#venting lmao - non-obligatory reading
wetpapert0wel · 2 years
my sitch sucks orz
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lovers-teeth · 2 years
Obligatory Intro Post
main is @validwofjobs just for clarity, if you see me following/liking your posts ^^
icon by: @canineentity
🌿🍄🌿 Hi !! my name is Herring (or Jester), and this is my personal/kin sideblog.
  🌿🍄🌿 I’m always interested in meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or a msg !! My dms are always open to other kinfolk, I am quite busy and easily distracted so I can’t promise quick reply times.
🌿🍄🌿 Please like this post if you read it through !! it just helps me keep track lol.
My two kintypes are caucasian shepherd dog and polar bear -u-.
part time angel and occasional sea serpent (secondary kintypes)
I’m primarily a psychological therian, I’m still figuring myself out.
I’m 21- I don’t mind minors hanging out here, tread carefully and be safe n all that.
I’m trans and queer, ask me abt the specifics at your own desire. I use whatever pronouns you use/mirror pronouns.
I use therian and otherkin to refer to myself interchangeably. I also use the words kinnie/kinning bc I find them kind of cute, fight me (plus I've been "kinning" since the word was coined by assholes on 4chan, let me be an old man and live)
This is a kin blog, but I have a lot of other interests, mainly writing, tabletop games, and knitting atm.
I’m always here to help with personal writing projects! Send me your games/your fics/your poetry/whatever- I am very fond of editing and beta reading, or just being a pair of eyes on a draft.
All of my posts are good to reblog unless reblogs are literally turned off lmao
DNI: LGBT discourse-starters, I consider myself an inclusionist and I’m generally pro-slur reclamation. I want no part of any stupid discourse (this is also your official warning that I use the word queer and don’t tag it, do with that info what you will.)
non-alterhumans and/or kin-for-fun types are cool but on thin ice.
BYF: I talk about addiction/alcohol often, if that type of post is triggering I will always tag it as eyes away/howling but it might be in your best interest not to follow.
honestly as long as you’re not a dick you’re welcome here LMAO
(X)posting: themed as needed, common ones are dogposting/kinposting
Chuffing: original non-vent posts and personal thoughts.
Howling: vent posts, read at yr own discretion
Eyes away: 18+ stuff, block this if you’re a minor.
Pawprints: original projects, likely writing or knitting FOs.
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