willlic · 6 months
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Another usopp thought here. The show really likes to frame him as comedic relief all the time(I'm not saying that's a bad thing), but he does cool stuff often. If you look at scenes with him and remove the comedic framing, it's impressive but people just don't notice. In this scene in wano, he's framed as his pathetic silly self fighting in a panic. But like, what's happening in this scene factually? If you look at the enemies he's rapidly shooting, and pay attention to which ones change out after being hit, he shoots down like 21 ppl in less than 2 minutes. That's an average of about 5 seconds per person. And he does this while giving a speech, successfully convincing two people not to give up on living no matter what. He's terrified but competent. This happens all the time, framing is everything. Imagine the same scene but with sanji. It would probably be him doing a bunch of cool fighting effortlessly while delivering a cool sounding serious speech. Ppl would walk away from that one thinking it was a good sanji moment, he's skilled, and emotionally intelligent and caring. But for usopp it's never framed that way. Ppl walk away from it thinking 'lol classic usopp, scaredy cat who is incredibly blunt when panicked and floundering' because of framing.
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willlic · 8 months
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Yes I am being sarcastic. I was livid. Like come on, he had been trying to advocate for that ship for months while everyone agreed to fix the ship with no follow through. How was he supposed to believe they had tried everything at that point? How was he supposed to trust that luffy prioritized the merry when the whole crew repeatedly showed through actions that merry wasn't something they prioritized? Obviously the crew loved the merry, it was their home. But they didn't show that to usopp. And they heard the news, and the explanation, and had time to go through some of the stages of grief. Meanwhile usopp was fighting ready to throw away his life trying to get that money back to fix the merry. And after that whole thing, he doesn't get an explanation. Right as he wakes up hes just told they're building a new better one? And he tried to prompt an explanation so many times. It must have been so upsetting to look around the room and see none of his friends offer one, and none jump to the merrys defense when just hours ago they had FINALLY been on the same page about fixing the merry. This was usopps last sliver of home. His first time sailing the seas was on this ship from home. Of course it would be upsetting. He did disrespect luffy for sure, but that was after months of the whole crew disrespecting his feelings and avocation for the merry. Both were in the wrong, but I genuinely believe usopp would not have gotten to that point if someone would have just explained it properly to him. FUCK IM STILL SO MAD ABOUT THAT WHOLE THING. It was the angriest I've been in years no joke.
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