#v: oh sinnerman
tempportal · 1 year
The mere fact that Number Five is still currently upright, despite the countless sleepless nights over the past week, could probably be categorized as some kind of minor miracle, attributed solely to sheer, stubborn willpower, and the appalling amount of caffeine he’s consumed in the past four days or so.
 Even now, he’s got a flimsy Styrofoam cup full of weak, watery, gas-station coffee clutched in his hand, taking quick sips in between sentences, as he explains the ins and outs of the power-enhancing chip to Gaira. “I’ve outfitted it with a natural adhesive base on the bottom, see, so it will affix itself to your skin wherever you choose to place it — the process is painless, by the way, I assure you, I’ve already tested it out on myself multiple times to make sure — and you can place it virtually anywhere on your body. Of course, I would advise you to pick an inconspicuous area that’s not often targeted in battle — during my trial runs, I noticed that the nape of the neck provided excellent results, presumably due to the proximity of the cerebral cortex and the limbic system.”
Five throws back his final gulp of coffee like a vodka shot, and crumples the cup in his fist with a very satisfying crunch of papery foam. “So. Any questions?”
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@dvarapala​ / plotted starter
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private-witt · 5 months
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Oh, Sinnerman by @whump-town Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. The old woman shakes her head, “I’ll be damned if you don’t look exactly like that family, though. Could fit right in. Exactly like the daddy of that bunch, spitting image.” She shakes her head and turns to JJ. “Meaner than a snake, that ol’ bastard. ‘Bout beat the skin off his oldest more than once. Why if I had–”. Hotch clears his throat, and suddenly his collar is too tight. “Sorry,” he apologizes immediately. Old habits die hard. Sorry was the first word he ever learned.
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dreadfulsanity · 10 months
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"I had a weird fucking day. Wakako threw something my way. Guy wanted someone to kill someone. So I asked who the target was. She didn't know. Now, I have no problem putting bullets into skulls of scum. Like Jataro Shobo. Seriously. The more I learn about the guy the more I wish I could kill him again. Utter piece of filth. But I digress. So I asked her what if the target is some nice, loving father of three. 'Then you will make the right decision, V.' Ugh. So I decided to hear the guy out at least. "
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"Turns out, he was after the killer of his wife. Joshua Stephenson. Yes, the one who's all over the screamsheets lately. Passion of Christ nonsense. Looks like he got off death row by making a deal with corpos. Bill couldn't let that slide. Before you ask, yes, I agreed to help. Though I was hoping I'd still find an angle I could play. Anyways, we waited in his car until the target came in sight. No one said anything about NCPD though. We followed the van. I spare you the details. We caught up to them. Some badge with a stick up his ass threatened to shoot. Bill couldn't care less. Stormed with drawn weapon towards him. Tried to get in-between them, but... well, Bill is dead. And now Joshua wanted to... hire me to spend the day with him. Isn't that nice? There was also some corpo rat from the studio among the trio. I agreed, because... I was curious. Plain and simple. Btw... I apparently have a reputation among the NCPD. Dangerous to be around were the words Vasquez used. I'm no danger to badges, am I?"
River chuckled. "Well, I'm not a badge anymore, so I couldn't possibly say." He kissed her neck.
"Oh, we're getting to that. Apparently your old buddies like to gossip like school girls. We arrived at some house in SD where Joshua wanted to visit someone. Asked me to come with. Vasquez was giving me the stink-eye. You know me. I took that as a challenge. Maybe got a bit cocky. Called him cute, but that I have sadly only space for one cop in my bed. 'Ex-cop.' he snapped back at me."
"What?" Another chuckle.
"Told you. Apparently we're the talk at the NCPD."
"What did you say to that?"
"That you have bigger cojones than all the other badges at your precinct combined. And definitely bigger balls than Vasquez. With a very snotty look around his crotch region. He just grunted. I chuckled and went in after Joshua. Apparently that was the house where the mother of one of his victims lived. And he was besties with that victim's sister. She... forgave him. It was through her that he found god. Made me nauseous. Mum came home, didn't find it in her heart to forgive him and threw us out. Next stop was a diner. The corpo bitch wanted to get rid of me. I did not oblige. Made her mad. Worth it. We talked a bit more, Vasquez and Joshua wolfed down some chow. Then they left for the studio and I came here."
Val poured herself another whiskey.
"You know, this whole thing is insane. I mean, he's obviously bad people, and got sentenced to death for it. But the corp making bank on his suffering... they want to crucify him and record a braindance of that. What the hell is wrong with people? And then, as I was making my way home, the corpo bitch called. Begged for my help. Apparently Joshua has second thoughts. She wants me to set him straight. She'll be in for a rude awakening. He belongs back on death row. Not in a BD studio."
"Jesus, V. Your days are never boring, aren't they? Maybe I should come with you someday."
"I'd like that. Could do some NCPD scanners. Gigs that won't ruffle your conscience. Actually... I get a lot of mini gigs from my fixers, looking for missing persons. But for today, I'm done. Think about it. I'd like to have you around some more."
She drank the whisky in one go before grabbing his hand and pulling him off the counter.
"But for now..." She smirked seductively and guided him up the stairs to her bed.
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wyrd-syster · 4 years
Updates on oh sinnerman:
It’s a Five chapter
This chapter may be like 10k words??
I went really fucking dark
don’t know how I worked in two macbeth references and one edgar allan poe reference but I did because above all else I am an english major who needs an editor
and i am really fucking excited for you guys to read it. after a week of writers block things are coming together so perfectly that I had to like walk away from my computer for a second just to be like “oh my god.”
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firefree · 5 years
@theednygma liked for a starter
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“You’re in my territory,” Firefly says. Her voice is even, but her eyes behind her goggles are dancing with a sort of furious delight. Finally, something to burn. She likes the set up she has now that Gotham has become a No Man’s Land -she’s the Queen of Gotham’s Pyromaniacs, a goddess at last. And this man, his bright green suit standing in stark contrast to the reds, oranges, and yellows of the flames behind him, is not one of hers. “You have thirty seconds before I turn you into a torch.”
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fereldanwench · 2 years
3, 8, 18 and 19 for the Cyberpunk questions? :3
Thank you! 💙
3. In what ways do you see yourself in your V/OC? Valerie kind of inadvertently became a vessel for me to embrace the softer, more sentimental, and sensitive side of myself. It's something that I was always a little ashamed of and embarrassed by, probably from growing up hearing dOnT Be sO SeNsItIvE all the time, but something kind of clicked with me last year and I realized I was tired of fighting that part of me and Valerie became a manifestation of that acceptance.
On a more superficial level, I gave her my love of coffee, plants, and cats.
8. If you could have anyone as a companion in 2077, who would it be? I actually use AMM to bring Jackie around during pre-Heist missions/gigs and then Goro for just about everything else post-Tom's Dinner--Having either of them as official, full companions, not just buddies during individual missions, would be awesome.
And I like Regina a lot--I know the nature of fixers means they're usually not the ones getting their hands dirty, but I think having a little gig with her as a companion could be cool.
18. What’s a mission or side gig you loved? Excluding Goro ones, which are obviously my favorite... I'll give some love to I Fought the Law. I generally dig corrupt cop and politician stories, and I love being stealthy so infiltrating the warehouse club is a blast.
19. What’s a mission or side gig you hated? Mentioned River's family dinner here. Ummm... Oh, I almost did not bother with Sinnerman the first time I played because the tailing part of that mission was a pain in the goddamn ass. Once you've gone through it, you have some idea to prepare for the cars pulling out in front of you, but the first time I was so goddamn annoyed, lmao.
[cyberpunk 2077 questions]
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
I've been thinking about what you've touched on before, that Johnny doesn't think that he's good enough for V, and he's both too stubborn and too anxious to confess how he feels about them, and he sees them falling in love with other people and knows that the day they will have to split for forever in Mikoshi is coming soon... reminded me of "Something about us" by Daft Punk 😥
Oooh, thank you for the song rec!
And johnny hidden behind his arrogant front, knows how cruel hes been how far hes pushed everyone away. Calling himself a selfish bastard comes really easily, same with calling himself fucked up in the Sinnerman quest series.
I always find his wording in that interesting. Because that mission series happens later on in the game. I believe you need to have Life During Wartime (panam main quest missions) done and maybe have a specific street cred level but im less sure on that part. Meaning its generally meant to be a later stage mission. Personally, I like to so it after the oil fields talk, so that also impacts my perception, so your mileage might vary on this.
In those main quests, Johnny largely is always trying to tease and taunt V that they're just as fucked up as him. That they were fucked up before he came along: "that makes you a real deviant", "you're more like me than you know", "you're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back minus the charisma and impressive cock". Yes, i had to fully quote that last one. V never hesitates to tell Johnny he's garbo in the beginning; they question his actions, his morality, his everything. And Johnny does what he does best when someones poking at his feelings and making him feel worse than he already does about himself; he lashes out and projects. Oh no no no no, you're fucked up too, V. Dont act like Im the only asshole here.
Then things change, V gives him more chances than he deserves. He starts to awknowledge his faults without projecting them on V and wants to change. Hell, if V at the oil fields mentions that sometimes they feel more like Johnny, do things he'd do and it feels right. He is terrified and says, we need to get this chip taken care of thats not good. The man who once was trying to convince V how similar they are; hates hearing V admit they may be becoming more like him and doesnt hesitate to blame it on the chip instead of implying V may just be as fucked up as him.
And again, the nonlinear nature of some of the missions can throw some of this off, but like in sinnerman, at the convo in the dinner, i feel like we see a subtle shift. Johnny does go his usual full lecture spiel in this mission, hes annoyed at V talking religion to him, and even jumps to try to make himself sound/feel badass about how V drops to their knees before gods and he pops them in the head. So, in general it has pretty usual Johnny lecture vibes. But this wording always catches me.
"Hes fucked in the head. And you're fucked in the head, cause my fucked up head is inside it. Maybe thats the trick to changing the world, first step gotta get fucked in the head"
Its subtle, but I think him fully saying he is the reason V is fucked in the head, says a lot. Hes no longer trying to act like V and him are both fuck ups, disasters, and morally bankrupt people. Hes the reason V is fucked up. And i think that, among other things, does help show that at a certain point he really does see himself a being this fucked up mess and V is this too good of a person, who for some inconceivable reason doesnt hate him.
Also while i dont have the heart to play it, but looking at some of his dialogue from devil ending and how he can literally tell V that the relic made them more like the old him and hes become more like how they were before the relic; the awknowledgement that before this betrayal, he saw them as good.
Like all of that tells me he does massively feel like V is this too nice for their own good, strangely kind merc. And hes just an asshole, finally trying to change after fucking up his first life.
This answer kind of went on a tangent, but i also wanna say with love interests and potentially watching V fall in love with someone else. I think Johnny gets real torn between that part of him that wants to be better, knows V deserves better and he'll be gone anyway...so he shouldnt even think of getting in the way of it. And this more selfish jealous part of him, that for as long as he is here, he wants to hold on to keeping V to himself and they can find someone else once hes gone so he doesnt have to see it.
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darkdoowoopie · 4 years
Summary: V has hard time coping after spending one day with Stephenson. It’s not easy being a merc, or her with a parasite called Silverhand. 
Warnings: slight angst, mention of blasphemy. V and Johnny needing a swear jar. Spoilers for Sinnerman and There’s A Light that Never Goes out quests. 
A/N: I am so in love with my V, that I just want to write character studies about her and Johnny. This is unedited as I wanted to get this idea out of my head as quickly as possible before I forget all about it again. Yes, I am going to follow Johnny’s fashion by giving titles based on songs. 
Christ, she needed a smoke. V didn’t want to admit how much Stephenson’s words had affected her but the sharp pain next to her heart seemed to drill deeper, expanding like it wanted to swallow her heart in whole. Thanks to Johnny she was slowly turning into stress smoker, at this point she didn’t care. If she was going to die, she might as well ruin her lungs in the process. 
The first inhale of smoke filled her lungs, body relaxing when the long exhale came through her mouth the smoke lingered before it faded away. Events of the day came back to her mind, how she had traveled with Stephenson due to his crazy obsession of wanting to drag her along. For Johnny it had been huge amusement, like a good soap opera to enjoy with popcorn and can of beer. 
“Do you believe in God, V?” 
Nope. She didn’t. There was no higher power in this godforsaken city, otherwise Jackie wouldn’t be dead and there would be no trail of corpses behind her back. Every death hanging all of a sudden on her shoulders, hugging her tightly like those invisible hands wanted to squeeze and crush every bone in her body. It made her shudder, she wanted to forget, escape. Leave it all behind, again. 
She couldn’t. Night City always dragged her back. Maybe she was turning insane as well like Stephenson, his words crawling under her skin. V’s nails dug deep into her arm, leaving crescent moon shapes . The need to scrub off those confessions that caused her discomfort. 
“Think of the millions jacked into their feeds like livestock, the children growing up in gang-infested streets. Do they know love?”
Maybe. Who gives a fuck? V squirmed again, her body feeling alien to her. For a moment she was certain she could hear Johnny snickering inside her mind, enjoying the turmoil of emotions that was going through her head. He didn’t know anything about her, hell neither did Stephenson. They didn’t know jackshit about her. 
“And think of paid killers like you, V. Have you known love? Do you know what it is?” 
Without realizing she had crushed the cigarette in her hands. Slowly V opened her palm to see the tangled joint with barely burning end. The orange color flickered, desperately drawing its final breaths before it was extinguished. Soft scoff escaped through her nose, before she flicked it away. Maybe it was true, she didn’t know anything about love. Everyone she had ever cared for had died or left her. Now, she was afraid if she opened her heart, people left in her life would suffer the same fate or worse. The clock was ticking, and it wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down. 
“Fucking kill me, V.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ, stop appearing out of nowhere!” 
“Oh, we have reduced to blasphemy now?” Johnny continued, that mean smirk playing on his lips which caused V to sigh and harrow hand through her hair as she was trying to calm down from her heart attack. 
“If you have something more to say, spit it out. I thought we already covered this back at the diner.” 
“You’re a mess.” 
“Tell me something I don’t know.” 
“Didn’t think that you would let nutjob so easily effect you.” 
“Well yeah, what did you say - we are fucked in the head. So damn fucked...” 
To her surprise there was no counter argument, instead Johnny was gone again. It made V wonder had he even been there in the first place or was she just already seeing him everywhere without thinking much about it. She covered half of her face in hand, in truth she didn’t want to think about love or loving someone. It was a price she could never afford. There was no heaven for a sinner like her. Only thing she could do was to protect herself from what she wanted. 
....and Johnny too. 
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url song titles game
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
thanks for the tag, @i-am-just-a-kiddo! I am always ready to talk about music
Absolutely not tagging 22 people because I am a sensible person and that would be crazy, but @circumference-pie, @tofufei, @angelxhunter, @ahlanzhan, here’s a tag if you’d like to share!
Generally pulling from songs I’ve listened to recently, though a person only has so many v- and y- and u- songs. If something comes up from 2009 we get what we get ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Read on for commentary
N – Nothing is Safe by clipping. – forever thinking about the line “truth like death comes for everyone” in the context of LYB
O – Out Like a Light 2 by The Honeysticks and Ricky Montgomery – the original version of this song is a classic for me but this version, uh, changes the meaning of the lyrics a bit
T – Tactics by Japanese Breakfast – currently reading Michelle Zauner’s memoir (Crying in H Mart), so I’ve had the whole Jubilee album on repeat to get in the mood
S – Sinnerman by Nina Simone – a masterpiece, need I say more
A – Agnes by Glass Animals - not sure if I can articulate all I feel for this song in anything shorter than a novella, will not attempt
Y – You Wouldn’t Like Me cover by Sleeping At Last – every song is improved if it’s covered by Sleeping At Last, send tweet
I – Il male è grande e vasto by Na Sang Jin and Park Se Jun - asdfghkjl this is from the Vincenzo soundtrack... say what you will about the show itself, but the soundtrack fucking slaps and I will put that on my gravestone (I beg thee, how often must one make a playlist called ‘songs that make me want to join an international crime syndicate specifically so I can play them while doing bad deeds’?)
N – Nước chảy hoa trôi (Reborn) by Nguyễn Trần Trung Quân – I watched the music video so many times when it first came out that now I need only throw the song on to enjoy a little screening inside my brain! Love when that happens
G – Gang Gang Schiele by HYUKOH - I started listening to them idly while working a few days ago. It started out as “sounds like a good vibe” and then it became “a lot of these songs are actually really great” and now it is “I think I need to consume their entire discography”
R – Rainy Night in Georgia by Brook Benton – when I was much younger, I would put this song on during early morning workouts, which makes no sense because it is the definitional opposite of a workout song
E – Extrication by SHIO 郭修彧 – I quietly associate this song with The Ghost Bride for reasons that aren’t clear to me. Did I maybe see a video with this song for that show? Am I imagining things? Who knows, certainly not me
V – Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks by The National – prime example of how I choose most songs based on vibes alone. I don’t even want to look at the lyrics because it would ruin the experience
O – Oh You Are Not Well by Chloe Foy – what it says on the tin! I particularly like the folk elements of this one
L – Le pré des corbeaux by Maxenss – this song feels like summer but is textually not very much about summer at all
U – Under My Skin by Jukebox The Ghost – I’ve been listening to them for quite a while and I keep thinking they’re going to break into mainstream pop and I won’t be cool anymore
T – Tujhe Dekha To by Lata Mangeshkar and Kumar Sanu – from Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, which I have not watched in I don’t even know how long but remember liking
I – I Of The Storm by Of Monsters and Men – "Little Talks" was the anthem of my mid-teenage years. Since then, I’ve come to appreciate the rest of their work on multiple levels. Also, the music video for this song moves me to tears every time I watch it
O – Oh my god by (G)I-DLE – I heard this soon after it was released two Aprils ago and had a “wait... did I just hear a she pronoun???” kind of moment. I appreciate the aesthetics of the music video as well
N – Nar_C by Holland – my experience with Holland began with “the first openly gay k-pop idol? Yes let’s see what he has” and is now “I will listen to anything he creates and also I would die for him”
B – Bad Dreams (Stripped) by Faouzia – despite being obsessed with her voice, I actually haven’t listened to much of her work beyond this song? Gotta get on that. Nevertheless, the powerful vocals + piano makes an excellent combination in this version
U – Underdog by Mayaeni – another artist who I would like to explore more! I connect a lot to the lyrics of this one
T – The Way You Felt (你的目光) by Alec Benjamin – linking the Mandarin version because 1) I like it more than the English version and 2) I more often hear songs that are translated from their original language into English. This is one of the few (contemporary) English bops that I’ve seen a mainstream artist intentionally release in another language and I do respect Alec Benjamin for that
(this got real long, shoutout to anyone who read to the end <3)
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visceralcoma · 4 years
I just finished the Sinnerman quest. I dont know if you've even done it but if so, what did you think? I wont go into much detail because of spoilers but, even tho I'm agnostic, Spain is very much a catholic country and I was raised catholic so it felt weird and a bit uncomfortable at times...
Oh I’ve done that quest. It was interesting.... as an atheist I was able to actually rp my V as being a non believer so that was a nice touch. I wasn’t uncomfortable so much as I was impressed that CDPR did dare to put such a scene in. I remember the absolute bonkers outrage when the passion of the Christ came out both for and against the movie for such graphic depictions.
In the end, I was only miffed I couldn’t activate photo mode during it. I wanted to take a bunch of cinematic shots and a few selfie style pictures.
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tempportal · 1 year
@dvarapala​ / continued from here
For one single, vanishingly small instant, Five’s incessant, ever-whirring brain scrapes to a dead halt at Gaira’s sudden declaration — I like having you around, and I’m sure my mom would, too — until it’s literally all he can do to stare at her, wide-eyed and open-mouthed and stunned into absolute silence, and did his sworn nemesis seriously just invite him into her home? Because it very much appears as if his sworn nemesis just invited him into her home! Like he’s not her sworn nemesis! Like he’s just another one of her imbecilic little friends from her imbecilic little school! Like they don’t engage in combat on a regular basis! Like they don’t absolutely loathe each other!
 “You ‘like having me around’?” he echoes, with the full intent to turn her statement into a stinging, sarcastic mockery — a firm and unyielding reminder that he will not fall for that particular trick (no  one is ever going to give a single shit about him unless they can use him, remember?) — but his voice, when it comes out, is very small, very uncertain (childlike, he realizes, and he hates it) and it takes him a positively inexcusable length of time to regain his usual ice-cold composure, clearing his throat and smoothing out a few nonexistent wrinkles in the rough black fabric of his perfect, pressed blazer, because she likes all my friends, Gaira said, like she actually counts him among that number, like she could ever possibly count him among that number when no one ever has before, and it must be a trick, a feint so obvious that even a child could see through it, because no one is ever going to give a single shit about him unless they can use him, but—
—but the problem with that is, Gaira has never been anything but scrupulously, annoyingly honest with him in all their previous encounters. No matter how far back he goes, he can’t seem to recall a single instance wherein she ever engaged in any sort of deception or subterfuge against him. It’s one of the things he’s always liked best loathed least about her — she’s unflinchingly direct and straightforward, just like him, and she’s got the guts and the grit to fight him head-on, no underhanded schemes or subtle machinations.
It’s a wonderful change of pace, to have an enemy he doesn’t need to watch his back around.
But that certainly doesn’t mean that he returns the whole ‘friend’ sentiment with Gaira, or anything so utterly illogical as that! That would just be absolutely insane! That would just be pure lunacy! So what if he thinks it’s a rather refreshing change of pace that there’s at least one person in this entire city who isn’t terrified of him, who won’t scream in horror and run the other way as soon as they lay eyes on him? So what if their battles just so happen to be the highlight of his whole week? So what if he counts down the days until he gets to launch a fresh attack on her? So what if she’s the only real human person who he actually interacts with on a regular basis? So what if she’s the only real human person who has ever called him her friend?
That doesn’t actually mean anything! None of this actually means anything, really, because she’s still his sworn nemesis, and they’re still destined to destroy each other sooner or later! And that’s the way he likes it! That’s the way it has to be! He can’t be anything but bad, he just can’t, and he knows because he’s already tried so hard, but he always always always comes back with blood on his hands, and another corpse on his conscience.
“Well, that’s good news for your friends, I suppose,” he says, finally, and as flatly as he possibly can, given the very specific and extremely uncomfortable circumstances he happens to be trapped in. “I wouldn’t know.”
Five latches gratefully onto the excuse she’s just provided for him with both hands, nodding his head just a little too hard in his frantic haste to agree with her, and get the hell out of this terrible, awful, horrible, no-good, very-bad conversation. “Yes, I—I believe that covers everything. I will contact you again as soon as I’ve completed my work on the invention. I expect to see you then.” 
And now, with the whole Puppet Master fiasco finally under some semblance of control, Number Five takes a step back, his powers already crackling blue on the tips of his fingers, ready to take him back to his lair, when one last thought occurs to him, and he shoots his nemesis a small, snarky smile. It’s definitely a mean smile. Definitely. 
“Hey -- good luck on your retake, Supergirl.”
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
was reading this article where Daniel Handler makes a mixtape for an imaginary heist movie and assembled the following tracks and also talked about the songs chosen (as listed)
Main theme/Voyage to a secure location: Saint Etienne, “Urban Clearway”
The mark: Marianne Faithfull, “The Blue Millionaire”
Moral justification for robbery: Sam Phillips, “Shake It Down”
Planning and correction of mistakes: Tom Waits, “Jockey Full Of Bourbon”
Execution of the plot: Nina Simone, “Sinnerman”
Unexpected complications: John Barry, “Death Of Fiona”
Alarms are sounded: New Order, “5 8 6”
Threats of violence: Primal Scream, “If They Move, Kill ’Em”
Arrival of the law: The Clash, “Police On My Back”
Car chase: Grace Jones, “Warm Leatherette”
Celebration of escape: J.C. Davis, “Monkey”
The glittering prize: Ferrante & Teicher, “A Whale Of An Aquarian Finale At Sea”
Lingering melancholy doubts: The Chromatics, “Kill For Love”  
also. some of my personal thoughts and favorite parts from his commentary i enjoyed, italics are quoted from his words
his thoughts femme fatales in general and how he planned to have one in his next series (referring to atwq, this was before atwq published), and it was interesting to see his vague ideas being talked about before the character ellington was ellington
“there’s kind of a femme fatale in the new Lemony Snicket series, so I was reading and watching all this noir, and one thing that was really interesting to think about is that the femme fatale is almost always on the same point on the moral compass, and has the same kind of strategizing, as the detective.”
“I like a good arrangement. I often get bored when I’m listening to an album if there’s no surprising instrumentation, or at minimum, mixing. Yeah, I like things that catch your ear. I can’t think of anything in my top 50 albums that is nothing but guitar, bass, drums, something like that. I always like something oddball thrown in there.” - this is. v v DH i feel
 also DH talked how he made a lot of mixtapes back in the day and that one time he went to a friend’s garage sale and there were lots of mixtapes he had made her, and then he just took them without paying afdkhjsad
his commentary on lyrics of nina simone’s sinnerman wrt to god & devil and crimes movie plots and people falling into their old ways was v interesting and while looking at the lyrics i get where that’s coming from, listening to it was hard for me to focus in the lyrics because i just get. so immersed in the tunes ... the fast pace and the general vibes and the very heist-movie feels to me ... excellent
jakfdljsd btw i’m dying at the comment of new order being more gangsta than anyone thinks, and also. “Well, there’s nothing like two white people deciding that an all-white band from Manchester is really gangsta. I think it gives everyone involved a whole lot of cred.” 
but this description tho!!! oh i can get behind this yes  : “It makes me feel like I’m donning suction cups to climb the glass exterior of this building, or twisting all the red wires to the blue wires, so I have access to the safe. Or asking a gentleman for a light, and then blowing the smoke in his face that knocks him unconscious so I can blindfold him and duct tape him and take his security card, or whatever I need to do.”
also. DH’s son suggesting he paint flames on the side of his car. fave 
last but not least, i do love how we have celebration of escape and glittering prize and then .... the melancholy lingering doubts and also living one’s life behind .... combined with the electronic sounds of Kill For Love, the  ... slightly removed and faraway and wistful feel, it really gets me tbh
“I think one pictures someone standing sadly on the prow of a boat. Maybe the protagonist faked a love affair with the security guard’s daughter for six months to prepare for the heist, and now he can never see her again, but he really loves her. Or maybe he had to say goodbye to his family because he’s turning forever to a life of crime. Any one of the melancholy endings of crime films like that, where someone has to leave their whole life behind.”
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kngofhell · 5 years
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SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL; an elias michael morgan playlist. 
click for full playlist.
i. sympathy for the devil||the rolling stones.
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul to waste
ii.  ain’t no rest for the wicked||cage the elephant.
Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back Though you know, I wish I could Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good
iii.  the devil you know||x ambassadors
It's better to know the Devil you know The Devil you don't 'Cause wherever you go, wherever you go With the Devil you know you'r never alone It's better to know the Devil you know The Devil you don't
IV.  way down we go||kaleo
Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Whoa, we get what we deserveAnd way down we go Way down we go Say way down we go Way down we go
V. don’t threaten me with a good time|| panic! at the disco
Champagne, cocaine, gasoline And most things in between I roam the city in a shopping cart A pack of camels and a smoke alarmThis night is heating up Raise hell and turn it up Saying "If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe" Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time
VI.  creep||radiohead
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong hereI don't care if it hurts I wanna have control I wanna a perfect body I wanna a perfect soul
VII. sinnerman||nina simone
Oh, Sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Where you gonna run to? All on that day
VIII.  hard to love||the mowglis
I'm a little bit hard to love I think I do that on purpose I know I don't give you much I know it makes you nervous And I don't wanna work you up Don't want you to find out down the line So I'm just gonna say this once Baby I'm a little bit hard to love
IX.  angel of small death and the codeine scene||hozier
I watch the work of my kin bold and boyful Toying somewhere between love and abuse Calling to join them the wretched and joyful Shaking the wings of their terrible youths Freshly dissolved in some frozen devotion No more alone or myself could I be Looks like a strain to the arms it were open No shortage of sordid, no protest from me
X.  call me devil|| friends in tokyo.
I aint no angel Don't got no haloI Cut off my wings Made my momma scream Im your darkest dream ...
They call me devil And you should be afraid
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deckoutinstars-blog · 7 years
I’m totally digging this episode of Lucifer....
But at the same time this episode leaves so much more questions than the answers I had expected to get from an episode titled “The Sinnerman”. I have been thinking to myself that this Sinnerman of episode 9 must be a decoy, mainly from the fact that you can’t already resolve the mystery of the season halfway through (weak, I know), but after this episode, I am even more convinced.
I’m basing this also off this episode review of Lucifer
1. Why would the Sinnerman trigger and lure Lucifer to trap him in a fridge, only to leave him in there after a few moments of taunting him? that is a lot of missed calls and 2 dead bodies worth of too much effort just to shut him in a box. why is it so important that Lucifer is out of the way? what is he out of the way for??
2. Fine, he needed the killings to rile up Lucifer, but he could have achieved the same with “I heard you were looking for me” after all he done with the "stealing Lucifer’s jam”? unless the killings serve another purpose. to also ensure that Homocide gets called in and be involved, and/or one brilliant detective ended up on the case, and/or by proxy, one Lieutenant ended up on the case. but what is this set-up for?
3. Marcus is very, very weird. It would totally make sense if he confirmed the Sinnerman’s existence if he believes that the case is related to the sinnerman, so there is no point in hiding it from the detective, but he then immediately goes to dismiss any connection to the case, and again discrediting Lucifer in Chloe’s eyes, etcetc you have already heard the rest. 
4. Is the sinnerman really the mastermind of a villian he’s been painted out to be? being competitive and wanting to win this rivalry with Lucifer, stealing his face, his identity, sending messages, taunting him by going after his favour-receivers, going to the extent to gouge his eyes out to ensure he gets the final one-up of being fully immune to Lucifer’s powers, this is a top tier criminal whom the midwest law enforcement have been after for years, yet again, mentioned in the review he left a bunch of DNA behind, he goes into a bar containing a family of mobsters, took them out but couldn’t handle 1 detective in a gun fight, and surrenders immediately to a dude (ok fine a heavily muscled dude pointing a gun at him) who tackled him, while saying “do what you have to do”. Zero self-preservation instinct,totally doesn’t gel, a villian this careless could stand-off for years with the cops??? either the midwest is incompetent as ___ or there’s something more here???
It seems to me as though the Sinnerman in this episode is a decoy to the real Sinnerman. Could it be that this guy was just told to trap this insanely strong club owner with the weird eye mojo, go step into the trap the LAPD laid, fall over onto the ground, and don’t say anything else?
Really, I came away with ten times more questions than i did at the start of this episode, and I am loving every single part of it. I cannot wait for episode 10
i. Poor maze she just has all these feelings that she can’t let out and Lucifer is not cooperative she had to trap her friend in a fridge just to get him to listen to her
ii. Linda’s guilty face as she hears maze proclaim that “you’re the best” and hug her is soooo on point
iii. I feel kind of bad for Charlotte but excited also about her redemption arc to come. will she save herself from hell? perhaps Charlotte is the human case study on whether redemption of a soul is possible even when they are slated to go to hell?
iv. Chloe Decker is gorgeous, Lauren, oh Germy what is it like to live life with that face
v. this whole episode is dark in the way I like it I mean someone gouging his eyes out with a pen?? mhhmmm~
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firefree · 5 years
@akillerconundrum liked for a starter
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“Well, if it isn’t the King of the Narrows,” Firefly drawls, drawing her flamethrower and pointing it squarely at the man’s chest. “Penguin wants you dead, you know. Time to convince me not to get a huge raise on my salary by burning you.”
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH3Fx41Jpl4)
Oh sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Where you gonna run to? All along dem day Well I run to the rock, please hide me I run to the rock, please hide me I run to the rock, please hide me, lord All along dem day But the rock cried out, I can't hide you The rock cried out, I can't hide you The rock cried out, I ain't gonna hide you guy All along dem day I said, rock, what's a matter with you rock? Don't you see I need you, rock? Lord, lord, lord All along dem day So I run to the river, it was bleedin' I run to the sea, it was bleedin' I run to the sea, it was bleedin' All along dem day So I run to the river, it was boilin' I run to the sea, it was boilin' I run to the sea, it was boilin' Along dem day So I run to the lord, please hide me lord Don't you see me prayin'? Don't you see me down here prayin'? But the lord said, go to the devil The lord said, go to the devil He said, go to the devil All along dem day So I ran to the devil, he was waitin' I ran to the devil, he was waitin' Ran to the devil, he was waitin' All on that day I cried - Power!!!!!!! (Power to da lord) [8X] Bring down (Power to da lord) [4X] Power!!! (Power to da lord) [12X] [Instrumental] Oh yeah, woh yeah, woh yeah Well I run to the river, it was boilin' I run to the sea, it was boilin' I run to the sea, it was boilin' All along dem day So I ran to the lord I said, lord hide me, please hide me Please help me Along dem day He said, child, where were you When you oughta been prayin'? I said,lord, lord, hear me prayin' Lord, lord, hear me prayin' Lord, lord, hear me prayin' All along dem day Sinnerman you oughta be prayin' Oughta be prayin', sinnerman Oughta be prayin' All on that day I cried - Power!!!!!!! (Power to da lord) [12X] Go down (Power to da lord) [3X] Power!!!!!!! (Power to da lord) [3X] Power, power, lord Don't you know I need you lord Don't you know that I need you Don't you know that I need you Power, lord!
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