aenslem · 1 year
do you track any tags and is it okay to tag you?
Yep, I do, but it's like 3 people who actually know and use the tag ajkhskahd
You will have to message me to get my tracked tag, cos I do not like being tagged by people just to get them notes, by people who never even checked my blog...
Also while we are at it, since that happened more than once lol I do not track a tag that includes my name in it, so if you guess the tracked tag in hope for me to see your post and tag 'usersoph' or smt similar, you are 100% tagging smb else :D
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hazthediv · 5 years
Here’s to New Friendships
Hey guys! So I received this request like a year ago or something on my main blog but I wasn’t taking requests at the moment so I never wrote anything... but yeah hope you enjoy!
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*The picture is not mine, I found it on google
Request:  Can you write a Harrison X reader? The reader is a new roommate to a friend of Harrison. He first meets the reader at a coffee shops where she introduces herself, because she's new in town. Later in the day he goes to his friends place unaware of that she's his new roommate. He starts to talk about her to him and she comes out of her room and listens to him talking about her with his back turned against her, you can continue from there. Thx!<3
Requested by: @my-unique-mind
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: An awkward meeting and some alcohol consumption
The rain’s splattering on the coffee shop’s windows was the most soothing thing you had experienced in the last few days. Moving to London had been a tough decision but so thrilling at the same time. You loved London. Everything about it: the people, the architecture, the life of the city… but you didn’t have much friends. Yet. You planned on making friends, lots of them. Where you came from you had been a loner with only two or three friends from work but that was over. It was time to open up to the world and make some real friendships. Not that fictional characters weren’t good friends but whatever…
Your name was called and you moved to get your coffee. The cup was warm, the cold in your fingers finally going away as you looked around the room to find an empty table. Only to realize there wasn’t any of them.
You began walking towards the door but when the rain doubled up you decided to wait until it calmed before going outside. You turned back around to search for a place, hoping maybe someone would be kind enough to let you sit with them. Your eyes landed on a handsome guy, about your age, who was sitting alone at a table for two, a laptop in front of him.
You took a deep breath, trying to find the courage to go sit next to the guy. That’s when his eyes looked up from his laptop and you could feel your heart stopping in your chest. Never in your life had you seen such a striking gaze.
You looked down to your coffee cup, taking a sip, trying to act as if you hadn’t been caught staring. When your gaze trailed back to the guy, you noticed he had resumed his attention on his laptop. It was now or never.
You hesitantly began walking towards his table, mentally rehearsing what you would tell him. Only to realize then that didn’t have a single clue as to what to say. But it was too late, you were now next to his table and he was looking up at you.
“Hey there”, he said, a smile softly spreading on his lips.
“Uh, hi”, you replied, blush creeping its way on your cheeks as you stuttered the rest of your sentence. “Do you… uh you… do you mind if I… I sit here?”
The guy raised his brows. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Can I sit here?” you asked, this time not stuttering. “There isn’t any other free place so…”
“Yeah, of course.”
He smiled as you nodded and sat down, resting your cup on the table. You took your phone from your pocket, hesitating between asking him his name or to just ignore him. You could feel his burning stare on you though, so you figured you should strike a conversation.
“So uh, what are you up to?” you enquired, looking up to meet his gaze.
He glanced at his computer. “Just reading the script of my new movie.”
Your eyes went round as you realized what that meant. “Oh! You’re an actor.”
The guy chuckled. “Well, yeah, I am.”
Your curiosity was piqued. “Have I seen you in something?”
The guy took a sip of his own drink, shaking his head no. “I doubt you did, I haven’t been in anything big yet.”
“Oh”, you let out. “But you’ve been cast in a new movie? That’s good news.”
“Yeah! It’s actually a bigger role for once, I’m really happy I got the part.”
“What is it?” you enquired, taking a sip of your coffee which was still a little too hot to be drunk but you didn’t mind the burning. It made you forget how his gaze was burning in yours right now.
“Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it”, the guy admitted.
“And yet you’re reading the script in a public space.”
He laughed, the sound sending shivers down your spine. An awkward silence grew between the two of you and you looked down at your coffee.
“So, new here?” he enquired.
You nodded, a chuckle falling from your lips. “What gave it away?”
“I recognize pretty much everyone that comes to this coffee shop”, the guy explained. “Didn’t recognize you.”
“Well, I moved here just a couple of days ago”, you said.
“Oh, you did! Where from?”
Another silence grew as both of you took sips from your coffees. The guy than spoke again.
“And what’s bringing you to London?”
You thought about it for a moment, not really knowing the answer. “I don’t know, I’ve always wanted to come to London and uh… I just decided to give it a shot.”
“You made a good decision, London’s fun”, the guy smiled. He glanced at his computer for a moment and then his gaze found yours again. “Actually, I have to go but it was really nice meeting you.”
Your heart sank a little in your chest as you watched him get up. “Uh, yeah, nice meeting you too.”
“I’ll see you around?” he asked as he put his laptop in his backpack.
“Of course”, you answered, your smile finding its way back on your lips.
You watched the guy leave, only realizing then that you hadn’t asked him what his name was. Crap.
You finished your coffee as you scrolled through your social media, the guy still on your mind. He was handsome, definitely really handsome, and you couldn’t believe that you had had the courage to actually speak to him. And he had said that he would see you around, so that was a good sign, right?
When your coffee was finished, you returned the cup to the barista and then made your way outside, where it still was raining but not as much as before. You watched your feet as you walked, shivering when a cold gush of wind caught in your hair. You were lucky the walk to your flat wasn’t a long one or else you’d have turned to a block of ice before getting there.
“Hey, I’m back!” you yelled from the hall as you took off your shoes.
Your roommate, Tuwaine, walked out of his room. “Took a shower in the streets, I see.”
“Shut up, T”, you laughed. “It’s raining.”
You moved to your room, knowing you had to change if you didn’t want to catch a cold.
“Hey, some mates are coming later tonight, we’re thinking about going clubbing, wanna come?” Tuwaine yelled from somewhere else in the flat.
That was the perfect occasion to make some friends. “Yeah, of course!” you yelled back.
If you were to go clubbing, you had to take a shower. You foraged through one of the boxes you hadn’t unpacked yet, knowing your “clubbing” clothes were in there somewhere. You found a pink crop-top with a low V-neck, your favourite actually, and a smile stretched your lips. This was going to be perfect.
You grabbed a pair of black leggings too and then went through your underwear box to find something somewhat sexy just in case you were to maybe meet someone special. You then made your way to the bathroom, taking a long warm shower to suppress the cold you had been feeling from walking in the rain. When you stepped out of the shower, you could hear some muffled talking from somewhere else in the flat, most likely from the living room.
You got dressed, walking the short distance to your room before putting some make-up on. You wanted to be your best self when you’d meet Tuwaine’s friends. Once you were done, you plugged in your phone so it’d be fully charged when you’d leave and you walked out of your room.
You made your way to the kitchen, the voices you had heard earlier becoming louder as you were closer to the living room. You could clearly hear what they were saying now. You warmed up some leftovers as you inadvertently listened to the conversation.
“So I was reading the script and I saw this girl standing alone”, a male voice said, somewhat familiar.
“Was she hot?” another familiar voice asked.
“Shut up, Tom, let Haz speak”, Tuwaine said.
“Sorry, sorry”, the second voice, probably Tom, replied.
“So”, the first voice resumed. “I didn’t really look at the girl but like not even a minute later she came up to me and asked if she could sit with me. It was kinda really awkward but we talked a little. She seemed nice but I had to go so I didn’t really get to talk to her a lot. It’s only when I left that I realized I didn’t even ask for...”
The beeping of the microwave brought you back to reality and you stopped listening to the conversation, taking the meal out of the microwave instead. You burned your hand on the plate so you put it down on the counter, rinsing your hand with cold water to make the stinging of the burn go away.
“Y/n!” Tuwaine’s voice yelled from the living room. “Come ‘ere.”
You noticed an opened beer pack on the table and you realized that Tuwaine and his mates had already begun drinking. You took a beer and grabbed the plate and a fork before making your way to the living room.
“I’m telling you, she was really pretty but…” the first voice was saying but he stopped when you walked in.
It was the guy from the coffee shop. And he had been talking about you. You stopped in your tracks, your mind going blank as your gaze got caught up in the guy’s gaze.
“So, this is Y/n, my new roommate”, Tuwaine said. “Y/n, this is Tom and uh, this is Haz.”
There was a moment of silence until you looked away from the guy from the coffee shop, Haz, to look at the other guy, who was none other than Spider-Man. Better known as Tom Holland.
“Hey guys”, you said as you felt your cheeks burning.
This was a lot to take in. You knew Tuwaine was friends with Tom and Haz, he had talked about them before. Never in a million years would you have thought that Tuwaine was going to invite you on a night out with them.
Your eyes trailed back to the guy from the coffee shop, who had a pink tint on his cheeks.
“Hey, Y/n”, he finally said. “Nice to actually know your name now.”
Tuwaine and Tom turned to look at Haz, their brows knit together.
“What did you just say?” Tom enquired.
“Wait”, Tuwaine said at the same time. “Y/n’s the girl from the coffee shop?” he asked.
Haz chuckled, nodding. “Didn’t know she was your roommate.”
“No way”, Tom said and he burst out laughing. “She probably heard everything you just said…”
Haz hit Tom on the arm as his cheeks turned a dark shade of red. “Shut up, you dickhead.”
The guys playfully started fighting and you sat down on the only empty couch, which was the loveseat your grand-parents had given you when they had learned that you were finally moving out of your parents’ house.
You started eating, your plate monopolizing your attention as you didn’t want to look up at the guys who were now talking about something else but you weren’t following the conversation at all.
You opened your beer, taking a sip and finally you were able to relax a little. You looked up from your plate to catch Haz’s gaze and your cheeks burned but you didn’t look away. You smiled gently and Haz smiled back as his own cheeks turned red.
Actually, you were happy that he was here. Because now you knew his name and you even were going to go out with him. Here’s to new friendships, right?
Later that night, somewhere between 1 and 2 am, you found yourself sitting alone next to Haz. The night had been fun, really, but Tuwaine had thrown up a little earlier and Tom and he had left to go to the bathroom and hadn’t come back yet.
“Didn’t expect to see you at Tuwaine’s”, Haz said, his pretty eyes finding yours.
“Me neither”, you laughed. “Was kinda startling to see you sitting in my living room.”
His laugh echoed in your ears, a sound so beautiful you made it your mission to make him laugh as much as possible.
“I was shook too”, he admitted. “You look great, by the way.”
You turned into a blushing mess as you looked down at the empty drink you had been holding for the last fifteen minutes. “Oh uh, thanks, you too actually.”
Haz chuckled. “Need a refill?”
You looked up at him and he was already looking at you and his eyes were so pretty and was he leaning to kiss you or was that just you?
Your eyes fluttered close as his face got closer to you and when his lips touched yours, it was like a firework had ignited in your heart. He cupped your cheek gently, kissing you softly. You kissed him back. His lips tasted of alcohol and of something sweeter, something like honey.
He deepened the kiss and you boldly bit at his bottom lips. He let out a soft grunt and suddenly, you became very aware of his hand on your thigh. When had it gotten there?
“Get a room”, Tom yelled as he came back from the bathroom to the sight of th two of you kissing.
You and Haz pulled away and you tried to catch your breath as Haz mumbled something about Tom being a div.
For the rest of the night, whenever you and Haz were alone your lips found his as he pulled you closer. Each time that gained you a snarky remark from Tom or Tuwaine but you didn’t mind, not one bit. Haz was the sweetest thing you had tasted in your whole life and you sure as hell weren’t going to stop.
Here’s to new friendships, right?
Hope you enjoyed! Leave some feedback or a request of your own here!
I’m going to start a taglist for the fics/requests I post on here so shoot me an ask if want to be on it! I’m tagging some people to make sure it doesn’t go unnoticed!
@h-osterfield | @stealth-spiderr | @hazhasmycoffee | @hazownsmyass | @the-quackson-claxon | @starksparker | @madmadmilk | @hollandroos
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A Web of Minds, pt 8
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Teaser || Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five | Part six | Part seven | Part eight
Summary: He climbs walls and protects the neighbourhood. She reads minds and feels people’s emotions. What’s going to happen when their world collide?
Pairing: Peter Parker X Telepath!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Fighting, guns and violence, you know, the usual with our homeboy Spider-Man
Peter looked over his shoulder and the girl noticed the goosebumps on his arms.
“I can feel it too”, he whispered, finally becoming aware of his spidey senses telling him about the imminent danger.
There was the sound of shattered glass in Peter’s room. Peter’s eyes went round with fear.
“You need to get out of here right now”, Peter whispered.
Y/n shook her head.
“It’s dangerous.”
Y/n shut her eyes and let her guard down. She could hear the sound of a hundred voices speaking at the same time but eventually the sounds faded as she concentrated towards Peter’s room.
“They’re here to hurt you”, she whispered. “We need to leave.”
“You heard their thoughts?”
“We need to leave, Peter.”
It was too late. Of course it was too late.
The bedroom’s door burst open and Peter pushed Y/n to the ground as there was the sound of a gunshot. Y/n rolled on her back and noticed something white shooting from Peter’s wrist. It stuck to the guy’s wrist and Peter pulled on it, which made the guy fall down. Another shot of web was enough to glue the guy to the ground.
“Who are you?” Peter enquired.
“You should have known not to take down the Vulture”, the guy mumbled. “We have your precious little aunt.”
A sense of dread filled Y/n and for a moment she felt as if she was drowning. Wait, that wasn’t her feeling, that was Peter.
“We should call Mr. Stark”, Y/n said as Peter’s face lost all colours.  
“Where is she?” Peter said, ignoring the girl.
“Peter, we should call Mr. Stark”, Y/n repeated.
“Oh, Tony Stark can’t save her now”, the guy said. “It’s too late.”
Y/n scrambled to her feet.
“What do you mean, it’s too late?” Peter enquired as he started breathing faster.
Y/n could feel the panic Peter was feeling and it took everything in her not to have a panic attack too.
“Peter, listen to me”, she said as she put a hand on Peter’s arm.
The boy flinched at her touch and suddenly, she was in his mind. She could feel pain, so much pain. Grief and loss and sadness, everything intricately sewn in a complex web of a sort. There was something else, something softer and that something softer had a face. MJ. There was also Ned. But mostly, there was worry and fear for Aunt May.
Intuitively, Y/n sent a wave of calm towards Peter. His thoughts which were going a mile a minute slowed down and his breathing evened out.
“What have you just done?” he enquired.
“We need to call Mr. Stark”, Y/n repeated.
“Iron Man has a lot on his plate right now, Y/n”, the guy said from his spot on the ground, where he was struggling to get up but failing to do so.
“No, we need to find Aunt May”, Peter shook his head, ignoring the fact that the guy had said Y/n’s name. “I need to find Aunt May.”
“Let me get the guy to tell us where she is”, Y/n eventually said.
“How can you do that?”
“Watch and learn.”
Y/n walked towards the guy who tried to move but couldn’t thanks to Peter’s web.
“If you think your witch tricks will work on me, you’ll be disappointed kid”, the guy spat.
“Shut up”, Y/n said.
She knelt down next to the guy and put a hand on his forehead. Just like she had did with Peter, she found his mind. It didn’t take her long to figure out where Aunt May was. But something scared her a lot more. Her mother was there too.
“Why?” she asked as her mind went back to her body. “Why my mother?”
The guy didn’t reply and for a moment Y/n felt a wave of anger trying to consume her. She shut it away and grabbed her cellphone from her sweater’s pocket.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked.
“I’m calling backup.”
“Don’t, I can rescue them myself.”
“And leave that guy here on the floor of your living room? I don’t think so.” Y/n dialed Happy’s number and waited as the bell rang.
“Happy Hogan how can I help you?” Happy said from the other side of the line.
“Spider-Man’s caught a bad guy in his living room. I think Mr. Stark should come to see this. They have Aunt May and my mother.” 
Y/n hung up and turned to look at Peter.
“How long till that thing melts away?” she asked pointing to the web.
“About an hour”, Peter answered.
“Then we’re going.”
“You know where they are?” Peter asked.
“Yep. An abandoned warehouse next to the Hudson river.”
Peter nodded. “I’m just going to put my suit on.”
“Yeah, yeah, be quick.”
It didn’t take him more than two minutes before walking back to the living room. He shot a web above the guy’s mouth before he was able to say something and then gestured to Y/n to follow him to his room.
“You’ll have to hold on to me”, Peter said as he put on the mask.
“If you let me go I swear I’ll murder you”, she said as she followed him to the window.
Peter shot a web to the building next to his. “I promise I won’t.”
Y/n walked to him. He got out of his room and she followed him, sitting on the edge of the window. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his unoccupied arm snaked its way around her waist.
“Hold on to me”, he said before swinging from the window.
Y/n had to keep herself from screaming for dear life as they swung around Queens. At first she was scared, a lot more than she should have been but she eventually got to enjoy the moment. Peter was strong and she wasn’t so scared of him letting go of her.
She guided him towards the warehouse and although swinging from buildings to buildings was fun, she felt more at ease once her feet touched the ground.
“They’re in there”, she whispered to Peter.
“Stay here, I’ll rescue them”, Peter said.
“No, I’m not staying here alone”, she refused. “I can tell you how many guys are in there.”
“I don’t want to risk you getting hurt.”
“I’m going to be fine, Peter, I’ll stay behind you, everything’s going to be alright.”
Peter held Y/n’s gaze for a moment before looking away. “Okay. But you stay behind me.”
“I promise.”
The two teens walked around the building, staying in the shadow, searching for the perfect entry. Not seeing anyone outside, they judged that they could get closer to it without risking getting hurt.
As they did, Y/n let her mind wander towards the warehouse and suddenly she could feel minds. Dark twisted minds. She gulped as her blood turned cold in her veins.
“There are a dozen men in there”, she whispered to Peter. “None on this side of the building.”
She pointed towards a door and Peter nodded. “That’s where we’ll walk in.”
They moved towards said door, tiptoeing, Peter shooting a look to Y/n to make sure that she was alright. That’s when he noticed her eyes.
“Your eyes are glowing”, Peter whispered, shock written all over his features.
He stopped walking, turning around to fully take into view the soft glow of Y/n’s eyes. It took him a moment to understand that not only her eyes were glowing, but pretty much all of her.
“What?” Y/n asked.
“You’re glowing”, Peter murmured.
He was brought back to that night on the ice next to the Rockefeller center, to Y/n leaning over him, her hair a halo from the Christmas lights. Y/n was pretty, he had always seen it, but now she looked… angelic. Like she was sent from above.
Y/n looked at her hands and soon enough saw that she was indeed glowing. The colour was silvery and it seemed to be oozing out from her skin. She shut her mind off, building her walls back up only to see the glow disappear.
“What the hell?” she asked. “Why?”
Peter shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, were you using your abilities?”
“Yep, I was scanning the warehouse to find where my mother and Aunt May are being held.”
“Then maybe it’s because of that”, Peter said. “Like Scarlet Witch, you know.”
Y/n nodded. “That ought to be it.”
Peter glanced at the door and then back to her. “Just be careful with that, we wouldn’t want someone finding us because of it.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful”, Y/n promised. “Although, I can tell you when someone’s coming.”
“Since when can you…” Peter trailed off.
“I don’t know but someone’s coming our way right now”, Y/n whisper-shouted as the glow came back but fainter.
Her mind was solely focused on the hallway on the other side of the door, hence why the glow wasn’t as strong. It would have been if she was to scan the whole building again.
Peter motioned for Y/n to stand aside and she did as she felt the person getting closer. She watched the door, noticed the knob turning and fear flowed into her blood as Peter got ready.
The moment the man stepped outside, Peter had already shot him in the face with a web to refrain him from screaming. The man’s hands moved towards his waist, where a gun was hanging but he was too slow and Peter glued him to the wall.
Y/n made sure that there wasn’t anyone else close before walking to Peter, who shot another web to the guy to make sure he couldn’t get out from the first one.
The two teens then walked in the warehouse, Y/n instinctively scanning the whole hallway before nodding to Peter, indicating to him that it was safe to go. They walked slowly as they neared another door at the end of the hallway.
Y/n could tell that there were three men on the other side of the door, in a wide room. Where exactly in the room they were she couldn’t tell. It was as if their minds were echoing on the walls, rendering her useless.
“I can’t tell where they are but there are three of them”, she whispered for Peter to know.
“Got it”, Peter nodded. “Stay here while I clear the room.”
“I’ll search for Aunt May and my mom while you take care of that.”
Peter nodded again as Y/n stepped back in the hallway to make sure the men wouldn’t be able to see her from the door. She sat down, her back against the wall and held her knees against her.
She let her mind wander but it was difficult as she heard the commotion in the wide room, which she assumed was the place where all the machinery was when the warehouse was still being used. She didn’t know what the walls of it where made of but it was weird that she couldn’t quite “see” inside of the room like she could for the rest of the building.
There were a lot of gunshots in the wide room and Y/n couldn’t tell if Peter was okay. She started to get scared and she lost her concentration. She suddenly couldn’t see with her mind anymore and she became tired. Very tired. She hadn’t found Aunt May and her mother yet so she sucked it up, shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath.
I’ll be alright.
She again let her mind wander, this time doing everything she could to get around the wide room instead of going through it.
There they are!
Y/n almost laughed with relief when she found Aunt May and her mother’s minds. They were alive, both of them. She was too far to hear their thoughts though so she had no way of knowing if they were hurt. At least they were alive.
Her mind snapped back to her and Y/n felt as if she had just run a whole marathon. Luckily enough, she knew where to go, she just had to wait for Peter to come back.
As she waited, she built her walls back up, keeping an eye on both sides of the hallway to make sure that no one was coming her way. Shortly after that, her mind was triggered by someone’s presence and she sighed in relief when she recognized Peter with the usual building collapsing on top of him and the fire, always the fire.
She struggled to get up and once she succeeded she turned to look at Peter, who was just coming into view now.
“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice low, sounding just as drained as she felt.
“Just a couple of scratches but I’ll be fine”, Peter reassured her. “Did you find them?”
Y/n nodded. “They’re in a room above the one you just came back from.”
“I saw a staircase, let’s go”, Peter said.
They moved toward the wide room and Y/n made sure to keep her mind in her body. She didn’t know what was going to happen if she was to get in that room with her mind scanning the place. She decided to rely on Peter’s spidey senses for a moment. Anyways, she was feeling weaker by the minute, she couldn’t risk using her newfound ability again.
The wide room wasn’t as impressive as Y/n had thought it would be since it was fucking with her ability but she noticed how the walls were dark. She wondered if they were made of a metal that could keep her mind at bay. Maybe.
Peter and Y/n climbed the stairs carefully, doing their best not to make a sound but the stairs still creaked a little. After all the commotion Peter had made by fighting the three men though it was clear that whoever was holding Aunt May and Y/n’s mother captive knew that at least Spider-Man was there.
The pair got to the top of the stairs and Peter’s eyes darted to Y/n’s face before going back to the door that was in front of them.
“How many of them are there on the other side?” he enquired.
“I can’t… I can’t tell”, Y/n admitted. “This room is affecting my ability.”
Peter nodded as he took a deep breath. “Maybe you shouldn’t come…”
Right before another word left his mouth, the door burst open and a guy started shooting at them. Peter jumped toward Y/n, grabbed her with an arm and shot a web to the ceiling, swinging Y/n to safety. He put her down on the ground before going back to the man who had stopped shooting them, waiting to get a clear shot.
Y/n hid behind a column has Peter took care of the man. And for the first time, Peter feared he had killed someone. Indeed, he had shot a web to the man before throwing him down the stairs. The man was laying on the cold hard ground, unmoving and Peter felt sick to the stomach but he didn’t have time to check if the guy was alive. He had to rescue Aunt May.
Y/n waited for a moment, wondering if Peter was going to come back. When the noise stopped and that Peter was still nowhere to be seen, dread filled Y/n from her head to her toes. Had something happened to Peter?
She peered around the column, only a dead man coming into view. A dead man or a very still man. Y/n knew that Peter wasn’t one to kill someone and she suddenly felt the urge to run to Peter. Knowing Peter, he was probably going crazy with worry for Aunt May.
Y/n got out from behind the column and ran towards the stairs. That’s when the man on the floor groaned, reassuring Y/n that he was still alive. Good.
She climbed the stairs as fast as she could, letting her mind wander out of her skull instinctively to only have it thrown back at her. She almost fell as pain shot through her brain but it quickly went away. Y/n continued climbing the stairs.
Deep inside of her she knew that something horrible was going to happen. But she didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop. She burst into the room to see Peter, Spider-Man, standing very still in front of a man. That man was none other than Adams. And he was holding a gun to Aunt May’s temple.
Leave some feedback here! Feedback is always appreciated!
Taglist: (message me if you want to be on or off the taglist)
@ukulele-tea-and-ocean | @savannah0111 | @gioandreolli | @deitymephesto | @wayfaring----stranger | @nedthegay | @avenirectioner | @starlightfound | @blackparacosm | @spideyboyficrecs | @peeterparkr | @h-osterfield | @stealth-spiderr | @starksparker | @hollandroos | @thebrightfaerie | @tbhollandd | @fairydustparker | @keepingupwiththeparkers | @lonely--witch | @smilexcaptainx | @averythingzachheron | @spiderboytotherescue | @fantasyandfallacies | @obsessedmaggiemay | @golden-guide | @staringmoony | @myhealingstar | @booksbeforebois | @irondad-addict | @saturn-aka-six | @fancyygirl | @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 | @solarholland
Permanent taglist: (message me if you want to be on the permanent taglist)
@claryfray101 | @woonglover | @starlightfound | @sleepybesson
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social-holland · 6 years
When I’m With You
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Pairing: Tom Holland  x Reader
Warning: Fluff ;) 
Summary: Tom is on a much needed break when he meets the one person who finally makes him feel like himself again.
Word count: 2570
A/N:This is for @notimeforthemessenger  500 Follower writing challenge. Congrats, love and thank you for doing it! Also I’m sorry for posting this last minute. I got the song “I Like Me Better” from Lauv.
To be young and in love in New York City
To not know who I am
But still know that I'm good long as you're here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City
Midnight into morning coffee, burning through the hours talking
 Tom can exactly remember how he met you her the first time. He was on vacation. Finally seeing New York. Not being there to film for another movie or having to do press. This should be a way to lay low for a while.
A time he desperately needed. Already on the verge of feeling like he was losing himself a long time ago and not knowing how to turn back. The brown haired man knew how much he troubled his friends and mostly family with his behaviour.
But there was nothing any of them could do. It was not his family or friends fault. Being in the industry, everything was so self-centred and usually Tom did a good job staying low and keep his feet on the ground. Lately he recognized his own change and he didn’t like that at all.
So, he made the decision to take some time to himself and try to figure everything out. In his mind, there would be no better place than New York to exactly do that. It was the one place where basically started, where his favourite character lived. Something that was far away and still could feel like home.
It was Toms first night in New York. Just flown in, he decided to start off with having a night out. No party, just a little bar and a drink. After taking his wallet and key card leaving his room and making the way out of the hotel.
He walked for a while around the neighbourhood. Looking around and catching a few sights, taking mental notes on what he wants to see later before spotting an inconspicuous bar. All black and just with a little light but still homely. Exactly what he had been searching for.
It’s not a big one and there are not many guests as well. Everything is wooden, a counter taking place on the right side of it. Sofas are pressed against the light grey walls and in the middle is decorated with lots of tables and chairs.
Tom orders himself a beer and sits on one of the sofas that are standing in a corner. Being careful that not too many people can see him. He would much prefer to stay incognito for a while. He is watching the other guest for a while.
She is catching his attention immediately. The way she is leaned against the chair, strands of her hair falling into her face while she seemed to be engrossed into the book you’re holding. The sleeves of her black hoodie tucked over her hands. A bottle of beer standing in front of her.
The Y/E/C coloured eyes following the lines that are written, completely blacking out her surroundings. At least until she takes a sip from your beverage.
That’s when she catches him watching. A small smile gracing her lips and swears he can hear his heart stop beating, trying to catch his breath. Him thinking how stunning she is.
Little did he know that the Y/H/C haired woman feels the same about him. His brown hair tousled, single pieces falling on his forehead. The coffee coloured eyes watching her but in no disturbing way. As soon as he sees her watching, he turns his gaze somewhere else. A faint colour of red on his cheeks, making the girl chuckle over it. He is cute, in a way he also felt familiar to her but nevertheless very cute.
She turns her attention back to the book to the relieve of Tom. Meanwhile he secretly tries to steal glances at her, contemplating if he should get up and talk to her. He was never a shy person, always outgoing and down for an adventure. During the change and uncertain, Tom get nervous. He starts playing with his hands, trying to get his mind somewhere else. It doesn’t work. From time to time he still takes a glimpse back to her.
Both of them taking a glance at the same time and his eyes are switching fast enough to the empty bottle in front of him. That’s at least what he thinks until someone coughs in front of him. His eyes widen and Toms mouth falling open at the woman.
A smile on your her face and book in one hand, extending the other one to him. “Hi.” Her voice sounding soft and kind to him. He stares at her for a moment before taking her hand in his. “H-Hi.” He stumbles over the greeting.
“Soo. I saw you watching me and thought I would at least introduce myself.” He could hear the teasing voice and instantly turned a shade of red again. “I-Im so sorry.” She interrupted him fast. “Don’t worry, I saw you kinda, too.” Both of you laughing about the situation.
“Would you mind if I take the seat?” The brunette showed that he was okay with it and soon the conversation started to flow.
 I like me better when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time, 'cause
I like me better when-
I like me better when I'm with you
 Turns out that she did know Tom. Just in other ways he had thought. Having siblings who were huge Marvel fans, she was more or less forced to watch some of the movies. Being a fan but not like he had expected.
She was a pleasant surprise. The two connected in a lot of ways. It started from having similar interests, pet peeves as well the reason why you two found your way to New York. Taking time off to see a little bit from the world and find yourselves.
Both stayed the whole night together, talking, taking glances at each other and just enjoying each other company. Shy Tom disappeared and for the first time in a long time there was his old self. Making fun, enjoying the time he was having without the pressure of maintaining a perfect imagine for the media or who knows what.
Tom, at first, was a little unsure because he didn’t know if he could trust her. But as the hours continued he felt safer.
At around two in the morning, they had to leave the bar. To say Tom was sad was an understatement. He enjoyed the time and was not ready to let her go. So, he took all of his confidence and ask you for her number. And she gave it to him.
It felt like a connection between the two, nothing to be named yet but nevertheless, it felt good. Both wanting to know more about each other.
And that’s what they did.
I don't know what it is but I got that feeling
Waking up in this bed next to you
Swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling
If we lay, let the day just pass us by
I might get to too much talkin', I might have to tell you somethin'
 The morning after you two met, you went for a coffee in an 80’s inspired bistro. It was one of the funniest things Tom ever did. Talking about past, present, dreams, futures, jokes and all you two could think about. It felt natural, normal and all in all like you knew each other much longer than a day.
The week continued with walking through Central Park where first his pinky would graze hers until his hand would hold yours. A smile playing along both of your faces. Tom and you would visit different sights. Seeing the Liberty of State, Staten Island or going to different museums or just spending time in their rooms talking.
Another Highlight was the Empire State Building. Both of you always wanting to go there. The view was incredible, but someone was more intriguing to him. You.
Leaning against a little bit behind, he watched how you took a few photos of it. He could imagine how you must be smiling over it. Just as you were trying to take another picture of the sunset, he slung his arms around your waist. “Sorry.” He cheeky whispered with his mouth pressed against your hair.
Your sweet scent filling his nose and for a moment he closed his eyes inhaling it. He only had a few days left until he would have to leave New York and you. Trying to hold onto the time a little bit more, he didn’t want to go. Meanwhile you had turned your camera around and took a photo of you two together.
Tom opened his eyes, smiling into the lens before pressing a kiss onto your head. You looked up to him. Smiling at him before he lowered his head and pressed a short and sweet kiss to your lips. You turned around, your hands crossing over his neck before pressing him down to you and kissing him again. This time both of your lips pressing longer together, moving against each other.
He places his forehead on your when you loosen the kiss. Both having your eyes closed for a moment to enjoy each other’s presence. Slowly opening his eyes, he sees you watching him. Taking all of him in. A huge smile not able to hide on your face. He smiles back. His eyes twinkling at you.
His hand cupping your cheeks. Before taking your hand and leading you down again. The sun has already set, and it starts getting cold so both of you decide to go back visit the dinner you went earlier the week.
When you two walk into the pink themed dinner, hands holding, the waitress is smiling. You two take a up a little pink booth in the back. Both ordering a coffee and a tea with strawberry cheesecake. As soon as the waitress leaves the two continue to smile at each other and Tom could swear they haven’t stop smiling since the met the night in the bar.
When your beverages arrive, Tom can see you crinkling your nose over his. A small laugh escaping his lips. “What is it now, love?” You force your eyes away from his tea, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment over being caught by him. “I don’t get how you can drink your tea with milk.”
“I can’t believe how you can drink your coffee without it.” He teases. Grinning at each other before laughing about it. She intervenes his fingers with hers on the table and Tom swears he feels like so intoxicated by her. It’s the good kind. The one that makes him smile so hard and he can’t stop. His stomach tingling like there are actual butterflies or whatever people believe in.
He rubs his thumb over her hand, pressing light kisses on to her hand once or twice, while the two continue to talk over god and the world.
 Stay awhile, stay awhile
Stay here with me
Stay awhile, stay awhile, oh
Stay awhile, stay awhile
Stay here with me
Lay here with me
 It’s three days before Tom must go back to London and he still feels like he is not ready to. Not willing to let you go, if he could ever at this point. It’s raining outside when he asks you to come to his room to spend the day. He doesn’t feel like exploring, just laying next to her and enjoying each other’s presence.
But she has other plans for him. Lying to him and telling that the clerk doesn’t let her in, Tom is forced to go to the entrance of the Hotel. That’s where she is standing, waiting for him with an umbrella in the hand and a big smile.
He can’t help himself but smile back at her. His jacket in one hand, pressing a light kiss to her forehead as he hugs her. Her arms naturally going around his waist. They are not leaving as he leans back. “Didn’t you say, you don’t get in?” He teased her.
A smug smile on her face. “I lied.” He furrowed his eyebrows over her. “Why?” She presses her hands against his sides. “Because it rains.” A laugh escaping him. “Love, hate to break it to you but I’m from England. It constant raining there.” She playfully rolls her eyes at him before crossing her hand behind his neck and pressing him down to her. “Very funny.”
Her lips hovering over his. “You know what rain means?” She whispered. He is intoxicated by her scent. So sweet. He wants to press his lips against hers but she slowly leans back.
“It means…” She continues before taking his hand. “That we need to go dance.” She drags him outside into the rain. Tom looks up to the sky and it’s pouring.
But it’s not concerning them. Their holding hands and just start dancing in the middle of the sidewalk. He can feel his locks even more curling and in the matter of seconds both are soaked. After what felt like eternity Tom stops her and presses himself against her. Holding her cheeks while slowly pressing his lips against hers.
When both stop to take a breath, Tom whispers. “You know what rain reminds me of?” She shakes her head at him. “London and I w-wanted to ask if y-you would like to come to London with me?” Her eyes widen and her mouth falls open. “Do you mean that?” She nervously asks.
“Of course. I only have a few days left but I’m not ready to let you go. I didn’t say it until now, but you make me feel incredible. I feel at home in your arms and I need you. If it wouldn’t be too early, I would say three different words.”
Tom eyes are closed, and his head is pressed against hers as he talks. He can’t see it, but her eyes are glazed over his words. She starts cupping his cheek before pressing her lips against his. “Yes.” The brunette man opens his eyes at her, starts smiling and twirling her around.
Both laughing like little kids. They spend a while like this until running back into the hotel and Toms room.
 I like me better when I'm with you (yes, I do, yes, I do, babe)
I like me better when I'm with you (ooh, no)
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time ,cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you
Better when, I like me better when I'm with you
 Now he is watching you, sleeping peacefully next to him. The next morning having already arrived. Having talked through a night again and falling asleep next to each other. He doesn’t know how it happened, but he feels like the kid from Kingston again. Tom feels like himself. Like he is content and happy with the world for once. If he knows one thing for certain than that he would onto it, hold onto you. For as long as he could. He truly liked himself better and only because of you.
Permanent Tag List: @tomhollanduniverse @spideytaeh @smexylemony @marvelismylifffe @lavieenbananabread @tommyboyholland
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
(Not So) SuperHero
Peter Parker x Reader
summary: Where you try to save Peter, but he ends up saving you.
based on the prompt “I tried to rescue you from being mugged but instead I got knocked out and you had to take me to the hospital”
word count: 1.3k
a/n: ay whaddup i didn’t think i’d be posting this weekend but inspiration struck & here we are!!! it’s unedited tho so like don’t get too excited lmao
Sighing, you rolled your shoulders and readjusted the textbook laying in your arms as your shoes slapped against the pavement. You could feel the ache in your shoulders from your heavy backpack, a result of the extra classes you were taking to graduate early. With a quick glance at your watch, you realized it was almost 8pm, causing you to groan. You’d been earning some volunteer hours by helping to tutor some freshman, which was great and all, but you still had to do your homework and work on your history project with Peter.
Peter Parker.
You hated to admit it, but Peter was most definitely a growing crush of yours. Even though the two of you had only spoken to each other a few times, you often found yourself daydreaming about his chocolate curls and kind brown eyes, or the way his cheeks tinged pink when he laughed at a particularly funny joke from Ned. God, you wished that you could be the one to make him laugh like that, but you knew it was hopeless. After all, he was falling hard for Liz, and there was no way you could compete with that.
Speaking (or thinking?) of Peter, when you looked up, you saw his familiar figure walking across the street. Just as you were about to call out to him and say hey, you noticed some movement in the alleyway behind him, putting your senses on alert.
“What the hell…” you whispered to yourself, squinting to see what it was. Just as you were about to brush it off as nothing, a man stepped out of the shadows, holding up a gun before making his was towards Peter quietly. Heart beating a million miles a minute, you tried to think of some way to help him. If you called out to him, the man might shoot him anyways, so that wasn’t an option. In the heat of the moment, you made a split second decision, holding up your textbook defensively as you ran across the street towards the pair.
As you neared the man, you lifted your textbook slowly before bringing it down hard on top of his head hard, hoping that the impact would knock him out. Instead, it shifted you off balance as he whipped around, hatred filling his gaze. Right then, you could swear that steam was coming out of his ears.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” he growled, his fists clenching as he stared down at you, almost scoffing at how hard you were gripping your textbook, knuckles white.
As soon as he spoke, you noticed Peter turn around in front of you, eyes widening at the scene in front of him. Looking back at the man, you narrowed your eyes, ignoring Peter shaking his head at you in the background.
“You can’t go around aiming a gun at people,” you challenged matter-of-factly, despite the fear coursing through your veins. The man scoffed, shocked that some teenage girl armed with just a textbook was standing up to him.
“I can do whatever I want,” he hissed, rolling his eyes at you as he lifted up the hand not holding the gun, forming it into a fist. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was about to do, but you barely flinched when his fist connected your jaw, pain blossoming up the side of your face. Peter was yelling something, running towards you as the man shook out his hand and shrugged.
“Huh…” you mumbled, reaching up to touch the side of your face before everything suddenly went hazy, your knees crumpling from beneath you and your textbook falling from your hand as you hit the cold pavement, darkness engulfing you.
A steady beeping filled your ears when you woke up, your head pounding as the bright lights shone through your closed lids. Cracking them open slowly, you let them adjust before taking in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room, but much to your surprise, you weren’t alone. Peter Parker sat in a chair by your bed, playing with his hands as his gaze cast downwards. His knee was bouncing up and down quickly, showing you just how nervous he was.
“Peter?” his head jerked up at the sound of your voice, slightly scratchy from sleep. He froze for a second before scooting his chair up to the bed as fast as he could.
“Thank GOD you’re awake, I was so nervous,” he babbled, “The doctors said you had a mild concussion, but it isn’t anything too serious-”
“What happened to that man?” you interjected, curiosity evident in your voice, “Why did he have a gun?”
“He, uh, he was arrested,” he elaborated, “I’m guessing that he was planning on mugging me, but I don’t really know.”
You nodded your head, glad that he got what he deserved.
“Why-” Peter started before swallowing, fiddilng with his hands for a few more seconds before finishing his question, “Why would you put yourself in danger like that to try to save me?”
You took a moment to think of your answer before explaining, “Because I saw him with the gun, and I knew I wouldn’t ever be able to forgive myself if I didn’t try to do something to help. But,” you let out a short laugh, “It isn’t like I did much to help anyways. Look at me.”
He gave you a soft smile before his gaze hardened, his protective nature taking over, “You know, you really shouldn’t put yourself in danger like that. You could get seriously hurt. It’s a miracle that he didn’t kill you, Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes, you felt a bit of anger bubble within your chest. Who was Peter to tell you whether or not you could stand up to people? After all, you did (kind of) save him, so shouldn’t he be thanking you?
“You wouldn’t gotten mugged if I hadn’t done something,” you shot back. Peter looked like he was about to say something, but he caught himself, so you continued. “Here, let me ask you this. Would you have done what I did if our places were reversed?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“No, there aren’t any buts. Why is that any different? Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean-”
“No! No, no, it isn’t that,” he scrambled as you raised an eyebrow, curious to see what his explanation was, “It’s just different, okay?”
You narrowed your eyes, scanning his nervous face. You could tell that he was hiding something, but your gut told you that he wasn’t gonna talk about it any more, so you settled on changing the topic.
“Okay, fine.” you relented, almost smiling at how much his expression relaxed at your statement.
After a few moments of silence, Peter spoke up, his voice shaking slightly as he asked “So, um, I was thinking that maybe we could go get coffee sometime if you wanted to? I noticed that you help tutor, so maybe we could go before that-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you held up a hand, a smile gracing your lips as you joked, “Let me get this straight. We were almost mugged, I was knocked out, and you’re asking me on a date?”
Peter’s face turned bright red as he rubbed the back of his neck, already beginning to apologize profusely, “Oh god, I’m really sorry, I didn’t even think about that, I’m such an idiot-”
“Peter.” you placed a hand on his arm, causing him to be silent, “I was only joking. I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“O-okay, great,” you were unable to contain your smile as his face lit up, giving his arm a soft squeeze.
When your date finally rolled around, you were pleased to say that it was concussion-free.
Permanent taglist:
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Peter Parker taglist:
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The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world, or a relationship… Everything has its time. And everything ends.
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ihearttaylorswift · 4 years
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“A tale that becomes folklore is one that is passed down and whispered around. Sometimes even sung about. The lines between fantasy and reality blur and the boundaries between truth and fiction become almost indiscernible. Speculation, over time, becomes fact. Myths, ghost stories, and fables. Fairytales and parables. Gossip and legend. Someone’s secrets written in the sky for all to behold.” {folklore prologue}
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ladiesofcinema · 4 years
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RHEA SEEHORN as Kim Wexler in BETTER CALL SAUL, 5.09 "Bad Choice Road"
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mulderscully · 4 years
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A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES | 2.03 - "Episode Three"
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hazthediv · 5 years
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Requested by anonymous:  Hi, idk if you take requests but if you do could you do like a angst to fluff where the reader and harrison are in the same friend group and he always liked her and flirted with her they kissed a few times but then suddenly he realised he actually felt smth for her so he shut it down but then he sees her talking with other guys and gets jealous so he gets mad at her but it ends in fluff???
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Alcohol, a bar fight, some really badly written angst
A/N: I’ve rewritten this like three times and I still can’t seem to make it better so whatever, here it is haha
It all begun months ago – years even.  When you had met Haz and his group of friends back in boarding school. You had kinda been friends the moment you had met but only that. You were closer to your girlfriends who were actually friends with him. That meant you often hung out with him and the boys but still you weren’t particularly close to him.
The first time you had kissed Haz was back at prom. You had drunk a little too much and you had danced with him all night. His lips had found yours at the end of the night, as the DJ had announced the last song. The kiss had tasted of alcohol and his lips had been soft against yours as he had kissed you almost hungrily.
It had happened again at your first college party, a few months later. And then it became frequent. Well, you didn’t see Haz frequently but when you did you always found yourself kissing him as if your life depended on it. Welp.
Tonight was not going to be different. At least you hoped. You were kind of into Haz and you liked kissing him once in a while. After all, he’s an attractive guy, who could blame you?
Your friends were coming to your place to pre-drink so you got ready listening to music as you waited for them. When they arrived, you drank with them, slowly getting tipsy, slowly getting excited for the night that was to come.
The club you were going to – Annabel’s Mayfair – was a fancy club and you were surprised that you’d even be able to go. Thanks to Haz though. The Uber ride to get there was spent listening to music, chatting with the driver who was extremely nice, explaining to you all how he had become an Uber driver.
He dropped you off in front of the doors of the club. Haz was waiting there, standing next to the bouncer. He was on his cellphone and he looked up from it as you all walked towards him. Your friends all hugged him, greeting him. When he pulled away from Laura, he looked at you for the first time that night. Your heart skipped a beat as you smiled to him.
“Hey there”, he greeted you.
You just stood there for a moment, feeling awkward underneath his icy gaze.
“No hugs for me?” he asked, his brow cocked.
You chuckled as you stepped towards him, hugging him. “You div.”
He laughed in your ear as you pulled away. He looked at your face and his brows knit together. His hands fell to his side and he looked away. That sudden change of behaviour made you feel strange inside and you looked down to your feet.
You got in the club, the music already loud in there. You tried not to look at Haz, who was now stubbornly avoiding your gaze. You parted ways, you ended up with your three girlfriends. You drank some more, ordering shots with Laura, Mae and Harper. You also talked with Tom (yeah, Tom Holland, the perks of being in the same group of friends as Haz) but not once did you talk with Haz. It was almost like he was avoiding you.
It felt strange and you would be lying if you were to say that it didn’t hurt you. But you sucked it up, pretending that you were fine as you spent the rest of the night with your friends, the ones that actually talked to you.
Towards the end of the night, you found yourself standing in front of Haz. He had come out of nowhere and you were stunned to see him. He smiled softly, his eyes slowly taking in your features. His smile then fell and he looked away.
“What’s up, asshat”, you said, not even caring about the insult that had slipped from your lips.
His brows furrowed. “Hey.”
You mimicked his expression. “Have you been avoiding me, Osterfield?”
He looked away, gulping. “No, I … Why would I?”
You moved to stand in the direction he was looking at so he wouldn’t have the choice but to look at you. “I don’t know, you’ve been acting strange all night.”
“I haven’t.” His eyes fell to his feet. “Listen. I think it’s better if we stop, you know, if we stop kissing each time we… uh… go out.”
Your heart fell and you looked away. “Oh.”
Tom arrived then, throwing an arm around Haz’s shoulders. He had a goofy grin on his lips and it took him a moment to realize that he had just interrupted something.
You wondered when tears had started pricking at your eyes as you looked up to Tom, smiling sadly. “I’m going now.” Your eyes trailed to Haz as you blinked a couple of times. “Bye, Haz.”
“Woah”, Tom said. “Are you guys okay?”
You didn’t reply as you started walking away, making your way through the dancefloor. You took your phone out of your pocket to call for an Uber, never once stopping. And the part that hurt you the most was that Haz didn’t walk after you. He didn’t try to stop you.
You stepped outside as your Uber arrived. You got in, looking towards the doors of the club, hoping that Haz – anyone – was going to come check on you but nobody did. You cursed yourself mentally for having run away as the Uber driver started driving away. You hadn’t even told your friends that you had left.
You texted the group chat to tell them you were on the way home. Mae texted back a couple of minutes later.
Mae: Already? Didn’t u say u wanted to go back with Haz?
You had did. You had told the three girls about how you had developed a crush on Haz. After all, kissing him once in a while had gotten into your head.
You: Haz told me we shouldn’t kiss anymore so I guess he doesn’t have a crush on me.
Mae: Oof :/
You put your phone away, looking out the window as the driver turned on your street, slowly coming to a stop in front of your flat. You thanked him and got out, climbing the stairs to your door. You unlocked the door and got in, kicking your shoes off as you directly moved toward your room. You plopped yourself down on your bed, your thoughts wandering back to Haz.
What had changed? Why didn’t he want to kiss you anymore? It was just some harmless fun… Right? Unless he had met someone? That was the only explanation that you could come up with as you slowly drifted to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up feeling a little out of place. As if something was wrong. It took you a moment to remember what had happened with Haz. Your heart sank again and you hid your face in your pillow, trying to figure out when things had gone wrong.
You had gone out the week before and everything had been okay. You had danced together and kissed and he had even asked you to come back to his place but you had said no. Because you hadn’t yet realized about your crush and you kept repeating to yourself that you couldn’t have a one night stand with one of your friends.
For the next few days, you tried not to think about Haz. Which was quite harder than it looked. Somehow, each time you looked at your social media, he was there, in a story or on a picture. He was always there, behind your screen, smiling from ear to ear. It made you think that maybe Haz didn’t care about you at all. Maybe he truly had someone else in his life now.
You went on with your life, going to work and hanging out with your friends. Until one day your friends decided to go out again, with the whole group of friends. Meaning Haz would be there.
At first, you didn’t want to go. You told your friends but they weren’t having none of it. They kept telling you that you should go and make Haz jealous. Which sounded like a really good idea until you actually had to do it.
You finally decided to go, a part of you hoping that maybe you could talk to Haz. To ask why things had changed. Because even though it’d been a while you were still thinking about it. And you deserved an explanation right?
This time, you only went to a pub. Because your group of friends wanted to catch up. Which was better this way if you were being honest. It would be easier to talk to Haz that way.
You got there, looking around the pub to search for Haz. You found your group of friends and you walked towards them. You were disappointed to see that Haz was nowhere to be seen.
You sat with your friends, talking to them a little. Mae noticed how you kept looking around and she understood that you probably were waiting for Haz to arrive. So she put a drink in front of you and sent an apologetic smile your way. You tried to ignore her because you didn’t want her to know how disappointed you were. Which was way harder to do than it looked.
So Haz wasn’t coming after all. Maybe he didn’t want to see you so he had figured it was better not to come. Whatever his reason was, it made you feel sick inside. Didn’t you even deserve an explanation?
You downed your drink to Mae’s dismay before getting up, telling your friends that you had to go to the bathroom.
You went to the bathroom, taking your time on the way. You needed some time to think and to get over the fact that Haz wasn’t coming. It was the least you could do if you wanted to have some fun tonight and to not be a burden to your friends.
Before you left the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror, taking a couple of deep breaths to get the courage to step out. Once you did, you moved towards the bar, where you ordered yourself a beer.
As you waited for your beer, you looked around the pub, your eyes falling on the booth where your friends were sitting. You were stunned to see that Haz was there and he was looking your way.
“Can I get something to drink for the pretty lady?” a voice said behind you.
You glanced at the guy who had talked to you before looking back at Haz who was now talking to Mae and Tom.
“Uh, already ordered a beer”, you chuckled.
“Crap”, the guy laughed and you noticed he had dimples when he smiled. Which you found totally adorable.
His grey eyes found yours again. You smiled to him as the bartender gave you your beer.
“There you go”, you said, taking a sip.
The guy smiled, tilting his head to the side. “I’m Gavin”, he softly said. “You are?”
“Y/n.” You shook his hand, your cheeks turning red as he smiled again.
“Well, Y/n, you have a beautiful smile”, Gavin complimented you.
You looked down at your beer as your cheeks turned even darker. “Thank you.”
Gavin just looked at you for a moment until you looked up, your eyes finding his. “Actually, I wanted to ask you, can I have your phone number?”
You hesitated a little but eventually gave him your number after having glanced toward Haz, your eyes finding the blue gaze you kept seeing in your dreams. If you wanted to make Haz jealous you knew you had to begin somewhere. “Text me”, you told Gavin once your eyes landed back on him. You boldly kissed his cheek before walking back to your table.
Haz was staring at you and you noticed how he had clenched his jaw as you got closer to the table. You smiled to him, a cold smile, and he looked down to the table.
“Hey, Haz”, you greeted him.
He looked up at you, his eyes dark. “Hey.”
You sat down next to him, as close as you could. He avoided your gaze, looking up to Tom, quietly asking for help.
You decided not to push him more, even though you were suddenly very angry. You didn’t know where that came from – maybe it came from the fact that he had been staring at you as if he was jealous when there was nothing between the two of you, especially now that you guys couldn’t even kiss anymore.
The night went on as you chatted with your friends, glancing to Gavin once in a while, smiling to him as you tried to see if that would make Haz jealous. And indeed, each time you looked back to Haz, he was already staring, his brows furrowed.
You ignored it for most of the night but as you drank more and more, it began making you even angrier. And your patience was slowly wearing off.
You got up from the table, moving towards the bathroom. Your eyes caught Gavin’s gaze, who moved toward you. From the corner of your eyes you could see Haz staring at you so you stopped walking, waiting for Gavin to catch up with you.
Once the guy did, you shot a look to Haz, whose eyes were still on you. Great. Time to put on a show.
“Hey so, I know you told me to text you but I was thinking that…” Gavin began but you grabbed him by the cheeks and pressed your lips on his.
He didn’t move for a moment, a little startled but then he relaxed into your touch, kissing you back. But not for long.
“Leave her alone”, Haz spat, pushing Gavin away.
Gavin chuckled, raising his hands. “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend, Y/n.”
“He’s not my boyfriend”, you growled, looking at Haz. “Leave me alone, Osterfield.”
“It’s time to go home”, Haz said.
You chuckled dryly as Gavin talked. “She told you to leave her alone, mate.”
“And I’m telling you to mind your fucking business”, Haz spat, venom dripping from his words.
Gavin pushed Haz as the blue-eyed boy tried to grab your arm. Things were getting out of hands but all you could do was to stand there. You watched as Haz hit Gavin and Gavin grabbed Haz, pushing him against the wall. That’s when you reacted. You tried to step between the two guys but Mae arrived behind you, pulling you away.
Gavin hit Haz, right on the cheekbone and you stared as a drop of blood rolled down Haz’s cheek.
“Hey, woah”, you yelled, getting out of Mae’s grip to push Gavin, whose fist was raised again, ready to hit Haz.
You noticed light glistening on a ring which explained why the blow had cut Haz’s cheek.
“Stop that”, you said, getting between the two guys.
Gavin chuckled dryly. “You know what, Y/n? You ain’t worth it”, he growled before walking away, his friends waiting for him a couple of meters away.
You watched him walk away for a moment, before looking around. Mae was standing behind you, her mouth agape. Behind her was Tom, who was walking your way, a concerned look on his face.
You turned around to look to Haz. “What the fuck is your problem, Osterfield?” you enquired, your voice harsh.
Haz shut his eyes before punching the wall.
“Woah, calm the fuck down”, you spat. “I’m calling an Uber and we’re leaving and I’m giving you a single chance to explain what the fuck is wrong with you before I fucking punch you myself, okay?”
Haz looked at you and you were surprised to see that his eyes held sadness. Lots of it. Your anger died down and you were just left standing there, looking at him.
“It’s not like you’d care”, Haz mumbled before walking away, toward the door.
You followed him, walking past Mae and Tom, not once glancing their way. The two of them didn’t try to stop you, knowing damn well that you and Haz had to talk.
You had to wait a full five minutes before the Uber arrived, a five minute that felt like an eternity as Haz and you both just stood there in silence. Haz was staring at his feet and he looked like a lost puppy. You almost wanted to take his hand in yours, to reassure him. Almost.
The ride was even more silent, if that was possible. Haz was looking out the window, his hand resting on the seat between the two of you. You wanted to reach out and put your hand over his… but you didn’t. You couldn’t, not after what had just happened.
The Uber dropped you at your place and you got out, thanking the driver. You moved toward the door but Haz didn’t follow you. You turned around, your eyes searching for Haz’s gaze but he was looking at his feet.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
Haz looked up at you. “Why did you kiss that guy?”
You scoffed. “Why did I kiss that guy? Why do you even care?”
Haz shook his head. “Are you serious?”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. “Let’s get inside, I wouldn’t want my neighbours to hear us fight.”
You opened your eyes to see Haz staring at you. He sighed deeply before moving toward you.
You fumbled for your keys, unlocking the door and then walking in. Haz hesitated before following you. You shut the door behind him, locking it before turning towards him.
“So, care to explain?” you told him.
He glanced at you before chuckling dryly. “You’re oblivious, aren’t you?”
You furrowed your brows. “Why’s that?”
Haz walked toward the living room, running a tired hand through his hair.
“Why’s that?” you repeated.
“I have feelings for you!” Haz burst out.
The silence that followed was the heaviest you had experienced in your life. “What?” you eventually let out.
“I’ve got feelings for you”, Haz said, his voice lower.
You gulped. “Then why did you tell me we couldn’t kiss anymore?” you whispered.
Haz shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, I had this plan in my mind but things didn’t go as I thought they would”, he admitted.
You sighed, suddenly feeling drained. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
You moved to the bathroom, where you took a wash cloth that you wet before moving back to the living room. Haz was now sitting on your couch, his chin resting on his closed fist. You sat next to him, slowly raising your hand toward the blood on his cheek.
“Mind if I…” you trailed off.
He glanced at you. “Go on.”
You gently washed the dry blood from his cheek and then washed the small cut, earning you a grunt from Haz.
“You’re gonna have one hell of a bruise on there”, you murmured as Haz glanced at you.
He chuckled looking down at his closed fists on his thighs. “Right.”
You put down the cloth, silence spreading between the two of you. What were you supposed to say now? That you were sorry for being oblivious and not realizing that he had feelings for you when he had been the one to say he didn’t want to kiss you anymore?
Haz saved you by talking first.
“You know”, he softly said. “I had this plan to ask you out on a proper date but then you ran away and I didn’t know what to do.”
“You could have just texted me, you know?” you replied. “Or you could have followed me.”
“I didn’t know what to say”, Haz admitted. “And it’s not like we’ve texted before, we barely talk outside of our group of friends.”
“Well, that doesn’t mean we aren’t friends, right?”
Haz glanced at you. “If we were, I’m pretty sure I’ve ruined it by now.”
You held his gaze before looking away, your eyes landing on the wash cloth that was stained with blood as his gaze stayed glued on your profile. “I don’t think you have”, you finally said.
Haz looked away as the silence spread again. You figured it was your turn to speak now.
“I ran away because you hurt me”, you slowly said. “I kinda have feelings for you too and… hearing you saying that you didn’t want to kiss me anymore… it hurt me, you know.”
Haz chuckled. “I couldn’t have chosen my words in a worse way.”
You chuckled too. “I gotta admit I overreacted. And…” you paused, searching for your words. “I was trying to make you jealous. With Gavin. Didn’t think it would lead to a bar fight.”
“Sorry about that”, Haz apologized. “I… I don’t know what happened.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry”, you whispered.
“You know, I had planned to tell you we couldn’t kiss in bars anymore”, he explained. “Not like we couldn’t kiss anymore. And then I wanted to ask you out. I don’t know, it sounded great in my head.” He chuckled. “Guess I was wrong.”
You gently put a hand on his thigh. He looked at you, his eyes falling to your lips before finding your eyes again. There was a softness in his gaze in which you knew you could get lost if you were to let yourself go. His eyes made you think of the blue of the sky on a summer evening, when the sun had just set and the first stars were appearing up there. His eyes were truly the most beautiful thing about him, if you were being honest and now they were staring at you and all you could do was stare back.
Haz slowly leaned in. His hand found your cheek. He gently brushed your cheek with his thumb as his lips hesitantly found yours. You kissed softly, your lips barely touching. The kiss was entirely different from what you were used to. Kissing Haz usually was more tongue and hands trailing on your body. But right now, it was soft, hesitant and the total opposite of what you were used to but at the same time so much better than anything you had experienced before.
You pulled apart slowly, your eyes fluttering opened to find Haz already looking at you.
“Hey”, he whispered and you chuckled.
He rested his forehead against yours and you shut your eyes.
“Will you go out with me?” he enquired, hope intertwined with his words.
You laughed. “Yes, you div, I will.”
“Great”, he chuckled.
Haz kissed you again and you could feel him smiling through the kiss.
“Next time begin with that”, you murmured when you pulled apart to catch your breath. “Instead of saying some stupid shit.”
He chuckled, nodding. “I promise I will.”
You smiled to him before pressing your lips against his again.
Leave some feedback here! You can also send me a request or just talk to me about how Haz is going to be the death of all of us!
@justasmisunderstoodasloki | @nedthegay | @starksparker | @h-osterfield | @madmadmilk | @stealth-spiderr | @hazhasmycoffee | @hazownsmyass | @hollandroos
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A Web of Minds, pt 6
Here is part 6! A day later but here nonetheless
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Teaser || Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five | Part six | Part seven
Summary: He climbs walls and protects the neighborhood. She reads minds and feels people’s emotions. What’s going to happen when their world collide?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Telepath!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Panic attacks and an explosion that ruins a moment
Y/n was waiting in the complex lobby on her cellphone, like she did every morning. Well, like she or Peter did every morning, depending on who was ready first.
Last night, when she had gone back home, she had found her mother still awake, watching reruns of Parks and Recreation on the TV. Y/n had sat next to her, silently.
“How was the evening?” her mother had asked.
And then Y/n had started crying. Or rather sobbing. Her mother had hugged her until she had calmed down and eventually Y/n had explained that going to the Rockefeller center with Peter had been awesome but had brought lots of bad memories back to her mind. Her mom understood, of course, and she told her that it was okay. That it was a normal reaction but that her going was a proof she was on the path of healing.
As usual, Y/n knew her mother was right but somehow she felt bad for reacting this way to Peter’s innocent date. She wanted to make it up to him and her mom had suggested to ask him out. And Y/n wasn’t going to wait, she was going to ask him the moment he was going to come down.
Peter appeared a moment later and he had a bright smile on his lips. “Morning”, he cheerfully said.
“Morning”, Y/n replied as they moved outside.
They were hit by a gush of icy wind when they stepped outside and Y/n noticed there were snowflakes being thrown around by the wind.
“First snow of the year”, she said and Peter glanced at her.
“What was that?”
“I said first snow of the year”, she repeated a little louder so he could hear her over the sound of the wind.
“Oh, yeah…” Peter said. “I don’t know if I really like snow.”
“Why not?” Y/n asked.
“Makes being Spider-Man a little less pleasant to be honest”, he explained.
“Well, isn’t there a little less crime in winter?” Y/n stated. “You can take a break on cold ass days like today.”
“Already took a break yesterday”, Peter observed. “Can’t risk it again tonight.”
Somehow that made Y/n’s heart sink in her chest. “Right.”
Peter shot her a look. “Are you feeling better?” he asked after they had walked for a minute in silence.
Y/n sighed but then nodded. “Yeah, I do. Yesterday was hard but I’m glad I went with you. You made it easier.”
A soft smile spread on Peter’s lips. “I’m glad I could help.”
The silence grew between them again as the school’s building appeared in front of them.
“Actually”, Y/n said as Peter was opening the door for her, “I was wondering if you’d like to go back sometime. Since we didn’t really get to enjoy it…”
“Go back to the Rockefeller center?” Peter asked as his heart started beating faster.
“Yeah, I was thinking we could go skating…”
Peter nodded vigorously and Y/n laughed. “It’d be an honour”, Peter said.
“Morning, losers”, MJ said as Peter and Y/n stopped next to her locker, like they did every morning. “How are you?”
Y/n let Peter and MJ talk for a moment as all she could do was focus on Peter’s profile. He looked good, really, a lot more than Y/n had truly noticed before. When he sent her a small smile, she felt butterflies taking flight in her stomach and she looked down, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
“I’m not a good skater”, Peter admitted as they got closer to the ice.
It was Thursday night and they were back at the Rockefeller Center and this time they were going to skate.
“I’ll show you”, Y/n laughed. “Don’t worry it isn’t dangerous.”
Peter mumbled something underneath his breath.
“What was that?” Y/n enquired as a small smile spread on her lips.
She tried to hide it but Peter wasn’t having it. “I’ve never really ice skated before, that’s all.”
“Is Spider-Boy scared?”
Peter’s eyes widened. “Shut up, people can hear us.”
Y/n burst out laughing and got up from the bench on which they were sitting. “Come.” She held out her hand and Peter ignored it.
He tried to get up and almost fell. Y/n put her hands on his shoulders as she couldn’t help the laugh falling from her lips.
“Stop laughing at me”, Peter whined but a smile was threatening to spread on his lips.
Y/n shook her head. “Sorry, you’re just too funny.”
“Well then, thank you”, Peter said.
Y/n’s eyes locked with Peter’s and it’s only then that she noticed her hands were still on his shoulders. She let go of him and turned around to walk towards the door.
“You’re coming?” she asked.
Peter couldn’t do anything but to nod. He could still feel the ghost of her fingers on his shoulders. Y/n looked at him over her shoulder.
Peter blinked twice. “Uh, yeah, I’m coming.”
They walked out of the locker room. Peter was waddling awkwardly because of the ice skates and Y/n laughed again, which led to Peter stopping and folding his arms on his chest.
“M not taking another step until you stop laughing at me”, he muttered.
“Then stay there”, she chuckled over her shoulder before getting on the ice.
Peter watched her go and she was so pretty in the light from the Christmas tree, her hair dancing around her frame. This was unfair.
He watched her swirl on the ice and finally decided to follow her. Y/n stopped to watch him and then made her way to him when he almost fell the moment he stepped on the ice.
“Wait, let me help”, she said.
Peter raised his head from the ice and noticed she was in front of him, both of her hands in front of her for him to take. He took her hands and stayed still as she pulled him toward the middle of the ice.
“I don’t like it”, Peter said. “Can we go back to the ground?”
Y/n only laughed.
“I’m serious”, Peter pleaded.
“Move your feet, like this”, she indicated, letting go of his hands to skate around him.
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can, dumbass”, Y/n said. “It’s not difficult, easier than swinging around…”
“Not easier at all”, Peter shook his head.
He decided to try it and his tentative worked. He skated towards Y/n and she looked at him with a bright smile. “See, it isn’t that difficult”, she beamed.
Peter smiled and looked at her and for a moment he was distracted. He slipped and fell down but thankfully didn’t hurt himself so bad.
“Oh my God, Pete, are you alright?” Y/n worriedly asked as she knelt down next to him.
Her mind was buzzing loudly and she took a deep breath to calm down. It wouldn’t help Peter if she lashed out right now.
Peter was lying on his back and he watched her. She had a halo around her head, caused by the Christmas light from the tree catching in her (y/h/c) hair. It made her look like an angel, like the sweetest angel, and she was so beautiful. It took Peter a moment to come back to reality and to realize she seemed worried.
“I’m fine”, he said. “I’m fine I promise.”
“You don’t look fine, have you hit your head?” she asked as she put her hands on each side of his head to raise it from the ice.
“No, not that I remember…”
But she was already palping the back of his head, looking for blood or something, Peter wasn’t quite sure.
Y/n looked at her fingers but there wasn’t blood on them and she hadn’t felt a bump or anything on the back of his head. He most than likely was fine. Still, she couldn’t help but to worry.
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?” she asked.
She looked at Peter in the eyes and it’s only then that she noticed how close she was to him, and how he was looking at her eyes and then her lips and then back to her eyes. She couldn’t help but to look at his lips too and for a moment she felt herself leaning it but the buzzing in her head was so loud she straightened and took her hands off of him.
She got up and took a deep breath as she began to hear people talking, no thinking and it was loud and she couldn’t quite breathe.
Peter had gotten up and he approached her carefully. “Y/n, are you alright?”
She remembered her father, she had skated with her father here so often and now he was gone and she noticed people looking at her and she could hear their thoughts and…
“Y/n, take a deep breath.”
Peter’s voice barely was a whisper above the voices in her head but she gazed at him and he looked so worried.
“I think I’m having a panic attack”, she whispered and her eyes darted back to the ice.
Peter put his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me.”
She looked back at him and focused on his lips.
“You’re gonna be alright, just breathe in and out.”
She breathed in and held it in for a moment as she tried to build her walls back up. She then breathed out but her heart was beating so loudly and she could barely get any oxygen in…
“Tell me something you can touch right now”, Peter said.
Y/n’s brows furrowed. “Uh, your hands.”
Peter’s hands fell from her shoulders to her hands and his fingers slid between hers.
“Now, tell me two things you can see”, he whispered.
“Your eyes and…” She gazed around them. “And the Christmas tree.”
Her heartbeat slowed down and she could focus on Peter when her eyes found his again.
“Three things you can hear?” he gently asked.
“Your voice…” A kid laughed somewhere on their left. “That kid’s laughter and the sound of the skates on the ice.”
They exchanged a long gaze and the buzzing in Y/n’s head finally tuned out and she could breathe in.
“Are you feeling better?” Peter enquired.
She gently nodded. “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
They stood unmoving, in the middle of the ice, not caring about the world around them. Peter slowly leaned in. Y/n watched him carefully, concentrating on keeping her heartbeat to a steady level…
There was an explosion in the distance and Peter’s eyes shot up toward the sound. People started screaming around them and Peter looked back at Y/n.
“I’ve got to go”, he said and before Y/n had the time to say something he was gone.
So now you can skate uh?
She watched him leave, toward the lockers and she followed him. He reached them first and had his skates off before she even walked in.
“Peter, you can’t just go…”
He started to undress in front of her and she looked away but she saw a flash of red.
“Were you really wearing the suit all along?”
Peter continued changing, taking his mask from his backpack.
“Can you take my backpack home?” he asked.
“Are you ignoring me?” Y/n said as she was getting frustrated.
“No, I’m not, I just don’t have the time…”
“Go, Peter, I’ll bring it back.”
Peter dropped his backpack in front of her and ran towards the door. Right before he left he turned around to look at her. “I’m sorry.”
But then he was gone. Y/n stood there for a moment, cursing whatever caused the explosion. Then the worry came. What if Peter was off to something dangerous? She shut her eyes and let her mind go. But she wasn’t strong and she barely could feel the mind of the people outside of the lockers.
“Fuck”, she breathed.
She quickly took her skates off and put it in her backpack. She then grabbed the two backpacks and ran outside.
People were gazing towards her left and she could see that the sky was tinted with blue. How strange… Now her worry doubled up. What if that light came from an alien ship or something? Like the ones from the invasion a few years ago?
She let go of the straps of the two backpacks and fumbled in her coat’s pocket for her cellphone. She quickly texted Happy for him to come pick her up, not mentioning anything about Peter. Right now she was torn between being mad at him and understanding why he had left.
It was the call of duty, the call of his duty and she understood why he had to go. But to have leave him when he was about to kiss her, right after she had had a panic attack… Whatever.
Happy picked her up about fifteen minutes later.
“You aren’t with the boy?” Happy asked.
She sighed. “Do you know what happened?”
“What?” Happy looked at her through the rear view mirror.
“There was an explosion and Peter took off”, she explained with a sharp tone. “There’s a blue light in the sky, haven’t you seen?”
“Yes, I have seen”, Happy replied carefully. “A pipe has exploded and it’s on fire.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s all Tony told me, yeah.”
Y/n sighed and looked through the window. Did she have the right to be pissed at Peter now? She grabbed her cellphone and scrolled through her Instagram.
The way home was spent in silence as Y/n decided she wasn’t angry at Peter. She understood why he had gone and it was completely useless to be mad at him.
When Happy stopped in front of her apartment complex, she said goodbye before getting out of the car and walking to the complex. She climbed the stairs quickly, her backpack strap on one shoulder and Peter’s on the other. She walked in the apartment and saw her mother on the couch.
“Hey, mom”, she said, dropping the backpacks beside the door after having shut it.
“Hey, sweetie, how was the date?” her mom asked.
“Peter stood me up”, Y/n admitted.
“Does it have to do with the pipe that exploded...”
“Yup”, she cut her mom.
Her mother didn’t say anything, noticing that Y/n probably was pissed and needed sometime alone to cool off. And it was understandable. Being stood up was always awful, no matter the situation.
Y/n walked in her room, shutting the door behind her. She grabbed her laptop from her desk and laid on her bed. She turned on the laptop and then opened Netflix to watch something, anything.
She settled on Parks and Recreation. She received a text from Peter as the credits started to roll down the screen at the end of the show.
Pete 🕷🕸 : Hey, would you please open your window?
Y/n looked up and let out a startled scream when she saw Peter on the other side. She put her laptop to the side and jumped out of her bed to open the window.
“What the hell, Pete?” she said.
He climbed in and shut the window behind him. He was still wearing his suit but the mask was off.
“I just wanted to come to apologize…”
“How did you know this window was mine?” Y/n cut him.
Peter’s eyes widened. “Uh… I… I…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Saw you.”
His cheeks were bright red and Y/n couldn’t stay mad at him. She tried to hide her laugh behind her hand but Peter noticed.
“Sorry”, he said but there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“It’s fine, Pete, I understand why you’d go”, Y/n said after a moment. “Kinda sucks to be stood up but I totally understand, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?” Peter asked. “I didn’t want to…”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Y/n smiled gently and Peter nodded. “Great. We’re walking to school tomorrow? For the last day before the holidays?”
“Yeah, of course”, she smiled gently.
Peter scratched the back of his head. “Cool.” He looked around for a moment. “Uh, I guess I should go.”
Y/n chuckled. “You’ll have to climb out the window.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I’ll stick to the wall and climb to my room.”
“You’ll what?” Y/n’s eyes widened. “Did you just say you can stick to walls?”
Peter nodded. “Wanna see?”
“Uh, yeah? Of course I wanna see.”
Peter laughed and moved towards the window. He opened it and an ice cold gush of wind caught in the curtains. He sat on the window’s edge, half of his body out of the room.
“Good night, Y/n”, he gently said.
He started to crawl on the wall and Y/n quickly ran to the window to see him go.
“I can’t believe it”, Y/n laughed, a childish smile spreading on her lips.
Peter looked down at her. “I’m called Spider-Man for a reason uh.” He grinned and then opened his window with a web. “See you, Y/n.”
“Good night, Pete.”
Read part seven here!
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Leave some feedback here! If you want to talk about far from home, you can also message me!
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@ukulele-tea-and-ocean | @savannah0111 | @gioandreolli | @deitymephesto | @wayfaring----stranger | @nedthegay | @avenirectioner | @starlightfound | @blackparacosm | @spideyboyficrecs | @peeterparkr | @h-osterfield | @stealth-spiderr | @starksparker | @hollandroos | @thebrightfaerie | @tbhollandd | @fairydustparker | @keepingupwiththeparkers | @lonely--witch | @smilexcaptainx | @averythingzachheron | @spiderboytotherescue | @fantasyandfallacies | @obsessedmaggiemay | @golden-guide | @staringmoony | @myhealingstar | @booksbeforebois | @irondad-addict | @saturn-aka-six | @fancyygirl | @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 | @solarholland
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nicholasbritel · 4 years
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God, you are a tonic!
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cowboylikegeet · 3 years
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Lyric Parallels
Mirrorball, by Taylor Swift / Jigsaw by Conan Gray
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Sunshine - Three
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Summary: She’s Tom’s cousin, he’s Tom’s best friend. But he’s her whole world and she’s his sunshine
Teaser // One // Two
12th April 2016
Cameras were flashing, People were shouting. There was the sound of car doors opening and slamming shut once more.
Y/N sunk back into her seat, shaking her head.
She couldn't do this.
When Tom had invited her to the premier of Captain America: Civil War, wanting his best friend by his side as he watched his face on the big screen, Y/N had been too blinded by the idea of walking the red carpet to properly consider what she was agreeing to.
Harrison was in the car with her. They had been put into two cars - Tom and his parents were in the first one, they would be getting out into the public eye before Harrison and Y/N, whose car was closely tailing Tom's.
"You look nervous," Harrison comments, breaking the somewhat-awkward silence that had been held between himself and Y/N for the majority of the journey.
While they had met each other seven months ago, Harrison and Y/N had not had much time to bond and talk to each other as a result of Tom's busy schedule and so they had not spoken to one another more than a few texts a month for those seven months.
But Harrison thought Y/N looked stunning at the premier. He wanted to tell her that as well. Let her know that he thought it was unfair she looked that good tonight - she'd steal the spotlight away from Tom.
The reason he couldn't tell her his thoughts. Tom would think that he had grown feelings for Y/N. Which he hadn't. Harrison didn't know her well enough.
All that he knew at this point was that, with the bright white lights exploding outside of the window, temporarily lighting up her features, Y/N was so beautiful.
"Aren't you?" She asks, seemingly without thinking much about her words before they escape past her lips because, as soon as she's said them she's blushing and covering her mouth with her hand. "Sorry,"
"Don't need to be sorry, love," Harrison laughs. "I am nervous, it's just that you look very visibly like you would rather be anywhere else," for some reason, his words don't bring comfort to the girl who, instead, pales even more, looking rather ill. "You don't need to be though!" Harrison adds quickly, wanting to rectify his mistake. "You look amazing!" Y/N offers him a small, unconvinced smile.
"Thanks," she self-consciously tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. Harrison watches as she does it and his gaze causes her cheeks to flame.
"I'm not just saying that! You should believe me because you really do look fantastic," Y/N lets out a quiet laugh, smiling up at Harrison, whose heart skips a beat.
"Thanks," it comes out more genuinely when she repeats it, clearly still embarrassed by the compliment but accepting it nonetheless.
"You'll be fine," Harrison tells her and she flashes him another nervous smile.
"Long as I don't trip and fall," she says and Harrison laughs, shaking his head.
"I'll catch you if you do," he doesn't mean for it to sound as flirty as it did - he didn't mean for it to sound flirty at all - but Y/N seems to pick up on the undertones and laughs, the first genuine laugh she's let out this evening.
"Thanks Harrison," she says, her eyes are crinkled at the sides from smiling and she bites her lip to stop her smile from spreading too wide. "And I mean if I meet Sebastian Stan then I'm completely fucked to be honest," Harrison laughs at her words, grinning at her.
"You a fan then?"
"Who isn't a fan of Sebastian Stan?" She asks.
"I'm sure we're fans because of very different things," he grins and Y/N mocks offence.
"What on Earth do you mean?"
"Well I'm sure you like him because he's a fantastic actor - I just love that he takes the piss out of Tom,"
"And he's hot,"
"And he's hot as fuck," Harrison agrees. They share a smile until Y/N finally looks away, biting her lip in shyness.
The car pulls to a stop and Y/N pulls in a huge breath. Almost without thinking, Harrison reaches over and grabs her hand, running his thumb over the back of it in circles.
"You'll be fine,"
Harrison and Y/N stuck by one another as they walked down the red carpet. Tom was with them as well, of course, when he wasn't being called over for interviews or to say hello to fellow celebrities throughout the evening.
His parents also stuck close by Y/N, all three of them finding immense joy in pointing out when they saw someone they recognised.
"Y/N! Look!" Harrison says, nudging his new friend who looks over at where he's pointing. He laughs as all the colour drains from her face.
"Oh my fucking God," she whispers to herself. Tom looks over in the direction too, and laughs.
"Come on, I'll introduce you,"
"Tom! As much as I love you - and this is partially because I love you - I'm going to say no to that," Y/N hisses, moving away from Tom's fingers, which had closed around her arm, ready to pull her towards the celebrity.
"Why not?" Tom asks, laughing at his best friend, feeling a sense of gratitude towards having her here - she grounded him.
"Because I will pass out, shit my pants or cry or all at once and that won't be pleasant for any of us,"
"You'll be fine," Tom says but Y/N plants her feet in the ground, shaking her head adamantly. Tom rolls his eyes and walks away towards the man in question regardless.
"It would be kind of funny," Harrison comments and Y/N looks at him, one eyebrow quirked.
"You're a right charmer, aren't you?" She deadpans and Harrison shrugs, a smile on his face that completely contradicts her sarcastic tone.
"I'm just saying," Y/N shakes her head, giving a roll of her eyes for good measure.
"If you weren't Tom's friend then I don't know why I would associate myself with you,"
"Best friend," Harrison corrects, a cocky expression on his face. Y/N gasps in offence.
"Fuck you, I'm his best friend,"
"Yeah right," Harrison scoffs.
"I've been around way longer! You're just his fucking assistant,"
"You're only friends because of your parents,"
"You're only friends because he's famous," by this point the two of them are struggling to stop laughing from their pointless argument. It's then that Tom joins them again.
"If I didn't know better I would have thought that you two were actually arguing," he comments, smiling, glad that his two best friends were getting along as well as they were.
"Tell this dick that I'm your best friend," Y/N orders.
"She's my best friend," Tom tells Harrison, holding his hands up as though trying to defend himself from Y/N's glare.
"Now are you only saying that because she's downright terrifying?" Y/N jumps at the voice and Harrison and Tom watch in amusement as her eyes widen.
"I'm going to cry," she whispers to them who both start laughing.
"Don't cry! I'm Sebastian," the Romanian actor tells her, flashing her his breathtaking smile.
"She's a big fan," Tom tells him and Sebastian beams, hugging Y/N tightly.
"It's nice to meet you Y/N,"
"Sebastian Stan knows my name!" Y/N freaks out and all three men laugh.
"Yes I do," Sebastian smiles and Y/N lets out a breath, shaking her head.
"I need to sit down," Sebastian laughs.
When Sebastian leaves, Harrison is quick to nudge Y/N.
"Told you you'd be fine,"
I’m so sorry that I’ve been so inactive! I hope that you like this chapter of Sunshine! Please reblog and comment and leave your thoughts - I’d love to hear what you think about it :)
Moodboard done by the wonderful @sunshine112​
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