#vents from the void ¤
I'm sorry to everyone that we've been so quiet as of late. I realize that we've been reblogging our usual stim things here and there, but this is also referring to social chatter on Discord and such. I'll be putting it under a read-more since it does involve some personal things.
The one year anniversary of our grandfather's death was just a couple of weeks ago. Even when we finally haven't had anything going on for a short while, we've had that load to carry, along with other things. The emotions have been rough to work through, and draining to feel; we're really tired, and often genuinely haven't had the energy to talk or react much at all outside of chatter with people we've already known for a long time. Tonight's actually one of the first nights we managed to talk more outside of that little circle, in a while.
Our PTSD had flared up recently as well, and relapsing on that progress has genuinely been both painful and detrimental. Part of why we've been quiet is to try and prevent it from spilling out sideways onto others— no one deserves to be on the receiving end of that and made uncomfortable, or to feel forced/obligated into supporting someone through a situation they can't handle. It's not a good way to treat friends, and that stuff can really hurt, y'know?
But, I digress.
To anyone we have been quiet and distant with without meaning to be, and to those we have ultimately had to remain distant with for the sake of our health/well-being, I hope that you all know we still care about you. I promise, our silence is not because of avoidance, things have just been painful and difficult— off and on at least, if not consistently so. It's been difficult to find joy or calm in things for long, lately, but we've been trying.
Got into a new hyperfixation, recently! It's honestly been fun, and pretty refreshing. Hoping to teach ourselves to cook a few new simple things to add to our arsenal, too. Mainly omelets because... who the fuck doesn't like omelets? (lighthearted joke)
Hopefully things will ease up, eventually. We miss everyone quite a bit, but it's been hard to talk to much of anyone outside of our family system lately for all of these reasons (biggest shout-out ever to the fam sys btw; thank you all for being as caring and understanding as you've been, and for supporting us as much as you have <3). But, we do miss hearing from everyone, even briefly. I hope you're all alright, and taking care of yourselves. You deserve it.
Please stay safe. <3
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logan-lieutenant · 1 month
let me be clear: this blog is NOT a safe space for lando haters. i’m sorry if that rubs you the wrong way, you’re free to block/unfollow.
“he bottles his starts” “he’s not as good as max” “he’s only good cause he’s got a rocketship of a car” “piastri has more potential” “he throws away opportunities” “he should’ve won and he fucked himself over” YOU DON’T THINK HE KNOWS THAT? even with all the PR training he has no poker face in interviews. he has moments, more and more frequently, where he radiates self-hatred. he isn’t out here protesting all the criticism, he’s taking it personally– way too personally– and people keep heaping it on harder and harder as if that makes a difference??
jesus christ people are coming after him like he’s making mistakes on purpose to spite them. i get it if you don’t like the fans– i don’t like them either. i’m talking about the hordes of mainly girls, often underage, who treat him like the next harry styles and drop really creepy/inappropriate comments in his posts and overall contribute to the “overhype” image. but then your beef is with the fans.
scraping the bottom of the barrel for every single excuse to put him down, to deny his performances, to nullify any single good result he comes up with is not going to change the numbers. he’s second in the championship. he’s won two races. he’s one of three drivers out of twenty he’s won more than one race, and lewis’s second win was after the disqualification and max is max. “he got a free pit stop in miami” “he just has a better car than max” okay, take it up with the FIA if you’re so upset.
i don’t really share my opinions on socials. i mostly just share other people’s memes and drop charlos-themed comments on instagram, and i’m new to tumblr but i try to stay in my own stupid little rpf lane. but now i just need to vent. if that makes you mad then like don’t read this far i guess??
my voice doesn’t matter. like, at all. i don’t have the full picture and i never will, and i physically can’t have any more of an objective opinion than anybody else who’s experiencing this all from the other side of a television screen. but i don’t like bullies. i personally don’t like it when people take it upon themselves to find the chinks in someone’s armor and sharpen their teeth. confidence, self-assurance, faith, the ability to silence everyone else’s voice is just as vital to an athlete as their strength and endurance. max verstappen has shown the power in mental/emotional invulnerability. lando doesn’t have that, and if anything it’s getting worse.
f1 isn’t structured to be fair. it is what it is. if you don’t like who’s winning, watch a different sport.
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necroangelz · 1 month
☆ ❛ STREAM ALERT !! ❜ NECROANGELZ is streaming ♡ ⁓⁓ Come watch ?
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♡ NOW WATCHING : Girlmockery ☆ ⁓⁓ Enjoy the stream !!
—- girlmockery: a label for when you're a girl, but you sometimes/often/always feel like you're just a mockery of a girl rather than an actual one.
—- i made this with my personal issues and experiences in mind, mainly how i don't feel like i fit in or relate to other girls my age, as well as my experiences with depersonalization, insecurities, extremely poor self esteem, and other things.
—- the mirror represents self image or negativity towards it. the blurred symbol of a woman in the mirror represents girlhood or negativity towards it. the black stripes represent negativity, and the pink stripes represent girlhood.
—- link to this post if you're reposting. let me know if you repost this elsewhere or if you plan to create an alternate version of this (i.e., a masculine version)
—- likes and reblogs are always appreciated. thank you for supporting the internet angel.
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rauhallinen-hauki · 3 months
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sujeto: Shephard
estado: detenido
evaluación adicional pendiente
dicen que estar en estasis es como un sueño largo, durmiendo en el vacío. ¿pero qué pasa si el pastor no sabe contar sus ovejas?
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dimonds456-art · 5 months
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Maladaptive daydreaming.
#daydreaming#maladaptive daydreaming#maladapting daydreaming disorder#maladaptive behaviors#maladaptive coping#dissociation#immersive daydreaming#dimond speaks#yeah so adding this to my list here lol#my therapist helped me realize i dissociate a LOT and the primary way i do it is through vivid daydreams#they usually happen at work but they also pop up if i'm having a bad day or... anytime really.#i've also come to the realization that i have at least one of these a day which is not good fgsjh#my therapist says they're not inherently bad especially since they do have a positive effect on my emotions (if its a good daydream)#but it's gotten to the point that it's affecting the way i work#and they can last for a LONG time too#i haven't timed them but i do know they've been over 30 minutes at work before#this is either due to ADHD autism PTSD or a mixture of the three lmao#weeeee#anyway. this post isn't really intended to be a vent post#it's more like a 'this is my experience' type post#it just kinda comes across as somewhat vent-y#but that was because i wanted to try and immerse the reader into what its like to have these daydreams#like mine look NOTHING like this but making it more generic would help others understand it#the void is the general dissociation from reality#then you emerge in the dream#i can feel things as if i'm there- the sun the wind and sometimes even physical touch#and i'll stay there until something snaps me out#strangely i can get my work done while i'm doing this- i just wont have any memory of doing so. it's like being on autopilot#anyway. I hope this post was helpful to someone out there#if you also maladaptive daydream YOU ARE NOT ALONE! it's valid and you're not 'faking' anything. it's a genuine trauma response.
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thenexuscollective · 9 months
I'm actually flabbergasted to realise that there is blogs and people actively participating in syscourse since ALMOST A DECADE./NEG SRS/
I'm not a "both sides are right" guy/DEAD SRS I'm pragmatic and will support endogenic systems and tulpas because unlike everyone in this community I actually grew up wildly disconnected to said community and labels and had the time to look at things unbiased, but seeing someone(s) being willing to fight the same arguments thrown at them again and again is stupid. not stupid, my bad, but it looks tiring.
even with the best interest at heart I find this useless. I would fight for trans rights and any other minority's rights as long as a fight needs to be done and more. but I would NOT do so by damaging my mental health to debate with people that are either not set on changing their mind by choice, or doing so just for the sake of hurting people. I would just throw some links and resources back and forth and that's it.
my point being.
are you guys ok.
my point being.
how fucked up are you to engage in meaningless fights in an emotional way again and again.
my point being.
I know you're fighting to help people. but I don't trust you./srs
seeing someone, not enjoying, but being able to live through such an emotionally challenging and low-key traumatising/damaging moment(s) normally and seek it again and again is making me feel unsafe.
are you doing this to help people or are you just enjoying fighting for the sake of fighting?
I don't trust you.
I don't enjoy infighting.
to be perfectly clear, we are NOT saying that we are not thankful for the resources brought by these people to the community. we are saying that we low-key wish to disconnect from the entire plural community as a whole. yet again.
-sincerely, a traumagenic, endogenic, spirigenic, willogenic, and protogenic, system with mild dissociation.
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ghostoffuturespast · 19 days
Really wish Tumblr had an actual mute function.
Like a full block is excessive in this scenario (no one's done anything wrong, I'm just annoyed) but the block tag function is not doing it for me rn because I can still see the posts and my annoyance is slowly morphing into rage. And the envy monster is not a good look for me.
I enjoy hyping people up, I really do, but it's really fucking hard to keep doing it when they don't do it for you too.
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
Rouge groaned and sat up; going by the rapid tempo, she had a good guess on who was knocking even before she opened the door to the house.
Sure enough, Sonic stood on the other side of the threshold, one hand raised in greeting.
“Shadow,” Rouge called over her shoulder. “It’s for you.”
“Actually,” Sonic said. “I’m here to borrow Omega.”
Rouge blinked. Twice. Raised an eyebrow and called again.
“Omega, it’s for you!”
She could hear the bemused, off-kilter beat of silence. She looked back at Sonic.
“Since when do you make house calls for Omega?” She asked.
“First time for everything, right?” He said with a shrug. “We’re in kind of a hurry and I don’t wanna play Shad’s guessing game about whether or not he’ll sucker punch me before he’s willing to have a conversation.”
Rouge opened her mouth. Closed it. Considered the point.
“SHADOW HAS ENGAGED IN MORE ERRATIC, INCONSISTENT BEHAVIOR RECENTLY.” Omega commented, stomping up to stand beside her at the door.
Sonic smirked.
“At least we know what we’re getting with Omega.”
“Okay,” Sonic said, turning on his heel. “Let’s go, Omega!”
Sonic choked in a false start and nearly tripped over their front stoop. He looked back, bewildered.
Sonic blinked.
“Right, yeah, okay,” he said. “We’re figuring out where Eggman is.”
The borderline silent whir from Omega’s chassis got louder by a fraction of a decibel.
“We’re trying to find him first,” Sonic said, smoothly avoiding saying one way or the other what would happen when they did find the doctor. He scratched his head, fingers parting his quills. “We can’t tell where he’s doing his evil thing from. Tails can explain it better, but whatever tech he’s using isn’t connected to the same network as the rest of his bases.”
Sonic raised both hands in a shrug.
“Something like that, I think.”
Rouge digested the information silently; depending on what the doc was up to, she might get called in.
“Anyway, that’s where you come in,” Sonic said, pointing at Omega. “We’re gonna pull a con on Eggman.”
“You came looking for Omega to pull a ruse?” Rouge asked skeptically.
“He works with you, doesn’t he?”
Rouge smirked and patted Omega’s arm cannon.
“It does mean a paint job,” Sonic said. “Temporary, I swear; you ‘capture’ me and bring me in to one of ol’ Buttnik’s bases. Doesn’t matter what he’s up to, he’ll pay attention to that.”
Omega, as usual, posed the question more like a statement.
“Ahh,” Sonic hedged. “You’d have to hold off on that; just until he gives up where he is!”
Sonic’s mouth twisted into a borderline grimace. He glanced at Rouge; she shook her head. She wasn’t in the mood to help mediate, especially not on her day off.
“That’ll take ages, though,” Sonic said. He paused a second; a sly grin stretched across his face. “Besides, think about it; how ticked off will Eggface be when he figures out he got tricked?”
“. . .”
Rouge recognized the hum of Omega’s CPU; he was considering it.
“Even better,” Sonic said, thumbing his nose. “How ticked he’ll be when we bust down his door and break all his toys?”
“He’ll blow a fuse; so, you in?”
Omega’s engines revved in lieu of an answer and he blasted off from their porch. Sonic send Rouge a backward, two-finger salute before tearing off ahead of him.
She watched them go for a moment before closing the door. She backtracked to the living room and flopped backward across the sofa; gracefully and accurately landing with feet over the armrest and her shoulder against Shadow’s, eliciting a halfway resigned grunt.
“Omega should be in a good mood when he gets home.” She said idly.
Rouge shifted to grab a cushion and reposition her wings.
“You could’ve gone with them if you wanted.”
“I didn’t.” Came the slightly too snippy reply.
Rouge rolled her eyes and snatched the remote out of his hand.
“You have been sucker punching a lot lately.”
“Shut up.”
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Heyyy, we're the Cosmos Collective! We're an OSDD system that's bodily in our 20s, and fictive heavy. We mostly made this to chill and connect with friends. :] <3
That being said there are some boundaries and all to discuss SO if you've read our DNI and still are still here then go ahead and read below! ^^
Masterpost of donations for Palestine (you can look in our fundraisers tag, too).
Masterpost on Bad Internet Bills (and how you can stop them).
Firstly, because we ARE bodily an adult, minors should be careful when interacting! We're an adult interacting with adult blogs; please filter tags and content where needed, and you can always just block us if what we have isn't your cup of tea. This is your internet experience; curate it the way you want to– and most importantly, stay safe!
Secondly, we are fictive heavy as of now; and a lot of us love our sources! We'll all be talking about them and posting it. Please be kind to everyone about this. If you're going to give any of us grief about it, we'll just block you. We don't want any trouble.
Also, we do tend to use tonetags a lot– this is moreso because we worry about communicating clearly and ensuring our tone isn't misread (and also because we need tonetags ourselves for various reasons)! Please try to use tonetags when communicating with us. :]
Tag dump!
C.C. posts: Us talking about things!
C.C. reblogs: all reblogs go here!
intergalactic meme hoard: Aaaaall the memes >:]
our art! ☆: We might post art and doodles here occasionally! This is where it'll go. :]
friend tag ♥︎: A tag for our friends, or things our friends tagged us in!
family tag ♥︎🫂: The same as above, but for our family system. :]
self-love and reminders ♡: A self love and reminders tag :]
save for the future ◇: Anything that we might save to look back on! This could be a recipe, a website, or just something to keep in mind!
important: If it's important and something that needs to be shared, then this is where it will go.
vents from the void ¤: Vent posts. We'll try not to do it often, but when we do it goes in this tag and is hidden under a read-more so it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
system stuff ♤: Anything system specific goes here!
sent to us 📩: Anything that's been sent to us! :D
cosmic mailbox (asks) 📬🌌: This is for answering asks and whatnot!
friend art 🎨: Art that our friends have made that we reblog!! Anything not made by them goes under "cool art". :]
If we make more tags or if anything changes, we'll add onto this! But for now, that's it. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please take care of yourself. <3 /p
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cloud-ya · 2 years
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loafthecat · 22 days
Forever scared of what people think of me/the sh^t I make!
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does anyone else have this issue where you belong to a group, you know you do, but whenever other people of that group talk about shared experiences across that group, you suddenly have the horrible and unmistakeable feeling that you are some kind of fraud? that you hear things that should promote camaraderie, but actually leave feeling less assured of your place when everyone else looks bolstered? that you need to be alone a long while to remember you belong, and feel confident enough to rejoin the group, only to sit there feeling like a hollow wax figurine, shifted and placed to sit just slightly out of line, just a little too close to the fire?
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anachronic-cobra · 27 days
Coworker: you feeling alright?
Me, internally: my chronic pain is so bad I would legitimately rather break my own arm if it meant the rest would go away but because I'm still doing my job no one will believe that
Me: haha yeah just can't wait for the day to end yk?
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friendly-jester · 1 month
mom confessed to me that she's extremely depressed/suicidal and i don't know how to help which makes me wanna throw up lol
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ananxiousgenz · 2 months
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-> Be us
-> Have two stimboard blogs we've followed for months and love a lot, and only just realize that they have a main linked/their stim blogs are a side blog.
-> Wonder "oh hey I wonder if they'd have anything we'd like there too/if we can be mutuals"
-> Their main has reblogs of zionists "debunking false accusations" made about Israel's inhumane war crimes (literally the top post was an rb'd "debunk" of the invasion to get 4 Hamas hostages by disguising as an aid/soap truck and committed dilfry [is it that or dipfry? It's impersonation of medical/aid personnel] to do so, killing 200 or so Palestinians).
-> Unfollow/block and sit seething in rage for several minutes.
#C.C. posts#My god fuck ANYONE who continues trying to defend the horrid shit happening overseas. Especially when the evidence is right in front of you#I understand wanting people to double-check their sources for bias/propaganda (and antisemitism; remember you are not immune to buying it).#But there is a huge difference between that and spreading your OWN propaganda and lies in the name of what you believe in.#I realize we have been quiet about this aside from having a masterpost of resources linked in our pinned#But our quiet is NOT ignorance or complacency. We have really bad mental health and a lot going on externally that requires constant-#-attention and drains us.#If you support the genocide overseas for whatever reason; get the fuck out. I hope the door hits you as you leave.#NO ONE should have had to die to begin with. But the fact zionists TO THIS DAY keep preaching about Oct 7th as their reason for their pov#is sickening.#Regardless of where you live or are from; supporting a genocide is a damned and horrible thing to do.#And the fact others also use it as an excuse to be antisemitic pricks is even worse?? Like dear god guys. Please unlearn your biases#and conflations toward different cultures and religions. PLEASE.#Just because someone is of that religion or lives in a certain place doesn't automatically mean they're evil! PLEASE stop conflating my god#Sorry for the rant in the tags we've had. A lot on our mind about all of this admittedly.#current events#anyways free palestine now and forever#Please check out the masterpost we have pinned and donate if you're able#If you can't just do your best to learn as you go (as we have been) and please take care of yourselves#Stars knows this is all hard and heavy as fuck. Take as many breaks as you need. Silence does not mean ignorance or complacency.#I wish the internet would remember this more often; especially when it comes to us mentally disabled folks.#vents from the void ¤
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