#validate me the way my stupid job didnt
eldritchmochi · 1 year
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d̸̨̜̒ǫ̴̤͋̈́n̴͉̔̚'̷̻̈́̏t̸̞͂ ̸̘̉g̷̙̦̀̑ḙ̷́t̴̙͌̚ ̶̙͝t̷̞̐͛ó̷̦̕o̷͖̺͘ ̶͙̀̎c̵̭̥͂l̴͓͌̍͜ö̵͓̍s̵̹̗̒̆e̵̫̒
self shot photos of the costume i put together for a work Halloween contest back in 2020. i somehow managed to lose and im still mad about it
the head was made via paper mache ala the ancient tutorial @drawkill made in like 2011 or something, which i have had bookmarked since forever because i desperately wanted to make one. it was definitely a bitch and a half but i really like the final product
dress and blouse are both from unique vintage, shoes are from strange cvlt
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candyskiez · 11 months
so do you spiral into rage whenever you realize the person who got you seconds away from killing yourself is moving on with their life when somedays you still feel like you're stuck in that moment that fucking traumatized you and how unfair it is that they get to move on when you almost ended it all over them or do you not have a deep seated fear that you jave no effect on the people aroujd you
#suicide tw#cw suicide#tw suicide#suicide cw#candyskiez vent#i know its irrational. i know#but fuck its. a part of me is almost mad at them for moving on. even though earlier i was fucked up because whst if i hurt them what if im#terrible person. i keep fucking flipflopping. ive never once wanted them back but ive missed them so bad and ive hated them and i still#fucking love them and god. i almost killed myself. i almost KILLED myself and they get to just??? be upset that i didnt want them in my lif#they can just go on about how it was so hard for THEM to lose all their friends when they were the one who cut us out. and everyone feels#bad for them. but fuck. i almost fucking killed myself. i almost killed myself because of this situation. i thought id never be happy again#i was wrong. im finally healing from it. but sometimes i can't help but hate them. because how DARE you ever act like the two things are#even remoteoy equivalent. you lost SOME of your friends because you made a stupid ass life decision you had EVERY way of knowing would blow#up. we were in hell. we were in fucking hell. the friend group almost fucking fell apart becase of your stupid ass. i almost killed myself.#i thought id never be happy again. i almost killed myself without leaving a note so i wouldbt have to feel yhe pain YOU caused me. YOU. and#you think you have the RIGHT to be sad? you arent the fucking victim. you have NEVER been the victim of this situation. you will never be.#and logically i know i know they can feel however they feel and thats valid and yeah they cared. but it feels insulting fucking INSULTING#because how dare you be sorry when i could never forgive you for what you did. how dare you do something so STUPID and get surprised when#people got hurt. you are a fucking awful friend. you dont deserve forgiveness. i dont give a shit youre sorry. why should i care. why is it#MY job to care that youre a fucking idiot. you hurt me. why is it my job to understand why? i almost killed myself.#later on im probably going to feel bad for them again. i know they aren't a monster but god it is so fucking hard to care. ive never gotten#that close to suicide. and they very nearly pushed me over that edge. i was so fucking close to writing a note. i was debating if i should#send the note to my online friends. i was on the fucking brink. i will never fucking forgive them. i almost killed myself.#and their name wouldve been on the note.
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too many teens whining for validation, this blog needs more weird and stupid so...
AITA for kidnapping my friend and trapping her in the cheesebarn?
Hear me out:
The story starts about a week before my (20 at the time ftm) 21st birthday. If you live in the US you know this isnt just some lame 7th birthday or 36th birthday, this is one of the big boy birthdays, the special ones. Its when you can legal buy alcohol and are therefore truly an adult in the eyes of the law.
Naturally my friends (20s) wanted to do something Big for our 21sts. So they asked me what i wanted to do and i said i didnt really care as long as I got a road trip somewhere with friends.
Everyone thought it was a fun idea but it was a little short notice for everyone to get time off from work, but my other friend we will call C also had her 21st exactly a month after mine to the day, and the two of us agreed to share our 21sts and not do much of anything on my actual birthday. This is important, bc it was a SHARED birthday road trip.
I agree to let C pick the destination and I provide the car. We didnt have much of a plan as we were going to meet up with C's old roommate who lives in the city we picked to show us a good time.
It was 5 of us total and about a 7 hour drive altogether there with not a whole lot on the way there. We get to the city she picked and meet the roommate and honestly the rest of this part is just standard 21st birthday shenanigans. Its when we start the drive home things really start.
Remember its a long drive with not much to see? Well that was a lie. On our way back we see it, the Real "Happiest Place on Earth" as far as places with a mouse for a mascot go:
Obviously me and the other people on the trip want to stop and see the magic, but unfucking fortunately C happens to be the only Basic White Girl ™️ in the entire world who hates cheese and isnt even lactose intolerant. This girl is notorious for making "petty" and "I hate Cheese" her entire personality. She would constantly make faces and gagging noises and talk about how gross and nasty cheese is if you so much as eat a grilt cheese near her.
Clearly she made it known that she wasnt on board with it. "NO! FUCK YOU ALL IM NOT GOING TO A PLACE CALLED A CHEESEBARN ON MY BIRTHDAY!!" were her exact words.
But i remembered i was driving, it was my car, and it was supposed to be my birthday too. So I put it to a vote. "Raise your hand if you wanna go to Grandpa's Cheesebarn!"
All hands raise but one. With C out voted we head to the cheesebarn.
Guys. This place is amazing. Its obviously making cheese its main draw, but yhere's so much more, its every shitty midwest tourist trap rolled into one glorious place. There's even a chocolate shop. We even got C's roommate to ditch work and come meet us bc shr heard "Grandpa's Cheesebarn" and knew she had to drop everything.
All in all a good visit, C even seemed like she had fun once we got there (she sure spent $300 on candies and dip mixes anyway). We go home. Things seem fine.
Then C drops off the face of the earth.
She wont respond to our calls or texts and at first we thought maybe she was giing through a rough patch or something and try to just keep reaching out but give her space. But then we find out that not only is she still hanging our with our other friends who couldnt make the trip with us. So clearly she's just pissed at us about something.
Finally one day a few months later i catch her at her job and just tell her "I dont care if you hate us, we'll never speak to you again if you dont want us to, but what the hell did we do to you??"
And she just looked me over and says "Well. You kidnapped me."
And she yells (bc this girl loves yelling at people) "YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND TRAPPED ME AT A CHEESEBARN ON. MY. BIRTHDAY!!!!!"
And i just said "Well it was my birthday too," and havent spoken to her since. Its been over a decade and "No ragrets" as we said back in the day, but uts baffled me for years that that was her reaction. "Im just over you guys" i can understand, and its not like she was shy about telling people she hates them and their out of her life ever before. And from what i ended up hearing from our other friends she kept talking with it really was about the cheesebarn and how we "ruined her birthday".
No but srsly AITA??? For making her go to a cheesebarn???
What are these acronyms?
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chanstopher · 1 year
dreamy i'm in your inbox solely to fan girl about chan. i just, idk, i love him so much that it's kinda sick and twisted? like i turned 27 last week! TWENTY SEVEN! i should not be this into a kpop band / boy yet ??? idk his stupid little face makes me so happy. i love how much he loves what he does and his fans and how much he cares about his craft and fellow bandmates. i just want to tell him how good of a job he's doing and to stop beating himself up if he isn't like 100% perfect at all times. he is so self-deprecating sometimes during his lives and i just wanna shake him and be like "sttttttoooooooop talking about my emotional support bestie who doesnt even know he is my bestie like that!!!" idk idk he just brings me so much joy. i've been in this fandom for like less than a year (baby stay who got into them the end of last year). but even though i havent been there from the start i cant help but be so proud of him (and all the other boys!!!) for how far they've come! like they were JYPs underdog boy group that he almost didnt even debut and now they are like the 2nd most popular boy band in all of korea only 2nd to bts (that is if my facts are correct) and just UUUUUUUUGH. i am so proud of him for enduring and sticking it through and so happy that he, and all the other members, are finally getting their chance in the spotlight and be appreciated for the wonderful performers they are! i'm only sad about joining the fandom so late because now i know when they come back to the US again the tickets are going to be even more insanely costly iuhgbjnkiuhbnmjhb. okay rant over!
ahhh omg this is so cute!! and youre so valid i wish i could get him to really understand how much we all love him and how much he really means. and pls there is no age u shouldnt fall for chris he is timelessly sweet and kind and full of so much passion and caring it would be crazy not to feel giddy and mushy about him. they really have come so far and grown so much and he's done such an incredible job of leading them and the fandom. and i know it always sucks not to stan from debut but you're here now and skz are only going to keep growing and evolving so you get to be here for all of that. theyre only really just getting started i think, so i think you've arrived just when you were meant to hehe and i agree the tour thing could be an issue UNLESS jype follows other companies and works to make sure fans can grab tickets before the public, but we'll just have to see how it works out. i also think theyll probably do stadiums next time they come (they should since they had like 2-3 shows a city for arenas and sold out) which would give more of an opportunity for ppl to get to see them. either way i wish you all the luck when they do <3
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ive noticed while yr output has slowed down a bit, more shamelessly "inspired" artists have cropped up on ig. im not someone who thinks styles just suddenly are made by one person, but its obvious tht this strain traces back to you. do you care about any of that or feel a pressure to 'claim' the style and not be left behind? or are you someone who just wants to do their best to focus on making what they want, and then leave others to eventually give credit if they want?
Ok finally replying to this one ive had this one on hold here for Like a yr bc my feelings on th matter change all th time but lately it's been a lot of acceptance a& Just like feeling good about it that anything i made was important enough to anyone to make something inspired on it be it blatantly or not im just happy to inspire people like that i still have silly feelings abt it sometimes bc i feel its so ridiculous that id make something so apparently inspiring and appealing for a specific pocket of people on the internet when i was just making art for myself but i guess thats always how it happens right and sometimes but not that often anymore i get angry feelings about it too. I think it's so stupid people way older than me, art students too, just curate what I make and process it into a repeatable format and get clout & sell merch off of this and get job opportunities and become more "popular" than me. I get angry. I get jealous. It's Ok. these feelings are valid and I don't try to repress them but deal w them
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DMs w a friend Like oliver shout out @asphaltfchewinggum said :
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I don't worry abt that falling off part anymore bc i don't feel i will ever be left behind because im always coming up w new stuff and novel ways of expressing my feelings and ppl still relate to it and get inspired by it a lot as long as i stay true iv only been going up as usual since then. I think i still have very unique things to say so I;ll just dedicate myself to saying them. I think every yr my art becomes more and more unique and apparently appealing but I can't ever say that second one for certain.it doesnt depend on me
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☝️some shit from December i didnt finish bc im developing my new style now my new things to say & new truths. Exclusive Leak
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an old Pinterest board somebody made inspired by me(didnt even send it to me, it was supposed to be this private curation thing ig) My output slowed down bc since 2021 my life has changed a lot and become a good bit more fulfilling by itsdelf without the need of art, I miss the energy ihad in 2020 of working all day everyday but at th same time this new ifestyle is very fun and iv felt more assured professionaly and emotionally so its all good. 2022 started college and this year im not going anymore ! i didnt Like it and realized it would stunt my growth so i stopped going. Last year I grew a lot las a person and took on new responsibilities and i think it was the beast year of my life .its moments &moments and i think 2023 im working very hard again hopefully bc i got a lot of shit in check.
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me yesterday morning looking very ugly almost asleep w some food i went out & groggily bought for my girlfriend. I love her soooo much ... she gives me similar gratification making art gave me but she does it by just existing. Not having to prove anything. I'm happy. I think loving is a form of art. I'm not that good at it but i'm learning. Living is a form of art too. I guess what changed is my life stopped being all about myself
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"im still here" and here i remain
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Anyways so I found a werewolf audio book that's so bad I had to share it with you guys which is a shame because the young female narrator actually does a competent job
So our victim today is Back and Better by NighttShadee and, in the beginning, I had high hopes. It sounded like this was a revenge/glow-up story, and the opening was compelling enough. (tw for nonconsensual acts like forced kissing and like forced marking, suicide, bullying, etc)
This is a really long post, I'm mostly just describing the story and cringing and bitching lol. And when I say long like I basically go into the events that happen over 14 chapters lmao 💀 this shit got me MAAAAAD (plus an actually good recommendation at the very end for a story I actually really liked and found surprisingly high quality for the platform c:)
Amira Warner is 15 (already i am super uncomfortable with the protag being this young), being bullied by her pack and schoolmates, including the pack's alpha's son, Erebus (and you always know some bullshit will happen when they have these dumbass names). They all just call her stupid and weak and fat and a slut and just straight up a cunt, didnt expect to get audibly slapped with the c word on a youtube ad trailer but whatever, and her brother is also one of the bullies, but her parents never do anything because they're literally never home because they travel for work or take constant vacations, idk, but Amira also uhhh makes no effort to tell them what's going on. She blames them for not being around to support her which is valid but she also literally quite literally never even tells them anything whatsoever, that she's being bullied OR that her brother is involved
Like literally, she introduces herself narratively as "my name is Amira Warner, im 15, turning 16 tomorrow, im the bitch of the red river pack, I am beaten and verbally abused every single day". And of course Erebus is her main bully and it is specifically said he is the MAIN ONE WHO BEATS HER
So anyways Amira attempts suicide, and while she's bleeding out, she's discovered by three young boys who are her same age, and they basically give her emergency medical care, and adopt her into their pack since one of them is the future alpha of their pack and he can just do that (lucky her). And there's 3 of them, brothers, but only one of them matters: the future Alpha, Damon. So they're gonna adopt her into their pack right, but before that Amira is gonna head home, grab some of her things, leave a note for her parents, and then leave in the morning on her 16th birthday which is also the day she's supposed to awaken as a wolf, but also, she prays to the moon goddess that, if her mate is in this pack, the pack that abused her, thay she won't feel the pull of the mate bond, and can find a second chance mate elsewhere
Moon Goddess said bet IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE but we get to that later and also yeah she meets the moon goddess, just straight up converses with God multiple times, it's kind of stupid and I actually genuinely hate the moon goddess as a character. The moon goddess makes her promise she's never going to hurt herself again but then knowingly gives her a toxic mate?
So anyways it's her birthday and on top of awakening as a wolf, today is also the day she's supposed to find her mate and 🙄 of course it's Erebus. He waltzes straight up to her after smelling her scent, all "mine" but luckily, Moon Goddess is a G and Amira feels nothing from the mate bond. Absolutely nothing. So she tells him to go fuck himself straight to his face while he's bewildered she's not absolutely tripping over him like he feels for her, and she even outright tells him he is one of the biggest reasons she tried to commit suicide the day before. And after years of bullying her and telling her shit like her only purpose is to be weak and abused, suddenly this bitch is crying actual tears, "Amira no, please, no no no I'm so sorry I love you 🥺" like fucking Bakugo over here giving less than shit when it's too late like actually kys bro
She literally laughs in his fucking face when he's visibly upset she says she doesn't want to be his mate. Queen. She literally says "that sucks alpha, that is really unfortunate" and drives away from him lmaooooo (also who wrote this, we don't let 15 year olds drive??? Yeah this is technically on her 16th birthday but she wouldn't have a license, maybe a learners permit, and that still requires an adult present)
So she leaves and meets the three boys again and they adopt Amira into their pack but also their family and for the next about two years she's literally raised as their sibling, remember, they're all 15/16, right. So anyways after she's rescued, it turns out, oh boy she's a super extra duper special WHITE WOLF who is super extra strong and pretty and also fucking Aang for some reason? She deadass has elements and weather control and it's written in a very cheesy uh Wattpadesque way and also despite being a victim of bullying she kind of lowkey instantly becomes a bitch upon finding out she's a white wolf, and I don't mean "getting back at those who doubted me" I mean like "since she's one of the strongest wolves it's her job to train other wolves from her new pack and she constantly verbally berates them and calls them ladies and little girls and basically acts like a pick me the second she holds the smallest crumb of authority, talking down to grown men just because she's physically stronger than them" like its very jarring to go from her attempting suicide to, chapter 3 is an 18 month time skip where she's immediately treating other people who don't even really know her in a similarly bully-like way (btw the 18 month time skip meaning she is now 17 1/2 which is important because I think she may actually still be a minor when creepy stuff happens later...)
Anyways, theres been a lot of packs being attacked by rogues which in my opinion are the lucky ones because they're the ones who aren't in packs but it's framed as them being outcasts and criminals but when you consider how dangerously close pack dynamics veer into outright cult behavior like, it makes you rethink things. So Amira is told "since our pack is the biggest and strongest, we're sending people out to help train up the other weaker packs" and just guess where her new adoptive Alpha father is knowingly and intentionally sending her back :) and when she rightfully brings up "hey uh you're literally sending me back to the people who made me try to kill myself not even like 2 years after it happened" and he's just like "I know I'm sorry sweetie it's a real cowabummer :( but ya gotta cause, for the greater good or something, I dunno, do what I say lol, you wont be gone long" and there's a line about how she respects his rank as her alpha enough to obey him even though she doesn't want to do this and I really gotta say, it bothers me how everyone tells her it's valid she's upset but still expects her to go. They even later acknowledge, well, maybe we SHOULD HAVE just sent an Alpha from another pack instead, since this place holds trauma for you, and it's like YEAH SHE'S FUCKING 17, MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE
Just. Grr! This girl is SURROUNDED by toxicity and it only gets worse
So Amira and her brothers Damon, Jason, and Derek all go back to her old pack, and it helps since they very close sibling relationship, they all have physical play fights and wrestling that is very sibling-like but it does get kind of cheesy and stupid sometimes. Like chasing her down to tickle her because she ate all the brownies she baked herself without sharing any? Or hiding snacks? And uh of course they find a way to make this gross too, which we cover later
I also wanna point out, as someone relistening as we speak, she emphasizes that being a white wolf means "i have a banging body and a hot face" and its just like, what so you turned 16 and after your first shift your body was instantly different? While you're still technically a kid btw, just instant convenient glow up? It would've been better to say she toned up after being able to shift and train with her new family but this story is pretty uh, weird and cringey at times, like bending over backwards to say what a #girlboss she is when she really barely did anything or did something objectively shitty
. Like, she goes to train the adults, and a 22 year old asks why she only gives commands but never spars herself, and yeah he's slightly mean like "oh she's just 17, I could probably beat her" and how does she respond? During the fight she tells him "say uncle and I'll stop" while twisting his arm and he says nothing so she just BREAKS HIS ARM and it's played off as, oh its fine he's a wolf he'll heal, but then she's like "someone call a medic, we have a LADY down" like at this point during my first listening I was seriously confused on how I was supposed to relate and empathize with such an unlikable protagonist? Like girl you were literally called misogynistic slurs and you upgraded to beating up grown men and calling them women like, you internalized that shit, not conquered it 🙄 also a lot of these werewolf stories, not just this one, kind of seem to gloss over "oh yeah we're more rowdy and violent and show pda more and it's not uncommon to accidentally find people fucking in the woods but that's our culture cause we're wolves lol 🤪" really because you all have science and medicine and your own forms of government and half of you are using smartphones and driving Lamborghinis so I feel that, let's be blunt, the sheer debauchery and barbarianism is an active choice and they're kind of just the equivalent of people who run around doing blatantly archaic and cruel shit under the guise of "but.... but tradition tho? 🥺"
Also, because it's happening again, really cannot emphasize how they keep complimenting her body and eventually even outright talk about sex clubs and bondage before she's sven 18. Like sorry I don't want to hear about how this 17 year old is "5'5 with a DD cup and a flat stomach but a big ass" yeah and I'm sure she has a magic thigh gap too 🙄 like in hindsight they deliberately keep her a minor so she's still going to high school for plot convenience but then they put her in REALLY gross and creepy situations. Like as I'm listening to this again I'm double checking and mentions of time passing to see if she's even 18 by the time. Creepy stuff happens.
So when she's going to the Red River Pack, Amira's friend Samantha starts to ask "so you really can't feel the mate bond?" To which Amira replies "no unless he marks me which isn't going to happen" which, forced mating isn't new for these stories but im always very cautious of stories that bring this up because it can be. Skeezy if not properly handled. So. Hypothetical strike 1?
When Amira and the others get back to her old pack and Erebus sees her again, he's still all "mine" and she just brushes it off and tries to talk about training, when Amira's original blood brother shows up and she blows him off too, which, good for her in both regards. So since Damon is "the alpha of alphas", when he says "hey can we actually see our rooms now" erebus shuts up and settles down, and starts showing them around. Amira and Samantha break off to do some shopping before they start school the next day, and they happen to see Erebus buying flowers, which Amira assumes is for his girlfriend. Nope, he sees her walking to her car and is all "can we talk 🥺" and she's like "yeah, at training tomorrow, about strategy :)" and he's just so MOPEY, and saying "I've CHANGED" to which Amira replies, kinda cringe, "and I shit rainbows" and walks away
(Also as a side note I'd like to mention how extremely common it is for the main characters in these stories or side surrounding characters to be like cheesy tropes and it's explicitly said that Damon is a multi billionaire and Amira is "at about half of his networth" from receiving inheritance after she left the pack from her grandma and also money from training wolves but like that would also make her a billionaire??? But her family being extremely wealthy would make sense for why her parents travel to the point of abandoning her, but its just a little much. In fact i dont think you can legally touch inheritance money until youre 18)
So anyways she gets into another stupid play fight with her brothers because she created a snack stash with her own money but didn't share, and Erebus sees her using magic to mess with them, so now he's discovered "oh shit, my mate is a white wolf?"
So like, there are these concepts of these people acting more feral like when it comes to their mates, and she's rejected him, but not like, officially right? Like in a lot of these stories, you can officially break the matebond by verbally declaring something like "I Rhiannon Michael's reject you Nathan Thorn as my chosen mate" and it, severs it? Like a magic cancellation, albeit with negative consequences. So Amira goads Erebus and says "doesn't it suck knowing you couldve had a white wolf as your mate?" To which Damon adds "yeah, now she gets a second chance mate and you just have a forever broken mate bond. I bet your pack will die out"
(A lot of these stories have concepts of "the alphas strength is the whole packs strength, they're the strongest with their true mate", so I assume this is what it means. Also, hhhh kinda lowkey gives me story ideas for a yandere werewolf or whatever who not only wants to but HAS TO keep his squirmy reluctant little human mate because his pack is literally stronger with her there)
But anyways Erebus' definitely mature adult response to this is "you're getting a second chance mate? NO! You're MINE" and CHARGES at her, but with a flick of her hand she knocks him away with a wind shield and mocks him saying she's going to choose another hot sexy alpha over him, but then, chooses to physically approach him, to which he grabs her, spins around, and is straddling her in the ground 🙄 there is an increasing feeling of wariness and uncomfortableness as Erebus nips at her earlobe while growling "mine" and Amira admits to it being pleasurable because, im sitting here thinking, why from a narrative standpoint would you include this detail, that at least physically it feels good to have this forced unwanted touch, from a man whos bullied a girl into suicide, what is the intent here, and i quickly reached a theory and felt a pit open up in my stomach. Red flag number 2. And then when Amira attempts to knock him off with her powers? Nothing happens, and Erebus giddily exclaims that a white wolf can't use their powers while their mate is touching them and wants to will them away
MAJOR RED FLAG. So the inherent powers she has in her own body can be forcibly stopped by someone else in a story about her trying to have her own autonomy and freedom? And she's being forced down by a man she's rejected and made her miserable and cannot use her own powers to get him off of her while he's beginning to basically assault her? RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG and then she just, like, briefly overpowers him, and is all "hah, I don't need powers to fight you! Right brothers? Let's go eat chips lmao" like not even joking it just abruptly ends like that, they just leave Erebus to go eat snacks and the next chapter (5) starts
So, chapter 5, Amira, her 3 brothers, and Samantha are all eating breakfast in the packhouse when her brother walks in, and, wouldn't you know, calls for their parents. And Amira is like, "oh, why would fake mom and dad be here? They're always gone?" But sure enough, in walk her parents, with a fucking two month old baby. Like. Its not properly addressed in the story itself so I just really want to rage that these people literally had their daughter attempt suicide and literally leave a note for them telling them she's running away to a new family and never wants to see them ever again and they just??? REPLACED HER??? It is COMPLETELY glossed over and not addressed AT ALL. Did they even MOURN HER? And of course the baby is a girl, NAMED MIRA. THEY REPLACED HER. THEY REALLY FULL ON DEADASS REPLACED HER AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM.
Like it is not addressed at all. Amira isn't even mad they have another baby besides hoping they don't do the same thing to it that they did to her? Like sorry in some hypothetical scenario where I found out my daughter tried to kill herself partially because of her brother, my son, and she ran away saying I wasn't her family and she wanted nothing to do with me ever again, I think I would hesirate to just immediately spit out another baby after pretty obviously failing my first two attempts? What quiverfull bullshit is this?
But Amira just walks up to them and is all "what I went through drove me to suicide, so love this little girl and give her everything you have, give her all the love you never gave me" but also like uh, you would think her parents would be like emotional and sobbing upon seeing her again and their reactions are more just, very muted and I think that may just be this author being kind of. Shit lmao. The mom just repeats how Amira addressed herself as someone else's daughter but, the conversation is interrupted because Mira is crying hysterically (vaguely implied because Amiras mom isn't very good at, momming) and, ugh, it's emphasized how immediately Mira becomes so calm that she falls asleep upon being in Amira's arms and that "I already feel so much love for this little girl, my little Mira" like she's literally crying tears holding this baby, and my uncomfortable feelings increase because literally the very second this happened I said aloud "oh god are they going to kill off her parents and make her raise her own sister just to show how sweet and motherly she is" and uh. :| well. Anyways Amira immediately asserts that she's going to be constantly visiting to check in on her little sister, and at this point I groan because I realize the little sister is a plot device so that Amira doesn't have the option of just finishing this training stuff and then never coming back to Red River. But anyways she demands her parents show her how to make Mira's formula and the story makes a point of showing how Amira is becoming increasingly reluctant to "stay mad" at her family, which uh would be the only reasonable reaction to be perfectly honest. But since Amira's hands are busy feeding Mira, which is only something she's insisting on doing, her parents are still right here the whole time, she turns to her brothers and asks which one of then is going to feed her, and of course Erebus walks in while Jason is spoonfeeding her pancakes
IMMEDIATELY "MINE, the only man feeding you should be me, you're mine!
"Jason is my brother??? Leave before I set you on fire, there's a BABY here."
So anyways Amira is leaving and there's this stupid part where they make it obvious that Mira prefers Amira over her own birthmother, sobbing the second her mother takes her back, and at this point I'm convinced they're killing off the parents, but, it transitions into a conversation where she deliberately pisses off Erebus on purpose by saying "maybe I'll fool around with someone" to which he bangs a fist on the desk "no you WONT fool around with a man that's not me 😤" and Amira retorts "I can fool around with anyone I want, because I'm hot as fuck, and you have no power over me" nd I'm thinking, good for her, albeit she's still 17 so, like, don't have her have sex at all maybe? And she retorts to him "go mark a pack slut"
And Erebus gets offended by this, but the ACTUAL red flag is DAMON'S reaction, which is "Erebus, hurt my sister and I'll kill you, Amira, fool around with a man I don't approve of, and I'll MAKE YOU WATCH AS I BREAK EVERY BONE IN HIS BODY. Understand?"
Oh, so, you mean to tell me that the brother figure who saved her from dying who has only known her for two years is also beginning to show signs of being possessive and controlling towards her in a potentially not platonic way? Ok. Ok. Red flag. Red flag for sure. Like genuinely the reason I'm going into so much detail is the sheer layers upon layers of ways Amira gets fucked over and betrayed. Also to take her out of the room, he threw her over his shoulder and carried her out? And she says if it wasn't for her real brother Brendan that Damon would be the worst brother ever, to which Brendan who literally used to beat her comes up all hurt like "w was I really that bad of a big bro🥺" to which Amira replies the title of the chapter, 1438, the amount of times her brother physically put his hands on her. She literally begins reciting the figures on how many wounds left marks, how many wounds left scars, and I remember listening to this scene and thinking, "you had the dedication or perhaps spite to keep mental track of all your injuries to the point of counting them but you never sought help from any adult whatsoever????"
But Brendan is legitimately crying and saying he's full of regret and that his parents get on him every day, but Amira just says "fuck you, if we weren't blood I would beat you senseless and light you on fire" and also the father waits until like the very end of this conversation to say "you hit her over 1400 times?" And Amira leaves with her new brothers while her father starts scolding her old brother
So at this point we're thinking, good for Amira, she's starting to really show Erebus and her old family up huh? She's showing everyone how much she doesn't need them and how she's moved on. This is exactly what I want from "you made me try to kill myself stories so now I want either revenge or nothing to do with you" stories.
LITERALLY i was listening to this story while working and I went, out loud, "NOOOOO THAT MEANS HE'S THE MALE LEAD, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS". So I try to form a protective mental barrier of denial. Maybe they're just showing his POV to rub his nose in how he's fucked up and give us the audience satisfaction? After dropping this story, I actually found another story that did that, that had POVs for both the new and old boyfriend and would cut to the old one to show him scheming, so, when this chapter came along, I was DEVASTATED but tried to think, hey, this, this isn't immediately game over, right?
So the chapter starts from Erebus' point of view starting off from him walking in on Amira being fed and his internal monolog is as creepy as you would expect "oh my perfect mate, when I'm near her, I just want to hug her, kiss her, tie her down, and fuck her until she's mine" (again, she's still 17 at this point, I know I keep saying it but, not a big fan of the constant sexualization of a minor in what's supposed to be a female empowerment story?) . And or course his dumb ass internal thoughts are about how he's changed as a person, he reprimands other people for bullying, but he's also told everyone in the pack that Amira is his mate even though she already told him no. And then he has this internal thought process of "no, just mark her by force so she feels the bond. But that would be cheating. We have to do this the right way" but like uh him saying it's wrong does not undo the fact he's even considering forcing her, which, well, later on---
(Also lmao ms 5'5 DD cup huge ass flat tummy Amira is also described as having 'a tiny waist' like girl cmon)
Should I also mention we only have a female narrator so, she also does the men, so, that can be a little. Awkward lol. She has a decent range but, it's still "girl making her voice deeper to try and be a dude". I think she does a good job, simply mentioning, there are other stories with multiple VAs, which I'm getting to later, but, I figured I would mention how the story sounds besides the writing quality itself
Anyways uh Erebus overhears Amira's brothers talking about him, and one of them is like, do you think Amira will ever forgive Erebus, and Damon deadass responds "not sure, if she does I'd be highly apprehensive, but he really seems he regrets his actions, so if she chooses to give him a chance, I'll be there for her" ummmmm the fuck? How would you fucking know? Who are you to even say it seems like Erebus has regrets? And does him having regrets somehow magically undo what he did? It's the fact this is Damon who is Amira's number 1 supporter saying this, that Erebus would vaguely deserve some sort of chance after what he did? And of course Erebus hears all this and says "see she's gonna give me another chance, I believe in the mate bond"
Also if there's an official statement to break the mate bond why didn't Amira just say it instead of insulting him and running off. Like. Red flag.
Erebus witnesses another sibling tickle fight and keeps internally calling her his mate, which is gross, and, oh no anime trope, she was running away and tripped right into him and stumbled them both right over 🥺👉👈 and Damon scoops her up, mocking him and thanking him for catching his sister and saying at least hes good for something. And Erebus, full simp mode, says "as long as I get a chance to hold her, that's fine" and like Damon has a visible sympathetic reaction, gross, and Erebus is all "I hope he hears the sincerity in my voice uwu"
So. Gosh, I know I've written so much at this point, so I may skip some scenes, or only mention footnotes until significant events, but we haven't even come NEAR the PEAK BULLSHIT that happens later
-she confronts her old class again and is all edgy and stupid about it tbh. "Before you all made me slit my wrists, but now I'm here to train this pathetic pack" ok edge lord some of them may have just been minding their own business. The entire classroom calls her "Luna" which is the Alpha's mate and top pack female
-Erebus pushes her up against a wall, you're mine, I love you, and she just replies, oh that must be a shitty feeling, loving someone who will never love you back. Queen. She gets away from getting out of his grip and threatening to burn him and then invites him for a formal fight behind the packhouse after school
-she for some reason was going to go meet him alone? Her brothers only came with after they found out
-she verbally acknowledges she can't hurt him as her mate, but doesn't formally reject him so he, you know, isn't her mate anymore? Like girl you have a solution to the problem?
-"the old me you knew died when she slit her wrists" cringe
-she gets him struck by lightning and gives a dramatic speech telling him dtuff like she tortures without a second thought and he wouldn't want her as his mate since she'd kill him in his sleep and as she's walking away SHE'S CRYING "BECAUSE IT HURTS TO DO THIS TO HER ALPHA WHO CARES ABOUT HIS PACK, AT THE END OF THE DAY HE'S STILL MY MATE AND IT MAKES ME SAD TO HURT HIM" GIRL YOU FUCKING LOSER, TF, genuinely hated this bitch at this point, imagine getting beaten daily for years and years and then just forgiving that and even loving that person. Vomit vomit vomit
-Amira decides the pack is too weak to be trained by her just yet and she doesnt want to stay in the pack house, so she's going to go to a hotel, and also tells all this to her brothers and Erebus, and also to stop telling the pack to call her Luna. Erebus says no, just because he doesn't want her staying in a hotel, not even her not wanting to train them yet, because 'she's his mate and he wants her close to protect her, and the pack calls you Luna because you're my queen and my everything and we WILL be together and mate" gross gross gross
-Amira tells him straight up she'd rather die than be marked by him yet doesn't reject him officially
-Erebus basically threatens to hold her in captivity on suicide watch and mark her without her consent "if she doesn't accept me in the near future"
-white wolves have natural strong maternal feelings which is stupid :/ I thought this was a bad bitch story, fuck them kids, she's still a kid herself, gross
-Erebus sees her helping this little girl Ariel who fucked up her ankle while playing and climbing a tree and he says this gross ass comment like "you're going to be the perfect mother to our pups" 🤮🤮🤮🤮
-Amira tells Ariel's parents not to call her Luna and for some reason this makes them sad? Shouldn't they respect how she feels? She isn't Erebus' mate officially, and then he strolls in trying to emotionally manipulate her by saying she's "breaking their hearts"
-"I used to care about breaking hearts until I cut my wrists from my own heart being broken" and you wanna think yeah bitch you tell him
Or so you would think, right? Except no, ot instantly transitions into describing how he managed to shower and is looking oh so handsome and sexy in a tight shirt that shows his muscles through it AND THIS BITCH ACTUALLY SAYS "OH HE'S SO HOT, I WOULD FOOL AROUND WITH HIM IF IT WASNT FOR OUR HISTORY, ACTUALLY I MIGHT WIND UP DOING THAT ANYWAYS" LIKE, HAVE SOME SELF RESPECT
By this point (speaking in past tense of my first listen, refreshing my memory on second go around) I am incredibly uncomfortable with the framing of this story as it feels almost definitive that Erebus is going to be forgiven and eventually rewarded with Amira, which, no, that's not why I read these stories, and you definitely are going to get on a lot of bad sides having a genuinely awful guy continue to be awful but be only slightly nicer and then never have to face consequences for his past
- Erebus insists that even if she doesn't feel the mate bond, she'll start to be attracted to him, he's, quote, "known as something of a sex god" even though he should realistically only be 17 or 18 years old, so, cap, little boy
-the depictions of Erebus touching her nonconsensually, like holding her down or pinning her against walls, starts to become increasingly fetishized. He corners her and basically tells her his preferred method of punishment is overstimulation and, she's a 17 year old virgin. she thinks this is all hot by the way and thinks "anything that happens between us would merely be fooling around" so its like oh great now you're repeatedly entertaining thoughts and admitting to yourself you find him "incredibly sexy"
So, chapter 9 right. The chapter is called "mate" and something about the simplicity and topic makes me think, oh shit, is this 'it'? 👀 are we here?
Amira's adoptive dad decides to send more Alphas to help Amira with the weaklings. Amira officially moves her things out of the pack house to stay at her fancy hotel in a royal suite "that's basically like an apartment", and she goes to eat at the restaurant at the hotel because, the other Alphas being sent over are also at her exact same hotel and, why not meet them? And upon entering the restaurant, she smells something and she feels this voice I side herself say MATE and she worries, shit, is Erebus here?
"And I look around in a panic, and Erebus is here BUT THATS NOT WHAT I WAS SMELLING"
AT THIS POINT IM HOLLERING, YES FINALLY WE'RE REPLACING THIS BITCH EREBUS, SECOND CHANCE MATE LET'S GO. It's another Alpha, Christian of the Oak Wood pack, and "holy fuck the mate pull is strong" so she's instantly dickmatized, like instantly feeling goo-goo over him. And he adores her and they start making up, which of course makes Erebus mad. And Christian says outright, "you don't deserve her, she's mine" so he obviously knows the story between them? But Amira and him are all doe eyed and she even sits on his lap after he pulls her close, but, y'all you're in a public restaurant... ew.....
So Erebus is sitting there glowering for the rest of the meal until Christian's men leave them alone for privacy, and this bitter bitch really says "let's cut the shit, white wolves are known for having more than one mate,and are known for being shared song them, the way I see it, you and I will have to share" and Amira snorts because that's absolutely fucking stupid and Christian is. Dead silent. "For several minutes"?
And then
Absolute little cunt of a man
Just says straight up
screaming crying pissing throwing objects violently howling at the moon as I rage 'WHAT ABOUT WHAT AMIRA FUCKING WANTS', like girl throw the whole goddamn man away, he literally INSTANTLY ruined this and he JUST got here. this moron literally says "I can tell we were meant to share you, and I don't fuck with fate, I can tell he's different from the man who bullied you" oh so you know him better than his victim c: you know her pain? She should forgive it because he's magically changed but not really? And she should just BE SHARED? C: drink bleach
Oh and Christian is an 18 year old high school senior so he's transferring to Amira's school so basically every aspect of her life is being smothered with one of these prices.
Amira, literally, overhears Erebus and Christian talking in the school library about how "she's bound to come around, but if it isn't in the next few days, we may have to forcefully mark her"
So like, they're basically scheming to rape her. Ok. Let's not mince it. They are scheming to force upon her an act that will nonconsensually and permanantly alter how her brain and feelings and even her biology functions and basically force her to have feelings for them against her will. This is basically the kind of thing I would write, but the difference is I write stalker fetish porn and not, stories legitimately marketed as romance that's supposed to, like, idk, frame the guys as good, desirable people. They plot about even hiring witches to enchant restraints like handcuffs and ropes, and they're talking about things in such scary serious detail it's obvious they plan on doing this for real. And then they sense her outside the library and she tries to run, but of course she gets caught by Erebus :/ she has to "suppress the shiver that threatens to go down her spine" when he nibbles her ear and goes down to where her mate mark would be, gross, and "let's out a moan that's not completely forced" to lure him into false security for her to escape and create a barrier with magic, and oh, she suddenly remembers, she had a magical werewolf mindlink with her brothers, duh? All werewolves have mindlinks
Erebus is all "Amira we're your MATES, we're here to love amd care about you, but you have to LET US" this is like genuine fucking delusional yandere levels of denial and lack of accountability like, the Oscar goes to these men for the ability to act like they ain't the ones acting like total rapist nightmare creeps that she shouldn't have immediately called the werewolf police on
Anywaya, so in the past I was thinking, ok, ok, this has got to be, like, a red herring, right? How Erebus is so terrible and then Christian is immediately a piece of shit too? They just said several mates earlier, so, maybe she chooses number three? Is there a number three?
But OH NO, they don't immediately know it's him, Erebus and Christian start freaking out and when Amira says "that's bullshit, I would feel the mate bond otherwise", Damon is just like "well, I know something I could do that might kickstart it if its there but you'll probably hate me for this" and suddenly kisses her without asking and thats how it is confirmed, yeah, he's number 3 and she likes kissing him, until she's panting afterwards 😩
-he carries her off into her car and there's this whole "no don't carry me k can walk, don't buckle my seat belt im an adult" "no Amira you're my mate and rhat involves giving this relationship my all, and that includes carrying you, protecting you, and fucking you--" she's still 17 and you were her "brother" just 5 minutes ago dude. But she gets horny from this 🙄 and. He can smell it.
-conversation about how she's a virgin who's never even masturbated, instantly transition to "he cups my pussy through my pants" YO SHE'S STILL 17 THO???
-Damon booked a suite down the hall from hers at her hotel 🙄 she instantly starts to hook up with him, UNTIL HE SUDDENLY MARKS HER WITHOUT ASKING, AND SHE LITERALLY SCREAMS NO. She says that he knew she wasn't ready and she was too much of her own person to be marked yet and this stupid bastard replies "no you ARE ready, I KNOW you're ready" ok you freak, you've technically known her for not even two years. You know her better than she knows herself? You know her so well it entitles you to break such an intense intimate personal boundary???
So now she's marked by him, against her will, and he's confident in his decision, and, like, it lowkey reads as a horror film because he transitions into how he knows she's scared but he's going to love and protect her but like he basically just MARKED HER SOUL without even a warning? It's like? That's rape dude? There's no glossing over that? You just changed an extremely huge part of her autonomy, bodily, emotionally, psychologically, against her will, and you're just telling her to chill because you love her and she's initially in love with you?
For a woman's empowerment story Amira sure keeps meeting men she is supposed to love and trust who bring some sort of unspeakable betrayal or harm upon her and it only gets worse.
-he marked her but they didnt have sex, awkward transition to two days later
-they're cuddling when Damon gets hard and randomly starts talking about how much he loves his women helpless, he loves bondage and overstimulation and how seeing a girl writhe in denial and overstimulation
-she's turned on, she's deciding you know what, after dinner I'm gonna fuck this man after we got out to dinner. She is INFATUATED with this guy, can't even focus on her food. She does this weird, seductive licking and sucking vanilla ice cream off her lips and fingers since she figures he's already paid the bill so it doesn't matter if he embarrasses them both by carrying her out which he does
But anyways so, they dont have sex again but its the next day, we're moving on to another really uncomfortable plot point. Damon pulls Amira aside and says "hey, with female wolves with multiple mates, when you're marked by one, you go crazy with the urge to mate wirh the others" ok pause, so because he marked her against her will, she is now magically horny for erebus and Christian where she wasn't before, and now they're magically going crazy because they can sense she's been marked and they ""need" to mark her now? This is so fucked up and unfair, where is her CHOICE, why is she a side character in her own story???
so, I don't really like any of these options, but out of the three, at least Damon will protect her from those that try to harm her, right?
psycho. Absolute freak. Marks her by force, and then says he's going to share her with the guy who pushed her to suicide, like DAMON WAS THE ONE WHO literally found her dying, and another guy she's already rejected. So. The betrayals really do keep adding up don't they? Like it's really unsettling how no one is truly in Amira's corner?
So she stands up and says "fuck you" because she feels hurt and betrayed by him, and there's this, extremelt cringey exchange, really genuinely cringey is the only word I can use, so she's trying to walk away from him, he grabs her from behind, lightly squeezes her throat, and says "you WILL calm down or I will take you home and punish you and you would NOT like my punishments. Don't forget I am a Dominant and you are my Submissive" like 🤮🤮🤮 ok Christian Gray wannabe bitch go fys
Amd Amira gets out of his grip and is rightfully enraged he'd threaten her and says he better watch out because she can pray to the moon goddess to remove their bond, and he just like, isn't even listening to her, and he says, "oh that's another thing we'll have to work out, you'll be a Sub to three Alpha Doms" and she's like "what" and casually he's like "yeah we're actually pretty popular at some of the CLUBS around here as famous Doms"
Oh, so. Let me. Let me run this back. Her three mates are her childhood bully who verbally belittled her and also horribly beat her, some new prick she doesn't even know who is totally fine sharing with the bully and is also totally fine with forcing her, and her adoptive brother of two years who doesn't care about sharing either and has already marked her by force, and all three of them have also been running around performing as Dominants at sex clubs at a professional level to the point of being known as, quote, the best Doms out there, the most experienced? That's an enormous turn off for me actually! Y'all are seniors in high school acting as Doms? Is that even legal? Wow, I sure would feel great to know that all 3 of the mates forcing themselves onto me and saying I don't get a choice have already ran through countless other women!
Oh and then her birth parents die. I'm serious, theres like a two mimute transition between Damon saying they'll share to her hearing her parents are dying. They got into a car accident. Her mom dies first and the mate bond weakens and takes her father soon after, so now, just as I predicted, she now has custody of Mira and she furthers her role as a plot device
-she's dumb enough to answer the hotel room door without double checking and all three men force their way into her room with groceries and stuff, to 'help her', separating her from Mira, and they immediately start talking about gags and ropes, and sure enough they brought restraints and she's sitting there with a ball gag talking about how they've restraint proofed the entire hotel suite "wherever we go we can tie her up, even in the shower"
This is straight up fucking yandere bullshit. And she kind of jokingly says "oh they're Dominants, so being restrained is something I guess I'll have to get used to, oh wait I'm not accepting them what am I saying tee hee" girl what the actual fuck this is NOT the time for this.
So while she's gagged, she's basically mentally recounting how to formally reject a mate bond. It will recede on her end, but the mates will still feel ot "and also become crazy possessive, but they're already possessive anyways" so why does canceling the mate bond basically not have any negative consequences. So the second her gag is removed, she verbally rejects them all at once, and they physically collapse to their knees in pain
Um. So. Rejecting Damon apparently doesn't count because the Moon Goddess has to accept your rejection if you're already marked? And Christian says "I reject your rejection" and what does he do? MARKS HER BY FORCE. AND THEN SO DOES EREBUS. AND THEY KNOW MARKING HER BY FORCE WILL CAUSE HER BODY SIGNIFICANT PAIN BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAYS. She literally passes out from the strain of two forced marks.
So at this point its like, how could this get any worse?
How about God herself personally making it worse?
The Moon Goddess herself winds up appearing in a flash of light before Amira and the three men and basically, God, how do I even describe this weird ass fucking conversation. She's acting all holy and motherly and wants to hold Mira and talks to Amira like a mom and then she turns to the men and then, just barely sternly chastises them, saying they completely ignored Amira's consent, and "im going to give you all another chance, but hurt her again and I'll give her entirely new mates"
So. So. So. Ok. Ok. Even though Amira already rejected them though? Like I thought only Damon needed your approval? Christian and Erebus marked her by force after she already rejected them? Did her rejecting them not even matter? Does she have any power or agency at all? Hey, blue fairy bitch, she already told them no and their response was to force themselves on her, so why is your response, oh, I'LL give you another chance. Bitch it's not your choice? The fuck? Also they already proved they're scum? What the fuck? So now even GOD is willing to sell her out? The fuck? The fuck?
So first listen in, at this point I'm obviously incensed, I'm thinking, ok, surely some weird bullshit is going on here, maybe one or two or three of them die or she rejects them all in the end anyways, so I say, fuck it, and skip to like, the third ti last chapter
"Me, Damon, Erebus, and Christian all sat together in the diner--"
Throwing my goddamn phone out the window. Fuck this story man. Fuck these characters, fuck how she literally only had one real friend this entire story (Samantha), fuck how her agency snd choice was constantly taken away from her, just, fuck it all, this was genuinely like a horror story, like genuinely made me uncomfortable to listen to, like I was audibly saying "but that's like rape? That's basically rape? What the fuck?"
So in better news, on the same app that this story is on, DreameFm, is a much better story I listened to and would recommend :) it's The Perfect Luna and you can listen to the first 3 chapters here here and here, (oh you can go straight to downloading the app where the rest have to be bought with coins). It's got some 36 or something chapters which I find a pretty decent length and I think the quality of the story and the voice acting is really good!
It follows the story of Alpha and Luna Riannon Thorne as the story begins with her being killed by her cheating husband's lover and being sent back in time to try and do everything all over again! After she's sent back in time, she can't talk to or use her wolf at all and has to rely on her wits and knowledge of the future to navigate through her second lifetime, but as she starts doing things differently, she finds a much different outcome than before. The voice acting is pretty good, although the lady does change at chapter 26 which is a little jarring since it's more than halfway over at that point but I still found the story worth continuing. The male voice actor, I think there may be two, are also dedicated, and i think you guys may like some of the villains like the evil Fox King who even has his own harem ;) definitely a palette cleanser for the awful awful whiplash that Back and Better gave me 🤮 bluh. Definitely a good girl power listen uwu
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idcpxseur · 10 months
for the ask game, 3?
3. which character do you think you deserve better? which caracter do you think deserved worse?
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oh!!! okok!! i have a list here we go
deserved better
laurence. he is absolutely at the top of his list. whether in mcd or mystreet, laurence was one of the biggest characters who got absolutely mishandled. like youre telling me you make this cute, badass loyal dude who just suddenly up and dips to the nether????? what is that???? and in mystreet you reduce him to some kinda freaky stalker and then sideline his character?
garroth. because while garroth did not get sidelined what they did to his character is absolutely atrocious. mcd garroth is quiet, well-spoken, and shows his kidness subtly. while garroth in myst. is. not that. and absolutely dont get me twisted i love myst garroth. hes a silly man doing silly man things but by god they reduced his character to ash
kai. i know we hardly see kai but he deserved more than being reduced to minor villian #79 because he didnt like aphmau. if i had written pdh, i wouldve just completely done away with the date. because kais reasons for not liking her romantically were totally valid (not to mention i believe he was a senior which again. is weird. is so so weird). i think kai wldve been a cool background character that aphmau could talk to occasionally because hes just a cool dude. hes chill and funny and gave genuinely good advice. plus we dont see a lot of mei'fwa aside from kc and michi and i think it wouldve been cool to see more of that lore built up
now dont crucify me but ein. BEFORE EVERYONE GRABS THE TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS: im not saying that ein cant be a villian im just saying make him a BETTER one? because in my eyes his motivations are stupid. youre telling me he was upended my aaron in highschool and hes held a grudge ever since? for like 10 years? and i know he was manipulated but still bro get a JOB. not to mention the weird incesty crush they tried to retcon later. i think ein couldve been a cool villian if he went full incognito. no one, not even the audience, thinks hes a villian. he comes back into myst as an adult and apologizes. we think hes on their side until BOOM. betrayal. but even so i really wish he wasnt a villian because ein in pdh s2 was freaking adorable. he was shy and awkward and just a lil dork and it was refreshing to see that because every male character in aphmau is kind of big and bold so it was nice to see an outwardly shy character
deserved worse
gene. think im gonna get hatecrimed for this one but gene in myst was overall ✨unnecessary✨ aside from providing cheap tension to be resolved in a single episode. dont get me wrong. i love myst gene. love him to bits and pieces and crumbles. but what does he contribute to the plot? like actually?
aaron. i think its an overall general take that aaron got everything that the other characters didnt. which SUCKS. im going to ignore all of the weird other shit around his character and focus only on his character. hes a cool character. level headed, rational, loyal but still has his silly moments. but they tried so hard to make him some sorta tragic baddass. watching myst in order was like whiplash. like BOOM. SUDDENLY AARON IS AN HEIR TO A BIGASS COMPANY AND BOOM. FOREVER POTIONS AND BOOM. ULTIMA. AND BOOM HES DEAD. AND BOOM. HES ALIVE AGAIN. like huh????
pretty much every other character is a victim of writing slander in some ways but these ones eithee grind my gears or make me roll my eyes.
thank you for the ask anon, love u <3
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bybdolan · 2 years
Celebrity culture is so weird I saw a Tiktok a couple weeks ago about the adad Levine thing making a list of the next husbands that were gonna have a cheating scandal and they're reason were ridiculous like Joe Jonas just because Sophie and him can be that happy or Ryan Gosling because he wants everyone to think he's super nice and eats to keep his family private and other stupid claims like that about people with no valid arguments and all the comments were agreeing and saying they are dying to see it and it's just so sad the way they treat famous people just because they are rich or whatever, someone was claiming that Taylor saying she sometimes doesn't feel like a real person was just whining because she has the money to pay for the best psychologist, like what?
Long-ish answer under the cut because I'm also going to talk about the ask @youareworldsaway sent me.
re your post: its not even just like relationships you see it with people being papped or at award shows or interviews or red carpets. One second captured on camera and the whole world decides what your feeling. Like at Venice with Harry and Olivia sure they didnt interact as much but there are moments but since they didnt go viral everyone was just like “oh they broke up.” Like Joe apparently always looks miserable with Taylor when that could just be his resting face (i can relate my resting face i apparently look sad!) i find it odd we base an entire thought process on someone for .1 second we see them. And like yeah taylor was smiling during 1989 but she was also going through a hard time. How people show themselves as well isnt an accurate description of what they are going through. Human beings are complex! we have good and bad days. Idk i have so many thoughts on this and how swifties in general will make taylors feelings a monolith “shes depressed” or “shes the happiest shes ever been” (ask by @youareworldsaway)
You guys both expanded on the points I was making in the original post very eloquently and probably better than I could so thank you!!! I know that my empathy for celebrities is not something everybody feels and understandably so, but it just seems so HARD to be that surveilled all the time and have people pry apart your every move. The way people will dissect some celebrity videos is honestly disgusting to me because nothing seems more terrifying than a stranger using a moment of vulnerability as ammo to spread rumors about you. It's obviously not a direct treat to your life, but it is tough and scary and just seems super stressful. And it bleeds into the way regular people think about their relationships, too. A recent example is the whole Try Guys shabang where suddenly people were led to believe that it was a red flag when guys talked about their wives a lot, when there is a huge difference between your buddy Craig doing this and Ned Fulmer, who has made loving his wife part of his brand and thus his job and livelihood, saying it. Plus: We only get the tiiiniest look into these people's lives! We don't know them! They are frequently pretending!
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smileymoth · 2 months
venting 👍.
I desperately yearn to create a story that is in depth and has a start a culmination and an end, i have the ability to create really in depth characters, i can plan out their entire lives, but because most characters who i create are just boring people whose lives aren't interesting they don't really get those types of stories. I can write autobiographies of my ocs and one shots of them going out or something, but i lack the brain for actually worthy storylines. It makes me miserable. I just want to create something that would be worth it, that would have depth instead of being just a pretty picture to look at. I get a lot of validation and praise but because im so self critical and nothing i ever do is special enough ill never really accept any of it. I just kind of feel like a fraud with everything i do. Nothing i do is interesting enough, nothing is new enough, nothing is worth the time. I dont really see value in what i do i guess because it has no capital value. I dont know hwy ive based my worth around if i could make it into a career. I guess its because i really dont want to get a normal job, i think it would kill me. But i also know that im not enough to ever achieve what i dream. Im so worried about the ending i dont even know the plot or whatever that flatsound song title was. Literally me. I try create but then i get stuck because its not good enough, and i quit. Becuase i cant figure it out perfectly. Because theres no point in finishing somrthing that has no value. Especially when it comes to writing/comics. I shouldve gone to study estonian fr fr what am i doing in the media dep when i cant even put together a coherent story or make a compelling poster . im kind of just a fraud and a lot of wasted potential because my ego gets in the way of existing because i cant take criticism without falling apart at the seams aproximarely 4 months later because ive sown it into my brain wrinkes by thinking about it on the daily . Its all my own fault but i dont think i can change it. I just need to accept it at one point and become a regular person who works an office job. At least id have regular income. I dont know. I want to drop out but i wont because then ill have no purpose in life. Ill enjoy feeling like i have something to live for while it lasts before it becomes a blur of getting a job (if theyd even hire me ever considering i have no working experience beside freelance and being a hotel room cleaner for 2 months) going to work going home going to sleep waking up going to work etc etc etc like every normal adult . I just wish i didnt get so depressed thinking about being alive but what can you do . Im not skilled enough to become a designer, i have no networking for it, and i hate marketing.
I used to think id die before 40 and tjen that slowly left because damn 40 is sooo young but now im back where i dont think ill make it past that age. So ive probably already wasted all my potential and chances of ever becoming anything. I just dont see the point of being alive really. And i also dont understand why ive been spiralling again. Nothing is wrong. But everytime i think about creating something i just get the desperate need to hurt myself because itll never be anything up to standard. And its all my own fault. Yay. I think i deserve to be miserable st this point because im not even attempting to get better. Im just alive for no reason. Im kind of dead already to myself . I ❤️ self punishment over menial things that nobody else cares about. Worst part im aware how stupid and overdramatic i sound, but i also cant help but believe it all to be true because why wouldnt it be. It makes so much sense to me
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goat4brains · 3 months
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fall guy
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his job was beach and now it is fall
it was millennial humour (sorry Edswald) but it was still hilarious
banger soundtrack
I love a summer blockbuster movie THAT FEELS LIKE A SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE. I was a Marvel defender for like my entire life (watched The Iron Man at age 2 when it came out and have been watching Marvel Media ever since) i loved having a new Marvel movie each year and more of the franchise to obsess over but with the flop era that Marvel has been having recently has opened my eyes to like how enjoyable a non-frachise movies can be actually... and this one did NAWT DISAPPOINT
I don't think this was a movie meant for imax BUTT due to us watching it that way
the sound production my lord, chef kiss
being an artist in many fields and just overall being a jack of all trades (....and master of none) you start to just froth over stupid stuf
point for the stunt dog, we need more French stunt dogs
why does Ryan Gosling keep making films that got me saying "That is literally me" I may just be secretly Ryan Gosling
the plot twist didnt reeallt twist but truely i believe that was the point, this movie is filled with referneces and tropes and cliches.. and i fear that is the point! its a silly action romcom that fits into the genre!! because its sopposed to!! and i don't know how if this is another moment of critical thinking lost to the wind but alot of bad reviews is simply people critiqueing the movvie for not being serious or for the fact its cliche,
LIKE THAT ISN'T THE POINT! anyways let movies be silly goofy 2024
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almost famous
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i am sorry for finding Russell Hammond hot, just to begin
it did a really good job at showing off aspects of being a Rockstar in this time, groupies and drug use and etc. it shows the sex drugs and rock and roll in a way that didn't feel romanticizey. these events were happening and they felt true
it also represented a lot from the 60's and 70's insanely well, the young wanted to be free, and they want to rebel and they want to express themselves in writing and journalism.. who needs lawyers and Christianity???
"I'm gay!" in the airplane, forever my gay icon thanks Stillwater Drummer Ed
I've been unironically listening to Stillwater after we watched this in class, the songs are genuinely so good.
the struggle of wanting to be cool but at the end of the day compromising to find comfort in our uncoolness
i gotta steal penny lanes closet man,
Alvin in the chipmunks intro, Jason lee aka Jeff Bebe is such a reference that Julian explained to me and then i choked laughing
i must continue my love for penny lane BECAUSE SHE IS LITTERALLY ME. (to the point i had a extinensial crisis in the car after this movie, Julian can vouch) It's a very sad character to relate to but she has a persona and has worked it to a level of precision. she is the perfect muse and strives to be viewed as such. she's mysterious and confident on the surface but is without a doubt extremely delusional. Now i have never wanted to be close to a Rockstar but i do understand the striving for validations of others (especially men) and ultimately breaking down when you don't have it, because what are you then? if you aren't a 'band-aid', if you aren't this cool loved by others person, who are you? her entire breakdown and overall character just made sense and was just insanely relatable to me.
a beautiful cult classic, they don't make coming of age movies like they used to
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children of men
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ignoring the panic attack i had at the end of class and my prompt run away to throw up
such a good dystopian, but even then such a good representation of current time. this is life for many and its sad it didn't feel played up in any way. people live with bombed bakeries, schools and coffee shops, young people are murdered everyday, art is stolen from the rightful owners, people are in concentration camps. human beings are being killed. while other human beings are in the comfort (or discomfort) of their homes
it was so intense and gut wrenching (ha, literally).
the trajectory from calm to dead, dead and more dead was abrupt (in a good way to the writing) but that is war.
the cinematography music, editing and sound immerses you so completely. i said The Fall Guy was a movie that didn't need Imax THIS WAS. THIS SO WAS
CGI baby was kinda odd but okay
there is something about Britain media and being dark and gritty and making you depressed ive noticed, i need to watch a deep dive on that
oranges before tragedy? why? I'm curious of why its used as symbolism for impending doom
fun fact: in the novel the reason women couldn't birth babies wasn't because they were infertile it was because men couldn't produce sperm! in the movie its the other way
but idk it'd be a cool plot idea in the movie that it was actually men's sperm counts being the issue and they were just simply
Theo is such a great main character because he falls into my favorite trope: the main character isn't the protagonist! in sherlock holmees the narrator is Dr. Watson but the stories are obviously about Holmes. or in the game "Stray" the cat in the main character but B-12 is who the stories about. We, the cat, is simply the vessel in the same way Theo is the Vessel in Kee's story. i also love Main Character deaths when done well. Theo overall is a well written character and i liked their journey
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or in other words i liked, subscribed and shared with a friend
okay maybe its because Katrina is one of my closest friends but time and time again this woman shocks me with the work she produces and there is so evidently such a future for her in video making a content creation as a whole. all her points are provided beautifully and overall in such a eye-catching and fun way. honest to god I've re-watched the video itself about 4 times. it was done in canva?? she made this in a presentation with just the animation function? and it rivals the production of MatPats team of editors? INSANE. The entire video is such a perfect tribute to MatPats concept and vision and truly captures him as a creator. Watching Katrina slave over this assignment with all of her other responsibilities to the point she spent a weekend bed ridden and sick just is a perfect example of how passionate she is and i can only expect the best for her. all Katrina does should be given the best praise as Katrina Davis is a icon and should be recognized as such
i heart katrina, put that on a shirt
she will win viral friday.
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extra exttra~
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lifeoflustandwonder · 4 months
Im currently in two minds
The first mind says congratulations girl, you made it, you did it. You made it to a New country you werent ready for and you absolutely smashed it out the park. You've got a job, a house, a bank account (harder to set up as an international then it sounds), a few friends and even secured a situationship (more on this later, thats a promise). Look at how far you've come, look at all you've achieved. January 2023 you could never.
My second mind says jesus, you're homesick. You're struggling so much more than you are showing, but thats also okay. You're emotionally all over the place with being uncomfortable where you are at the moment. You're uncomfortable with the way this man is treating you, yet you continue to let him do so because you dont know how else to get that affection at the moment. You just need a hug, or a breakdown, or patience until you can get back to where you really want to be. Maybe all 3. You're craving love, in any shape or form. And you're not getting it, and thats making you emotional.
But you're not homesick for home, you're homesick for where you were before. Your new home. Your new home you've had to leave quickly due to legalities, you've left the weather, your job, your house, your friends, your perfect little life you were living.
But maybe this change has been for the best.
This is what I keep trying to tell myself. This change has been the best thing I couldve possibly asked for right now. Maybe I deserved to be grounded. Maybe I deserved the confidnce knock when the hairdresser took too my hair and cut off so much I didnt want to leave the house for two weeks. Is this what growth it? And no, I don't mean with my hair. Maybe this is what my growth is supposed to be, showing that even through so much emotional turmoil I can keep going. Even though at every waking moment I want to scream and cry, beg someone to take me back to where I belong right now because right now im not actually living. I am just here.
I don't feel present, I feel like I am floating.
This is only temporary, and these feelings will only be temporary. But this is the hardest and realiest temporary I have ever had to deal with and it is ruining me. I feel like a mess in front of my friends and they arent even in front of me. Messaging them all the time about how sad I am, I am so sporadic on my responses too them they probably can't keep up themselves. They are also dealing with their shit, why would they want to deal with mine too? They don't. But they do, thats what friends as for, and they will continue to step up for me, because I am so worthy of them and they keep proving that to me over and over again, but its just so hard actually beliving it at the moment. That I'm not bothering them. I love them, and they love me, and we all know that about each other, luckily.
But what about this man? This man that is showing me physical affection and not much else? What am I compensating for? I keep asking myself this. Am I letting him use me like this? Maybe I'm looking for that physical attention, and I feel like I'm hoping for something more even though I know there is nothing more too this.
I wonder if I am worthy of being loved like that.
By someone who wants to give me everything of themselves, all at once.
Right now, I am being used. It is that simple. I am aware of it. He knows it too, I think. I also know hes lying too me. 'Im not seeing anyone else' like I was born yesterday. I might be blonde, as he points out all the time, but I'm actually not stupid. God writing that down actually feels all consuming. Like my stomach just yawned open with regret. Why do I let him speak to me like that? Its simple, really. Sex.
The affection, the physical validation. So Yes, ill pay $50 to go to his place because thats what I feel its worth. Maybe thats what I feel I'm worth? God, thats awful isnt it? I know Im worth more than that, and I wish maybe he could see that too. I wish someone could see that.
I want someone else to see my worth. I want someone else to tell me they know what Im worth.
I am craving the validation from other people because I am so sick of giving it to myself. And thats so dumb, right? How can you be tired of giving yourself valdiation and telling yourself how great you are.
I just crave love. sadly love doesnt seem to crave me.
I know that I am looking for love in the wrong places.
I know that I should stop looking for love, because everyone always says that love never comes to you when you look for it. Maybe its true, but I'm like if I don't look, maybe it will miss me.
Im scared of being missed, scared of missing out.
I just want my cushty little life back, where everything was solid and I could build foundations and I could be happy.
Thats not to say that I dont love it here. Its a very beautiful place to be. I guess it would just be better and prettier if I wanted to be here. But I wasnt ready to be here. I am trying to appreciate it, but my experience is tainted. And that is more than okay, I need to keep telling myself that. It is okay that this is not my favorite place, it is okay that I dont want to be here.
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solardick · 10 months
My pardons, the recent attack on my well being has forced me to pit to a halt, all positive progress. The demons i was born into their pressence fell left out and pathetic and needed their validation for being useless degenerating influences on the rest of humanity, and needed to lower to quality of life and waste more of my own. Such is life.
So all positive masculine output was stopped from developing further. They’re obviously “gay”. Its what we call abjection. The phobia resulting in the loss of their menhood, is bred out from attacking their perception of it in the outside world through projection of cut off, pathetic because undeveloped, aspects of their own psyche’s. And they need to dominate it to fill better about themselves and secure their superiority.
It may also be called lunar dependency, which is named such, because it requires sucking the milk out the objects to fix a scratch, or a need for comfort and it’s “security.”
Lunar dependency is encouraged to the N’th degree. Get it? N? Anyway. Its such encouraged that they vastly increased to amount of sugars in selection, and gretesquly increased to desire for , Its consumption, with things like halloween and christmas and valentines day and such. All negative cards. Not to mention the acidity levels increasing as the generations produce. “All memorable “holy” days are bound to unhealthy consumption of artificial sweeteners. It makes the job easier. Less teeth get in the way.
Obviously, they knew jack shit about me. Such is stupidity. Or, hubris, or whatever, i could say to sound smart. Because i obviously like sounding smart. Even though how dumb i am. Because im in denial.
And then, your treated like a women needing some battering for several years. And then your on your “own” being abused by queers year after year until your a right unstable mess, along with druggings and the like, and then the queers move along remove to active abuse, and start manipulations with a smiles. While displaying how “proud” they are to be trash. Then they continue raping your life as before. While your still chemically unbalanced. And they give you a chemical sex change, rape you some more. Fuck queers and family. Also fuck criminals and whores. And fuck bible thumpers. Saem thing as abive. Iv eleanrt fucken nothing. Except how big of a piece of trash you are. Didnt realize it was something that needed proving. Luckily i was sexually active for like 9 years before reaching puberty. So it was like being a bused for being an 7 years old. And not parented. Or communicated with at all. Just beaten on and yelled at all the time.
39 uears later im still not allowed having a life for the crime of being born surrounded by morons.
Ok, is it over yet? God i hope so.
Well, on a saner tongue. That particular dentist is connected to the birthing origin of ominous portents, carrying prophecies to actualities. Some of the strongest and impressionable crow omens. Prior to the attacks on my sex. Questioning reality, compared to everything that is taught looking at a non-denominational train pf view. The fake stone. The fake building blocks of structure. The artistic impression of a crow. Compressing to know. One actively sabotaging the tooth. Motivated by chaos and bad news. Criminal intent of the darkserpent, in plain sight with an all active pass. The pretty same age group one, playing the vote, all the while supressing or compartmentalizing her prosocial motivation for me. Surprised at times how well and harmonious it is between us. Well, when she wasn‘t activly bs’ing me.
Bye luv, i’ve never been allowed to have nice things.
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3liza · 3 years
talking about flters and real beauty vs fake beauty and cultural standards etc always makes me think about all the victorian and edwardian novels i read, where the things that people thought about beauty were recorded at length. recently ive been reading a lot of Thomas Hardy (best known for Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure) and there’s so much discussion of the beauty of people, particularly love interests, both men and women. and these writers, and their eras, and the culture of the eras, was of course obsessed with beauty and youth and also artificial beauty (being the eras of the really transformative corsets, not to mention some of the earliest industrialized or modernized beauty products or processes), as all human societies are to a greater or lesser extent in their own ways, but the thing that sticks out to me in reading these books is how beauty is not the singular or even the most important aspect of a person’s overall attraction. if someone has a beautiful face or figure, it is mentioned, but never to the obsessive, fixated extent that physical beauty is isolated from and elevated over all other features in modern american/western culture. there are plenty of protagonists or love interests in these books who are described as not young, or not remarkable, or not pretty, or even ugly or frightening, but nevertheless compellingly sexy and attractive, or simply interesting, or worthy in some way. 
its weird that the cultural consciousness has become seemingly ignorant of non-physical attraction. like that anon that was in my inbox talking about how they were “normal looking’ and therefore “needed” filters in order to “compete” with attractive people. it’s a weirdly mercenary and capitalist view of the social economy, first of all, which absolutely is not zero-sum no matter how badly the social networks want to convince us that it is. but there was never a single mention from that person about their ability to charm or entertain or attract using anything except a fake photo of themselves. wild. im fuckin worried about them! im worried about every young person how has brain worms
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when i was about 4 and starting to become aware of how much adults were obsessed with my appearance because i was dainty and blonde and could do a passable shirley temple imitation, my parents gave me a very serious lecture about what physical beauty actually meant: i didn’t work for it (yet, i mean i do a lot of work now as an adult), it was given to me genetically. and someday, maybe sooner or more suddenly than anyone could predict, it would be gone. if accident, illness, or hardship didnt get me, old age eventually would. so with that being a certainty, i had better build a life and a personality on something other than my looks. and i said, ok. every day i get older im more grateful for that advice and the fact i decided to take it to heart instead of trying to gamble on Being Hot for long enough to get job security. which is also a valid career choice but it’s a risky one. always better to have a fallback just in case.
im of an age rn where a lot of women in my peer group are starting to get a very hunted vibe about the impending end of their youth, which is valid. theres nothing foolish about it, its not their fault, theyre not stupid or somehow lacking because this is an issue in their lives. but im noticing that i am significantly less freaked out by, idk, how long ago the 90s were or whatever, because i have been expecting to get old since i was in kindergarten. and i had adults around me who were just like “hey this is what old people look like and what bodies do over time. its not a big deal. everything on tv is fake btw”. i didnt get out unscathed, ive had eating disorders and all sort of weird brain-body problems. 
my advice i guess if i have any is to go outside and really look around you. notice how almost every single woman, and most men, has at least some cellulite, even if its just when theyre sitting down or whatever. notice how everyone has blemishes and zits. most people have some dandruff. if someone is wearing makeup, it’ll be cakey or balled up or smeared or uneven or clumpy even if it’s just a bit. everyone over the age of about 20 will have stretch marks somewhere, even if they aren’t visible except in certain light. i was under the impression i didnt have many until one time seeing a picture of my butt in FULL natural light and finally saw the entire surface of both cheeks was covered in straitions, they just were hard to see most of the time because im the color of drywall and scars tend to be light. it’s really easy to spot hair extensions and wigs and fake nails and fake tans and shapewear once you figure out how to see it. and none of these things take away from someone’s character. 
there’s a strong argument to be made that when corsetry was the norm, no woman was expected to simply be the shape of the corset unless she was actually wearing it. photographs and drawings of women in the 19th and early 20th century were retouched a bit as all photos have been, yes, but they were not retouched to make naked women appear to be corset-shaped. THAT is new. people are now getting surgery to be corset-shaped. and like, i dont think anyone should not be able to look however they want if they want to have that surgery. that is one meaning of cyborg feminism, probably. what i dont want, is for anyone to ever think that’s a normal way to look (except for veryvery tiny mathematical outliers, the Barbie Hips Georg of instagram) WITHOUT surgery or shapewear. which i see a lot now. i saw an instagram fashion designer with a very obviously surgically-altered body answer a question in her inbox about how she maintained her figure with some nonsense about diet and exercise. so now some (probably young) person out there is thinking that if they just do intermittent fasting enough, theyll look like a woman with butt and boob implants, a BBL, fillers, etc. that person probably thinks that if they arent able to diet and exercise good enough, they will fail at looking that way through their own laziness and lack of work ethic or whatever. i see that mindset constantly, especially in young women.
the surgery isnt the issue. the look itself isnt the issue. the filters themselves arent the issue. the issue is that on none of these images, is there an indication of what has been changed or how. the brain damage effect of filters would be lessened, i think, if everyone KNEW which images had been altered and how. so maybe thats the answer? mandatory labeling? i dont know. what’s terrifying is that the average adult human in america cant tell from a glance what has been altered in a photograph, no matter how clumsily, because they simply dont have a template for what a real human looks like anymore. the false images have supplanted the real images, the actual memories of alive humans that you know and have met or lived with. 
if you go into any of the shittier men’s spaces online you will find threads for posting pictures of “beautiful girls”, and it is page after page after page of teenagers in full makeup, hair extensions or wigs, circle lenses, facetuned, bodytuned, surgery, etc, and then hundreds of men yearning and fanning themselves over her “natural beauty”. dont go looking for this stuff, it will permanently fuck you up to know what a basic guy on the bus is thinking about women every day. dont do it
but i also seriously predict a backlash into “natural” looks after this current madness, similarly to how the 1960s saw the rise of the hippie girl with swingin titties, pit hair and no high heels after the consumer beauty madness of the 50s. of course the 60s beauty ideals were in some ways just as fake, but there was some authentic yearning towards a freedom from capitalist bodies as well. so when that happens send me $20: paypal.me/3liza. should be in like the next 4 years or so. thanks
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Hun, of course you're making sense! I understand what you're saying and i absolutely agree with you. Stunts are draining and upsetting, but i guess alot of fans are just taking it out on harry as if he's the one choosing to have beard and a stunt! We dont know the full story as you said. And also, louis didnt receive this backlash and hate from his OWN fans like harry is receiving, when he stunted with danielle and eleanor...All the kissing pics for his promo and danielle's promo..Yet harry is always the one taking the blame? So, actually you're the only one who's cutting harry some slack and sticking up to him and its refreshing to see. Louis is always being sympathised and excused yet harry isnt. Also, it seems like olivia and her manager/publicist are the ones who want those pap kissing pics to get back at harry for ignoring her at venice, since they BOTH have a stunting contract with clauses and olivia has a say in this stunt as well not just harry's team who makes the call. This stunt isnt over yet and it wont be over this month or the next month, it just seems like fans are choosing to blame harry for getting their hopes up that this stunt was over, it was obvious it wasnt over yet when there were paps at harry's last nyc show filming olivia dancing at his show. So today was to be expected. Thank you
Thank you, anon. Idk about you but I vented with people privately, focused on my actual job for a few hours (lol) and took some deep breaths which helped a lot.
I won’t pretend this doesn’t feel shitty. It sucks. I hate feeling stupid and when days like today happen, it’s hard to not feel completely exhausted or misled as a fan. All the thoughts and feelings I saw expressed on my dash were real and valid. My gut tells me right now to just take a step back and breathe. I don’t like what’s going on but I don’t have the full picture. If we ever do get the full picture and it tells me Harry and Louis aren’t people or artists that deserve my time/energy/support anymore, I’ll walk away. Not like an asshole and become a rad or something 😂 I’ll just disengage and find something else that sparks joy, as painful as it would be initially. But yeah, idk. Right now my gut isn’t telling me to do that. I may just need more breaks now and then, which is a healthy way to participate in fandom anyway I think.
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angryaromantics · 2 years
first of all, thank you so much for this blog, its so validating to see a range of really cool experiences, and for someone to help us through our own, i really appreciate you

dont know how to transition to my rant so i guess here i go
im getting really tired of my friends offhandedly implying im just broken or something, i know my own attraction, but they keep going "oh, but you talk about girls all the time, maybe you should consider why" and its really frustrating. just because i thought i was a lesbian for 3 years doesnt mean i am, i just didnt know what being aroace was. and even after ive told everyone many, many times that i really do not appreciate them dismissing my identity, intentional or not, they dont seem to really get it
i know i love physical affection, i know i get really attached to people, i know that i talk a lot about how people look good, but its my orientation its my label. i do not understand romance, i do not like the idea of being in a romantic relationship, i can barely handle someone having a crush on me. stop telling me maybe i should try, or ill probably grow out of it, or maybe i should reconsider! its none of your damn business!
just had to get that out. it feels weird to vent to a stranger and im sorry for just dropping this but thank you for giving me a place to
Thank you, I'm glad you're here. ☀️🌿 And you definitely don't need to apologize for venting when I made the offer. You're fine. I'm happy if I can make you feel better in any way.
I'm sorry that sounds really shitty. You don't deserve that. I've noticed that people have a lot of problems with shifting labels, or when you misidentify yourself, even though it happens alllll the time. No one's an expert on your identity except yourself.
Plus, that whole "you just haven't met the right person" or "you'll grow out of it" argument is stupid, because this is who you are right now, and that's what matters. That's like saying because at some point you could change careers, you can't call yourself whatever your current job is. It makes no sense and doesn't matter.
I hope they get over it, and learn to support you, and learn that there's a difference between aesthetic appreciation and romantic attraction. Or, that you find more supportive friends. You deserve to have people who accept you for who you are.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lady Noir/Ladrien: I’m Learning to Love (Walking Away from Things): Chapter Two
Many thanks to @shadownoble for the prompt for this chapter!
Read it on AO3: I’m Learning to Love (Walking Away from Things: Chapter Two: Starlight
Groaning in exhaustion, Adrien collapsed facedown onto his bed.
Yet again, his father had run him ragged with photoshoots on top of magazine interviews on top of variety show appearances. That wasn’t even counting the extracurriculars he still had to do and the significant workload of his university classes.
He was so wiped, he almost didn’t move to look at his phone when it pinged with an incoming text.
When he saw the sender, however, he was glad that he’d put forth the effort. It was Ladybug checking in on him.
“i remember you saying you had a busy day so i wanted to see how it went”
A second message quickly followed the first: “hang in there!”
His heart melted a little at her concern.
“Thanks for thinking of me, Buguinette. <3” he typed back. “Today”
He paused, briefly considering lying and telling her that it had gone fine. Ultimately, though, he decided on honesty.
“didn’t go very well. There were a lot of problems that put us behind schedule, and my father was in a bad mood. I’m surprised no one got akumatized, honestly.”
“are you okay?” she replied immediately.
He bit his lip.
“he didnt take it out on you did he?” she prompted, and he suspected that she already knew the answer.
Adrien winced, hedging, “I’m all right. Just tired. It was a long day.”
His father had, in fact, lashed out at Adrien, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. Ladybug was already on the warpath against his father, and he didn’t need to give her any more reasons to hold a grudge.
Several minutes passed with no response from Ladybug, so Adrien flopped back down on the bed and closed his eyes.
He was just starting to doze off when a knock on his window pulled him out of the dazed limbo between sleep and wakefulness.
Adrien sat up with a jolt and found Ladybug smiling and waving from the other side of the glass panes.
He fumbled for the remote on his nightstand and hurriedly pointed it at the windows.
“Good evening,” she greeted cheerily as she stepped down into his room. “It’s not too late for a visit, is it?”
“A visit from you?” he chuckled. “Never. For you, my window is always open.”
“Good to know,” she laughed, taking in his rumpled, worn state. “I actually came to make sure you were doing okay and see if you wanted to go stargazing with me, but you look pretty beat.”
Sheepishly, he admitted, “I might be a tiny bit dead on my feet, but I’d never pass up the opportunity to spend time with you, My Lady.”
She didn’t know if she was ever going to get used to hearing him say that with Adrien’s face. It was taking all of her available energy to keep it together around him because she knew that treating him differently would only make things worse and defeat the purpose of her knowing his identity in the first place.
Oblivious to his partner’s internal struggle, Adrien got to his feet and was just about to call on his transformation when he remembered and winced.
“…Except…I promised Plagg that if he were good today, he could relax and watch his Netflix shows and eat Camembert in his sock drawer the rest of the evening.”
Ladybug shrugged, unconcerned. “You don’t have to transform. Just put a jacket on so you don’t get cold, and I can carry you.”
Cheeks burning, Adrien did as bid, slipping on a jacket and then taking her proffered hand.
The feel of her suit on his bare skin was odd but not uncomfortable. He couldn’t compare it to any material he was familiar with.
Not for the first time, he wished that there didn’t have to be a barrier between them.
“At least we’re one step closer to that reality with her knowing my identity,” he tried to comfort himself.
Meanwhile, Ladybug was internally freaking out and glad she still had the thin veil of anonymity to hide behind.
Almost a week after learning her partner’s identity, she was still struggling to reconcile Chat Noir with Adrien, and the feelings she had for both of them were making things complicated.
With a smile carefully pasted in place, she scooped him up into her arms and set off over the rooftops.
She didn’t go far—only to the Eiffel Tower a few blocks from the Agreste Mansion.
“Do you know much about the stars?” he asked as they settled into their usual spots at the top of the monument, away from the prying eyes of the public.
“Not really,” she confessed, sheepishly pushing a lock of hair out of her face. “You?”
“A little.” He pointed up at the sky. “Even though it’s autumn now, you can still see the summer triangle. There’s Vega, Deneb, and Altair.”
She nodded as she made out three bright stars that seemed to form a triangle.
“Over there by the moon, you can see Jupiter and Saturn,” he added, motioning to what looked like two big, dazzling stars.
She frowned. “How can you tell them apart from regular stars?”
“Planets don’t twinkle,” he explained. “Since they’re closer and bigger, their light doesn’t get distorted by the Earth’s atmosphere as much as the stars that are farther away. So, while stars twinkle when dust particles pass between them and us, planets shine more steadily because the dust particles don’t obstruct as much of their light.”
It was the kind of thing that wasn’t out of place coming from Adrien, but Ladybug couldn’t imagine having the same conversation with Chat Noir.
She blinked at him in amazement. “You’re really smart, Chaton.”
“Me? Smart?” A short bark of laughter caught him by surprise, and he shook his head. “I’m just a nerd whose parents kept him locked up most of his childhood. I read a lot to fill the time, so I’ve got a ton of useless trivia floating around up here.”
He tapped the side of his head. “For example, did you know that cats purr to self-sooth? Or, how about that the first cat video was filmed in 1894?”
Now it was her turn to burst out laughing.
That was her dumb cat, all right.
“You are such a dork,” she chortled, shaking her head in disbelief.
He shrugged, looking back up at the sky with a grin.
It was a huge relief that things between them hadn’t changed all that much since she’d learned his identity. It made him think that maybe things would be okay.
Her laughter slowly faded, and she scooted in a little closer, joining him in gazing up at the stars.
They sat there for several minutes before she spoke again.
“…You know…” She swallowed, mentally steeling herself for the confession. “…there was something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Hm?” He tipped his head to the side, his curious gaze meeting her apprehensive one.
“I thought you should know that, about six years ago, I had this ridiculous crush on you—Adrien you,” she clarified.
His eyes flew as wide as galaxies. “You… What?”
“It wasn’t a celebrity crush or anything!” she rushed to assure, waving her arms wildly. “I…I sort of know you in real life, and I had a crush on you.”
His mouth opened and closed several times, and, after a handful of false starts, he managed to respond. “You said that you had a crush on me. Like…as in past tense.”
He drew in a slow breath, mentally preparing himself for the worst. “May I ask what I did that made your crush a past tense thing? Did I do something wrong?”
“Oh!” she gasped, waving her arms like an air traffic controller yet again. “No! Nothing like that. It wasn’t your fault. It was me.”
He winced. “So…‘it’s not you; it’s me’ is what you’re saying?”
She cringed, realizing what an insincere cop out that sounded like. “No. For real, Adrien. It was me. I needed to prioritize my duties as Ladybug, so I didn’t have time for dating, but…mostly…it was that I realized that I didn’t know you as well as I should for how obsessed with you I was.”
She averted her eyes as shame bubbled up hot and red on her cheeks. “It was unhealthy, and I decided that I needed to take a step back and focus on my friendship with you…so that’s what I did. I concentrated on being your friend.”
Tentatively, she looked back up at him. “I think you needed a friend more than anything at the time anyway. …Though, I’m not sure if I even did a good job being your friend. I mean, I completely missed how bad your home life is, how much you hate your hobbies, how little control you feel like you have…”
He shook his head, setting his hand on her shoulder. “Buguinette, no. Don’t beat yourself up about it. I don’t let people see that side of things. Not even Nino knows the whole truth. I’m sure you did your best to be a good friend to me.”
He bit his lip and hesitated. “…Though…I kind of wish you would have said something about your feelings for me.” He accompanied his words with a wink and a teasing Chat Noir grin.
She rolled her eyes and swatted his arm. “Flirt. You would have turned me down flat. You would have been nice about it, but you’d never have gone out with me.”
He grimaced when he realized that she was most likely right. “Probably. I may be stupid, but at least I’m loyal.”
“You’re not stupid,” she groaned. “Be nice to yourself, you dumb cat.”
He leaned in and rested his head against hers. “…Thank you. It means a lot to me that you care.”
“Of course I care,” she sighed. “You have no idea how much I care about you—both sides of you.”
She took a slow, steady breath. “…Plenty of other people care about you too, Adrien. That’s why I think you need to open up with your friends. Nino at least should know about how bad things are. He loves you, and he’d do anything he could to help.”
Adrien pulled away, straightening up and shaking his head. “I don’t want to be a burden on them.”
“They would never think of you that way,” she insisted vehemently.
“I don’t want them to worry when there’s nothing really they can do,” he amended.
“They can at least listen,” she argued. “They can text you cat memes and check in on you and let you vent. Isn’t that all you really want? People supporting you and validating your feelings and reminding you that you’re loved?”
He pursed his lips, silently considering for a long stretch. “…Yes, but…”
“Marinette told me what happened at the photoshoot today, what your father said to you.”
Adrien winced.
He’d known that Marinette was there at the shoot interning, but…
“Marinette heard that?”
Ladybug nodded.
Practically everyone on site had heard Gabriel railing at Adrien.
“He was wrong, you know.” She reached up and gingerly started massaging his scalp. “You’re not useless. He has no idea what he’s talking about.”
Adrien made a noncommittal noise as he closed his eyes and lowered his head to her shoulder.
“You’re amazing and wonderful and hardworking and kind and smart and brave…and the best partner ever,” she stressed with unwavering conviction. “Your father is blind if he can’t see how incredible you are.”
“Thank you, My Lady,” he whispered, voice brittle and trembling as he held in tears.
“…You should tell your friends,” she repeated, gently urging. “You should have support in your daily life, Adrien. I can’t always be there for you, but I want you to have that kind of support. You deserve it.”
“Maybe,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “It’s just…my friends all have really solid family relationships. I don’t think they’d even understand.”
“But they’d try,” she countered. “They’d want to try to understand. They love you.”
“It’s hard to tell people you respect that you’re not all right,” he sighed.
She kept pressing, desperate to get him more support. “They’re not going to think any less of you, Chaton. I don’t. …Maybe start with someone you know will be on your side. Maybe Nino? Or…or Marinette? She was awfully worried about you today. I’m sure she’d want to help.”
Adrien winced and pulled away, sitting up to meet Ladybug’s gaze. “Yeah, but I already told one girl I like that I’m a mess this week. I don’t think I’m emotionally prepared to tell the other one too.”
She stared at him, blinking slowly as her braincells tried to reconfigure what he had said into something that made sense.
“You… You like…?”
An adoring smile spread across his lips, and a soft blush lit up his face. He nodded, rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck.
“Marinette,” he completed, voice full of affection when he said her name. “Yeah. I do. I have for a while now. She’s so sweet and thoughtful and fierce and courageous.”
He laughed. “I’m lucky she deigns to be my friend. Ladybug, she’s so out of my league.”
“I’m sorry. What?” she scoffed, not believing what she was hearing. “You—you who are not only Chat Noir but also Adrien Agreste—you think that Marinette Dupain-Cheng is out of your league?”
Earnestly, he nodded. “Ladybug, she’s amazing. She’s like you.”
She covered her face with her hands as her brain overloaded from how adorable he was.
“Marinette’s not out of your league,” Ladybug grumbled. “…and neither am I.”
His eyebrows slowly climbed up into his hairline.
“Shut up,” she replied preemptively.
A broad grin broke out on his face as he realized that maybe Ladybug’s feelings for Adrien weren’t entirely a past tense thing after all.
“Stop that,” she groaned.
“What? I’m not doing anything,” he chuckled, cuddling up beside her once more.
“You’re being smug,” she pouted, dropping her hands from her face and wrapping an arm around him.
“I would never,” he playfully protested.
A comfortable silence fell between them as they snuggled and gazed at the stars once more.
“…Maybe I should talk with my friends about what’s going on,” Adrien whispered after a long stretch. “It’s just really hard to be vulnerable like that.”
She gave him an encouraging squeeze. “We can practice, if you think that will help.”
He took a deep breath. “Hey, Nino? There’s something I want to talk with you about, if it’s okay.”
“Sure, Mec,” Ladybug responded, doing her best Nino impression. “What’s up, mon pote?”
“…My relationship with my father is in the rubbish bin, and I kind of hate my life,” Adrien groaned.
“Dude. That is it, Mec. I’m adopting you,” Ladybug as Nino decreed. “I’ll fight anyone who gets in my way. We’re gonna make this right.”
Adrien burst out laughing, leaning heavily on his partner. “I don’t know what I’m so afraid of. That’s probably exactly what he’s going to say.”
“So, you’ll tell him?” she pressed, mentally crossing her fingers.
Adrien blew out a long exhale. “Yeah. I’ll try to talk to my friends soon. You’re right. It’s more than I can deal with on my own, and I could seriously use my friends.”
“That’s what we’re here for,” Ladybug reminded, giving his hair a nuzzle.
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