed.
“- Well, I’m the startled one now… Why do you have a suitcase with you, if you weren’t expecting this to happen?“
And after looking under your butt, there was in fact a suitcase, that you recognized. Your suitcase.. well, that was coming from out of nowhere. You were pretty sure to be in the middle of something, when you thought that death was finally coming to collect you and take you away from the cruel human world…
“-I don’t know, to be honest. I was actually doing something. So I don’t even understand why I have a suitcase with me. Urgh… What a day. Wait, is it night? Gosh. What the fuck.
-Language. Said Barbatos.
-Shut the fuck up.” Said Y/N.
“-And where is that Mammon, you talked about, huh? I’d like to get the fuck out of here to get some rest, since I’m actually drained from all my energy…“
And must have some broken ribs. Hurts like the devil. And talking about Devil, there was this man, Lucifer. Apparently they’re all demons.
You decided to not even question what’s going on anymore, it was to tiring and out of place. A named Mammon was supposed to be your guardian, your… Demon protector? Demon guardian?
“-We are so sorry for the situation, and I apologize sincerely for,,
-Sup girly, what’s going on ther,, uh, Hello Prince Diavolo… Hi Lucifer.“ A white haired boy entered the room. He didn’t looked pleased when seeing Lucifer.
“- Who are you even calling girly, idiot. We’re only men in this room, go get some glasses.“ Y/N was indeed right…
“-Sheesh! What a dude, I don’t want to get near him, ahh…” Did he just said that in front of him, like that?
“- Don’t be so harsh Mammon, if you don’t want him I can take care of this beautiful boy here.~
-Asmodeus. Shut the fuck up.“ Y/N was once again right.
“- Please, stop cursing like this. Here, take this. This is your D.D.D.“ Barbatos lended you something…
“-You could just say that you were giving me a phone, but okay, thanks…
-There’s everyone’s number on it, your tasks… You’ll follow the lessins with us in the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
-What a name for a school, I swear…“
Beside the point being that Y/N was, in fact, still startled by his surroundings, he strangely nodded his head and decided to accept his fate.
Fate… yeh. Must be fate, right? Or maybe not, who knows.
“- Would you need some help lifting this huge suitcase, cutie? It seems quite the big one for you,,“
Asmodeus didn’t even get to fully end the sentence that the man took his suitcase with ease and took it on his right shoulder.
“-Nah, don’t touch my stuff.
-I wasn’t going to touch it, I would have gave it to Mammon.
And these two were brothers…. Most of them were actually brothers actually. The incarnations of sins, he said… The avatar of Greed, Mammon. The avatar of Lust, Asmodeus. The avatar of Wrath, Satan. Then Beelzebub, the avatar of Glutonny, Leviathan, the avatar of Envy, and Lucifer the avatar of Pride… Wasn’t there seven sins? Where’s the avatar of Sloth at?
“-Urgh, let’s get going then!“ Rushed Mammon.
“-yknow what. Yeh, let’s leave, I can’t see any face anymore or else I’ll punch them.“
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Bye. 🧑‍🦽
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akuaya-stories-tl · 3 months
Chapter 2, Episode 10: Fragment of Truth
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Dia: ...We're here. This is the spire's entrance.
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Espada: Entrance... you say...?
Fiori: There are too many curses piling up... I can't even see where the entrance is.
It'll be an overkill to barge in there even for a Devil.
Dia: Indeed. That's why this area is forbidden for access until today.
Even with this purification power... I don't think it's possible to get close to the spire by myself.
...I thanked both of you for that.
Espada: Not at all...! Please stop that, Lord Dia.
Fiori: You shouldn't thank your comrades before the operation is finished, it's an ill omen.
Espada: ...Lord Dia, we are here by your side. Please don't recklessly barge into the vortex of curses.
Fiori: What he said. The power is stronger when we combine the three of us too.
Are you finally willing to rely on us more now?
Dia: ...
...Fuh, those are some big words.
Very well. I will. We'll purify the heap of curses blocking the spire's entrance at all costs.
Espada: Roger!
Fiori: Alright!
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Espada: Ku...hh!
Fiori: Haaaah!
Dia: ...Guh.
[they purify at the same time]
Espada: ...It's strangely quiet.
Fiori: I was about to say the same.
Even though I've already prepared myself for those agonizing voices that could burst my eardrums, especially with this place having so many curses.
Espada: Right... If anything, it's the quietest place we've been so far. Despite the fact that the amount of curses here are unlike what we've encountered...
Dia: ...
... Something's wrong. Don't move too far ahead, you two.
Espada: Lord Dia, please stay back too. It's dangerous to get any closer to the curses.
Dia: I know
This feeling that sent a chill down your spine... It felt familiar...
???: ...i...iiii...
Dia: Espada! Fiori! Get away from that thing!
Espada & Fiori: ...!!
Fiori: ...Uwah... What on earth is this curse. Gross...
Espada: ...This feeling... That thing... isn't a human.
Dia: ...Correct. That thing is...
???: ...i... bEAUtiiii... ful. iiiT'S A fORT... forTUNE...
aa... aa... aaah... —Happy Birthday, Prince!
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Dia: —Ugh! Urgh... Argh...!
Espada: Lord Dia! Lord Dia, are you alright?
Fiori: Haah!
[doesn't work]
What is that thing... The purification doesn't work at all...
??? (Memory): The only one who can protect Colchicum castle is you. So, please be brave.
Dia: What... should... I do?
??? (Memory): Haven't I told you before. You must protect it from the hand of nephilims no matter what.
— remember? The "Jewel".
Espada: Jewel...!?
??? (Memory): Those who know that there's a Devil that sneak inside the castle are you and me, Prince.
Let's handle it while everyone is still unaware. We wouldn't want to ruin your precious birthday, would we?
Dia: Don't...! Don't hand him, the Jewel...!
Fiori: Prince... is he resisting his memories...?
Espada: Damn it... If we don't hurry to purify this curse... Lord Dia will...!
??? (Memory): Would you like to know the power hidden in the [Scarlet Wall]? Let me tell you—
Dia: Don't lend him an ear...!
Ku...hh! Urgh...!
[attack the curse with purification power]
Espada: Lord Dia! Fiori, let's go too!
Fiori: I know!
Espada & Fiori: Haaaah!
[purifies the curse]
???: —...
Dia: ...Huff... Huff... haa.
Espada: Lord Dia... are you harmed anywhere?
Dia: ...I'm fine.
Fiori: That curse just now... It acts oddly over-familiar to you, Prince... Is it someone you know?
Espada: That was... a fallen angel.
Fiori: Fallen angel...!? How did you know?
Espada: We Devils can know through their aura. Though it's closer to say that we can differentiate them through the air they put on, rather than saying aura.
Fiori: So that's how it is...
Espada: Why... was there a fallen angel by Lord Dia's side?
Dia: ...At that time, he worked as my sitter. I didn't find out his identity as a fallen angel until later.
He took the Jewel of Colchicum, and manipulated me into causing the [Scarlet Wall] to go berserk.
The story after that... just as you both know...
...That day, was the day I became a Devil.
Fiori: ...
Espada: But Lord Dia... there is still one point I don't understand.
That fallen angel's goal is to steal the Jewel and trigger a Malamity.
Then, why did he go through the trouble to ensure Lord Dia would be the one to "do" it?
Dia: That's what I wanted to confirm here in the spire.
It was clear that he intended to turn me into a Devil.
—We need to investigate the Jewel... Espada.
Espada: Yes. Please leave it to me.
Dia: ...
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Fallen Angel: Come here, Prince.
???: ...There's nothing for you to worry about.
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Dia: There should be another person beside the fallen angel. But who exactly...
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Dia: ...We'll leave the investigation of the interior for later days. Are you two injured anywhere?
Fiori: I'll live.
Aaah, I wanna go take a bath already. My body's all sweaty and dirty.
Dia: You two rest for the day. This is an order.
Espada: ...Understood.
Fiori: I'll do that. Just as you order.
...If that's all, I'm going back to my room then.
Dia: ...Alright.
[midway towards her room, after Fiori left Espada and Dia]
Fiori: ...
...Could it be the Prince... really...
No, this must be a mistake. If so, then why am I here now?
But... but...!
Prince didn't intend to cause a magic disaster in the first place...
He didn't turn into a Devil willingly, he was tricked.
...The one who attacked Galanthia and caused the [Red Moon Calamity] isn't Prince, at all...?
...Hey, tell me. Who should I direct this vengeance to?
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mgmoments · 3 years
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Growing Into Your Own
Diavolo | Obey Me!
Muscle growth, muscle worship, macro
Warning, NSFW
Your time spent with Diavolo was always some of your favorite. When you first arrived, little did you realize that the Lord of the Devildom would quickly become not only one of your closest friends, but even something a little more.
It wasn't uncommon for Diavolo to summon you to his opulent home for coffee, tea, or simply to spend the evening talking with you. Barbatos never seemed to mind the extra company, likely because it was good for the Master of the house to have someone else to talk to. That, and you were fairly good about cleaning up after yourself.
Today was no different. Diavolo had summoned you to his office to chat while he finished paperwork. Something seemed slightly off, however. You were never really one to notice the smaller details, but you couldn't help but take note at every time Diavolo tugged at his collar or attempted to pull his sleeves down.
"Dia, is something wrong? You've been tugging at your suit a ton since I got here," you asked, curious. He simply smiled.
"Ah, no no. Nothing's wrong. It's just...a touch tight. I suppose Barbatos must have shrunk it in the wash!"
"I assure you, I did not such thing Master Diavolo," Barbatos stated, entering the room to refill Diavolo's tea. "There is...another matter of concern. Perhaps our guest should depart so we might discuss this matter privately?"
Diavolo seemed ready to protest, but a sharp glance from Barbatos quieted him before he had the chance. He sighed. "I suppose it is getting late. I'll see you again tomorrow, yes? We can have one of those 'slumber parties' you said humans like to have!"
You laughed, but Diavolo simply beamed his bright smile. With no reason to protest, you gathered your things and headed back to the House of Lamentation. You couldn't help but wonder what exactly the two needed to discuss, however. Even more confusing is how it could possibly be related to Diavolo's clothing being tight.
"I'll be Barbatos just didn't wanna admit he messed up in front of ya," Mammon said at dinner that night. "Dude's obsessed with perfection, he just didn't want ya to think he was anythin' less than perfect."
Mammon squealed as Lucifer smacked him in the back of the head with a rolled up paper.
"There is a good enough reason why they needed to discuss matters without a human present, Mammon. It has little to do with perfection. It simply is not their business, or yours for that matter."
"Then you know what they're talking about?" You asked, knowing that Lucifer wouldn't tell you even if he did know. The frown that settled on his face was answer enough.
"Unfortunately," he replied, "Whatever this issue is it is one they've decided does not concern me. It is worth stating that Diavolo has been complaining about his clothing for some time now, at least a week. I'm surprised that it just now became an actual issue. Regardless, we all need to keep our noses out of royal Devildom business. Am I understood?"
You and all the brothers gave a quick nod. Lucifer smiled, and dinner continued. Despite everything, you couldn't shove the issue out of your head. In a way it was almost exciting to think about all the possibilities. Your mind raced with theories as you drifted off to sleep.
You returned to Diavolo's castle later the next day, only to be greeted by the towering demon dressed in a dragon onesie.
"What do you think?" he asked, turning around to show off the fine details, "I heard that humans dress in fun nightwear for events such as these, so I had Barbatos make this special. Is it nice?"
"I love it, Dia," you said with a smile, laughing at Diavolo's antics, "It suits you. Though, I see you more as a teddy bear than a dragon myself."
Diavolo smiled, and wrapped you in a massive hug.
Demons, on average, were already larger than humans. Even the relatively short Mammon and Asmodeus were still both slightly taller than you. Large demons like Beel and Diavolo, however, towered over you. You always considered yourself lucky that they were so kind, because you could only wonder how things would be if these two titans decided to use their size against you.
Diavolo's strong hand enveloped your own as he led you to his home theater like am excited child. He gleefully informed you of all the movies and snacks he had planned for the two of you as you both settled down into massive beanbags. Your seat didn't last long, however, as you were soon sitting comfortably in Diavolo's lap with his arms wrapped around you.
You both sat in quiet comfort watching some cheesy romcom when you felt something throb beneath you. You were taken aback- Diavolo wasn't the type to be...like that. Then you felt it again, realizing that Diavolo's legs appeared to be tensing up. Looking up to him, you noticed him wincing slightly. A small groan escaped his lips.
"Dia...? Everything ok?"
"Y-yeah. I...I think my legs are asleep is all. Let me just...urgh....stand up."
You rose from Diavolo's lap as he rose to unsteady legs. You couldn't help but feel like he looked slightly larger than before. It was subtle, but it was almost as if his onesie had begun to cling to him where it had once hung off of him.
Diavolo groaned again and nearly stumbled over as Barbatos entered the room with a new tray of food. Barbatos quickly placed the tray down and rushed to his master's side to hold him up.
"Is Dia ok, Barbatos? He seems out of it."
"The Master has simply been overworking himself recently, that's all. Exhaustion is beginning to get to him."
"No, Barbatos," Diavolo groaned, "It's finally coming, I just can't hold it back any longer. We need to be honest with them. They'll find out soon enough anyway."
"..Very well," Barbatos said, turning towards you. Diavolo sat back down as Barbatos began to speak.
"Lord Diavolo, as you are well aware, is lord of the Devildom. It is more than a title. You may consider it...something like a race. He is unlike the other demons you've met here. He is far more powerful, not simply because of his station but because he is naturally more inclined towards power. Part of his natural aging involves what you humans could almost consider a second puberty, a period of time when he finally fully matures and can be considered ready to take the crown of the Devildom for his own."
"What does...what does that actually involve?" you asked, watching Diavolo breathe heavily in his seat.
"You may have noticed the young Master tugging at his clothing recently. It's been a slow process thus far, but part of this evolution involves Lord Diavolo increasing drastically in physical size. This is no longer common knowledge, but Lord Diavolo's father was large enough to completely fill this room. Lord Diavolo will likely be that size when this process is completed, and based on what we are currently seeing, the process will be completed tonight."
"Wait, hold on! You're saying Dia is gonna completely fill this room tonight? Sure he's big, but he's nowhere close to being that big."
"It will cease being a slow process soon enough. Lord Diavolo is entering the final stage, and it will all happen relatively quickly. I recommend-"
Before Barbatos could finish, Diavolo let out a large groan. Both you and Barbatos' eyes snapped towards the demon prince as his entire body began to tremble and pulsate. The sound of tearing fabric began to fill the room as Diavolo's body began to push outwards in all directions. The onesie struggled to hold on as Diavolo's body began to tear through it, each muscle increasing in size and thickness. His feet were first to break free, tearing away Diavolo's slippers with his toes curling in seeming pain. His arms and legs followed, his swelling biceps and thighs tearing through the cloth like it was merely tissue paper. As each second passed, Diavolo's body grew larger and large with more and more muscle packing onto his steadily taller frame. His groans slowly became moans. The process was clearly no longer painful.
Sure enough, Diavolo's cock broke free of his pants and flopped about in front of him, throbbing half-erect. He breathed heavily as pre began to drip from the tip, the cock continuing to grow with his body. You felt your cheeks grow hot, embarrassed to watch the obscene display but finding yourself aroused by the process.
"L-love," Diavolo panted, his horns and wings erupting from his head and back, "p...please..."
You looked to Barbatos who was nowhere to be seen. With no one to tell you otherwise, you climbed Diavolo's powerful thighs and placed yourself atop his expanding lap. You wrapped your own legs around his cock, the entire thing reaching up to your chin, and began to stroke it gently with both hands. You carefully ran both hands over the tanned skin, feeling every muscle and tendon in the cock with care before steadily picking up the pace. The cock stood at attention, and Diavolo's entire body shuddered in response. Without thinking you placed your mouth around the tip as best as you could, and began licking. Diavolo moaned in ecstasy as the cock throbbed with newfound power in your mouth. You felt the pressure within slowly build until it erupted outwards. Unable to remove your head in time, a large amout of Diavolo's seed found its way into your mouth before you were thrown backwards from the force of the eruption. The cock continued to let loose powerful stream after stream of semen until the room was nearly completely covered in it. When the stream finally abated, you felt the massive body beneath you begin to relax.
You, however, were not finished. You rose from the cock and began to admire the rest of Diavolo's newly massive body. You ran each hand over his powerful new muscles, tracing every curve and line and taking the time to appreciate every individual muscle. Diavolo's body shuddered again as you reached his chest and rubbed each of nipples. A small moan escaped his lips. Eventually he seemed satisfied with your worship, and cupped you in a massive hand. Next thing you knew, you were sitting on his palm in front of his movie screen sized face, his golden eyes looking at you with adoration.
"Are you ok, my little love? I hope this all didn't come as too much of a shock to you."
You simply smiled, and brought your lips to his. The two of you exchanged the closest thing to a kiss you could, Diavolo's lips nearly engulfing your entire head. You pulled back and smiled at one another.
"I would like to apologize for ruining our sleep over, my love. And for...my unseemly behavior. Please do not think worse of me for it, and please know that even now I will never do anything to hurt you."
You knew. You'd known for nearly a year now that Diavolo would never harm you. If nothing else, tonight had simply shown you how much he truly cared for you. Life moving forward would be different for you both, but you never were one for doing things the normal way. You settled down in Diavolo's warm palm as something deep within your body began to shudder...
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maboroshi-no · 3 years
Hamefura LN11 Moments: Harem Shenanigans
While reading Hamefura Light Novel Volume 11, I wrote some summary / quick translations of some moments.
Here is a moment involving the whole harem.
Katarina and Maria has originally planned to spend their day off shopping in the area near the castle, but their plans changed when Dewey received a letter informing his sister is gravely sick.
Following this, a lot happened during the day: the Percy family’s issue is solved and the brothers have made up, Sarah attacked her, Maria made up with her father.
Now Katarina and Maria will go enjoy their day off as they originally planned
Upon reaching the shop, Katarina and Maria see Alan. 
Alan: "Oh, you're finally here! I thought you might not come today, or that we had passed each other."
Alan said this brazenly. A white bird on his hand flew away.
Katarina: "Eh?! Prince Alan?! What are you doing here? And what's with that bird?"
Alan: "I got some info about the two of you going shopping in the area near the castle today, so I put one here. However it couldn't find you so I put some to each place where you might go. The bird from earlier was telling me it had found you."
Katarina: "Ah, is that so...? But what's the meaning of this? Where did you get that "info" from?
Alan: "Ah, well, from a certain source... Anyway! Everyone wanted to spend some time with you, so it couldn't be helped." 
As Alan said this, I saw a person already dashing towards me from the other side of the road.
Mary: "Lady Katarina! I am so glad I could see you! I couldn't come before noon so I was wondering what I would do if we had passed each other!"
As she said this, Mary is suddenly taking me into a hug. It has been a while but I am glad to see she is well. As I was held by this beautiful girl yelling "Lady Katarina! Lady Katarina!" and squeezed into her soft body, I was suddenly torn off her from behind.
Geordo: I would appreciate it if you didn't embrace other people's fiancées in public, Lady Mary Hunt. Alan, she is your fiancée so don't just stand there and stop her."
Katarina: "Prince Geordo?!"
The one who tore me off her was Geordo. As I was shocked to see Geordo in addition to Alan and Mary,
Sophia: "We are also here."
Sophia showed her cute face. Nicol was behind her like always and when I made eye contact, I was met with his devilish smile. Urgh. It is working in full force today too. As I was somehow out of breath as I was withstanding it, 
Keith: "It seems like there is a persistent someone who took the trouble to bring work with him and stay on this street since morning, but all in all, we all gathered a short while ago."
Keith made his entrance saying this. He had a sweat drop but his sexiness had increased again.
Geordo: "Aw, shut up Keith. Please stop charging at me, implying that I can't handle work efficiently. As your future brother-in-law, I shall teach you all about efficient ways to work."
Keith: "This won't be necessary. And I have no intention of becoming your brother-in-law, Prince Geordo."
As Geordo and Keith started doing their usual banter on the side, Sophia discreetly told me this.
Sophia: "Everyone wanted to see you even a little, so they did their best to finish their work early."
Because they thought I had a day off, they all got out of their way to finish their work early so that they could see me. This makes me so happy.
Katarina: "Then let's all go eat some sweets!"
Following my invitation, everyone accepted with "With pleasure!". In the end, everyone bought for me the tea that Maria recommended to me. I am thankful. I will try to drink it next time before starting work in the afternoon. And then everyone accompanied me to the pastry shop, but... I noticed this before, but this group is standing out so much. Everyone is so beautiful and even if they wear simple clothes that are fitting for the street, there is an indescribable aura coming out of them. And so we attracted the passerby gazes until we reached the pastry shop.
Katarina: "Uwaaah~~ They all look so delicious, it will be difficult to choose!"
Mary: "*chuckle*. Then, please order whichever you like and we'll share, Lady Katarina."
Katarina: "Are you sure, Mary? Yay!"
Sophia: "How sneaky! Please don't stay among yourselves and let us join in too!"
Mary: "Of course. Let's share among the 4 of us."
We came with a large crowd so we split into the girls and the boys groups. Us girls were happily sharing sweets.
Geordo: "I wanted to spend some time with Katarina, so how come I am once again at a table with this group?"
Keith: "It can't be helped, Prince Geordo. Here, have this cake."
Alan: "Oooh! This is some good stuff!"
Keith: "Prince Alan, there is some cream at the corner of your mouth. Please wipe it with this."
Alan: "Oh, is that so? Thanks Keith."
Nicol: "You are so thoughtful, Keith. You'll be a good mother."
Keith: "Lord Nicol, I already said this before, but I am a man."
I could also hear the guys happily discussing. After eating some sweets for a while
Mary: "By the way, where were you and Miss Maria until now, Lady Katarina?"
Mary casually asked this. Come to think of it, I didn't tell them about the incidents from this morning. Since it has been a while since I got excited and had fun, I forgot about it. I told them that I met Dewey at the dorms, we then went to Dewey's house, I got attacked by Sarah, Dewey made up with his siblings and Maria also made up with her father.
Mary: "...Ummm, this has been told smoothly but I am confused... Miss Maria, could I ask you to explain?"
Mary said this with a troubled face. Eh? Was what I said confusing?
Then while looking at us with a slightly troubled face, Maria talked about today's incidents in a better and clearer way than I did. And then without me noticing, the boy's group also came to listen and when Maria finished,
Geordo: "Katarina, it seems like you did it again..."
Keith: "Big Sister, I swear..."
Alan: "So you did it again, huh?"
Mary: "Lady Katarina"
Nicol: "Katarina"
Everyone looked at me with severe eyes and I ended up getting lectured again. Eh? I did some good deeds today, I should have not done anything which would make them mad. And then, after getting lectured by everyone, my day off came to an end.
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Warmth//Draco Malfoy x Muggle Reader (fluff and smut)
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A/N: Hi Loves! This is a draft that’s been chilling in my docs for a few months, and it’s so pure I needed to share it. I have a George Weasley x reader fic coming out a little later, and i’m starting to work on a master list. Anyways enjoy this, I think it’s fucking beautiful!
Set: Golden Trio Era
Word Count: 1,915
Warnings: Smut obviously! Also angst, abuse and swearing.
He regretted coming home this summer. He’d finished his fifth year with perfect OWLs scores but everything had changed since then. Draco was sat on the sofa in the main formal living room as he watched his mother and father pack up their stuff into suitcases in the hall. He was reading a book on quidditch quietly by the fireplace, the only comfort he could find at times like this. He’d just been given a task by the dark lord that he knew would be the final knife in his soul, he’d do anything to distract himself. The pale boy traced his long fingers over the mark on his arm, gently looking at it. If it didn’t have such meaning, it would probably be beautiful. Except, it wasn’t. He hadn’t noticed his mums weak figure and pale face fall next to him, so he jumped a little with surprise when she began to talk.
“Me and your father are leaving now,” Narcissa said cautiously, watching Lucius cautiously as he paced by the door, “three days. We’ll be back. Keep safe.” Draco nodded and let her hug him, he placed a shaky kiss to her head and smiled gently as she walked away. He watched as his parents apparated away, and he snuggled back up with his book. Time passed. Hours probably except he couldn’t be bothered to care. A house elf arrived at the door of the sitting room and laid his dinner before him. As he was beginning to tuck in, the doorbell rang out throughout the halls, echoing into the room he was sitting in. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d heard anyone come to the house, unless they were here to use the manor as a death eater head quarters. Cautiously, Draco approached the door, wand drawn. He opened the door with his wand and it slowly creaked open. He hesitated before walking forward to see who was there. The figure behind the door was a girl, probably his age, standing there, face knitted with pain. He hastily stuffed his wand in his pocket and walked towards her.
“Can I help you?” He asked slowly, still worried about what this random person could want from him. The girl was shaking quietly, looking at him. She thought he was beautiful, almost made of glass. He was tall and slender, with platinum blonde hair that was so perfectly styled she felt nervous in his presence but his eyes were bright and sympathetic.
“Sorry. I can’t go home and this was the first house I could find.” Draco looked at the girl again and decided against his better judgement to help her into the house. He sat her down by the fire, and covered her in a blanket. He rang the bell that sat on the coffee table. A house elf appeared. The girl screamed. 
“What the fuck is that?!” She yelled covering herself further with the blanket the handsome stranger had offered. Draco decided no to answer and simply whispered to the elf, who soon left. 
“So? What’s your name?” Draco asked calmly, sitting down next to her. The girl hesitantly looked at him.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She was shaking more now. He slowly moved a little closer to her and she relaxed slowly into him.
“I’m Draco Malfoy,” he said quietly, “and I’ve got a secret.” He wiggled his eyebrows and on the outside looked confidently down at the girl on his sofa. Inside his stomach was flipping. A muggle, in his house, on his sofa who he was going to help. 
“I’m a wizard.” Draco sat back on the sofa triumphantly. Y/N burst out laughing.
“What?” Draco said a little offended. 
“Bet you’re not. Wizards don’t exist.” The once quiet girl scoffed. Draco rolled his eyes and took the wand out of his pocket. He flicked it and the flame from the fire burst from the grate and flew around the room, before returning to the fireplace. Y/N sat, mouth wide staring at him.
“Told you.” Was all he said before the house elf tottered back into the room with a silver platter. 
“So,” Draco said attempting to remain as natural as possible, “where are your injuries, I will attend to them.” The girls eyes suddenly shot open. When he shot her a tiny smile, she became less up tight and relaxed a little. She pointed to her legs. Draco slowly leant down and rolled the legs of pyjamas up. He’d barely realised that was what she was wearing, but now it felt almost amusing. That was until he saw her legs. They were covered in purple bruises and red scrapes, she looked away when she saw Draco scan her injuries. 
“Who did this to you?” He asked gently, the caring tone in his voice almost making Y/N cry. She shook her head.
“It doesn’t matter.” She whispered. He took the cream the house elf had bought him and applied it to his hands softly. Draco began to rub it into her injuries. She hissed as it sunk in, feeling it sting. He worked away quietly, so that the muggle above him couldn’t see. When he moved away, Y/N saw that all of the injuries she’d had gone as if they’d sunk into her skin. 
“Now, you look exhausted, you should be getting to bed.” Draco offered a hand.
“I’ll be on my way it’s okay. Thankyou.” She quickly stood and made her way toward the door. Draco ran to keep up and managed to get in between her and the door. He didn’t really know whether he was about to do this or not. Was he going to disobey everything his parents had ever taught him? Let her in? Let her stay with him? Why was his chest pounding? Why was she making him blush? Why was his heart pounding? Could he do this? Should he?
“Is the person who caused this at home?” Draco asked slowly. She nodded. “Then stay. Please?” Y/N deliberated by for a moment, before nodding once more.
Draco got Y/N into his bed and made sure she was comfortable. She was smiling now, cuddling into his duvet. He’d never liked his room, but with her in it, he was beginning to. He went to leave. 
“Stay?” She said peering at him over the duvet. Draco now was taken a back, looking carefully at the gentle girl in his bed. Could he, share a bed with a muggle? Cuddle a muggle? Wasn’t she inferior? She couldn’t be, she was perfect, his parents had to be wrong. He gently walked back over to the bed and shuffled in. The second Draco was buried into the sheets, she snuggled into the bed, her head on his chest. He felt butterflies swim through his stomach, he was nervous. He’d never been nervous before. Then again, Draco had never had a girl in his room, let alone a muggle, let alone in his bed. He looked down at her, watching her eyelashes flutter up at him. Against his better judgement, he leant down and kissed her. She kissed back, wrapping her body into his, legs tangled, her hands going up to his hair. Y/N gently pulled him slowly on top of her, he felt so confident then, more than he had in years. He looked down at her, her smile so wide he could barely handle it.
“Have you had sex before Draco?” She asked suddenly. He bit his lip, debating lying before deciding not too. 
“No.” He said honestly. He hadn’t had time, he’d had chances, he just didn’t want to let anyone know him like that. That was until Y/N. She smiled.
“Me neither for the record.” Draco smiled at her before leaning further in.
“Would you like too?” He asked her nervously. She nodded eagerly and he kissed her again. They began to scrabble at eachothers clothes, he began to remove her pyjama top and she began to undo the buttons of his shirt. They were both giggling gently their bare skin touching each other. Draco began to kiss down her neck, her collarbones, her stomach, her thighs... He was being so slow, so gentle, but he was teasing. He sat between her legs and looked up at her eager smile. 
“Do you want this?” He asked. She moaned softly and nodded holding his head in her hand.
“I need to hear you say it baby.” He said again.
“Yes. Draco please!” Y/N practically moaned. Draco grinned and fell between her legs, pulling her under wear to the side. He licked along her folds and darted his tongue in and out. She was writhing underneath him, moaning. He then began to rub her clit with his fingers, gently at first. 
“I want to do something, but it may hurt and I want you to tell me to stop if you don’t like it.” He said gently. She nodded, eagerly again. Draco inserted one of his long fingers into her pussy, feeling how wet she was again. Y/N hissed, but soon began to moan. He added more and more fingers until she was practically shaking. He could feel his erection strain against his joggers and he could barely take it. 
“You can have sex with me Draco.” Y/N said quietly, looking at his erect dick. 
“Are you sure?” He asked gently, brushing some hair from her face.
“Please.” That’s all he needed to rid himself of the rest of his clothes. She winced a little at the size of him, as his dick hit his stomach. 
“I’ll be gentle, I promise,” He reached out for her hands, “hold my hands, squeeze them, so I know how you feel.” Y/N nodded and gently held his hands in hers. Draco lined himself up to her entrance and gently pushed in. He could feel her eyes water and she softly began to cry.
“Shush baby, it’s okay, i’ve got you, I’m going to be gentle.” He cooed as she hissed. He began to move once her grip released on his hands. He began to thrust slowly.
“Oh Draco, yes!” Y/N moaned against his neck. He began to speed up, wanting to feel her melt into him. 
“Y/N, you feel so fucking amazing, baby urgh...” Draco grunted. He sped up once more, hitting her G spot repeatedly. She was essentially screaming now, squirming below him.
“Oh Draco, you make me wanna...” He understood and used his thumb to rub her clit. She felt her rise form in her stomach.
“I know baby, me too. I’ve got you Y/N cum...” That sent her over the edge. She felt herself cum all over him, her legs shaking and her moans echoing from the walls. Draco felt her tighten and he came too, she felt him leave his seed inside of her. He rode out their highs, thrusting sloppily, breathing against her. He collapsed off of her, both of them sweaty but grinning. 
“That was...” Y/N began.
“Incredible.” Draco whispered, laying a kiss to her forehead. She giggled and once more shuffled into him.
“I’ve had sex with a wizard!” She giggled.
“And i’ve fallen for a beautiful muggle.” She rose her eyebrow confused for a second. “None magic folk.” He sighed letting her snuggle. And in that moment, her head on his chest, he felt safe. He could feel his soul become whole again. 
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 11th Doctor x Reader - “If you don’t hold me now I think might just fall apart.”
Authors note: I tried my best to keep this in character- so if this is lacking in a story, that’s because I was a little hesitant to write a climax just in case I got it a little off. The gif isn’t mine, obviously. Crickets, this took a long time, so you BeTTeR aPPreCiaTe It. Just kidding, but I hope you enjoy it, even a little bit!
Now, it’s five am so I better go write some fifth Doctor now :)))
Feel free to tell me if i could improve anything or what you liked or whatever!
Word count: 1,719
Includes: Slight (?) angst, mentioning of being left by the Doctor (just prep yourself)
Requested by: @yourneighbourhoodclown, it won't let me tag them for some reason, so we will have to pretend.
“Where's your adventurous spirit!?" The Doctor giggles, pulling a lever on the TARDIS console, the entire ship convulsing as she dematerializes. His attention wavered between looking at you and the TARDIS.
"Urgh, god knows with all the-" Another lurch cut you off. "Focus on driving before you get us killed."
"Make me," He shouted over to you, running his fingers through his hair, with a smile that could only be described as a shit-eating grin.
Your stomach and eyes rolled in synchronization as the TARDIS jerked about, "I won't get half the chance. You'd think you'd get used to being thrown around in this- BOX- Urg. It doesn't help you're not a very good driver."
"Oi! I am too!" The Doctors scowled for a few moments, but you were to distracted with how your stomach swirled. Yet again the moment was interrupted by you being thrown into the railing.
"Of course you are, dear." You taunted him.
"Oh, this is gonna be a rough one-!" The Doctor cackled, smiling up at TARDIS console.
"Just like you to show your 'adventurous spirit'." You mocked, rolling your eyes and jabbing your elbow into his side. He glanced at you and furrowed his eyebrows; just as the rain started to pour down on you two. You had found yourselves in a seemingly endless forest, engulfed in an unsettling atmosphere. You just so happened to materialize in a clearing with a convenient dirt pathway littered with branches and bushes, which appeared to lead to some curiosity-sparking warm lights, bare pinpricks in the distance.
You knew the Doctor would want to investigate. You weren't particularly bothered, as long as you had the Doctor by your side.
"Oi you," The Doctor grinned at that, glancing at you then back out to the vast forest, then turned to look at you. "Umbrella?" You asked. He smirked and he pulled one of those large umbrellas, that people have to carry around like a staff or walking stick, yes one of those, out of his pocket. He played with the umbrella-like a sword, thrusting the umbrella and mocking a few blocks. You put your hand on his shoulder and he paused, looking over at you.
"Right, yes-" The Doctor opened the umbrella, which was a lot bigger than most umbrellas, swinging it up and resting it on his shoulder. He held his arm out for you, inviting you under the umbrella with a wink. You stepped under the umbrella, and he draped his arm over your shoulders as the both of you started the brisk walk towards the alluring lights.
Upon reaching the Cabin, which was more like a small mansion -still massive for the one person who lived there yet almost exclusively in the library, you met an old woman with a quaint affinity with voodoo and witchcraft (not the horrible sort though, she seemed quite friendly, if a little odd).
"You know, it doesn't help that every wall here is painted with get out." The Doctor stated, gesturing to the wall with a slight nod.
"I'm sorry?" The old, witch-like woman asks. The Doctor gestured to the wall, his face squished up, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
"You don't see that?" He tensed, pulling out the sonic from his jacket and scanning the wall, and then you and the woman. He checked it and you could almost pin the moment his jaw went slack.
"Y-you have been marked-" The old witch sputtered. Your blood ran cold when you heard that. The Doctor, who was standing just next to you, brushed his fingers against yours, seemingly in search of contact- comfort. You curl your fingers around his, not taking your eyes off the woman.
"What do you mean marked?" You ask, after a few too many moments of silence. The woman seemed to snap out of a trance and
turns around, rushing back to her library nook.
"He- he is doomed. The Beast himself has left his mark."
"You keep saying that, but what does that mean, ma'am?" You only asked out of concern. You gave the Doctors hand a squish of comfort. It wasn't uncommon for the Doctor to hold hands with you, so you didn't consider that to be particularly weird
"Your husband here-" The lady starts, shakily flipping through the book she had picked up.
"Oh no, we're not even-" You shake your head.
"He spoke of, writing- on the walls. That's always the first step. He will be contaminated by the beast- you and me, we're in danger."
"Of course it had to be me..." the Doctor mutters, staring into nowhere. You could nearly see his fear, the smallest hint of anticipation in his eyes. This will be... something.
"What's going to happen to me?" He asked.
"It will take your mind, turn it against you, and twist you to madness. You will then kill us." The woman shook her head, looking out of the window with a solemn pout. "It has happened before and it will happen again. If you will excuse me, I need to protect the rest of this planet." She scurried off, a little satchel being yanked off a counter, knocking a few candles and unburnt sage sticks and other oddities, some less recognizable.
"Wait, no don't-" The Doctor called after her, but she had already left. "Urgh."
As soon as she had left, you briskly walked over to where she was stood, investigating the book she was flipping through so religiously, all the while handing in hand with the Doctor. You moved your hand from his so you could flip the pages of the book, but his hand only grabbed at your sleeve.
"Basically, uh..." You mutter, whilst consulting the page of the apparently gospel book, "Give me a heads up if start to feel any murderous tendencies." You chuckled flatly.
Let's say, the two of you weren't particularly keen on remembering what happened. Or talking about it. But you could tell something was weighing down on him. You could also bet on your life what it might be.
The two of you were standing in the medbay, just a few hours after you had found your ways back to the TARDIS. Your  "escape" wasn't something you were proud of. Both of you had tried, and succeeded in a way, to forget about it as best you could. The unforgettable part was, of course, the fact that, after being hooked up to a machine that literally connected you to satan themself. The Doctor said that "that was a very silly idea and to never do that again, also you might have slowed your ageing by like, 10000% but that's here or there you were literally connected to satan are you good". Well maybe not that exactly but that's the general point.
That was almost too convenient, you thought to yourself. Almost like you were in a romantic fanfiction or something stupid like that. There's nobody better to look after an old time lord like a human that might never age or die if you were careful enough.
The two of you are still in the medbay, and you were just putting a plaster/band-aid on the side of The Doctors' chin when he broke the silence with a classic:
"I- I could've killed you." The doctor states, staring into nothing. "Me! The Doctor... You're my best friend and I could've-"
"Hey. Shhh." You whisper, caressing his cheek with your hand, placing your other hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. I'm alright, and most importantly, you're okay too."
The Doctor's eyes tear up. You tilt his head up and look him in the eye. Oh god, how those big sad eyes make your heart wrench. Despite that, you gave your best reassuring smile. "I'm here. I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere."
A raspy sob forces its way out of his throat and his entire body leans into yours. "Hold me." He whimpered into your shoulder. "if you don't hold me now," the doctor sniffles and takes a deep breath, "I think I might just fall apart."
You do just that.
You hold him close, and you don't let go. You have to lean forward a little because the Doctor is sat on a bed, but you don't mind that, you're more focused on rubbing circles on his back and running your fingers through his hair. He tugs you towards him- and you're stood very awkwardly, but you still hug him back; you feel the hot tears practically burning into your shirt.
"It's alright, isn't it?" You ask. The Doctor nods his head frantically in response. "Exactly. It's a-okay. Bad times happen and it's hard to forgive yourself, but always try to remember that I'm here, Doctor. If you can't forgive yourself, I'll forgive you. As much as you might hate it, you're stuck with me now, Doctor." You finish playfully, ruffling his hair again, and going back to curling it around your fingers.
He mumbles something to you through tears, but you don’t quite believe what you heard.
“I love you.” The Doctor sniffles again. “I’m so sorry, but I love you. I know you won’t- you couldn’t ever love me back, not in this way but- I can’t lose you.” He sobs again, his grip tightening on you.
“I love you too.”
Well. For the rest of your years, no matter how many that is, the two of you, no matter what happens, no matter how many people leave, there would always be a constant for the two of you in each other's arms.
In any other circumstance, you’d be thrilled. But right now, you’re terrified. You didn’t want to lose him either, but you knew it wouldn’t be above him to leave you being on earth, in order to ‘protect’ you. Which you and I know, it bloody well wouldn’t. But what you heard next settled your nerves, yet upset you.
“Please... please don’t leave me. Please, please, please, please, please...” The Doctor keeps repeating that, over and over like a broken record.
“I won’t I promise, on anything and everything. Like I said, you’re stuck with me and I love you so, and now I know you love me too I’m not exactly about to bugger off now am I?”
He really thought you’d leave him.
You wouldn't concider it. Not even for a second.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Born to Make History Pt. 1/3
Summary: Jaskier is preparing for his first Grand Prix Final. He's skating to On Love: Eros and his routine tells the story of the seductress that woos a certain silver haired hockey player. The only problem is Jaskier can barely stay on his feet whenever Geralt is in the room.
An Ice Skating AU (With Yuri on Ice references but you don’t need to have seen it)
Geraskier - AO3 __________
Jaskier cursed as he felt the edge of his skate catch the ice. He landed ceremoniously on his arse. The take off into the quad salchow had been perfect. He’d gotten enough speed and height as he hugged his arms to his chest as he span in the air. He’d spread his arms wide for the landing but his fucking skate had hit the ice wrong.
“Shit!” He groaned as he went flying across the ice on his butt. “Fucking, cock, balls!”
The grand prix final was flying towards them at breakneck speed and he was beginning to flail. No one had expected him to qualify this year. It was his fifth year in the senior division and whilst he’d done well in regionals and nationals, he was still trying to break into the international league, and this was apparently his year.
“Julian!” Yennefer snapped as she skated over to him. “What the fuck was that? You can land a Salchow in your sleep!”
Yennefer Vengerberg. The bane of his life, otherwise known as his coach and choreographer. She’d also hooked him up with a ballet teacher, Triss Merigold, and he had never been so elegant on the ice. She was still the bane of his life. She was an incredible teacher and was in her prime the best female skater in the world. She’d retired from competing three years ago following an accident on the ice that had injured her spine. She was no longer allowed to make the jumps but her skating and step sequences were still to die for.
She was also insanely strict and honestly scared the shit out of him.
“I fucked up the landing.” He moaned.
“Yes.” She said with a quirk of her eyebrow. “I can see that. Do it again.”
Jaskier scrambled to his feet and skated a loop around the rink to find his feet again.  He would have some lovely bruises but everything seemed to be in order. His ankles weren’t damaged which was the main thing. He sighed as he closed his eyes, picturing the music in his mind as he ran through the routine just before the quad salchow. He licked his lips as he took a deep breath before pushing up off the ice.
He soared through the air as the music sang in his head and then landed perfectly. He grinned and moved through onto the next part of the routine.
“Not terrible!” Yennefer called which was Yennefer speak for actually pretty damned good.
By the time he’d finished the routine he was panting slightly and there was a dull burning in his thighs. His butt was sore but that was probably more to do with his crash than the routine. He skated over to the edge of the rink and rest his arms on the side. “Better?” He asked Yennefer with a wink.
“Your triple axel combination needs work. Your arms were all over the place and would you please stop sticking your tongue out during the step sequences? You look like Roach.” Yennefer rattled off, counting each mistake on her perfectly manicured fingers.
Roach. That was her ex’s cat. He’d seen photographs whenever Ciri, her daughter, joined them at the rink. Ciri was an adorable young girl who was eager to join in once they’d finished up their practice. Jaskier would always guide Ciri around the rink by her tiny gloved hands and help lift her as she jumped from one foot to another. She had ice-skating in her blood. Her father, Geralt Rivia, was a professional hockey player and owner of Jaskier’s heart. Every time Geralt came by to pick up or drop off Ciri, Jaskier stumbled on the ice. He was just so gorgeous that Jaskier apparently lost control of his limbs and turned into a puddle of Jaskier goo on the ice.
He sighed wistfully as he pictured Geralt’s lovely amber eyes and shining silver hair. Of course he was an ice-skater. He even looked like he’d been blessed by some ice spirit or something. Jaskier had had many a dream about pair skating with Geralt, the feel of his strong arms lifting Jaskier high up into the air.
“Jaskier! Are you even listening to me?” Yennefer prodded him in the arm. She sounded completely exasperated, which Jaskier supposed wasn’t entirely uncalled for. He hadn’t been listening and he had no idea how long he’d been daydreaming for.
“Give me strength.” She groaned and skated away from him with a roll of her eyes. “Can we go through it again with music? Lower the jump difficulty if you’re tired but I want to see your performance.”
He sighed and pushed off from the barrier, tossing his fringe from his eyes. “I. You… My, My performance is excellent!” He muttered.
“Your performance is shit.” Yennefer countered. “Remember your tongue is supposed to stay inside your mouth. Otherwise you’ll bite through it and I’m not taking you to hospital.”
“Urgh.” Jaskier groaned but moved into his starting position. “Just press play already.”
“Oh and Jaskier?”
“Geralt is coming in with Ciri. Please do try and stay on your feet.” She smirked and clicked play. The strumming of a guitar filled the room as On Love: Eros began to play.
Jaskier stumbled over his first few moves. Stupid Yennefer and Geralt. He yelled with frustration as he settled into the routine. He knew this. He was good at this. The costume always helped his performance but he was Eros. He was great at seduction. He could charm just about anyone… who wasn’t Geralt. He moved with grace and elegance as he glided around the ice like the seductress that he was. In his mind Geralt was the playboy lover that had come to town and Jaskier was Yennefer. He would seduce the man who had stolen his heart. He had been doing it all season, not that Geralt had ever seen any of his performances but that didn’t matter.
He lowered all his quads to triples. They’d been training for hours and doing quads at this point was too dangerous. His muscles were tired and this run through was about the performance.
The music stopped and the only noise that was left in the rink was the sound of his panting.
He’d done it.
“Yay! Jaskier!” Ciri yelled and clapped. He spun round to see her and Geralt watching from the edge of the rink.
“Oh fudge!” He muttered as he caught Geralt’s eyes. Oh good lord he was so handsome. At least Jaskier was already red in the face from his performance. He could pretend the way his heart was racing was solely to do with exertion.
“Jaskier that was amazing!” She shrieked and grabbed at the rails.
“Ciri, your skates aren’t tied up.” Geralt reminded her as he scooped her up into one arm.
Jaskier laughed and skated over to them. “Thank you, Ciri.” He smiled at the young girl. “Umm. Hi.” He muttered at Geralt a little awkwardly.
“Heard you got to the finals. Congratulations.” Geralt nodded.
“Ah yeah.” Jaskier ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah. Thanks. What did you think?” He asked. “Three words or less?”
“Not bad.”
Jaskier pouted. Great. His first review from the unrequited love of his life and it was ‘not bad.’
“Right. Well.” He muttered. “Thanks for that.” He went to pushed off from the barrier but Geralt grabbed his arm. Jaskier’s eyes snapped up to meet Geralt’s. The blush on his cheeks only intensifying at the contact.
“It was good.” Geralt said in his gravelly voice that made Jaskier’s heart go wild.
God he should have chosen Agape to skate to. Never mind trying to seduce Geralt, he was completely gone on the man. “Oh.”
“I like the music.” Geralt continued with a slight frown.
Jaskier chuckled. “Three words or less, that’s four.”
“You skate beautifully.” Geralt smirked and Jaskier’s skate slipped underneath him.
“Oh sugar!” He groaned as he fell back but Geralt was still gripping onto his arm and he managed not to fall on his arse. “Shhh… Sherbet. Thank you, thanks.” He muttered. “I’m just… gonna.” He pointed to the other side of the rink where there was a gap in the barriers. “I think I’ve skated enough today.”
“But Jaskier!” Ciri whined. “You were going to help me with my toe jump.” She pouted at him with wide emerald eyes.
“Oh alright then. Get your skates on.” Jaskier bopped her on the nose.
“You don’t have to.” Geralt growled. “You must be tired.”
Jaskier waved his hands and scoffed. “Nonsense. I made a promise, Geralt.”
“Hmm. Can I join you?”
Jaskier’s heart stopped in his chest. He resisted the urge to pinch himself. Did he hit his head when he fell earlier? Was this all some dream? Oh god, he was definitely dreaming. “Oh, umm yeah. Yeah. Sure.”
“Might need someone to catch you again.” Geralt chuckled and Jaskier gaped at him.
“Geralt!” He whined. “I am a top figure skater!”
Geralt shrugged.
“Take that back!” Jaskier pointed at him. “Take that back or I’m not letting you on the ice.”
“Hmm.” Geralt shrugged again.
Jaskier huffed and finally skated away from him. His heart still pounding in his chest. When he turned around he saw Yennefer watching them with a smirk from the other end of the rink.
“Are you done? I have notes.” She asked, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
He groaned but reluctantly skated over to his coach. Ciri still needed to finish tying up her skates and Geralt could keep her entertained whilst he finished up with training. He tried not to zone out whilst she pointed out all his mistakes but it was hard with Geralt being so close, and now they were going to skate together. It was a dream come true. It was only Yennefer’s piercing violet gaze that kept him from drifting off into a daydream. Honestly he was thankful that she was so terrifying. He wasn’t sure any other coach would be able to keep him in line. His first coach, when he was still in Oxenfurt, had been too relaxed and Jaskier had often just fucked about.
It wasn’t his fault he was so easily distracted.
The scraping of blades on the ice pulled his attention away. Yennefer sighed and dismissed him with a wave of her hand. Jaskier grinned and spun round to skate towards Ciri and Geralt. Ciri tried to skate away from Geralt towards him but stumbled as she reached him. Jaskier reached out to catch her with a laugh.
“There we go!” He said as he steadied her. “You’ll be a top skater in no time.”
“I’m going to play hockey!” Ciri grinned.
Jaskier pouted dramatically. “You won’t need me to teach you the toe loop then.” Ciri’s eyes went wide and she looked like she was about to cry. “But, seeing as you’re wearing figure skates instead of hockey ones.” He winked at Geralt. “I guess I will.”
Ciri grinned. “Thank you, Jaskier!”
They weren’t on the ice long. Jaskier was exhausted from training and Ciri was only young so she got bored quickly. Geralt mostly stayed out of their way, running laps around the rink whilst Jaskier and Ciri practiced her jump in the middle. After about twenty minutes Geralt joined them in the middle and caught Ciri in his arms.
“Enough now, cub.” He murmured. “Jaskier has a big competition coming up. Let him rest now.”
Ciri pouted. “Can we go and see him again?”
Jaskier froze.
What the fuck did that mean?
He stared at Geralt with wide eyes. Geralt was… blushing? Nah. It was probably just the cold air from the rink.
“Ciri likes to watch you skate.” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier smirked. “Ciri didn’t call my skating beautiful.” He glided forward slightly putting himself Geralt’s space.
God if Ciri wasn’t here right now….
He bit his lip as he tried to push those thoughts out of his head. Geralt wasn’t interested in him that way. He’d thought that Geralt barely knew he existed before today, but apparently that wasn’t entirely true. Geralt had sneakily been watching his performances.
“That was a joke.”
Jaskier laughed and skated a circle around Geralt. “I don’t think so!” He sang and then before his confidence could leave him. “It’s getting pretty cold in here. Did you wanna grab a hot drink or something?”
“Hot chocolate!” Ciri squealed and wiggled in Geralt’s arms.
“Or coffee?” Jaskier suggested with a tilt of his head. “I was up before the sun today. Yennefer doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of beauty sleep, or course looking like she does, I don’t blame her!”
“Coffee sounds good.” Geralt nodded and skated over to the exit with an excitable five year old in his arms.
Jaskier watched the pair of them, his gaze dropping down to Geralt’s sinfully round arse before grinning to himself and following them out of the rink. 
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bunny-bopper · 4 years
Snapetober day 25: Headache
AO3 link
The fact that he couldn't even feign a look of contempt when Remus Lupin entered the grimy kitchen was an impressive testament to how bad the pain was. Severus didn't claim to know what the magical bond that plagued Potter through the scar on his forehead felt like, but he thought he could give him a run for his money today. And, like Potter (disturbing as it was to share any kind of experience with that boy), the pain in his head had gotten steadily worse since The Dark Lord's return. 
The term 'migraine' didn't do it justice. It was always there: a steady, constant, throbbing behind the eyes. He'd grown to live with it, gotten used to it even, but some days - like today for example - the pain grew so intense it was all-consuming. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't focus, couldn't cope with any kind of light, like the one from the lantern Lupin was shining in his face right now for merlin's bloody sake- 
"Are you intentionally trying to blind me, Lupin?" 
"Ah, sorry," he replied, sounding a little confused. The lantern probably wasn't that bright, but to Severus, it felt like staring into the sun. 
At least the dinginess of this decrepit basement kitchen that passed for Order headquarters was good for times like this. How on earth was he going to get through today's meeting? Perhaps he could quickly say what he had to say and then- 
Severus couldn't contain a whimper as a fresh wave of pain hit him. His hand shot up to the side of his head before he could stop himself. It felt like a troll was crushing his skull. Or a giant had succeeded in cleaving his head in two with an axe. Sometimes Severus thought The Dark Lord had discovered his true loyalties and this was some cruel, slow torture into death he had concocted for him. Severus knew what the Cruciatus curse felt like and he would take it over this any day. At least it never lasted as long. 
"Are you alright?" Lupin asked.  
Severus sighed. He'd been grateful to arrive early so he could have a little bit of peace before the meeting started. But no, Lupin just had to come in and disturb him. 
"Fine. Just a..." -Severus swallowed as he fought down the rising nausea- "...headache," he finished. 
"It looks absolutely dreadful. Have you taken anything for it?" 
"Yes, I've taken something for it!" growled Severus. He placed both hands over his eyes in both a futile attempt to lessen the pain and to express his frustration at the idiocy of Lupin's question. "I've been brewing the strongest potions possible. They worked at first but now..." 
Now his tolerance was too damn high. He'd already experimented so much the potions he made were almost certainly no longer legal. If he added any more nightshade it would kill him, any more ground poppy and he would be knocked out for days, and if he added any more butterbur, well...that didn't bear thinking about. 
"Have you tried-"
"Yes! I've tried everything! Nothing. Works."  
"You really don't look well. You're welcome to lie down upstairs for a while. I can come and get you once we start." 
"I'll be fine if you just stop fussing over me!" 
"Severus," Lupin began in the tone he might have used towards a stubborn teenager. "You are not fine, and you can't sit through a meeting like this. Would you just...let me try something?" 
Severus was in no way strong enough to argue. Whatever Lupin was going to give him wouldn't work, but at least he might go away afterwards. He took one hand away from his eyes and waved it in the air to indicate his consent. 
He stiffened as he felt Lupin move in close behind him. The sudden movement almost made him vomit and he had to grip the table to steady himself. 
"W-what are you doing?" Severus asked after he was sure it was safe to open his mouth. 
Lupin stepped back. "Oh. Sorry, I should have explained. I'm going to have to touch you. Is that alright?" 
No, it was most certainly not alright! But...if there was even a small chance whatever Lupin was going to do would help – if only a fraction – Severus had to let him try. 
"Urgh. Yes. Just be done with it." 
Lupin resumed his position directly behind Severus. Even through the pain, he felt a flicker of nerves. Severus was not used to being touched and this felt oddly...intimate. Then he felt Lupin's hands on the side of his temples and... 
Nothing. If anything, the anxiety brought about by having Lupin in such close proximity made the pain even worse. The hands moved over his forehead and right around his head, in slow, agonising circles. Severus was just about to tell Lupin to stop when he came to rest on the left side of his head. 
"Is this where the pain is concentrated?" he asked. 
"Y-yes," Severus winced. 
Then Lupin placed his thumb and forefinger at the very top of Severus' nose and squeezed lightly. Severus had considered trying massage therapy but, aside from doubting that it would even work, he didn't want to have to put someone through the discomfort of touching him. (Even if he was paying them a large number of galleons.) His doubts appeared confirmed as he felt only the slightest relief at Lupin's touch...until he started muttering something in a language Severus didn't immediately recognise. 
To Severus' amazement, the pain ebbed slightly. The hands moved up over his forehead and slowly around to the top of his spine. Applying a firm pressure, Lupin repeated the words. 
Severus let a low groan escape him as the pain eased again. What magic was this? Severus had never heard of it before. The language Lupin was speaking didn't sound like Latin. Was it Welsh? Still not breaking contact, Lupin slid his hands under Severus' robes and pressed into the curve of his shoulders. Again, he repeated the unfamiliar words and the pain receded. 
"Any better?" asked Lupin, still kneading Severus' shoulders. 
"I... yes. That's incredible. How-" 
"Would you stand up and face me, please?" 
Severus did as instructed. He was so overjoyed to no longer be in agony that he momentarily forgot their long-standing animosity. Lupin took each of Severus' pale hands into his own and gently made circles on the soft flesh between his thumb and forefinger. He listened as Lupin spoke the words a final time before slowly pulling away. 
"Where did you learn that?" Severus asked, not quite believing what had just happened. 
Remus gave him a small smile. "It was just something my mother used to do for me."  
At that moment, Severus' euphoria was indescribable. He felt as though he could breeze through this meeting, mark the huge pile of essays that lay waiting for him, single-handedly defeat the Dark Lord himself, and still get to bed at a reasonable hour. Never in his life had Severus been more grateful to anyone as he was to Remus Lupin right now. He needed to thank him, somehow, but he just didn't have the words.  
So he pulled the man into a hard kiss instead.  
They were only granted a few seconds of stunned silence before the rest of the Order began to pile in. 
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magic-fluffie-boyes · 4 years
Hello! If you have time, could you write a lil mini fic with BeelxMC, where they recently started dating but he refuses to touch her whatsoever besides hand holding, despite being so up for cuddles before they got together, and MC is really sad about it and confides in Simeon about it, only for Beel to hear without MC knowing, and he later explains to her that he just doesn’t want to get carried away and hurt her because humans are fragile and he just wants to hold her tight 🥺 -🌙
Fem!MC who just wants cuddles.
Beel x Fem!MC
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MC and Beel were, undoubtedly, head-over-heels in love with one another. Anyone who could see could tell that the two of them were the happiest couple in all of Devildom. But there was something that was bothering MC.
Ever since she made a pact with Beel he’s been more than willing to cuddle up to her and give her all the loving she could ever ask for with that big grin of his on his face. She thought that would only become even more prevalent when they started officially dating, and yet it seemed the opposite had happened.
Sure, he still held her hand and hugged her, but it was only when she initiated it. It hurt her a lot more than she thought it would. Did he not like her as much as he claimed? Maybe he was using her -- though she knew that was too unlikely to be the case, Beel was too sweet to do that.
All these doubts festered while she was with him and picked apart at her consciousness while she was alone. She knew that letting these thoughts lie dormant wasn’t healthy, but she wasn’t sure how to approach Beel about it just yet.
Thank the Lord -- quite literally -- for Simeon, who had noticed her subtle shift in character faster than the brothers had and managed to send her a worried text. He claimed it was ‘angel’s intuition’ (if that was even a real thing), and offered to call -- once he figured out how -- and let her talk it out. 
So the pair stayed on the phone for a whole, her ranting about her worries in the relationship, and Simeon offering hums and grunts to let her know he was listening. 
“I just… I dunno Simeon, it’s like he doesn’t even want to touch me sometimes. It hurts…” she ranted.
It felt nice to get it out of her system, especially with someone as calm and gentle as Simeon who reassured her on the validity of her feelings. It was exactly what she needed to get her thoughts in order.
“I think that you should just talk to him about it if it bothers you so much, Beelzebub is a kind person and he loves you, so I’m sure he would listen,” he assured in his soothing tone.
She knew he was right, it was just nerve-wracking to think of all the other possibilities that could come out of this situation. The worse being she actually hurts Beel by bringing this up, that’s the last thing she could want. But she knew Simeon was right, and it sucked.
“You’re right,” she sighed, “I’m just nervous, I don’t want to upset him you know?”
She heard him chuckle, “You have no reason to think that, just try it, okay?”
“Okay… thank you, Simeon, I’ll talk to him about it tonight.”
“Of course, I have to go now, Luke wants me to try some of the pastries he made.”
They said their goodbyes, and she was left alone to think about what he said. The solution was so simple, it almost felt unreal, but if she could trust anyone it would be the angel. 
“Just talk to him, MC, he’ll listen,” she whispered to herself. 
Little did she know he’d already heard everything.
Later that night, after MC finished all her homework for RAD and was sure she was ready to talk to Beel, she went searching for him. Where else would he be but in the kitchen, having already shoved half of the fridge’s contents into his mouth. It made her smile, feeling that familiar flutter in her chest at her boyfriend being… well her boyfriend.
“Beel,” she called out softly tearing his attention away from the fridge to smile at her. 
She moved across the room to wrap him in a hug, feeling him tense up even as he hugged her back reminding her why she was here in the first place.
“Are you hungry too, MC? You can have something if you are,” he mumbled through the fistfuls of food in his cheeks.
“No, actually, I wanted to talk about something that’s… bothering me a bit.”
“About what…?” he asked.
He turned to her and tilted his head in that cute way he always did, only appearing more adorable with the crumbs around his mouth. She moved to wipe them away with a smile, hesitating when he flinched away from her touch. A small movement that you couldn’t notice if you weren’t paying attention, but she was hyper-aware of every movement he made at this point.
“You don’t… touch me anymore Beel, you won’t hug me or let me cuddle up with you in bed or anything anymore,” she exclaimed exasperated.
“Oh, this is what you were talking about on the phone earlier,” he pouted.
“You were listening in on my conversation?”
“I didn’t mean to, I was going to ask you to come to get something to eat, but you were on the phone so I didn’t want to bother you… but then you said my name…” he trailed off guiltily.
“So you already know everything... “ she groaned. 
So much for breaking it to him gently, at least she didn’t have to re-explain it to him.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he explained, “humans are already way more fragile than Humans, and you’re so much smaller than me I’m scared I’ll crush you.”
She would’ve laughed if he didn’t seem so serious about it. Beel, of all of the brothers, was the least likely to accidentally hurt her with how careful he is all the time. Damn, she loved this big puppy dog.
“Beel, you’re not going to hurt me,” she pressed a hand against his cheek, “I trust you enough to know you won’t.”
“So I can hug you?” he asked with hopeful eyes
“You can do whatever you want to, Bear,” she assured with a grin.
He pulled her into a big hug, laughing gleefully as he did so his love for her bubbling out freely now. It would’ve been really sweet, had his stomach not grumbled while they were in the middle of their moment.
At least one problem had been solved.
URgh, this week has been a lot. I haven’t been able to sit down and write cause I’ve been busy with school stuff. I finally got to though, and I’ve been looking forward to writing this one so :) I slipped in my weird-ass nickname for Beel, please do not hurt me. MC is based on my OC, aaaannnddd Beel is probs OOC! ANyway I’m kind of rusty with, like the actual writing stuff but I hope I did this justice 🌙 nonnie. Love you all!
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Cocoa Counsel
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Jisung finds his restlessness interrupted by a well-meaning Tori.
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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Tori’s voice startled him, and he jumped away from the kitchen counter. “Tori? Jeez, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” She yawned, pushing her hair out of her face. “What are you doing up? It’s late.”
Jisung glanced at the clock. It was almost four AM, but he hadn’t been able to sleep at all. He’d been standing in the kitchen staring at his glass of water for almost a half hour.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He finally said. “Did I wake you up?”
Tori shook her head. “No. I just had a feeling.” She stretched. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Ok.” She rubbed her arms. He realized she was just wearing her pink pyjama shorts and a white crop top, and the cool air was causing goose bumps along her skin. “Do you want hot chocolate?”
“You should go back to bed.” He suggested.
Tori raised an eyebrow. “Are you going back to bed?” When he didn’t say anything, she nodded. “I thought so. Hot chocolate it is then.”
She walked by, hip-checking him out of the way. “What is this, water?” She asked, sounding disgusted as she dumped the water in the sink. “Late nights were made for hot chocolate, or have you forgotten everything I’ve taught you?”
He leaned back against the fridge, watching as she collected two mugs and started boiling water. “Sorry, I obviously wasn’t thinking straight.”
“Obviously.” She smiled, “But don’t worry, hot chocolate can cure anything.” She hopped up and down trying to warm herself up. “But I wish it would boil a bit faster.”
Jisung shrugged off his sweater, holding it out to her. “Here.”
Tori looked at it. “Won’t you be cold?”
He shook his head. “You’re making hot chocolate. Fair trade.”
Tori nodded, and took the sweater from him, pulling it on. It hung to the bottom of her shorts, and she had to roll up the sleeves a little bit. 
She handed him his hot chocolate, holding out her own mug. He clinked it against hers. “Thanks, Tor.”
“Anytime.” She yawned again, hopping up on the counter before she took a sip. “It’s perfect.”
“You made it yourself.”
“Yeah.” She raised an eyebrow. “And it’s perfect.”
He took a sip, sighing in defeat. There were very few things that he wouldn’t argue with Tori about, but sadly she was uncontested when it came to hot chocolate. “It’s great.”
She hummed in satisfaction, returning to her drink.
They sipped in silence for a few minutes, Jisung feeling himself start to relax as the sugar woke him up.
“You can talk about it, you know.” He looked up to see Tori studying him. “Sorry, you just looked like you were thinking pretty hard. But you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.”
He considered it for a long moment. He knew she meant it, that she wouldn’t betray his trust and that she really was willing to just listen. She’d understand; but the problem was that if he told her, he’d have no excuse for not telling Chan.
“I need to tell Chan anyway.” He sighed. “It’s stupid, you shouldn’t worry about it.”
“I found you in the kitchen at four AM staring at a glass of water like it had all of the answers.” Tori retorted. “Say it. I’ll forget about it by morning if that’s what you want.”
“I’ve just been...” Jisung stared at the ground. “I don’t know, getting really stressed about stupid things.”
“What kind of stupid things?” She took his mug from his hand and started making another hot chocolate.
“Just like...crowds. And when there’s lots of people I just can’t...” He trailed off, taking a deep breath as he tried to think of the right words.
Tori set the new mug on the counter next to her and hopped off, coming to stand directly in front of him. “That isn’t stupid, Jisung. If it’s bothering you then it isn’t stupid. You need to tell Chan or the managers. Take a bit of a break. Or at least let them know.”
“I know.” He sighed again.
Tori bit her lip. “I know we don’t really do this, but can I give you a hug.”
He didn’t even make a snarky comment, he just held open his arms.
Tori wrapped one arm around his waist, the other coming up to gently brush through his hair. “It’s okay to be anxious or stressed.” She whispered. “We all have our stuff. You just have to promise me that you won’t keep it to yourself, alright? We’re here for you.”
“Okay.” He pressed his face into her shoulder. “Can i have that other hot chocolate now?”
Tori gave a tiny laugh. “So you admit that it does cheer you up?”
“Yes.” He snorted. “Fine, I give in. You make magical hot chocolate and I don’t know how you do it.”
“How about I make you a trade.” She pulled back to look him in the eye. “Next time you feel the urge to wake up and stare at water, wake me up too. I’m always down for a middle of the night hot chocolate party.”
“I don’t want to bother you. I-”
“Will wake you up because I recognize this is how you show how much you care.” Tori finished for him. “So glad you understand, Jisung. Here’s your hot chocolate.”
He accepted the refilled mug. “No promises.”
“Then no hot chocolates.” She waggled her eyebrows.
“One side effect.” He noted. “I’m wide awake now.”
“Urgh, me too.” She sighed. “Want to watch Lord of the Rings with me?”
“Can we heat up the cinnamon buns.”
“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. “What kind of a monster do you think I am?”
-the next morning- “Okay, what are you guys doing?” Chan demanded. He should’ve known something was up with all of the whispering, but finding the rest of his group hovering around the couch, most of them with phones out was never a good sign.
Minho waved him over. “It’s Tori and Jisung, come look.”
He wandered over, peering over the edge of the couch, and having to smack a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Tori was sprawled on her back on the couch, wearing a sweater that appeared to be Jisung’s. Her hair was in disarray, and one hand was hanging over the side of the couch.
The other was snarled in the hair of Jisung, who was sound asleep with his head on Tori’s stomach. 
“Have they been here all night?” Chan whispered.
“Who cares?” Felix called from the kitchen. “I think they ate the rest of the cinnamon buns.”
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Part 8
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language.
Word count: Approx 2300
Bucky starts to find out the Reader’s past. Is this part a bit all over the place? Yes. Is this possibly a bit rambly? Yes. But there we go 😅 
Please don’t hesitate to leave suggestions or thoughts! TAG LISTS ARE OPEN! (Permanent list and His Second Chance list) 
“How did it happen?” Bucky asked as he ran alongside Steve. He’d finally felt comfortable enough to start venturing out more often and this morning it was on a run with Steve, while you and Sam trailed far behind on your much slower jog. “The day you found (Y/n).” Bucky clarified. “Oof, that’s a multifaceted story, Buck.” Steve remarked as they rounded a corner. “It was around three years ago, just before we discovered you.” Steve began, not even breathless at the high speed they were running at. “We wanted to find her; Fury was interested in her being on the team with her powers so we tracked her for a couple of years.” Steve explained. “She’s hard to find, as soon as you think you’ve found her, she’s disappeared again.” Bucky glanced over his shoulder at you, giggling away to something Sam was telling you. “What was she running from?” Bucky asked, turning his attention back to Steve. “Mm, it’d be best to hear it from her, not me pal.” Steve shook his head. “Anyway, took us a year to find her, she was living in this shitty basement under a gym. It was damp and cold and dark.” Steve pulled a face that Bucky quickly mirrored.
She lived in a crappy basement? Poor girl.
 “I sorta scared the shit out of her, she came back to her basement to find me in the middle of the room, poor girl freaked out so bad she almost shot me.” Steve sighed. “You have a bad habit of doing that.” Bucky rolled his eyes, remembering when Steve had found him in Bucharest. Steve snorted at his remark before continuing the story. “It didn’t take her long to trust me after she saw the shield and the suit.” Steve went on. “I managed to convince her to come back with me and she stayed in my apartment for a while. We grew so close that she joined me when SHIELD was compromised and we discovered you.” Steve explained. “Then she went away for a while after Ultron, needed some time to put herself back together.” Steve finished.
So that’s why I never met her before I came back from Wakanda. Poor girl’s been through a lot too.
 “Do you- uh- do you like her?” Bucky asked, glancing back at you again, berating Sam as he laughed about something. “Of course I like her, Buck.” Steve said it as if it was the most obvious thing. “No, I mean really like her.” Bucky pressed. “Do I love her?” Steve tried to work out what Bucky was getting at. “Not the same way you do, Buck.” He smirked. What? Excuse me, is it that obvious? Fuck me. It is, isn’t it? “What, you’re surprised? C’mon, we see the way you look at her, the way you always gotta be near her, holding her hand.” Steve looked back at you fondly. “But no, she’s like a sister to me, always has been. I might kiss her goodnight and pick her up and cuddle her and call her sweetheart, but she’s not my girl, not like that.” Steve glanced over at Bucky. “I think she’s into you as well, Buck. I’m pretty sure she’d wait for you her whole life if she had to.” Well, if Steve seems to think so… Then he’s probably right.
 “It’s called a supermarket, I know, wild concept.” Sam teased Bucky in the back seat while Steve drove his sedan into the carpark. Bucky delivered a half-hearted slap to Sam’s chest with the back of his hand as he stared straight ahead.
 You went ahead and got the trolley as the boys caught up with you. Perhaps it was childish, but you quite enjoyed being the trolley pusher, also it was a bit of a get out of jail free card since you didn’t have to do any of the actual work. “We had fuckin’ supermarkets in the forties, Sam.” Bucky frowned at Sam as the three soldiers followed close behind you. “Yeah, but they weren’t this big!” Sam gestured wildly, almost hitting Steve in the face as you all walked through the entrance together.
 Sam leaned in to Bucky’s ear as you immediately coined Steve to help get you some herbs from the top shelf. “Also it’s fun because you get to look at (Y/n) while she struggles to reach things and boss Steve around.” Bucky elbowed Sam in the stomach, winding him a little. “Shut up, would ya?” Bucky growled. Don’t talk about her like that… Wait is it any different than me thinking it? Yes, I admire quietly. “Relax, I’m just trying to wind you up.” Sam chuckled. Steve walked off with the list and Sam started examining what you and Steve had already put in the cart.
 Urgh this guy knows how to get under your skin, don’t let him annoy you, deep breath, count to five. One… Two… Three- Bucky looked up to see you, as Sam had described, struggling to reach something. Oh it was cute. Seeing you stretch up, standing on your tip toes, moving onto one foot to elevate yourself a bit. The little bounce you did- and oh good fucking lord her butt jiggles when she bounces on her toes, only slightly but good god. I’m weak, a weak, weak man. Bucky cleared his throat before walking up behind you, resting his flesh hand on your shoulder as he reached up to grab the item your delicate fingers were trying to grab at. “Here you go, doll.” Bucky hummed into your ear, his voice deep and vibrating through your back as his chest pressed slightly up against you. You practically melted from the name he used for you; god did it make you feel things. But no, you restrained yourself because it wasn’t fair on Bucky and you just shyly giggled, feeling your cheeks burn up as you turned to face him.
Doll, oh Barnes, it’s coming back! Wait, what if she doesn’t like it? Bucky examined your flustered features, the way you almost hid your gaze from him. Oh I think she liked it, either that or she- you smiled up at him sweetly. Nope, no, she liked it.
 “Doll, huh?” Sam was quick to jab Bucky about it as soon as you and Steve paired back up again. “Do you need to have a running commentary?” Bucky groaned, glancing over at Sam who just smiled widely and patted Bucky gently on the shoulder. “You know I only comment on you and her because I like you two together.” Sam gave him a genuine smile before parting with Bucky and moving up to help you out with some of the shopping.
 “Please, sweetheart, it’s just an hour.” Steve practically begged you. “Please.” Steve gripped your hand gently. You let out a huff and glanced over at Bucky who was getting ready to go off to his therapy session. You’d said you’d go with him but now Steve was begging for you to join him with training the new recruits since Nat was having a day off. “But I promised Bucky I’d go with him.” You motioned over at your best friend; he gave you a gentle smile as he slipped on his boots. “It’s alright, I can manage by myself.” Bucky reassured you as he pulled his laces tight. “See, Bucky doesn’t need you.” Steve said, his remark not quite coming out the way he meant it and you pouted a bit. That hit a nerve deep down, but you tried not to let it get to you and breath through it.
 I do need you. Bucky looked on at your disappointed expression and sighed. “Smooth.” Bucky grumbled. “You know what I mean, I’m sorry sweetheart.” Steve gripped your hands. “Please, just one time and I’ll never ask you again.” Steve tried to convince you. “Fine! Fine, I’ll do it, but only if you promise.” You poked him sharply in the chest. “Promise! Captain’s honour.” Steve gave you a lopsided grin and you smiled up at him, defeated. “Alright.” You nodded.
 Steve went down before you to get everything set up and you were left alone with Bucky for a moment while he got his things together. “Just so ya know,” Bucky looked over his shoulder at you as he grabbed his backpack and then turned to face you. “I always need you.” Bucky gave you the sweetest smile and you felt your cheeks burn up. In your flustered state, you weren’t quite sure what to say, but you grinned up at him, completely taken aback by his words. “Oh Buck.” You whispered, walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his middle. Yes! You’re getting some of your confidence back, Barnes. Bucky embraced you for a moment before moving away and running a hand through his hair. “I gotta go, see ya later.” Bucky smiled down at you before turning away and leaving you alone.
 Training with the recruits was taking a lot longer than just an hour and you were starting to get antsy. You were pretty sure Steve had given you a nice sounding time estimate just to convince you into doing it.
Three and a half slow hours passed and training finally ended. You made your way up to your floor, exhausted and about ready to collapse in a heap on the sofa with Bucky to watch something or play a game.
 You walked into an empty living room, Steve trailing behind you. “Buck, we’re back!” Steve called through. Sam popped his head out of his room and looked at you for a moment before pointing at Bucky’s room, pulling a face. You frowned and strode across to Bucky’s bedroom, knocking before letting yourself in. “Bucky?” You asked softly before opening the door wide. There he was, sat on the edge of his bed with a folder in his hand. Your heart leaped into your throat when you see the folder he was holding. Bucky has seen you bare, seen the hard truth of your past in the pieces of paper held between the sickly orange folder.
 “Why didn’t you tell me?” Bucky asked. “You never said you were ex Hydra.” He mumbled. “Buck, I was never Hydra by choice.” You sighed, entering his room and closing the door behind you, Steve looking a bit dejected that you’d just closed the door on his face. “Just like you.” You almost kicked yourself for saying that, but Bucky glanced at you, sadness replacing the bitterness in his eyes and he gave you a guilty look. “You want to know what happened? I’ll tell you everything if you want.” You offered. Bucky just nodded and you slowly approached his bed and sat down next to him.  
 “My parents were running low on money, really low on money. My mother knew some shady people in the drug trade and she volunteered to have a drug tested for three hundred dollars cash.” You began explaining. Oh god, I can see where this is going already. “So an older guy shows up, Alexander Pierce.” You fiddled with the hem of your top as you spoke. God the fucking bastard hurt you and her. “My mother strapped me down on the dining table and they injected me with a serum. They conned my mother out of the deal and she never got her fucking money. But that serum messed with my DNA, it burned my entire body for hours. It felt like I was on fire, like there was fire in my veins for four hours until I passed out from the pain.” You explained. Bucky looked absolutely disgusted. “Oh god, no doll.” Bucky whispered, taking your hand in his. Why did I have to overreact? This is horrible, she’ll think you blame her for her own pain. “The serum caused my powers. My dad walked out on my mother, but he couldn’t take me with him. I went through a lot of stuff when I was alone with that woman, she would scream at me about how I was worthless and a freak, a waste of space.” You almost choked up when you remembered how she’d hurt you. “You’re not any of those things, doll.” Just wanna hug you better, hug us better. You gave Bucky a watery smile and he saw all of the pain in your eyes, it made his heart break.
 “I ran away, I went to Canada and I was safe for a while, but Hydra caught me.” You cried, tears streaming down your face at this point and Bucky pulled you tightly against his chest. “Shh, doll, I’m sorry, god, I’m so sorry. I should never have brought it up.” Bucky cradled your head against his chest. In truth you were happy to get it all out in the open so that you and Bucky were on the same page. “I never should have assumed you were in Hydra by choice.” Idiot, so stupid, god you were so over dramatic and you should have known. Idiot, idiot, idio-. “Bucky.” You interrupted his self-deprecating thoughts and Bucky turned to look at you. “I’m out. I escaped, I was with them for around six months before I got out and got back to New York and then I moved around for a while before Steve found me.” You finished explaining and Bucky nodded. “Hydra fucked us both over.” You whispered. Bucky held you tighter. “I’m so fucking sorry.” Bucky apologised against the shell of your ear. “I’m not upset at you, if anything, I’m sorry you found out through a piece of damn paper.” You sniffled. “Please don’t cry.” Bucky squeezed you a bit more. “I’m sorry I made you cry.” Bucky practically pulled you onto his lap and buried his face in your shoulder.
 “We can do this together.” Bucky whispered. “You and me, we can heal together, doll.”
Forever Tag List:
@shygirl-00 @swanlakemikey @scuzmunkie @paintballkid711 @lovelylilia @mapreza1 @love-bucky-3000 @cals-cigarette @scarlett-berserker @2407zzz@mercurybarnes @mywinterwolf @geeksareunique @fairislesheets @wendaiii @mochibarnes
His Second Chance Tag List:
@socialheartbreak @whatsupbucky @yesno18 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @crystallstaircase @megantje123 @fantua @lady-x-red @buckys-islandgirl @chipilerendi @butteryoptimisticpeanut @wowitsemilysblog @dark-night-sky-99 @marvel-ous-bucky @rand0mfangurlstuff @tfandtws @vxidnik @books-baritones-bucky @bluerorjhan @calwitch
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chuffyfan87 · 4 years
Very Much Myself. Part 6a (NSFW)
Cowritten with @fairheads.
The next morning Duffy was incredibly confused to find herself awakening to the sound of loud snoring. She was face down in an unfamiliar pillow, her head pounding and her stomach churning. She lifted her head a fraction and, after waiting a few moments for her vision to stop swimming, she realised the source of the snoring. Fragments of the previous evening began to resurface in her memory. "Urgh!" She groaned, her head flopping back down onto the pillow.
Duffy’s movements woke Charlie from his slumber. She appeared to be hiding in the pillow, perhaps having dropped off again. After a few moments, Charlie too remembered the night before. His head and face were pounding and he decided he desperately needed a coffee! Grabbing his dressing gown, he crept down the stairs.
Arriving in the kitchen Charlie immediately stepped into something sticky. “Fuck!” He said aloud. He’d forgotten about Duffy telling him not to go in the kitchen. He shook his head, there was vomit everywhere and now on his foot. He wiped his foot with kitchen roll and tried not to breath in the smell. Grabbing a bucket, he filled it with bleach and began to mop the floor.
Hearing Charlie swear followed by clattering and banging Duffy decided to drag herself downstairs to investigate. She groaned as she took in the mess, holding herself up using the kitchen doorframe.
“Nearly done!” He smiled. Charlie continued to clean up, when he’d finished he opened the back door and poured the bucket down the drain.
"I'm so sorry."
Charlie switched the kettle on, briefly touching his bruised cheek. “It’s okay,” He replied but he didn’t turn to her.
"You could have him arrested." She suggested softly.
Charlie remained silent, concentrating instead on making two coffees. Once finished, he carried them towards the door and went to sit out on the bench in his garden.
Duffy slowly followed him outside. Deciding to give him some space she sat down on the damp grass, pulling the blanket further around herself.
Neither spoke for some time, both processing the previous evening.
Cradling the hot mug in her hands Duffy noticed something missing. "Charlie... Do you know what happened to my wedding ring?"
Charlie put his head in his hands. “Duffy, you’ve got to be kidding! You don’t remember? You took off your ring in some grand statement, an hour or two before Andrew rocked up and you told him.” He raised his voice, frustrated.
"No, I meant where did I put it after I took it off?" She rolled her eyes, wincing at the pain the movement caused her head.
“Coffee table,” He motioned.
"Right. That makes sense."
Charlie lent against the arm rest, cupping his face with his hand. He sighed loudly and shook his head.
Duffy sighed and stood up. "It's cold out here so I'm going back inside. You're welcome to stay out here and sulk or you can join me inside. Your choice."
“I’m not sulking!” Charlie muttered as she went back inside. He remained sat on the bench until he’d finished his coffee.
Duffy went inside and curled up on the sofa. She stared at the coffee table, the morning sunlight glinting off her wedding ring that lay on it's surface just as Charlie had said it was.
It was another ten minutes before Charlie went back inside, he’d been able to sort his head out a little more.
When he arrived in the lounge it was clear that Duffy had been crying.
“Room for a small one?” He asked, as he stood by the sofa.
She didn't reply but shuffled over to make space for him to sit down.
Charlie opened his arms to her.
She crawled into his arms, sniffling as she settled her head on his chest.
“You’ve been crying love...” He tried to wipe her cheeks as he held her close.
"You were mad at me..." She mumbled.
He held her tighter. “Not mad, just frustrated. I thought I could make it better for you, but I can’t. I just end up hurting you and me.”
"Are you going to press charges against my soon to be ex husband?"
“Do you want me to?” He asked, running his fingers through her hair, as she looked up at him.
"Its not up to me, I'm not the one he assaulted."
“Duffy, please!”
"What?!" She asked, pulling back slightly. "I'm just curious given you didn't press charges against Max. I wondered if this time would be different."
“I would only press charges if you thought it would help you, I don’t want any more trouble...” He sighed.
"Help me how?"
“I don’t know... Show that he can be violent?” He whispered.
"Are you trying to imply something?"
Charlie raised his hands, “No! I don’t know anything. I’m not going to press charges, what good will it do?”
"I just don't want people thinking I'm some sort of victim. I'm not!"
Charlie held her hand, “I know...” He said softly.
She sighed, falling silent once more.
“Duffy..?” He asked, reaching for her.
She lifted her head slightly to look at him.
“I love you.”
She finally smiled, a genuine smile that lit up her entire face.
“Even when I keep getting punched in the face and it hurts, or when you’ve been sick all over my kitchen, or when you get cross with me when I’m only trying to help.” He grinned.
"I've not made things very easy for you have I?" She blushed.
“Nope!” He laughed.
"Sorry." She giggled.
“Kiss me!” He asked.
She took hold of his face. "Sorry!" She gasped as he grimaced.
“Kiss me gently!” He laughed.
She lent forwards and brushed her lips against his.
He deepened the kiss, holding the back of her neck. Pulling apart, he announced “That’s good.”
"Really?" She giggled, looking a little embarrassed as a thought occurred to her.
“Just checking that we’re still good,” he grinned and then looked alarmed when he saw her embarrassed face. “Where’s your head at?”
"I haven't cleaned my teeth since I threw up last night..." She mumbled, mortified.
He jokingly grimaced, “That I did not need to know.”
"Sorry." She giggled.
“Fancy a shower?” He raised his eyebrow.
"I certainly need one."
“Come on then dirty girl,” He laughed, pulling her up off the sofa.
"Rude! Ooh, oof!" She groaned playfully.
When they got upstairs, Charlie handed her a spare toothbrush and a towel.
"Look at you being all prepared..!" She teased.
“Nah, just looking after my guest!” He smirked.
"Such a gentleman." She curtseyed, pretending to swoon and losing her balance in the process.
“And such a lady!” He laughed.
She scowled playfully. "You gunna help me up?" She pouted.
He bent over and helped her back up again, his shirt barely covering her modesty. “I have to say you look very sexy in my shirt.”
"Its quite comfy. I might keep it."
“I’d like that,” He smiled at her.
"I wasn't going to give you a choice..." She giggled as she headed towards the bathroom.
Charlie rolled his eyes, she was quite the woman!
Leaving the bathroom door open she threw the towel down on the side before turning to the sink to brush her teeth.
“Do you have everything you need?” Charlie shouted through to her.
"Mmhmm." She replied, the toothbrush in her mouth.
Charlie lay down on the bed, he could just about see her from where he lay.
After finishing her teeth she peered at herself in the bathroom cabinet mirror. Good lord!! Turning swiftly away she clutched her head briefly before beginning to undress.
Charlie found himself watching and then made himself look away, it felt wrong to be watching her, when she didn’t know.
She stepped into the shower, dunking her head under the water stream for several moments before removing it. "Am I showering alone?" She called out mischievously over her shoulder.
“What did you say?” Charlie asked, walking over to the open door.
"Are you joining me?"
“Thought you did!” He grinned, taking off his dressing gown and boxers and climbing into the shower with her.
"Remind me not to let you make my drinks in future, how much vodka was in those cocktails?"
“I may have been a bit excited... After this morning, I won’t be doing that again! We’ll be sticking to your usual choice of white wine from now.” He teased, embracing her.
"Your kitchen looked like a bad day in resus this morning!" She grimaced.
“Don’t remind me!” He grimaced and then laughed.
"You're not the one who briefly thought she was dying!" She giggled.
“How are you feeling now?” He ran his hand down her back slowly.
"Dehydrated mainly." She let out a little moan as his hand travelled lower.
“I take it you needed a hand in here, that’s why you asked me to come in.” He flirted with her, his hand resting on her bum.
"A hand is always useful." She smiled.
He kissed her, before grabbing the shampoo and massaging it into her hair. “Is this the kind of hand you were hoping for?”
"Ooh... Yes..." She moaned.
Charlie was so careful to not get soap in her eyes, as he stood behind her, massaging her head.
"That feels so good..."
“Good,” He murmured, rinsing the shampoo and kissing her neck.
"You're quite the expert." She smiled.
“I’ve got some conditioner somewhere,” He laughed.
"I'm not going to ask too many questions and just let you get on..."
He smiled, “Oh this was just free at a hotel.” He found it and applied some to her hair. He was gentle and loving and kind.
"Stealing from hotels now are you?" She teased. "I thought your pay was way better than mine..!"
“Shhh!” He put his finger to her lips, laughing.
She licked his finger.
“Mmm” He liked the sensation. He used his other hand to wash out the conditioner.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly, beginning to gently suck his finger.
Resting her head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her, caressing her breasts. “That’s so sexy,” He whispered, watching her.
She giggled, circling her tongue around the tip of his finger.
His breathing was becoming quicker, he pulled her to him, his erection pressing against her back.
She slowly slid his finger out of her mouth with a pop. "Enjoying yourself?" She purred.
“You’re so sexy, I can’t keep my eyes off you.” He reached down between her legs.
"Or your hands either..." She giggled.
“Sorry,” He moved his hands away, he was getting carried away.
"Did I tell you to stop!" She pouted, her eyes firey.
“Nope,” He ran his hands back over her body, moving down to where they were. “God, you’re gorgeous.”
"This is the perfect hangover cure."
“Oh yeah?” He whispered into her ear, nibbling it softly.
"Mmhmm." She moaned.
“God, I want you.” He rubbed his hard cock up against her back, as his fingers danced.
"Here or back to bed?"
“Your choice,” He nibbled on her neck, his hands exploring every part of her.
"Bed, it's comfier."
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buns-with-a-book · 5 years
Shattered Crimson Glass
A companion piece to Noble Lord Fair, where it’s Dante taking care of his adopted sibling. Post DMC5
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: OC, Dante Tags: @nimnox @furyeclipse @synchronmurmurs
Summary: Cassandra’s return to Eternis Brillia comes with it her own personal demons, the greatest among them is her unlawfully wedded husband Draco. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end well for her.
The spellblade warrior hissed as she was thrown back, digging the tip of Astra into the ground. Sparks flew as divine metal met stone, slowing her down to a stop. She let out a pant, looking up. At her side were her family; Vergil, Dante, Nero, all dead. She was certain Trish and Lady were also slain in the fight, despite not being able to see their bodies. Their enemy had overwhelmed them, leaving their weapons shattered and their bodies cold. She was the last woman standing in this fight. Stone walls were painted crimson from blood, whose she could not tell. The stained glass above them was shattered, pieces of glass and metal covering the floor. The floor was a mess of twisted metal, pieces of glass that once decorated windows, and so much blood, the blood of the people she considered family. 
Her gaze met the one who caused it all: Draco, her unlawfully wedded husband. 
Draco was no mere mortal now, having used some sort of forbidden power (Nero had mentioned, before his demise, that it reminded him too much of the incident in Fortuna) to transform himself into a demon. He was now a snow-white wyvern, made of marble. His body was nicked with the blades that attacked him, the blades Astra, Yamato, Red Queen, and Devil Sword Dante having done little against his stone-like hide. 
The wyvern let out a roar, a triumphant laughter that reverberated throughout the battlefield that was once a cathedral. Cassandra winced, looking to the dead around her. 
“You have failed, my bride!” Draco hissed, voice warped from the power used to make him a demon in the first place. “You should have stayed here, in Eternis Brillia, and remained obedient.” 
“I would rather die than be silent.” Cassandra snarled. “You will never have me, Draco.” She slowly got up, swaying a little as she stepped forward. Exhaustion clawed at her limbs, begging her to stand down for once in her life. “I slew the demon lord Urizen. You partied it up in the pubs without a care in the world.” 
“You say that, bitch, but your body betrays you!” She stopped, standing next to the split Yamato. Even still, demon power remained in it. She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes before sliding into a battle stance. She opened her eyes, staring Draco down. 
“I will never be your wife, Draco. The time of talk is long past, demon!” She squeezed Astra, ready for what was going to be the final fight. Draco laughed and swiped his claw, knocking Astra out of Cassandra’s hands. Before she could resummon the blade, his other claw ripped across her body. Agony burned through her, sending her backwards. Blood poured freely, adding onto the stains and wear of her outfit.
‘It’s too much blood...I can barely stand…’ She thought, trying to stand. ‘Vergil...Nero...Dante...I’m so sorry. All of you deserved better than this.’ She fell over, near Vergil. The demon let out a laugh of triumph before roaring out, her mind slipping into unconsciousness...
Cassandra awoke, panting heavily. Her chest ached, heart ramming in her ears. She slowly sat up, running a sweat-damp hand through her hair. Her eyes went to the clock, noting it was one in the morning. 
“Ugh...how unlike me to have nightmares…” She grumbled as she got out of bed. She made her way over to her dresser, changing out the sweat-soaked tank top with a fresh one. She half-expected her nightmare to be something about the Qliphoth tree, the sound of rushing blood and sick wetness from her very footsteps were certainly nightmare fuel. While there was certainly a lot of blood in that nightmare, she wondered why the subject was about Draco, of all people. She hadn’t thought about Draco in twenty-some years, ever since she left Eternis Brillia behind. And why did her nightmare seem so certain that Dante, Vergil, and Nero were going to die? They couldn’t, they had a sort of...luck that allowed them to live. 
These thoughts plagued her as she stepped downstairs, making her way to the kitchen. Her head was throbbing, her chest was recovering from the ache, and she hoped there was nobody pilfering some midnight snacks from the fridge. She opened the door to the kitchen and stood there.
Pilfering through the fridge was her dear brother Dante with a plastic container of strawberries in hand. For once, her normally rather shameless brother had briefs on. Cassandra made a face before she walked to the cabinet to get a glass. 
“Cass! Shit, you scared me.” She didn’t respond. “Hey, why are you up so late?” Dante asked, returning the strawberries to their place before he closed the fridge. 
“Nightmare, huh?” Dante crossed his arms. “What about?”
“Why do you care? You never told me your nightmares.” She snapped, harsher than she meant but she was too tired to care. 
“You have a point...but this is a special case.” He said, voice tinged with tender worry. “You rarely have nightmares.” That was true, she mused as she held the glass of freshly poured water in her hand. “Sis, please…was it about the houseplant?” Cassandra took a drink as she thought about it.
“...it wasn’t. Surprisingly enough.” He let out a noise of interest at that. “It was a mission...it was going really bad. We were fighting one of those transformed demons you met in Fortuna...all of us were. You, me, Vergil, Nero, Lady, and Trish.” 
“One against six? That sounds like an easy job.” He grinned at the thought. 
“It wasn’t.” Cassandra whispered, the grin quickly disappearing at the upset tone in her voice. “All of you were dead, your weapons shattered. I...I was the last one standing. I tried so hard to finish the job but it just parried me easily and…” She stopped, trying to stop her voice from cracking but failing. “There was so much blood…” She felt his hand rub at her back. She set the glass down and whipped around, hugging him tightly. She couldn’t stop herself from sobbing into his chest, her body trembling as tears flowed freely. She could only barely register his hand rubbing her back to comfort her. 
“Let it out...let it out…” He murmured, the other hand stroking her hair as she cried. After a few minutes, she pulled back, using the heel of her hand to wipe away the tear stains.
“Dammit...I’m better than this.” 
“Hey, don’t be hard on yourself.” He hummed. “That’s my job.” 
“I don’t know how you do it Dante...given everything we’ve seen and done. Shit, you even had to take down your own brother. I still remember the times you were awake from nightmares.” Cassandra sighed. 
“It’s pizza.” Dante said with a grin. “I’m propelled by the power of pizza.” Cassandra let out a soft laugh at that, a small smile growing on her face. “But seriously...it’s because I have everyone here that keeps me going. You, Verge, Nero, Lady, and Trish...you’re my family and I’m not gonna let anything hurt you while I’m still kicking.” He ruffled her hair. She wondered if that sentiment was stronger now than ever before, with the return of Vergil. She let out a yawn. 
“Urgh...sorry, I didn’t mean that…” 
“It’s ok, lightspark.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “Come on, let’s get to bed.” 
“Yeah...let’s.” She yawned, leaning onto him as he guided her out of the kitchen. As they made their way up the stairs, he guided her to his room. Dante flopped on the bed, letting his adopted sibling curl up against his side. His hand gently rubbed circles against her back as the two drifted off into slumber. 
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Kacchako Positivity Week Day1: Fragile
Ah~ Finally got over my anxiety and finished this piece. Then I spent a few more hours writing a fic to explain the situation. I end up doing that for other pieces too I guess.
Do not repost
If you like my work, please buy me a ko-fi. I need to upgrade my laptop(so many bugs). And I do need a new scanner. I want to make big A3 pieces! Coz details!!! Also making a custom drawing table with lightbox. Extra funds would be really helpful with my restart on illustration. OuO/ Cheers
Introductions~ the ones not explained on the Roses piece anyway.
Todoroki as runaway dragon prince, will drink a bar dry. Aizawa's as fae clergyman under the Church of Ibara, might die if he manages to finish that mug. Kiri and Sero as human mercenaries. Jiro as fae bard. Mina fell asleep waiting for Ochako to come back after running off with a stranger. Toru as light fae bar maid, decorates the pies and everything else. Dabi as the missing dragon prince currently working for the Ones Cursed by the Sun. Toga as bloodsucking demon also working with Dabi. They like the food here.
If anyone would ask, some would say that nothing is as fragile as the Thorn Prince's ego. But they would be wrong. It hasn't been true for many years now. Some would say it is the Rose Princess since she's been confined to the castle all her life. That too is just a common guess. It is something not many would expect--a secret kept from the plebians, the knights, and even the nobles. That seemingly endless sky forms it's first crack, because of a chance meeting? What does the future hold for these two young lords, and how will they mold it?
This scene: (Sorry for the messy construction. I'm really sleepy.)
Katsuki and Ochako are just coming back to the tavern after spending quite a lot of time having fun finding out more about each other. Iida and Kirishima run in and abruptly grab hold of their respective lords to separate them. "I, Knight of Rose Tenya Iida, in response to your violence against the Princess, have a duty to imprison you. Surrender or face worse punishment!" Tenya declares while drawing his sword.
BK: Princess? Oy! You didn't tell me about that. What's the big deal? (taking a big step forward)
Kiri: Hey, stop. Where did you run off to anyway? You two have been gone for 4 hours. This guy kept threatening to run you through! And goddamn, he runs fast.
Ochako: I thought that if you knew, you'd treat me differently.
BK: Differently? What would YOU do if you found out that I am a demon prince?
Ochako: Eh?!
Kiri: He's no- (gets punched)
BK: Let go already! (Points thumb on self)I am Prince Katsuki Bakugou of the Thorns.
Ochako: (trying to get past Iida's arm) It doesn't matter to me, one bit. We were having so much fun swinging swords on the rooftops. I don't want to miss a chance to make friends with someone so skilled!
Iida: gasp* How dare you swing your sword at such a fragile girl?
Ochako/BK: I'm/She's not fragile!
Iida: Regardless, you shouldn't mingle with demons without charm markings. They're dangerously unpredictable. Don't you know how quickly they turn into beast at the slight smell of blood?
Kiri: That's nonsense! I've been living with demons for a few years now. I've bled from sword training, yet I have never been attacked.
Iida: Silence! It doesn't apply to you,dragon. (swinging his sword very close to Kiri's face and pulling it back to a defensive position)
BK: Point your sword at him again, and I'd cut that arm off!
Kiri: Hey, no harm done. Let's just go home. (turning to face BK, ready to fly him off)
Iida: Monsters like you just bring disquiet and adversity. Do you even know your place in this country, demon?
Ochako: Don't say such awful things! Those accusations are simply untrue. (Still trying to get past Iida) You can't keep being like this to them. It's just one demon who-
Iida: You, how many times have I told you to stay away from trouble! (Pulling her cloak and pushing her back a few feet) We will go back to the castle this instant.
Bakugou shoves Kiri aside not leaving his glare on the knight. "For someone so large, you sure carry a small sword."
Iida: It's so I can fight in narrow spaces to prote-
"I'm not talking about that metal stick, you self righteous brick." BK huffs, walking closer. "You smell of fear. Someone with as weak a heart as yours can't protect Ochako."
Kiri rushes between them, lines growing on his face as he prepared to match BK's strenght. "Calm down. Calm down! We don't want trouble. We're just going home, right?" Kiri turns to face Iida to apologize but was met with the tip of his blade. He jumped back, pushing BK behind him. Bakugou's eyes turned to slits, markings tearing out of his eyes and cheeks, "You really got on my nerves, but this is different. I'm going to fucking kill you!" Kirishima barely stopped BK from pulling his sword out, eyes enlarged as he struggles to hold down his friend.
The surge of demonic aura flung open Iida's shield. "Iida, put down your sword!" Ochako pleaded as she tried to pull down his arm. "I command you! Put down your sword!"
Iida: If it's my blood you want then come get it!
BK: I'm not just going for blood. I'm going to fucking devour you!!!
Mina rushes out of the tavern, woken up by BK's demonic aura. "What's happening here? It's dangerous to let your power loose. If Iida finds out."
Ochako: Mina! Help me stop Iida. He's going to get himself killed.
Kiri: Mina? What are you doing here?
Mina was startled to see both the princess and her childhood friend, but upon looking farther she froze. 'He's the prince. The Thorn Prince!' At that very moment her instincts forced her to grovel.
Iida was taken aback: Mina what are you doing. Get up!
Mina: Lord Bakugou, please spare my idiotic companion! He is just doing his duty.
BK: He pointed his sword at my friend. Twice!
Mina: He's just very verbal with his hands, my Lord.
BK: What does that even mean, pink hair? This guy has been running his mouth about us demons. Am I supposed to just let that go?
Iida: If there is a witness, then it is true isn't it?
Ochako: It was just one demon! Pleaaase, put down your sword.
Kiri legs are starting to tremble against BK's weight. "Stop, Bakugou! The sun is setting!!!"
BK: Not till I take his head!
Mina shouts even louder hoping that they'd acknowledge her. "Take mine instead! Both of you, take my horns. I can't let my Lord and my companion fight each other over such trivial things! If anyone should be punished it should be me. I let her out of the castle and left her to roam unaccompanied. It's my fault!!!"
BK can't stand being ordered around, but this demon was adamant in her plea. "Who is your master, pink hair?"
Mina: I am Princess Ochako's servant my Lord.
BK: And who is this obscenely judgemental man to you?
Mina: A work companion who is dearly beloved to the princess. He is like a brother to her.
BK looks over to Ochako, still pulling Iida's arm back in the verge of tears: Tsk... Kirishima we're going home.
Kirishima almost fell forward as the weight against him disappeared. "Thank goodness." He bends over to Mina to help her up. "Hey, I'm glad to see you again."
Mina wrapped her arms around him. "Wow, you really changed." Kiri hugs her back, "Yeah."
BK from high up shouting: Stop exchanging looks. The sun's almost gone. Mom's gonna kill me!
Kiri: What are you saying? Geez. See you later, Mina. You gonna be here tomorrow?(unfolding his wings)
Mina: I'll send you a bird.
Kiri: Aww yiss! Bye~
Mina and Ochako watched them fly off into the sunset as Iida sheathes his sword.
Ochako gave a sigh of relief, her hands still trembling in Mina's. Iida grabbed on to Ochako's arm. "It's about time we go too. Pick up your things." He tried saying it as softly as he can with his strained breath.
Mina threw a loud slap across Iida's face. "What was that? How dare you! You put our lady in danger because of your personal vendetta? You go to the barracks on your own! We'll take a carriage."
Ochako's tears started to flow. "Mina, please don't be mean to him. He was just trying to protect me."
"No. That was just him being a jerk. He must have unnecessarily provoked the Prince. You saw how nice that guy is."
"But... but... *hnnggg*" Ochako buried her face into Iida's chest. "I thought you were gonna die! Stop starting fights. I was so scared. What if you leave me too? What will I do? I'm not powerful enough to save you yet." Her legs finally gave in after a whole day of running about. Iida caught her and lifted her up. "Tenya, promise me you'd stay safe."
Her expression was too much for Iida. He can't bare looking at her so he hugged her tightly, his head resting on her shoulder. "I'll do my best to keep this promise."
Mina is annoyed, but her lady needed to be reassured. "Fine~ We'll all ride the carriage."
They already left~
Todoroki: Well that's unexpected.
Aizawa: Urgh What farce. To think they'd actually meet. This is going to be troublesome.
Todoroki chugging down another mug: The aura he released isn't even a portion of his real power.
Aizawa: With luck, the charms on his body will restrain him till he is able to control it.
Todo: I think I can handle him easily. For now~
Aizawa takes a sip: Have you noticed the darkness lingering about them while they went around town?
Todo: You mean, aside from you? (Aizawa looking a bit annoyed.) Not till just a while ago. They got drawn to him when he let loose.
Aizawa: sigh~ What was the queen thinking? Doing this so close to the ceremony?
Todo: She loves her son. (Raises hand to get another mug.
Aizawa: A bit too much.
Todo: Cheers (clunk)
Aizawa: For the blue sky.
Todo: And the blue sea.
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dietaku · 5 years
Amazing Quest 1: Chapter 9
The final chapter. Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9: Together, as One, We Will...!
When you're ready, warp back to Toneland. Any island will do, really, but Toneland is large enough that  it should serve your purposes. The point now is to wait for Zytroph to go near the island and leg it until the sprites touch. Doing so will prompt a new scene:
Hiro: This is it, guys!
(Zytroph looms ahead of the party as a flock of glass cranes with chimes on their wings fly around him. In the GBA version, this entire scene is rather beautifully animated with sprites, while in the SNES, it's all done with a single still image. )
Zytroph: The time is nigh, mortals. Abase yourself before the Mother of Strife.
--Boss Fight!--
Zytroph the Dragonfish x1
LP: 88000
Zytroph is tough, but with the Final Fusion Swirl, Noble Neopolitan, he's a cakewalk. His high defense and magic defense are naught to the gigantic attack buff and  removal of defense that Noble Neopolitan allows. If you don't use it, then you'll find that Zytroph has access to all tier-3 spells and his own skills, like Gran Aero Spiral, where the cranes rush the party for heavy air and earth damage, and Dragon Palace Whale Lullaby, which will inflict sleep, drunk, or red randomly.
--Boss Fight!--
Zytroph: Very well, you are strong enough to cross onto my back. Perhaps you will overtake the other who has crossed over before...
Hiro: Jaydea...
Zytorph: I know not their name. All mortals look alike to mine eyes.
Loyroll: How very unfabulous.
You find yourself in front of the giant ivory tower on Zytroph's back. The entire floor rumbles, and the chimes stop, which, with the lack of music makes the entire area deathly quiet. Something terrible is on the way. That, combined with the unearthly enemies, like the Monstrkin, the Mermyth, the Scalawag, and the Eudaemonaia, which is notable for being able to inflict Deep Haze, a status unique to it that forces a character to not act for five turns, even if the fight ends before that is up. Thus, speed is the name of the game here. Progress up the tower, which is a simple spiral, before you get to a floor with a large courtyard and a closed door. Inspect it and you'll be told it's a dead end. Do this ten times to proceed.
(The dead end shifts into the now-familiar form of Kord)
Kord: Geez, you guys! I thought it was someone important! Lady Jaydea told me to keep this place off-limits! I thought I had put a sign up!
(He turns around, where a “Do Not Disturb” sign is hanging off his back)
Ozma: (Giggles)
Kimyawa: Rock-san., your sign--
Kord: Hrm? My sign? It's Aquarius. Why do you-- Oh, here it is. It's on my back. Whoops. Anyways, now that we have THAT out of the way...You'll all have to die.
Hiro: Really?
Kord: Well, no, but I prefer being paid to not, y'know?
--Boss Fight!--
Heavenly King Kord x1
LP: 90000
MP: 12000
Kord is relentless. His defense and magic defense are higher than Zytroph, and he can actually go toe to toe with Noble Neapolitan as his hits can pierce the defense buff that the fusion grants you. In addition, his “Rocky Road Ripper,” and “Kordian Knot” skills will shred your LP over time with earth-based damage and lower your action speed, so don't feel bad if he actually defeats you. Lay on the hate and you ought to come out on top!
--Boss Fight!--
Kord: U-urgh, dammit! Even with all my amicable character moments, even the Stone Lord, must fall. I guess it r-really is time for me to gather moss....
(Kord falls over dead, where Deima kicks him off the tower, presumably into the ocean below)
Deima: And now, not only does he get a burial at sea, he's out of the way, too!
Hiro: ….
Deima: What? Le'ts go!
Continue up the stairs, where you see Jaydea leaning over a large mosaic on the floor of a blonde woman with wings, with the five talismans inset into the mural.
Jaydea: (Turns to the party) It is done. I have unlocked the Goddess, but...You know what she asked me? Are you sure? Do you want me to grant you this wish? Of course I answered yes, but seeing her, and now you're here. All I've done. All Zoddon aspired to, and now, all my friends and allies. They're all gone... Light Pudding, no, Hiro...You do not have the will to stand up to that evil, and you. Cannot. Kill. Me. What will you do?
Emilia: Bullshit, Jaydea! I'll rip you apart myself!
Jaydea: No, you cannot.
--Boss Fight!--
Dark Pudding Queen Jaydea x1
LP: 65000
MP: 9500
Do not let her low LP count fool you. Jaydea CAN and WILL stand up to Noble Neapolitan. She'll engage her Figgy Pudding form, and then begin what can only be considered a barrage of torment, as she abuses Wenceslas Breath, Sun Downer, and Soul Survivor, to lower your action speed, inflict heavy light-based damage, then scythe away your MP so you options become increasingly limited and thereby force you to spend turns refilling your MP with items. However, thee is an easy way to beat her and a hard one. The hard one is actually trying to inflict enough damage to beat her normally. The other is to last twenty turns. Either way, you'll win.
--Boss Fight!--
Jaydea: (Clutches her shoulder, which is badly burned and bleeding, before smiling coolly, and her wound vanishes in an instant.)
:Deima: You didn't...
Jaydea: “Do you want this? You will watch all your friends and loved ones grow old and die, and then the world, until all the stars go out, and you will float endlessly in an ocean of blackness.” That is what Halst asked me. Yes, I am now invincible, unkillable by anything.
Emilia: You're wrong, Jaydea. You're not invincible.
Jaydea: Oh? I fail to see what you're getting at.
(Emilia motions for Jaydea to walk closer to her, where Emilia claps her on the shoulder)
Emilia: We go back a long way, Jay, so this is gonna hurt me more than it does you.
Jaydea: I don't think so, but--
(Jaydea cannot finish this, as she's slammed on the ground, and kicked off the tower by Emilia, complete with MIDI falling scream)
Emilia: YOU MESSED WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER, YOU BITCH! That was where you failed!
Hiro: (Visibly tears up) Emilia....
Loyroll: While this is excellent work in reversing years of abuse, we really do need to hurry up and save the world.
Hiro: R-right!
Go through the door. Where you'll find another garishly decorated room with mosaics all across the walls and floors. However, the most striking feature is the little girl in the center of the room.
Hiro: She seems strangely familiar...
Little Girl: Hello, Mister! Do you want anything? Money? Fame? Power? Women? A set of balls?
Little Girl: GYAHAHA! A little divine humor. Seriously, though, Let me heal you, first!
(The party is fully healed!)
Little Girl: Now, what can I, the Goddess of Strife, Halst, do for you?
Hiro: Can you please go back to sleep? The world is really nice and y doesn't deserve to be destroyed!
Halst: Mmmmmm, you raise a good point. Okay! I will go back to sleep!
Hiro: R-really?
Halst: I need to get some exercise in first, though. No sense in getting up before doing some stretches~!
Deima: Be on your guard, Hiro!
Hiro: !!!
--Boss Fight!--
Tiny Goddess Halst x1
LP: 100000
MP: 33000
This form of Halst is unnerving since she'll giggle in an autotuned MIDI voice and do little else for five turns before she uses the “Goddess Halst cried an evil spell!” and the party will be dealt half health in dmage instantly. This is when you realize this form isn't meant to kill you, but troll you to waste healing items. She'll continue doing this, but never do more than scythe away your health with percentage attacks.
--Boss Fight!--
Deima: Hiro! She's just pretending! Inside that cutesy exterior is the heart of an utter monster!
Halst: Ohohohoho, so you do remember. Chimera Witch Deima, shall we begin our deadly dance once more?
Deima: Nuh-uh! I'm taken already! (Grabs Hiro, as Ozma and Kimyawa both tense violently)
Halst:...Of course. Very well...
(She bulges, before erupting like an insect molting out of her little girl form, standing as a stunning adult version of her earlier form. She kicks off the fleshy bag as a pair of winged munchkin cherubs fly by and drop a halo over her head)
Halst: Now, Puddings! Welcome to TODT!
Halst, Goddess of Destruction x1
LP: 120000
MP: 45000
She'll remain  in her initial form, while Deima will yell at you to “Use Noble Neapolitan to stop her Spinning Narrative!” When you do so, Halst will jerk back in terror, and her form will shift to that of a gigantic winged-snake form of herself. She still has her human top half, though, so, go topless final bosses, I guess? It doesn't affect her life any, but it does make her much more aggressive, allowing her to use Divine Light of Terror (Heavy Light-elemented LP-based damage, translated as Shining Slayer Cross of Evil later), Sacred Verdict (A large chance of inflicting all status ailments), and all tier-3 spells to hurt you in all sorts of ways. My best advice is to abuse Noble Neapolitan's best skill, Shining Zephyr of Friendship, or as it is translated in the localized version, Shining Rainbow Connection. If you're deliberately going for the bad end, hit her as hard as you can without Noble Neapolitan... That's all I can say.
Halst: URGH! I'm...I'm beaten? Light Pudding, I will return to sleep. Be warned, though. As long as Evil persists, I cannot die...(She melts away)
Hiro: We-we did it!
Emilia: I knew you could do it!
Hiro: Really?
Emilia: S-sure! (She looks away and coughs for a moment) Anyways, we got a lot to do, let's go home!
(You're then treated to the ending credits as the party slowly walks back through the various towns that still remain intact, as the party members all wave goodbye, dispersing one at a time, until Emilia, Hiro and Ozma remain. They stop at Toruble Castle, and Emilia turns to the other two.)
Emilia: Well, I need to do some, uh, stuff, at, uh, place. I'll catch you two kids later!
Hiro: Huh?
(Hiro and Ozma stare at one another)
Ozma: Wanna see my sock puppet collection?
Hiro: A'iight.
The good ending has a mural of the heroes, except Moore (Fuck that guy), which ends in Hiro and Ozma raising a sword together to Halst in her angel-snake form, while we get one last scene..
(Hand on a beach, clenches)
Jaydea: I...I told you...I cannot die, Light Pudding. I-I'll be back in the sequel! (Cough, cough)
(Bad End)
Halst: (Clutching her face) I...I was beaten by the Puddings, but they ignored Big Sister's warnings, and now....
(She turns to a a pair of babies on the nearby floor. One of which is a dark blue boy with red streaks down his face, and the other is a blonde girl akin to Halst)
Halst: Auntie Deima will meet YOU two~! Mweeheeeheehee~!
Amazing Quest 1: Pudding Warrior....END
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