inkfishie · 5 months
A little late, but My Restless Heart Remains (With You) is now complete and all 9 chapters are live on A03. It's been fun, gang! Hope you like it ;)
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urfavist4t · 8 months
not a request but do you prefer transmasc Wolfwood or Transfem Wolfwood? (From vashxwolfwood post)
Why choose one when I can choose both 🙂
But fr, I'm transmasc!Wolfwood and Transfem!Wolfwood defender. I side with both.
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"Wolfwood is transmasc!"
Me: Haha, I see that
"Wolfwood is transfem!"
Me: Haha, I see that
Yk how it is
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P.s, love my fellow trans brothers and sisters, continue being awesome. -big brother Aether
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puddlesofwords · 1 year
I have been obsessed with Trigun (and VashxWolfwood) since before Amazon sold more than books and am *living* for the renaissance of this story. But the ancient texts assure me that the ship name is VOLKSWAGON not Vashwood, and I cannot and will not let that go. So if I ever revisit my fan fiction obsession for these two, please be aware that I will grudgingly use the new ship name in the interests of clarity— but it will be Volkswagon in my heart forever.
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lord0f · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @shroomlet !! Thank you for tagging me i love these things!
1) Three Ships
2) Last Song
Ohh uhhhh the one playing currently is “Oh Darlin’ What Have I Done” by The White Buffalo
3) Last Movie
I genuinely think it might have been the old animated Frosty The Snowman movie from 1969, which i watched just last week cuz my partner and I had a very belated Christmas this year lmao
4) Currently Reading
Merlin fanfic, Trigun fanfic, trying to start the Silmarillion cuz my dad gave it to me for Christmas
5) Currently Watching
6) currently Consuming
Water, cafe au lait with three day old coffee ;0;
7)Currently Craving
Sleep ;v;
Not gonna tag but anyone is welcome to join in if they wanna!! Id love to get to know yall better! If you do this tag me so I can see it! 💛
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several-spoons · 3 years
Vash/Wolfwood Fanfic Recommendations
Top 2 Written by an Author I don’t Know Personally:
Vash and Wolf by Scaryliterary [Multi-Chapter]: Yes, I’m recommending a college AU. But the characters are dead on, the found family vibe is amazing, the dramatic scenes are gripping, and the major plot elements are reproduced in a surprising way. Rated M, mainly for disturbingly self-destructive moments, I think.  Handmade Artisanal AU #1.
How to Sleep Above the Sky by hibem. This AU is just a hair’s breadth away from canon; it takes place among the Gung Ho Guns on a satellite above a Gunsmoke where the Fall never happened. It’s one of the most poetic and sensory things I’ve ever read, so I’ve read it at least 6 times. Vash is adorable. Beware of sad ending. Handmade Artisanal AU #2.
Tied for Third:
For Good by Celesma. Set in mangaverse after Wolfwood rescues Vash from the ark. What if Vash had gone to the Orphanage with him? The dialogue is amazing. This is where I get the headcanon that Wolfwood’s self-hating inner voice calls him “Nicky.” [Has NSFW moments].
The Only Nice Thing That Follows, by hellogaywatson [Multi-Chapter; in progress]: I recently realized how much my sense of Vash and Wolfwood’s interactions was inspired by this fic. Especially the wonderful quote that Wolfwood’s smoking is doing the world a public service. Probably the funniest, weirdest set of tags I’ve seen in Trigun fandom. Rated explicit, but nothing explicit actually happens in the first 8 chapters; I’d rate it T.
The Gospel According to Wolfwood by DWatson: from Wolfwood’s point of view–and in his voice. Absolutely nailed the voice. Rated T, manga-based.
Reflections of a Person who Smells Like Nicotine by Medokre: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character featuring orphanage memories, symbolism, and sadness.
Scars, Cigarettes, and Scripture. Fun Vash & Wolfwood interaction between episodes 21 and 22. If you like both religious references and imagining what sort of dogs the Gung Ho Guns would be, you’ll enjoy it. Rated T, mostly for some gore and references to Wolfwood’s traumatic past.
Contrition by Perivale: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character focusing on his conscience and religious beliefs, with more than a dash of poetry e e cummings style.
Not a Question of Morals by Sugar Pill: Vash is depressed about leaving Ericks behind. Wolfwood encourages Vash to be himself with an…unusual story.  Teen.
Eden by Shinatobe [Multi-Chapter]: Roaring 20′s jazz club AU. When faced with the choice between death row or serving under the infamous Million Knives, Wolfwood’s choice is clear. Wolfwood is a little too weepy, but it’s still interesting. Rated T. Unfinished, unfortunately.
Varilien brings the fluff. 
Also, I’ve been known to write Vash/Wolfwood fic from time to time. So does @caps4dayz (10KThunderingTyphoons) right here on Tumblr! 
The Difference in Years by Katilara:  Deals with the implications of Wolfwood being so young, and to a lesser extent, Vash enduring so many years on Gunsmoke. “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong in your skin?“  “It must be hard,” Vash said quietly, “to realize that you are not the things you’ve used to define yourself for your whole life.” M.
Walking Day by GreenElphaba. There’s this one ridiculously long paragraph that’s a thoughtful meta/character analysis, from Wolfwood’s point of view. “You love him in part because someone has to and you do believe that no one else really does, because real love requires real sight and you are maybe the only one who has ever really seen him. …you love him in part because you have appointed yourself the emissary of humanity and it is therefore yours to close the terrible gap between his love for humanity and their hatred of him. …But mostly you just love him because he’s lovable, because you cannot help yourself any more than an animal can help savaging itself when caught in a trap. He smiles a certain way and your heart spills out like water and your throat aches…you are trying, racing against time to try and unpick the knots inside his head, help him understand there are other ways to live, help him bend before his brother breaks him.” M.
Genesis by emungere: Wolfwood has imagined angels many times during his life, but never expected to meet one…Rated T and up.
Just Straight Up Smut
Self-Inflicted by Angsty_McGoth (Doctor_Cyance): Are you into mutual pining and sexual tension? This is for you.
The Confessional Experience: OK, not so much a confessional, more like one of those free-standing wardrobes. Part banter, part ridiculous situation, part smut, with a funny ending.
Life on Gunsmoke by JojoLightningFingers. Involves: Weird plant biology, telepathy, scars, religious musings, and Livio.
Paradise (chapter 1). What if Wolfwood survived in Paradise, and ended up telepathically connected with Vash? Basically just well-written telepathy-PWP; the whole resurrection bit doesn’t make much sense.
Tiggy Malvern writes good smut. My favorite is Balance. It’s been an inspiration for me and one of my writing buddies.
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. Mutual pining and sexual tension in a very different way. Vivid in every sense, not just vision. Black-Quadrant may be my favorite Trigun smut writer. 
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. I think the dynamic makes sense.
Hallefuckinglujah, by lactoria, includes the whole angel/wings aspect of Vash.
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severalspoons · 3 years
This drabble is beautiful and could have been written for an "explain your ship in 100 words" challenge
Note: I'm talkng about Chapter 8 specifically. Warning: Some of the other chapters are NSFW. This is MistressRenet we're talking about, after all.
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pleione · 5 years
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I wanted to share my tomorrows with him
Trigun Maximum vol.10
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shastafirecracker · 3 years
Title: Scratch Your Surface (AO3) Trigun, VashxWolfwood Word count: 4890 Rating: M/E Summary: Another town, another hotel. Only one bed in the inn. Why do they even bother to protest?
not a clue if this fandom even exists anymore, but I figured I’d crosspost here anyway. I’ve been having Trigun nostalgia for a couple weeks and keep noodling at lazy fic ideas with classic tropes. 
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blithefool · 6 years
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For @shoujocowboy A little lo-key VashxWolfwood, ‘cause why not?
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Wolfwood quiere mucho a Vash <3
(y viceversa)
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inkfishie · 1 month
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The Final installment of I'm not a psycho (I'm Just Trying to Get Laid) is live! Thanks to everyone who's been following and enjoy the read!
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northliner · 10 years
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And now for the silly wind down XD from here on out, it's almost entirely lovers' spats, which is hilarious XDDD So like, the mayor shows up for one last laugh, and Vash doesn't wanna deal with the uncool dude (he's one to talk) Wolfwood is like -_______- "Byeee" *single bullet to resolve issue... from his giant ass gun...* I liked this, he sounded like the original voice actor there XD and when he yells haha, other than that... he doesn't sound anything like the original :'( Brad Hawkins is ok, I just really am attached to Jeff Nimoy, whose voice is kinda special, and HE WAS TENTOMON FROM DIGIMON OK
then the credits are the biggest feel good fest ever :3 Wolfwood and Vash bicker over money like a married couple, and Vash is all like "can you not walk so close to me?" Wolfwood:"you're so cold sometimes XP" .....bro he's trailing like 5 feet after you? What do you want??? Stop being mean to your boyfriend -___-
omg, and there's a really nice conversation they have during the credits, like "if you hadn't saved Gasback, Amelia would never have been born." :') there's this post on tumblr I saw, that says "if you save a life, you save the world. There will be generations after." It's so true T___T oh Vash... Also I love Trigun, because as rotten as the world is, Vash's goodness always triumphs in the end TT___TT
ahaha, Wolfwood kinda tries to keep Vash on track, but fails... poor guy, I feel like every woman with a man understands his pain...
part 1/part2/part3
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gufyresthere · 11 years
Oh, fandom, dear fandom! Another question! Time ago, there was a name like Volkswagen for vash/wolfwood ship or something like that? Can we sit here and find a name/tag for them that avoid to scroll through dozen of beautiful cars? XD Or tell me what tag you use for this ship~
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several-spoons · 3 years
Bro is it gay to ask in a pleading voice “Will I see you again?” when your guy friend leaves, and then look off wistfully into the distance, saying his name? Just asking for a friend bro.
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#end of episode 11 #for everyone who doesn’t have the trigun anime memorized #or in other words #normal people
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severalspoons · 3 years
Nick wanted to spend every moment of his life with this person he sooner or later would have to betray. Even the smallest, unsexiest moments of bad alcohol and being broke became...well, not beautiful exactly, but somehow significant, larger than life.
--From a Trigun animeverse RP
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cuddlemonsterdean · 11 years
Darkness under another name
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warnings: Uh... Wolfwood-centric angst?
A/N: I blame Supernatural season finale feelings for this. A/N: All my gratitude goes, as always, to Celesma, who beta'd yet another angsty fanfic for me. All remaining mistakes are my own.
“This is why you are darkness under another name... Nicholas, the Punisher.”
You lie there in the dark and you feel it, the familiar impression of false security it brings in its wake. How it pushes back your memories of lighter days and makes them appear alien to you, you who are born into darkness and shall perish in it.
Yes, those were the words, weren't they? (Sounds like them, those dramatic bastards)
(Still, in silence, you have to admit that it's true)
For, even this:
- Vash pressing you into the mattress with one hand, a force like unrelenting steel, while the other cups your face upwards towards his, a thumb caressing your cheekbone oh so very gently, and it's wrong, you don't deserve this, and it's wrong because you want it, you crave his strength and the abandonment it promises, you grip him tight while staring, wide-eyed, up into the dark -
Even this, the both of you only dare to give in to it in the absence of light – where you can both pretend, each in his own way.
- Vash kissing you, eyes closed, but you don't close yours, just breathe in deeper, hold on tighter -
This, in the dark, where you can pretend the scars are desert sand underneath your nails, pretend the smiles are genuine, pretend there's no sadness and no tomorrow.
- Vash holds you down while trying not to crush you, he's trying to get some distance between you but you won't let him, press him tight against you, hissing in his ear while he splits you open, his breath hot and irregular against the side of your neck -
It's probably telling that neither of you speak during those times, for whatever you do, the two of you can't pretend your words, your promises, aren't lies.
- Vash reaches out from where he's pinning you down, tries to lace your fingers together but you clutch the blanket instead, dig your nails into your flesh -
It angers and disgust you on some level, because, by nature, you aren't one for pretending (oh, the irony) – you see things as they are, no ambiguity, no sugarcoating (oh yes, you have no patience for false smiles, right?).
You hate liars and you hate hypocrisy.
What does that leave you with?
- And you urge him on, even slap his gentle hands away at times, do it, do it now, take what you want, that's who we are, I deserve this, one day you will see and you will turn from me -
Yeah, that's right – you hate yourself.
God, so very much.
But you're used to that.
You're the Punisher, and yet, one day –
but no, it will get you nowhere thinking about such things. There will be no redemption anyway.
- And your muscles are constricting, pain and pleasure setting nerves on fire, and still, you're staring right into it, the dark, the abyss, you can't let yourself forget – but it's one of those times again, where you have driven Vash past his defenses, past the iron control he has over himself and you can hear his ragged, raw voice saying “Nick... ahh, Nick, close, close your eyes,” and then there's a hand gently covering your eyes, turning the darkness from cold black to something almost soothing, and as he takes you over the edge with him, you can briefly see the light shining through the flesh protecting your eyes, from when Vash is incapable of containing who he truly is, and you feel like that light is healing you, cleaning your soul -
It feels like redemption during that time, but as soon as the light fades, you remember.
You always shove Vash off afterwards – you don't leave, that'd be assholish and you're not using Vash, you refuse to – but you roll to the side, pretend (here we go again) to sleep or smoke .
And you stare, stare into the dark until it fills your heart again, because this is what will fuel your hate again, your will, until you'll only remember Vash's light as a weapon again and as the only way to smash the darkness you were born in, the darkness you're a part of and aim to perish in.
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