capbarnes · 8 years
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The Triwizard Champions
Now, let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - nymphadora tonks
for @tonqs​, happy birthday!
is it a kind of dream,
floating out on the tide
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salazarslytherin · 8 years
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                       “Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs                          Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers                                             are proud to present                                        ‘THE MARAUDER'S MAP.’”
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jrdnparrish · 7 years
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It me (and my pooch) 💖💛💙
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cabeswaeter · 7 years
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“Twenty years had passed since that meeting in West Virginia, and Maura was still a judgmental but gifted clairvoyant with a talent for bad decisions. But in the years between, she’d grown used to being a member of an inseparable three-headed entity that shared decision making equally. They’d let themselves think that would never end.”
- Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven King
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k-ths · 7 years
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@mythologicalnet event: LATVIAN MYTHOLOGY
Dievs: considered to be the supreme deity 
Māra: the highest-ranking goddess in Latvian mythology, Mother Earth, a feminine counterpart to Dievs
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walkerrenee · 8 years
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HELLO!!! okay I just reached 1.5k which is !!!? because I literally just hit 1k so!!! I’m thinking that I want a little change and since I’m the most indecisive person in the world I thought I’d have you guys help me out in picking a new url! and I’ll be doing mini blog rates/compliments for anyone who votes!
please be following this unworthy trash bin
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if you don’t want to see these blacklist “PJ celebrates 1.5k”
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krvm-blog1 · 8 years
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harry potter - lily evans
midnight when we used to dance
underneath the ugly halogen lamps
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salazarslytherin · 7 years
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@harrypotternetwork & @nevilledefensenet creation event: Neville Longbottom
People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we still lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here. So's Fred, Remus, Tonks... they didn't die in vain. But YOU WILL. 'Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! IT’S NOT OVER!
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capbarnes · 7 years
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All Your Girls Are In Love  - Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley
“And when it started to get dark you pointed to the sky, and told me there was a star for every thing you loved about me” 
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jrdnparrish · 8 years
Pure unadulterated terror courses through Alec’s veins the moment the institute lights up with heavenly light.
He books it towards the op centre, running faster than he ever has in his entire life (without the help of a speed rune, anyway) and skitters to a halt at the sight of the dead downworlders that cover the floor.
He steps through them gingerly, glancing around as he recognises seelies and werewolves, before looking up at his parabatai; Clary and Simon right behind him.
He barely hears what any of them are saying, too distracted by Jace’s distraught expression, the sudden fear and oh god, where’s Magnus?
If Clary is here, that means Magnus must’ve been here, too. Because there’s no way in heaven or hell that Magnus would’ve let Clary come alone.
“Where’s Magnus? He wasn’t here, was he?”
Alec can already feel his hands start to tremble and his knees start to grow weak. This can’t be happening.
All he really hears is Clary say upstairs before he’s turning and speeding towards the corridor. He searches the institute from roof to basement; once, twice, thrice, four times he runs up and down the stairs, searching every room, nook and cranny for any sign of his missing warlock.
There are bodies everywhere, traitorous shadowhunters, downworlders and institute shadowhunters alike. Bloody, beaten and some barely identifiable bodies are laying where they fell and Alec feels sick as he feels relief bubble up because none of the dead bodies are Magnus’.
Alec’s slowly starting to lose hope, sliding down a nearby wall and heaving in desperate gasps of air. He’s teetering on the edge of a complete meltdown and he needs to pull himself together – at least a little – before he starts looking again.
There’s light beginning to stream in from outside and before Alec realises – it’s dawn. He gives up on searching the institute for the fifth time, heading outside instead, dodging returning shadowhunters on his way.
He knows – as he pushes his way through the front door – that he looks an emotional mess. His chest is heaving, eyes bouncing around in their sockets trying to take in everything around him, body trembling because his anxiety is skyrocketing and he’s on the verge of a panic attack.
Alec can’t hear anything over the pounding in his head and his ragged breathing. Then there’s a hand on his arm—
Magnus has Madzie on his hip, cradling the child clutching at his lapels close to him as he runs through the institute, Valentine’s soldiers hot on his heels.
He can’t use his magic without the risk of hurting the small girl in his arms because with his whirlwind of emotions right now, he’s horrifically unstable and he knows that if he does cast a spell, there was a 10 to 1 probability that it would go dangerously wrong.
He turns a corner towards the op centre at the same time snarls pierced the air. A morbid feeling settles heavily over Magnus’ shoulders and he falls through a hastily made portal, just catching a glimpse of the bright light engulfing the institute before he lands in a heap in the middle of Catarina’s living room, scaring the other warlock into spilling her tea.
Madzie is wrapped protectively in his arms, laying across his chest as he winces at the pain in his back. Catarina’s by his side in a second – tea long forgotten – and her hands glow green as she checks for any serious injuries. She sits back on her heels when she’s satisfied they’re not hurt and her blue skin seems to crackle with anxious magic.
Madzie’s crawled off Magnus at this point, and she’s sitting by his side quietly looking at Catarina, taking in her white hair and blue skin with silent awe.
Magnus sits up with a sharp intake of breath when he remembers.
His gorgeous shadowhunter is still in the institute with that lunatic.
He wants to go back immediately, but he knows he can’t.
He’s no use to anybody if he rushes back into that disaster and dies. So he crosses his legs and sits with his head in his hands for a moment. Madzie rests her tiny hands on his arm, rubbing in gentle comfort as Catarina gets up to make some more tea.
It takes three cups of tea and countless reassurances that Alec can take very good care of himself before Magnus can restrain himself to wearing a rut into Catarina’s pristine floorboards. Madzie’s found a picture book to entertain herself in the meantime and Catarina’s reading an illustrated medical journal by some healer from the 3rd century.
Magnus’ legs are almost numb from the constant movement by the time the sun starts to peek over the horizon. Catarina looks between him and the rising sun and tells him to go. She cuts him off even before he can open his mouth after glancing at Madzie.
“I’ll look after the girl for a while. You need to go find that boy.”
“I’m in your debt, Catarina. Thank you.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, Bane. Now go.”
Magnus hugs Madzie quickly, telling her to be a good girl and that he’d be back for her as soon as he could. Then he opens a portal to the institute with a flick of his wrist and steps through without a second glance.
He comes out on the other side a few meters away from the entrance of the institute. He sees shadowhunters returning from various missions – more than likely scouting to see if there was any far-reaching impact of the soul sword – and he walks a step behind them before he finally sees him.
He barely stops to think before he’s running towards Alec. He can feel eyes on him from the few straggling shadowhunters, but he doesn’t care. All he can think is Alec, Alec, Alec. He reaches out and grabs at the archer’s arm—
Alec turns around and all the air rushes out of his lungs in an instant because oh, it’s him.
Magnus is alive and here’s here, right in front of him.
There’s no thought put into Alec throwing his arms around Magnus, dragging the warlock into his body – lifting him the tiniest bit in the process – and burying his face into the crook of Magnus’ shoulder, breathing in deeply. Magnus grips back just as tightly, taking in the salty scent of sweat and distinct leather that is Alec.
Magnus feels relief wash over him in waves as Alec’s arms tighten around him.
They’re safe; they’re both alive.
Magnus feels somewhat empty when Alec finally pulls away, his hand still clutching the shadowhunter’s sleeve. His eyes are searching Alec’s face and watch as the residual panic slowly fades away. Finally, Alec’s opening his mouth.
“Magnus, I thought–”
Magnus stops him, wanting to quell the rest of his fears. “I found Madzie. I got her out just in time. I took her to Catarina’s. She’s safe.” Alec nods distractedly, he doesn’t look totally relieved and it confuses Magnus.
“Look,” Alec’s still breathing hard and his voices shakes slightly, “Magnus, on every mission I’ve ever been on I’ve never felt that type of fear. Ever.” He stops, trying to find the right words.
“Not knowing if you were alive or dead,” Alec swallows and Magnus can feel his heart tremble, “I– I was terrified.”
Magnus rubs his hand up and down Alec’s arm tenderly. “So was I.” And he was; monumentally terrified of the thought that he may never see his sweet Alexander again.
“Magnus, I-”
Alec’s fidgeting, still coming down from the panic-induced adrenaline but he manages to say what he needs to.
“I love you.”
Magnus’ heart stutters and keeps beating strongly, loud in his ears as Alec’s words sink in. Then he’s saying them back — “I love you, too” — and he realises that yes, he does.
He does love this beautiful patchwork shadowhunter, who would give his life for his family without a second thought, who would defend a downworlder – defend Magnus – against his own mother and the rest of a society that shuns his kind.
Then Alec’s kissing him and they’re both exhausted beyond belief, but it’s so full of relief and desperation and love, that it’s all Magnus can do to stay standing.
All too soon it’s over and Alec’s pulling back, but he doesn’t go far and Magnus is being wrapped up in strong arms again, his own arms going around Alec’s shoulders and he’s rubbing a thumb over the archer’s shoulderblade.
He doesn’t know how long they stand there like that, wrapped up in each other under the morning sun, but it’s comforting and they’re safe and together. All Magnus can think is that the worst is over, for now.
We’re gonna be okay. 
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jrdnparrish · 7 years
oh my god, guys, I'm sorry for being really dead lately! I'm halfway through my final year (before I can head to uni) and I've had no time for anything. but I have a month holiday now, so I should be totally more active!
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capbarnes · 8 years
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@harrypotternetwork Creation Event: The Brightest Witch 
“Don’t you tell me what to do, Harry Potter!”  
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jrdnparrish · 8 years
The entirety of New York City’s downworlder population know or know of Magnus Bane. The High Warlock of Brooklyn is not a title left behind some trash can in an alley of Queens, it is flaunted at the fanciest parties in Brooklyn and Upper East Side.
And so it really comes as no surprise that when he starts dating a shadowhunter, Alec Lightwood’s name is spread about the same way. It is whispered in vampire dens, gossiped about in the Hunter’s Moon and Pandemonium is always on alert for any shadowhunters in its midst.
He’s the Lightwood’s son… He left his bride-to-be at the altar… He defied the Clave for a warlock… The Wolves almost killed his parabatai…
Seelies listen to the trees, wolves listen to the scattered word on the street, vampires all hear the new fledgling’s complaints (“he’s such an ass” or “sometimes I don’t get what Magnus sees in him” and “he does seem like a knight in shining armour, though”) and warlocks only have to look at Magnus’ affectionate expression whenever Alec’s name pops up in conversation to know he is something special.
The first time any downworlder (outside Magnus’ intimate circle) actually meets this mysterious beau of Magnus’ however, is probably the most inopportune time possible.
In the middle of a hoard of demons, fighting back to back with his blond parabatai, Alec is left unguarded when Jace darts off to defend Clary. A bolt of pink magic streaks past the archer’s ear and makes him turn in time to see several demons explode into ichor. The rest of the demons are finished off in much the same way, if not run through by Jace and Clary’s blades first, but there’s a young warlock girl standing in front of Alec when the filth clears.
Her glamours are down and they can see the swirling patterns glowing lavender against her dark skin. Her eyes are dark green and they stare into Alec’s hazel ones like she’s searching his soul.
Alec can feel Isabelle, Jace and Clary standing close to him, wary and ready for a fight at the drop of a hat, but the warlock still stares. She hasn’t moved since the last demon fell… Then she smiles. She has long canine teeth that poke out slightly when her lips stretch up and her voice is light as she speaks.
“Give the High Warlock my regards, shadowhunter.” She lifts a finger and a tightly bound scroll appears in Alec’s hand. When he looks back up, she’s gone.
It becomes a thing, for random downworlders to appear during hunts and lend their assistance, always sending Magnus their regards before vanishing into thin air. This time is no exception; Alec finds himself back to back with a vampire boy that he’s never seen before, but knows isn’t from Raphael’s clan from the way he moves.
Jace has disappeared to god knows where leaving Alec to pray that if something goes wrong he’s still close enough to come running.
The vampire moves quickly, vanishing and reappearing to guard Alec’s back before he can even really register he’s gone. He doesn’t even know the vamp’s name let alone why the guy is covering his ass. And he knows for sure that it’s not Magnus sending people to keep watch on him.
Magnus may do many things, but mollycoddle is not one of them.
Soon enough the demon hoard is wiped out, Jace reappears from a side door, Clary and Isabelle come from the other side and the vampire creates distance instantly. He bows slightly, while Jace gives him some shifty side looks but doesn’t move. Alec catches the ring the vampire throws to him and hears the same thing that all the others have said.
“Give the High Warlock my regards.”
Alec finally brings it up that night, when it’s just him and Magnus looking out over Brooklyn’s skyline as the stars twinkle above them.
“There was another one today.”
He gets a noncommittal hum in return and keeps talking.
“Vampire, this time. Male, appearance wise about… 20? Had a scar above his right eye and an off side limp. Fights really well so I’m guessing he’s been around for a while. Not part of Raphael’s clan though. Looked like he’s native Indian?”
“Native Indian?” Magnus’ attention is fully on him now, glass of whiskey forgotten on the small table between them. “That sounds like Kele, but I don’t know why he’d be this far north.”
Alec blinks and sets his own glass down. “Sorry? Who’s Kele?”
Magnus’ smile is somewhat wistful, like he’s remembering something. “When I first met Kele he was only a child. He’s from the Hopi Tribe in Arizona. He’s over 200 years old by now,” Alec’s leaning forward by now and is listening with rapt attention, “But he’s only ever been this far north once; when his sire lured him up to try and sacrifice him to Camille.”
Magnus laughs heartily at the utterly disgusted face Alec makes at the mention of her. He leans forward and kisses Alec gently, drawing back to see the frown practically melt off Alec’s face and the archer’s lips draw up into a smug grin. “Well at least I’m the one getting those and not Camille.”
Magnus laughs again and kisses him once more. “Darling, Camille hasn’t had a willing kiss from me in more than a century.”
They both wince at the memory of Camille’s spiteful trick when Jace first went missing. Alec still remembers his distinct urge to stake her then and there for laying even a finger on Magnus.
“But,” Magnus’ voice brings Alec back to the present, “I did find out where these sudden helping hands are coming from.”
Magnus smiles. “Let’s just say some birdies can’t keep secrets very well.”
Now Alec’s smiling, as he imagines several small children crowding around Magnus’ legs, excitedly babbling away and spilling everything they’d overheard their parents talk about. “And what did these little birds tell you?”
“They tell me that you’ve apparently got the entire New York downworld in a spin.”
“Yes you, Alexander. Everyone wants to see what or rather who, could make the High Warlock of Brooklyn so weak at the knees. They’re all curious, darling.”
Alec sinks back into his chair. “Oh…” then he sits up again. “I make you weak at the knees, do I?” He’s smirking, which makes Magnus smile easily.
“Of course you do, darling. And I wouldn’t give you up for the w–.”
Alec’s up out of his seat and kissing Magnus even before the last word is out of mouth, hands framing his jawline and feeling the slight stubble before Magnus’ goatee. They’re both breathless when they part and their eyes are shining in the dim light.
“I wouldn’t give you up for the world, either.”
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jrdnparrish · 7 years
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750 followers holy smokes. Thank you all so so so much! You’re all beautiful people! We’re like ¾ of the way to 1000??? Like??? What??? In celebration of this (and for something to cure my ever existing boredom), I’m going to do make me choose edits.
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eg; tv shows, books, characters, nhl teams, nhl players, movies, songs, bands, etc (anything hockey related will be posted to @seanmcnahans
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capbarnes · 8 years
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Character Posters - Luna Lovegood
“You’re just as sane as I am”
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