friendswghosts · 2 years
i made an art
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elbowreveal · 1 year
twerk smp OOC
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happy three years: onto year four!
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my-little-versaille · 4 months
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@mielificents (tumblr) / Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf / King and Lionheart - of Monsters and Men / Appollo e Giancinto - Annibale Carracci / @cirrusea (tumblr) / Rendering of Thrinaxodon and Broomistega - Vincent Fernandez / @valcaine (tumblr) / Dancing in Odessa - Ilya Kaminsky / King and Lionheart - of Monsters and Men / Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf / Treehouse - Alex G / @n0phis (tumblr) / @n0phis (tumblr) / Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf / thelist (tumblr) / @cirrusea (tumblr) / King and Lionheart - of Monsters and Men / Apollo and Hyacinth - Alexander Kiselev
Adding this on after because its purely instrumental but its. So Them. I love this song and I thought it should be included.
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valcaine · 6 months
If anyone commissions me that would be Really Cool
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in that case, may I reveal myself to present this horrible vision
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I should clarify I stole this entire cursed teeth stew idea from someone else over a year ago, don’t know who, don’t know where, but it also plagues my thoughts like a little parasite, you’re welcome
damn we’re both plagued by the unimaginable horrors of teeth stew
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sithphobic-blog · 7 years
anyone here heard of star wars??
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bifags · 7 years
HEY LAELI since we spoke twice irl does this mean i can call u my irl friend
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valkyriecain · 4 years
hi, I noticed in your recent post you mentioned about the skulduggery pleasant books being written autonomously. I used to read the books years ago but I am not up to date. if I may ask you, did the author do something bad?
ok so listen there's so much to this and i have what is commonly known as Sieve Brain but im gonna recall the "highlights" in bullet points because if not we will Die Here. important factors, before new stans be calling me bitter and unjustified: i had been a fan since 2008, first met derek irl in 2010 and from that point became really close to him. i considered him a friend, and i believe he considered me the same. i worshipped him unapologetically, which he loved.
and none of this should put you off loving SP! i still hold this series very dear and still buy any new releases, though it pains me knowing derek gets the money. I just really have to distance the books from him.
here you go:
things were "fine" until the release of desolation, the second book in the demon road series (for reference, i ADORED DR. didn't just hate it out of spite because it wasn't SP). myself and other fans took issue with this book because the main character, who was a sheltered 16 year old girl, was presented in an INCREDIBLY painful scene to read where a 20 year old woman who is tending to her after she's been in a brawl and coerces Amber (protag) into kissing her. they then date. it's messy as fuck, but honestly I'd level with the age gap if it wasn't so Male Porn Fantasy and vaguely rapey. myself and another Mega Fan moonie ended up sharing private emails with derek about how we felt discomforted by this and let down by him, and after honestly emotionally draining ourselves and digging deep to be honest with a man we've never wanted to fault, his eventual conclusion was an eloquently phased "you're being over sensitive and I'm sorry you've made yourself feel like this," and refused to acknowledge any fault. that's a VERY shortened version. for myself and moonie it was really long and messy and tiresome and incredibly heartbreaking tbh.
now, i said things were "fine" but they weren't, we were just deluded as fuck. so heres a vaguely timelined bullet pointing of what happened BEFORE Creepy Lesbian and after1811. I'm sure anything I miss moonie will RB with lol her brain works a lot better than mine
•  valcain is based on dereks Ex Best Friend (much open to speculation), who was his 12 year old krav maga student when he was in his 30s, this is how they met. get on ur monocles my friends. she now seems to have nothing to do with him and no input on the books where she was previously heavily involved. in old blog posts he sexualised the IRL val when she attended an event with him, she was in her teens.
• in KOTW derek name dropped my OC (harmony blake, fact check me), at the time I was OVERJOYED. looking back, she was fucking serpine. i believe i was 17 at this time.
• myself and my own Ex BF had our chosen names dropped in LSODM (for memory). they had BOTH fucked saracen. if you missed it, derek confirmed that saracen is his self insert :^) me being a silly prick was having a jolly old time
honestly I don't remember my irl meetings with derek being overly creepy, but back then I adored him, so? idk. the one thing I remember which made me uncomfortable at the time, was myself and a couple of other mega fans who were all in a friend group got invited to his house. he had a cap shield from the first avenger and we all took turns holding it. I was wearing a t shirt and shorts, so when I held it, I said "it looks like I'm nekked behind here" because it did. and he did a little "heh" and sort of looked like he was imagining it. it was bleh. anyway
• LAURAGATE. dereks gf. she's 26. he's 40something now, whatever, who cares, right? oh wait yeah she was a 17 year old fan when they first met at a signing, that's right. he referred to her in his blog as "the blond with the legs".  they started emailing. 2013 was their First Date, I believe she'd just turned 18, or was just off being 19. I was at this signing so I can tell you how skeevy it looked. she actually queued up to see him and have her photo taken mid signing which is weird as FUCK and paints a clear picture of how fucked this situation was. there's more to this day but it's just shit garnish on diarrhea soup tbh
• derek totally distances from the Big Fan base. be this because we criticised him, because we know the gross ins and outs of his and lauras relationship or because she was feeding his greedy ego and he didn't need us any more? who knows. the fandom has taken a fucking blow without us though. i know we were cringe and terrible but we were the life of the party and honestly we added to the skulduggery brand.
that's a brief summary of lowlights. him and laura continue to be terrible people, feeding into each others worst attributes and refusing to grow as people. laura just wants to coast on his "fame" and "fortune" and keeps trying (and failing, miserably) to exploit both of these to become an influencer. derek seems fucking miserable from what I can tell but he's got a "leggy blonde" so he'll not budge, will he
ANYWAY. if you want me to expand on anything, just uh, lemme know. I will if I can
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knuckleduster · 7 years
i havent even played dnd yet and i have dice... wow fake fan
take this into consideration tho: 
1. i am gay
2. im a prep
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of-tatooine · 4 years
been writing this Dishonored (Corvo Attano x Reader) fic for a while, new chapters in progress! I would love for you to check it out <3 
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mistergrass · 5 years
idk why but i never really considered yukikyo as a ship for some reason until i came across your stains on me fic (which is incredible by the way!!!) so i wanted to know if you had any fic recs?
!!!!! First of all, thank you so much – I’m so pleased to hear that you like it!! 
I have been way too deep into this ship for years, and it’s unfortunate that there really is a lack of good, in-character fic for them. Early yukikyo from back in the day…. really did them dirty a lot of times. But, fortunately, I have waded through enough to give you some of my faves off hand: 
Addiction by Catrina RATING: M(MULTI-CHAPTER. Slow burn falling in love in high school fic, but done so damn well. One of my absolute all time favorite fics, and it’s like 10 years old! Catrina low key if you’re out there hmu, I haven’t stopped thinking about your fic in years. YEARS.)
 Your Room Or Mine? by eishiRATING: T(MULTI-CHAPTER. Comedy, fluff, and Yuki being a little shit. Along with Kyo being a mess of a human being (gotta love). Also I love fics where Kyo and Uo are just best friends??) 
If It Means A Lot To You by ETERNALEATERRATING: M (but I don’t recall it being that explicit) (ONE-SHOT. AU where Kyo and Yuki meet in group therapy. Like, what more do you need form a concept that incredible?) 
Bite My Tongue by RollingOffHeadsRATING: M(ONE-SHOT. Angst and lots of internal gay wonderings. No one and I mean NO ONE does characterizations of Yuki and Kyo like my girl here. If you loved YukiKyo from back in the day you probably know her long-form fic OffBalance–unfortunately never completed. I’m still trying to convince her to post some of her beyond incredible one-shots, because she writes these two (and Kyo especially) with such fluid nuance I could die on the spot.) 
Stress Relief by IkariOfDoomRATING: M (ONE-SHOT. This is,,,, just smut. But my god, it is so hard to find smutty fics of this ship even remotely IC???? This deserves a shout out for being one of the only PWP out there that passes the low-ass bar of even just being readable. Ikari you the real MVP.) 
Most of these are rated M, and now I’m realizing how rare it is to find good IC fluff for them… oh no…. my struggles are coming to light. ANYWAY LET’S MOVE ON TO MORE RECENT FICS CAUSE THERE’S A FEW OF THOSE TOO: 
Things You Said by wowzaNOT RATED (sfw) (MULTI ONE-SHOTS. This is still on-going, and is a collection of one-shots that are just murdering me right now. If you want beautifully written vignettes on this ship, this is my current rec 100%. The most recent chapter is so fluffy and warm, my heart just melts.) 
attention by valcainRATING: sfw(ONE-SHOT. I just fucking found this on tumblr and I’m losing my goddamn mind. Cute, well-written with an appearance of my all time favorite character: Bastard Yuki.) 
AND LAST BUT DEFS NOT LEAST – I gotta give a huge ass fucking shout-out to my discord buddies who are just fucking crushing it with releasing some sick-ass content out for this fuckin fic-deprived ship. 
Taking Chances by MiriMoraRATING: M (MULTI-CHAPTER. Miri just out here trying to give us cavities and really just give us the fluff I refuse to give into this world (lol). If you want your boys soft and your dates cute and your make-outs aplenty, this is the fuckin fic for you!!!) 
What Do You Want? by SharkFairy77RATING: M . (ONE-SHOT. Trust Shark to have just fun-ass and hilarious YukiKyo headcanons waiting for you. But this fic is angsty fun of Yuki finding out about the bet between Akito and Kyo. Lots of yelly angry boys, which I always love!! They have angst and problems and then have sex about it which, I mean, what a mood for this ship.) 
A Chronicle of Lost Battles by GeoduckRATING: T(MULTI-CHAPTER. Only one chapter is out so far, but talk about someone who has such a handle on the Furuba world. A little fic exploring the dojo lives of Yuki and Kyo when they were younger and I’m real excited to see how it updates!) 
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valcaine · 1 year
I got asked what brushes I used so uhhh
the brushes I use atm vary but the majority of these are ones that I’ve made or use currently
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tumblr user @valcaine aka the infamous teeth stew anon
would you like to perhaps have the mantle of daily-ish-syndicate-headcanons passed on to you
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vonbaghager · 6 years
Some of my favorite followers in CultSim, in no particular order: •Clovette. She's cute, she's peppy, always full of life and enthusiasm, so much so that no one can bear to hate her. Not even creatures in the Mansus. •Elridge. You can see his character growth as he's promoted, from a slob that barely knows how to clean a knife after a job, to a man whose never seen disheveled or soiled in any way, no matter what he's been killing. •Valcaine. When she's fully promoted, she stops using blacksmith tools altogether because they just get in her way. She's handling and shaping molten metal with her bare fucking hands and pounding the cracks and dents out of occult tools by punching them. •Cat Caro. Her name is just fun to say. •Violet. 'Violet loves to paint. She has a gift, though she's very humble about it. She never paints people into her work, though. There are too many people in the world already, she says.' •Porter. Who knows just what he's doing with those scissors now that he's no longer a barber. Maybe he's just giving your other cultists a haircut. Maybe. Probably not. •Ysabet. Just what is with her?
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sithphobic-blog · 7 years
i have the url roarhavens and im... tempted
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lexascandlestores · 7 years
So how about that cave scene and like a kagkik training scene where kik teaches kag some new stuff for once and how to have some control hm hm
thoughts from me and @valcain @kagkik @zanda-rl @rainy-day-da
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