#vent 11/28/23
venting-town · 10 months
If me being glad that somebody harms or kills a child molester makes me bad or s” supportive of evil “, then that’s what that makes me
I’ve been labeled worse, not that it matters
Correlation does NOT equal causation. I’d be super happy ( words don’t describe it ) if Beau would kill himself or if somebody else killed him. And that’s okay.
The law/“ rules “ somehow say SOME murder is justified/okay, or that’s it’s okay for certain groups ( such as the military or cops, or people defending themselves ) to kill others
However, let’s call it what it is. It’s called murder. Yet we try to add rules and boundaries as to what is “ acceptable “ murder and what isn’t “ acceptable murder “
And we do it to try to make ourselves feel better/have order.
Yet. Order isn’t always good or best, neither is chaos. And you don’t need either to be honest, with or without or etc the reality/“ reality “ of it
Anyways. I, for one, think that if somebody murders somebody who is rapes/molests them or somebody they care about, is NOT inherently bad and they do NOT deserve to go to jail for it
And if they ARE jailed because of “ law “ or lackthereof or etc, they deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion
No. Not all murder is bad. But it IS bad that things have to come up to murder. Such as when victims get raped/abused/molested/etc. Then THEY get labeled as “ monsters “ or “ liars “ or “ family destroyers “ or whatever else when they retaliate.
And they aren’t. It’s okay to acknowledge certain laws are unjust. Even when it is law.
And some laws need readjusting with new perspective. Because of society/“ society “ and all that
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to-be-enchanted · 10 months
maybe if i fuck up enough they’ll finally realize something is wrong
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons why Niffty might be so small:
(Related: list of why she has one eye.)
1. To represent the fact that her whole life she felt looked down on by people living in the world as a mixed-race woman in the 50s
2. So she can crawl through the vents easily.
3. Budget cuts. All the money for height was used on Angel, Sir Pentious and Valentino. So there was very little left for Niffty.
4. She was one of Santa’s elves until she fled to become a dentist.
5. Why aren’t YOU that short? God, some people!
6. Everyone else is abnormally tall.
7. To stab people’s ankles when they least expect it.
8. So she can be closer to the floor and closer to the bugs.
9. So she can fit in the oven to take naps.
10. It’s a good size to sneak up behind someone while they’re talking and stab them :)
11. Angel stole it from her.
12. She’s half Egg Boi.
13. With deals with Alastor when you trade away your soul you also trade away part of your height. This happened to Husk too to a lesser extent and is why Alastor can grow to be so tall.
14. She’s a bug puppeting a doll of a demon. This was the biggest size they had.
15. She was actually really tall in life and this is her eternal punishment.
16. Unlike the other characters she never got out through a taffy puller.
17. She’d be too powerful if she was any larger.
18. You need to sleep to grow. Niffty never does.
19. She’s Alastor’s ventriquist dummy
20. So her eye to body size ration is REALLY out of wack
21. She lost the bottom half of her body in the Great Pirate War
22. To consolidate her power. Short people contain energy in a smaller amount of space, making it more pressurized, the more pressure the more powerful.
23. The ears Alastor has actually used to be her feet, but she didn’t want them so she gave them away.
24. Rosie and Alastor got hungry once
25. Every kill she has takes a mm from her height (you don’t want to know how tall she was originally.)
26. So she can be closer in size to her greatest love, a roomba with knives.
27. She knife monopolied too hard once. Got in debt, you can fill in the blanks.
28. So her enemies underestimate her
29. So she can hide under your bed and you will NEVER know :)
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
Nonverbal Love Prompts (saying "I love you" without saying "I love you")
Laying on your partner's lap while watching a movie
2. Cooking your partner's favorite meal
3. Giving your partner a massage after a stressful day
4. Randomly hugging your partner out of nowhere (bonus points if you're not a physically affectionate person)
5. Forehead, cheek, nose, and hand kisses
6. Kissing your partner's scars to show that you care
7. Remembering a tiny, insignificant fact about your partner because you thought it was interesting
8. KIssing your partner's knuckles to ease their anxiety
9. Playing with your partner's hair until they fall asleep
10. Watching over your partner with adoration as they sleep on your lap
11. Buying/making your partner something that reminds you of them
12. Laying on your partner's chest and listening to their heartbeat
13. Holding your partner's hand in crowds so you/they don't get lost
14. Texting your partner to tell them you got home safe/make sure they got home safe
15. Cuddling your partner back to sleep after a nightmare
16. Listening to your partner vent about whatever's bothering them
17. Helping your partner with chores/homework
18. Sharing your food with your partner
19. Laughing at your partner's jokes, even if you don't find them that funny
20. Taking care of your partner when they're sick or injured
21. Giving your partner your jacket when they're cold
22. Tucking a strand of your partner's hair behind their ear to better see their face
23. Adjusting your schedule to spend more time with your partner
24. Getting your partner out of a situation that makes them uncomfortable
25. Intertwining your fingers with your partner's while making love
26. Holding your partner against your chest and letting them cry when they're upset
27. Giggling at how cute your partner is when they blush
28. Clinging to your partner when you're tired
29. Deep, passionate, breathless kisses that leave you aching for more
30. Dancing with your partner in the living room
31. Defending your partner in their absence
32. Smiling at your partner just to see them smile back at you
33. Back hugs
34. Having a conversation with your partner using only your eyes
35. Looking at your partner fondly, appreciating the fact that they exist and they're in your life
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prettyboychainsaw · 1 year
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Gather up variants, cultists, software guys, business majors, and independent journalists alike for (the first?) Outlastober in the year of our lord, the Walrider, 2023.
I tried to get a good variety from all the currently out games. Feel free to write, draw, spatter, or whatever else you can think of for every day of October! Or every other day. Or not at all. I can't control your schedule.
Anywho, tag it with Outlastober2023 and @prettyboychainsaw so I can see it! Good luck! And remember, you're not a fighter.
Plain text under the cut.
1.) My friend, Billy.
2.) Wedding gift / something old, something new
3.) Broken lenses
4.) God?
5.) We want you!
6.) I Deserve to be punished
7.) Jane Doe
8.) St. Sybil
9.) Tongues and teeth
10.) Liver and tongues
11.) Silky
12.) Crown of thorns
13.) Trager Juice
14.) Life support
15.) Trinity
16.) Little pig!
17.) Committed
18.) Gluskin's Hell
19.) Elevator
20.) Beautiful
21.) Vulgar
22.) Frank's Kitchen
23.) Vents and grates
24.) Decontamination
25.) Nachtmahr
26.) Hope
27.) The morgue
28.) Fired
29.) Radio tower
30.) Numb
31.) Kill the snitch!
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keeskiwi · 14 days
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I had a lot of fun doing Avian August this year, but the focus on a single family of birds had me thinking a lot about how much I love cuckoos and the sheer variety they have, so I decided I would make my own list... Please join me for #Cuckootober !!
Prompt list in plain text under the cut:
1. Striped cuckoo (Tapera naevia) 2. Red-crested malkoha (Dasylophus superciliosus) 3. Lesser ground-cuckoo (Morococcyx erythropygus) 4. Running coua (Coua cursor) 5. Yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) 6. Violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus) 7. Dwarf cuckoo (Coccycua pumila) 8. Scale-feathered malkoha (Dasylophus cumingi) 9. Pavonine cuckoo (Dromococcyx pavoninus) 10. White-eared bronze-cuckoo (Chrysococcyx meyerii) 11. Black-faced coucal (Centropus melanops) 12. Lesser roadrunner (Geococcyx velox) 13. Green malkoha (Ceuthmochares australis) 14. Dwarf koel (Microdynamis parva) 15. Pallid cuckoo (Cacomantis pallidus) 16. Rufous-vented ground-cuckoo (Neomorphus geoffroyi) 17. Fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo (Surniculus dicruroides) 18. Channel-billed cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) 19. Moustached hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx vagans) 20. Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) 21. Sumatran ground-cuckoo (Carpococcyx viridis) 22. Chestnut-winged cuckoo (Clamator coromandus) 23. Black-bellied cuckoo (Piaya melanogaster) 24. Groove-billed ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris) 25. Sirkeer malkoha (Taccocua leschenaultii) 26. Pheasant coucal (Centropus phasianinus) 27. Crested coua (Coua cristata) 28. Hispaniolan lizard-cuckoo (Coccyzus longirostris) 29. Yellow-billed malkoha (Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus) 30. Pacific koel (Eudynamys orientalis) 31. Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
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star-dust-shark · 9 days
For the ask thing <3
Woah holy shit
1. ( a nickname of mine? ) Will, Pookie, Brother
2. ( an embarrassing story? ) I once showed a preppy girl a picture I drew of gay furries kissing when I was like nine
3. ( a turn on ) @crowwolf8
4. ( a turn off ) bad hygiene and jerk personality
5. ( something I look for in a partner ) kindness, a nice ass /j, funny and caring
6. ( about my best friend ) I have a few, but @lucasthedoofus-mushroomskulls is the coolest guy ever and he makes me rlly happy and @justagremlinoncaffeine is a cunt ( /j ur so cool ily /p )
7. ( about my worst enemy ) he’s toxic and mean and I hate him so so so much :3
8. ( about someone I think is cute ) hehe I love him :3 ( my bf )
9. ( about someone I think is smart ) smartest girl or maybe even person I’ve ever met, she’s nice and laughs at my jokes even when they’re bad :D I sit with her in French class
10. ( about someone I think is funny ) you laugh at his jokes and then question urself ( lucas, one of my besties I tagged )
11. ( about my crush ) he’s so sweet and so nice and so funny and cute and strong and erm yeah- I’m not a simp trust chat
12. ( about my parents ) I love them most of the time more so my dad I think my mom can be…
13. ( about my siblings ) my brother is annoying as fuck love him tho
14. ( something I like about my body ) nothing lol
15. ( something I dislike about my body ) everything
16. ( something I like about my personality ) I’m sorta funny I think
17. ( something I dislike about my personality ) most things but specifically irl I’m really mean haha
18. ( a quote I live by ) WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT!!! I CRADLED YOU IN MY ARMS!!
19. ( my favourite book ) ermmm probably any pjo novel or spvtw comic
20. ( my favourite movie ) any horror one or star wars one ( attack of the clones, a new hope, Alien, I know what you did last summer, a quiet place )
21. ( my favourite food ) I don’t like food much but maybe gummy sharks
22. ( my favourite drink ) MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER
23. ( a talent I have ) NONE 😭
24. ( an unusual talent I have ) I once armpit farted fifty times in a row 🎀
25. ( one of my favourite followers ) GYATT DAYUM UH- @iloveyapping @justalunaticfangirl @imarayoffuckingsunshine @imqueerandadeer and others
26. ( fictional character I relate to ) Will Solace and Tobias Eaton ( vent warning? )
27. ( my favourite book I read for school ) charlotte’s web
28. ( my favourite play ) idk I haven’t seen many
29. ( a childhood memory ) crying when I had to get off a ride at the fair
30. ( my best birthday ) I don’t really know actually maybe my twelth
31. ( an embarrassing secret ) I’m gay 🫣
32. ( a little known fact ) I’m homophobic
33. ( a time I made a mistake ) dating my ex like girl is a mistake in herself ( my bad chat but she was horrible to me )
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skelotom · 6 months
Skelotom Tarot Masterlist
Below is a list of links to the posts I've been posting. It's easier than scrolling <3
00 - The Introduction
01 - The Dysphoria Beast
02 - The Lich
03 - The Puppet
04 - The Socks
05 - The Closet
06 - The Interrogation
07 - The Water Color
08 - The Ring
09 - The Weight
10 - The Bonfire
11 - The Watcher
12 - The Small
13 - The Rock
14 - The Walks
15 - The Mirror
16 - The Traveler
17 - The Nail Polish
18 - The Relatives
19 - The Inadequate
20 - The Slime Adoption
21 - The Glacier
22 - The Conundrum
23 - The Project
24 - The Tempered
25 - The Prom Dress
26 - The Eyes
27 - The Flood
28 - The Reprieve
29 - The Bridges
30 - The Scapegoat
31 - The Creechurs
32 - The Pupper
33 - The Companions
34 - 38: Venting with Pictures
39 - The Storm
40 - The Thief of Joy
41, 41.5 - The HRT Slime
42 - The Standards
43 - The Mountain
44 - The Painted World
45 - The Fire
46 - The Party Animal
47 - The Edge
48 - The Fool
49 - The Creator
50 - The Creature
51 - The Cold
52 - The Egg Princess
53 - The Composer
54 - The Forgotten
Slime Time #1
Slime Adoption, check the "#slime adoption" tag for results
Pollen :(
Long form thank you
Sqirrel Tide
Happy Pride
Creechur adoption, check the "#creechur adoption" tag for results
The Robot
Depression Creechur
Green Slime Fields
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snowyaika · 8 months
to start off strong, and to give me more motivation to write, i’m opening my asks for requests!!! please feel free to request certain characters or prompts, whatever you’d like!! 
here’s a list of some dialogue i’m up for putting into my work!! but you can always request more than whats put here!!!🫀
1: “i wish you never had trusted me.���
2: “i guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?”
3: “none of it was real, but i wish it was.”
4: “from the day we met, i knew i’d hurt you eventually.”
5: “i told you not to get too close to me.”
6: “i never loved you.”
7: “what was going through your head when i told you i loved you?”
8: “say you never loved me, say it.”
9: “what are you going to do, shoot me? do it.”
10: “don’t make me kill you.”
11: “you are what’s important right now.” 
12: “i don’t have anyone anymore.” “ you have me.”
13: “it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent.” 
14: “please don’t go.” 
15: “why didn’t you tell me the nightmares were back? you know i never minded helping with them.”
16: “you know my door is always open to you.”
17: “you shouldn’t smoke, you know.”
18: “you shouldn’t be out here by yourself.” 
19: “you’re not as bad as everyone says you are.”
20: “i just thought you’d like some company.”
21: “are you jealous? want me all to yourself, do you?”
22: “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile.”
23: “i knew you had a heart.”
24: “would it be too cliche if we matched armor?”
25: “quit smiling at me, you’re making me mess up.” 
26: “i’m trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but i just can’t get my head that far up my ass.” 
27: “i don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how i feel.”
28: “i turned out liking you a lot more than i originally planned.” 
29: “don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
30: “i just lied to a guard, am i badass or what?” 
aanddd there we go!! as of right now i’m open to all characters, but i cannot promise they will all be romantic! if i don’t feel confident enough writing for them, i’ll just make it platonic! 
also i see other writers do this, where people have their own anons! if you’d like to be one, do your thing! 
ask away! 🫀
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 month
Mercury-Sun Inferior Conjunction
Timeline (current events in bold)
Wednesday, July 17, 03:51 UT - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 21°25’ Leo
Monday, July 22, 10:49 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest eastern elongation, 27°02’ Leo
Thursday, July 25, 22:42 UT - transiting Mercury enters Virgo
Saturday, July 27 - transiting Mercury enters Storm
Monday, August 5, 04:56 UT - transiting Mercury stations retrograde, 4°06’ Virgo
Thursday, August 15, 00:16 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Leo
Monday, August 19, 01:58 UT - Mercury-Sun inferior conjunction, 26°35’ Leo
Wednesday, August 28, 21:14 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 21°25’ Leo
Wednesday, September 4 - transiting Mercury exits Storm
Thursday, September 5, 02:33 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest western elongation, 25°09’ Leo
Monday, September 9, 06:50 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Virgo
Wednesday, September 11, 23:52 UT - transiting Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 4°06’ Virgo
Yikes. This conjunction matures just over 16 hours before the Aquarius Full Moon - this is a lot of stuff happening at once!!
This particular piece is all about our authentic voice - finding it, honing it, treasuring it. Some scholarly interest or concern may emerge; wait until after Mercury stations direct to pursue it.
Aspects between now and the direct station:
Tuesday, August 20:
Mercury Rx/Leo trine Eris Rx/Aries, 25°25’
Mercury Rx/Leo square Pallas/Scorpio, 25°07’
Second of two for both of them. There are smarter ways to get our point across, than shouting - we just have to make the effort to find them.
Thursday, August 22 - Friday, August 23:
Mercury Rx/Leo (23°26’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries, semi-square South Node/Libra (8°26’)
Mercury Rx/Leo trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°11’
Mercury Rx/Leo semi-sextile Venus/Virgo, 22°59’
Mercury Rx/Leo sextile Mars/Gemini, 22°48’
Second of two for all of them. The main thing is the double sextile between Chiron, Mars, and Mercury. It is possible to be direct and honest, without being aggressive and belligerent. We may not feel very comfortable if we can’t rant and rage and vent - try to find a safe place, if you need to let go.
Venmo Mary_Brack
PayPal MaryVBrack
Thank you!
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vibratingskull · 9 months
The last farewell
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Tags : Angst/hurt/comfort, physical remission, hospital, reader is disabled
You spend your time in the hospital learning how to walk again when Thrawn visits you with an unexpected demand
FemaleReader x Thrawn
“Another step”, the meddroid proposes its voice echoing in the gymnase. 
You hold down the parallel bar and take another step, unsure. 
You're trembling, searching for your balance on those robotic legs. You're not used to them yet. They feel foreign to you despite connecting to your nervous system. Your muscles are shaking as you relearn how to walk. 
You lost so much. 
“Continue the rehabilitation, you are on the right track!” the droid speaks with what is surely supposed to be coded as excitement in the voice, but it just comes out weird. 
You sit on your wheelchair and take out the legs, you still have an immense hill ahead of you. 
You sigh. You're tired. 
“Let's go to your room,” the droid informe stepping forward to push you. 
“No. I'll do it myself,” you decide, waving at him to get out of your way. 
You roll in the hallway, lost in your thoughts. You have so much work ahead of you, so much to reconquer… You're supposed to receive the visit of lower officers but you don't want their pity thrown in your face, you need peace. 
You want peace. 
You arrive at his room. 
You don't get your hopes up, but you can't help it. 
You pass the door… and sigh. 
Vez is still in a coma. 
You roll up to his bed. 
“Hello friend. It is particularly sunny today, you would love to stroll in the garden and sketch some plants.“
He is unresponsive. It's not like a doctor told you he would wake up soon, but it still pains you to see. 
If they have been cruel to you, they have been down right animalistic to Vez. His legs have been cut and he lost both of his lekkus. You're not totally aware of what it entails but you remember the lekkus hold some brain tissues. The docs say he will not have long term brain damages but you doubt he will see it that way. What they took was irreplaceable and you're afraid of his reaction. 
For now he's sleeping peacefully as you were, unaware of his body's damages. Like you his brain puts him in a deep sleep to prevent him from damaging his psyche, docs say he will wake up when the brain will have finished processing what happened but he can still hear around him and feel some sensations. So you come here everyday to talk, to vent, to speak of everything and nothing, trying to put him at ease the best you can. You take his hands, caress his forehead, his cheek, you tell him tales of Ryloth and your own planet, anything you could think about. After the Chimaera left you both at a military hospital you observed these habits religiously. Thrawn wanted first to put Vez in a civil hospital but you refused and fought him on that until he surrendered. You wanted to be here when your friend woke up. 
“I'm making progress with the legs, I thought they would be heavier but once they have been connected to your nervous system they are so light.“
Your hand reaches for the metallic apparatus they jabbed in your spine to control the legs and grazes it lightly.
“We don't stop medical progress,” you say almost to yourself.
You hear his bed neighbor cough, you tilt your head to see if they need help. 
“By the way, yesterday your mom tried to see you. She can't because it's a military hospital but your family is worried about you. I could discuss a bit with her, you're so alike it is fascinating, you caress his cheek, you take his hand and squeeze it. Don't worry, I'll ask Thrawn to put pressure on the direction so she could see you.” 
“A Grand Admiral influence is not supposed to be used as such,” a voice rises behind you. 
You jump in your wheelchair before turning your head to Thrawn, hands clasped behind his back with an interrogative gaze. 
“You scared me,” you chastise him. “How did you know I was here ?” 
“I knew you would not be present at your own meeting with the officers, you were not in the gymnase, it was the only logical option.” 
You nod. Of course. He comes to sit next to you and observe the body of Vez in silence. 
“He did not wake up?” He asks with a soft voice. 
“Not yet,” you shake your head. “The doctors aren't optimistic.“
He nods in silence. 
”Why are you here ?” You inquire. 
He turns towards you with a puzzled look. 
“To give you what you asked me,” he responds like it was obvious. 
You can see the bag he's transporting
“Yes of course, but what are you doing here, on Coruscant ?” 
“I have a martial court about how I supposedly almost destroyed a city to retrieve you.” 
You flush. 
“Didn't you ?” You tease. 
“Absolutely not, each parameter was studied to do the least damage possible, but it was impossible not to deal some damage to the buildings nearby. The arrest of a large slave abductors demanded some sacrifices.” 
He sounds almost angry, but you know better. You hide your smile, it is pretty funny to see Thrawn flounder in politics, it has an innocent and moving side to it. Without thinking about it you take his hand and kiss it. He looks you in the eyes with an unreadable expression. You immediately regret it, maybe he doesn't like physical demonstration of affection in public… 
“Let me escort you to your room,” he says. 
He rises and goes to push your wheelchair, once again you refuse. 
“No, no, no. I can do it. Let me do it.” 
You head towards the room, side by side, he gently adjusts his pace to yours. You advance in silence in the corridors. 
You really hope you didn't cross a line with him… 
You enter, he goes straight to open the window while you maneuver to go to bed. He closes and locks the door and sits on the bed. You look at him with sorry spelled in your eyes. He grasps your hand and caresses it with his thumbs. 
“ I heard you will soon be interrogated by the ISB agents.”
“In three days,” you sigh,” it promises to be hilarious.”
“It is for the good of the Empire.”
You gulp, in reality you try as much as you can to not think about what happened or you feel yourself overflowed by hate, anger and sorrow. 
It’s eating you alive, terrifying you. You may or may have not exaggerated certain symptoms to get a higher dosage of the drugs to get high and forget. You don’t brag about it to Thrawn, obviously.
“ The date of the trial have been chosen,” he continues
You dig your nails in the sheet.
Thrawn already explained to you how Nather was surprised by the flash operation, how him and his goons fighted in each rooms, how much lives he took, how he almost made the entire structure collapse on itself with everyone under it when he realized he was trapped but was swiftly disarmed by a precise shot of one of the Stormtroopers. Now he remains silent, surrounded by his army of lawyers in the prisons of the Empire, he refuses to give any intel or names to the ISB agents, hiding behind his pride and his fan. As a prominent Governor he doesn't get the rough treatment, but they are not nice to him either, he holds on surprisingly well. 
You’re not ecstatic at the idea of seeing him again, even in the perspective of his own trial. You’re happy justice will be served, but you don’t know how you’ll react in his present. Will you burst into tears or try to kill him on the spot? Maybe you will go into a deafening torpor and dissociate completely from your body. You don’t know… for now the simple idea of seeing him again makes you sick. 
Thrawn puts your hand to his lips and kisses it delicately. 
“I know it is painful and uncomfortable, but it must be done, he tries to comfort you, be strong.”
You gulp.
“ … Will you be with me?”
“ I have to give my own testimony, so yes. I will be at your side.”
You feel relieved to hear that, knowing that you won’t be alone in this trial alleviate the pain and ease the knot in your stomach.
Thrawn reaches for the bag, changing the difficult subject
“I brought you what you asked for.”
You take it to verify what it holds. You found your purse, the key to your apartment, some holos, your personal datapad… You thank him with a heartfelt smile. He nods with a serious face. 
“There is also an important matter I wish to discuss with you,” he says with the most stern face. 
“Okay ?” 
You brace yourself, he looks a bit tense and that scares you. What could possibly put him in this state ? Are you both suspected in the affair? Did you do something wrong? Outside of getting yourself imprisoned like a damn rookie. Is he gonna criticize your tactical decisions on that day? Is he entangled in problems after helping you out? Did they criticize him for engaging in armed conflicts while on supposed vacation. Come to think of it, he surely didn't take any vacations and planned this from the beginning. 
You look at him ready for any slap across the face, but he manages to surprise you. 
“(Y/n), would you live with me?” 
The air is punched out of your lungs and you can't think straight during three seconds 
“ Would I… What ?” 
By reflex you retract your hand from his and pull the sheet over yourself. 
“Would you live with me?” 
“Yes, I heard the first-I mean… Urgh... Why ?” 
He holds his chin like he is gathering arguments. 
“I do not think you will be able to keep the apartment Governor Satlove is paying for you.” 
You tried to push that thought away so many times, but he's right, unfortunately. 
“And I am already living in the apartment you rent me, I think we should try.”
Well, you didn’t see him as that keen but it looks like you were wrong. And you can’t help a snarky remark.
“ Isn’t it just an adroit ploy to stop paying me your rent?” You grin.
“ No, I am serious, I think we can both benefit from that idea.”
“ I know. It’s a joke. I was joking.”
He looks like he’s computing the info. 
You munch on your lower lip, feeling like a little girl. You giggle, squirming on the bed like a child. 
You never lived with one of your… partners? 
“It seemed to me like a good solution, but I understand you would not appreciate the idea,” he tempers.
“No, no, no! It’s a good idea! It’s just… It’s so sudden.”
“ I figured that is what people like us tend to do.”
“ And what “people like us” are?” You ask.
He seems to think about it.
“I have no idea what that means.” You smile wryly
“In basic you would say…” He caresses your hand with the tip of his fingers “Soulmates.”
You freeze again, processing the info.
“That is what we are then?” you ask breathlessly. “Isn’t it a tad dramatic?”
“You think?” He smiles lightly “I thought about us and I liked how that sounded.”
He seems to notice your reluctance.
“I shocked you.”
“No? No, no,no” You try and temper “It’s just that you're coming out really strong and serious and…”
“Yes, I am serious. I am serious about our relationship. Are you not?”
“I… Didn’t have time to properly think about it.” You admit.
He gauges you up and down.
“Do you love me?” he asks bluntly.
You're so taken aback, being cornered like that. Your mouth and throat are dry, you open your lips to speak but nothing comes out.
You love him.
You do, oh yes you do.
But you never worded it, and even less spoke it out loud.
He seems to relax and smile sadly at your discomfited expression.
“Pardon me. It is wrong of me to ask you without telling you first. I should not have put you in a corner like that.” He gently holds your face and kiss your forehead, “Do not fret, cha’cah.”
You slowly relax under his touch.
“Alright, I must go now. I wish you a rapid recovery… “
He seems to hesitate. 
“And come back to me quickly,” he said it so low you almost didn’t hear it.
But you did hear it.
He kisses your forehead and leaves the room.
You look in your purse if he didn’t put your comlink in, but find something else. With a raised eyebrow you take out the envelope simply signed with “Eli”. You completely forgot about that. You never took the time to read the last letter your friend left for you.  You open it carefully, taking ou the folded sheet of paper.
“ (Y/n), I hope this letter finds you better than when I left. I must leave to help Thrawn, but I trust we will see each other again, if you stay by his side it is bound to happen, I am sure. Do not leave his side, it is the most secure place in all the galaxy, and I have reason to think you are not safe. I had the occasion to speak with Governor Satlove alone, and this man sent shivers down my spine, I see nothing behind his eyes but a black void. I do not trust this man (Y/n) and so should you, something is not right with him. He made some inappropriate advances and tried to convert me to his church without my interest. I pushed him back but he insisted. There is something about him downright animalistic and uncivilized despite the dignity he drapes himself in. I had the occasion to speak about it with Thrawn and he agreed with me. Do not refuse the help of a friend, and accept my warning. I picked upon your disdain towards me recently, and even though I don’t know why I want you safe. If I ever did something to anger you, know that I am truly sorry. I wish I could tell you face to face, but I have to go. 
Farewell my friend, I hope to see you under better auspices.
This time tears roll down freely, your body is shaken by sobs, your hands holding the letter tremble erratically. 
“Eli… Oh Eli…” You cry.
How could you? How could you doubt him? Your own friend. But maybe you don’t deserve to call him friend after how you treated him. You hold the letter against your heart. He never deceived you, it’s all Nather’s fault, isolating you more and more, until you had no friend remaining. But he couldn’t get rid of Thrawn and Eli completely. And he won’t be able anymore…
“Hey, girl! How are you feeling?”
You raise your head in surprise, an overjoyed Karyn is here but her expression changes immediately when she sees you crying. She immediately sits on the bed and takes your hand.
“What’s happening (Y/n)?”
“Eli… Eli…“ You can’t formulate a proper sentence.
She takes you in her arms and cradles you.
”We will find him. I promise,” she assures.
She doesn't know the truth, and it is not your place to reveal it. So you just hug her back, squeezing her in your arm, appreciating the warmth of a friend.
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@bluechiss @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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webvampzz · 2 months
Hey regarding the question thing can I get your answers to 9 and 31
Ok so
9. idk if ive ever had a true accomplishment tbh but probably passing an exam i knew i was gonna fail? ( im so sorry i cant think of anything)
10. i am allergic to mango
11. highs- when i bought a game i really wanted and was able to lore dump for hours, lows was when i had a breakdown ( rlly bad one ) to some music i dont remember the reason but i was 100℅ sure i wasnt gonna make it to today ( sorry about the personal vent,, tldr i had a breakdown with music playing thats it)
12. definitely spain. no clue why but definitely spain or france
13. i listen to ambience / save room music and rant to myself . or just music in general and rant to myself
14. pinterest and last fm ( or any app that lets u track what music/ movies uve watch i love stats and numbers sm)
15. lore nerd with bad taste in movies
16. i like my eyes the most so probably those
17. im somewhat good at writing but only about my interests
18. i am terrible at math and science
19. im ngl probably anytime i went to the doctor and they asked me about how im doing mentally
20. radiohead was named after the talking heads song and they were originally called on a friday because theyd practice on fridays hence the name
21. probably myself? i dont like revealing much about me to anybody tbh
22. my keyboard and guitar definitely i love them sm esp the key board
23. one that ive had since 5th grade iirc,, idk how long its been tho but its defo been a long time since we've been friends
24. when i realized i had to get a job eventually snd pay taxes and move out someday
25. ive never played any :(
26. bad
27. night owl, i wish i were an early bird though 😭
28. i kinda do but i kinda dont its hard to explain. more on the not at all side though
29. these r very weird answers ik i sound like an edgelord rn 😭
" i want to be someone else or ill explode " ( talk show host by radiohead)
" we were good as married in my mind, but married in my mind's no good" ( pink triangle by weezer)
" a heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that wont heal " ( no surprises by radiohead)
" you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking " ( nude by radiohead)
30. probably just basic self care like showering i dont do anything past that tbh
31. thom yorke, thomas edward yorke, the radiohead singer ( i cant think of anyone else 😭)
Im actually so sorry if any of these were too personal or the answers were too long 😭 i just really like answering these but in so sorry if they seem weird or like im venting
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caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
lunlun's autumn studying challenge! #studyingunderthefallingleaves
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Hi and hello everyone! Welcome to my blog and my studying challenge! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ My name is Lunlun. I am creating this challenge because my uni started on October and I want to motivate myself and keep track of my studies. I hope you will participate and enjoy the challenge too!
• How to participate?
Just reblog this post! You don't need to follow me or anything like that. And do not forget to post your posts with the hashtag #studyingunderthefallingleaves so that everyone can see your posts! You do not need to start at a certain date. I wouldn’t even mind if you started the challenge during summer :] Just try to enjoy it and make sure you’re taking breaks and taking good care of yourself!
• Prompts:
Day 1: Welcome! Let’s start with a simple question: What is your major/What do you study?
Day 2: Share your goals for this challenge. What do you want to accomplish by the end of it?
Day 3: What does autumn mean for you?
Day 4: Share a song that has autumn vibes with us.
Day 5: Why did you choose your major/what you study?
Day 6: Are there other languages you learn besides your native langauge? If so, which ones?
Day 7: What is the best place to study for you in autumn?
Day 8: What do you like to drink while you study? You can share the recipe if you want!
Day 9: Do you have a memory, which happened during autumn, you remember with a smile on your face?
Day 10: What is your favorite thing about your major? Why?
Day 11: Which one of your courses do you like the most? And the one you just can’t like no matter what you do?
Day 12: Do you have any studying methods you use? If so, share them with us (please *sobs*)!
Day 13: Which one do you prefer: Digital devices and online platforms or notebooks and books? And why?
Day 14: Share a picture of your favorite pen/pencil!
Day 15: You’ve finished the half of the challenge (for now as more prompts will be added), so let’s look back at your goals. Are you getting closer to accomplishing them?
Day 16: Share an article you’ve read and enjoyed recently.
Day 17: What is your favorite thing about having a studyblr blog?
Day 18: Share a YouTube channel and/or a podcast you like to watch/listen that inspires you.
Day 19: How was your day? You can talk about anything; vent or share a moment. I personally am willing to hear!
Day 20: Where are you from and how is the school system in your country? As a prospective teacher, I like to hear about different education systems. For example, in my country, we have a 4+4+4 system where students study elementary, middle school and high school (seperately) for four years. Most departmens in universities are also for four years; however, medicine students, for example, have to study for six years.
Day 21: Share a random fact you know.
Day 22: What is your best feature according to you?
Day 23: Okay, you have to praise yourself with at least two sentences. Go! I am listening!
Day 24: What do you think about homeworks? Do you think they are necessary or just burden for students?
Day 25: What was your favorite subject as a child?
Day 26: What advice would you give to people who want/will start to study your major?
Day 27: What book are you reading right now? Do you like it so far?
Day 28: Share a playlist you listen to while studying.
Day 29: What is your favorite autumn food?
Day 30: It’s been a month already! How are you feeling? Is keeping up with the challenge tiring? Have you enjoyed it so far? Please share your thoughts!
• From Lunlun: I will add more prompts later, probably for 30 days again. I am posting this part for now as if I try to write more now, I know it’ll take more time for me to share the challenge and don’t wanna miss autumn!
Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!):
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grimoiregradient · 8 months
A Month of Mental Wellness - February Spell A Day Challenge
I wanted to write this month’s challenge focused on both self love and mental health in general, so this is the resulting theme- taking care of yourself and your mind. As always, don’t be intimidated by the concept of doing a spell every single day. Just focus on creating or writing the spell, and if you have the energy to perform it, go ahead and do as many as you can!
Day 1 | Spell | Courage
Day 2 | Bath | Mindfulness
Day 3 | Spell Jar | Gratitude
Day 4 | Potion | Beauty
Day 5 | Glamour | Confidence
Day 6 | Sigil | Shadow
Day 7 | Spell | Vent
Day 8 | Charm | Growth
Day 9 | Divination | Fears
Day 10 | Sigil | Acceptance 
Day 11 | Bath | Mental Stimulation
Day 12 | Ritual | Inner Monologue
Day 13 | Spell Jar | Happiness
Day 14 | Spell | Self-Love
Day 15 | Glamour | Respect
Day 16 | Potion | Connection
Day 17 | Sigil | Journal
Day 18 | Spell | Inner Child
Day 19 | Divination | Progress
Day 20 | Charm | Grounding
Day 21 | Bath | Reflection
Day 22 | Spell Jar | Routine
Day 23 | Sigil | Rest
Day 24 | Glamour | Communicate
Day 25 | Ritual | Habit
Day 26 | Divination | Reframe
Day 27 | Bath | Comfort
Day 28 | Charm | Boundaries
Day 29 | Spell | Forgiveness
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t1redallthetime · 4 months
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1. The lesbians from next door + Trina
2. Mendel, you know what you did
3. Mendel, the actor playing him is always really charismatic but I don’t get the Mendel hype
4. The lesbians from next door, I swear to god people always forget them!
5. I love them equally but Trindel a little less
6. Holding to the Ground
7. Hard choice but The Marriage Proposal
8. This Had better come to a stop
9. Year of the Child
10. Everything from Gotta Die Sometime, especially Jason’s Bar Mitzvah, I cannot listen to that song without crying :(
11. Obviously Marvin
12. If I could change it, I think I’d have a Whizzer+Trina duet and I’d have a scene where Marvin meets the Lesbians
13. Father to Son changed my view on Marvin, it gave me hope for him, and for my own father
14. 100% Day in Falsettoland, that song is SO fun and I’m Breaking Down cause duh
15. Charlotte or Trina, they’re the ones in my vocal range, but I would definitely play Marvin if someone to a bit of a genderbend version
16. Trina, she has my heart, also me and the lesbians would have such a good polycule
17. I’d want to get to know the lesbians better cause we don’t know so much about them!
18. Best decision is definitely Jason having the Bar Mitzvah in the hospital
19. I’d sing with Cordelia, I feel like she’d be so fun to be with at karaoke
20. Stephanie J Block, you have my heart and soul ❤️, and Christian Borle is up there too
21. When I try to get someone into falsettos I make them listen to This Had Better Come To A Stop, really good introduction to the basic concepts
22. Idk I can’t really decide!
23. How bad act 1 Marvin is and how he definitely passed away after Whizzer :(
24. I’m not sure, I don’t really have an answer to that
25. The three I relate to a lot are Trina, Marvin and Jason, their little fucked up family speaks to me
26. Lesbians + Marvin’s friendship, and Jason and Whizzer’s
27. “Everything will be alright” genuinely use this in my day to day life if something goes wrong, gonna get a tattoo of this someday
28. Marvin hitting Trina was so fucking heartbreaking and made me hate him so much
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I fucking love this image
30. I just want to vent a little, Marvin is really similar to my Tata (dad) and it was kinda nice to see someone like that go through an arc and improve as a person, my Tata has a lot to do but he is trying to change. Father To Son used to make me so jealous I’d cry, because Jason’s father improved but mine didn’t, but know that he’s trying it makes me almost happy. Anyway that’s my addition! This show means so much to me ❤️
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best-td2021-ship · 10 months
THE RESULTS ARE IN: 2026's top 88 ships have been decided and matched 🤩 but they could use more propaganda!
Ships in bold have received ZERO or only emojis, but I'm still taking more for the others too! 🩶
Round 1 matchups:
1) Jarlo (Jared x Milo) vs Vicaige (Vic x Paige)
2) Coled (Cole x Jared) vs Chadlie (Chad x Charlie)
3) #Joke (Jordan x Mike) vs Bamboe (Bambi x Chloe)
4) Drewstyna (Drew x Chrystyna) vs Meric (Matt x Beric)
5) Adios (Ada x Rio) vs Sethdan (Seth x Jordan)
6) Cordarren (Cordelia x Darren) vs Haybell (Hayden x Izzy)
7) Dannola (Dannie x Lola) vs Vicdan (Vic x Jordan)
8) Andred (Drew x Jared) vs Colie (Cole x Charlie)
9) Jordstyna (Jordan x Chrystyna) vs Paigike (Paige x Mike)
10) The Babes (Darren x Milo x Paige x Vic) vs Colestyna (Cole x Chrystyna)
11) Loss (Leaf x Moss) vs Bambola (Bambi x Lola)
12) Danole (Daniel x Cole) vs Mikrew (Mike x Drew)
13) Chlostyna (Chloe x Chrystyna) vs Mikecest (Mike x himself)
14) Darrestyna (Darren x Chrystyna) vs Charcola (Charlie x Cole x Lola)
15) Mosslie (Moss x Charlie) vs Lizola (Liza x Lola)
16) Chrysambie (Chrystyna x Bambi) vs ">6'0"" (Drew x Leaf x Vic x Darren)
17) Coledan (Cole x Jordan) vs Libdan (Libby x Jordan)
18) Jordola (Jordan x Lola) vs Chleaf (Chloe x Leaf)
19) Charlola (Charlie x Lola) vs Milke (Milo x Mike)
20) Lolaniel (Lola x Daniel) vs Jordarren (Jordan x Darren)
21) Lizaniel (Liza x Daniel) vs Mikribby (Mike x Drew x Libby)
22) Darrike (Darren x Mike) vs Cola (Cole x Lola)
23) Chadarren (Chad x Darren) vs Vichloestyna (Vic x Chloe x Chrystyna)
24) O'ković (Piper x Mads) vs Cordeliannisa (Cordelia x Annisa)
25) Annielric (Annisa x Daniel x Beric) vs Channisa (Charlie x Annisa)
26) Dannisa (Dannie x Annisa) vs Julison (Julian x Addison)
27) Rodrusso (Rio x Paige) vs Julidan (Julian x Jordan)
28) Haystyna (Hayden x Chrystyna) vs The Last Placers (Leaf x Manny x Mike x Jordan x Isaac)
29) Colennisambi (Cole x Annisa x Bambi) vs Paibbyden (Paige x Libby x Hayden)
30) Loleveryone (Lola x the rest of the cast) vs Riodan (Rio x Jordan)
31) Lizanison (Liza x Daniel x Addison) vs Piperio (Piper x Rio)
32) Cassilo (Cassie x Milo) vs Russanwallaghan (Paige x Annisa x Cordelia x Piper)
33) Roxaige (Roxy x Paige) vs Danison (Daniel x Addison)
34) Isaac² (Isaac x Izzy) vs Skaterclown (Hayden x Rio)
35) "<5'5"" (Annisa x Cassie x Jared x Jordan x Liv x Lola) vs Isaannie (Isaac x Dannie)
36) Emoskaterclown (Izzy x Hayden x Rio) vs Maddisola (Mads x Addison x Lola)
37) Pipdelia (Piper x Cordelia) vs Darrizzy (Darren x Izzy)
38) Dads (Dannie x Mads) vs Cordarrener (Cordelia x Darren x Piper)
39) Lolnat (Lola x Nat) vs Bedwic (Bedward x Vic)
40) Bearic (Bear x Beric) vs Jarent (Jared x Vent)
41) Jorsther (Jordan x Esther) vs Chlivesther (Chloe x Liv x Esther)
42) Jeren (Jeremy the intern x Ren) vs Berony (Beric x getting stranded on Boney Island)
43) Matt x Viewer vs Matt x Beric x Viewer
44) Beric x Viewer vs Chrystyna x Viewer
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