#venomshank parody account
venomoftheshank · 2 months
-> A soft "thump" came from somewhere within the deity's household followed by the whine of a little child in pain. - @darkness-sees-all
His feathers fluff up in alarm. Parental instincts kicking in when he heard the whine. Sword himself was confused at this. He's only seen his father perk up like this when he was a kid. Oh well back to snacking.
Venomshank had other plans. He walked around the house, adjusting his mask to make sure it was on all the way in case he went feral.
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thedarkestofhearts · 4 months
Hello! This is a Darkheart AU parody account ran by @discothemechanic !
(To view finished roleplays, seach finished)
If you don't know the fic Cookies and Mischief make sure to go read it here! v
Character sheet and information v
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Darkheart has HUGE trust issues to the point that he became very overprotective of Fortune in his younger years. Later, after Fortune grew up, Darkheart started to let him do what he wanted and have more freedom.
Darkheart is not in the right state of mind. He despises all the other deities instead of Venomshank and Ghostwalker. While Firebrand was trying to help, he only made the situation worse.
Darkheart has been weary of letting anyone else near Fortune whatsoever after Illumina tried to kill Fortune due to the way he was spawned.
Darkheart despises Banhammer and Windforce for reasons I will not disclose yet due to spoilers of the entire DLUFF series.
Darkheart didn't like Fortune at first and honestly wanted to punt him out a window. Literally.
This Darkheart, again, is not in the right mind.
The dude gets clingy, has anger issues, anxiety, depression, etc. I wouldn't say Darkheart is a strict parent, but he sort of became one.
This blog takes time in the present time. So the Fortune you see in my @dluff-phighting account is different.
Darkheart lives in a tiny apartment with Fortune in Crossroads.
(Might add more later)
Stay sfw
No relationships
Gore is fine
Cussing is fine
(Might add more later)
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haunting-beasts · 17 days
‘We were forced to swim in an ocean of darkness…never allowed to resurface for eternity…we only ask for you to for give us dear brother of ours…for it was not your fault…twas mine.”
Darkheart and Venomshank AU parody account
Other accounts in this AU:
@angel-of-light @follower-sword @captain-of-playground @creation-inpherno
Rules: no NSFW
Flirting is allowed but Darkheart is full of a lot of hatred and Venomshank well- he doesn’t know what’s going on. Plus Icedagger is a child
No phobias of any kind the fear one is fine
You are allowed to kill Venomshank, Icedagger and Darkheart if you wish. This place is an endless loop. They revive
Mentions of blood, emetophobia, saliva, gore, horror, and photophobia.
You will learn the story as you progress. This place is a mystery…not even The Spawn knows what it does…
Character sheets and information:
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Darkheart will be speaking in green while Venomshank’s words will be typed out corrupted.
Icedagger is in blue
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angel-of-light · 18 days
The Shadow Gardens
...They hauled its child the entire journey there. He offered no action to stop them. He became numb, angry, then enraged. He confused himself. Though he didn't see why Illumina should go free, He was angry and perplexed! He was experiencing too many emotions. Darkheart then was abruptly dropped to the main temple level in SFOTH. In front of his siblings. observing Windforce seemed like she might kill him. Firebrand wept. His lava-hot tears sizzling on the floor. Ghostwalker neglected to show up and Venomshank...
Darkheart turned to see the very deity detained and muzzled next him, eyes wide and seemed to be experiencing a panic attack. Now standing over the two like they were ants, the Spawn was front and front. It seemed as though it may be crying. It went over to Venomshank and removed his rapier from its holster, laying it among Darkheart's two swords.
Spawn sighed then grabbed Darkheart's arm, causing him to gasp and absorb the runes. They gazed at each other. He could sense both the disappointment and the wrath. It let go and stared once they vanished.....It was horrifying.
"We expected better….”
The Spawn turned away and faced its other children. I was now shouting an announcement…
“The swords of Dark and Venom have been stripped of their owners! They no longer will be yielded by them. Among the heavens, these two are no more embraced. For they will be banished to the Shadow Gardens for their crimes."
Venomshank gasped out a sob, poisonous tears dissolving through the muzzle. Darkheart staggered in shock. That is the last place he intended to be. Completely without his gear, let alone! That place was rife with things; they could never be fully explained. Venomshank raised his begging eyes at Firebrand. Begging him to save him, begging him to help, but Firebrand turned away, leaving Venomshank to simply gaze down and keep breaking down.
Turning back to them, their mother waved her hand as golden tears dropped from its eyes. A golden ring formed on the ground around the two like it cut the ground..
And they fell...
[Parody Account for these two is a Wip! Once done i will share it]
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follower-sword · 3 months
HIIII! Parody account owned by @discothemechanic !!
Fantasy AU of sorts-
Also the owner of @venomoftheshank @thedarkestofhearts @dluff-phighting @crystal-killer-au and @thecrowsofvenom
Venomshank betrayed Sword by letting Ghostwalker take his soul and giving it to Illumina. Making him a slave to Illumina.
Follower used to be a crow till he was very painfully mutated into a dove
He cries stars
He hates the restrictions of armor, so he only goes for a few armor plates
Sword sees Illumina as a father figure
If he is too far away or Illumina needs him, the follower will feel pain in his chest. Illumina uses his soul to call him. After stargazer set him free, Illumina just sends a dove
Sword lives in the cosmos with Stargazer in his palace
He borrows books from stargazer every now and then
Cannon characters in this:
Stargazer Egoboard Eggbox Sianachkit Exorspace Dragonhammer Cramptana Yulelaser Ghostscythe Vinesplash Shurifin Cursedshot Cocoagraft
Reference sheet below: v
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Fine with:
Not like with:
Anything sexual or NSFW
(Ooc: this is me talking)
Follower's actions will be regular text and his speech will be purple. His thoughts will be tiny and purple
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crow-deity · 2 months
🕯 Be mindful of the dead, alright? 🕯
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I suppose this is where I introduce myself, yes? Okay.... I am Venomshank, deity of the undead! I was told by my son that this place was... Somewhere that I can meet and talk with other demons, mortals and deities alike. Can't say I'm not a little nervous to be here, although I trust Sword's judgement.... Sometimes. But I am here if anyone wishes to speak with me!
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⚰︎ Some rules before we proceed -> I have no interest in lewd questions. -> Do be kind, yes? To both the living and the unliving -> My zombies shall escort you out if I see the need. -> If death or the undead bother you. Then please do ignore this account, I'd prefer not to make someone uncomfortable! -> I shall come back with more rules later on.
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-> "James you have too many parody accounts" "Windy how are you managing all of these parody accounts" "ROCKET WHY DO YOU KEEP-" Hush all of you. This is my form of comfort now. Silence. I love you all. -> Take Venniiiiiii <33333 Now I'm the SECOND Venni account! Hehehe! -> Hcs ahead!!! If you don't like how I play out Venomshank, then please don't follow </3 -> My Venomshank is the father to @spirit-of-the-sword [My friend's Sword blog] -> Icon by PassiveDown on Twitter -> IC answers will be in GREEN -> OOC answers will be COLORLESS -> Lore/HCs post here -> I follow from "windy-trickster" -> Enjoy!!!!
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faunify · 3 months
Dude I love all your art! Especially of my husband dom- *cough cough* of my Venomshank and the other parody accounts!
- @discothemechanic (Mod of @venomoftheshank )
the joy that this brought me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! venomshank is real hard for me to draw but i've been practicing! (so many ideas but i just CANT make them how i wanna) (dom <3333)
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venomoftheshank · 5 months
*sword notices venomshank in the corner, standing there for a moment to process what's going on. he then begins approaching slowly and with heavy caution*
"..dad? hey.. it's okay. it's just me, sword. stay calm.. nothing's here to hurt you, including me."
*he stops approaching once he figures it's unsafe to get any closer, doing his best to follow what he learned from last time* - @all-mighty-axle-arc
*The clawing and scratching stops as Venomshank whips his head around to look at Sword. A low growl escaped him as his feathers stood on end.*
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venomoftheshank · 5 months
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venomoftheshank · 3 months
Venniiiiiiii....! - @darkness-sees-all
Venomshank sighs. As much as he loves Darkheart, he came at the wrong time. Venomshank has met so many Darkhearts now. He's basically used to it. He had his mask on to hide his face. His hat is nowhere to be seen. He put on a mental mask to hopefully give the vibe that he is OK in a way
"Another one...? Hello Dark...what brings you here?.."
There seems to be no one else around... no crows, no people. Just Venomshank.
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venomoftheshank · 3 months
Why must you blame yourself?
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venomoftheshank · 5 months
(Ooc: GRETA NEWS! My account isnt scheduled for deletion anymore! WE ARE SAFE TO KEEP ROLEPLAYING)
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venomoftheshank · 4 months
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this was EXTREMELY difficult to make, but i hope you enjoy
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venomoftheshank · 4 months
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No context
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venomoftheshank · 2 months
"Dad!" - @ultimate-swordsman
"Hello Sword, today is a special day is it not?"
His tail flicks happily as he tilts his head.
"I have some treats in the fridge if you would like them."
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venomoftheshank · 3 months
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i'm getting more used to drawing venomshank
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