mirroredmemoriez · 9 months
Cecilia/Valentina ship names because why not! It randomly took to my brain so here we are innit.
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As I always start with- We've got the classics of just combining their actual names. -Valilia -Centina -Valia -Centilia This is a Saw ship though, so obviously it has to have a traumatic event linked into the ship name like a DEATH. -Gut/Gutshipping (Cecilia was all up in there) -Ropeshipping -Scammershipping -Malpracticeshipping -Marrowshipping That's it for now! I'll add to this if anything comes to my mind... Otherwise, Mal out-
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quietdeersleepylion · 5 years
My 5 Skyrim OCs as... oddly-structured descriptions
Ul’makur, Khajiit warrior/rogue, renowned throughout the realm for his triumphs and cold, quiet style of leadership. Lives in Solitude, but likes to visit Riften.
Companion/Follower: Marcurio, Destruction mage
Physical Description:  5’10”. Amber-yellow eyes. Dark brown tabby fur (no white patches). Very muscular, but not particularly heavyset, like a tiger. Scar across right eye, muzzle and left cheek. Wide-frame. 
Armor and weapon: Ebony sword (does carry a shield but can’t remember it for the life of me...). Nightingale garb, mixed with glass armor. He prefers to wear all black, but has recently accepted glass as a worthy medium of protection.
Fun fact(s): He’s a werewolf, but doesn’t really care about it either way; he’s already a cat-person. Ul’makur is very aware of how odd he looks in the context of Skyrim’s peoples, and silently challenges someone to doubt him. Unhappily married.
Orosara, little-known Altmer sellsword who hangs out in Solitude.
Companion/Follower: Belrand, battlemage
Physical Description:  6’3”. Boldly beautiful, with a fuller face than most of her kind (though the bone structure is still there, the fat is just filled in more “humanly”), golden blonde hair freely rippling back, light golden skin and fiery amber eyes. Nose elegantly swoops down and out, lips are full, eyebrows are light, light blonde and arch dramatically etc. Diamond face shape. Athletic, not overly ripped, but very in shape. Wide-medium frame.
Armor and weapon: Battleaxe, heavy armor (haven’t played a lot of these characters in forever so bear with me).
Fun fact(s): She hates magic and loves good liquor. Frustrated with her lot in life. 
Casivus, Nightblade, assassin, Dunmer. Works alongside the Dark Brotherhood, hangs out in Windhelm and Riften. Uses Enchanting, Alchemy, Illusion, and is very interested in mastering Conjuration.
Companion/Follower: None
Physical Description: 5’9”. Solid-toned grey skin. Dark red eyes. Lean, healthy, but barely above starving. Black, shoulder-length hair braided back away from the face, in two plaits from the temples back, meeting around the back of the head in a tight ponytail. Scar across left cheek. Wiry features, glittering eyes but no wrinkles to be found. Medium-frame. Has black scruff along the jaw with some sort of goatee.
Armor and weapon: Mismatch of light armor, always with muffled boots. Knife and magic; casts an Illusion spell and then goes in with the knife. Double-wields in extremely dire situations.
Fun fact(s): Occasionally theorizes about finding vampires to join their kind, as he already feels rather soulless. Questioning path, but not because he has any moral doubts, he just wants to work alone. Has worked with Valilia in the past to further his training.
Rime, Bosmer archer, new to Skyrim. Looks up to Ul’makur, lives in Riverwood. Works with Faendal, but really likes making friends with everyone. 
Companion/Follower: Eventually Lydia, warrior, and then eventually Uthgerd, warrior.
Physical Description: 5’6”. Wears green paint under her eyes in two horizontal lines to reflect the light. Brownish/tannish/goldish skin. Oval face shape. Darting medium green eyes. Face is cute and alert, slightly plain in terms of the nose, average face shape, verging on squinty; eyes are the most compelling feature. Skinny, medium-frame.
Armor and weapon: Fur pelts, hunter’s bow and iron and steel arrows. Carries a throwing axe and several throwing knives strapped to her legs. 
Fun fact(s): People think she’s a spy, but seriously, she’s NOT a spy! Barely cares about what’s going on around her. Belongs to a group of hunters who hunt game for local merchants.
Valilia, Arch-Mage, dragonborn, Altmer. Master of Destruction and Restoration. Lives in Markarth. Routinely visits the College, and checks in on well-known mages throughout the land.
Companion/Follower: First Vorstag, sellsword, Brelyna, conjuration mage, back to Vorstag, then Kharjo, warrior.
Physical Description: 6’½” Heart-shaped face, with attentive, solid black eyes tilted up on the outer corners. The eyes are both perpetually narrowed (although she doesn’t mean it) and almost surprisingly larger than they usually appear in her normal expression. The lips are softly shaped, almost frowning that soften her very unyielding visage. Slightly unkempt brows, low and near to the eyes, the bone structure of the brow is prominent. Thin, arrow-straight, but rather prominent nose that makes her profile look quite strong. Vaguely alien-esque with harsh bone structure (even for her race). Darker, tempered gold skin, almost tinged with green. Twisted light brown hair kept back in two braids down the crown of the forehead. Not outright athletic, it’s more like the potential is there, but she hasn’t had time to maintain her physique. Medium-frame. 
Armor and weapons: Arch-Mage’s robes, magic, carries fire-enchanted glass dagger, never uses it. Almost always wears a dragon priest’s mask (Otar, made of malachite I believe).
Fun fact(s): She enjoys the Alteration and Restoration schools of magic to supplement her well-used collection of offensive Destruction spells. Valilia has an innate aversion to Illusion and Conjuration, because she believes they’re manipulating the mind, or creating an enslaved shadow of intelligence, respectively. She doesn’t voice this thought aloud as she finds it to be one of her less productive takes, and will conjure a Flame Atronach if she is truly desperate. She just greatly prefers to be self-sufficient. Out of the shouts she has learned, the shout “Slow Time” is her most-used, because she is easily startled (albeit extremely powerful), and needs more time to gather herself. That being said, not very adventurous, she just has responsibilities. She also had 2 dogs, both of whom died in Dwemer ice ruins, one by vampires, the other caught in the crossfire of a mage’s battle.
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