#valgrace is canon to me idc
I am 100% open to all headcanons, I love bisexual!Piper and bisexual! Jason, but gay! Jason and lesbian! Piper scratch an itch for me that can’t quite be explained.
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flowers-in-bloom13 · 10 months
A valgrace oneshot that I of course wrote at 1am
. . .
A short valgrace oneshot.
basically Leo get nightmare, Jason calms him down, major character death! :D
Don't ask about the timeline.
also idc that basically none of this except major character death is canon . this is fanFICTION I can do what I want.
Word count: 878
. . .
"I think I'll miss you the most"
It was a dark, stormy, rainy night aboard the Argo 2.
Leo awoke from a nightmare, sweating, his heart beating quick. he sat up instantly. ''that's the third one this week. .'' Leo said aloud.
he tried to calm himself down, taking deep breaths like his mother, Espranza Valdez, used to tell him to do when it was thundering outside. . . just like it is now.
he managed to calm himself down. ''I wonder why I keep having these nightmares. . .'' he said.
. . .
it had been a week since Leo's last nightmare.
''hey, Pipes?'' he asked Piper Mclean. ''yeah?'' she replied. ''I've been having these nightmares recently. . . I haven't had one in a week though, luckily''
''awh'' she frowned. ''what are the nightmares like? is there any recurring theme in them?''
''yeah. there is.'' Leo shifted uncomfortably. ''that might be a sign from the gods.'' Piper mentioned. ''do you mind telling me what it is?''
''sure..'' Leo spoke. ''It's- It's Jason.''
''Jason? what about him..?'' Piper exclaimed. Leo looked up at Piper. ''in the nightmares he.. he dies.''
''he dies?!'' Piper exclaimed a little too loudly.
''yes he does, now don't be so loud. I don't want the others to hear'' Leo said. ''especially not Jason. and especially if it really is a sign from the gods like you said.''
''okay, okay. I'll try to be more quiet''
''is there a recurring way he dies..?'' Piper asked.
''yeah..'' Leo replied. ''impaled. impaled by a spear.''
'' oh ''
''yeah. . .''
''oh gods.'' Piper said. ''I hope it's not a sign from the gods..''
''so do I.'' Leo replied. ''but I have a feeling it is..''
. . .
Leo had another nightmare. the same one he keeps getting - Jason getting impaled and dying.
Leo awoke once again like he always did after that nightmare, short of breath, heart beating quick and sweating.
Leo sat up instantly like last time. his hand clutched over his heart - right where Jason would be impaled.
''that was...that was worse '' Leo said to himself aloud.
Leo was panicking more then usual though now. he knew when Jason will die, and knows he will die - there's no stopping it.
Leo started to panic more. his bestfriend was going to die.
Just then, Jason walked past and saw Leo panicking, his hand clutched over his heart.
''hey, you okay..?'' he asked in concern. ''you seem to be panicking.. quite a lot''
Jason's voice made Leo jump.
''o-oh yeah. I'm fine..'' Leo laughed nervously.
''no. no you're not, Leo.'' Jason said, concerned for his friend.
just looking at Jason's face made Leo tear up. he wouldn't see Jason's handsome face again, his death date was coming up soon.
a tear trickled down Leo's cheeks. Jason looked sympathetic for his friend.
Jason walked over to Leo's bed, sat down and held Leo in his arms.
''you wanna tell me why you're crying and panicking so much?'' Jason asked. ''It's perfectly fine if not.''
Leo contemplated wherever he should tell him or not.
''I've been having these nightmares, recently.'' Leo said. ''not just normal nightmares but.. in-'' Leo started sobbing.
Jason looked down at Leo concerningly. worried for him.
''hey, hey, It's okay, Leo'' Jason said. ''it's not like anyone is dying.'' the irony of that sentence was almost enough to make Leo laugh.
''well...'' Leo said, trying his best not to meet Jason's eyes. ''You are.''
Leo managed to look up at Jason despite the tears in his eyes. ''you're going to die, Jase.'' ''you'll be impaled with a spear.''
''What- I-'' Jason said. ''how... how can you be sure?''
Jason looked in disbelief.
. . .
Leo sobbed in Jason's arms. Jason held Leo tightly.
''hey, Jase?'' Leo asked between the tears. ''can.. can I kiss you?'' he looked up at Jason
Jason looked surprised, he even managed to blush a bit between his own tears. ''sure..''
Leo smiled softly and leaned in closer to Jason until their nose's were touching almost.
Jason kissed him.
eventfully Leo pulled away. Jason and Leo managed to smile through the kiss.
''I think.. I think that was the best kiss I've ever had'' Jason said
''and how many kisses have you ever had?''
''..very few...''
''well at least I'm still the best''
Jason managed a weak laugh.
Leo was surprised Jason could laugh after being told he was going to die. Leo laughed too.
''I think I'll miss you the most.'' Jason said. ''obviously I'll miss everyone, Piper, Thalia, Percy, etc but.. I think I'll miss you the most.''
Leo didn't know what to say. ''I'll miss you so much, Jase'' Leo brushed Jason's cheek with the back of his hand.
then, Leo awoke.
Leo both loved and hated that dream. well... it was more of a memory.
he loved it because it reminded him of Jason. he hated it because it was only a reminder that he'd never kiss those lips again, he'd never see that face ever again, he'd never hear that warm, comforting voice, he held by those arms ever again.
Leo especially didn't need that reminder today. it was the one year anniversary of his death.
him, Piper, Thalia, Nico and Reyna are going to his grave to place some flowers by it and catch him up on everything that's happened in the past year.
. . .
End Notes:
I'm not the best at writing romance so sorry about that.
the ending COULD have been happy. but then I asked (idk what to refer to her as) to choose either 1 or 2. one was happiness and 2 was saddness and death. she chose 2. her response was ''BITCH NO''
it was going to be tooth rotting fluff but then after wrting like 5 words i decided on angst and then i had 2nd thoughts and then asked (BHDHFEVUFCKEBIVEVYWGHBVGKG) and then sadness and angst ensued.
comments are always greatly appreciated <3
My username on AO3 is "W_itch_With_A_B"
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