ronnie2point0 · 4 months
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couldnt decide if i liked vegamarch or smallmarch more so uhhhhhhhhhh...................
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alilsakurablossom · 3 years
the masculine urge to: talk like a Victorian gentleman whilst also being interested in the advance of technology and understanding memes; call everyone my dear, my friend and flourish roses from out of a cloak; be so utterly patient and understanding to he a safe place to many despite the multiple eccentricities one possesses; pin butterflies and moths to a wall and keep them safe behind a large glass cabinet in an extensive library full of full length windows and leather bound Naruto fanfiction ; paint and revovate the entirety of my house in a cul-de-sac to make it look like it came from the Victorian era whilst still having the modern necessaries since "I would like not to die when I catch a cold"; like oil paintings eventho one thinks one isn't very good at them,; have comforting and peaceful thoughts about death and find it rather enjoyable to walk through the nearest grave yard despite being utterly terrified by horror movies which aren't 'halloweentown' ; work at an animal rescue centre after work with the youth minister's wife and one of the closest friends ; keep dog treats (however not own a dog; the son is allgeric and the love one has for him is greater than any desire to keep such a wonderful beast) and wine and blankets and picnicking goods all in underneath a cloak (not a cape, it isn't a cape) ; have the passion to correct someone if they mistake Edwardian dressage for something far more Victorian in nature however being extremely embarrassed after someone watches the encounter (first impressions are everything after all, a gentleman must act in a 'gentlemanly manner'); know the meaning of flowers and how to make bouquets; write letters , not by sending text messages, letters despite being houses away, each letter having a neat envelope and a wax seal before the reader opens it up to find the most beautiful calligraphy inside ; to sign my name D. bloodmarch at the end of every letter or message which is sent
the masculine urge to: be a English teacher at a middleschool/highschool (because budget cuts) and constantly be tired of one particular student, not naming any names, colin; be the authorian dad and disliking it immensely, but that's what you get when the son you love despite him being rogue and rebellious only on the weekdays; have classic literature and art as a vast passion, finding it hard to choose between cubism and post-impressionism (they are both two different movements afterall) ; get mad when someone undermines an art form having to have someone pull one back before going on a rant about how art should be appreciated and not scoffed at ; enjoy fine wine and cheese often going to cafes which have wine and cheese nights along with general knowledge quizzes (bringing ones friends there is always a pleasure even after a stressful day) ; know information about fish and enjoy watching them at the aquarium to laugh despite a 'friend's' lack of fish knowledge calling a clownfish a lionfish out of mistake ; paint minutare sculptures of wrestlers and wrestling teams putting so much effort into them, only the closest and most trustworthy people see them however, not many people make it past the door and when they do it's special ; have the wrestling name JD slammenger based off an author ; similarly to name ones son 'ernest hemmingway.
the masuline urge to make both of the masuline urges: hold hands and kiss eachothers lips and along eachothers knuckles showing tender love, going slowly but not too slowly that's it's painful to watch a best friends to lover's slowburn which doesn't force the reader to read over 10k words ; go to coffee weekly at the local coffee shop together ; go to art galleries and museums or simply stay in the cast library, have back and forth conversation (thrilling conversation which drives them both into expressing their passions; having each of them blush someone talking about their passions is rather 'attractive' afterall) ; talk about their disgruntled kids, they love them really with all of their hearts despite their flaws ; have them go on dates to the graveyard, evening scrolls whilst once again talking about passions; make them fall in love eventhough they already are because they are perfect for eachother <3
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sinunamor · 3 years
yes, i still love the vegamarches 🥺
yes, vegamarch content should still be made 🥺
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harryandhishook · 5 years
Thanksgiving Secrets
Fandom: Dream Daddy
Pairing: Background Hugo x Damien
Setting: Maple Bay
Warning: Erm … Coming out? Swearing? I have no idea
Summary: After going to College, Lucien is invited for Thanksgiving with his Dad, Hugo and Ernest, however, Ernest hasn’t been his normal self and some secrets are revealed 
Words: 4059
Requested: Nope, I wrote this last November in a book on a coach coming back from Walk Disney World Florida
Side note: Before I give my apologies, I AM A TRANS MAN, if anything in here sounds off or doesn’t sound like how you expect a coming out story is, just remember, everyone’s coming out story is different and I tried to do this the best I can.
Also I am so so sorry, I know I haven’t uploaded in ages and I know there is no excuse but University is a bitch, my mental health is not good and my Grandmother (Who raised me) is pushing me to my limit and I’m so close to cutting contact with her. Sorry to unload all that to you but I’m trying my hardest to keep myself together and not just quit everything.
Here, have a cute Gif of Damien stroking a cat :) And sorry for any errors in the writing, it’s long and I still don’t have anyone to read my stuff over for me :(
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Growing up wasn’t as bad as people thought it was, it just … sucked. When people aged, they found their soulmates, got jobs, leave to see the world, people grow up in body and mind.
It was around the time that Lucien was in his final year of Highschool when his Dad and Hugo finally confessed their feelings to each other and became a thing, Ernest was still young and very much acting out.
Lucien was the quickest to accept it, he was a little hesitant at first seeing as it was just him and Damien through his entire life and his Dad wasn’t exactly a stereotypical person, he may not act like it but when it comes to his Father, he is crazy protective over him and well, he didn’t want to let him get hurt, however, over time, he realised just how much the two Cul-De-Sac Fathers loved each other.
Ernest on the other hand, he couldn’t bring himself to accept the fact that his Father was dating, he couldn’t accept that he could one day have a Stepbrother, he just couldn’t accept any of it. The boy did everything to try and stop it, he acted out even more than usual, tried to split them up, he did whatever he could think of but no matter what, Damien would always treat him like he was his own son.
Now, a few years down the line, Lucien decided to prove every one of his disapproving teachers wrong and leave for College, all the while Ernest was stuck in his final year of Highschool, now, the pyromaniac delinquent was still one of his biggest features, something he was still well known as but the young Vega boy was actually a lot calmer than before and actually tried his hardest to settle down.
Damien and Hugo knew that Ernest never really had much of a problem with telling someone, even if it was through anger, how he felt and both Fathers had come to think that maybe the boy had completely reformed himself, figuring himself out, growing up from the mischievous boy they had watch destroy himself with hate and they both hoped that the boy would stay that way.
This year, the family decided to host Thanksgiving together, Lucien agreeing to travel down and stay for two weeks with them all while Damien tried to get as much time as he could from work for his Son. Luckily for Hugo and Ernest, the school boiler had decided to explode quite abruptly, leaving almost the entirety of the upper school, Hugo and Ernest area, flooded, giving them both the opportunity to stay at home for longer.
The day Lucien arrived home, he two Dad decided to meet him at the bus station, they had asked Ernest who had politely refused which was not much of a surprise to them, he barely left his room recently, he didn’t say why but they expected it may have possibly been school work.
When they had arrived at the station and greeted Lucien very happily, they had both shrugged off his question of, ‘where’s the brat?’, stating that he was busy and found it difficult to put his stuff down, not wanting him to worry too much when he had only just got there.
When Lucien got to the house, he was more than happy to wave at all his old neighbours with a wide smile on his face, anyone from a mile away could tell he had missed Maple Bay. It took almost an hour before the emo was able to walk through the door, not only did he need help with bags, his neighbours that he had waved to, mainly Mary, Joseph and Brian, had taken it upon themselves to bombard him with questions … okay, mainly Joseph and Brian, Mary was just happy to see the little monster again.
Finally, Lucien was in the clear, bags in the hall, coat and shoes off, placed neatly in their respective places while Damien rushed off to make them all something special to eat that night. The bo-young adult moved through his old home without so much as looking where he was going, all perfectly memorised until he reached the room that he never really needed to go into, the room that was never used into recently, Ernest’s room.
With a soft knock, Lucien waited, he knew that even with Ernest being older and probably not bothered by the emos presence, he still needed privacy,
“Who is it?” came a quiet and tired sounding voice, to anyone outside of the family, they would have thought someone else had spoken but Lucien could recognise the little shits voice better than anyone,
“Oi, dickhead, you gonna open up for your favourite brother or not?” Lucien playfully replied, hoping his usual attitude and joking ways could coax Ernest out of his little hiding mood. It took a few moments but soon enough, the door creaked open, revealing a tired looking and very messy looking Ernest, his hair was a mess, his clothes looked like they hadn’t seen a washing machine in years from how crumpled and wrinkly they were and finally, even if the boy thought no one could see, Lucien wasn’t so easily fooled as to not see the dried tears staining his cheeks,
“Ernest, man, what happened?” the emo asked, pushing them both into the room so he could block out everyone else once the door was shut, “You look like shit, when was the last time you had a shower? What the hell happened to you dude?” he asked, well, more demanded to know as he continued to push the younger boy into the room, sitting him on the bed before shuffling around the piles of clothes and trash, picking up the laundry to move out into the hamper before picking up every single piece of rubbish and crap left on the floor,
“Nothings wrong, Luce, I’m fine, I’ve just been busy, you know how it is, final year of school and all that” Ernest protested, trying his hardest to sound normal but failing miserably to convince his best friend and brother,
“Yeah, bullshit, if you’re so busy with work then I’m the straightest man alive, you’re lies ain’t gonna work on me so either you tell me what’s going on or have a shower, you smell like death so pick one or the other” Lucien demanded sternly, giving him a pretty simple choice, now to see if Ernest would actually pick one.
Luck would have it, Ernest grumpily rolled himself from the bed and made his way begrudgingly to the bathroom that was opposite the boys room, causing the emo to smile in relief.
As the sound f the shower filled the hall and the grumbles of annoyance hit the older siblings ears, Lucien made his way downstairs, large bag of trash in one hand and the hamper in the other. The little chore was meant to go smoothly … if his dads weren’t being stupidly lovey dovey in he kitchen, at least he got to see both adults become exceedingly embarrassed at being caught, however, that changed to shock when they spotted that the rebellious emo they had grown to love was cleaning in the first few minutes of staying in the house,
“It’s not what it looks like, Ernests room was a mess so I cleaned his room while he’s taking a well needed shower” Lucien explained as he put the bag of trash by the back door, “O know there is something wrong with him and I’m going to try get it out of him … whether he likes it or not” the boy stated as he moved into the adjacent room to start the new load of laundry, he was so busy he hadn’t even noticed his parents enter the room after him,
“My darling, we didn’t want you to worry, Ernest has been acting quite peculiar as of late, normally we can easily piece together his dilemma but … as you saw, he hasn’t left his room in quite some time” Damien explained as they stood in the doorway, watching the emo boy start the washer before turning to look at the two men, he was about to speak when Hugo interrupted him,
“I don’t want to lose Ernest, not when I’ve just managed to get him to call me dad again” the eldest Vega whispered, sighing as the Victorian beside him gently laced their fingers together, “Lucien please try and get him to open up to us” years ago, Lucien would tell his parents to do it themselves but from the looks on his dads faces, it was out of their hands and unsurprisingly up to him,
“Fine but only because I love you both” the emo chuckled, walking in between them to escape the little room, “Anyway, who can resist my puppy dog eyes” Lucien smirked before pointing at Damien, “and one of Dads famous movie pamper nights” he finished as he vanished back upstairs,
“Damien, what is he talking about?” the teacher asked, absolutely confused but also very intrigued. Hugo turned his gaze to the side only to come face to face with a very ecstatic man next to him,
“It’s been so long, I will need many supplies, first, I’ll need to find a good movie, maybe comedy, oh how this brings back so many memories” the Victorian man rambled as he scurried about the rooms, writing a very long list, “this will surely help Ernest, why did I not think of this” he muttered before handing the list to the other man in the room, “I will need you to run to Walmart for all these things, also get some of those pizza rolls that Ernest loves so much, thank you” he instructed before also disappearing off upstairs, leaving a baffled Hugo still stood in the laundry room now holding a long list of junk food … way too much junk food.
Nightfall came, the living room had been transformed into what looked like a teenage girls slumber party; junk food, movies, nail kits, make up, face masks, everything a slumber party needed.
Hugo had been told he could enter if and only if he let someone do one little bit of pampering on him, to which the teacher quickly excused himself with the explanation of ‘papers to complete’, leaving Damien to sit in his very baggy and very comfortable … okay, maybe not his clothes but the wrestling shirts he ‘borrowed’ from Hugo looked so cute on him. Lucien sat beside him in some of his least emo pyjamas anyone had ever seen on the boy since they were covered in Mickey Mouse heads but who’s judging.
Soon, once the room was competed, Lucien hurried upstairs, knocking gently on the large door of Ernest's room to get his attention,
“Bitch, I need you to do two things, one, find some comfy clothes and two, come downstairs” the emo shouted through the door before waiting for a response which amazingly didn’t take as long as the door opened to reveal a grouchy looking mess,
“What are you trying to do, Goth?” Ernest mumbled, obviously trying to joke around even thought Lucien could tell he felt like absolute shit,
“It’s emo and I’m not trying to do anything, all I want to do is to try and help you feel better” Lucien explained before realising he was just going to have to reveal what was downstairs, “Me and Dad were talking and I found out that you like to sit and talk to him so, me, you and my Dad are going to sit downstairs, eat junk food and watch movies … sound good?” he asked, hoping it was going to work.
Lucien realised it definitely did when Ernest held up a single finger, closing the door in the emos face before appearing once again moments later in very baggy yet comfortable clothing,
“Well then, come on, I don’t have all day” Ernest grumbled, a small smile gracing his exhausted face as he obviously tried to crack another joke with his stepbrother. Slowly, he made his way down the grand staircase to the living room where Damien was waiting happily,
“Ernest, my dead, come sit” he said giddily, patting the stack of pillows and duvets beside him, allowing Ernest enough space to sit comfortably as he pressed play on the movie, one of Ernest's and Damien's guilty pleasures, Descendants,
“Descendants, junk food and being lazy … you trying to butter me up, pops?” Ernest chuckled weakly as he sat down, getting himself comfortable between his family, he knew exactly what they were doing for him but maybe a little treat wouldn’t be too bad to indulge in.
A few hours, three descendants films and a lot of pampering later, the three of them were laid back, heads rested against the sofa as they spoke, Lucien's nails were drying, Damien had a face mask on and Ernest was staring, his ears were almost deaf to the world around him as the other two people in the room chatted away but he couldn’t bring himself to look away and join in, his gaze couldn’t move from the one thing in the room that haven’t been touched, the make-up. The young boy was silent, burning holes into the bag of brushes and surprises, until,
“Pops…” A meek whisper but was caught by the man it was directed to, causing the two to stop talking and sit up, removing the cucumbers from over his eyes,
“Yes my dear?” Damien asked as he watched the young boy slowly turn his gaze over to his,
“I’ve heard that … well, some girls at my school have said that …” the boy stuttered, trying to think of the best way to describe his strange request but he couldn’t, making the boy sigh and ask, “Can it feel good to put on make-up?” he finally asked, trying not to make eye contact.
Damien's eyes widened a little, out of everything he had prepared himself to answer, that wasn’t one of them,
“Well, it can, especially the brushes, the make-up itself can feel strange though” Damien answered before reaching over to the table the bag was laid, bring it over to them.
Ernest sat silently, watching him reach inside and pull out a large fluffy brush, leaning over and carefully sliding it across the boys cheek, earning a soft sigh of joy,
“Would you like me to put some on you?” the Victorian man asked as he rummaged through the seemingly bigger on the inside bag, revealing a few different contraptions and what looked like small torture devices. With a small, timid nod, the young Vega answered,
“Y-Yes please … if it’s not too weird” Ernest whispered, shuffling closer to Damien, all the while, Lucien watched with a happy smile, he knew this is exactly what his brother needed, maybe not just to relax but it was a relief to watch Ernest finally calm,
“Let’s get started then and don’t worry dear, I have the perfect colours for you … I may have possibly convinced your Father to do this once too” Damien chuckled softly, reminiscing as he grabbed the correct pieces he needed. Ernest closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he felt a cool liquid and soft brush move over his skin.
A while later and make-up flung everywhere, Damien sat back to admire his work as Ernest scrunched his face a little to get used to this new and very strange feeling of stuff covering his face,
“You look absolutely darling, it suits you” the Victorian said as he started to tidy the make-up away just as the grandfather clock behind then chimed midnight, “Oh dear, it is quite late and I need to start preparing food tomorrow, well, I guess I best wash this stuff off of my face and retire to bed, you boys can stay up a little longer if you wish, as long as you don’t make too much noise” Damien said as he slowly stood, stretching himself out before kissing both boys on the top of their heads, bidding them a good night.
Lucien continued to watch his Father head upstairs to his room before turning back to Ernest once he was no longer in sight but stopped at the scene before him,
“Ernest? What wrong?” he asked concerned, in front of him was Ernest, a boy well known for setting fire to the bushes outside his Fathers home, holding a mirror and sobbing into his hand, “Ernest, it’s okay, you can talk to me, what happening to you?”
As Ernest turned his head to look at the boy beside him, Lucien noticed the slight little wrinkles on the edge of his eyes, the same wrinkles his own Father got, which was all he needed to know exactly what was going through his brothers head and no matter what, he was going to show him just how much he still loved him through it all.
A few days went by, Lucien and Ernest had barely been in the house which, even if they wouldn’t admit it out loud, made both parents happy but also quite concerned for their sons whenever Lucien shrugged them off with quick reassurance of, ‘They’ll tell you on Thanksgiving, don’t worry dads’, before quickly running which wasn’t what the two men were hoping to hear but it seemed to ease both their minds for a while, at least until Hugo restarted his usual pacing around the kitchen as Damien cooked.
The night came quickly, Thanksgiving, the food was almost complete, the house smelt of perfectly roasted vegetables and mouth-watering deserts, the table decorated to Damien's specifications while Hugo was banished to sit and wait at the table, only problem was, two people were still missing, however, not too far away as just upstairs behind a single locked door were their pair of siblings, whispering cautiously,
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea” the young Vega questioned, obviously having a few seconds thought as they allowed Lucien to work his magic,
“It is a good idea … look, Dad and Pops aren’t going to hate you, they never could, they love you too much and anyway, I think your forgetting one vital thing and probably one of the biggest elephants in this house” Lucius argued, brushing through his siblings now unknotted hair, trying and praying to whatever deity out there to get it to style as the other sat quietly,
“And what’s that exactly?” they asked, watching in the mirror cautiously as Lucien spoke up with a soft chuckle,
“Damien” he placed the brush down as he expertly braided the surprisingly long hair in front of him and for the first time in months, the youngest Vega laughed,
Not too long later, Dinner was called, Hugo and Damien waited patiently in their respective seats just as footsteps descended the stairs but only a single pair of footsteps approaching the dining room. Both men turned curiously to see Lucien standing in the doorway but no one else,
“Lucien, where’s Ernest?” Hugo asked, seemingly becoming annoyed as well as worried over the whereabouts of his son,
“About that…” Lucien started, turning his gaze into the hall for a moment before quickly moving back to the stares of his parents, “Ernest won’t be joining us tonight … or ever again …” the young emo explained, quickly realising a long pause wouldn’t be the best option as he quickly stopped either one of his Fathers could protest, stepping further into the room, “Because someone new will be taking Ernest's place” just as he finished speaking, a tall figure walked into the room beside him, a long, tight fitting, pale orange cocktail dress swept the floor behind the person as their long braided hair lay over a single exposed shoulder.
The light of the room hit the persons face, capturing the perfectly applied make-up that sculpted their features beautifully and it was then they realised,
“Ernest?” they both asked, quite bewildered, watching the young Vega nervousness build up which did not go unnoticed by Lucien,
“Actually, may I introduce our newest addition to the Vega-Bloodmarch Family, Emily, Emily Dickinson Vega, my sister” he announced, wrapping a supportive arm around his sibling to give them some encouragement, “If it’s okay with her Fathers, she would very much like to join us for dinner?” Lucien asked softly, smile on his face as he waited for their parent’s reactions.
Unsurprising to Lucien, Damien was the first to move, wasting no time in in pushing his chair out from under himself to embrace his daughter,
“Oh, my dear, of course you can join us for dinner and for any other meals you want to” he whispered through tears he didn’t even know were running down his face, “now I understand the make-up, I’m sorry I didn’t see the signs sooner, I never wanted you to feel scared to be who you are” he whispered, the scene in the Bloodmarch home was one to remember when Emily wrapped her arms around his step-father, holding onto him as if their lives depended on it, however, there was still only one other person they needed to complete this little family moment, Hugo.
Everyone slowly turned their heads to see the larger man carefully rising from his seat, moving around the ornate furniture to move closer to where his child stood, arms back by her side as she stood tall and strong,
“Dad, I know this is sudden but I’ve been hiding for so long, I didn’t know who I was but I saw Damien doing so many things that made me think, he showed me how happy he was, I saw the life of someone who was truly happy, all this” she gestured to herself as she continued, “made me realize who I really am and I’m sorry for not being able to tell you sooner … I know I ruined your life for years with all the stupid shit I did but all the stupid thoughts in my head, I was scared, alone, I-“ her rambling was cut short when a pair of quite muscular arms pulled her forward and into a tight but comforting embrace,
“You are my child, my flesh and blood, you are everything to me and I love you, never forget that, no matter who you are, you are a Vega” he reassured, whispering just loud enough for Damien and Lucien to hear the loving exchange of words as they both smiled proudly.
Soon enough, two smaller arms snaked their way around Hugo as a small sob echoed in the large room causing any existing space in the embrace to disappear as it tightened,
“I was so scared you would hate me, I was meant to be your son, the man of the hous-“ her hurtful words were stopped as she was carefully pushed backwards, a hand laid gently on her cheek, forcing her to blurrily look up at a smiling Hugo,
“You have always been my daughter, even if we didn’t know that until now, you were and always will be my baby girl” he explained, his voice soothing any doubt the young Vega had before the wrestling nerd added just one more sentence, “And I think being married to Damien is an automatic law that I accept whatever part of the LGBT you realise you’re apart of … I think I’d be a bit hypocritical if I didn’t accept you as my daughter” the taller man finished and after a few moments of silence, the room filled with giggles from the man in question,
“Your Fathers right” Damien managed to say through soft giggles, “Excuse my French but … I’d kick his ass if he didn’t” he smirked before quickly pushing the three of them towards the table, “Now, if you children, yes, I’m also talking about you too Hugo, don’t get to the table to eat, the food will go cold and I’ll lock the refrigerator as punishment” the Victorian man threatened as the Family rolled their eyes but obediently followed his orders, spending the rest of the night laughing, talking and finally, for the first time in a while, being a family.
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Dream Daddy Review (spoilers)
Okay, no hate, but I was very disappointed by the character creation. It took me ages to build a Daddy that didn’t look completely demonic and I hated how out of place he looked throughout the game. Would have been a million times better if I could have made a character that looked the way I wanted him to.
I loved the fact that Alex, your former spouse, can be either a man or a woman, and there’s the option of Amanda being adopted. It contributes little to the gameplay but it’s great if you love backstories like me.
I think the stories were really well thought out and interesting, catering to each of the character’s personalities and interests. Some were more entertaining than others but you can tell there was a lot of effort put into them. If there’s one thing I love, it’s good character development.
The player’s relationship with Amanda is so wholesome. I only wish that we could have discovered more about Alex and the relationship that Amanda had with him/her. It would have been an interesting subplot to have the player struggling to move on from their partner, even if Alex passed away a long time ago.
Smallmarch is so cute but so is Vegamarch and I literally can’t choose between them *sweats profusely*
Lucien and Ernest make such a good duo, they should have their own game.
The game is too short, man. I need mooooooore.
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floresdesella · 6 years
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i dunno if you guys bought the latest dream daddy comic (dungeons & daddies; where all the dads are playing dnd & hugo is playing dungeon master) but there’s this really great page here where damien briefly mentions his trans experience! not only that but this is just such great dialogue between the two right here, probably my favorite dialogue ever in all of dream daddy. the writing for these comics is honestly really stellar & i just love this page in particular a lot.
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anidragon · 6 years
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damienluvr2002 · 6 years
SO in order to get the vegamarch ending all you have to do is go on both damien and hugo's first 2 dates, after that you play the art gallery sidequest (where its noted that theres definitely something going on between them and they hardcore flirt with each other its so beautiful) and after you do the art gallery sidequest you just have to end up with another dad (it doesnt matter who) and damien and hugo will be a couple at the party!!!$!!!!!!!!!
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amontilladont · 5 years
Why did Vegamarch stop being a popular ship... it was so pure
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nerdy-flower · 6 years
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(part 2 coming in a tick here)
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eurazba · 5 years
Shipping Game
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
Tagged by: @somethingscarlet13 thanks!!!
1. Hammerhunter (Joby)
2. Jlaireby
3. Ruscan
4. Vegamarch
5. Rintori
6. FinnPoe
7. Adrialyanetteno
8. Alyanette
9. Romanada
10. Spiritassassin
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? Finnpoe
jkfjlhsfjklgdk, Literally the first scene when Finn takes off his mask and faces Poe I literally went “haha, I ship them” in the theater not really aware of how their stories would progress or that they were main characters (I went into the new Star Wars completely blind). And then it was all downhill from there, the jacket scene was a definite no going back moment.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? Vegamarch I’ll admit, I haven’t really read any Dream Daddy fanfic (despite having 2 fic ideas (both Vegamarch) that I want to write. Of those two though, my fav is the Prince and Royal Adviser AU. Damien is a royal prince who likes to sneak out and was heavily involved in a gang (??? I don’t have all my notes), until he had a son with the leader and hand to give him up in order to something soemthign. Hugo is his royal adviser and sneaks out to join underground fights for extra money to support his son who he is not allowed to actually have as a royal adviser. He’s also desperately trying to stop his son from joining the gang that Damien was involved in and that Lucien is now the heir to.
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2? Jlaireby Uhhh there isn’t much art for this ship (rip) but I do love this collection of pics by Winterwithers, especially the 3rd one where Jim is carrying Claire and Toby.
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? Hammerhunter Uhhhh that’s a hard one since I have so many and never actually write down my headcanons, but uhh, one that I have is even though Toby can’t really cook human food, troll food and troll recipes are a lot easier to make so he’s learned to make that. Jim prefers to make Human food ‘cause the recipes are more complex and troll recipes are often “too boring” for him, so Jim and Toby cook for each other. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? Adrialyanetteno They’re 2 pairs of best friends coming together in a cacophony of ripping on each other and supporting the fuck out of each other. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? Romanada  Uhhhh, I haven’t really thought much about that, but at the beginning of their relationship it’s rather serious but as they get to know each other better and relax it becomes more giggly, particularly on Canada’s part who has a more relaxed view on sex.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
Uuuuhhhhh, that’s a hard one (obviously) but probably Spiritassassin, they have this great trust in each other and the way they interact (like an old married couple) really shows that.
Which ship has the strongest bond? 
Probably Spiritassassin again ‘cause they’ve known each other the longest (in proportion to their lives, ignore the hetalian immortality) and just understand each other and watch other each other as well as having literal bond in The Force.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? 
This is a difficult one ‘cause all of these ships come in waves for me as I go from fandom to fandom over time, (they also vary on size and that makes for an unfair tilt). I honestly cannot say.
Which one was your first ship? 
Ruscan definitely, it was the ship that got me into fanfiction and eventually fandom to begin with (the first fic I EVER read was a 300k+ Ruscan fic that sealed them in my heart forever).
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? FinnPoe Not to be dramatic, but I can’t actually think of a way of them to break up unless one were to die.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? Ruscan & Alyanette
Alya and Marinette have the miraculous, but they’re both still kinda limited in their abilities and would be rather self sacrificing for each other and their loved ones. Russia and Canada are semi-immortal beings whose strength is tied to their countries, so long as their entier country isn’t wiped out (and both of them have isolated populations that would be difficult for a zombie apocalypse to reach) they’d probably last the longest.
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? Adrialyanettno A bit at first, Adrien is really famous and once word gets out that he’s no longer available, all of his partners are potential to be targeted and harassed. They try really hard to hid their relationship as their superhero selves for obvious reasons, but Alya, Nino, and Adrien are all too gushy.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on? Romanada Anytime they go out, something goes wrong, their favorite “dates” are when they stay in together.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10? Spiritassassin All of them (except when they die akhljkldsfak) No uh
“Good luck.”
“I don’t need luck, I have you.”
*begrudgingly follows after Chirrut*
What do 5 argue most about? Rintori Hhhhhhhh, capability probably, Ai has this mix of thinking he’s capable in certain situations and under capable in others, Rin usually is the one who has to keeps him level.
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? PICK FOR WHAT??? TOP PAIRING??? TRUE ONE TRUE PAIRING???
Oh, Also, no. I’m a mulitishipper, there is no such thing as a true otp for me.
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? Hammerhunter kjhgafsjsdflahknms Teeth/biting
Do 8 want children? Alyanette Definitely, at first they both were in agreement that they wanted a bunch of kids but after getting their first they panicked, and decided that maybe two would be just enough for them. 
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon? Vegamarch & Spiritassassin
gjgkdjsdlhfk BOTH OF THESE ARE CANON, fhlaj Vegamarch has a canon ending and you cannot convince me that Spiritassassin is not canon.
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? Jlaireby They each vary, Toby has no qualms about PDA, Jim is more cautious about it,and Claire is either or. Their friends don’t have much issue with it, and the trolls don’t notice it since trolls show affection in different ways from humans.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? 
Vegamarch and Alyanette would probably be the most romantic with each other. Vegamarch with their little interactions and going out as much as they can, they listen to each other and do things that reflect their partners’ interests. Alyanette would be the couple constantly surprising each other with romantic gifts.
How would the proposal between 5 go? Rintori Quiet and between each other, Rin tries to plan it all out but Ai springs it on him suddenly. No one really knows or even has a suspicion on a proposal until they announce their engagement, which Aii does the moment it’s done.
Who cooks more often in 3? Ruscan Canada, he has a more loving relationship with food and likes cooking for those he loves.
I tag: uhh @elizabethemerald @shipping-monstah @seagullandcroissant @autumnalfallingleaves @emmy-puff @im-the-king-of-the-ocean and anyone else who wants to do this idk man
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squidsmeister · 6 years
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heres a commission i made for my good friend riley @scabiez  a few months ago! 
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alilsakurablossom · 3 years
A and B are teachers at a secondary/high school and their classrooms are opposite eachothers. they both have slight crushes on eachother and very often they 'borrow' something from the others room to give them the excuse to talk to the other when they give it back.
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sinunamor · 5 years
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dont blame me blame @ nerdy-flower LOL
dames be sipping on that long tall glass of JUICE
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elinekeit-artstuff · 7 years
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Ernest is actually very happy for his dad, but he can’t let people know that! Think about this poor boy’s reputation! 
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allankrunt · 7 years
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damien related doodles <3 (they’re.... watching tv in the last one haha)
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