#v: broken umbrellas;;
goldenhypen · 1 year
; ⎯ but i still love you .
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synopsis. it’s relieving to know you weren’t the only one not taking the breakup too well.
pairing. sunghoon x fem!reader ⋅ genres. exes to lovers, angst to fluff ⋅ wc. 3.5k ⋅ warnings. hoon is shirtless for some of it sjsjsj
prompts 1. holding their hands when they are shaking ; 20. washing their back/hair in the shower ; 38. letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt ; 49. giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath ; 50. buying them a special treat when you go out shopping ⋅ requested ⋅ dark blood event
song rec. the truth untold — bts
a/n. somehow ended up combining all of the sunghoon prompts into one v long fic sorry not sorry djdnd this one was rlly fun to write since i haven’t gotten to write longer fics in a while,, so i rlly hope you guys enjoy <33
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a strong gust of the chilling misty air shot past and against your body, causing you to shield yourself with the limited protection you currently had on you—in other words, your thin jacket. 
it was pouring hard, and you eventually made cover under the narrow overhang of the convenience store. you shivered.
taking a peak at the darkened night sky above, it didn’t look like the rain was going to pause anytime soon. you sighed, scolding yourself for not bringing any money with you this time. if you did, you could have purchased an umbrella. looks like you were going to be stranded for who even knew how long?
whipping your head to the left at the sudden sound of wet steps splashing against the puddles on the road, it looked like you weren’t the only one in need of temporary shelter. and of course, of all people in the entire neighbourhood, it just had to be your ex, park sunghoon.
you two had broken up about a month ago, though it felt infinitely longer. you two had barely talked throughout all that passed time, and even though you were the one who broke up with him, you couldn’t seem to remove him from the special place you reserved for him in your heart.
finding protection under the skinny roof, he panted, attempting to catch his breath. 
“y/n,” he stood there nearly speechless for a moment, processing the fact that you were standing in front of him for the first time in many long weeks.
suddenly he could hear the thumping of his heart clearly booming against his rib cage. he just hoped it wasn’t loud enough for you to hear—an impossible task considering you were standing about three metres away from each other, the sound of hundreds of water drops hitting the pavement simultaneously every second. he just couldn’t imagine exposing to you the fact that moving on hasn’t been nearly as easy as it should be.
“hey,” you finally spoke up, the softness of your voice causing your words to be barely audible over the loud white noise surrounding you. “did you just come from work?”
“yeah, i was walking home, and then the rain came out of nowhere.”
though you two were just trying to make conversation and avoid any awkwardness to the best of your abilities, and you should be trying to leave anytime now to aid your healing and not press deeper into that wound, both of you seemed to be stuck because sunghoon’s empty hands and drenched body was enough to tell you he wasn’t carrying an umbrella on him either. 
you hummed at his answer to your question, fidgeting with the tips of your fingers to look like you were at least occupied with something—but if you were being honest, it was to avoid his eyes because you knew looking into them wouldn’t do any good for your still-broken heart.
however, you couldn’t help but notice from the corner of your eye that he was moving around unnaturally, trying to do anything to regain some lost body heat. you turned to face and look at him to find that he was shivering. if only he was more responsible and reliable to at least look after himself and bring a jacket. 
you shook your head. this won’t do.
“come here,” you told him as you walked over and quickly grabbed his shaking hands and shoved them into the jacket you were wearing—again, it was thin, but something was better than nothing.
catching him off guard, he tensed as his eyes widened, unsure if he should pull his hands out from your grasp or if he should let you do your thing. after all, you always had a knack for looking after him when he couldn’t do it himself.
“you’re freezing, hoon,” you scolded, but from the worry in your voice, he could sense it came from a place of love. a love that remained in a place where it should no longer be welcomed. but moving on was much easier said than done, especially when it came to someone as special to you as sunghoon. “why didn’t you bring a jacket?”
“the weather was supposed to be clear and sunny today,” he answered.
“you’re kidding, right?” you said in disbelief. “did you even check the weather app today?! hoon, everyone in this entire city knows how much it’s supposed to rain this week! what’s your real reason?”
“i forgot it at home—”
“and here you are nagging me like you always do, even when we’re not together anymore. i thought it’s called a ‘breakup’ for a reason!”
at his piercing words, you furrowed your brows angrily, throwing his hands back aggressively.
but deep inside, he could see through you and all your emotions. he knew you so well that the faintest glint in your eyes was enough to tell him how much his careless words hurt you.
if he could take back what he had said, he would. but what’s said is done, and it was something he’d leave regretting for a very long time.
he didn’t even know how he let those insensitive words slip out. he was just so hurt by the breakup that he began to explode from the inside out.
but after realizing what he had said, he knew taking it out on you would help nothing and only be destructive, if anything.
“sorry, i shouldn’t have said any of that,” he started. “i didn’t mean it.”
“really, hoon?” you asked with a roll of your eyes as you shook your head.
he opened his mouth to speak, but gave up, knowing there was a high chance he’d just make things worse by talking. so instead, with a sigh, he walked towards you, and passed you, into the convenience store.
you scoffed and finally teared your eyes away in shock and frustration at the sheer amount of disrespect this man had. you couldn’t even believe you ever dated him!
after this, you told yourself for the 86th time that you were officially over park sunghoon.
you looked back up into the endless sky and hopeless weather, frowning.
what on earth were you going to do?!
not even a minute later, you heard the door to the store open, and you turned around to meet the source, and there stood sunghoon with one umbrella in hand, as well as your favourite convenience store snack when you two were dating, pepero. 
he remembered.
you shook your deceiving thoughts out of your head; being the forgetful man he is, he probably didn’t remember, and instead just got something for himself for the walk back home. he finally had his umbrella after all.
“here,” he spoke up, holding out the unused umbrella to you.
“what are you doing? why are you giving this to me?”
“just take it,” he urged. and just as he could see right through you, you could sense the care in his actions and even through merely the tone of his voice, as much as he tried to disguise it. “i bought it for you.”
“what about you?”
“just take it.”
“why didn’t you buy one for yourself?”
“this was the only one left—now will you just take it already?”
“how are you going to get back home, hoon? you can’t go through all this without getting even more drenched than you are already. you’ll get sick,” you explained before an idea suddenly popped into your head, knowing you both were aware your house was just a few minutes walk away. “let’s go to my place. we can get you warmed up and then i can send you home with the umbrella after. that way we can both get home safely.”
he thought about it for a moment and wanted to decline, but he couldn’t help but give in, letting you know he agreed with a nod.
you gave him a slight smile before he opened the umbrella and held it over the two of you.
little did either of you know until he did, how small the item above you was. in order for you both to be covered, you had to practically huddle in each other’s arms; the last umbrella in the convenience store was a single-person one.
so you two continued on the path to your house with your bodies pressed against one another and a very awkward and uncomfortable tension filling the surrounding air.
to make the trip easier on you though, without your knowledge, sunghoon, making sure to keep the umbrella 100% over you, did separate from your body just a little bit.
sure he had his slip-ups here and there, but he still cared for you and did his best to make sure you were comfortable the best he could.
the only thing was, that you weren’t his anymore and he shouldn’t be thinking about these things in the first place.
with a sigh, he continued to push forward in your journey to your home.
finally, you arrived to the warmth of your living space, a shiver rushing down your spine at the satisfactory change in temperature.
you looked at sunghoon who was in the doorway, somehow more sopping wet than he was when he first met you at the convenience store earlier that night. but you didn’t think much of it and shrugged it off.
“i’ll get you a change of clothes,” you told him. “in the meantime, go wash up.”
“a change of clothes?” he asked, confused. “where? how—?”
“i—” you paused, not knowing how to explain to him how you missed him and missed the way he would lend you his clothes to wear whenever you’d want, and how buying men’s size clothes was a way to help you (not so healthily) cope with the breakup. “they're a relative’s.”
“ah,” he let out in realization, not thinking much about the fact that you don’t really have male relatives you’re close enough to let stay over at your place or lend you any clothes. he was a forgetful one after all.
with a moment of awkward silence, you quickly rushed away to get the clothes in your room, leaving him to go to the bathroom himself—not that it was a difficult task to begin with. he had been to your place countless times during the time you dated anyways.
on his way, he took a brief look around, trying his best to not be too nosy, and he realized not much had changed since the last time he was over.
“here’s some clothes and towels,” you lended from behind him, causing him to turn around. “you can dry yourself off for now, and i can help you wash your hair.”
“you actually want to help me wash my hair?” he asked, stunned.
“oh—i mean, no,” you chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your head. “sorry, i guess it’s just a habit.”
while you and sunghoon were dating before, something you would do for him whenever he was stressed or needed to relax was help him wash and dry his hair. and for some reason—maybe it was your tired brain after a long day—the words somehow slipped. who was the forgetful one now?
“i mean—if you want to, you can,” he expressed.
“do you want it?” you asked, hesitant.
no one knows what strange magic was in the air, but somehow you two were willing to take risks you both knew you shouldn’t considering the relationship you were no longer in. but he answered the way he did anyway.
“sure, that would be nice.”
nervously, you nodded. it seemed like he wanted it just as much as you.
“change out of your wet clothes first. i’ll get the water running,” you instructed, and he replied with a hum, taking the items out of your arms and walking to a different bathroom to change.
with a heavy inhale and exhale, you carried on your said duty.
after a couple minutes, sunghoon showed up behind you who was at the tub making sure the water was warm enough. he cleared his throat to make you aware of his presence, causing you to whip your head around. however, once you caught an eyeful of him, your head shot right back around, body tensed and unsure what to do.
“what?” he questioned with a chuckle. “it’s not like you’ve never seen me shirtless before.”
“why don’t you have a shirt on, hoon?!” you asked in a panic as you covered your eyes.
“stop overreacting,” he laughed. “we’re washing my hair, it’s easier this way.”
composing yourself with a deep breath, you nodded and faced him with more confidence this time. you waved him to come closer and kneel in front of the tub so you could get this over with, taking a great deal to not look at his toned chest and abdomen displayed directly in front of your eyes.
and you began, starting with wetting his hair, followed by the usual shampoo and conditioner. you massaged the products in before quickly rubbing and washing them away, and sunghoon then realized how much he missed this. these actions were enough to remove all of this week’s past stresses, one being still coping with the loss of you. and this intimate moment was enough to make him feel like you were together all over again—
from where sunghoon was leaning over the bath, he suddenly shot up, scaring you so much that you practically jumped from where you sat.
“what are you doing?!” you freaked out, caught off guard.
he stared at you, chest rising and falling violently with every breath. again, you did your best to keep your eyes matched with his and to not look any lower than that.
“this is wrong,” he explained. “i don’t think we should be doing this.”
you backed off a bit before apologizing, “yeah, you’re right. sorry if i made you uncomfortable.”
“it’s fine,” he said. “you’re not the only one at fault. i’m sorry too.”
and through his words, you could understand how that deep down, he wasn’t just talking about right now, but he was expressing his regret for everything he did before that led you two to where you were now. he felt that if it wasn’t for him and his past behaviour, maybe you would still be together in a happy and healthy relationship.
you closed your eyes as a deep frown started to form uncontrollably, and you turned away once a tear escaped and rolled down your cheek.
“y/n,” sunghoon said softly and sadly. it broke his heart just as much as yours to see you like this.
it was then that he realized he wasn’t the only one who was having a hard time moving on.
his hand moved to your arm cautiously, and after testing it was okay with you after you didn’t bother shaking him off, he rubbed your skin gently, up and down in a soothing manner and comforting attempt.
but his actions only caused your thoughts to travel deeper and rubbed in the fact that you weren’t together anymore. it only made you weep harder.
at the heart wrenching sounds of your cries, he immediately pulled you into his chest, and you were met with his bare skin and not so soft body, instead a little bit more muscular than what you remembered and were used to. but you didn’t mind.
your sobs quickly slowed, and eventually you were okay enough to finally pull back, and you laughed slightly, noticing how your tears painted his body and blended in with the water droplets that fell from his hair.
“ew, sorry,” you said as you wiped the wetness away with your hands until you realized what you were doing.
you were there sitting in his lap, his arms wrapped around you as your hands roamed his bare chest. not a common sight to see between ex lovers.
you stopped in your tracks and looked into his eyes that already stared back at you, and you quickly admired how breathtaking he was with his wet locks that framed his features perfectly. but his next words escaped his lips, calling you back to some form of reality, and leaving you in shock.
“i still love you, y/n.”
your heart immediately dropped like a heavy weight to the pit of your stomach—but somehow, not in a negative type of way.
you sniffled before following in a slight hush, “i still love you too.”
a wave of relief washed over sunghoon at the sound of that, and a smile rose to his lips, painting a lovely picture over his features that had your heart doing flips in your chest, until his face dropped. 
“i’m sorry for everything i’ve ever done to hurt you,” he began. “i understand the reason behind the breakup, and i’ve had a lot of time to process and reflect on it. i also tried so hard to move on, but for some reason, i still think about you every day, and you’re always occupying my mind and every thought.”
you stared at him intently as he continued.
“i understand why you broke up with me, but if you give me another chance, y/n, i promise i will try my best this time to do better—and be a better man for you—and look after you because you’re the only person in my life that i care for this much. and i realized that being careless enough to lose you was the worst decision i’ve ever made. if you’ll just give me one more chance, i won’t waste it this time. i was a fool to ever think losing you would be okay because ever since i did, i’ve been nothing close to fine without you.”
you let out a soft sigh, bringing your hands to his wet strands and brushing through the locks before circling them to cup the sides of his face and brush your thumbs over his cheekbones.
“and this is the reason i should have never let you go,” you stated softly. “i know you’re willing to improve, and i also know how much of a mess we’ve been without each other. it feels like the world is pushing us back together, and if i’m being honest, i don’t think i have a reason not to listen.”
“so does that mean—?”
“let’s get back together, hoon.”
“yeah?” he said with a growing smile.
you nodded as your expression began to mirror his.
“i missed you,” he let out as he pulled you into a hug.
you closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his waist and nuzzling your nose into the warmth of his neck as you savoured the moment.
“i really missed you, hoon.”
but before this could last long, suddenly a gasp left sunghoon and he pulled away, “wait! i almost forgot!”
oh, how very on brand of you, you thought to yourself with a chuckle.
he separated from you as he stood up and quickly rushed out of the bathroom, coming back moments later with something in his hands.
it was the pepero he picked up from the convenience store.
you smiled.
he opened the pack and quickly pulled one out before handing it to you. you accepted it and brought it to your mouth, savouring the flavour that you didn’t realize you missed so much.
you hadn’t had one since the breakup in fear that it would only bring back memories that would hurt you more.
but now, it felt nostalgic and comforting.
when you finished the piece, he pulled another one out and propped it between his teeth before letting go of the other end and smirking at you.
you scoffed playfully, “seriously?”
“what?” he asked you innocently with the pepero between his teeth and a shrug.
you giggled before finding the other end with your own mouth and quickly chomping away—him doing the same—before you both met in the middle, smiling into a kiss you each didn’t know you desperately longed for.
and he couldn’t stop kissing you.
but oh, how you missed his lips on yours.
with your arms moving to wrap around his neck, you pulled him closer by the back of his head, cherishing this special, intimate moment.
eventually, you both separated, breathing heavily to catch your breath.
and so sunghoon, still craving that sense of connection, resorted to pulling you back into his chest in a tight embrace that almost stole your hard earned breath away.
you learned sunghoon was an essential to your well being, and you knew your heart couldn’t carry on without him. you longed for each other like soulmates destined to be by the universe.
you breathed in his comforting scent, arms wrapped tightly around his body as you reminded yourself to never ever let him go again.
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a/n. the pepero scene at the end was unnecessary but v necessary at the same time djdjdjd also didn’t know how to end this one but oop anyway i hope y’all enjoyed <3 it always means a lot if you let me know you did with some kind words, even if you show up on anon to do so, those mean the world <3 thanks for reading everyone <33
event masterlist.
taglist 1 (taglist 2 open). @raimbows4u @beibybtch @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @beans-and-jeanes @wccycc @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @liikno @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @rapmonie2047 @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @exohclipse @yeosayang @4ri-ki @jaeyunjakesim @tnyhees @enaus @hoes4hoseok @palajae @clarakyunisageek @annoyingbitch83 @mirula @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @enhasengene @ktttwwn @pistachiophobia @svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @mnsnts @chacottone @yeseoist @azurez @milisabunny @wonniestars @rikislady
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mojogojocasahouse · 1 year
Home With You
Satoru Gojo x f!reader
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Summary: After a long mission away, Satoru returns home forgetting he doesn’t have to face the darkness alone.
Word Count: 4.8k
Rating: E
Content: hurt comfort, Gojo has a headache and his past trauma is rearing its head, established relationship, smut (p-in-v sex, Gojo’s filthy mouth, multiple orgasms for both parties, it’s so desperate, I don’t know it’s Gojo, man has nasty sex. Enjoy)
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It’s not dark enough tonight. He could still see too far in front of him, even through the curtain of rain pouring down from the skies. But that was the thing. He could see everything, all the fucking time.
He’d taken the long way home from Jujutsu High where he’d spent the night arguing with the higher-ups once again, rage and murderous intent boiling beneath his skin. They were going to tear down the Jujutsu world, there was no debating it, and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it either. Besides killing them all, a task he was more than capable of.
The radio is humming in the background but he isn’t listening, not to that. He’s too busy focusing on the steady pattering of the downpour on the roof of the car, cursing the street lamp to the right as it blinds him even through the black fabric he’s wearing over his eyes. His head is throbbing, his nails digging into the flesh of his palm, jaw tense—he could do it so quickly they wouldn’t feel a thing. It was almost a mercy. Curses would tear them apart, as would any of the enemies that seemed to be racking up faster than he could keep count, but Satoru Gojo could end them painlessly…
Knock knock knock
The tapping is gentle, his head lolling to find a sight he was both craving and avoiding distorted by the droplets rolling down the glass.
“Baby?” Your voice was so sweet even muffled through the window and the rain. “What are you doing? You’ve been out here for twenty minutes.”
Had it been that long? News to him. Actually, it felt like an eternity now that he thought about it. It had been three weeks since he’d been home, the one mission that was supposed to be three days turned into four that had kept him away from home far longer than he’d been intending to. He’d finally put his foot down just this morning—hence the verbal lashing he’d taken for “abandoning his duties when they needed him most”—telling those good-for-nothing pieces of shit that he was going the fuck home whether they liked it or not.
But now that he was home, he was hiding.
“Come inside,” you urge again, and my God he wants nothing more than to just collapse into your arms, “Dinner is almost done.”
He’s not fucking hungry. Not for food, anyway.
“I got your kikufuku,” you tack on, and it should make him happy. But it doesn’t.
It makes him fucking hate himself.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, and he can hear the tremor in your voice, or maybe you’re shivering. His selfish, self-loathing ass is making you stand in the pouring rain while you try and coax him out of his car.
Emotion is still foreign to him. Well, not entirely, but you'd come at a time he'd sworn attachment off, he'd meander the world surrounded by people but always alone. It was easier that way, he'd thought. He hadn’t wanted to allow this, but he’d never stood a chance. Not after you kissed him for the first time outside the ice cream place, or when you listened to him tell a story about curses and infinity that would have sent anyone with sense running for the hills and never looking back. And you’d shrugged. Shrugged.
“You’re still just Toru to me,” you’d said, and at that moment everything and nothing at all made sense.
And still to this day years later, as he steps out of the car and threads his fingers with yours, hunching down to squeeze beneath your clear umbrella, everything and nothing at all makes sense.
The house smells like curry, your music still playing in the kitchen, and the bag of the sweet treats you’d traveled to get just for him sat on the dining table with a new set of sunglasses. He’d broken his favorite ones before the trip, and as he stares at the oblong lenses and golden frames he realizes he'd never told you he’d sat on them, snapping them right in two. You must have just known when he’d opted to wear his older circular ones. Or maybe you found the broken pair in the pocket of his pants when you did the wash. Either way, the gesture makes him squeeze your hand a little tighter as his teeth gnash together. He doesn’t deserve you.
“Oh,” he finally grunts, pulling a small box from the top of his travel bag, “This is for you.”
He’d found it in one of the towns he’d been cursed to investigate, the tiny pendant you were admiring with wide eyes and parted lips.
“Do you like it?” He can see the answer plain as day on your face, but he still feels the need to ask. He needs the god damn reassurance, the ego stroke. He needs to know that he matters for more than the curses bestowed on him at birth.
“Can you put it on me?” you ask with a grin, turning after setting the box in his palm.
The clasp is too small for his fingers to work properly, but he gets it done, laying the pink-jeweled charm against your throat and securing it before watching the way it settles onto your chest from above. Your fingers toy with the gold, so dainty and gentle, you treat everything as if it were the most precious, fragile thing. Even him. His arms practically ache to wrap around your middle, his body freezing despite the comfortable temperature in the house because the only thing that could keep him warm enough was your body pressed against his, every conceivable inch of it.
But he needs a shower. And if he starts now he won’t stop. He intends to stay glued to you, serpentining around your limbs and torso like a parasitic vine, pulling the very will to live from the heat of your skin and the steady beat of your heart. He wonders if you know how much he depends on you.
The strongest in the world. Until he isn’t. Right now he feels like a chump.
It’s not because he lost, because he sure as hell didn’t. He made quick work of each and every foe, it was almost boring. He’d pay someone at this point if they sent something his way that made him break a sweat. No. It’s because he’s tired. He’s tired of being the strongest. He’s tired of trying to change things, to save people he’s still not sure he gives a shit about, and he’s buckling beneath the weight of a name and abilities he never asked for.
There’s no denying it’s fun to be the best. He gets away with more than he should, he toys with people’s minds and worth, destruction sits at his fingertips. But it’s lonely. It’s vapid. And being Satoru Gojo leaves him at the mercy of people he shouldn’t be forced to obey.
He’s never lived.
All he’s done is train, fight, bargain, argue, defend, lose everyone he’s ever allowed himself to care about. And that fear sits heavy in his gut as he watches you skitter off to the kitchen when a timer blares shrill in the air. He has to escape now because if he sees that silly smile that settles on your face when you look at him he’ll fall to his knees.
In the time he takes to debate if he can pull the roots that had grown from his feet up from the floor, you were back, and now the predator was turned prey.
“What’s wrong?” you ask again, reading everything from the shape of his mouth to the slump of his shoulders like a book you’d memorized. Answering is far down his list of desires.
“Nothing,” he lies, plastering a smile on his face, the mask he wore so well snapping back into place, “Hungry.” Another lie. “Tired.” That one was true.
“It’s funny that you think you can lie to me.”
It wasn’t venomous, your tone playful as you ascend onto the tips of your toes and reach behind his head, the cloth masking half of his face falling away. Through all the wondrous things his eyes have seen, you are his favorite thing to gaze upon. Despite your lack of cursed energy, there’s still an enchanting hue to you, he could pick it out of a crowd of thousands in an instant, but when the blindfold is pulled away and the sights of the world come crashing in from every angle, your face is like an oasis. Always so sweet, always so happy, so fucking pure his hands that have killed and killed and killed shouldn’t be allowed to fucking touch you.
“There he is,” you coo, your fingers brushing the hair falling into his eyes that see too much, “I just wanted to see you.”
You feel bad. You feel bad for wanting to see his face. What is he doing here? What is he doing to you?
“Glasses now, yeah?” A request he couldn’t deny if he wanted to.
“Shower,” he replies, finally undoing the buttons of the high collar that suddenly feels suffocating, ripping open the top few buttons of the white shirt he wore beneath it, “Then whatever you want.”
A content little hum agrees to his offer, “Dinner is done in ten.”
“Then I’ll be done in five.”
Yet fifteen minutes later he’s still crouching beneath the steady stream of now-tepid water, the veins in his temples pulsing, pain shooting from behind his eyes to the tips of his fingers and toes. He doesn’t want to move, think, nothing, he just wants to curl up in a ball and sleep.
Before you, had anyone even attempted to call him by that wretched nickname they’d have found themselves beneath the sole of his boot. And they had tried. Shoko and Mei Mei had both tested the waters, Suguru had been smart enough to read Satoru’s reaction to the first two. At first, he thought he'd allowed it because it started as a choked whine, his cock buried in you to the hilt when you sputtered it from swollen lips, in that moment he didn’t care what you called him, nor had he any other time after that. Then it just stuck.
Or maybe it was because he’d never been the Satoru Gojo with you. He had always been something else. Someone else. You didn’t care how many curses he could exorcise, to you he was the guy who delivered extra sweet boba tea and preferred sodas to sake. While others expected him to risk his life while they sat comfortable behind screens demanding too much from people who were running out of things to give, you just wanted flowers and nights in on the couch where he’d carry you to bed after you fell asleep watching a movie. He wasn’t Satoru Gojo, the prodigy. He was…Toru.
When the door creaks open as a result of his silence, he wonders how much you know, what you assume. There’s no point in trying to maintain the ruse that he’s fine, the opportunity for that had passed before he’d even stepped foot in the house.
“Stop avoiding me.” Well, that answers that. You were exceptionally well aware. “Your trip was shit. I got it. But you’ll be on another one in two days and I’ll—“
You know you’re guilting him, and you stop. It doesn’t matter, it already worked. You’d be alone again. And he was wasting this time moping over things he couldn’t change. Not yet. Not quickly enough.
With a towel in your lap you’re perched up on the bathroom counter, a scowl he could easily wipe away with a kiss set on your face. The residual steam floats around you in thick clouds, you’re ethereal, practically glowing, and long strides close the distance before he’s cupping your jaw with palms that swallow you whole and kissing you harder than he intended to.
It’s like the first breath of air after being trapped underwater. The sun of a warm spring day after a cold winter. The first scent of cherry blossoms and the briny breeze of the ocean. You breathe new life into him so effortlessly. He’d considered the day when you’d wisen up and kick him to the curb, taking solace in the fact that as long as he knew you were still alive, it would be enough. His sanity hinges on your existence and nothing else, because once you were gone there would be nothing left keeping him from losing his mind. He wouldn’t need it anymore.
Uncaring of your long sleeves and his soaked body, you press in closer, tangling fingers into his sopping hair as his tongue swipes along the seam of your lips. It’s been weeks. Painful, lonely, tiresome weeks since he’s felt you, tasted you, smelled you. He’d suppressed his longing, but it’s pouring out now like a river battering through a dam, there was no stopping it until the pressure is released. Lifting you requires little to no strength, and if he’s going to have you, it’s going to be in bed where we can do it properly in the way you deserve. He can have control over this, excel even, if he wasn’t getting back into the shower before the clock struck midnight he would consider it a failure. A man needs goals.
Silver lace was covering your curves beneath your sweater and pants, a sly smirk on your face as you watch his reaction to the real reason you’d gone to Sendai. It’s sheer, his mouth watering at the way your nipples pebble beneath the fabric, the battle between whether to marvel at the sight before him or begin his evening’s activities waging while your nails rake over his forearms extending on either side of you. He’s nestled between your thighs, the damp spot that’s already soaked through your panties pressing against his inner thigh, and all he can think about is fucking you into the mattress until you can’t form a coherent thought. He's forgotten about his headache when he pulls your bra down to bunch beneath your breasts, greedily pulling one of your hardened buds between his lips and whimpering at the taste of your skin on his tongue. You’re scratching his scalp soothingly to disguise the way you’re holding him on your tit, your thighs squeezing around him as he rolled and lapped at your sensitive peak all the evidence he needed to justify the fact he didn’t want to stop; you didn't want him to either. With some resistance, you allow him to switch sides, giving him the chance to lavish the other with as much attention, your back arching into him in relief when he latched.
For a man who walks amongst the clouds, he is still well aware this was as close to heaven that he’ll ever get. This was perhaps the only one that existed. It was definitely the only one he wants to ever see. The smell of your perfume still faintly clings to your skin and he chuckles remembering all the times he’d spritzed it on the bottom of his blindfold, your scent wafting through his nose all day as he’d tried to focus on teaching the students. And with that reminder he craves your lips again, meeting you in a kiss you take a moment to reciprocate, shaking off the haze he’d already put you in.
While your reflexes are still slow to keep up, he slips down the mattress and nestles between your thighs, throwing them over his shoulders as he presses his nose to your core and inhales. It’s lewd and had you been anyone else he’d have refrained, but you push down onto his face, and he can taste the tease of what’s to come on the lace. He debates tearing them straight in half—he’ll replace them—but opts to slowly drag them up your legs, kissing along your inner thigh, knee, calf, and ankle on his way up, flicking the thin garment onto the floor behind him before reversing his path on your opposite leg and finding himself face to face with what he craved above all else.
Your slit is glistening, arousal dripping onto the satin sheets as you mewl in anticipation, your teeth sinking into the flesh of your palm as you try to hold back your eagerness for the first swipe of his tongue. He sears it into his memory, this scene of being so shamelessly desired for nothing more than how good he can make you feel. He’s a greedy man, and you’re a giving woman, nothing demonstrates that more than the way you’re willingly splayed for him to have his way with. He never leaves you dissatisfied, he’s too proud for that, but he takes what he wants.
“I’ve had to only dream about this,” his voice is low and menacing, “for too long.”
“You’re being awfully slow to enjoy it then.”
The taunt strikes a chord.
“Did you think about me while I was away?” He can tease, too. “Fingering this tight little cunt wishing it was me instead?”
“Hmm. And no videos. That’s awfully selfish of you.”
His thumbs graze over your skin in every place except where he knows you want him. He wants you writhing, so desperate for his touch you’ll unconsciously seek it out all for him to deny you until you’re ready to snap.
“My fist gets the job done,” he continues, grazing his teeth over the curve of your ass, “If I imagine you on your knees in front of me.” He kisses your mound, hooking his tongue into the top of your slit and flicking. “Mouth open. Tongue out.” He gets closer to where you need him this time, but still leaves you waiting and wanting. “What do you want? Tell me.”
“Anything.” You’re fucking wrecked and he’s barely done a thing.
“Anything? Anything? You should know by now that’s a dangerous word.”
Clearly, it’s a risk you’re willing to take because you don’t have a rebuttal. So the choice is up to him. He’s so pent up he considers if he commits to opting for dessert before dinner, the main course might be ruined. But that wasn’t always a bad thing. It was however not ideal if it ruins his appetite entirely, and he had no intention of cutting this evening short.
“I need to fuck you,” he decides, “Damnit.”
He doesn’t love the decision, but he hates the thought of coming on the sheet while he takes his fill of the feast between your legs. That would impact his focus, and little else deserved his undivided attention. You’re unbothered by his choice entirely, in fact you’re eager, your fists tangled in his hair as you pull him back to your mouth and grab his throbbing cock from where it sits heavy on your stomach.
“I want videos too, you know,” you sigh, nipping at his bottom lip and dragging it between your teeth, “You look so pretty when you come.”
“Oh yeah?” You’re so wet he finds no resistance when he fills you in one hard thrust, the air being pushed from your lungs hot on his throat, "Careful what you wish for."
Memory never did the way your velvet walls swaddle him any justice. Every roll of his hips has you clenching around him, your nails piercing half-moons into his porcelain skin while he made no attempt at rhythm or tact. He needs to be buried in you—the only refuge he’s ever found—but he needs the friction, the result making his movements frantic and desperate. It’s too hard, too fast, your whines choked by the punctuated slamming of his hips into yours, all you can do is hold on and enjoy the ride.
You let him fuck you like this because you know he needs it. There’s a piece of himself he leaves with you for safekeeping every time he walks out the door that he reclaims here in the symphony of your breathy moans between sweat-soaked sheets. He tries to kiss you, but you’re both too overcome to focus, lips just grazing and dragging with each jolt of your body upward. His eyes are wide when he clamps a hand down over your throat, the lack of oxygen sending a rush to your core as he squeezes just enough to make breathing hard. You don’t need oxygen right now, all you require is him.
“You’re a mess,” he compliments into your agape mouth, swallowing down your little sounds as he batters into you harder still, “I’m gonna slip right out.”
“N-no,” you protest, your thighs squeezing around him tighter.
It makes him laugh. “Always so needy,” he touts, pulling all the way out and staring at your gaping hole until your hand grips his length soaked in your juices once again in an attempt to guide him back. “Tsk tsk, behave yourself. Have some control.”
The frustrated groan that rips from your chest sends a shockwave coursing through him. Your eyes are pinched shut so tightly your brow is creasing in the center, your wrist so dainty in his massive grip. He pulls your fingers to his mouth, licking the taste of you clean before placing your spit-soaked fingers over your clit and sitting upright. Without him needing to voice his desire, you begin circling your swollen bundle of nerves, your aggravated tension melting away at your own blissful touch, and when you’ve finally forgotten your annoyance at him, he claims you once again.
Sinking his teeth into the flesh of your calf, he ruts into you ruthlessly with his newly established leverage, his eyes locked on the way you drift your touch down every so often to feel where your bodies meet.
“I missed you,” he whines against your ankle, pressing his lips to the bone as he throws it over his shoulder, looping his arms around your thighs and picking up his pace, “Missed your fucking pussy.”
He’s well aware you’re past the point of coherent responses, but he likes the pathetic way you try to form a sentence. It’s all gibberish, even if you could think straight the force he’s thrusting his cock into the deepest parts of you cuts you off, your entire body shuddering, and he can’t help but marvel at the way your breasts shake or how your free hand seeks him out for something to grip on to.
“You need to come,” he commands, feeling the coil in his stomach ready to snap, “Lemme feel you, baby.”
It’s immediate. Your orgasm wracks over your body, every muscle going rigid and then shattering like glass, leaving you boneless and spent beneath him. His crescendo begins as yours subsides, but he feels no relief as he spurts hot and thick into your fluttering channel. He still aches, his cock is still rock hard, so he continues as if he’d never stopped. Your cunt squelches loudly as he fucks through your combined releases, and it feels so fucking good he knows he won’t last much longer in this unexpected second wind.
“Can you take it?” he asks, and it’s not so much his filthy mouth as it is a check in, you’re still silent as he seeks relief once again.
“Y-yes,” you sputter, and deep down he knows you’re too sensitive, too swollen.
“Good girl. Move your hand.”
With caution he presses his thumb to your undoubtedly overstimulated bud, your body jumping at the contact but immediately relaxing as he rubs slow circles. Your cunt is sopping wet, your thighs and his soaked with fluids, and the stench of sex is so heavy in the room he swears it’ll linger for days. Your body is glowing in the moonlight trickling in, a thin shin of sweat making you almost iridescent, and he can’t believe you’re his. He’ll get to sleep in this bed with you tonight, a privilege only awarded to him.
“Toru, please!” you beg, and he realizes he’s so caught up comparing you to the memory he has stored away that you’re painfully close to release once again.
“Gonna come again for me?” he purrs, and when your hole constricts he collapses down, shoving his tongue in your mouth as he joins you in the steep ascent to bliss. He moans into your open mouth as fire blazes in his belly, your chin and jaw firmly in his grip as he stares into the eyes he dreams up before he falls asleep every night before collapsing onto your damp chest.
What he thinks is the calm after the storm turns out to only be its eye, the latter half much less enjoyable than the first. Pain sears across his head, the throbbing behind his eyes pulsing with a newfound rage, and he whimpers in agony. He’s found some sort of safe haven in the curve of your neck, and that will have to do.
Even though he protests with all the energy he has left, you flip him onto his back, the loss of your arms a heavy burden as you leave him on the bed alone. He wants to scream your name, he wants to yell, to be angry at you for abandoning him in this state, but he doesn’t have it in him. He hears a closet door, the faucet, clinking of glass, the scratching of fabric, but he doesn’t dare open his eyes. Not right now.
The dip of the mattress signifies your return after what felt like an eternity, a hot towel wiping from his thighs to his stomach, the familiar scent of the laundry soap hitting his nose. You’d gotten dressed into something, and he reaches up to where you’re perched in the spot his pillow usually sits and recognizes the fabric of one of his t-shirts; if you have to wear clothes at least they’re his.
Gently, you lift the dead weight of his head and place it in your lap, the soft heat of your bare thighs easing the tightness in his neck as a cool cloth is pressed to his aching eyes.
The air is kissed with the smell of orange blossoms, and he sighs in relief when you begin to massage his temples, the oil on your fingers helping them glide across his skin. You work beneath the cold fabric shrouding him from the overwhelming world, running along his brow and cheeks, stopping to release the tension in his jaw he doesn’t realize he’s holding. Traveling over his ears you move to his neck, kneading at the base of his skull where the muscles are so tight they’re hard as stone, your movements so methodical from years of practice.
“You need to sleep,” you demand in a soft, hushed tone, “you’re too tired.”
Well, he hasn’t slept in days. He’d been too busy, it had been too risky, and an empty bed wasn’t conducive to pleasant dreams. There had been enough nightmares watching you be devoured by curses as he stood idly by unable to help, he likes to avoid them by any means necessary now. So, he nods. Sleep does sound nice.
“I’m staying home tomorrow,” he decides, “Turn my phone off.”
Your hum in response has the hint of a giggle, your nails now scratching against his scalp and through his snowy strands. The deafening roar of pain has subsided to an annoying buzz, and the more you work your hands over his head the quieter it becomes. You’re waiting for him to tell you he’s comfortable enough to fall asleep, and although he is, he’s enjoying this too much. A tender touch feels so good after weeks of combat and surging adrenaline, he can’t be blamed for wanting to bask in it for a few moments longer than needed.
“I’m gonna owe you for this, aren’t I?” he finally jokes, threading his fingers with yours and bringing them to his lips where he pecks across your knuckles.
“Oh yeah,” you confirm, tipping his chin up to press a chaste kiss to his pouty lips, “Big time.”
After a quick sweep of the house, including both turning off his phone and hiding it in a kitchen drawer, and a change of the sheets much to Satoru’s dismay over having to move, you slip back into bed. Immediately, his arms circle you, and although you're facing away from him comfortably nestled on your side, he buries his face into your spine, falling asleep almost immediately as your heat washes over him like a security blanket.
He dreams of home. Of you. A flower behind your ear and a smile lighting up your face. He has the courage to say he loves you here, something he has yet to utter in waking hours. It’s been too long to matter now, you read it in his actions and his intent, but one day he hopes to not fear the consequences of saying the words aloud. Because he does love you, more than anyone, anything. More than himself. And one day he’ll admit it.
One day.
***Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated***
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countlessimagines · 1 month
The Easy Love ( Luther Hargreeves x Reader )
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Summary: Luther never thought he’d move on from Sloane, but then you begin to work with him
A/N: I’ve held a special place for Luther in my heart and I’m happy to see people love him this season!
Warnings: working at a club, I guess? Lol, general drinking and Luther being a “professional dancer”, injuries
Luther was grateful he didn’t have to be confined to his ape body anymore, but it also meant he didn’t have Sloane at his side. He tried to find her for a couple of years, searching through every record in libraries, police reports, newspapers, but there was never any trace or record of her.
He knew he had to move on, because if he didn’t, he would be stuck in an endless loop of despair.
He couldn’t really find work suited for him since he had been either fighting for the Umbrella Academy or when he was stuck in the 60’s - also fighting. One thing led to another, and he was now wearing cheap costumes and showing off his body for a lack luster crowd.
He tried his best to stay positive, especially for his family who slowly broke apart more and more as the years went on. While he had hope that everyone would come together, especially for their niece Grace, it never seemed to work out.
It also did not help with the fact that he had no where to stay, so he resided in the broken down Hargreeves’ house. It wasn’t ideal but he made the best of it with decorating and finding specific curtains that reminded him of their childhood.
On the outside, Luther’s life looked like a horrid mess. But, he still kept his smile and his love for his siblings.
The bar he worked at didn’t exactly bring in a ton of crowds, and waiters and bar tenders began to drop like flies. It was inevitable that a “Now Hiring” sign was posted on the side of the building.
Luther was in the middle of doing his iconic Space man routine to a crowd of one when the door opened and light flooded into the large room.
He hesitated in ripping off his pants when his eyes landed on you. His boss cleared his throat on the side of the stage, loud enough to snap Luther out of his train of thoughts that only consisted of I need to talk to her immediately.
Your eyes caught his own as he had to continue his routine, and next thing you knew - you were staring at his silver speedo. Luther prided himself in his work, he really did - but he had never felt more embarrassed than he did in that moment.
You gave him a smile and approached his boss, handing over a resume.
Luther begrudgingly finished his set and collected his clothes before running back stage.
Your eyes lingered after him, wondering why a good looking man like him was stuck in a dump like this?
But Luther was thinking nearly the same thing. Why was a beautiful woman like you trying to work in a place like this?
Luther changed back into his normal clothes just as you were being brought back stage to get a uniform and apron. He smiled at you sheepishly and you returned the gesture.
You were officially hired so your boss introduced the two of you, “Hargreeves, this is (Y/L/N).”
Luther extended a very eager hand and you grasped it happily. He nearly melted at the touch of your soft hand.
“You can call me (Y/N).” You said and dropped your hand. “Shall I expect to be graced with your routines often?” You didn’t mean it to come across as a snarky remark, but more of a I can’t wait to work with you way.
Your boss grunted at the obvious twinkle in both of your guys’ eyes. “You’ll both be working the same schedule. Luther, give her the rundown, won’t you?”
Luther shook his head yes immediately and nearly jumped towards you.
He gestured to the back of the house where the kitchen was, and you followed him with a gentle smile.
Being a waitress for a subpar bar wasn’t ideal, but working with Luther made it worth it.
You two would take your lunch breaks at the same time, often coming up with absurd food combinations that tasted delicious. He was definitely a foodie, and was very adamant on you trying a burger with a layer of fried Mac and cheese shoved in the middle.
He didn’t make much money, and neither did you, but when he bought you non-slip shoes because he noticed yours were tattered, you had to lunge yourself to be able to hug him around his neck.
Luther always defended you if your boss tried to talk bad about how much tips you brought in. If it was a bad day, it was your fault for the lack of tips. If it was a good day, your boss claimed it was because of the amazing special he was offering. It aggravated Luther to no ends, so he reassured you that your boss was an idiot and probably took home the middle aged ladies that were there at 10am on a Tuesday. It made you giggle even if he had said it a million times.
You brought Luther baby powder for the days that required more… pole work than usual. You helped him apply it to hard to reach areas and tried not to blush at the way he watched you.
It was easy to work with him, it came so natural to him to protect you. And it came so natural for you to fall for him.
He always made sure to walk you to your car at night because he didn’t trust the sleezy drunk men who kept tipping you like you were the one dancing.
And one particular night, someone got a bit too handsy with you when you tried to tell him that the bartender was cutting him off.
“Why don’t you make me a drink and we can take this party to my place?” The drunk was now in your face, spitting almost every other word.
You were backed into a wall and Luther’s blood boiled in an instant. He jumped off the stage, only in his Speedo, and slammed so hard into the drunk that they flew into one of the tables.
You screamed and tried to help Luther, but he was in such a state of fury that he couldn’t really register anything other than the sound of his fist colliding with the drunk’s face.
Finally your boss snapped Luther out of it and shoved him off the drunk. You were quick to help Luther up and reach up to place your hands on his cheeks. “Hey, look at me. Let’s go.”
He forced a nod, guilt beginning to flood his system as he noticed you shaking.
You both went to the back where the lockers were, and sat him down. He winced as you grabbed his sliced knuckles. You draped his robe over his shoulders and left to get the first aid kit.
Luther sat there, shoulders slouched as he registered what he had done. He didn’t regret protecting you - but that part of him that he had hidden away, the one who did underground boxing while he waited for his family to find him - it had returned. He didn’t want to go back to that mindset, the days where he had no one to patch him up.
He was taken out of his trace as you knelt before him and began to tend to his cuts. He winced as you poured the rubbing alcohol on them.
You patted his arm reassuringly, and made sure to kiss the dry part of his hands.
Luther’s cheeks had been previously red from the adrenaline rush, but now they blushed just from the simple act from you.
His wounds weren’t severe, so you quickly wrapped his knuckles and held them delicately in your hands when you were finished.
The room was quiet, other than the buzzing sound of the music from the front room. You two sat there, staring at each other with such an intense passion.
“I’m sorry-“ “thank you.”
Luther was caught off guard but you just chuckled at the two of you talking at the same time. He gestured for you to continue with a slight smile.
“Thank you, Luther.” You said and stood up, now looking down to him while he continued to sit. “Thank you for always looking out for me.”
“You’re welcome… But I’m also sorry for getting so violent… I haven’t been that way in years and this guilt is flooding into me like a river because I never wanted you to see the side of me that I was ashamed of.” Luther’s eyes drifted downwards and he sniffled. “You don’t deserve someone who comes from my kind of past. Don’t even get me started on the moon.”
You were confused but didn’t want him to see it, so you lifted his chin so he would meet your eyes. “If that is your past, I will accept it. Because you have shown me nothing but genuine respect and care. And plus, I don’t think you could really scare me away if I’m okay with your dancing.”
Luther laughed but decided to make a bold move by placing his hands on your hips. You seemed to be more than happy with his decision as you dipped your head down closer to him.
He took it as his chance and pressed his lips on yours in a feather light kiss. You smiled into it, and knowing Luther would be a gentleman, you pushed closer to him.
He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you impossibly closer, his lips chasing yours in a heated kiss that was long overdue.
You placed your hands on his broad chest, completely ignoring the fact you were both still at work, where anyone could walk in to see you and Luther passionately making out.
But neither of you cared, as you were finally in Luther’s arms, and he was kissing you after he had dreamt of a future with you. One where he could be with you forever.
And in that dingy changing room, you and Luther didn’t want to let go of one another.
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lustkillers · 9 months
。゚・ ୨୧ me and the devil.
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⊹₊ ⋆ summary. - you've devoted your life to the man above, the one you call your savior. you resisted the temptation of man, yet there was this void that needed to be filled. perhaps the devil you call 'jack' can fill that very void.
⊹₊ ⋆ pairing - jack thurlow x fem!reader
✶ c.w. - nsfw, dom!jack, sub!reader, religious!reader, ooc jack? reader is described wearing a dress, p in v, couch sex, corruption kink, virginity loss, religious imagery, slight sadism, creampie, overstimulation, humiliation, fingering, degradation, exhibitionism? (let me know if i missed anything!)
⊹₊ ⋆ note - happy new years from me to you! enjoy the start of 2024 with a couple of fics/blurbs or however you wanna call them! love u all <3
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a silver, dainty cross sat on top of your chest as you typed away on the computer across the broken cubicle of the man you called the devil.
jack thurlow was his name, and you were punished by god himself for the sins you've done when you were younger. now, it caught up to you, and you hated it. what sucked more was that the border between his cubicle and yours was torn down, so every time you looked up, his face would be there. you knew that hate was a strong word, but you had to say it. you had to say:
"i hate you." you mumbled, a stern look on your face. but that look only looked stupid in jack's eyes. he thought it was a pathetic attempt in trying to stand your ground, and it only fueled you more.
he only raised an eyebrow, looking at you with the same monotone look he always had. “you tell me that every day.” he replied, making you grip the bottom of your pretty white dress in anger.
"i swear to—"
"who are you swearing to, huh?" he cut you off, making you whimper a little in response.
that shut you up immediately, making you fiddle with the ends of your dress. as much as you didn’t want to talk back, jack was making it harder and harder. he knew how to push your buttons, and wasn’t afraid to do so. he’d always have this one goal: to break you.
you were the office's 'pretty little thing,' a running "joke" that the men in the office would partake in. they would talk about how "innocent" and god ridden you were, and they all wanted to corrupt your innocence, your faith. jack had never partook in such activities, let alone ever converse with the men in the office, except for when his coworkers would ask if he'd like a cup of coffee, he'd always decline.
"answer me." he pushed the subject on you, and just as you were deciding what to say, the clock hit eight pm. you only sent him a soft smile, your plump, pink lips curving upwards.
you fluttered your eyelashes at him, tilting your head. "have a good night, jack!" you were packing all your stuff, your breasts bouncing a bit, making the cross necklace that sat on your chest move along. that alone made his eyes avert to your breasts, eying the way they move.
he had thought how you were a woman of god, yet wearing skimpy clothing that made everyone at the office have a hard-on. just how naive were you?
however, it was also time for jack to clock out as well, him falling along. the rain outside poured harder, and he was trailing behind you as you exited the building, your dress hiking up every step in your walk. he stared for quite sometime, before being broken out of his thoughts.
"i'd hate to be a bother, but could you drive me home, jack?" you asked so sweetly, it was almost intoxicating to him. he wanted to say 'no' so bad, yet something about you captivated him. it was a sick feeling in his heart, watching as you stood there so innocently, holding a pretty pink umbrella.
he stared at you for a few seconds, before letting out a sigh. "sure."
he didn't know how he ended up here, but he was now in your apartment, photo frames of you and your family spread along the wall, including statues and photo frames of god. the last supper was hung on top of the kitchen frame, facing the dining table, which only had five chairs surrounding the rectangular table.
you were babbling about your home and god, but that was all white noise. your babbling was just nonsense to him until you had said that you'd never had virginity taken. a bit tmi, but you said it so casually.
"you've never had a boyfriend?" he blurted out, making you stop talking.
"i never said that," you replied, your doe eyes looking into his blank ones. "i said that i never had sex." the word sex made you cringe, but you had to state your point.
"how come?" he inquired, a bunch of thoughts swarming his head, and they were not pure ones.
a moment of silence exchanged between them, before you quietly spoke up. "i'm saving myself for marriage." ah, the classic response. yet, it boggled him. he knew that you were a naive and kind girl, but never realized how dedicated you could be. "i want to make sure that my first time is meaningful with the person i'm going to spend the rest of my life with."
he slowly tilted his head, "but aren't you curious?" he inched towards you, making you stand there, your face slightly burning.
"e-excuse me?" you questioned. you knew exactly what he was talking about, and you were curious. but you knew where your loyalties lied, with the man upstairs.
he let out a scoff, "don't act stupid. you're not five years old. you know exactly what i'm talking about."
you felt your core pulse with eagerness, and it hurt. a strange sensation pooled between your thighs, and your breathing quickly increasing with every step he took towards you. maybe you would risk faith for him.
he placed his calloused hand on your hips, tracing down to your ass, making you jump from his touch. he left goosebumps all around your arms, your pupils dilating by the second. he had this effect on you, and you hated it. you hated how the sacred photos were staring you both at this very moment.
within seconds, his lips collided with yours, making you yelp. you automatically melted into his touch, your knees buckling at the moment. his kisses were harsh, and you couldn't keep up with it.
as he kissed you, his hands traveled to your soaked panties, a whimper escaping your lips, followed by a gasp. "jack..." you breathlessly sighed, your hand on his wrist, but not stopping him.
his rough hands pushed you lightly onto the couch, him hovering above you. jack's hand pulled your panties to the side, his hands covered with your slick. his thumb rubbed your clit, jolting your body upwards, closing your thighs together.
"oh, please! jack!" you cried out, the feeling twisting knobs in your stomach.
he pulled your thighs apart, slapping the inside of your right thigh. "don't." he whispered, his lips millimeters away from yours.
his fingers plunged into your soaking cunt, making you squeal at the uncomfortableness that plowed inside of you. he went at a medium to fast pace, the uncomfortableness turning into moments of pleasure, but it made you squirm away, the feeling too much.
"aw," he cooed, "what? can't take my fingers?" he mocked, holding your thighs apart. you cried out, feeling the knot in your stomach slowly coming undone.
"please, please, please, jack!" you moaned out, "i need to- i need to-"
you didn’t know what was happening, but your thighs shook and you were seeing white. before you knew it, you came undone by his fingers.
the feeling of you tightening on his fingers made his cock twitch, straining against the fabric of his jeans. he was painfully hard, and he needed to fill you. his pants were unzipped and his cock was free from the blockage of fabric. his cock prodded at your entrance, making you look down with eyes slightly widened.
"no, no, no... that won't fit..." you whispered, scared of his cock inside your tight walls.
jack looked up at the cross hung up in front of the couch, letting out a cocky smile. "i think god will let it fit, don't you?"
you hummed in response, but eventually nodded.
he entered your wet, tight cunt, groaning at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him. you let out a wail, the pain searing at your core. he was still inside, letting you adjust to his cock. "you ready f'me, hun?"
you nodded, quietly hissing as he pulled out and plunged back in. it was repeated thrusts over and over again, your pain soon turning into pleasure. he laughed to himself over the fact that you were so in touch with god, yet committing an act of blasphemy in front of him.
you let out whines and moans, the cross between your chest bouncing up and down from the thrusts. you clawed at his chest as he pounded into you, over and over again.
"look at you," he leaned up against your ear, "getting fucked in front of god." his words sent you into a spiral, drawing you closer to the edge. you moaned at his words, but you wished you didn't. it was all so wrong... but it felt so right.
tears welled up in your eyes as the euphoric feeling happened again, "i-it's happening again, jack! oh, please..." you whimpered, your legs trembling again.
"cum for me. cum for your god." he groaned out, cumming into your wet cunt. the feeling made your stomach feel full, a whine drawing from your lips as he pulled out, watching the white fluid drip down your pussy and onto the black couch.
you were definitely going to repent for your sins.
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skankinator · 3 months
Complications Ch. 3
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Fem Reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: p in v, broken condom
His eyes roam your naked body as you straddle him. You can feel his hard cock through his jeans. His large hands rest on your thighs, his thumbs draw circles. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He asks making sure you are recovered from your first orgasm.
“I’m more than ready,” you say grinding down on him making a sort of growl escape from within him. He wraps his arms around you pulling you to his chest. Your lips move aggressively against each other. Your breasts brush against his chest stimulating your nipples.
Finally, you break the kiss and reach to undo his pants. This time he lets you pull down his jeans and boxers revealing his hard cock. It is larger than you expected, certainly above average. You slide your hands up his thighs and wrap them around his girth.
You begin pumping his length occasionally giving his tip extra attention. He leans his head back in pleasure. Droplets of precum form at his tip. You lick them off circling his tip with your tongue. He moans and grips his hands in your hair.
To your surprise, he pulls your head away making you look at him. “As much as I would love your mouth around my dick, I would much rather fuck you properly,” he says in a deep voice full of lust. He runs his hands down your body settling on your hips and asks, “are you on birth control?”
“Fuck,” you say closing your eyes, “I’m not. Do you have a condom?” You look at him hopefully.
“Not with me,” he says loosening his grip on your hips. Neither of you want to let this road block stop your plans. You sat in silence for a moment before you perked up.
You climbed off of him and walked over to one of your still packed boxes. He sits up and watches you curiously. You mumble to yourself as you dig through the box. “Yes!” You exclaim and turn around triumphantly. In your hand is a rainbow colored condom with an umbrella on the label.
He looks at you with a questioning look as you rejoin him in bed. “It’s from a drag show I went to with a friend. They tossed them out during ‘It’s Raining Men’” you quickly explained not making the questioning look go away, but adding a smile to it.
He pulls you on top of him so you are straddling him again. “That’s my new favorite song,” he whispers in your ear. You laugh pushing him down on the bed. You unwrap the condom and put it on his big cock.
You lineup your center with his rainbow cock and lower yourself onto him. You both gasp when his tip enters. You start moving your hips taking more of him with each motion. His hands are squeezing your hips so hard he might leave bruises.
Suddenly you are on your back. He has rolled over so he is on top. His hands are now pushing your legs apart to make more room for him. He pushes deeper within you causing a gasping moan to leave your mouth.
His thrusts are steady and strong. The sound of your skin smacking together fills the room. Your pussy clenches around him as he continues pounding. Your arms are wrapped around his body, nails clawing into his back. Pleasure builds in your body with each thrust. You can feel yourself on the edge of your release.
He keeps pounding into you as you reach your peak. You moan as your orgasm moves through you sparking fireworks all over your body. His thrusts begin to slow and you can feel him cum in you as he lets out a long moan.
His body collapses on top of you at the end of his release. He nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck placing kisses while he catches his breath. One hand runs through his hair while your other hand runs across the marks left on his back.
He sits up and pulls out of you. “Oh fuck,” he spits out in a panic. You sit up to see what’s wrong. All of the rainbow condom is missing except the ring still wrapped around his penis.
“Oh my god,” you say in disbelief.
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igotanidea · 2 years
At this point I write for:
The Raven's daughter
part 1 : The fateful meating.
part 2: From the Waking...
part 3: ... into the Dreaming.
part 4: A tour of the castle.
part 5: Questions.
part 6: A hell of a day.
(sneak peak) of part 7
part 7 : A kickass party
part 8 : Late night talking
part 9 : Past, present, future
Part 10 : Escapism Part 11 : Hob
The counterparts
Chapter 1 : sometimes reality sucks
Chapter 2 :Welcome back to reality
Chapter 3: A rough nightmare
Chapter 4 : crumbling
Chapter 5: Falling to pieces
Chapter 6: Reunited
Chapter 7: Remedies
Chapter 8 : The Fates
Chapter 9 : On the verge
Chapter 10: Opposing sides
Chapter 11 : Hell is a place you believe in
One-shots (and two-shots tbh)
Morpheus reading his fanfiction: part 1,part 2
Morpheus lover being a vortex: part 1, part 2
Just an apple : a fruit engagement
Eight letters
The Sandman incorrect quotes: part 1, part 2
Morpheus lover being on her period
Mutually beneficial : sneak peak,full story
Stranger in the Library
Take a hint
Kupala night: Morpheus x slav!reader
Night shift
Be careful who you bring home
Be careful who you bring home pt 2
Side effects
The perks of injuries
Devilish invention
Over the top
Sleep paralysys demon Get ready for the show: Dream x reader x Corinthian x Hob Endless glorious purpose: Morpheus x Loki
sneak peak of chapter 1chapter 1 : Welcome to New York
sneak peak of chapter 2
chapter 2 : If we ever meet again.
Chpater 3: Bruises.
sneak peak of chapter 4
chapter 4 : Get out of my life
sneak peek of chapter 5
SHADOW : Marvel OC
sneak peak of chapter 1
Daredevil incorrect quotes
Marvel incorrect quotes
Marvel incorrect quotes pt 2
Conflict of interests: Matt Murdock x reader
Clingy: Matt Murdock x reader
Here and now: Matt Murdock x OC
Hello devil : Matt Murdock x reader
Workaholic insomniacs:Matt Murdock x reader
Mind the words : Matt Murdock x reader
Torn : Matt Murdock x reader
Not enough: Murdock x Reader x Barnes sneak peak
Secret: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
25th hour : tasm!peter parker x workaholic!reader
"trick or treat"ing with Marvel characters
Cheshire!verse : Jason Todd x reader
Five years later:
Cheshire cat
Than damn gala
Toxic : Dick Grayson x reader
part 1
part 2
Instincts : Dick grayson x reader
Workout : Dick Grayson x reader
Walls: Dick Grayson x reader
Duality: Dick Grayson x reader
Lost: Jason Todd x reader
Jealousy : Gar Logan x f!reader x Conner Kent
Quiet: Dick Grayson x f!reader
I won't hurt you : Dick Grayson x reader
Babystitting: Dick Grayson x reader
Common ground : George Weasley x reader
umbrella academy incorrect quotes pt.1
umbrella academy incorrect quotes pt 2
"trick or treat"ing with the umbrellas
We're all broken here: five hargreeves x sis!reader
safe space: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader Bubble : Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader Who's the monster now? : Tyler Galpin x fem!reader Cemented: Ajax Petropolus x reader Rumor has it: Xavier Thorpe x reader Consolation: Enid Sinclair x reader
Feel free to request anything, also beyond those fandoms. I always appreciate a good idea.
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h-inxs · 1 year
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-Oh God,forgive me for falling into this sin
(The kinktober was tempting me and couldn't resist so enjoy this small plus. )
Content: sex w vampire, unprotected sex, biting kink, bloody kink, pwp, raise kink p in v, breeding kink (slightly).
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Albert was your life partner for a few years, when you met him you were barely 20 and he was technically too, except that he had been that age for 100 years, when you discovered him sucking the life out of a poor woman, one part of you was scared and the other was exited.
His veiny arms grabbed the woman's pale neck and his prominent jaw moved, he was still sucking her blood when your umbrella fell silent, the sound of something hitting the ground alerted him.
His mouth was stained with the blood of the lady, now dead, his fangs pressing against his lower lip, he took a step towards you, but you didn't see you, something told you to do it but you were paralyzed.
"Jasmine, wait " His somnolent voice tempted you to drop down, but instead, you grabbed your pompous dress and ran away like crazy, without shouting anything, just breathing heavily.
You knew he was following you, you weren't stupid but you didn't expect that the moment you looked forward again his arms would surround you.
" Let go of me, Albert" You asked with heavy breath.
" I can't, I don't want you to stop loving me " He murmured against your neck and you fell into one thing, he had been sucking people's blood for the first year you were knowing each other.
And from that day on you became involved in his world, the first time you had sex it was as if he could break you but at the same time you felt like he treated you like a porcelain doll.
But it became more frequent when you agreed to have sex whenever either of you wanted.
Now being in your present, in which he was under you and you with your back to him while he thrust into you hard and grabbed your neck gently, you were not able to articulate a single word, only moans and sighs of pleasure came out of your mouth, your breasts moved in time with his fierce movements.
One thrust in particular made you scream in pleasure and he smiled victoriously at having found your g-spot,
"Are you about to cum honey? "murmurs in your ear, you nod as best you can and he quickly changes position, now he is on top of you, your legs on his shoulders.
"Well, tonight we will make you make me a dad"He rubbed your clit quickly and spit on it, he shuddered as he felt you squeeze him.
"Oh, do you like that, huh?" He smiles and his movements get deeper, you grab the sheet with your hands.
"Oh Albert! "
"Yeah, that's it, make me a fucking dad " He moans feeling your orgasm approaching, he grabs your neck and pulls you into his mouth, he bites between the junction of your neck and shoulder, you manage to come and you can feel his hot jets of his essence filling you.
He lets go of your neck and gently sets you down on the bed and lies down next to you, looking at you and brushing a lock of hair out of your face.
"We have made a mess " You laugh, looking around, there is a broken leg of the bed but that will be fixed, you hold hands and intertwine them.
"So..make you dad, huh? " You make fun of him and he spanks you in response.
"Let's go to sleep, dear wife before I fuck you 5 more times" He murmurs in your ear, smelling your hair and getting under the sheets.
Maybe I'll continue with these two....
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
2004 Batman + Rogues Kids Universe
Joker: Look Batsy we have a Robin too!
Harley: We're a happy family, Batman!
Duela: Hiya!
Batman: Are you alright kiddo?
Duela: Sure. Yesterday I had no family. Now I have parents. *picks a malet* AND WE HAVE FUN! *hits Batman* HAHAHAHA
Batman: I hope this does not become a trend.
Batman: Penguin, let the hostage go! What's going on with you? Kidnnaping kids isn't really your style.
Penguin: I didn't kidnnaped no one. I was just thinking what is the point of restoring the Cooblepot name if I'm the last Cooblepot? We need to have someone behind, legacy and all. But them it hit me. Did ya know, Batman, that is not uncommon for Penguins to adopt lost chicks.
Batman: You didn't adopt. How could you with your criminal record? You kidnapped him, the boy must be terrifield.
Martin: *writing in his little notebook-necklace* I'm not scared.
Penguin: Wack wack see the lad isn't scared.
Martin: *writing in his notebook* I'm happy. : ) they said I woudn't be adoped but we showed them, right dad?
Penguin: Right on point, little bird.
Batman: I understand you want a family, kid, but someone can't just go to an orphanage and take you.
Martin: *writing* why not? it works
Batman: I'm sorry, kid. But I have to rescue you.
Oswald: You're not taking Martin alway Batman. I'm his dad! *opens his umbrella and flys alway with Martin hugging him*
Martin: *throws a notebook page on Batman's* it says "wack wack".
Batman: That doesn't mean is a trend. It may be a coincidence.
Riddler: Riddle me this, Batman-
Batman: Not you too.
Riddler: What?
Batman: *points to the kid dressed in question marks who is fighting Dick*
Riddler: What's the problem with Enigma?
Batman: How did you even got that kid? Street kid? Kidnapped from an orphanage because they solved one of your riddles? Their parents weren't good?
Riddler: I'm the one who does the questions here, Batman. But just so you know. None of the above.
Enigma: *they pretend to lose so Dick went to surprise attack Riddler and was surprise attacked, he is now tied to a broken heavy robot he destroyed sulking* I saw that the rogues were getting kids so when I saw Riddler grocery shopping I followed him home and kept asking him to adopt me until he said yes.
Riddler: They were very insistent.
Robin: Wow that's real Arkham behavior of you.
Enigma: Thanks.
Robin: You're welcome. You are really loony.
Batman: I shouldn't try but why?
Enigma: I like riddles and his hair is great.
Riddler: Thank you, your hair is also amazing, sweetie.
Batman: Is someone looking for you?
Enigma: Don't think so.
Batman: Sure. That's my life now.
Batman: Oh great. Another evil kid and this one is five.
Cluemaster: You see Batman, I couldn't avoid following the trend.
Batman: So you kidnapped a child?
Cluemaster: No. She is my biological kid.
Robin: YOU procreated? How?
Cluemaster: That's suppose to be Batman's job, but since you asked when a man and a woman like each other very much...
Batman: Stop. Let's just go with it.
Cluemaster: Okay. Steph go fight the Boy Wonder, will ya?
Robin: I'm not gonna punch a baby!
Spoiler: *at the same time* Don't wanna.
Cluemaster: Steph we went over it.
Spoiler: Nu-uh.
Cluemaster: Okay, let's start again. Steph tell Batman what you want to be when you grow up.
Spoiler: *smilling* I wanna be a hero like batgirl.
Cluemaster: NOOO.
Batman: *super happy this is actually not another evil kid* I'm sure Batgirl will be really happy that she inspired such a cool hero.
Spoiler: She will?
Batman: Uh-hu.
Cluemaster: Don't encorage her. We are EVIL, Steph. E-V-I-L! Because that's what smart people are and you are smart.
Spoiler: But smart people win and mean guys lose.
Cluemaster: You are grounded!
Spoiler: *cries* 'm not. Batman his stupid puzzle is red. Press the button and instead of going boom everyone goes yay.
Robin: *presses the red button* *the hostages are free* God one, kiddo.
Cluemaster: NOOO. *pulls Steph by the hair* I'm taking you to your room. You are grounded forever.
Batman: Hell no. Robin.
Robin: Yes, Batman?
Batman: Maybe the other rogues were right.
Robin: Gotcha. *they kidnap-adopt Steph*
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thebrandywine · 1 year
For the ask meme.... #14 Alt POV (I'll jot down a couple and you pick what seems interesting to you?) - Sidestep (Chris POV) - beginning to end: act ii (Doctor Jameson POV) - broken machine (Hunnigan POV) - Look Behind You (Hunnigan POV, 2nd ending)
E v i l s m i l e
Sidestep (Chris POV):
"Chris?" Leon asks, lowering his gun. "Chris Redfield?"
Chris is staring, can't help it. Neo-Umbrella must have shot him up with their fountain of youth bullshit that they've been experimenting with, rendering him back a decade and a half. Jesus, but he'd forgotten how *young* Leon had been back then. No, he hadn't forgotten-- he just hadn't known. As much as it feels like he's always been this worn down, Chris was young once, too. They both were. Facing the proof of it just makes him feel that much more tired.
beginning to end: act ii (Doc Jameson POV):
He's not a good person. He knows that. People with stronger morals faced with this situation wouldn't cave like he has, wouldn't then try to convince themselves that they were doing it to *help* Leon, wouldn't argue that at least they wouldn't make him hurt unnecessarily. Horseshit, all of it. If Nile ever finds out that he put her life above an innocent person's, she'll do a lot more than kill him.
What makes it even worse is that Leon isn't even mad, has seemed almost relieved to see him. And now, with Freddie taking up an ornamental role and perfunctorily holding Leon's head still, all the other man has done is try to get his help with his after-death plans. Get his body to Chris Redfield. Have Hunnigan give him the ring. God.
That, he thinks, is what does it, what finally shakes him out of this panic-induced fugue state that he's been existing in for the last little while. He loves Nile, loves her past death, but he isn't the man she fell in love with right now. He can be that man again, though, can be the person that she believes in.
He's trying not to cry when the decision clicks into place in his mind, just says tightly, "Yeah, man. I can do that."
broken machine (Hunnigan POV):
When Leon goes, he takes a part of her with him. She's spent so long with her hand in his, hiding their linked fingers from sight and trying her best to keep him together, to bring him back to himself. Half the time, he doesn't remember anything important about who he used to be, though, and he's clearly disregarded some of her attempts. Fine and functional have been the most commonly used words in his lexicon.
She wants him to be better than 'fine,' though. She wants him happy, angry, anything so long as he's safe and still alive. He has a sun for a heart, she knows, and it's burning inside him without anywhere to go. She's heard things about the BSAA, though. Hopefully they'll have better luck than she did. Hopefully someone there will love him more than she was able to.
She wants to say 'Thank you.' She wants to say 'I'll miss you.' She wants to say a million things that she's never put into words because she thought that if nothing else they had time. There was always supposed to be more time.
"Dismissed, Kennedy," is what she ends up saying, and only because Agent Brand is standing at her shoulder.
"Ma'am," Leon says. "Sir."
Then he turns on his heel and walks into the airport, headed for a commercial flight to another country and an organization full of strangers. Brand checks his watch and gets into the backseat of the car. Ingrid watches Leon go, wishing desperately that he would turn around, would *see* her waiting for him one last time, but he doesn't. She gets into the backseat with Brand and slams the door shut, wondering if she'll ever see Leon Scott Kennedy again.
Look Behind You (Hunnigan POV):
Leon has never been afraid of her. He's been intimidated, maybe, when he knows that he's been an idiot and that she's walking toward him to slap him upside the head to temper the urge to throttle him, but he's never been really, truly afraid. He kicks out at her approach and goes scrambling backwards over the hospital bed; despite his reaction she still lunges forward to catch him, but--
Chris gets there first. He collects Leon into a bundle of limbs and holds him close, rocking him, murmuring to him lowly as Leon's wild eyes flash around the room. The skim past Ingrid's face but don't stop, not even to be afraid, calming under Chris's hands, drooping into the heat of the embrace. Watching it makes her feel completely and utterly useless, like she serves no purpose at all if she can't even calm down the man she's closest to in all the world.
She knows why he reacted the way he did. She does. It doesn't make it any easier.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 6/25/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Gravity Falls
- Fire Force
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Cookie Run
- Call of Duty
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Honkai Impact
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Metroid
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Silent Hill
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Ultrakill
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
Fits in more than one category
- Black Butler
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- A Song of Ice and Fire/House of The Dragon/Game of Thrones
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Bungou Stray Dogs
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
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aceofwhump · 10 months
hi! so this might be really out of the box and i am kinda unsure about the unwritten rules of the whump community... but how do we feel about actors getting hurt on set and the scene being used in the movie? we all know about the broken toe of viggo mortensen in lotr, but i just found a similar little fun fact and I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. So, lately, i have been really obsessed with scream, and skeet ulrich. (I assume you saw the movie since you saw the 2022 requel, but if not then SPOILERS) So, you know how there is this scene where Sid breaks out of this closet and stabs billy in the chest with the umbrella. well, the stuntwoman messed up on the second stab. apperently, skeet ulrich had open-heart surgery when he was a kid and still has a stainless steel wire in his chest, and if you touch it puts poor guy into excruciating pain. They put protective pads to where he was supposed to be hit, but on the second stab the umbrella or the pad slipped and he got stabbed right there, which obviously led to him screaming out in pain and collapsing. AND THATS THE SCENE THEY USED IN THE MOVIE and i know its weird but i just cant get over it, i just keep going back to it cause ouch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVMLqnFqRh0 if yyou are interested, i think it is around 1:45 I think)
I don't think there's any unwritten rule against actors that I know of. I know there are people in the community who dislike it when they learn that an in show injury is actually real and happened to the actor. Personally I'm pretty indifferent about it I guess? I don't get whumperflies with it or anything but I am fascinated when I learn that an actor got injured on set and that scene is real. So long as the injury isn't serious I'm cool with viewing it positively like you do. If the injury is bad and/or dangerous I tend to feel more sad/worried and it turns off all and any potential whumperflies that I could feel. But things like the Viggo LOTR story or learning that Colin O'Donoghue actually broke his ankle filming Revenge is Gonna Be Mine in the musical episode of Once Upon a Time, I do find those interesting in an I guess whump interest sort of way. I didn't know that about skeet though!! Damn I'm never gonna watch that scene the same way again lol. Poor dude but damn that scene is accurate as fuck then?! Crazy!
Anyway, that's my very scattered and rambly way of saying I think it's fine if you are interested in those sort of behind the scenes stories. We all like what we like and it's not like your actively wishing for actors to be hurt or going out an hurting anyone one. I'm certainly fascinated by those stories too.
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midnight-omega · 1 year
As an asexual sometimes I read these omegaverse hc about asexual ppl and it makes me so widely uncomfortable like insanely uncomfortable…. Mostly bc they come from people who aren’t on the ace spectrum at all so they don’t.. understand asexuality and end up spreading harmful stereotypes even if they originally meant well. Like I just read a post talking about how asexuals are born without sex drives and therefore ace omegas can’t produce slick like… okay first of all as an ace afab person I can get wet. I’ve been turned on before. I don’t lack the ability it’s just harder to get there. I also don’t lack a sex drive. Some ace ppl do for sure ! And ur valid for that but some of us have sex drives (mine is v tiny and only happens during ovulation ig u can say I do be having heats over here, but other aces have high ones !). Like I just… idk bc saying smth like that is implying that ace people are different in a negative way or broken. And it hurts me bc I’ve felt very very broken over my sexuality before. Just… I wish you guys would talk to an ace person before posting these things or just not post them any let aces handle it bc there’s a ton of us in this community.
Asexuality is, at its core, the lack of sexual attraction. This does not affect bodily functions. This does not affect sex drive. Asexuality is a massive spectrum and is not experienced the same way, each ace is unique in their own asexuality. Throwing headcanons around that throw all aces under one umbrella is harmful and careless. I know 99% of you dont mean harm but just… be careful. I can’t speak for all aces but you’ve at least hurt me at times with some of these posts…
And I should say this isn’t directed at any one person btw just allos in general who want to be inclusive which is great! But just kinda… dont get that they may be acting more harmful than helpful. I also don’t want to discourage people from including aces in their work or saying that allos shouldn’t write aces bc you should if you want to fr ! I just ask that you’re a little bit more careful with your representations or maybe talk to an ace friend about stuff first !
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euryalex · 1 year
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Resident Evil: Genesis
After her partner is brutally murdered in front of her, Joey Hudson is transferred to Raccoon City, leaving Great Falls, Montana, where she’s lived her entire life. Turns out, she asked to be transferred after following a lead about her partner, Danny's, murderer. While Danny’s death was covered up as an accident, despite Joey’s report that he was attacked, she only grew more suspicious and decided to dig deeper. Her search led her to Umbrella Corporation – based in Raccoon City, Illinois, which is why she transferred: to get to the root of the problem.
Series Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be tagged when the next chapter releases!
Major thanks to @cobb-vanthss and @inafieldofdaisies for your help, and to everyone who replied to the WIPs I posted 💖
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Chapter 1: Welcome to Raccoon City
Joey Hudson never liked driving at night, especially during the hot summer weather when the aircon in her car was broken. The headlights of her dad’s old rusty Honda did nothing to light up the road, which formed a dark wall surrounding her. There was no traffic due to the time, but despite that, she drove way below the speed limit anyway. The heat made her dizzy, and the last thing she wanted was to faint behind the wheel.
According to the map, now resting on the passenger seat, the motel she’d booked a room in was close, and she could finally sleep. Then, she could wake up early and continue her trip to Raccoon City. She had it all planned out: She’d focus on her career, but not too much so that her coworkers still invite her to after-work drinks at a nearby bar called Atlas Raccoon. She’d be designated driver – not that she didn’t like drinking, but she liked living, thank you very much – and arrive home around eleven PM in her already furnished apartment. She enjoyed planning things out. 
Once she found her footing in the city, she’d look for friends outside the police department, get to know the people, and maybe – a hefty emphasis on maybe – find someone to settle down with. 
She was ready to leave her past of Great Falls behind and everyone she used to know along with it. 
The welcome sign of Sunshine Motel awaited her in the distance, one of its two lights flickering. The parking lot was largely empty and ominously silent. Joey didn’t know what to expect, but something felt off. 
She brushed off the feeling, blaming it on anxiety due to her new job. The street lamps lighting up the parking lot were nearly dying, only filling Joey with more dread. There was something – no, someone, and she could feel their presence. Yet, when she looked around, there was no one to be found. 
Hesitantly, she pulled out the black duffle bag, which was resting on the backseat, before she took immediate steps to the reception. 
The warm summer air did little to cool her down, and the reception wasn’t much better, despite a fan at the desk cooling the room at its highest setting. A radio on a drawer unit near a window played a slow jazz song. Random clutter filled the desk, and posters of Raccoon City, either showcasing its new businesses or asking for help, covered the walls. A dusty computer at the desk showed the screensaver, showing that someone hadn’t been there in a while. Judging by the desk chair, which was shoved backwards, Joey came to the conclusion that someone might’ve left in a hurry. 
Nonetheless, she tapped on the call bell and waited. And waited. And waited... 
She blinked to stay awake as a yawn overtook her. Annoyed, she tapped the call bell a few more times, this time more aggressively. She just wanted to sleep – was that too much to ask? 
A door, tucked away in a hallway away from the reception, creaked open, and Joey sighed in relief. 
“Finally,” she breathed, “Sorry, I just want to get to my room...” 
She trailed off as her gaze fell on the figure approaching her. The woman had brown, graying hair. She wore a lilac V-neck cardigan sweater covering a white floral t-shirt and a purple skirt that reached below her knees. But that wasn’t what Joey was focusing on. 
Instead, she took note of the glazed-over, pale eyes, the blood covering her otherwise neat clothes, her dishevelled hair... The woman’s arms were raised, reaching for Joey. Her left shoulder reached lower, probably due to a part of her neck that was bit off. 
Joey recognized the look. She’d seen it only a few weeks prior before she’d been transferred to Raccoon City. But she’d never forget it. 
“Hold on, I’ll take a look,” Danny said, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door of the patrol cruiser. Joey looked up from her milkshake, ready to put it down in the cupholder, as she looked at the body on the road with worried eyes. She mentally cursed her partner – she liked working with him, but clearly, they needed to work on, well, working together. 
He kneeled next to the lifeless body, putting two fingers on their neck as he checked for a pulse. A moment that seemed like an eternity passed, and he stood up, turning to Joey with a blank face. He shook his head and Joey sighed. Another poor unfortunate soul whose death would need to be solved. 
Joey took the radio and gestured to him, letting him know she’d call 911. 
“Dispatch? This is four-Alpha-Alpha-Foxtrot-seven-five, requesting-” 
But she couldn’t finish her sentence. 
She looked up briefly, but that was enough to see the once-lifeless corpse stand up on shaky legs. It struggled to balance until it latched onto Danny’s shoulders, swiftly biting into his flesh at the jaw. Danny met Joey’s gaze as she looked in horror. Danny fell to the ground, his body hitting the asphalt, but that didn’t stop the corpse from feasting on his flesh. 
Joey got out, the sounds of the car door opening alerting the killer. Its cold, empty eyes met Joey’s, and she didn’t hesitate to pull out her gun. There was no hesitation that this was no mere human, but she still ordered the person to stand back. 
It stood up, stumbling over Danny’s body instead, and Joey shot, the bullet flying through the shoulder. But, unfortunately, that didn’t stop it either. She fired again, hitting its chest, and it fell. For a brief, fleeting moment, Joey felt relief, but the moment was quickly cut short when it somehow got up again. 
Joey’s eyes widened, and she forced herself to aim for the head. 
Now it stayed down for good. 
But Danny didn’t. 
As the thing that killed him fell on him, he seemingly awoke. His neck cracked as he turned over, crawling out from under the body. He was fixated on Joey, crawling as he struggled to stand up like a newborn deer. 
“This can’t be happening...” she muttered to herself as she stepped backwards. 
Danny’s once hazel eyes were now a sickly white color, with its veins more apparent. Every bone and joint in his body made a crunching noise, and Joey had to take deep breaths to keep herself from vomiting. The missing part of his face, which showed off how part of his denture was missing, didn’t help either. 
She had to do something, but she couldn’t. 
“Hello? Hello?! This is Dispatch, requesting communication!” 
Joey returned to the car, slamming her door shut before crawling into the driver’s seat. Danny always left the keys in the ignition, something Joey always scolded him for – but this time, she was glad. 
Danny – or what was left of him – had finally found a way to stand up. The headlights lit up his disfigured features. She couldn’t let him live. It was too dangerous, but how could she be the one to kill him? 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she pressed her foot down on the gas pedal. 
She had to run. 
Stumbling backwards, she shoved open the door. Over the shoulder of the undead woman, she saw another similar figure stalking towards her. 
The bell above the door chimed, and Joey’s attention was caught by something hitting the window – or rather, someone. A man with short, blonde hair slammed against the window, his jaw unhinged as it swung back and forth. 
She ran, clutching her car keys in her hand, the metal digging into her skin as she secured her duffle bag on her shoulder. Once she reached her car, her hand shook as she tried desperately to unlock it. Finally, after missing the keyhole, she successfully entered her car and turned on the ignition, watching as the undead only came closer. 
She was wide awake now. Sleep would have to wait, no matter how much she wanted to close her eyes and rest. 
As she let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, her trembling hand reached for the radio. She needed a distraction, and anything would do. Some Johnny Cash song played, comforting her as she drove into the night. 
Her hands tightened their grip on her steering wheel as she yawned, her eyes tearing up. Her mind was screaming to get some sleep, but she couldn’t. Her only hope now was to get to her new apartment and wake up before noon. For a moment, she considered looking for a payphone to call the station to let them know what happened, but the dark roads made it impossible to see. 
Her apartment had a phone, or maybe it’d be easier to find one in the city. 
As the trees surrounding the road slowly started to thin, a city came into view, its skyscrapers reaching the skies as the summer sun began to rise over the horizon, peeking out between the buildings. 
“WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY – HOME OF UMBRELLA”, the sign greeted her. She slowly rolled her window open, letting the fresh air in to keep herself awake. The city still seemed miles away, but the fact that it was in sight reassured her. 
Her apartment building, according to the map of Raccoon City chief Irons had e-mailed her, was located on Fox Street, close to Ennerdale Street, which, in turn, was where the police department was located. The street itself was empty and quiet. The sounds of distant traffic were the only thing Joey could hear as she unlocked the front door of the building.  
The small entrance hall smelled weird, but she ignored it and went straight for the elevator, where she was greeted with an ‘Out of order’ sign. 
Just her luck. 
There was a cramp in her knees as she walked up the stairs. At this point, she was seconds away from dropping onto the floor and sleeping right there, but she powered through and reached the third floor. She heard a television playing loudly from one of the apartments, the news was on, and she decided that, at that moment, she couldn’t care less. 
The next thing she remembered was her loud alarm clock waking her up. Joey groaned, trying to block out the noise with her pillow, although it did little to silence her alarm. She slammed her hand blindly on her nightstand, stopping when she hit her clock. The blinding sun shone through the windows, and she mentally made a note to buy some curtains.
Stretching her arms as she got out of bed, she made her way to the windows and stared for a moment. The view from her window, which was marketed as a ‘beautiful view of the city skyline’, was probably copied from another advert, Joey realized, as she stared at the wall of the neighboring building. What she hoped would be a new start had already left a bad first impression on her. With a deep sigh, she walked over to her bathroom and, as she passed the small kitchenette on the way, realized she had to get groceries.
Technically she didn’t have to go to work yet – the letter stated they’d expect her at two in the afternoon. However, Joey had just planned on getting started early. She shook off the thought – groceries would wait until after work.
She approached her suitcase, which she had left open near the bathroom so she could change into her sleepwear the night before. Digging through it, she retrieved her toiletry bag – filled with essentials to last her a few days – and some clothes. The hinges of the bedroom door let out a high-pitched squeak, loud enough to catch Joey’s attention, but instead of stopping to check it out, she turned on the bathroom light and got ready for the day.
For a day like this, she picked easy clothes that wouldn’t be too hard to take off, so she could change into her uniform at work quickly.
In another compartment of her suitcase, she kept all her paperwork, which included a map of the city that she’d drawn a route from her apartment to the police station on. The way to the station was simple, really, as it was right in the centre of the city and, if the silhouette on the map was anything to go by, the building was huge.
The city had a whole different feel during the daytime. Where the city was dark and deserted at night, the day showed how alive it could be. Parents were walking their kids to school, people in suits were busy talking on the phone as they walked to work, other people were opening their stores …
As Joey turned the corner at the movie theatre, she could see the police station in the distance, the letters ‘R.P.D’ rising above the busy road. For the first time since she left Great Falls, she felt relief wash over her.
This was the new beginning she needed.
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snowviolettwhite · 8 months
My Fandoms:
Stranger Things
Addams Family
Captain America
Percy Jackson
9-1-1: Lone Star
Interview With A Vampire
Harry Potter
The Umbrella Academy
Sweet Tooth
The Last Of Us
The Sandman
What We Do In The Shadows
A League Of Our Own
Paper Girls
The 90's Show
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Abbot Elementary
Night Court
Good Omens
The Marvelous Mrs Masiel
Julia & The Phantoms
I Am Not Okay With This
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil
Gravity Falls
Disney Descendants
Edward Scissorhands
2 Broke Girls
To Television Watch & Catch Up On:
(Subject To Add To List & Cross Out What Has Been Watched)
The Bear
Hello Tomorrow!
Rise Of The Pink Ladies
Lessons In Chemistry
Our Flag Means Death
Shinning Vale
Emily In Paris
Wolf Pack
First Kill
Ginny & Georgia
Pretty Little Liars
Russian Doll
The Boys/Gen V
The Gilded Age
The House Of Usheer
School Spirits
Only Murders In The Building
Doctor Who
Daisy Jones & The Six
Ms. Marvel
Mayfair Witches
The Witch Lotus
Ted Lesso
Films To Watch & Catch Up On:
(Subject To Add To List & Cross Out What Has Been Watched)
Lisa Frankenstein (Go See It In Theatres)
Taylor Swift Concert Movie
SpiderMan: Across The Spider-Verse
Do Revenge
Fear Street
Asteroid City
Promising Young Woman
Theatre Camp
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
Weird Al
Blue's Big City Adventure
Dora & The Lost City Of Gold
Not Okay
Birds Of Prey
Plan B
Palm Springs
Eighth Grade
Ghost World
The Fabelmans
The Broken Heart Club
Scott Pilgrim vs. the world
We Can Be Heroes
Mama Mia 2
(500) Days Of Summer
Bill & Ted Face The Music
Portrait Of A Lady On Fire
The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds & Snakes
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Power Rangers
Vampires Vs. The Bronx
Poor Things
Mean Girls Musical
(Based On My List Feel Free To Reblog Or Recommend Films Or Television Shows.)
(If Anyone Has Shows Or Films Or Books That Are About People In Their Mid-Late 20s Or Entering Their Thirty That Would Be Nice. Most Media Is Either About Teenager And College Kids Or Mid-Age Adults Having A Midlife Crises.)
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auroraescritora · 10 months
Hi, how are you? Another chapter and so fast? I'm enjoying it while the burnout doesn't come! I hope you like it.
I don't have many warnings in this chapter. Consider this chapter part of the previous one, okay?
Nico admitted that talking to Percy made things easier. Sincerely? He didn't care, he thought it wouldn't change much if he said what he thought or not. Nico was wrong, of course, although he only did all that because he saw how these secrets bothered Percy. They weren't exactly secrets, they were… some small things that made him feel ashamed or that he thought weren't important. In the end, Percy was right. It was the best feeling in the world, knowing that Percy cared so much about what he thought and felt, to the point of insisting so much and forcing him to see that he was important, even if it was for just one person; he was no longer invisible and what he thought was valid.
Nico wasn’t that clueless, He knew what had happened to him. Was fully aware that his father had abandoned him long before his mother died, but leaving a child alone in the care of his older sister who could barely look after herself? He would never blame Bianca, let alone Percy, who had welcomed him with open arms when the boy had no obligation. Nico couldn't imagine where he would be today if it hadn't been for Percy, who, although a little rebellious and controlling, was kind and concerned, much more affectionate than the image Percy gave to the rest of the world, the gruff and somewhat violent boy who hid inside his chest the desire to love and be loved, not for what he had but for what he was. And Nico understood that perfectly well. When the people around him found out that he was rich, the damage was already done; some people began to avoid him and others to flatter him, but not Percy, ‘cause Percy had always been the same protective and affectionate person, always offering him a smile and willing to share everything he had with Nico; his house, his money and even his family.
That's why at that moment, when Percy said that his opinion mattered, he believed him. And when Percy asked him to be honest, Nico did his best. He knew he could have made something up or pretended nothing was happening, seeing that Percy was about to give in. The problem was, they were the same in those kinds of things; it’s better to have something broken than not have it, right? Nico wasn't sure anymore, all he knew was that he was exactly where he was supposed to be, outside the house lying on a sun lounger with a book in his hand, watching the Jackson family having fun. Percy was swimming, Sally was grilling vegetables and meat on the electric grill and Grover and Tyson were sitting on the grass, doing what they do best, organizing the restaurant's upcoming events and deciding on the menu design for the next month. Nico could even breathe easier, feeling the mid-afternoon sun hit his face, making him close his eyes for a moment. A moment that seemed to last longer than he intended, when he was woken up by a soft voice and loving hands touching his hair.
"Nico, the food’s ready. You shouldn't spend so long in the sun." It was Sally, who smiled at him and helped him up from the chair.
Nico blinked slowly and, with his vision still blurred, let Sally guide him to the tables near the barbecue that were under huge umbrellas, serving as makeshift tents since they rarely used the outside of the house. Or so Percy had told him.
"What a good smell! "He heard someone say from afar.
Nico felt like he was in paradise.
Still a little drowsy, he watched Percy take another lap around the pool and go to the edge, propelling himself out of it and coming towards them, strutting around, like he hadn’t a care in the world, throwing his wet hair back and wearing only a swimming trunks, wetting the ground wherever he went. It was almost as if the water had attached itself to his body and didn't want to leave him. Nico didn't even get angry when Percy leaned over and kissed him, getting him wet in the process as he sat down next to him.
"Good reading?”
It was an interesting question; he couldn't remember a word of it, let alone if he'd read any of the pages. And instead of questioning his lack of an answer, Percy merely smiled at him and kissed his cheek. It seemed that their truce was still holding.
"How about we eat and rest later?”
Nico nodded, of course, suddenly feeling exhausted. Percy set out a piece of well-done steak, potatoes, and a salad for him and made another plate for himself. They ate in silence, and Nico hardly noticed as the sun softened and hid on the horizon. He also barely noticed the moment he went up to the room with Percy and got under the blankets, the only light that illuminated the room being the weak rays that passed through the blinds.
"Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up.”
Nico did his best to keep his eyes open. But Percy was still by his side, wearing only a swimming trunks, stroking his hair and cradling him like the baby Percy insisted he was. Maybe he was, and maybe Percy liked that. Things were what they were, and fighting nature was a battle doomed to failure. So he let himself be lulled to sleep and relaxed against the pillows. Maybe when he woke up he wouldn't feel so strange and tired.
Percy waited until Nico's breathing became deep and got up, then quietly went downstairs to where his mother was still sitting under an umbrella.
"Is he asleep?”
"Yes. I think I've tired him out.”
"Percy, we've already talked about this.”
"I know that, okay! It's just that... Nico is so disinterested in everything.”
"Darling, I understand. But if you want Nico to stay here, you have to follow our rules.”
"You don't understand! He's starting to get quiet again. Nico hardly eats and doesn't want to talk about anything. What do you want me to do if sex is the only thing that holds his attention?”
"Have you ever thought that Nico is feeling comfortable enough to be himself?”
"But he's so calm! Nothing seems to affect him.”
"Darling." Now Sally was laughing at him, and not even hiding her amusement. "The problem here may be something else.”
"Your need for control. If you don't understand, you try to control it.”
"I really don't understand.”
"Think of it this way, Nico was alone, so he had to act in a certain way in order not to remain alone, right? Is he still alone?”
"Are you telling me he's quiet because he wants to be? Because it feels good?”
"Percy! Nico is part of the family, but he's not your responsibility.”
"Of course he is. If his father never cared and his sister cares when it's convenient, someone has to!”
"I know it's not my responsibility, I don't see it that way. I just worry. What if the next time he runs away, Nico gets hurt? What will happen when no one can help him?”
"It still won't be your fault. Just as it's not his if Nico feels cornered and wants to protect himself. You have to accept that.”
"I hate that you studied psychology.”
"How else could I understand what's going on in my son's head?”
"I'm serious, Percy. Think about it. Do you act the same everywhere and with everyone? Then don't expect Nico to do the same. Would you rather he pretended to be something just to please you? Wasn't that the problem?”
"I'm just... I'm scared. I screwed up before, you know? What if I do the same thing?”
"It still won't be your fault.”
"So whose is it?”
"Nobody's. It's just life. It's up to us to forgive and move on. In the end, life is about choices.”
"I don't like that.”
"Well, darling, nobody likes it. You have to understand that deep down it's not about you.”
"That's a shame. If it were, I'd have sorted it out by now.”
"Percy! You have to respect what Nico wants.”
"Hm." That was a good place to start. "All right, I'll do what you want. But I can't promise anything.”
"Perseus Jackson!”
Sally slapped his arm and all he could do was laugh. Sally wasn't the kind of person who punished through pain, no, but by taking away what you loved most. So Percy knew his mother didn't mean it, she would never punish him so cruelly. In the end, she hugged him and told him: "Behave yourself and everything will work out in the end. Be patient.”
"Behave and everything will work out in the end. Be patient.”
Nico didn't want to be spying, he swore he didn't want to. But Percy had said he'd be by his side when he woke up, and when Percy wasn't there, the only thing on his mind was to go in search of the liar. It was all right, he forgave Percy since Percy needed Sally more than he needed Percy at the moment; and to think that Percy asked him to be honest when Percy didn't do the same. Because, yes, he had heard it all. From his "lack of interest" to "you have to respect what Nico wants".
It was funny in an almost sick way. What did he want? It was hard to decide. In the past, he wanted a real friend, then someone to hold his hand. And when all that had come true, things started to get complicated; he wanted a boyfriend and didn't want Percy to know how he felt; he wanted kisses and didn't want Percy to find out. Now? Well, now that he had all this, he realized that in the end all these desires were concentrated in one person, and as long as he had that, he was satisfied, even if he knew it wasn't very healthy or right from an ethical, moral or mental point of view. However, it was something to think about... what was the point of having what he wanted when the price was seeing Percy so frustrated and anxious?
Before they could notice him, Nico entered the house and climbed the stairs, lying down on the bed where Percy had left him. Maybe he could... show more interest? It wouldn't be that much effort, right? And it might even be fun. So he put his head on the pillow and didn't have to wait long. Soon the bedroom door opened and the bed beside him moved, arms wrapped around his waist and a kiss was placed behind his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
"Did I wake you up?”
"I'm so sorry." Nico said, turning around in Percy's arms, looking at him closely. "I didn't know you cared so much.”
"You heard?" Percy made a serious face and Nico felt his heart clench.
He wrapped his arms around Percy's neck and kissed him for long minutes, closing his eyes tightly, knowing that he would rather not look at Percy when he started talking.
With his eyes still closed, he leaned his forehead against Percy's and spoke:
"Your mother is right. I... you may have a certain influence over my personality, but it's not exactly that. I like it that way, I just want a bit of peace and quiet, you know? A place to belong. I want to have someone to…” 
"I want someone to own me. Who is in control. Who won't let me get away and who knows what I need.”
"Own you? How? You're not a property, something for people to buy.”
"Sometimes that's how I feel. I'm just this thing, sometimes I'm valuable, and sometimes, not.”
"I prefer to be with someone who values me and treats me well. I want you to own me and no one else. Are you mine too?”
That's why Nico didn't want to say anything. As long as Percy thought he had a modicum of normality, things would be fine. Now that Pandora's box had been opened, all he had left was hope. He could feel the frustration exploding out of Percy, the guilt, the tension. The longer they remained still and silent, the worse everything got. Nico forced himself to open his eyes and take a deep breath, trying to be brave.
What he saw next surprised him. Percy didn't look happy or sad, shocked or upset, just... quiet, a stillness so intense that it rivaled his own, only his face remained serious and tense.
"What you're saying is very serious. Since when do you feel this way?”
And if he had to be honest...
"I think it's always been like this. Ever since that time in the bathroom. I know it's not very common. And I know I didn't know much back then. The point is that even with distance, nothing has changed. You can try to be more... correct and fair, but in the end, it makes no difference to me. Just because you realized you were doing wrong things, it still doesn't change what we've been through or what we're going to go through. The only thing that has changed is that distance has shown me that I love you, and that I love every little thing about you, good or bad, kind or mean. I accept you as you accept me. So don't make me change just like I don't want you to change.”
It seems that's what Percy needed to come out of his catatonic state. Percy took his hand and kissed it, then hugged him tightly again.
"I accept you as you are. I didn't want you to see those parts of me. They don't define me and I don't want them to define you either. I thought that if I tried hard enough, they would stay buried and no one would need to notice them.”
"I know. I love you. I love every single one of them. And when I say all of them, I mean all of them.”
Percy chuckled into his ear, making him shiver from head to toe, his voice coming out hoarse as Percy pressed him against the bed and placed himself between his legs.
"All of them? Without exception?”
"None. Well, maybe when you hesitate to touch me. I don't like that.”
Another laugh and a grinding of teeth that ran down the back of his neck and onto his shoulder. Hmmm... that would leave a mark, for sure.
"I'll keep that in mind. Any other suggestions?”
"You're going too slowly. Maybe if you tortured me less?”
"I can't guarantee that.”
What could Nico do but give in and moan? His pants were pulled down and soon his member was in Percy's mouth. There was nothing better than that.
So, I don't know if I liked this chapter very much. But it was productive. I don't know. I hope you had fun. But like, should I do a +18 scene in the next chapter? Or not? I'll let you decide.
See you next time!
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
7 | Returned the Favor
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1495
Warnings: playful, near death experience, new power
6. Wednesday | 8. Making Enemies
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The next day while in fencing Bianca and I weren't allowed to go against each other because last time we refused to stop till the other gave up. "I really hate going against you." Xavier takes off his mask frustrated. 
"Because you can't get a single point?" I do the same as him giggling. 
"That's exactly why, V." He crosses his arms. 
"Maybe you should just get better then you could get a point." I shrug my shoulders. 
"Don't get cocky now. Last time you did that you wore pink." He smirks making me glare at him as Wednesday walks in in her black suit like me. "Let me guess, she's good too?" He looks over at me so I nod my head as she walks past us to Bianca and Rowan. 
"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." Rowan tells him. 
"It was a clean strike, Rowan." He tells him.
"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I going to get real competition besides from Valentine?" Bianca turns to him. "Anyone else, who's allowed, want to challenge me?" She asks. 
"I do." Wednesday speaks up so she turns to face her. 
"Oh, you must be the other psychopath family member they let in." She smiles. 
"You must be the self appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." Wednesday puts her in her place. 
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca tells her. 
"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks so they get in their places. 
"This is gonna be good." I stand closer to Xavier as we watch.
Wednesday gets the first point then Bianca gets the next. For the final point Wednesday suggests military challenge, first to draw blood and they both agree to it. In the end Bianca wins. "She's crazier than you." Xavier leans down some to me.
"Yeah, I've always believed she's the darker twin even though I have more in my record than she does." I look up at him and I notice him glance at my lips for a quick second so I go and over to Wednesday, "Let's go see the nurse to bandage that up. Rowan, I suggest you go as well." I lead Wednesday out to go change.
"She's very cocky." Wednesday says as we head to the infirmary. 
"So are we. Bianca and I are always going against each other." I link my arm with hers. 
"I have a question? Have you started you visions yet?" She asks. 
"Yes, majority of mine though are positive but I have moments for dark ones. It's very rare though." I explain to her so she just nods her head. 
While she goes into the infirmary I wait outside the room and something catches my eye so I make my way over to get a water. "Thing." I whisper and he peaks around telling me to shush. "She'll get the feeling you're watching her soon." I shake my head at him walking away waiting for her.
She comes out annoyed then turns to see the water jug gurgling. "Let's go." She turns back around and I follow behind slowly having trouble with my umbrella. 
"Wednesday, you're gonna have to get used to Bianca. Trust me, I'm literally on her bad side." I try to catch up to her. I see her look up and see a statue falling down to kill her, "Wednesday!" I shout and Xavier tackles her out of the way. 
I ditch my broken umbrella running into the rain over to her to see she passed out. "Did you have to tackle her? I'm mean thanks but." I get down checking her. 
"You at least thanked me for saving your sister's life. Let's get her to the infirmary." He helps me get her up and he carries her for me.
I help the nurses lay her down and take her jacket and blazer off then cross her arms like she likes it when she sleep. "She's going to hate you saved her from a imaginative death." I get a chair to sit next to her head and Xavier does the same putting it next to me. 
"I'm just returning the favor." He takes off his jackets and I do the same. 
"She still won't appreciate it." I chuckle looking over at him, "I promise my mother to keep an eye on her form running away but I told Wednesday I won't stop her... but now she almost dies. Luckily you were there to save her." I sigh. 
"Yeah, lucky." He sighs as well. 
"You okay? It seems like something is on your mind." I eye him. 
"Nothing important." He shakes his head. 
"You sure? You can still tell me even though it's not important." I say making him look at me for a few seconds. "You gotta stop doing that, X." I catch him glance at my lips again. 
"What?" He asks confused. 
"Where you look with your eyes on my face." I give him a look and his cheeks turn slightly pink. 
"I don't mean it like..." He shuts up before speaking again, "You tell Tyler what you told me yet?" He looks away from me. 
"Not yet. I haven't been into town yet but I'm going with Principal Weems to take Wednesday to her therapy session. I prefer to tell him to his face and not though a text." I watch my sister sleep. 
"You have his phone number?!" He gets a little loud so I look at him,
"Xavier." I growl his name. 
"Sorry." He rolls his eyes. 
"No you're not." I eye him. 
"Of course I'm not," I hear his thoughts shocking me. "What?" He looks at me confused. 
"How did I do that?" I say surprised with myself. 
"Do what?" He asks but Wednesday sits up.
"Sadly you didn't die." I give her a smile. 
"The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but probably have a nasty bump." Xavier tells her. 
"The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self disgust while ignoring my sister. I never felt that way before." She tells us. 
"Yeah, losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." He tells her. 
"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I'll have an imaginative death. Then you tackled me out is the way. Why?" She asks him. 
"Most people just say thank you." Xavier tells her. 
"I didn't want to be rescued. I'm sure my sister told you that." She tells him. 
"Oh, she did. So I shoulda just let that thing smash you to mush in front of your sister?" He asks her. 
"I would have rather saved myself, and if I didn't she would have a great traumatic experience." She says and I agree with it being a traumatic experience, not great though.
"Good to see you haven't changed." He scoffs, "If it makes you feel any better, let's just say I returned the favor. Xavier Thorpe? You probably don't remember me like Valentine did." He tells her. 
"He was about two feet shorter and 40 pounds heavier." I add making him look at me then smile. 
"She really remembered me." I hear him think again. 
"What happened last time we met?" Wednesday asks still lost not remembering him. 
"It was my godmother's funeral. Apparently she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties together in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don't know, but we were ten, and the three of us were bored, decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket, even though Valentine told me it was a terrible idea. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium."
"I'd heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out." Wednesday remembers starting to smile. 
"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-boiled. So... now we're even." He smiles. 
"Wait, so if I'm ever about to die... you're not going to save me since I've never saved you?" I joke with Xavier. 
"Yes." He plays along. 
"Some friend you are." I playfully hit him so he grabs my arm to stop me. 
"You've never given me a reason why I should save you. Plus you still let me get in that casket." He says giving me a look so I go to hit him with my other hand but he grabs that arm to. 
"Don't you dare blame me for your stupidity." I laugh. 
"Well you knew better and didn't try to stop me." He laughs now. 
"I told you it was a bad idea! That should've been good enough." I fight with him. 
"You make me sick." Wednesday gets up getting her stuff leaving.
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