#va chapter 13
kentuckybats · 11 months
Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
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Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Broker Offering FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional, and KHC Zero Down Payment Home Loans Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:”
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bucoliqves · 4 months
speaking of novel adaptations, give the french-italian notre dame de paris musical a shot!! its been one of my favs for years
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gustanchomortgage · 3 months
The Complete Guide to USDA Home Loan Eligibility.
The special opportunity for those people who pass the qualifications opens up with USDA home loan program to make their dream of residential areas in country and suburban address become true. As for people who are planning to apply for a USDA home loan, it is critical to know the basic eligibility criteria. 
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evony256 · 13 days
I just wanted to share my thoughts on the episode too since I've seen a lot of people do that
By the way I had to watch this like 7 hours after it was released and I have not scrolled through Tumblr yet so I might bring up stuff that have already been discussed. Also all of these notes were written down while I was watching the episode so yeah
-Levi just moved up so much on my kin list it's insane like omg…
- This was one bad day for Acevi fans, huh. I guess the Xanvid came at a price
-Whit I can now see why David told you to shut up I like you but that was bad 💀 (he was probably left affected by how David reacted in episode 12 and is either really uncomfortable or somewhat intimidated by David now)
-Nah nah nah that's definitely not Teruko's secret so I'm gonna start theorizing now. Teruko might have most of the secrets. It's not like they belong to her, but if you think back to episode 8 she said that she doesn't know which secret is hers because so many things have happened in her life. She probably said that she got the family secret because she thought that was the most likely one. Hu's secret might also be accurate to her considering the fact that, in episode 4, she told Arei that failed suicide attempts are painful, hinting at the fact that she might have tried to kill herself at some point (also backed up by the fact that, in episode 3, she says "why save my life if you're just going to ruin it afterwards?" when talking about her medical debt). The idea that she has most (if not all, but I doubt that) of the secrets might tie in with the killing game secret since it says "How could I even select which secret to be your motive?". The wording here is very ambiguous since it could be interpreted as "secrets about your life" or "secrets that are on the board", like the ones that the other cast members have, the latter being something that I bet that nobody in the fandom thought about until this episode. Anyway theory over back to saying stupid shit
-I MADE AN AUDIBLE GASP NOISE WHEN THAT CG WITH EDEN SHOWED UP HOLY SHIT!!!! I think she might have hurt or killed the girl she kissed? Unless she killed Arei, which is still a posibility, or Levi lied about his secret for Eden’s sake (idea which could contribute to the "Eden killer Levi accomplice" theory), though Charles would have also needed to lie for Eden since he had her secret. Also, if we're going with Eden remorseless murderer theory, in my opinion, it wouldn't make sense for Eden to be a remorseless killer after what Arei said about her making a mistake "that she couldn't take back" (showing that she probably felt remorse for what she did). Also also this is a good time for me to bring up the note with "Eden's motive" that Charles gave to Teruko. That note could be proof of whether or not Eden really does have the girl kisser secret and I want to mention that the note could be anything since we only have Charles' word to rely on. I really hope we get to see what it says because it's been making me more suspicious of Charles (I personally think that Charles is somewhat suspicious so I might make a post about it soon even though there isn't much proper evidence to say that he has something to do with the killing game, there's still a couple of questionable things about what he's done/said). Okay yap session number two over
-Arei moved up even more on my kin list how is that even possible…. I also love how her voice changed so much in this episode. Even in prior episodes, her voice seemed so cheerful and energetic, yet in this one, it's much calmer. Showing that she truly is feeling relieved that there are other bad people in the world like her and that she might have a chance to redeem herself if so. God damnit Mokaui (Arei's VA) did such a good job with all of her voice lines she needs to be credited more
-They're finally talking about the murder method this is a new evolution for humanity
-Monotv causally breaking the forth wall, now we can blame it on the cast that they were talking about the secrets for an entire year because they didn't watch the Chapter 2 recap
-Ooh so that's what the broken handles meant also that Veronika art is so pretty
-I wonder why they would want to break her neck though, it doesn't seem like it would help with the murder at all, but maybe the killer was trying to cause confusion
-This is proving a theory that I've had for a while. If Arei was hung from the ceiling of the playground, then that could be tied in with the broken lights and the movie screening room above the playground. How would they be able to get her into the playground from the movie screening room though…
-J 💀 (that's all I’ve got to say literally)
-That's a lot of very precise information Whit I can understand Veronika but why would you know all that. Care to share something with the class?
-The text animations in the debate are so unique like the question marks with Rose and the one that circles around the top of Levi’s head those look so cool. Also getting to hear a lot of characters talk in a row feels amazing. It gives them a lot of depth showing the contrast between those characters’ tones of voice.
-Also there goes my screening room theory damn
-Everyone just roasting Teruko again is the best thing out of this episode /j
-We got puppy Whit 10/10 episode
-Ooooo she's talking about Ace's attempted murder
-(Probably) Nico and Ace focused episode next week Nico and Ace fans are gonna be eating good
Overall, this might be my favourite episode so far. Not like I had a favourite episode before but still this was SO good
Also I just checked my Tumblr notifications why are there 50 like oh my lord 💀
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rainbow-crane · 4 months
I'm feeling like being controversial today. Here, take some DR character opinions. Clutch your pearls besties
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17- Makoto. I feel nothing for this character, in any positive or negative direction. To me, he's only ever been the vessel for which THH takes place for the player. That's kind of it. Bro is just chilling. (Note: these opinions are exclusive to the THH game.)
16- Leon. He suffers from what I like to call chapter 1 syndrome. Not only was he killed extremely early, but he had no plot or character significance before or after the fact in-game. I think the idea of a character that hates their talent is really interesting, and his design slaps, but he just didn't have any sticking power for me.
15- Yasuhiro. He's got funny moments here and there (the ghost bit in the ch 5 trial never fails to make me laugh) but he has no story. They don't do anything with him besides 'stupid occult man' jokes, and I can't help but feel like there was wasted potential to do something with his fortune-telling talent that was only ever used as another gag of his stupidity. Disappointing as a character, but at least he was around longer than Leon.
14- Byakuya. Asshole characters are always hit-or-miss for me, and Byakuya missed by a ton. I know he *technically* got showed up during the chapter 4 trial, but getting upstaged once and acting like nothing happened afterwards isn't enough of a character arc for me to find him surviving over so many others in the cast worth it. He's also just pretty weak as an antagonist in comparison to the others in the series(not to mention there was an objectively better option for antag in this very cast). He's the type of character I'd probably like way more in like, Ace Attorney, but here I just got so sick of hearing him speak.
13- Hifumi. I can appreciate the attempt to make a subversion of the 'perverted nerd' character, but they failed the second they actually made him a perverted nerd, even if they gave him that bare minimum ideal of rape being bad. Fanon interpretations of what could've been prop him up for me a good bit, too.
12- Mukuro. Similar to Makoto, she feels like a character that exists to serve a narrative purpose, and we never really meet her as herself in-game. Unlike Makoto, we actually got FTEs playable in the post-game that allude to a greater story with her and her doubt in despair that makes her retroactively more tragic and adds both to herself and her sister.
11- Toko. They just didn't do enough with her in THH to warrant me placing her any higher than this. I think the differences between her and Genocider are interesting, and I wish they'd been given more growth in the game instead of spending the entire game post-chapter 2 pining over and stalking Byakuya. Toko gets ranked lower because she wasn't as fun to have onscreen and I got sick of her insisting people disliked her for being ugly, even though she's pretty conventionally attractive beyond having glasses.
10- Junko. She was an incredible mastermind twist and had a ton of charisma and presence in the final trial, from her sprites to the VA's performance, but they just didn't use her enough to warrant putting her any higher than the characters above.
9- Mondo. I like the characters he's attached to more than I do Mondo himself. I like the 2-sided coin of toxic masculinity they write between him and Chihiro, and I love his relationship with Taka, but I just don't care much for him outside of what he provides for those characters. He's fine.
8- Genocider. Basically everything I said with Toko, but she's way more entertaining from her cheery and violent personality and is just more expressive and fun. I got excited whenever she came onscreen because I knew I was about to have a good time.
7- I don't think you could change Kyoko's role in the story much at all without drastically altering the game as a whole. Makoto may be the POV, but Kyoko is undoubtedly the main character of THH and not only is she the most capable member of the class, but her growth as she opens up to Y/N Makoto and puts her faith not only in the absolute truth, but also hope is beautiful to watch, especially as we get to learn the mystery of who she is and where she came from. In another world, she'd be my #1, but I've never actually shed tears for her so she ends up as low as 7th.
6- I'd say from an objective standpoint, Sakura is probably the most well-written character in THH. Her internal conflict as she's forced to play the role of spy paired with her rapidly growing relationship with Hina as she finally, finally finds someone that sees her as the woman she so desperately wants to be acknowledged as, growing past her greatest weakness- her fear- to stand up to Monokuma, and having to take the role of a fighter on for a class of people that hated her to be both victim and killer, freeing her classmates from having to become either- I think I've made my point. I still wish we'd gotten that 3rd-person fighter about Sakura.
5- When I went into THH, I fully expected Hina to be a dumb blonde character for the entire game, with no substance beyond her character design. Maybe that low expectation was what made her shoot so high up my list. She wasn't the smartest character, sure, and the game definitely focuses on her body an uncomfortable amount, but she still has an incredible arc in her relationship with Sakura. Her depiction of grief is so deeply emotional, and her sense of justice, which up until then had been alluded to but never put into her hands, became a weapon that almost took down the entire class with her tears. Not only does she lose her best friend, but she's then manipulated by Monokuma to make that pain so much worse by pinning the blame for her loss on everyone around her and herself. Her attempt of a murder-suicide of the entire class followed by the reading of Sakura's real will and her guilt and regret afterwards is one of the strongest moments of the series. I've always thought if Makoto didn't exist, Hina would've been a great choice for a protagonist for this game, since she starts with that same optimism and easygoing ability to make friends that Makoto does, but is a strong character in her dedication to her sports and fierce love of those closest to her.
4- As a trans man, Chihiro's story was a lot like looking in a mirror, especially when I was playing the game as someone who'd only just started opening the closet door. His insecurities due to his body and his attempts to forcibly feminize himself to receive acceptance and masquerade as something he wasn't was something I was intensely familiar with, and the tragedy of his finally gaining enough confidence to open up to a close friend and seek out help to try and become his true self, only to be betrayed by said friend and killed before he ever got the chance, was one of the best personal gut punches I've gotten from this series. Regardless of the transphobia and misogyny written into said storyline, he's a character I'll never not relate to. There's a ton to dive into with Chihiro's character writing, and he's one of those characters I can tear into like a raw steak and go not only into how he's treated by the show, but also by how many ways there are to write him better than the game actually did and all the different ways different corners of the fandom have treated him. (Also, to be clear, I'm not opposed to transfem Chihiros hcs, I'm using he/him bc that's what's canon.)
3- Taka. My beloved boy, underrated outside of his relationship with Mondo. I'll defend this man until the day I die, and will always believe he should've been a member of the surviving cast over Hiro. His constant uphill battle with trying to connect with and protect his classmates only to fail at every turn from his lack of understanding of social norms, going as far as to rationalize hobbies as a form of studying in his first FTE, and his pure joy in finally connecting with someone being decimated by the reality that that man went on to be a killer is so powerful. Watching him completely snap and go near comatose, only being pulled out of stasis by the news that an AI of Chihiro still exists and begging for forgiveness for not being able to prevent his death was shattering, and his fusion with his perception of Mondo pushing him over the edge only to be killed unceremoniously in the background of Celeste's plan was infuriating. This man struggled and clawed his way through the first half of the game for whatever scraps of screentime the creators would leave him, and then they tossed him out when they couldn't think of anything better to do. Justice for my man!!!
2- Celeste. Remember when I said there was a character more well-suited for the role of antagonist than Byakuya in this game? Well, this is she. Not only would she have worked as a narrative foil to the player, as Makoto and Celeste are both in the class for their luck-based talent, but she would've had a much more powerful and thematic rivalry with Kyoko, the girl who seeks out absolute truth, as the girl who wraps herself in a veil of lies. I already found her fascinating as she was, having a character that's unashamedly a bad person and follows her own ideals with no regard for the effects on the rest of the class beyond how easy it'd be to manipulate them, but her lack of regard for the class trials and refusal to cooperate could've been how she functioned as an antagonist, refusing to help the group when it didn't immediately serve her or intentionally leaving out details that put her in a bad position. Essentially, she'd function as an antagonist in a way inverse to how Kokichi functioned, which not only would've been phenomenal for THH, but for the parallel storytelling V3 later goes on to employ. That said, that's all hypothetical, but even without all of that, she's still an intriguing character that I can't stop thinking about.
1- Sayaka. I hated Sayaka when I first started playing, not because of anything she was doing, but because I didn't like how the game was seemingly gluing her to Makoto's hip. I didn't like having to slough my way through tutorial after tutorial going through her to talk to the entire rest of the class, and I didn't like being forced to burn my first FTE on her when there were other characters I wanted to learn about. I cheered when I found her body because it meant I wouldn't have to jump through hoops to speak to the other characters anymore. All that hatred dissipated as the first trial took place. Taking the cutesy sidekick girl and making her not only the first victim (something that was huge for the genre at the time) but also going on to reveal that she was actively betraying us and plotting to frame us for murder to save herself and her fellow idols was a genius move. Since then, Sayaka has become a stronger presence in my mind for this series, and her impact on the series as a whole can't be overstated. She put the first killing game into motion. She carried with her the first despair, and inspired the first hope from Makoto. Her desperation for a dream she had to fight tooth and nail for, that desire to hang onto her dream that'd kept her going for so long pushes forward everything. 11037 became a staple point for the series and the fandom, not just because of the poor western translation, but also because that was her point of regret, the guilt that stopped her from killing Leon successfully and ultimately saved everyone, her final moments being to save Makoto and the others. Every moment spent with her at the beginning is designed not just to make her seem like the desirable sidekick girl, but also to weave into your perception of her the darkness she carries on the inside, the dedication and determination to remain liked and retain her fame by any means necessary, feigning being agreeable yet still unwittingly developing genuine feelings for someone who's nothing but genuine. The money I'd pay for a prequel anime about Sayaka's rise to the title of SHSL Idol is unreasonably high.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Beltane - Part 7 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
A 'little' later than Ji Ho and Jeb, Noxee, Saiwa and Jack at the campsite got up too. And when poor Jack stumbled out of the tent, he almost choked at the sight of his beloved Noxee! She's so hot! Saiwa: "Noxee! Have merci!" Noxee: "Aww, our poor baby! I'll change into something more 'appropriate' and make us some churros, how does that sound?" And then she vanished and Jack cursed under his breath for not having a grip on himself. He wanted her to stay like this, just for a little longer... He's barely even seen her properly! Time he gets back ingame so he can meet the Queen again! And Lou. Distracting himself from Kiyoshi is already working just fine, that's a good sign!
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And while Noxee was making the churros (that's the only dish she is able to 'cook'), Saiwa and Jack wandered around the campsite. If it's not too draining for Ji Ho and Vlad to let them travel around in the Otherworld with the TTT (Teleporting TukTuk), they should come here more often. Saiwa even found the bunny again!
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Saiwa: "He's so cute, quiet and soft. Just the opposite of Jack ;P " Jack: "You know, everything we talked about yesterday, about not being able to get rid of Kiyoshi because of that fated mates thing, me prospering and unlocking my Super Soldier abilities. All that stuff frightened and intimidated me beyond measure. But!"
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Saiwa: "But what?" Jack: "But you, my precious friend, who is like a dearest brother to me, already unlocked my ability to decide to let myself not get hurt when others throw their meanness at me :3 " Saiwa: "..."
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Noxee: "Aww how sweet! Hahaha yeah, it's been like that since you two met at the lab three years ago!" Jack: "Right you are. Three long years Saiwa accepted many hardships to poke and pester me. As if he had seen it coming that I was going to need it one day ^^ I never got upset!"
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Jack: "And I'm very positive that I, the Super Soldier, will suceed in my quest to defy Kiyoshi's influence over me and heal!" Noxee: "I think you should better use your Super Soldier powers to run from Saiwa before he throws that bathtub at you hahaha!"
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And then Jack ran 🏃 But I think he has a point. Saiwa is the only one who gets upset at Jack's antics and scolds him. But it never hurt Jack (erm at least mentally. He gets hurt physically from time to time when he's running from Saiwa ^^'). He can work with that.
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They ran a lap around the lagoon and then breakfast was ready. Saiwa was still a bit upset. And it didn't make it any better that Jack suggested to try the I-don't-give-others-power-over-my-feelings method on himself hahaha! Noxee: "Babies, let's eat!"
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Noxee made very special churros for her Babies! They are sparkling like crazy! Noxee: "Made with extra love by an extra Queen for my extra Babies <3 " Saiwa is lost in thought. He has to face Jeb again soon. And then they'd have to part again when they head back home to Tomarang. He doesn't know what's worse. And Jack wishes he could eat Noxee's churros more often - without Greg at that, too...
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Even though they are not blood related, they are like a little, dysfunctional family 💖
I mean, I get it that Saiwa refused to stay sit to eat because the flowers are placed at the counter. But why Jack? There is nothing! And why is Noxee eating while sitting even though there is an object at her counter? Omg this is so annoying! -.-
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'Cerco l'estate tutto l'anno e all'improvviso eccola qua. Lei è partita per le spiagge e sono solo quassù in città. Sento fischiare sopra i tetti, un aeroplano che se ne va.'
'All year I'm looking for the summer and all of a sudden, here it is. She left for the beach and I'm alone, up here, in the city I hear wistling above the roofs an airplane that is leaving.'
Azzurro - Adriano Celentano
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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lola-hernandez-123 · 5 months
S-Snake x Luffy’s Little Sister Reader
If you ask if I was forced to write this,yes I was.I have a cousin who is OBSESSED with anime women.So one day she came up to me saying “I know who your crush is,so let’s make a deal;you write a story that I have in mind for an anime girl that I like and I won’t snitch”.This story was a TORTURE to write.Can’t believe that my cousin she’s 13 and even once liked Boa Hancock (she is 31).Every single time she tells me about a new anime girl I end up looking at her with this face “💀”.This story will keep going until she find a new lady to simp over.
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Chapter 1:Arriving To Egghead Island
Akemi D. Monkey, with a mess of black colored hair that mirrored her older brother's, bounced with barely contained excitement on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Egghead Island, the futuristic marvel was unlike anything she'd ever seen. But in the towering metal structures and whirring robots, something else stole her attention – S-Snake.
The Seraphim was a stark contrast to the cold, metallic world around them. With white hair that flowed past her shoulders and gentle eyes,S-Snake radiated a quiet strength that fascinated Akemi. Unlike the other, emotionless Seraphim, S-Snake seemed…different.
Their first encounter was awkward.Akemi went on a stroll around egghead when she spotted S-Snake in one of the practice grounds.Her eyes shined as she watched the white haired women.Confidence built within so hesitantly with an approach mumbled a shy hello before introducing herself,while S-Snake gave a small, polite bow. Yet, despite the initial awkwardness, an invisible thread seemed to connect them.
As the Straw Hats were on Egghead, Akemi found herself drawn to S-Snake. They'd wander off together (somehow), S-Snake explaining the island's technology in a way that sparked Akemi's curiosity rather than confusing her. Akemi, in turn, shared stories of her adventures with Luffy, painting pictures with her words of the vast, diverse world beyond Egghead.
Afternoon came, they found themselves in a quiet garden tucked away within the metallic maze. Akemi, perched precariously on a giant metallic flower, dangled her legs. "S-Snake, do you ever feel… trapped here?" The question surprised her, but the vulnerability in S-Snake's eyes emboldened her.
S-Snake looked around at the towering structures. A flicker of something akin to longing crossed her face. "Sometimes," she admitted softly. "Vegapunk created me for a purpose, but I don't know what it means to be truly free."
Akemi hopped down and sat beside S-Snake. "Freedom's not just about the absence of walls," she said, her voice firm despite her young age. "It's about following your heart, choosing your own adventure." Her gaze locked with S-Snake's, a silent question hanging in the air.
Their hearts pounded in unison as their faces drew closer. The world around them faded, replaced by the warmth of S-Snake's gaze. It wasn't a romantic kiss, but a tender touch – Akemi's forehead pressed against S-Snake's cool cheek. It was a promise, a shared dream of a future where S-Snake could write her own story.
Their blossoming friendship didn't go unnoticed.Just arriving back to the Sunny Luffy, ever perceptive in his own way, grinned as he welcomed her.
However Akemi,with a mischievous glint in her eyes, slipped S-Snake a small Den Den Mushi – before she left from where she was.The object,a tiny sea snail that would allow them to communicate across the vas
As the Thousand Sunny stood in the clouds Akemi stood at the helm, a determined look on her face. She wouldn't just be Luffy's adventurous little sister anymore. She would carve her own path, a path to S-Snake, back to the girl who she wanted to show her that even in a world of steel and circuits, the spark of a different kind of freedom could ignite. Theirs was a love story still in its infancy, but one born from understanding, shared dreams, and the promise of a future adventure waiting.
———————————————————————— (Most of the story will take place a few days or a week before the canon events in the anime)
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Release Tracker:
In April JP server had Tsumsted Wonderland part 2 and the beginning of an All Dorm Training Camp, which is to last until May 8th.
It has been 62 days since the release of Book 7, Chapter 2.
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On Twisted Radio Station last week the VAs discussed upcoming events for May including a Club Wear SSR for Rook (Science Club), a Master Chef event (Idia and Ace) and the release of Book 7, Chapter 3 (to be timed with a limited-time banner for an SSR Ortho card: Cerebus Gear).
Twst NA Release Timeline:
NA server had Harveston and a Fairy Gala Rerun, with Fairy Gala: Remix coming up from May 1st to the 18th.
During the same period (16th month from release) JP was doing a Phantom Bride rerun.
It has been 24 days since the release of Book 6, Part 2/2.
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Redid the event tracker, separating by year: in its first year JP had five events, while NA server had 13.
JP server had nine events in year 2.
In 2023, JP server has had five events with only four on NA: both servers had a hometown event, a Tsumsted event and New Year’s, while JP also had a Master Chef.
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shreddedleopard · 9 months
for yuumori asks: 1, 13, 21 :)
✨ From Yuumori ask game here
Ahh thank you so much for the ask!! ☺️ (and for creating this wonderful Yuumori themed game too!!)
Oh god, these questions were harder to answer than I expected, once I sat down to think about them 😆 but here goes:
1. Favourite Character (s)
I’d love to say something quirky or unexpected, but honestly it’s a toss up between William and Sherlock for first with Louis close second.
William // I think to take a villainous character from an existing story and write them from a perspective which makes them as relatable and their intentions as understandable as William’s is absolutely brilliant. William is a character who I find more interesting and more wonderful the deeper I delve into him; it feels like there’s constantly a new element of him that makes me go 🤯 and I love this. I also find that I relate to him in certain ways, too. I think he’s very cleverly written so as to have many different facets of his personality which are relatable.
Sherlock // I love how Sherlock retains a lot of his original ACD character traits but also has specific elements which make him feel as though he very much belongs to Yuumori. I think his flaws and vulnerabilities are written honestly and again in a very relatable way, and I find myself also relating to Sherlock but in a different way to William. He’s funny, too; I will always gravitate to characters that make me grin or laugh aloud when reading ☺️
As an aside, I find it difficult to separate both of these characters for first spot because it’s also their relationship and connection which I adore in Yuumori; I feel like amidst a backdrop of drama, life and death situations and change on a grand scale, it encourages us to celebrate the joy of the everyday, specific ways we connect with other people and find things in common.
Louis // I enjoyed Louis’ character in the manga, was drawn in by the soft and gentle aspects of his character brought out by the English VA in the anime, but Ikkei Yamamato’s portrayal of him in Morimyu sealed the deal for me. Louis’ balance between his vulnerable and honest emotions he wears on his sleeve for William mixed with the stoicism and guardedness he strives for the remainder of the time intrigues me no end. He’s a character I’d love to explore more in writing, too, especially post time-skip. I think it’s sometimes overlooked how he, in the end, clung on to his composure and strength where William and Albert crumbled, and how he probably makes an excellent leader, but I think the anime stopping where it does is to blame for this. He’s very much my go-to type of character.
2. Favourite Arc
Wow this is so difficult because I absolutely charged through the manga when part 1 was already complete, so a lot of it blurs into one big mess when I think about it haha. I would maybe have to say The Final Problem arc, as the way suspense was built during this had my heart absolutely racing. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be a monthly reader not knowing the fate of the characters for months after that fall. The Two Criminals is perhaps a close second, because I thoroughly enjoyed Milverton’s character and almost wanted more of him vs. William/ Sherlock. When Sherlock ate that sandwich and drank that tea like he gave zero shits about Milverton’s little game, it did things to me. I think it was the moment Sherlock’s position as joint top favourite character was cemented 🤣
3. What I’d like to see as another OVA
I mean … I feel like the Durham Date is kinda the ultimate here, right? 😆 I would love to see this animated. But also, the storyline where William is kidnapped in earlier chapters is a favourite. I love how it shows William’s absolute dedication to his goal — he shrugs his mistreatment and injuries off as if they’re nothing, not caring for his own well being providing his plan succeeds. But not only this, his damn acting. I was so worried for him when he was shouting for Louis in the carriage, my heart was in my throat, only for him later to be like 😏 everything went as planned. When I realised he’d played me, the reader, too, I was shaking my fist at him (affectionately 🤣). I would like to see this performance animated, thank you.
This was so much fun, thank you again! 🥰
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kentuckybats · 3 months
Mortgage Loan Options After Bankruptcy in Kentucky
Buying a Home after Bankruptcy How Long after a Bankruptcy Can I Qualify for a Kentucky Mortgage? There are bankruptcy lenders who can help with your mortgage application even just one day out of chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. You will likely need a larger down payment and show that you are taking financial steps to improve your credit. Below, we will take you through some mortgage after…
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black-arcana · 1 month
IN THIS MOMENT Announces 'The Godmode Tour Part 2', BLABBERMOUTH.NET Presale
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IN THIS MOMENT will embark on "The Godmode Tour Part 2" this fall. Support on the trek, which will kick off on November 8 in Asheville, North Carolina and end on December 7 in Manchester, New Hampshire, will come from KIM DRACULA, NATHAN JAMES and MIKE'S DEAD.
A special BLABBERMOUTH.NET presale will begin on Wednesday, August 14 at 2:00 p.m. EDT and end on Thursday, August 15 at 10:00 p.m. local time. When prompted, type in the presale code " ITMBBM24" to access tickets before the general public. Check back here on Wednesday for ticketing links to individual shows. General on-sale will be Friday, August 16 at 10 a.m. local time.
Tour dates:
Nov. 08 - Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Auditorium Nov. 09 - Roanoke, VA - Berglund Center Nov. 11 - Huntsville, AL - Mark C. Smith Concert Hall Nov. 12 - Atlanta, GA - Coca-Cola Roxy Nov. 13 - Orlando, FL - House Of Blues Nov. 15 - Shreveport, LA - Shreveport Municipal Auditorium Nov. 16 - Houston, TX - Bayou Music Center Nov. 17 - Corpus Christi, TX - Concrete Street Pavilion Nov. 19 - Kansas City, MO - The Midland Theatre Nov. 20 - East Moline, IL - The Rust Belt Nov. 22 - Prior Lake, MN - Mystic Lake Casino Showroom * Nov. 23 - Rockford, IL - Hard Rock Live Rockford # Nov. 24 - Milwaukee, WI - The Rave / Eagles Club Nov. 26 - Madison, WI - The Sylvee Nov. 27 - Gary, IN - Hard Rock Live Northern Indiana & Nov. 30 - Columbus, OH - Kemba Live!# Dec. 01 - Windsor, ON - The Colosseum & Dec. 03 - Toronto, ON - History Dec. 05 - Cleveland, OH - The Agora Dec. 06 - Reading, PA - The Santander Arena Dec. 07 - Manchester, NH - SNHU Arena
IN THIS MOMENT's latest album, "Godmode", arrived back in October via BMG. The LP was produced by Kane Churko (ROB ZOMBIE, DISTURBED, PAPA ROACH) and Tyler Bates. Bates produced, wrote songs for, and played multiple instruments on albums by MARILYN MANSON, BUSH and ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist Jerry Cantrell. He is best known, however, for scoring the box office smash "300", the Emmy Award-winning Showtime series "Californication", the "Guardians Of The Galaxy" and "John Wick" film franchises. IN THIS MOMENT's song "I Would Die For You" appeared on the soundtrack for "John Wick: Chapter 4", for which Bates wrote the score.
With a Grammy nomination ("The In-Between", 2021),platinum and gold record sales, multiple Top 25 entries on the Billboard Top 200 ("Black Widow" and "Ritual"),hits including "Whore", "Blood" and "Adrenalize" and career streams of more than 1.3 billion, you'd think IN THIS MOMENT might rest on their laurels. Instead, they've created "Godmode", 10 dynamic songs that mark a new high for the quintet, further cementing their legacy in the heavy music world. Proof positive is in "Godmode"'s first single, the industrial-heavy yet ultra-melodic "The Purge", and its darkly cinematic video directed by Jensen Noen (BRING ME THE HORIZON, DEMI LOVATO). From the portentous start of the '90s-tinged "Godmode" with Maria Brink's powerful primal scream to the pitch-perfect cover of Bjork's 1995 "Army Of Me" to the impassioned pain to partnership in "Everything Starts And Ends With You", "Godmode" is a cut above.
The L.A.-based band's eighth album finds vocalist Maria Brink and guitarist Chris Howorth writing the most powerful songs of their career.
"We're always striving for reinvention and growth. It's been 10 years since our 'Blood' album, and there's been a lot of transitions happening, this year particularly, but it all felt so meant to be," explains Brink. Top talent aided and abetted IN THIS MOMENT; Spencer Charnas from ICE NINE KILLS guests on the pointed and pained "Damaged", and several songs were co-written with Tyler Bates, the award-winning producer and composer of numerous film, television, and video game scores. In fact, the initial collaboration with Bates, the moody, haunting mid-tempo winner "I Would Die For You" ended up both on the "John Wick: Chapter 4" soundtrack and as the last cut on "Godmode".
IN THIS MOMENT, a touring juggernaut who've slayed stages worldwide at Ozzfest, Warped Tour, Download, Knotfest and Rocklahoma, put out "Mother" in 2020, during the pandemic, giving fans something to hold on in during that bleak time, and earning "The In-Between" the band's first Grammy nod. It was 2021 when Howorth and Brink first wrote with Bates on "I Would Die For You". Following that collaboration, the duo were writing organically, for pleasure, not focused on the next album. As the pandemic waxed and waned, Howorth learned programming, and created music around synthwave sounds, which Brink leaned into. Her lyrical ideas arose both from soul-searching and "humanity and so much crisis and so many heart-wrenching things in the world. That negativity and darkness is how songs like 'The Purge' came about," Brink explains.
The end result is that when IN THIS MOMENT went into the studio in January 2023, the easy flow had allowed them to compile the most songs they'd ever written at one time, songs the entire band loved. Longtime producer Kevin Churko helped shape ITM's sound starting in 2008, but for "Godmode", his son, Kane Churko, was at the helm.
"Kane's got all the strengths that his father taught him —everything, all the bells and whistles, but he's got some new tricks because he's a younger generation, he's hungry," says Brink.
Kane was the perfect match for IN THIS MOMENT's inspired songs.
"During the pandemic, just writing versus writing with a pressure that music has to be for an album, allowed us the freedom to make the record we made," says Howorth. "Godmode"'s songs gained even more strength in the studio, with Kane shaking up the band's usual m.o. even further.
"Having some songs by Tyler influenced us as well," Brink explains. "It was scary for the band, but it ended up flowing just so beautifully. We felt very experimental."
That flow gave the album its name and theme. "Godmode" isn't religious, rather it's an expression for a triumphant flow state where all comes together seamlessly, coalescing into an ultimate form. As Brink sings in "Godmode", "You got me feeling so high / You lift me off of my feet yeah / You got me feeling like, feeling like / I'm in Godmode." In video games — Howorth plays the game "Destiny" — "God mode" also refers to a code that makes a player invincible.
"There's a spontaneity in this album that you can hear. It's a little more visceral. And that we're not with Kevin, who has done all our albums except for our very first, fans will hear those differences too, which is really cool and exciting for us," Howorth says.
"We had all this built-up energy from the last three years, we felt angst, we felt we had a lot to release," furthers Brink. "And we were letting it loose organically, while also playing with different time signatures and interesting things like that." "We use an 8-string on the album, which we haven't done before," Howorth says. "We did some different tunings, and it can definitely be freeing from guitar standpoint, the way we did things this time. Working with Kane was different and more off the cuff, being in the studio, getting creative and just trying a bunch of different stuff on every song. It was a really good experience."
As fans of Brink's lyrics know, life in and around IN THIS MOMENT hasn't always been easy. As Brink recalls, "When I met Chris, I was just a starry-eyed girl with huge dreams. And he was in a PANTERA-like metal band!" She told Howorth she wanted a heavy lineup that could sell platinum and win Grammys. The band had an early manager who told them it would never happen. But his dismissiveness only fueled IN THIS MOMENT's fire, energy and fight. "We're just relentless," says Brink. "Anything's possible if you really put your mind and energy into it."
For "Godmode", that energy also went into the "The Purge" video, where director Noen brought his artistry and next-level talent to Brink's storyboard ideas. The larger-than-life video themes and sets have been translated into IN THIS MOMENT's live stage show, literally. And summer 2023 saw the band on its first arena co-headlining tour with full pyrotechnics.
"Our whole lives we've talked about being in an arena and having fire and a full show," Brink says. "And now we're doing it and it's just so beautiful."
IN THIS MOMENT certainly have nothing to prove, the lineup's authority assured live on record and onscreen. Yet, "Godmode"'s energy and scope is visceral.
"With our new ideas and excitement and Kane's energy of wanting to prove himself to everybody, we were able to show that we're heavy and just as impactful as every other new band coming out right now," says Howorth. "We can punch you right in the face, that energy is in there big, time. I think our fans are really gonna like this album, because it's taken us back a little bit where it began, but it's also more instinctive, and heavier than anything we've done a long time," concludes Howorth.
Brink, a private person, nonetheless gives and takes much strength from ITM's millions of fans. The healing is on both sides.
"It's amazing if my songs help people feel empowered. When humans share painful things that we went through and how we heal from it, we can help each other and pass that energy on," she says. "Honestly, the most beautiful thing about being in a band is being able to have that connection with strangers who become kindred spirits. Sure, I have urges to wear 'masks' and hide from everything and wear makeup, but I like to share and be honest and vulnerable. The sky's the limit," Brink concludes. "You just have to keep dreaming, keep expanding, keep pushing yourself to that next level. I feel like something is shifting right now in the band; this is such a special moment for us with 'Godmode'."
Photo credit: Joe Cotela
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tagthescullion · 9 months
Il Minuetto della Ragazza
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: T
Summary: Bianca di Angelo is alive. Alive and upset, confused, desperate… Camp Half Blood lost her little brother, and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do to bring him home safe.
AO3 link
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII
Chapter 13: Trust
Federica had come back with the ambrosia and nectar by the time the girls had disentangled themselves from the rope and from each other. She was letting a dribble of nectar fall into Ludovica’s mouth, holding her head carefully.
Edwina was cleaning the blood of the unconscious girl’s temple. It wasn’t too bad, but it had been a nasty blow nonetheless.
Ludovica sat up a few seconds later, dizzy and babbling in Lombardo, from what Bianca could make out.
She kneeled next to her. 
“Tranquilla, va bene. Stai ferma,” she whispered, putting a hand on the older girl’s shoulder.
Ludovica’s eyes, still dazzled, snapped towards Bianca.
“Maria,” she gasped, raising her hand to touch Bianca’s face. 
“That’s Bianca, Ludi,” Edwina told her softly. She looked up and said in a louder voice: “Give her some space!”
Bianca was about to get up, but Ludovica grabbed her hand. She stayed like that, holding the wounded girl’s hand until the confusion cleared from her eyes. 
“Scusami,” she said at last. “I thought– it doesn’t matter what I thought.”
On the contrary, Bianca wanted to argue. She was curious about that name. That memory she’d recalled when talking to Chris before she left the La Rues’ home. That had been her father, she was sure. He’d mentioned a Maria. 
Was that her mother?
Did Ludovica know Bianca’s mother?
She had wondered if the girl had known her family, now she was almost sure. But how close had she been to Bianca’s mother? She’d mentioned she’d joined the Hunt after the Great War. Bianca wasn’t great with dates, but that was around 1920. How old had Bianca’s mother been then? Not too old. 
Maybe around Bianca’s age? 
Was that why Ludovica thought Bianca was Maria?
She wanted to scream out in frustration. She hated not remembering. She hated not even knowing what her mother had looked like. She didn’t even know why she didn’t have any memories of her childhood. 
The Lotus Hotel had messed up with time, but were her memories all gone because of it too?
She wanted to cry, and sob, and pull her hair out until her immortal father came up from Hell to stop her, to answer her questions.
She jumped out of her thoughts. 
Thalia had touched her arm, she was half-kneeling in front of Bianca, a look of worry in her pale face.
“Sorry,” Bianca offered.
Thalia shook her head. “You were lost in your thoughts.”
Bianca nodded. 
“We have to leave,” Thalia said. “The girls have convinced the people on the bus that we’ve scared away the thieves.” She snorted. “I feel like some Old Western sheriff saying that. Anyway, better leave before we push the power of the Mist too far.”
Bianca looked to where Ludovica had been sitting. 
She wasn’t there anymore. 
It was only Bianca and Thalia, and empty nothingness around them all the way to the bus, at least fifty metres away, where the Hunters and the bus passengers were starting to board again.
The daughter of Zeus caught Bianca’s uneasy expression, her face turned sympathetic.
“It’s all right, I told them to go ahead,” she reassured her, her voice softer than Bianca had ever heard it. “It happens to me sometimes… I get lost in memories. It makes me lose track of time.”
Thalia got up and offered Bianca a hand, which she took gratefully.
“Is Ludovica all right?” Bianca asked. 
“Yeah, she’s fine,” Thalia said. “She’s got a thick skull.” She appeared to be debating something in her mind. “Why did she call you Maria? Is that what upset you?”
Bianca shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Thalia gave her a funny look. 
“I mean, I don’t know why she called me that,” Bianca clarified. “It didn’t upset me. I just–” She sighed. “I still don’t remember much.”
“Maybe you’ve got another sibling somewhere,” Thalia suggested. She didn’t sound too sure. Bianca imagined if two demigod siblings of the same godly parent were a lot, three was unheard of. “Or she knew somebody you reminded her of.”
Bianca wondered whether she should be honest. She was still wary about telling Thalia the truth about her father. That would certainly change the way she saw Bianca. But the daughter of Zeus had been nothing short of kind to her from the moment they went to get her from Clarisse’s house. Hell, she’d even agreed to go to New York to find clues about her missing brother.
“I think she might have known my family,” Bianca told Thalia. “I think Maria was my mother’s name.”
“Maria di Angelo?”
Bianca nodded.
“If you want, we could try to find out more about her,” Thalia said. “There might be records, if she migrated here during FDR’s government.”
“Do you really believe so?”
“Why not?” Thalia ran a hand through her hair. “Most of it must’ve been digitised at some point. But if not, we could ask around in DC, if we’re ever there. That’s where you said you’d lived when you got here, right?”
“Yes, I’m sure of that,” Bianca said. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”  Thalia gave her a smile. “We look after each other here, whatever you need just ask, okay?”
Bianca nodded. “Okay.”
By the time they got to the bus, there were only a few people left to board again.
The mortals had all chosen seats close to the door, and were eyeing them with reluctant respect, or perhaps plain wariness.
From what Bianca heard murmured around, one of the Hunters had used that Mist trick Thalia could do —and Percy had unsuccessfully attempted— to convince the passengers that they were a group of students from a school specialising in martial arts and self-defence.
It wasn’t the strongest story she’d ever heard, and frankly, she wasn’t sure how well taekwondo would work against armed men in a motorway robbery. But the mortals were relatively on board with the theory, so she hoped they wouldn’t be calling the authorities on them. --------------------------------------------------------
Although she tried her best to control the speed of her heart, Bianca’s heartbeat didn’t manage to slow down in the ten hours it took to get to Denver.
Her mind was in turmoil, and at times, she felt as if she couldn’t breathe. 
She wanted to ask Ludovica about Maria di Angelo. She wanted to tell Thalia about her father. She wanted to go to Chicago, where supposedly they’d get a safe way to get to New York. She wanted to already be in New York, so she could ask Percy Jackson what the absolute hell had happened with her brother. She wanted this stupid bus ride to be over because she was starting to feel nauseous. 
At one point, she considered asking Ludovica right there, too tired to care if the rest listened to their conversation, but Ludi was asleep, and Bianca didn’t have it in her to wake her up after her injury.
“You’re looking well,” said Thalia when they were getting out of the bus into the station in Denver. “Very well-rested. So relaxed!”
Bianca huffed.
“Don’t worry.” Thalia gave her a dry smile. “We’re resting here for a bit. I don’t think long bus journeys are good for us. Half of the girls get queasy, and I attract too many monsters.”
That made Bianca curious. They were staying here somewhere? 
She couldn’t ask, though, there were more people leaving the bus and she was clogging the door.
Once they were all off the bus, Thalia led them outside. She found a corner with little traffic and stood in front of the group. 
The afternoon sun, not too golden yet, was behind her, giving her a halo that made her look ethereal. 
“All right, ladies,” she announced. “I know many of you have repudiated my choice of transport.” She looked at Greta —Bianca saw the girl looked a bit green—. “I didn’t know so many of you hadn’t travelled much by bus before. But anyway,” Thalia added after a pause. “I have made an even more polemic decision: we’ll be staying at a demigod’s house tonight.”
The group broke into murmurs. Some relieved, some mistrustful. It seemed this wasn’t the first time one of Thalia’s choices was considered polemic.
“Boy or girl?” Asked one of the girls.
“Boy, but his sister’s going to be there,” Thalia explained. Some of the girls could be heard complaining. “Quit whining and move on, let’s not keep Malcolm Pace and Annabeth Chase waiting!”
She turned and began walking down the street.
“Can we trust Annabeth Chase so much?” Wondered Helena in a low voice to the girl next to her as the Hunters went after their leader. “I know she and Thalia were friends but…”
Bianca didn’t hear the rest of Helena’s argument. She had nothing against Annabeth. The girl had been brave when she’d fought the manticore; she’d —more or less— sacrificed herself for Nico and her. 
“You need to tell Thalia before we get to the house.”
Bianca was startled. Ludovica had appeared by her shoulder while she was listening to Helena.
“Tell her?” She asked, but she knew what Ludovica meant. She was glad the older girl was talking in Italian, she didn’t doubt more than one of the Hunters could speak it, but it made them less likely to be eavesdropped on.
“Annabeth Chase idolises Thalia,” Ludovica said. “Whatever she may know, or suspect, she’ll tell her.”
“Clarisse told me she and Percy were the last to see Nico,” Bianca admitted. “Do you think they know about my father?”
Ludovica shrugged. “Children of Athena are clever. If she doesn’t know she might have guessed. It all depends on whether your brother showed his powers somehow.”
“Better not risk it, do you think?” Bianca asked. “Would Annabeth really tell Thalia something like that?”
Ludovica offered her a tense smile. “There’s only been two children of the Big Three gods ever since the war, decades ago. It’s hot gossip, why would Annabeth keep that to herself when your existence could mean a threat?”
Why do you? Bianca wanted to ask. But it wasn’t the right moment. She needed to have a proper chat with Ludi if she wanted answers.
“You think she doesn’t trust me?” Bianca wondered instead. Annabeth hadn’t spoken two words to her, she’d have no reason to suspect anything. 
“I don’t know enough about her, but it would make sense for her to be wary of powerful demigods,” Ludovica explained. “Besides, Thalia values her opinion.”
“You think she could make Thalia mistrust me?” Bianca was shocked. She’d got the impression Thalia was okay with her. “But I’ve done nothing to her!”
“I’ve seen how her father deals with people who might become threats.” Ludovica had a nasty look on her face, clearly recalling some bad memories. 
Bianca had no idea what Ludovica was talking about. She had no idea how Zeus dealt with threats, proper or potential ones, but it felt unfair to judge Thalia by his actions.
“She’s not her father,” she said. “I can’t judge her by what he’s done —whatever that is— and then expect her to be okay with my father after what he’s done to her!”
Ludovica tilted her head. “Right, you don’t know—”
But what exactly Bianca didn’t know would have to be added to the growing list of things she had to ask Ludovica whenever she could sit down properly, because at that moment Thalia decided to join their little chat.
For one terrible, awkward second, Bianca thought she’d heard the whole conversation, and was coming over to embarrass them by yelling at them in front of the rest of the Hunters.
Then she remembered Thalia didn’t speak Italian.
“You look upset,” she told Bianca. “Has Ludi been scaring you about the evils of demigod boys?”
“Hardly,” Bianca dismissed the idea with a hand gesture. “I mean, I’ve a brother, I know what boys are.”
Thalia snorted. “Malcolm’s okay. He’s Annabeth’s older brother. Besides, it’ll be good for you to meet her properly.”
“She did jump off a cliff trying to kill a monster for my brother and I,” Bianca said. “I should get her a thank you gift.”
“I guess she’ll accept you being nice to Malcolm as a token of your gratitude,” Thalia suggested. “Many of the girls won’t be too happy to be around him.”
Bianca acknowledged that with a nod. “I don’t remember him from camp.”
“He’s not a year-rounder,” Thalia told her. “You haven’t met him, yet. He’s all right, though, he looked after Annabeth when— For a while, anyway.” She raised her voice for the rest of the Hunters to hear her. “We’ll be there in ten minutes!”
Bianca took a deep breath. 
“You look upset again,” Thalia noted. “For real, is something the matter?”
Her worry was genuine, and Bianca hated that there was a big possibility of Thalia hating her when she found out the truth.
“I have to tell you something.”
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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People might give Engage a lot of flack for some of its character design and parts of the story choices but can we appreciate the fact that:
Engage gave us a WOC who is not only a Lord (yes I consider Timerra as a Lord), said WOC and her brother’s VA being POC (Dani Chambers and Zeno Robinson respectively), they’re just as complex as their other Lords (Timerra) and siblings (Fogado) meaning they know when to have fun and when to be serious, their retainers are white-passing (more obvious with Merrin and Bunet), therefore flipping the Black Best Friend trope but still having character in them. Best of all, neither Timerra and Fogado were villianized and when they gave out reasons for protecting their country and needing the Divine Dragon’s help (see Chapter 13), all of the characters are understanding of what they had to do to protect their country (though this was later expanded a little on with Fogado and Céline’s A Support).
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chuckecheesekid9000 · 8 months
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I don't ship Dipcifica, The reason why is because of Asklypper #13 Jealousy, (a Dipper Pines x Lynn Loud fanart made by Mathew-Swift-VA), But I respect the opinions from JaviSuzumiya, Turquoisespace35, Minijenn, admiraldt8, and everybody else. So I decided to have Dipper and Pacifica fully break up in the Omniverse Falls chapter called "Double Date", and after that, I will ship Pacifica with a different nerdy guy, probably Bradley Nicholson (from Milo Murphy's Law) in Omniverse Falls Future, so instead of Dipper Pines, Bradley will be Ava and Abigail's father in my version of her universe falls work, so i will push his role up a bit and make him into the actual father.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Beltane - Part 3 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
After a (more or less) fun day at the beach, they went over to Porto Azzurro. And while Noxee and Saiwa dress the Boys up for the festivities...
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... and took silly photos, (Omg I so wish we had better poses for photos. The ones we have are so stupid. Almost all of them are unusable -.-)
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the other group sets up the stage. And Greg is having a talk with Kiyoshi. Probably about Jack ö.Ö'
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And then it's time for Ji Ho's Siren's Song. They all agreed so he can put them under a little spell. Now they are able to enjoy their time together even though they have so many issues. At least for a few hours.
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They were all enchanted. Ji Ho's voice is so wonderful. And Saiwa is more determined than ever to work so hard to get back together with Jeb. He is so beautiful and amazing. And Jack was able to think a bit clearer about the things Greg and Noxee said. He's still shocked that he'd never be able to completely get rid of Kiyoshi. But maybe they just have to hang around each other and don't have to be a couple? It's fated mates after all, not fated lovers. Hahaha omg Jack! ^^'
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Ji Ho and Jeb performed 'Gente di Mare'. A song from Umberto Tozzi. 'Gente di mare che se ne va dove gli pare dove non sa. gente corsara che non c'è più gente lontana che porta nel cuore questo grande fratello blu. Al di là del mare, c'è qualcuno che c'è qualcuno che non sa niente di te.'
Translation (not by me): 'People of the sea, who leave it behind Going to where they like, they don’t know where Buccaneer people who are no more Faraway people carrying in their hearts This big blue brother At the other side of the sea, there’s someone who There’s someone who knows nothing about you'
And after the concerto it's finally time for dinner! They eat at the boat ristorante! Such a beautiful day!
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Thanks to Ji Ho's song, they enjoy their meal together (to Jack's great joy there's Pizza! But he's still lost in thoughts.)
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Haha and the way Kiyoshi looks at him! I wish I knew what Greg had said to him earlier!
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Of course Noxee and Saiwa wanted to take some fashion shoots for their store, Strawberry Cake Fashion.
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They took a stroll through the town to find some awesome places to take the photos. (Vlad wears the suit he wore in our Heidi special and Ji Ho one of the outfits Saiwa picked for him for the prom in the very beginning!)
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The others have new outfits. They look so good!
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There is also a club boat! Arturo is here too! 🐊 They danced to the songs of our 'Summer at Tartosa' playlist. You can find it on Spotify or youtube.
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I don't know if it's wise to start a fire on a wooden boat but I couldn't stop Jack 'the pyromaniac'. It's also one of the Beltane traditions so ... Vlad is mixing the drinks. He's still so awkward around Ji Ho and being still under the spell, he rather stays away from him to not do something stupid.
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Ji Ho is tired. The ride with the TukTuk was exhausting and the Siren's Song drained him, as always. But he's happy. He's the most sensible of them and their quarrels affect him the most. He hates living apart from the others.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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ashley-jones · 2 years
Daughter of Fire and Blood
Chapter 2
Aemond Targaryen x Niece Targaryen OC
OC name: Daeny Targaryen daughter of Deamon and Rheanrya Targaryen
Warnings: Cursing, blood, dragons, sexism, incest (Targaryen Pure Blood Line), overprotective Deamon, Arranged marriage between uncle and niece (age gap - 13/17) Team Black against Team Green
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"Stop looking at me like that Kepa." Daeny muttered. "I promised you there would be no marriage, and you turn around and accept the marriage proposal!" Deamon yelled. "Because Alicent will take that throne from mother! At least this way she can't just throw someone onto that throne!" she yelled back. "She will do anything she can to stop mother from taking the iron throne, rid of everything she has fought for, just so the queen can have a little ounce of power to her name." Daeny argued. "I am trying to save the Targaryen name!" she cried out.
"Jace and Luke marrying the Valarians means nothing for us! It just gives peace around the lands to rid of the accusations of their father. At least with this we can keep the iron throne going through our blood, Targaryen blood." she yelled. "Marrying you off is another advantage to her power, to make Viserys believe their to be peace as he took his dying breath." Deamon growled.
"What did you think was going to happen Kepa? That I was going to just be able to pass my duties without consequences. I was deemed to be engaged to one of my uncles, it was just a matter of time. I'm not being given a choice, this would have been forced, and if refused turned into war.. I didn't have a choice in this.. None of us did." she spoke. "I do not want to marry someone I don't love.. But marriage is nothing but a political stance for us.." she spoke.
"Love is not an option on this wheel, that throne is the most important aspect to the Targaryen blood, only the purest of blood should sit on that chair, and that is mother, and the bloodlines continues down from their.. Their should be no other option." she spoke.
Deamon listened to every word that left her mouth, watching her realizing just how much she's growing up at such a young age. "But why him?" He whispered. "That's a question for the queen." Daeny softly answered. "I do not love him Kepa, I'm doing this for our family." she softly spoke.
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"My prince, the princess Daeny Targaryen." Sir Cristin spoke firmly letting the princess into Aemond's chambers. Daeny looked at Sir Cristin Cole with a coldness to her gaze, then looked back towards Aemond. "My prince." she softy spoke. "Leave us Cristin." Aemond ordered. The door shut behind the princess, leaving the two Targaryens alone.
Daeny's head turned awaiting for the silence from behind the door. She was far too smart to speak with the guard standing outside the door. Once it went silent she turned her head facing her betrothed. "Skoro syt gōntan aōha muñnykeā call hen dīnilūks betrothed?" (Why did your mother call out marriage betrothed?) she spoke in her parents native tongue. She wondered if he even knew High Valyrian, if Viserys had taught him and Aegon like she and her brothers where taught. "Skoro syt gōntan ao mazōregon?" (Why did you accept?) he shot back.
She walked closer to him looking up at him, purple eyes matching his own. "Nyke merely keeping issa ānogar qogron vok. Nykeā dīnilūks iksos nykeā political statement, daor jorrāelagon. Daorun yn nykeā turning grevy isse bisa tymptir, se īlon're isse se middle hen ziry." (I'm merely keeping my blood line pure. A marriage is a political statement, not love. Nothing but a turning wheel in this game, and we're in the middle of it.) she spoke.
He grabbed a hold of her waist pulling her in and pressing her against him. With his other he grabbed her by the back of her neck pulling her head up a bit, his breath fanning over her lips. "Nyke kostagon tepagon ao nykeā glaeson hen pleasure, fuck ao tolvie bantis hae ao hīghagon se plead syt rest. Se istin īlon sit bē bona dēmalion, nyke jāhor emagon ao va issa lap striding issa. Aōha womb lēdan rūsīr babes bona jāhor maghagon rigle." (i can give you a life of pleasure, fuck you every night as you scream and plead for rest. and once we sit upon that throne, i will have you on my lap striding me. your womb filled with babes that will bring honor.) he whispered.
She swallowed, his words filled her mind, echoing over and over. He began pulling and ripping at her dress at the waist, a gasp escaping her as the cold air hit the small amount of skin showing from the tears. "Gaomagon ao pāsagon aōla worthy naejot fuck issa?" (Do you believe yourself worthy to fuck me?) she whispered. "Ao accepted se proposal, nyke kostagon fuck ao whenever nyke jaelagon." (You accepted the proposal, I can fuck you whenever I wish.) he muttered against her lips.
"You will not ask your wife for consent?" she whispered. Aemond stopped what he was doing, hand freezing against her back. The ripping stopped hands going soft against her bare skin. Slowly releasing the back of her neck, moving it up and over her jaw pulling her closer pressing her nose against his, lips moving closer but never once touching. "No. I will not do anything to you without your consent my betrothed." he whispered.
"Kiss me uncle." she whispered. Aemond pressed forward, lips pushing into hers. Lips molding together perfectly, her arms moved from her sides, on making its way up and around his neck, the other sitting on his waist pulling him closer to her smaller frame.
A knock interrupted the two, Aemond moved away looking at the door. "What is it?" he growled. "My lord.. Word from your mother, your father is gone." Sir Cristin spoke. "His last orders where to have both Princess Rheanrya and Princess Daeny order his bodies burned." he spoke. Daeny moved away quickly turning and rushing out to find her parents, not wanting them to mourn alone.
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Standing outside watching as Viserys' body was laid out for the proper Targaryen way of passing on their death. Rheanrya refused to word her father's death, feeling disgusted in herself. So Daeny stood out beside her father, ahead of the Hightower, Valaryan's, and Targaryens, her silver strands blowing in the wind. Deamon stepped back stroking his daughters hair then moved back to stand by his wife.
Mexes and Soliston stared down at their rider waiting for her order as they towered over the mountains. She looked at her grandfather's body then stepped forward. "Dracarys!" she called out. Her order was obeyed within seconds, large mouths opening roars escaping as flames of blue and red erupted from their mouths flowing of the kings body, burning him to ash, sending him to the heavens along side his first wife.
Alicent watched the dragon with pure fear, the largest was black and red, nearly as large her son's dragon, Vhagar. Daeny's control over them was perfect, the way she lowered her head and the dragons did the same, or how they obeyed her command without a second thought, how she walked up the hill, the largest moving closer pressing it's head against her as if to comfort her.
"How is it that she got two dragons?" Aegon questioned. "Because she's a pure blood." Aemond answered his brother. Daeny walked forward, Mexes leaning over shoulder pressing into the ground allowing it's rider to trail her hand along her wings. "Sȳz job issa gevie hāedar." (Good job my beautiful girl.) she whispered.
Mexes pressed her head against the princess, then stepped back flying to the sky along side her brother. Daeny's heart hurt, she wished she could have had more time with her grandfather, wishing she could mourn properly. Making her way back down the hill rejoining her family, Deamon pushing her hair back planting a kiss at the top of her head.
"I think they want to return to Dragonstone." she whispered into her father jacket. "Yes. I'm feeling rather homesick." he replied with a soft smile pushing a few messy strands of hair from her face. "Go on." he softly spoke. Daeny looked at her brothers shoving Jace slightly who huffed, before yelling out as she started running for the dragon Pitts, her brothers immediately following after, the three racing for their dragons.
Deamon watched with Rheanrya, the princess smiling sadly. She leaned over pressing her lips Into her husband's shoulder. "I can't marry her off to him." she whispered. "I know." Deamon whispered.
"Mexes!" she called out. The dragon raised accepting his riders call, screeching as though cheering for her win of the race. The youngest of the three giggled looking up at her dragons as they looked down at her.
Rheanys looked towards her niece, then towards Daeny as her dragon allowed her on and soared to the sky. "She has pure dragon blood within her veins, I can tell by the way they look at her, react to her, accept her, even when she survived as they bathe her in flames." she spoke. "She's a special girl, she makes the Targaryen name proud." she added. "Yes she does." Rheanrya replied softly. "She is the new heir to the iron throne, she will make a great queen, a great warrior, and one of the best dragon riders." Deamon spoke up.
"The next time we see each other will be the day of Aemond and Daeny's wedding." Alicent spoke up. Both Targaryen parents tensed looking down then back towards her. "We'll see." Deamon coldly replied.
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