#vernon's sister
noideasforausername · 5 months
two flowers.
description: the Evans' sisters relationship viewed through Petunia's lens. canon compliant for the most part.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: angst, angst and more angst. also not super proofread, I wrote this spontaneously on a random afternoon.
When Petunia was born, her mother pointed out her pink cheeks, deciding to name her after the pretty petunia bush that had been growing in their back garden. She was showered with love and adoration by her parents, both completely enamored by her every move.  
Just before her second birthday, her mother’s attention seemed to shift towards her belly. Petunia started noticing the small but substantial lack of displays of affection she would normally receive; so, she cried a bit harder and yelled a bit louder.  
On the 30th of January 1960, Petunia woke up in an unknown bed. She shivered, gripped the covers tighter and brought them up to her face - just like the princesses in her fairytale books would do. Her parents had left her with their next-door neighbour: Miss Gertrude. Miss Gertrude smelled like an old lady and kept an absurd number of cat pictures on display in every room. Miss Gertrude did not pay attention to her at all. Nor did she take notice of how hard she cried, or how loud she yelled. 
They nicknamed her Lilybud, because she was as innocent and pure as the flower her mother had planted right next to the petunia bush in their garden. Lily was born with bright green eyes and a fiery tuft of red hair – their mother’s hair. Lily did not need to cry or yell, because anyone who met her would become instantly enraptured by her striking features: her round, angelic face, adorned with carefully placed freckles. Where Lily was soft, Petunia was sharp.
Their mother would insist she didn’t have a favorite. Petunia couldn’t help but notice how during family dinners, everyone’s eyes seemed glued to Lily, how hard they’d laugh at Lily’s jokes, or how their eyes glossed over when they looked at her – like she was occupying the time they could’ve spent looking at Lily. 
When she was nine, Petunia stole her mother’s eyeliner and climbed into the sink to better look in the mirror. She tried to draw freckles on her face. Her father caught her and laughed. The freckles morphed into black tearstains on her small face. 
On her thirteenth birthday, Petunia had been called plain. She entered her school’s building with a smile on her face, wearing her best dress; she exited in tears, with Lily close behind her. That night she cried in Lily’s lap.  
On Lily’s following birthday – her eleventh birthday – their mother had insisted that her daughter stay home from school, because she deserved it. Petunia sat in her favorite armchair, the one in the corner of the living room, with a crooked party hat on her head. She was eating a ridiculously large slice of cake in silence when an unexpected knock sounded on the door. By the end of the night, miss Gertrude had called the police to complain about the noise coming from the Evans’ household.  
On the 1st of September 1971, Petunia watched her parents cry harder than ever before as her sister boarded the Hogwarts Express. 
Every summer since that day everybody witnessed Lilybud grow into a perfectly delicate Lily flower – similar to the one that had started overshadowing the withering petunia bush in the Evans’ garden. 
Lily was magical. Lily was special. Petunia was not. 
During her final year of high school, Petunia’s parents asked her to pick Lily up from the train station. Petunia arrived half an hour earlier. She spotted the familiar platform and stopped in her tracks. She flung herself into the nearest bathroom and cried for twenty-five minutes, before finally drying her eyes and stepping through the invisible platform to welcome her sister. 
“Pet!” Lily would yell when she saw her. Petunia wondered whether her sweet tone of voice was the only thing counteracting the venom of the word. 
Later that year, she met Vernon.  
Vernon who made her feel special from their very first meeting. Not because he’d done anything particularly extraordinary, but because he looked her way... and saw her - not Lily’s sister, just her. 
Vernon was a simple man. He was direct, and wanted a typical, ordinary life.  
Petunia was standing in their shared apartment when an owl flew through the open window and landed next to her. Reluctantly opening Lily’s letter, she was met by a moving picture of her and her friends - a ‘missing you’ sloppily written on the back. When Vernon glanced at the picture, he’d disdainfully rolled his eyes. Petunia knew he was the one then. 
When Petunia told her parents she was pregnant, they’d toasted the occasion, and she basked in their proud glares. That lasted about a month, until Lily sent word of her own pregnancy – for which their parents threw a big neighborhood party.  
When Dudley was born, Petunia gained a new purpose. She’d allowed Vernon to name him after his own grandfather, overlooking something so insignificant as the name of her child. Because he was her child. And she’d make sure he felt as special as he deserved to. Despite not being extraordinary. 
When Vernon had broached the subject of having another child, Petunia stopped talking to him for a week. She’d told him she’d rather have her tubes tied than risk the possibility of Dudley getting a sibling, and the subject was dropped. 
On Halloween Eve 1981, Petunia almost stepped on a child. She read the letter in its grip and leaned against the doorframe, not trusting her feet for support.  
Minutes later, after briefly informing a red-faced Vernon of this new household addition, she locked herself in her room, desperately digging through her closet. 
When the hard oak of the box grazed her fingertips, she pulled it out and struggled with the rusty lock. She crumbled to the ground and lay there silently sobbing, surrounded by the few objects Lily had magicked for her over the years – most of them lying there, now unmoving. 
After Lily’s funeral, Petunia went into the backyard of her childhood home, and kneeled next to the petunia bush that had withered due to a lack of sun and water. She unearthed the still-intact lily flower and travelled with it in her hands through the long bus commute. It was the first time she hadn’t minded people’s stares.
The flower still grows, to this day, at the base of Lily’s grave.  
Harry Potter grew up wondering why Petunia rarely looked him in the eye. Her eyes always seemed to fixate on his admittedly messy hair, just above his brows, often followed by a comment on how he ought to cut it. 
He’d once asked her why she kept looking over the fence at the neighboring houses and was met with a stern scoff. Harry had gone on to assume she was on the hunt for gossip. The truth was, she wanted to make sure the neighbors were keeping things orderly, or else she’d be ready to call the cops and complain of the excessive noise. 
When she last saw Harry, Petunia was standing in her empty living room. His footsteps echoed down the bare hallway and stopped right in front of her.  
Petunia finally looked at him. 
And after almost twenty years, she locked eyes with Lily.   
At long last, instead of the usual wave of envy, she felt a surge of pride overwhelm her.  
Harry had done what she couldn’t - he’d become extraordinary, despite being constantly outshined in their household. 
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thedevilsfamiliar · 5 months
I’m listening to this song and thinking about a universe where Petunia didn’t mistreat Harry. Where she divorced her husband and took Dudley and Harry with her. Where on Harry’s 11th birthday, she gets to walk through Diagon Alley with her nephew, her second son, and gets to witness the world that Lily lived in.
The wonder, the awe, her boys talking animatedly in front of her, looking just as amazed as she.
She has no clue what awaits her second son, has no clue that in a few years he will be forced to give up his life.
Can you picture her? Washing her dishes, Dudley doing his homework at the kitchen table, looking out the window and wondering if her kid is okay? If he’s hungry?
Harry Potter walks into the forest at 17 years old, facing the man who killed his biological mother, who threatened to go after the mother he has at home waiting for him.
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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ktysh · 5 months
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look who's here!!!
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remusbuzzcutt · 1 month
i always think about the scene in little women where amy wanted to go to the ball with meg and jo. THAT is petunia. she was bitter and angry that she couldn’t also go to hogwarts like lily did. she picked up ballet to try impress her parents, who saw lily as the golden child. but the attention never felt like it was enough for her. she got involved with the wrong crowd at one point and started smoking and the sorts when she considered herself to be a “perfect christian girl”.
towards the end of highschool, she met vernon, who gave her the attention and love she had always longed for.
whenever she looked at harry, she couldn’t help but see her own failure as well as lily’s. they both had the potential to be great, but it didn’t turn out well for either of them. petunia wanted a life on the stage, to be admired; she never expected to be occupied with a family.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 11 months
Lily was sick and tired of her sister treating her like trash. Lily thought perhaps there had been a time when Petunia was nicer, when they were kids. But now that Lily had grown, she realized Petunia had been nice only because she wanted something from Lily. It hurt, because Lily loved her sister.
Petunia had a strong personality, she had friends, she went to parties, she had always been the rebel girl. She had constant fights and tantrums with their parents. But she always got what she wanted. At the end, their parents gave in. Especially their mum who had a soft spot for Petunia.
On the other hand, Lily was sweet, calm and obedient. She didn't cause much trouble. She didn't have much friends and she preferred to stay home and read a book than going out. Lily had a nice relationship with her parents. She liked spending time with them. And perhaps that made her boring, like Petunia said.
There were times when the two sisters got along. But when Petunia was in a bad mood, it was impossible to talk to her.
"Nobody gets me. Nobody understands" Petunia used to cry "I have issues as well. Mum and dad don't pay me attention like they do to you"
When Petunia said things like that, Lily felt guilty. She didn't want to be the favorite child. She didn't want Petunia to hate her.
Lily needed to take advantage of the times when Petunia was in a good mood and she wanted to spend time with Lily. It was a good sign that Petunia wanted to spend her 22nd birthday with Lily.
"Of course I want you here, Lily" she had said over the phone "You are my sister after all, right?"
Lily's heart was filled with joy and hope. So she really got excited about that birthday dinner. Lily bought Petunia something nice, something she would like as a present. And she also spent the whole day choosing the perfect outfit.
"You look gorgeous, love" James said when he saw her. Honestly, she could never do this without him.
"Thanks..." Lily swallowed "Do you think I look too elegant with this dress? Petunia said it was something casual..."
"You look perfect, Lily" James squeezed her hand "I love that dress"
Lily bit her lip "It is the first birthday I actually spend with her in 7 years. I've been at Hogwarts and I couldn't go home. Of course I called her and made sure my parents gave her the present I prepared for her... But I feel awful for not actually being there... And now that we graduated I can finally spend her birthday with her... So of course I am nervous... "
"Lily..." James grabbed her face "It's not like you didn't want to be with her. We lived in a boarding school in fucking Scotland. It's not your fault... And she is your sister. You don't have to be nervous"
Lily sighed "I want to show her how much I care"
"I think that what you do for her is more than enough"
It wasn't the first time Lily visited Petunia and Vernon's place. She went there to help them move in last year. And she had been there a couple of times with her mum. But it was the first time she came here with James.
The house was big and pretty elegant. Vernon's family had a lot of money. And even if James was as rich or even richer, he still was surprised.
"Woow! You have a nice place, Petunia"
"Yeah, it's alright" Petunia shrugged "I am glad you could come"
Lily smiled when Petunia hugged her.
"Happy Birthday, Tuney!" Lily gave her her present.
"Thank you, Lily" Petunia gave her a small smile. But she didn't open the present, she put it aside.
"How does it feel to be a year older?" James asked trying to make a joke.
"Yeah, thank you for reminding me I am getting old..."
"I mean you look great" James chuckled nervously "Each year more beautiful"
Petunia raised an eyebrow.
"Stop flirting with my sister, James" Lily joked as well.
"Okay" James shrugged, laughing a little.
But Petunia didn't find it funny.
"Please come in" she said "Vernon and his friends are in the living room"
"Thank you"
James and Lily stepped in.
"Why are you wearing an apron?" Lily asked her sister.
"I am making dinner"
"You're cooking? On your birthday?"
"What is the big deal, Lily?" Petunia shrugged "I like to cook"
Lily had promised herself to not make Petunia angry and actually have a good time together on her birthday. Like sisters should.
"Do you need any help?"
James always a gentleman. Lily adored him.
"Lily can help me" Petunia said and Lily smiled "James, men are drinking in the living room. You should join them"
James and Lily exchanged looks.
"Really, I have no problem in helping. They say I am a great chef"
"Great chef?" Lily snorted "How about that chocolate tart that exploded on your mum's kitchen?"
"I don't know what are you talking about"
Lily laughed "Poor Effie had to clean that up for weeks"
"Sirius and I told you that in confidence, Lily"
Lily giggled.
Petunia faked a smile.
"Let's get you to see Vernon first"
Lily and James tried to fit in with Petunia and Vernon's circle. It wasn't easy.
James made conversation with most of the people there. He was always nice. He had the capacity of making everyone like him. Not like Lily who tried so hard and ended up being weird anyway.
Lily felt like a fish out of the sea. But luckily, James was there to make things easier. He held her hand. He whispered in her ear how beautiful she was. And he made fun of people's ways of talking. That made Lily laugh.
"Potter, let me get you a drink" Vernon said, patting his shoulder.
"Oh! Cheers, Vernon" he smiled "A beer is fine"
"A beer?" Vernon laughed and his male friends did as well "Let me get you a real drink.... I have the best whiskey around Europe"
"Oh, cool..."
"You have to see my bar" Vernon added, expecting James to follow him.
James looked at Lily.
"It's okay, babe. Go" she smiled, although she didn't want James to leave "I'll see if Tuney needs help"
"Okay" James kissed her cheek before following Vernon and his mates.
Lily gave James a sweet smile. At least Vernon was being nice with him. Not like last time.
Lily was forced to go to the kitchen where all the women where.
Lily learned that Petunia's friends liked to stay in the kitchen to gossip about their partners. It was mostly girl talk about men. Lily tried to chat with them but she didn't know these people very well. She wished she could be with James. Lily wondered how bored he would be with Vernon and the others. Although James Potter never got bored. He was the life of the party everywhere he went.
"Your boyfriend is nice, Lily" Marge said as she served herself some wine.
Lily didn't like Vernon's sister. She had been a bitch to Lily even since they met. Always putting her down.
"Oh... Yeah he is amazing" Lily said as she continued chopping some carrots.
"I always thought you would end up with that creepy friends of yours..."
Lily stopped cutting the carrots.
"Marge..." Petunia warned.
"Oh, the one with greasy hair and big nose?" Marge continued anyway "What was his name again?"
"Severus..." Lily whispered. She didn't want to remember everything Severus did to her, how much he had lied and manipulated her. It hurt to say his name.
"Severus, right!" Marge nodded "Was he your boyfriend?"
"Lily has an ex?" One of Petunia's friends asked. Ruth. "Didn't you say, Tuney, that Potter was her first boyfriend?"
"Honestly, Lily didn't deserve that wanker"
Lily was happy that Petunia defended her. She had always hated Severus. She had always warned Lily about him and she didn't listen.
"Well, who would've thought that you would end up with a cutie like Potter" Marge said.
Lily was disgusted and jealous.
"And he has his own company, that's a plus" Ruth added, with a wink.
"His father owns the company... So.."
"Same thing" Ruth giggled "Does he have cute single friends for you to introduce us?"
Lily almost laughed thinking about Sirius and Remus, and how they were so gay for each other. And there was Peter, he was single... But Peter deserved someone better than these bitches.
"Ruth!" Petunia laughed "I thought you had Paul"
"He doesn't have to know" Ruth laughed like a pig. That Paul lad was with Vernon and the rest downstairs.
"And I meant it for Nancy here"
Nancy was nice. Lily didn't understand why would she be part of that group. She barely spoke but she was always good with Lily. Apparently the fact that she didn't have a boyfriend bothered her friends.
"I'm fine by myself"
"Honestly you didn't like anyone of Vernon's friends, perhaps you would like James' friends" Ruth tutted.
Marge nodded, then she leaned towards Lily "I checked your boyfriend's social media and look at this gorgeous friend of his" she showed them a picture of Sirius "Tell me he is single, Lily!"
Lily almost told them he had a boyfriend, just to see their faces. But she didn't want to speak about Sirius' life.
"He is with someone..."
"Doesn't matter who she is, I think I will take her boyfriend away..."
If she meant it as a joke, Lily didn't find it funny. But Ruth and Nancy laughed. Luckily Petunia didn't.
"Marge... Could you set the table?" she said with scolding eyes "Dinner is almost ready"
"Sure" Marge shrugged and walked away to the dinning room.
"Sorry" Petunia whispered to Lily as Ruth and Nancy began talking about something else.
"It's okay" Lily smiled. She was so glad her sister was on her side "Dinner smells great"
"It's nice that you wanted to cook for everyone" Lily added "I honestly would've just ordered a pizza" she giggled.
"Lily, don't be simple" Petunia rolled her eyes "I cannot just give pizza to my guests... Are you insane?"
Lily didn't say anything else.
Dinner was torture. They ate with the boys but their conversation was only between them. Lily noticed that when one of the girls made a comment, Vernon completely ignored them. Nobody else seemed to notice this. Lily wanted to ask James, but he was innocently listening to Vernon speak.
Vernon's conversation with his friends consisted on football, taxes, cars and stupid male anecdotes about how he had wanted to punch men who had been flirty with Petunia.
Everyone seemed to find Vernon speech funny, even Petunia. James laughed politely but Lily noticed he was uncomfortable. Lily wanted to tell Vernon to shut up.
"Babe, the smash potatoes are cold. You should have learned to use the microwave by now"
Vernon said it as a joke. And everyone laughed.
Lily was losing patience. She squeezed James' hand under the table.
"Very funny, sweetheart" Petunia smiled and kissed Vernon's cheek as she stood up "I'll heat this up"
Lily was going to say something "Hey Ver..."
"Everything is delicious, Petunia" James interrupted "You are an incredible cook"
"Oh, she is the best" Vernon kissed her hand "You should try her meat pie. Isn't it the best, Lily?"
That was the first time Vernon spoke to her during the night.
"Yeah it is wonderful" You stupid wanker.
"Darling, bring more wine from the cellar. The best you can find. And more glasses"
"Yeah sure"
Petunia smiled and walked to the kitchen. Didn't Vernon have fucking legs to do it himself? Petunia had done enough and it was her freaking birthday.
Vernon continued talking about himself again. Lily couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and followed her sister. Even if James tried to stop her.
Petunia didn't seem upset or anything. She was heating the mash potatoes as if nothing had happened.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Lily asked.
Petunia turned.
"Excuse me?"
"Vernon..." Lily pointed to the door "He practically humiliated you out there. I don't like the way he orders you things. He hasn't done anything to help with dinner"
Petunia crossed her arms.
"Don't you fucking start with Vernon, okay, Lily?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "You don't deserve this..."
"I don't deserve what?" Petunia snapped "Vernon is my husband and he is a gentleman with me"
"A gentleman?" Lily snorted.
"You have no fucking idea about my relationship, Lily. So don't medle just like I don't medle between you and Potter" Petunia tutted "And trust me, I have a lot of things to say about Potter"
"There's nothing wrong about James" Lily whispered.
"Vernon treats me like a queen and I love him" Petunia continued "He is amazing with me. And if I cooked tonight or if I want to pass him things is because I freaking want to! I like making him meals and helping him out"
"That's not right, Tuney" Lily shook her head "He is not supposed to get used to you serving him...."
"Oh shut up, Lily!" Petunia rolled her eyes "Don't bring me that stupid feminist bullshit"
"It is not feminine bullshit!" Lily exclaimed "Is the truth! Tuney you might not see it now but..."
"This is unbelievable" Petunia snorted and shook her head "You cannot stand that I am happy, can you?"
"You are so selfish, always thinking about yourself. Because Lily must have the perfect life. Lily must have the perfect boyfriend. Lily must always be right!"
Lily let out a surprised chuckle.
"Selfish? All I've done this evening is try to like you and your friends. I wanted us to get along"
"Do you want me to get along with the person who comes here and talks shit about my husband?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "Vernon is..."
"Vernon is the love of my life" Petunia spat with tears in her eyes "I married him because I love him, he is my husband and the father of my future child"
Lily was taken aback.
"What? Are you...."
"We were going to announce it after dinner" Petunia interrupted "I am pregnant"
Lily didn't know what to say. Part of her was happy for Tuney and the fact that she would be an aunt. But she really thought Petunia deserved better than Vernon. She didn't like that asshole.
"I shouldn't have listened to mum when she insisted to invite you" Petunia said "You really ruin things, Lily. You are always fucking my life"
Now it was Lily's turn to cry.
"You only invited me because mum made you?"
Lily really thought her sister liked her, cared for her. She really thought they could have a good relationship like other sisters. But Petunia hated her. Petunia would never like Lily.
"You should freaking leave, Lily"
Lily blinked tears when James walked into the kitchen.
"Everything, alright?"
"We are leaving, James" Lily sniffed and wiped her tears away "We are leaving now"
James looked worriedly between the two sisters. Petunia blinked away the tears and took the smash potatoes out of the microwave.
"I better take this to Vernon" Petunia said "I will tell him you suddenly didn't feel well and you had to leave"
"Hey, Petunia..."
"This is none of your business, Potter" Petunia interrupted "Just take her home" and she walked out of the kitchen.
"Let's just get out of here, James" Lily pleaded.
James simply nodded. And Lily loved him for not insisting.
James went into the living room to retrieve their jackets and Lily's purse. He gave everyone a silly excuse about Lily feeling ill. Lily was glad she didn't have to say goodbye.
Once inside James' car, Lily broke down crying. James wrapped his arms around her.
"It's okay, baby" he said as he kissed her head gently.
When Lily calmed down, she told everything to James.
"Didn't you notice how much of an asshole Vernon was with my sister?" she asked "I mean what a bunch of sexist wankers! Girls belong in the kitchen. And boys are supposed to be assholes with them? What was that?..."
"Yeah I noticed that"
"Why didn't you say something?" Lily asked "Of course you don't care because you are a boy..."
"No no Lily... It's not that" James shook his head "I didn't want to be rude inside your sister's house. I didn't want to cause trouble. I thought you wouldn't like that"
"What did you talk with Vernon and the rest of his friends?"
James shrugged "Just rugby, footie and they asked me about my dad's company. Vernon was actually being nice to me"
"Because you are male. But he ignored all of Tuney's female friends... Even his bitchy sister!"
James grabbed her hand.
"I am sorry I left you alone" he said "I shouldn't have gone with them"
Lily laughed "It's okay, James. I know you are not like them"
"Aren't you going to cook me dinner tomorrow, woman?"
Lily raised an eyebrow.
James smiled "I was joking.... Sorry, bad joke"
Lily smiled and shook her head.
"I would never treat you like that. I will always treat you like the queen you are"
Lily looked down.
"I really wanted to get along with Tuney but all of it was awful. Those people suck"
James nodded "The steak was great though" he smiled "Not even my mum buys such an expensive steak..."
Lily smiled "Yeah the steak was really good"
"And you didn't taste it but Vernon's whiskey was really good"
"The wine was amazing!"
"See? At least we had a delicious posh dinner"
That made Lily laugh.
"You are the definition of posh"
"I don't go around bragging about..." then he imitated Vernon's irritating voice "my collection of liquors and my fancy furniture... Or my new HDTV.... Or my new fancy car..."
Lily giggled even more.
"Vernon's car is fine though..."
"Aah... Hello? I dream about that car"
Lily smiled.
"I love you" she said "I love the way you are..."
James smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I love you more"
"And I love how amazing our friends are, not stupid and superficial like them"
"Our friends are pretty great" James nodded.
Lily smiled and moved to face her boyfriend.
"When we live together..."
"And we have people over, let's not worry about fancy dinners and fine liquors and dressing up elegantly.... The important thing will be to have fun, okay?"
James smiled widely "Okay..."
"We'll order pizza and drink beer and cheap vodka"
"Cheap vodka is the best"
Lily giggled "And everyone could walk in the kitchen. Everyone will help cook or wash the dishes. And we will all have conversations, boys and girls. Adults and kids. Our house will be a welcoming place for everyone. They can even stay to sleep if they want..."
James giggled.
"And we will not care if our guests are well dressed or if they have a job, or a partner, if they are gay or not... Our dinners will be friendly and welcoming and actually fun!"
Lily smiled.
"So you want to live with me?" James asked with a mischievous smirk.
Lily blushed.
"Yeah, some day..." Lily bit her lip "Only if you want to"
"I love you so much, gorgeous" James gave her a sweet kiss "Absolutely I do! Let's get married"
Lily's heart stopped for a second.
"Don't joke, James"
James looked into her eyes.
"I am not joking"
Lily laughed "James, we are eighteen... I need to finish Uni. You need to go to Uni. I am going to become the best journalist in the country..." Lily smiled "And you are going to be the best Rugby Player to ever exist. And only then we can marry"
Lily thought about what she said to Petunia when she got engaged with Vernon. She was only 20 years old. She had a whole life ahead of her. She wasn't doing well at Uni according to their mum. But Lily knew if she found a career she liked, she would be great at it. But Petunia left Uni to marry Vernon and she didn't care about anything else. Now she had married an asshole and she was expecting a baby from him.
Lily needed to do the things right. Even if James was perfect and Lily was so in love with him.
"So I will get to marry you in about ten years till all these things happen?" James asked.
"I think 28 is a perfect age for marriage, don't you?" Lily giggled.
"I waited for you for you to date me for six years, I can wait ten more"
Lily hit his arm gently.
"You wanker"
But she loved him.
James smiled.
"Let's get you home"
Lily nodded. She was exhausted.
James drove away leaving Petunia's neighborhood behind. And Lily hoped her sister would be okay.
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Teen Wolf Motel California
So many thoughts about Teen Wolf Motel California
#So like I’m well and truly stoned#But like Boyd#This is like a crazy thing to be the third thing we learn about Vernon Boyd#We know he’s lonely. We know he was/is in ROTC. We know that as a child a CHILD his sister went missing#And they don’t even give us all the information about that! That makes me so mad#And Scott#We’ve been fed hints that Scott feels like a failure for three episodes now#And the kind of vision he get is SO INTERESTING. This vision hasn’t happened yet and while it is something we know he worries about#It’s such a specific situation. Why not Matt? Or Gerard? Why Duecalion? The first two have actually threatened Melissa’s life before#The goal was totally for him to want to kill Deucalion#And there were only 3 more deaths predicted not 4#How much of that was Scott and much of it was the Darach?#And then they put that thought in my head and have Scott consistently throw himself at dangerous situations without further addressing this#Ever again#And Issac#Every other time we see him a panic response#it’s like fight or flight (I can’t remember if those are real or not but for the purpose of language and I’m high I’m using them?)#But this time he freezes#Why#and like the whole thing with Ethan too#Like that just makes really neat implications about whatever the fuck the twin wolf mega wolf thing means#Like who has control? Is it equal? Do they know where Ethan starts and Aidan begins?#But like also I’m high and I don’t think the writers thought this much about this shit before writing this episode#It just gives me so many worms in my brain they are eating my brain oh my god#Teen Wolf
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snallavanta · 7 months
this might be silly but i miss jan/feb when nana tour episodes aired on tv every friday ☹️ it gave me something to look forward to every week and now i’m just… going through the motions
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stereklyrics · 2 years
Okay but... Stiles has a younger sister and Derek doesn't remember this fact, so when Stiles has to skip a pack meeting because his sister is sick and he wants to take care of her, he asks everyone "Where's Stiles? He's never late for the meetings."
Erica answers "His little sister is sick, he's taking care of her." and Derek's just like "Uh? Stiles has a sister?" and Lydia is like "Have you been living under a rock?! His sister is basically ALL Stiles can talk about!" Derek shrugs and says "I honestly thought that it was his cat, dog, whatever." Isaac bursts into a laugh and is lost for everyone, Erica soon follows with Lydia not much behind. The only one who manages enough control to ask a "You thought his SISTER was his PET?!" is Boyd but he soon follows the rest of the Pack on the laughing party. Derek just wants to bury his head into the ground and never get it out.
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spamgyu · 9 months
Why does it feel like the hansol drabble takes place at backburner!jeonghan’s wedding? Omg is this like bridgerton and vernon is the second season male lead let’s gooooo?!?! 😂
i've been caught red handed............
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chweck-in · 2 years
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221127 [IG] sofiaeschwe:
would you like some edamame?
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Around 1981/1982
Baby Harry: *crying* Moo! Where Moo go?
Petunia: What is he saying?
Baby Harry: Moo! Moo...
Vernon: Shut up boy, you're not a cow!
Baby Harry: Pads?
Vernon: I told you to shut up!
11 years later...
Draco: *teasing Harry*
Remus: *snorts* (randomly ofc and not to protect Harry)
Draco: Who's that?
Harry: *not even really acknowledging him* New Teacher. What were you saying Malfoy?
Idk about you but I almost cried :(
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japepperony · 1 year
Petunia and Lily relationship means the absolute world to me. I love their angst dont get me wrong. But when they're close in fics. And basically best friends. My heart skips a beat.
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ratquesadilla · 2 years
waste my time (chapter 1)
pairing: stewy hosseini x oc
word count: 1628
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43040553/chapters/108152808
a one night stand with endless consequences.
series masterlist - full masterlist
heads up theres a little bit of smut in this chapter
one thing no one tells you about harvard; the BU parties are always much more fun. 
maybe it was the fact that no one knew who my family was when i was under the dim lights of any of the shitty frat house basements on BU’s frat row, maybe it was the fact that trashy tequila always tastes better when its free. who knows? regardless, i was spending another friday night lurking in this sweaty, sticky, hazy, death trap. another weird BU holiday meant an excuse to go on a bender, who cares if i didn’t actually go there.
i melted into the dingy couch, pulling the pen out of my pocket and taking a hit. 
“can’t smoke cigarettes like the rest of us?” a voice said, dropping onto the empty space next to me.
“who says i dont?” i said, turning my head to the right and blowing smoke in the mystery mans face. “maybe i have manners and don’t wanna smoke in a strangers basement.”
“a harvard girl with caring about what BU fratholes think of her? thats a first.” he scoffed. 
“yeah well maybe i dont wanna get blacklisted from these things.” i replied, beginning to get annoyed by his cockiness.
“sweetie, with that face you could get away with anything.”
“oh really?” i questioned as i leaned my head on the back cushions and turned my body towards him.
“really.” he stated, plucking the vape from my fingers and bringing it to his lips. 
“do you do this with every girl?”
“only the ones i wanna fuck.” he said, shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“should’ve lead with that.”
“can’t blame me for trying to do it the old fashioned way.”
“whatever.” i replied, standing up and reaching to grab the vape from the mystery man’s hand. letting my fingers linger on his palm until he closed the gap and engulfed my hand in his. i rested my knee on the cushion between his knees, pulling his hand onto my hip and leaning down to smash my face onto his. 
“bold.” he whispered. “i like it.”
“don’t make me regret this.” 
“trust me sweetie, this is gonna be the best night of your life.”
an hour later i found myself sweaty and exhausted in my bed. the mystery man’s head peeking out from between my thighs, and my fingers tangled in his hair. 
he planted a kiss on the inner side of my leg, readjusting his grip on the underside of my knees. slowly inching towards my entrance. almost taunting me with how much he knew i wanted this. “may i?” he asked, looking up at my with a devilish stare.
“this is the second time you’re going down on me tonight alone, i think we’re past the point of needing to ask shit like that.” i giggled, releasing one of my hands from his hands to cover my mouth during my sudden burst of joy.
“just wanted to make sure.” he replied before diving into me, burying his face in my pussy.
“oh shit.” i moaned as his tongue began rhythmically flicking at my clit. in perfect time with whatever classical piece he was composing in his head. the mystery man was mozart and i was his piano, our moans coming together to create a symphony of sounds. i released his curls from my grip, reaching down and digging my nails into his shoulder as i reached my peak. 
the mystery man’s hands moved from my knees to my hips, holding my entrance to his lips and preventing me from shaking after the mind melting orgasm i’d just been subjected to. he lifted his head from the valley between my legs and sat up, the dim lights illuminating my room reflecting on the shine (no doubt because of what i’d just splattered on him) on his lips and nose. 
i outstretched my arms, beckoning him to close the gap between us. “babe.” he said, before wiping what was left of me off his face. “i’ll only be a minute.”
“whatever.” i muttered before flipping onto my side and reaching for my phone. 
“and here i thought we were gonna keep this discreet.” he said, standing up and hobbling towards the doorway.
“i don’t kiss and tell.” i scoffed, plastering on a mock offended face. “if you really must know i was checking the news.”
“what could be so pressing at two in the fucking morning.” he half yelled from the bathroom.
“it’s nothing.” i shouted back, plugging my phone in and outstretching my arms as he returned to the doorway. in all of his naked glory and a damp washcloth in his hands. “you really don’t have to.” i insisted as he began peeling apart my legs, in a nonsexual but very hot way. 
“i don’t know what the other guys you’ve been with are like sweetie,” he said. “but this isn’t optional.”
my breath hitched as the cool cloth hit my skin, the mystery man gently running it against every area he attacked earlier. 
after thoroughly cleaning my body he returned the towel to its place in my bathroom and began slowly slipping back into his clothes.
“stay.” i begged, reaching my hand out to grasp his.
“babe.” he said, hooking my pinky with his pointer finger. “i wish i could.”
“early morning?” i asked.
“breakfast with my roommate.” he replied, leaning down to kiss my knuckles. “can we raincheck round two?”
“more like round four.” i muttered. “but sure, i’ll see you around? hopefully?”
“i thought this was a one night stand, don’t tell me i was so good you’re just waiting for me to court you.”
“in your dreams, i just wanna keep my options open that’s all.”
“i’m sure we’ll find each other again gorgeous.” he said, kissing my forehead before turning towards the exit. floating away as if he was a figment of my imagination and lingering in my dreams as a slowly fell asleep.
his presence lingered when i woke up in the morning. from the sheets- stained with our sweat and desperation- to the rug- slightly wrinkled from how we hastily ripped each others clothes off the second we entered my room. i instinctively reached to the opposite side of the bed, expecting to hit an unconscious man, and came up empty.
shit. i thought, remembering our conversation from hours before. quickly being interrupted by the alarm blaring from my phone rested on the bed side table. 
“brunch with kendall.” glowing from the screen, sending a shooting pain through the middle of my head. 
a hangover? are you fucking kidding me. i didn’t even drink that much. i complained as i mentally berated my body for deciding to give me an ear splitting headache on today of all days. 
i pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom, a bit shocked when i realized i was completely naked. the sub par heating in my dorm doing nothing to keep me from freezing. yanking the medicine cabinet behind the mirror open and clutching fistfuls of asprin to shove down my throat, i tried to recall anything distinct about the man from the night before. i knew he lived on campus, and that he was a business major. everything but his name.
who are you, mystery boy. i thought as i sluggishly dug through the piles of clothing scattered across my room, looking for anything comfortable to wear to breakfast. eventually settling on the first pair of sweatpants that didn’t smell like they’d been sitting on the ground for a week, or weed, and a very obvious turtleneck. neither was what i wanted to smell like this morning. 
a second alarm went off from somewhere in my room, reminding me that i needed to leave in the next 20 minutes if i wanted to be on time. i scrambled around to find my phone, grab sunglasses, and a beanie to cover the unfortunate sex hair from the night before. 
“little sis.” kendall smirked as i sauntered up to the table, mere feet from the entrance of the cafe.
“jesus kendall did you seriously have to choose a seat outside?” i droned, reluctantly sitting in the chair parallel to him.
“what?” he joked. “you don’t love the weather this time of year.”
“i’m just teasing.” he said, waiving down the waiter for a refill on his coffee. “long night?”
“something like that.” i muttered.
“i can tell.” he chuckled before taking a sip of his drink. “that turtleneck is totally inconspicuous. pair that with the hat and you look like any other college kid.”
“fuck off.” i said, kicking him in the leg under the table. “you’re just jealous that i’m getting more action that you.”
“in your dreams.”
“limp dick.”
“oh my god!” i exclaimed. “you aren’t even gonna deny it.”
“sorry that i don’t want you knowing what goes on with my junk.”
“were twins dick for brains, i had to live next to your junk for nine fucking months.”
“maybe stop talking about my dick, my roommates supposed to get here soon.”
“your mysterious and totally real roommate.” i scoffed, rolling my eyes and casting a shadow of doubt over his words. 
“yeah my very real roommate.” he said, flicking his chin up to a figure behind me. “stewy my man, you were taking so long i thought you got lost.”
“calm down princess, i got here eventually didn’t i?” he said slinking into the chair between me and my brother.
holy fuck, i thought. there’s no way this is happening. lifting my head to meet his eye line, the brown eyes i’d stared into for hours the night before looking right at me.
i just fucked my brothers fucking roommate.
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floxdeloscolores · 11 months
How I imagine Petunia Evans, pt 2 (in my story Wild Children, and just in general)
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scurvyratt · 11 months
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I have so many more of these saved lol
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