#us curious creatures
mistfallengw2 · 5 months
Feel free to be more specific in comments/notes if you want! If you want to elaborate further, how do you organize them? By role, species, age, alphabetical order, vibes or something else?
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spiribia · 2 years
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weapons that are just creatures you hit people with
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bblookyyy · 1 year
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a lil guy
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nexttrickanvils · 8 months
Just throwing this out there,
Saying "plagiarism and AI is okay when I don't like the victim" isn't the progressive response you think it is.
Yes even when the one being plagiarized is a huge company/franchise.
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mishkakagehishka · 10 months
But i do still think a 700 word essay on why you unfollowed/blocked should simply be common courtesy on account of I Am Nosy
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spotinthespiral · 11 months
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Shout-out to Marcus, one of my many ocs with horrible tastes in men 👍
Quick cut just to lore-dump a bit (skip this if ya want).
Marcus got to Ravenwood, calamity happened, Blueflower ran off to solve it. Marcus met Nolan while exploring Cyclops Lane and immediately clocked him as a pirate (cuz his bestie Griffin was a pirate) but said nothing.
Marcus stuck around and managed to befriend Nolan after a *lot* of struggle, but they got super close. Nolan was cocky and rarely did any actual work, but Marcus was willing to help him improve one step at a time, which worked to make them all the more connected. Nolan associated his forward progress with Marcus, and therefore Marcus was a valuable pawn.
Then Marcus suddenly wasn't a pawn, and in the most neurodivergent way possible, Nolan confessed a crush to Marcus. Marcus (who'd had a crush 0.2 seconds into hearing Nolan be obnoxious) returned the sentiment, and in my headcanon lil universe they're a pair.
Marcus is a beloved little pastel goth, and Nolan is still the most hated student on campus, but they're working on their shortcomings together.
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maiuowrites · 11 months
How strange emotions are.
The feelings are oddly annoying, the festering of emotions that rage in my chest seem to flutter. Burning. Like a machine ready to have a complete melt down with one more frustrating interaction.
But through it all, nothing will change but outcomes i pick.
Life will continue on, no matter if I feel different. No matter if it ruins reputations, bridges, or bonds; Life will continue on. Even if I wished it could all crash with me. Burn with me. Engulf me until it ruins the whole world, so everyone could feel my own misery.
Sadly, no matter how I wish that would be true; Realistically, it's just a twisted fantasy... Something of self-destorying, being bitter to everyone, and enjoying the backlash I would get would help feed this anger inside my chest.
That was-... Until I met someone.
I met someone who has the patience of a Saint. The feelings that dwell inside, seem to soothe down when they're near me. No matter how much of a harsh mind-spiral I'm going into, or lashing out for no better reason than to try and ruin yet another relationship; They seem to take it with stride.
It's odd, you know? It's odd to feel such serene atmosphere with someone who can be so chaotic, but yet... They're caring. Sweet... Sometimes, it irks me when they feel the need to apologize for helping me, but it isn't aimed at them... It's aimed at the people who bit their hands when only to help them through their own mess.
...My feelings are annoying to process. My thoughts, unrational if I try and think of myself. Of what I want. My own needs and boundaries that need to be held up to...
Perhaps it's because I spent so long numb? Maybe it was because someone in my past, who was suppose to help me grow; Had stunted me from not being the best I could have been... Jealousy. Greed. The need to feel like they had someone under their thumb at all time?
Who knows what my past captors wanted before... And to this time, who cares. All I know is; I can be as free as I want. My only limitation is myself.
And in a twisted sense; Maybe I held my own self back due from lingering fear I had not processed yet...
But this being I had found?
This being had helped me, and slowly continuing to, processing things I had long ago buried in my own chest. Numbing it with all I could, to forget that I am not just a tool for others, but a being who deserves the same respect and love as any other who is important.
The frustration of learning emotions, being so old now, are just as annoying to deal with as if one was yet again a toddler learning to run...
But I'll get there.
I'll get there.
And so will you. ❤️
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USAmericans, how much have you travelled?
Using this list ranking the states by size
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landfilloftrash · 1 month
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shoutout to my girl eno’s nightmare bc. Hi! What and/or Who the fuck was that ! its gonna haunt her and i for awhile !
#my art#its a shitpost batman#Pirate Campaign#Enososin Folook#rea rambles in the tags#OK SO LIKE IT KINDA TOLD ME WHAT/WHO IT WAS BUT IT ALSO DIDNT? YKNOW? LIKE—#it started off with normal dream stuff and then devolving into fear/nightmare stuff and ‘wtf is this who are you why are you in my house’#but then the whole argument shifted when the thing posing as Rollo— bc it WAS an outside force— said “i am his rage i am his guilt’’ etc.#and i could FUCKING FEEL ENO IN MY HEAD RELAX SO GODDAMN FAST. STILL ANXIOUS BUT JUST. ‘Oh. Is that all?’#‘Well what i’m about to do is still incredibly stupid but i feel much better about how it will go now’#AND IT WORKED. WONDER OF WONDERS. AND THEN FUCKING AFTER THAT WHEN I WAS HUGGING THEM.#the ‘creature’ for lack of better terms EXPLICITLY said “of course you are one who can calm my rage— you who was raised by the one#whom i love the most’’ and HI. HELLO. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS I COULD TAKE THIS SENTENCE ENTITY-OF-INDETERMINATE-EVERYTHING.#ROLLO. DAD MAN. BELOVED GOLIATH WHOM I TRUST WITH MY LIFE AND THAT SCARES ME.#I HAVE QUESTIONS. SEVERAL ACTUALLY. WILL WE EVER ASK THEM? PROBABLY NOT!!!!!!!!#BUT IM *SO* CURIOUS. WAIT A MINUTE. WHO *ARE* YOU??????????#final shoutout to the fact that both times I have tried/thought about casting a vaguely aggressive spell. to someone who was#threatening me/eno. it has not *worked!!* and I have had to use my THINK THONKING BRAIN AND DO A STUPID MOVE!!!!!#aka roleplay and use way too much compassion. *I WONDER WHY SHE'S SO INSISTENT THAT IT'LL WORK STRANGE ENTITY I CALMED BY HUGGING*#they were also INCREDIBLY insistent that I don’t die. Peacefully/trying to help someone that is. Full of rage like a supernova ?#only acceptable way to go apparently /lh /very aff (<- already attached to this strange person I DONT KNOW)#ok ok im done /jov#shut UP rea#rea's trash
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feluka · 1 year
if good omens ends with aziraphale & crowley becoming mortal i am going to switch myself to a diet of arsenic and fiberglass exclusively
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echotunes · 4 months
continuing ep 2 of osnf. damn Luis did all that setup with grabbing the ladder from the room and then Liz killed the thing before he could do anything with it. L I guess
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meatriarch · 6 months
pov to this song from 9:00 mins on : you're a hunter whose trespassed into nyuuris' domain while chasing one of his daughters and you realize then that you're getting hunted down yourself by literally every large predator that nyuuris sends after your ass for daring to try to kill one of his daughters. ♡
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i-hear-a-sound · 7 months
I should’ve never slept on greylock bro..
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deadrlngers · 1 year
can't stop thinking of violante's appearance changing as the game goes on. thinking of like her left eye turning completely black, sclera and iris, the skin of her left cheek turning black like a poison is spreading through it and black veins running visibly all around that side of her face and maybe there's signs of that spreading to the rest of her face etc etc. i have no specific plot point for this i just love imagining her rotting from the outside (since she's rotten inside already)
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databent · 1 year
i have the most autistic cat on the planet. hes extra sensitive to certain sounds (refused to wear his collar until i took the bell off of it). he stims (slides the fleshy part of his paws down the surface of the posters on my wall to hear and feel them make that weird squeaky noise). he never meows like literally ever. he likes being petted but Only when hes standing on a surface that puts him at an equal height with me. he has a favorite plastic bin on the windowsill that he sleeps in like every afternoon and i dont know what he would do if i moved it. truly the Autism Creature
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mxwhore · 2 years
Sphynx jon calling harpy mart his little meatpie...
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