#usually in real relationships this happens as the abuser grows more confident in their power over the victim. they stop bothering with any
i find particularly notable the line "that unknowingly i did break the seal." like that is an outright lie! & sure, the count lies all the time, but previously there's been a veneer of plausibility to them, whereas this lie is just so blatant, bc jonathan sat next to him on the couch & watched him open the letter in literally the immediate preceding paragraph. pair that with the mind fuckery of the locked door & just. idk idk something about the way that the methods of abuse in this relationship are shrouded in ever less deniability as time goes on
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highfaelucien · 3 years
While on the topic of wishing sjm had done something different for her characters, I really wanted something more for cassian. For example, cassian’s wings going from being completely ruined in the end of acomaf to being 100% healed in acowar made no sense to me. I think it would’ve been an opportunity for the growth of cassian’s character to see him go through the loss of losing the ability to fly and instead retrain himself to be a warrior in other ways and find other things about himself that prove his own worth to himself. Given the fact that cassian’s confidence is aligned with his ability to protect and serve others, it just would have been sooo good to see him overcome his grief and become even stronger of a character. And how wings, in general, are a sense of male pride among illyrians. I think this would’ve been the perfect way to write cassian and have him break away from his own idea of masculinity. He could have redefined what it meant for him to be a Man ™. Ugh, it just could have been so GOOD, imagine the character we could have gotten from him.
Listen, after ACOMAF, when this happened, EVERYONE was buzzing about this. Most people thought he wouldn't outright lose his wings permanently, but there would be a LOT required.
And then ACOWAR came and approximately nothing happened whatsoever. Oh he had to be healed. the healer had to rebuild his wings. he had to do strength training every day. But fundamentally: not a sausage.
Personally? I think Maas chickend out. I think she was unable to commit to taking Cassian's wings, or figuring out how to write him as anything other than what she's established him as: fun jock man who likes to hit things real hard and make dick jokes sometimes.
Having to see Cassian vulnerable? Having to see him broken, and struggling, and having to reevaluate his entire life and self-esteem and sense of masculinity would have been an incredible option for a character arc.
Most of the theorising/Nessian fics involved Nesta helping him. The two of them being broken/fundamentally altered by their experiences in Hybern - she being killed and Made with a dark power, Cassian losing his wings.
There was expected bonding over that, peeling away the masks they both wear to discover the softness underneath. The two of them being able to reach one another, because of their bond, in a way the others could not. It produced some pretty epic stuff, honestly.
And how badly I wanted that I didn't FULLY realise until the disappointment of ACOSF, when it hit fully.
Because instead of stripping Cassian back and seeing the tactician, the strategist, forcing him to put his other skills to use, to develop those skills, rather than 'smash with sword and ask questions later'. This man is a General. All the combat training in the world doesn't let you be good at this job if you can't command, if you can't use tactics, if you can't strategise.
And THIS is where I wanted to see Nesta. Nesta, the woman who calculated how many ships would be needed to save the humans of Prythian. The woman who looked at Greysen's manor and assessed its capabilities and saw a prison. The woman who devours history novels, who has a tactical, cunning mind. Who has never been a warrior or a creature of brute strength or physical abilities.
THIS is how I wanted to see Nesta evolve. This was how I wanted to see her develop. I didn't want her taken out of lady's dresses. I didn't want her forced into fighting leathers, to basically become another copy of her sister, and follow down that path.
I wanted her to take her own. I wanted her to finally be in a place where she could learn, and strategise, and contribute. And I wanted her to work with Cassian on this - who was grounded because of his wings, who couldn't command on the frontlines anymore, or even fight. Who had to stay back, and see how he handled this. How he maintained his authority. How he maintained his sanity without his wings.
We could have had so fucking much. Such a powerful narrative about survival. I wanted her in the library, with the other survivors, (and with fucking MORRIGAN - not sidelined, not dismissed, not being bitchy and catty for the sake of it. But someone who visits the library frequently, who interacts with the women there, and sometimes just is a woman there herself, because there are still hard days.)
But no. No instead of something nuanced, and original, and actually tailored to Nesta's strengths as a character, we got Yet Another Weapon's Trainng Montage.
We got the narrative that the only way to heal from abuse is to be able to beat the shit out of your abusers. Because that's #GirlPower, right?
It makes me so furious I almost want to just. Just fucking rewrite the whole damn fucking thing myself the way it SHOULD have gone.
And I know you talked about Cassian and not Nesta, so I do apologise, but they were tied together. But I agree.
We all wanted Cassian to evolve from that 'Lord of Bloodshed' / "savage brute" because reading between the lines and forcing some nuance from these books, which is the only way to survive: Cassian has a lot of layers. There's a lot of trauma there. A lot of insecurity. A lot of angst. A lot of heart. A lot of fucking INTELLIGENCE. (I'll fight on that point, I really will. Cassian is not a dumb himbo who can barely add 1 and 1).
But sjm was too busy writing him having a hard on for Nesta to explore....anything about himself. Or his relationship with Azriel, and Rhys, and Mor, and everyone else.
The removal (even temporarily) of his wings would have allowed for a LOT of that exploration.
Firstly, the fact that he injured them by CHOICE, saving Azriel's life. That would have been such a deep connection and bond between them. The guilt that Az would feel - but the potential for Cassian to step in, even with his wings gone, and say that he'd do it again.
Because Azriel is his brother. He loves him. And it was worth it. It would be worth it a hundred times over to save him. Because he's worth saving. And he's worth sacrificing for. And what that would have done for Az as a character, too. Who always offers himself up first for dangerous missions, puts himself in peril to protect the others.
And having Cassian join Feyre and Az's flying lessons? Because Cass having to relearn how to fly once (if) his wings healed to that extent, means letting Azriel train him. Because those old instincts aren't enough. And he has to learn how to strengthen them, and train with them. And how this affects his perception of himself and his masculinity, as he said. But also deepening his understanding for Az, and the bond the two of them share, in having this experience together.
Bonding with Rhys, who FINALLY fucking opens up to someone and has some nuanced therapy-like conversations about what happened with Amarantha. The sacrifces they've made for their people. How they'd do it again but it still hurts, and changes them, and how they have to learn and grow and move on from that and heal together.
Rhys working with Cassian on his other talents, using him as the skilled strategist and tactician he MUST be. Helping him to develop that, keeping his brother from losing his mind while he can't fight or use his physicality to solve problems, as he usually does.
Mor personally healing and tending to Cassian. Mor being there at his bedside every day while he was bed bound. Mor becoming as possessive and overprotective of both him and Az as any mate ever has been.
Mor speaking to him about her own rehabilitation after what her family did to her, the physical toll that took on her. Mor's heart breaking because she nearly lost both him and Az and she couldn't handle that at all. Mor reiterating how much she fucking loves him, and how she needs him.
Mor helping him through the darker days of his depression because she's been there. And she knows what it is to put on a front. To always be laughing, and joking, without the seriousness of life -leave that to the others. But sometimes it's too much and he needs to break down. And be angry. And furious. And hopeless. And scared. And that's what she's there for. Because she understands.
Mor winnowing him to his favourite spots that he can't fly to anymore, just so he can be there. The two of them spending time, and bonding, and developing that relationship we got in ACOMAF beyond 'we bicker constantly and drink together and make sexual innuendos'.
Even Amren showing up and doing her part. Snapping at him to stop brooding so much. But also bringing him some of her puzzles. Some of her favourite military history books (which she has anotated and edited to highlight the bits that have been incorrectly reported). Spending time with him to stop him going mad. Exhausting herself those first few days personally attending to Cassian's wings, and snarling at anyone who tried to interfere.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Post Grondor Field AM Analysis
I'm prefacing this by saying that I'm still not sure I can write a good analysis of this scene for two reasons:
1. I don't know what comes after, and
2. I'm very emotionally involved in what happened.
But I tried my best. One thing is for sure though, what happened in Grondor in AM was an incredibly significant turning point for AM and Dimitri and my thoughts and analysis on it will definitely expand as I keep writing about and playing the game.
Part of me is just so happy I got to see Dimitri's supports, have the inevitable turn around, and get to do things like tea and dinner time again that it's hard to be objective about this scene.
And by "this scene," I don't mean that actual fight at Grondor, but everything from Fleche's attack to Byleth's words in the rain later.
It wasn't all about Byleth . . .
Given how poignant Dimitri's character arc has been so far, I had a deep rooted fear player-pandering would ruin it. Byleth, as a concept, isn't bad, but too often the heaps of praise feel underserved and other things (like Claude's intelligence, Edelgard's relationships with everyone else) get ignored to make more room for player-pandering.
Thankfully this did not happen. Byleth, throughout the early chapters of AM's part 2, failed to reach Dimitri. And, honestly, seeing Byleth actually struggle for once has done wonders for how I view her character. Still, I worried that player-pandering-power, rather than something that felt earned, would cause the inevitable eye-opener for Dimitri.
But it wasn't just Byleth. Fleche's vengeance kicked everything off, what veered Dimitri away from his fate in other routes. He accepted his death at her hands, not bothering to defend himself. Rodrigue stepping in the way and his parting words forced Dimitri to confront things he'd ignored. Throughout AM so far, people have posed questions to Dimitri who refused to answer them because he didn't want to face what they asked. But Rodrigue dying for him, spending his final words telling Dimitri to live for himself - combined with Fleche's attack - forced Dimitri to confront things he avoided. It wasn't until after all of that when Byleth steps in.
And Byleth didn't "fix" him either. Dimitri's supports show a young man who's still very much struggling with his mental health, poor self-image, his previous actions, and wondering if he deserves not only to live for himself - but if he even deserves to live. Byleth didn't hand-wave Dimitri's problems away.
Everything about the scene is stronger because it didn't fall back on player-pandering, but more earned, realistic, and dramatic actions and consequences - including Byleth's involvement which felt far more earned than usual because of prior failure.
But I wish Dimitri's friends played a bigger role.
Not everything was perfect though. I wish we got a little more than we did from Dimitri's house mates - especially his childhood friends Sylvain, Ingrid, and extra special mention to Felix and especially, especially Dedue.
Throughout all of AM, none of the above mentioned characters feel utilized to their full potential. This isn't a problem exclusive to AM, and by all means it's far from the biggest offender, but given how close all the ties are in AM, it's felt when it's not there.
I still don't know what exactly I would've done with them. Maybe I'd need to make the game an actual novel to do it, and you can't forget how perma-death has historically held back games at times, limiting major moments to a select few "retreat" candidates.
Still, though, getting a bit more from Ingrid, Sylvain, Felix, and Dedue would've made the scene even more powerful.
I actually really liked the scene in the rain.
I haven't made it a secret that I dislike Byleth. Or maybe disliked is more accurate. Lately I've been rethinking my stance on Byleth, in part because I've heard from people who like her or found ways to make her work and from my own thinking about the game while planning future write ups.
I don't think it's Byleth I really dislike, but the player-pandering. Separating the two isn't easy, but it's easier since I've starting coming around to seeing Byleth as her own character.
There's been a few moments that made me care for Byleth, and this scene in the rain was one of them. Because she didn't just fix everything. She tried and failed for months to reason with Dimitri, and despite everything she never gave up on him or failed to keep offering her hand.
I'm not going to lie. I got all the bubbly, heartwarming, heartbreaking feels the writers wanted me to in this scene. Seeing Byleth reach for something and fail, and then finally, finally get through was rewarding in a way many of Byleth's prior accomplishments aren't because this one felt earned. And by God did she earn it.
Some people will likely disagree with that last point, but I disagree with them. She asked Dimitri hard-hitting questions, forcing him to come to unpleasant conclusions rather than trying to force him into anything. She kept Dimitri from veering to far off course, even at expense to herself when she killed Randolph. She saved Dimitri from Fleche when he refused to save himself. She quietly supported him, coaxing out the good she knew was still there and refused to give up on.
I'd never in a million years say someone in real life should put up with Dimitri's toxic behavior and verbal abuse, even considering his extreme trauma and aggravated mental illness. But seeing someone fuck up so badly still get forgiven, still get supported, still struggle but honestly change for the good, still get loved, start to accept and forgive himself through the power of love and forgiveness from others is very powerful, especially since media so often downplays those "softer" things as weakness in comparison to the "badassery" of ambition and stoicism. Using Byleth, who previously had little experience with feelings, who was encouraged to experience them in healthy ways by Dimitri, return the favor isn't really the worst choice.
It's cliche, but cliches aren't always bad.
The mentor dies. Redemption in the rain. Revenge against the protagonist's actions opens their eyes. Etc . . . This scene was chuck full of cliches, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Tropes serve an important narrative purpose because a writer can rely on them to convey a message to the audience that either saves time or sets them up for something unexpected or even expected. Fire Emblem has always and will always be incredibly cliche and full of tropes. It loves tropes so much there's in-universe ones that make some unit or character discussions sound like a foreign language to people outside of or new to the fandom, talking about "Ests" and calling someone a "Camus."
What matters is if a story pulled something off well, not if it's terribly unique. A mentor dying is powerful because it forces the student to grow. Redemption in the rain is high symbolic of water washing things away + the somber atmosphere rain creates. Someone trying to get revenge against a character provides an eye-opening experience about the ripple effect of their actions. We see these things in fiction all the time because they work.
All the tropes worked like expected in this scene. Using images instead of cut scenes did make less of an impact, but more on that later.
Tl;dr: There's nothing unexpected or terribly unique about what happened. It was honestly painfully predictable, but that doesn't make it bad and is in a series that does this all of the time.
The voice acting carried because those images can't.
A major downside to this scene is that it used vague images instead of a cut scene. I get that budget and time were likely concerns, but many cut scenes from earlier in the game seem rather trivial. Did we really need that dance one? Really? I don't think so.
This was a hugely important, action heavy moment. Using one or two still images to convey everything that's happening and all those emotions, really makes it less than it could've been.
That said, the voice acting saves it. I've raved about how amazing Chris Hackeny is as Dimitri, so nothing new here. Rodrigue's and Fleche's VAs also did a fantastic job. No one oversold or undersold the emotions. Even without the cut scene, you felt what happened thanks to the skill of the actors. This scene would've been so much harder to engage with without them, if this was an older FE game where all you got was text. This is 100% one of the moments highly elevated by the decision to have a fully voiced game and choosing high caliber talent (let's not talk about Radiant Dawn's voice acting).
Questionable support timing.
One issue I had came right after the scene when I viewed Dimitri's supports. The nature of some - like his with Raphael and Alois - didn't quite line up with the character I saw in dialogue right after. I wish they staggered them a bit more or got picker about what you could get in part 1 or 2.
This isn't limited to Dimitri either. In the same support batch, I also got a Marianne B support where she still had no confidence or self-worth. And then like 10 minutes later I talk to her in the monastery and she mentions about how seeing all the death in Grondor made her value her life even more.
In the past, I've also received entirely valid opinions that Dorothea in part 2 is hard to understand because she's cherry and flirty in her supports, and morose and hates the war in her monastery stuff, making her seem inconsistent.
It's a bit jarring. It's not really an issue for characters who don't change much like Edelgard or Raphael, but even for characters with more subtle differences than Dimitri, Marianne, and Dorothea - like, say, Lorenz - you get a lot of weird stuff because of supports. I just think Dimitri's stands out because he's a main character with a really prominent, important turning point for his growth.
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, abuse, dubcon/noncon themes, mind control, profanity, threats, torture themes, kidnapping, abduction, Stockholm syndrome mentions, stalking
Katsuki is, above all, a narcissist. He isn't overly delusional. However, his vanity knows no bounds. So, when he picks someone to be his soulmate, it’s very confusing and dawning for him when he realizes that his wishes won’t be met. He genuinely feels as though he is the perfect option for his darling, even though the option part of it all proves to become bendable after some time. After countless encounters, or so he feels, of him explaining and defining the situation of their relationship to his darling, something of which he considers as blatant fact meant to be respected, only to be met with laughter, she only brushing his bold statements off as simple jokes, he comes to the resolution that his darling is confused and doesn’t understand how great he is. And, what more, when his darling still has the audacity to refuse to appreciate his greatness, his superiority, even after numerous of his faked rescues, he realizes he simply needs to be a bit more aggressive with his approach. She obviously isn’t capable of taking care of herself, as delusional and naïve as she is. He is aware that kidnapping his darling is in basis wrong, he understands that she’ll need time to adjust, however he is confident, especially because she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon... this is where she belongs, safe and sound with him, whether she likes it or not.
One might mistake his drive for wrath, when in reality it’s passion. He’s prideful, but not without reason, he is a top-ranking hero after all. He craves prosperity; to always strive for a higher goal. And, although he’s not opposed, however not big on punishment, he’s very fond of rewards, as in: credit will be granted where credit is due. He expects his darling to show him the same form of respect. So, she better praise him for his efforts each time he offers them. Does his darling finally reach one of the goals he has set for them, either she finishes one of the meals he so lovingly prepared for her or she surrenders to him in between the sheets, she will be given a liberty and so on and so worth. Good behavior will be rewarded. This does however, by no means, make him and his darling equals. He takes his role as dominant very seriously, and makes sure to enforce this in the relationship each time he may feel his darling slip out of her role as submissive. He feels the unrelenting need to be above everyone else and for people to understand that they are beneath him. He fears defeat more than anything; to one day meet the realization that he isn’t, in fact, the best person to protect his darling. Never once realizing he is the only one she needs protecting from.
Dabi is a nasty, unrestricted, lustful dominator. When he decides that his darling is his, well… praying will do her no good anymore, it will only turn him on even more. The thing about Dabi is that he isn’t delusional whatsoever, unlike most yanderes. He’s very lucid during all his stalking. That’s what’s so very terrifying; he knows how very wrong it is… and he loves it. And, it isn’t even as though he can’t help himself. He never tries to or creates any sort of excuses for himself. Dabi has full control over everything he does, however… he doesn’t see why he should hold back even though he is fully capable of it. He has the power, and he will exercise that power as much as he so wishes. He knows she’s afraid, he knows she thinks he’s creepy, but… he quite enjoys that. He knows what he’s doing is not only criminal but borderline evil and is under no false impression that his actions are in his darling’s best favor. He knows kidnapping is wrong when he does that too, he just… doesn’t care, or… he rather gets off on it. He is confident however in fixing her attitude. He’ll make her like it. Through pleasure, through pain, through any shape of contact discipline, however many times it takes before she’s undoubtedly his and his alone. That’s how lustful for her he is. And though patience isn’t his strongest suit, he does enjoy playing games, which means he’ll savor every moment of stalking, fantasizing and humoring his plans before kidnapping his darling.
Like Katsuki, Dabi has a major superiority complex. However, unlike Katsuki, it’s not a fixation with the entire world, but one with his darling alone. He lusts for her in ways too painful to imagine. He craves her devotion; an unrelenting, unbound, unconditional devotion. This need is cultivated over several years of neglect. Since there wasn’t much he could control in his childhood, he needs his darling at his beck and call at all times. If she fails to please him, her actions will have consequences in the shape of blue flames. However, he’ll never inflict any severe injuries, he much enjoys and prides himself in changing her mind through pleasure instead. And, he’s pretty sure that over time she’ll grow to love those thumbprint hearts he singes into her skin, and there will be no need for his punishments any longer. He enjoys thinking that she might even one day ask him to burn his name into her chest, he just needs to fry her brain a bit beforehand. You can only hate someone for so long before that hatred turns to passion, until eventually the line that used to separate love and hate has disappeared completely. He knows this, and he’ll exploit it. He doesn’t fear much, but jealousy is unrivaled in his lustful heart. So much as though the mere possibility of his darling feeling the same love for someone else tears at his heart more than anything, which is why he needs to brand his mark onto her as well as keep her hidden away from the rest of the world.
Tomura is starved. Starved beyond just famine, so much so that it’s more like death. The worst part of it all is: he doesn’t even know how parched he is. Not until he gets a taste of his darling, and only then does he realize that he is, in fact, insatiable. That’s why, after only one encounter, it didn’t take at all that long before she woke up in a foreign room, the remnant feeling of his fingertips evident on her skin. He couldn’t risk letting the opportunity slip out from his grasp, not when she was standing there so delectably, begging to be taken by him. Alike Dabi, Tomura is fully aware that what he’s doing is wrong, however he doesn’t enjoy it as much as Dabi does. He is fully aware that his darling doesn’t reciprocate his needs, however… they are needs. Undisputable needs. He needs her, he’s dependent on her. It’s not just an addiction, it’s beyond that, he can’t live without her. He just simply… needs her, there is no denying it, there is no ignoring it. And, because of this split-second realization of dependence, the kidnapping wasn’t a very careful or calculated abduction either, but then again… what’s the need for caution when you have the power to obstruct all evidence with the mere touch of your fingers? One could mistake it for gluttony, but there lies choice in being gluttonous. Greed however, greed is satiated only to awake with a newfound determination. Tomura’s greed is a hunger so rash, so incontrollable; unavoidable. No one can ignore hunger. In fact, if you let your hunger go on unmet, you die. Which is exactly what he has been feeling all his life, except not understanding it before she gave him a taste of what living actually feels like. Pray for his darling when she doesn’t satiate his needs, he doesn’t ever want to feel like he’s dying again. One knows how desperate people get in the face of death.
Tomura is very tenacious, as in: he’s not easily ignored or dispelled. He’s clingy and needy and unrelenting in his pursuit. He craves connection, his darling’s affection and her attention. And, he isn’t above hurting his darling in order to get what he needs. However, he would much rather prefer it if she didn’t scream or cry or fight him each time he made to touch her. He doesn’t want his darling to hate him, therefore he makes it his mission to get her to understand his predicament, that he needs her more than anything else life has to offer, that she is life itself in his eyes. As though that would help ease the situation. And, though his desperation calls for some sympathy, it does not serve as an excuse for when he touches her without her consent. However, she can only resist for so long when he begins threatening her family and friends and any acquaintances she’s ever made. He really doesn’t want to threaten her. However, his fear of isolation outweighs his fear of her hating him. And, not to mention… he fears what might happen if she were to isolate him, since he’s not one for self-control. He cannot control his frustration, or who he takes it out on, if she decides against giving him what he so obviously needs. She better think twice before disobeying him. He may not look it, but he is powerful beyond compare and ruthless in every step of reaching his goal.
Hitoshi is a glutton. As in: he loves playing with his food, and hates when his food plays with him. Because of this: Hitoshi doesn’t flirt unless it’s absolutely necessary. And, when he does: it’s usually with people he’s trying to exploit and not with people he actually likes. He enjoys a much more straightforward approach with people he’s interested in. Hitoshi craves control over his conversations, flirting is too volatile and calls for too rigid and illusive information. Hitoshi views flirting as lying. It’s something one does to benefit oneself, it’s rarely honest and real and at all clear in any way. It’s manipulation, something of which he is in no dire need of and in no desire of either, what with his quirk and all; he can extract much more understandable answers. And, when it comes to his darling, he figures flirting isn’t necessary because… well… if he’s decided she’s his… there’s not much she can do to prevent it, now is there? Hitoshi is completely capable of taking whatever he wants, and he will. Although, he would much rather enjoy her offering herself instead, but he’s not picky, he knows better than anyone that God doesn’t give with both hands. Besides, he might be patient, however he doesn’t relish games unless he’s the one in control, and therefore won’t allow his darling’s antiques for very long. If she refuses to indulge him in his wishes, he will very well just make her. There’s not much she can do to stop him when he decides he’s had enough of her teasing. He loves making rules anyway, especially when they’re so easy to enforce. He’ll allow his darling many freedoms, unlike most other yanderes, simply because he has the means to make her stay, keeping her subconscious leash rather short. It’s safe to say that the kidnapping went pretty smoothly.
Despite craving control, the last thing Hitoshi wants is a counterfeit relationship with his darling. He wants and will strive to preserve those key elements that drew him to her in the first place. He’ll try to restrain himself from overusing his controlling powers too much, as so to let her personality survive what changes he’s adding to her psyche. He’ll kindle the flames of her spirit enough to keep them lit and flickering. Always sparking hope inside her every now and again to keep things interesting, also to test her progress. He never results to violence with his darling, not seeing how it’s needed when he has the means to correct her behavior without so much as lifting a finger. He finds that simply implying to use his quirk proves affective enough on its own. When she results to quit speaking and answering him altogether, he’ll simply wait. Wait, because nothing bites more than solitude, yet another thing he’s learned over the years. And, while relishing in each time she gives herself to him willingly, he cannot wait for the day where she finally comes up to him begging for him to ask her a question, pleading for him to take control, praying to be his little puppet on strings. If only for a little while, he so enjoys the taste of her mind in his clutches.
Keigo is not just one of the most obsessive yanderes, he is the most obsessive yandere, but… can you blame him? Ever since Keigo became a well renounced hero he’s become so used to getting what he wants, easily at that, especially females. He’s just so baffled when his lazy charms don’t work on the apple of his eye. He feels so out of his element when, instead of being flattered, his darling repels in disgust at his compliments. He spends multiple days pondering over what on earth he could be doing wrong. Approaching her again and again, winking his golden eyes at her, something of which usually has the ladies swooning and melting at his fingers. Stalking her quickly begins to feel too weird, and too frustrating for Keigo’s liking. All this pining over things he can’t have begins to remind him of his unpleasant childhood, where everything was out of reach. With that thought nagging at him, he realizes that he would much rather just take her. It’s so tempting when it would be so easy, just simply snatching her away for himself. Not much thinking would need to go into the abduction either. He has wings, hawks are birds of prey after all. The more he finds himself drowning in the thought the harder it becomes to stop himself when he acts on it. And, there he is and there she is: her mouth stuffed full with all the feathers he could spare to prevent her from screaming as he flies them back to his house. It was almost as though he had no idea what he was doing until she was safely stored in his bedroom, crimson feathers keeping her struggles subdued. His golden eyes; devoid of their usual suave nature and replaced by something frantic. The realization of what he’d just done coming down upon him. He results to rambling, stalking back and forth inside the room with his fingers interlocked in his hair, ideas on how they would figure things out along the way spilling from his lips in panic.
He really just wants to have fun with his darling. He craves levity and laughs, but it’s hard with all her screaming at him. Telling him he’s insane. Telling him he’s a monster, a demon, a villain. It’s exhausting. He doesn’t want to hurt her, but this behavior is intolerable and in need of punishment. He never means for it to go so far. He has a hard time controlling his temper, as if some other animalistic force takes control of him. Waking up to his darling’s skin bruised with his handprints, blood dripping from fresh cuts, tears running down red skin. He’ll apologize afterwards, kissing the raw skin he’s provoked. He’ll clean her up, praising her when she doesn’t fight as he undresses her for the bath and for when he decides to get in with her. Calling him delusional would be faulty, it’s more true to the nature of denial than downright insanity. He fears waking up one day to the realization that he’s destroyed a life and built his own around the rubble of it. He fears coming to terms with the fact that his entire reality is a disgusting lie. Worst of all, that it’s a product made entirely by him. So instead, he’ll tweak and twist and mend and bend and escape into his darling’s arms, forcing some more lies down his own throat and hers, and relish in those moments where it all feels somewhat normal and real in some shape or form.
Izuku can come across as delusional alike Keigo, however it’s often a ruse where only some few delusional characteristics attribute and somehow condone his fixation. However, as Keigo feels he’s going through rehab, Izuku is experiencing a full-on overdose. But, no one can blame him when he commits all the acts he does with the amount of love he has. The entire population of Japan adores him, why can’t he carry the same amount of adoration for his darling? How is it wrong? Izuku loves his darling, worships her even. That’s why it hurts when she looks at other people the same way she looks at him. Doesn't she see that he’s better? Doesn't she understand that he deserves more? He can’t stand it. He won’t stand for it. He deserves his darling’s undivided attention because that’s all he ever gives to her. How dare she give others the light of day, when she so clearly belongs to him? She must be very confused... or at least he can make her believe that. Poor darling. Poor little bunny in a world full of wolves. He needs to save her. He needs to fight anyone and everyone who dares even look at her. They don’t deserve her. They cannot have her. But, Izuku’s smart, genius even. Despite his unrelenting, frenzied obsession, he’s still patient and knows how to work hard to achieve his goals. He’ll plan and plot and stalk until every single nitpicky detail about his darling is thoroughly written down in a notebook entirely dedicated to her. Izuku’s is at an advantage in this game as well, because most people look at him as a hyperactive spaz; a sporadic, nervous wreck, however… that’s not the case. Izuku knows how to focus, especially when it comes to things of importance. Everything will be perfectly in place for when he finally saves her.
Izuku isn’t a terrible guy, he tries to make that very clear. He’s a hero, a protector, a good guy. He would never put his darling in harms-way, he strives for the very opposite. He isn’t going to hurt her, he would never hurt her, however… act like an animal… don’t be surprised when he treats her like one. He won’t hurt her though. He’ll lock her up instead, like Hitoshi, isolate her until she begs for his companionship. He’ll welcome it with open arms and a smile that’s always a bit too bright and a bit too wide and a bit too patronizing. And, because he’s so very starve-touched himself, he won’t let her go until he’s had his fill, even if she changes her mind and begins to scratch and claw and scream at him to get off. Besides, if one form of discipline doesn't work, he’ll just move on to plan B. He’s much stronger than her anyways. This is how it is meant to be, Kachan taught him that much. He just wants her to admit that this is what’s best for her, that this is what she needs, the he is all she needs. He needs her to say it, to tell him she’s grateful for his protection from the outside world, protection from everyone’s bloody fingers that could stain her beautiful soul. He needs her to understand why he did this. He would hate for her to resent him, that’s truly the last thing he wants. He doesn’t really know what he would do if she were to tell him that she hates him… and he knows that neither of them want to find out.
As soon as Kai understands and recognizes in some pioneering act what’s happening to his heart when he is stalking his darling, finding his lips quirk up into an actual genuine smile, a smile of endearment as opposed to what other disgusting uses of the display he usually gravitates towards, and when he finds the familiar burning of pure rage fester a storm in his gut at the sight of her interacting with others, she is at once taken and isolated from the rest of the filthy world. He doesn’t think too much of it. He’s yakuza, the world belongs to him. He does do the act himself though. He wouldn’t usually like getting his hands dirty with jobs like these, especially when he has countless goons to do them for him, however his darling is a prize he cannot trust anyone expect for himself with. He cannot let anyone or anything touch his darling. He kills, or rather destroys, everything that he deems in his way to take her and keep her. The world is rotten and filthy and disgusting and it’s a miracle that something as pure as his darling even exists amongst all the death and decay and trash. It infuriates him that other people laid their hands on her. It enrages him that the world has laid its pesky paws and claws and tongues all over her. He will take his time in washing every spec that isn’t purely her away from both her body, soul, mind, spirit and heart. She will be so perfect whence he’s done; raw, pure, healthy perfection.
Alike many of the others: Kai might love his darling, but he is still very much in charge. He will not forgive insubordination easily and every act of disobedience will be reprimanded and corrected. Her loyalty is paramount to him. As in, she cannot go around breathing the same air as anyone but him. If that happens, people will die the outmost gruesome death and she’ll have to be thoroughly cleansed and punished. He will not shy away from disciplining his darling. It’s a very grave situation is she not to listen to his demands and follow them without hesitation. It can cause corruption in his poor darling, and that will not be tolerated. She should do what he tells her without question, to better keep her safe and pure and perfect and his. However, with the level of security he’s bestowed upon the compound of which he keeps his darling, there is very little room for her to manage to upset the construct of his wishes. But, keeping her out of defective areas is only one of his goals. Kai is not a kind man, he doesn’t try to be either. Kai is not a patient man, not when his goal is within perfect reach. Kai gets what he wants when he wants, no matter the objections. If his darling revokes, Kai has experience within the world of persuasion. Mere threats are almost always enough when they leave his lips. And, when his hands get involved, she better be begging him for mercy.
Shoto might come across as aloof, but he is fully aware of what he wants when he sees it. He doesn’t know how to flirt, he doesn’t want to give it a try and fail, so he doesn’t. He settles on simply becoming his darling’s acquaintance at first, slowly gaining her trust as a friend, casually stealing her personal belongings when she’s heavily asleep. He’ll be respectable, professional, slightly strange at times where he’s unable to control himself, but never anything too alarming. However, tiptoeing around is far from enough for him. And, with this pent-up obsession, he’ll settle for simply kidnapping his darling in the end. There isn’t much need for planning he decides, he has all the means to make her stay and keep her hidden, what with his powerful quirks, money and status. Unable to wait any longer, especially with knowing how easy it would be for him to simply take her and hide her away all for himself. It was almost as though she was begging to be kidnapped, if you ask him. He really doesn’t see how he could have gone about it any other way. If he had told her of his feelings, he would be risking being denied and everyone would soon find out, making it near impossible for him to try again. This was the only safe option. Besides, if he were to approach things in a traditional sense, there would be no telling that she’d be willing to indulge in what unorthodox activities he had in store for her. This way, she’ll have no choice. This way, he’ll get his way.
Shoto is nothing if not a sadist. Given his long line of family trauma, he is in desperate need to take it out on someone, to find an anchor. That someone unfortunately being his darling. He’s not in denial of the fact either, he is very well aware that he’s a monster, however… it isn’t his fault he became this way. He is in mourning. Only love can bring him though this, he deserves love, he demands love. He craves the love of a kindred spirit, and the more he breaks his darling like his father broke him, the more he will be able to love her and she him. He believes if he can make his darling love him, despite him being an utter monster, they will have achieved an unbreakable bond. He will try to be kind, to be soft when his darling is at her limit. He’ll even try to make the pain pleasurable, make it playful, with his quirks as toys for the both of them to enjoy. Besides, he knows how pain has a habit of becoming your friend once you’ve been introduced to it enough. His worst fear is being abandoned, he can’t go through what his mother put him through again. Which means he’ll be swift and merciless when it comes to reprimanding any escape attempts. Leaving him is not an option. His darling spends a lot of time with cuffs on all her limbs, just to satiate his fear of her running away. He might just break her legs if she ever manages a step too far away from him.
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winx-reimagined · 4 years
Ships & Relationships in Winx Club| Romantic
Okay, it's obvious that a lot of the relationships in Winx Club suck. In this specfic post, I'm mainly going over romantic relationships but I'll make another for friendships & family and I'll either squeeze enemies and more gray relationships on that post or they'll have their own post.
The two biggest issue couples, Musa & Riven and Bloom & Sky. At least with Musa and Riven they both tried to better themselves. They were both toxic too, it wasn't only Riven -although it was mostly him.
Riven & Musa.
Riven's selfish, beyond rude, and of course there was that time he bretrayed them. Musa doesn't even try to understand him and she only want to argue back, she just fuels the flame. From what I've seen, neither of them have any mutual hobbies or interests, they can't communicate like friends meaning they sure as hell can't communicate as lovers. As bad as this is, if Winx was more realistic and much more mature, I feel like their relationship would be purely sexual. Which is fine in general, but not so great in a supposedly committted relationship. Just sucks that they're trying to play off a toxic and abusive relationship as "fixing the bad boy."
Speaking about committment... Bloom & Sky.
I hate this couple the most. To be fair, most of us do. At least with Riven and Musa they somewhat learned from their mistakes and were held accountable. But Sky, barely was. I can't remember a time Bloom did anything serious (although I'm pretty sure in one of the dubs for season 4, it was made obvious that she wanted to cheat on Sky), the worst she does is just get really angry -usually for no reason- and refuses to listen. But Sky literally led on two girls.
Despite how close Bloom and him were getting, he never tried to tell her the truth. I don't care if he lies about being a prince because he doesn't want the attention -which is actually pretty stupid because Eraklyon is one of the biggest kingdoms it's strange that no one recognized him like, hmm I don't know, Stella- but that isn't a good enough reason to lie to your bestfriend and girlfriend.
Now him being in an unwanted arrange marriage and cheating, sure. It's like a forbidden love trope and in my books doesn't count as cheating. And I could maybe understand him not saying anything to her since it'd most likely get her in trouble. But I still question why he has that framed picture of Diaspro on his desk 🤔, it's almost as if they're close. Hmm. Sure she could've given it to him but there's no reason he couldn't just throw it out or lay it flat.
Before I move on, I need to talk about their relationship as a whole. They're so similar. Of course, you need similarities to make any relationship work but they're like really similar. They're both peacekeepers -which is ironic to say the least-, they're both agreeable -again, ironic- and this just kind of makes their relationship really boring. Boring doesn't mean there's no drama, there's just no interest. You don't watch the relationship grow like with Stella & Brandon or Aisha & Nabu. They never have any actual conflict nor any actual arc, I can't even call it a linear relationship. How do they relate on anything? Their lives are so different, the most the could talk about is what literally happened three episodes ago. Even if they didn't have these petty issues, it's still be a bad relationship.
More about boring couples... Flora & Helia and Timmy & Tecna
I have more to say about Timmy and Tecna for a different manner but like these two couples are so boring. That's probably because they're mainly in the background. But I do think Flora and Helia are kinda cute, but their kept in the background so much, I literally don't know enough about their relationship to make an actual conclusion about them.
But Timmy & Tecna... 👀, they're okay. My most vibrant memories of their relationship is Tecna constantly calling Timmy weak, pathetic, or a coward. I don't give a fuck how angry you are at someone, that is NOT a reason to constantly abuse them like this. And it is abusive, it doesn't help that Timmy sees Tecna as amazing. He lowkey praises her.
I do like the idea of them being very "emotionless" or not being able to recipicate said emotions very well then learning to open up. This is mostly for Tecna, but there are times Timmy falls under this like when Tecna was stuck in the Phantom zo- I mean Omega dimension. He abandoned any sense of reasoning and only went off his emotions, believeing she was still alive -to be fair, he was right. I actually have very big plans for this dynamic, that mostly has to do with Tecna. I'll be making a post about Tecna's Issue soon 😉, but to say the least, he unlocks more than just her emotions. (I swear if that post comes out before this.. A/N it did)
Aisha & Nabu
Out of all of them, these two are the best relationship. Although it is EXTREMELY weird how they set them up, with Nabu stalking Aisha. The way their relationship grew was beautiful and they were about to get married but then Nabu died. Which I would've enjoyed the tragedy of it, if 1. it meant something afterwards and 2. if it wasn't the only man of color this happened to (not to mention the only black woman is the one to ignore all sense of reason and go apeshit).
Nabu is most likely going to stay alive in my version.
I almost forgot about this one... Brandon & Stella
They're cute. They're one of the best couples in the series. Really the only issue I had with them was their petty arguements which, like any Winx romantic drama, had to do with "cheating." It's stupid that they'd accuse each other of cheating if they're literally comfortable with dozens of people flirting and complienting their partner. They even compete over it. It goes to show how much they trust each other yet they still get in a tizzy when their SO stood near the opposite gender.
I've just noticed something about all the relationships. They characters are matched up with someone who is almost basically the genderbent version of themselves. Bloom & Sky; peaceloving leaders, Stella & Brandon; vain, comical characters; Musa & Riven; damaged goods, punks, and so on. It's not the worst thing you could do, but when it's for all of your characters, yes.
Just to address it, I don't have anything to say about Icy's relationship with Tritannus.
I just realized the best way to describe the Winx relationships, and it's just teenage couples. Their relationships never seem to mature except for Aisha & Nabu's relationship.
Now for the SHIPS! There's many I won't include, just because I don't want this post to be very long and I don't know too much about too many, but maybe I'll come back to them or I can just answer asks.
Were gonna start with the ones I hate :) which isn't many
p.s if you ship any of these more power to you, I just don't like these ships in particular, I'm not attacking you as people.
Bloom X Valtor...
I cannot even begin to dig into this one... alright then, let's begin. To get the moral/ethical issues out of the way. Valtor is much older than Bloom. Sure she's 18 by season 3, she's an adult in most places but it's still really gross. Besides what does a thousand year old (wait, how old is he?) have in common with an 18-year-old teenager? He helped kill, if not killed her parents. Look, forgiveness is a beautiful thing... but that's too much. It's fucking unforgivable. His very existence is to destroy the dragon flame. His like, literal reason of existence is to destroy her magic, her family, her world, HER. Ignoring the whole age thing real quick, they just wouldn't work. There's no chemistry between them that won't lead to an explosion.
Now about the intrigue in the dynamic; you know hero x villain, I get it, but the conflict in their relationship isn't romantic.
I also cannot believe one of the official winx club channels made a video for this ship. It's just...
Bloom X Darkar...
I'm pretty sure this is somewhat unpopular but it still exists, which is just like... I have no words. To be fair, I do like them, but as a platonic ship, I'll explain in the continuation of this post. Darkar is a fucking entity he's even older than Valtor. His goal, I feel, is a little less defined other than "he's doing evil things because he's evil", he's a god of darkness not fucking evil.
- I need to rant real quick, I have such an intense love-hate relationship with darkness being evil and light being good. I love it because it's easy to make out and the whole forces of good and evil really gets me going, but like I hate it cause it's always light is good and dark is bad. To be fair, I do appreciate it when it's mudded in which some light creatures turn/are evil and dark creatures turn/are good. Like if there's a lot of gray, I'm happy. Not everything is in black and white.
Anyways, they also only interacted for a short period of time and that wasn't enough for any sort of real relationship (of any sort) to bloom. Although, Darkar is like one of the nicest characters to Bloom which is strange. I get he was just using her but I'll explain later why it doesn't make sense.
These are the two romantic ships that I hate. It's mostly because of age, like if Bloom were older and Valtor was younger I could see them being an interesting enemy to lover ship, but it'd still be a stretch to me. But Bloom and Darkar I can't see romantically, but that's probably because I see them differently.
For the ones I could somewhat see or somewhat like, bruh by this point I'll have to come back and make a continuation post just called THE POTENTIAL...
SunFire, Bloom X Stella...
They're bestfriends which is already a good start, although in the series I don't think they actually act that close, it tends to be more of a rare sight. They're always supportive of eachother (that is until all attention went to Bloom) and Stella was the one to help Bloom's "gain" powers and showed her the magic dimension. Stella immense confidence would be a nice boast for Bloom, since I personally see Bloom as not being very confident in herself and having low self-esteem. They're very cute too.
Tecna X Riven...
Honestly, I think they'd work. They both have common interests for machinery (and presumably sports), they both have emotional issues that would be interesting to see them work out together. I also think they're relationship would be more interesting than their canons ones.
There's always the issue of... y'know, Riven being a piece of shit. But Tecna strikes me as a "takes no shit" type and I feel like that would be their dynamic. I also feel like Riven would like that sort of confidence.
Riven X Darcy...
I also think they'd work. I know in some dubs Darcy used her powers to control Riven, which really just feels like an excuse for his actons. But in the Rai dub, the one I grew up on (is it the original English Dub?), Darcy just had a way with words and was easily able to calm Riven down.
They seem to be able to relate to eachother, and I would like to think that, despite the finale, she still cares about him. (Also I could see them as being a trans couple, I can see both of them being trans so there's something for them to relate to)
Soundwave, Aisha X Musa...
I love this ship. They have a lot of relatability, a lot in common, and have a lot of screentime together. Musa is the one that made Aisha feel accepted in the Winx Club and they found solidarity in each other. In comparison to everyone else, they just seem so much closer and honestly I don't remember a time they fought. Except for maybe the time Nabu died, but Aisha was fighting with everyone.
Speaking of which, I would write them together if I didn't find Aisha and Nabu so cute. Of course, if he dies, yeah, she can move on and be with Musa but I don't know if I'm going to kill him. So this is honestly a huge maybe for my rewrite.
Icy X Bloom...
Honestly, they're most likely going to be canon in my rewrite.
Their similar backstories are incredibly interesting especially since they basically took two different paths. Same cause, different outcomes. Which makes their relationship and dynamic pretty thrilling since to be together they have to be on the same side, so will they be good or evil together. It's almost like a game of tug of war, if you will.
It's hard to find any common interests between them in the series and I haven't read the comics, so I'll talk more about headcanon stuff. Neither of them get what they want in life, they always seem to be unlucky. Both of them are very lonely, usually it's their own fault; and (after the first encounter with Lord Darkar, where Bloom turns evil) Icy tends to find peace in Bloom when they're not fighting. I'd imagine them both to be very artistic, Bloom loves to draw (which is something they dropped in like the first episode) and I could imagine Icy liking sculpting.
Plus, it's the rivals to lover trope, that'd could actually be a healty rivals to lover trope. Which I love, literally one of my favorite dynamics.
Diaspro X Bloom...
Damn, a lot of these have to do with Bloom.
If Diaspro were to see how bad Sky was she'd probably want to be around the one that originally called him out, Bloom. Diaspro can actually be really fucking sweet, but only to people she likes which in this case, is Bloom. Although, she'd probably be very clingy. We don't get any information about Diaspro's interests or her actual personality because she's eViL. So it's difficult to see how they'd work out.
But it'd be cute to see Diaspro teach Bloom how to be a princess and to act like a "proper lady."And to see Bloom teach Diaspro to be more free-spirited and less uptight (I'm thinking about the second Mulan movie now). I'm really tempted to have them be somewhat hinted at in the story; like Diaspro likes Bloom but Bloom doesn't like Diaspro. We'll see...
Brandon X Sky...
Similar to Bloom and Stella, they're best friends which is a good start. They seem to have known eachother for a long time. Really if anything, they're just the male version of Bloom X Stella, but like a little calmer.
Diaspro x Icy...
I've seen this ship here and there, but to be honesst I really know what I think about it. From what I remember, they don't ever interact. And I guess they can just be a villaness power couple. Or hard and soft relationship, where like Icy's a hardass and Diaspro's her surprisingly sweet significant other. Well, sweet only to her.
Stormy X Musa...
They're both punks. They'd either always butt heads or they'd always vibing together. I think they'd be kinda cute tho, just two gals being wild.
Stormy X Flora...
A hardass and a softass, since Flora's gonna be like 5'10-6'0ft in my redesign and Stormy is absolutely shorter than her; they'd be the small, angry and big, soft dynamic. And I think that's kinda cute. Plus, they're both forces of nature. I could see Stormy allowing Flora to be more chaotic and open up about her more negative emotions, especially if these emotions have to do with the rest of the Winx. And Flora could allow Stormy to chill out and be calmer, I could see Stormy picking up a gardening habit because of Flora.
This is kind out of left field, Professor Palladium X Professor Avalon
I half-jokingly, and half-actually shipped them when I rewatched season 2, then I was surprised to find that people actually ship them. And that it was kinda popular. There's really not much to go off of, but they're really cute and I just really want them to be together. Palladium seems very anxious and is really sweet and Avalon seems like he has a lot of self-esteem, I don't know where I'm going with this so make due with these observations as you please.
There's like a million more ships and maybe I'll talk more about them if some catch my eye, but I'm stopping for now. I still have to work on platonic and enmity ships.
Honestly, writing about my thoughts on these ships and canon relationships kind of opened my eyes to possible pairings. Once I'm done with all of these, I'll definitely have a lot to think about when writing these character's relationships. Oh, and sorry about the long ass post. If it's an issue, I'll just separate it into parts.
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mavzoon · 4 years
Bruno x reader with intimacy issues
I usually only write things that have been requested but I felt like I had to do something purely for myself, so here it is. This is a 100% a vent fic. There is angst, but mainly I wanted to show myself how relationships and intimacy are supposed to work. I gave no direct description of what trauma the reader has experienced because that stuff is still quite triggering to me. 
It is possible to feel safe again when being close to someone. It may take time and it may be hard, but it is always possible. Everyone can heal with proper help. I highly recommend finding a trained professional to help deal with the emotions that are caused by trauma. 
TW: implied previous abuse
word count: 1325
cut for length
When Bruno first asked you out, you had had to ask him to repeat himself, not believing that someone like him would want you. He'd quickly assured you that he was quite serious. You had accepted reluctantly. You did genuinely like him, but at the same time, you feared that he'd grow bored of you when he finds out. You did your best to hide your anxieties and fears.
That facade of bravery and confidence began cracking almost immediately.
You and Bruno chatted of nothing as you walked along the ice-covered sidewalk. You slipped and stumbled back. Bruno wrapped and arm around you, steadying you. You froze, and for a moment you choked up. A part of you realized that it was only Bruno's hand, but you were still reminded of someone else. 
Bruno noticed immediately that something was wrong. He took his hand away and apologized. "Are you alright?"
You hummed and nodded, not trusting your voice. 
Bruno obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't press further. You were glad and silently disappointed at the same time. As if it was both good and horrible that he didn't know.
He gave you the opportunity to talk about it a few days after.
He sat you down in his living room and offered you tea. "Do you wish to speak about what happened the other day? You, of course, don't have to if you don't want to," he looked at you with such honesty it almost hurt. 
Do I want to tell him? 
You shrugged, trying to appear calm and collected. "I just… sometimes freeze up when someone touches me. It's nothing really..." Yes, it is. It is something. 
Bruno hummed. "Alright, thank you for telling me. I'll make sure not surprise you like that again."
You almost scoffed at that. We're dating, aren't we? We're supposed to touch each other...
And that was it. Bruno didn't press any further, and to your surprise, he didn't try to hold your hand or make any contact again. You still went on dates as if nothing had changed. He didn't seek out your company any less. 
It went on like that for a few months. The doubt you had felt at first faded away. Bruno listened. He respected how you felt. Although the doubt was nearly gone, a new worry appeared. He has to want more, and I'm not providing that. 
  This time it was you who brought it up. 
He had taken you on a walk on the beach, and you decided that you had to bring it up then.
"Are you sure you don't want to like… hold hands?" you asked.
Bruno looked at you, seemingly confused. "You told me you freeze up when someone touches you. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
You frowned. "But… Shouldn't we do that already… I mean, we have been going out for a while, so I thought…" you trailed off.
Bruno stopped and looked at you, his eyes filled with something dangerously close to affection. "We don't have to do anything," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You stared at him, dumbfounded. "Are… are you even real?" you mumbled.
He looked away, sad. "I don't know who is it that distorted the way you think you have to do this, and you don't have to tell me." He stayed in place, and you felt as if you could breathe. "But I want you to know that you don't ever have to pressure yourself into doing something you don't want to."
His words were simple. You knew that they were true. They were the same words you would use for someone else with similar feelings as you, but you still found it hard to believe that someone else would say them to you. You felt as if safety and personal barriers were true for everyone else but you.
You barely noticed the tears slipping down your cheeks.
Bruno didn't step forward to wipe them off and instead reached into to give you a handkerchief. 
You looked up at him, your vision still blurry from the tears, looking for any sign of dishonesty. There were none. At that moment, it dawned on you that he would let you pull away if things became too much.
  Instead of grabbing the handkerchief, you wrapped your hand around his. Bruno's eyes widened. You had no idea what to do next. The warmth of his hand was a lot to take in, but you were the one holding it, and thus you had the power to pull away at any moment. 
You took the handkerchief with your other hand and wiped the tears away. You held it for a moment. 
"The scary thing to me is that I won't be able to pull away if I need to, that I'll be pulled to someplace I don't want to go," you nearly whispered, still holding his hand.
Bruno nodded and looked at your hands. "And does holding my hand like this scare you?" There was no trace of disdain in his voice.
"No… since I'm the one holding it."
Bruno smiled. 
It took you a few weeks to get used to the feeling of his hand in yours. You asked him to hold your hand during the third week. The feeling no longer awakened fear in you, but instead, you found yourself looking forward to feeling his hand around yours.
You let yourself lean on Bruno's shoulder a few months later while watching a movie. You only noticed it once he pointed it out. You blushed and apologized, but he only assured you it was okay. 
You couldn't deny still feeling a wave of anxiety pass through you at the thought of being held that close. You took hold of Bruno's hand. The warmth of it that you had been wary of at first now brought you peace. You leaned back in, your head on his shoulder. From the corner of your eye, you could see Bruno smile with his eyes glinting with tears.
You asked him to wrap his arm around you during your next movie night. You nearly fell asleep in his arms.
You told Bruno what had happened when being held by him no longer scared you but instead made you feel safe. You didn't attempt to hide your tears. He never once interrupted you as you were talking. You stayed cuddled next to him until you felt you could fall asleep and wake up in true safety.
Bruno made you hot chocolate afterwards, and you spent the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing but lounging around. Though anxiety and bad memories tried to creep up a few times, you found safety in Bruno's warm hands around yours.
 After that, you found yourself seeking out his company whenever a bad memory surfaced. 
 You were the one to initiate the first kiss. It happened after you two had gone out for dinner in a local restaurant. You barely thought about it when you pulled Bruno into a quick kiss. The softness of his lips surprised you. Though it only lasted a second, the feeling of his lips pressed against yours lingered. 
You blushed as you pulled back. Bruno's eyes were filled with so much adoration you felt as if you'd burst from the warmth in your chest.
 A quick peck on the lips became a tradition after each date. 
 Bruno told you he loved you a couple of months later after the two of you had arrived home after a date to an aquarium. You pulled him into a tight hug, relishing in the warmth of his arms around you. 
Though sometimes thoughts such as "we've been together for so long, shouldn't things progress faster?" occasionally popped up, you knew that there was no need to hurry. 
There was no reason to rush into something scary.
You let yourself go at your own pace.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Kuroo’s S/O is a Phantom Thief
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[Persona 5 x Haikyuu!!]
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A/N: asdfgh I’m sorry Haikyuu has just been taking over every corner of my mind. This is so self-indulgent, this is my own version of emergency requests because today was a sad day and I didn’t do so well on my quiz.😔 It’s been a while since I’ve refreshed a lot of my memory on P5 BUT IM STILL OBSESSED WITH IT , so apologies if I get anything wrong! This also uses Akira as the Protag’s name. 
Warnings: This uses they/them pronouns as usual, but if you are familiar with P5 canon, it does hint that Kuroo’s S/O is afab because of how Kamoshida is and how he acts :// Also, especially if you aren’t familiar with P5, hints of harassment, violence, and sexual assault might come up until the bullet point “Now that the context is over.” There’s nothing explicit, but you guys deserve that warning! 
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Here’s some ✨backstory✨: 
He was probably just an huge fan of Kamoshida, your school’s volleyball coach and former Olympic medalist, growing up. So much so that he almost went to Shujin but ultimately decided on Nekoma in the end. 
That’s probably how the two of you met. You were on your school’s vball team and your schools were having practice matches with one another. His eyes probably went 👁️👁️ while his brain went brrr when he first saw you and you spiked a ball in his face because he was too busy staring at you and your form to notice the ball come flying at his nose at 5000 mph. Like oh my god are you an angel. Your form is so fluid yet strong and your jumps take you so high--BAM!  
You two ended up trading contact info as you took him to the nurse’s office and ✨the rest is history✨
Used to fangirl over Kamoshida every time he came to pick you up at your school and got you to introduce him. He got an autograph and hung it up in his room. 
That being said he does think it’s kind of strange that Shunjin Academy has such a weak volleyball team. He’s like asdfghj he feels so bad for saying it, but some of your teammates get knocked back from a single receive and you get bruises all over? At first he thinks it’s because Kamoshida legitimately tries to work you guys to the bone and then as years go by you get more solemn and quiet about your team.  
You do that stubborn Y/N Main Character Thing™ where you keep everything to yourself because you don't want to worry anyone and it drives Kuroo insane. 
He’s the type that tries to take care of the people that he values (as seen when he nags/checks up on Kenma) and seeing you physically hurt or emotionally closed off would honestly affect him personally. He wants to help and he wants you to confide in him, but all he can do is nag you about taking care of yourself the moment you see him because you’re becoming more distant. 
After a while, he thinks that it’s his fault because his parents’ history still affects him. 
Then one day it comes crashing down when you come crying your eyes out to him that you’ve been kicked off the volleyball team because you fought back against Kamoshida and ran off and Kuroo sees red. He’s shaking with anger. 
He’s a scorpio so of course all of his emotions are at full force when he hears you crying loudly on the couch after Kamoshida’s attempt and he’s split between wanting to commit murder on your former coach and comforting you. 
You tell him everything: how Kamoshida abuses the team, how he always molests the girls, how he started out nice to you because of your skills but recently everything escalated and Kuroo’s heart just drops. 
He says, “We need to tell the authorities!! Your principal!!” and that just makes you cry harder because no one would believe you and that your principal is already covering for Kamoshida. 
Kuroo honestly thinks that he failed you because he didn’t do anything earlier. He was expecting something, but never took the first steps and he legitimately ties to make up for it by hovering over you the next few weeks. 
That night he immediately rips up his Kamoshida autograph and throws it in the shredder. 
He moves practice to an hour later to have time to pick you up and take you to Nekoma, he takes you straight to your home every night, and spends his weekends and free time with you. This was routine for several months until tournaments turn up and he has to regretfully spend time away from you.  
Legitimately almost beat up Mishima because he was spreading rumors about you but you held your 188 cm cat back. 
[One day he walks to Shujin and to your classroom because you weren’t at the gates waiting for him strangely? You turn around and he sees you with three other people which puts him on edge because after Kamoshida people in your school avoided you like the plague. 
You just turn when you hear him open the door and you actually smile at him genuinely. 
“Hey, Tetsu, this is Ann and Ryuji -- they’re victims of Kamoshida too. And this is Akira, the new kid. They’re my new friends.”]
Then you spend more time away from him while he busies himself with upcoming competitions and he swears that something’s up, but you’ve promised to be honest with him now and he’s too busy with the Nekoma team to really press it out of you. He’s going to “accidentally” hit  Kamoshida’s face the next time he sees him on the court. 
And then Kamoshida voluntarily publicly admits to his crimes, resigns, and goes to jail and while he thinks it’s strange he celebrates with you. 
Afterwards, Kuroo swears that you’re a new person. Not changed, but definitely different, and he doesn’t complain because you’re smiling again, and you feel more confident and free. As long as you’re happy and your abuser is behind bars, then he’s happy. 
Now that the context is over. 
He doesn’t think much of the Phantom Thieves. He just jokes around whenever people talk about them because he thinks that it’s things out of a fairy tale. Refuses to believe their existence for the longest time while Lev is like :oooo BUT THEY ARE REAL SENPAI!! 
You even try to lay low by agreeing with him that they don’t exist. 
Kuroo: why are kids nowadays talking about these edgy power rangers. 
He feels very bittersweet when you get your new friends. In one hand, he tried very hard to have you get along with his team because in Shujin he knows that you struggled with making friends, but after you made your new friends -- which he’s happy for, he really is!! -- he can’t help but feel like you’re disappearing off the grid? 
Like you’re a lot happier now, and he’s glad that your new friends are able to bring you this freedom, but you’re becoming more busy and he’s :((( 
He suspects that something’s up though. One day he jokingly punches you in the arm and HIS FIST HURT. He thinks that you’ve been going to the gym without him and you could’ve been spotting each other this entire time. 
He gets jealous of Akira the most. Like sure, you get along with the others really well and Ryuji makes you laugh and Yusuke is pretty, you said, but you gush about your team leader the most since he’s the most skilled and Kuroo inwardly feels :/// at the sound of you praising another guy.
You’ve been dropping a lot of dates to fight in the Metaverse and Palaces and so he feels very neglected. He’s mf’ing needy!! He needs attention! 
You guys were already long distance and you’ve made it work so far, but as the Phantom Thieves became more popular as time went on, you spent more time with your friends. He misses you, but he doesn’t want to be seen as the possessive, clingy bf so he keeps his opinions to himself, especially since these were your first real friends in a while. 
Your first big fight happened when you texted him that you were busy at a study group with your friends, but he just so happened to be in the Sangenjaya district for karaoke with the owl and cat teams and as they’re walking home he sees you emerge from the bathhouse with Akira laughing your asses off. 
[”Hey, Kuroo, isn’t that [Name?],” one of his teammates say, pointing across the street at you with Akira. He gulps first and Kenma’s eyes worryingly flash to Kuroo before falling on your figure. Isn’t it suspicious that you were in a bathhouse with another guy after you said you were busy? 
“Guess you weren’t stressing over your physics exam, huh?” a voice suddenly says, beside you.
You guys ended up fighting all night, but it was getting late so per your rules that you established when you first started dating, you both said sorry to each other and went to bed. Yet, the doubt never leaves. 
Honestly, after a while he does think that you might be a better match for Akira because you both lived in the same area, went to the same school, and were both terrorized by the same person. “Birds of a feather” and all that. He loves you but just wants what’s best for you 😢
He’s smart but...yeah. I’m gonna refrain from further comment. It’s that scorpio brain. He would never get that you’re a Phantom Thief until you clearly tell him. 
It either comes out when you guys are fighting again and your relationship is on the line, or you either forgot another date with him and he walks into Leblanc to see you talking with your friends. 
He tries to take your conversation outside, but you guys were discussing really urgent and couldn’t go with him, and then you guys start arguing in front of your friends and that’s ;;; awkward as hell. When it starts to escalate either you end up letting it slip that you’re a Phantom Thief or Ryuji. 
You can practically see the !!!! on top of everyone’s heads when it comes out. 
Everyone scrambles to talk over each other to cover it up but the damage was already done 😔
[Futaba: we can knock him out and pretend that he dreamed up the entire thing!! 
Everyone: Futaba, no 
Futaba yes.]
When it finally sinks in he’s embarrassed af ;;; like the entire time he was doing the provoking act on Akira and for what??? 
Then he feels relieved. He thought that you were bored of your relationship and that’s why you’ve been busier and distancing yourself.
Kuroo: thank god [Name] has just been fighting crime this entire time instead of wanting to leave me. 😊😊 (but if you did want to leave he would’ve let you go he’s not toxic!!)
Your friends were iffy about him at first, but he does prove himself to be a reliable person! They think y’all r so lovey-dovey it’s gross. 
Ryuji: every time he steps into the room for [Name] I feel 10x more single.
If he hears other students of Nekoma try to talk trash about the Phantom Thieves, he’ll legit puff out his chest, walk up to them and go, “HAAAH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?? SAY THAT TO MY FACE.”  
When you try to explain Palaces and Mementos he legit tries to argue with you 🙃🙃
Kuroo: BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE S E N S E WHERE’S THE SCIENCE BEHIND THIS. There has to be an explanation make it make sense!! 
Damn he thought you were hot before now he thinks that you’re a literal GOD ON EARTH. 
[You: [beats up a multi-millionaire in a Palace]. 
Kuroo: [tears up] real hot girl shit.]
Does your homework for you when you’re too tired after fighting Shadows all day. 
He loves Morgana the most out of all your friends!! Because... he’s a not cat. Like c’mon. 
In all truth, he’s so supportive of you!! Yeah, he was kinda disappointed that you didn’t tell him sooner, especially since he was there for you when it first started, but he truly understands your reasoning and why you kept it to yourself. He’s worried every time he knows that you’re going to fight Shadows, but can’t help but feel the sense of pride every time you come back to him. 
Kuroo wants to gloat to his team that he has such a badass S/O so much, but every time he praises you he has to cut so many details out so he just sounds like a crazy person. 
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Maybe something for yan Izuku's s/o pretending and humoring Izuku's delusions because she's scared of what will happen if she doesn't and hopes that if she plays along it'll build up good credit. Like acts like the perfect house wife, greets him when he gets home in hopes that she'll still be able to go outside to run errands outside.leans like a maniac to distract herself from how stressed and paranoid she os of him snapping. smiles, kisses, holds him, and hopes he stays happy and bubbly
Yet another great request that I was afraid to ruin. Hope you enjoy it anyway, Hun! 
A/N: This takes place after the main events of the story, when Izuku is the adult No.1 pro hero.
TW: Abuse, threats of violence, kidnapping, toxic relationships
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Deep breaths.
The taunting tick of the clock signaled the approach of that terrifying inevitability.
6:58 PM
You’d prepared dinner; two steaming plates sitting opposite each other across the table. It was a laborious task - not from the work of slaving over the stove, but the pure emotional toll of cooking for your captor. It was humiliating, an open submission to the domestic delusion he’d trained you to uphold. Just like now, as you waited by the locked door like a dog anticipating its masters return. He loved being greeted home with a peck on the cheek. It never failed to make his freckled face flush, uncaring that the act was performed with such rehearsed sterility. How hard it was to withhold the retch when your lips met his skin, or scream when he gently took your hand in his larger one as he guided you to the table.
7:00 PM
Any moment, he’d be back and you’d be forced to repeat that deranged routine - the one that ensured he remained nice and gentle. First hand experience had made you realize just how long a broken bone took to mend. Your leg still tensed with pain whenever you stood on it - a reminder of just how desperate you were to escape the psychotic hero. That was your first punishment. 
You hugged the frame of his bed, staring at the chain coiled around your ankle with eyes wide in complete terror. He just sat beside you, the mattress dipping from his weight. He smiled sweetly as you begged and pleaded; as a hundred confused questions flooded from your mouth like the tears seeping down your cheeks. He hummed in response - a despairingly unsatisfying answer to the suffocating situation you were in. Calloused fingers began tracing your leg as his emerald gaze devoured your petrified form. Violently, you curled inwards away from his sickening touch. He didn’t like that. Nor did he like your subsequent promises of escape. His mouth quirked into a slight frown, disappointment flashing in his eyes. To your utter dismay, his hand swiftly advanced to grasp your leg, forcibly yanking it outstretched. You winced in pain - tears intensifying as his gaze turned regretful; shifting into a silent apology. Oh god. Breath quickening to such a pace it felt as if your heart would spew from your mouth, his grip growing tighter and tighter and tighter. Words were held back by the insurmountable dread choking your throat.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I really don’t want to do this. It’s for your own good, promise.” You begged through frantic, painful jerks of your head. Placing his other hand on your knee only cemented the torturous anticipation. Izuku simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m really, really sorry, honey. I just - I can’t let you get away with hurting me like that.” The irony was palpable, but your drowning fear silenced any retorts. “You’ll forgive me though, I know you will. You’ll see, (Y/n). Everything I do is for you.” Green sparks ran along his forearms. The sound was just as deafening as the pain was blinding.
The familiar sound of keys clicking into place demanded your attention. You breathed in and out slowly, a learned maneuver to be able to tolerate his crushing presence. A glimpse of greenery from the slither of open door was as tempting as it was fleeting. Hope was replaced with utter disgust as you met with his face. It was slick with a light sheen of sweat, bruises and dirt painting it with the usual consequences of hero work. He beamed so brightly when he saw you. It was blinding in its psychotic bliss.
“Hey, Honey! I’m so sorry I was late - got a bit held back at work. Y’know how it is.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. His apologies meant nothing, you’d learned that much.
“Welcome home, Izuku.” Your pace was slow, a fragile string of words carefully repeated time and time again. You couldn’t afford to stutter. Izuku had to believe you wanted this as much as he did if you would ever be able to chance an escape. Make him believe this was real; that it was normal and reciprocated. The eager acceptance of his intrusive affections was what made him remove that damnable chain, he finally trusted you to wander the house. He didn’t bother to hide knives or makeshift weapons; almost taunting you with his power to overwhelm you. You leaned into him, lips slightly pursed as you thought of kissing anyone else but him. A finger met your mouth, causing your eyes to snap open with surprise. You didn’t rehearse for this.
“Hey, I was thinking, could you call me Deku, just for tonight?” his finger withdrew, opting for his gloved thumb to rub against your cheek. That’s when you saw it. That glint of lust in his eye. Izuku’s lips drew closer to yours, breath dusting against your face. “I’ve had a really long day. You could make it all better for me. You want that, right? To make me feel better?” Your heartbeat was deafening, thumping harshly against your rib cage. Without a second thought, your hands were pushing against his chest. A quizzical raise of his eyebrow sent numbing chills down your spine.
“I-I’ve made dinner, Izu - Deku.” His tongue darted to wet his lips as you spoke his hero name so adorably. You repressed a shriek as his hands snapped to your waist, pulling you flush against his body. His lips ghosted the shell of your ear.
“I’m hungry for something else tonight, (y/n).” Bile rose to your throat as his lips pressed fervently against yours. Pretend its anyone else - just pretend. You couldn’t take it much longer; you wrenched your head away, Izuku’s brows furrowing in response. “What’s wrong, babe?” He almost sounded authentically concerned, if not for the impatience that laced each word. You opted to look at his boots - it was far easier to compose yourself when you did.
“I-I cleaned the house today,” He let slip an infuriating ‘aw’, thumb tracing the bottom of your lip.
“That’s great, honey,” Izuku cooed.
“Maybe I should reward my good, little -”
“We’re out of food, I-I thought maybe when you’re working tomorrow I c-could go and get some more.” You were emboldened, electrified with newfound confidence. That soon proved fleeting, however, when he took a step back, fear filling its void as his eyes narrowed. His head shook as he scratched at his cheek.
“(Y/n)… that would mean-” Your hands trembled in front of you as you hesitantly placed them upon his chest, a plea for his trust.
“Leaving the house - I know,” Swallowing back your anxiety, your head arched to meet his concerned expression. “But you can trust me, ‘Zuku. I’ll come back, I-”
His hand crushed your wrist like a vice, your composure exploding into choking fear. “No!” He shouted. It was terrifyingly uncharacteristic.
Shots of pain accompanied the cracks from your wrist. “I-Izuku it hurts!”.
“Does it (y/n)!? Maybe it feels even a FRACTION of what I feel!” Hot tears slipped down his cheeks, as your pained ones did the same. With his free fingers, he rubbed his eyes harshly, wetting his fingers in the process. Those green eyes shot to you; furious and sorrowful. The muscles of his face moved erratically between the two extremes. When you tried to look away, his grip only tightened.
“Why… why is it so hard to just love me.” Izuku’s voice was riddled with hiccups and sobs, teeth clenched so hard that they threatened to crack. “What will it take, (y/n)? Why do you want to leave so badly? You hate me, don’t you?” Your head shook, fighting against the desire to tell him how right he was.
Izuku was completely crying now, no restraints upon those fragile emotions. His palm rubbed against his face as he grunted in pure frustration. It was when he grew silent, however, you became petrified. His eyes ensnared yours, solemn and terrifying. 
“It’s okay, (y/n). I can help you.” That voice, previously overflowing with provocation, was purposeful and strict. Against your pathetic resistance, he dragged you to the bedroom, shoving you upon the soft mattress. “You’ll learn to love me. I know you will. This is for you.” You could only cry as you knew what would inevitably ensue.
He cracked his knuckles.
“Everything I do is for you.”
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Here’s a complete list of everyone’s creations for the Hunter’s Moon Creation Exchange. There’s a variety of rating, pairings, and tropes, but guaranteed they were ALL made with love.  Check out the collection here or look through the individual creations below. 
Bright Lights by @brightasstars
Malec | Mature Summary: After years of searching for the one who could love him unconditionally, heart and soul, Magnus has retreated himself into his shell, scared and lost. The will and the need to help a little boy who is the only witness of a brutal crime leads him unexpectedly to meet Alec, a young man who's past life has forced to grow up quicker and wiser, and...unbelievably kind. Magnus walks into Alec's life as if he had always been there, and Alec welcomes him as if his heart was a home built just for him. Alec knows and Magnus knows, but...will they? Tags: Silver fox Magnus Bane; Younger Alec Lightwood; Alternate Universe - Human; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; background crime scene; Protective Alec Lightwood; Happy Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood; Falling In Love; Strangers to Lovers; Healing; overcoming fears and insecurities; Light Angst; People Change People 
A hey tipped in Gold by @highfunctioningdragonslayer
Malec | Explicit  Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Alec lightwood has the worst luck EVER, he didn't even realize when he met his soulmate. CURSE HIS FATE. On top of that...he meets a guy. He meets a guy from Edom OF ALL PLACES, he's the prince for god's sake, he can't fall for some trader from Edom...Can he?  And Magnus, oh Magnus... has a secret. but he chooses to ignore his mission to chase a hazel-eyed dove. The question is..is it worth it? is the promise of love enough for him to forget the pain of heartbreak? Tags:  Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Wingfic, Fluff, alec is a gentleman, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, A Splash of Pining, some og characters, Innocent Alec Lightwood, sibling dynamics, cute cute cute, Emotions, cat and izzy are wise souls, Smut, we cant not have smut, did i say Emotions, and courting, Anal Sex
Don’t Overthink by @cloudburst-ink 
Malec | Explicit Fanart Summary: Explicit fanart for ColorfulWarlock's fic, "Don't flirt with me (I'm working, dammit)" Tags: Prison AU, Blowjob, Smut
ISABELLE by @miss-shiva-adler
Raphael/Izzy | Teen Summary: He has feelings for her. He is unable to describe it, unable to put it in plain words. But her name is always on his mind, especially when they are apart Tags: Aromantic Asexual Raphael Santiago, Mention of addiction, Addiction Withdrawal symptoms, Feelings of guilt, heartbreaks, Missing Scene, Canon Divergence, Hopeful endings, open endings, Mention of Blood Drinking
The Sixth Love Language by @polarnacht1
Malace | Explicit  Summary: Jace meets Alec and Magnus at their bar Pandemonium, realizing astonished that they are not what they pretend to be: They are not regular humans but Vampires. Jace feels instantly drawn to their world full of shadows and blood - and them. They spend a hot night together that could be the beginning of more, if not Alec’s last words to Jace were ones that make Jace forget the night, Vampires, and them…  A story about falling in love - or avoiding it -  in the crossfire of Shadow World politics and a Vampire clan war. Tags: Alternate Universe, Vampire Alec Lightwood, Vampire Magnus Bane, Mundane Jace Wayland, reverse fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Blood Kink, Vampire Sex, Vampire Bites, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Mind Manipulation 
Where First Kisses Grow Cold by @jesssssah
Jalec/Jangus | Explicit  Summary: Jace never expected Alec’s death would lead him to any kind of comfort.  Diverting from S1 Ep04, the scene in which Magnus and Alec first meet but imagining that Jace is there too and that Alec doesn’t save anybody. Tags:  MCD, graphic depictions of violence, canon-divergence au, blood and gore, angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss, necrophilic kiss, repressed_bisexual!Jace, sad 
A Bond’s Journey by @antisocial-af
Malec | Teen Summary: A look into Magnus' and Alec's journey through courtings and talks of immortality. Omegaverse. Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Warnings in Chapters are Important, Downworlder Politics, Shadow World Council, Matching Party, Courting, Texting, New York Shadow World Institute, Slight Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Alpha Magnus Bane, Omega Alec Lightwood, Background Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Alpha Raphael Santiago, Omega Simon Lewis, Protective Magnus Bane, Insecure Alec Lightwood, Consent is Sexy, No Smut, SFW, Tiny Alexander, Immortal Husbands Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Bonding Ceremony
Make A Wish by @sivan325
Malec | General Summary:  Max loses his first tooth, and his dads suggested to put the tooth under the pillow. Tags:  alternative universe, Tooth Fairies, Wishes, Fic Exchange, Fluff SO MUCH FLUFF, Cute
How am I supposed to pretend?  by @finditagain24
Jimon | Mature Summary:He’s wracked his brain to try to understand the shifts in Jace’s behavior lately: from the soft touches to the casual kisses and now asking him to meet his parents. There’s only one possible explanation.  “How do you know when someone is trying to make you their boyfriend?” Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University; Friends With Benefits; Friends to Lovers to Morons; Friends to Lovers; Frottage; Unreliable Narrator; Hence the moron; Alternate Universe - Human; Gratuitous bottle episode 
Fallen (for you) by @killynxgames
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec’s eyes closed, the simple movement slow and calculated.  When he opened them again, his eyes had changed. Where before they were a beautiful clear hazel, they were now all black; no hazel, no white, just inky blackness from corner to corner. Magnus’s face paled instantly at the sight, fear rising in his gut.  Demon.  “W-wait. What did you do to the Lightwood boy? Is he-is he dead?” Magnus asked, fearing for the confident, sexy event planner he had met earlier that evening at the Institute party.  “There has never been another Alec Lightwood."  Magnus let the implications of that statement sink in. Demons had been eradicated from this realm centuries ago. If this one had survived, living and blending in among mortals... Tags: Bondage Panty Kink Rough Sex Rimming Top Alec Lightwood Bottom Magnus Bane Alternate Universe - This World Inverted (Shadowhunters TV) Minor Character Death Cock Piercing Happy Ending Anal Sex Nipple Clamps Biting Hair-pulling Vibrators Multiple Orgasms Forced Orgasm Spreader Bars Demon Alec Lightwood Warlock Magnus BaneCome Eating Come Sharing Facials Barebacking Manhandling Magnus is very bendy
I Love The Way You Make Me Hurt by Nadja_lee
Malec | Explicit Summary: Magnus had never wanted Alec to see this side of him; the side that wanted to make the Nephilim kneel for him and mark him up as his. He panics when he wakes up and discover how rough he got with Alec the night before. However, Alec quickly assures him that he wants and needs to give his surrender and wear the Warlock’s marks just as much as Magnus wants him to. A story of accepting your own needs, your partner’s needs and the many nuances of love. Basically, the most fluffy and emotional smut fic I’ve ever done. Tags: Dom Magnus Bane, Sub Alec Lightwood, Kink Negotiation, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones,Understanding Magnus Bane, Breathplay, Rough Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Happy Ending, Insecure Magnus Bane, Supportive Alec Lightwood, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Smut, Oral Sex, Love, Angst, Possessive Magnus Bane, Protective Magnus Bane, Romantic Fluff, Power Bottom Alec Lightwood, Top Magnus Bane, Bottom Alec Lightwood
All In The Name Of Love by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn
Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray/Will Herondale | General Summary:  In a world where the first touch with your soulmate gives you visions, Jem Carstairs, a barista in Idris Cafe, refuses to let the universe dictate his love, opting for a love of his own choosing, while he harbors a crush on Will Herondale, a regular of his. Things take an exciting turn after a brunette with a smile that can win the world, steps into their lives. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Human, Light Angst, Will is a dork, Tessa is another slightly lesser dork, Jem is an angel as usual, OT3, soulmate angst, Happy Ending, Church the Cat, Is the real MVP, i said what i said, Sophie is another angel, Who is Raziel I only know two(2) Angels, Jessamine is a good friend, Friendship, The many nicknames of Jem Carstairs, Author loves and misses their ot3 very much, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chosen Soulmates
out of this cavern by @linkscap
Malec | General Summary: Alec will laugh about this one day.  Maybe.  The thing is, at the moment, it’s the furthest thing from funny.  OR: Alec and Magnus each get kidnapped by the Seelie Queen and held in her realm until they make a startling discovery. Tags: Soulmates, Kidnapping, seelie realm
Stuck On You by @the-ghost-of-william-herondale
Malec | Mature Summary: Magnus and Alec have an established soulbond, one that links them via magical sticky notes. Who would have guessed that this soulbond would one day save Alec's life? Though not, of course, without some trials and tribulations, first. Tags:Established Relationship, Husbands, Whump, Injured Alec Lightwood, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Bond: Sticky Notes, Post-it Notes, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Hurt Alec Lightwood, hints of malace, blink and you'll miss them 
Won't You Be Mine? by @PhoenixStar73 
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus Bane, gorgeous guy of the popular crowd in high school, is trying to discourage any unwanted paramour. Magnus happens to run into fellow student, Alec Lightwood, who helps him to do so. As they get to know one another, Magnus talks about his problem again, and Alec inadvertently gives him the perfect solution to keep the guy away -- for them to be fake boyfriends. But before long, it starts to work a little too well.... Tags: High school AU, Human AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship 
The Perks of Kylo Ren by @icymalec
Malec | Explicit Summary: All human AU. It’s Simon’s birthday and he is throwing a Star Wars themed party at Pandemonium- even the staff have agreed to dress up. Begrudgingly Alec attends, little did he know that the party would have a happy ending. Tags:AU, Human, Simon's Birthday, Star Wars, party, malec, first meeting, Smut, Office Sex, Anal Sex
A Change of Perspective by @forensicsisabelle
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus hates the Lightwoods, including the kids who get everything they want. So how, exactly, does he wind up as Alec Lightwood's pretend date to a family party? Tags:Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Homophobia, Bad Parent Robert Lightwood, Bad Parent Maryse Lightwood, Hunter's Moon Discord's Gift Exchange
about colors and animal puns for names (or not so much) by @thelightofthebane
Malec | Teen Summary: Alec has barely left his office when he heard the trumpet of an elephant followed by the roar of a lion. Seconds later, a laugh from some hyena.  He groaned. The new recruits were too damn loud.  OR, A soulmate x omegaverse fusion nobody expected. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta, Beta Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, Discrimination Against Betas, Alec is a good leader and says Soulmate rights, Magnus is a good alpha, True Mates, Romantic Soulmates, Fluff, Background RJS, Background Melibelle, Background Claia, soul animals, Animula 
Kiss Me Today (and everyday after) by @tobythewise
Malec | Explicit Summary: Five times Magnus almost kisses Alec and the one time he does. OR A Malec royalty arranged marriage where Magnus holds himself back until Alec doesn't let him. Tags:Royalty, Arranged Marriage, 5+1, Dom/Sub, Dom Magnus, Sub Alec, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bottom Alec
Love came knocking (at the door) by @fanfic-fugue
Malec | Teen Summary: Nothing exciting happens in the small town of Brocelind Plains. At least it didn't, until Alec Lightwood moves in next door, and Magnus' whole world is disrupted. It's up to him to decide if change is a good thing. Tags: Alternate Universe - SoulmatesSoulmate-Identifying Marks Alternate Universe - Small Town Alternate Universe - Human Teacher Magnus Bane Teacher Alec Lightwood Lawyer Alec Lightwood Enemies to Lovers Enemies to Friends to Lovers Alternate Universe - Neighbors Slow Burn
Between the Lines by @bidnezz
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec has always been supportive of Magnus, even when his estranged father asks for Magnus and his boyfriend to come visit him for the week in his mansion to reconnect. Or, he would be supportive if Magnus did have a boyfriend... but he doesn’t.      Only Asmodeus seems to be under the impression that Alec is his boyfriend, and Magnus doesn’t have the heart to correct him.      It would be fine, totally fine, if Alec wasn’t already 100% in love with his best friend. Tags: Human AU, Romance, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Pining, Lack of Communication, Rich Asmo Daddy, Best Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Explicit Sexual Content
The Power Of Fiction by @jesseywoodhunter
Jimon | Teen Summary: Simon is fed up! With work, with people, with coworkers that have too many dogs. Most of all, he is fed up with his boss. Simon has been rebuffing Jace's flirtations at work for a while now. The guy is his boss after all and professionalism is a thing, not that Jace would know anything about that. Plus, it doesn't help that the guy is 100% annoying, 100% of the time.  Simon does have one escape: Writing Fanfiction. See, Simon is a pretty badass writer and being able to express his creativity and channel his frustrations into creating stories is what makes him happy.  Until it doesn't.  Until he finds that happiness elsewhere. Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, IT Technician Simon Lewis, Boss Jace Wayland, Jace Is Simon's Boss, Attempt at Humour, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, More Like Mutual Annoyances To Lovers, Persistent Jace Wayland, Other characters mentioned - Freeform, Misunderstandings, Simon Writes Fanfiction, Jace Finds Out, Mutual Pining, Sassy Simon Lewis, Sassy Jace Wayland, Emotionally Repressed, Questionable professionalism, Dumb Boys Get Smart, Fed Up Simon Lewis
Puppy Love by @foxymoley
Simon/Alec | General Summary: Simon broods broodily until he makes a little friend...then a bigger one!  Tags:High School AU, Puppy, Simon needs a hug, Jock Alec 
not the end of the world (the beginning of ours) by @sobsicles 
Malec | Mature Summary:The universe seems to seems to want Alec and Magnus to kiss upon meeting, and it isn't long before they want the same thing.Or, the one where Magnus is Alec's new roommate, and they're definitely falling in love. Tags: 5+1 things, Meet Cute, Roommates, sharing a bed, fluff, Almost kiss, Alec Lightwood Being a Gay Disaster, Magnus is having a great time
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why485 · 5 years
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This is a bit “off-brand” for me, but I’ve completely fallen in love with the Tangled TV series this past month. I have no outlet or anybody to talk to about it, so here’s me trying to condense a month’s worth of thoughts into a single post.
Despite not thinking the Tangled movie was super great or anything, I’ve always had a soft spot for it. I think it’s because I really like the ideas behind it, and its characters, more than the execution. It’s been a very long time since I watch it though, and I definitely want to revisit it.
Along then comes this shockingly well animated TV series take on it that caught my eye when announced, but never decided to really investigate until about a month ago. Turns out it’s pretty good.
This ended up being a really long one, so I’m putting it under a break.
A word of warning if you plan on watching, make sure you’ve seen the movie. The events and characters of the movie get referenced a lot during the series, as they’re the reason Rapunzel is who she is at the beginning of the TV series.
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The series takes place a few months after the movie ends and introduces a slew of new characters. Rapunzel gets her magic hair back, though with slightly different powers, after ominous black spikes start appearing all throughout the kingdom. The backstory of the world gets greatly expanded with other kingdoms, villages, and world events.
Cassandra is introduced as Raps’ lady in waiting, confidant, character foil, and biggest mixup to the character dynamics of the movie. Since she’s made up for the show, the writers have a lot of leeway with her, and she’s easily one of the best things about the series. Her sardonic and distrusting personality sharply contrasts with Rapunzel’s boundless optimism and determination. Cass’ relationships with the rest of the cast, and how they evolve over the course of the series, is one of the show’s strongest hooks for me. I really like Cass.
Raps herself is the focus of the series, and seeing her go from naive, airheaded, and a reluctant leader in the first season to an idealistic and decisive battle queen by the third, is a real treat. The series takes place over a couple years, and she grows a lot during that time.
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It’s still primarily a kids show, but in a similar vein as Avatar, big events do happen that leave long-lasting impressions on the characters and world. A good relatively early S1 example is when Rapunzel becomes queen for a day. A crisis occurs that forces her into a classic “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” decision to help Corona versus a desperately pleading friend. It’s a crossroad that haunts her for some time (well into S2), and a decision that had real consequences for the season finale later on, and becomes a turning point for that friend’s character arc. You can’t even say she made the wrong choice, but sometimes you just can’t save everyone.
I’m being deliberately vague when it comes to describing a lot of the story of the show because I’d rather not spoil anything. The show is comedic and light-hearted most of the time, so I was taken off guard by some of the turns it takes. In case anybody decides to watch it based on this post, I’d like them to have the same experience going in that I did.
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As an aside, I really appreciate that the series treats the events of the movie with the gravity they deserve. Despite being a mostly comedic show, nobody ever makes jokes about how Rapunzel was held prisoner by an abusive mother figure for 18 years. Whenever it’s brought up, it’s usually to make a point. The series makes many great callbacks to the movie in general, and eventually weaves its own canon around the movie, even re-framing some of the events from it.
Amazingly I’ve gone this far without talking about the thing that actually drew me into the series in the first place. The production values are insane, to the point where I’m starting to think the movie looks like the cheap TV spinoff rather than the other way around. The animation is extremely fluid, expressive, and full of secondary motion. It’s 2D, but it’s computer animated in a way that mixes 2D and 3D to get the best of both worlds. It has the smoothness and apparent volume of 3D, but maintains the expressiveness and flexibility of 2D.
The backgrounds are often amazingly detailed for one-off locations that you only see for a single episode. I would love to see a making-of documentary for this, because this has to be one very efficient production process and/or tool set to do what they seem to do with such a small crew.
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The voice acting is top notch with great direction and seemingly every other episode featuring a guest voice actor that you recognize. Off the top of my head, I can recall Clancy Brown, Ron Perlman, Gina Torres, and Lance Henriksen. On top of that, every VA from the movie reprises their roles for the TV series.
However, as much as I love it, the episodes can be pretty hit or miss. S1 had more consistent quality, with almost every episode having some purpose and being fun, but S2 has some really low lows and filler content that never gets referenced again. S2 however, has the highest highs, with really great moments, character development, and dramatic reveals.
It also really struggles with its action sequences. For whatever reason, most of the action sequences fall flat on their face. With the exception of couple shockingly well choreographed fights from a single mid-S2 episode, there’s just very little in the way of interesting angles or impact. It’s a shame, because these sequences happen a lot more often than you’d think. They get better at it towards the end of S2, and especially so in S3, but it’s disappointing considering the quality of everything else. This is a topic I could easily fill a whole post on, so I’ll leave it at that.
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There’s still a lot more I want to talk about, but this post has already gone on far longer than I intended. I haven’t even mentioned the rest of the characters like Eugene and other favorites like the thief kids and Vex. There’s so many side-characters that get introduced that are fun to see and come back from time to time.
As of this writing, the last episode I saw was episode 6 of season 3. I’m nearly caught up to real time, and thankfully I won’t have to wait long for the series finale in about a month.
It doesn’t quite nail that perfect balance of “adult” themes with all-ages fun like Avatar did, but to be fair nothing I’ve seen has yet to match it. That said, this show has been occupying quite a bit of my brain space lately with its gorgeous animation and a cast of characters that I’m always excited to see. I’m really looking forward to finishing this one, and would recommend it if you’re the kind of person that likes well made cartoons.
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fallershipping · 5 years
Looker x Anabel Retrospective
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The absolute ultimate Retrospective post as to explain why I’ve been on this OTP since 2016. Especially made in mind with the idea that some new peeps on the boat may not realize the extent of the lore between these two characters. Feel free to read this or skip this if you want, because I did pour out my heart and soul and it can be kind of a lengthy read.
So Looker and Anabel have been two existing characters in Pokemon for the longest time, with both being sort of beloved for different reasons but not too often thought about as compared to other NPCs. One’s a reoccurring comedy relief detective since Platinum and the other is probably the most memorable and strongest of the Hoenn Battle Frontier from Emerald.
But when SunMoon dropped, these two characters got a new lease on life that no one really saw coming. This special appearance made them go from NPCs I never really thought too much about to placing them as my top two favorite Pokemon characters of all time.
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The UB Task Force mission, as much as a glorified fetch quest as it seems to be, continues some of the darker, more adult themes brought along with SunMoon. While the main story dealt with subjects of abuse and what it means to be a truly strong person in the case of hardships, the post game surprisingly delves into the corrupt side of a seemingly good organization and idea of sacrificing one life to save another. What appears to be another run of the mill Looker mission takes a dive into the tragic backstory shared between certain characters, and all of this lore was scrapped in the ‘definitive’ USUM games.
So while a lot of people might have played this portion of the game, many could have skipped it entirely or didn’t give the dialogue too much thought.
But you’re asking, why is it special? And why have I cared so much for a potential romantic relationship between Looker and Anabel enough to draw them as much as I have?
Haha. Buckle up buckaroo.
So right off the bat, Looker and Anabel’s banter sets up what kind of relationship they have with one another. They’re formal as coworkers can be, but the more they talk to one another, the friendliness that they share quickly becomes apparent. They also tend to speak highly of each other, no matter if the person is in the room or gone out.
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And he’s not wrong! Looker is well aware of just how capable Anabel is for a guy that isn’t really known for Pokemon battles himself.
After the first UB on the list is securely captured, Looker insists on a feast for everyone to enjoy in one of Alola’s famous restaurants, in which Anabel points out asking how he had known of this already having just now arrived here. Looker, flustered, says that he’s read it in a magazine and dashes out to make reservations, cuing Anabel to react to his odd antics in a more...
Affectionate way.
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Look at that lil smile.
He’s an odd fellow, for sure. A lot of characters in the past called him weird or were off put by his personality, but Anabel is very patient and sort of endeared by him. He constantly returns to the gang yelling “It’s a catastrophe!” in different languages-- And Anabel doesn’t snap at him angrily for it, but calmly asks him to repeat himself in english so that she can understand him.
During the course of the post game while Looker’s away, Anabel is always talking about him in a positive manner. Despite his quirks, she finds him a league of his own even amongst the elite of the International Police.
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Despite this acknowledgment of Looker’s skill and ability, she seems to be awfully dead set on keeping Looker as backup in their base of operations.
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Anabel knows how dangerous UBs are. They’re not human criminals that he can easily deal with with his own fists-- they are aggravated alien monsters. Her imagining Looker facing one of them alone without any Pokemon to defend himself with probably scares her deeply.
Scares her enough for her to constantly assign him to be backup for her and the Protag, despite his protests and his expertise in fieldwork.
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And yet she never fails to remind him that he is important regardless of whether he’s on the field fighting alongside her or set to backup. Almost, in a way, finding a way to flatter him. (smiling at him as reassurance or perhaps even putting up a bit of charm) She is thankful for his help on getting intel and he’s a valuable asset to the mission, but she cannot bear the thought of her friend getting hurt when she can handle the UBs with her own fully trained Pokemon team.
However, despite her confidence, Anabel grows more and more fatigued with each UB encounter. Looker’s worry rises and he tries even harder to let himself take her place in the field.
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As much as she also insists on not wanting to worry him, Looker’s usual goofy and eccentric demeanor begins to change. His speech patterns start to become more serious and his sentences trail off more often, which throughout all the games, is a rather rare sight to see. His care for Anabel brings out something vulnerable and emotional out of someone self proclaimed hard-boiled.
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With all the respect he gives her and all the times he commemorates her aptitude, he still fears for her greatly.
And when a familiar character appears, we understand why.
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Nanu comes in to talk about the truth behind Anabel’s reappearance in the series; much like the UBs, she came from another world through Ultra Space and ended up as what Interpol dubbed as a Faller. 
Fallers are bathed in the energy from ultra wormholes. Thus, UBs are attracted to these humans, mistaking them as a way back home and going on the attack. Back then, Interpol found a particular use for Fallers by using them to direct the attention of UBs away from public areas.
Which is what happened ten years prior to the events of SunMoon. Looker, Nanu, and a third member were sent to fight a Guzzlord. However, Looker hesitated in harming it further when it realized it was just scared monster sent here against it’s will. But his lapse in judgment cost the life of the third member, a Faller woman, to fall victim to Guzzlord’s attack.
Looker and Nanu took down the Guzzlord but learned the horrible truth about their companion, who was not trained in combat-- she was designated as bait, but the catastrophic results were a failure that shadows Interpol forever. Not long after, the two agents found a woman washed up Poni’s shore recollecting nothing about herself but her name; Anabel.
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This is why Looker has been growing ever so worried for Anabel’s safety and why he even asked the champion in the first place to help. The protag is indeed a Faller as well. He thought he could be able to control the situation with having a fantastic trainer who befriended Solgaleo/Lunala to keep the UB outbreak in check-- To make sure Anabel was safe. After all, the protag is able to help the mission go along beautifully and safely capture each UB.
But not without a price. Anabel was still being hurt, and Nanu had to intervene to make Looker realize that he had made a big mistake.
After all, Anabel isn’t aware that she’s a Faller herself. Why doesn’t she know yet? Wouldn’t Looker tell her? Or Nanu?
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It would appear as Interpol learned something after all these years, and isn’t really using her as Bait as they did before with the first Faller. Anabel is said to have autonomy over this and chose to save the UBs from a worse fate. Unlike the first Faller, she was properly trained for the UB Task Force missions and for many other Interpol related missions as her own strong, resourceful agent. However, Interpol is still quiet about her status as a Faller and anything relating to them from the past.
And Looker, years after the incident with Guzzlord, is now met with an Anabel with a newly built Interpol life determined to help people, Pokemon, and UBs in need no matter what. She absolutely believes in her successes and her cause. And she is adamant of going on these missions. Looker grows a bond with her and is faced with this troubling realization;
To tell her the truth would mean to collapse the whole world upon her.
After all... Having rebuilt her life, seeing her so confident, so passionate about what she’s doing... He sees her succeed in something he feels all too familiar with-- Starting from the bottom and creating an identity, somehow.
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Having been found in the Battle Resort, washed ashore with no memory, not even a name to go by. Looker knows her pain more than anyone else. She needs to know about what she is going through-- But the uttermost pain she will feel and the lingering eyes of Interpol’s heads has been keeping him mortified and silent.
So he does anything and everything in his power to protect her in the meantime, before she can be told the truth. And with the way the Alola mission went, that time is coming up real soon.
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However, with the protag and Nanu’s help the UB Task Force finally had every UB under control. And Anabel was kept safe and sound, much to Looker’s relief. They can finally enjoy some time off and no doubt will be in for quite a long, painful, but necessary conversation when the time comes.
Not of course before Looker going off into a slight panic over the idea of Anabel going on a date.
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And that was the line that made me totally think “Oh yep, yep! Looker’s got a massive crush on her!”
SO! What’s the take away from all this madness??
The fact that Looker and Anabel care deeply for one another so much, as they go far too out of their way to protect each other from harm. Not just out of necessity, but their banter clearly shows that there’s a deeper connection between the two than just a professional coworker one.
You might argue that Looker is only worrying about her this deeply because of what he went through all those years ago and is trying to prevent the same thing from happening, and yet... He’s grown to appreciate and know Anabel for who she is. She is in fact her own agent that joined Interpol on her own volition and chose to do the UB missions due to her empathy to the lost beings so far from home.
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He knows when she’s unwell, he knows why she hides it away. He understands her as a person and it’s wonderful how much they show that they grew to have a bond with one another. Enough for both of them to catch on to each other’s quirks and feel comfortable.
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The small giggle that she gives him, the small yet playfully affectionate jab, the way it just says “Oh there he goes again thinking about the feast at this time... Just Looker being Looker~” Because she also knows him deeply as well! This man is not one of her best allies but one of her most trusted companions in this new life of hers and it shows!! 
They’re each other’s most trusted companions and their partnership is just wonderful to see.
Of course, romance can’t happen between them yet-- Not until Anabel knows the truth about Fallers and what Interpol did long ago. But let’s be honest, even the big angst/hurt/comfort fest that would come from that conversation would be a whirlwind of emotions that would just end up with them having an even stronger relationship than they’ve ever had before.
It’s not just that they look wonderful together, complement each other, and such-- It’s all those things plus the backstory and close bond and tragedy that comes from this mission. It makes me want to see them overcome every hurdle and be happy with one another and have all the joy and happiness they deserve after all they’ve been through.
I want to see them in more situations where they can be casual with one another, fight alongside one another, and so on so forth. They just have so much potential and I really think Game Freak sees it too.
And as for a lil bonus, Looker in USUM finding out the protag is the champion but is more impressed with Anabel’s knowledge than the actual champion. Also they’re always vacationing together mutually huh hmm wowie?
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tl;dr go ship Looker/Anabel aka Fallershipping aka Lookabel best ship 10/10
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softlass27 · 4 years
Okay okay you don't have to do this now, but i was also wondering about your Eve fic: I've always been a daughter, because MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Like your entire thought process behind Eve's character, how her relationship with Paddy and Chas came to be, just kdlsf everything. Sorry okay xx luv you!
So this is probably the most random, spontaneous thing I’ve ever written. It was borne out of two Chaddy-related irritations.
The first was them having another baby barely one year after the traumatic loss of the first one. It was so strange to me that everyone reacted so happily when they announced Chas was pregnant again, literally months after being devastated by Grace. It seemed way too soon, like Eve was essentially just there to replace what they’d lost and help them move on from it. And their obsessive paranoia over making sure Eve was okay all the time drove me mad, and just made me think it was bound to mess her up. To quote my mother, “The kid doesn’t stand a chance with those two.”
The second irritation was the way Chas kept trying to push Aaron to engage and spend time with Eve just after he’d lost Robert and Seb – and the chance of having another child of his own. It was so insensitive and cruel of her to use Eve to guilt Aaron into moving on by saying that she “needs her big brother”. She (plus Paddy and Liv) didn’t give a shit that Aaron had lost Robert, didn’t let him mourn everything he’d lost, they just wanted him to bounce back and forget all about him.
Somewhere along the line I started thinking, wouldn’t it be great if Chaddy’s constant pushing backfired and Eve became the biggest Robert stan of them all?
So that’s basically where it came from – anti-Chaddy spite.
Eve’s character
Oh God, I was SO nervous about writing her. I had a really clear picture of her in my head – that she’d be pretty well-behaved kid, very girly, quietly confident, and generally quite a chilled-out kid. But getting all that across in a way that made her likeable stressed me out so much, I was terrified that people either wouldn’t like her or just wouldn’t care about her.
It’s also the only fic I’ve written where the focus isn’t on Robron (although ofc there’s LOTS of them in there), so I was concerned people would be annoyed by that.
Relationship with Chaddy
Ahaha where to begin?
So obviously Eve’s relationship with her parents was a big part of the story. I wanted to make it clear that their trauma from losing Grace was never dealt with because they had Eve so quickly, and unfortunately that means Eve is the one to suffer because of it. Their grief becomes unhealthy, and it causes flaws that they already had – control issues, overbearing natures, a belief that they’re always in the right – to spiral out of control into something more extreme and sinister.
In the first half of the story, when Eve’s still a kid, their controlling and overprotective behaviour is something that she’s aware of but accepts easily enough, because she doesn’t know any different. Then when she becomes a teenager, there’s a shift in how it manifests. Once she starts to understand that something’s wrong and pull away, this is when the real breakdown of their relationship happens. They basically go between two extremes – either smothering her completely by inventing illnesses/stop her from becoming independent, or pushing her away and giving her the cold shoulder whenever she tries to resist said smothering.
There’s a form of mental illness/abuse that I find absolutely fascinating, which is called Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy (NHS link here). Not that much is known about it, but it basically involves an abuser (usually a parent or caregiver) faking illnesses in their child. It can be for a variety of reasons – power, attention, control, financial gain. I wasn’t comfortable actually labelling Chaddy’s treatment of Eve as this specific form of abuse, since I’m not a mental health professional (not yet anyway, I’m training to become one!), but it’s definitely something I had in the back of my mind when I was writing this. I doubt it’s a story the show would ever do, since it would mean turning Chaddy into actual villains, but I think the potential is definitely there with Eve!
I suppose the other thing to mention is Grace. Oh, Eve’s feelings about her sister are so complicated, probably more complicated than I was able to convey, though I loved giving it a good go. When she’s still a child, Eve’s main feeling in regards to Grace is confusion. Confusion over what happened to her, why she makes her parents so sad, why her not being here means Eve doesn’t get to do normal things like other kids.
Then when she gets older and understands, her feelings get a lot more messy. There’s anger, sadness, resentment... and a strange sort of disconnect between what her parents tell her to feel and what she actually feels. Not to mention the cold reality she tries not to dwell on too much – the only reason she was born is because Grace had died. 
Relationship with Aaron
Obviously I wanted Eve to be close to Aaron, and for him to sort of be her lifeline, her only real shot at growing up “normally”. Chaddy foisting her on him so much as a child means he sort of naturally becomes a third parent as well as a big brother. He’s the one who provides the things that a good parent is supposed to – support, encouragement, pushing her to be the best/as happy as she can be.
So yeah, Chaddy’s plan to use Eve to make Aaron act in the way they wanted backfires MASSIVELY. She becomes the only one who helps him get through losing Robert, and who (admittedly unknowingly) helps them get back together. And in turn, Eve spending so much time with Aaron makes her grow up strong and resilient – just like he is – and Chaddy can’t stand that. Ah, sweet irony.
Another thing I like about Eve and Aaron is that – on the surface – they have nothing in common. Unlike Liv, who was basically brought in as a “mini female Aaron”, Eve is very much her own person and very different to her big brother. But there are a few subtle similarities in their personalities that I did try to show – they’re both quite blunt when they want to be, they’re both quite easily-pleased and find simple pleasure in things, and neither of them suffer fools for long. And they both adore Robert. Speaking of whom…
Relationship with Robert
Literally one of the first thoughts I had about this story was: Eve will fall in love with Robert instantly. What little girl wouldn’t? The sweet relationship between them was one of my favourite things to write, their conversations always seemed to flow so naturally. It was also a soothing balm to my irritation over Liv hating Robert for literally no reason (other than she wanted Aaron all to herself). It never made any sense to me, so I wanted Eve to be the exact opposite. Writing Chaddy’s reaction to this was also very fun lol.
One thing that’s really lovely about them is how Robert becomes the only person who really understands what it’s like to not get along with your parents (and to be constantly compared to another sibling). To feel suffocated/desperate to get away, yet also upset when they reject you and guilty because you aren’t falling into line with their plans for you. Of course Aaron understands to an extent, because he obviously knows what Chas and Paddy can be like, but it wasn’t something he personally grew up with.
So Eve’s dance career wasn’t planned, not at all. It was initially just a hobby I used to show that she’s a proper girly girl. It wasn’t until I reached her teenage years that I realised I needed some sort of big conflict to cause the final showdown. I knew whatever it was had to lead to her moving into the Mill, before leaving the village and getting away from Chaddy for good.
I know from personal experience that if you grow up in the north and decide you want to pursue a career in the arts, you’re probably going to have to leave home and move to where the opportunities are. So the idea came to me that turning Eve’s passion for ballet into a career choice would mean she HAD to leave home, and it would serve as the ideal catalyst for this final fight.
I do have a head canon in my head about how Eve’s twenties and her early dance career will go. Who knows if I’ll ever write it, though!
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Angst headcanons: S/O dying the same way as Caesar, while trying to protect Bruno's gang from an enemy stand/the boss?
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Uuuhhhhhh ç.ç
Here’s the angst, I hope you like iiittt ç.ç
Bruno’s gang’s s/o dies the same way as Caesar while trying to protect them
(Under the cut for length!)
Bruno Bucciarati
There was only one person that Bruno trusted with all his heart: his s/o. Together, they had faced everything; they were here when he was just at the beginning of his path into Passione, they were together when the boys joined their slowly growing gang, they were here when Bruno finally became Caporegime… they were not only his s/o; they were also his best friend, his adviser… his everything. He loved them more than anything else and now… and now they were gone.
It all happened in a confused blur: Bruno was holding Trish, with his s/o at his side, facing the Boss, who was hidden in the shadows. Both were ready to fight with all their strength for what was right: protecting Trish from her degenerated father. The Boss, however, hadn’t become the leader thanks to his mercy, but thanks to his immense power; a power that he used that time too. King Crimson activated his power, and the Boss, suddenly, wasn’t in front of them anymore.
Bruno didn’t even have the time to blink that he felt hastily pushed to a side. He turned around, in order to fall on his back and not on Trish, and he saw it: one of the enormous columns of the church was falling on the spot where, just a second before, he, Trish and his s/o were. Wait a minute… G/N! Why were they still there?! They had the chance to look at him one last time, a brief instant, before the column crushed them.
Bruno didn’t even have the time to realize what was just happened; he had to defend himself and Trish from the Boss. When Giorno arrived and the Boss retired, Bruno’s mind finally started to elaborate what was just happened. They… no, it couldn’t be… not now, not like this. He left Trish with Giorno and rushed to the point where he had seen his s/o for the last time, only to find a pool of blood that was expanding from under the column. He didn’t move, he didn’t speak. His eyes were glued on the blood that now was staining his shoes. Mista, run inside a little after Giorno, had to forcefully tear Bruno from the scene, rushing outside with Giorno and a still unconscious Trish, and then on the boat, leaving that place of death.
Bruno seemed… dull. Dull and hollow, from then on. He moved, he went on, he led his boys, but without real motivation. If only, the only sparkle of motivation that still forced him not to just stop was that he had to protect Trish and to eliminate her father. His s/o had lost their life to allow him and Trish to come out alive from San Giorgio Maggiore; Bruno couldn’t allow anything to happen to Trish, or his s/o’s sacrifice would have been vain. He couldn’t permit it; he would have had time to cry for them once Trish was finally safe.
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio never thought to ever fall in love, not after what happened that terrible rainy night. But his s/o had proved him wrong; they managed to become his friend, they gently crawled under his skin, becoming important, fundamental to him, like water, like air. When he was feeling like the world was crushing him with its weight made of guilt and sorrow, they were here, with him, lifting that weight and carrying it with him. They were his fateful companion, his best friend, his confident, his lover… with them he felt safe and at ease. And, as they had a fighting stand, they were also perfect to go with him on missions, as, when Moody Blues was replaying, Abbacchio was basically defenseless. And this, in the end, led them to their end.
They were in a crippled tunnel, following Moody Blues, now in replay, to track a target’s actions. It all seemed normal, as usual; but, suddenly, Moody Blues stopped and Abbacchio fell on his knees, wheezing and panting. An enemy stand had grabbed Moody Blues on its throat and was tightening its grip, suffocating both user and stand. Abbacchio’s s/o was fast to act: they called out their stand, launching it to fight the enemy one and to free Moody Blues. They succeeded and they also managed to push Abbacchio out of the tight tunnel which, due to the fight, was starting to collapse. They had finally obliterated their enemy, but it was too late; the tunnel was crumbling. They still, however, tried to escape; they couldn’t give up so easily… Abbacchio, still dazed by the previous air loss, tried to come back, to help them, but it was all vain; the tunnel collapsed on his s/o when they were almost out.
Abbacchio stayed there all the night, digging and throwing aside debris, hour after hour, calling them, hoping beyond any possibility that they were still alive, somehow. He couldn’t accept their death, he didn’t want to; if they were dead, he… he would have died with them. It couldn’t be, it just couldn’t be… but, when a cloudy dawn brought a little more light, Abbacchio had to face the cruel reality: G/N was dead. He could just stand on the debris, his hands bloody and wounded, so still to seem a statue. Bruno and Fugo found him like this and a quick glance was enough to understand what had happened. The whole team grouped around Abbacchio, trying to help him not to crush down, now that he was totally lost. Bruno had already seen his friend like this one time, when he was on a self-destruction path; he managed to save him that time, he was willing to do it again. He just didn’t know if, this time, it would have been possible.
Guido Mista
Mista and his s/o shared a view of life focused on enjoying the little joys every day could give. This was valid also in their relationship; every misunderstanding they might have was resolved and left behind in a matter of hours, leaving them more mature and closer. Mista’s heart wasn’t easy to get, and what he felt for them was pure and sincere; he would have done everything for them, as they would have done everything for him. They weren’t just a formidable couple in daily life, but also a power couple on missions! Mista’s s/o’s stand was a long range stand, like the Pistols, so they could easily work in tandem; they were the perfect partner for missions. However, not even Mista’s carefulness, not even lady luck always at his side could prevent what happened that tragic day.
They were following from afar their target, silent and careful as always. They needed to be discreet, in order to do a good job. It was going all well, as always, but they didn’t know they were followed too by few of the target’s subordinates. When they noticed, it was too late; they couldn’t fight fairly, not against a whole group of enemies! They had to run, to try, at least, to save their life; they were behind him, just a meter behind, Mista remembered it well. The Pistols redirected few bullets behind, toward the targets. He didn’t see when it happened, but, at a certain point, one of the enemy stand activated its power, which was, basically, earthquakes. The ruined and tall walls of the alley they were running through started to dangerously shake; Mista felt a push on his back and he was propelled above, he fell on the ground, out of the alley. When he turned back, quickly, he saw just dust, so, so much dust, and debris, and heavy, heavy brick walls falling on his G/N, still in the alley. In a blink, everything was ended; the dust slowly settled down, and they weren’t at his side. They were still under the debris, under tons and tons of bricks. Mista clearly heard his heart breaking, as his legs betrayed him, making fall on the ground. The Pistols were trying both to make him get up and to search for G/N; they couldn’t believe they were gone, they didn’t want to… Mista didn’t move, he stayed on his knees, staring at the alley that had stolen G/N from his life. In that moment, the world didn’t seem anymore a place that could give small joys every day; it was just a source of pain. But… they wouldn’t have wanted him to give up. And so, he got up and he managed to save his life, and he went on like this, treasuring the life that G/N had saved sacrificing theirs. He couldn’t let their sacrifice go wasted.
Narancia Ghirga
He and his s/o met a little after Narancia joined Bruno and Fugo in the small, but growing, gang. They were like him, a person who had turned their back to an abusive family; now, Narancia was their family. They were best friend, the only support each other had had during the dark times of their life, the comforting voice when one of them was having a nightmare… their mutual and deep affection soon turned to a deeper feeling, something that made them be even closer. They were so close-knit that they didn’t even had to see the other to perfectly coordinate with them; they were perfect together, both in their daily life and in their work. And the breaking of this coordination was the thing that saved one and killed the other.
Narancia’s speciality were reconnaissance solo missions; with his Aerosmith, he could detect targets in a vast range. Instead, his s/o’s stand was a close range one, so, when Aerosmith was too far to be back in time to defend its user, G/N could defend both themselves and Narancia. It wasn’t the first time it did happen; to be fair, Narancia was pretty often attacked, as he was often mistaken as the weak link of Bucciarati’s gang. It happened that time too; Aerosmith was too far, and so his s/o had to call out their stand to protect both of them. Their stand was ridiculously strong and resistant; the enemy’s stands couldn’t do anything against it. But, when Aerosmith was finally approaching, G/N noticed that one of the enemy stands was leaking something… something oily, something greasy, like…
Their eyes widened in horror when they understood. They didn’t have the time to scream to Narancia to not shoot, as Aerosmith was already doing it. They had just the time use their stand to launch him far, a second before the bullets touched the strange substance, making it explode. Narancia, who was landed on a couple of garbage can that had cushioned the fall, felt his heart sink when he saw the low building they were on crushing down. No, it couldn’t be… he immediately ran to it, digging, screaming their name, screaming until his lungs were burning. No one answered his call. His teammates had to forcefully tear him away from the debris, as he was screaming and crying and pleading to leave him here, saying that he had to find them… they died because of him. They died because he shot with Aerosmith. Bruno’s words were useless; nothing could convince him that it hadn’t been his fault. And maybe… maybe the only way to make amend and to honour them was to go on. To go on and to try to make something good, as they would have wanted, even if, from now on, alone.
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo met his s/o in the streets. He had roamed around for a little, by now, and he knew how to get away with every kind of small crimes he usually did to survive; they were clearly in the streets since a little time, maybe not even a week, and they looked lost and scared… Fugo knew how it was to feeling like that. And so, he befriended them, teaching them how to survive and how to use law and every kind of little quibble to their benefit. They soon became an unstoppable duo that could survive any situation and, from friends, they became lovers, slowly, smoothly, as it was a natural step. Even in Bruno’s gang, they were still working together, as G/N was the only one who managed to calm down Fugo even when he was so enrage to lose a little the control of Purple Haze. They would have done and given everything for each other; and they did it ‘till the last day.
Fugo knew that, even if a plan was planned to the smallest details, something could go wrong. This happened that night; he and his s/o had to control a delicate exchange at the docks. Fugo didn’t like that place; the containers were surrounding them and they could have been the perfect place for a sniper. He had pointed it out, but the Boss wanted the exchange to happen in that place, and the Boss’s orders couldn’t be discussed. And so here they were, and, as Fugo feared, the containers were used as cover to attack them. Fugo couldn’t call out Purple Haze, not if he wanted everyone around to live; so, he quickly and hastily grabbed the others, rushing them to a safer place. His s/o, instead, was covering their back, using their stand to throw back the bullets. The enemies, however, didn’t stop at bullets; to G/N’s horror, the containers started to shake, to shake more and more, until they started to fall. They looked above, at their Fugo was dragging the idiots they had to protect to a safe shelter, and they made their decision without a second thought. They catched a glimpse of a container that was falling dangerously close to Fugo and the group, and so, instead of use their stand to protect themselves from the bullets or to sustain the container, as it wasn’t strong enough for this, they used it to push away the group, stumbling back. The last thing they saw before the container crushed them were Fugo’s big, scared eyes and their name on his lips.
In that moment, Fugo’s life stopped, for a while. In his ears he was hearing a sharp ring, his eyes were glued on the container that had crushed his G/N, on the blood -his mind couldn’t even picture the imagine of his G/N’s crushed body- that was leaking from under it. He didn’t even feel Purple Haze coming out, lead by his totalizing agony, his loss, his mourn. Purple Haze reduced to a pulp everyone dared to come close to the last place where G/N was alive, and that now was their grave. Fugo didn’t fool himself into hoping that they were alive. They were not. They were gone. And he? What should he do now? Maybe just go on, a little more hollow, a little colder than before. And surely alone.
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno wasn’t a person who easily trusted someone. He was wary, he had been burned and scarred, in the past, by people he trusted. And, generally speaking, people didn’t consider him a lot. He was pretty invisible, and, all in all, he liked it. It was better than being bullied. But G/N was different. They were genuinely kind with him, and they seemed to sincerely enjoy his company. They became the only friend Giorno had, his most treasured person. They were not only his best friend, but his family too; and, after years, when Giorno came to understand the real entity of his feelings, lovers. They were his most trustful confident and his only supporter even when everything seemed lost; they were his rock and his reason to go on even when even his determination wasn’t enough. They were ready to follow him everywhere and to do everything to him; even to give their own life for him.
They had followed him also in that crazy, crazy rushing week where they all almost died at least twice; they were here when they took the plane from Venice, they were here when Abbacchio was killed, they were here when Silver Chariot Requiem switched the souls of everyone in Rome. They cried along Mista and Bruno when Narancia met his death, and they tried with them to take that damned arrow that had already took so much from them. And this was what the Boss was waiting for: they were so focused on the arrow that they, just for one, but fundamental, instant, forgot about the Boss, and he took full advantage of it. Using King Crimson, the Boss managed to put himself at a safe distance and near to an unsafe pylon which needed to be repaired. When the time started again to flow normally, for the others, the pylon was already falling on them. G/N saw it first and also saw that Giorno would have been crushed; not even Gold Experience could do anything, not in a so short time. So, they did the only thing they could do: they pushed away Giorno, stumbling in his place and, when the pylon fell, it crushed them instead of him. When Giorno turned around, he didn’t see G/N with them, as they should, they were nowhere to be found… then, his eyes fell on the blood that was warming his hands on the ground. It came from under the pylon.
Giorno didn’t really remember what happened after that. He had flashes of the arrow, of his new Requiem stand, of Diavolo’s demise… his memories started again when he found G/N’s body, now empty of any soul. It was perfect; they seemed just asleep… Giorno gently scooped them in his arms, as Mista did the same with Narancia, as Trish picked Bruno’s body on Polnareff’s wheelchair. They all were carrying an important and heavy, oh, so heavy load. Giorno felt dull, numb, as he wasn’t even living, right now, as he was just dreaming a terrible nightmare. He just wanted to wake up… but he couldn’t wake up from reality. They had given their life for him and his dream; it was now his duty to live on and to realize it, in order to not make their sacrifice useless.
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tekweela · 5 years
Leo in Shawn
Hi, so I first wanna say that this doesn’t necessarily apply to all Leo’s. You can be a Leo and not be like this at all. At the end of the day it’s just fun to look into :) This is unnecessarily long so I understand if you’re not gonna read it LMAO, but if you are; enjoy 💖💕💖❣️💓
Shawn is indeed a Leo and sometimes it shows.
One thing that Leo’s can’t stand is being accused of bad intentions. Something interesting I noticed about that in relation to Shawn is how he responds to people claiming his relationship is PR. Once he saw people saying it’s PR he suddenly started talking about her more (I’m sure people saying it’s weird he dodged questions about her was a trigger for him to start talking about her as well). And remember when he was filmed at the airport by paparazzi? Out of all the questions they threw at him he answered the question asking if his relationship is PR. “Definitely not a PR relationship” he said to shut people down. He knows PR isn’t considered a positive thing in stan culture. Shawn isn’t someone who particularly likes lying or pretending. With PR being considered as bad he doesn’t like being accused of doing it (even if it is PR he doesn’t want to be reminded of him doing it). So his natural response of course would be to say the opposite or do the most like posting personal stuff with Camila to make it look genuine.
Leo’s also tend to get hurt by not being acknowledged by their good intentions. We all know Shawn is a sensitive person, heck, he’s a songwriter I didn’t expect anything else. The hate definitely does affect him and he is definitely hurt/annoyed by people/the world acknowledging him through his relationship or faking a relationship and not through his art. He’s very sensitive to criticism and gossip.
Leo’s tend to appear confident but can also be very humble and self conscious. They usually blame themselves when something goes wrong. When him and Camila break up he’s gonna feel embarrassed and he will have regrets for making the relationship so public instead of private. He will blame himself for that. He will blame himself for involving Camila so much in his career and maybe even regret some of that too. I mean, a lot of firsts in his career were with her. First VMA, 21st birthday, first #1 on Billboard, first stadium show.... Important milestones in his career involve her and he’ll never be able to escape or change it.
Shawn’s moon is in Aquarius, which, among other things, means he most likely felt “different” growing up. Yes, he is sociable, has a lot of friends and is popular, but he still feels lonely at heart sometimes.
They don’t like to admit stuff, especially their bad personality traits like jealousy, possessiveness, fear or their wrong. Especially when it comes to wanting to stand “above” what they call “pettiness”. Sometimes they end up looking petty themselves. Like Shawn when he acts like he doesn’t care for hate but then posts a throat licking video to proof he doesn’t care. He doesn’t wanna admit or show that the people do affect him, so what does he do? Try to come over as if he laughs at the hate, even though I know damn well he cries himself to sleep at night. Eventually when this goes too far Leo’s can get emotionally blocked, distant and detached. A lot of fans have been getting this vibe from him lately.
One major personality trait in Leo is pride. Shawn maybe doesn’t always show it very obviously but he’s a person who carries pride. PR or not, he definitely does feel some kind of pride in walking down the street with his “successful” singer-songwriting girlfriend while getting photographed knowing it’ll be all over the internet soon. He sometimes loves to show it off and rub it in people’s faces. I’m also 100% sure he felt like a real bad bitch when he walked the MET Gala red carpet with Hailey. He felt immense pride walking the carpet with a hot model. Pride can also come back in not wanting to admit he was wrong.
His Venus is in Cancer, that’s mainly about his emotions among other things. He’s afraid people are gonna leaving him and he fears rejection. Especially in relationships. Hailey leaving him for Justin did leave a mark. Leo’s tend to hold onto people and situations for a very long time. I’m 100% positive it took him a while to get over Hailey and her situation. In an interview he revealed he definitely would’ve dated her but now he’s too late. Shawn suddenly getting into a relationship with Camila comes over, to me, as “do it now before it’s too late or you get left”. Just pretend it’s real and he did have a thing for Camila for a while. After Hailey left him, he could’ve thought with Camila “it’s now or never” and jumped into it.
He’s easy going in love and is in love with the idea of love. He’d go over the top for a loved one and can easily accept behaviors in partners that other’s wouldn’t accept and he can even be drawn to people who others might consider as trouble. I think we all know a lot of people think Camila has annoying personality traits, but Shawn either just doesn’t notice or just accepts it.
His dreams about romance may be so powerful that he’ll eventually be disappointed with the reality of a relationship. He loves the “Camila and I have been friends for years and now we’re dating” narrative because to him it’s the perfect cute love story. A few months more into the relationship there is definitely a possibility that he (or she) is gonna be disappointed in what dating your friend is really like.
In love he tends to see what he wants to see rather than what it actually is and a possibility of clinging to romantic delusion is very high. He can cling to the idea that someone loves them when in reality that person isn’t returning the affection at all. If he’s not loved back, so what? He’ll love for the two of them. Or they may cling to a relationship that has lost all hope, which I sometimes think he did with Hailey after she left him. Another possibility is showing their love to someone who is unattainable or who is unable to commit (Camila maybe, because I’m sure she isn’t ready to commit again this shortly after Matthew) and sometimes even to someone treats them badly. He could do that all while clinging to an idealized image of his partner. So yeah, you can definitely say love makes blind. The result can even end in being attracted to co-dependent or even abusive relationships. That kind of worries me since he once said in a Q&A that he’s drawn to pain and something wrong in relationships. I don’t remember what he exactly said but it was something along those lines.
He can confuse sexual tension and lust with being in love. Say that he has had a crush on Camila for years. He could look at her, think of her, talk to her and write about her but one thing he could never do was touch her. He values touching. So what’s the first thing he goes wild with now they’re “finally” together? Have sex. Does that mean it’s true love? No. Is there a possibility he does see it as true love because he‘s lustful? Definitely.
His birth chart says he can shy away from confrontation. He needs to feel secure before he speaks. Which is exactly what happened when fans asked him questions about social issues in Q&A’s. When asked if he’s a feminist he didn’t answer because he’s afraid of saying the wrong things. He feels the need to first do research on topics to know what to say and not offend people so he doesn’t get backlash.
He trusts other easily and he can be a little careless on spending money. He loves helping people in difficulty. Some people around him definitely make use of his income.
So that was it, I hope y’all enjoyed it a little lmao I really have too much free time 😭
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38sr · 6 years
I wanna know everything
Okay okay, I’m just gonna list off the things that I’ve already written for this AU and hope I don’t get into spoilers for the Undercut DJ. To make things clear, this AU is like a mix of canon divergence/fix-it since I’ve been taking the time to rewatch VLD and analyze the story as a whole. So let’s start at the beginning~
Voltron 2020: A canon divergence/fix-it AU based on the 2016 VLD series. I only call it Voltron 2020 since the stories I’ve written/drawn for it so far wouldn’t be out in the public until next year haha.
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Where does it start?
V2020 (I’m just shorten it to this) keeps S1 and S2 in canon and kicks off in S3. There’s only one small change I would make to S1 but I’ll get into that when I talk about Shiro in this AU.
These haircuts??? Explain please???
Haha, yes I’m a fan of the idea of Keith, Lance and Allura (yeah you heard me) having shorter haircuts. More so Lance because compared to the rest of the cast’s original designs, his hair maybe be simple but lacks a bit of flair. Lance is the one who get’s his undercut first and the story behind how it happens is covered in a fan comic called undercut that’s slated for release this year.
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How Keith and Allura get their haircuts are part of the story as well but doesn’t come until maybe S4 or after (I have to figure out the details on that). But for now, I just wanted to see how Keith looked with short hair and it looks pretty good! 
Keith is in BP suit and Lance is in RP suit?
Yup, one of the things that drove me bonkers in VLD was how they didn’t match their lions. This is more of an OCD thing because I prefer matched colors over mix-match. However, once again changing their suits also has a reason behind it in the story. You can sort of call it…truly stepping into their new roles in the Paladin team. For Keith, becoming the leader Shiro always saw in him. For Lance, becoming the right-hand man and gaining confidence in his skills as a pilot (also becoming Keith’s rock haha).
Okay the real question: Does Shiro die in this AU?
Here’s where things get…a bit interesting? I have two versions of this AU where Shiro does die in his battle with Zarkon and the other where he does not die. So a divergent…within a divergent haha. I have to preface this with I don’t hate Shiro by any means and love his character with all my heart, which is why I made a version where he doesn’t die. Shiro as a disabled, LGBT and PoC character has so much potential that killing him off would be a waste for storytelling. Since the AU takes off in S3 where it was implied that he died, that’s where I took the story and started writing how his death affected the team, mainly Keith. The main point I want to get across is that Shiro needs to lose his connection to Black Lion in order for Keith, Lance and Allura to grow as characters.
In the case I choose to have Shiro die….
As per usual, Keith reluctantly becomes the Black Paladin, Lance becoming the Red Paladin and Allura is the Blue Paladin. We see how Keith is struggling with his loss of Shiro and how he feels incompetent being the leader of Voltron. This would then lead to into the undercut comic and spark a more genuine, supportive friendship between Keith and Lance. I would also keep how Shiro’s conscience remains in the Black Lion, which only Keith knows about cause he’s BP now. This would be great thread to connect Keith and Allura who have lost someone dear to them and rely on technology to keep them alive (when in reality they will always live in their hearts). 
I would also keep the Kuron idea but instead of him joining team Voltron, Honerva and Zakron use the Shiro clones and make their own version of Voltron with the Robeasts we see in S7-8. That way, we could keep The Black Paladins fight since that’s a very emotional and groundbreaking moment for Keith having to face someone cares deeply for. 
In the case I choose to have Shiro live….
I wouldn’t have him be BP again since that prevents Keith from growing into a leader, which then prevent Lance growing as a character and then prevents Allura from growing as a character. If anyone has noticed after watching the series, the character development kind of gets wonky when they decided to bring Shiro back as BP. If anything, it really hindered Keith, Lance and Allura’s character development since S3 focused so much on the dynamics in team Voltron shifted (which would have been super interesting to see as time went on). Since this idea is fairly still new I haven’t quite figured out how I would write the story if I went this route. But, I’m not opposed of having Shiro being involved with the Altean colony…again gotta workshop some stuff here but killing off Shiro is such a waste of potential!
ALSO, if Shiro stays alive, then we need to address Adam in S1 E1. It can be simple like when everyone is at Keith’s shack and Adam’s name gets dropped casually like this:
Shiro: How did you get all this information? This is classified stuff from the Garrison…
Keith: I had someone help me.
Shiro: Someone….?
Keith: …it was Adam.
Shiro: Oh…
Not exact but my point is that could have been a great moment to tell the audience Shiro and Keith have a connection with Adam (more so Shiro because we all didn’t know he was gay until much much later in the series). But lemme move on before I get too into Adam cause so much needs to be written out before I spill it all haha.
Next big question: which ships are canon?
Y’all don’t burn me at the stake but….
Allura and Lotor. 
Y’all know I will ship Klance until the end of time but right now I haven’t gotten to a point in the story where confirming Klance as a romantic relationship feels natural and right yet. If anything, in V2020 I really want to build Keith and Lance’s relationship as friends and teammates which in turn can lead into something more. But the groundwork needs to be done in order for that to happen.
But yeah Allura and Lotor are confirmed in V2020 cause that feels right and Lotor deserves so much more than what we saw in the show. I’ll leave it at that for now.
Is the ending the same?
This is probably biggest change I made in V2020 but when VLD did this it made me worried for the show as a whole:
Zarkon remains as the main villain and final boss for the entire series.
I would have not killed off Zarkon as early as they did in VLD simply because Zarkon was made out to be such a big threat in the beginning. Don’t get me wrong, Honerva and the war factions are a cool idea as opposing forces but they could have happened first and left Zarkon for last. 
Honevra regaining her memories and going on her rampage could have happened first. Lotor could have found out that she was his mother  and had to confront his abuser. Allura would have to face the fact someone of her own kind was doing horrible things and that evil isn’t determined by (alien) race. All of that could have been presented before killing Zarkon and would have pushed Allura and Lotor’s character development. Also, having Honevra written off first would give Zarkon even more incentive to do what he’s doing cause well, that’s his wife and love makes you do crazy things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The war factions could have happened after Honerva and that’s where we learn more about the Galra empire and society. Where are there are cracks in the system? How are half breeds like Keith and Lotor viewed? How do factions like the Blade come into play and help team Voltron? All of that could have been explored! Honestly, the war factions arc(?) is an opportunity to further develop Keith and Lotor characters and their relationship since they are both half-Galra. 
As for the final battle and ending of it all, Allura doesn’t die and Voltron (the robot) is the one to be sacrificed.
I wrote a whole theory on it after watching S8, so if you wanna read yet another long post you can check it out here haha.
The point of keeping Zarkon as the main (and final) villain in V2020 is to keep the overarching story simple. Think of ATLA, the story as a whole is really simple: 4 nations based on elemental powers are under the tyrannical rule of a dictator and only one person can stop him and save the world. By keeping the objective of the story simple, there’s room for character development and world-building. Instead of a dark, broody space epic (if that’s what you wanna call it), V2020 focuses more on the characters and world-building that are affected by the main opposing force known as Zarkon. A lot of the stories I have in mind are more episodic but I think that works best for a show where the stage is as grand as space haha.
Pidge and Hunk??
As for Pidge, she kind of….gets everything she wants in the show?? There isn’t really anything drastic I would change since the show fixed her issues…
As for Hunk my baby boy sweet cinnamon roll, don’t worry. I’m making sure he’s more than just a scaredy cat who loves food. I really liked how in the show Hunk learned about Galra diplomacy so maybe I can work with that! 
Yeah, I think….that’s everything I can tell you about this AU and I’m so sorry, Vulpes, that I made this answer so long! ^^; Thank you showing interest in my AU!
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I'm kinda planning of writing a Percy Jackson fic? So excuse my rant here of what I have planned I just kinda wanna have it written out and given some feedback hopefully before I really start. Some stuff might be triggering for some people. Including drugs, alcohol, rape, abuse, and self hate so far. Percy isn't a go happy guy, and hasn't been for awhile in the books. Btw REALLY LONG OMG.
Percy is gonna be a bit younger because I for some reason wanna have it cross over with marvel. Sorry. And ship him with Peter. Also sorry but not really.
The first changes is gonna be with Sally and a little bit of how she raised Percy. She teaches him of mythology and languages because she also knows many and knows it'll do him good because they're in the same area of where Greek is commonly used. Italian, Crotian, and Romanian, her family went around and had good taste. I wanna have Sally be a Roman legacy but I'm not sure of who just yet.
The second chapter would be his early preteens and his love/addiction of blue food. Kinda innocent and his relation of blue foods and his love for his Ma. As he grows older and Gabe gets in the picture his addiction of blue foods changes to drugs and alcohol from Gabe threatening them. He wants them to depend on them and him. The rape starts from the beginning of Gabe's relationship/marriage with Sally to be honest. Maternity rape is real and I doubt she always meant yes but would say it so he wouldn't hurt her more. He definitely would threaten the other (Sally / Percy) of harm of the other (Percy / Sally) if they were to misbehave. He'll eventually get himself out of it and help Sally recover while they're still stuck with Gabe. He goes back to loving blue food and uses it as a replacement whenever he has a craving.
The third would be his experience with school. Dyslexia and ADHD shows up right when he starts and some teachers reach out to Sally on ways to "fix him". She doesn't wanna have him depend on medication, definitely happy with that when Gabe happens, so he suffers with explaining " yes I have ADHD and dyslexia, no I'm not making it up to not pay attention" to everyone in every school he ever goes to. Some schools he has good teachers that believe him and wanna help him find ways to learn with his different types of dyslexia because of course he'll have more than what's common in a demigod. Sometimes he wouldn't get expelled from school but would have to deal with a suspension and have to find a way to hide it from Sally and Gabe. He learns better with facial reading and lying throughout these years. He'll have good relations with history, language, tech, and music teachers. Also the lunch and security and front desk people. He got along better with people older then him than people in his class.
The next might just be various moments with Gabe and his friends with either Sally saving him, one of Gabe's okay friends helping him, him turning things for the worse before he learns "the system*1", or with Gabe winning. Includes him learning how to apply makeup to hide bruises, lying about marks and cuts, how to heal stuff quicker, getting rid of smells, sewing, packing clothes tightly, and emergency numbers and places. Thoughts of running away and making things better for his Ma. Self hate and doubt of his reasons for living any longer. Decides running away would be better but he can't bring himself because he loves, is loyal to, her. That's brings MONEY MAKING. I grew up with people making money selling anything in school so he will too and will market off of this for any emergency because Gabe always takes his and Sally's money. Selling simple things like pencils and gum, later cool erasers that teachers confescated that he stole in return. Eventually he had to stop and find new ways to make money, and what's one quick way in New York? Drugs. NO!!.
*1 the system is based on what I learned growing up. If I had a good morning then I'll have a terrible night, Terrible morning then a good night. But sometimes you had to look for signs when it might just be a bad day overall. Conversations, how the person is acting (agitated, short temper, not patient), moody with everything from; lights, sounds, smells, how things are organized, nothing is good enough, privacy. The slightest thing that was good meant nothing when that person had more control of how your day would go. Of course this is my experience personally and I'ma add this in this fic.
He goes about using his talents with music to make some money. He can't risk Gabe, his friends, or even sally recognizing him so he always hides himself and would freestyle on the violin or guitar that he is able to keep at school because he's part of band. It keeps his away from home till Sally is out of work. He got into music because it was always calming to him and helps him concentrate. Sally was able to get him a chance to learn some before Gabe stopped them. Sometimes if there's a piano he'll play that too. Once he's makes money he carefully and reluctantly uses some for better equipment such as speakers and a microphone. His friendship with Peter is helpful with making it easy to bring around or stash at his place once he drops out of band or doesn't even joins his new schools band.*2. They would sometimes go out and just be dumb boys and fool around, Peter for fun and Percy for future possible survival and fun. Who can I connect with that will give me a discount? Who is less attentive of their stock? Where does the best wallets come from? Who accepts homeless and when? Libraries?
*2 this goes with my headcannon of Percy having more power, specifically pertaining to Sirens. Overall his voice is pleasing to listen to. When he's young it's nothing exceptional and are expecting someone to try and make him famous but as he grows up and sings more and gets more comfortable his voice is more smooth and silky. The mood of the songs can also affect people listening and draws people's attention and usually leads to him having people crowd around him whenever he's performing. He sometimes works with Peter with him dancing. He doesn't typically do pop songs since he likes rock music more so he'll change songs to him mood and tempo more fitting to what he enjoys.
He meets Peter when he and Sally are recovering. To disguise their time using money for drugs they'll go around walking or making up for lost time. She treats Percy as a silent thank you to a trip to the aquarium in Queens. There he meets Peter who is recovering from his traumatic friendship with Skip. They make quick friends and Sally and May and Ben make plans because they haven't seen their kid be this happy in a long time.
He becomes insomniac pretty early on even before the horrors of being a demigod. Someone once broke in their apartment and Gabe took it out on them so now he's even more sensetive to any sounds he hears at night. Either from his Ma crying, Gabe and his friends, or nightmares keeping him up. He usually sleeps under his bed because of Gabe putting his stuff on his bed and trashing his room. He'll wake up and go under the blankets when he hears Sally's footsteps coming to his room to not worry her.
Going to school is a blessing and a curse because that means no Gabe but that also means no Sally sadly. He constantly has to make a choice be happy for now? Or prepare for when that happiness goes away later. Meaning, do I hang out with Peter or do I go and make money street performing. Do I go to a school far from home so that I don't have to see Gabe but not see Sally, but that means she won't have to worry.
Once he finds out he's a demigod imagine all the self hate he gets. Any possible talents he thought he had. Anything that made him him, his love of blue, the sea, his features ( sure Sally would say he looks like his father he hoped he still had something that was from her, something that was just him ). But nope it all connects to Poseidon. Everything he likes and was confident about came from him. He wasn't anything special. He was just made to be used for their wars and fights and prophecy since they can't be involved but they don't wanna die from at the same time.
He knows of mythology with the help of his small closest group of friends and family, not what's taught at camp. He treats Medusa kinder and begs her to understand why he needs to continue and relates to her pain and apologies for what his birth father did to her. She allows him to kill her for a way to get rid of his pain Gabe. At camp he puts on a different kind of mask because he has no idea who he is at the beginning. A demigod? What the fuck?? What does that mean for him then? He's lost so he dumbs himself down. He has street smarts so he needs to get a layout of the place and the people. What's the stereotypes of groups. Who's the outliers. Where can I be me and with who. With Clarisse he hides what experience he has with fighting to seem weaker, the talk of prophecy can't be good and he didn't want anything with it. And with the talk of prophecy from the girl with blonde princess curls, and he feels used throughout their journey for a bit because this is what she wanted isn't it? To go out in the world and use her brain for better things. He's worried that she'll be like this onwards that this friendship is temporary just for her gain. Thankfully she stays. Watching his mother "die" from the Minotaur hurts him terribly because of course it's gonna be his fault that she dies. When he falls from his fight against Ecihdina and Chimera it pushes him to embracing the water side of him more and look tried gettingcontrol of it. Although the trap set by Hephaestus is rigged it doesn't push for Aphrodite to ship Percy with Annabeth. She can see he has doubt of even friendship and she stays respectful of that. Not everyone can cope with grief with romance. He meets Nico and Bianca at the casino but isn't able to pull them out. He doesn't make the connection till the next time he meets them. His loyalty brings him to the underworld wanting his mother back and his growing loyalty to the camp with the date drawing near for the solstice. He knew Hades couldn't be at fault and explaining so to him and Persephone builds his future relationship with them. His fight against Ares is helped by Posedion but also his growing anger of him wanting to endanger his friends. Luke still betrays everyone and everyone knows. He returns to his mom and Peter and life goes on.
Okay this a part one for a planning rant I'm going to sleep now
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