#uue home
luniary · 2 years
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pocketmousiie · 1 year
uue i finally decided i’m gonna tell my mom abt my main online friend group when she gets home,,
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mongooseblues · 4 years
Well folks. Here it is. The horniest thing I’ve ever written. CW for some mess, as you might expect for a piece about someone in a shower with a running nose, but I’m not super into mess myself so it’s more implied than described for the most part. I couldn’t get the idea of shower sneeze out of my head so I’ll put it into yours.
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
The first thing he does upon getting home is turn the faucet to the highest setting to start a shower white-hot enough to be appropriately described as scalding. That would help, that would probably help.
He undresses as hissing steam gradually fogs the room, his peaky reflection becoming little more than a blur in the mirror. It’s cloudy and dreamlike, almost some fevered unreality by the time he steps into the spray, the temperature change provoking an instantaneous smattering of goosebumps and a good hard shiver. It takes all of maybe one minute for the steam to depressurize his sinuses and leave him with a remarkably runny nose and a tickle so sudden and overwhelming that he’s sneezing before he realizes he’s going to.
He snaps forward into the gushing water with an urgent, “HihYISSHHue—” hard and sharp in the acoustical bounce-back from tile and porcelain, an echolocation of resounding decibels that’s loud in his own ears. One isn’t enough because it never is and especially not right now so of course he’s going to—
“IIXSHHOO!” Sneeze again, “hih!” and—
“ISSHHyue!!” Again.
One after the other and depleting what feels like all of the air in his lungs, mandating a gasp like he’s coming up for air which technically speaking he is, pulling his head from the discontinuous curtain of water, sputtering post-baptismal. He slides his hair back from his forehead, two separate streams now running down his face, and wipes at his upper lip with a sigh.
He supposes it’s not unhygienic, to use his hands to blow his nose into, considering he’s able to rinse them off immediately. It does feel a little gross, even though it’s basically clear and barely viscous, undergoing quick liquefaction in his hands and erased by rushing water. And the obscuring steam makes this an even more private unraveling. It’s okay here, to be sick.
His only objective is to rid himself of every milliliter of it, forcibly empty his sinuses as much as he can, fingers folded over his nose and pressing closed one nostril at a time. It begins, the hopeful emptying, in effortless production, but eventually after dwindling relief crosses some line where it starts to feel aggressive and there’s a stinging burn that reminds him of breaching the surface of a swimming pool.
His nose and sinuses are warm and swollen and ever tendering with his continual abuses. He really should be more gentle or at least pace himself over the course of this cold because there’s plenty more of it to come, so this is the last time he’s going to blow his nose for now. This final go however buzzes so intensely against oversensitive membranes that he has to wrinkle his face and perform a little head shake that actually just makes him want to sneeze again.
Which he does in short order, a stabilizing hand finding purchase against the tiled wall, drawing a tremulous breath, small droplets of water slipping their way into his parted mouth and very temporarily pooling there.
Wet but richly voiced and made louder by ringing echo, “HihIIDSHHoo! —HIISSHHuu!!”
The briefest possible cycle of inhale-exhale-inhale leads into a higher pitched and very breathy, “Hih’IIHHH-hoo!” that almost makes him stumble and causes a few wetted locks of hair to tumble forward.
The groan afterwards is rather dramatic. He blinks to refocus through wet lashes and lets the pressure of the water gently recline his head backward. Letting go of the wall, finally, to rake his fingers through his hair, other hand occupied with an absent swipe under his nose at the resulting not-so-fluid trickle until it becomes clear this effort requires both hands and the whole production of blowing his nose over and over and okay just once more.
It does again tickle terribly at one point, and for a few unsteady seconds he thinks he might sneeze three goddamn more times but then miraculously doesn’t, just squints vaguely toward the corner of the shower with gaping lips and widened nostrils, a wavering look of white-flagged surrender. It’s almost meditative to close his eyes and concentrate on the distorted rhythm of indecisive breaths waxing and waning, and the patter of water against his skin. But then the feeling dissolves into a huffy exhale and he remembers he does have other things to do in here besides sneeze. Wash his hair and body, for example.
He works soap into a lather and allows himself longer than usual, letting the water pound and pulse against his shoulders and the back of his neck, which feels particularly tight. Self-soothing, his typical brisk and efficient shampoo scrub lengthening, softening into indulgently slow kneading.
He takes a minute to rub at his face, pressing the heel of a hand between his eyebrows to massage an oval into the ache building there and emits an involuntary moan falling somewhere between pleasure and exhaustion. Employing his shriveled fingertips to travel along the lines of his sinuses beneath his eyes and above his cheeks, palpating the places where it hurts. He’s unable to make it through his routine to the point of rinse much less repeat before he’s pulled out of it and into yet another crashing crescendo he grits his teeth against.
“HrrRISSHue!” The sudden velocity of the motion sends suds jettisoning from his hair, combining with misty spray.
“hih!YIISHHoo! IIZSHH-shuue...!” It concludes with a deflated release and leaves him an overall streaking and streaming mess.
Blowing his nose in here is starting to become a very tiresome chore. He’ll reach a point where he feels like he’s done and then the steam and heat inspire a new round of melting congestion he goes on trying to rid himself of, in an almost mechanically continuous loop and okay it’s probably not going to stop on his account.
Finally he rinses himself of all remaining foamy traces of soap and shampoo, enveloping his entire being into the disorienting rush of frenzied water, for a few moments feeling that uncomfortable washing machine nausea. Frankly he can no longer tell whether or not his nose is still running. This is probably as clean as he’s going to get and that’s fine by him because he’s starting to get dizzy and this is no place to be dizzy with its hard slippery surfaces.
He turns off the faucet and leaves the sanctuary of steam, suppressing a shudder as he pushes the shower curtain back into its accordion folds and steps out onto the much colder floor. He’s toweling his hair off when niggling irritation stops him and somehow he can no longer do anything else but just stand there, forestalled, waiting. His chest swells with need and his breath catches on a jagged-edged inhale and oh apparently he’s just going to sneeze into this towel because there wasn’t really enough warning to be thoughtful about towels—
“ErrRIISHHue!” directed into scratchy terrycloth, hands folding the entire thing around his face but he’s never been very good at muffling anyhow “—IIXXSHHuue!” He pulls back for a second to draw a bated breath through curling lips before his still-wet shoulders seize him into the third act of this exhausting display.
“hehh’YISHHHOO!!” ...Wow. His face feels loose and fuzzy in the aftermath. He never thought a shower could leave him so spent. A single quick wet cough crackles and breaks in his throat, bluntly foreshadowing worse yet to come. He sighs heavily, manages a slushy snuffle. Waterlogged and goosefleshed and dripping over the ground. Feeling naked in more ways than one.
He really is about to be quite sick isn’t he.
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eebie · 3 years
i’m in tiny little pieces over this one spamton comic it‘s tbe “you take him home and keep him”’ trope but JFJSHBFBFSNJFJSHEB💔💔💔💔and i 😭😢🥺 UEEE😭😭😭 OOUUEH🥺 UUE😭 EEUUOIUG😢😢😢 but it’s on twitter and idk if the comic is posted on here . if anyone wants to see it dm me it will break you too i prommy
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iaa-database · 5 years
Snow Day
“Blues! Blu-uues! Get uuup! Up!” 
Roll’s voice shook as she jumped around the bed. She flopped on the bed and scooted towards Blue’s head, then patted it.
“What?”, Blues groaned. He rubbed his eyes and shifted under the covers.
Roll pouted, swung her arm up, and pointed to the window.
“Look!”, she exclaimed.
Blues glanced out the window and was struck with excitement. The trees and the ground and the road were coated in a white blanket of snow. There was so much, he thought in awe; Blues could see almost a foot of snow piled up on the picnic table outside. He sat up giddily and jumped out of his bed.
“Snow! Aw man, we never get snow around here- there’s so much!”
Blues ran down the stairs and leaped on the ground. Roll followed him with the same energy. He immediately went to the front door and opened it, letting a chunk of snow flop on the floor. He shivered.
Then, he heard  a scratching sound and turned around. His father chased after a small ice dragon scuttling on the floor and picked it up.
“Snowflake! You can’t go out yet.”, Dr Light looked to Blues.
“Blues, please get your coat, I don’t want you to catch a cold… Is your sister awake yet?”
Roll shuffled past them with a rabbit in her arms, ready to walk out the door. Dr. Light stopped her.
“Roll! Please put your coat on.”
Roll shook her head defiantly,
“Cutty’ll keep me warm!”
Blues shook his head.
“No he won’t. Dad’s right, let’s get our coats. It’s cold just standing here…”
“Hmmph! Fineee.”, Roll placed the Cutty on the ground and shut the door. She looked down and pointed at it, “Stay!”
As the two grabbed their coats and rushed to the front door again, Dr. Light halted them again, calling out from the kitchen.
“Wait! You can’t go out until you’ve eaten breakfast.”
Roll groaned. 
From the living room, Rock called back,
Blues walked to the kitchen to see if their father needed any help. He peered over to see who was home today.
Rock was on the sofa, frowning. Next to him sat Forecaster, appearing as calm as ever. Snowflake was standing on the ground, stretched out and scratching the window, and appeared desperate to jump out and play in the snow. Roll sat next to Rock, with Cutty in her arms once again. On the couch next to them laid a teenager with a wild orange mohawk, dead asleep. Forecaster leaned over and flicked his face. The boy was unresponsive. Forecaster chuckled 
“I suppose we should let him sleep. It doesn’t look like he’s going to wake up soon!”
“He’s gonna miss breakfast!” Rock exclaimed.
Roll shrugged, “It means there’s more for us.”
She insisted that Cutty sat on the table, even when the rabbit attempted to nibble the food on her plate.  Breakfast was calmer than usual.  Rock wolfed down his meal, while Snowflake sat on his lap, chewing some ice cubes. Blues kept tilting his chair back, and almost fell over. Forecaster sat politely for most of breakfast, until he shook pepper on his hand,  extended one of his arms, and flicked Snowflake on the nose; causing it to sneeze a cloud of mist on the table.
    It was time to go.
    The instant the front door creaked open, Snowflake weaved its way through everyone and scampered out the door. Blues, Rock, and Forecaster joined soon after. Roll stood in the doorway, coaxing Cutty to come outside. 
    “Come onnn… I’ll put you on the table, okay?”, she wandered out and brushed the snow off the table, then snatched up the rabbit, placed it down, and smiled. “There, safe and sound!” 
    Meanwhile, Blues was constructing a pile of snowballs for a nonexistent snowball fight. Forecaster had laid himself down in the snow. Rock was watching Snowflake as it burrowed under the blanket of snow- then he gasped as clumps of snow fell down and Snowflake emerged from the cover, towering over him and stretching out wings. Rock shrieked in glee and stretched his arms upwards.
    “Up! Up! Up!”
    Blues and Roll ran over and Forecaster “stood” up. Snowflake eagerly flapped its wings and crouched down as Rock climbed up onto its head and grabbed its horns. As Snowflake stretched up again, he lost his grip and slid down its back like an icy slide. Rock giggled, and exclaimed, “Again! Again!”. Snowflake didn’t hear him, rather, it took off in flight and landed on the roof with a thud. 
    Blues called out, “Snowflake! He’s down here!”
    The dragon turned around, shocked. Snowflake leaped down from the roof, right next to Rock, and crouched over again to let him on. Once it stood up, Rock slid down its back, laughing with joy. Snowflake, on the other hand, was perplexed. It turned to Blues and Roll, next to the picnic table.
    Blues chuckled and shook his head,
    “Pfft- He just wants to slide!”
    Roll was shaking in anticipation,
    “I wanna go next!”
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Download Comfy Partition Recovery 3 Commercial / Office / Home full version recovers deleted data from logical partitions. Comfy Partition Recovery is designed to recover deleted files after something goes wrong.
If data is lost after emptying the Windows Recycled Bin or deleted using the combination “Shift” + “Del” (bypassing the Recycle Bin), lost after disk formatting, partition deletion, FAT or NTFS file system error, the program will recover it in no time.
In addition, it analyzes hard drive contents and locates the FAT and NTFS file system tables. This information allows the program to recover not only the contents of deleted files, but also all system information: folders and files.
However, this program uses low-level access to the hard drive, making it possible to recover data from inaccessible, deleted, and damaged disks. The software is built according to all standard security requirements. You can create a virtual copy of any disk for future data recovery. So just download Comfy Partition Recovery 3 Full Crack for Free below.
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Features of Comfy Partition Recovery 3
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Recovers txt, asp, aspx, chm, cue, def, inc, inf, lnk, o, php, pro, rc, rsc, s, set, sql, sub, sys, 1st, cal, css, ctt, dic, es, fil, gadget, xhtml, xhtm, htm, html, ics, log, part, pf, swp files with various text documents, settings, logs and source code.
Recovers xl, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xlam, xltx, xltm, xls, xlt, xlm, xlw, ods, ots files with Microsoft Excel and Open Calc spreadsheets.
Recovers digital images and photos taken with professional and mainstream cameras, mobile phones, PDA’s and tablets.
Recovers avi, dat, mkv, mov, mpg, vob, wmv, m4p, mp3, wav, wma files with music, audio tracks and videos.
Recovers rar, zip, 7z, ace, arj, bz2, cab, gz, iso, jar, lzh, tar, uue, z files with compressed archives.
Recovery of files deleted from the “Recycle Bin”. Recovers files after the Windows Recycle Bin is emptied, recovers files deleted with the “Shift”+ ”Del” combination.
Product Information
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Files Name : Comfy Partition Recovery 3.4 Multilingual
Created by : Comfy Software
Version : 3.4
License Type : Full_version
Release date : December 1st, 2020
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kinnisvara · 6 years
Partneri uudis: Home inspection nüüd saadaval Eestis - kinnisvara ostueelne kontroll
Partneri uudis: Home inspection nüüd saadaval Eestis – kinnisvara ostueelne kontroll
Home inspection ehk Kinnisvara Ostuabi teenust kasutavad uue kodu soetamisel paljud Lääne-Euroopa, USA ja Austraalia koduostjad. Nüüd on home inspection saadaval ka Eestis. Meie ehitusvaldkonnas kogenud kinnisvarainspektorid kontrollivad majade ja korterite tehnilist seisukorda, aitavad analüüsida ehitusjärgus korterite projekte ja teevad uusarendustes ehitusgarantii lõpu eelseid ülevaatusi.…
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madmadaasia · 7 years
Ameerika unistused praetud kana ja Trumpiga /American dreams with fried chicken and Trump
Kui pakutakse võimalust tasuta maailma teise otsa minna ja makstakse veel peale ka, siis kes ütleks ei?! Madli igatahes ei öelnud ja suundus eelmisel suvel unistuste USAsse, mille eesotsas oli siis palavalt armastatud Obama.
Alustuseks väike maratonsööming lennul USAsse (sest well kui USA lennufirmaga lendad siis suu käib nii kaua kuni lennuk õhus püsib ja kui sa kogemata mälumise lõpetad, siis on stujardess uue juustukäntsakaga platsis) ning siis olimegi juba pesuehtsas lõunaosariigis Tennessees. 
When you’re offered a chance to go to the other side of the world for free then who would say no?! Madli didn’t and headed to USA last summer where beloved Obama was still on the lead.
For starters I had a food marathon on the flight to USA (cause if you’re flying with US airlines then you’ll eat as long as the plane is in the air and if you accidentally stop chewing then the air hostess is back with another chunk of cheese).
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Kantriosariik Tennessee y’all. / Country music state Tennessee.
Sihtkohtaks oli “väikelinn” Chattanooga, kust leidis iga nurga pealt praetud kana, kiriku ja mõne ülekaalulise orava. Tennessee on kohalike seas tuntud kui “The buckle on the bible belt”, mis tähendab et tegu on ühe usklikuima osariigiga, st palju vabariiklasi ja Trumpi pooldajaid. Hmm, kõlab usuleigele eestlasele nagu hea väljakutse eks? 
My destination was a “small town” called Chattanooga where you could find some fried chicken, a church and an (overweight) squirrel on every corner. Tennessee is also known as “the buckle on the bible belt” which means it’s one of the most religious states in USA (and alongside with that has lot of Republicans and Trump supporters). Hmm, sounds like an interesting challenge for a non-religious Estonian right?
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Superman Trump tuleb alati appi./ Superman Trump always helps.
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Chattanooga, TN.
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Ja v��ljaspool linna ei lennanudki ringi vaid põhupallid, päris mets oli. / And outside of the city there weren’t just balls of hay rolling around, they had some real forest there!
Tegu polnud aga üldse lõbureisiga, vaid läksin suvel USAsse õppima, sest jälle why not? Toimus sotsiaalse ettevõtluse suveülikool Tennessee ülikoolis Chattanoogas, kus töötasime grupi Euroopa noorteliidritega välja maailmapäästvaid plaane ja aitasime kohalikku kogukonda (värvisime maju, töötasime toidupangas jne).
But it wasn’t just a trip for fun. I actually went to study there, cause why not? I took part of the social entrepreneurship summer program in the Tennessee University at Chattanooga where young leaders from all over Europe designed world saving plans and helped the local community (we helped at the food bank, painted some houses etc.).
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Noored maailmaparandjad Euroopast. / Young world improvers from Europe.
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Seni kuni teised leitsakus maja ülemisi osi värvisid, suutsin mina end tugevale eesti naisele kohaselt sokutada värvimistööd tegema veranda alla, kus ma endale mustmiljon putukasõpra sain... Jee! / At the same time when others were painting the upper part of the house I got a fun job to paint the area under the porch. Needless to say on that day I made friends with millions of bugs:).
Tegelikult oli lõbu ka päris palju, sest kui sul on grupp eurooplasi 16st riigist ja ameeriklasi, siis see igavust küll ei tähenda. Omal nahal sai kogeda tõelist USA ühika- ja tudengielu: SUURED ühikakortereid (kus konditsioneer suutis välja võluda tõelise talveilma), punaste topsidega peod, Starbucks’id iga nurga peal. Ja “kodu/spordi/tuduriided” sobisid igal pool käimiseks, sest tundub, et ameeriklased on “all about comfort”. Koduriietega olid kodus, poes, koolis, peol, kusiganes...
Actually there was also lots of fun. When you’ve a group of Europeans from 16 different countries and a bunch of Americans then you’ll never feel bored for sure. I got to experience the real American dorm and student life. BIG student apartments (where the AC could fill the rooms with winter breezes), famous red cup parties, Starbucks on every corner. And the clothes you wore at home or in the gym suited for every occasion: for shopping, parties, school etc. 
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Starbucks on tudengielu keskpunkt./ Starbucks is the center of student life.
Ja toit, uuh. Tennessee asub otse KFC-osariigi Kentucky all, seega ei tule üllatusena, et ka praetud kana vintsutatakse siin kõige rohkem. Tegelikult ükskõik mida, mis on praetud, frititud või muud moodi õlis leotatud. Aga need portsjoinid ja kogused… Kohalikus söö-palju-jaksad ülikoolisööklas alla 10 erineva toiduleti pole küll vastuvõetav. On salatilett, võileivalett, pizzalett, burksi/nugget’i lett, praelett, pastalett, koogi/magustoidulett, joogilett, supilett, jäätiselett… Võta kõike, mida hing vaid ihaldab! Üllatuslikult polnud praetud kana letti, seega arenguruumi veel on. Tegime omakeskis nalja, et kui ameeriklased Euroopasse tuleksid, siis nad jääksid nälga, sest tavaliselt panevad söögitädid sulle portsjoni taldriku peale valmis, mis USAga võrreldes on täiesti miniatuurne kogus.
Oh and the food. Tennessee is situated just under the KFC-state Kentucky which means fried chicken is widely loved in there too. Actually people love everything that is fried, deep-fried or in any other way soaked in oil. And the portions.. In the local all-you-can-eat university diner you could find so-so many service areas: for salad, for sandwiches, for pizza, for burgers/nuggets, for hot main, for pasta, for cakes/cookies, for drinks, for soups, for ice-cream.. And you could take everything what you wanted! Surprisingly there wasn’t a special place for fried chicken so there’s still some room for progress. We joked that if Americans would come to Europe they would starve because there are mostly plates with standardized meal sizes and compared to USA they’re miniature.
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Üks tavaports. / One regular meal.
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Lemmiksöögitädi./ Favourite diner lady.
4.juulil (iseseisvuspäev) otsustati Euroopa külalised sokutada pesapallimängu VIP-tsooni, kus jällegi, no surprise olid ilmatusuured toidukuhjad ja parim vaade pesapallipoistele. 
On 4th of July (Independence Day) we were invited to watch a baseball match! In the VIP zone! With tons of food again and the best view of the game! 
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Pesapallipoisid. / The baseball boys.
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Legendaarne 4.juuli ilutulestik. / Legendary 4th of July fireworks.
Mängu lõpus kutsuti välismaised staarid (aka meie) keset väljakut superhitte laulma:
In the end of the game the foreign superstars (aka us) were invited to the middle of the field to sing some superhits:
Veel viidi välismaised külalised Coca-Cola pealinna Atlantasse, 
They also took us to Atlanta - the city of Coca-Cola,
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kantripealinna Nashville’i, 
to the country music capital Nashville,
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kosmosekeskuselinna Houston’i 
to the space center in Houston
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ning põhjapool asuvatesse linnadesse nagu, tippülikoole Harvardit ja MIT’d majutav Boston, kus käisime külas JFK-l, 
And to the northern cities like Boston, where we visited JFK,
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ja Paul oli ka seal!
and Paul was there too!
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ning siis Washington D.C.-sse.
and then to Washington D.C.
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Lincoln Memorial.
Kõige suurem üllatus oli raudselt see, et kohati tundus Lõuna-USA-s valitsevat täiesti teine reaalsus kui see ühes eeskujulikus Lääne riigis peaks olema. Pimedas ei tohiks üksinda väljas käia (nt oli ühikate juures iga teatud vahemaa taga üks helkiv “politseipost”, mille nuppu sai hädaohus olles vajutada, et abi kutsuda), tänavatel võitlevad gängid (kes sind õhupüssiga võivad tulistada), siiani on laialt levinud rassism, relvad on kättesaadavamad kui alkohol (relva saab omada al 18a ja alkoholi 21a) ja laiuvad toidukõrbed (ehk vaesematest ühiskonnagruppidest asuvad toidupoed üsna kaugel). Mingis mõttes muutis see, et USA pole musterlaps ja ka nemad võitlevad väga suurte probleemidega selle riigi minu jaoks palju inimlikumaks.
The biggest surprise of all was definitely the feeling that at times the Southern-USA felt like a totally different reality compared to what the perfect Western country should be. You shouldn’t go out in the dark alone (e.g. there are shining “police poles” around and when you’re in danger you can push a button on these poles and it’ll automatically call the police), the are gangs fighting on the streets, racism is still very much alive, guns are very accessible and there are food deserts around the city (which means that the grocery stores are sometimes very far away for some of the poorer segments of the society). In a way the feeling that USA wasn’t flawless and they also struggled with major problems made this country much more humane and relatable for me.
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Samas on halva kõrval on alati ka palju head. Üks omadus, mida kohalike juures tõsiselt imetlen on nende äärmine leidlikkus võluda mittemillestki välja nii palju. Võtame nt Chattanooga - kord üks saastatumaid linnu USAs on nüüd rohelinnade musternäidis. Ameeriklased haaravad härjal sarvist ka siis kui sarved vahepeal puuduvad, aga tulevad ikkagi toime ja saavutavad enamgi veel. Ma arvan, et seda tasub meil eurooplastel küll neilt õppida. Ja nii elabki ameerika unistus edasi.
At the same time everything’s not always bad and there’re also many good things. One aspect that I really admire is the ability of Americans to make something great out of almost nothing. Even when there’s not a lot of chance to succeed. Let’s take Chattanooga for example. Once it was one of the most polluted cities in USA and now it becoming an example of successful green cities. Americans take the pull by the horns even if the bull doesn’t have any horns and they somehow manage the situation and even achieve success. I think that’s something Europeans can definitely learn from them. And that’s how the American dream keeps living on.
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Uute seiklusteni!
Until new adventures!
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luniary · 2 years
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luniary · 3 years
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