#vegas hedgehog
scrollll · 2 years
My friend just informed me that as of today she has a hedgehog.
When I ask what his name is, she said that she does not have a name for him yet and so far only calls "little buddy".
I can't explain to her why I didn't react like a normal mortal to this news.
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vertyd · 3 months
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what? never seen a radioactive hedgehog before?
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alarmsofmyheart · 1 month
Tonkla having his first ever kiss & eventually sex after his pet died, following how Korn was there for him when he buried the cat etc and Tonkla having it all with Win, following how Win was there informing about his brother's death as well as showing up/being there for him, while he creamated the body.. is the parallel I didn't want to acknowledge but here we are.
Let the gays live. Let the gays' pets live.
Why do the pets have a die for their owners to find love 😭
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blu-ish · 9 months
I love how the Sonic Channel compared Sonadow to the couple from Tanabata, they are so starcrossed lovers coded fr
Also Shadow as the star Vega!!! Real
probably one of my favorite official fics written by SEGA
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You have no clue how much I FREAKED OUT when I read this for the first time. If anyone is curious in reading, or rereading like me lmao. CHECK IT OUT!!!
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randomthefox · 6 months
"Canon isn't real, do whatever you want with the media property!" is really just "turn your brain off and enjoy things" dressed up and pretending to be a reasonable argument.
Sorry but I LIKE the canon. It's sort of the reason I'm here in the first place. If you don't like or care about the canon then I'm not sure why you're even talking about it in the first place. For the same reason I'm not sure why you're talking about enjoying something if you didn't actually bother to use your brain when engaging with it.
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You know, you never see people saying "canon isn't real, stop caring about it, play with the toys in the sandbox" about something they actually think is good. About something they actually respect as a piece of art. You're pretty much just tacitly arguing that the Thing in question is a steaming load that nobody should care about. In which case either I think the Thing in question is bad and you have no argument to refute my assertion of how bad it is, or I think the Thing in question is good and you're insulting it and are not worth interacting with because you are not discussing the topic in good faith.
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wanna talk more about the fact vegas canonically baby-talks his hedgehog it's the cutest freaking thing ever
vegas: [brutally tortures people]
also vegas: did I scare you lil buddy? you okay in there? is someone hungry? yeah? you hungry buddy? you wanna snack? snackie time? look at these itty pitty pawsiewawsies you're so adorable mwah mwah mwah
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epikhightechnology · 4 days
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oddogoblino · 8 months
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Doodled Vega getting beaten the fuck up by Shadow for attempting to get away with the chaos emerald
Saving your home is hard work when it inconveniences everyone.
Reblogs >>> Likes
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braceletofteeth · 11 months
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“Is this how you we are supposed to be living?”
#kinnporsche#vegaspete#vegas kornwit theerapanyakul#pete phongsakorn saengtham#gifset#*#dailyvegaspete#//#I considered many characters and ideas when I got the theme Restraint/Freedom out of my last poll#there was a lot that could be done focusing on self-restraint but I also wanted to work with physical restraint (e.g. handcuffs)#so naturally it got me thinking about the safehouse#but thinking about the safehouse I remembered that Vegas was also trapped in there with Pete#he was born in the prison that was his family and in addition to that his father had him in a chokehold#a grip that Pete relieved a bit when it was just the two of them#with him it wasn't as bad as before#so if he could decide on the matter certainly Vegas would have preferred to keep Pete#but the night the hedgehog died he didn't immediately put Pete back in chains once he got free#he might even have left the key for him to free himself on purpose#he gave Pete every chance to escape the house. to escape him.#to leave like everyone else and save himself from ending like that poor hedgie#dead on Vegas' arms (hands) while he cried helplessly. because that's what happens every time and he can't escape the cycle once it begins.#he keeps trying only to fail again and again. he can't escape himself.#but Pete could. Pete could have run away and never looked back.#and Vegas would have let him. he would have understood.#he would have done the same. he would have run away and escaped it all if he could.#he too ached to be free
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pixel-lightart · 3 months
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i just wanna listen to my music in peace and this fucker keeps showing up
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scout985 · 9 months
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did the thing
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songtaegguk · 2 years
Vegas, in his dungeon: IDK if I like Pete or not.
Hedgehog: You wake up at the ass crack of dawn to make him curry and kiss him to give him medicines
Hedgehog: Oh shit, I mean sniff sniff
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torncolourfultights · 3 months
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krysten ritter my beloved
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robin1729 · 5 months
creation is wrong?
As someone who has always been into telling stories, I was obviously instantly fascinated with the idea of being an influencer. So, I started watching interviews of influencers I admire. And they talked about how to create a reel that grabs people's attention, that keeps them glued to the screen till the end, that makes them want to see more of your content.
And then, I saw a lot of the same influencers talk about how addictive social media has become, with its endless scroll and constant dopamine hits. And I was like, what do you mean? Aren't you part of the problem? You are the ones designing your reels specifically so that they give people that dopamine hit, so that they keep coming back for more.
So maybe some creation is wrong? Even shows today are made to be binged. Ten episodes released at a time, every episode ending with a cliffhanger, so you don't close the app, switch off the tv, shut down your laptop.
You could argue that people who are rotting in bed all day (not always a thing to look down upon; depression is real, people) will simply find something else to rot with. They'll binge watch movies, youtube, or a million other things we have now. Did people not rot in bed all day before the internet? They definitely did, right? Does that make it okay to make it easier for them to do that? To create with the explicit purpose of keeping them hooked to their screens?
You can always just throw up your hands, cite free will, and say "hey, creators will create, we are not forcing over-consumption on anyone." You could argue that I am doing the same thing right now. Maybe you, and yes I am talking to you now, my dear reader. Maybe you are doom-scrolling through Tumblr right now, and I am contributing to it. I did write a title that I thought was attention-grabbing. I am writing this post in a way that I think is the most interesting, hoping you'll read till the end. I could say, we definitely have way too much content available to us now, and you would simply reply "But isn't that a good thing? You can write, shoot a movie, make music from absolutely anywhere in the world, and if you are good (and sometimes even when you are not), there is a chance that people will see it! It's why you have an audience, albeit a very very small one, in like 4 days of making this account, Robin." Though I don't know why you would call me Robin, that is obviously not my real name.
I don't know what the answer is. We desperately want things to be either black or white, the world would be so much easier to understand then. But most of the time they're just grey. They have good things and bad things about them. And you can't really stop the world from going down a path, can you? So I guess you just roll with the punches.
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hecklesonicposting · 5 months
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faullout au, anyone? please
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mothwithapencil · 7 months
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According to a Q&A for New Generation characters, Ken goes to church with his family on Sundays. As a normal course of action I drew him suffering religious guilt + internalized homophobia over not being straight because nobody else was going to. Feat. Healing via vegaryuken because I can't make him suffer too much
(And don't worry about Eliza. She has her gay awakening later)
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