#vdc aftermath
briry18 · 4 months
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 months
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twisted Wonderland pt. 3
Books 3, 4, &5 were when your dad was stressing.
🦀: Why do Ace and Deuce have sea mushroom thingies on their heads? They-They made a deal with a boy so they can cheat their midterms, but everyone else but you cheated as well so they’re stuck in a contract of servitude? Yeah no, don’t get involved in their foolishness-oh, damn it! The cat has a sea mushroom too! Well, I guess we’ll find a way to fix it.
When all the shenanigans happen and Leona eventually turns Azul’s contracts into sand and he overblots, your dad is there to witness it.
🦀:Already five in the evening and the boy ain’t right.
He watches you and your friends beat Azul out of his overblot and watches the aftermath.
Safe to say, your father makes you stay away from Azul, Jade, and Floyd.
🦀: Hold on, where are you going and why do you have a basket?
🦐: I’m going mushroom picking with Jade.
🦀: Is Jade that one that always looks high and acts erratic?
🦐: No, that’s his twin brother, Floyd.
🦀: Either way, don’t go with him. He probably does shrooms.
Which leads you to Book 4
Your father does not like Kalim.
🦀: Hey! Hey! Hands off! You are way too touchy with my daughter!
☀️: But she’s my best friend!
🦀: You just met her five minutes ago.
🐍: Kalim, don’t go around hug tackling people you just met.
🦀: You keep him in check. I like that.
Your father becomes the “I like that” lady from the Simpsons.
🦀: “You run a tight ship. I like that.” “You keep the boys in check. I like that.” “You got some intelligence in you. I like that.”
Eventually Jamil overblots, and Jamil doesn’t even bother hypnotizing your father. He respects him that much. Which extends to Yuu.
🐍: So, what’s your world like?
You sneak away into the desert to find your friends. Your dad is at Scarabia small talking with Jamil.
Jamil will forever have an ego boost that your father respects him more than Kalim.
Afterwards, when the VDC start to loom over NRC, he’s not opposed to you joining(it’s his chance to get video of you dancing and singing).
That is until he finds out the team is staying in Ramshackle during the training period.
🦀: No! Absolutely not! You’re not having 7 boys living in this dorm with you! Especially that Kalim and Ace boy!
🦐: Dad! If we win we could use the money to renovate Ramshackle!
🦀:…..fine. But they’re staying downstairs.
Your father catches a glimpse of Rook’s photobook. He legit tries calling the police.
Boy shenanigans ensue
❤️: Man I’m beat from practice.
🦐:So am I. I’m taking a nap. Wanna join me?
And for once, Ace actually gets to sleep next to you in a bed. Then it gets ruined by everyone else but Vil joining in. It turned into a group nap on the bed.
Your father finds out and he’s not pleased.
🦀: GET OUT! And Yuu, we’re having a review of the puberty talk when it comes to boys.
When the VDC’s happen, he gets a recording of Yuu dancing and singing. Unfortunately that was ruined after the revelation that Vil tried to murder Neige.
🦀: Yuu, we’ve gotta kick these people out! One of them tried to kill someone. These boys are not right!
🦐: Dad! It’s all good! He’s back to normal now and we won the competition which means Ramshackle can be renovated!
🦀: I worry about you. I really do. I never should have let you read Having Adeline.
🦐: *gasp* They are perfectly good friends!
🦀: Oh, really? Riddle has anger issues, Cater is just Cater, Trey probably has a fetish for teeth, Deuce is too pugnacious, and Ace keeps trying to sneak into bed with you.
🦐: But-
🦀: Leona is a grown man who needs to get his life and inferiority complex together, Jack is…actually he’s ok. Ruggie’s such a con artist he would takeover Atlanta. Vil’s vain and murderous, Rook is a French stalker, Epel has masculinity issues. Ortho is a robot boy who’s too complicit in his brother’s shenanigans and Idia is an otaku creep who looks like he constantly needs a bath or else he’ll look like a zombie.
🦐: But-
🦀: Kalim’s too hands on with you, too oblivious to his surroundings, and has no boundaries, Jamil’s ok, something seems off with Lilia, Sebek is going to make you go deaf, Malleus is a creep and under no circumstances should you engage with him, and Silver is alright.
🦐: Why didn’t you mention Octavinelle?
🦀: Did I need to say anything about them to make them look bad?
🦐: No….no you did not.
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oh-nowo-i-got-uwu · 2 years
how would y'all feel about a Capybara!Yuu?
just being the chilliest mf in NRC, no thoughts, head emptiest guy. average grades, average looks, just the most average person you've ever seen.
but, no one wants bother them, just hanging around them is the most soothing thing ever. just being the emotional support person everybody needs.
Beastmen and merpeople are the most docile in their presence.
Leona sleeping next to Savanaclaws' pool? Capy!Yuu's there too! Ruggie doing chores? Let them help you! Jack exercising? They'll cheer him on.
Floyd wants to go for a swim? Let Capy!Yuu join too. Jade hiking to look for interesting mushrooms? Capy!Yuu has their boots on and some trail mix. Azul trying to make a contract with them? Nah. They'll do it, because they're friends after all!
They have a pool and in the water you'll just find a lot of oranges and tangerines(their favorite).
Overblot? Capy!Yuu's there for the aftermath with snacks and water!
VDC? Vil knows they have a vitamin C deficiency and would recommend some products for them to use.
Capy!Yuu: *sits with Diasomnia* Yo.
Sebek🐊: *oddly quiet*
Silver🗡️: *awake* 👁️👁️
Lila🦇: *enjoying the immaculate vibes* Well hello! 😌☕
Malleus🐉: *talking about gargoyles for over an hour*
Capy!Yuu: *leans on hands* I love me a man to talks about his hyper-fixations. 🤭
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adultish-momma · 1 year
Boring Meetings and Wandering Thoughts
A check-in of sorts, on how the Overblot gang really feels about the magicless student and the aftermath of their boss battles. Besides, they've all just come back from Winter Break, and Committee meetings are incredibly boring. Of course, their minds are going to wander.
Warnings: Possessive thoughts, dark thoughts, allusions to injuries, some of these boys flat out embrace their darker feelings, some live in denial, briefly mentioned jealousy, threat of violence
A/N: Hello! Welcome to a string of notes I have in my Rewrite outline that I really liked the way it sounded so I decided to drop some bulleted cannon for you all. Timeline wise it's set at the very beginning of Book 5, during that first meeting about the VDC. I had some other notes from that same meeting that elaborated more on the actions and actual dialogue occurring during that meeting, but I liked the flow of the boy's perspective more so here we are.
Riddle is busy. He’s running this meeting, and as Chair he just has so much to do. But Yuu is special to him, so whenever he gets the chance to breathe, he tries to pay them attention. And they're subtle, he’ll give them that, but he’s been close to them since the first week of school, and he knows them better than they think. So he knows something happened, but unlike everyone else in this room, Yuu feels comfortable around him. Yuu seeks him out, they take the time to come to him and schedule meetings if his schedule gets too busy. Yuu always stops to chat with him if they chance across each other. Time and experience and trust have earned him a spot as one of their friends, so he’s content in the knowledge that he can wait until after this meeting, and that they will willingly come to him and trust him with whatever it is that dared to bother them in his absence.
It's, well, absolutely abysmal to admit, but times like these, where the vultures and scum of this school hover around his Prefect, crowding their space and taking their time and stealing their attention, times like these cause him to think back on his Overblot with... fondness. The lapse of judgment and control was an absolutely dreadful affair, an experience usually looked back on in bitterness and self-loathing. He's tried to right that wrong and rectify the events leading up to it as well. But, and this is this disgraceful part, he can't look back on his Overblot with regret. Because Riddle will always relish being the Prefect’s first Overblot. It fills him with shame most of the time, that he lost control like that, that he needed the Prefect’s help, that he hurt them. But there’s a part of him that’s filled with pride. He was the first that they showed their immense kindness to, he’s the one who is called a friend, it’s his dorm they turn to first when they need help. And an even darker part of him is delighted to have left such a permanent mark on Yuu, the first in a collection of scars.
By now, he'd usually be asleep, curled up against the Prefect, lulled by their absentminded fidgeting with his tail. But not today. Leona knows something happened while he was gone. He can read the room, the tension coming off of Azul and Kalim, and the way the Prefect is favoring their left side (something they haven’t done since the Magift tournament). The cultural fair really doesn’t hold any interest to him, personal or otherwise, but he doesn’t sleep. No, today he watches, and he plans. Because nobody gets to hurt his Herbivore without his permission and walk away in one piece.
Honestly, sometimes it infuriates Leona how possessive he feels over the herbivore. They’re such a magnet for trouble, heck they caught his attention. It’s so much effort to look after them, and it’s exhausting to even think about the effort it would take to keep others from sniffing around them. But Yuu is worth it, for the way they look at him alone. He’s seen them scared, so it’s not that the way they interact with him is fearless, they’re not stupid. But the Prefect has seen him at his literal worst, seen exactly what he’s capable of, has been permanently scarred by his own Unique Magic, and even at his lowest point, they never looked at him like they were scared of him. Disappointed, yes, but never scared. It's baffling. No matter how vicious he gets, they don’t so much as flinch. It's... been a long time since anyone in his life doesn't flinch around him, doesn't flinch at his attitude or his threats or his magic. And Leona isn’t keen to give that up any time soon, no, this, Yuu, is worth some effort.
Azul doesn’t usually sit next to the Prefect, but after the winter break, he’s reluctant to let Kalim close, especially since the only seat still available is their right side, the side Kalim let his Vice Housewarden injure. It just wouldn't be good business practice is all, seeing as the Prefect is a reliable source of labor when they're strapped for Madol, and Azul protects his business interests thank you very much. A professional such as himself, a mafioso in the making, would not be blushing of all things every time Yuu swipes his fedora to place upon their own head. A businessman of his caliber would not be showing off, attempting to impress the Ramshackle Dormleader. No of course not, he's just practicing good business standards, obviously.
Upon reflection (another good business practice), Azul has come to the conclusion that it was not... well, a bad thing, to be dragged into the Ramshackle dorm's misadventures. He feels his debt to Yuu is paid off now, for the most part. The... necklace... he had given them during that vile loss of control has healed, so they can no longer use that as a bargaining tool against him. And now instead of putting them in mortal peril, he has saved them from mortal peril. They're even, they can start fresh, and he's no longer at a disadvantage when it comes to the Prefect. And upon even further reflection (again, always a good business practice, to look at situations from multiple perspectives and angles), he has to admit.. that... well. It was… nice. For the Prefect, who outmaneuvered him on multiple occasions during their encounter during finals, to genuinely ask him for help. To rely on him. He’s… not exactly… fond… of the idea that they might no longer require his assistance. So he’ll just, stay in sight, in reach, so it’s more convenient for them to turn to him should they need help again. It's just good business practice, to make oneself available for your clientele after all.
Kalim is observant and no one really gives him credit for that. So although he’s bummed he can’t sit next to the Prefect, he’s okay sitting across from them. It’s a better vantage point. He spends most of the meeting watching them, something he used to do before because they make funny faces sometimes, but now he’s looking for something specific. Every twitch, every stretch, every wince they might make he notices, trying to figure out if they’re still feeling any pain from what Jamil did to them. He notices every shift of gravity Azul and Leona make towards the Prefect, every easy invasion of their space, every curve of Yuu's lips in the semblance of a smile towards another person. He notices, and some envious thing sparks in him.
He’s not as flippant about his things as people make him out to be. Sure he gives away experiences and materials like it’s air, but that’s because they're just things. But Kalim cares about those he considers His. He might think of everyone at NRC as a friend, but he’s been through enough to know that some people are more than that, they’re His friends, the ones who have a place in his heart. Jamil for the longest time was the only one he had, but with the recent events, Kalim has found that there’s more room than he thought in his trusting heart, and Yuu fits that space perfectly. And of course, they fit in the new hole in his heart, a person like them is just so rare. They helped him, not because of what he could do for them in return, but just because they wanted to. When everyone else was tiptoeing around him, afraid to set off his new alter ego, the Prefect was upfront and brutally honest. After discovering how long he'd been lied to by the one person he trusted, Yuu's honesty was like an oasis in the desert. And he was a man dying of thirst.
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nami-moittli · 7 months
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The aftermath of the VDC:
I love the subtle character development we get for Kalim during book 5, with the scene of him practicing by himself late at night, with him saying that he actually wanted to win the VDC, I love that! And I wish we got more of it. Yk, maybe NRC losing could’ve been character development for Kalim, with him learning that even if you try your hardest, you can’t be guarantied the win. NRC still should have won tho, even if I get the narrative value of them losing. I’ll forever be salty about it, even if I understand why.
It kinda reminds me of that one line from Frozen II, where Olaf and Anna are talking, and I don’t remember it exactly but I can kinda imagine it like:
Kalim: Hey, Jamil
Kalim: I’m sensing some rising anger
Jamil: Well, I am angry, Kalim.
Kalim: No, I mean,
Kalim: I’m sensing some rising anger, in me
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I think Kalim deserves to feel bitter about VDC, just as much as everyone else
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universaln0b0dy · 11 months
I'm loving the untouchable series. I also like Manipulative Neige and Reader and I would love to see contiuned one for the aftermath of the Vil one where Neige "innocently" speaks out about a recent stalker that he and Reader currently have essentially killing two birds with one stone.
*Interview Statement*
Neige: *faking tears* I don't know why he likes terrorizing me and my beloved, I seen his face, but I don't want my beloved to be in danger. *gently dabbing his face with tissues*
Reader: Honey, you don't need to worry about it! I'll protect you. *holding Neige's hand, "comforting" him*
Neige: No, I want to protect you, too! *fake sniffles* His name is Rook Hunt, I only met him during the VDC and I didn't know he was stalking me at the time until after we gotten together.
Interviewer: *falling for their acts* You two are so sweet together, trying to protect one another. It's precious!
Fans, who were watching the segment: *falling for it, hook, line and sinker*
*After the Interview and in privacy of his dorm room*
Reader: *snickering in their hand with a smirk* My beloved, seriously? Looks like I have to returned the affection tenfold tomorrow.
Neige: *smiling* I had to turn on the charm beside I've been wanting to get rid of him for awhile now, so can you really blame me?
I need to say I really love this! That's something I can see those two do. They might only be a "pretend" couple, but they will forever be partners in crime or at least revenge buddies-. XD
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ventique18 · 2 years
I love the NRC VDC aftermath scene! I freaking love it! I love Vil!! I love how nice the rich kids acted! But I really LOVED how selfish Ace acted, and how realistic everyone's decisions were! Not everyone's a golden-hearted hero and that's ok.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Riddle's Double Isekai on Chapter 7
Hooo boi!
Upon voting, it was decided that people who like my shit want to put yet again the redhead shortie into the angst departament. :v
Initially, I had 7 double isekais, but when it comes to touching up the diasomnia chapter, we can exclude Malleus's double Isekai, since that had a completely separated plot and even then, the Isekai Malleus was way more detached from the conflict that cannon Malleus has.
Of course! We have chapter 7 Spoilers, for both servers. We will touch up until 7.5, cuz that is literally where the book stops at the moment, just to get a feeling of what we are dealing with. (I have a feeling that mayhaps we could possibly get near the Dia arc end in main story... Dunno, man...)
Anyway... Yep... Chapter 7 Spoilers... Along with spoilers for Riddle's Double Isekai story. We will touch up on the basis of it, just to tie in everything...
Under the cut we have everything! :3
OK... So for starters, background! Riddle got Isekai-ed back into twst along his adoptive mother, Yuuneka(his Yuu :3) and cheesecake, his cat. Due to this circumstances, Crowley assumed that Yuuneka was summoned to twst, hence Riddle, Grim and cheesecake were deemed as her student counterparts. Since she was an adult and also magicless, Crowley assigned Yuuneka as the janitor, therefore the other 3 would have to live with her in Ramshackle. :'3
Yuuneka is very positive, always reassuring that things will sort out just fine in the end. Riddle, unfortunately, is far more negative about the whole ordeal. He does happen to befriend Adeuce, the Chandelier incident commences and everyone gets yeeted at the mines. There Riddle discovers that he has magic, purely by accident.
We follow the Savanaclaw and Scarabia arcs almost like in cannon. Octavinelle has the highlight that Azul was very persuasive on Yuuneka giving up Ramshackle. Also cheesecake and Leona have rivalry. :'3
Then you have Heartslabyul arc, where Trey gets to push the line a bit too much on poor Riddle. Like he knew he was missing, at worst, dead, so to see this redhead with a new last name just waltzing around the school, was bewildering. Trey expected for Riddle to remember him and Che'nya, which wasn't the case. Adding to the fact that poor Riddle just discovered his UM in the heat of the moment back in Scarabia, he was very wonky and all was piling up on him. Plus, adding to the whole VDC camp ordeal and the fear of his biological mother stepping in and taking him away from his family, who raised him.
Yes, he was pushed into overBlot. The Aftermath was also messy. It was mostly stopped by Yuuneka reaching out to her child and Riddle who just wanted home. He wanted back home, at his normal school, at his grandparents and the magicless world. So it ended more with a heart to heart from mother to son and a fluffy time in the little family of 4(grim was officially adopted around the 2nd chapter :3).
Following it with the rest of the VDC and Vil's overBlot, Yuuneka had to finally be more harsher with those Bois. Mainly Rook got the shoe treatment. R.I.P. French he-man, your betrayal won't be forgiven. :'3
Then, chapter 6 happens, Idia also gets the shoe treatment. No one is safe from the shoe, not even Crowley. This mama had enough of you the second you made her child to cry. Suffer now :'D
And now... After this smol explanation of everything, leading up to the very awaited chapter 7, we can finally touch upon it.
First of all, with Malleus becoming a good aquitance of Yuuneka, it was clear the Fae was also introduced to Riddle, Grim and Cheesecake. So they were all buddies. :D
Hence why, when Ortho presents the opportunity to find a way home for Yuuneka, Malleus is a bit sad. Of course he would be if the allegedly new mom figure and his new friends all went home and never returned. But Yuuneka reassures the Fae that she is sure there could be made a 2 way in between the 2 worlds and they could visit each other.
But then Lilia ruins the mood when he announces he would suddenly drop out. Now, Riddle didn't knew all that well the diasomnia vice, but he figured Malleus was also sad about it. Cater, the Heartslabyul Dormhead, also expressed his woe about his fellow clubmate leaving so out of the blue. Many students came to like Lilia, so him leaving would be a quite painful jab. The good part was that Lilia was throwing a bigass farewell party and the whole school was invited.
Yuuneka also felt the need to serve a good party look, just because she is a very lady-like figure. If she doesn't feel she slays. She might as well stay at home. Riddle really doesn't understand his mom sometimes. :'3
But, for a nice farewell gift, the Ramshackle decided to give to Lilia a nice handmade scarf. Lilia wholeheartedly accepted the said gift.
Meanwhile, Sebek gets introduced to the first year group. And him with Riddle immediately go head-to-head. Ace and Epel are just egging on them, Jack tries to stop the fight, all whole Deuce and Ortho want to see how this pans out.
There is also Trey, but Riddle avoids him. They still had things sour in between them. And it doesn't help that Yuuneka is also very salty about Trey. He has a chance to redeem himself, but then again, if he messes up, the belt will be upon him. :'3
But, the party is abruptly stopped when OverBlot Malleus shows up. There is a fight and ofc, panic. Malleus uses his own UM, putting everyone to sleep.
So while Ortho goes to STIX like in cannon, we have the other side, where Yuuneka gets shook up by Riddle in the dream world, which depicted a more different Ramshackle dorm room. Grim and cheesecake were also there.
Unfortunately for them, there were also Phanthoms, whom Grim and Riddle had to put a front against. They thankfully get saved by Silver and together they jump into Sebek's dream. Again, Malleus sends his blot goons to stop them and so, they resort to jumping in yet another dream.
This time it was Lilia's and they get held hostages by the Fae soldiers, whom general Lilia was leading. Cheesecake bit some soldier's ass. :3
Lilia, of course, doesn't recognize Silver, nor Sebek. Same story with Baul. But Yuuneka does plead for them to at least help out, as they mean no harm. Since she was clearly an emphatic lady and of course, a woman who still fought to protect the boys(maternal instincts seem to be the bane of NRC Students's Pride).
In reality Riddle told them she could cook, the second they realised they needed to stop for food. Sorry, Lilia, but you were demoted from your cook position. :'3
And thankfully, the soldiers finally ate something that won't poison their stomachs. They won't voice it out, but the humans proved to be a gift from heavens so far. :v
Riddle does have a little heart-to-heart with Sebek, mostly about Baul rejecting the Greenhead for being 'human'. Cheesecake is also a chonky huggable mass of fluff, which helped more to the opening up. They are friends now! Yay! :D
They go to the castle where Malenoir is, along her egg. Imagine just how easy it becomes when Riddle uses 'off with your head' on the silver owl soldiers. Not only it gives shock value to the poor less knowledgeable, but also it locks the magic of the soldiers, having them far easier to defeat.
Reaching the castle, they ofc are waltzing right into a trap. Lilia gets wounded and is a chaos of proportions. Via unspeakable raging from Riddle and Sebek, they do manage to reach the throne room, where Malenoir was along the egg. It doesn't help that she was cranky on top of it. :'3
But Yuuneka, as a fellow mother, understands how excited Malenoir was for her very own child. So she resonates with her and the 2 immediately become buddies. Since Yuuneka worked as a kindergarten teacher prior to the Isekai, she had that knack for taking care of kids. So Malenoir was delighted that at least some humans prove to be kind and peaceful.
Ah yes... 'if not friend, then why friend shaped', But make it insanely powerful Fae queen and magicless hooman mom with 1 son and 2 cats. :3c
Malenoir does ask about Yuuneka's son, so the queen gets introduced to Riddle, who's at that age, where a teen only has one thing in mind: arson. :3
But because Yuuneka and Malenoir bonded so well and fast, it allowed the group to warn the queen far more quicker about the threat of the silver owls. So now it isn't a surprise attack anymore. Still, with a significant lack of preparation like the said owls had, our team was still getting the shorter stick.
And so, Malenoir takes it up to herself to protect the egg and the group. Firstly by entrusting Lilia with egg Malleus, then by going full dragon lady and fighting with the troupes of the enemy. :3
Ah yes, very nice! Malleus gets motherless, the dad's still out for some of that diplomatic milk... Great job, everyone! :D
So now we get introduced to the knight of dawn, who apparently wasn't a bitch and this whole time was pressured by his actual bitchy brother in law(or smth, I read summaries, don't sue me :v), into going through this fucked up campaign.
Riddle is the first one that makes the connection that Silver is related to the said illegally pretty knight. Their hair and eyes are just different. But ya know... Nothing a wig and some good ol' contacts can't fix. He does whisper it to his mom, who also keeps quiet and keeps Grim from bringing up the uncanny resemblance.
Cheesecake does seem to like the knight tho. Damn... Disney princess power hitting yet again. U-Ub
But after the noble sacrifice on the knight's side, we get to find out that *gasp* Silver is his baby son, cursed to sleep until ✨true love✨ wakes him up. Lilia tho manages to do just that and so uses his UM(still IDK what that shit does, but let's pretend I do know) on baby Silver, which results in the aurora eyes and the silver hair to appear.
Cue Silver having a breakdown about it, which yes... He totally has the right to it, because this is fucked up on so many levels at this point... And here I thought Idia's backstory was a tearjerker... :'3
Now Riddle also can resonate with Silver to some extent, because he also was an adopted child, someone who was faced with the fact that he was adopted quite harshly and he even overblotted under the pressure of that theme. It's a very sensible topic, so once Sebek does reach Silver with his UM and gets him to snap out of it, Riddle gets to comfort Silver about this. It was hard, everyone can't possibly imagine how this revelation is affecting him, but they have to be tough now. OverBlot Malleus is still out there and they need to stop him before something goes horribly wrong and no one could fix it anymore.
Yuuneka is also the voice of reason. As a mother, she feels like she is able to speak on behalf of our current Lilia, when she declares that no matter what, their child is their child, adopted or not, so they deserve the love, time and effort that was put into raising them. Because usually parents take this responsability upon them without being forced by someone. They want to share the love and give it life, raise it and educate it towards a future of it's own. It's not something romantic or platonic, is a whole other type of love that only a parent and their child has, so of course, Lilia has that love for Silver, otherwise he wouldn't be here.
And that gives to Silver determination. He is pumped up and ready to go and save his father! That, of course, alongside the rest of the group because sure as hell Sebek doesn't want for his buddy to go right into the danger, head-on, without being prepared beforehand.
And that would most likely pack up everything. I mean... Until Diasomnia chapter doesn't update a new part... We just have to sit down and relax for a bit. :3
Except moi... I have school :'3c
Until next time! Buh bye!
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pandoa · 1 year
🤡🌞💔, for the fanfic writer asks?
aaaa thank u for the ask, anon!!
🤡 — What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
honestly, it was hard to choose between the christmas fic i wrote last year, or the april fools one i posted lately lol but i think the scene that made me laugh the most was from the April Fools Special where the reader gets sold to the vdc twst boys. it was a crack fic written entirely just to mess with you guys and writing it was mainly filled with me maniacally giggling behind the screen at the abomination i was seeing 💀
🌞 — Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
i like to write either when it's late at night (any time after 11pm usually) or around the afternoon times! any moment i catch myself having some alone time are usually when i start writing, and those times always tend to fit the best
💔 — Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
there are actually two of them! one of them is the fic i wrote with grim about the aftermath of his overblot (based on the fan theory). it's one of my earlier fanfics so the writing style may be a bit different than it is now, but i remember planning it out and Grim's dialogue just breaking me because of how much emotion it had
the other one is the headcanons for how they cope with your death. i full on was sobbing writing this (i mentioned it in the a/n of this fic lmao) because at the time i was going through something similar and needed a way to express all of the emotions—in this way, through writing. their headcanons are in a way personal to me too, so writing it really made me cry a lot lol
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Shining Hearts Chapter 15 ~ Invisible No More
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Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |
Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9  | Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 |  Chapter 12  |  Chapter 13  | Chapter 14
Chapter Summary: The time has come, the VDC has commenced and the Black Swan Quintet finally takes the stage. And after all that has transpired, come what may, they are determined to meet success with confident enthusiasm, zero regrets, and shining, hopeful hearts. 
A/N: A huge thank you to @twstinginthewind and @twst-the-night-away​ for being kind enough to let me use their ocs for this story. I’m always nervous working with ocs that aren’t my own but I hope I was able to do them justice! ❤
⚠General Warning For Chapters 12-17⚠: First off, thank you for sticking around with this fic for this long. As we inch closer to the moment of the overblot and it’s aftermath, be forewarned, the final chapters of this fic are gonna get…kind of intense. And may or may not include the following: Vil being mean, Rook being tactless, canon typical violence, language, sex*al harassment, misogyny, near de*th experiences, suic*dal thoughts and very, VERY HEAVY angst.
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“Well, now! Wasn’t that show from NRC Tribe amazing?!”
The crowd screamed with agreement, and from the audience, many of the NRC students cheered on their classmates on stage. Cater, sitting with a bunch of his dormmates, spent a good chunk of the first performance snapping pictures and uploading short live reels to his Magicam, all of which immediately went viral.
“Go Acey and Deucey!” he grinned, scrolling through his uploads. “They KILLED it up there!”
“I was ready to have both their heads if they made a poor show of it,” Riddle smiled. “But that was a splendid performance that did Night Raven College justice.”
“Our dorm’s problem pair managed to pull it off,” Joker chimed in. She, Violetta, and Crisanta were holding up a large banner with the words ‘ GO NRC GO ’ painted in bold purple letters. Chibis of all twelve NRC performers decorated the banner that were drawn by Crisanta.
“The girls are up next!” Crisanta grinned. “I’m so hyped! Ione is gonna be so awesome!”
“Yes, and on that same note,” Riddle said, briefly frowning. “I’d like to reiterate to you all what will happen if any of you DARE to vote for the RSA girls' team!”
“Yes, Sir!” Joker replied. “Off with our heads!”
“Shouldn’t we see how they’ll do first, Riddle?”  Trey chuckled.
“Hmph! Implying Ione will be anything less than spectacular! I refuse to believe it!”
Trey walked back his comment, agreeing with his dorm leader. Violetta and Joker shared a secret smile. Riddle’s partiality for Ione was already obvious, but he wasn’t even trying to be subtle anymore.
Meanwhile, closer to the stage, Farron and some of his friends from Pomefiore—Savvy, Sidonie, Maximilian, and others—watched intently.  Savvy had ordered custom lightsticks for her dormmates set in their school colors that they waved together during the show. Yet Farron seemed restless, barely able to keep seated.
“Something wrong, Farron?” Sidonie asked. “You seem somewhat antsy.”
“If you’re worried about RSA topping this, don’t stress yourself,” said Maximilian. “Neige would have to pull a miracle out his ass to top THAT!”
“Right?!” Vil and the boys were absolutely dazzling up there,” Savvy grinned. “Epel especially! I didn’t know he had it in him!”
“Dang, I kinda wish I auditioned now,” Maximilian replied.
“Why didn’t you, Maxie?” Savvy asked. “We could have auditioned together!”
“Ehh, I wanted to, but I had other priorities. But anyway, Farron, what’s on your mind?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Farron replied, turning from the stage to his dormmates. “I’m just excited to see Danica wearing what I made for her!”
“You told me she decided to wear what you originally made for her and not the white dress she had before I dropped out,” smiled Sidonie. “I’m curious. Does that mean she’ll be singing what I think?!”
“You’ll see soon enough!” Farron gave her a teasing wink. “It’s not usually my thing to brag, but I think this is some of my best work to date!”
“The VDC has gotten off to a fantastic start, but we’ve only just begun!” Right on cue, the host announced the next act, to everyone’s excitement. “Up next, performing another original song, Guilty Heart, please welcome the girls' unit from Night Raven College! Give it up for the Black Swan Quintet!”
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In the final moments in the darkness, before the stage lit up for them, Danica gave each of her teammates one final smile of encouragement. This was their moment to display their power and beauty to the world. They had overcome challenge after challenge to be standing on that stage and nothing would stop them now. Together, victory was within their grasp.
“The black swan was not only able to seduce the prince, but her charm also left the entire court spellbound…win the VDC…show us that power you showed me at the masquerade…”
Danica looked out at the countless faces in the crowd, cheering and screaming, eager to see her and her black swans in action. Her heart was pounding so hard that she was certain her teammates could hear it and she briefly had to press her hand to her chest to calm herself. There was no need for anxiety, she told herself; they had this. They rehearsed this song to perfection and loved every moment of it. Surely, the audience would love them too. After all, that was her power.
I broke my promise to you once, Vil-san. But I will bring home victory for NRC. That is a promise I intend to keep!
As she took one final deep breath, the stage went alight and the music began.
“Look at me, before I vanish forever. Hold me, the chains become tighter. Love me, before regret poisons us both. Even if you swear yourself to me, your guilty heart will never again take me captive…”
A roar of applause followed Danica’s first solo, putting her confidence into overdrive and tossing the final fragments of anxiety to the wind. She and her teammates pranced out onto the stage, swaying elegantly as Danica sang out the next few verses. Taima and Iman sang together while Ione and Vidaria each had a moment to display their vocal talent, to great enthusiasm from the crowd.
“Your smile was my miracle; under your gentle hand, all my dreams came true. But why has my dream become a nightmare? And why can’t I look away?”
“Your love is beautiful, but I will not be your slave…”
Before her next solo, Danica took center stage, her movements elegant as she danced en pointe to even greater applause. With one final pirouette, she struck a pose, seductively extending her hand to the audience and drawing it back to her heart. She then sang out the next verse with Vidaria and another with Ione.
“I followed your radiance to my happily ever after; standing by your side, anything was possible. But why has my dream become a nightmare? And why can’t I look away?”
“Delightfully sweet poison, betraying my innocence…”
The beat dropped, and the lighting shifted accordingly. Danica, Taima, and Iman stepped forward for their special dance segment. From the wings, the RSA Divas and NRC Tribe watched the performance with bated breath and racing hearts. They were all quite taken with what they were watching and no one could take their eyes off the Black Swan Quintet. But none among them watched more intently than Vil.
In truth, this was Vil’s first time really watching this performance, as he had been too consumed with his own negative emotions to pay attention during rehearsals. And whenever he saw hints of what this performance could be, he had purposely shut his eyes to it. Watching now, with opened eyes and a clearer heart, he could fully take in the bewitching and graceful charm Danica displayed on stage. And he could finally give himself over to all the feelings he had attempted to push away since he first saw her dance to this song in the ballroom weeks ago.
How strange it is that I am now watching the same trembling freshman I first met on orientation night, someone I had to practically force a name out of. Vil smiled to himself. It’s amazing how much you’ve grown in so little time.
However, even as Vil watched with awe, a bittersweet ache tugged at his chest. Though he had only heard this song once before today, he could still vividly remember the impression it made upon him, how much he had secretly enjoyed it despite professing the opposite out loud. But he also could remember the original lyrics to this song, and these lyrics were different now —changed. The song had also been titled Guilty Kiss , not Guilty Heart . Some of the words were still the same, but this song now had an overall darker, almost sadder theme, juxtaposed by the fun melody and infectious beat.
“The poison won’t take me a second time. Even if you swear yourself to me, your guilty heart will never again take me captive…”
It didn’t take him long to connect the dots. The song had been changed and these new lyrics were about him. Just as he guessed the lyrics to Our Happily Ever After had been about him as well. But while the latter song had been sung by an infatuated young girl thinking herself in love, this song was sung by a hurt and humiliated young woman who still found herself drawn to the guilty heart that initially poisoned her.
As he realized this, for a moment, Vil’s heart stopped. A mixture of terror and embarrassment seized him as he prayed no one would be able to figure this out as well. But after the initial shock wore off, so did his hope no one would know the origin of these lyrics. He knew such could spell disaster for his public image but at this point, Vil found it difficult to care. The world already unfairly painted him as a villain long before he and Danica knew each other and unfortunately, his recent actions towards her meant the lyric changes were justified.
After all Vil had done, why shouldn’t Danica see him as a villain? Why shouldn’t she be afraid of him? It honestly surprised him that she was able to look at him with any kindness at all. And as this thought passed his mind, Danica began her final solo, something he had deliberately missed during rehearsal. Something he wouldn’t ignore now.
“You were my everything, you were my miracle, and before you, I never knew how beautiful the world could be.”
The music surged, mirroring the intensity of Danica’s voice as it became louder and more profound. The beat pumping on, faster to the rhythm of Vil’s pounding heart. Every emotion in the lyrics could be viscerally felt in her voice, but he wouldn’t look away anymore.
All I want is to return to the way things were, to love you again. But why has my dream become a nightmare? And why can’t I look away?
No more! No more! I will set myself free!
What Vil found affected him most as he watched Danica wasn’t even the words she was singing. But the raw, intense emotion in her voice as she declared her heartbreak to the world and final resolve to be free. A burning sensation entered Vil’s throat that he immediately swallowed back. As much as this hurt, he wouldn’t look away anymore.
Never again would Vil ignore who Danica truly was and all that was brilliant and beautiful about her, faults and all. Whatever he felt was absolutely trivial compared to what Danica was probably feeling. Instead, as the song neared its conclusion, Vil simply smiled as his perfect swan captivated the audience with her very same spell he himself had fallen under months ago.
You’ve met every expectation of mine and more, and I expect you to continue growing, my little potato. Even if I can’t be by your side as you do.
The music faded and the Black Swan Quintet struck their final pose. In the following seconds of silence, Danica took several deep breaths. She had done it, they all had done it and soon, they were met with an eruption of applause. Golden confetti rained upon them as they basked in the praise and adoration from an audience thoroughly enthralled with them. Danica stepped out further on the stage, listening to the crowd cheer their names. A far cry from ever being invisible again.
We’ve done it…we’ve really done it! WE’VE DONE IT!
“That was the Black Swan Quintet, the female entrants from Night Raven College led by Danica Ledelle!” said the host. “Let ‘em hear it! They left the entire crowd on the edge of their seats!”
“AHHHHHH YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!” one girl called out.
“You’re so hot, Danica! I think I’m in love!” another man added.
Through the deafening applause, Ione heard her name and looked out to the crowd to see her Heartlabyul friends waving at her. She blushed, immediately seeing the banner Joker, Violetta, and Crisanta were holding up and pointing it out to her teammates. Danica laughed and smiled widely, waving to Joker while Ione made a heart with her hands—a special greeting meant for Crisanta alone. Taima saw her family—her parents, stepmother, and two brothers—offering a double thumbs up which her mother enthusiastically returned, telling her that she had done well.
Vidaria and Iman also waved to the crowd with the latter blowing several kisses and making stylish poses for the photographers in front of the audience. They glanced further out at the coliseum and Iman was the first to see Lilia, Sebek, Silver, Nana and other Diasomnia students applauding them as well. Malleus was with them and while his response was more subdued, the smile he wore showed that he was also pleased with their performance. Vidaria waved to them, but as she did so, she noticed someone sitting with the Diasomnia students whose figure seemed very familiar. Too familiar for it to be a coincidence. Her eyes widened.
No…it can’t be…is that…? IS THAT?!
Across the coliseum, they locked glances and Vidaria’s heart jumped with the sudden, wonderful feeling of having seen the face of an old friend after a very long absence. Because that was exactly what she saw.
“Look, Heloise!” Lilia pointed out to Vidaria staring at them from the stage. “Vidaria sees you! Wasn’t she amazing?”
“Absolutely!” Heloise smiled, waving to Vidaria. “They all were!”
“They’re gonna win for sure!” Nana beamed. “And when they do, we have to celebrate!”
“Yes, we MUST celebrate the young miss’s victory!” Sebek grinned. “A victory that brings honor not only to our school but to our dorm and our young master!”
“Heh, that was quite entertaining indeed,” Malleus admitted. “Worth fixing the stage, I’d say.”
And back on stage, the Black Swan Quintet stood upon the stage a few moments longer. Each of them made sure to wave to every corner of the coliseum and thank their audience for watching them.
“We hope you loved that as much as we did!” Taima smiled.
“You’ve all been a fantastic audience!” Vidaria added. “Let’s do this again sometime!”
“Thank you, everyone!” said Danica. “Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!”
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More praise and applause followed the Black Swan Quintet as they left the stage and returned to the hallway. A wave of clapping and repeats of “great job” and “that was amazing” echoed throughout the air, but Danica was deaf to all of it. Her heart was on cloud nine and she didn’t want to come down for even a moment.
This feeling, when we were on stage, and now…this is euphoric.
What she was feeling was perfection, their performance was perfect. After all the training, all the strife, changing their song on such short notice, and even considering the harrowing ordeal they had experienced a few hours ago, they were still able to stand upon the stage together and meet the audience with radiance and enthusiasm. Even from backstage, the crowd was still cheering for them, chanting her name.
This was the moment she had longed for. Never again would she be afraid of judgment. Never again would she feel like she wasn’t enough. Upon the VDC stage, Danica was finally reborn into the kind of performer she always wished she could be; confident, vibrant and bold. And the audience responded to her perfection in turn. At that moment, she felt as though she could rule the world.
I hope you’re watching, Fiona, wherever you are. You were able to see what no one else could, and you were right. I’ve finally become as brilliant as you imagined I would be. I miss you and wish you were here so badly, but I hope you’re proud.
“How are you feeling, Dani?” Taima briefly brought Danica down from her euphoria by pulling on her hand. “Think we got a good shot at first place?”
“Not even a question!” Iman jumped in. “That was fire! Did you hear how they were screaming when we broke out for our dance segment?”
“And did you see the sign my dormmates were holding up?!” Ione jumped up and down with excitement. “I wasn’t expecting that!”
“But back to you, Danica,” Iman smiled at her. “We all pulled this off because of you. But that doesn’t mean anything if you didn’t think we did well.”
Danica hesitated, looking into the faces of each of her four teammates, she took a deep breath and then opened her arms wide and threw them around them. They were all surprised but quickly returned the affection, sharing a group hug.
“I felt it when we were on stage,” Danica whispered to them. “Perfect, it was perfect. Thank you, all of you, for helping to make this possible.”
“Ugh! You’re too sweet, Missy!” snapped Iman, but she was still smiling. “Shut up before I throw up!”
“I’m glad I was able to stand on the stage with all of you,” Ione replied. “A few months ago, I never would have imagined such a thing could be possible. Thank you for letting me have this chance.”
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure about you guys when we first started,” Taima said with a small chuckle. “Especially after that first day when your bickering caused Dani to run out the room crying. But somehow, you guys proved me wrong and in the end…Vidaria, you’re crying.”
“Vidi, what’s wrong?” Iman asked, to which Vidaria began crying harder. “We did great! Your voice was on point and you didn’t miss a step! So why…”
“No, no! I’m not sad at all!” Vidaria replied, pulling away from the group embrace and pressing her hand to her face to cover her tears. “I’m just so happy! Everything worked out and…and…and I can’t say that for many things in my life!”
“Oh Vidi,” Iman pulled her into another embrace. “Vida Vidi Vici, I’ve never seen you like this before. But there’s no need for that. Save it for when we win!”
“And that’s not all!” a few more tears slid down Vidaria’s face before she gave herself over to a fit of laughter. “When I was looking out at the audience, I saw Malleus and Lilia. Silver and Sebek, and Nana too! And guess who was with them! Go ahead, guess!”
“Hmm? Who, Vidi?”
But before Vidaria could answer her, Vil and the others from NRC Tribe approached them. Vil clapped his hands slowly, a full and genuine smile gracing his face.
“Excellent, ladies,” he said. “Very well done.”
“Oui! You all were tres spectaculare!” Rook exclaimed. “Such a mesmerizing image you all presented to the world, a perfect blend of enchanting, and frightening with a touch of the macabre! It was magnifique!”
“You’ve done your school justice,” added Vil. “Each of you should be proud of how all your hard work has paid off.”
“Vil-san…” Danica looked up at Vil as reality slowly returned to her. “You’re no longer upset about our song change?”
“As far as I am concerned, what you all did on stage was exactly what you should have been doing all along,” Vil replied. “And based upon the audience’s reaction, I’d say you’ll soon have more reason to be proud of yourself, Danica.”
“I…I…” Danica felt a flush of red coming to her face and she quickly bit her tongue. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you.”
“Hey, where is Yuulan?” Ione asked. “Wasn’t she with you guys earlier?”
“She and Grim are out in the audience now, taking pics with her special camera,” Deuce replied. “I can’t wait to see them!”
“I had so much fun watching you all!” Kalim grinned. “Your dancing was amazing, and I couldn’t look away if I tried!”
“Good work, you guys,” said Jamil. “We all did our best but you girls were incredible. You’re Highness, you were great out there,” He smiled at Iman. “Your dancing has always been top-notch, but your vocals have greatly improved too!”
“Ahhh, ohhhh,” Iman turned away in case she was blushing. “Thanks, I consider that a big complement coming from you!”
“Ya’ll were sooooo cool!” Epel exclaimed, briefly forgetting Vil’s presence in a fit of excitement. “Mah heart was racin’ watchin’ ya’ll sing an’ dance. I’m sure ya’ll will win an…oh!” Vil glared at him and he quickly corrected himself. “Oh! I mean…you all will win for sure and…”
“Thank you, Epel!” Taima smiled at him.
“We’ve all done what we can,” said Rook. “Now we must wait for the other teams to perform and leave it up to the vote.”
Danica nodded, each breath helping to lift the immense weight of the past four weeks from her shoulders. A great wave of relief washed over not only her but all of the performers representing NRC. They had done it, and come what may, they all felt proud of the final result of their efforts.
Even Vil, in spite of the hideous display he had subjected them to, was beginning to feel his confidence rise again at the possibility of victory. They had exerted every bit of power they had, and now all they needed to do was wait.
This time, I will be number one.
The twelve NRC performers continued standing together in the hallway, enjoying this moment of peace before it was abruptly shattered by a high-pitched whistling sound. Danica and Taima turned their direction down the hallway and saw two male Savannaclaw students who were working on the VDC staff team. They both leered at the girls rather shamelessly and one of them made several loud kissing noises at them. Their brazenness mirrored the unsettling glances Danica had received from male reporters during rehearsal.  A wave of disgust came over her and she moved closer to Vil and Rook without realizing she was doing so.
I guess with power and beauty comes jerks who think they’re entitled to it.
“There will now be a brief intermission, and then the RSA teams will have their turn,” Vil said. “Our moment of relaxation will be brief, but feel free to take advantage.”
“Yeah, I wanna go find Yuulan and see the pics she took!” Deuce said, already beginning to run down the hall before Vil could give him leave to go.
“Hey! Wait up!” Ace ran after him.
“I wanna see too!” Epel followed behind them, leaving Jamil, Kalim, Vil, Rook, and the girls alone in the hallway.
“I’m gonna go call my sister and see what she thought of us,” Jamil said, walking off with Kalim following.
“Ladies, you’re free to use this time to your advantage as well,” said Rook.
“But be back here in fifteen minutes,’ Vil added.
After catching the Savannaclaw boys gawking at her, Danica considered asking Vil and Rook if one of them would stay with her and her teammates. But she couldn’t seem to find the words and watched blankly as she saw her dorm leaders walk off in the opposite direction. Looking around her, she thought about returning to their dressing room until intermission was over, but Vidaria was adamant about going back out in the coliseum and wanted her teammates to join her.
“Vidaria, we don’t have much time before the second half of the show,” Danica said, trying to reason with her. “Are you sure…”
“Yes, please!” Vidaria interrupted her. “There was someone out in the audience I have to see now! It can’t wait until the end! Please humor me!”
“Of course we’ll go with you, Vidi!” Iman smiled, beginning to pull her hand down the hallway. But Danica remained still. “You too, team leader!”
“I…uh…I wanna come too but…”
Danica looked ahead but noticed the Savannaclaw students were gone. Taima must have known what her friend was thinking and tried to reason with her.
“We’ll all be together, Dani,” she said. “And if we’re together…”
“Of course! You’re right, Tai-chan!” Danica forced a smile, walking past her. “Come on, let’s go!”
The girls were nearly to the outer part of the coliseum. Iman briefly stepped out to a visible part of the stage, quickly catching the notice of the audience, who cheered and squealed at the sight of her. Iman couldn’t help but step out a little further to wave to the crowd and bask in their adoration before Taima pulled her back, much to Iman’s chagrin.
“What? Just giving the fans what they want!” she laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Taima scoffed. “Save your smiles for the awards ceremony!”
“Save a few smiles for us too, babe!”
The two Savannaclaw boys from before suddenly appeared, deliberately blocking the exit to the outer coliseum. Iman tried to walk past them but they made a point of putting themselves in her way so she couldn’t pass easily. She glared at their audacity, and Danica suddenly felt chilled. This was exactly what she was afraid of.
“Excuse us! We’re going out to the audience for a moment!” Ione spoke with an imperious tone. “Please let us pass!”
“Awww, how cute that you said ‘please’!” one of the guys smirked. “But why would we do that when we’ve been wanting to talk to you since the second you got off stage!”
“Very nice show, ladies,” said the second boy, coming closer to Danica and making them all feel very uncomfortable. “Y'all sure know how to move!”
“Really?” Iman sarcastically asked. “Well, sadly for you, we aren’t doing autographs! If you wanna show your admiration, do so by voting when the time comes!”
“Hmph, maybe we will vote for you,’ the second boy continued, leaning into Danica’s face with a chilling smile. “And maybe we won’t. What’s in it for us, ladies?”
His eyes were directed down her feathered bodice, so close to Danica that she could smell his sweat which made her feel even sicker. Her heart raced and her eyes scanned the area for a quick out from this situation. There was none but Taima quickly pulled her back, placing herself in front of her friend.
“The hell does that mean?!” she snapped. “Shouldn’t a victory against RSA be enough?!”
“My my, feisty aren’t we,” the first boy came up from behind Taima, boldly grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to him. “I like that, babe!”
“Taima!” Danica shrieked as she felt a hand press against her hair. She turned around just in time to see the second boy trying to grab her shoulder and jumped back. “What the hell is wrong with…”
“Disgusting!” Iman snapped, pulling Danica back even further. “Common street rats would have more decency!”
“Ohhh come on, don’t be like that,” he chuckled. “We loved your song and your dancing was nice too! We just wanna show our appreciation!”
“LIKE HELL YOU ARE!” Taima snapped, snatching her hand away. “Do us a favor and fuck off!”
“Heyyyy that isn’t very nice!” the second boy teased her.
“Nice would be too good for your behavior!” from behind him, Vidaria sharply planted her foot into his back, forcing him to the ground. “Such audacity! I’ve never…ahh!”
The first boy tried grabbing Vidaria’s hand but she wouldn’t have it and kept smacking his hands away before he finally grabbed her by the arm. He glared at her.
“Ungrateful bitch!” he spat. “We were trying to be nice but…”
A loud, booming voice forced him to release Vidaria and quickly step back. Leona and Jack were on their way to look over the lighting for the second half of the show, and saw what was happening. As Savannaclaw’s dorm leader, the last thing Leona needed was his own students harassing performers under Vil’s management, especially when one of them was Vil’s rumored favorite. He and Jack moved swiftly to stop this, putting themselves in front of the girls and giving the two boys a thorough piece of his mind.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!” he growled, grabbing the first boy by his shirt. “You two are supposed to be working on the lighting for the next act! Not accostin’ the talent!”
“Aww come on, boss!” the first boy sneered. “We were just having some fun with ‘em!”
“Didn’t look like it from where we were standin’!” snapped Jack.
“Stay outa this, freshman!” retorted the second boy.
“No, you two are juniors, so YOU’RE the ones who should know better than to talk to girls like that!” Leona sharply replied. “ESPECIALLY girls reppin’ for NRC!”
“That is NOT how we do things in Savannaclaw!” Jack added.
“What if Vil walked by and saw what you were doin’?! I’d never hear the end of it! You’re both makin’ my job harder than it needs to be!”
Leona roughly let go of the first boy but didn’t move from his protective stance. “Stop actin’ like chumps and go do what I’m payin’ you to do! And don’t let me catch you pullin’ a stunt like that again!”
“But you ain’t payin’ us at all, Leona-san!”
Leona’s threat boomed down the hallway with the Savannaclaw boys running off, ears lowered and tails tucked between their legs. Their dorm leader continued to glare down the hallway until they were gone. Jack shook his head with disappointment.
“If I ever tried something like that, my mom would skin my tail,” he turned to the girls. “Ya’ll alright? I hope they didn’t hurt you.”
“We’re fine, thank you, Jack,” Danica replied, though her voice was clearly shaken.
“But I hope you don’t plan to let those two fully off the hook!” Vidaria said sharply.
“Oh, I don’t plan to. Don’t you worry your pretty little heads about that!” Leona allowed himself a small smile. “I don’t want any heat from any of your dorm leaders.” He moved away to let the girls safely pass out of the hallway. “But let me know if they act up again! Got it?”
“Thank you, Leona-san.”
Danica was quick to walk to the exit with the other girls following her. But she allowed herself to turn back to Leona and smile as well. Though she didn’t always have the best opinion of him, she was grateful to be reminded that some guys still had the sense not to be lewd about beauty.
“Don’t mention it,” Leona replied. “By the way, good show, ladies! You’ve got our votes for sure!”
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The second they were outside, the girls were met with a loud wave of cheering from a group of students in the first rows of the audience. Danica noticed her Pomefiore friends in the distance and waved to them as they made their way through the stands to where Lilia and the other Diasomnia students were sitting. Vidaria ran ahead of them, excited suspense rushing through her chest as she came closer to her dormmates.
She stopped short, emotional tears burning in her eyes as she realized that she wasn’t dreaming.
“HELOISE!!!” She gasped, jumping up and down and waving her arms. “HELOISE! HELOISE! It’s really you!”
“Oh, Princess!”
Heloise immediately jumped from her seat and ran over to Vidaria, throwing her arms around her and crying loudly. Vidaria cried as well, certain before today that she would never see her favorite handmaiden ever again. In truth, Heloise was far more than a handmaiden; she was also Vidaria’s confidante and after Iman, her closest and most trusted friend. She had attended NRC with Vidaria the previous year but, after defending her from a kidnap attempt, was forced to return to Briar Valley for several months. Their friendship suffering in the process.
It was a dreadful incident that Vidaira couldn’t help but blame herself for. She was convinced that Heloise would resent her because of what she had sacrificed to keep her safe. But what Vidaria did not know was that her loyalty transcended her vows to the Draconias. Heloise considered it a privilege to protect her friend and would gladly walk through Hell if Vidaria asked it of her.
Their separation had caused Heloise as much pain as it had Vidaria, but at long last, Heloise had recently been given permission to return to NRC and they could pick up their friendship where they had left off. And from the heartfelt response Heloise had to her, Vidaria understood that her devotion was as strong as ever.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” she said, squeezing Heloise tighter to her.
“Your Highness, Vidaria, I’ve missed you so much!” Heloise wept softly. “I’m so sorry; I wish I could have spoken to you sooner. I’ve been in Briar Valley all this time, and yet…”
“No, no, it’s alright. You were recovering, and that was your priority. Forgive me for forcing you to endure something so horrid.”
“A small price to pay to ensure the safety of Briar Valley’s future queen,” Heloise pulled back from Vidaria’s embrace to smile at her. “And the greatest hope for peace between the fae nations.”
“Heyyyy! Helo! Heloise!”
Iman and the other girls had caught up to Vidaria. Having shared their freshman year with Vidaria and Heloise, Iman was well-acquainted with Heloise and greeted her with a warm hug. Danica, Taima and Ione weren’t quite sure what was going on, but this was the first time any of them had seen Vidaria so happy and loved to see it. Danica waved to Lilia, who waved back but didn’t move from his place, sitting beside Malleus and Silver.
“Your Highness! You were so amazing up there!” Nana also ran over to them, grinning widely. “Heloise and I loved every moment of it! And your outfit is sooooo pretty!”
“Thank you, Nana,” Vidaria smiled, gently patting Nana’s soft black head. “I’m glad you enjoyed watching us!”
“I enjoyed it too, Your Highness!” Sebek shouted passionately. “Your beauty and grace had me absolutely enthralled! Your talent alone will secure victory for your team for certain!”
“What?” Nana looked up at Sebek. “But Sebek, I’m pretty sure you were saying all of those things about Taima.”
“WH…WHAT?!” Sebek’s eyes immediately locked with Taima’s. The sly smirk on her face made him blush fiercely. “I…I was not! Do not tell falsehoods, Nana!”
“Heh heh, yes you were!” Heloise laughed.  “You couldn’t stop talking about her! I heard you!”
“HEYYYYYY!!!” The exposure left Sebek absolutely mortified and unfortunately for him, there was little he could say in his defense besides try to change the subject. “Anyway! Your Highness, we all enjoyed watching you and your team perform!”
“I’m glad,” Vidaria replied, looking over at Silver sitting with Malleus and Lilia. Unlike how he was normally, his eyes were alert and he and Vidaria shared a secret smile. “I’m glad you all enjoyed it! Please vote for us too! That’s the only way we can win!”
“WITH THE UTMOST PLEASURE!!” Sebek exclaimed enthusiastically.
At this, a loud clanging bell announced the end of the intermission and the continuation of the VDC. The Black Swan Quintet was expected backstage soon, so they said their goodbyes to the Diasomina students, who in turn wished them luck and promised that they each had their vote.
“By the by, could one of you please show me how the voting system works?” Malleus asked. “I’m not quite familiar with how this QR code thing works. Is this some sort of special language?”
“Oho! I will show you when the time comes, Malleus!” Lilia grinned. “Don’t you worry!”
“Be sure to do that, Lilia!” Danica called out to him as they walked back to the stage. “We’ll need every vote we can get!”
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The Black Swan Quintet hurried back to the stage, receiving applause and cheers all the way. The initial reception to their performance was very positive, and they reveled in the adoration. They were almost to the inner part of the coliseum when the girls heard a high-pitched voice, sounding like a child’s, calling out to them.
“You’re so cool, Black Swans!”
They turned around, and from the middle stands, they saw a little girl running up to them. She was probably no more than six or seven years old, with a large smile on her face. Iman grinned and knelt down as the girl came closer to them, reaching out her hand to shake her hand. Despite her imperious attitude, something about children always brought out the sweetness in her, especially well-behaved, reverent ones.
“Hello there, little one. Did you enjoy our show?”
“I did! I did!” The little girl jumped up and down with excitement. “I love your fashion! I wanna dress like that too!”
“Ohhh,” Danica giggled, also kneeling down to meet her level. “Maybe when you’re big like us, you can!”
“Awww, I remember being her age,” Taima whispered to Ione and Vidaria. “And looking up to pop idols, this is probably a big moment for her to meet girls that she admires.”
“You’re so cute. It’s so nice having such a sweet little fan like you,” Iman smiled, holding both of her hands, “You remind me of my little sister.”
“I’m gonna vote for you too! I hope you win!” she beamed, holding up a pink smartphone. “Can I take a picture with you guys? Pleeeeaaassseeee?"
Despite having limited time, the Black Swans were more than willing to pose for a photo with their little fan, the first of many they hoped. Iman helped her hold the smartphone at the right angle, ensuring everyone could fit into the frame.
“There, now we’ll all be in your photo,” she smiled.
But just as they struck a pose, an angry voice interrupted them. A woman, likely the girl’s mother, came up to them and quickly grabbed her by the arm.
“Sylvia! There you are!” yanking her daughter away. I told you about running off!”
“But Mommy!” the little girl pleaded, “I wanted to meet the Black Swans! They said I could take a picture with them! Can I please…”
“Absolutely not!” the woman’s words were directed at her daughter, but her angry glare was fixed on Iman, the one closest to her. “You know better than to talk to strangers!”
“No buts! You shouldn’t be bothering them anyway!”
“Pardon me, Ma’am,” Danica spoke up. “Your daughter wasn’t bothering us, she’s very sweet, and we don’t mind…”
“I’ll thank you to mind your business!” Sylvia’s mother snapped, pulling her daughter closer in a strangely protective manner. “Pardon my child’s rudeness, but intermission is nearly over. You girls should go backstage.”
Without waiting for their response, she quickly pulled Sylvia away from the Black Swans; nearly forgetting that Vidaria had their phone, she came back to them long enough to snatch it back. Sylvia looked back at them, her face looking absolutely despondent and heartbroken. And Vidaria heard when the woman whispered disparaging comments about them under her breath.
“So inappropriate! To think my daughter could look up to girls like that?! What is this world coming to?!”
“Girls like what?!” Vidaria glared as she watched them go back to their seats. “What did she expect to see at the VDC?! It’s not like we were dancing in our undergarments!”
“Has that woman NOT looked at magicam?!” Iman added, “Or even at music shows on tv?! We were tame compared to other groups!”
“Seriously, if that little girl wanted a pic with us, that shouldn’t be a problem!” Taima shook her head. “I swear I don’t understand adults sometimes, they tell us to grow up but when we do then they lose their shit!”
“Poor girl,” Ione sighed, “That woman reminds me of my own father. He didn’t want me singing in the VDC either.”
“Hush you guys. Don’t give her more to bitch about.” with her arms, Danica huddled her teammates closer to her and tried to push them in the direction of the inner coliseum. “You don’t want her to hear us.”
“So what if she does?!” snapped Iman, deliberately raising her voice some. “That woman was a bi…”
“Enough!” Danica pressed her hand to Iman’s mouth. “Remember, you’re a princess. Be above it, and don’t confirm her prejudices.”
Iman yanked Danica’s hand away from her mouth, but she took her advice and bit her tongue. But that didn’t mean she liked it. Most little girls wanted to mimic older ones that they found stylish and cool and Sylvia was no different. It was flattering that the Black Swan Quintet could make such an impression on her but her mother’s reaction was more than a little frustrating to all of them. This was another thing Danica feared but this time, instead of internalizing her guilt, she only felt angry.
Hmph, she was a bitch though! Poor girl, that’s probably why some girls end up insecure!
Vil had been correct about people judging girl groups by harsher standards, but it didn’t make it right. And by this point, for the first time in weeks, Danica could honestly say she no longer cared. To her mind, they were all hypocrites and all that mattered to her now was winning, whether people secretly vilified her or not. They had a stage to return to, and they would not let negativity hold them back.
Neige and his little friends were the first to perform for the second act of the show. He was met with as much enthusiasm as Vil if not more, and the crowd immediately melted at the sight of the dwarves.
“Who are those little kids?!” one audience member asked. “They’re soooooo adorable!”
“Come on everyone!” Neige smiled. “Let’s all sing together! Everyone yahoo!”
His stage presence was as flawless as ever but it also made the lack of grace and coordination between the dwarves all the more noticeable. They continued to mess up their already simple choreography and when they sang together, their voices clashed terribly with Neige’s. Vil really didn’t want to watch them, but Rook had insisted and Danica made a point of joining them along with Ione and Taima.
Iman considered watching Neige’s performance during rehearsal insulting enough and couldn’t bear to watch it a second time. She and Vidaria opted to stay in their dressing room chatting with the RSA Divas who equally couldn’t be bothered. The freshman girls watched them with equal parts bewilderment and disbelief.
“I feel like they’re even worse than earlier,” Ione whispered to Danica. “They’re not in sync, not even a little! They’re not keeping the beat at all, even I’m not that bad off!”
“I know, right?!” Taima softly replied. “Vil-san really lost his shit over THIS?!”
Danica heard them but did not respond right away. She focused on Neige and tried to decipher what the audience was responding to, though she knew she already had the answer. Looking up at her dorm leaders, she could see Vil watching the performance with a strange sense of anxious fear in his eyes, while Rook seemed absolutely enchanted.
It was the response of the latter that really bothered Danica. The look in Rook’s eyes was very similar the very same way he would gaze at her when she danced. But even when she felt at her lowest, she knew she could perform better than this.
What exactly was Rook thinking? Something she wanted to know more than anything else at that moment.
The second their song was over, Vil walked off back to his dressing room, though Rook stayed behind, eager to watch Neige and his friends until the last possible second. Everyone in the audience applauded them and Neige and the dwarves waved to the audience, charming them with their adorable faces and bright smiles. And Danica couldn’t help but think that Sylvia’s mother preferred his performance a thousand times over hers or even Vil’s. Even if Neige’s performance was extremely out of place and probably didn’t even take a fourth of the time they put in to prepare.
As Neige and the dwarves left the stage, Rook walked off as well and once he was gone, Danica rolled her eyes.
“Cuteness will always trump something more profound,” she said dryly.
“What are you talking about?” asked Taima. “You said something similar during rehearsals. What did you mean?”
“The reason Vil was upset was that the audience responded better to Neige than they did NRC Tribe. And the only reason for that was because Neige is so adorable and endearing in how ridiculous he is,” Danica made a sound of frustration with her teeth. “If anyone else dared to compete with Vil with a performance like that, they would be laughed off the stage.”
“There does seem to be kind of a disconnect here,” Ione nodded thoughtfully. “Even the RSA Divas had a stronger performance than that.”
“And the reason that little girl’s mom didn’t want us interacting with her was that we aren’t like Neige Leblanche. That’s probably why those boys felt they could harass us too. We aren’t endearing or cute. We’re provocative and bold,” Danica gave a sarcastic sneer. “The last thing a girl or anyone should aspire to be!”
“Well, so what?!" asked Ione, rather indignantly. “So what if we didn't have a cutesy performance like Neige and his friends? That doesn’t mean our performance was bad. If you ask me, that girl’s mom and those Savannaclaw boys were the wrong ones for assuming we’re whores just cause we look a certain way.”
“I just hope everyone will still vote for Vil and our boys,” Taima added. “Regardless of how cute Neige is, NRC Tribe still had the strongest performance technically speaking.”
“I hope so too,” Danica sighed, looking down the hallway at Rook’s silhouette with a strange sense of jealousy and bewilderment clouding her thoughts. “I really hope so too.”
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The RSA Divas performed soon after this. Iman and Vidaria emerged from their dressing room to join the other NRC performers in watching them. They also received an enthusiastic response from the audience. Once again, Rook watched them and didn’t bother to conceal how intensely he was enamored with them. Danica made a point of standing away from him and tried to close her ears to his audible musings, which only furthered her increasing uneasiness with him.  
Thankfully, Petals in the Snow was a short song, and soon enough, they were done. With the RSA Divas being the final performers, the VDC had now officially concluded. After another shorter intermission, all the entrants were called to the stage for the final voting and awards ceremony.
There would be a winner among both the boy's and girl's units, with a large cash prize going to each of them. However, the winning units would be determined by a vote, and every person in the coliseum, from the audience and staff to the performers themselves, would have the chance to cast a ballot.
“Which team did the best job of expressing the world contained in their song through singing, dancing and production?” The host asked the crowd. “Cast your vote now! Choose which team you think shined the brightest!”
Three minutes, only one hundred and eighty seconds to determine who would bring home victory for their school. Danica and her teammates huddled together, smartphones in hand, to cast their votes. From across the stage, she locked eyes with Lilianne and both nodded, knowing well what was expected of the other.
“There!” Taima tapped on her phone. “We all voted! Now all we gotta do is wait for the results!”
“My hearts pounding outa my chest!” said Epel as he cast his votes.
“There were a ton of very good performers,” Deuce admitted.
“Yeah, I’m still voting for NRC Tribe!” Kalim grinned.
“Yeah, absolutely!” Ace added.
“Both NRC teams are definitely top contenders,” smiled Jamil. “Both performance-wise and popularity-wise, so vote with your head held high!”
“You bet!” Iman smiled as she cast her votes. “I don’t need the prize money, but it’s the principle of the matter!”
“Indeed, after all we’ve been through, we don’t deserve second place!” said Ione.
“Ten seconds until the poll closes!” The host announced. “Nine, eight, seven, six…”
“We got this!” Danica told her teammates. “As Jamil said, vote with your heads held high! We got this!”
“Four, three, two…”
“That Rook guy may have been a creep,” Isabel said to her friends as she cast her votes. “But those guys still had a much better performance. They deserve our votes!”
“And don’t forget!” Lilianne replied, casting her votes as well. “BOTH NRC teams need to win so Neige will leave me alone!”
“TIME!” The clang of a bell announced an end to the voting process. “And now, we will tally the votes to determine this year’s victors. Starting with the winner for the top girls’ unit!”
After a few moments, a staff member handed the host a small white piece of paper with the winning girls’ team written on it, along with the margin they won by. The host took one look at the paper and his eyes widened.
“WOW!!! What an INCREDIBLE response! This is the first year in more than a decade that girls’ units have competed in this competition and NEVER has there been such an overwhelming victory!"
The Black Swan Quintet all took each other’s hands, holding their breath. The moment of truth had finally come.
“Winning the girls’ division of this year’s Vocal and Dance Championship, by a RECORD BREAKING landslide is…”
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achy-boo · 1 year
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Kuragari: Hello lovelies~! Girls and Boys. The girls, the gays and the non-binary. This Kuragari, The Narrator of the Hidden Mansion.
The audience cheers while one of Kuragari's fans shouted 'Hello Daddy',making him chuckle.
Kuragari: Welcome to Truly Unique. And if you do not know what that is, allow me to explain. Truly Unique is a live show made by the Hidden Mansion. Here where we invited the most unique people to this show, there is an interview and we ask them questions from the audience. Now the guests of this show came from Twisted Wonderland. These three girls are from a dorm which is inspired by the urban legends/ mythical creatures from the world where no magic exists. People love them, people fear them and they are always an enigma. Give it up to Sapphire Lake Dorm.
The audience cheers as three girls walk into the living room, all dress formal but all of them are out of place but proper.
Kuragari: Now Ladies. Introduce your beautiful selves to the audience.
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Night picks up her microphone and smile gently. “Hello everyone. My name is Nightshade Libya.”
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Jeanne pick up her own microphone. “Moshi Moshi. My name is Jeanne Keket!”
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Tsukii ruffled her hair slightly before doing the same. “Hello dears. My name is Isolabella Duvessa Tsukii. But Please call me Tsukii.”
The crowd cheers so loudly as a familiar voice cheered for Sapphire Lake Dorm
Kuragari: Well, I can already tell one of your dorm members is here already~ Now sit down and lets start the interview shall we, cuties~?
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Kuragari: Now, this has been the two questions of many people. Let us start with the first one. Question 1: Who is the House Warden and who is the vice warden(s)?
AN: Here is the note for each girl. Ts is Tsukii, Ni is Night and JenK is Jeanne. )
Ni- I am the House Warden and Tsukii is the 1st Vice Warden and Jeanne is the 2nd House.
Kuragari: I see. Question 2: Is your dorm strict on rules like Heartslabyul and Pomefiore or laid back and cheerful like Savanclaw and Scarabia?
Ts- This is actually one of the mansion questions this dorm of ours got. So, our dorm is strict on rules but never TOO strict on them. Our dorm is more laid back and cheerful but we all knew when to tone it down.
Kuragari: Okay now this never fails to amaze me how a dorm like Sapphire Lake is so..isolated and secretive from the rest of NRC. I mean it is so secretive that almost nobody from each dorm has heard of it.
JenK- Okay so, our dorm is very isolated from the rest of NRC because it's the way to the dorm. There are plenty of ways to find our dorm but you need to find that blue spirit flame that Tsukii made. The blue flame is the guide to our own hall of mirrors.
Ts- And the reason that our dorm is very isolated from the rest of NRC due to the fact our ancestors, the founders of Sapphire Lake Dorm made it clear that the dorm will remain an enigma to the NRC as time goes by.
Kuragari: Interesting. Now what is your three's opinion of the tension between NRC and its rival or enemy: Royal Sword Academy or RSA for short.
Ni- If I had to be perfectly honest. I found it childish. Because we had visitors from RSA and I believe five of them are our old members. We still keep in contact though but in privacy. We never like nosy people.
Kuragari: Now Your dorm's thoughts on Spelldrive tournament and SDC/VDC?
Ts- It is a wonderful thing to participate on Twisted Wonderland but..excuse my french but It is damn annoying at the aftermath.
Kuragari: How is that?
Ts- Our dorm is very netural to events that Spelldrive and SDC/VDC.
Ni- However we had received so many questions on how we are not fazed that our dorm had nearly made it to the finals.
JenK-Not only that. We did receive some..shady offers to let combine plans to win the damn thing but we straight up refused. If we win, we win. If we lose, we LOSE. It is not hard to accept that and move on.
Ts- Do not get me started on SDC/VDC. I mean the Cultural Fair is actually what I, specifically enjoy as a NRC student. But some people do not take no as the answer is unfortunately, one of the cons to that event.
Kuragari: Okay, I started to have a bad feeling about one of the audiences who is not here physically. Now I want you girls to chose an student in RSA or NRC and tell the audience your view of them.
The three girls silently look at each other. It lasted for three minutes for Night spoke.
Ni- I don't like to bring people's names in the mud. But I will choose three people from said school and my vice wardens will do the same. The first person I choose is Epel Felmier from Pomefiore. At first, I actually think he is a girl. I know he will kill me for this but it's true! However as I observed him more, I realized that he is very funny. I like him. The second person is Cater Diamond from Heartslabyul. To be honest: I thought he was weird at first glance. He is a social media celebrity and he gives me major flashbacks because I actually had a niece who is just like him but she is popular for an entirely different reason. And the last person I chose was Mr. Trein who is our history professor. He definitely reminds me of one of my beloved cousins. In fact, Morte who is my cousin acts just like Mr.Trein though he acts like Mr.Sam and Leona Kingscholar but he is just on a quieter side.
JenK- My turn! The first person is Ace Trappola from Heartslabyul. Now he. *she laughs a little* he is a little shit and brutally honest. There never once I had where I had to punch him to keep his mouth shut. He is a trouble marker too. And frankly that is his personality. But he does show that he cares. The little bitch is too much of a tsundere to admit it! *The audience laughs at it* The second person is Riddle Rosehearts, the house warden of Heartslabyul. WHOO boy. He is STRICT! I can't blame him since Heartslabyul is inspired by the Queen of Hearts. There is a few times where me and Tsukii went with Night during House warden meeting since our housewarden never like being alone with a group of boys..and she will start to have a panic attack so they need to suck it up because we are not leaving her alone. He did tone down the strictness. It's not much but good progress! Now the last person..Rook Hunt of Pomefiore. This dude scares me. I know he is the eyes and ears of Vil but we had a good reason to ban him from our dorm and I am not completing that. Tsukii you're last!
The audience and Kuragari laughed as Tsukii leans in to look at Jeanne before sitting back and mumbles something in one of her many languages.
Ts- Sevens give me strength. Aight. I am choosing four people because our house warden knew damn well I tend to bend rules a little. *She glanced at Night who giggled* The first person I picked was Malleus Draconia House Warden of Diasomnia. Now Mally here is a very special case. Not only is he one of the royal students here, He is actually one of the first friends I made in NRC. Now I am mostly active at nighttime so I always see him near Ramshackle. Royalty or not, I am treating everyone equally. The second person was Leona Kingscholar. I had a love hate relationship with him specifically. Fun Fact: I beat him a lot of his dorm members because they thought a girl like me could not fend for herself. Lets just say; Half of them are still in the hospital. He reminds me of my older brother Revenge. They both laid back but Revvy...he is a scary dude and I am not telling ya why. It is best to leave it in the dark. So one time I accidentally punched Leona in the face. How am I not banned from Savanclaw is the question nobody would ever know. Vil Schoenheit the House warden of Pomefiore is the third person I choose. Before I get harassed by his fans, NO! I am not dating him. Stop saying those fruitless things. It honestly infuriated me so. Keep. Your. Mouths. SHUT, got it? * She takes a deep breath* He reminds me of my father. I do not know but he does. A celebrity who I go for fashion ideas or tips. His harsh construct criticism never fazed me. I got thick skin so his harsh words never bothered me. Now the last one is very hard for me to choose but if I had to choose. Sorry people of NRC but not sorry. I choose Che'nya from RSA. He is one of the people who visited our dorm and he just happened to be one of Dawn's friends. I am not telling ya who Dawn is. Ya need to find that out yourselves. I love his pranks and he is a SNEAKY kitty cat. He does make our dorm actually fun on our dorm events.
Kuragari: Oh MY~! Such beautiful information girls but sadly we are out of time. Thank you all for watching this show. And Thank you, the girls of Sapphire Lake Dorm to be our guests.
Ni- It is no biggie.
Kuragari: Now, be good little cuties and stay beautiful every day~ . See ya soon my sexy angels~
Kuragari blows a kiss and wink at the crowds who went wild while cheering and chanted Sapphire Lake Dorm's name again and again
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briry18 · 5 months
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Vice Dorms with a photographer s/o
Idk- I just thought of V from Mystic Messenger-
No Ortho
Trey Clover
I hate him still- >://
Trey’s impressed with your skills of capturing a frozen picture of a beautiful scene!
He especially loves the pictures of plants and wide biodiversity related photos you take pictures of and would allow you to take photos of his plants if you asked him.
The way you capture the vibrant ripeness of his strawberry plants made it as if his strawberries were rubies growing from the vines, it looked ethereal.
He’d like to keep some pictures of you and him together. Every time he looks at it he feels more refreshed at motivated to complete his tasks so when he’s done, he can return to see the same smile of yours in the photo.
He’ll be a little reluctant if you want to take a picture of him, but if you’re there to be with him in the picture, make sure to give him a picture of you two to keep. <3
Jade Leech
Fufufu~ How pretty~
Jade thinks your floral photographs are beautiful!
He loves all the pictures you take of mushrooms, too, they look almost as if it came out right from a professional document, and he absolutely loves it!
When hiking with Jade, he encourages you to bring your camera as you both scale the rocky heights, taking pictures of breathtaking views, small tiny critters and exotic, rare plants.
He also likes of if you and him take pictures in the forest, it makes him feel really happy, like, literally the biggest grin on his face as you find his eyes sparkling. A very rare sight of a joyous eel.
He documents them in a portfolio, showcasing the pictures in hopes to attract students to his self made club.
But I guess he’s alright if you’re the only one, he loves the pictures you take, and captures your face with his mind as you smile at him, too. <3
Jamil Viper
The way you capture towns, the campus and nature is very impressive to the second year.
He also loves the food pictures you take, they look way more delicious than the live one somehow.
During the time you went to his homeland, Jamil was in awe with how you manage to take pictures of the shops and markets of his town; festive, bright colours reflected the liveliness of his home.
His favourite one was the one where you captured the fireworks the illuminated the night.
“Jamil! Smile!” You grin at him, as he hesitates for a moment.
But seeing your bright, toothy grin… he smiles softly as he looks at the camera. Click! <3
Rook Hunt
He marvels over how breathtaking they are!
Rook takes bunches of pictures too for stalking purposes- and to capture the art of nature through a frozen sheet fragment of time!
He loves it when you take different angles of people, and he won’t hesitate to pose if you direct the camera at him!
He remembers very vividly of the aftermath of the VDC, with Neige and Vil singing in harmony. You took a picture when they both smiled, both men frozen in place as they look at each other with sync adoration.
Rook held the photograph you took, as his hands slightly trembled.
You we’re worried at first, but he brought you into a tight embrace. “This is simply the most beautiful beauty, mon cheri..” he tilts your head up to face him, “besides yourself, of course!” <3
Lilia Vanrouge
To Lilia, photographs are precious jewels of time. The only thing he can stare at for as long as he wants as time goes by, a photograph is what reminds him of why he’s here living on earth.
For Malleus, for Silver, for Sebek, for his friends, and for you.
He loves it when you take photos of anything, to be honest. The scenery of the starry night, Malleus happily eating his ice cream, Silver and Sebek bickering over trivial things, a drink you bought for him with you and the fae in it…
He asks if he could keep them, collecting them in an album for the both of you to review in future, and laugh at all the fun memories you had.
“If there comes a day where we have to part, at least these quality photographs remain with me, and with you, fragments of us still remain with one another. Of course, I never wish for that, but time has its ways. Let’s not worry about that now, though, and just love how we live in love. Fufufu~” <3
reblogs help! ^^
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TWST Dorm Leaders with a bender s/o (Pt. 2)
So I promised a part 2 to the dorm leader with a bender s/o, so here it is! Hope y’all like it. Sorry, Idia and Malleus’s are a bit short lol.
~Admin Hurricane
Vil Schoenheit: Earthbender
The first time he saw you he freaked the hell out cause one, you had no shoes, two you were chucking rocks and earth everywhere as soon as you were unleashed on the entrance ceremony
When the VDC comes around, he comes to appreciate your down-to-earth (haHA GET IT CAUSE YOU’RE AN EARTHBENDER-) personality, however the stubborn part of your personality is slightly irritating. Still it isn’t anything he can’t handle, right?
Bonus points if your personality is anything like Toph’s, you and Epel are gonna give Vil the biggest headache he’s had in a while LMFAO 
He appreciates it when you get Ace and Deuce and bash their heads together cause they keep trying to sneak food and help them get their shit together in preparation for the VDC, everything has to be perfect!
Lmfao this is a bit random but I just thought of it, you’re stuck with my chaotic neurodivergent ass so bear with me
Earthbender S/O: I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag
Okay back to the VDC lmao
The stadium is essentially destroyed in the aftermath of his overblot, especially with the jagged pieces of rock and stone jutting out of the ground.
Then Mal mal comes and fixes the stadium and everything is all good
Vil comes to terms with the fact that he was a little quick to judge your based on appearances, he becomes much softer and lenient towards you
Idia Shroud- Firebender
So you can shoot blue fire and channel lightning? The heck you’re practically an anime character from one of his anime. 
Starts questioning you if you’re using any tech to create fire, but he’s amazed to find that you create it yourself from thin air.
He’s shy, yes, but that won’t stop him from trying to peek in with his tablet during your training sessions. 
You and Ortho definitely have a good relationship, after all if Idia’s taken an interest in your abilities then Ortho’s all for it
Idia will definitely ask you to join him in playing video games and watching anime with him.
Malleus Draconia- Airbender
He finds it amusing that a mere mortal such as yourself can have so much excitement over everything, almost like he’s looking after a child
He is taken aback by the wisdom you hold, which reminds him a bit of Lilia
Sebek is always irritated by you cause you’re zooming around the dorm on a ball of air, while Silver could care less.
“wAKa-sAMa, tHeY’rE dANgEroUS. wHO kNOws wHaT tHEy cOULd dO tO yOu.” -Sebek probably.
Lilia absolutely adores you, and enjoys teasing you. Tried to feed you his cooking once and Malleus had to rescue you from that.
If you ask Malleus to spar with you he will happily oblige, most likely holding back for the sake of not completely eradicating you on the spot. Sebek almost blew a fuse when he found out what was going on.
Overall, Malleus is very fond of you and enjoys listening to you ramble on about your world and your sky bison which you unfortunately didn’t join you in the TWST world. He likes seeing your eyes light up with excitement.
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
If you wanna request something, don’t be afraid to send something my way! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go! Just be sure to read the requesting rules before you send anything in.
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tumblr glitched out when i tried to send this so i apologize if it's a repeat;; could i request a angst/fluff headcanon of lilia reacting to injuries nonbinary yuu got from grim with the new chapter? Thank you so much in advance!
Aaaaah, it’s been a while since I wrote a hurt and comfort type of thing, so I hope you like the direction I took this request in.
***Main story spoilers!***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Who should show up on the doorstep of Ramshackle Dorm but that mysterious, bright-eyed fae from winter break and VDC tryouts? Lilia Vanrouge, if you’re not mistaken.
“Fufu. It seems that we meet yet again,” he chuckles, whisking through the front door as if he owned the place and making a beeline toward you. “Apologies for the intrusion--headmaster’s orders. I’ve been sent to check up on you. How are you faring in the aftermath of...”
Lilia stops himself when he sees the scene laid out before him: you, sitting amidst the wreckage, all the shattered remains of the place you called home lying around you. Your friends, taken--and you, powerless to stop it. You tremble, head hung, and clutch onto your arm, a reminder of betrayal carved into it.
“... Oh dear.” His voice turns soft as he seats himself beside you. A hand finds his way to your head and strokes you. “You look as though you’ve been through quite a hard time today. Would you care to tell me about it? Sometimes it helps to have someone listen.”
So you do. You sit there and pour your heart out to Lilia. He’s a good listener, keeping quiet to allow you the room to speak, and occasionally nodding or reacting to what you say with slight changes in his facial expression.
Lilia asks to see your injury when your story is all told. He handles it very carefully, his touch as whisper soft and velvety as a bat’s wing as he traces the scratch with a finger. It’s not a particularly deep wound, but it runs like a long, red ribbon down your skin--and what’s more, he can tell it cuts you deep emotionally.
He speaks to you solemnly, and draws from his own experiences as a veteran warrior, to provide you comfort in your time of need. Lilia never directly makes reference to himself or what he has personally gone through--he wants the focus to remain on you and your struggles.
“Thank goodness it is nothing serious,” Lilia sighs, putting on a relieved smile. But you don’t. “... These things can be difficult. Even if the wound heals with time, the scars still remain. The memories still haunt your mind. The guilt consumes you.”
“But you mustn’t let that hold you back, Ramshackle Prefect,” he advises, gently pressing on the base of your wound--and slowly climbing up it. “Reflection is all well and good, but dwelling on the past does you no good. You are here. You have survived.”
Lilia reaches the other end of the scar and taps it. “And the future is waiting for you to find your way there. Let this mark be not a symbol of shame and remorse, but a badge of honor driving you forward.”
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fluffle-writes · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
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Here's my masterlist for all my twst content! Feel free to look through and enjoy! It'll be sorted by character and I'll use the emojis below as a key for what each post is about! Everything is under the cut!
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❓ - Asks
❤️ - Short Imagines/Bullet Points
🧡 - Short Fics
💛 - Longer Fics
💚 - AUs
⚠️ - Content Warnings
🌧️ - Angst
🌈 - Fluff
💋 - Romantic
👥 - Platonic
🤡 - funny (I hope)
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Riddle Rosehearts
Studying Imagines ❤️🌈
Floyd's Nickname + Symbolism ❤️
Rambling About When Riddle became Housewarden ❤️🤡
Trey Clover
Cater Diamond
Gazing at the Moon ❤️🌧️
Special Chocolates for Cater ❤️🌈💋
Ace Trappola
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
Aftermath 💛⚠️🌧️
Adeuce Prank War ❤️🌈👥🤡
First Year Bowling HCs ❤️🌈👥🤡
Deuce Spade
Imagine This... (Angst) ❤️⚠️🌧️
Gacha Game MC and Fanboy Deuce 💚🧡🌈❓
Adeuce Prank War ❤️🌈👥🤡
First Year Bowling HCs ❤️🌈👥🤡
Leona Kingscholar
Leona's Reaction to Being a Dad ❤️🌈💋🤡
Leona Babysitting Imagines ❤️🌈💋
Affection Thoughts ❤️🌈💋
Ruggie Bucchi
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
Coworker Imagines ❤️🌈💋
Affection Thoughts ❤️🌈💋
Various Crossovers 💚❤️
Jack Howl
First Year Bowling HCs ❤️🌈👥🤡
Affection Thoughts ❤️🌈💋
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Stardew Valley Isekai ❓❤️💚🤡
Floyd Leech
Kalim Al-Asim
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
How does the sky look (pt. 1) 💛🌈
Various Crossovers 💚❤️
Jamil Viper
Vil Schöenheit
VDC + Autism + Ear Defenders ❤️👥🤡
Rook Hunt
Sweet Butterfly ❤️🌈💋
Epel Felmier
First Year Bowling HCs ❤️🌈👥🤡
Stardew Valley Isekai❓❤️💚🤡
Idia Shroud
Cuddly Idia Imagines ❤️🌈
Stardew Valley Isekai❓❤️💚🤡
Ortho Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
Sleeping angel 🧡🌈💋
Lilia Vanrouge
Imagine This... (Angst) ❤️⚠️🌧️
Various Crossovers 💚❤️
Sebek Zigvolt
Imagine This... (Angst) ❤️⚠️🌧️
First Year Bowling HCs ❤️🌈👥🤡
Dire Crowley
Divus Crewel
Wine Glasses and Smartasses 🧡🌈👥🤡
Mozus Trein
Ashton Vargas
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
Misc. Charas
Imagine This... ❤️🌈👥
Che'nya/Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka
Affection Thoughts ❤️🌈💋
Neige Leblanche
Yuu Variants
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NRC Yuu Vs RSA Yuu (Cat owner Vs Dog owner)
OCs/twst AUs
Different Potential Groups with the BG3 Squad 💚❤️
Dorm placement thoughts (main 3) 💚🤡
TWST Gone AU 💚
Summary + Masterlist post 💚
Wonderland of Horror 💚⚠️
OC - Masayuki Jinja 💚⚠️
Prologue ⚠️
School of rock AU 💚
Cast list/synopsis 💚
Night Raven Cemetery 💚⚠️
Meet the Staff 💚❤️
Meet Heartslabyul 💚🧡⚠️🌧️
Meet Savannaclaw 💚
Meet Octavinelle 💚
Meet Scarabia 💚
Meet Pomefiore 💚
Meet Ignihyde 💚
Meet Diasomnia 💚
Alien Abduction AU
Introduction + Roles 💚
Species Info 💚
Gacha Game/Oshi MC 💚
The Beginning 💚
Gatcha Game MC Info 💚❓
Being Deuce's Oshi 💚🧡🌈❓
Twisted Wonderland:Child of the Light 💚
Prologue thoughts/Entrance Ceremony + Grim capes 💚❤️
Heartslabyul cape (Art) 💚
Honking/Speech Thoughts 💚❤️
Shrimp Cape 💚❓
Diasomnia Cuteness 💚❓
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