#verse;; get your head in the game ( s6 )
lingeringscars · 2 years
❔give us more crossover dynamics laura, and go
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! / always accepting
mare & bellamy. also ryan. i'll be able to say more when i refresh/continue but i just feel like. vibes.
evangeline & lydia. also luna. yeah. silvers.
emily/ava & inej/alina/mal. i really cannot explain my thoughts on grish/averse and zombie apoc but it is always there. also ofc bellamy/harper/miller/luna. also eden/june. their canon is v dystopian and i think could easily fit into a zombie apoc verse
zoya & emma. i don't have any thoughts but more of our grisha x ouat thanks
nina & lydia. there is something here with their powers i just gotta figure it out.
the only person i had an actual thg verse for was lydia. so johanna/katniss/annie & lydia. god annie/lydia would be A LOT. bellamy and gale are like THE thg crossover, so katniss & bellamy.
cordelia/maria & emma s/lydia/phoebe. it's the powers of it all. lydia and cordelia make sense in a b/uffy universe too.
liz/isabelle & claire/jemma. geniuses that could explore but stay in their little town where they think they can do good. trying to discover the secrets of the universe. trying to help those around them.
ashley & christian. the families. their families. what they have to live with knowing their families are capable of. how that impacts them moving forward.
penelope & maddie. people who hear the horrors but aren't necessarily on the front lines. maddie could use some of penelope's light and humor.
shadowhunters x ouat. just hear me out.. the Other World. traveling between dimensions.. this is because i was thinking about lydia b & ruby. also i think jasmine seeing through the "mist" and being able to see shadowhunters... makes sense too.
isobel & prue. mind powers. i think it would work.
maribel & john/marcos. this is mostly just me Thinking they could fit into this universe
talia & kaitlyn. i just think a post game verse where kaitlyn was turned and her being Scared about everything but talia taking her in and caring for her <3
aliana & ryan. they could be in the same grade easily. ryan would Love her (as he loves everyone). logan. same deal as ryan. on that tho maybe lydia & logan... banshee verse.
kira & christian. i'm thinking about kira's powers going whack and christian always being in control of his own. fire and thunder. idk idk but They.
ruby & ryan. not being in control of their powers having disasterous consequences.
davina & alina. so powerful they get locked up. there is more that I am blanking on but like. hot.
cami & spencer. pll being supernatural adjacent. how desperately spencer needs someone like cami. how well they could get along.
josephine & christian. christian comes in in s6 because it is the best parallels i can make and it Works. but also that connection to the children of gabriel / his parents trying to usurp the primes for immortality.. the way this could trickle into their interactions.
rebekah & mal. i don't have real thoughts. i just Think.
niylah & alina. hiding parts of your identity. alina on the run... probably from nia .. niylah hiding them / helping them hide.
jenna & adrian. i just know they have flirted. i just know it.
faye/diana & jasmine. witches. i'll watch this eventually.
enid & harper. lydia. supernaturals. overbearing mothers in lydia's case.
spencer & sonya. i don't remember where you stopped but i think. they make sense in my head. a lot.
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
closed starter for [ @theshootingarrow ]
It had been a long day already and one Felicity did not really want to repeat if she could avoid it. Working at a coffee shop just to keep up the appearance of having a job sucked. She didn’t need to be there. She didn’t want to be there. It was below her education and pay grade level but... no one was supposed to know that now. No one was even supposed to know that she was Felicity Smoak. Married to Oliver Queen. 
No. As far as everyone around here new she was the single mom with pink hair that worked at a coffee shop to make ends meet. At least Argus didn’t put them in a place that looked like she worked like that. That would have been too much like her childhood for her to handle.
Wiliam was at home, waiting for her as usual, and all she needed to do at this point was get in her car and go and she could check today off of her calendar as another wasted one when she could have been doing something more. Something better. 
No. She wasn’t bitter at all.
She used this walk from her job to her car as her only scheduled time to feel like this because at work she needed to do well... work and at home she did not want William to pick up on any of her anger at there situation since it wasn’t his fault at all. No he was just another victim of circumstance in this case that got stuck with her. The kid was going to need therapy for the rest of his life.
That was the last thought she gave on the matter though as she reached her destination, keys out and clicking the button to unlock the door. Not noticing the shadow in her back seat she climbed in and shut it behind her until she turned to put her bag on the passengers seat and let out a scream at the sight in the mirror.
It was like deja vu-- only he wasn’t bleeding out all over her car this time. Or at least she didn’t notice if he had yet then again she wasn’t fully sure she was seeing him in her back seat or if it was just her mind playing tricks on her.
“Oliver!?’ She screamed his name as she jumped in her seat to turn around. Ready to defend herself in case she was just seeing his face but really it was someone else. 
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
Ship ask game: Ava/Finn/Zoe, Amira N/Dounia, nooreva or dealers choice of a remake version!Tried to think of some fun ones but feel free to disregard any of these lol
Hi 🔱 I'm going to do a remake version of Nooreva, but otherwise these are all great! Certainly less obvious than the ones I sent to you lol.
Ava/Finn/Zoe: Ship it!
1. What made you ship it? Before s7, my theory was that it was Finn who was Ava's friend before he got with the ganggang. And that was because Ava would bring Finn up in somewhat odd circumstances. And then Ava and Zoe became besties during s6 and I think all these connections are really intriguing, like there's a lot that can be built upon them that would help develop Ava, Zoe AND Finn.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? I'd say the fact that, even though the ship is non-canon, the characters do have all these connections that live in my head rent-free. I also like that Zoe and Ava are both affectionate characters, so I get to see them cuddle and stuff. And lol I also like that they're relatively underrated characters, so people don't care that I'm shipping a non-canon ship.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I don't know what the popular opinions are, but I don't really want Druck to make this ot3 canon lol. Not only it wouldn't work post s7, I just don't think a 10-episode season where they'd be background characters is a good medium in which to explore a triad.
Amira N/Dounia: Don't ship it (in canon)
1. Why don't you ship it? I actually did like the ship for the longest time. But then that whole storyline where Amira outed Kasim (when there were so many other things she could've done instead) and then having Dounia say on her last clip that she was trying to get Kasim to come out to their mom (when he wasn't even ready to come out to Dounia), was just SO straight of both of them, that I just can't.
2. What would have made you like it? I ship them in any fanon verse in which the events of s4 didn't happen. They both have their personalities, Las Labass, and Kasim is still Dounia's brother, but everything else happened in a covid-free parallel universe.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I think Amira N/Dounia is probably the easiest Muslim girl/Muslim girl ship to make canon, in that Amira already had sapphic energies before s4, and both Dounia and Amira feel very strongly about the other. Tbh Dounia's insistence that Amira date her brother is pretty much halfway there lol.
Mia/Hanna: Ship it
1. What made you ship it? I actually didn't ship them while s1 was dropping. But I rewatched s1 and s3 before s4 ended, and, if you know that s1 is going to end with Mia kissing Hanna, you actually can see how the writer was dropping all these little hints throughout the season that it was going to happen. Stuff like Hanna speaking of hanging out with Mia as, like, having a date with Mia (when talking to Jonas), Mia saying she doesn't think of sexuality as labels (which, good for you queen, but wish she'd actually talked of being bisexual tbh). Anyway, Mia/Hanna hints is one of those fun extras that you get when you rewatch a Skam season.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? I think my favorite thing about it is that I have no reason not to like them together. I have my issues with how Mia's bisexuality was handled, but, unlike Noora, Mia never seemed to look down on Hanna or judge her. They remained close through the seasons, kept hanging out together, and I feel like Mia truly valued Hanna's input in a way Noora never did with Eva's. So it's like, it didn't happen on the show, but it doesn't trouble me to explore it in my mind lmao.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I guess my most unpopular opinion is that it's not my first ship for either of them. I find Mia/Victoria more... Not more canon because Mia did kiss Hanna after all lmao, but more like the show was telling me "yeah, they're gonna hook up at some point." And the Hanna ship of my heart is Hanna/Toilet Sam because maybe Pablo Grant should have made different acting choices that made me NOT ship it lol.
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thegeminisage · 3 years
"Maybe I don't," Castiel rasps, fighting to speak through the blood still bubbling from his neck. The glare he gives her is unchanged. "But one of these days you'll have to answer to the Winchesters."
Meg laughs in his face. "They're just men," she says. "I took Sam Winchester apart with a thought. And I wasn't even the first one, was I? I heard about what you did, Clarence. How you stole all your daddy's toys and broke that wall in poor little Sammy's head. You'd only pull something that stupid if you had nothing left to lose."
Cas snarls at her, but the force sends him into a coughing fit. She stares him down with the sharp clarity of eyes gone black.
"I was willing to let them live, you know. They weren't getting in anyone's way up in that shithole in South Dakota, and hey, the Morningstar is gonna need a vessel once I set him free. But you just had to drag them back into the game, didn't you?"
1. “you’re just a man” is a line repeated twice in season 6, first from bobby’s purgatory love interest and then from cas to dean. since this verse deviates off s6, it’s a fun reference to make. 2. the way meg talks about sam makes me. insane. thank you
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
starter for [ @thexhoodedxvigilante ]
It was late, and she was tired. Work had killed her feet with the hours that they had her there today. The smell of coffee not only coming from the pot she just brewed ( mainly out of habit of needing at least one or two cups at night ) and herself thanks to the shop she worked at. William had asked to stay over a new friends house at school that he made. New school. So how could she say no?
She couldn’t. 
Well, she could have. It was a school night and he had homework but she knew he already had it done by the time he asked her. Not that she would have required it. Just because he had been doing so well and trying so hard to make this easier. He was a good kid.
She just didn’t know what she was doing.
A single mom. How fitting the daughter of a single mom becoming a single mom herself. 
She was just thinking about how she got to that point in her life without seeing it coming when she heard it. A noise from behind where she stood at the sink washing dishes as the coffee still brewed.
It was quick, but noticeable to her somewhat trained ears. She froze, listening harder because she knew she didn’t hear the door. Reaching for her phone as casually as she could to see if William texted her about coming back. He wouldn’t have been so quiet though. She couldn’t help but notice in the small apartment they had that he had lead feet. This wasn’t William. 
By the time she was putting her phone down was when she caught it out of the corner of her eye. The shadow of a person. A person in her apartment standing too close for comfort so without even bothering to look who it was she acted. Grabbing the almost done brewing, still hot, pot of coffee and flinging it in the direction of her unwarranted company before attempting to turn and run away.
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
continued from here [ @penuymbra ]
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"Okay. Not dead... that's good-- except I feel like death and that's not good. Or is it? It doesn't help that you look like an angel but am I really good enough to get into heaven? Or are you death here to take me where I'm supposed to go? You know what? Nevermind told tell me I'll just settle with not dead and stop talking." She rambled groggily. Her body was sore, her head hurt and she could pin point a few wounds that probably needed to be looked at by a medical professional  but she supposed Ivy would have to do.
"Okay..." She said when Ivy came over with the strange drink. It smelled strange but she only hesitated at taking a sip to ask "It doesn't have any kind of nutty blend in it does it? I'm allergic..." An after thought but an important one since she didn't think Ivy would go through all this trouble to help her and then try and kill her by an allergy. Or poison her. No, despite not really knowing Ivy that well just yet she felt like maybe right now she could trust her. They had both saved each other once now each at this point.
“What happened?”
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
He’d been working with the Arrow team for almost a month now. Barry had sent him here, originally - to act as an assistant, someone superpowered on their team. But it wasn’t for Team Arrow’s benefit. Matt had a lot to learn; not just about his own powers, which the Arrow team were pretty much useless for. They needed to teach him how to be part of a team, to learn to be - well - a hero. And maybe Barry was hoping that the presence of a superhero would help limit the amount of death that Oliver was responsible for.
So when he heard the crash, on his way to the kitchen - speedster metabolism - Matt looked up, worried. “Felicity?” he faintly heard the noise - was that her talking? After a moment of hesitation, he zipped at high speed, wreathed in blue lightning for a few moments before he appeared at her side. Immediately, he knew something was wrong, crouching down next to Felicity.
“What’s happened?” he asked her, dark eyes full of concern. “Have you fallen?” he queried, “Do you want me to call someone? I can get Caitlin -”
Felicity, still dazed from her fall, looked up in confusion as the familiar face came towards her. Matt. He was here helping out in the city. Yes okay-- this was good! Because she might not be the whole city but she still needed help right now! It just wasn’t good that he had to see her like this but that would be how she felt for anyone seeing her right now. She felt like she was a complete mess. 
“Erm-- It’s a little more complicated than that but yes. Short version. I fell...” she sighed, looking back over herself at the foot of the stairs before she looked back up at him with her cheeks only slightly pink from embarrassment. “Longer version of what I gave you so far but still a shorter version of the full story I have-- or possibly had a chip in my back that helped me walk. The chip is either malfunctioning, breaking, or someone let off an EMP that’s killed it again and regardless of the reason because it’s not working I can’t walk.” It didn’t take a genius to piece the rest together she hoped. The chip going out while she was on the stairs, her legs stop working and the sound that she made falling should hopefully be clue enough.
“Before we go calling the whole four teams of superheros we know for this can you... er, get me off the floor.” She flushed again for a different reason since he’d have to pick her up. “Wait-- my chair, my old wheelchair, it’s in the closet in my room I think... you might want to get that first.”
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
Open Starter
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“I’m twenty-nine years old today and I probably should be celebrating since its my last birthday in my twenties but considering the fact that I’m technically now a single parent with a husband in jail... I’m not in the mood to celebrate much.” It was depressing really, talking to the person who had probably come here to try and pleasantly surprise her for the day only to be faced with a Felicity dressed in pajama’s and looking more ready for bed than anything else. “I just want to curl in bed with some mint chocolate chip and a doctor who marathon so if you came here for fun I suggest finding someone else’s birthday at a bar somewhere where they are probably having lots of fun.”
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
continued from here [ @pulitzerpanther ]
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"Oh I don't need to take it from anyone-- I mean I never was one for the spotlight anyway. I prefer to work behind the scenes."
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
a starter you didn’t ask for technically [ @thexhoodedxvigilante ] 
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“You might be the best with your arrows and guns in the middle of the night running on rooftops.” Felicity stalked barefoot around the counter, plastic gun in her hand loaded with all the water it could fill. “But I like to consider myself a professional water gun sportswoman and there are not a lot of places you can hide in this apartment!” She laughed at the end as she jumped around the counter, pulling the trigger in hopes of hitting Oliver where she thought he was on the other side. 
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
Random starter for @thexhoodedxvigilante 
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“I wanna go on a cruise....” Felicity had said into the silence that had been filling the foundry for the last few moments. She knew Oliver was there, and the two of them had been working pretty much overtime the last few nights that she couldn’t help but feel the need for a vacation. She hadn’t meant for that to slip out though and as soon as she had said it she sat up straight in her chair, whipping her head around to him. Cruise-- boats-- water... that was how they ended up right here wasn’t it and not technically in a good way.
“I meant vacation-- In general. It could be on a boat-- or on land. Probably on land. Driving! Let’s go on a driving... vacation.”
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
Plotted angsty starter for @thexhoodedxvigilante 
This was different than the last time she had visited him in prison. There was no glass here. No wall dividing them as if she could carry him away with her even if he’d let her. No instead her and the other visitors were ushered into this cafeteria looking room with tables and chairs for everyone to sit at and wait for the prisoners, their friends or family or loved ones to arrive and meet with them. 
She had been picking at her nails the whole time, not that there was much left to pick at but it was better than having them rest against her slightly protruding belly hidden by the table and her coat that she hadn’t taken off out of pure fear that Oliver would be able to see right through her the moment he saw her. Though her darker hair that was growing out and lack of usual up do might have given her away she hoped it wouldn’t distract him too much before she could tell him. She was going to be sick-- and she wasn’t sure if it was the nerves or the morning sickness this time.
She hadn’t told him. She had plenty of chances but she was distracted and worried about whatever he was doing-- shaking all those damn hands instead of telling them what was really going on. She thought she’d have time. She thought they’d have time for her to tell him. They were supposed to have time... 
Now their time was up and she still hadn’t told him.
Too emotional the last time she saw him. The time her William and Cassi had said goodbye there was still so much going on what was she supposed to say? “Oh okay, you’re going to jail-- by the way I’m pregnant, congrats prisoner five hundred you’re gonna be a dad again!”  and it had been eating at her for days now. So here she was. The first chance she had to visit him... the first chance she had to tell him and she was going to tell him. She was going to say it as soon as he walked over--
And as soon as he did her lips parted and no words came out. Frozen in her seat as she searched his expression... suddenly too scared to say anything more than “Hi-” 
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
@chosexearth liked this for a starter accepting
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“We can’t have a crisis-- my schedule is already full!” 
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
@untoldtreasures  liked this for a starter accepting
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“What is it? What happened? Who died?” she blurted out just by the look on the other person’s face. “I mean-- did someone die? I hope no one died! I just get the feeling you got bad news?” 
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a-smoakiism · 6 years
continued from here [ @heroesmakesacrifices ]
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It had been a while since she had a nightmare like this. Her eyes having fallen closed only to restlessly be tormented by her own mind... tricking her into thinking that when she woke up she was in Havenrock. She was there and the bomb was heading her way but she wasn't worried about herself... she could see their faces, all of their faces of all the people she condemend to die instead of the original target of the missle....
And just before waking that nightmare morphed to where she was in her own room, looking out over her city, waiting for that bomb to still hit and kill all the people she loved. Torn with the guilt of the truth and the fear that this wasn't a nightmare.... waking up with a start from that feeling, gasping to catch her breath.
If Oliver wasn't there to put his arms around her the way he did as soon as she woke up she didn't think she'd would have been able to calm down.
She stayed quiet, gripping his arms, holding him tightly before finally finding words of her own. "I know... I know, I just don't know how you do it all the time..." She knew he had nightmares too, how could he not? She knew he struggled worse than she did and yet here he was able to hold himself and her together.
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a-smoakiism · 7 years
continued from X [ @cellobowsandarrows ] 
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She felt like she was having deja vu on multiple accounts. Surprise attack? Bleeding in places she shouldn't? Lying on her back unable to feel her legs? Yes she had been in this situation at least twice before but the third time did not make it any better. It was actually feeling kind of worse, like combining the two times together into this massive third experience that she already was wishing never happened.
She felt groggy, or more like foggy as she tried to open her eyes. Even though she was laying down the room spun a bit and it wasn't until she heard someone talknig as they approached her side that she had something to focus on and try to pull herself back together for.
"K... kate?" She posed as more of a question than a greeting. "Kate you have to go..." She struggled to say, not needing her to worry about herself if she could walk since Felicity couldn't right now. She just hoped this was another EMP issue and not... well... she just hoped it was another easy fix.
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