#vampire martin
hemi-demi · 2 months
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Jon can have some fantasy sequences where his vampire boyfriend feeds on him sometimes, as a treat ❤️
Art from chapter 14 of my long fic Lucid. There are two chapters with vampires and Jon wears a dress. Your welcome.
Heads up, I write Jon as a demisexual and the fic is rated extremely E, so please be aware of that if it isn't the flavor of ace you're comfortable exploring with this character. K bai love you.
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
Here you go @f1-birb, I hope you enjoy this:
Martin pulled back from Lando’s neck after swiping his tongue across the two little puncture marks to close them before he pressed a kiss to Lando’s collarbone.
The younger man was sprawled out under him, and the sight of him made Martin want to do things to him that would make any one else blush.
Lando was gorgeous. His cheeks were a little flushed, and his mouth parted in a smile, looking like he'd just been kissed senseless. His skin was clinging to the tan he had gotten over their break, and Martin wanted to trace lines between those freckles and moles until he had every inch of Lando mapped out, but he didn't.
He couldn't do any of that right now because he had to check if Lando was okay.
It was his first time taking Martin's bite.
"Hey, Liefje, how do you feel?", Martin asked softly as he propped himself up over Lando.
All he got in response was a small giggle as Lando covered part of his face with his arm. He was still smiling as he gave Martin a thumbs up, and as Martin touched his sides, Lando started giggling again until Martin gently nudged his arm away from his face so he could look at him.
"Feeling good, huh?", Martin grinned because Lando looked boneless and a little high right now with the way his pupils were looking a little big.
He had heard about this before. He had heard that the bite, especially the first one, could bring someone into a sort of euphoric state. He hadn't expected it with Lando. He'd more expected the other to feel a little pain, and because Lando was Lando, maybe a little horny but this was adorable.
"I feel really really good", Lando mumbled before he reached out to wrap an arm around Martin's neck, "Kiss?"
"Lan, I just had your blood in my mouth", Martin laughed but he did lean down to kiss Lando’s cheek and revelled in the sound that got him.
"Rude, I want a proper kiss", Lando pouted a little before he sighed and closed his eyes to ride the wave of happiness he felt
Martin just watched him with a grin. He looked adorable like this. All messy curls and carefree grin as he just hummed softly at where Martin was pressing lightly against his chest.
He let him bask in it for another few minutes. Only interrupting Lando’s peace to scatter kisses across his face, accepting the warm arm draped over him and the soft giggles he got in return before Martin started to move.
Moving seemed to be the wrong thing to do as Lando’s other arm came up to wrap tightly around his shoulders tightly. He tugged until Martin had no choice but to put his full weight down on the other until they were cuddling.
"Babe, Lando, I need to get you some juice and a snack", Martin laughed, his face half buried in his curls.
"No", Lando replied and Martin could hear the pout in his voice, "You won't kiss me, so you have to cuddle me"
"Can I cuddle you after I get you a snack?".
The answer to that question was the brief pain of very blunt, very human teeth digging into Martin's shoulder as Lando grumbled under him.
Martin just hid his smile in the others curls as his body shook with laughter at Lando's antics.
He really was adorable when he was bite drunk.
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ilikelookingatthings · 11 months
Fiona and Cake/Adbenture time/Farm Finn and worrying Patterns
anyone else worried about adventure times habit about patterns? especially concerning farm finn? now I know a third believes farm finn died, another third believes he died but is in denial about it, and the third of the third are convinced he lived because we didn't see any blood or his head being pierced through and we know finn has survived worse with his canonically sturdy skull. I am in that third of the third.
and I am concerned because one of his kids seemed to have abandoned their multiple other siblings to hang out with their not delinquent girlfriend in sugar and cake's world. as much as I'm glad little baby finn didn't get stuck in vampire world and is safe.....will he get returned to toddler world anytime soon? and also since martin in that world is dead i ikindof wish baby finn went back to living in vampire world so they'd have a hero? but unless the big boss specifically fixes all the damage to the different universes....
I have me a concern because farm Finn got hit in the head....what is he?
that's right a dad....what other dads have we seen...aside from Simon and vampire king? MARTIN.....who is a dad with a head injury in our universe.....
like as much as its a cool easter egg for finn's kid and finn's kid's girlfriend to get to be safe in Fiona and Cake's world....they did lowkey gloss over what happened to farm finn or about the multiple number of siblings?!
also will they find out they only exist at all is because a version of their dad wished for their what if world into existance? will they get to meet OUR Finn? who is definitly more emotive than farm finn but who has his own issues and is very much not a dad yet? its probably not a good idea for our finn to find out to be honest but what if they hang while he is unaware? what if he gets that instictual paternal instinct like Martin did even when technically that martin never had a baby Finn?
and what if farm Finn does remember but can't find his kid?
Side note anyone else have thoughts about Mineva/Fin's mom could have some interesting insite for Simon since she also lost a loved one and misunderstood a factor about him like Simon did with betty who both kind of ascended and couldn't just deal and try to adapt with the changes properly.....and how the grief and search for someone can eat away at you...but also she understands sarcfice herself...since Minerva BOT is a thing for a reason.
WHat happens if farm world finn meets Minerva bot?
Though finn we know doesn't properly deal with his grief for finn until he strait up dies.....
also...anyone else have thoughts that simon was implied to be destined to be iceking til the sun burns out according to death....but we also know THAT particular version of death...lets say relinquishes his standing as death due to certain circumstances to not spoil anyone who hasn't seen the specials....so betty's wish resulted in something that wasn't supposed to happen(suppousedly)(simon turning back) getting to stick.
will any of the damage get reversed by the boss? Fandom please don't be shy on reblogging with your own thoughts and takes.
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echofades · 1 year
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I’m exactly the demographic where, for me, puberty coincided almost exactly with the arrival of the internet | MAE MARTIN: SAP (2023)
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gammija · 3 months
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A little something silly in my werewolf/vampire jmart au, for @milkteamoon as part of @magnusforgaza. Thank you!
This specific project has now closed, but here's a list of artists who are still individually taking requests for Gaza donations - go check them out
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occudo · 1 month
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Highly inappropriate-
-or there are times, when asking your vampire collague for a kiss clean up is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, don't worry about it. Re-reread @milkteamoon 's Tounge to Teeth , and well, I had to draw them again
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liizardemojii · 1 year
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✶The Star✶
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Vincent Price and Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In (1971)
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Martin Simmonds
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cronennerd · 6 months
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John Amplas in Martin (1977). dir. George A. Romero
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moominmammaonheroin · 3 months
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Cowboy Blackwood and Vampire Sims
Art for the art swap I did with @olivepeartr33 !!!! I’m so excited cuz I’ve never done something like this but omg it’s great
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ao3-anonymous · 23 days
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (09/04/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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f1-disaster-bi · 5 months
This is for @f1-birb because she put vampires back in my head:
He didn't know exactly what it was about Lando today that had him running his tongue over the tip of his fangs, or watching him as if he were the most fascinating creature to grace the earth.
Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe it was how good Lando looked right now in that dark navy outfit.
The tone of it made Lando’s tan pop. His eyes couldn't help but trace how broad his shoulders looked despite knowing intimately that Lando was all lean muscles and tiny waist. There was just something about how he looked today that made him want to sink his teeth into the long line of his neck, right by the mole he loved to press kisses to, and leave an obvious mark.
He wanted to claim Lando in the most primal of ways, and have him wear the shape of his teeth like a brand.
"Martin? You okay?"
Martin blinked, eyes drifting from Lando’s neck to his eyes. His boyfriend was watching him with a hit of concern as he returned to sit next to him and Martin couldn't stop himself from reaching out to run gentle fingers over his neck.
He could hear Lando’s heartbeat pick up at the touch. He could see the pink blush forming on the tip of his ears and the high point of his cheek bones. He was so wonderfully human that Martin almost wished his heart could still beat just so it could skip one with how much he loved this man before him.
"You've gone all broody and starey", Lando mumbled but he was smiling, and as he turned to face, Martin couldn't help but glance at his neck again, "You're staring again. What could be that interesting?"
Martin didn't have a chance to stop his mouth before the words left his lips, and if he could have blushed, he was pretty sure he'd be redder than Charles Leclerc's Ferrari.
"I just think your neck would look so good decorated with my bite"
For a moment, neither of them said anything as Martin's fingers fell from Lando’s neck as he wished the ground would swallow him whole.
He tried not to look at Lando's face, but he couldn't help but watch as Lando's lips parted on a soft "oh" sound. He could stop staring at how Lando blinked, cheeks pinkening further as he reached up to touch his own neck.
When his eyes met Martin's, there was a need there that made Martin feel his fangs ache as Lando swallowed for a moment before smirking a little as he titled his head just so to make his neck seem that much more inviting.
"Then what are you waiting for?"
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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teashh · 4 months
So I just binged Maxton hall and as a certified opinionated person- I have opinions. First let me start off by saying; this series is reminiscent of 2000s elite school tv. And I'm here to eat that shit up. But what this show does better than those series is this:
Each character is multilayered. Who starts off as the alleged mean girl (Lydia) is smart, intelligent, calm and quiet and understands the nuances of the relationships around her. James is a huge red flag but his red flag is his possessiveness and aggression. He has been nothing but a sweetheart to the people he loves and cares for which makes it easy to sympathise with him.
It does the studious girl trope really well. It doesn't go the "I'm not like other girls" route. In fact, most students have been very supportive and uplifting of each other. The hate we see toward Ruby is class difference rather than a gendered one.
And our previous Ruby Bell is a likeable character. She is strong. Opinionated. Doesn't back down from a challenge. And she knows what she wants and she goes for it. Not once have her priorities taken a backseat when she finds love. Which is such a cool thing to see. I was so scared she'd be another Elena Gilbert- helpless, self absorbed and what not. But she's actually caring and has self respect. Which is mwah.
Then we have our very own loser of the year, James Beaufort. He's protective of his people. But he definitely has some red flags he needs to work on. But he acknowledges when he's wrong. And we like that because a lot of red flags in series don't. Plus he's such a simp for Ruby Bell and we love to see it. Bro isn't ashamed to transfer quails and catch them AND make his friends work as well if his lady needs it.
Lastly if I had a nickel for every strawberry blonde character named Lydia who seems like the mean girl but is sweet smart and caring and VERY VERY intelligent; I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (I'm looking at you Lydia Martin)
My favourite new look is James Beaufort in love. Bro looks like a puppy and I'm here for it. We need more loser men honestly.
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borninwinter81 · 6 months
Queer horror from my teens
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I periodically wonder whether these books are still known and read by young goths and horror fans as they were all extremely important to me in my teenage years, so I thought I'd share them.
Though I'm cishet, during the mid 90s two of my favourite authors wrote primarily queer fiction: they were Anne Rice and another author from New Orleans who is now known as Billy Martin.
He came out as a trans man in 2011, however these books were published prior to that so unfortunately you have to search for them under his deadname. This is why I've used that name in the tags on this post. I don't believe the books were ever reprinted with his current name.
Though I loved Rice, I always felt a more immediate connection with Martin due to his vivid portrayal of subcultures like goth and punk, and how it felt to be a teenager who was part of them. I could see myself in many of his characters as I had the same interests, listened to the same music, and shared the same sense of social alienation. Remember in the 90s the Internet was still a reasonably new thing, and many of us didn't have a home Internet connection at all. There was certainly no social media, no YouTube, and no real way to meet and interact with like-minded teens unless you were lucky enough to have another "weird kid" at your school. If you were a weird kid, you likely had very few friends and were bullied.
That as much as anything else led me to seek solace in books written by an author who I felt understood me, and characters who became my friends.
Lost Souls is about vampires in a kind of Lost Boys/Near Dark way. Fans of the YouTuber OfHerbsAndAltars might be interested to know that this book is where the name of his channel comes from - it's a description of the taste of Chartreuse liqueur.
Drawing Blood is about ghosts, a "murder house", computer hacking, comic art and a very beautiful (if rather messed up) romance. This one is probably my favourite of the three.
Exquisite Corpse is about serial killers, set against the AIDS crisis of the 90s. If you like the Hannibal TV series you'll probably enjoy this one - imagine if Dennis Nilsen and Jeffrey Dahmer had somehow met.
Martin doesn't pull any punches when it comes to descriptions of blood and gore, violence, abusive parents or his portrayal of toxic romantic relationships (of which there are many in his books), but if you can deal with those things there is also a great deal of beauty, phenomenally good writing, and a somewhat unique perspective on the supernatural.
Maybe I'm biased, looking at these through the lens of my teenage self. Maybe they'd seem horribly dated to today's young audience. But I still wanted to make this post in case there's someone out there who will end up loving them as much as I did.
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