#valana au
dank-hp--memes · 5 years
A Companion: Chapter 3 (i think...)
So I obviously haven't been writing lately. I just spend all of my free time doing calculus... so... here is something.
Valery was snapped back to reality by a soft groan and Ulana moving in his lap, her hands held her lower belly and her lips parted to allow short breaths in and out. Tears rolled down her cheeks before she leaned back against Valery. He looked down at her belly and felt tears begin to well in his eyes. He knew even the slightest of movements caused Ulana to be in extreme pain and discomfort. Their child caused her an immense amount of agony, and slowly, it was killing her. Her body leaned against Valery limply as she took in deep breaths just as the pain dulled to the level she normally endured. There had been a particularly violent movement from within her womb. Valery gently rubbed the side of her belly, his chin resting on Ulana's shoulder. He pressed his nose to the crook of her neck, letting out a soft sob. Seeing her in pain was one of the hardest things for him, for there was little he could do to take away her pain.
It takes two to make a baby, but Valery could not help but feel responsible for the immense amount of pain she was in. His heart ached for her, for she was his other half. She was his soulmate and he knew they were meant to be together, one way or another.
Eventually, Ulana gently reached up and ran her boney fingers through what was left of his hair. Valery sniffled and managed to smile somberly at her. He could not help but wonder how their life together could have been different if Valery had stuck to the party line. Would she have hated him for it? Would she have aborted the child, unable to fathom being with him again? Would she have even told him about the baby? Sure he would have had his 'freedom' but would he have had his happiness? Ulana seemed to be the only source of true happiness in his life. Before her, Valery's life had been dull and colorless, for he had always spent his days alone. All of that changed when he met Ulana, for she was someone who could understand him, and her presence made his life more interesting to say the least.
A few hours passed, Ulana had gotten up and moved to a rather plush armchair that Valery had next to the window. She had fallen asleep there, sitting in the sunlight. Sasha had crawled onto Ulana's belly and proceeded to lay down, purring quietly. Valery watched her for a while. She looked extremely peaceful, her feet propped up on a small ottoman that matched the chair. The chair reclined a little, and it was at just the right angle to keep Ulana comfortable, besides the fact that her uterus was squishing her organs as she seemed to slowly wither away, her life shortened by the little life she grew within her. Valery smiled solemnly and proceeded to cover her with a blanket, which disturbed Sasha a little, but she returned to her rightful place on Ulana's large and swollen belly. Valery smiled solemnly as he brushed a few grey hairs off of Ulana's pale face.
Out of nowhere, there was a gentle knock on the door that made Valery jump. He glanced over at the door for a moment before approaching it. He pulled open the door to see his neighbour, Maritza, or Mara. She had been a nurse for the longest time before she became too old. She was a Polish woman, who had grown up. Mara was quiet and hated socializing, but she had quickly befriended Valery when he had been moved into this new, small apartment. She was on the tall side for a woman, but her frame was rather slim. She smiled kindly at Valery, her deep-set, coffee coloured eyes glimmering at him. She held up a small tray of tea and biscuits. Valery nodded and silently let her in, so as not to disturb Ulana. Somehow, Mara always had the most exquisite tea. The scent of an extravagant earl grey Mara had brewed filled the apartment, making Ulana stir slightly.
"I noticed you had a visitor" Mara whispered as she set the tea tray down on the table. 
Valery smiled and nodded response, feeling embarrassed.
"She is my… my lover…" Valery said, struggling to find the right word to describe his relationship with Ulana. 
Mara raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ulana before shaking her head, holding back a laugh.
"Your Lover?" She said chuckling softly.
"My… My soulmate" Valery whispered.
His heart began to ache horribly as he looked over at Ulana.
Mara chuckled a little. Valery knew that this woman did not believe in soulmates. Her whole life had been fairly rough, to say the least. He was roused from his thoughts by light footsteps. The strong scent of tea must have roused Ulana, for she was now making her way to the table. Valery watched as Mara went to Ulana's side, helping her silently to the table. Ulana groans a little, her hand resting on her belly. Mara looks at her, examining her closely. Ulana sits back in the chair, gingerly rubbing the side of her belly. Ulana looked at Mara silently, studying the older woman. She did not know that Valery's neighbours were allowed to speak with him, let alone come into his apartment. Mara grinned a little already liking Ulana and they had yet to exchange even the simplest of hellos.
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sad-lad-posts · 5 years
What if Valery was Ulanas lover from when they were young and they got separated and they both moved on in their lives? And Chernobyl was what brought them back together? 🤯
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amaidsconfession · 5 years
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 @dank-hp--memes @elenatria Valorana vibes xD
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chernoblank · 5 years
Some day, tell us about stories incubating in WIPland, like a Neutral Evil version of you
Oh sure! I’ll do it for Chernobyl, since it’s the fandom we share.
WIPs I abandoned (enter at your own risk):
5 times two of Boris, Ulana and Valery almost had sex with each other, and the one time they did
All pairs, Abandoned at 5k
Technically I DID publish the second part of this as my latest Valana (Deer in the headlights), but it was originally divided into 5+1 parts. In each of the first 5, they fantasized very vividly about fucking the other until something made them snap and realize they’d been imagining stuff, which is very very embarrassing, and entirely inappropriate. So all the parts had smut, except some of them were imagined.
Valery fantasizing about Ulana when he asks her to go to Moscow in the bar scene
Ulana fantasizing about Valery when he hosts her in Moscow
Boris fantasizing about Valery one time they got drunk in Pripyat
Boris fantasizing about Ulana after they fight in the abandoned building
 Valery fantasizing about Boris in Vienna (this was going to include an actual kiss)
And  1. Ulana and Boris get together, in the depressing aftermath
I mean, in theory I’d still love to write all this (especially especially the Vienna Valoris, possibly going all the way), and it was only abandoned last month, but the lack of feedback in the fandom (plus considering I write het) made it not worth the effort, really. Also, this fic was supposed to use a lot of ideas from the other discarded WIPs in this list.
 Boris and Ulana hate sex after the abandoned building
Uloris. Abandoned only at 500 words, but I had it all mapped out until the end, very annoying
 After the tense meeting in the abandoned building, they have to stay in Pripyat for one night, and Boris corners Ulana and pushes his way into her room. They fight some more, Ulana goads him into admitting he’s into Valery, it’s very dub-con that turns to very very very con in the middle of it. They are really enjoying themselves but then they notice a movement in the balcony: Valery heard fighting, thought it was maybe the KGB attacking Ulana so he tried to come in the room, saw what was happening, and stayed for the show. He is now calmly smoking a cigarette. It was going to end with B and U very mortified but also wondering what this means for the future. This was abandoned because I found a more satisfying way to write Uloris, I guess, but damn I really liked this idea.
 Groundhog day AU
Valana. Abandoned at 900 words because lost motivation
This was a groundhog day AU where Valery relives April 25, 1986 over and over until he figures out what it is he has to do to stop the disaster. He tries many things, like going to Pripyat himself, trying to reach Boris (and getting ignored). Nothing works. One day he decides to just take the train to Minsk on a whim, he buys flowers for Ulana and shows up at her lab. She knows his name but thinks he’s lost his marbles, but Dmitri convinces her to at least listen to the man over coffee. I was going to have him convince her that stuff is going to happen at Chernobyl, and you know her, she jumps on her car, they have a long drive there and manage somehow to stop the stupid test. Over the course of their daytrip, he confesses the groundhog day situation, Ulana doesn’t’ believe him at first but he sure knows a lot about her and there’s a lot of familiarity there, and it was going to end with Ulana asking if they were something, in his alternate universe (they weren’t, but Valery wished they were).
 It had lovely things like:
“There’s a man here to see you,” Dmitri says, sounding a little bewildered. “He has flowers.”
“What?” Ulana says, lifting her eyes from the paper she’s reading. This sounds like a joke, but Dmitri has the sense of humor of a dried cod. “Who?”
 "Valery Legasov, from the Kurchatov Institute.“
 "Professor Legasov?” she repeats, disbelieving.
 "That’s what he said. He has flowers. For you.“
 "Yes, I got that the first time. But why would he be here? We weren’t told he’d visit.”
 "He’s here to see you.“
 Alright: she needs to put a stop to this, because Dmitri seems to be developing a belated sense of humor, and yes, it’s true she hasn’t been out with a man in over five years, but she isn’t about to the laughing stock of her equally awkward assistant.
 "Send him in,” she says. “And make yourself scarce.”
 "Understood,“ Dmitri says, and winks at her.
   Let’s Be Alive together, part 3
Valana. Abandoned at 4k, sigh. Loss of motivation, lack of feedback
Well, this one was always meant to exist, as I always meant to do a Valana trilogy. It was going to follow after the other 2. But yeah, almost no one reads Valana, it makes me annoyed to look at the low kudos every time I post one, so I gave up. It was also very difficult to write emotionally? I left them in a very difficult position in Part 2, and Ulana really doesn’t feel like forgiving him. I also did it from Valery’s POV and boy is he a difficult character when he’s a dick (which he was for a large part of this fic). It was all “but she’s so UNFAIR, why does she come to my house and fight with me” etc etc. I was not impressed with him. Anyway I think I was making some progress towards reconciliation, but just… gave up.
The gist of it was this: when Ulana visits Valery in Moscow, after he refuses to lie and they have their awful conversation, she has a plan B: let’s warn the operators of the other power plants about the graphite rods so that at least this mistake is never repeated again.
“Sure,” he says, as petulantly as he can manage, and crosses his arms across his chest. “Let’s hash it out. What are you suggesting, that we drive around the country to every nuclear plant with an RBMK reactor, knock on their door, and tell them, ‘By the way, did you know there’s a deadly flaw in the equipment you handle every day?’”
He has to give it to her: she doesn’t miss a beat as she answers, “Essentially, yes. Are you with me or not?”
“And Charkov and the KGB will just smile and nod as we go on our little crusade?”
“Oh, they’ll notice us. I don’t think this crusade is a return trip, Valery.”
 So off they go, and I took painstaking care to map out where the RMBK reactors were and what was the best route for them to go. Essentially a long road trip where they will slowly  make up (because boy is Ulana still not fond of him right now). Of course, Charkov notices what they are doing when they are on the way to the last few plants, but they are intercepted by Boris instead (this was close to Ukraine) who yells at them for being stupid and finds a way to smuggle them out of the country, at great risk, so that they aren’t caught by Charkov and co. Valery and Ulana live out a few years together, moderately happy.
 The Great OT3, aka the Canadian escape
OT3 for real! Poly. Abandoned at 5k because of serious characterization problems.
 Around late 1987, Valery is miserable in Moscow, a Canadian secret agent acoasts him on the street and offers to smuggle him out. He agrees on a whim. Once he arrives in Canada, he finds Ulana there, who explains that Boris arranged for this with some of his contacts (through her, as not to be implicated himself). She decided to join him on a whim too.  
I described it to @pottedmusic yesterday so I’m just going to paste what I told her here with some more details.
 U and V slept together at least once during the canon. V and B were veeeery close to things but never really got anywhere. V is bi and willing, but B never indicated he was anything other than het so V gave up during the series.
 V and U get hitched because of cabin fever while waiting for their refugee paperwork. B was going to try to join V but he was undecided because of his family, so V and U aren’t really expecting him. But he does come, and agreements have to be made.
 U isn’t thrilled about V/B but he got them out of the country so of course he has to live with them. And well, B is old and sick (but getting better, all are getting ~magically better~) so it’s not like they’re having vigorous sex every night - never mind his het sexual hang ups. I thought something with a lot of emotions, cuddling in bed, talking a lot etc. V is very patient and knows whatever time together is a gift. V and U, otoh, have much more of a sex life and B hears sometimes and doesn’t like it but also DOES, you know? I stopped a long time before I got there at all, but I was going to use the het sex to lure Boris in and make him more comfortable with the idea of Valery as a sexual being. And U and B didn’t have a sexual element in the past but were going to grow into it.
 I was going to have them relocate to Alberta, where there is a nuclear station, it’s suitably snowy. They would all live in the same house. Because paperwork made it easier, Valery and Ulana were a married couple (this was awkward at the beginning and is what precipitated their getting together). When Boris comes, Ulana suggests he could be her father on the paperwork, which everyone hates, but it kinda works. So they all live together.
It was going to be 1. Valery POV, mostly Valana, until Boris arrives, at which point it becomes 2. Boris POV, Valoris + Valana, and finally 3. Ulana POV, Uloris and OT3 happily ever after for 10 years.
I do love this AU a lot. I wish I had managed to find a way not to make them sound OOC. As it is, I hate everything about this and can’t even find anything worth quoting from it.
 Drabbles from Discord that I was supposed to develop more, but never got around to:
 Minister/Miner, first time
 In a scenario similar to the ot3 above, where they are all together and live with each other, Valery and Ulana compare notes on Boris and the way they all have sex with each other
 So there you go. For the ones I still like, I wish the fandom was still active (and cared about Ulana in sexual configurations)
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Young Valana
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(So I definitely picture them meeting in a maths class, like calculus or something...)
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Lied for My Life
Tags: @johnlockismyreligion @royaltydowntonandlife
What if Valery lied at the trial?
"... and that is how an RBMK reactor core explodes," Legasov says, his eyes meeting those of the judges. 
He had towed the party line and blamed user error, he had not even mentioned the flaw with the control rods and AZ-5. 
In a flash, the hearing was adjourned. Legasov looked over his shoulder to the table he, Shcherbina, and Khomyuk had been sitting at. It was swarmed with people leaving the makeshift courthouse. His eyes searched the crowd, and as they made their way along with the table, his heart sank. She was gone. The only person left standing at the table was Shcherbina. Legasov looked at him, wishing he could go back, for it was not Shcherbina he wanted to see, well not who he wanted to see most. 
"Where is Comrade Khomyuk?" Legasov asks, trying to be indiscreet, trying to hide his attraction to her. 
They were friends and had been on a first-name basis for a while now, but in this situation, Legasov found that using her surname seemed most appropriate. 
"She left as soon as you finished speaking. She seemed quite upset" Shcherbina said with a cold laugh. 
Though there was a part of Shcherbina that had wanted Legasov to tell the truth, he was thankful he hadn't. He could not imagine what the KGB would have done to Legasov if he had spoken the truth. Well, he could imagine, but he would rather not.
Legasov frantically began to pack his things, he had to catch her, to speak with her. He had to set things straight. Not that he had particularly liked Khomyuk, they were simply friends, he just could not bear to have her angry at him, it was his life after all. He had already given it up by going to Chernobyl, and now he wanted to live out his remaining years in peace. 
As he stepped outside, Legasov saw a car pull past, Khomyuk was sat in the back seat, straight-faced and refusing to look at him. 
"Ulana!" Legasov shouted, waving the car down. 
It did not stop, disappearing over the horizon moments later. Legasov stands there, wanting to go after her, but he had no clue where she lived. All he knew was that she lived in Minsk. In the end, Legasov first decided it was best for him to return to his apartment, he could call Ulana in the morning at work, though he would later decide to call her home. 
The entire ride back to his apartment, Legasov could not stop wondering, no, worrying, she might not answer. Khomyuk was definitely the type to hold a grudge. She was an extremely serious woman, especially about her time spent working. Legasov knew, deep down, that she would not answer. He knew that she did not care to speak to him or see him, or even acknowledge his existence. Legasov simply yearned to know if he could set things right. Khomyuk could not hate him, right? She just couldn't. 
When he finally arrived back at his apartment, Legasov decided that instead of simply showering and getting some work done, he would attempt to contact Khomyuk. It was rather late in the evening, and he had thought over what he was going to say. He had the words planned out in his head, all the things he was going to say. He would start off professionally and casually make it friendly. He stood in the hall and picked up the phone. His hand was shaking. His breath hitched in his throat as he stared at the number pad. He couldn't think of the number, but his fingers were still able to remember all of the digits. The line rang and rang; suddenly, it stopped. 
"Hello?" Khomyuk's voice answered, rather groggy. 
"Good evening Ulana" Legasov replied smoothly.
"Oh, Professor Legasov, did you need something?" She says stiffly, obviously rather irritated that it is him calling. 
"I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime. I would love to have you come help me with some experiments and calculations, and maybe we could go out for tea or something" he says, doing his best to improvise and keep his voice smooth. 
There was a pause and he heard her gag a little. Was she disgusted by him? Was this because of him? Then, suddenly, she spoke. 
"I am feeling a bit ill as of late, professor, so I am unable to take you up on that offer. I would ask you don't contact me again unless it is important" she growls before placing the phone on the receiver.
Valery stands there with his mouth slightly agape. That couldn't have gone any worse. Valery gingerly placed the phone down on the receiver. What would he do now? 
Valery sighed and decided it was best that he attempts to go to bed. He changed into his pyjamas and sat down in his bed, leaning against the backboard. His cat, Sasha lays in his lap, purring softly. Valery sighs, still quite bothered by the way Ulana is acting. How could she not understand his decision? It was his life, after all, he couldn't just throw it away. The reforms would come in time, she would see. He had kept his job at the institute and he was more than happy to keep his position. Valery just wanted his life back, but he could not bear to have Ulana hate him, even though his feelings for her were indifferent. He thought for a moment. After all he and Khomyuk had been through, his feelings were more than indifferent, he considered her his friend. 
Hours passed, Legasov struggled to sleep, still worried about his relationship with Khomyuk. It was around two in the morning when he finally got up and wandered to the phone. He dialled her number out of instinct. The phone rang and rang until he finally heard her voice. First, she sighed then that led into “Hello?”
Legasov paused, suddenly unable to find his words. 
“Comrade Khomyuk… Ulana, I must speak with you…” Legasov said, his attempt not to sound desperate had failed miserably. 
There was a pause and on the other end of the line, Legasov could hear her breathing softly.
“Comrade Legasov, it is the middle of the night… What could possibly be so important that you had to disturb me…” Khomyuk grumbles.
From the sound of her voice, it is obvious that she was only half awake, and she was obviously frustrated. 
“I just need you to understand why…” Legasov begins, pausing to collect his thoughts.
“Comrade Legasov, this is a waste of my time…” Khomyuk mumbles, pausing.
Valery swears he can hear her groan softly before she continues.
“I have more important things to do than deal with your feelings comrade” She finishes before setting the phone on the receiver. 
Legasov listens to the dial tone for a moment before putting the phone down. Was that it for them? Their friendship seemed to be over, and that thought seemed to hurt much more than Legasov had anticipated.
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sad-lad-posts · 5 years
A Ghost from the Past (Valana AU)
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Valana AU: Simply Love
It was a particularly cold autumn night, Ulana was curled up in bed with her back to Valery, his arm was wrapped around her as he cuddled against her. His arm gently squeezed her swollen belly, as he slept, causing Ulana to squirm a little discomfort, now half asleep. The light patter of footsteps caused her to open her eyes just the slightest bit. She watched as a tiny figure crawled up the end of the bed and proceeded to cuddle against her. Ulana could now help but smile a little as she reached down and gently ruffled the nappy ginger hair of her little girl. "Bad dream, bear?" Ulana whispers as she feels her daughter press her head against the crest of her swollen stomach. There was only a drowsy whimper in response. Suddenly, Valery moved his arm down Ulana's belly, caressing it gently with his thumb. She was a sight to behold these days, looking almost like she had swallowed an inflated beach ball. Her stomach was stretched to its capacity over her uterus, which not only held one baby but two. Ulana smiled a little as she felt Valery lean forward and press his cheek against her back, sound asleep. On the other hand, the small figure which lay in front of her began to squirm around to get situated in the bed, which was barely big enough for Valery and Ulana alone. The little girl pressed her head against Ulana's chest, her arm slung over her mother's side. Ulana gently wrapped her arm around her daughter, cuddling her gently as she readjusted. She sighed as she felt the slightest movement from within her womb. Ulana let out a soft sigh and did her best to readjust to make everyone happy. A few hours passed, and Ulana snoozed lightly, roused by the pale morning light being filtered in through the thin curtains. She felt Valery release her from his grip as he rolled over. The alarm clock beside the bed read 7 am. Ulana sighed and rolled onto her back, gently readjusting the tiny girl that was cuddled against her. She saw Valery lift his head and look over at them. He smiled and reached over, placing his hand on Ulana's belly. 
"So that's why I was given the smaller fraction of the bed…" he grumbles, teasing as he looked at their daughter, Katja, who was still fast asleep. 
"Oh hush, you can make do, you aren't the pregnant one" Ulana whispers, gently ruffling his hair. 
Valery smiled and rolled over, his back to Ulana as he adjusted his pillows, desperate for more sleep. Ulana simply smiled quietly, watching him as she readjusted. Katjas head lay limply on Ulanas chest as the little girl slept peacefully, her arms wrapped around her mother. Ulana closed her eyes, exhausted from a night of little sleep, like the many before it. She pressed her nose to Katjas head and sighed softly as she began to drift off.
It seemed like no time at all before Valery was gently prodding Ulana's shoulder. As she opened her eyes, she saw that his hair was damp and he was half-dressed. 
"Good morning," he says softly, leaning over and kissing her softly as he gently caresses her belly. Ulana sighs and sits up, leaning back on her elbow as Valery gently picks up Katja, who sleepily mumbles a good morning. Valery gently placed Katja down where he had been sleeping before sitting down on the edge of the bed. He gently placed his hands on either side of Ulana's belly, caressing it softly as he kissed her.
"I'll make some breakfast so you can go and get cleaned up," he says softly, still caressing her belly.
Ulana smiled a little as she sat up straight and stretched her arms up over her head. Valery smiled and took her hand, helping her out of bed, taking a moment to marvel at her. Ulana was still very thin, besides her large belly. Her legs were still rather toned and slender, and her body was just rather petite and dainty. Ulana wrapped her arms around Valery, leaning against him for a moment before turning back to the bed. She then picked up Katja, who was half awake and simply laid in Ulana's arms. Ulana then waddled awkwardly down the hall to the bathroom, where Valery had already picked out some clothes for their Katja. Ulana held Katja with one arm, supporting her on her hip as she leaned down and turned on the shower, making sure the water wasn't too hot. 
Around 40 minutes passed before Katja came running from the bathroom, fully dressed, her hair tied back in a short ponytail. Another 20 minutes passed before Ulana emerged, wrapped up in her large plush robe. By then, Valery had just about finished breakfast and was having Katja help him set the table. He could not help but smile as he watched Ulana make her way to her seat. As soon as the table was set, Valery carried a large frying pan over to the table, he had used the pan to keep everything warm.
Ulana leaned back in her seat, smiling as Katja adjusted, sitting on her knees in the chair with an eager look on her face. Valery served Katjas food first, giving her a small portion of everything to try. Then he made his way around the table and served Ulana, gently kissing her forehead as he finished. 
"It smells divine in here…" Ulana says as Valery goes to take his seat. 
Valery grins a little and takes her hand.
"Well, I would hope so," he says softly.
Ulana smiles and leans forward, her belly resting gently on her thighs as she begins to eat.
They finish breakfast rather quickly, for Valery must take Katja to daycare. He helps Ulana over to the sofa, planting a soft kiss on her lips before ushering Katja out the door. Ulana smiles a little as she watches the door close behind them before laying down on the sofa. She pulls a thick blanket over herself, laying with her back against the back of the sofa, gently rubbing the side of her belly. Ulana assumed she must have fallen asleep, for she awoke to a gentle knocking on the door. She was still in her robe, her nightgown underneath it. She sighed and slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes as she got to her feet. Ulana waddled to the door, a bit confused. Who on earth would be bothering her in the midst of the day?
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Valana Oneshots: In the End
For some context, Valery is around 30 and Ulana is around 26.
A cool breeze blowing against his back awoke Valery. He opened his eyes, and looked over the figure in front of him, smiling as he saw his lovely Ulana readjust. He could just barely hear her soft snores as he sat up a little, looking around at the beige walls around them. He looked up as he heard gentle footsteps in the hall. A tall figure appeared in the doorway. Valery blinked his eyes to clear his vision, sighing as he recognized Kaia, an old friend from University. They had taken organic chemistry together, long before Valery had met Ulana, and had even dated for a while before going their separate ways. Kaia had gone on to become a midwife, and Valery continued his studies to get a doctoral degree. Kaia being Valery ex had bothered Ulana when they first met, for she was unsure of Kaia's intentions. In the end, Ulana realized that Kaia and Valery had long moved on from their relationship and were happy as friends. Valery had called Kaia a few nights prior because Ulana had been having contractions. Kaia had determined that Ulana was in labour, but things were progressing rather slowly and it seemed that their little one was taking her sweet time making her way out of Ulana. Valery smiled and shared a look with Kaia as he realized that Ulana was finally getting some sleep, for she had been fairly exhausted as of late. He laid his head back on the pillow and scooted closer to Ulana. Valery gently pressed his nose against the crook of Ulana’s neck, taking in the sweet scent that seeped from her skin and hair. He wrapped his arms around her, gently caressing her belly. He heard Kaia's footsteps depart, for she had only come to check in on Ulana before returning to the sofa to lay down. Valery sighed softly, rubbing Ulana's belly as he felt her begin to squirm. A groan began to escape her as she readjusted, feeling her belly become tight as another contraction began. Ulana rolled over and wrapped her arms around Valery, pressing her forehead against Valery's chest. Ulana still hadn't opened her eyes, but she was definitely awake now. Valery smiled and planted a gentle kiss on Ulana's forehead as he rubbed her back. Ulana slowly opened her eyes to look up at him. She looked exhausted but managed a smile as the contraction faded away. Slowly, Ulana began to sit up, rubbing the side of her belly. She was grumbling something barely audible, which made Valery smile a little. He sat up and pulled her against him, allowing her to lean against him. Valery gently rubbed Ulana's side, feeling her shudder against him as she relaxed. Valery looked up as he heard Kaia's footsteps coming down the hallway. She was humming softly as she approached the doorway. Kaia smiled kindly as she entered the room. Slowly, she sat down on the edge of the bed. Ulana groaned and readjusted so Kaia could examine her. Ulana jumped a little as Kaia reached up inside of her to examine her cervix. This makes Valery smile a little as he gently strokes Ulana's hair. Ulana groans softly, glaring at him. Kaia smiles a little and presses on Ulana's belly, determining the position of the baby. Ulana groaned softly, adjusting her hips. 
"What? Is this funny to you two?" She growls.
"Funny? No, I just think you are adorable…" Valery mumbles, rubbing the side of Ulana's swollen belly.
"I don't feel very adorable…" Ulana growls, her head laying in Valery's lap. 
Kaia simply smiled and patted Ulana's belly with her soft hand. She knew what Ulana was going through, for she had helped many other mothers go through the same thing. She had experienced many women becoming quite upset and depressed, just wanting to hold their baby in their arms, just wanting their labour to end. Kaia exited the room to go and make some tea, leaving Valery and Ulana alone. 
A few hours passed, Valery cuddled Ulana as she laid on her side, cuddling one of Valery pillows. She was drenched in sweat and Kaia had predicted that within the next day they would finally meet their daughter. Ulana's contractions continued, getting stronger and closer together, but her water still hasn't broken. The tea Kaia had prepared had improved Ulana's mood temporarily, for once it was gone, Ulana went back to laying uncomfortably in bed. A few days before, when she had first received the call, Kaia had encouraged Ulana and Valery to got to the hospital, where Ulana could be helped and given drugs to help her progress, but Ulana had been adamant about not going. There was something about doctors that simply terrified her. So, Kaia had reluctantly agreed to stay with the couple, but she had informed Ulana they if there was an emergency she would be taken to the hospital without a second thought. Ulana reluctantly accepted these terms, for she definitely needed the help Kaia could provide. 
By late afternoon, Ulana was absolutely miserable. She had been in labour for around two days now and the contractions slowly got stronger, and they were finally becoming more regular. Deep down, Ulana knew this was it, the home stretch. Though she was exhausted, starving, and in pain, she was excited to finally get to meet her baby. What little sleep she did get came in the form of small naps between extremely intense contractions. Her water had finally broken just before lunch, and Kaia was keeping Ulana updated on the progress she was making. The young midwife had a voice that commanded respect but was rather soothing at the same time. But her words seemed to go in one ear and out the other every time she examined Ulana. Ulana simply could not focus on anything except the hand examining her cervix. 
As Ulana began to quickly progress, Kaia ushered Valery out into the hall. Though he wanted to stay and support Ulana, he knew this was something he was not meant to be a part of. Ulana's low groans and screams carried through the apartment as she began to push, now desperate to meet her baby. She was exhausted and all she wanted was to hold the life she had created in her arms and finally get some sleep.
It was not long before Valery heard the loud cries of a baby, he smiled tiredly and stood up from the sofa, wandering down the hall toward the bedroom. The door opened a few minutes later and Kaia stepped aside, revealing Ulana, propped up against many pillows, cradling a pudgy baby girl with brilliant ginger hair and ocean blue eyes. Ulana smiled tiredly at Valery and he couldn't help but smile back. Before he knew it he was standing beside the bed. He sat down and wrapped his arm around Ulana, cuddling her quietly and looking down at their child. 
"She is perfect…" he whispered as he planted a soft kiss on Ulana's forehead.
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Valana AU: Simply Love pt.2
Tags: @johnlockismyreligion @royaltydowntonandlife @celebenedetto
As Ulana pulled open the door, she saw a rather tall, lanky, young man, with a head of dark curly hair. It was Dimitri, a college student who Ulana allowed to study under her. Dimitri had begun his internship under Ulana shortly before her first pregnancy.
Ulana had worked through most of her first pregnancy, having been able to stay on her feet for long periods of time. She only took a leave of absence around a month before her due date. This time around, things were much different. Ulana had been extremely sick for most of her early pregnancy. She was constantly nauseous and light-headed. Later into her second trimester, Ulana was prone to passing out from low blood pressure, and she was in quite a lot of discomfort. Luckily, her boss was fairly understanding and allowed her to take some time and work from home, for Ulana was doing mainly calculations, and not doing any lab work while pregnant. Though she still suffered from low blood pressure, Ulana had learned her limits fairly well.
Dimitri stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Ulana in a friendly embrace. Though they both would much rather be doing lab work, Dimitri refused to work under any of the other physicists, knowing Ulana was one of the best. Ulana smiled and awkwardly leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him and gently patting his back.
"You're early…" she mumbles, glancing at the clock. 
Dimitri grins a little and looks down at her, "I'm just eager to get to work" he replies.
He begins to pull away and gently places his hand on the side of her swollen belly.
"How are you? You look great" Dimitri says, smiling brightly at her.
"Oh, I'm alright. Just constantly tired" Ulana says, smiling up at Dimitri. 
Dimitri smiles and gently removes his hand from the side of Ulana's belly, reaching down to pick up his briefcase. 
"I've brought some paperwork for you to look over," he says as he helps her over to the sofa. 
"Hmmm" Ulana grumbles in response as she sits back down, putting her feet up on the coffee table.
Dimitri simply grins as he sits down beside her, handing her a thick stack of files. Ulana groans, her eyes widening at the sight of them. Dimitri chuckles a little in response.
"There's more where those came from," he says, making her groan again as she tosses her head back. 
"I hate paperwork!" Ulana exclaims as she reaches for her reading glasses that are sitting on the end table.
She gently places the glass on her face before picking up the first file. A few moments of silence passed before Dimitri stood up and quietly turned on some soft classical music. Ulana glanced up at him, mindlessly caressing her belly as she sat there, an open file in her other hand. 
"I can't stand the silence," Dimitri says as he looks back at Ulana. 
Ulana simply smiles and goes back to reading the report before her. She managed to get through almost four reports before Valery returned home for lunch. He came in quietly and smiled as he saw Ulana leaning back with her feet propped up, and Dimitri hunched over the coffee table scribbling away, working on his calculations. He quietly set down his briefcase before wandering over to the sofa and leaning over, wrapping his arms around Ulana.  Ulana leaned her head back against Valery and smiled a little. 
"Busy day?" Valery teased, his hands resting on either side of Ulana's belly. 
Ulana rolls her eyes and turns her head to look at him.
"Well, busier than normal" Ulana replies, leaning her head against his neck. 
She silently closed the file she was working on and placed it on top of the stack beside her. Valery smiled and gently kissed the top of her head. 
"What would you like for lunch?" He asked quietly, gently caressing either side of her belly with his thumbs.
"You know I will eat anything you make," she says softly, glancing up at him. 
Valery smiles and gently kisses Ulana's neck, feeling slight restricted movements from the two tiny lives growing within her. Ulana groans uncomfortable, squirming a little. Valery bit his lip and gently wrapped his arms around her.
"I know love" he whispers, pressing his nose to the top of her head. 
They took a few moments to cuddle before Valery released her and went to prepare lunch while Ulana got up and got herself situated at the table. Dimitri remained on the sofa, working on his calculations. Valery set a small plate in front of Ulana before sitting beside her. Ulana quietly picked at the sandwich Valery had made her. Valery sat beside her and cuddled her quietly, gently rubbing her upper belly, just beneath her breasts. Ulana laid her head against Valery's chest, smiling a little as she cuddled him, finally getting comfortable. Valery smiled and planted a kiss on Ulana's forehead, holding her close. 
"How was your food?" Valery says softly, rubbing the side of her belly.
"Good" Ulana replies, smiling at him, a bit drowsy.
Valery smiled and pressed his lips to hers, gently nuzzling his nose against hers. Ulana allowed his tongue to slide into her mouth as she locked her lips with his. There was a soft thud on the table, making the couple jump. Dimitri was grinning a little and had plopped the files down in front of her. 
"Sorry Comrades, but we are behind on our work…" 
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Valana Oneshot: What is a Life Without You?
The early 2000's Valery is in his sixties, Ulana had passed around two years earlier, she had ended up with a heart condition. She had died rather young, having passed in her sleep, cuddled against Valery, weak and on more medications than she could count.
It was late fall, the weather had just begun getting cold. His eldest daughter, Katerina had come to visit that morning with Valery's grandchildren. Katja was practically a replica of Ulana, except for her brilliant ginger hair. All three of his children did their best to keep him in good spirits, for they knew how desperately Valery missed Ulana. 
For Valery, life had become extremely difficult, and so empty after Ulana had died. It often seemed as if there was nothing important anymore. Often times, Valery found himself working to keep his mind occupied. He would work on his theory and formulas, trying to distract him from the dreadful emptiness that plagued the house. When he wasn't working, Valery often caught himself staring at the many photographs scattered around the house. There was one in particular that he loved. It was a picture from the early sixties. Valery was finishing up his doctoral degree, and Ulana had just finished university. It was early autumn and Ulana was 6 months pregnant with their first child, Katja. Their good friend Mirra had taken the photo. It showed Valery tickling Ulana. They had been posing for the photo outside in a nearby park when he began tickling her, and Mirra had snapped the photo in the midst of the chaos.  Ulana had a radiant smile on her face and her mouth was open as she laughed. Her eyes seemed to glimmer and she simply looked radiant. Looking at the photo made Valery realize that he would give anything to go back to those days, to hold his beautiful companion in his arms, to smell her sweet scent one last time. Nowadays, Mirra would come over to keep Valery company. She was a nuclear engineer, and a brilliant one at that, but she made time for Valery. Her sweet tenor voice filled the silence, and Valery was grateful for that. They would often sit on the sofa, talking quietly, both often smoking a cigarette. They talked about work, life, and on occasion family. Mirra had two kids, both boys who left home at an early age, pursuing their dreams, but neither would return home. Her eldest son died in a lab accident, and her younger son died while fighting in the army. She did not talk much about them, especially not any more. Valery did not push her on the topic, knowing how Mirra felt. Sometimes they would talk about Ulana, but Valery would often get distracted, rambling on about his soulmate. 
But today, Mirra would not visit. She would spend the day alone, remembering her son's. So, Valery sat alone on the sofa, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he stared blankly at the many photographs of his family scattered about the small room. Many of them pictured Ulana and himself as a young couple. One from when she finished University. One from when Ulana told Valery she was pregnant. One from late in her pregnancy as she sat on the sofa, a book resting on her belly. One of them and their newborn daughter, just outside the house. So many memories filled each picture, yet Valery could hardly recall some of them. But some memories were so vivid that Valery swore he could relive them. He could recall, in detail, each time Ulana went into labour. But he could not seem to recall the little details. And as he sat there, his cigarette smouldering to ash, Valery wished he would have taken more care to appreciate his time with Ulana, to savour every second he had her in his life, for without her, he did not seem to have much life at all.
The day went by particularly slow, and Valery found himself struggling to focus. He was writing a book on inorganic chemistry, and not having anyone to bounce ideas off of made it particularly difficult. He kept catching himself talking aloud to himself. Well, he would've been talking to Ulana if she was there with him. That made days like today incredibly painful. He just needed someone to be there with him. Someone to support him. He needed Ulana more than he would ever realize, for his world was not right without her.
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
HBO Chernobyl fics: Train of Decisions part 2
A few days had passed, Ulana had received a frantic call that morning, forcing her to scramble out of her bed to answer the phone. It was Valery, he was heading to Minsk, he needed to speak with her. Promptly after hanging up the phone, Ulana wandered back to her room and curled back up in her bed. The bleeding had yet to cease and she was still in quite a lot of pain as her body attempted to expel the life within it. She constantly felt cold and her skin looked far paler than normal. What on earth could be so important that Valery could not just speak with her over the phone? Ulana sighed and stared up at the ceiling for a while, contemplating whether or not she should actually meet up with Valery. She had yet to leave her house and was not really feeling up to it. Well, she was not feeling up to anything. It had become difficult to get out of bed, for she felt so weak. Everyday tasks had become difficult, for if she overexerted herself, Ulana would pass out. She had found her limits fairly quickly after arriving home. The hours passed fairly slow as Ulana lay, curled up, beneath many thick wool blankets. Later that evening, Ulana received a call. It was Valery, informing her that he had just arrived in Minsk. Ulana quickly got herself dressed. Ulana desperately hoped that Valery would not want to come back to her apartment, for it was an absolute disaster. She had yet to clean up the absolute mess that had been made when she had returned home from the hospital. Ulana quickly went out to her car, her head spinning. She almost felt nauseous, no, she did feel nauseous. As Ulana got outside, she ran to the grass and leaned over, throwing up what little she had managed to eat. A bout of furious coughing ensued as Ulana made her way out to her car after she had wiped her mouth, of course. She groaned softly as she climbed into her car, dreading the drive to the train station, though it was not far from her apartment. Her hand rested gently on her sore stomach for a few moments before she finally turned on her car and pulled on her seatbelt. She hasn't driven since she came home. Ulana reluctantly headed to the train station. The drive didn't take much longer than five minutes, Valery was standing outside, a briefcase in hand. He waved as Ulana pulled up and he hurried over to her car, getting in the passenger seat, an awkward, nerdy smile on his face.
"I'm so sorry, Khomyuk, for the last minute…" Valery began, but he stopped as he looked at Ulana. 
"Are you alright, you look pale?" He says softly, leaning forward to get a better look at her. 
"I'm alright comrade, just not feeling well" Ulana replies, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. 
Valery reached into his pocket and pulled out a clean cotton handkerchief. Instead of handing it to Ulana, he reached over and gently pressed it against her forehead, dabbing up the moisture. It was a more than an awkward exchange, but it brought the slightest smile to Ulana's face. 
"So, where are you staying?" Ulana asks softly, just wanting to drop him off at his hotel.
"Well… erm…  wherever I can get a room on short notice" Valery replies.
Ulana's eyes get wide and she nods in silence. He hasn't made any plans, Valery had simply hopped on a train to come and see her.
"What was so urgent that you had to come now?" Ulana asks, desperately trying not to sound irritated. 
"I need you to do something for me Khomyuk…" Valery says softly, looking over at her. 
They make eye contact for a moment. 
"What on earth could be this important?" Ulana grumbles.
Ulana had already gone to prison for this cause, she had already exposed herself to an extremely high dose of radiation. What more could Valery possibly want from her?
Just as Ulana was lost in her thoughts, Valery reached over and grasped her hand. 
"Khomyuk, I need you. You are the only one who can do this" Valery says softly as he looked down at her cold hand. 
Ulana sighed and looked over at him, this kind of talk was what got her into this whole debacle in the first place. 
"Fine, I will think about it…" Ulana mumbles, pulling her hand away and putting her car back in drive. 
The ride back to Ulana's apartment was completely silent, besides Ulana's heavy breathing. Once they arrived Valery looked over at her, a bit confused. He had assumed she was taking him to a hotel, not her apartment. 
"Ummm, Khomyuk, did you mean to bring me here?" Valery said softly, looking over at Ulana.
Ulana was resting her forehead against the steering wheel, biting her bottom lip. Her hand clutching her stomach. 
"Oh shit… sorry" Ulana mumbles, lifting her head up.
She was about to restart her car when Valery grabbed her hand. 
"It's alright, I can walk to the nearest hotel if I must," he says softly.
"It would be impolite of me to make you walk" Ulana replies weakly. 
Valery gently reaches over and puts his hand on her cheek, feeling how cold her pale skin felt.
"Khomyuk, you obviously need rest. Let me help you up to your apartment, then we can figure out what to do from there" Valery said softly.
He then proceeded to open his door and gather his briefcase before hurrying around the car to help Ulana. He opened her door for her and took her arm, helping her up. Her legs trembled beneath her and he saw a red liquid trickle slowly down her pale leg. 
"Khomyuk, you're bleeding…" he said, his eyes widening.
Ulana couldn't manage an answer, she simply groaned, holding her stomach. This was all far too much for Valery to process. He wrapped Ulana's arm over his shoulder and proceeded to carry her inside and up to her apartment. He laid her down on the sofa and looked around the messy apartment. 
"What can I do to help? Is there anything you need?" Valery says as he leans down to look at her. 
"If you could help me to my room…" Ulana mumbles tiredly. 
Valery nods and wraps her arm over his shoulders, helping her walk back to her bedroom. He watches as she stumbles over to her dresser and opens up a drawer, pulling out a clean pair of underwear. As he took a closer look around, he saw the bloody mess that was a pile of clothes from a few days earlier. 
He watched as she disappeared into her bathroom to clean up. Valery stood awkwardly at the end of the hall, looking around her dark apartment. A soft thud came from down the hall and Valery looked toward the bathroom and slowly made his way down the hall. 
"Khomyuk? Are you alright?" Valery said softly, leaning against the door. 
There was only a soft groan in reply. Valery gently pushed open the door to see Ulana laying on the floor, holding her head in her hands. It was obvious she had hit her head fairly hard.
Valery knelt down on the floor and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. 
"Should I take you to the hospital?" Valery said softly, wanting to take her no matter what she said.
"No… I'll be alright…" Ulana replied, beginning to get up.
Valery gently put his hand on her shoulder, "Khomyuk, you should go to the hospital. It is obvious something isn't right" 
"I am fine Comrade Legasov" Ulana replies, gritting her teeth.
"No, Khomyuk, you are not fine. You are bleeding and it is obvious something isn't right" 
"I am fine, this was all voluntary" Ulana replies, just wanting to be left alone. 
"Wh-what on earth do you mean?" Valery says wide-eyed as he looks down at her.
Ulana looks up at him, she hadn't meant for him to find out, not like this, she had slipped up. 
"I-I am so sorry…" she mumbles
"What do you mean?" Valery says again, not wanting to assume the worst.
"I was… I had…" Ulana stutters, trying to find the right words, "I was pregnant. I went and had an abortion…" 
Valery looks at her, his mind teeming with thoughts. First and foremost being about the father of the child, was it him or some other man? Did Ulana get around that well? 
Valery sat down on the floor beside Ulana, his face blank and his mind buzzing, it was obvious that he was in some sort of shock. Oh, why on earth had she told him?
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Valana musicians AU?
Should I write a Valana AU where they are still scientists, but also very talented musicians?
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
🎶 In the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet, for just a moment, a yellow sky... 🎶
I was twelve when my mother died,
She was holding me,
We were sick and she was holding me,
I couldn't seem to die...
Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it (I'll write my way out)
Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it (write everything down, far as I can see)
Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait (history has its eyes on you)
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History has its eyes on you...
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dank-hp--memes · 5 years
Soulmates: chapter 3
I have gotten loads of positive feedback about this Valana AU. I would like to thank everyone for their comments and DM's. I would live to hear your thoughts on this chapter, and where this story should go after this. I love all of you and thank all of you for your support. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Tags ❤: @shit-in-silk-stocking @johnlockismyreligion @royaltydowntonandlife
(P.S. leave a comment if you want to be tagged)
It is a brisk fall morning, Ulana is now approaching the twentieth week of her pregnancy. Nights, where she gets more than a few hours of sleep, are few and far between. Her belly now barely fits in her blouses and her skirts are too tight to wear at a normal height, so she has resorted to wearing dresses. Her dresses also fit better over her swollen breasts, which have increased two cup sizes, from a C cup to a double D.
It is around five-thirty in the morning when Ulana finally gets out of bed, only because she can smell the food Valery is making for breakfast. The walk from the bedroom to the kitchen is a straight shot down the hallway. Valery looks up and smiles at her as he sees her coming down the hallway. Ulana has resorted to wearing a few of Valery's old shirts and her underwear to bed. A slight aching in her pelvis and the weight of the baby have caused Ulana to walk with a very slight waddle. Of course, Valery cannot help but find this extremely adorable, and he often finds it hard to be intimidated by her. 
"Good morning Lana," he says with a smile as she wraps her arms around him sleepily.
Her soft belly pressed lightly into his side as she snuggled against him. Her eyes wander down to the food Valery is cooking.
"Morning…" Ulana mumbles as Valery wraps one of his arms around her.
Valery smiles as he finishes cooking them some fried eggs and pancakes. Carefully, Valery takes the food over to the table where Ulana had placed herself after giving him a soft kiss. Valery smiles as he places a plate in front of her, looking down at her and then her growing belly.
Of course, Ulana thanks him as she swirls some honey into her tea. Valery sits down across from her and takes a sip of his coffee. The aroma of the fresh, dark liquid makes Ulana's mouth water and she shoots him a jealous look. 
"What?" Valery teases, grinning at her a little. 
Ulana just squints at him a little as she takes a few bites of her food. She finishes a large breakfast rather quickly, and Valery smiles as he watches her lean back and sips her tea. He had noticed her increased appetite a few days before, so he had been preparing her a bit more food with each meal to help keep her from rummaging through the fridge and pantry every few hours. 
"How are my girls this morning?" Valery asks as he takes her empty plate. 
Normally Ulana was the one who washed the dishes, but Valery had taken it upon himself as of late. 
"Good… I am a bit bloated, but the little one is definitely doing good…" Ulana says, chuckling a little as she drinks her tea. 
Valery smiles a little as he turns his back on her to wash the dishes.
"Has she moved at all?" Valery asks, glancing over his shoulder at her. 
"Nothing significant yet" Ulana replies as she gets up and walks over to him, placing her empty mug beside the sink. 
"Just the little flutters still?" Valery asks, looking over at her. 
"Well besides the few kicks we got the other night there hasn't been much," Ulana says, grinning as she watches Valery put the dishes away. 
"She must be shy," Valery says as he wraps his arms around Ulana, smiling down at her.
Ulana giggles a little as she presses her body against his. They stand there for a few moments, sharing a few sweet kisses as they hold each other close. Valery gently picks Ulana up and places her on the counter. He then leans down and kisses her belly. 
"Be good for your mother while she is at work today" he whispers, glancing up at Ulana and smiling before kissing her belly once more. 
Ulana giggles a little and runs her fingers through his hair, her heart aching as she looked down at him, overwhelmed with love.
"She is going to be such a daddy's girl" Ulana teases, wrapping her legs around Valery.
"Do you think we are having a girl?" Valery says, wrapping his arms around Ulana.
"Well I hope so," she says, smiling up at him.
They share a few more peckish kisses before Ulana goes to get ready for work. 
It only takes a few moments for Ulana to get dressed in a beautiful red dress. Then she quickly curled her hair and brushed her teeth before grabbing her purse and work bag. Valery was pulling on his shoes as Ulana approached the door. Upon seeing her, Valery stood up and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her passionately. 
"Have a good day…" he whispered before letting her go. 
Ulana smiled and kissed him once more before leaving the apartment. Valery could not help but smile as he watched her begin to make her way down the stairs, waddling slightly.
Ulana made her way down to the street level. She stood in the entranceway to the apartment building for a moment before making her way to her car. She placed her things in the back seat before getting into the car.
The drive to work was uneventful besides the few slight movements she felt from within her womb. 
At work, Ulana carried her things inside, one of the few people who showed up to work so early. Even though she was so young, she quickly rose through the ranks at the nuclear institute and was a high ranking physicist.
Once in her lab, Ulana placed her things down at her desk and hung up her coat. Of course, the higher-ups had her lab running some experiments and tests today. Ulana sighs and plops herself down in her desk chair. She was alone in the lab, for now, so she decided to finish reading through the documents she had been given a few days before. 
As a few more of her colleagues and Dimitri arrived, they began setting up for the experiment.
"You should probably sit this one out, Khomyuk" one of the men called as he gathered the materials.
"I'm pregnant, not impaired" Ulana replied, not looking up as she signed a few papers, her glasses resting on her nose. 
Dimitri and the man's intern both snickered at the reply. It was just the four of them in the lab, and of course, Ulana insisted on running the experiment.
"But you should be careful" a voice interrupted from the doorway.
Ulana looked up to see Valery smiling at her and holding up her thermos. 
"You're forgetting that this is my lab, not yours, and if you want dessert after your dinner tonight you have to be nice to me" She teases as she gets up and takes her thermos from him.
Valery smiles and wraps his arms around her.
"Just be careful, I don't need something to happen to you" he whispers, giving her a quick kiss before leaving.
Valery knows that no matter what he says, he cannot keep her away from her lab.
The experiment goes rather smoothly, the only hitch was when the other intern blew up a beaker and burned Ulana with an acidic solution. Of course, Ulana did not panic or react with anger as the others did, she simply washed it off and finished her experiment before concluding her results.
The rest of her day was rather calm, she walked Dimitri through a few failed experiments, which were a learning experience for him, and she finished a large amount of her paperwork. 
As lunchtime rolled around, only Dimitri and Ulana remained in the lab. Ulana was finishing her paperwork, and leaning back in her chair, her hand mindlessly rubbing her belly. Dimitri was staring at her blankly, and he jumped a little when Ulana shot him a look over her paperwork.
"It is impolite to stare, Dimitri" She mumbled as she set down her paperwork.
Dimitri opened his mouth to speak but made an odd croaking sound, causing Ulana to smile. 
"She's moving, if you would like to feel her," Ulana said, looking over her glasses at Dimitri.
Dimitri looks embarrassed as he nods and stands up. He stands awkwardly beside Ulana his hand hovering over her belly nervously. Ulana scoffs and takes his hand, placing it on her belly. His eyes widen as he feels a few kicks. 
"You're actually having a baby," he says, laughing nervously. 
Ulana rolls her eyes and shoves him gently. 
"You'd better go eat lunch, you don't have all day," she says, teasing him a little.
Dimitri nods and quickly scurries from the lab, keen to eat and get back to work. 
The rest of the day was uneventful, Ulana left work around 4 pm, waddling because of how sore her body was at the end of the workday. She arrived home first and proceeded to lay on the sofa with Sasha. The cat climbed quietly on top of Ulana and gently kneaded her paws into Ulana's belly and breasts before settling down on her belly. Ulana smiled and gently stroked Sasha as she began to drift off.
A few hours later, Ulana awoke to see Valery standing over her, a stern look on his face.
"You've got a burn on your arm," he said seriously.
"It was just some acid..." Ulana mumbles as she begins to sit up after moving Sasha.
"Acid? Lana, you need to be more careful…" Valery said, beginning to scold her. 
Ulana scoffed as he rambled on about safety. She sat up and began to waddle toward the kitchen. 
"If you don't quiet down you won't be getting a piece of this after dinner," Ulana says, smacking her ass. 
Valery went quiet and shook his head, his lips curling in a smile.
Of course, Ulana had gained weight with the pregnancy. This made her butt and thighs quite soft and round. Ulana knew he could not control himself when she shook her hips or danced. She smiled back at him and began to let her hips sway from side to side, dancing a little. She looked over her shoulder at him, her hands on her hips. Valery's lips pulled back, exposing his adorable tooth gap as he grinned at her. Silently, he walked up behind her and slid his arms around her. His hands gently cupped her lower belly as he pulled her against him.
"Now you're just being a tease" he whispers as she looks up at him.
Ulana chucks as she reaches up and places her hand on his cheek. Valery smiles and rests his head on her shoulder, nuzzling his cheek gently against hers. They stood like that for a few moments, Ulana's hips still swaying slightly. 
"I love you…" Valery whispers, his eyes wandering down over her body.
It was rare for them to express their love with words, but sometimes it was the only way.
"I love you too Valera…" Ulana mumbles, blushing deeply. 
Valery smiles and kisses her cheek, caressing her belly gently before heading past her into the kitchen. Ulana smiles and follows him, sitting on the counter and watching him cook. 
They talked quietly about work and the baby. They did not eat at the table that night. Valery sat beside Ulana on the counter and they talked about sweet nothings as they ate dinner. As Valery finished he placed his plate in the sink and proceeded to stand in front of Ulana, caressing her lower belly with his thumb as she ate. He smiled as he felt their daughter move. Valery slowly leaned down and kissed Ulana's belly. 
"I love you princess" he whispers as he rests his hand on the side of her belly. 
Ulana cannot help but smile as Valery begins talking to her belly. His voice seems so stimulate their daughter, making her move a bit more. 
"Your mother and I cannot wait to meet you.  Though, she needs to slow down a bit and be more careful" Valery says, teasing Ulana a little as he kisses her belly once more.
Ulana rolls her eyes and leans over, placing her plate in the sink. 
"I am completely fine at the pace I have set," Ulana says as she wraps her legs around Valery.
Valery smiles and kisses her softly as he wraps his arms around her.
"I know…" he mumbles as he pulls her close.
Ulana smiles and tightens her legs around him.
"I must be the luckiest man alive," Valery says as he rests his forehead against Ulana's.
"Oh? Why is that?" Ulana teases as she looks up at him, a deviant grin curling her lips.
"Because I have you…" Valery replies, one of his hands squeezing her hip. 
Before Ulana could say anything, Valery pressed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately. Parting only when he desperately needed air. He had run his hands up under her dress and began to pull at her underwear as they kissed again and again. Unsimultaneously, Valery began to make love to her. Their moans carrying through the entire apartment. Somehow, they ended up in bed, both mostly undressed. This night Valery fell asleep first, in only his underwear, which he had pulled on after they had finished. Ulana managed to crawl out of bed and pull on a thin nightgown before laying back down beside Valery. Ulana propped herself up to a little on a pillow as she lay on her back. Valery wrapped his arm protectively around her middle and cuddled her tightly as he slept. Ulana smiled slightly as she watched him sleep. Her mind is full of thoughts about their family. She picked up her journal and wrote down a few more of the baby names that lingered in her mind, and she listed a few things she wanted to purchase for their child. She fell asleep a few minutes after turning out the light, overcome by sweet dreams of their family.
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amaidsconfession · 5 years
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       || AU -  Little Women & The Terror 
Blame all my Valana feelings.I just need them to work together again and play a couple.
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