js21o3 · 5 months
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Unreal Tournament 3 (2007) - DM-Deck16's Out-of-Bounds areas.
The command "ghost" can be used to fly through walls and explore out-of-reach areas, even in spectator mode. The "walk" and "fly" commands are self-explanatory, and let you exit ghost/noclip mode. These are also used by older Unreal games, like UT99.
UT3 also has a "togglescreenshotmode" command, which turns off the HUD. Could be useful for taking screenshots, I guess.
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pugosixtyfour · 1 year
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my entire artflow is practically non-existant so i honestly have NOTHING new to post... so have this UT3 guile mod picture i found on the internet. the guy who made this is probably super talented now and works a really good job and i want to believe it
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the-generous-fool · 5 days
SmElL rOaSt BeAnS 0.<
mAkE mE tHiRsTy !!1!
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gumbuk9 · 26 days
i've not played an unreal game in a decent while, and i've not really participated in the community like at all, but for some reason i seem to have started thinking about it again... maybe i should replay the games, and maybe i could talk about it on tumblr more (i've already 2 posts in my drafts that i'm leaving for later because it's 2 hours past midnight.....)
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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ti0mumu · 6 months
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I really really like how this card ended up looking. Garden of Thorns is such a pretty EGO.
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hero-king-baybe · 2 years
my sillies >×<
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squirmydonnie · 5 months
how do I become okay with feeling good
When is it not something I have to avoid.
I want to be a person
Why is it so hard to be a human and smile
If I enjoy myself am I a bad person?.
Is it okay to forget who you are?
Do you get to indulge in the things that make you like yourself?
I have a field trip today. I have to. anticipate its bad. And that I won't really have a good time.
It would be horrible if I felt good today
It would be bad
I can't ever be free
This is where you live
I would love just a free day. Within any of this.
I don't feel ready to try.
I'm too scared it will hurt too much. It would hurt too much to feel bad.
Why do I have to stay unhappy forever.
Isn't it okay to live?.
When I feel good. I shouldn't feel bad that I feel this way.
Why does feeling good hurt so bad. I start thinking about how bad it is.
I can't do anything.
It will never be enough unhappiness for me.
It will never be enough to justify my pain.
It will always still be bad.
So why can't I just feel good anyway
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lots-o-love · 10 months
Ermmm quirk dropped but to the imaginary quadrant anon - I do something similar! I like to write stories about all my friends falling in pity and hate over and over with each other! I imagine it during the day, too. It helps me get through everything to imagine them all happy and together. I like to write my friends having all the quadrants they deserve. Imagining people that get you through the night is way more common than people think! I imagine my moirail by my side even when he isn't, and write stories about us. Somenight I might even show one to him. I think you should try writing some. You might like it! Best of luck to you and your quad. :]
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ratlesshonret · 1 month
Wild Hunt Heathcliff just dropped. He has two sets of voicelines, and two Uptie Stories, depending on if the player has cleared Canto VI or not.
This is the first ID to have entirely different dialogue lines depending on story progress.
You get the 40 Lunacy for UT3ing an ID after watching both cutscenes.
If you haven't cleared Canto VI and are going to UT3 your HuntCliff, make sure to watch his Uptie Cutscene again once you clear the Canto.
If you HAVE cleared Canto VI (most of us) and are going to UT3 HuntCliff, make sure to go to the Identity Archive and watch the pre-Canto VI UT3 Scene, since there's no way to view it in game aside from that, and it's free Lunacy.
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thelordofhats · 1 month
Dullahan as Heathcliff’s EGO
There’s two parts to this post, more or less: the first is the in-setting evidence that this could be the case. Honestly, this is the less interesting part of this to me, but I think it’s important to lay out why I think it’s possible. The second is about what this tells us about Heathcliff as a character.
There’s Canto 6 spoilers, obviously, but this is also just going to be long enough that it’s just polite to insert a cut, so here we go.
Supporting Evidence
First up, we have seen, both with Philip in LoR and Dongrang in Canto 4 of Limbus Company, that the EGO a person manifests and what they look like as a Distortion are connected—they’re going to use the same visual language. The Crying Children still has the fire and statue theming of Philips unnamed incomplete EGO, and when Dongrang manages to undistort, Farmwatch has the same hat, horns, and, well, farm imagery that his distorted form had, just not as a weird monster this time.
Wild Hunt Heathcliff is not the exact same as Erlking Heathcliff. Besides the obvious fact that he’s waging his war on Wuthering Heights instead of Himself as a Concept, you have visual differences like the eyepatch, Wild Hunt having an Iron Maiden instead of a coffin, and most importantly, a different mount. Where Erlking’s Dullahan is a straight-up headless horse (I say, as though that is a normal thing), Wild Hunt’s Dullahan is, as best as we can tell without the head, some sort of wolf creature—clawed feet, a different tail, that sort of thing. Which is, as you’ve probably already guessed, reminiscent of Distorted Heathcliff. And I don’t think that that’s a change that Project Moon made for no reason.
The other big piece of supporting evidence is in Wild Hunt Heathcliff’s UT3 story (well, stories), in which he reflects a bit on the whole “commanding the dead” thing he’s got going on now. Specifically, the fact that it just sort of happened. He didn’t schedule an appointment with Dead Corp to get hooked up with their sweet necromancy tech, it was just a thing that he became able to do. Now, we *could* say this is some wholly unexplained thing, but come on. This is Project Moon. They do not toss out massive no-reason plot holes at us. Of the framework we’ve been given, EGO is the most logical explanation for how this happened. Especially when you consider how it lives up for him ~*~thematically~*~
(Oh, but before I move on to that—Bodysack, like all of the Base EGOs, is manifested with the help of Mephistopheles. I don’t think we should necessarily think of it as being in the same progression, although it does fit with the coffin/iron maiden)
Character Themes
Or: What does this tell us about Heathcliff?
Well, first I have to talk a bit about EGO in general. Hitting the ignition point, where you get the Carmen Chat, requires Desire and a Will to see those desires out. Non-capitalized ego, if you will. Philip’s desire to stop feeling inadequate, Xiao grief (I know this is a bad summary of Xiao but this isn’t a Xiao essay), Dongrang’s need for More (please refer to Xiao parenthetical, substitute Dongrang for Xiao). Manifesting EGO instead of distorting is about Self-Acceptance and Self-Control—Philip was keeping it together (sort of) until he started denying his inner drives to Oswald and pretending that that wasn’t something he felt. Xiao went “yes, I am being selfish and have selfish desires, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a bad person”. Dongrang stopped being “Dongrang, Who Denies All” when he admitted “You know what, I’m a selfish piece of shit, and I’m going to embrace being a selfish piece of shit”. EGO does *not* require you to be a good person!
For Heathcliff, that desire is, as you saw on his bat, REVENGE. He’s spent a lifetime hurting, and there is a part of him that he’s been storing up all of that hurt, holding onto it, and nurturing it into a Grudge. He wants so very, very badly to be able to hurt those who have hurt him. But it’s not the only desire within him—his love for Cathy is also a powerful motivator.
In Canti 6, faced with truly losing Cathy with absolute heartbreak, we see REVENGE become his only pillar. He desperately needs to take out this pain in *somebody*, and it doesn’t really matter who. He’s ready to give in to it all, lose control, and blindly lash out at his surroundings until Wuthering Heights is reduced to rubble around him. Possibly on top of him—he does not care. And so, he Distorts.
Wild Hunt Heathcliff has taken the reins of these impulses, instead of letting them drive him blindly. He wants to make those who hurt him suffer, but he does so with his eyes fully open, ready to be patient to maximize the pain he inflicts—maiming Gregor, the mountain of corpses in his wake, letting the Heights organize one last stand against him, a grand banquet. And it is through this self-mastery that he gains the means to make this suffering he inflicts last beyond the grave—to bind their souls in his service, so that even as they despise him and curse him, they are nonetheless bent to his will. He has manifested Dullahan.
To Wild Hunt Heathcliff, suffering is the base state of the world. Any moment of comfort, respite, or tenderness is ephemeral, a momentary shelter against the rain that will inevitably be lost. He has rejected Cathy’s love entirely, not because he does not love her, but because he does not believe in love as being a solid, real thing. Not like hatred is. Hatred is forever. You can *rely* on hatred. And if you are able to find satisfaction in being hated, to drink deeply from that spiteful well, you’ll never go thirsty. No, you’ll live in a veritable land of plenty. A miserable, bitter land of plenty, and you’re going to be a miserable and bitter fuck, but at least you’ll have the satisfaction that the people who hate you died mad and continue to be mad. That’s the core of Dullahan,
The third act swerve of this essay is that I do not think that our Heathcliff is going to be able to manifest Dullahan, because he isn’t that person anymore—the path that leads there has been closed to him. Hindley and Linton are dead, and he has bigger concerns right now—the bat no longer says Revenge, it says Remember. The revenge pillar is the one that crumbled, so he is—unsteadily—driven more by his love for Cathy right now. If he continues in this path, his EGO (and come on, we *will* get to see the full EGO for everyone eventually) is going to be something else entirely. Some similar motifs, of course, but taken in a new direction. Hopefully a healthier one!
And I think that’s really neat!
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js21o3 · 5 months
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Unreal Tournament 3 (2007) - Bloom comparison on CTF-Coret
A common complaint about UT3 is the poor visibility caused by its muted color palette, cluttered environments, and sometimes excessive amounts of bloom. Coret is probably the most obvious example of this glaring issue. A shame really, because I think UT3's version of CTF-Coret is pretty cool. The shopping district theme really suits its layout.
For some reason there is only one checkbox in the advanced video settings which toggles not just bloom and depth-of-field, but also the color correction. Overall, odd decisions were made.
Although there are scenarios where UT3's use of brightskins actually improves visibility over previous installments. The biggest downside is that they turn distant players into solid silhouettes making it difficult to tell where their head hitbox is.
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shuuen-no-cimory · 19 days
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Taking some breaks from my works by sketched this concept. I miss drawing PJM x DoL IVORY WRAITH E.G.O. "The Forlorn" HE (Gloom) - Sydney WAW (Wrath) - Kylar EDIT: FOUND MY OLD NOTE ABOUT THE EGO!!! So anyway, the EGO's name supposed to be "The Forlorn", but I forget so... yeah... lol.
About the EGO:
As an EGO, it has a special gimmick trait called "Blood Moon" Unique Sinking. It'll drain enemies SP by x each turns (for 3 turns)
[SYDNEY - THE FORLORN (Gloom)] For Sydney, the Forlorn gonna be HE with Blunt ST and "Blood Moon" trait. Will become AoE (Attack Weight 3) on Corrosion.
UT3 will gain Heal 3 ally's SP with the least SP, UT4 gonna give additional SP Drain from Blood Moon.
[KYLAR - THE FORLORN (Wrath)] For Kylar, the Forlorn will be WAW with Pierce Attack Weight 4. It'll have "Blood Moon" trait. Will become AoE with Attack Weight 6 on Corrosion.
UT3 will gain "Blood Moon - Haunting" which additionally inflict Bind x for 3 turn on the enemy.
UT4 will make "Blood Moon - Haunting" has additional affect on enemies with less than 0 SP, which give additional Bleed x for 3 bleed count.
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detectiphoenix · 19 days
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I just UT3'd Yurodivy Ryoshu and it made something inside my head shift like a tectonic plate movement
Looking to practice and hone in this new painting style!
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I can't quite understand the gameplay loop of Limbus in that it is kind of boring. Gimmicks can be understood and worked around too easily, mirror dungeons are grindy and painful, luxcavations are grindy and painful, thread farming is extremely resource intensive, but also, everything is resource intensive.
I just returned to the game because of this event. I have Multicrack Faust, and while my adoration for her reaches the skies...
I also feel hollow. Like. Why did I even care to begin with? I don't have the Thread to uptie her anymore, which would take at least an entire week to build up.
Also. Even the regular enemy counters in Cantos just become a hollow slog.
I redid an enemy counter in Canto VI for Bonus Lunacy and my god. The paralysis mechanics and huge healthbars are such a pain. What is even more of a pain, is that the solution is to quite simply outclash it.
Clashes in Ruina felt like a deeply engaging back and forth. Here it's either an unstoppable full speed ahead or a slow slog through enemy debuffs and units staggering left and right. Like. I don't fucking get it. It's fun and mechanically engaging for a bit but like. It gets old.
Even with different team comps I have tried out it's like.
Tremor needs an entire team of UT3 Tremor Units.
Sinking is actually pretty solid and can be run in most cases, except for negative coin ID cases. Then the game fucks you over.
Burn is somewhat useful but overall mechanically boring minus the Walpurgis units. Which are held back because they are Walpurgis units.
Rupture is godly in Mirror Dungeons, makes it far less of a slog, while it can barely get going in normal cases. Even in MD again it becomes boring.
Bleed is just. Not too useful. It's nice to have passively but it doesn't do too much.
Poise. I don't have enough units to say anything because here's the thing. Once a Season is over you have to wait fucking months before you can shard any IDs from that season. Season 3 has the best Poise IDs. Captain Ishmael, BL Faust and BL Ishmael, and Bamboo Hatted Meursault... can't get a single fucking one of them.
Charge. Is actually my favorite. Self sufficient, while being noticeably improved by good team comp, and one they have raised the bar with mechanically with both Multicrack IDs which are quite simply, an absolute blast to use.
My thoughts on the statuses are that but like. To what end? To what end? The gameplay loop isn't interesting enough for me to keep grinding out lunacy. The Cantos, while with their incredibly strong moments, require a lot of leveled up IDs, and leveling is a fucking painful experience. The regular enemy encounters, though improved from Canto IV, are still really dumb for the most part.
Really like. I don't get it. I love this game, but to what end? To what end?
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bpod-bpod · 2 months
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Erm…Not Macrophages
Differing from other cell types investigated, proteins of the ERM family, (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) that link the cell's outer membrane with its inner protein scaffold don't have a role in the migratory capacity of the large immune cells called macrophages found in most tissues
Read the published research article here
Still from video from work by Perrine Verdys and colleagues
Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (IPBS)Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Toulouse, France
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in The EMBO Journal, July 2024
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