lurafita · 4 months
Challenge time!
I got a challenge. So I found this:
random generator thing. I typed in the different species we know from canon (tv-show canon for me), and that will randomly assign a species for a character. Like you press go for Magnus, write down result, then press go for Alec, write down result, and so on. Then, once the species have been assigned to the characters, you need to think up a prompt for them. My picks will be under the cut.
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (🤣)
Raphael: Vampire (Are you kidding me?!)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm.
and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia… I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him.
Or, Clary was supposed to be a shadowhunter (like her canon counterpart), and Luke was the high warlock who blocked her sight/erased her memories, and the werewolf thing just happened. So when the transformation seems to mess with Clary more than it should, because there is a magical block involved (which they don't know at this point), Magnus calls in the high warlock. Luke helps Clary through the transforamtion, but then in order to have the chaotic energies in Clary balance out, they need to get her her memories back. And just like Magnus in canon, Luke had given them to a demon for safekeeping. The demon in question happens to be Alec.
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nachtwesen · 3 months
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Portrayal of Catarina von Schwarzschild, a character based on the novel series 'The Vampire Diaries' by Lisa J. Smith but with very own story aspects.
“She’s something odd and uncertain, half of her was made of stars, full of death and filled with light; her other half was made of scars, full of life and filled with darkness.”
tw - violence, death, strong language, mental illness, physical and psychological abuse, trauma (response), mdni 21+
open for plotting, activity varies
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thesundowncrew · 2 years
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The fact that I had the inspiration for this piece at the eleventh hour & finished what is essentially three separate illustrations combined in under 48 hours is mind-blowing to me. Anyways get spooked! Hope you had a good #halloween 🎃👻☠️🐺🦇😘 Stay safe!
From left to right:
Catarina inspired by Tim Burton's 'The Corpse Bride'
Nightshade as a werecat, inspired by the actual werewolf cat, Lykoi.
Axel in this modern halloween remake is a hardened medium & occultist, accompanied by the spirit of his younger sister, Miruna.
Liore inspired by Charlotte Elbourne & Samhain inspired by Meier Link from Vampire Hunter D.
Fun fact: the beginning of this pic connects with the end, creating a sort of loop which was a last minute idea I had when adding the final touches. You can see it better on my ig (deesdoodleswastaken).
These are all characters from my comic, Tales of Sundown, on #webtooncanvas 🍀
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Vampire’s Kiss
A trick of hypnosis. NSFW. Features F resus, F rescuer, cardiophilia, CPR, fingering, sex acts on an unconscious person, consensual cardiac arrest
Catarina laid her head back against the overstuffed pillows, her hair spilling out in a halo of gold ringlets. Her stormy, nearly silver eyes bore into the creature hovering above her in the shape of a woman. A lovely woman at that. Lovely skin, a deep onyx that was almost purple in certain lights, black hair clipped short to the scalp, round full lips, eyes like burning coals. Even if her features morphed into that of a bat when the light fell across her nose and mouth, even if she had the face of demons painted in every church inside which Catarina had spent her childhood; she was still beautiful. Beautiful and hers. Her Lady Angelique. Her fallen angel.
The tip of her claw traced over the many layers of fabric packed around Catarina’s pale belly and the cloth parted under her hands. Laces snapped and cloth ripped with hardly a noise of complaint. When her long, wickedly hooked nail came to the middle of Catarina’s chest, she swiped up, and her round breasts fell as the last of her bustier gave way at once. Despite so many nights of this creature coming to her in the dead of night, she still blushed to be exposed before her, turning away as her cheeks and chest flushed red. The air between them grew heavier, and she knew Angelique was scenting the blood flooding closer to her skin. Her talons came to lay against Catarina's ribcage. Her thumb curved beneath one breast, the rest of her long and elegant fingers curling around her side. Her heart beat madly, tapping against the creature's palm. She lowered her face, her nose swiping up the valley of her breasts.
"You're starving, aren't you, love?" she whispered in the dark, braving her hands to rest against Angelique's thin arms. Deceptively thin. Underneath, she could still feel the rippling of muscles. She could plunge that hand under Catarina's ribs and tear her open, if it pleased her.
"I never come to you starving, mon petit peau de vin. I would not be able to help myself." Her lips grazed over the curve of her shoulder. "I would be a beast to you."
Catarina reached up, slipping her hand between the gap in her beast's simple cotton shirt, laces undone to the middle of her chest, and cupped one of her small breasts in turn. "I like when you're beastly."
She chuckled against her freckle dusted chest. "Non. You don't. You have not seen me as a beast yet."
Her fingers rolled over Angelique's nipple, watching the edges of her shape as she held herself aloft above Catarina's bed. The creature's hand moved up to the slope of her chest, feeling with delicately curved fingers how her heart leapt there, that little space where it jumped against her skin in her excitement.
"Do you like feeling my heart?" Angelique nodded at the question, turning her hand to press her palm a bit harder against the breastbone. Just hard enough her heart beat up against the sudden intrusion and sped a little. "I have no heart of my own," said the creature, "I envy you for it."
Her lips curled and she resettled against the bed, laying her arms above her head. "Shall we play that game again?"
She couldn't see her naked brow arch in the dark, but she felt it. "Oh? Did you enjoy it last time, mon petit peau de vin?" Catarina nodded. "I liked being at your mercy." The beast chuckled low and husky. "You are always at my mercy, sweet dove." Still, her hand trailed up, nails gingerly dragging over the surface of her skin, to wrap around her throat. Catarina's thighs instinctively rubbed against one another.
"We won't be playing for awhile after this, oui? I do not want to damage that lovely lump of gray matter behind that pretty face." Catarina giggled at her words and nodded her assent. "Promise, not for a little while," she said, "Just tonight."
So she began. Angelique's thumb tapped against the carotid artery in her throat in time with her rapid pattering heartbeat. "I see your heart, snug and content between your lungs. You don't notice it most of the time, the hard work it puts in to make your cheeks flush under my gaze." Her mouth lowered to lick a stripe over Catarina's sternum. "But it feels a little slower, no? And a little slower still." As she said this, Catarina's heart did indeed slow its steady gallop, and the tapping thumb slowed its pace as well. Her breaths came a little deeper and slower, even if her head swam a bit from the sudden drop. "You can feel it open and shutter its gate with each pulse of blood. Squeezing out through your entire body. But there's less blood to go around now." So there was. Her fingers prickled with cold.
Angelique lowered her mouth to her shoulder, dragging her fangs in two little lines down the skin there. It was just enough to draw blood, and it welled up from the wounds on her tongue as she licked back up over the twin lines she'd made. "Mmh. Eager, aren't we? Your blood practically leaps for my tongue, sweet dove." Catarina slid her leg in between the creature's, spurring her back into their game. "Ah, but that workhorse behind your ribs. It's slowing down more, isn't it? A little slower. A little slower." Catarina tried to keep her angel's devil eyes in her sight, but it was hard. Her head kept nodding, her lids getting heavier, until those twin flames in the blackness of her room were distant fires. Her brain told her to breathe, her body, so accustomed to living, fought against this gentle death. Even if it wouldn't be permanent, her ancient systems, taught her entire life to keep her heart beating and her brain thinking and her lungs breathing, did not know the creature's plans. Her brain snapped orders for her lungs to take a breath and she heard the choked, snoring sound she emitted with the attempt.
Her angel brought her lips to the artery still pushing blood, valiantly trying to keep up with its one job; keep her alive. She didn't feel anything but the slight rush of cold where her fangs buried into the soft meat of her throat. The flat of Angelique's tongue rolled over her pale neck, drawing her lifeblood away from her slowing heart. There was only the slight pulling sensation to Catarina's fading awareness. Her pulse swelled against the creature's lips, each hot spurt of blood down her angel's throat providing one less ounce of life to her body.
Finally, after a few great, gulping mouthfuls, Angelique drew away just enough to whisper against the shell of her ear. "And now... it stops."
And it did.
Her heart finally slowed to a stop, pooling one last spurt of blood inside her chest before it went still. The last wisp of oxygen left her lungs in a quiet rasp, her chest falling under the beast’s hand, cupped against her ribcage once more. She leaned over her prize for a moment after, her lips still against her pulse point, reveling in the feeling of her stillness and the blood still gently leaking from the puncture wounds in her neck. She swiped out at the thin trickles with her tongue and drew back up, settling her weight against Catarina’s hips. Even in the pitch black of the room, the quickly vanishing remains of her body heat glowed like embers, and her slack face was clear enough to the beast. She’d never had a willing feed source, let alone one that liked this game.
Angelique skated her palm up from the side of her ribs to the center of Catarina’s sternum. Those gray eyes stared up lifeless into her face, but she knew awareness still lingered behind them. Even as her throat worked of its own accord and she made another one of those wet, rasping noises of a failed breath. She had enough power in her body to cave in every bone in her body, so she relegated herself to one hand as she began to pump the heel of her palm into Angelique’s still heart. The other she let drift over the girl’s cheek, slid down her jawline, skimming over the artificial pulse she was creating in her neck.
Catarina watched, both outside herself and in. She felt her ribcage bend a surprising amount without breaking, though perhaps it would. She’d liked the last time when it had, and she couldn’t so much as breathe at court without thinking of her monster. It had pleased her beyond words to bear the mark of her love in the blackened bruise of her sternum. And she had been so tender after, almost apologetic. That didn’t stop her from beating against her heart just as hard this time. She pictured the swell of blood, pulling into and pushing out of arteries, cycling back through her heart at the behest of the woman sat astride her. She wanted her to kiss her, but knew she had no breath in her own lungs to give. Catarina was only playing a corpse, while Angelique had to suffer as one.
“You’re still wet,” the creature mused. Her free hand had slid down from the artery in her throat to the one at the apex of her thighs. Her fingers moved between their bodies and found her femoral, feeling each compression against her heart push blood down through her extremities. “You are such an odd little dove.” Her fingers dragged a bit over to the side, parting her slick folds with hooked claws. But she was gentle, always gentle for her prize. She rubbed against her entrance with a knuckle, the pad of her thumb rubbing her clit in tandem, careful not to claw something sensitive.
Catarina wanted to moan, but all that came out was a croaking breath. Angelique worked her fingers over her plump lips and eased them inside, still gentle as she guided the curved talons at the end of her slender digits into her. They scraped just enough against her inner walls that she would have hissed in pain if she had any control of her vocal cords or lungs. The creature pushed harder against her ribcage now, a faster rhythm that she created with one hand and felt with the other. She preferred it when her dove’s own racing heartbeat was mirrored inside her, not the beat she made for her while the organ lay motionless inside her ribcage, but she enjoyed it never the less. Each hard pummel against her sternum made her soft, round belly pop up, tapping against her own sex, which made her shiver. Her full breasts rippled from the force of each compression, swaying to the rhythm. Angelique moved in and out of her to the beat she created for her, coaxing another strangled attempt at a breath from Catarina.
Angelique’s eyes burned like hellfire as she stared down into her prize’s unblinking gaze. “Will you come back willingly, dove? Or do you need a little more motivation?”
Catarina wanted to scream, “Yes, god, yes, I’ll refuse any attempt at revival until you kiss me. Kiss me and take me.” But she couldn’t move. She was in the hands of the vampire, just where she wanted to be. Still, Angelique seemed to hear and smiled at her desperate spirit. She leaned down, pausing her compressions, her attempts to beat life back into her, and laid her palm flat against her heart. There was nothing there, of course, and without her manually pumping blood through her ventricles the pulse in her warm cunt died too. Still, she lowered her body down so her small breasts and bony clavicle brushed against Catarina’s full bosom, her hardened nipples. Her lips parted, tongue pressing between her sharp canines and she leaned in to take her mouth. It offered no resistance, nor did it reciprocate her affection, but she went on kissing anyway, tongue probing her still mouth. Catarina’s lung shuddered with another failed attempt at breathing and she gasped into her mouth. Her fingers moved in a restless, quickening pace, drawing her muscles tighter as she neared her climax. As if joining in the growing excitement, her heart had taken up a fluttering, inconsequential cadence, too weak to draw her away from the limbo she was still caught in.
When Angelique pulled away, she smiled down at her dove, fingers flicking like a snake tongue in and out her dripping gash. “Now,” she sighed, “I think you ought to come back.” And she raised her other hand up in a balled fist. She struck Catarina between the breasts, a hollow thump reverberating as the blow landed, and Catarina arched with a massive inhalation. Her heart burst back into a racing rhythm and she came as it returned, groaning from the pit of her lungs and squirming beneath her fallen angel as she relentlessly toyed with her. She orgasmed twice, both times crying out and clutching for her strong thighs as Angelique rode astride her.
Then, as she lay panting and spent, Catarina let her lay across her body, head tucked against her chest. Unmade and made again. She smiled down at her beast and slid her arms around her.
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whosralf · 21 days
"facts that i have to remind everyone" but they happened in the Bane chronicles:
- Catarina gets free pizza from Magnus after removing his memory
- Elyass calls Will "Bill Herondale"
- Ragnor and Magnus were once pirates
- Raphael teachs to some random vampires the rules for a better society of vampires
- Magnus offers scotch to vampires
- Ragnor stills angry bc Magnus forgot about his birthday more than 50 yrs ago
- "Weren't you twelve?"
- Magnus shapesifts into a cat during the French Revolution
- Raphael writes to Ragnor every day
- Imasu,Aldous Nix,Dolly,Greg,Max,Ralf,Woosley..
- Magnus continues to visit Etta even when she doesn't even remember him
- Magnus doesn't remember any name,not only Jace and Simon
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I know the show is like, way more serious on this matter, but when it comes to the books, I love how casual the whole politics area is
Shadowhunters? The Consul is like *the* most important person in the wholeass world and they’re elected on a random afternoon with candidates who were nominated like two minutes ago. Before that, Jia kept trying to make Alec Head of any institute like she was assigning chores in a house or something. (“Alec, you should wash the dishes you’re GOOD AT WASHING DISHES” “I DON’T WANT TO JUST WASH THE DISHES LET ME DEEP CLEAN THE WHOLE FUCKING HOUSE!!”).
And yeah sure the Consul has a fancy house in Idris and all but they can just choose to live anywhere they fancy to. Imagine the US President living in an apartment in New York and just showing up at the White House whenever he needs to do work. Alec and Charlotte on the other hand can like, do exactly that. (Tho tbh Alec doesn’t have much of a choice, and even when he does he’ll choose to live in NY anyways)
Warlocks? Literally any random Warlock can call himself the High Warlock of anything and everyone else will just be like “*shrugs* Yeah sure”. Magnus literally switches places with Catarina for the Warlock member of the council as if it’s a random corporate brunch event all like “Cat I can’t be there my ex is gonna show up” and then again all like “Actually nvm I kind of want to see my ex Cat, Imma go”
And yeahhhh sure they have the Spiral Labyrinth Council but since literally every warlock is the personification of “fuck you I do what I want” it doesn’t help much anyways.
Werewolves and Vampires are a wee bit better when it comes to leadership but their literal only rule for someone becoming a leader is “you have to kill the previous leader”. And that is how a 16 year old girl became the head of a werewolf pack and a literal 12 year old became the leader of the NY Vampire clan.
Faeries are like, the only group in this world with a proper political structure, kinda ironic since they’re known to be the most chaotic creatures.
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foodsies4me · 6 months
April Malec fic rec!
Thanking @just-add-butter and @ariella9melody for this month's theme which is a double combo of "Outsider's POV" and "Let Alec have friends!" The same rules apply as always, one fic per author, even though all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Enthrallment by @smilebackwards: Magnus' magic being possessive and warlocks reacting to Magnus' magic being possessive, what more could you want? OC POV!
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic. Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
And I am breaking my own rules by rec-ing a second fic by smilebackwards: Portable Magic
Magnus may go slightly overboard helping Alec set up for the book club gathering. Technically, perhaps, he didn’t need to create a signature cocktail or barter a favor to Raphael for O neg blood for the vampires or source the biscotti directly from Italy. But hospitality is important and these are Alec’s friends. He wants to make a good impression. Or: Alec is in a Downworld book club and Magnus finds this unaccountably fascinating.
I'll die on this (Under)hill by @clottedcreamfudge: like all of the fics written by clottedcreamfudge, this fic is downright hilarious. That said, poor Underhill. Underhill POV!
The point is, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood clearly have an intimate knowledge of each other, and it has never once impacted on their work. What it is beginning to impact on, however, is Andrew’s sanity. Because apparently he really is the only one to have noticed it.
Be careful with my best friends heart by TheLostLightwood: A fic in Cat's perspective, who I maintain is one of the best characters in the series and we needed more of her! Cat POV!
Catarina Loss had known Magnus for a long time, she had seen him cry, laugh, mourn, get injured and fall in love many times before. But she had never seen him more in love or more broken than she had in this moment. Cat's POV, as Alec is seriously injured in a fight against demons. And Magnus well he...
Alec's Little Ducklings by @to-the-stars-writing (this will be one of two recs for to the stars because I am being very bad at keeping to my rules this time around). Alec gets hurt and all of his friends appear to take care of him!
After Alec's hurt coming home from the Hunter's Moon, he's left laid up in bed when the drug they gave him prevents his injuries from being healed by angelic or magical powers. Magnus is fully prepared to do take care of his stubborn boyfriend, only to find out that there are a few other people who are more than willing to offer their help.
the right thing by @cuubism: As the summary says, Alec's first speech as the Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned. Izzy POV!
Alec's first speech as Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned.
nock. draw. release by chaidrivenwhore: A non human POV, but a weapon POV! Alec's bow to be specific!
the bow and arrows had tempted many, but this specific one, with its curved limbs engraved with angelic runes and sharp arrows, straight and unbending, had called out to a nine year old alexander lightwood like no other had.
Multi-chapter fics or series:
Families of Choice by MonPetitTresor, a recommendation made by @ariella9melody that I can only agree with because this fic is wonderful (as are all fics my MonPetitTresor).
Life at the Institute takes a turn for the worse for Alec. When he's alone with nowhere else to turn, his siblings step up and help him find his feet once more with help from a few new friends along the way. Between them, Alec finally gets a chance to realize that the world doesn't begin and end with being a Shadowhunter, and there's more out there for him, so long as he's got the courage to reach out and grab it.
ask the always impossible of me by @faejilly: Some very nice Aline and Alec friendship!
Just for one night, a magical ball where anyone can meet, when anything is possible... And that's just the beginning.
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing: I love how Stars depicts Alec's struggles with his mental health and there are a lot of friends for Alec in this one!
For a long time, Alec had felt like his life was held together by strings tied on him by the Clave, his parents, his siblings. Strings that pulled and tugged him in every which direction, heedless of the bruises and blood left behind. As much as they hurt, some days they’d been the only thing to hold him together. That is, up until the moment Alec stood on the shores of Lake Lyn and faced the death of the one person who held a piece of his soul, and the lies that followed his mysterious resurrection. There, on the shores of Lake Lyn, those strings finally pulled too hard, and Alec broke. With the permission of the Inquisitor, and the help of the warlock who Alec had wanted so desperately to allow himself to fall for (and had been terrified to do more than smile at his flirting) Alec walked away from everything and everyone. He left New York behind and made himself a home in the small town of Prayer – a joke Magnus found particularly funny. But, two years after that fateful night, Alec’s old life comes knocking, and those strings he thought he’d finally cut are tugging him home. Back to the place he never wanted to have to see again. At least this time, he’s not facing it alone.
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margareturtle · 3 months
The Bane Chronicles are so underrated
I think it’s bc the first few stories are Pre TID and so we don’t get to see as many favs
What Really Happened in Peru — Magnus & Ragnor in Peru ICONIC. Magnus not really knowing what to do with his life REAL
The Runaway Queen — MARIE ANTOINETTE + MAGNUS ARE YOU KIDDING ME !! The hot air balloon. The vampires. I have no choice but to stan.
Vampires, Scones, & Edmund Herondale — early days of Camille. Shadowhunters being icky as usual. Will’s parents <3 Edmund left the shadowhunters for her 😫😫 (imagine if Jace lost his runes 💔💔)
The Rise of the Hotel Dumort — the vibes. Just the vibes !! 1920’s NYC. Speakeasies. Camille & the vamps.
Saving Raphael Santiago — RAPHAEL MY BBG <33
The Fall of the Hotel Dumort — more RAPHAEL !! Plus a super old crazy warlock !! Magnus is so done lmaoo and the drama hasn’t even started
What to Get a Shadowhunter Who has Everything — Elyaas my bestie it’s been a while lmaoo also Ragnor + Catarina my besties. Alec’s bday !!
The Last Stand of the New York Institute — Followed by a flashaback of Magnus to a pregnant Maryse “i have no interest in the world you want or your doubtless repellent brat” LMAOO COMEDIC GOLD (Also seeing circle dynamics with Luke & Valentine, + Robert & Michael !! ) + Tessa & Magnus being besties ft baby clary
The Course of True Love (and first dates) — Malec first date <33
The voicemail of Magnus Bane — don’t do this to the cats Magnus !! Church and Chairman are in love 🥹😭
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How about like a post winter soldier-ification. So someone got a hold of Alec to make him into the perfect weapon. So the finding and healing after the fact?
Uh… this is definitely sort of like that. It’s based on the prompt I just… it went places
:) I hope you enjoy!
“I know you have a weapon, stolen from the clave.” Clarissa says, eager as she finally explains why the young, apparently runed shadowhunter gets to her point. She’d cornered Magnus in a club, her blonde scowling bodyguard scowling at her side.
Magnus accepted only to get information and now he finds that he has gained quite a bit.
After all, he didn’t know the clave was still spouting those lies.
“I stole nothing from the clave.” Magnus hisses and any goodwill he had for the little girl he remembers allowing to hide with her mother in his territory is gone. “I took back something they stole from me and what I took was not a weapon, Clarissa Fray.”
“But it was something that can help! Whatever it is! It’s powerful enough that even the Inquisitor wants it!”
Magnus doesn’t hesitate to lift her by the neck, magic circling around her neck.
“Who told you to come here?” Magnus demands, his magic flaring as he demands the truth.
“Isabelle Lightwood!” Clarissa gasps out, “she's the weapons specialist of the Iron Sisters, she said to come and ask you for help. When we asked Jace’s grandmother about you, she told us you’d stolen a weapon.”
“So it only took Isabelle forty-three years to betray us.” Magnus sneers and he laughs, bitter and bold as his magic flexes, threatening to crush Carissa’s larynx.
Blondie is still unconscious in the foyer and Magnus laughs, because Clarissa is struggling and she looks betrayed.
She can never feel as betrayed as Magnus has and does.
“When you see Isabelle Lightwood next, remind her of what happened the last time she spoke without thinking. She seems to have forgotten
“My darling Alexander.” Magnus murmurs longingly as he traces the smooth plane of Alexander’s face. He presses his lips to Alexander’s brow and then slowly lets his magic wake his love up.
“Magnus?” His perfect, amazing boy asks, voice hoarse with days upon days of forced sleep. “It’s morning?”
Magnus always wakes his darling at night, easing him back to their world in the time they know the best.
“Alexander.” Magnus breathes out, letting the cold facade he’s worn for nearly half a century melt away. “Beloved, say my name again?”
“Magnus—“ Alexander whispers immediately and he reaches out, fingers trembling as they clutch Magnus' skin.
“Isabelle betrayed us.” Magnus whispers and Alexander stiffens in his arms, “the clave sent hunters sniffing around for a weapon. We need to speed it up darling.”
“You said no, last time. That you wouldn’t do it.”
“I did.” Magnus whispers because he'd rather only have Alexander for a single day a year than risk losing him or even put him through more pain. However, he also will not allow the clave to think they can claim Alexander as a weapon.
Magnus has hoarded and protected his rightfully claimed treasure for decades now. He will not let the clave think they can still what they consider a relic for him, not when their supposed weapon is the love of his life.
“I’ve reconsidered.” Is all Magnus will say, because he will cause Alexander pain if it means keeping him. “I’ll contact Ragnor and Catarina, let them know I’ll need them. The Labyrinth is ready, I’ve paid to keep a warded wing ready at all times for our use.”
Alexander gives him a weak smile as he leans away, yawning as he blinks away sleep.
“I won’t have long, this time.” He warns and Magnus can feel the ache in his voice.
“I know—“ Magnus whispers because he can feel the angelic horror twining around his love’s soul. The pain Magnus already feels.
The same pain that led to Magnus slaughtering an entire coven of vampires.
And perchance, as Magnus tries new arrays and rituals, a few warlocks who annoy him disappear.
Perhaps a dozen or so werewolves disappear during the super moons and eclipses disappear.
The seelie queen has lost a few hundred of her subjects, payment for her many missteps.
One of which cost Magnus dearly. He plucks them over the years, the power of their immortal lives helping him subjugate the angelic curse into submission.
And of course, any nephilim who stray into any traps Magnus lays are harvested.
For nothing can compare to the being Magnus currently holds between his palms.
He kisses Alexander, unable to resist him a moment longer and they share breath and caresses for rare, soft luxurious moments.
Until Alexander starts to stiffen against him and Magnus pulls away, spell already on his lips as Alexander’s eyes turn a cold unfeeling, unthinking blue.
As Alexander fades to a body containing too much angelic core for a personality to survive.
“Rest, my heart.” Magnus soothes quietly as his magic catches and puts Alexander to sleep. “I’ll protect you till you wake, my Alexander.”
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malec-ao3feed · 4 months
Within the shadows we find light
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AlQP2nc by ToTheStarsWriting For the first time in a long time, things finally felt like they were going well. The shadow world had settled down after everything with Lilith and Jonathan, the Clave seemed to be making a turn for the better, and Alec’s life seemed to finally be on track. He had great friends, a better relationship with his parabatai, and a husband he loved more than life itself and who loved him in return. He should’ve realized something would happen to mess that all up. An attack during a routine patrol leaves Magnus caught in a magic no one understands, the life-force slowly draining out of him. They’ve exhausted every resource they have to try and save him. But after weeks and weeks with no cure in sight, and Magnus’ condition slowly worsening, those closest to him seem ready to give up. All except Alec. With all hope lost, Alec goes to one last group of people to try and help him save his husband’s life. But will the price they ask for prove to be too much for him to pay? Or will it be worth it to save the man he loves? Words: 3523, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood, Catarina Loss, Maryse Lightwood, Luke Garroway, Clary Fray, Simon Lewis, Rimni Farseer, Pyrravyn, Alvaerelle, Aliri, Alaion - Character, Virion Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, mentioned Clary Fray/Jace Wayland - Relationship Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Magnus Bane, Protective Alec Lightwood, Curses, Not Canon Compliant, Clary has her memories, Raphael is a vampire, Friendship, Married Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane Loves Alec Lightwood, Unseelie Court, Worldbuilding, I can't help it read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AlQP2nc
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Perfection is Overrated by JaggedCliffs (+ podfic) (NOTE: I've recced this fic before and I'll rec it again. When I die, I want to be buried with this fic)
For his first thirteen years, Zuko was raised in a palace. And yet somehow, it's the three years outside the Fire Nation that seem to count more – at least to the palace staff, who act like he's been raised by fox-wolves.
At first, this only annoys Zuko.
Until he begins to think that the Fire Nation needs more than a formerly-banished prince.
a brush of fingers, a kick of shins by lesmiserablol (+ podfic)
"Okay, I’ve been thinking all day, and here’s my idea,” Toph tells Zuko on their way to dinner. “You’re so sure he’s not into you, so I’m going to help you out and give you a gentle nudge every time he flirts so that you notice it.”
“Okay,” Zuko says slowly. He doubts it will be necessary, he and Sokka have been best friends for over five years now and that is probably all that Sokka thinks of him as. A good friend. “I don’t know if it’ll come up, but if it does...just don’t make it obvious, yeah?”
“Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Toph smiles. Zuko knows her fairly well, he knows he should be worried at that, but he just follows her into the dining hall.
Stranger Things
who wants to live forever? by starbeyy
In which Steve Harrington has two nightmares: The one he has about the fire at the Starcourt Mall every time he falls asleep, and the one where Eddie Munson visits him at Family Video to ask him for a favor.
shape it up (get it straight) by fivecenturiesverse (+ podfic)
Mike doesn't know when he started caring why Steve and Eddie are friends now, but Dustin has made him curious. Eddie and Steve were enemies before, sort of. So why are they now best friends? They've just got to do a bit of surveillance to work this puzzle out. If Mike accidentally finds out he has feelings for his best friend along the way then... well, shit.
“At least I’m not using binoculars.” Mike shoots a derisive look over at Dustin. “Like we’re not in the middle of the high street, if they spot us how are you going to explain away those, huh?”
“Bird watching,” says Dustin. “My new hobby.”
Lucas punches him on the arm. “God you’re so fucking stupid.”
“You gave them to me!”
Portable Magic by smilebackwards
Magnus may go slightly overboard helping Alec set up for the book club gathering.
Technically, perhaps, he didn’t need to create a signature cocktail or barter a favor to Raphael for O neg blood for the vampires or source the biscotti directly from Italy. But hospitality is important and these are Alec’s friends. He wants to make a good impression.
Or: Alec is in a Downworld book club and Magnus finds this unaccountably fascinating.
count the ways by smilebackwards
"I know the nephilim have some truly skewed perspectives on our history and culture but have you ever seen anything like this before?” Magnus holds out the book, open to Warlock Courting Traditions. The text only takes up half a page, a mystifying run-on list of odd and impossible tasks. It’s formatted almost like poetry and his dear, pedantic Alexander has turned it into a checklist, penciled lightly down the margin.
Ragnor snorts into his tea.
“Oh,” Catarina says, looking at the book. “That."
In somno veritas (In sleep lies the truth) by lawsofchaos (+podfic)
Jace blinks, peering at the loft in vague stupefaction. “This,” and Alec’s parabatai’s voice sounds like he’s dragging each noise out from his exhausted mind and forcing it out before he can forget what word he just discovered. “Isn’t the Institute?” The final phrase comes out as a question.
Alec tilts his head in puzzlement, glancing at his brother as if wondering how he could possibly consider that Alec had taken them there instead of here. “No?”
Alec’s head moves back to level and he narrows his eyes instead. “We said we were going home after patrol.”
The ‘ergo, we are home now’ wasn’t said, but it was obvious in implication.
bloom by smilebackwards
Alec loves watching Izzy get flowers but he thinks he would have liked, just once, to know what it felt like for someone to send him something so bright and sweet, frivolous, just because they cared.
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lurafita · 8 days
Make it random!
Found a generator online that randomly matched given characters to given species. Now I have:
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (lol)
Raphael: Vampire (okay...)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm. and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia... I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him
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nachtwesen · 4 months
𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍
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Occasionally I do ask myself the important questions, I really do. Was it a smart idea forming a love triangle with two already rivalling and very characteristically different brothers? Furthermore, was it a good idea to trust a stranger in my must vulnerable state to save me from dying, thus becoming an undead creature/a vampire? Should I have killed the brothers in the moment they didn't accept my gift of immortality and thus not having all the stress breaking havoc a few centuries later? Was it smart to pursue a relationship with either brother later? Would my life be easier if I had just killed Elena Gilbert before I died and found out that she is my half-sister, which is even weirder if you consider the age difference? Are relationships with demons ever a smart move? Is trusting witches ever a good idea?
I may have eternal trust issues but my bipolar personality and deeply enrouted paranoia totally make up for that. You try living for centuries without having a mental breakdown, mission impossible. I am working on my problems with therapist no. 4.
● tw - writings can contain the following topics: violence, death, mental illness, physical and psychological abuse, trauma ● mdni 21+
pinterest vitae 1 vitae 2
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Catarina Madeleine von Schwarzschild - your friendly local vampire born in the 1540s who uses sarcasm, violence and pain instead of dealing with emotions and people (tvd books character)
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lwamonstergirls · 4 months
(NEW) Little Witch Academia: Monster Witches List
Yep, that's right, starting fresh with a new list~! In this, I'm going to be listing what kind of monster each witch is in this AU, and this time it will include EVERY WITCH!!! Or at least Every Witch I have a monster for at the moment. Will get back to some just in case I missed a background character, or random professor, or character exclusive to the games or manga. But for now, here is the new list~.
Student Teams
Red Team:
Atsuko "Akko" Kagari - Werecat
Lotte Jansson - Barn Owlman
Sucy Manbavaran - Kraken Cecaelia
Blue Team:
Diana Cavendish - Lamia
Hannah England - Demoness
Barbara Parker - Black Widow Drider
Green Team:
Amanda O'Neill - Peregrine Falcon Harpy
Jasminka Antonenko - Pink Slime Girl
Constanze Amalie Von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger - Cyborg
Violet Team:
Avery - Vampire
Mary - Were-Jackalope
Blair - Dryad
Yellow Team:
Wangari - Wereleopard
Kimberly - Mothman
Joanna - Selkie
Peach Team:
Sarah Bernhardt - Giant Western Dragon Girl
Chloe - Cervitaur
Elfriede - Werewolf
Pale-Green Team:
Sóla - Salamander Girl
Rajani & Rashmi - Naga
Pale-Blue Team:
Shao-Yi - Giant Eastern Dragon Girl
Catarina - Arctic Kitsune
Katie - Weresheep
Light-Green Team:
Dorotea - Alphyn Girl
Irene - Strigoi
Eleanor - Enfield Girl
Light - Aqua Team:
Bianca - Rokurokubi
Aileen - Blue Slime Girl
Hilda - Osprey Harpy
Pale-Lavender Team:
Heather - Orca Mermaid
Rosie - Jellyfish Mermaid
Daisy - Siren
Lavender Team:
Katya - Shedu Girl
Carmen - Electric Eel Mermaid
Maria - Matango
Lime Team:
Gaëlle - Regular/Common Mermaid
Aira - Werecheetah
Isabelle - Griffon Girl
Aqua Team:
Abigail - Chimera Girl
Rachel - Giant Wyrm Girl
Rita - Coatyl/Boitatá/Cockatrice Tribrid
Light-Yellow Team:
Molly McIntyre - Wraith
Elsa - Tiger Mershark
Amelia - Ichthyocentaur
Pale-Yellow Team:
Erika - Peacock Jumping Drider
Bridget - Leafy Seadragon Mermaid
Bice - Giant Wyvern Girl
Pink Team:
Alice - Giant Drake Girl
Eliza - Seahorse Mermaid
Priscilla - Imp
Teal Team:
Verochka - Giant Sea Serpent Girl
Nina - Angelic Monster
Francine - Manticore Girl
Lime-Yellow Team:
Aisha - Buraq Girl
Esther - Eurasian Eagle Owl Harpy/Golden Weretiger Hybrid
Henrietta - Fairy
Orange Team:
Michelle - Wedge-Tailed Eagle Harpy/Frilled Lizardman Hybrid
Li Na - Common Lizardman
Theodora - Weretiger
Purple Team:
Teresa - Deathstalker Scorrow
Julietta - Giant Squid Cecaelia
Alma - Minotaur
Miscellaneous Students
Katherine - Honeypot Ant Girl
Lin Lin - Werepanda
Jeanne - Dullahan
Shiki - Medusa Lamia
Balsa McVinegar - Crow Harpy
Marianne - Sailfish Mermaid
Verde Shidariza - Peacock Harpy
Jiji Delevingne - Dolphin Mermaid
Professor Ursula/Chariot - Centaur
Professor Croix - ShapeShifter
Professor Finnelan - Banshee
Professor Nelson - Golden Eagle Harpy
Professor Lukic - Goblin Mershark
Professor Meme - Cyclops
Professors Abby & Britt - Giant Hydra Women
Shao-Yi's Mother - Giant Eastern Dragon Woman
Professor Matilda - Were-Jackalope
Professor Badcock - Great Horned Owlman
Headmistress Holbrooke - Papillon Fae
As for Professor Pisces, she's basically the same. I could make her a mermaid, but I feel like keeping her as a regular fish that's just sapient would be funnier. Besides, she know has an entire section of the school she can swim around in freely~! Yeah, I'll be getting to that eventually.
Finally, I've gotten this list all done and typed! Not lying, this took me literal days to finish since I couldn't think of monsters for some girls and kept switching species around! Luckily, the people I've asked say this list is good, which at least gives me some hope that I made the right choices for these characters. I'm not gonna lie, I can't wait to make spec evo bios for these girls and go into the culture and worldbuilding for monster/non-human societies~! And I'm gonna remake my old Bios now that there are more characters and I have some new abilities for them~! But for now, hold on tight, because this AU Revamp is just getting started!
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Vampire’s Gift
Angelique lets Catarina play their favorite game with the unsuspecting Lucien. NSFW. Features M resus, F rescuer, CPR, conscious and unconscious mouth to mouth, precordial thumps, sex leading to cardiac arrest, sex acts on an unconscious person.
“Am I not enough plaything for you, chérie?”
Catarina playfully smacked her arm. “Don’t be so pathetic, love. You know my heart only belongs to you.” Angelique slid her long arms around her love and drew her in close against her body, staring out at the dark street of Paris. Lights burned everywhere, so Paris was never really dark, merely dimmed by night. The two of them were under the vampire’s shroud, for all intents and purposes invisible to the people of the city. They’d only be seen by those they wanted to see.
“I just think it would be fun to be the hero for once. And you don’t need a hero,” said Catarina, tapping at the beast’s chest and the long dead heart beneath. Angelique wanted to argue, but she also couldn’t be sure the organ hadn’t been eaten by worms before she returned as the undead. She went on, “You’ll take one for me, won’t you? I have one in mind.”
“How could I deny you anything?” replied Angelique.
So they walked through the nightlife in search of their damsel. Catarina adored her angel’s every form, when she took on the aspects of a man with a more rigid and bat like face, or a great black dog, or sometimes even when she was only a cloud of fog clinging to her naked skin and filing her lungs. Angelique had a better cock in some forms than any man she’d known, yet lately she had felt the ache for a living one. She missed taking a man in her hand and feeling it twitch with his heartbeat. Plus, if she got to be the hero for once, she thought it would be fun to ride someone in and out of the little deaths, the petit morte, that her beast had perfected. Their search brought them to the back alley of the perfumer’s shop.
“Lucien,” whispered Angelique, plucking the owners name from the ether, “Come down, Lucien, and let us in.” Catarina bounced a little on the balls of her toes. Ever since having seen this man on her last trip into the city, she’d thought about the older perfumer and what he would look like between her thighs, or with Angelique taking him in a masculine form from behind. Tonight though, she had something else in mind. She practically squealed with delight and clapped quickly as the bolt on the door audibly came undone and Lucien opened it for them.
Angelique could not fault her for her attraction. He was handsome and broad, old enough to be Catarina’s father, but he wore each line well. A little gray peppered his beard and temples, stark against his otherwise dark hair. His rich coffee colored eyes were dull under her spell, mouth slightly agape. The two of them entered with his permission and stood amidst his workshop.
“This is well enough,” Catarina announced. She shoved a few of his implements off his work table, which smelled of every oil and perfume which had ever soaked into its wood, and took him by the shoulder to sit on the edge. She hiked up her layers of skirts and petticoats and climbed so she sat astride him. She nodded to her beast and the beast rolled her long fingers in the air. Lucien sucked in a breath, eyes regaining their light. “Wh-What? Where…” He looked to find himself in his workshop. Upon seeing her he gasped and tried to scramble back, only to find himself pinned under her, and his strength oddly lacking. “I was sleeping, I- what’re you doing here?” Catarina pressed a finger to his lips. “Hush, dear one. You’re still asleep.”
He stared at her with wide, entranced eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. With her mane of gold curls and the freckles going down her nose to the top of her breasts, rounded by her corset. Something whispered in his mind that she was right, he was still asleep. He had to be. She urged him down with his back against the workshop table and he went without complaint. He saw her eyes slide to the far corner, but he didn’t see the thing in the shadows.
“My mind has conjured a beauty,” he whispered in a sort of reverent tone. Catarina smiled, leaning over him to place her delicate fingers against his jawline and tilt his head up. Her mouth devoured his with a hunger, and she reveled in the feeling of his warm aliveness. She felt a pang of foreign sadness inside her the same moment she allowed herself to appreciate his body, and she sent a soothing pulse of thought back to her creature. ‘My heart only belongs to you’, it said without words. The shadows seemed to hum appreciatively, and the pitiful feeling melted away from her mind.
The dream woman, who felt all too solid and real to Lucien, slid her hand up over the soft down on his belly and trailed up to his chest. She shifted, and he moaned a little in his throat when he felt she wore no underthings, and her warmth and wetness soaked against him. She was already deeply excited, but he didn’t know the real reason why. He couldn’t have imagined what lay in store for him.
She coiled her hands in the hem of his nightshirt and with surprising strength, ripped the thing to the middle, then grabbed hold of it again to rip the rest of the way to the collar. Lucien tried to assure himself this was merely a dream, and the garment would be well when he woke up. Then she leaned over him and sealed her mouth over one of his nipples and he thought no more of the torn shirt.
Something whispered in his mind and he jolted slightly. His heart, which had been speeding up and beginning to pound under the dream woman’s hands and warm mouth, suddenly stumbled as if at war with itself. It was as though some invisible hand had clutched the organ and held it still before it beat too fast.
Catarina smirked, still suckling at the hard bud of his nipple. She dug her teeth into it a little and rolled it between her jaws, winning a small hiss. She released it, laying her body across his to claim his mouth instead. He made a muffled noise of surprise when her tongue plumbed between his teeth, but relaxed after a moment and returned the kiss.
Another stumble. This one hurt though. He felt the uneven beat in his temples and in his stomach, hissing in a breath. “Mmh,” he mumbled, pulling away slightly. “My heart… feels funny,” he told the dream woman.
Catarina circled one of his nipples with her index finger. “Oh? Poor thing. Maybe you’re dying in your sleep.” His eyes went wide and she giggled, tongue poking out between her teeth. She glanced at Angelique again, and again her angel whispered, “Slower” into the air and into Lucien’s heart. He groaned, clutching his chest with one hand. She slid down and freed him from his trousers, and despite his growing panic, he was still growing hard at her movements. His cock jumped when his heart tried to correct for another stumble and beat particularly hard.
“What is this?” he groaned, feeling the sluggish beat as his heart struggled seemingly without cause. It moved slow, he could practically feel each lapping wave of blood in his circulation. The growing spaces between tides was beginning to hurt, and more than that, they worried him.
Catarina sat back up astride him, her hands braced against his chest. She rolled her hips so her sex merely brushed against his hardness, teasing between her lips. Her aching clit throbbed with her pulse, and when she slid his shaft over the hood there, both of them moaned. Her head fell back as she continued to rut against him, feeling the flushed heat of him. Angelique, when she took on a man’s shape, would be kind enough to warm her dead flesh at the fireplace so she could mimic these sensations while inside her, but this was different. Real alive warmth. It was the only thing she really missed from human partners. That, and lying in the afterglow with an ear to their chest as they drifted back down from heaven.
Lucien was sprawled against the workshop table in a tug of war between panic and ecstasy. Her wet cunt slid up and down the length of him, and he wanted to grab her hips and spear her to stop this agonizingly slow game. But his limbs felt weak. His head was growing fuzzy. It didn’t feel like a dream, but some twisted and sinful nightmare. He expected to wake up and see a succubus draining the breath from his lungs. Maybe she was right. Maybe he really was dying in his sleep. Air was becoming harder to draw in, and his heart wasn’t contracting all the way.
Catarina tugged at the neckline of her dress, her ample breasts spilling over the hard ribbing of her corset. She lay down across the perfumer’s naked chest, her weight constricting his breathing all the more. “Shhh,” she soothed, cupping his face in her palm, her thumb tracing over his quivering lips. “You have nothing to fear, dear one.” Then she slid her hand up to pinch his nostrils, sealing her mouth over his to give him a breath. His chest rose under her and she felt his lungs expand with her air. He expelled the excess in a puff when she broke the life giving kiss. Reaching between them, she finally took hold of his stiff cock. The fear and adrenaline warring with her beast’s instructions to his heart had done little to soften him. She gave him another breath, and when she reached the end she gave him a little more than needed, his ribs rounding beneath her. Then she slid him inside her as she let go and he gave a breathy moan.
She felt amazing. Her tight, warm walls enveloped him and the aching need he’d felt waned. He bucked his hips once, twice, but his body was too weak to thrust up into her. Her arousal dripped down the crease of his thighs and cooled against his skin when it hit the air. The succubus, which he now was convinced she was, began to rock against him. His length tapped now and then against her cervix and she groaned, still holding his nose closed for respirations. He was not aware, but he was the largest cock she’d ever taken from a human. He wanted to moan and voice his pleasure the same as her. He wanted to grab her hips and drive himself into her again and again. But his breaths wouldn’t come, and his heart refused to speed up into that delirious, hammering bliss he’d always known during sex. The succubus was kind enough to give him breaths between thrusts, and all he could do was rumble in the back of his throat when he had the breath to make noise.
Catarina sat back, pressing her palm firmly against the apex of his heart. She slowed her gyrations to be in time with the slow beat she felt there. His fingers tightened against her hip, his mouth gaping without her breaths. He tapped a few times in a mute plea for her oxygen. She smirked down at him. “Angelique,” she called to the shadows. The corner of blackness chuckled as two eyes reflected in the sparse moonlight tilting from the nearby window.
The creature rolled her fingers in the air again and spoke her command to the poor trapped man. “Your lungs…” The perfumer looked towards her corner and finally saw, with wide and naked fear on his face, what lie there. “Do you feel the last wisp of air being squeezed from them?” As she said this, she rolled her fingers into her palm and tensed her hand. His chest spasmed. Then it went still as his lungs arrested.
Catarina began to buck her hips faster as his hand fell away from her leg. His head lay tilted to the side, his eyes wide and mouth hung open. His heart stumbled beneath her hand, and she kept one against his ribs and slid the other against his thigh to feel the weak swell of his femoral. Her stomach tightened, her breath quickening as her climax drew near. Hands appeared from behind and slid over the planes of her corset. Angelique took hold of the middle of her restrictive finery and tore it in one motion. Catarina sucked in a completely unobstructed breath and cried out. Arms encircled her as she slammed him into herself, smoothing over her exposed belly and dipping between her legs to her and Lucien’s joining. Her swollen clit was a raw bundle of nerves when the vampire’s claw glided across its surface. It took only a few moments of Angelique’s cool hand fingering her there before she came, screaming and bucking. She felt the perfumer’s heart, which had been locked in a sort of half death- beating, stopping for long moments, beating twice, shaking, lub… lubdublub… lub…- until finally it ceased at the moment of their shared orgasm. His warm seed spilled inside her and she collapsed back into Angelique’s waiting arms, bosom heaving. Lucien’s cock twitched inside her, the last movement of his body before he began to soften with the lack of blood flow.
Catarina swiped her hair back from her face and took a moment to catch her breath. “Ah,” she sighed, “Thank you, darling. You’ve given me quite a gift. I’ll grant you one in return.” She took his face by the chin and rolled his head back up to look at her, his eyes empty, his pupils blown wide. She chalked that up to his pleasure fueled heights before the drop into cardiac arrest. It would be a shame if he remained dead.
She laid across him again and gave him her breaths, his body pliable and yielding to her. She briefly rutted against the curve of his cock once more, shivering with sensitivity after being so thoroughly sated, then planting her hands in the middle of his chest. She shoved up into his heart, forcing his ribcage in. His shoulders shrugged inward and the force rippled out through his entire body. Her breath quickened and she grew excited all over again. She grunted as she drove another quick compression down into his sternum, watching how it rounded his toned, furry stomach, rocking his head back. Catarina had never been the one doing the saving. The rush was immediate and consuming as a wildfire. I am holding his life in my hands. I am the only thing between this man and oblivion. She found herself panting out little breaths as she started the compressions in earnest, rising up a little on her knees so she could use all the strength in her body for his sake.
Angelique slid to the head of the workbench, her eyes flickering between the dead man and her dove. There was a light in her love’s eyes that set the vampire alight. She truly was enjoying this. It gave her every sort of satisfaction to have given her this gift, something she knew her love had longed for so long. The jealousy she had harbored began to ebb as she watched her dutifully pound into the perfumer’s chest. She leaned down, her lips just brushing Lucien’s ear, her cold cheek pressed to his, which was growing paler. “My lady will be awfully disappointed if you do not live,” she whispered so only his barely tethered consciousness heard, “Your heart must beat again for her, Lucien. Come back.”
Cold lips brushed his ear. The succubus’ sex brushed warmly against his soft cock, jerking against her with every brutal pump against his heart. His heart had stopped. He really had died in his sleep, he thought. But he knew he wasn’t sleeping now. No corner of his imagination could conjure this up. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even roll his eyes in their sockets. They were planted straight ahead where they had drifted at the moment of his death, staring up at some point between the ceiling and the succubus’s face. His vision bobbed with his head, every compression forcing it to swing her face in and out of his line of sight. She really was beautiful. A belle mort. He knew somehow she had been responsible for his death. Now, she was working desperately for his resurrection. It didn’t make sense. But he wanted to do as the voice commanded. He wanted to come back.
Truthfully, there was little left in Lucien’s life worth continuing it. His wife had died last spring of the fever sweeping the lower city. His daughters had died in their cradles the years before that. He had nothing but the stinking perfume shop to fill his days. If he had died, buried inside this beautiful demon sat astride him now, currently shoving her delicate hands against his chest, he wouldn’t have complained. He would have met the devil, for surely a succubus would have damned his soul to hell, and he would have accepted an afterlife of punishment for those few moments of bliss.
She paused her rhythmic pounding and leaned over, kissing him again. Her breath was so warm. It smelled sweet, and tasted of ambrosia when her tongue briefly flicked his own. He knew then that he wanted to come back. He wanted to please her. He would dedicate the rest of his life to this vision who had stolen it from him. Beat. Beat for her, useless thing. Bats pour elle, espèce de sac inutile.
Catarina was panting by now, sweat standing out on her skin and beading between her breasts. Dread had started to well up in the bottom of her stomach. Had she really killed him for good? “Angelique?” she asked, looking over at her beast, “Is it too late? Have I lost him?” The yellow discs of her eyes in the darkness turned towards the dead man’s chest and focused on the vanishing warmth within him. His heart struggled behind his ribs. It beat once, then stopped. Half the chambers moved, but the others wouldn’t pump. “Listen,” she told her. Catarina lay down on top of him and rested her ear against his chest.
“Poor dear,” she breathed out, “You really are trying to be strong, aren’t you?” She had no way of knowing how badly he was trying. Screaming in his mind for his heart to beat, trapped in a dying body. She pinched his nose shut again, tipping his head back as she rose once more. “Then I won’t give up either, dear one. Your heart is safe in my hands.” It was a contradiction to her actions, considering she had been the one to make it stop in the first place. But Lucien believed her. She didn’t want him to die. For the first time in so long, he didn’t want to die either.
She returned to her compressions with renewed vigor, throwing her whole weight behind each measured blow. It had been about twelve minutes of struggling cardiac activity, and her arms, her shoulders, the core of her stomach, were all getting sore. Angelique never tired when she played the hero, and Catarina was on the verge of asking her to help. “You’ve got this,” her beast purred. It wouldn’t be so sweet a victory if she wasn’t the one to claw him back. Angelique tipped her face against his once more and whispered again, “Come back, little one. Focus on those weak beats and make them strong again.” As she spoke, she skated her hand down his ribs and felt them bow to Catarina’s thrusts. Her preternatural eyes watched his heart struggle, and went from unevenly beating now and then to fluttering.
Catarina let out a frustrated growl when she felt his heart stop altogether, no longer even trying to beat. The quivering was too weak for her to detect. “Please, take a breath. I won’t be able to take if you really died,” she panted. Angelique moved to the side of the workbench, easing Catarina back a little. “Just a moment, dove.”
She raised her fist up and thumped him hard between the line of his nipples. The quivering heart, jolted by the kinetic force, beat once and then descended again into fibrillation. She struck him again. This time, it beat for a few seconds, then shook uselessly again. The third time, Catarina tried. She brought up both hands, clutched together in a fist, and beat the organ hard enough his entire body jolted from the force of the blow. But his eyes closed and he drew in a rasping breath as finally, it worked. Lucien was alive. She was giddy with endorphins as she sat back, breathing hard.
“Good show,” Angelique chuckled, wrapping an arm around her love and squeezing one of her breasts, soaking in the way her heart pounded from the exertion of resuscitation.
Catarina giggled, cupping Lucien’s face. “Apologies, dear one. That was more than you bargained for, wasn’t it?” She leaned down to give him a breath and ease his rasping. She startled a bit when he lunged up and, with what little strength was left in him, kissed her passionately and with great desperation and hunger. She pulled back, a little shocked. He propped himself halfway up on his elbows, looking up at her. His eyes were manic and round, black as a deep well given how blown out his pupils were.
“My lady,” he wheezed, “I am yours.”
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elettralightwood · 2 years
Happy international women's day with our fearless, brave, loving and wise girls. And remember: anyone who says women are weak is afraid they’re too strong.
Heroes aren't always the ones who win. They're the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don't give up. That's what makes them heroes. -Clary Fairchild
Don't bother her, don't try to talk to her, don't even look at her, or I'll fold you in half so many times you'll look like a tiny little origami werewolf. -Izzy Lightwood
There's only one thing I'm willing to bet on, and that's me. -Maia Roberts
Lily-she's one of the smartest of the vampire clan. Knows everything. -Lily Chen
Every decision you make, makes you. Never let other people choose who you’re going to be. -Catarina Loss
The bad things can't matter more than the good things. -Cristina Rosales
The choices we make, make us. -Diana Wrayburn
Don’t remain silent about what you want, or you may never get it. -Drusilla Blackthorn
Nobody calls me 'blondie' and keeps their kneecaps. -Emma Carstairs
You learn how to live with the new rocking of the new earth, the way sailors gain sea legs. -Livia Blackthorn
Technically, this is my Institute, we do what I say. -Aline Penhallow
But I know your blood doesn't define you. What defines you is the choices you make. -Helen Blackthorn
You are a Shadowhunter first, and a lady second. -Charlotte Fairchild
They were rebuffed by some kind of protection spell, something even the Council didn't know about. Something that warned the Shadowhunters what was coming and led them to safety. -Jessamine Lovelace
You are Nehilim now, I name you Sophia Shadowhunter, of the blood of Jonathan Shadowhunter, child of the Nehilim. Arise, Sophia. -Sophia Collins
Men may be stronger, but it is women who endure. -Tessa Gray
We are not our parents, Gabriel. We do not have to carry the burden of their choices or their sins. -Cecily Herondale
Since you’ve spoken of Matthew’s clothes admiringly so often, should we assume that rule is only for girls? -Ariadne Bridgestock
Sometimes grief and worry must take the form of action, sometimes it is unbearable to sit and wait. -Cordelia Carstairs
Now pick up your weapon and make yourself useful, for once. -Eugunia Lightwood
If you are reading this, this is the first Fire-Message that has been sent with suc-cess. It has been written by Grace Blackthorn and invented by Christopher Lightwood. -Grace Blackthorn
You cannot dictate such things, nor tell me what is possible! -Lucie Herondale
Barbara, the eldest, who had her father's eyes and a head full of dreams. -Barbara Lightwood
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