hitobitou-a-blog · 6 years
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            “    the fuck kind of villain are you??    ”
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cutebutdeadly1bb · 6 years
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yearcfsilence-blog · 6 years
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           “Wonderful. I’m glad you could make it.” The younger man begins, folding his hands behind his back as he looks over the other villain. “Because most private messaging systems online are easily compromised, I left your summons v a g u e .”
“But, seeing that you were at least interested in what I have to say, I will tell you in detail, now.“
              Motioning for Gentle to follow him past the entrance to his laboratory, the facility gloomy and offset by a violet glow from the various glass tubes and vats filled with different types of fluids, surrounded by all sorts of machinery one would expect to see in such a place. 
As VENOMOUS walks, he occasionally pauses to observe specimens from time to time, though he doesn’t keep the older man waiting too long when he does. 
            “Browsing your website, you mentioned that you steal things, correct?”
“I am looking for someone to bring me some tungsten. but also laboratory-grade surgical instruments... I will offer payment in proportion to the quality a n d quantity, if interested.“
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voxvictoria-blog · 6 years
           His stomach in a familiar knot, HIZASHI makes his way to Gentle and La Brava’s residence, heterochromatic eyes narrowed and darting. His hair’s tied up for now, if only to trick most passersby into not recognizing him as a celebrity as he meanders past people, feeling as if he’s floating in a stream. 
An unseen threat makes his throat tight as he glances over his shoulder for the ninth time. 
              Only two blocks to go. Stop doing that. 
Despite being more than a formidable foe, he’s afraid. Afraid of whoever could be watching, whoever could be taking notes. Anyone that could report back and tell him everywhere MIC’S been, everyone he’s talked to. He’s taking chances, he believes, in going out like this-- no matter what his real intentions are, he’s well aware that whoever was to see him would know just how bad it looks, him sneaking around like this, looking like he’s expecting to be attacked. 
             Even if his apprehensions are wrong, he’s still in DANGER. From not only the man he was trying to evade, however poorly, but also from the others in his faction. If anyone were to find out that he was consorting with these people, he can only imagine what the LEAGUE might do to the unorthodox pair of villains. But there’s always fates worse than death, so maybe if he really, really cared for them, he’d stop coming around. He’d stop calling. 
But he can’t.
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            He can’t bring himself to ditch the only friends he has-- maybe it’s selfish of him, to keep holding on and pretending that he can do this forever... But these good times will never last, so he should keep a hand on the wheel and a foot on the gas, proverbially speaking. A gloved hand knocks on the door delicately before he steps aside to await an answer, and to keep an eye out on whoever could be watching. 
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magicsp3lls · 6 years
a highlight from a convo w/ paris in light of tonight’s shenanigans
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kuronomancer · 6 years
vaudvillain replied to your post “He heard something about today being Gentle’s birthday. “Are we having...”
there will be tea !
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“So it’s a tea party!”
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onefxrall · 6 years
@magicalshe @vaudvillain
I’m afraid I don’t recognize the two of you. Please, tell me your names?
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haltquirk · 6 years
[ from here with @vaudvillain ]
Good god, the theatrics.
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Aizawa’s lip curls as he observes the small-time villain. If his arms weren’t already crossed, he’d certainly be doing that now. As it is, he just digs his nails into his upper arm and hugs them in even closer, glaring as venomously as is humanly possible at the Gentle Criminal.
     “... holy shit, you’re even more obnoxious than I thought you’d be,” he grumbles. Ducking the lower half of his face behind the relative shelter of his scarf, he broods. “First of all, being a villain isn’t a job. Second, at least the villains I usually deal with know how to keep their damn mouths shut.”
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carrionfeigned · 6 years
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tfw you could be crunching numbers but instead you feel kinda bad for this guy xoxo
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black-watchs-cowboy · 6 years
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voxvictoria-blog · 6 years
classy boyfriend danjuro sheepishly presents mic with a bouquet of assorted red and purple flowers -- ` happy birthday, hizashi ! i apolgize for not being able to get you something of a magnitude you truly deserve, but my options were rather limited. `
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            “OHMYGOSH, OHMYGOSH--!! ♪ “
“GENTLE YOU’RE LITERALLY TOO SWEET... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH--!! ♥ “ Accepting the bouquet as to not CRUSH it, MIC more or less SLAMS himself up against Danjuro’s chest in a big hug. “AAAAH--!! SO MUCH--!!“
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@vaudvillain || // I TOLD YOU IT WAS JUST A MATTER OF TIME.... -Embi
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“Khhhaaa---!!! I-I-It’s Gentle, the real Gentle Criminal...!!”
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@vaudvillain replied to your post: “Why is this even a debate it’s obviously...
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“Get out of here with your villainous pronunciations of meme!”
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cconfession-a-blog · 6 years
Quirk mutation!
Quirk: Confession + Elasticity
Perception/Memory Manipulation
A quirk which allows it’s user to manipulate it’s targets memories and perceptions for a brief time, forcing them to question what is real. The confusion is only made worse by the whiplash of the user letting go of their illusions, which snaps it’s target back into reality after they had just begun accepting the altered version. While the quirk is unable to inflict any physical damage directly, the constant state of confusion and shifting understanding of reality is enough to make even incredibly skilled and grounded fighters lose their focus, though upon the user receiving any damage, all of their current illusions are forcibly dropped, and they will be unable to conjure up a new one for a short time.
People who are already prone to confusion and questioning reality may be either especially susceptible, or completely immune to this quirk as a result of already living in these conditions.
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storytell · 5 years
reysonsmanymuses replied to your post: only real fans of me remember vaudvillain
((That was such a good one honestly.))
the worst part is it was actually suggested to me. i didn’t come up with it on my own gjkfdhkdfhj but honestly? yeah. it’s up there with hesnipe for my iconic urls.
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black-watchs-cowboy · 6 years
vaudvillain started following you
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You’re one second away from being turned into a tea cup, but hello. Hi. Your mustache intrigues me~”
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