punkeropercyjackson 12 days
Tfem Percy Jackson my beloved.She's jacked i.e buff and fat,dyes her hair cotton candy colors so combined with her faded from gray to white streak she has the literal trans flag on her head and it's all the way down to her hip dips,turns blue aesthetics into peak femmehood,is audhd about video games and legos and MLP(she kins Rainbow Dash ofc),owns a whole stack of blahajs because all her loved ones thought to buy her one when she came out and an ocean themed skateboard she thrifted together with Nico inbetween Botl and Tlo,mentors Hazel in autistic trans girl things,takes her estrogen only in pills or gel as needles bring up bad memories,is extremely mixed feeling towards men because all the ones she knew growing up abused her so she can only date ones she's known for years(like Jason,Leo or maybe even both of them)but gets girlcrushes so easily(Rachel can attest),has collections of diy'd items and recipe books and beach goods,wears low rise cargo pants and crop tops and dresses with ripped leggings underneath and glittery blue eyeliner tears and her stacked ass battle jacket and her comfort meal is blue double cheeseburgers with blue stuffed cookies and cotton candy bang
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
Percy Jackson is literally Ramona Flowers,Leo Valdez is literally Scott Pilgrim,Rachel Elizabeth Dare is literally Kim Pine,Clarisse La Rue is literally Roxie Ritcher and Jason Grace could totally be Todd Ingram.These are all compliments and completely serious
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
They hated him for his transmasc swag
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