#uroborosymphony ( quinn. )
clemencetaught · 10 months
Psst, from Quinn 💋
gossiping from the knight ( behind their back gossip meme w/ @uroborosymphony )
Send “Psst” for 10 5 Things My Muse has said About Yours Behind Their Back.
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“She might have good intentions, but that doesn’t mean her actions are good. She didn’t even think about who else wouldn’t been hurt from her little stunt. No one, not even her boyfriend would've stopped her.”
“What do you mean she’s around the corner- Pawn, where is she? …Fuck.”
“She needs to go. No Rook, we’re not killing anyone- we just need to get her out of the way.” 
“She’s not dipping her paw in this case. I’m not doing damage-control today.” 
*frowns and puts coat on* “…I changed my mind; I’m leaving now.”
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kamipyre · 1 year
time to meet the origami machine ara!! || closed starter for @uroborosymphony
“If you’re looking for Lee, he’s gone out. He probably won’t be back until after we’re long gone.” Of course that does annoy Suki because he’s definitely not taking time off. The guy who will read through the same case file for hours on end, taking more than half the day off? Yeah, that’s unlikely- she and Jae-hwan know that well. 
The same can’t be said about the new hire, probably. Grabbing their makeshift company’s newest employee by the arm, Suki drags her out of their drab office.
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“C’mon,” Suki says, rather breezily, “He won’t notice if we take off for lunch. Or for the rest of the afternoon.”
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velvetineblue · 4 months
it was easy: when you spent your early years being invisible. little footsteps paced wooden floors, and you peered into rooms you weren't invited into. ( everyone had more fun when a pesky child wasn't seen, or heard... ) it was easy to be unseen when he wanted to; he'd perfected it long ago, using the skill to get in-and-out undetected, sometimes with extras in hand: carrying something out with him that he hadn't brought in. (or: 'STEALING', as police would bluntly codify it in their records...) but today, his aim was nothing more than to watch, and observe. an act that also had a legal name ( 'stalking' ) , but oh he would beg to defer on the semantics of it all: to 'stalk' was to liken the object to prey. this, he would contend, was nothing like that. no, he followed to protect, from the real predators in these streets... and a PREDATOR he had found, with greasy slick-backed hair, looking her up and down and talking in a hushed tone. he couldn't hear the conversation from here, but he just knows this man was flirting. he was practically drooling at the mouth, a unruly ugly dog eyeing a piece of steak that wasn't his, conspiring how to steal it from the plate of it's diner... that's what he looked like. Taiyang creeped closer, taking the calculated risk of being spied by the man, for the illumination of the streetlights and lit-up streetsigns were his enemy in this game of hide-and-seek... but he NEEDED to hear them, going CRAZY wondering what their back-and-forth was about. . . . and what he hears is unsettling. the man seemed a supplier of fire, or firearms, or both: guns, or bombs, Taiyang can't quite catch enough of their words to tell what he offers her ... but they discuss a plan bold and ambitious, to disrupt the flow of information between the police in the city ... a bunch of communication towers falling down. ... Tai was jealous not to be there, for such an exciting event. why hadn't they thought of this before? well, because it would effect more than just the local police in the area: ambulances, and ordinary citizens would be effected, too. it was the kind of thing that Black Fang would avoid... but Quinn wasn't in the gang anymore, and he only had himself to blame for that, didn't he... ? but in the execution of this plan, Ara had to take on the majority of the risk. he— this dealer— proposed to hang back and work from the background, leaving Ara the one most likely to get caught. and most likely to get shot, too. and why would she agree to something like that? in the old days— when they were partners— Tai would have told the man to shove his plan up his coward's ass; he and Quinn would come up with something less STUPID. and together, they'd have a getaway that would — worse come to worst— pin it on the OTHER guy... stealth had stayed Taiyang's hand until now, but resentment rose it. a knife comes flying from out of the darkness— violently pinning the fabric of the unknown man's pants to his shin. the dealer yelped out in pain, and he looked around to find the source. as he scrambled and screamed out threats to the unknown assailant, a five-pointed blade hits him square in the chest. he stumbled back— tripped over his own injured feet, and hit his head so hard on the concrete roof that it knocked him unconscious. ( ... probably. he was probably just unconscious, Tai thinks, although it was really no loss to the world if he was dead, instead. )
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steeped in the shadows of corners and kept at a far-enough distance to remain a ghost on the horizon... he was good at this game. but if there was anyone in the world who knew him, it was Ara. if there was anyone who could see through the pitch black darkness and find his eyes staring back at her, it was Quinn. there was no point hiding from her any longer: he thinks she will know, exactly and precisely, who was responsible for the hit. so he hops down from his hiding place— on a higher roof— like a cat from it's perching tree. ANNOYED. frustrated. heartsick and feverish from being closer to her than he had in months... those words an close approximation, but there weren't words to describe how he felt. what he says is an ineloquent expression of his concern for her, given what he's seen on this rooftop: " Ara ... what the hell are you thinking ? " he nudges a black boot into the side of the fallen man, to see if he reacts ... dead? alive? who knows. " you trust him with this plan? do you even know him ? " a gurgle-y sound is made as the man's head lolls to the side, still unconscious. a small pool of blood forming from the chest wound. " your date is leaking.... " he joylessly declares, looking down at the man in pure disdain. " he looks like he'd sell you out for a pack of Bohem and a candy bar . . . he sounds like the type of guy that would snitch on you from prison in exchange for one conjugal visit ... are you TRYING to get life behind bars ? " — concerned worry for her and sorrowful jealousy came out in a flurry of words.
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duskhallowed · 6 months
uroborosymphony answered :
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Ara glances over her shoulder as soon as the door opens. Her who hoped to not cross a single soul when taking the risk to come back in here. Here, the first floor of the garage, a place that used to be her home too, a place that seems to have been deserted little by little. A month now passed ever since the Taiyang and Ara decided to take different paths or well, ever since he took that decision for the both of them. The vengeress did not want to cross paths with him nor with the rest of the gang, truly. All dressed in black, a tight tech attire, bulletproof, far away from her usual latex, leather, fur and jewelry. 30 days have passed since she has not heard Yoona's annoying voice, and even though a part of her wanted to tell her to fuck off, to go away, the shut up, to leave her alone, the words the other spoke did touch her. "Have you?" Questions the ex leader, emptying the cabinets from what to seemed to be silencers for guns that she waited long enough to come and collect. If the Quinn has fallen deep in sadness and despair for days, slowly it has been replaced by something else, something that has been crippling under her mind, waiting to break through her skin. "Thought you would be happy to know the crazy bitch making your life a nightmare would be gone, Doll." A sardonic laughter escapes from her mouth. A laughter from a voice that seemed to have dropped a few octaves than usual, ever deeper, raunchier, on the edge and yet every single one of her gestures were controlled. Her features, if anybody would look from too closed, seemed disturbed as well. Not in a manic phase type of way, but as if this dormant pain has suddenly marked her features harsher and harsher. No red lipstick, no loop hearings. Turning around, the vengeress clocks the silencer on the gun in the fast mechanic move of an assassin ready to execute her target. Ara did not want to stay, actually on her way to a mission, her own missions now. Many would think she did drop the vigilante life not having the gang by her side : well, quite the opposite, The Quinn has become entirely something else, an entity amputed from her minions and wealth, radical, extremist, one who did not come to play nor negociate. The moon is reflecting on the disturbing lines of half of her face, the other hidden in the shadowss she now faces Yoona from afar. "Haven't you heard? I am absolutely Fine. The voices in my head are so loud, apparently everyone can fucking hear them now. Isn't that beautiful?" Ara explains pointing at her own forehead, her eyes widening with a grin as she taps against her skull a few times to indicate her brain. " So why would you be worried huh? I have never felt so free." Her words sound like relailed bike, a rusty chain, a mechanic doll on repeat. We are free, we are free to do as we please, the voices were right all along, we are going to set everyone else free, nobody is going to stop us, they are all so close minded, they were just slowing us down. "You. You okay?" The gun is shoved down the pocket by her thigh. The question is harsh, but meant. Yoona and Ara used to spend their days together, besides their complicated relationship, Yoona became someone to her, someone she has been deprived of when having to cut herself off the gang. @uroborosymphony
her hands, manicured with a white-and-pink glow, waved anxiously to protest Quinn's suggestion. " no! i'm not happy you're gone, Quinn-nim! " Yoona hears her own voice echo back at her (unintentionally loud in the garage) and thinks, now she understands why everyone called her annoying... the girlish, nervous, squeaking of a woman who was used to serving a temperamental queen. so she straightens her posture and stands in silence. hands tucked in front of her, brows furrowed... a loose bullet falls from the cabinet that Ara is raiding, and makes a shing noise when it hits the floor. far away from the public showroom, tucked away in the back of the garage where only 'employees' could access, was this room. the acoustics serve as a reminder that there was not another living soul here besides the two of them. Yoona thought she would be happy to see this day... Quinn had always been harsh on her . . . and even if she hadn't, Yoona had always envied her, and everything she had . . . but now she stands frowning, feeling heavy gloom in her stomach as she watches the Queen of Black Fang work on her own. her newfound independence was enviable, too, perhaps, but... Yoona can't help but think everything about this looks so wrong. What had happened to Black Fang?! Weren't they supposed to be a family?! Yoona doesn't understand. and why ( despite their time apart, no matter their disagreements ) did Taiyang and Quinn still have to work in some kind of treacherous tandem ? because even apart, they had both changed. gone were the sly, surefire smirks she was used to seeing on her bosses' faces. the careless and thoughtless barbs they threw her way were no longer; they were both too lost in a DARKNESS to waste time on such petty things. they walked like dead, greyscaled versions of their former selves, both of their eyes and voices blackened . . . and of course, nobody would tell her why ! nobody told a lowly girl like her why everything was falling apart... leaving Yoona behind to serve them in a constant haze of confusion. tears burned in her eyes as she watched Quinn; she was frozen in stunned paralysis as the woman rifled through the garage's armory.
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until finally, she answers Quinn's question. " I'm not okay... " she answered with a strange sort of certainty, and shook her head fervently, her face contorted into a scrunchy pout. her lips quivered as she tried to hold it together. she wants to launch herself at Quinn and throw her arms around her, cling to her— not for comfort, no, and not even to comfort Quinn . . . but to keep her here, to force her not to go. it wasn't the same without her ! everything felt so empty . . . ( especially him. ) but she knows it is not her place to do so . . . and Yoona would never do something that Quinn forbade. she never even dared to speak up against Quinn, not once... but there's a subtle defiance in her answer. so subtle that one might have to squint to see it... but it's there. Yoona was saying 'I'm not okay and neither are you. neither is Taiyang. none of this is okay! COME HOME!' silently pleading for it to be so. but she cannot say that, so she says what she can:
" do you need help, Quinn-nim ? can I— do you want me to come with you ? "
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stillresolved · 7 months
uroborosymphony for the URL meme 💋
@uroborosymphony / send a url and i will answer the following...
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Do I Follow Them?: why yes i do and will do so even after this hellsite burns to the ground :'D
Why Did I Follow Them?: i saw my dear mutuals (aka winter, xia, lena, and alex) interacting with her and i wanted to join in :3 okay but also the sheer amount of DETAIL you put into ur character profiles and the verses AND THE FACT?? you can use the same FC, make like three femme fatales, and STILL make them all distinct is mindblowing O.O teach me ur ways pls
Do We Role Play?: did you know i suck at writing flirts and femme fatales and evil women? this is why we balance each other well :'D
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: not to be repetitive but if i ever say no to this answer, assume i have been compromised and send help–
An AU Idea For Our Muses: hmmmmmm, u know i have always thought about assassin au for annie ( think yor from spyxfamily)....what would be quinn's thoughts is the real question </3
A Song For Our Muses: for arannie– work song by hozier ( i know it's technically a romantic song BUT if you think about the way ara always comes to annie to get her wounds treated– ) and for calana– closer by chainsmokers ( yes i know my tastes in music is outdated :'D )
Do I Ship Our Muses?: i ship all official ships on ur blog even if it does not involve my muses ( aka taiquinn & calistarang– would calista like another friend tho 👀 ) but if we are talking about arannie & calana, i would die for them both of them GOD annie would not be the person she is 2day without ara and calum has never been more of himself than with ilana :'D
What I Think About The Mun: time for part two of ferre simping for lynnie <3 this time i will talk about how much i am in AWE of your skills like how the lore of this blog like ties all three of your muses together, did you know i was a SUCKER for that kind of lore?? also i love that?? i can jump in ur inbox and give you a half-baked idea and you'll like?? run with it and suddenly we'll end up with say a new plot or new development, that's the main reason i LOVE rp!! your enthusiasm here is INFECTIOUS, it makes me excited to be here even though i've been around for YEARS... and also not the mention way you weave all the interactions ur character has into one verse is *chef's kiss* it makes ur character so much more complex <3
Overall Opinion: 10 out of 10 would recommend, would plot with, would write with, if you are not already, i cannot help you sorry <3
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | again this scale cannot measure my undying adoration for lynnie so we must create our own level </3
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solitvrs · 2 years
what does your heart look like?
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molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
tagged by: @rippleofwords (♡)
tagging: @velvetineblue / @swansofmisery (gaya) / @tvsteoftrvgedy / @uroborosymphony (quinn) / @thegreenswillcome (jay) / @antiromantlc (jooyoung)
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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misunderstood villain.
prepare for an onslaught of both the most dehumanizing and hateful takes, and flood of thirst comments. you are chronically misunderstood. whether or not you're actually evil is debatable. you may be acting out for revenge, to defend someone you love, or even just to protect yourself. you're a pretty jaded person. you don't trust or even really like most people. maybe you did at one point. but that part of you is gone, and you don't go a single day without grieving it. you think a lot about what your life could have been. you're stuck in the past. you're angry and maybe you don't even want to be, but this is the only way you can see to survive. you're open, but less in a trusting way and more like a wound. you don't like to let people see you, but the hurt spills out of you before you can stop it. you're impulsive, even as you try hard to plan and prepare. maybe someday your side of the story will finally be heard. until then, you can convince yourself that being hated is safer anyway.
tagged by: @rippleofwords ( the fact that she and hyukjae got the same result 😭😭😭 ) tagging: @uroborosymphony ( for...quinn?? ) @ashbtten @velvetineblue @wellfell @voxvulgi ( for jude!! ) @sourwit @voraxiia ( for acer!! ) @temporalobjects ( eshu!! ) and you!! steal ♡♡
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hymnoire · 10 months
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  gaya, and how to get away with murder.
To kill her father, the minister of Justice, Kang Seungwoo, hasn't been easy for Gaya, not emotionally no, but strategically. The heiress realized she could not kill the man the way she wanted to : with a bullet in between his two eyes. She realized the entire Nation would try to solve the mystery of who eliminated one of the most important figures of the country and the decade. Gaya's plan started building her strategy inspired by Quinn's style ( @uroborosymphony ), the vigilante who has already attempt the man's life but did not succeeded in the past. The heiress decided to kill her father by imitating the signature moves of Quinn to then, pin it all on Quinn's back. Gaya had to study first. Everyone does know Quinn has a remarkable intelligence. One that surpasses Gaya's, even though the heiress has strong abities of her own, she is aware : a smart woman like Quinn kills in a specific way that shouldn't get her caught. Gaya decided to build an alliance with anyone who has crossed Quinn's gang path and suffered from the consequences, their enemies. To get in touch with them was easy : they all wanted the Black Fang to be taken down plus there was no information Kang Gaya couldn't get with the right amount of money and pressure. The analysis started. On many cases, Quinn has been extremeley precautious with every single kill she has executed when it came to elaborated schemes to take down institutions, to the point of it was impossible for Gaya to know exactly who. Impressive how Quinn's tracks got covered. And then there was this other side of the coin, the kills that happened out of fun executed by what seemed to be a hidden side of Quinn's personality. The ones that got cleaned but left prints for Gaya to reconstruct. It took her months to debunk in order to recreate a kill performed by Quinn : one that would have aimed to be out of an elaborated plan yet got caught as her mind got carried away. As for the displays of the evidence for the police to find, obviously Gaya couldn't simply plant Quinn's digital prints in the open or leave blood everywhere, she had the scene cleaned, making it look like it was premeditated, calculated with the same intelligence the vigilante would have displayed. The weapon of choice was knife she specifically made to kill her father, one with a similar blade that Quinn would use. The knife would be nowhere to be found : Quinn wouldn't just leave it out there in the open, however the shape of the cut in the man's throat could be reconstructed from the wound on her father's neck for the autopsy. Once the scene perfected, Gaya knew she committed the perfect crime with the perfect scapegoat.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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"I believe I'm gonna get extra along with Team Checkmate yes, I know you're all obsessed with me. 💋" From Quinn
he didn't know he had standards ( platonic bingo for myungdae w/ @uroborosymphony )
"..." While most of his work tends to be on his laptop ( which Nell keeps bugging him to replace ), he is grateful that the previous occupant of his office left a bottle of whiteout in one of the drawers. Actually, if there weren't any, Myungdae would have gone out himself to get some.
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A few brush strokes later, he twists the cap back on. The space formerly mentioning Team Checkmate and with three knives has been blotted out.
Much better.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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"No matter the battles we fight, it's side by side that we stand." From Deva.
this one definitely has standards :'D ( platonic bingo for patrick ( verse three ) w/ @uroborosymphony )
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"Quite right too. If there is such thing as heaven and hell, our ride down there would come in a two-seater." He snorts, refusing to admit there is a certain...comfort that her presence provides. It's not one that say, Hyuk or Felicity has given him, one that brings him peace, but with Deva- it's companionship in the viper's nest. A comfort that makes the worst of circumstances...more bearable. "Now you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on you, would you? I ran out on my commute over."
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clemencetaught · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE ! ( from Black Knight to Quinn )
when there is no paper one must learn to adapt ( post-it note meme w/ @uroborosymphony )
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“You really thought we would go in not expecting to see you with the fireworks? You’re getting sloppy and it’s tedious to deal with. Pathetic to watch as well; I thought you were a professional. The Black Fang will never take over the city- we won’t let you.
( Left by Black Knight by deactivated explosives. )
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velvetineblue · 9 months
@uroborosymphony's Quinn @ Myungdae: " Come on you're starving for this. No need to act so all mighty, you too looove to make someone bleed. Come on, slice me open. " Tai: . . .
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akjsjkjahdkjhkjjk yeS he constantly invites myungdae to join their (nonexistent) polysexual relationship (that they could never have because they're too jealous) but quinn saying those words sounds so much more sensual & sexual to him than any invite to a threesome ever could jkashjajjkak
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velvetineblue · 1 year
re: @uroborosymphony & @clemencetaught 's comments on this post because I had to— !!!
okay but Taiquinn setting a government building on fire and Tai chuckling to himself leaving a fancy note that's like, ' to the black knight, thinking of you, yours always xoxo 🖤🐈‍⬛ ' . they can't have Black Knight thinking of anybody else except his favorite vigilante duo on his nights off, now can they? 🤍❤️ : )
( and if that seems flirtatious, that's because it's supposed to ) Tai trolling as usual when he and Quinn are in the middle of a fight with Black Knight like — " — anybody else feel that?
I'm sensing some unresolved sexual tension in the air; ( 'guess that's a real thing; I thought that only happened in comic books . . . )
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now THIS guy could be our third. right, Quinn? " sorry, Naeun. ( not really, though; he still won't share Quinn with anyone; not that Myungdae wants to ajsjaj he just wants to get under the Black Knight's skin 8] )
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velvetineblue · 1 year
romance & relationship headcanons / accepting ♡! from @ofgentleresolve , who asked for 17, 18, & 20 for Taiquinn , ( ft. @uroborosymphony )
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( how does your muse feel about marriage? would they ever want to get married ? )  omg this is gonna be a long one . . . I'll try not to let it get too long ksjasjk but there's a LOT to say. to start, Taiyang's parents had a unhealthy marriage, and bearing witness to that (among other things) during his formative years deeply affected him. he developed very complicated feelings toward the topic of love: he simultaneously longed for it, longed to belong somewhere, to feel wanted ( because he didn't feel any of that growing up ) . . . while on the other hand, he also harbored a deep fear and mistrust of the very idea. being treated with open affection and warmth felt highly unnatural to him, first of all: and secondly, some part of him always saw it as doomed. because in his experience, love usually didn't end well. (either it didn't last, or it killed you.) so love & attachment resurfaces a lot of fear and anxiety for him. yes, he fears getting hurt; but much more than that, he fears hurting the people he loves. he fears letting them down, or not being good enough for them, or letting something bad happen to them ( not protecting them ) . . . so honestly, romantic love is not something he daydreams about or idealizes. he is not the type to be in a rush to find lifelong romantic love or marry. ( that applies to all verses. ) but. . . when he meets Ara, I think his feelings on the topic would begin to shift. yes, he still fears all of the things I mentioned . . . but his love for her is stronger than fear. he would decide he is not going to run away out of fear of what might happen; he would instead fight very hard to make sure none of it happens . . . growing up, seeing people being cavalier with their love, or giving up on the people they claimed to 'love'... it never sat right with him, as a kid who desperately wanted love but could never seem to grasp it. so, he takes commitment very seriously, and marriage is of course no exception. he wouldn't rush into anything, but when he decides to commit to someone, it's forever. it's for life-- if they'll have him that long. . . and that is definitely how he feels about Ara !!!! so, tl;dr: YES YES he wants to marry her!!! THAT'S HIS CRIME WIFE !!!!! wifey forever asjajja ( how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them ? )   hehe, I know some people hate PDA, and Tai also makes fun of people who do it around him . . . but honestly?? that’s just because he’s a freaking troll ajsjaj; he actually thinks PDA is harmless, and can be perfectly healthy. he resents the idea that it is cringey to show affection to someone you love, and he also hates being told what to do... so if someone implies to him that he should refrain from PDA because it makes them uncomfortable . . . well, unfortunately for that person, that information will do nothing to stop him asjajj he tends to engage in ‘casual’ PDA very frequently– constantly, even, lmao. he almost always has an arm around Quinn when they’re together; hands on her waist or around her shoulders, or she’s in his lap if they're just chilling and sitting with a group— things like that. and if he wants to kiss her, he’s going to, and if they end up making out in public . . . well, so be it. akjsa no but he would behave if there’s young, innocent eyes around, though. but other adults?? he's just like :shrug:, 'look away if you don’t like it'. he doesn't care if it bothers other people; he loves Quinn, loves being around her, loves touching her and being near her and cuddled up to her, and he has a lot of nice things to say about her. he's really happy to have her in his life and although he has done things he's not proud of -- he is proud of what he and quinn can accomplish together. he's proud of her, and the family they've made out of black fang . . . and he doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't be open about that. he's a pretty straight-forward, sincere person when it comes to that, so . . . yea. sorry PDA dislikers, but he does engage in it: that's just how he is jkasjj
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velvetineblue · 1 year
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there are few organizations that Taiyang finds more corrupt, detestable, and downright annoying as that of Law Enforcement. be it cops, prison guards, or prosecutors: they're all damnable to him, and NOW MORE THAN EVER . and so, it was truly a testament to his great and all-consuming love for Ara that he was able to swallow his contempt and do this one thing . . . paying off a prison guard. a large sum of money: one that they could take their whole happy piggie family on vacation with, he very-begrudgingly knows ... granted, his bribe money had come with a heavy dose of THREATS, too, but nevertheless: this guard was paid to smuggle in multiple items, which Ara would find tucked into a pile of her clean laundry, sitting neatly on her prison bed. in it contained-— a brand new burner phone: a tiny, compact model and hopefully quite easy to hide from the guards. ( they were confiscated so frequently, but if Quinn could manage to send even ONE text message to him before it was taken away, it would be worth every won he'd paid; every little raindrop of interaction he has with her was cherished and savored; like sweet spring water in a otherwise lifeless, scorching desert. that's really how the world felt, when she was away… ) a handful of her favorite candies; a couple of her preferred brand of cigarette that she couldn't get in prison, a stack of pictures of Black Fang's many adopted cats . . . and a note, in his familiar penmanship: Hangul letters that were unmistakably written by a foreigner, more familiar with the lines and strokes of Hanzi lettering. it was slightly ripped and ink-smeared from the rough transit in an uncaring guards pocket, but it was mostly in-tact. on the outside, the world was moving fast, and there was so much to do: no time to pen a Shakespearean love letter, full of flowery words. so it's simple, succinct, but from the heart. the note, when unfolded, read :
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and last but certainly not least of all the gifts was a compact, easily-concealable pocket knife, with a retractable blade. their initials were carved into the flat side of the glistening sharp blade, near the hilt. her name and his. intermingled, intertwined; whatever blood she spilled with this knife— if it came to that— he will have spilled, too. as it was and always would be. @uroborosymphony
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velvetineblue · 2 years
Talk about Ara
a nonny mouse but for @uroborosymphony 's ara ♡
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he looks at the requester with a slightly exasperated quirk. what do they expect him to do; burst out in broadway song while birds flutter around him? no, he's hardly the type: passionate yet private, one would do better to observe him to know his true feelings. watch the way his dark eyes soften when her cheeks round into a smile, or when a fit of unexpected laughter bursts from her lips. how his eyes always search the room for her, and hands always tend to her, or run trails on her skin: never at rest until she's contented, satisfied . . . it's in the little things, too, like how he'll be a few blocks from reaching their home– then stop, suddenly, to duck into the nearest patisserie and snag her favorite treat. no reason, no occasion; he just wanted to bring home a reason for her to smile. how to describe, in words: the years of memorizing the little details that made her her: he knew her usual order at their local take out places, what scents of cologne she didn't prefer, and how she took her coffee in the morning. the way that over months, years, his body had adjusted it's sleeping habits, to curl most comfortably around her; never fully rested without silky black strands of hair tickling his nose or brushing his skin. the bed ( and the cavity of his chest where his heart beat ) felt so deeply empty without her. . . " . . . she's home. " that, he supposes, is the closest he can come to describing it. the words were simple, and succinct, but said with rich, warm feeling. she's his home, if home is where the heart is. she was his family. he knew what words her mother had said, the one that wounded her the most, and he sought every day to heal where it had hurt her. just the same, she knew where all his scars were: invisible lashes, the kind that only came from love or the lack of it . . . " she's the only good home– a real home– I ever had. " and there was NOTHING he cared more about– would fight harder for– than his home; his family. " you know how some people say they were born to make art, or their job is their calling? it's like that-- but i think, she's my destiny. i think we were meant to do all this, together. this is where i'm supposed to be – with her. " he smiled crooked– affectionate, and proud. grateful that she'd chosen a life with him. his eyes sparkled with adoration, and years worth of precious ( and a few not so precious ) memories. " – she's the kind of person you meet, and it changes you. you never see the world the same way again. i never felt so real– and alive– until i met her. . . and that's what life's all about, right? finding something to live for . . . " ( to DIE protecting, if it came to that . . . ) " and honestly, you're not really living until you spend a day with quinn. try it sometime & you'll know what i mean ! "
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