#urine infection medicine
skytagproducts · 1 year
The Power Of American Cranberry Capsules: Urinary Tract Infection’s Worst Nightmare!
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In the grand tapestry of life, there are few things more inconvenient and downright uncomfortable than a urinary tract infection (UTI). Picture this: You're planning an epic road trip, but your UTI decides to join as an unwelcome travel buddy. You can't enjoy the journey with the relentless urge to visit every rest stop bathroom. Fear not, fellow traveller, for there's a superhero in the form of American Cranberry Capsules, here to save the day and keep your UTI at bay!
The UTI Saga Begins
Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there lived a young woman named Lily. She was all set to embark on a long-awaited road trip with her friends, filled with adventure and laughter. But there was an unexpected plot twist – a UTI decided to gatecrash her party. It was like an uninvited guest who overstayed their welcome.
As Lily grumbled about the cruel twist of fate, her friend Mia chimed in with a life-changing piece of advice: "Lily, have you tried American Cranberry Capsules? They're like the superheroes of the UTI world!"
American Cranberry Capsules Vs. Urinary Tract Infections: The Showdown
Lily, intrigued and desperate for relief, decided to give these cranberry capsules a shot. But before we dive into the miraculous powers of these little wonders, let's take a quick detour to understand what a UTI is and why it's such a party pooper.
A UTI occurs when pesky bacteria, usually E. Coli, invade the urinary tract, causing irritation, inflammation, and a host of unpleasant symptoms. Cue the burning sensation, frequent bathroom trips, and an overall feeling of discomfort – not the ideal road trip companions, right?
The Cranberry Chronicles: A Sweet Solution
Now, let's introduce our superhero: American Cranberry Capsules. These unassuming capsules pack a punch when it comes to tackling UTIs. But how do they work their magic, you ask?
Well, cranberries contain a powerful compound called Proanthocyanidins (PACs). These PACs are like the bouncers at the club, ensuring that bacteria don't stick around in the urinary tract. They make it harder for bacteria to adhere to the bladder walls, essentially kicking them out of the party before they can cause trouble.
Cranberry Capsules Vs. Cranberry Juice: The Sweet Debate
You might be wondering, "Why not just chug cranberry juice?" Ah, my curious reader, that's a great question. While cranberry juice can be a tasty option, it often contains high levels of artificial sugars that can turn your UTI into a full-blown fiesta.
Imagine your bladder as a calm, serene lake, and bacteria as mischievous ripples. Cranberry juice with its added sugar is like tossing a bag of sugar into that lake – it stirs up chaos! The sugar feeds the bacteria, making your UTI even more determined to stay and party.
But American cranberry capsules are like a soothing rain shower, calming the turbulent waters of your urinary tract without adding any sugar-induced chaos. They offer the benefits of cranberries without the sugar-related drawbacks, making them an ideal choice, especially for those watching their sugar intake.
The UTI-Free Road Trip: Lily's Story
Back to our heroine, Lily. She decided to give American Cranberry Capsules a try, and boy, was she in for a treat! As she embarked on her road trip, she popped her daily Cranberry Capsule like a superhero taking a power-up pill.
The results were nothing short of miraculous. Lily's UTI symptoms started to fade, and she could finally enjoy the scenic routes and quirky roadside attractions with her friends. She even joked that her Cranberry Capsules were the real MVPs of the trip, and they deserved a spot on her travel postcard.
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The Humorous Twist In Urinary Tract Infections
But wait, there's more! American Cranberry Capsules not only helped Lily's UTI but also added a dash of humor to her trip. You see, cranberries have this delightful quirk – they can turn your skin into a vibrant shade of glow! Imagine the surprise when Lily and her friends discovered this unexpected side effect. They affectionately dubbed it the "Cranberry Surprise."
As they shared hearty laughs about their 'colorful' adventures, it became clear that American Cranberry Capsules weren't just UTI warriors but also fantastic conversation starters. Who knew a supplement could be both a remedy and a source of amusement?
Buying The Best American Cranberry Capsules
Now this can be a bit of a challenge. While there is a sea of Cranberry Capsules available the moment you search from them online, it is however best to stick to a brand of 100% Pure American Cranberry Capsules as your choice over urine infection medicines, especially if you have been struggling with antibiotics for urine infections for long. Now the key between an effective & a waste of money product lies in the presence of an ingredient called Proanthocyanidinsalso known as PACs. This ingredient holds the key to the effect you will get with your Cranberry Product. While most products have a very low presence of PAC, it is important to choose a Cranberry product with a presence of above 15% PAC. The results you will expect will solely rest on the PAC percentage of your product, so research carefully & choose a product from a dependable company who understands this and offers you a product of 100% Pure American Cranberry Capsules with a high PAC Content beyond 15%, so that you buy a peace of mind as well.
In Conclusion: The American Cranberry Capsule Chronicles
In the grand journey of life, UTIs may pop up unannounced, but American Cranberry Capsules are here to ensure they don't overstay their welcome. With their natural powers to prevent bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract walls, they're like the superheroes you never knew you needed.
So, the next time you find yourself in the midst of a UTI saga, remember the tale of Lily and her trusty American Cranberry Capsules with a high PAC content. They turned her road trip from a potential disaster into a memorable adventure filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a delightful touch of humor – the kind of journey everyone dreams of.
In the battle against UTIs, let 100% Pure American Cranberry Capsules be your trusty sidekick. They're here to save the day, one pink-hued adventure at a time!
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laylanatorseventeen · 2 months
So I got a kidney infection out of nowhere with no preceding bladder infection or UTI. On top of that I got FOUR canker sores in my mouth at the same time. AND a fever blister/cold sore.
Yep, this seems like the work of a healthy unstressed immune system (/s)! My irrational paranoia that the weird ass nurse who felt the need to point out we were in a high school class together somehow sabotaged my colonoscopy results bc we were in a religious class where I was vocal about gay rights seems less irrational by the day
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harmonizewithechoes · 3 months
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In this article, we’ll delve into the uncomfortable reality of UTIs, exploring their causes, symptoms, and potential homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infection. Whether you’re seeking preventive measures or effective treatment options, join us as we navigate the intricacies of UTIs and empower you with the knowledge to tackle this common condition head-on with help of homeopathic medicines for urine infection.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi there! I love your headcanons and I was wondering if I could make a personal request. Let me know if this is a no-go.
I have PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, basically PMS [premenstrual syndrome] but 20x worse. It usually resolves upon the onset of the crimson wave. But not all the time.
I have been struggling really badly with the deep depression, insomnia, and self-image issues brought on by my disorder.
Do you think we can see how the Batch handles their fem reader S/O struggling with this disorder specifically? And maybe, if it's not too much, a part 2 with some of our favorite regs?
Thank you so much!
Aloha my dear!
Oh, this is a heavy hitter, I know where you are coming from. So many people out there have no idea how freaking much this can affect someone's life. PMS is already a hard thing to deal with, but PMDD brings it to yet another really shitty level. Don't worry, I got you 😊
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HCs - Struggling With PMDD
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Warnings: Mention of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and its symptoms /Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
AC: I'm using Techs Part first to introduce PMDD and its symptoms to those who might not know what it is. So don't be surprised about Tech's Part being longer than the others, there is a lot of information in there. So please read Tech's part, to understand what this is all about 😊
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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The first experiences he has with you in this context are frightening for him. Apart from the fact that you suddenly seem like a completely different person to him, he is really worried about you. But Tech wouldn't be Tech if he didn't get to the bottom of this.
It takes him a little while to find the right material.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It may affect women of childbearing age. It’s a severe and chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms.
The exact cause of PMDD is not known. It may be an abnormal reaction to normal hormone changes that happen with each menstrual cycle. The hormone changes can cause a serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a substance found naturally in the brain and intestines that narrows blood vessels and can affect mood and cause physical symptoms.
What are the risk factors for PMDD?
While any woman can develop PMDD, the following may be at increased risk:
Women with a family history of PMS or PMDD  
Women with a personal or family history of depression, postpartum depression, or other mood disorders
Other possible risk factors include lower education and cigarette smoking
Talk with your healthcare provider for more information.
"Healthcare provider?" he mumbles softly between reading, "As if any of us have such a thing"
Symptoms of PMDD appear during the week before menstruation and end within a few days after your period starts. These symptoms disrupt daily living tasks. Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that women have trouble functioning at home, at work, and in relationships during this time. This is markedly different than other times during the month.
There is a chart with symptoms and he worriedly starts to read it.
The following are the most common symptoms of PMDD:
Psychological symptoms
Lack of control
Difficulty in concentrating
Severe fatigue
Poor self-image
Emotional sensitivity
Crying spells
Trouble sleeping
Fluid retention
Swelling of the ankles, hands, and feet
Periodic weight gain
Diminished urine output
Breast fullness and pain
Respiratory problems
Eye complaints
Vision changes
Eye infection
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Abdominal cramps
Pelvic heaviness or pressure
Skin problems
Skin inflammation with itching
Aggravation of other skin disorders, including cold sores
Neurologic and vascular symptoms
Numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity of arms and/or legs
Easy bruising
Heart palpitations
Muscle spasms
Decreased coordination
Painful menstruation
Diminished sex drive
Appetite changes
Food cravings
Hot flashes
His brows are drawn together critically. With a heavy sigh, he says quietly to himself, "Oh boy…"
Tech makes it his business to see that you are examined by a proper doctor, given appropriate medication, and change your diet. He sometimes seems stern and matter-of-fact, but only when he notices you neglecting yourself. Tech also pampers you to counteract the psychological symptoms, with picnics, massages and the like.
Don't worry too much, Tech's got your back. He won't give up on you.
His senses already tell him what connections exist with your condition. But of course he is not a doctor and therefore informs himself accordingly without your knowledge, Tech helps him. What he learns frightens him, Hunter is really worried, and he makes it his mission to make this time, these symptoms, easier for you. Apart from making sure you always have the medication you need at hand, he is also much more attentive and caring than usual during this time.
You can let yourself go and not have to worry about anything, Hunter takes everything in hand and has it under control. He is especially gentle and forgiving with you during this time. You mean a lot to him, and he does his absolute best to help you.
He doesn't argue with you when you get your moods, if you want to be alone he respects that, but keeps an eye on you from a safe distance, just in case.
This sweet man really throws himself into the task of helping you. Whether it's getting your medications, preparing food, massages, and running relaxing baths, Echo has it all covered.
With him by your side, you will want for nothing during this difficult time. He is also not easily scared away, he is as patient as he is stubborn. You don't have to go to the doctor alone, Echo will accompany you.
He organizes your medication, your diet and everything else you need, if you want. If you don't, you must tell him clearly, because Echo will automatically see his task in taking care of everything.
He is warm, and lively. Contrary to the expectations of most, he is also very sensitive and attentive. Of course, he does not miss the fact that something is wrong with you. Of course, he is worried and wants to help.
Talk to him honestly, try not to withdraw, and you will have a steadfast supporter and caretaker in Wrecker. He likes to spoil you, make sure you are taken care of and have your medication.
Wrecker is happy to adapt to you, you just need to communicate with him and let him know what you need. Taking care of you is very easy for him, he likes to do that. Knowing that he can make things easier for you is also good for him in this situation. So confide in him, there is absolutely no reason to pretend in front of him.
He is a bit more complicated at first. Of course, you are incredibly important to him, and he also has a certain empathy, but he often stands in his own way when it comes to emotional, interpersonal things.
At first, he can't really deal with it at all and is looking for some distance at this time. But in a small conversation between brothers, in which Hunter makes it clear to him that his behavior sooner or later can seriously damage your relationship, Crosshair first informs himself more precisely about the existing problem. Finally, he approaches you with the knowledge he has gathered and tries to discuss with you what you can do together as a couple, what he can do as your partner to make the whole thing easier for you.
You talk about medications, doctor visits, relaxation techniques, and home remedies to combat some symptoms. It doesn't take long for the two of you to work out a certain routine that you can both manage and that he can use to help you get through this time okay.
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macgyvermedical · 1 month
you got me diggin thru my medicine cabinet to see if anything’s got a juicy history. What about spironolactone?
Spironolactone is primarily a diuretic (medication that increases the amount of urine produced) for treating heart failure and high blood pressure. It is also used for several other reasons, including as an anti-androgen agent for MTF transition purposes in places where more effective treatments are not available, PCOS, epstein barr virus infection, and as a puberty blocker for boys with precocious puberty.
Spironolactone was first approved in 1961 as a diuretic that did not cause potassium loss. Diuretics up to this point caused large amounts of potassium to be lost in the urine, which in turn caused low potassium levels in the blood. Low potassium levels in the blood caused potentially deadly heart rhythms, so it was good to have an alternative that did not cause this effect (though it did sometimes cause the opposite- too much potassium in the blood, which is also potentially deadly).
In 1962 it was discovered that spironolactone caused gynecomastia (breast development in males). This was not necessarily a deal breaker due to it's other benefits, but in 1969 it did lead researchers to realize that it was an anti-androgen at high doses. This opened up other uses, including decreasing PCOS symptoms and hirsutism in women, which started in 1978.
In 1986, it was finally studied for use in transgender women. It was found to be a moderately effective testosterone blocker in high doses, which, when combined with estradiol could facilitate hormonal transition.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Long COVID continues to evade diagnosis through lab tests - Published Aug 12, 2024
NEW YORK, Aug. 12 (UPI) -- Blood and urine tests are ineffective for diagnosing long COVID -- a constellation of long-term symptoms such as chronic pain, brain fog, shortness of breath and intense fatigue, a new study shows.
Without a clear tool to detect and treat the lingering illness, it remains "a major public health burden," researchers noted, affecting millions of people worldwide and significantly altering quality of life.
The new study, funded by the National Institutes of Health Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative, was published Monday in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Because few large studies looked at standardized laboratory tests as a way to help diagnose long COVID, researchers decided to examine results of 25 measurements in more of than 10,000 adults enrolled in the RECOVER trial. Launched in 2021, this trial received $1.15 billion in congressional funding. At the outset, participants underwent blood tests and were deemed eligible whether or not they had a previous infection of SARS-CoV-2.
Researchers followed them with surveys every three months and laboratory samples at six, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months after infection or the date of a negative test result.
In comparing responses to questionnaires and routine test outcomes, researchers assessed whether SARS-CoV-2 resulted in repeated laboratory abnormalities regardless if participants had symptoms.
The findings basically revealed little, said the study's lead author, Dr. Kristine Erlandson, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. That's because the laboratory results were inconclusive.
However, she and co-researchers recommended in their study report that clinicians still perform routine clinical tests to rule out other treatable causes of the symptoms in post-acute sequelae of COVID-19, the scientific name for long COVID.
Researchers also uncovered evidence to bolster the notion that SARS-CoV-2 could contribute to the risk of diabetes independent of long COVID -- a link found early in the pandemic.
Individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 also had higher urine albumin to creatinine ratio. This indicator of early kidney disease has shown an association with cardiovascular conditions in other populations.
Continuing inflammation may be a possible explanation for smell and taste disruptions and post-acute sequelae of COVID-19, researchers said.
"The diversity of symptoms may be one of the reasons that we have difficulty in truly understanding why some people develop long COVID and ultimately how we can treat it," Erlandson said.
"Long COVID is a condition currently defined by symptoms and physical exam findings, not by abnormal routine laboratory measures," she added.
"Similarly, providers should certainly not dismiss a diagnosis of long COVID based on normal clinical laboratory values."
In an accompanying editorial, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore noted that most significant unsolved enigmas of the COVID-19 pandemic pertain to the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of long COVID.
"When [it is] severe, long COVID can be disabling, resulting in job loss or inconsistent ability to perform other roles, such as caregiving. Even in 2024, long COVID remains common," Drs. Paul Auwaerter and Annukka Antar wrote in the editorial.
"Approximately 1 in 20 U.S. adults reported persisting symptoms after COVID-19 in June 2024, with 1.4% reporting significant limitations The incidence of long COVID is 3.5% among immunized people in the Omicron era, and it can occur after reinfection."
The editorial's writers added that "importantly, acknowledging symptoms with empathy and creating a symptom management plan provides a basis for trust and hope amidst uncertainty."
Read the rest of the report at either link!
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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Imagine Alucard sitting down with Trevor and Sypha and going over the standard medical practices of the medieval period and explaining which ones are actually helpful and which ones are complete bullshit.
Sypha:  Live worms tied around the neck for a sore throat?
Alucard:  No.
Trevor:  Diagnosis from urine?
Alucard:  Yes and no.  A urine sample will reveal certain illnesses given proper testing.  Otherwise, the color of urine is really only good for determining whether or not you’re drinking enough water.
Sypha:  Maggots.
Alucard:  Maggots will actually eat away rotting, infected flesh, but if we observe actual sanitation practices, we won’t get to that point.  Plus, sterile amputation procedures.
Trevor:  What actually causes plague?  Bad air, divine punishment, planetary misalignment?
Alucard:  None of the above.  It’s caused by bacteria.  I’ll explain later.
Sypha:  ...medicine administered via a clyster?
Alucard:  Oh, for the love of...
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Hey sex witch! Do you know anything about UTI's? I feel pretty certain I've got one (it kinda burns when I pee and that seems to be the main thing that people point to as a symptom) but like, how am I sure? Do I need to go to a doctor? And what do I do, do you really need to take medication of are there other ways to help get it cleared up?
hi anon,
if you do have a UTI then yes, you really should be taking medicine to clear that up. that's a bacterial infection, and you need antibiotics. most drugstores sell them medicine suitable for urinary tract infections over the counter, without any need to consult with a doctor. PLEASE acquire some and take the full course, ASAP.
also man god I TRULY hope for your sake that it is a UTI, because painful urination is a symptom of SEVERAL things that are much bigger bummers, ranging from STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea to autoimmune disorders. if over the counter UTI medicines don't clear this up, it's time to see a doctor.
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prairiefirewitch · 5 months
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Eastern Red Cedar (Essential Herbs for Witches)
*Notes from the Hekate ritual kits that were released October 23'.
Latin name: Juniperus virginiana
Planet: Sun, Saturn
Element: Fire
Parts used: foliage, wood, essential oil
Astrological Association: Leo
Energy: Masculine
Magical properties: Longevity, protection, preservation, strength, wisdom, perseverance, renewal, transformation, balance, connection to the divine through nature, return of stolen goods, defense.
Healing properties: Fever, cough, skin conditions, respiratory issues
Eastern Red Cedar is not actually a true cedar, it’s a juniper, as its latin name, Juniperus virginiana, indicates. Naturalized in Europe, Asia, and North America, Eastern Red Cedar is present in all temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and stretches into parts of the southern hemisphere. This hardy tree has deep roots and tolerates poor rocky soil, salt, heat, and wind, and is drought tolerant. 
Medicinally juniper has been used in bathing, sometimes as a scourge, to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis and to relieve depression symptoms and exhaustion. It’s also been used to heal open wounds. Juniper is warming and pungent and affects the liver and kidneys. Its bitter action stimulates the gallbladder and liver and it aids in digestion. Juniper is also used for respiratory issues, urinary tract infections, and skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema. The warming effect of juniper makes it helpful in breaking fevers. Eastern red cedar is an abortifacient and should not be used by pregnant women. 
Juniper berries have been used to flavor food, beer, and notably gin, and in Ireland the unripe berries are tinctured with whiskey and used as a general health tonic. 
As for juniper’s use in folklore and witchcraft, around the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, it was planted to protect a home from evil spirits and malicious men. It was sometimes built into a new house as a structural beam or to fill cracks between stone to drive away illness and evil spirits. Branches were hung above doors to repel witches. 
Because it is an evergreen, it’s also used in fertility rites and the berries are sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. 
Shamans in Siberia burned and inhaled the smoke of juniper to induce trance, and because of its high thujone contain, it can indeed induce altered states. Thujone does build in the liver over time so care should be taken to limit smoke inhalation to occasional use. 
Burning juniper as a smudge was common in Native American rituals for purification and to cleanse sacred ritual space. Cherokee natives believed that the wood of this cedar held the spirits of their ancestors. In other native ritual practices, it was believed that messages were sent to the Creator when it was burnt ceremonially. 
In Scottish folk magic, juniper is used to ‘sain’ livestock and homes during Beltaine and Samhain. Saining is done by lighting bonfires and driving cattle between them.  These fires would be lit from sacred Neid fires and extinguished home fires would be relit with this fire.  People also hopped over these fires to rid themselves of negative spirits. Juniper (lubhar beinne) was used, and to a lesser extent, mountain ash or rowan (caorran).  The cattle byre was sained, and the lintel over the byre was anointed with wine or human urine. Homes were also sained with burning juniper and “in such quantities to fill the whole house with smoke.”  Juniper would have also hung at windows to ward off witches and evil spirits and to rid the house of pests and diseases.
According to Scottish folklore, juniper needed to be harvested in a particular way, like all magical plants.  It was pulled by the roots, taking 4 branches between 5 fingers while an incantation was repeated.  Today we should probably refrain from yanking bushes from the ground and taking a branch or some berries after asking permission should suffice.  The branches can be dried and burned or the berries can be burned on a charcoal disc, or dip the branch into sea salted water and sprinkle a bit on yourself and your magical working space. 
While we generally think of juniper as a plant of the Sun, it does have older Saturnian associations perhaps because they are very long lived, but maybe also because of their often gnarled wood and spiky foliage, giving them a dark, ominous aspect. Like both yew and cypress trees, Easter red cedar is common in older cemeteries in the southern united states. This may be because its evergreen leaves have come to symbolize ‘eternal life’, but through the ancient Greeks, we have an association with juniper as a plant of Hekate, perhaps because she led the procession of the dead. Through Hekate, it is also associated with Medea, a Hekatean priestess. 
I choose to substitute Eastern red cedar for the yews, cypress, and cedar we traditionally see aligned with Hekate because ERC happens to grow in abundance in my bioregion and has a long history of use in sacred rites across the world. Eastern red cedar is a plant of protection and is excellent for banishing, inspiring courage and strength, purification and release.
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handeaux · 1 year
From Grocer’s Itch To Milk Leg: Here Are 17 Antique Diseases That Once Tormented Cincinnatians
If you practiced medicine in Cincinnati during the 1800s, you encountered some nasty and mostly fatal germs like typhus, diphtheria, smallpox, and dysentery. In the age before antibiotics, your therapeutic options might involve anything from leeches to opium to a big dose of hope. Cincinnatians endured many diseases we don’t hear about anymore. Here are a few of them.
Black Water Fever For a good portion of its first century, Cincinnati saw regular infestations of malaria, usually identified then as “bilious fever.” In extreme cases, malaria transformed into the usually fatal Black Water Fever, characterized by extremely dark urine caused by red blood cells bursting and releasing a flood of hemoglobin. It was just as nasty as it sounds.
Bronze John Cincinnati was largely built on commercial relations with the American South and consequently we adopted a lot of Southern terms. One was “Bronze John” as a name for Yellow Fever. That term seems to have originated in Memphis. Cincinnati newspapers watched Memphis intently. If “Bronze John” appeared in Memphis, it was almost certain that Yellow Fever would erupt in Cincinnati.
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Catarrh A multitude of ailments, from the common cold to asthma and hay fever were lumped together under the name Catarrh. Almost any condition that involved a stuffy nose or chest congestion got diagnosed as such. Amazingly, the most commonly prescribed treatments for Catarrh involved smoking aromatic herbs or grinding such spicy plants into powder and inhaling them as snuff.
Chin Cough Today, we call it whooping cough or pertussis. We vaccinate children so they don’t get it. Back in the day, it was sometimes called “Chin Cough” and was among the maladies certain to be banished with a dose of the patent medicines promoted by fly-by-night hucksters passing through town. An 1822 editorial in the Cincinnati Gazette so enthusiastically supported universal cowpox vaccination that the writer claimed it not only prevented smallpox but “effectively cured scrofulous swellings [inflamed lymph nodes], ophthalmia [conjunctivitis] and chin-cough.”
Collywobbles Although this is the name of a real disease, namely a nervous or upset stomach, hardly anyone ever used the word in a serious situation. Adults suffered from dyspepsia. Greedy little kids who ate too much candy got the collywobbles. The term was also used humorously in political commentary to satirize politicians who feigned distress on learning about the machinations of their opponents.
Cooties It was a schoolyard taunt for those of a certain generation: “Stay away from girls because they’ve got Cooties.” Or it was a game – still manufactured by Hasbro. Long ago, Cooties were no laughing matter; it was a nickname for lice. Although lice infestations were not rare in Cincinnati, “Cooties” usually referred to lice endured by soldiers in various wars, especially World War I.
Dandy Fever Today, we think of Dengue Fever as a tropical inconvenience, but it was once fairly common in Cincinnati, generating a number of nicknames including “Bucket Fever,” “Broken Bone Fever” and “Dandy Fever.” The tendency of this mosquito-borne disease to cause severe joint pain led sufferers to adopt a very stiff-jointed mode of walking in which they appeared to imitate the gait of a dandy.
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Dry Bellyache Sometimes known as “Painter’s Colic,” the disease called Dry Bellyache is essentially lead poisoning. It is one of the symptoms of exposure to heavy metals such as lead. Some of the first described cases were traced to consumption of cheap rum, which accumulated a hefty dose of lead from the solder holding distillation coils together.
Grippe Usually referred to as “The Grippe” or “La Grippe,” influenza was a dangerous infection then and now. The term comes from the French word for influenza, hence the “La.” In an attempt to Anglicize the French term, some newspapers used “The Grip.” Death resulted so often from The Grippe that newspapers alerted travelers to avoid cities in which it was rampant. The Cincinnati Gazette of 18 April 1837 carried the news, for example, that The Grippe was raging in Constantinople.
Grocer’s Itch In the days before packaged goods, grocers sold a lot of bulk staples such as flour, lard and sugar. An occupational condition known as Grocer’s Itch was common among Cincinnati’s shopkeepers and was caused by a type of mite, Acarus sacchari, known as the “sugar insect” although it was not an insect; mites have eight legs. Anyone devoting any amount of time to measuring raw sugar was likely to see their arms and hands infested with mite bites.
Jail Fever When sanitary conditions in Cincinnati’s finest homes were iffy at best, the city’s prisons were positively deplorable. Among other diseases, typhus was endemic and so common among prisoners that it gained the nickname “Jail Fever.” The Cincinnati Gazette [25 January 1876] emphasized just how serious the situation was: “A case was mentioned of a jail prisoner who was brought into court to receive his sentence while suffering with typhus fever, and within one week every member of the Court, judge, jurors, Sheriffs and all were dead.”
Milk Leg The Cincinnati Semi-Weekly Gazette of 14 October 1873 carried a letter promising quick relief from Milk Leg. The remedy, involving chamber lye and boiled mullein leaves, appears to be more trouble than it was worth, but the correspondent claimed it cured her after she “had lain from in December till the next corn planting.” Today, we would call Milk Leg phlebitis, a condition in which the veins of the leg become inflamed.
Salt Rheum If you were afflicted by Salt Rheum in 1853, an advertisement in the Cincinnati Enquirer offered sure relief: “Salt Rheum, (or Tetter), Scald Head and Ring Worms positively cured in every ninety-seven cases in a hundred, by the use of Gridley’s Salt Rheum Ointment, which is justly ranked by the most learned physicians as one of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century.” Salt Rheum, Tetter and Scald Head were all various forms of skin disease including eczema, psoriasis, and some forms of herpes. Another dermatological affliction, involving small whitish patches of itchy skin caused by cold weather was known as Chilblains.
Scorbutic Fever Almost unheard of today, except among adherents of extreme diets, scurvy is a debilitating disease caused by a shortage of Vitamin C. In extreme cases, scurvy could produce elevated body temperatures variously known as Scorbutic Fever or “Camp Fever.” The “camp” in question was not a vacation getaway but a prison camp and reflected the abysmal food provided to the inmates.
Scrivener’s Palsy There are not many scriveners employed these days, so think of poor Bob Cratchit in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” Hunched over a poorly lit desk, scribbling away all day was bound to have an effect, and so it did, in an affliction that we might call “Writer’s Cramp” today, if there were any writers who still used a pencil and paper. The Cincinnati Gazette of 8 July 1875 reported the emergence of a similar affliction, “Telegrapher’s Palsy.” Also caused by clerical work was “Typewriter’s Disease,” but this was a mental condition in which over-concentration on transcribing verbiage led to a sort of psychosomatic blindness in which the victim was unable to read at all.
Scrumpox The malady known as Scrumpox is still around today but, since its cause is now known, it goes by a different name – Herpes Gladiatorum. As the older name implies, it is a skin condition, a form of herpes, passed along by athletes rubbing exposed skin together, as in a rugby scrum. In fact, the first attempt at a scientific name for the disease was Herpes Rugbiorum. It also shows up as “Wrestler’s Herpes.” The Enquirer of 12 April 1896 listed scrumpox among some other athletic disorders including “Golf Arm” and “Cyclist’s Back.”
Sinking Chills The Cincinnati Gazette of 30 April 1874 reported: “Andrew Palmer, a pioneer citizen of Butler Township, died yesterday, of sinking chills, aged 70 years.” Mr. Palmer may have been the victim of any number of pernicious or intermittent fevers, the most common of which were a symptom of malaria. Sinking Chills also described a sort of general malaise targeted by a lot of the spring tonics and nostrums concocted by the patent medicine industry. Another antique term for malarial fevers was Ague, usually called The Ague.
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buffetlicious · 2 years
It emits an amber-hued glow through the light and in Chinese, it is known by the most lyrical moniker – some call it “the tears of peach blossom”. Its nutritional content is as rich as its appearance. It is Peach Gum (桃胶), surfacing on diners’ radar in recent years for the large amount of collagen it contains. Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found. As detailed in classical Chinese medical literature, its curative qualities include solving urinal infections, thirst-quenching and relieving stress.
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Not only used frequently by doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine, peach gum is also a natural and healthy food rich in amino acid, which allows collagen to be quickly absorbed into the human body. This makes many people fall in love with it, and many recipes featuring peach gum has been devised since then. From soups, cooked dishes to desserts like this home-cooked Peach Gum & White Fungus Sweet Soup, the gemstone-lookalike is a delight to both our palate and skin.
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Top two images and info from here.
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Helicobacter Pylori
Spicing things up a bit with a Gram Negative Helical/spiral Bacteria
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up to 50% of the population worldwide, but even more in endemic countries/the 3rd world
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it can cloud differentials, as it can be asymptomatic unless it caues peptic ulcer disease, in which case the infection may have been decades prior to detection - so you have to interpret serology with a grain of salt (it may not be the culprit of acute infection)
often picked up in early childhood and lingers without treatment for dcades
by contrast, 5% of children in the US have had it, so it may change your clinical decision making depending on where your patient grew up
In australian populations, up to 30% have it, but again, high frequency in older migrants, lower socioeconomic status etc.
faecal oral or even sexual (did not know that one)
increased risk:
lower socioeconomic status/growing up in a developed country
family history of infection and gastric cancer
What it does:
cause ulceration (peptic ulcer disease)
and inflammation or gastritis
due to it's helical shape and flagella, it can penetrate the mucosal lining
discovered by Australians in Western Australia in the 1980s
To quote the IM physician, Barry Marshall, in the face of skepticism that a bacteria could survive the stomach's acidic environment: "everyone was against me, but I knew I was right"
After failing to publish and some lab snaffus, he decided to do a Jonas Salk and swallow a broth of Hpylori himself. Of course this last experiment was published in an Australian journal.
At any rate, it is now widely accepted that Hpylori is linked to PUD and gastric cancer and by 2005, the two Australians who found the bacteria received the Nobel prize in medicine
we now know so much more about the pathogen with advancements in microbiology
they also came up with the urease breath test for it
Clinical presentation:
symptom onset occurs after gastritis and peptic ulcer disease develop: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdo pain, or at the extreme when the lining has eroded, bleeding/haematemesis
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IMage source
Important differentials
nSAID induced gastritis
lactose intolerance
eosinophilic oesophagitis (sooo rare, usually a/w dysphagia)
Investigations (all with relatively good/high sens and spec)
H pylori antigens in stool
serology (antibodies in serum, urine) --> usually IgG, hence can remain positive for years even post eradication
urease breath test
if a scope was involved due to PUD, then histopathology and culture (reduced sensitivity if treated with PPI in 2/52 prior or Abx 4/52 prior)
actually had no idea they breathed into little bags.
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triple therapy - PPI, amoxicillin and clarithromycin for 14 days, in penicillin allergy replace amox with metro (increasing resistance is why metro is not first line in some countries - refer to local guidelines made based on local Abx resistance trends)
In patients younger than 50, it can be cost effective to treat if they have reflux on testing (if there's a high pretest probability - see increased risk groups) given the life time risk of PUD & gastric cancer, can also reduce risk of GIB
balance of risk/benefit: will it significantly improve QOL or will risks of ADRs outweigh the benefits (eg frail, elderly, multiple comorbidities)
when used in those with PUD - improves ulcer healing, recovery and prevents relapse
in simple ulcers, triple therapy is all that is required in more chronic complex ones --> 8/52 of PPI is also recommended to prevent recurring of bleeding etc.
not treating can lead to relapse and complications like bleeding/perforation/cancer risk
rarely, it can cause gastric adenocarcinoma as a known carcinogen
aka MALT lymphoma - mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
this resolves with triple therapy (Usually)
consider it in family histories of gastric cancer
life time risk of gastric cancer at 2% and 15-20% risk of peptic ulcer disease
Wish the acronym wasn't MALT. But could be a good way to remember it. MALT, tasty, gastritis and Hpylori.
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test for eradication 2 weeks post with stool antigen or urease breath test (serology less effective as the IgGs can remain positive for years) but that's on holding the PPI for 1/52 to prevent a false negative, some countries want both tests
in resistance or relapse there's salvage therapy, usually with bismuth or a quinolone.
Wikipaedia - I havent covered pathophysio or it's cellular mechanisms and virulence factors, but there's a good overview in wiki
StatPearls (more paeds focused in this one)
CDC guidelines
Australian Therapeutic guidelines (Paywalll rest above are free)
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The Rot
the Rot is contracted though the spores of the Verdortan mushroom which somewhat resembles Foxfire and is a dark glowing green. the spore have no smell or taste while they glow a bright green in the dark, in broad daylight they are completely invisible. Verdortan commonly grows of decomposing bodies of animals. you would assume that that mushroom started growing on the body after death, but the truth is much more disturbing.
the Verdortan spores can enter the host and infect though direct contact with the mushroom itself and the algae like substance that covers them called Basidom, or when the Verdortan releases it’s spores into the air and they are inhaled. the host is infected with The Rot as the spores use the bodies resources to grow killing the host slowly as they do.
at first phase the host is completely asymptomatic making it incredibly difficult to detect. more often than not by the time The Rot is identified it is in its later phases and has already done permanent damage to the host. if left untreated the Verdortan spores will slowly eat the host alive until nothing is left.
Phase One:
Duration of Phase if untreated: four-six months
Symptoms: asymptomatic
Identification: when the infection is first contracted it is rarely detected because of the lack of symptoms. only a well trained physician can find it, and only if they are looking for The Rot. it will appear like their equipment is broken causing the parts of their patient body where the infection is to look blurry and slightly green.
Infectivity: none
Treatment: if you are lucky enough to catch it, it can be cured with a dally dosage of Hygieia Serum for about a month. Hygieia Serum is a thick black elixir that is said to tastes of rotting fruits and milk, it’s incredibly hard for the patients to stomach but it’s the only elixir that is know to cure it. the basic dose is about a spoonful but increasing the dose may be necessary. the patient will need nausea elixirs as well because the growing spores will cause the body to reject the medicine. so it is advised to also give the patient Golden Apple Juice to boost the immune system
Fatality Rate: 0-1%
Phase Two:
Duration of Phase if untreated: three-four months
Key Symptoms: turns the eyes just a tint of green and a rash can appear on any part of the body.
General Symptoms: brain fog, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, short term memory loss, vertigo, aching joints and muscles, loss of appetite, sensory issues, emotional dysfunction, migraines, loss of power/control over ability especially common in elementals and cognitives
Infectivity: the infection is only spread though the patients bodily fluids. (le. blood, urine, saliva)
Identification: as the infection moves to the brain it starts to cause visible issues. while it can be detected at this phase more easily especially in those with cognitive abilities as it greatly effects their ability. it’s common the collection of symptoms will be diagnosed as something completely unrelated. if a physician notices the green in the patient eyes and knows what it means they can start the treatment without having The Rot risk any permanent damage.
Treatment: use Golden Apple Juice to boost the immune system for a week along with Tincture to kill the spores. before giving a dose of Hygieia Serum twice daily for several months. the fungus is just leaving the spore phase but will fight back causing the patient’s symptoms to flare up considerably before improving. make sure to give the patient breaks from the protocol while administering the Hygieia Serum because they need to keep their strength as one of the fungus defense mechanisms is to speed up the infection. if this happens you need to boost up the dose of Golden Apple Juice and Tincture to help the patient fight the risk of moving to phase three.
Fatality Rate: 10%
Phase Three:
Duration of Phase if untreated: one-three months
Key symptoms: the rash on the patient will start to turn green, the iris will have visible splotches of green throughout, the lips and saliva will have a tint of green.
General Symptoms: extreme nausea, fainting, chronic migraines, hives, sensitivity to light, aching joints and muscles, difficulty walking, vertigo, hair loss, fever, hot and cold flashes, hallucinations, loss of appetite, loss of weight and muscle tone, control of ability will go completely haywire
Infectivity: about as contagious as someone with the flu
Identification: with the patient starting to turn green The Rot is much easier to detect. but it’s also getting to the point it can cause permanent damage to the patient, as the fungus is starting to eat away at the patients muscle mass so it is vital to start treatment the second they are diagnosed.
Treatment: on top of treating the symptoms, the first thing you will need to do is to give a dose of Golden Apple Juice with each meal to to build up the immune System along with Tincture to break down the young fungus defenses. administer Hygieia Serum after a month of the protocol
there will be flare ups of the symptoms as the fungus fights back and be weary of the fungus pushing the infection to spread in retaliation as Phase Four is the most dangerous for the patient. only administer Hygieia Serum for one to two weeks at a time to during breaks continue the rest of the protocol and put Myovi Mustard paste on the body to the to help heal the muscles from the decay along Decay Away to keep the infection that was killed back from returning and Golden Apple Juice to keep up the immune systems strength (increase the dosage during flare ups). you will need to administer Hygieia Serum upwards of three months for the infection to be fully destroyed. the patient will need constant checkups for up to six months after they are rid of the infection to make sure they are recovering properly and the infection isn’t returning.
Note: it is recommended to take some of the patients hair at this phase because if they progress any farther and the patient passes their hair will be infected with the Rot and will be unable to be used for a wanderling
Fatality Rate: 25%
Phase four:
Duration of Phase if untreated: 2-4 months
Key Symptoms: veins turning a dark green especially on and around the eyes, mouth, lips, and hands. saliva tongue and lips turning a dark green, the hives become dark green and irritated filled with Basidom, blood has wisps of green in it when taken for testing, the iris is now a dark green and the whites of the eyes have a green tint
General Symptoms: coughing up blood, inability to leave bed, inability to eat or drink, hallucinations, shortened breath, loss of color, bleeding gums, cracked bleeding lips, extreme weight loss, unable to use ability, seizures, delirium from pain, high fever,
Identification: at this phase it is obvious that it is what the patient has is the rot. at this phase the Rot has already done permanent damage to the patient and needs to be dealt with immediately to keep the damage as minimal as possible.
Infectivity: in general the patient is as contagious as someone with a bad flu. anything the patient touches will need to be sterilized as the the Basidom is contagious if not washed off immediately.
Treatment: give the patient a steady stream of immune system boosting and nutritional elixirs, along with daily breathing treatments, and elixirs and injections to keep the fever down. all on top high dosage of Decay Away to halt the fungus from eating the muscles along with Golden Apple Juice and Tincture to break down the fungus defenses and to keep it from spreading farther. the patient will be in constant pain and will build up tolerance to painkillers, so it’s vital to have multiple different kinds on hand at all times.
when the hives are scratched they will ooze a dark green algae like substance called Basidom. you must be incredibly careful with Basidom because it’s highly contagious and is the easiest way to contract The Rot. while it’s much safer to wait until it’s dries to clean the patient it’s incredibly hard to wash off because it involves scrubbing which can easily open up more boils. fly’s and other insects will be drawn to the open wounds so it’s necessary to bandage the wounds and change them constantly.
use Myovi mustard paste to strengthen the patients muscels. much more delicate than they are in phase three so you need to build up Golden Apple Juice and in the system for at least a two in half months before starting the administration of Hygieia Serum. you can only administer Hygieia Serum a couple days at a time before going a week break while still continuing daily doses of Golden Apple Juice Tincture and Decay Away to keep it from coming back. it can upwards of a year for the infection to be fully killed and there will be risk of losing the patient.
it is normally about three months before the patient can get off of bed rest, and another three to go back to phase one. they will need weekly visits from a physian for a least six months after they fully recover. the rot did permanent damage and the patient going to need to take elixirs to treat it
Note: because of the Extreme hair loss it’s advised to shave the patients head.
Fatality rate: 60%
Phase Five
Duration of Phase if untreated: up to a month
Main Symptoms: the patient will look as if they are a dead body at first glance and they will have to fat or muscle, they head to toe covered in a thin layer of spores, their eyes are fully a dark green and glowing there is not distinction between the iris and the white of the eye, their all of their veins are a deep green and they spread over the body like glowing spider webs. the air the patient exhales is toxic and will infect anyone who breathes it with the rot, they will start smell like a dead body premortem
Symptoms: barely breathing, no muscle, sunken in eyes, barely able to speak, extreme pain, delirium, no control over bowels
Identification: this phase is where the infection gets it name, it’s the most terrifying phase as it is the most deadly.
Infectivity: The patient is incredibly contagious at this point the air they exhale and the Basidom is in its most contagious phase and it’s dangerous to breathe the same air as someone in this phase so proceed with caution. it’s vital to wear full body covering and a breathing mask if you are going to even attempt to treat this patient
Treatment: there is no hope of a patient getting better at this point, it’s advised to give the patient pain killers and sedatives to let them pass on as peacefully as possible.
Fatality rate: 100%
Post Mortem
the Verdortan will sprout out of the the host eyes nose mouth ears and any open wounds that where still on the host at the time of death. the host will glow from the inside as the fungus eats away and grows on what was left of their internal organs. the hosts skin will be eaten away quickly as the Fungus doesn’t waste. the corpse will end up with bones showing in some places and with skin loosely hanging over others. after a month the Verdortan mushrooms will release their spores and the cycle will repeat
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mauri2530 · 1 year
Experts Advise, Offer New Vaccination for Pet Rabbits
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COVID-19 hasn’t been the only global pandemic arriving on our shores recently. A new variant of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), previously common in wild rabbits in Europe, Asia, and Australia, was first detected in the United States in early 2020. It has now spread to multiple states in the U.S., particularly the western states.
How to Get the Vaccine
Vaccination clinics for RHDV will be held on the following dates at Veterinary Medicine South Clinic 2100 S Goodwin Ave, Urbana. Clinic Dates: * August 18, 2023 * September 15, 2023 * October 13, 2023
Call for an appointment: 217-244-2555
On July 13, 2023, the first case of RHDV was detected in the state of Illinois in a pet rabbit. The case was in Cook County. Prior to this detection, the disease had not been diagnosed in wild or domestic rabbits. This detection raises the level of concern for the health implications of both wild and domestic rabbits within Illinois.
If RHDV is detected or suspected in wild or domestic rabbits, it must be reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health.
Dr. Michelle Borsdorf, a board-certified specialist in zoological medicine at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, recommends that all pet rabbits be vaccinated against this new variant (RHDV2), which is more dangerous than earlier forms of the virus. This variant of RHDV has 70% to 100% mortality rates in pet rabbits.
Its presence in Illinois emphasizes the need to act now to vaccinate and protect against this disease!
What Is RHDV?
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus is a member of the calicivirus family. Other viruses in this family that do not cause rabbit health issues include norovirus, the most common cause of gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea) in people, and a feline virus that causes respiratory disease.
RHDV infects wild and domestic species of rabbits and is highly contagious. It does not infect people or other animals. The virus travels through the blood stream of an infected rabbit and rapidly damages the cells of the liver. The liver makes proteins used in forming blood clots, and the classic form of RHDV causes uncontrollable bleeding in rabbits.
Clinical signs of rabbits infected with this virus will primarily include bleeding from the eyes, nose, or mouth, as well as jaundice (yellow discoloration of eyes and skin), which are related to severe liver dysfunction or failure. Affected rabbits may also develop respiratory or neurologic symptoms, or even present with more generalized signs of illness such as lethargy, reduced appetite, and lack of defecation or urination.
“Additionally, some rabbits do not exhibit symptoms prior to succumbing to the disease. This outcome, known as sudden death, illustrates how rapidly the disease can progress,” says Dr. Borsdorf.
How Does RHDV Spread?
Unfortunately, the virus survives well in any environment. Infected wild rabbits may shed the virus outside, and the virus can then be carried into the home on people’s clothing or shoes and introduced to pet rabbits. Any rabbit exposed to blood, urine, or feces of an infected rabbit could develop infection.  
Because RHDV is spread between rabbits, Dr. Borsdorf advises taking steps in your home to reduce the risk of RHDV infection.
Do not allow your pet rabbit to graze in outdoor areas that are frequented by wild rabbits.
Ensure that shoes worn outside are not worn in areas of the home where your pet rabbit has access.
Weeds and flowers from outdoor areas frequented by wild rabbits should not be fed to pet rabbits.
Always wash your hands before and after handling rabbits.
Vaccinate your pet rabbit.
Vaccination Against RHDV
In other countries where RHDV circulates, vaccinations against the virus are given to pet rabbits. Now that the threat to rabbit health is present in the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture has authorized emergency use of the vaccine here. Distribution of the vaccine to veterinarians began in 2021.
Although the vaccine does not yet have full FDA approval, the approval process is ongoing. Preliminary research suggests that the vaccine is safe and effective in preventing infection. This is based on a challenge study performed where 100% of vaccinated rabbits survived when exposed to the virus, while 70% of the unvaccinated rabbits died from the disease.
Side effects of the vaccine have included mild swelling at the injection site and mild fever or lethargy for a few days after the vaccine is administered. To be effective, the vaccine requires two doses administered at least 3 weeks apart, and annual boosters thereafter.
Vaccination at the University of Illinois
The zoological medicine service will continue hosting vaccine clinics to administer vaccines and their boosters to pet rabbits once monthly. (See sidebar above for the current list of dates.) Veterinary interns, residents, and students as well as certified veterinary technicians will be involved in this process under supervision of faculty members. including Dr. Borsdorf, head of the zoological medicine service.
Because the clinic is focused on delivering vaccine to healthy animals, no diagnostic testing will be performed at that time.
Because of how the vaccine is packaged, vaccination will be offered only through the scheduled vaccine clinics and not through regular appointments with the zoological medicine service at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
To make an appointment for your rabbit to receive the vaccine, please call the Veterinary Medicine South Clinic at (217) 244-2555.
For more information, visit:
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farmobileo3 · 2 years
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I’m looking forward to my medicinal garden in 2023!
People take burdock root to increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and “purify” their blood. It is also used to treat colds, cancer, anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, joint pain (rheumatism), gout, bladder infections, complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis.
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