human-antithesis · 1 year
Samkoma um sumar var sett á Þingeyri
Samkoma um sumar var sett á Þingeyri fyrir hanga heimþingaðar mót ok hatr. Hve fjarri guðirnir voru oss. Bræðr voru útlægir gerðir, til skóggǫngu dæmdir. Galdrs hapt arma farmr, þín svikula tunga var sigrsæl þessa myrku sumardaga. Hafa Goða varnendr eigi hegnt þér fyrir fyrirlitningarorð þín? En vilji þinn lifir. Svo bræðr á brims lakki sigla, fylgja dýrðarkalli í hinni gǫmlu Engla ættjǫrð ok Írlandi. Eylúðrs níu brúðir fylgja þeim, skartandi hvítum kórónum, dúks bǫl bar þær með bláum skýja gráti. Dyggar Ægis dætr sem senda hríðar skær til fjarlægra stranda frægðar ok feigðar. Sundvǫrpuðir sem eru bræðr undirheima flóðs ásynju. Margir vitrir menn með lærðar tungr sǫgðu oss sǫgr af fjarlægjum ríkjum. Fólki með álnir í suðri, af gunnum fyrir fé ok vegsemd í norðri. Af lǫngum viðar Heljar sjǫtum í Lade þar sem faðir oss eitt sinn bjó. Miklum steinhúsum í suðri þar sem skildir eru gerðir úr Ægis eldi ok sverð úr leggjar íss. Samþykkjar søkkvir, linns blóði. Af framandi nykra borg langt í suðri, þar sem aðeins mistr leiðir sunda skjær á staði hunangs ok víns. Langt, langt handan hins djúpa, djúpa ríkis þessa jǫkla akrs. Fyrir ykkr, bræðr, virtust hin kǫldu jarðar skaflof Orkneya lands svo nærri, hin grýtta strǫnd svo bjóðandi. En þið dóuð, bræðr. Teknir af Hropts hyrr í bardaga ok Blóðughadda á sjó, teknir til ríkja sem verða mér ókunn á lífi. Báleygs viðr, sævar rǫðuls, hvað mun verða um þetta hlíðþang er hafið horfið frá þessum heimi? Hveðrungs mær, gef þá aftr! Hermóðr, sigðis látrs, stefnir þú niðr á við? Aldrlok eru allt sem ég skynja. Fjǫrtal er allt sem ég sé. Dauðinn hefr vafið ǫrmum sínum um Njarðar megir frá deginum sem það fæddist í þennan heim.
[ENGLISH - A meeting at Þingeyri in summertime was set]
A meeting at Þingeyri in summertime was set for killing and hate. Brothers were outlawed and sent to the woods. Loptr, your cheating tongue was successful in these dark days of summer. Have the gods not punished you for your speech of contempt? But your spirit lives. So my brothers entered a ship to sail and followed the call for glory in old England and Ire. Waves followed them by wearing white crowns, winds carried them with blue rainclouds. Waves that loyally send ships to far away shores of fame and death. Winds that are brothers to the underworld of Rán. Many wise men with learned tongues told us stories of far away kingdoms. Of rich people down south, of battles for goods and glory up north. Long wooden halls at the place at lade where our grandfather once lived. Great stone-walled houses down south where shields are made of gold and swords of silver. Of foreign sea animals to the far west, where only fok leads ships to places of honey and wine. Far, far over the deep, deep kingdom of Rán. For you, brothers, the cold grey stones of the Orkneys seemed so near, the rocky beach so easy to enter! But you died, brothers. You were taken by Óðinn in battle and Rán at sea, taken to kingdoms unknown to me in life. Valbrand, Gísli, what shall become of this family now that you are gone from this world? Hel, give them back! Hermóðr, are you on your downward way? Death is everything I feel. Death is everything I see. Death has embraced Njǫrðr's kin since the day it was born to this world.
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movd · 7 years
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valbrand · 7 years
Eu sou mais que minhas palavras. Eu sou mais que meus atos falhos e vícios. Eu sou mais que minha carne, fraca e pouca. Eu sou mais que meu medo de não dar conta, e sou mais que minha descrença no todo e nas partes.
E ainda assim, sou menos que qualquer coisa.
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sodrippy · 3 years
onf mvs are SO fun ive only seen 4 but they r all so FUN godbless
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Waldebrand - m (Ancient Germanic) to rule by sword
From Gothic valdan "to reign" and Old Norse brand "sword"
Other forms: Waldbrand, Walbrand, Valbrand, Valdbrand, Valdebrand
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sir-camelot · 5 years
Welp, I made my own LGBT+ Free Company on Coeurl in FFXIV, so if you play on the realm and are looking for a safe space to express yourself, feel free to message me on here or in game, Valbrand Azhana. Name of FC is Prismatic Hearts.
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edmer-uroboros · 7 years
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👆Ссылка на книгу в шапке профиля 👆 . . . . #зашагдо #цитаты #читатьонлайн #чтиво #литература #мистика #фэнтези #триллер #легенда #книжныйманьяк #книга #чтопочитать #люблючитать #новаякнига #ячитаю #рекомендуюкнигу #книгоман #любимаякнига #valbrand #edmer #fantasy #life #love #wattpadbook #color #book #instabook #reading #online #bookstagram
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ritasv · 6 years
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‘Matt Valbrand and Simon Burrows’ courtesy of Stephen Moss/Photosm
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human-antithesis · 1 year
Eigi hefr á augu, unnskíðs komit síðan
Eigi hefr á augu unnskíðs komit síðan - dyggr dó af und eggjar - oddstefnum meir svefnar, síz hræstorðar harðan hjǫrs gerðu styr bǫrvar ótt, ðeirs Áleif létu allsaklausan falla. Ákkat hægt af hægu - hljóð veiti mér sveitir! - enn í elli minni ívegsstafi segja, síz vel hressan vissak vápna Njǫrð at jǫrðu: minn es sonr at sǫnnu, snjállr aflstuðill, fallinn. Efna hygg, þats Yggjar ek hef heitit mǫ́ feita. Sundlíri flýgr sára svangr fyr eyrar tanga. Veitk, at vér munum hljóta - vel ´s fallit þat – allir, - hljómr´s af hjǫrva glaumi- Hallgrímr, farar tíma. Mótreyni klaufk mána malma braks í jaxla, segg létk alms í augu eitt hǫgg staðar leita. Sákat hitt, at hrykki hringmerkðr fetilstingi: hné gunnlogi, Gunnar gjallharðan sák falla. Vér hǫfum felda fjóra - feng telk í því drengjum - brátt, þeirs blóðgan létu Bjargeyjar son deyja. Einn ar órum mǫnnum - Eir vas sollin geira: Þjónn vas hæfðr með hlunni - Hallgrímr kveðr nú fallinn. Brátt gekk sonr, þás sótti Sunnar bliks at runni, - hvatr frák at brá bitum blóðísi – Geirdísar. Enn réð Eyjolfr minnask eggleiks við kyn seggja, geira Baldr, at gjalda gunnbliks fyrir runnum. Heldr hǫfum heiptir goldit, Hallgrímr, saman allir - vígs iðrumk þess þeygi - Þjóðreks sonum stórar. Urðu æski-Nirðir addregns of sǫk vegnir; ǫr þjóða veitk eyði inngjarna Þórbjarnar. Nú´s jafnǫndum fram ganga, varra elds þeirs vilja viggs temjanda fremja. Vesa kveða – hǫgg enn hǫggvin hjǫrs saklaussa bǫrva Ísfirðingum urðu eirlaust – farit trausti. Hlógu herðidraugar hvinnendr of sók minni fróns, þás frænda mínum fellidómr réð bella. Nú tér – vegnir vǫ́ru víg- Njǫrðungar hǫrðu - hafs í hverju bjargi hóts annan veg þjóta! Hallgrímr, skulum heiman - hlítik vætki líta uggi mestu ok ógnir íðvargs – ór stað bíða, enn víg þaus vér vǫ́gum - vildak aldri glalda geira gæti ǫ́ru - gǫrvǫll í strá falla. Varðat viggja Njǫrðum, Valbrands sionum, handan - þess minnumk nú – Þvinnils þvengr vanbundinn lengi, þás, skerfoldar, skyldi - skjalda hlums á sumri garðr svall – gǫfug sólar gefn, míns sonar hefna. Þat mun vestr ok vestan - varð ǫ́r roðin sára - orð til Ísafjarðar oddregns koma þegna, at til geira glettu gunn-nærungar færi - vægr es vǫxtr í augum Valbrands sonum – handan. Nú ´s jódraugum ægis arnar flaug of bauga: Hygg, at heimboð þiggi hangagoðs af vangi.
[ENGLISH - No one realises, all the driftwood drifting ashore ever since]
No one realises, all the driftwood drifting ashore ever since - loyal people died through evil blades - spearheads stronger than sleep, since swords have brought the curse of war and many corpses, fear brought down all innocent ones. It was customary simply to revenge - silence supports swords! - but evil staves say that it is well-known that Njǫrðr's weapon is on earth - mine is the son of sons, a good and strong seaman, fallen. Deal the blow, Yggr shall do as I've commanded. Fat he shall become. The fish fleas from the wounds, hungry at the end of the sandbank. I know we will suffer - as it is just - everyone - led by the loud feast of swords - Hallgrímr the most. On the other side the moon breaks, metal breaks teeth where the foe aims a blow with this eyes. At the point where the stab of the blade enters his side. Gunnar falls screaming painfully. We four were hiding - come, count the heroes - they let the son of Bjarkey fall, bleeding. He was one of our men - copper, made by the sun: those involved were equally strong in boats - Hallgrímr sends to the fallen. The son climbed to the place where Sunnar came from - to let iron bite the brows - to the Geirdísar. But as Eyjólfr correctly remembers, this way of fighting, the great Baldr, can be called a heroic deed in war. All great sons of Þjódrekr, Hallgrímr, together have brought retaliation - this is never regretted in times of war. The kin of the Æsir was spared such terrible fate; the folk knows about the begin of Þórbjǫrn's downfall. Now something equally bad happens like their fire's warning teaches the killing. It is said - blows dealt by swords left the innocent people of Ísafjǫrðr without copper - they went self-confident. Laughing women of the powerful revenants on their quest for the memory of salvation, so that my fallen damned relatives will be treated properly. Now the sea brings safety - since the kin of Njǫrðr is on our side - to everyone on their different ways! Hallgrímr, we should head home - like being on fins and being treated like an evil wolf - from this place where we lingered, but their kin we slew - as it is apt, without the help of others - to finally fall to the straw ourselves. This way it was possible for you to fight, loyal to the sword-wood! Unlike the ash tree, we rise horribly with the sun. I remember the fall of most men on the mountain slide. Those terrible men should be sought in the damned west. The horses of the retainers, Valbrandr's sons, were expected there - this is now remembered - already bound by fate for a long time, praise to the people from the skerries - cooling their shields at the southern stead - and to the sun for the revenge of my son. Word will come to the west - it was from a reddish wound - over the tips of the waves to Ísafjǫrðr's people sent to let the struggle grow old - balance grew in the eyes of Valbrandr's sons. Now eagles, Ægir's undead horses flew across the waves. Remember that this feast reminds the god of the hanged of the battle field.
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unpunny · 5 years
Centuries ago, on a remote island in the North Atlantic...
Vikings arrived and began a settlement with help from their Irish thralls. But they weren't alone. All manner of otherworldly beings lurked in the island's hidden corners. The Vikings called these beings vættir; the Gaels called them Aes Sídhe.
Among these beings were the selkies who frolicked at outcroppings on the shore. These creatures looked like seals in the water, but they shed their hides on land to reveal beautiful human forms underneath. The Norse chieftain Valbrand saw the prettiest female selkie, whose name was Eyfridh, and decided he wanted her for himself.
As Eyfridh slept on the beach at the edge of the forest, Valbrand snatched her sealskin and bundled it into a hidden bag. When she awoke, she saw that she couldn't return to the water, and she had no choice but to go home with the powerful chieftain before her.
They got married and had a son, who they named Asgeir. This son grew into a strapping young lad, but he noticed that his mother was never happy. She would sit on a rock at the beach and gaze longingly toward the horizon. Asgeir wondered why she was so forlorn, not realizing that she pined for her old home.
During her captivity, Eyfridh's only friend was a woman named Ginna, who regularly came down from the forest to keep Eyfridh company on the beach. Ginna was another of the island's mystical beings. From the front, she was every bit as lovely as Eyfridh. But when Ginna turned around to return to the woods, Eyfridh saw a furry tail swishing behind her and a back as hollow as a dead tree. Eyfridh decided to ask about this, and Ginna explained that she was a type of vættir called a huldra.
During this conversation, Eyfridh let slip that she herself wasn't human, and that Valbrand had captured her from the sea. Ginna was horrified at this. The next day, while the chieftain was leading a raid on a nearby island, Ginna slipped into his longhouse and observed the exact nook where Valbrand had hidden the sealskin. She reported this to Eyfridh, who vanished that night and was never seen again. The boy Asgeir missed his mother from then on, but he hoped she was somewhere that she could be happier.
Years later, when Asgeir was a man, he ventured through the forest and met Ginna. As a supernatural creature of the wild, the huldra had not aged a day, and she noted that Asgeir looked remarkably similar to her old friend Eyfridh. He explained that that was his mother, and asked if Ginna had any idea where Eyfridh had gone. Ginna explained that Eyfridh was a selkie who Valbrand had kidnapped and who had run away to return to her old home. Asgeir was shocked that his father would do something so cruel, but now he had context for why his mother had always been so sad. He took further comfort in knowing that she was indeed happier now.
Upon returning home, Asgeir realised that he'd taken a liking to the ethereally beautiful being he'd met. But he was concerned about wooing her because he didn't want to wrench her from her home like Valbrand had done to Eyfridh. Asgeir decided to go about courting Ginna more respectfully. He brought lunch to a clearing in the woods and called Ginna over to dine with him. That date went well, so they continued their courtship every day at noon. Eventually, they'd grown comfortable enough with each other that Asgeir invited Ginna to spend the night at the chieftain's longhouse. At supper, it took all of Ginna's self-control not to throttle the ageing chieftain Valbrand for what he'd done to her friend, but she stayed her hand because killing him would give Asgeir and the other mortals too much trouble.
Several years later, Asgeir and Ginna married and had a child of their own together, a daughter named Ingileif who strongly resembled her mother. Ingileif's parents never told her about her supernatural heritage. But Valbrand's thralls who cared for the girl passed down legends of the vættir and Aes Sídhe until the old chieftain died and Asgeir freed all his father's thralls. Eventually, once Ingileif had grown and Asgeir himself was beginning to age, he took his daughter to the shore and introduced her to her grandmother Eyfridh.
"Hello again, Mother," Asgeir called out to the sea. "I have grown now!"
A seal swam to the beach and shed its skin to reveal a human form. Looking on in amazement, Ingileif excitedly cried, "It's a selkie! The stories were true!"
Having never met Ingileif before, Eyfridh initially thought she was looking at her old friend Ginna. "How do you not recognise me?...Wait a minute, you are Ginna the hollow-backed huldra, right?"
Puzzled, Ingileif turned to her father and declared: "This Sídhe is bananas, I ain't no hollow back girl!"
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winrepl0l1l0 · 5 years
Centuries ago, on a remote island in the North Atlantic...
Vikings arrived and began a settlement with help from their Irish thralls. But they weren't alone. All manner of otherworldly beings lurked in the island's hidden corners. The Vikings called these beings vættir; the Gaels called them Aes Sídhe.
Among these beings were the selkies who frolicked at outcroppings on the shore. These creatures looked like seals in the water, but they shed their hides on land to reveal beautiful human forms underneath. The Norse chieftain Valbrand saw the prettiest female selkie, whose name was Eyfridh, and decided he wanted her for himself.
As Eyfridh slept on the beach at the edge of the forest, Valbrand snatched her sealskin and bundled it into a hidden bag. When she awoke, she saw that she couldn't return to the water, and she had no choice but to go home with the powerful chieftain before her.
They got married and had a son, who they named Asgeir. This son grew into a strapping young lad, but he noticed that his mother was never happy. She would sit on a rock at the beach and gaze longingly toward the horizon. Asgeir wondered why she was so forlorn, not realizing that she pined for her old home.
During her captivity, Eyfridh's only friend was a woman named Ginna, who regularly came down from the forest to keep Eyfridh company on the beach. Ginna was another of the island's mystical beings. From the front, she was every bit as lovely as Eyfridh. But when Ginna turned around to return to the woods, Eyfridh saw a furry tail swishing behind her and a back as hollow as a dead tree. Eyfridh decided to ask about this, and Ginna explained that she was a type of vættir called a huldra.
During this conversation, Eyfridh let slip that she herself wasn't human, and that Valbrand had captured her from the sea. Ginna was horrified at this. The next day, while the chieftain was leading a raid on a nearby island, Ginna slipped into his longhouse and observed the exact nook where Valbrand had hidden the sealskin. She reported this to Eyfridh, who vanished that night and was never seen again. The boy Asgeir missed his mother from then on, but he hoped she was somewhere that she could be happier.
Years later, when Asgeir was a man, he ventured through the forest and met Ginna. As a supernatural creature of the wild, the huldra had not aged a day, and she noted that Asgeir looked remarkably similar to her old friend Eyfridh. He explained that that was his mother, and asked if Ginna had any idea where Eyfridh had gone. Ginna explained that Eyfridh was a selkie who Valbrand had kidnapped and who had run away to return to her old home. Asgeir was shocked that his father would do something so cruel, but now he had context for why his mother had always been so sad. He took further comfort in knowing that she was indeed happier now.
Upon returning home, Asgeir realised that he'd taken a liking to the ethereally beautiful being he'd met. But he was concerned about wooing her because he didn't want to wrench her from her home like Valbrand had done to Eyfridh. Asgeir decided to go about courting Ginna more respectfully. He brought lunch to a clearing in the woods and called Ginna over to dine with him. That date went well, so they continued their courtship every day at noon. Eventually, they'd grown comfortable enough with each other that Asgeir invited Ginna to spend the night at the chieftain's longhouse. At supper, it took all of Ginna's self-control not to throttle the ageing chieftain Valbrand for what he'd done to her friend, but she stayed her hand because killing him would give Asgeir and the other mortals too much trouble.
Several years later, Asgeir and Ginna married and had a child of their own together, a daughter named Ingileif who strongly resembled her mother. Ingileif's parents never told her about her supernatural heritage. But Valbrand's thralls who cared for the girl passed down legends of the vættir and Aes Sídhe until the old chieftain died and Asgeir freed all his father's thralls. Eventually, once Ingileif had grown and Asgeir himself was beginning to age, he took his daughter to the shore and introduced her to her grandmother Eyfridh.
"Hello again, Mother," Asgeir called out to the sea. "I have grown now!"
A seal swam to the beach and shed its skin to reveal a human form. Looking on in amazement, Ingileif excitedly cried, "It's a selkie! The stories were true!"
Having never met Ingileif before, Eyfridh initially thought she was looking at her old friend Ginna. "How do you not recognise me?...Wait a minute, you are Ginna the hollow-backed huldra, right?"
Puzzled, Ingileif turned to her father and declared: "This Sídhe is bananas, I ain't no hollow back girl!"
submitted by /u/PablomentFanquedelic [visit reddit] [comments]
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iamaprogrammerz · 6 years
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@freeCodeCamp : How to write robust apps every time using ‘The Clean Architecture’, by @Valbrand https://t.co/zC1uEmTukJ
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krishaamer · 7 years
“How to write robust apps every time, using ‘The Clean Architecture’” by @Valbrand https://t.co/PLyYPC0dG6
— Kris Haamer (@krishaamer) September 8, 2017
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sir-camelot · 5 years
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This is my cat dad Valbrand Azhana. You can catch me leveling over on Coeurl.
My one gripe is that I wish more of the face options for Hrothgar had horns, the only one that does have a horn looks kinda dopey.
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edmer-uroboros · 8 years
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йс, 3 сентября 2013 "Иногда хочется закрыть глаза. Заснуть, чтобы никогда больше не проснуться, а если проснуться, то в другом месте. В другое время. Кем-то другим или…" . Тихий шёпот, звучащий в голове, оборвался на полуслове. Откуда-то донёсся противный размеренный писк, меткими ударами попадающий в висок. Боль в голове стала невыносимой. Челюсть свело, и крик, застряв в пересохшем горле, превратился в хриплое мычание. С третьей попытки слипшиеся веки разомкнулись. Глаза заслезились, грязно-бежевый потолок раздвоился. . Едкий противный запах заставил дышать через рот. Ритм писка, звучащего над левым ухом, участился. Долгие секунды напряжённой борьбы с собственным телом и голова повернулась, а в глазах перестало двоиться. Тонкие провода, прикреплённые к груди белой липучкой, заскользили между пальцами. Кисть тяжёлая и чужая слабо сжалась. Рывок. Ритм сменился. Теперь звук стал отвратительным, беспрестанным, беспощадным… . Новая пытка заставила сесть. Крохотное пространство, огороженное ширмой, поплыло перед глазами. Ладони, прижатые к ушам, оказались слабой преградой для звука. Через несколько беспомощных мгновений осмелевшая рука оторвалась от головы и замахнулась на изощрённого мучителя. Когда «пощёчина» результата не дала, пальцы сжались в кулак. Удар. Ещё удар. Костяшки покраснели и заныли, но механизм продолжал истошно вопить. Вдруг раздался скрежет металла: шторки ширмы резко распахнулись. . 👆Ссылка на книгу в шапке профиля 👆 . . . . #зашагдобесконечности #арт #онлайн #чтиво #литература #мистика #фэнтези #триллер #легенда #книжныйманьяк #книга #чтопочитать #люблючитать #новаякнига #ячитаю #рекомендуюкнигу #книгоман #любимаякнига #valbrand #edmer #fantasy #life #love #art #color #book #instabook #reading #online #bookstagram
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ceescedasticity · 7 years
Faeblood(s) of the Day: Thetis Llyrion b. 750 and Adalbert Belenes
THETIS LLYRION b. 750: You may remember her from the Aquitaine Incident (The Llyrions Marry Everyone, in no particular order, 3/?)
Adalbert was probably not a first-generation halfblood, nor was he the first Belenes, but the family prior to him (and, to the point, prior to his marriage to Thetis Llyrion) is not well-documented; there are only stories recorded generations later, about a line of Faeblood warriors riding out of the mists of time in the fifth century, conquering alongside the Germanic invasions. However, at that time, the de Lares Montium had not mentioned or recorded any such Faeblood conquerors. The Llyrions' official (if tactfully withheld) conclusion was that while Adalbert had, of course, had ancestors alive then, even if they were Faebloods they hadn't done anything particularly interesting until the seventh century at the earliest.
Whatever their origins, the Belenes were gaining in power with the rise of the Carolingian kingdom. Nereus Llyrion approached Adalbert with the offer of Thetis's hand in marriage. Adalbert saw this, correctly enough, as an acknowledgement of his becoming a major player, and happily accepted. Adalbert himself did not live to the height of Carolingian power, dying at war in Bavaria in 791.
The Llyrions proposed the marriage because, with the Belenes becoming more powerful, and the Llyrions felt they needed to be civilized, and wanted to aquire some influence. Thetis accepted the situation and set about civilizing her own little patch of the Carolingian Empire, and making sure it *stayed* civilized after the empire's destruction.
However, while Thetis could preserve Arx Solaris against the chaos in the ninth century, she couldn't do the same for all of Francia. In 844, her grandson Lugus and great-granddaughter Aliberta happened to be on the coast of Aquitaine when there was a Viking raid. Lugus was killed, and Aliberta abducted by Valbrand Alfven. Thetis was furious. After ensuring that her great-grandson would not launch any suicidal attempts at retribution, she went to Thalassan. She demanded that Arnóra Alfven -- her first cousin and Valbrand's great-grandmother -- meet her there; she demanded satisfaction. They both descended upon Thalassan and Thetis's niece Branwen Llyrion with very little warning.
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