#venting. Feel free to scroll past
iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
12 hour shifts should be illegal. Holy hell.
#venting. Feel free to scroll past#so tired of being stuck in a hole of a town#you try to look for a job and it's like hey! your options are: 10 jobs where there's never enough people working and you have to do#5 tasks at once or 3 jobs where you slave your entire day away in a factory with hypersurveillance and no social interaction#and hey haha maybe you'll get a break?? It's totally not guaranteed in your first 10 options hahaha#FUCK#the nearest marginally okay job is an hour away#gas cost is up the fuckin roof#but hey! there's ways of getting around earning money. You could buy something and make other people's lives more miserable by letting them#borrow it and holding power over them because there's no place to escape to except for another person who owns their shit :)#LIKE YOUR FUCKING HOUSE#AND YOUR CAR#AND THE MONEY YOU SAVE FOR YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR CAR THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO USE MOST OF THE TIME#GOD KNOWS I CANT FIX MY GODDAMN TEETH#you could join the shitshow that is online investing- sorry i mean advanced pyramid scheming with a little bit of actual stake in the world#please. please oh my god#the only way to make things even a little easier is to live in a housefull of 5-6 working people but god. At least kids don't have to#work anymore because of government assistance. But once you're an adult with anything a tad over minimum wage? You're on your own buddy#Life was never supposed to be about living hand to mouth. We surpassed that way of living as soon as agriculture became a thing.#automation. surplus. the ability to relax can be mass produced.#please. i just want a job to support the few people i have without turning into some stressed asshole that either sleeps or rages at them
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Well, that was a much bigger shitstorm than I had been expecting.
First of all, kid's ok, they just kept him over night because he's so young and concussions are a bit more of a risk, especially given his extensive medical history. Thankfully though, he seems to be on the mend, and he should be home by the time you Darlings are seeing this post.
As for why you're seeing this post, originally I was just meant to be playing emergency babysitter until the dad finished work and got home, but unfortunately he's just as big of a piece of shit as he usually is (Why they're still together and actively having more kids I have no idea) and decided that since someone was already with the kids, then instead of rushing home like he was asked to by his wife, he was going to make the best of it and go out drinking with his friends.
Both his wife and his elderly mother in law tried to contact him, but after the third set of calls, he turned off his phone. Not once did he ask who was with his kids, or how his injured son was, all he cared about was going out and drinking. (I sincerely hope she leaves his arse soon. Holy shit)
The mum did apologise to me repeatedly, but since their only living family is her elderly mother who is by no means capable of looking after five kids under the age of seven, she really didn't have a choice but to rely on me until her or her (shitty) husband could return home. And for obvious reasons, she couldn't exactly leave a four year old in the hospital by himself.
In the end, the "dad" didn't get home until about nine am this morning, stinking of grog, and I don't feel comfortable leaving them with him. I did quickly head back and grab a charger for my phone so that I could type this up, but since the youngest ones will be waking from their after feed nap soon, and the mum is still a way's off from getting back, I'm probably not going to have time to sort through my reblogs properly.
On a small positive note though, it does look like all my stuff is back now, so I should be able to go back to posting older reblogs tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to focus on the kids and then go back and crash into my own bed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, Darling ones. Please remember to take care of yourselves 🖤
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suddencolds · 2 months
#not a vent just a journal entry (feel free to scroll past; there is no snz here and this is also not that interesting)#realizing now that i never thought of myself as#someone whose absence would register to others in any other way than just neutral/detached recognition?#phrasing this really badly and i am truly going to delete this later bc it is embarrassing LOL#i think when i was young and posting all this fic into questionable places (the f*rum) i was like#(@ an unfinished work of mine) no way anyone could be bothered by these cliffhangers 👍 they can just imagine the ending#even though i would frequently be bothered by other people's cliffhangers. that exact same principle just wouldn't apply to me in my head#and when i did not respond to people i was like.. i'm sure i wasn't really an important part of their lives so they won't mind it#if i stepped away?#i never really entertained the concept of people missing me or looking forward to my responses 😭 i never thought of myself as someone worth#missing... so when i disappeared it was always with little to no sense of guilt. i think even now i struggle with#seeing myself as someone that inhabits like a tangible enough space in other people's lives that my absence would be felt#(and i don't mean that in a morbid way. and i do recognize that it's quite hypocritical)#on the flipside of things i frequently miss people and look forward to their responses. and sometimes i wonder like#do they all know? do they all know that i miss them because they somehow understand this aspect of human nature better than i do?#or are they in the dark like i am? are these things assumed or are they only known when they are said... 😭#i am a little bit of a coward so i am not saying anything (also because can you even say this kind of thing to someone??#i would probably die of embarrassment) but#how strange it is to have someone suddenly inhabit a space in your life that is substantial enough that#when they're gone you feel that space open up and you miss them#the few times in my life people have conveyed that sentiment to me i remember feeling puzzled that my presence could have that kind of#weight to them. i think my problem is that i purposefully do not read between the lines if the conclusion is something favorable towards me#because i don't want to bank on something good that might or might not be true 😭 anyways this is way too long already. if you read this#then good morning or goodnight
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princessg3rard · 5 months
slight vent about sensory issues below the cut :3
why is everything so loud and itchy and weird Jesus fucking christ !! can the idf really not afford to not yell at 18yo for like 3 sec ?? just those 3 like pls I just want a tinsie winsie break that’s all
I’m really grateful that I serve but also I want to kill everyone and run away into the woods
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ourdreamsareneon · 1 month
is it petty to not show up to a party because the host asked me to change my costume?
it's marvel themed and I asked them three times if I could go as gwenpool because she'd my favourite marvel character. all three times they said yes but then I get a message today asking if I can switch to deadpool because my best friend is going as wolverine so it will "look better" in photos
1) I'm not a deadpool fan girl. I like his comics but I only got into them when I was 15 before that I found him so annoying. He's maybe in my top 10 characters but he's not breaking top 5 - just personal opinion
2) I don't want to wear a full masked up costume my idea for gwenpool was a pj look with some meme shirt and Jeff plushie somethinf cute but I can't translate that to deadpool?
3) I'm femme presenting at the moment so I want to be femme presenting
4) The most important one - I know that the host as well as other people ship and overly sexualise wolverine and deadpool. my best friend is basically my brother, he's been invited to my sisters wedding and is staying with the bridal party for fucks sake. I joke a lot that we have the dynamic of deadpool and wolverine because grumpy old man and stupid idiot but I don't actually feel comfortable at all with jokes that might get made especially once people are drunk and on drugs
AH idk if I'm over reacting. I've already said "maybe? I don't really like deadpool lol" so if they push it more I just won't go which sucks because I like them and it's their birthday and I've said ill help decorate but idkkkk ahhh
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seiwas · 11 months
a good cry always does wonders
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Sad vent shit up ahead. tw for addiction, mentions of death for a human and an animal, and mentions of trauma.
I really wish my memory was still intact. I wish it hadn't been permanently fucked up by trauma, alcoholism, pain, and fatigue. I used to have a photographic memory, and i genuinely miss that sometimes. shit like being able to recognize people, being able to recognize landmarks ive driven past 10 times. unless i am very interested in something retaining information about it is so so hard. after my biggest traumatic events happened in october-november 2020 i lost a full year of memories. i have exactly two memories from late 2020-early 2022: my grandma's death and my first guinea pig's death. every time i think of 2021 i think of losing two of the most important things. logically i know i talked to my grandma during those last few months before she passed. i wished i knew what we talked about
and honestly being an addict taught me more than any other life event ever has. but i wish i had never been through that. it was the most difficult thing that's happened to me and i wouldnt wish it on anyone. my memory is better now that I've stopped drinking but it's still not good. i was so happy about something earlier today. i remember feeling genuinely glad but now i have no idea why. no matter how hard i try i cant remember.
i want to remember things! so so badly. i love knowing things. i love learning and retaining information and researching! and i know i can still do that i just wish it was easier
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srarizard · 5 months
I don't like to vent, but I've been trying to figure out how to let my feelings out without being really intense and overwhelming people. I used to use writing to do that, but I've been so messed up that I can't even focus on a story. I don't know... It's hard. It's hard when you were raised to believe that no one cares about how you feel because they all have bigger problems, and expressing yours just annoys them because you're asking them to take on your problems, too.
I think it's been 7 years since I abandoned my twitter and stopped talking to the friends I made there, and the shame is real. It took me this long to find out that there was something... very, very wrong with me. Back then, I felt the beginnings of my psyche snapping, and I left to protect them. Now I'm getting therapy, but... But I mean, I don't even remember if I did anything to hurt them because I have this wonderful thing called dissociative amnesia. I was under so much stress that my body completely blocked out my memories of what I did. I was uncontrollable. And... I can never know the depth of the pain I caused my friends, and you can't apologize for something you don't remember. The more I learn about myself now, the more ashamed I am of the person I used to be, because there is a hostile part of me that I can't control solely because of the terrible things I've been through squeezing the memories out of my brain.
On one hand, it's good to get my thoughts out. On the other hand, this isn't going to change anything. It won't change what I did, what happened to me, anything. I have to live with this. And I have to move forward knowing I have new friends and family that depend on me now. If it happens again, I can't just disappear to protect everyone from the fact that I can't control myself.
This sucks, man. This really, really sucks. I don't even know if I feel comfortable reaching out for help because I'm just going to wind up doing the same thing I did in the past, and it's scary as hell. It's the kind of thing that makes you feel like a monster.
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chaosnojutsu · 7 months
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seafoodsoda · 2 years
What do I say what do I say I wanna be held I feel trapped in my own mind palace what’s the point of having friends if you’re too afraid to confide in every single one if I’m not fun I’m useless everything everyone needs out of me is a two dimensional comedic relief character what am I nobody knows anything please I just wanna be sad to someone without feeling guilty
I think I blame this on my high school “therapist” who looked at my emotional breakdowns and went “oh they’ll get over it they’re just doing it for attention. It’s just a form of manipulation” how can I be anything other than what I am right now without feeling like I’ve played people in a several year long con of getting attached to me and then finding out every year I just get more and more depressed and stressed out.
Even without dumping everything out to lay bare in the light of any judgement, I feel like some cracks are slipping lose and people could already be checking out of my existence. Maybe I’m not as fun or as funny anymore and now that I’ve served my purpose they get to go do other things or be around other people now and now I’m just stuck with nowhere to put everything. I’m so useless. When’s it my turn to cry to people. I want someone, literally anyone of the people around me to just ask after me. Everything sounds like nonsense in my head at this point because there’s so much buildup of stuff that I haven’t told anyone. Like when you bend a hose at it’s neck and the water builds up behind it.
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cloudyf0x · 5 months
you know what sucks? i am the kind of person who falls completely and totally in love with my friends ok like i love them so much i don't know what to do with myself. it just boils and boils and overflows inside me, but as soon as it hits the air, it curdles. i feel like every time i try to say something nice, or meaningful, or just lighthearted, it comes out wrong. it didn't used to be this way. i used to be completely and totally at ease with her, yknow? we could talk about anything. and now, she's not interested in me anymore. and now i'm awkward and clumsy with my words and i'm always wrong about something and she always knows. i wish i knew why. i wish i knew why love is conditional.
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Sometimes I wish I were a pretty popular cis girl. Granted that comes with misogyny, and not being taken seriously and being objectified. But I deal with all of these things as well as the additional burden of being trans. I hate having spent years striving for a facsimile of normal womanhood. Having had my social circles implode on me multiple times because of my transnness, I feel profoundly lonely even when I have a plethora of loving friends and partners; I convince myself none of them really care about me or would seek out my companionship were it not there.
I worry I'm just an interesting novelty that people tolerate for entertainment value rather than being someone they genuinely care for (probably cause that's what I actually was to the shithead straight people I was friends with in high school).
I worry I'll end up old with no kids, with a dwindling number of friends/loved ones to keep me company. After all starting a family is basically a pipedream as an autistic trans woman, I'll almost certainly never get to be a mother: a wound that would cut me more deeply if I let myself think about it.
Maybe this kind of anxious fear of loneliness would come to me regardless of my circumstances. Even now with a lot of love in my life I feel this way. But I often feel like the body I inhabit,and the way my brain misfires, prohibit me from accessing genuine human connection in the way I want to.
I feel like an alien pretending at being human, I've done a decent job so far but I'll never really achieve the real thing. I'm just fucking tired, of being trans and of being autistic and having to navigate a world that fundamentally doesn't understand or want me.
I suppose I want to be a pretty, popular, neurotypical cis girl because I want love to come to me as easily as breathing - and rn my lungs don't work for shit.
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bones32546 · 2 days
TW:I'm gonna be venting in this one so if you're not in the right mental state for that feel free to skip this one♡♡♡
I cant stop fucking binging and I don't know what to fucking do anymore.i feel so fucking disgusting right now.im honestly at a fucking loss for how much of a fat fuck I am.i just can't believe I keep disappointing myself like this.i need tips so fucking bad on how to stop binging. I'm BEGGING you if you see this PLEASE reblog it cause I'm honestly out of ideas.if you have any tips and tricks for binging and not gaining weight without purging it would be GREATLY appreciated.if any of yall ever need to talk my dms are ALWAYS open.
Im just gonna try to keep my head up and not give up.
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sleepyzzzi · 2 months
Friendly reminder that our blog is not a vent blog, but we have a few words to say. Please feel free to scroll past if you're uncomfortable with discussion. (Unless it applies to you.)
Let's get straight to the point here. Not all diapers are for k!nk or NSFW purposes. There are other reasons a regressor might use/wear them. Medical, comfort, little age.
But yet every time I see a regressor that posts a photo and the diaper happens to be showing, they're getting attacked. Yes, plenty of people posting those photos are NSFW blogs or doing it for k!nk purposes. HOWEVER, this does not mean EVERYONE who wears diapers is NSFW. I find it horrible that people are rejected for this, yet we can be okay with pacifiers, bottles, onesies, ect.
We wear them for medical purposes. We're incontinent. We've been called "NSFW" before. We've been called "ABDL" before. It's frustrating, it really is. I'm not going to let people shame me for something I can't control. My art isn't in any way NSFW either. If you don't like it, that's perfectly okay. What is not okay is going around and calling someone dirty or disgusting when there is nothing NSFW about what they're doing. If you don't like it, block, scroll, or leave. You do not need to go around s3xualizing someone's regression because you don't like something they're doing.
It frustrates me to see people saying things like "I can't regress because of that" or "That's filthy and terrible" or accusing people of being p3dos. That is unnecessary. If someone isn't doing anything wrong, it's not NSFW, and they aren't hurting you or themselves, it's not your place to say those things to them. Please, it's unkind, it can damage people.
I can't tell you how many times those comments have gotten to me, made me feel dirty and wrong for something I can't control.
SFW padded regressors exist. Do not shun, shame, or attack them for existing. Just scroll, don't say things that could hurt someone else.
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
75 Agere Journal Prompts MEGALIST
Ciao lovelies! The first time I wrote about Age Regression Journals was in 2018, a whole 4 years ago (that feels weird to say omg). So I thought, since I’ve had 4 years to compile it for myself, I would share my MEGALIST of 75 Age Regression Journal Prompts with you all!
For more info about Agere Journaling, see THIS POST from 2018.
For Nightsong’s article about Vent Journals, see THIS POST from 2019.
For 8 Journal Prompts, see THIS POST from 2019.
And finally, for 52 creative writing prompts/quaintrelle prompts, see THIS POST from 2019.
And now, let’s begin this list!
75 Agere Journal Prompts - MEGALIST
*PS* scroll to the bottom, for pictures of examples from my personal journal! 
Draw yourself a kawaii bento lunch!
Write down any chores for the day as a to-do list or sticker check off list
Design a smol outfit
Make a playlist for your littlespace
Draw portraits of your stuffies
Write your headcanons for your comfort characters as caregivers
Write down some animal facts from different parts of the world that interest you!
List items that are your favorite color
Make a magazine collage with a specific theme
List ideas you want to do in certain seasons
List your favorite agere nicknames
Write down any agere headcanons you have for fictional characters or OCs
List stuffie name ideas
List all your current stuffie names
List your favorite phone apps for littlespace
Make a tier list of your opinions on different types of candy
Draw what your favorite characters would look like as stuffies
Invent a new kidcore fashion trend
List 5 facts about your favorite sea animal
Design your Jolly Roger if you were a pirate
Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer
List how you deal with stress in agere methods
Write out any recipes you can make while regressed
List crafts you’d like to make
Make a page about your morning routine when regressed
Make a page about your night time routine when regressed
Write out any rules or guidelines you have when regressed
What’s on your Agere/Littlespace Movies list?
Write about what you would do on a visit to the beach
List any animes you like when small
List your favorite agere books
Dear Past Me - What would you tell your past self?
Dear Future Me - What would you tell your future self?
List songs that make you regress
List your regression triggers (positive or negative)
Write about how you would comfort a friend in need
Write about your dream vacation
Make your christmas/birthday/holiday gift wishlist
List your fave agere video games
List your favorite stims
Write a letter to your favorite fictional character
Write a letter to a friend or family member
Play I spy and write down the categories and things you find
Make a page of your top 5 agere songs from the last month
List free activities you can do when regressed
Make a collage page from a coloring sheet and stickers
Play scavenger hunt with stickers of your preferred theme
Use a page to write down word games like word scrambles and mad libs
Fill a page with positive messages for yourself to read later
Write down tarot interpretations if you do tarot reading while smol
List ideas for kandi bracelets you could make
Declare a random day a holiday of some kind, write down how you celebrate it
Use a page to “braindump” all of your current thoughts, even if it’s babbling
Make a sticker collage inspired by your caregiver
Make a sticker collage inspired by the seasons
Trace your hand onto the page and give yourself fun nail art, tattoos, or accessories
Draw a race track for a toy car, add obstacles or scenery with stickers
Write a social media profile page for a comfort character
Make a “top secret” file with your stuffie’s secrets >:)
Make a collage inspired by yourself
Dedicate a page to facts about one of your special interests
Write a poem for your pet (or fave stuffie!)
Draw a scene around a sticker of your favorite animal
Draw the inside of a house and use stickers to furnish and decorate it
Draw a scene to play with your toys in
Try a mindful reset page (List problems you’re facing, then list more positive mindset changes to each one)
Document the stories you play out with dolls or toys
Write down “this or that” prompts in one color then answer them in another color !
Use stickers to tell a story or make a fun comic
Fill a page with word art, using any words that make you feel smol
Make a list of all of your OCs
Use a page to document Minecraft coordinates of your favorite builds
Draw the outline of a purse or bag, and use stickers to show what a character of your choice would have in their bag, or-
Use stickers to show what you would put in your dream agere bag!
Draw a face on a page in marker or pen, and use makeup to decorate it! (or face paint :p)
Examples From My Journal:
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