#vanya hargreeves pairing
ohmyitsfaith · 1 month
The sunshine and the grump / Part 2
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Pairing: Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sudden visitors show up on a calm day and chaos ensues. Who are they and where did they come from? But most importantly why are they here? You, your husband and his family are ready to find some answers.
Warnings: fighting, Sparrow!Ben being sparrow!Ben
Word count: 3.3k
A/n: Hi everyone, I know, it's been a while. But here is something that should have been done sooner. The second part to The sunshine and the grump. Please forgive me for this, but in this part Viktor is refered to as "Vanya" and using she/her pronouns. This is solely for the reason that this story is from the reader's point of view and she doesn't know that he's Viktor. If there's an interest in a new part, then obviously I will incorporate him coming out as Viktor. Anyway, long a/n to the side, I hope you guys will enjoy it!
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“Shit” broke out of the six people standing in front of you collectively.
Ben guided you behind him gently, sheltering you from the strangers.
A soft sigh is all that could be heard from the guy wearing a cowboy hat. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears and you couldn’t even guess who he was and where he came from. You never saw him before and your husband wasn’t the type to make friends so easily. So why did this man know his name? Why did he look at him as if he saw a ghost?
“Is that really you?” the biggest guy walked forward, also looking distraught and his face twisted in confusion and grief.
“And who are those weirdos,” the walmart-batman guy yelled and you followed his line of sight, “on the balcony?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in slight anger, but before you could answer at all, Reginald spoke up.
“They are the Sparrows, my children.”
You felt, more than saw Ben standing up straighter and could only imagine the rest of the Hargreeves doing the same, up on the balcony.
“I’m sorry,” the small boy spoke up after the initial shock passed through his group. “What do you mean your children? That’s not possible, old man.”
“Of course it is!” Reginald exclaimed as your sibling-in-laws joined you downstairs. “I think I’d know, wouldn’t I?”
While most of the group looked at Reginald with untrusting gazes (which you could understand, he was your father-in-law and yet you didn’t trust the man fully), the cowboy hat guy was still looking at your husband with misty eyes.
“Everybody else can see Ben, right?” he asked, which made you even more confused. Why wouldn’t they be able to see your husband?
“Cute hat, Sundance” Ben said sarcastically, still keeping you behind him. You grabbed onto his arm lightly, to keep him grounded. But that’s exactly when the man noticed you and his eyes went even wider.
“Jennifer?” he asked louder, seemingly in shock and it prompted the rest of the group to look toward you, Ben’s arm curling around you protectively.
“Do not talk to my wife, asshole” he growled.
“Oh my gosh, it’s you! You- you guys are married!” cowboy hat guy gushed.
“Okay, that is it!” Ben moved to lash out against the guy, but Marcus stopped him.
“Enough” he said in his calming voice. “Who are you and why are you in our home?”
“They call themselves the Umbrella Academy,” Reginald answered instead. “A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents, who accosted me in the fall of 1963, when I was away on business in Dallas” he explained. “Be warned,“ he added, “they claim to be my spawn.”
That caught the attention of the woman with the very stylish cloak as she stepped forward.
“Claim?!” she then turned to her brother(?) in confusion. “Five, what the hell is going on?”
“I don’t know, but it’s concerning,” the little guy, Five, sighed.
“Is he telling the truth?” Marcus spoke up, looking at the so-called Umbrella Academy.
“Well, not the part about us being perfidious-” the other woman started, just to be immediately interrupted by the cowboy-hat guy.
“No, we’re amateur-fidious, at best” he said, which just confused you and, seemingly, the rest of the Sparrows as well.
“But we are his children. This is our house” the woman confirmed.
“Yeah, yeah, we, uh… We grew up here” the big guy jumped in.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, we grew up here” Alphonso mocked the guy, which made Fei and Jayme chuckle.
“I-” Sloane started. “Kinda think we would’ve noticed you.”
You could see the moment that the big guy realized who talked and just what kind of person she was. You saw his eyes light up and a dumb smile graced his features.
“Hi. I’m Luther” he stepped forward and offered his hand.
“Monkey-brain” you whispered and Ben scoffed.
“Okay” the stylish woman walked towards you. “None of you belong here.”
“What?” you asked at the same time Fei said sarcastically: “Oh, well then! I guess we’ll just pack our bags and move out.”
“Yeah and while we’re at it, how about we also give you our jobs. Clearly, you are so good at it” Christopher garbled. “Seriously, these idiots can’t even understand the fact that we are the ones living here, imagine what kind of heroes they are.”
This caused the Sparrows to laugh and even you let out a chuckle. He had a point.
“You slay me, Chris,” Ben shook his head.
The next moment Grace arrived with a plate filled with cookies. At her legs was your chonky cat C/n. He meowed lowly and hissed at the new people before darting across the space, toward Ben and you.
“I wasn’t expecting company,” Grace sighed as you leaned down to pick up C/n. “This is the best I could do on short-” she glitched and repeated the word again, “short… short notice.”
You winced as you stood up with C/n in your arms.
“It’s okay, darling boy” you whispered and started stroking his back. “They won’t hurt you. Daddy won’t let them.”
“Mom…” you heard wallmart-batman’s wistful voice, which immediately weirded you out.
And not just you, because Jayme spoke up as well.
“Mom? She’s a robot you perv” she scoffed.
“She’s not a robot!” wallmart-batman turned toward her defensively.
“Hey, don’t you call him that!” the big guy, Luther, snapped at Jayme.
“Or what?” Ben asked in defense of Jayme.
“Come closer and find out!” Luther stepped toward Ben as he started approaching the big guy as well.
“Luther! Guys, chill!” the smaller woman tried to stop Luther, while you reached out to stop Ben.
“Think I’m afraid?” Ben asked and you could feel his hostility roll off of him.
“Ben! Please” you asked him timidly, but your voice didn’t even reach him.
“Ben, stand down!” Marcus commanded, but Luther was speaking over him already and chaos started to form.
“Look at that, she’s got a voice!” he pointed at you.
“How about I hide that big Rubik’s Cube up your ass?” wallmart-batman asked, annoyed with Marcus.
“Enough!” Marcus finally shouted. “I don’t know what circus you escaped from,” Marcus started and you could see wallmart-batman touch his cheek, where something black just disappeared, “or how you got past our security, but we’re done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house” he said in a no-nonsense voice.
“And if we don’t?” the stylish woman asked just as you realized what was happening with wallmart-batman. You looked back at Jayme, who just shrugged.
“Then we’ll have to settle this the old-fashioned way” Marcus stepped forward, ever the leader.
You zeroed in on wallmart-batman, who looked totally out of it, sweat on his forehead and tears in his eyes.
“What did he hallucinate?” you whispered to Jayme.
“I’ll tell you later” she smirked.
“Look, we just fought a literal army. Okay?” the short woman tried to diffuse the situation. “This doesn’t need to get ugly. Let’s all just calm down and let’s talk.”
And honestly, you were on her side. You didn’t want to risk the house or your sibling-in-laws or C/n for that matter. This could definitely be…
“Psst. Ben-er-ino” cowboy hat guy sing-songed as he looked at your husband. You could see his shoulders tense even more and an exasperated sigh left him. “You look so much better alive than you do dead.”
Oh no…
“Am I right?” cowboy hat guy asked from the Umbrellas and the only thing you could do is wince. From this point onward you wished that he shut up because even you wouldn’t be able to stop your husband if he was angered by the guy. “Except the haircut” he waved his hands.
“Oh no” you winced as Alphonso reached out and pushed you even further from the Umbrellas to keep you safe. He knew just as well as any of the Sparrows: this is where it gets ugly.
“What the hell did you just say?” Ben stepped forward.
“Come on, come on!” cowboy hat guy walked toward Ben. “Stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants” he stopped in front of your husband and leaned forward. “Oh, nice scar! Muy macho.”
“Oof” you commented and you could hear Jayme scoff as well.
“Shut. Your. Mouth!” Ben snarled and you knew, only a string held his anger.
“You shut your mouth and hug your brother!” cowboy hat guy exclaimed and opened his arms for a hug. And that’s exactly when Ben struck.
It was truly a beautiful hook that Ben delivered, you had to admit. But you wished that cowboy hat would’ve just stopped before it got ugly. You watched as he fell across the coffee table and it caused Luther to snap at Ben.
“Hey! What the hell?” he snapped. “You didn’t have to do that!”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I did!” Ben snapped back.
“That’s right, he did!” Alphonso backed him up.
“Hey, get back! Back off!” Marcus shouted as Luther stepped closer.
“Luther!” you heard the short woman yell out as Jayme grabbed your arm and pulled you behind the counter, just as Marcus pushed Luther.
And all hell broke loose. Marcus and Luther started fighting and the Sparrows and Umbrellas paired up as well.
“Jayme, get Y/n out of here!” Ben yelled as the small Umbrella teleported toward him and started fighting with him.
You could hear yelling from both the Sparrows and the Umbrellas as they fought and you could only try to stay calm as Jayme pulled you toward the exit. But you didn’t get far as the stylish woman intercepted you and Jayme, along with the short woman. You ducked just in time as one of Fei’s ravens dived in to try and attack the stylish woman, who immediately took up the fight.
“Sloane!” Jayme yelled out and pushed you toward the woman. “Take care of her! I have a shorter problem.”
This, C/n didn’t like and he jumped out of your hands, scratching them in the process.
“Ouch!” you hissed, holding it.
“C’mon Y/n, let’s get you out of here!”
“Alright” you nodded, frantic now that the chaos started to get to you.
You could hear Jayme knock the short woman down as Sloane tried to lead you toward the stairs. But that’s exactly where Fei and the stylish lady were fighting.
“Uh… okay, plan B” Sloane stepped back and looked up at the balcony.
“Oh, please, no” you tried to plead with her. “You know I don’t…”
“Just get to your room, we’ll get you, when we’re done here” she promised and you felt her powers wrap you up and lift you toward the balcony.
You landed behind the railing and stood up. That’s when you heard the short woman say: “My turn.”
You could see her turning… white? And you knew you had to flee. Before much else could happen though, Sloane used her powers on her as well, though less gentler than she did on you.
“Shit!” you yelled out as the short woman slammed into the pictures behind you as you ducked, afraid.
But just as you stumbled through the short hallway to be able to turn right, a knife whizzed by you and you soon heard Chris’s garbled yelling.
“Y/n, be careful!”
You looked back and saw him getting chased by wallmart-batman. You quickly fell to the left, where you could turn down the corner. Just in time, because in the next moment, Chris also turned that way, knives shooting toward him. You held your head for a second, trying to gather all your courage to move. You’ve never been this close to a fight, Ben always made sure that you were in a safe distance.
“Okay, Y/n, you have to move” you told yourself, gripping your hair. You screwed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. Then you stood up and sneaked toward the walkway.
But just as you reached the main staircase that led down, you bumped into the boy. Quite literally.
“Oh, you…” he narrowed his eyes.
“Please don’t hurt me” you put your arms up, in front of your face.
“You’re harmless?” the boy arched an eyebrow, suspicious of your surrender.
“I swear! I’m just Ben’s wife, a normal human!” you pleaded.
The next moment he flashed away. You flinched, but the punch never came. Instead you heard the swooshing sound three more times and he was back at the portraits. You peered over the railing to see Jayme approach him and the stylish lady. Before you could be spotted by stylish lady, you ducked back down and continued sneaking away from the scene.
“Hey!” you were almost at the end of the hall, when you heard her yell. You tried moving forward, but she was faster. She grabbed the back of your shirt, lifting you up.
“Please, please, please, don’t hurt me” you whimpered. “I’m no one, I’m just a simple girl!”
“Yeah I don’t believe that, Jennifer!” she accused you.
“That’s the second time you called me that, but I don’t…” you breathed as you felt her grip tighten on you. “I swear I don’t know who she is! I’m just Y/n!”
But stylish lady couldn’t say much more as Fei appeared on the stairs.
“Y/n!” she yelled for you. “Leave her alone, you bitch!”
“That’s not a nice thing to say!” stylish lady let go of you. “I heard a rumor you couldn’t move” she whispered over you and instantly, you froze.
You couldn’t move, only watch as Fei approached her and her ravens started multiplying. Stylish lady saw this and her eyes widened.
“Actually, on second thought, screw this” she said, turning around and making a run for it.
You were left there by her, still unable to move.
“Y/n, I’ll deal with her and take care of you” Fei leaned down to you as she reached you. “I promise I’ll avenge this.”
You could only look forward as Fei left you once again. You could hear the commotion behind you as Fei’s ravens started destroying a door somewhere close to you. Not much later you actually heard the familiar swooshing sound of the boy teleporting and his frantic muttering.
Suddenly whatever spell was placed on you was broken and you fell forward.
“Oh God” you sighed out, grabbing at your elbow which you hit as you fell. You also saw the dried blood on the back of your hand where C/n scratched you. Poor kitten was probably scared out of his mind.
“Vanya, get out of there!” you suddenly heard the boy shout and you slowly stood up to peer over the railing, into the living room.
There lay the short woman on the broken table and the Sparrows slowly surrounded him. You saw her breathing hard and groaning, trying to get back up. Suddenly she started glowing white. You couldn’t make sense of it, but knew it couldn’t be any good.
“Ben, be careful!” you shouted just before she… exploded? Her energy exploded, which threw you back to the railing behind you.
It was over before you knew it and could hear the others groaning and getting up from the debris.
“Oh god…” you heard Chris garble. “What the hell was that?”
Marcus appeared in your vision and offered a hand.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently.
“Never better” you groaned, accepting his hand. He pulled you up and led you to the balcony, where he looked down at the destruction.
“It’s over” he started. “Go. Don’t come back.”
You could only focus on Ben, who stood in front of the fireplace, clutching his side. Marcus sighed next to you as him and the rest of the Sparrows watched the woman, Vanya, exit.
“Y/n” Marcus turned to you. “C’mon, I’ll take you to Grace, she’ll fix you up.”
You nodded silently, sparing another look at your husband and his family standing in the debris.
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You sighed as you exited the bathroom. It’s been about an hour since you got stitched by Grace (when you hit the railing it split the skin on your head open) and then you went to take a shower to freshen up. Meanwhile though, your husband was nowhere to be found around you.
You could only guess that they got a dressing down from Marcus, blaming them for the destruction. So you headed to the only place where you knew they could be: the training room.
“Y/n!” you heard Grace’s voice call out as you headed toward the room. “Do you need a smoothie too?”
“No thanks, Grace” you smiled at the robot. “I’m fine. Is that for the guys?”
“Of course, they need their greens for their training” she said as she caught up with you.
You nodded silently and opened the door in front of you.
“The skinny one is their weak link” you heard Fei say as you entered.
“Unless hiding behind couches shouting, ‘Where’s my daddy?’ is his superpower” Ben replied sarcastically.
Grace put the tray down on the table and you leaned against the wall to watch your husband stop the treadmill and slow to a walk before getting off of it.
“Enough post-gaming. They hurt Y/n and disrespected us!” he said as he walked toward you. “We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking ‘em out!”
He reached you and put an arm around you, kissing your forehead gently, which contrasted so much from his harsh words.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Marcus asked and switched whatever video was playing to the surveillance footage of the last moment of the fight. The others sighed and stopped their treadmills as well. Marcus walked in front of them and shook his head. “Can someone explain to me how you got your asses handed to you in 30 seconds?”
You sighed, massaging Ben’s back as he stiffened at Marcus’s admonishments.
“Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that?!” he yelled at the end, pointing to the TV screen. “I mean we hadn’t faced any decent enemies for years. This could be good for us. Good for business. But only if we’re smart with our next moves.”
“Is that all you care about?” you spoke up suddenly, annoyed to see that the version of him that only cared about missions and being famous came out.
“I’m sorry?” he turned toward you.
“Did you even try to think about what these people could be here for? That what they were saying is true?”
“Y/n…” Ben shushed you. “Don’t make things worse, darling.”
“I’m not trying to. But did you even notice their faces? When they were talking, when they looked at you?” you looked at him. “The way they fought? I mean tell me if their style doesn’t seem familiar…”
“Y/n, this discussion is not for you. Our next move is not for you to decide” Marcus spoke up sternly. “You are not a Sparrow. You are not part of the team.”
“Fine” you gritted your teeth, then pulled out of Ben’s arms and turned around, just as Reginald came in.
“Nice one dipshit” Ben snarled at Marcus.
“You summoned, Number One?” Reginald asked Marcus.
Marcus regarded Ben and you for a second, before looking at Reginald.
“Sit” he said and you walked out.
You leaned against the wall as the door closed behind you and took a deep breath. You thought about all that the Umbrellas said before the fight ensued. And one thing stuck out.
It looked like they recognised you. But not all of them. And they called you… someone. Some other name… what was it?
Oh yeah, Jennifer. But who was this Jennifer?
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Taglist: @divergentnewt23, @evie2407, @snixx2088, @inkedeye2345
345 notes · View notes
book-place · 1 year
Warnings: tua season 1 spoilers, mentions of killing and death, cursing, mentions of drugs, mentions of heart attacks, drinking, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: When you left, all of your siblings hated you, and now you were facing them once more
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
You let loose a long breath and glanced hesitantly up to the tall, menacing building before you. The building of your childhood, if you could even call it that.
To be completely honest, you didn’t even know why you had come back. You hated your father and your siblings hated you, so why would you show up to the man’s funeral, when they would all be there?
As much as you wanted to turn back around and hail another cab to get you as far away from this place as possible, you put on a brave face and pushed the door open, stepping into the vast entryway.
Barely three small steps had been taken inside by you when you froze at the sound of your name being called.
“Y/n,” Allison had her lips parted slightly in shock from where she and Vanya stood at the end of the hall.
You swallowed thickly, “Hey, guys,” You greeted in a voice that was barely even audible to yourself. You toyed with the ends of your gloves nervously.
“Oh, um,” Allison cleared her throat and strode across the room to see you, stopping a healthy three feet away, “It’s so good to see you, Y/n.”
The words were forced, and you knew it, but you gave her a tight lipped smile and a nod anyway.
“Yeah, same here, Y/n!” Vanya called, and you knew in that moment that after everything, she must have been almost as uncomfortable with being here as you were.
If your original gut instinct wasn’t any indication before, then this interaction told you everything about how this visit would go.
The sight of Diego crossing to the staircase caught all of your attention and he snapped something about Vanya not being welcome back before his eyes snapped over to you.
“Y/n,” He spoke in an awkward greeting before skirting past the three of you and clambering up the stairs.
Not only did your siblings hate you, but you just got confirmation that they were also still scared of you. After all these years, when they had grown up beside you and learned how to deal with your ‘gift’, and yet, they were still wary of what you could and possibly would do.
Midnights become my afternoons
You sat on the windowsill in the attic, legs dangling out the window as you looked up at the moon and stars.
“I figured that I would find you up here, Miss. Y/n.” You heard a voice sound behind you.
Unconsciously, you smiled and turned around, “Pogo,” You greeted kindly.
His smile was something that hadn’t changed a bit over the years, “It is so good to see you.” He said genuinely, walking over until he could grasp your gloved hand and squeeze it gently.
He had always been the only one who wasn’t afraid of you. Of what touching you could do to them. Of how painful their deaths would be if they laid a single finger on your bare skin. How without meaning to, you would slowly and excruciatingly kill them.
That’s why you wore gloves and long sleeves at all times, so that no one would unintentionally be hurt by you.
“It’s late,” You hummed when you pulled away, “What are you doing up?”
“Why, I came up here to ask you the same question.” He mused.
You shrugged nonchalantly, leaning your back against the wall, “I don’t usually go to sleep until really early in the morning.” You informed him.
“Well, that can’t be healthy.”
You laughed loudly, the first time you’d done so in what felt like many months, “It’s probably not.” You agreed once you sobered up.
Too busy looking back out the window, you failed to notice Pogo glance behind him and give a hidden figure a single nod of reassurance.
The only thing that brought your attention back to him was once he gave you a slight pat on your clothed knee, “I am always available if you wish to speak about anything.”
You smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Pogo.”
“Hey, n/n.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a new voice that spoke as soon as Pogo had left.
“Diego,” You breathed out.
“Listen,” He cleared his throat awkwardly as he shuffled into view, coming to a stop right in front of you- less than a healthy distance away, “I’m sorry about earlier. I just didn’t think you were actually gonna show.”
You smiled tightly, pulling your knees up to your chest, “Yeah, that makes two of us.”
He sighed, dropping down into a crouch before you and looking up into your eyes, “I know none of us left off on a good foot- especially with you- but I want you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
Your chest tightened at his words. After all these years of thinking every last one of your siblings despised you for who you were- what you could do- you never thought one of your brothers would be telling you that he didn’t actually hate you at all.
“T-thank you, Diego.” You choked out, eyes filling with tears, “That means a lot.”
When my depression works the graveyard shift
Your eyebrows furrowed as you took tentative steps towards your fathers old office, the one that was supposed to be vacant now that he was dead.
The clattering of objects only got louder the closer you got, and it was making you nervous. Perhaps someone had broken in when they heard that the billionaire was dead? The last thing you wanted was to have to resort to using your powers, because you doubted any of your other siblings would come to your aid. Expect of course, maybe Diego.
“Hello?” You called out slowly when you stepped into the room. At the sound of your voice, a head popped up from behind your fathers old desk with a wide grin, and you couldn’t help but relax slightly, “Klaus.” You breathed out.
“N/n!” Your brother squealed, jumping up the rest of the way and scrambling over to you with outstretched arms.
Alarmed, you took a sudden step back, and he stopped short when he noticed.
“Oh!” He giggled, placing a hand near his mouth, “I forgot about the whole no touchie thing!”
“What are you doing in here?” Your eyes shone in curiosity, pushing down the thoughts that threatened to swarm your mind about Klaus’s first instinct being to hug you.
“You know,” He waved a dismissive hand, “Just getting ahead on my inheritance.”
Despite yourself, your lips twitched upward slightly at the words, “Really?” You asked in slight amusement.
The man’s jaw dropped open and he stared at you with wide eyes, “Was-was that a smile I just saw? Gosh, my memories from when we were kids consisted of you being completely stone-face.” He let out a shrill giggle again, “Though, I suppose I’m now the one that’s stoned!”
Whatever form of a smile had adorned your face immediately fell and you crossed your arms tightly over your stomach.
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
This was terrible.
The silence was painful to sit through. You must have looked like you had an itch with the way you were shifting back and forth on the couch you stiffly sat on beside Vanya.
Nobody was making eye contact with one another, it was just all of you- once siblings, now complete strangers- sitting in a tense circle in your childhood living room.
Finally, Luther cleared his throat and pushed himself off of the couch that was directly across from you, “So, I guess we should get started.” Everyone’s eyes snapped over to the man that had grown more than a little bit over time, “So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot.” He spoke awkwardly.
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Allison’s eyebrows had shot up alongside yours in surprise.
Luther’s own eyebrows furrowed, “You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time.” He looked around for anyone to agree with him, only to be met with bewildered looks, “None of you ever did that?”
You shook your head softly, looking down at your hands that fiddled with one another from where they rested in your lap.
Klaus strolled over and began talking loudly, and you sat back and watched silently as everyone went back and forth a little bit.
“Listen up,” Luther tried to reign the family in once more when they got off track, “Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?”
“Like what?” Diego asked with a roll of his eyes from where he was leaning against a pillar near the fireplace.
“Like the way he died.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open a little as you looked at him, everyone else adorning similar looks.
“I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack.” Vanya piped up in confusion.
“Yeah, according to the coroner.”
“Well, wouldn't they know?”
“Theoretically.” It was clear that Luther was beginning to realize that he had made a mistake by bringing this all up.
“Theoretically?” It was the first time you had spoken up, and you felt a couple of the others glance at you as you did so.
Yet again, your siblings began to bicker back and forth, and you sank lower into the couch cushions, not at all liking the way their voices raised more and more by the minute.
“Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” Diego’s voice snapped you harshly back to the present and a dangerous silence overcame the entire room again.
You looked up at Luther in disturbance, only to find him already staring down at you. And all at once, you felt your mouth go dry and your throat begin to close up slightly, “You don’t actually think-“
All around you, your siblings caught onto what Luther was really indicating and they adopted looks of shock. Diego let out a low whistle, “That’s messed up, man.”
“Look,” Number one stressed, “I’m just saying, according to the corner, there was nothing wrong with him. With your powers- you could painfully kill a person without showing a mark.”
You hadn’t even realized when you had stood up, but flinched back violently, as if struck, “You think I would kill him?” You whispered with tears forming in your eyes against your will.
Allison pursed her lips and averted her gaze when you desperately looked around for help, making you realize that she was uncertain as well.
“Wow,” You breathed out tearfully, shaking your head back and forth softly before shuffling out of the room.
“Y/n, wait-“
“Good job, Luther.” Diego scoffed and hit his shoulder against his brothers as he trailed after you, “Way to lead.”
I should not be left to my own devices
Somehow, not too long after leaving the living room, you ended up in the courtyard surrounded by your sibling, gazing up with wide eyes at something floating in the sky.
“What is it?”
“Don’t get too close!” Allison called, moving to place her arm in front of you and Vanya, who had your mouths dropped open and took unconscious steps forward.
“Yeah, no shit!” Diego yelled back over the wind, eyes glared against the harsh wind whipping straight at all of you.
Per usual, everyone kept shouting back and forth at one another about what to do, and in doing so, Allison dropped her arm and you were able to slowly creep forward.
Just then, someone fell out of the thing in the sky, landing in a heap right in front of your feet, but everyone was too busy glaring at each other to notice.
“Guys…” You called back cautiously, “Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?”
They come with prices and vices
You sat on the stairs with your head in your hands, still trying to wrap your mind around everything.
At the beginning of the day, you had come back home expecting to say your goodbyes and possibly even make peace with your father. But now, your long lost brother is back, and not only that, but he claims to have been way older than any of you, whilst being stuck in the body of his thirteen year old self.
“Hey, n/n,” Said brother greeted, strolling over to where you sat with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a sandwich.
You linked your fingers behind your head and tried to smile at him, but you had no doubt that it came out as a grimace, “Five.” You greeted.
Before his disappearance, Five had been the only one who truly was never afraid of you. Even if Diego claimed not to be now, you knew he was still slightly wary, and with good reason too.
“I take it things didn’t go well after I left?” He asked, plopping down onto the stairs beside you.
A small chuckle left your lips at his bluntness. Same old Five.
“No,” You agreed, “They never stopped being scared of me. And I never stopped being scared of myself.” You admitted.
He had always been the only one you could tell everything to about yourself without the fear of judgment.
The two of you fell into a silence that consisted of him munching on his sandwich thoughtfully, “You know,” Five spoke up once he had polished it off, “I think the others have always been more intimidated by you than anything.”
Your eyebrows went up, “How so?” You never really saw yourself as an intimidating individual.
“Because you’re so much more powerful than we all are… and the old man knew that.” He stood up and gave you a tight lipped smile, patting you once on your clothed shoulder and disappearing up the stairs, leaving you to dwell in your thoughts.
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
Allison placed a finger over her mouth to signal for you and Vanya to stay silent from where your backs were pressed up against a wall opposite of her.
A large figure in a mask came creeping through the door that you stood on either side of with a large gun resting in his grip, making your heart tighten.
Right on cue, your sister lunged out, kneeing him in the stomach and punching him in the face the second he doubled over in pain.
Quickly, you ushered Vanya out of the room and made sure she was a safe distance away before spinning on your heel to face Allison and the man, the two now throwing punches at one another with the gun discarded to the side.
Without hesitation, you dove at the man and jumped onto his back, throwing him off balance and sending him to the ground.
When he fell, Allison reeled her foot back and sent it straight into his head, effectively knocking him out cold.
For a moment, the two of you just stood there, panting and trying to catch your breaths.
“You know, Y/n,” She spoke up, surprising you, “I don’t actually think you killed dad. I would never think that of you. I was just in shock that Luther would say such a thing that I didn’t know how to react. A-and I’m sorry for not saying anything when he accused you and I know I should have-“
“Allison.” You cut her off gently, “It’s okay.”
She visibly relaxed as if a weight had been taken off of her shoulders, “And listen, I know you think we all hate you,” She took a step forward and slowly placed a hand on your shoulder, eyes searching yours for any sign that you were uncomfortable with the close proximity. “But we don’t, I promise you we don’t. You were just always isolated from us by dad- and I’m not saying it isn’t partially our fault- because it is, but we’re not kids anymore so there’s no excuse for how we acted. I’m sorry.”
First Diego with the apologies, Klaus acting like everything was normal, and then Allison. You couldn’t believe that your siblings were actually trying to make up with you.
Similarly to how when your brother first talked to you like this, tears began to form in your eyes and you smiled up at her, “T-thank you, Allison. That- that means a lot.”
She shook her head gently, “I’m just sorry that it took so long for me to be able to say it.”
I wake up screaming from dreaming
You gasped, shooting upright with heavy pants as you tried to regain your breathing and keep it under control.
You have been through this routine enough times to know what to do so well that it’s almost like second nature to you at this point.
Your head snapped up at the sound of Vanya's voice. She stood in the slightly opened doorway of your childhood room, where you had just been sleeping.
“Vanya,” You breathed out, leaning your back against your headboard, “What’s up?” You swallowed thickly and tried to seem as normal as possible.
The woman hesitated, “I… I left something here so I came back for it but I heard a scream…”
You let a breath loose and allowed your head to fall back, “Sorry,” You apologized in a whisper.
She shook her head back and forth vigorously, “No, no, it’s not your fault. I get it… I get nightmares too…”
You lulled your head to the side and looked at her, “Yeah?”
She nodded, hesitantly shuffling into the room before slowly sitting down on the end of your bed when you moved your feet for her.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked gently.
It was then your turn to shake your head, “No, no, it’s nothing I can’t handle- nothing I’m not used to.” You reassured.
“Well… I’m here if you ever need anything.”
You smiled softly, “Thank you, Vanya.”
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
“Five?” You looked up from your plate filled to the brim with breakfast foods your mother had cooked for you as you watched your brother swiftly walk by, “What’s going on?”
“I need to run an errand.” He answered curtly, “I’ll be back soon.”
Anxiety began to set in the pit of your stomach, “O-oh, do you want me to come with you?”
He quickly shook his head back and forth, “There’s no need, it could be dangerous.”
That made the fear double inside of you, “Are you sure you have to go?” You saw him freeze in his steps when he heard the worry seeping through your tone.
He sighed softly and turned around to face you, “It’ll be fine, I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip, “It’s just… you didn’t come back once. What’s to say it won’t happen again?”
“Me.” He reassured you, “I say that it won’t happen again. I won’t let it. I promise.”
With that, he gave you one last of his rare smiles and continued out of the kitchen.
'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
“Oh, sorry,” You mumbled, eyes immediately turning downwards the second you entered the living room, “I didn’t realize anyone was in here-“
“Y/n.” Luther immediately shot up from where he had been sitting on the couch, “No, I’m glad you’re here.” Your quick steps to exit the room paused, “We should talk.” He cleared his throat.
You eyed him hesitantly, “About what?”
“I’m sorry for saying that you killed dad!” He blurted out, cheeks turning red as he spoke, “It’s- it’s just that I was so upset and I didn’t know what really happened so I was creating scenarios that I didn’t even want to come true and-“ He stopped himself and took a deep breath to calm down, “And I know that it’s not an excuse, but I’m still very sorry for saying that you would ever be capable of something like that.”
You stayed silent for a moment before slowly nodding your head, “It’s okay,” You said softly, “I forgive you.”
“Really?” He sighed in relief, “Good, because I was scared for a moment there because I was acting like such an ass and-“
“Luther.” You tried to push away the small smile that threatened to grace your face, “I already said it’s fine, just leave it.”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
“We’re like outcast buddies!”
You looked over at Klaus with a raised eyebrow at his words.
The two of you sat on the stools near the bar in your living room, sipping on some concoction of alcohol that was no doubt older than both of you combined and would have given your father a heart attack at seeing if he was still alive.
“I’m pretty sure all of our siblings are outcasts.” You reminded him.
He sat there, pondering your words for a moment before signing and swirling his straw in his drink, “No, no, I suppose you’re right.” He frowned a little bit and slumped his shoulders slightly.
“Do you… want to be outcast buddies?” You asked hesitantly, eyeing your brother.
Immediately, he perked up with a large grin, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He shrieked, “We can start a club! We can print t-shirts! We can invite new members-“
You chuckled, sitting back and watching in amusement as your brother got excited over seemingly nothing.
At tea time, everybody agrees
“Thanks for the food, mom, it looks delicious.” You said sincerely.
The woman smiled softly and reached over to cup your cheek, and you immediately leaned further into the touch. Because she wasn’t actually human, she could touch you without consequence. And though you knew it wasn’t the same as if another person touched you, you still took what you could get because it was all that you would get, even if it wasn’t real.
“Of course, sweetie.” She answered with that wide, kind smile of hers gently removing her hand after a moment and leaning down to place a ghost kiss on your forehead, making your eyelids flutter shut.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
“It’s really weird to look at, isn’t it?” Five asked, walking up and standing beside you, gazing up at the wall.
It was a portrait of you and all your siblings, before Fives disappearance and Ben’s death, hanging in some random of the many hallways of the home.
“It is.” You agreed with a sigh, eyes taking it all in.
The way Five was the only one standing even remotely close to you in the painting didn’t escape your attention. Nor did the way everyone but him seemed to have their bodies angled away from you just slightly.
You forced yourself to tear your eyes away and you cleared your throat, “Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never had these powers?” You asked suddenly.
It had been a thought that had been eating away at you since you were at least seven, never having been voiced out loud by you.
“I try not to dwell on it,” Your brother admitted, “‘Cause there’s nothing we can do to change it.”
Despite his words, you allowed yourself, just for a moment, to picture what it would be like. To be able to hug people and shake hands without them having to worry for their life. To not be the scariest, most deadly person in any room you stood in.
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
All around you, walls were crumbling down and falling every which way. Each small piece of flying debris threatening to hit you.
Not so gracefully, you stumbled through the shaking building, blindly grasping onto the walls for support as you watched in horror as the house came apart all around you for reasons unknown to you.
“Y/n!” You whipped around at the sound of Luther, Allison, and Diego each calling your name and you began sprinting in their direction at the opposite end of the hall.
They each took a large step back when you neared though, causing you to pause, despite the fact that you needed to push on so that you didn’t get hit.
“What is it? What’s happening to-“ You began asking anxiously
“What did you do?” Luther’s words and tone of horror made the rest of your sentence die in your throat.
“How could you do something like this?” Allison whispered, and despite all the chaos, you somehow were still able to hear her. Her eyes shone with betrayal.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “What are you talking about?”
“Dad always said that you only reached the tip of the iceberg with your powers.” Diego was glaring at you coldly in a way that made even your heart freeze, “But I never thought you could be capable of something like this.”
“Your powers are to destroy.” Luther hissed venomously, “You can kill everything around you, so why can’t you demolish everything in your path as well with just the touch of your bare fingers?”
Your lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves, much like the walls around you, “I would never- I can’t even-“
“I can't believe we trusted you.” Allison shook her head and slowly began backing away once more, “We’ll never make that mistake again.”
The other two trailed after her once they threw more harsh glares your way, not even caring as you sank down to your knees in shock, oblivious to the house that was still caving in on itself all around you.
You had nothing to do with this, you had no idea what was happening. How could they think that you did? After everything, all the progress you all made?
Your suspicions that you had first stepped into this house what felt like years ago- when it had only, in reality, been days- were true.
Your siblings truly did hate you.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @kiyomi-uchiha777
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st4w3 · 1 month
Right Where You Left Me(??)
pairing: Five Hargreeves x (hargreeves)reader
notes: this is my first writing piece so sorry if it’s bad I’ve just been wanting to write something for the umbrella academy, if you like this then tell me if you want more or give me feedback tyy(:
btw used vanya instead of viktor since this was when they were kids just wanted to clarify that
summary: the day five left and the affect on you
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When five first told you about wanting to time travel you thought he was an idiot, your father would never approve. You thought he wasn’t ready yet but he didn’t listen to you he never listened to anyone, he was always so stubborn.
Then one day at dinner, five had interrupted the silence in the room and had announced that he wanted to time travel, father had told him the same thing you had said but he of course didn’t listen to him and had stormed out the room.
You wanted to chase after him but father had looked at you with a stern look so you just looked down at your dinner and ate it.
An hour had passed by and you were started to get worried about Five wondering if he was gonna come back soon. Vanya obviously noticed as she was also worried, “hey he’ll be back soon don’t worry about him” she said trying to give you some sort of comfort.
2 hours passed, 3 hours, 5 hours and nothing of Five, you didn’t know what to do. You had gone looking for him at his favorite places where he always went to when he was sad but nothing. You were starting to become stressed out and no one knew how to comfort you.
They always knew you had a special thing for Five as you always went everywhere together so Five leaving was especially hard for you. Days had soon began to pass by and nothing was heard of Five. Your father had done nothing to look for him, he was being far too stubborn telling you, “i warned him” was all he said and you soon began to think of the worst.
“I miss him Vanya” you said as you hugged her and cried into her shoulder “what if he’s out there all by himself.” Vanya had said nothing, she didn’t want to think of the worst but it had been weeks since Five had been missing and not one trace of him. The other Hargreeves were worried but had soon started to stop thinking of him, assuming that it was better to forget then to keep thinking of him.
You and Vanya however had never stopped, you constantly still went looking for him at his favorite spots. One day you had even confused a boy for him, running after him and screaming his name but it wasn’t him. Vanya had soon started to realize how affected you were and urged you to forget but you couldn’t, you loved Five.
Vanya had soon started moving on with her life as 8 months passed by but you stilled stayed there stuck that he would soon come back.
Soon years will go by and Ben would die leaving you even more depressed than you were before. Ben’s death had took a toll of you, first Five and now Ben. You didn’t want any of your other siblings to leave you but as more years went on they soon did each and every one of them building a life for themselves.
Vanya urged you to move on and eventually you did, Five wasn’t coming back and it was time you stuck that in your head. You soon met somebody and every memory you had of Five was soon erased and was replaced by someone else. Years would go by and you soon would become a different person.
Then your dad died and you were back at your old house with your other siblings, it was nice to be back but seeing Fives picture over the fireplace would hurt you. Vanya would be there with a hand on your shoulder giving you a weak smile. You hugged her, “I missed you” and she would repeat it back. She asked about your life and you told her how you had a family now and were now happy, how even though you still missed Five he was just a memory now.
However, you soon heard loud sounds from outside and your siblings would meet out there as some sort of black hole appeared. You and your siblings would all huddle together and soon you were met with a familiar face, a small Five. He hadn’t aged one bit, he looked at you but even though he still hold that caring look towards you, things were now different. You had moved on and had your own family and you were now an adult while he stayed in his same body when he first left. You looked at him knowing things were never going to go back to things they used to be.
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rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves;umbrella academy
word count: 3646
request?: yes!
@werewolfbanshee-love​ “Awesome, so since I started today with the show can I ask for Y/N to be Klaus’s support and saves him from Cha-Cha and Hazel just being a badass”
description: in which the powerless human takes down two time commission agents on her own
pairing: klaus hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, i use the name “vanya” in this one just because it takes place in season one
masterlist (one, two, three)
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A family full of superheroes, and those fuckers had no idea that one of their brothers was missing. Too wrapped up in their own bullshit to care about anything else. All those superheroes, and it took a goddamn regular human to track down and save a missing Klaus.
I had been in Klaus’ room, waiting for him to come back, when I heard gunshots downstairs. I quickly dropped to the floor and got under his bed for protection. I was not super human, so there was absolutely zero way I was getting involved with whatever was happening. I hoped Klaus also wasn’t getting involved. I listened to the sound of footsteps running past the room, things crashing downstairs, and more gunshots. My breathing became heavier with panic with every passing sound.
I waited a few seconds after the noises went quiet, waiting for any signs of Klaus, or anyone for that matter, coming to check on me. When nothing happened, I hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. I heard slamming doors outside and looked out just in time to see two figures getting into a black car and drive away from the Hargreeves residence. Neither figure looked like any of the Hargreeves siblings, so I took this to mean that the danger had left.
I slowly opened Klaus’ bedroom door and started down the hallway. There was bullet holes in the walls and pictures knocked down. The bathroom door was still open, so I peaked inside but found it empty. There were signs that Klaus had been in there, but none as to where he had gone after his bath.
I could hear voices as I descended the stairs. The giant chandelier from the foyer was now laying shattered in the middle of the floor. An uneasy feeling started to grow in my stomach.
I found Diego, Allison, and Vanya in the living room.
“Hey,” I said, breaking up their conversation. “Where’s Klaus?”
“Who cares?” Diego retorted.
“Uncalled for, Diego,” Allison muttered. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
“Fine,” I said, glaring at Diego before turning to walk away. It was clear I was getting no help from them.
I searched the entire Hargreeves estate to no avail. I knew there was no way Klaus would leave without telling me. He could be a space case sometimes, but he usually remembered to tell me things. Also, he was in the bath. How would he just get out of there and leave during all that commotion without coming to put clothes on? I’d know if he left, I was sure of it.
A thought popped into my head then: the car I had seen drive away. I rushed to Reginald’s office, the one place in the whole house I knew would have a pen and paper. I quickly wrote down the details of the car before I could forget, including the license plate number.
There has to be a way I can find this car, I thought.
But how?
Driving around town was a no go. It was too big of a town, too many places they could’ve gone or still be going to. It would take me hours, even days. Klaus might not have that long.
There was one option I could try.
I ran back down over the stairs just in time to catch Diego leaving. “Wait! Diego, wait, I need a favor.”
He paused at the door and turned to face me. “What’s in it for me?”
I rolled my eyes. “What, are you 12?”
“No, just a man who knows an opportunity when he sees it.”
“Do me this favor or I get Luther to super strength kick you in the nuts.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He looked at me, as if trying to decide whether to call my bluff or not. After a few moments, he signed and said, “What do you want?”
“I need you to call your cop girlfriend.”
“Patch? Why?”
I couldn’t tell him my suspicions about Klaus’ disappearance. He’d never believe me. I had only properly met Klaus’ siblings a few days earlier, but I could already tell they thought very lowly of him. They would just brush off his sudden disappearance as him going off on a bender and not worry about it.
“I just need her help,” I responded instead. “Please Diego.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Patch’s number. I thanked him profusely as I took his phone. It rang for a short while before Patch answered, “Diego, what do you w - ”
“Patch!” I cut her off. “Detective Patch, this is actually (Y/N), Diego’s brother’s girlfriend. I asked him to call you for me.”
“Oh, I remember you. You’re Klaus’ girlfriend. A little too stable for a guy like him.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Listen, I need a favor. I know this is a long shot because you don’t know me, but I needed a plate run on a car to try to find it. I assume cops can do that. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s important. I - ” I looked over at Diego, who was looking down at his knives and clearly pretending he wasn’t listening. I lowered my voice to say, “I think something happened to Klaus.”
“If it’s something so serious you’re asking for police involvement, you may just want to file a report with the police.”
“No offence, but I don’t completely trust the cops to find him in time. I don’t even trust Klaus’ siblings and they have powers. Look, all I’m asking is any info you can find on this car, that’s it. Please Patch.”
There was a moment of silence. I expected her to say no. It was a big ask for her to do this for someone she didn’t even know. As far as I could tell, she didn’t even like Diego all that much right now. But I needed her to say yes. If she didn’t, I would already be at a severe disadvantage in finding Klaus before it was too late.
“Okay,” she said, finally. “Give me the information.”
I thanked her and gave her the details I had on the car. I also gave her my phone number so she’d call me and not Diego. I thanked Diego again as I gave him his phone back and went back to Klaus’ room to wait. There wasn’t much I could do until Patch got back to me about the car. If she couldn’t find any details about the car, I’d definitely be shit out of luck. I’d never find Klaus.
I paced up and down Klaus’ room. I kept looking out the window, as if the car would return and bring Klaus back safely. I could hear his siblings moving around the house, but not once coming to see where Klaus was. I knew Diego didn’t give a shit, but I thought maybe Allison or Vanya cared enough about their brother to be concerned when I said he was missing. Wishful thinking, I guess.
When my phone rang, I practically jumped out of my skin. I answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”
“I got your car,” came Patch’s voice. “And a location.”
Roughly 20 minutes later, I was parked outside of a motel. The car wasn’t in the parking lot, but Patch swore this was the last known location. It was dark and my body was starting to realize it hadn’t slept in well over 12 hours. But I pushed through it. I needed to find Klaus. I needed him to be alive and safe.
The car finally pulled into the lot nearly an hour later. All sleep immediately left my body as I sat up and watched intently. The car parked and a man and woman got out. They didn’t go around to the back of the car to take a third person out, so I could only assume that Klaus was already inside their room. I got out of my car, grabbing the crowbar I had taken as a weapon before starting to follow Klaus’ captors at a safe distance. They turned a corner and I paused to let them get far enough away to keep myself safe. When I peaked around the corner, they had gone into one of the rooms.
I silently crept down the block of rooms. There was only one room with the lights on, so it was easy to find where the assailants were. I peaked through the thin white curtains to see a figure tied to a chair between the two beds.
I could see his two captors stood facing him, side on to where I was but not able to see me. I couldn’t make out much as the curtains still blocked a lot of my vision.
I hadn’t thought this far ahead. What was the next step here? How did I get them out of the room long enough for me to save Klaus? Or how did I knock them out long enough?
They wouldn’t just answer the door if I knocked, would they?
I took the chance and knocked at the door. “Housekeeping!”
There was silence. I knew it was a long shot, but I had no other plan, and I wasn’t sure how much time I had.
I tried again, knocking three times and repeating, “Housekeeping!”
My heart jumped when I heard the doorknob turn and the door suddenly opened. A tall man with brown hair and a beard looked down at me. Realizing that I wasn’t housekeeping, he looked at me in confusion.
I smiled. “Hello.”
And then I swung my crowbar.
It connected with the side of his head, knocking him to the door. I was surprised by how little effort it took to take him down. Now, where’s the other one?
My question was quickly answered by the sound of gunshots. I dove behind the nearest bed as the woman stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing a mask and shooting at me as I fell to the ground. I should’ve known they’d have guns. I heard the gunshots when I was at the Hargreeves’ place. And yet I came with a crowbar in hand, something that I needed to be very close to the attackers in order to use.
I looked over to where the man was laying unconscious. His white button up shirt was tucked into his pants, revealing his own holster with the gun. I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get that gun. At least to try and defend myself from this lady attacker.
I inched forward slowly. She had stopped shooting at me, so I knew she was just waiting for me to come out from my hiding spot. I had a short period of time to try and grab the gun and dive back to where I was hiding before her bullets finally made connections with my body. I had to grab something to cover me, or at least that would hopefully cover me, long enough for me to get the gun.
I looked up to see the a large briefcase on the table behind me. It was a long shot, I’m pretty sure bullets can go through briefcases, but it was all that I had. I turned so my feet were facing towards the table and kicked it. The briefcase wobbled slightly, but didn’t move.
“Hey!” called the female attacker. “What are you doing?!”
I kicked the table again and the briefcase fell over, the handle facing outwards. I reached up and grabbed it, pulling it down just in time for another bullet to whiz past my hand.
“You’re not a very good shot,” I taunted.
I held the briefcase in front of my body as I scurried out from behind the bed towards the unconscious man. I heard more gunshots and, surprisingly, they ricocheted off the briefcase.
This thing must be maid of titanium or something. It can’t be a normal briefcase.
I fumbled with the latch on his holster as another shot ran out, bouncing off the briefcase again. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding with adrenaline. I needed to get this thing off. I needed this to be a fair fight. When the latch finally popped free, I breathed a sigh of relief before taking the gun and diving back behind the bed, taking the briefcase with me. I had a feeling it was something important, and maybe I could exchange it for Klaus.
“Listen!” I called. “I’ve never dealt with all this shooting and kidnapping shit before. I’m not part of the Umbrella Academy, I don’t have powers, I’m just a normal person. I came here because I think you took my boyfriend and I want him back. Whatever you have against the Umbrella Academy I can assure you has nothing to do with Klaus. If you’d just give him up to me, I’ll give you back your briefcase and we’ll leave. I promise you we won’t interfere with whatever you have going on. Truthfully, I don’t even really like Klaus’ siblings right now, so if you want to go after them I won’t be standing in your way.”
There was silence. I was starting to get sick of this type of silence. Either agree or disagree with what I was saying. It wasn’t that deep to have to think about it for this long about my proposition.
Another gunshot rang out, so I took that as a no.
My hands were still shaking as I popped up from behind the bed and started blindly shooting. I had never handled a gun before. They were loud and extremely scary. I knew there was very little chance I would actually hit her, but maybe if I was lucky I’d get a good shot in and I could just take Klaus and run.
It didn’t take long for me to use up all of my bullets. I looked up to see that she was nowhere to be seen. I started to rise to my feet, hoping I had hit her and she was laying on the ground. But, of course, no such luck. The moment I stood, she came out of the bathroom again, gun lifted and aimed at me. My quick instincts were suddenly gone as I stared down the barrel of the gun that would undoubtably kill me. I wondered if Klaus’ siblings would find him before he joined me in my fate. I wondered if Diego would feel guilty for not listening to me when I asked him about Klaus being missing. If any of them would even feel somewhat remorseful for not saving me or Klaus in time.
Instead of another shot ringing out, though, the gun just clicked. Both of us looked at each other - well, I looked at her, her mask looked at me - dumbfounded. She tried again and got the same results. A laughed bubbled in my throat and escaped my lips before I could stop it.
Her gun had ran out of bullets, too.
She dropped the gun and lunged over the two beds towards me. She took my off guard long enough to knock me to the ground. I tried to swing at her, but her mask was just as hard as the briefcase was. I howled in pain as my fist collided with the mask for the first time, definitely shattering the bones in my hand. She seemed delighted by the fact that I was caught off guard again and punched me in the face. Pain exploded from my nose causing tears to well up into my eyes.
My crowbar was laying just inches away from me, next to the briefcase. Either one of those things would definitely work in this situation, but I had to hit her just right on the back of her head. It was obvious hitting the mask would only protect her. And I had to do it while she least expected it. If she knew what my plan was, she’d stop me in an instant and probably take me out with her own bare hands.
I stretched an arm out as she hit me again. The pain was almost unbearable. I’d have to get my nose and my hand looked at by a doctor I was sure, but for now I had to focus on surviving this attack and saving Klaus. I felt my fingers brush against one of the two potential weapons and closed them around it. I wasn’t sure which one I had grabbed, but it didn’t matter to me now. I grit my teeth against the pain and hissed out, “You should’ve taken my deal.”
I swung and the briefcase collided with the back of her head. She fell off of me, limp on the ground. I looked down at her to see blood forming on the back of her head. Knowing she was down for the count, I quickly stood and looked for where they could’ve hidden Klaus. It didn’t take long, though, as the silence finally fell over the room made it easier to hear the sound of muffled yelling coming from the closet. When I threw the doors open, I found Klaus, wrapped only in a towel and tied to the chair. His face was just as blood as mine was.
I nearly sobbed as I reached to take the tape off of his mouth.
“You found me,” he breathed.
“I wasn’t giving up until I did,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before they wake up.”
I undid his bindings and helped him to his feet. We started out of the room, but I paused to take my crowbar and the briefcase. I figured I could use some leverage if these assholes tried to come after us again.
We scurried across the parking lot to my car. My hand and nose were throbbing. I cradled my hand on my lap and drove with the other towards my house. I felt it was a better option than going back to the Hargreeves’ place. I didn’t want his siblings to see both of us all beat up and realize I had been right about Klaus’ disappearance. Not yet, anyways. I’d save the gloating for later.
When we got back to my place, I ran the shower for Klaus so he could clean himself up. I wrapped my hand in gauze from my first aid kit and held an icepack to my nose until the swelling went down. I then cleaned the blood from my face, careful not to accidentally bump my nose. I’d need to seek medical attention, but that was for a later time.
Klaus had clothes at my place, so I laid them out on my bed for him. Poor thing had been in just a towel for who knows how long.
When he came into my room, he paused at the door to look over me. He winced as he looked at my wrapped up hand. “Did they hurt you bad?”
“Well, this was me actually,” I said. “Those fucking masks were harder than I expected them to be. But she did break my nose. I’ll go see a doctor tomorrow. Did they hurt you bad?”
“No broken bones.” He took the clothes from my bed and changed into them. “I can’t believe you risked your life for me like that.”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? They took you and they were hurting you.”
“I have superhuman siblings, though.”
I shook my head. “Too wrapped up in themselves to even listen to me. There was no other choice than for me to come find you myself.”
Klaus climbed into bed next to me. I rolled onto my side to face him, and he did the same, propping himself up on his elbow as he did so.
“I can’t believe you knocked both of them out on your own,” he said. “I heard all that gunfire and thought for sure you were dead.”
“Well, the guy wasn’t too hard to take down. He answered the door with no mask on, so I just hit him with the crowbar I brought with me. The woman put up more of a fight. I was lucky she was dumb enough to empty her gun while trying to shoot me or else I likely would’ve been a goner.”
He looked over me again. There was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. It was like a combination of things. Love was the one thing I was sure I was seeing.
“I can’t believe you came for me,” he said again.
I smiled and leaned closer to him. “I love you, Klaus. I’d do anything to make sure you were safe. That includes risking my life to go after two kidnappers with guns and titanium masks on my own to save you from them.”
Klaus smiled. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He pulled me the rest of the way forward, closing the gap between us to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning forward into the kiss so the two of us were laying down. I winced briefly as my nose brushed against his, sending a slight pain through my face.
“Sorry,” Klaus said, his voice soft. “You need to get that fixed. I can’t just not kiss you.”
I giggled. “Tomorrow, I promise. We need to rest now, though. We both had quite the night.”
As if finally realizing how tired he was, Klaus yawned and nodded. I settled into the bed next to him, cuddling into his chest. I could hear his heart beating as he drifted off to sleep. I used it as a reminder that he was there, that I had saved him, as my adrenaline finally wore off and I finally fell asleep.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 years
Not right now - Five Hargreeves
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Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
Word count: 1658
Warnings: crying
Summary: After Five returns back to his family after living in the apocalypse you ask him how he’s doing.
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Five stood in front of you, putting the slices of bread for his sandwich on the table before blinking to get some marshmallows from a cupboard. Vanya, Allison stood on the left side of the wooden table, Diego and Luther on the other side while Klaus had opted for placing himself on top of said table. You were sitting on a chair beside Vanya, your gaze set on Five. His suit was way too big and it wasn't the usual academy uniform, but that was the only signs visible from his disappearance.
"Where did you go?" Diego asked, however he sounded pretty uninterested in the answer. But the question had to be asked, you all knew it. Five, who was getting some marshmallows, didn't miss a beat before he answered.
"The future," his spacial jump back to the table caused a pause in his answer, "it's shit, by the way."
"Called it!"
You rolled your eyes at Klaus but kept your gaze at Five. It was odd seeing him again, and it was even more odd that he hadn't changed a bit since last time. He was still in the same, young body, the same haircut, the same movements as he'd had then. He looked just the same. Just the same as the portrait above the mantel place. But he had another look in his eyes now. Before he'd disappeared, it'd been determination and a will to prove himself. Now it was something else. It was like a gray layer had placed itself upon his green eyes. Like someone who'd been through way more than they should.
Five gave a sight as he continued making his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, "I should have listened to the old man." He opened the refrigerator to retrieve some peanut butter, "you know, jumping through space is one thing," he threw the refrigerator door shut but it stayed open just a glimpse; he didn't acknowledge it though, "jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He paused and looked up at his siblings, his gaze sliding over all of you before landing on Klaus' attire for the occasion, "nice dress."
Klaus lit up, "oh, well, danke!"
Vanya cut him off at the last second and returned the attention to Five, "Wait, how did you get back?"
"In the end I had to project my conciseness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."
Diego had his gaze locked on the floor, trying to process whatever the hell Five just had laid out on the table for them. He frowned slightly and shook his head, "that makes no sense."
"Well, it would if you were smarter," Five deadpanned and completely ignored Diego when he quickly stood up, taking offense in Five's answer. Luther quickly held out an arm to stop Diego from doing anything more drastic.
"How long were you there?" Luther still looked as confused as he'd done when they all first entered the kitchen. He'd just been standing there listening to what Five had been saying, trying to get the puzzle pieces to fit together.
"Forty five years. Give or take." Five's answer got both Diego and Luther to sit down, completely taken back by the answer. It clearly wasn't what they'd expected. Neither of you had expected it. And Five spoke so easily about it that it almost irritated you that he didn't take it more seriously. Instead he took it with a peanut butter - marshmallow sandwich and a shrug of his shoulders.
"So what are you saying? That you're fifty eight?" Luther's curiosity and his need to understand everything had started to kick in and you could see that it started to get on his nerves. He explained with his teeth bitten together that "my consciousness is 58. Apparently my body is now thirteen again."
"Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya questioned with a shake off her head. You'd given up on trying to understand how it all fit together. None of you were as smart as Five. You'd never been, and you'll never be. All of you had come to term with that. At least you had. Five had turned away from you when he answered, "Delores kept saying the equations were off," he took a bite out of his sandwich, "bet she's laughing now."
"Delores?" Vanya wondered out loud, but Five ignored her. Instead he looked down at the newspaper where Reginald Hargreaves were on the cover. Or at least the news about his funeral.
"Guess I missed the funeral."
"How'd you know about that?" Luther asked, eyebrows furrowed and a questioning look in his eyes.
"What part of the future do you no understand?" Five deadpanned and looked up at him. You shook your head slightly at the banter, it was just like old days. It was like everything was back to how it was seventeen years ago.
"Heart failure, huh?"
"Yeah- no," Luther quickly changed his mind.
Five clicked his tongue and voiced what you'd been thinking about just seconds before," nice to see nothing's changed." He dropped the newspaper on the table again and started walking away. When he almost made it to the exit, Allison spoke up. She'd been quiet the whole time but reality finally struck her.
"That's it? That's all you have to say?" she turned towards him, disappointed when he didn't slow down his determined steps.
"What else is there to say? The circle of life." His steps echoed until they faded away completely. The kitchen got quiet as everyone tried to grasp what had just happened. Allison was the first one to speak up again.
"Well that was.. interesting." Vanya and you nodded in agreement, meeting each other's gazes and silently asking each other what was happening with the world right now.
"I'll go talk to him," Luther decided and stood up to go search for Five. Your gaze snapped to him and you stepped out in front of him when he started making his way to the stairs.
"I'll do it, just, lay low for now," you said quietly. All of you knew that out of everyone you'd been the one with the best connection to Five through the years you'd spent together. Luther opened his mouth to argue with you but you just quietly shook your head at him, silently begging him to stay out of this for once. He raised his hands in surrender and sat back down at the table with the rest of the siblings. You gave him a nod and walked out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs to go search for Five.
You found him in his old childhood room. He had changed out of the oversized suit and was back in his old academy attire. The clothes fit him perfectly and it looked like he wasn't a day older than 13. On the bedside table was a prosthetic eyeball, but you decided it would be best not to question it. Five sat on the edge of the bed, arms resting on his knees and his face in his hands. Your light knocking on the half-open door made him look up. A look of distress covered his face and he pulled a hand through his hair.
"What do you want?" he asked quietly. His green eyes met yours and it was as if you could see the memories he'd made while being gone. It all played over and over again in head and looking into his eyes was like watching a movie roll.
"Are you alright?" your voice was soft and the care that it held made Five wince in his seat. He hadn't heard that in a long time it did something to his heart. He was home again, with his family. With you. He pulled at the tie, trying to make it easier to breathe. He shook his head at you.
"Please, leave me alone, I can’t… I can’t take it right now."
Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Take what?" you wondered out loud.
Five looked away from your gaze and loosened the tie. He frustratedly pulled a hand through his dark hair, getting it out of his face, only for it to fall back again. Tears had gathered in his eyes and he picked at his cuticles.
"Being asked if I'm okay."
You sighted softly and walked over the threshold, shutting the door close behind you. Five slid down from his bed and positioned himself on the floor, back resting against the bed and knees pulled up against his chest. Tears fell from his eyes now and he furiously wiped the away, looking away from you to avoid meeting your gaze. You sat down on the floor with him, resting a hand on his arm, your thumb softly stroking across the material of his jacket.
"Hey, Five," you said softly, trying to get him to look at you. Pulling a gentle hand though his hair and softly titling his chin up so you could see his eyes, he finally looked up at you. The care in your eyes and the gentleness you showed him had more tears falling down his cheeks but this time he didn't bother to wipe them away. He let them fall, the cold tears making his cheeks wet and then fell down on his shirt before getting soaked up in the material.
"It's okay, you'll be okay," you mumbled and wrapped your arms around him, gathering him in your embrace. He fell into your arms, letting himself relax in just a few moments before the world was due to end. He gasped for breath, his sharp inhales and shaky exhales were all that could be heard in the room. He clung onto you, holding you close to him as if you would disappear if he didn't hold you close enough.
"You're not alone anymore." That's when he lost it. Those four little words whispered to him against his dark hair was all that it took for him to just let all the walls fall in. He let himself get lost in your comfort and your closeness. The hard floor under you both was making your legs ache and the position was awkward, but Five didn't care. You were here, right beside him again and he would let himself enjoy that as much as he could. You pressed him into you, falling into him just as much as he fell into you. And it was enough for now. Even with his gasping breaths and desperate hold on you, it was enough for now, for this little moment. For these few minutes.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Yandere Five Hargreeves - You're from 1963
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Pairing: Yandere Five Hargreeves x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: You're from 1963 and Elliot's adopted sister.
WARNINGS: S2 spoilers; Kidnap.
AN: Aged-up Five. Also you're not necessarly white, cause you're adopted. Please, reblog and give me feedback.
You’re Elliot’s adopted younger sister but you, unlike your brother, are not that enthusiastic about Five or his family. You simply don’t share the same morbid fascination your brother has over them, but somehow you end up catching Five’s attention.
You’re tolerable, he assumes. Much more tolerable than Elliot and because of that, Five remains closer to you. 
Five is constantly around you, except for when he has dangerous matters to take care of. He frustratedly vents to you about his plans and complains about his siblings, even if you don’t seem too interested in listening to him. 
“And can you believe that Diego got himself locked up in an asylum, that idiot! I’m surprised that it didn't happen sooner.” 
It soon becomes evident that Five is never far from you and Lila takes every opportunity to expose Five for being so smitten by you, even if he vehemently tries to deny it. 
If you go to the kitchen, so will he. “I was actually going to get some coffee too.” 
If you head to college, Five will be right behind you. “I always wanted to see how the education system worked in 1963, so might as well come with you. For research purposes.” 
So, you’re forced to endure his company but you’re good at ignoring Five, letting him be the strange young yet old man he is. You let him talk and be with you, always keeping your head down on a book to give you an excuse to not talk much with him.
But then Elliot is murdered and it shakes everything in your life. You blame the Hargreeves for that. You blame Five. It’s because of them that your brother is dead. 
You try to grab your stuff and leave the apartment, away from all of them and their problems except Five doesn’t let you. He’ll lock you up in your room, preventing you from leaving, not only for your safety but also because he can’t let you leave. 
Five promptly refused Vanya’s demands to bring Sissy and Harlan back to 2019, but the same doesn’t apply to you. Five will do anything - absolutely anything - to take you with him. Doesn’t matter if you want to or not, but it’s still happening. 
It’s mostly for you that he slaughtered the board members and he would do it again and again, if it means he can take you home with him.  
And once Five finally finds a way back home, he’ll drag you with him, uncaring of the shocked expressions on his sibling’s faces as they watch him wrestling you into coming with them. 
Once you’re all back in 2019, Five wastes no time in taking you to a remote location, only you and him, away from his family and everyone. Just you and him. 
“Isn’t this much better this way? Just you and me, together for the rest of our lives. And honey, don’t hope my siblings will save because no one will take you away from me.” 
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eternal-armin · 1 year
ii. SO, HOW SHOULD i begin this?
part two woo. hopefully i'll be able to catch up on this and maybe publish some other stuff now that i'm home a lot more often (yay pain and mobility issues), maybe some arcane stuff since that would be fun, branching out into my last hyperfixation again lol. i've proofread so it should be good :>
pairing : five hargreeves x male/transmasc reader [he/him pronouns]
where : after trying and sort of succeeding to get on the hargreeves' good side, five and [y/n] try rationalizing the situation and figuring out something, anything, to do about it.
warnings : mentions of trauma, threats [of physical violence and murder], reader is still totally exhausted because how could he not be, depression, dissociation, pain, bits of shouting, not necessarily a warning but viktor is always viktor in the multiverse because the boy deserves it okay, existentialism, philosophical nihilism, family issues.
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five adjusted his clothes in the mirror. although he wouldn't be able to have a proper retirement, he could look like a retired old man, couldn't he? who would've thought that someone could get so excited for beiges and tans. he got an amused look of subtle approval from you. beyond that, it wasn't very hard to look past your façade if he was being honest, you looked hesitant; though could he blame you? there were probably millions of worlds where his family fucked you over or just straight-up killed you. and yet, you also looked too tired to care. he couldn't blame you for that, either.
he touched your shoulder again. in a flit of light, which once again made you feel horribly nauseated and woozy, you were downstairs. surprised exclamations roused from his family.
"anyone know where vanya and allison are?" five asked, glancing with narrowed eyes across the lacking table.
"nope." and after that short reply diego went back to finishing off his meal—for someone who often scarfed his meals down, he seemed to be taking his sweet time. either that or your fun conversation with five had not taken as long as you'd thought; either possibility was equally likely at this point, really.
"nuh-uh... sorry."
"not a clue, unfortunately. something wrong, tiny dancer?" klaus asked.
"well, we have a new problem."
"who's this guy?" luther pointed at you wish his thumb, not caring to cover his mouth; your nausea was worsened to see someone talking whilst eating. diego looked at you then, and you hated how his glare bore straight through your soul. he really, really didn't seem to appreciate your presence. how both of them could so willingly ignore the phrase 'we have a problem,' especially from five, was unknown to you.
"this is [y/n]. he's one of the sparrows."
you waved once to everyone. whether the sluggishness of the motion, and the weak smile which accompanied it, was due to shyness or exhaustion was incredibly murky and unclear.
"so now we're getting all buddy-buddy with the enemy? do you know how stupid that is?"
"i'm sorry, diego, did you not hear me say that we have a problem?"
"well, you say that a lot, little brother!" klaus leaned forward to see you clearer, giving you a smile. it didn't really placate your anxieties or your strong desire to run, however it was appreciated. he waved, and you again waved back politely, still feeling very... guilty for your earlier flub. it wasn't a new thing, either, and that made you feel even worse. "hello, little enemy! how do you look so young? do you use those, like, '10 years younger' face creams? i didn't know they worked that well—"
"that is not a relevant question, klaus, now can someone please tell me where allison and vanya are?"
you cleared your throat slightly. "vanya is most likely getting a haircut. allison is trying to get to claire, but she's... not going to find her." it left a bitter taste in your mouth to refer to viktor in such a disrespectful way, but you couldn't take that from him. upon receiving suspicious stares from the younger hargreeves brothers, you mumbled a quiet "maybe."
"mind telling us what the hell is going on before i deck this mini-muffin across the lobby?"
"hey, hey, do not use mini-muffin as an insult! those are beautiful things, there's nothing better than mini-muffins when you're on a bender at, like, three in the morning!" klaus got a confused and heavily judgmental look in return for that... beautiful insight.
"[y/n] has the ability to see all other timelines, so he can usually find out the most probable events. okay? good. now i need to find allison, so can one of you fetch vanya, please?"
"no, not good, and no thanks! after all we've gone through, we deserve a proper explanation!" klaus objected. after a second or two of awkward silence, and a scowling glare from five, he gave in with a curt sigh. it sounded more like a groan. the brothers looked at you; klaus was the only one to seem patient, showing the approval of a parent understanding a kid's fear of giving a speech; luther stared at you with a puzzling mix of intrigue and subtle impatience; and diego stared at you with a raised eyebrow, leaning his head in slightly as if to say 'i'm waiting.' five's glare, although still quite characteristic, was a bit softer when aimed at you. you could never feel more put on the spot.
"you've gotta say something, little man, we can't read your mind," klaus encouraged.
"well, uh... i don't know exactly what it is yet, but something is wrong."
"aren't you omniscient or some shit? you can see literally every reality!"
the shouting scared you quite a bit and certainly made your headache worse. you put one of your hands to your head, mumbling, wishing you could just get some painkillers. if only five had given them back.
"don't shout, for fuck's sake," five grumbled, annoyed in his own right.
"i'm not omniscient. if no other worlds know something, then i can't, and... no other world knows yet. but something is wrong." your quiet voice was juxtaposed to diego's, still loud and stubborn like back in the academy. around 79.4 percent of every single alternate world which had diego in it found him like this, angry and short-tempered; it was very interesting. "you aren't supposed to be here. you guys, as you are, don't exist here. i don't think reality appreciates you showing up all of a sudden. and if versions of yourselves already exist in this world, then something will need to... iron out the wrinkles, i guess." you pursed your lips for a second. "not to be too brash or anything, but, to really, really dumb it down, you're a mis—you're mistakes."
"seriously? five, i thought you said that this timeline would be safe to stay in." luther looked like a scolded puppy. you felt bad. he was far too sweet—naive? yes, naive—for this kind of life.
"yes, that's what i thought, but second opinions are pretty valuable in my line of expertise. turns out it was sorely needed." his brows pricked up a few times while he spoke. "but, like you said before, it may be a problem we can solve."
diego remained, unsurprisingly, unswayed. "you better not be including this wad of chewed gum in that 'we,' five."
"what is with you and insulting him? he wants to help. jesus christ."
"last time i checked, his entire family just kicked our asses out of our own house, i have a right to be pissed, and he's lucky i'm in no killing mood."
"i don't agree that he should be killed," luther began in solidarity, "but we have a reason not to trust him, right?"
you took a little breath and exhaled it in a quiet sigh. "i know my family can be... extreme. and bad sometimes. trust me. and i totally understand how you can be angry with them and with me and think that i'm not honest. but i never hurt anyone, and i want to help you guys. you're eccentric yourselves, but usually you're good people. you're, like, an actual family," you added, trailing off, "not a group forced to stay together for monetary gain."
five squinted at you slightly. was that one of the reasons you chose not to grow up? you couldn't be associated with the sparrows if you were half their age. throw on a pair of sunglasses and nobody could recognize you.
jeez. didn't that sound nice.
"you guys really deserve a place to rest. a stable place to live, even. and if we can figure this out, then maybe you won't have to live in constant fear of coming into contact with your doppelganger or something. live, like, normal lives. as normal as they can be, anyway."
diego, much to your surprise, seemed to listen to what you were saying. sure, he still looked quite ticked-off and impatient, but you couldn't really ask for too much from him, could you?
"and you're sure that this is a problem we can actually solve? for good?"
"i'm not exactly sure what the problem even is yet. all i know is that something is wrong. but every problem has a solution, even if it seems impossible sometimes." there was a twinge of sage, melancholic hopelessness somewhere in there, some subtle disbelief. "five is quite the expert in timelines and time travel-related problems and paradoxes, and i'm an expert in alternate realities and manipulating reality itself. if anyone can figure it out, i'm sure we can. and i have no doubt that all of you will also play large parts."
luther's face was screwed into an expression of brazen confusion. "so... we're, like, completely blind, and need to fight an enemy we know absolutely nothing about."
"pretty much," you mumbled.
"surprisingly poetic way to put that, luther, i'm impressed," five mused rather sarcastically. "unfortunately, however, it seems we're gonna have to do something terrible and unprecedented." perhaps for dramatic effect, perhaps to quell his own annoyances, he paused and sighed out a breath. "we're going to have to work together." he did not need to specify the parties specified in 'together.'
"well, personally, i think this is a splendid idea. perfect opportunity for family bonding, i'd say! we're surrounded by decent chinese food and competent beds and cable television. decent music, too! and diego can finally figure out some self-discipline by not constantly threatening to kill [y/n]! marvelous idea little ones." admittedly, klaus's unique way of talking and gesturing was quite calming to you. you were very grateful for him. oddly enough—maybe you should've stopped saying that when it came to the umbrellas—klaus seemed to be that pillar of tranquility for you. viktor as well.
"calm down, calm down. you know that he won't turn against us or whatever? you're sure?"
the question was directed at five but you answered for him. "i'm not strong and i've never been in good health. even christopher, without his powers, would be better at fighting you than i would."
"the fucking cube?" you nodded. he plastered a grin over a pouting scowl. he sighed, giving into the plan. perhaps some remaining distrust still lingered, however, he could deal with it. "we've gotta clue allison and vanya in now. i'll go get vanya."
"finally," five huffed, shaking his head. "i'm going to find allison. you said she's going to try and find claire? i'll go to her old house." and then, the next second, he was gone. a few seconds of... incredibly awkward silence passed, where luther was staring at you whole-heartedly.
"go on and take a seat, young whipper-snapper. do you have any dietary restrictions? or allergies? we've probably got something here you can eat, if you want."
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you had asked to walk back home with five.
"why with me?" "it's a little bit selfish, but i really don't want to be alone right now, and you're the number one person i trust right now." "flattering," he muttered. "then why walk?" "i think better when i walk."
admittedly, walking was taxing for you right now, so it may not have been your brightest idea, but after this entire day you needed a nice break; the picturesque city sunset was nice, the breeze was subtle and sweet, and it smelled like food out there on the streets. viktor had offered to talk with marcus and try to make a deal; you'd asked him to be very, very careful. "i don't know if purposely seeking out the anomaly would be more effective, or if allowing it to reveal itself would be better. maybe we should seek it out."
five nodded slightly. "allowing it to reveal itself could mean that it becomes too powerful to stop."
"that's kind of what i was thinking. we don't know how it would reveal itself. what if it destroys something, or changes something? what if it hurts people?" your voice was quieter with that last proposition. it was the worst possible option in your mind; buildings could be rebuilt. changes could be undone, with enough time and patience. but people could not be undamaged, and they could not be brought back to life.
well, not permanently, anyway.
five's pace slowed a bit and he peered at you, strangely, for a moment. you avoided his eyes.
"surprisingly enough, i don't think this is the... worst outcome." "forgive me but i don't really believe you. we've got jack all on either side. essentially, we're alone." "you're used to it, five." "hmph. and you aren't?" "not in this way, i guess." there was more he wanted to say but you would not give him the opportunity to dig too deep. "there are worlds where your family is on board. trusts me, even, after some convincing. and there are also some where we narrow the options down. i'd love to be in one of those. but at least we aren't at each other's throats again, or diego's choking me to death." your voice soured. if you got too close, you could feel that pain. there your mind went then, trying to save your other selves out of some ethereal desperation you could never claw yourself away from.
"ow!" you hissed, clapping a hand to your neck where it had stung, sharp and sudden. "what was that?"
"you were seriously so spaced out you didn't see me?" five asked, though it barely sounded like a question. he sounded just barely concerned. you had looked like a glove without a hand. "jeez," he scoffed, shaking his head. "did you see anything helpful, at least? anything at all?"
your mind was still seared and shattered across uncountable realities and he could see that struggle to ground in your eyes. hear it in your breath. you had little mental fortitude left to respond. "sorry? can you repeat that?"
five didn't roll his eyes. unfortunately, he knew dissociation. he carefully took your hands in his, rubbing your knuckles like he'd seen you do before, and that seemed to give you... some amount of usable energy. it was also sort of difficult not to notice him, of all people, doing it, even while he sported an expression of general distaste for the situation; you couldn't tell if it was falsified or not. slowly, you were returning to your body, and it felt heavier than ever before. "what did you see?" he repeated, just as you asked, meticulously annunciating each word and using a decent pace.
you nodded slightly. "i saw a few other timelines. less fortunate ones." you didn't need to elaborate for five to understand what you were referring to. the broad strokes, anyway. "nothing really useful, though," you added after a second in total defeat.
"shit. well, that's alright." and though it clearly wasn't, you didn't say anything.
"how long have we been standing here?"
"... a minute or two."
"oh, great," you mumbled, shaking your head to yourself. your record was around two hours, sure, but it still sucked. "the... we should seek it out."
"wow. you remembered."
"we were having the same conversation a whole lot. given i was still alive and actually grew to trust you." it was a half-joke but it succeeded in getting a bare grin out of five. "we can't risk hurting other people."
"or destroying something," five added.
"or destroying something," you agreed, then furrowing your brow slightly. a cafe nearby was playing pleasant music; that was something keeping you tethered to this world in particular, as if five wasn't enough, but even he was quiet sometimes. "the only problem is we don't know where it is."
"or what it looks like. if it even looks like something at all. it could very well be invisible or incomprehensible." he scowled for a second, though not out of irritation, thinking rather loudly to himself. "we should start where we appeared, i think." you nodded in agreement. "if your... 'family' decides to work with us, all of us, then we can search a whole lot more. but we should get the basics out of the way."
"the beginning is always the most logical place to start."
"quaint way to put it, did you write the sound of music in another universe?"
"what part about 'literally any possible, feasible universe' do you not understand?" you joked, managing a small smile of your own, and five would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little bit relieved to see you humoring yourself again.
"i deserve that." he paused for a second. "i know you said that walking helps you think, and you definitely need to do that more, but you look like a dead man standing right now. i'd rather just drop you off at the academy and get back to my own family. are you okay to teleport?" you did not respond at first, taking careful account of how you felt and how you may feel after. eventually, and rather subtly, you nodded.
"my room is klaus's old room back in your universe."
"wow, that... makes it easier. safer, probably." that was the closest you were going to get to 'thank you' so you took it. you shut your eyes tight and breathed deep through that half-second nausea-bomb. you were happy to see your room when you opened your eyes; smelling like home, looking like home, feeling like pure comfort. five glanced about your room. somehow it looked exactly like what he expected from you, which was a compliment. it was cozy. well-lived—especially the bed. there were many blankets and pillows and a few stuffed animals, unmade, probably because you barely left it. he couldn't blame you, either.
looking at you, you seemed totally relieved and excited to be back home.
"are you going to let go of my hands now?"
five stiffened for a second, mumbling a hushed apology before letting go, shoving his hands in his pockets. you couldn't help but grin a little, tiredly, and he scoffed when he saw it. "don't look at me like that. i was helping you ground, since you evidently can't do it yourself sometimes." not that he could blame you, really. he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be... you.
you ignored the jab. "i'm surprised you're willing to wait to take care of this," you mumbled, hanging up your scarf and sweater, lazily rifling through your dresser to find something decently comfortable to pass out in. "you always insisted on getting things done quick. if not immediately."
"i'm desperate for one damn moment of peace. the world isn't being decimated just yet. i just want to sleep decently for once."
you smiled slightly. no one could work while exhausted, especially not when it came to your quandary. "go on and sleep then. i'll meet you at the obsidian again tomorrow."
"yeah. oh, uh, just remembered something. close your eyes for a few seconds."
"just do it."
you scoffed, though without any sort of animosity or annoyance, shutting your eyes tight like he told you to. you heard the familiar sound of his blinking once, twice. "alright. you can look. here." he held out to you your bottle of painkillers. "nearly forgot to give them back."
"oh, sh—thank you." the relief on your face was quite plain and sort of comforting as well. he mustered a slight hum in response.
"good night."
"night, five. sleep well."
"hmph. we'll see."
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therantsofawriterrr · 12 days
The Umbrella Academy Final Season: My Version
Part Twelve: The Reunion
Overview: Klaus encounters a familiar face on a rescue mission, as the others arrive at Hargreeves mansion to confront the old man. TW: gore, ghosts, mentions of sexy times, i think thats it, tell me in the comments if i missed anything! Pairings: Klaus × Dave A/N: oh my god i finally finished this one yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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When Vanya, Allison, and Luther got out of the car outside the Hargreeves mansion, they found themselves hesitating,
"Are we really doing this?" Luther asked the other two.
"Yeah," Viktor replied. "Yeah, we are."
"Hold on," Luther said with narrowed, concerned eyes. "Why are you so in this? You hate Dad. Yet, here you are first in line to see him."
"I'm stuck, okay?" he answered softly. "I'm stuck in an endless argument with him in my head. And I feel like... like the only way I can move forward is if I finally say my piece to him. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yeah," Luther said.
"Just a friendly reminder to the group," Allison spoke up. "The last time you spoke your piece to him, he murdered you."
"I can defend myself now," he said firmly. "Will we able to make it past the front door, though?"
"Well, if civility doesn't work, I'll just rumor their brains all over the wall," Allison said. "Let's go."
As they approached the guards standing outside, a man came forward, looking burly and ominous. "May I help you?"
"Yeah, you can run inside and tell Reggie we're coming in whether he likes it or not," Allison said, hostility evident in her voice.
All three of them waited, relaxed but alert, as the tension built up. The man took off his sunglasses and gave Allison a polite smile.
"Of course, Ms. Hargreeves. Welcome," he said unexpectedly. "We've been expecting you."
Then his eyes flitted to Luther and Viktor as he said, "Luther. Viktor. I'll escort you inside the house. This way, please."
They followed him inside, looking around at the white all around. Some tune was played on a violin, and Viktor's ears perked up. All three looked at the front to find a woman playing it, looking immaculately graceful.
Just as the tune picked up speed, she stopped.
"What a pleasure to finally put faces to names," the woman said.
She carefully kept aside the violin and its bow before turning back to look at them.
"You must be Allison," she said, coming forward to squeeze her arms. "I've heard so much about you."
All of them gave her confused glances as she turned to Luther.
"Luther... my little space boy," she said as Luther's eyes widened a bit. "I finally get a chance to properly thank you for watching over me on the moon."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked immediately.
But, she ignored the question to turn to Viktor with a smile. "Dear Viktor. I understand we share a passion for the violin."
"It's more of a love-hate thing for me, but..." he trailed off, not knowing how to respond.
After a deep sigh, the woman said, "Come. Come, sit."
They looked at each other as the woman got up to put her instrument at its rightful place, before they went ahead and sat.
"Is, uh, Reggie home?" Viktor asked.
"I'm sure he's puttering around somewhere. Let's us get to know each other a bit first. I'm Abigail, by the way."
They all gave her polite smiles and she pointed towards the food, encouraging them to eat. "Go ahead. Don't be shy. The chef will be cross if you don't."
Meanwhile, Klaus was groaning about his legs again.
"Benjamin," he dragged out. "Why can't we wait for a car to pass or something?"
"We don't have time for that," Ben replied, shuffling forward despite the pain in his ankles. "She's not safe."
"Fine, then at least let's hotwire a car," Klaus said, noticing the slight limp in his legs. "You're about an hour away from your legs going numb, and not in the good way, Ben."
"Shh. We're here," he whispered, suddenly crouching down to peering over a bush. "Look, I can see her."
Klaus looked at where he was pointing, seeing a woman sitting at the window in a room on the upper floor. But the real problem was the guards with big guns standing on the ground outside.
"Okay, you take the guards, I'll sneak in and get her out?" Klaus suggested.
Ben grinned at him and let his tentacles out walking out, startling the people.
Klaus watched as Ben killed and thrashed many people, waiting for all of them to be distracted. Then, he slowly sneaked in, running into the house and looking for the stairs.
Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
But, there were people inside the house too. They had revolvers, not submachine guns, but it was still just as lethal. He thrust both his hands out, summoning ghosts without a problem and setting them on the men and women.
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need
He went up the stairs with a giggle as chaos reigned, ghosts having a field day with so many people to kill. Some ghosts were looking on horrified, while some were laughing and cheering, there were bets going on too, on who was going to go after who.
And at any other time, Klaus would stay to watch and enjoy with them. But, he was busy, he had a mission to do.
He'd hated missions back in the day. He'd always been high and useless. But now, with the power of the dead and more importantly, the power of sobriety on his side, he felt more powerful than the short bursts of control that he had many years ago.
He walked calmly and carefully down the hallway, hoping the room that Jennifer was in was here somewhere. And he did find it. But, he also found a familiar face standing outside, with his revolver out.
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
"What the fuck...?" the man said, blinking at the man standing beside him. He was the man of his dreams. Scratch that, he was the man in his dreams.
Klaus was just as surprised to see the man who was the love of his life. The only person that he cared for and loved more than himself.
"Dave," he said softly and saw the other's eyes widen.
"How do you know my name?" he asked, regaining his composure and pointing his revolver at him again.
"Dave, I..." Klaus was going to try to make him remember but then realized that for him, there was probably nothing to remember.
In this timeline, it was Klaus and Dave's first meeting.
"Okay, okay, look," Klaus said, raising his hands in surrender as he tried to think of something that would convince him to not kill him but also make him come with him. "Um, these people? They're crazy, okay? All they do is lie and deceive. So, how about you join hands with me?"
Dave scoffed, even if his heart raced at his voice. He wanted to believe this guy.
"You're the one lying right now, pal," he said. Dave knew what his name was. He'd had enough dreams about him to know almost everything about him. But he didn't wanna get his hopes up.
"Look, I'm not, okay?" Klaus said, desperation lacing his voice. "Dave, please. Just listen to me. Just trust me."
The last three words sent a shiver down Dave's spine. They were the words that were uttered by him at their first kiss in his dream. Their first time was also prefaced by the same three words. He had a whole love story with this man in his dream and those words were the crux of it.
He hesitated, and Klaus waited for his decision. Then Dave lifted the gun, and Klaus closed his eyes for the incoming shot.
I need a hero (BANG!)
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
Larger than life
The bullet whistled past his left ear and hit a man behind him. Klaus opened his eyes and looked at Dave, who was still a bit skeptical, but willing to join hands.
Immediately after, he opened the door, making Jennifer jump.
"Come on," Dave urged.
She went with them both as Klaus rejoiced internally. Dave pushed them both behind him, holding the gun steadily in his hand. But at encountering the corpses downstairs, he turned back with a stunned expression.
"Did you do all that?" he asked.
Klaus shrugged, sending the ghosts away with a swish of his hand behind his back. Ben entered through the door, looking clean for the most part. Dave raised his gun again as Ben stopped with a confused look.
"He's with me," Klaus yelled out, so that the two didn't attack each other.
"What? Klaus, he's with them," Ben pointed out.
"No, he isn't," Klaus interjected. "He's agreed to help us."
"What if he's just acting?"
"He's not, alright, now can we go? Lonnie the llama is tired of blocking the door of the lunatics' room."
They all ran out, Jennifer's hand in Ben's and Dave's in Klaus's.
Back in the Hargreeves house, all four of them were sitting in awkward silence, trying their hands at small talk.
"Must be quite cold in Canada," Abigail said.
"I mean... yeah. It can be," Viktor floundered. "The summers can be quite pleasant."
"And Luther, what about you?" she asked. "What do you do?"
"I, uh, I work in a science museum," Luther answered after gulping down the tea. "I show them around, teach them stuff and all that."
"Oh, how wonderful!" Abigail regaled. "You've all done so well for yourselves. No thanks to your father, I might add."
"I heard that!" Reginald's voice boomed from behind the elder woman. "My chief of security informs me that the tiny hamlet of New Grumpson, Maine, is still smoldering in the wake of your colossal ineptitude."
The big words made the kids roll their eyes as Reginald leaned in to give Abigail a peck on her cheek.
"Reggie, darling, please," Abigail said soothingly, trying to calm him down.
"Tell me everything I want to know now or suffer the consequences," he said, sounding pretty non-threatening.
Viktor's eyes beamed orange as she got up, her power getting activated, "You first!"
Allison squeezed his arm, encouraging him to sit back down and relax.
"Ah, so it's true," Reginald declared. "I suspected you couldn't have done all that damage au naturel. But how?"
"Reggie. Enough," Abigail warned. "Is this really how you treat our guests? Threats and interrogations? Now, sit down, and we'll have a conversation like a civilized species."
"Guess we know who wears the monocle in this relationship," Allison murmured, making Viktor and Luther snicker under their breaths.
They both sat down as Reginald heaved a sigh.
"Tea, darling?" Abigail inquired followed by a, "No, thank you, darling," by Reginald.
"Now, if I may be so bold as to ask," Reginald started. "How did you regain your powers? Why did you destroy the town of New Grumpson? And... what have you done with the girl?"
"Well, it's kind of a long story, but it all started with these cult leaders named Gene and Jean Thibedeau," Luther said, thinking that he might be the one behind the Keepers as well.
"I'm unfamiliar with those names," Reginald said.
"You know what, the real question, is why you would build an entire town to hold a girl prisoner?" Allison asked.
"Her name is Jennifer," Reginald corrected. "And I wasn't holding her prisoner. I was protecting her."
"Protecting her from what?" Viktor demanded.
"From you, naturally," the elder man replied plainly.
"So, she is one of us," Allison said with a scoff.
"I'm afraid not. She's nothing like you. In fact, she's your complete opposite in every way imaginable. And, she has more power than all of you put together."
"Hey!" A guard yelled out as the door opened and closed.
Diego, Lila, Five, and Clementine came inside.
Diego held up a file in his hand and announced, "We need to talk about Ben."
He explained everything to the group, while pointing at the file.
"It's mostly redacted, though," he finished, handing the file to Allison's outstretched hand.
"Oh, great, so we can't read it or see it," Allison said sarcastically, opening it anyway.
"From what I can tell, this document is from our original timeline," Five explicated. "It explains how Ben died. It refers to it as the 'Jennifer incident'."
"But we already know how Ben died," Luther intervened.
"Okay, then. Tell us," Five demanded.
"Well, it was a tragic accident. Ben, our Ben, died because we failed as a team. Nobody was responsible, and..."
Luther trailed off as his face twisted into a perplexed one.
"And what?" Five asked. Then, he turned to his sister. "Allison, how did Ben die?"
"It was a tragic accident," she said, mirroring Luther's words. "Ben died because we-"
"Failed as a team," Luther joined in.
"Nobody was responsible, yet we were all responsible," Diego, Allison and Luther said together. "Ben Hargreeves represented the best of us. Ben was the Umbrella Academy."
They all finished the lines with confused and scared faces, not being able to understand what Five confirmed.
"What kind of sick party trick is this?" Lila asked Reginald.
"Okay, can any one of you remember how Ben actually died?" Five asked. "Anything?"
"Well, I wasn't there," Viktor said.
"Well, neither was I, but the rest of you were," Five explained as Luther, Allison, and Diego tried to recall the mission. "You think you'd remember something about the death of your beloved brother, but you don't."
"What the hell is going on here?" Luther asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Five asked plainly, turning to Reginald. "Someone's been playing putty with your hippocampus."
"Messing with our memories," Diego concluded.
"As fascinating as this may be, I assure you I haven't the foggiest notion of what this is about," Reginald said.
"You know something, old man," Diego said, walking over to his chair and standing beside Lila.
"You are speculating about the actions of a completely different version of myself from a completely different timeline! That said, it does sound like something I might do."
All of them sighed insufferably at the response, as they fought the urge to strangle the man.
"There may or may not have been a certain clandestine project with a certain clandestine intelligence agency," he narrated.
"Human experiments on the mind," Clementine speculated.
"I should have known," Five murmured.
"Psychological warfare was all the rage in the 60s. But it was only a brief contract. Immensely lucrative."
"So, you can erase memories?" Luther asked incredulously.
"With the human mind, anything is possible, young man," Reginald said proudly.
"If you can erase them, you can restore them, right?" Lila asked.
"With the proper technology," Reginald replied.
"Which you have?"
"Naturally," he affirmed. "I'm sure it's in this building somewhere."
"All right, old man," Five said. "You're gonna put 'em back. Each and every memory that has to do with Ben's death. Because, if you erased the Jennifer incident, that means there was something important enough that you'd take the time to get rid of it."
"I will do no such thing!" Reginald burst out. "We need to track down the girl before it's too late."
"Reggie, please," Abigail interrupted.
"Darling, this is messy work. It could take hours, days."
"Whatever chain of events has been set in motion is ultimately your handiwork. Whatever timeline it happened in, help them. Please."
Her words seemed to do the trick, because he looked at all of them with a defeated sigh.
"Well, then. Let's get on with it, I suppose."
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Another A/N: Hello, hello, yes im alive, thank you. This is mostly dedicated to the person who craved the new chapter but its also dedicated to those who waited patiently for it, yall are the real ones. I recently joined uni, my classes are abt to start next week maybe? so thats why i havent been able to post much but now im hoping i get back to it. TUA taglist: @auxiliarydetective @alwayslatetothefandoms (tell me if you wanna be added!) Thanks for reading!!! Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated!!
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britishalien12 · 18 days
Something that struck me about Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy is just how distant and separate the various character storylines feel.
All of the characters (even the ones that are paired up) feel so lonely throughout and the big event at the end of the season that normally brings the gang back together has that feeling of loneliness persist where it all feels too little too late and so why bother.
I know that the ending and overall message(?) of the series has received a lot of criticism and I certainly class prescribe to a lot of that criticism.
For me, the series is about how family (whether biological, adoptive, chosen, found etc) is able to confront challenges, embrace differences and triumph over trauma.
In each previous season, you have the characters set off on their own paths (ie: Five trying to prevent the end of the world/Luther trying to solve his father's 'murder' when no one else cares/Vanya pursuing life with Leonard and the orchestra/Diego and Patch etc), being split up (finding themselves alone in different years from the start of Season 2 and not running into one another until Five shows up) or trying to find purpose in a world where they/their recent raison d'etre has been replaced/erased or resolved (The very presence of the Sparrow Academy/Allison's family outside of the Umbrella's being written out of time/Ben moving on at the end of season two and how this affects Klaus etc).
But in the end, each series has them all come back together where they succeed whether they mean to or not (looking at you season 3 😁)
Season 4 isolates the family members from the beginning, both physically and emotionally, whether that's Ben going to prison, Luther living in the remains of the Academy, Diego working a 'day to day' job while dreaming of working for the C.I.A, his life not matching up to what he foresaw when he dreamed about having family of his own.
But where the other seasons have the character goals cross over and join up to move towards their ultimate conclusion, Season 4 feels like you could take characters out of the series and you just wouldn't notice they were gone. The idea that the outcome is inevitable in a show like The Umbrella Academy that shines because of the strength of its cast of characters just sets the series up for failure or at the very least disappointment.
None of the character story lines that show their individual journey in this season, like Diego and the CIA, Klaus being sober and what happens when that is taken from him, Viktor's weird road trip with Reggie, ultimately affects the final outcome.
In previous seasons, individual character storylines are wrapped around one another and inextricably linked no matter how much distance (whether spatially or temporally) is put between them before being bound by their actions and the reasons for them.
Season 4 ends with the Hargreeves family together but this time there is no relief or celebration or walking away. They die together but very much alone.
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ohmyitsfaith · 29 days
Younger survivors
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: In your thirteen year old bodies, you try to navigate your first day in 2019. Thankfully, the Hargreeves siblings are ready to help your little family.
Warnings: Viktor referred to as Vanya and she/her pronouns, non-sexual nudity
Word count: 3k
A/n: This time I genuinely debated whether or not just write Viktor as Viktor, instead of delivering his full story through the rest of the series. If this ends up being the last chapter, I will come back and actually change the pronouns and the name, but for now I stayed with Vanya.
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The shock of being in your 13 year old body didn’t hit until Penny started crying. At first you weren’t sure what made her cry. She just stopped a moment ago, so the fear now faded. And then, dread pooling in your stomach, you realized that you just started feeding Penny when you jumped. She was undoubtedly still hungry.
“I-” you started, Five’s siblings still staring at you, shocked by your sudden entrance. “Five-” you looked at your husband. “Could we go in?”
“Y-yeah” Five nodded, picking up Max into his arms.
“Five!” the woman with the beautiful curly hair called out to him. Allison, if you remembered correctly about Five’s description of his siblings. “Don’t you think you have some explaining to do?”
“Yeah, but my children are more important right now” Five sighed. “Inside. I’ll tell you everything.”
He gently took your hand, and you walked into the building. He showed you the kitchen.
“Five” you whispered. “Penny is hungry.”
“Do you need a private-” then he realized what you already had when Penny started crying. You didn’t produce milk anymore. “Oh… shit.”
You sat down on a chair, bouncing baby Penny in your arms. Five sat Max down next to you. Max still looked frightened. You could only imagine just how much. Previously he could express all his thoughts and now, caused by his much younger body’s not yet fully developed muscles, he was confined to his thoughts and some words.
“Mama” he said, looking at you and you could see all his fears in his eyes.
“I know, darling” you reached out with your free hand, caressing his face. “Everything will be okay.”
Max leaned into your side, reaching up to hold Penny’s little leg in a comforting manner.
Through this conversation, Five blinked out, then back in, his arms full of different formulas.
“I…” he put the bottles down. “I didn’t know which…”
“It’s okay” you sighed, reaching for his hand. “This is still better than what we had with Max. Neither of us could’ve known which one is right” you said, trying to calm his racing mind. “Thank you, darling.”
There was a cough from the side, which made you look at the Hargreeves siblings. They crowded in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you with different expressions. In a moment’s time though, Allison stepped forward, grabbing one of the formula bottles and went to the sink. Without a word, she started preparing the formula, and even produced a bottle. You could only watch in astonishment.
“Five” the big guy, Luther, called out to him. “Explain, please.”
Five looked toward him and nodded. He looked around, while gathering his thoughts, looking for something. He grabbed some bread, a jar of peanut butter and a bag of… marshmallows?
“First: a question. What’s today’s date?” he looked up at the group and started on a sandwich.
“The 24th of March” Vanya answered.
“Good” Five sighed and put the peanut butter on both breads. He spread it carefully while he started to talk. “The truth is, while for you I’ve only been gone for seventeen years, I actually spent about thirty-five years away.”
“Away where?” Luther asked.
“In a place that’s worse than hell. Part of the future.”
Allison finished the formula and turned, presenting it to you.
“Thank you so much” you looked up at her, grateful.
“I know what it’s like to struggle with breastmilk” she smiled gently, then turned to Five. “Is this what you’ve done in those thirty-five years?”
“I’ve done a lot more” he gritted his teeth, his short temper getting the better of him. How dare Allison demean you and his family? But then he noticed you, squinting your eyes at him in warning. You started feeding Penny, who eagerly latched onto the bottle. “Yeah…” he sighed finally, sprinkling marshmallows on the peanut butter and putting it together, he placed the sandwich in front of Max. “This is my little family. Y/n, my wife” you smiled at the group, “Max, my son” he gently ran his fingers through his hair. “And my daughter, Penny.”
“It’s nice to meet you all” you nodded to them. “Five told me a lot about you.”
Allison, Vanya and Klaus all smiled back, while Diego and Luther still watched Five, confused.
“Okay, so…” Diego started. “What? You’re forty-eight?”
“No, my consciousness is forty-eight” he looked down at himself. “My body is apparently thirteen.”
“How did you even come back?” Vanya asked.
“Well… in the end I had to project our consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselves that exists across every possible instance of time” he explained.
“That makes no sense” Diego scoffed.
“It would if you were smarter” Five replied immediately.
“In english” you put down the now empty bottle on the table and lifted Penny to your shoulder to burp her. “He grabbed a timeless version of us and transported that body here.”
“How are you thirteen then?” Klaus asked, looking at you, curious, ignoring Diego who was ready to fight with Five.
“A slip in the calculation” you hummed, and touched Five’s hand, who looked at you very guiltily. “Not ideal, but at least we’re here.”
“At the very least” Five whispered and took your hand in his own to kiss your knuckles, right on the ring that was now loose on your finger.
“Well, aren’t you two cuties” Klaus grinned.
“Dada” Max’s voice was thin, looking at Five. “I’m hungry.”
“Are you sure, little crumb? Your stomach isn’t as big as it was an hour ago” he said gently.
“I want more” Max nodded.
“Well, alright” Five sighed and started on the second sandwich. “Y/n?”
“Yeah, I could eat” you nodded. “Don’t forget to make yourself one as well.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
“Can…” Klaus suddenly spoke up. “Can I hold my niece?”
“I don’t think that’s a-” Allison started, but you stood up and went over to Klaus.
“I trust him” you looked toward Allison for a second before looking at Klaus. “You see how I’m holding her? Try to copy it. Though she can hold her own head up now, we should be careful.”
“Klaus nodded and tried to copy your arm placement. After he somewhat got it, you placed Penny gently in his arms, making sure that she was held tightly.
“Good” you smiled gently.
“Oh my god, she is tiny!” Klaus breathed.
“Yeah. But Max was smaller.”
“She is beautiful” he awed at her sleeping form. “Her little nose is yours. But those lips, they’re Five’s through and through.”
“Her eyes are Five’s as well. Both children were lucky to get his beautiful green eyes.”
“Your eyes are plenty beautiful, my love” he looked at you seriously.
“I know. But your eyes, my love” you said, mockingly serious, “are magical.”
“Shut up” Five rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face.
“She truly is beautiful” Allison said finally. “They both are.”
“Thank you” you smiled.
“How old were they?” Vanya asked suddenly.
“Thirteen” Max said, with a lisp. He immediately frowned, annoyed that his ‘r’ didn’t roll.
“Yeah, he was thirteen and Penny was two” you confirmed, taking the sandwich that Five offered you with a grateful smile.
“That’s quite a big change” Luther marveled.
“About as big as the change from forty-eight to thirteen” Five commented.
“This is stupid” Diego finally stood up and left the room.
The rest of the Hargreeves sighed, used to Diego’s almost permanently annoyed state, but you just looked at the door, where he left, confused.
“What’s his problem?” you asked.
“He is… well” Luther tried to explain. “He isn’t really happy that the family is back together.”
“No, he isn’t really happy that you accused us of Dad’s murder” Allison looked at him, annoyed as well.
“Again, I didn’t-” Luther raised his voice slightly.
“Shut up!” Klaus looked at him. “You’ll wake up Penny.”
“Sorry…” Luther quieted down.
“We should get some fresh clothes” Five put his hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll help” Allison stood up. “I’ll grab some children’s clothes.”
Five nodded gratefully and reached out for Max to take his hand. “Come on, little crumb. We’ll take a shower.”
“Okay dada” Max nodded, smiling.
You took Penny from Klaus’s hands, smiling at the man, then followed your husband out of the kitchen. He lead you to a room that had a kid’s bed and cute wallpaper on the walls.
“Was this your room?” you marveled at your surroundings.
“Yeah” he nodded.
But along with the awe of finally seeing your husband’s old room, you also feel a deep rooted sadness. He was so young when he disappeared. He was young and scared shitless. Sure, so were you, but seeing this… it made your heart hurt all the more. You turned to him and watched as he opened the closet and looked at the clothes, frowning.
“Five…” you called out to him gently. He turned to you questioningly. “Are you okay?”
He looked away for a moment, thinking. Was he? He finally had everything he worked for. He finally got back to his siblings, who he loved endlessly. He could finally save them.
But in the process of everything, he managed to get himself and his family stuck in their younger bodies. He now looked thirteen, his wife also. If he didn’t know it was you, who traveled with him, he probably wouldn’t have recognized you. After all, he didn’t know you from the beginning of his time in the apocalypse.
“I’m managing” he said simply. “It’s not easy, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“Okay” you nodded and leaned closer to press a kiss to his lips. “I’ll be here. Always.”
“Thank you, my love” he smiled thankfully, then turned back and took two uniforms out of the closet. “Here you go, this should be good for you as well.”
“So… we’ll be matching?” you smirked.
“Yeah” he nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Ah, true couple goals” you sighed, which earned a laugh from Five.
He pressed a kiss to your temple, pulling you close. “You’re so dumb” he said fondly.
Allison finally arrived with a bag of clothes for Max and Penny separately. She helped pick out an outfit for the two of them, so Max and Five could finally head off for a shower. From the door, Five looked back.
“Thank you” he said, looking at Allison.
“From one parent to another, this is nothing” she smiled.
“Her name is Claire, right?” he asked and Allison nodded with slightly wider eyes. She didn’t think Five knew about her daughter. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
With that they left the room. You finally sat down on Five’s bed and sighed. This was already a long day and you were tired. Thankfully, Penny was still sleeping in your arms. You were blessed by her deep sleeping habits on many occasions. One being this time.
“Can I hold her?” Allison asked suddenly.
“Oh, uh, sure” you snapped out of your thoughts. She gently took your daughter from your arms and sat down next to you. “It’s so weird…”
She turned to you, curious what you were thinking about.
“Well… I’m now thirteen. Barely ten years older than my son and barely twelve years older than my daughter” you explained your thoughts. “I never really worried about what people thought of me. But now…”
“Well… some of us live really private lives” Allison tried to soothe you.
“Not you though” you smiled. “I heard you’re an actress.”
“Yeah” she laughed gently.
“I wonder how my life would’ve turned out if…” you sighed, not having the heart to finish it. “When I was a kid, I would’ve loved to become an actor or singer” you reminisced. “Though on the flip side, I would’ve loved to be a spy, a doctor, an astronaut, a teacher and a bunch of other things as well” you laughed.
“The dreams of kids…” Allison commented, a gentle smile resting on her face. “Instead you became a mother. It’s kind of the best job in the world.”
“It really is” you looked at your daughter and caressed her chubby cheeks gently.
“Did you have a dream job? One that stayed your dream no matter what else was there?” she asked.
“Hm” you hummed. “I’m not really sure. It’s been a long while. Why?”
“Well… you got a second chance at achieving that dream” she explained. “Not many people get that” she furrowed her brows. “Actually, no one really gets that.”
“That’s true” you nodded, thinking about it.
“Hell, you could even have a full football team of kids” she snorted and it also made you laugh. You really could. Though you didn’t know if that was really something you’d want.
“Yeah, maybe.”
You sat in silence for a few seconds, Allison gently rocking Penny. You could see on her face how much she loved kids. And she was really good with them. With Penny. It made sense with her having a daughter as well.
“How old is she?” you asked.
“Claire?” she looked at you and you nodded. “Five. She is five.”
“Those are the golden years” you sighed. “From the age of three to six. Everything just gets harder after that.”
“Yeah” Allison nodded, looking thoughtful and… sad.
The next moment Max came running in, his underwear and shirt on, but he was missing his pants. As he rounded the corner, his socks slipped on the floor and he fell on his side.
“Max!” you jumped up and hurried over to him. “Son, what did we say about running in your socks!”
You helped him up, looking his body over to see if he injured himself anywhere.
“Sorry Mama” he looked at you sadly.
“Why were you even running?” you asked him, taking his hands in your own. You noticed that the skin of his palms were scraped.
“Will you heal it?” Max asked, ignoring your question.
“You caused this yourself, why should I?” you looked at him seriously. “You know our rule. If the injury is small, like a scrape, plus you inflicted it upon yourself because you didn’t listen to dad or me, then you have to suffer the consequences.”
“But Ma!” he whined. “Please, for the funeral!”
“Max” you narrowed your eyes. “That’s the rule.”
“Please” he stomped his feet, looking at you with puppy eyes.
“You heal?” Allison suddenly asked. “You have a superpower?”
“Yeah. I can heal any injuries” you nodded, looking back at her. “It takes time and energy though.”
“That’s… awesome” she hummed.
You looked back at Max. “Put your pants on. You can have a plaster, but that’s it.”
“No buts” you put your finger up and stood up. “Allison,” you looked at her. “Could I ask you to watch Max and Penny for a bit? I’ll go shower quickly.”
“Yeah” she nodded.
“Thank you so much” you said gratefully and grabbed the uniform Five gave you.
When you were going up to Five’s room, he pointed out one of the bathrooms, that was closest to his room. That’s where you were headed, hoping to find your husband still there. Everything was so hard to process and you needed comfort from him if only for a short while. And you knew he needed some as well.
The shower was running when you reached the door and you knocked on it.
“Five, darling?” you called out to him.
“I’m here” he yelled over the rushing water.
“I’m coming in, okay?”
You didn’t hear a reply, but opened the door and quickly slid in. He was currently showering, his dirty clothes on a chair close by. His ring on the sink, safe from falling down the drain.
“Everything okay?” he asked, looking at you.
“Yeah” you sighed and put your fresh clothes next to his. You made quick work of your clothes and placed your ring next to his. He helped you into the tub, his hands going to your waist immediately. “Yeah, now I am.”
You pulled him in for a hug, your feelings washing over you along with the water. It was warm, perfectly so. His arms held you tight, and though you knew this was your husband and his hug still felt the same in terms of feelings shared, it was also… off. Like this body that held you close wasn’t the same.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to forget about it.
“I’m sorry” Five suddenly whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
It broke you. It wasn’t Five’s fault. Time travel was messy to begin with, he couldn’t have known. You will never blame him for it. You were at least safe, you could help his family.
You felt him start to shake. A rare moment of complete vulnerability that he had trouble showing even around you. And it broke your heart so much that you couldn’t really do anything to help him. You just hugged him close, caressing his bare back. You also felt the tears in your own throat, but tried to keep them in.
“It’s going to be okay” you whispered into his neck. “It’s all going to be okay.”
He squeezed harder at that, his shoulders shaking with the force of his silent sobs. You couldn’t help it anymore, your own tears slipped loose. You didn’t know… how could you help him? There wasn’t anything… you were helpless.
You put one of your hand into his hair, massaging his roots, while you tried to keep your own sobs down.
“I’m here” you whispered. “We’re here.”
His right hand gripped the back of your neck, trying to pull himself back to the ground. Though this is what he wanted, to be here with his siblings, he also couldn’t help but wish his life back. His body. Not this small one. He even wished for the small height difference that you had before.
“We’ll be okay” you sighed, your own emotions finally back in order.
“We’ll be okay” he repeated, swallowing his sobs. He breathed deeply, smelling your familiar scent. At least that was the same.
“I love you” you said, massaging his head. “No matter the body, the age, I’ll always love you.”
“I love you too” he sighed, calming down. “I love you too.”
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Masterlist]
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Taglist: @snixx2088 @lxkeeeee @kimm4710 @sagestack @koshi-sama @cherryinsalemverse @lifrimen @misty-eyed-memory
234 notes · View notes
book-place · 2 years
As Seen on Disney
Warnings: slight mentions of child abandonment, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Viktor Hargreeves x daughter reader, Hargreeves siblings x niece reader
Request: Hello may I request platonic Hargreeves with Vanya! Daughter reader? Like maybe Vanya found us in a basket in front of her door and was like "welp, might as well" (this takes place in first season) and for some reason we have a Disney vibe™️ if reader burst in a song other people join and know the lyrics and dance, she can underastand animals, etc. Like Giselle from Enchanted but reader is kind of embarrased. I just want everyone to be dumbfonded by this real life Disney princess
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Viktor finally introduces you to his siblings
A/n: This kinda sucks, sorry
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Guys,” Viktor cleared his throat, almost nervously, “I want you to meet my daughter, Y/n.”
All of his siblings froze, their eyes snapping over to where he stood in the doorway of the living room, watching as he gently beckoned to someone from off to the side.
Slowly, you shuffled into view with your head hung low, eyes flitting up to everyone in the room for a second before immediately skirting away again, “Hi,” You whispered shyly.
“D-daughter?” Diego stuttered out, unable to wrap his mind around the fact that his own brother had a child he never knew about.
“Not biologically!” Viktor immediately assured them, “But a few years ago she was left on my doorstep with a note talking about how her mother didn’t know anyone else that could take care of her.”
Allison raised an eyebrow, “Do you know her mother?”
Viktor shook his head lightly, “No, no, it’s not like that. It’s-“
“I’m like you guys,” You blurted out, face reddening at your own words.
Fives eyebrows shot up, “Like us in the way of having special abilities?”
“Exactly like that,” Viktor confirmed, reaching over and rubbing your back comfortingly, “I was going to tell you guys about her during dads funeral but then everything happened and I never got the chance.”
“Ooh!” Klaus squealed, bounding over and scooping you up in his arms, “I have another neice! Which isn’t saying much because I never met Claire, but-“
“Put her down, you moron,” Five hissed, sauntering over and slapping his brothers hands away, “You’re probably making her uncomfortable.”
You shook your head a little bit, “No, it’s alright.” You whispered.
“So, kid,” Diego said, bracing his arms on his knees as he leaned forward, “What is it that you can do?”
And all at once, you seemed to crawl back into your shell and your eyes averted themselves to the ground once more where you were kicking your shoe back and forth slightly.
“She can talk to animals,” Viktor told them for you, “It’s okay,” He whispered just for you to hear, “They’ll understand.”
You looked up at him for a moment, reading his eyes, before shyly looking back at your aunt and uncles and whispering, “I can also sing.”
“What do you mean by that?” Luther asked out of pure curiosity.
“It’s like a Disney movie,” Your father offered helpfully, “She can’t control it, but it happens a lot where she randomly breaks into song.”
It’s silent for a moment, one that had you holding your breath and your heart hammering from not only anticipation for how they would react, but from sheer embarrassment of it all.
“That is so cool!” Klaus suddenly exclaimed, “Show me! Show me! Show me!” He was bouncing up and down like a child.
Relief flooded through you like a tsunami wave and you cracked a small smile at the fact that they weren’t weirded out or disgusted by what you could do.
“She can’t control it,” Five hissed before rolling his eyes at the man, “God, don’t you listen to anything?”
“That is so cool!” Allison agreed, walking over and crouching in front of you before embracing you gently, “And it’s very nice to meet you, Y/n.” A chorus of agreements sounded from the rest of the siblings.
Your grin widened as you made eye contact with your father, who grinned widely at you back. Not just you, but he too had been dreading and been so nervous for how today was going to go that when it actually went well, it felt like a giant weight was being lifted off of your shoulders.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @ladyagagaslefttoe @etanordoesbullsh1t
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auxiliarydetective · 30 days
AP-01: Project Apocalypse
ch. 11: Liability
AP-01 Masterlist
This fic is part of the Academy Projects series, a full rewrite of The Umbrella Academy with the addition of an original character, Kassandra Hargreeves. Throughout the story, you'll stumble across a few songs. This is supposed to make the fic feel as much like the show as possible, so I recommend you don't skip them.
Warnings: Canon-typical issues
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The house was quiet again. Deathly quiet. Vanya’s ears were still ringing with the crash of the falling chandelier as she watched Luther run away, his upper body fully deformed into that of a monster.
“Where’s Kass?” Diego asked, and there was a slight crack in his voice. “Has anyone seen her?”
“She- she saved me when that guy in the mask knocked me down,” Vanya stammered. “She looked awful, said she’d fallen down the stairs, and she took me into this secret tunnel behind the bookcase.
“What tunnel?”
“There, in the drawing room.”
Vanya stepped back and gestured at the bookcase entrance, which stood slightly ajar.
“Must’ve been another one of those things she could never tell us about,” Allison mumbled. “Do you have any idea where she went afterwards?”
“She said she wanted to go help Klaus,” Vanya said. “I wanted to stop her, I really did, but I could only delay her for a bit.”
Allison patted her shoulder. “Alright, sit down and rest your head. We’ll find her. Diego, you take the main stairwell, I’ll check out the weird bookcase tunnel.”
“Of course you get the cool tunnel,” Diego grumbled, but he headed for the staircase nonetheless.
With a last reassuring nod towards Vanya, Allison slid behind the bookcase. The path was narrow and winding, not even wide enough for two people to pass each other without getting very intimate. Finally, it all made sense. How Kassandra had been able to appear out of nowhere when they had been kids, how she had never gotten caught sneaking around, why Allison had thought the house to be haunted because there were steps inside the walls… She could almost see a younger Kassandra hurrying along the path in front of her, her hair neatly braided, a pair of white gloves on her hands that were in stark contrast to her uniform. This little Kassandra had to be maybe thirteen or fourteen years old and though she looked different, at her core she was the same as her adult self. It wasn’t that Kassandra had never grown up, Allison thought, it was that she had grown up so early on. As if she were following that phantom of a sister, Allison sped up and walked on, somehow knowing exactly where to go.
Suddenly, she stopped, holding her breath. Those were Kassandra’s shoes, weren’t they? Neatly placed at the bottom of the stairs, their velvety surface damaged and scratched.
She looked awful, said she’d fallen down the stairs.
Of course. If only she had stayed here, Allison thought. She closed the distance to the stairs and looked up the steps, only to have her heartbeat taken away. Kassandra lay on a landing further up, her head close to falling off the platform, loose brown curls having tumbled over the edge. A scarlet spot atop her scalp sent shivers down Allison’s spine.
“Kass!” she gasped, and quickly climbed up to her sister.
Frantically, she picked her up from the ground and held her close, gently slapping her cheek.
“Kass, can you hear me? Kass!”
A quiet groan and a sharp sensation of pain rushing through Allison’s veins told her that Kassandra was waking up, gathering her senses.
“Sorry,” was the first thing she muttered, and the pain faded.
“No, no, don’t be sorry,” Allison stammered. “What happened, who did this to you?”
“I…” Kassandra furrowed her brows, then her eyes widened. “I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
For a moment, Allison just stared and blinked. “Maybe not now, but it’ll come back,” she finally declared. “Can you get up?”
“I… guess so?” Kassandra muttered. Then, as she tried to push herself up, she finally got a look at herself, her clothes wrinkled and crushed, in complete disarray. “Jesus, I must’ve gotten beaten up.”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Allison asked.
She helped her sister up, then led her out into the corridor. Kassandra tried her hardest to keep herself upright, but her head felt like it was being crushed by a hydraulic press, her whole body ached, and her ankle was practically on fire. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this glad to have Allison by her side… It was comforting, really, and nostalgic.
“I… was in my room,” she recalled. “I wanted to head to bed but then I sensed someone in Luther’s room. Two people. After that, it’s all a blur. I- I think I ran into Diego in the hallway but after that… nothing.”
“Well, Dad always said you never forget anything. Something about an inner library in your head,” Allison stated. “And as much as I hate bringing him back from the dead again, he always knew a lot about how our powers worked and I can confidently say that you have the best memory out of all of us. So, it’s probably safe to say that he was right. Whatever happened to you, you probably didn’t forget it, it’s just buried somewhere. You’ll get it back.”
Kassandra scoffed. “Well, if anything could make me forget anything, I bet it’s a good old hit to the hippocampus.”
“Last I recall, your hippocampus is in the center of your brain and your wound isn’t that deep.”
“You smartass,” Kassandra chuckled, and Allison couldn’t help but laugh too.
They took the short path, passing by the dining room, avoiding the grand staircase. But as they walked underneath it, Kassandra felt herself grow dizzy, an onslaught of emotions raining down upon her. She almost collapsed right then and there, excusing herself towards Allison by saying that a wave of nausea had hit her. Not uncommon after a concussion. The real reason was one she couldn’t tell, and most likely never would. On the walkway above her, Diego kneeled in Grace’s alcove, his hand still hovering over the kill switch, staring into his mother’s lifeless eyes. Kassandra had to gather all of her strength together not to cry the tears he cried, keeping the hurricane that swept over from him locked in the space between. As a result, Allison had to nearly drag her to the sofa, begging her not to faint again, calling on Vanya for help.
This seemed to snap Diego out of it though, at least a little, and he wiped his tears and came running down the stairs. But as he reached the bottom, no witty remark came out of him. He just caught Kassandra’s eyes as she was laid out on the couch, only to avoid them a millisecond later. Whereas Allison and Vanya sat down in the armchairs nearby, he was left pacing, burning with an array of thoughts that even Allison and Vanya couldn’t miss. But when he was approached about it, things misfired horribly, like they always did.
“And what are you still doing here?!” he snapped at Vanya, though his voice was quivering.
She, in turn, didn’t know what to say, her eyes growing wide. “I was just trying to help.”
“No, you could’ve been killed,” Diego growled, “or could’ve gotten any of us killed! Look at Kass, this is your fault!”
“Diego,” Kassandra muttered, not knowing enough about the situation to verify or disprove it. All she knew was the reason for his outbreak and the effect it had.
“No, you listen to me, if she hadn’t held you back, you would’ve been up there sooner and not gotten your head bashed in – ‘cause that’s what happened, isn’t?”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
“Oh great, your eternal memory has sprung a leak! – Do you see what you did?” he snapped back at Vanya. “You are a liability.
Silence. Pure, deafening silence, only broken by Diego tearing and closet doors in search for medical supplies. The air was heavy with an etching, seething guilt, liquid and weighty metal. All the while, Vanya’s eyes were flicking between Kassandra and Allison, trying and looking for support. But Kassandra’s mind was spinning and, to make things worse, she found herself agreeing with her roughneck of a brother. Vanya shouldn’t be here, not if things got tough, not without the proper training, something that even Kassandra barely had left – but the point was she had had it and Vanya hadn’t. Vanya was… ordinary, somewhat. As ordinary as any one of them could be.
“I think what he’s trying to say is,” Allison started, “that this kind of stuff is dangerous. You’re just—”
“Not like you,” Vanya said, cold and sharp as ice.
Silence, again. There was nothing else to say. Kassandra stared blankly at the ceiling, having deemed the situation as out of her control. She listened as Vanya stormed out, like she had done so many times before, and as Allison followed, trying to salvage what was left.
“Let her go!” Diego called. “It’s for the best.”
He had pulled one of the cooling elements out of the bar and wrapped it in a towel, almost shoving it into Kassandra’s hand.
“Here, for your head.”
Then, he bent down a little, fixating her with a gaze that was supposed to be intimidating but only came off as pleading.
“You don’t say a w-word, alright?”
“Diego, they need to know,” Kassandra whispered, hissing at the cold sensation at the back of her head. “Not about you but about mom.”
“Not while I’m here,” Diego grumbled. “But I’m about to be gone.”
He cut through her tights around her injured foot, cursing quietly at how it was turning thick and blue.
“It’s no use,” he declared and tossed the ointment he had brought onto Kass’s stomach for her to catch it. “You gotta get yourself a splint. Y’know, support.”
“Do you think it’s broken?”
“No, you could still walk, it’s probably fine. Something with the ligaments, most likely. Nasty but no broken bone.”
“What the hell, Diego?!” Allison’s voice echoed through the entrance hall and Diego sighed sharply.
“I’m out.”
He got up, lightly smacked Kassandra’s healthy leg, then headed for the door, bumping shoulders with Allison.
“You can’t just—”
“Don’t act as if you don’t agree with me,” Diego called out to Number Three as he left, the door falling shut behind him.
Allison just shook her head. “I can’t believe this,” she said.
“Don’t be too hard on him,” Kassandra mumbled, sitting up to make space on the couch.
This made Allison scoff, but then her expression softened to one of worry. “Why? What did you read?”
“Mom just died. The guys in the masks got her.”
The next morning, Kassandra woke up late. It seemed that that hit had really messed her up more than she’d like to admit. At least her head didn’t hurt as much anymore, but her ankle was still causing issues. Pogo and Allison had worked together to get her a splint and take care of her, as well as fill her in on some of the things she couldn’t remember. Apparently, she had been looking for Klaus when she had gotten knocked out, which only made her worry more. Allison had said that a window in the stairwell had been open, so it was very possible that Klaus had run to safety, but Kassandra was still very uneasy about the whole situation.
As she got changed, she looked at herself in the mirror, taking in the dark purple bruises across her skin. It was nostalgic, almost comforting even. Like this was the way it was supposed to be, no matter how much it hurt. She found herself thinking back to her job at the library and it felt like a fever dream. Somehow, she didn’t want to go back – and with the way things were turning out, it was very likely that she wasn’t going to.
No. That was nonsense. There were still five days left to do something about this.
So, Kassandra put on a pair of pants, a blouse, and some sneakers Allison had lent her for the occasion – and her gloves, of course – and took some painkillers. Then, she ascended the stairs to Five’s room, from where she could sense the crackling of a fight branching out. Luther and Diego, again. Just like old times. Pogo was with them too, probably trying to break up the fight. Again, nothing had changed.
“Guys!” she called as soon as she stood in the doorframe, startling them out of their conflict. “Stop fighting, we’ve gotta save Five.”
“We?” Diego echoed.
“Hang on, no,” Luther cut in. “Pogo said you got a concussion; you’re not going anywhere.”
“Says the guy who got crushed by a chandelier,” Kassandra quipped.
“That’s different.”
“Oh, is it? Listen, whether you like it or not, you’ll be a lot faster at finding him if you’ve got me with you. You know why? Because I know what Five’s been up to these past few days, I know why he’s doing it, and just because I can’t tell you it doesn’t mean I won’t be of any help.”
“Woah, woah, why the sudden change?” Diego asked. “Usually, you’re all for keeping calm and planning our next steps and now you’re running into the unknown. That’s not you.”
“It is now, because we don’t have time!” Kassandra insisted. “I’m done sitting idly, no matter what Five says. We’ve only got five days until— We need to go, that’s all—”
“No, I heard that, what were you gonna say?”
“Something I’m not allowed to say. If you want to know, you’ll have to ask Five. Now, move your asses and get going!” Kassandra called, stepping out of the doorway so her siblings could walk past. Then, she turned around to Pogo. “Language, I’m sorry, I know. I’ll do better, I’m just in a hurry right now.”
But Pogo just chuckled lightly, a sad tone in his voice as he said: “I know. Good luck, Miss Kassandra.”
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Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats
Academy Projects Taglist: @therantsofawriterrr @come-along-pond @the-wyvern-institute @cherrybombgigi
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omg thank u for introducing me to the term kuleshov effect, that is my favorite aspect of fan edits it makes me go insane
it's so fucking cool, i was actually gonna make a video essay for a final project (before i realized that i don't know how to use a video editor + other problems befouled me) comparing two movies illustrating the connections and the contrasts i was making using the kuleshov effect, which would have pretty much just straightup been an amv using songs from one of the movies.
it's part of why a good gifset is one of my favorite kinds of fandom meta - clips from x episode paired with clips from y later episode, etc - like !!!!! you're making a connection and holding it up for me to look at directly so i can then make that connection myself purely through the juxtaposition!!!!!!!! that's so cool!!!!!!!!
like, look at this
you see what i'm saying??? the meaning comes from the interraction of the paired gifs/lines
or this one
which does like, angle or lighting comparison in addition to the contrast in emotion - shot comparison! match shots! et cetera!
like, the meaning here isn't coming from the caption, i don't see that until later, it's coming from seeing these visuals & dialogue juxtaposed and interpreting something from the decision to pair them. that's video essay
but like to get back to videos and amvs and the kuleshov effect and soviet montage in general - look at this supernatural amv. i've never seen supernatural but this is one of my favorite songs by the mountain goats, and there are lines in it that were put in a completely new perspective for me by watching this amv and seeing what shots the editor put under which lines
soviet montage is a style that developed pretty much in direct response to western/hollywood continuity editing, and specifically in response to the film birth of a nation, which was interesting to the soviet filmmakers in the way that they saw the style of filmmaking aided the film in selling the story of the KKK to the american audience
continuity editing stylistically wants to be noticed as little as possible, and guide you along the viewing of the movie, blurring the lines between your reality and the reality of the film (the idea of the suspension of disbelief) through things that mimic the real life experience of moving throug the world - shot-to-shot things like showing the exterior of the building and then the interior, keeping the camera within the same 180 degrees in a single scene so the people you're filming aren't suddenly on different sides of the camera (the viewer); and scene-to-scene things like having events occur chronologically (and if not, having a clear indication of flashback or flash forward as per filmmaking convention)
the soviet filmmakers saw this as like, some capitalist propaganda bullshit because it encouraged you to take in these ideas without necessarily thinking or critically examining them, and so it was very easy to make the KKK the heroes by just building a triumphant narrative around them, and how that narrative is shown to the viewer depends on how it's edited
and so montage editing, which is rising out of the same school of filmmaking as the kuleshov effect, is in direct response to that, to try and find a style of editing that makes the viewer pay attention to the techniques and to the fact that they're watching a film, keeps their brain engaged, and has them draw their own conclusions from what they're shown rather than being gently handed the conclusions by the film. so it's a style that is built on inviting thought and critique, and therefore a pretty natural style for expressing audiovisual critique and analysis
(amvs also have their roots in this style bc soviet filmmakers were often working with recutting american films rather than filming their own due to lack of funds for purchasing film. which is pretty cool)
if you wanna check out a cool classic example of soviet montage editing, vertov's man with a movie camera (1hr) is really fun, kind of a "day in the life" but also a display of different effects you can get by using a film camera in different ways, bit of stop motion, etc
(vertov is also a really interesting, he coined the idea of kino-eye, which is about the way that the camera looks at the world and how that's different from how a human eye looks at the world, and also, the way the world reacts or changes in response to being looked at by the camera. which is Pretty Relevant Right Now I'd Say! glares at tiktok. glares at surveilence state. anyway you might wanna check that out too it's a bit tangental to the topic but still relevant in terms of the idea of film as unique medium which can be used to express ideas differently than the written word)
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its-all-honey · 1 year
The Umbrella Academy Season 3 ☂️
i last week finished watching the third season woo !! i used to be so obsessed with tua after watching season 1 that i even ended up getting all the volumes of the comics 😅 after watching season 3 i also reread all the comics back to back in like one sitting lol (spoilers for both the show and the comics coming up 🫣)
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im gonna try my best to not make this sound super confusing when i talk about both season 3 of the show and volume 3 of the comics lol ------------------------------- the comic ---------------------------------so i went into season 3 having not previously read the 3rd volume of the comics meaning i had no idea what would happen, though i did know that the idea of hotel obsidian/oblivion was based off the comics BUT!! i found that the 3rd season of the show practically had nothing to do with the comics other than the title 😭 the plots of the show and comics across all seasons and volumes are both very different and season 3 was the most unlike its corresponding comic. one of the main differences being that the sparrow academy are only introduced at the end of volume 3 of the comics so i honestly dont know where the whole storyline for the 3rd season of the show came from i personally found the plot of the 3rd volume of the comic quite confusing and hard to follow as the perspectives and locations kept changing a lot so im actually rather glad that they chose not to portray the events of this comic in the show. that being said, i did like how each of umbrella siblings had their own storylines/adventures that they were on. probably my favourite storyline in the comics is vanya's ongoing recovery from volume one of the comics and also the pairing of five and allison which happens throughout the comics. i also like that luther and diego's rivalry is present across the comics. ------------------------------- the show --------------------------------- in the show, i find the characters to be much more likeable and more full of personality compared to the comics so season 3 did not disappoint in that respect. it was cool to see aspects of the comics continue to be translated into the show for example allison's reluctance to use her powers is a big thing in both medias AND IM SO GLAD THAT KLAUS FINALLY GOT TO USE THE FULL POTENTIAL OF HIS POWERS IN THE SHOW 😭😭😭 all the other character progression among the umbrella siblings is great as well!!! (we love senior citizen five) i liked the sparrows though some of them did not get much screen time and a few of their powers were a bit lame in my opinion 💀 (marcus and alphonso i am looking at you, sorry not sorry) i love love LOVE fei tho she is sooooo coool and christopher being just a random floating cube is so silly to me plus if you think about it, um some woman gave birth to that?!?!?!?! seeing sparrow ben just get subtly accepted by the umbrella siblings was so sweet like they were lowkey all just so happy to see ben again even if he's different. OH AND SPEAKING OF ACCEPTING!!!!! VIKTOR HARGREEVES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 madddd props to the producers/writers of the show for giving elliot page a trans character and doing it in such a good way ❤️❤️❤️❤️ im so obsessed with all the different sibling reactions to viktor (also vanya in the comics has short hair sooooooo) ok so a few things i didnt like so much was first of all, luther and sloane romance felt really forced to me and a bittttt weird but ive seen people say that luther was in his himbo era during season 3 so honestly i'll let it slide. secondly there's lila who i disliked in season 2 but then she shows up with stan and i loved stan he was so silly!!!! BUT THEN lila is suddenly actually pregnant😭???? idk man, it gotta hella crazy. um thirdly (this is gonna be a really hot take but hear me out), i know its the whole point of the show and its a reoccurring thing that happens but all this end of the world/apocalypse business is kindaaa boring now 🧍 i guess it does happen differently in each season so its not completely repetitive everytime and i must say that this time was actually my favourite end of the world lol hopefully, the finally season will resolve everything nicely but only time will tell i suppose 👁️👁️. im actually gonna shut up now though because this is getting so long and while i could go on and on about tua im gonna have to stop 😭
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rappaccini · 1 year
7, 15, 19 for umbrella academy but like pretending that it was cancelled after season 1 - so 2 and 3 don't exist
ah, an anon after my own heart. a throwback to post-s1 tua fandom:
(questions from here)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
klaus. the fandom fucking obsessed over this guy, overinflated his importance (there was a whole subgenre of tua fic all about klaus being the most mistreated harg who starts the apocalypse. like, they were all about scribbling vanya out and drawing him in her place.), and turned him into a walking stereotype.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
since this is the Choose Violence prompt: how the fandom couldn't come to a consensus on what the poc hargreeves looked like compared to luther, vanya, five and klaus. as much as i think that people should be able to interpret characters in fanworks as they please, it's just... hm. why only those three?
19. you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
well the me that watched tua for the very first time was horrified that i liked all the harcest pairings, but boy did i grow into loving them.
but i'm still baffled at how grace and diego had insane chemistry for a mother and son. like why the hell did they look like they were on a date when he took her to the park. why does he look at her like he wants to kiss her. what's going on there.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fic title : Why Didn't You Say Anything Before?
@newwwwprompts Chronic Pain Awareness Month 2023 prompt : Character with chronic pain has a flare-up in their back
Rating : General Audiences
Fandom : The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Pairing : Five & Viktor
Additional tags : Chronic Pain, Pain, Back Pain, Number Five | The Boy Has Chronic Pain, Hiding Medical Issues, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Ibuprofen, Good Sibling Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Bad Parent Reginald Hargreeves, Autistic Number Five | The Boy (if you squint), Body Dysphoria (not in the trans way), but also Canon Trans Character
Word count : 884
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