#using the blorbos to motivate me 💪
mochiwrites · 6 months
I need motivation to do some homework ;-; anyone wanna send some secret husbands asks I can answer later as reward for doing some hw?
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thetisming · 5 months
since you asked me to answer all of thhe questions, you gotta answer all of the questions too!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
probably zombie saga, although i also love 'i will vandalize your grave in your name', the 7+1 fic and some others that i think im forgetting. OH and 'we were staying in paris'
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
well this requires imput from other people. so.
but i'll choose zombie saga!! and the trailer song is Mamma Mia by ABBA. naturally
📝 How many words do you have posted?
approximately 162609
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
that fucking ESSAY that Plankton wrote about iwvygiyn
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
ohh, this is an interesting one actually. definitely something in zombie saga but im not sure what!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
THIS IS SO FUNNY AS A MUSICAL FAN. uh I Kissed A Girl. because that is what happens yeag
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
ANGST. it's so much easier than happy stuff lol it's like poetry for me
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
yeah i would tell them
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
"Go to sleep, Lance, and now that she’s gone you sleep with your mistakes" from my fic 'don't speak (i know just what you're saying)', but also many different things from (especially the second chapter of) iwvygiyn
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
@fen-the-magnificat !!!!!
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
i dont have any fankids unless you count the Dubois brothers, but i think they're neat! i dont know if Frankie and May would have kids but they would be AMAZING parents, and i dont think Juliet and Romeo would have any. William and Anne already have kids, and Lance has kids too which make them Angelique's kids
🐗How do you handle trolls?
i havent had any trolls
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
like 5 minutes to skim over it when ive put it in ao3 idk
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
uh. i dont fucking know
💪What motivates you to write?
someone needs to write about my blorbos!!!
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
well zombie saga happened because i sent some dumb asks to Felix, anything about the wedding happening just comes randomly, and iwvygiyn came from a page of the sandman!
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
uhh okay i'll do top 3 for each ig??
ratings: general (39), teen & up (38), not rated (1)
warnings: no warnings (52), chose not to use warnings (14), major character death (12)
categories: other (61), multi (49), F/M (46)
fandoms: & Juliet (74), citc (27), community (16) (last two are crossovers with &j btw)
characters: Francois (59), May (54), Juliet (51)
relationships: Francois/May (61), Juliet/Romeo (41), Juliet & May (34)
additional: title from an ABBA song (19), zombie apocalypse (18), not beta read (9)
overall top 3 are & Juliet, maycois/other (lumping those together lol) and Francois
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
laptop and phone!
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
'Francois snuggled (etc etc)', probably, among other things lol
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
yeah fuck it just dont claim it as your own tbh
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
honestly. none. my readers are 3 friends and my brother and they all love everything basically
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
sinhalese isnt very gendered at all! it was refreshing cause normally i use italian and french which are very gendered
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
ohh... i think the new saga chapters lol
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
not sure what this means sorry
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
yeah!! i might not get to them but i will try (if it's a commission i definitely will though!)
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
the actors reading my fics.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
neither i am dehydrated
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
'they forever hold their peace', 'Flower Crowns & Royalty' and 'Glee!' all with three bookmarks
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
ZOMBIE SAGA FOR SURE. idk what network though
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
there was only one bed probably
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
i dont know, i dont watch enough disney
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
already answered
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
gen audiences with 39 fics!
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
COMMENTS !!!!!!!! AND TUMBLR ASKS and BOOKMARKS with nice comments!!!!!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
ohh, that could be fun actually
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
requires a character to be picked. i choose Frankie though and his favourite is autumn cause it's cold but not too cold
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
only sometimes!
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
my fromeo besties fics :)
❓Insert your own question here!
(not counted)
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