#very appreciated Mr Osborn
commissionsdarian · 2 years
That's definitely something to come back online to? People thinking I'm dead, and a copypasta in my asks from a Norman Osborn telling me I'm beautiful? Great way to start the day, though
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Jackie West — Close to the Mystery (Ruination)
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Gossamer song textures, reinforced with steel, that’s what Brooklyn songwriter Jackie West brings on Close to the Mystery, her first full-length album. West has been quite rightly compared to Julee Cruise, the narcotic chanteuse who barely breathed the Twin Peaks theme in the 1990s, and indeed, her airy soprano floats weightlessly over songs “End of the World” and “Dreamscape.” For the first half of this very strong album, West wafts melodies through the gentlest of arrangements, the backing flavored with 1960s baroque pop, bossa nova and lounge music but never overweening. Still, the songs become more memorable as they pick up weight and density, and that doesn’t happen until past the midway point.
Listen, for instance, to the way West’s cool, unruffled tone soothes the blues roughness of “Sunroom,” a film of ice clinging to bubbling, sulphuric hot springs. By the track’s end, she warbles a country vibrato over thick, violent guitar notes and corrosive solos, a juxtaposition of poise and angst that recalls the late, great Mr. Airplane Man. “Ruins,” too, cuts the sweetness of her delivery with grit, the drums and guitar mussing up ethereal clouds of voice and synthesizer.  And “Moose” ends by lighting up a fairly incendiary rock guitar finale under West’s careening dream pop; it comes in through static, like an anthem you hear on AM radio.
West has assembled a really good band here, starting with producer and percussionist/keyboard player Sarah Pedinotti a.k.a. LIP TALK and a sometime participant in Okkervil River, Cuddle Magic and The Secret Machines. Shahzad Ismaily contributes guitar, piano and synths, while Nico Osborne plays bass, and Adam Brisbin adds another guitar. They’re all very able musicians, with active careers and good ideas, but their best trick here is their restraint. Whether they are playing loud or soft, quick or narcotically slow, the instruments throw the songs into the best possible light. They don’t draw unnecessary attention away from the melodies.
As a result, Close to the Mystery is a very lovely album, which you can appreciate the first time through, but you won’t get to the bottom of it for a while. There are layers and layers underneath these dreamy tunes, and if they don’t push themselves forward that doesn’t mean they’re not important.
Jennifer Kelly
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Fire on the Mountain
Charles Xavier is a man of great wealth- One of the wealthiest, even. Most comes from inheritance sure, but he has his ways of maintaining said funds. One such way leads him to the office of Norman Osborn for talk of business and investments. All just an innocent business venture, right?
(also available here on AO3 if you want lol)
Tags: a bit of psychological horror/thriller (welcome to October :) ), character study
Tag list: idk who would even like this tbh lol. Uuuuuh @greenheart99 as usual, and maybe @samatedeansbroccoli for saying "do it" lmaooo
At last the elevator door dings. Copper in a sharp marble housing, they glide aside without a sound.
Professor Charles Xavier, founder, leader, and spokesman of the infamous X-Men floats across the overly polished floors. Not a trace of dust, nor grime, nor age, nor cracks- Were in not for the proceeding reputation of the place, it would almost all be too perfect.
Norman Osborn, perfectly human and yet infamous all in his own right- CEO of this very, equally infamous, corporation. His wit only outmatched by perhaps the sharpness of his tongue. A cunning business man. A savant in a building full of mere, meek scientists. A crimson devil in a suit and a penthouse, looking down on all the city beneath him-
And just the man the former is here to see.
Two business men, really. One seeking only to give to the world. One seeking to take for himself. Xavier has been a man of great wealth all his life- He has his ways of maintaining that status... and even more ways of keeping it private from the affairs of his other work. After all, he must.
The X-Men need his support. His focus. Mutants, need his X-Men. Humans, need his X-Men. The world, needs his X-Men. He does all of this, for all of them. The lectures he teaches. The business he conducts.
Today, he is here on invite of Mr. Osborn himself. A business deal. An investment, to be specific. But above all, a trade- Though only if he sees fit.
"Professor! My my, what an honor", Norman rises from his chair to cross the room. Every long step commands the room. Confident. Strong. Electric. He offers his thin, cold hand to shake. His grip is deceptively firm, "Well, it's not every day I get to host a real life hero in my office"
He beams from his eyes and his too white teeth- The Professor nearly fights the urge to squint as he politely waves the other man off, "Please... You flatter me Mr. Osborn-"
"Oh, Norman please-", he interupts with a humble gesture.
"Ah, of course. Thank you, Norman, but hardly- My X-Men are the true heroes to thank. Without them, I wouldn't be here myself", he smiles warmly.
Norman backs up merely a pace or two, taking a seat on the corner of equally polished, equally too bright desk. His smile closes from teeth to just lips, nodding in appreciation of what the Professor has to say. Charles has just barely finished his thought before the other man seizes the conversation once more. He leans an elbow onto his thigh, his perfectly tailored suit matching the every move of his strikingly fit body, and slowly shakes a pointer finger in the Professor's direction, getting more and more animated all the time-
That same toothy grin breaks free to blind his guest once more, "See, I love that mentality you've got Charles- May I call you Charles?", but he waits for no answer, pushing on full steam ahead, "I love it, because that is just the way I feel about my own- The brilliant men and women here at Oscorp... Without them, why I too would be nothing myself"
Norman goes oddly sentimental for just a moment... Then, just as soon as it came- the act is gone.
Mr. Osborn jumps up, walking slowly around behind his desk before taking a seat, "See, here at Oscorp, I believe it's about the team. Pulling together, bringing in the skills and talents and thoughts of every member- that is what makes us successful. The tighter the team, the stronger the results, that's what I always say. Wouldn't you agree?"
Push push push-
"Uh-", Charles' head spins at the whirlwind of words. He feels he hardly has a moment to digest them any longer then mere, basic understanding. Mr. Osborn, smiling still, moves from resting in his office chair to leaning intently on his desk. Shining eyes. Sparkling teeth. A tiny, most subtle nod of- "Uh, yes... Yes, I agree whole heartedly Mr.- uh, Norman"
The two share a chuckle, and at last Norman sits back, the pressure relinquishing the room.
Norman sighs, then nods almost to himself, "I thought you would- The way I see it, when your team is that close- well it really stops being just a team, you know? They become friends. Family, even...", he rocks forward, that same pretend, dreamy smile on his face. Norman reaches for a large picture on his desk and adjusts it just so- Manipulated in such a way to showcase the contents of it's frame.
Therewithin is a man, obviously Mr. Osborn himself. A women, whom the Professor does not recognize. And between the two, held in his father's arms, a young boy with a very familiar head of bright, curly red hair.
"You know Charles, family means everything to me... You said it yourself, without your team, your family- Who are we, really? That's just why I asked you here", he looks from the photo frame to the professor's face with a slow, knowing smile, "See I have a great respect for you and the work of your X-Men... That's why I want to help you take care of your family", he points again, accentuating his words as he speaks with fabricated understanding... Then produces a dense, manilla folder for the table, "-With a little help from mine"
Never losing that piercing, bright eyed, fatherly smile, Mr. Osborn lays out the designs and documents. Each one he talks up, every style of investment- every design of technology and suits, all better then the last. So fast, so loud, and so so bright... And yet for all of this mans noise-
Charles' head feels surprisingly clear.
Clear, in a way that only a psychic would understand. Clear, on it's own. Clear, in that he need not apply effort to block out the voices and thoughts of the world around him. Even with Mr. Osborn's incessant chattering and hustling- This room is so... Quiet.
"And here, I was thi-", Norman looks up for just a split second, working hard to hold back a displeasured glare. He works his jaw as he takes in the Professors strange, nearly pained and certainly confused, grimace. He replaces the friendly mask quickly, "Is... something the matter, Professor?"
Charles refocuses back to his host, seemingly shaking the tension out of his head, "Ah, pardon me Norman... I must have gotten distracted", he takes a moment to look around the room, taking it all in... But before the other man can get in a single word more, "You know I must say, this room just struck me as so remarkable! I nearly hadn't noticed the psionic shielding you've had installed until just now- It must be very excellent quality", he smiles innocently.
Without skipping a beat, Norman chuckles congeniality, taking a break from his papers to posture once more, "Oh, that? Yes yes... Top of the line stuff. I assure you, it isn't personal, merely a piece in the game- business, and all. You know how it is...", he laughs.
"I'm sure", the Professor nods, wearing a cryptic smile, "I suppose I'm just a bit surprised that a man so willing to work with mutants could be so defensive against them, is all- I mean, surely we have nothing to hide here considering we're all on the same page, as you say"
Norman's crisp smile tightens, the light in his eyes sharpens into a beam- but the Professor smiles insistently, nonetheless. So, he smiles warmly in return.
"How right you are-", Norman nods and reaches into a drawer in his elaborate wooden desk. He holds up a small remote in a trusting gesture- Were he to be holding his finger any lower on the device, the logo of Trask Industries would be given away. Norman chuckles and shakes his head auspiciously, his torso jolting with the laughter as it cracks his weathered face into a charming grin, "I like you Charles... You're a man who knows what he wants. You know how to get it, and you know how to look out for your own. I like that-"
Osborn clicks a button on the remote. Not a sound is made, but they both know the shielding has fallen. The noise of this world rushes to Charles' mind- A smile dawns on the Professor's face, but Norman speaks first, "We're a lot alike Charles... And besides- Just like you said", he leans back smiling, arms wide in an innocent gesture, "I have nothing to hide"
"Glad to hear it- I thought you would understand", Charles gives another of his small, winning grins, "Now, as you were saying..."
Norman perks up, back into business mode once more. He shelves his remote and turns the attention of them both back to the papers.
In all his years as the Professor- The man behind the X-Men. The crusader for peace between human and mutant kind alike. A man of policy. A man of responsibility. In all that time, he has made a personal code not to reach into the private thoughts of others. Not without absolute necessity. Truly, he wouldn't pry into the head of any, harmless soul-
But with this shielding surprise... Is Mr. Osborn here truly as harmless as he would have him believe?
A precaution? Perhaps. Necessary for a meeting like this? Well, that would be the issue, isn't it. Osborn is a business man after all- Nothing is ever truly straight forward in these things. Nothing ever without a double edge or benefits that only the house can see. The only issue is... He is no gambling man.
Especially not when it comes to his family.
Maybe just one little look won't hurt... He must be sure, after all.
Osborn does exactly as he has all along- He talks and talks, blissfully unaware of the Professor in his mind. Charles listens and nods along when appropriate, responding to statements where he can. The split of his concentration is difficult- but not impossible. As he listens and as he probes, he makes an astounding discovery... Against his previous suspicions, everything Norman says seems to be truth. The deals and promises he speaks seem to have no hidden agendas indeed.
There- Something about the new suits he's pushing... There's something in the way. A block. A curtain. A wall. He can't possibly get through without the other's mind noticing him, but... Dare he go through with all these agreements without knowing? Mr. Osborn has been cordial enough, even agreeing to remove the psychic barrier. Is it really that much of a-
"Looking for something, jackass?"
In the physical plane, all at once the room falls is silent. Norman has ceased his speech, and receded into his head. It would seem, Charles has dedicated a little too much of his efforts to concentrating on the mind reading... Where the hell did that voice come from? Just like Norman, and yet too different. In cadence and tone and yet-
In the empty space of Osborn's mind, all the twists and turns and fractured walls- he looks around for the source. Laughter echoes all around. Again, Norman... but not exact. Before he can wonder too long, Osborn's voice speaks up, everywhere at once, "Professor... You wound me! And here I thought we were having a nice conversation"
Just like that, footsteps click up from behind. Charles turns abruptly to meet them, watching rigid with tension as the business man calmly approaches. He's been caught.
Suddenly, the voice emanates from just one point- Directly him, as he speaks, "Did I bore you, my friend? So sorry, I've been told I'm quite the talker-", he mocks.
Charles swallows, "Sorry... 'Friend'. I didn't mean to intrude, but... You know how it is. 'A piece in the game', and all- The matter is, I just couldn't help but wonder what you so obviously don't want to tell me about these uniforms you're selling", he gestures loosely to a small, mental bunker off to the side, solitary in the nothingness of the mindscape.
Norman stops a healthy distance away from the Professor. He simply casts his eyes the way of the structure, "Oh, that?", Osborn waves his hand, and the walls fall down- There is nothing behind them but a whisp of smoke. It fizzles lazily in the air, then rushes to Norman's open hand. Once there, it materializes into a small SD card, "Well, I just thought since the suits are my property... I should have some information on all that's going on. Assets, and all that- Every bit of communication and camera data stays between the team... and also comes back to me. For safe keeping, of course", he smiles, and crushes the card back into smoke in his hand, "See? Nothing really... Hardly worth all this intrusion, don't you think?"
The Professor bites back, indignant, "So we give you a free seat at the war room, is that it? You surveil my team. Sit in on all our conversations. All our training and missions- And I'm supposed to just go along with it? To what end would you eve-?"
"Why, for all your brilliance, of course! Yourself. Dr. McCoy. All your fascinating X-Men and their mutations... So much science. So much potential- So many things for me to learn, to adapt into technology for my company. For my shareholders..."
Like a flash. Like a switch- Osborn's face twitches. His expression contorts. A hellish, wolf like grin stretches his features. A whole new voice exits his mouth, "For me-"
Once again, Osborn advances... Closer and closer still, that same, insane sneer frozen into his face, "Tsk tsk tsk... Poor Chuck, so confused huh?", Suddenly, Osborn disappears into the whiteness. That voice echoing all around once more, "You look so lost!"
Charles turns and turns, around and around. Where did he-?
A finger taps his shoulder. When he turns to meet it... A face, Norman's bu- No.
No, this... It's something else entirely. It must be. His skin is mottled and peeling, all but melting off his face. The flesh beneath is sick. Scaley. Green-
The creature of Norman's brain takes a hold of Xavier's lapel, the other fist cocked back, ready to strike. Then in that raspy, cackling voice he mocks, "How's about I show you the way out?"
Charles jolts, like awoken by falling. When next he opens his eyes, it's to the concerned face of Norman Osborn. No scales. No peeling skin. His voice is his own as he asks, "Everything alright, Charles?"
The Professor blinks hard, shaking his head lightly. He says nothing, but... The look he gives says more then enough. Norman nods solemnly, a far away smile on his face as he gathers his papers back up into a neat stack.
He knows when he's been had.
"Well, I guess you've seen everything you need to then-"
Norman shuffles the papers one more time, tapping each end on the table before filing them away. The Professor clears his throat, just as perplexed now as he was mere moments before in Osborn's head. Yet still, he manages, "Just so"
With the papers done, one of a rare few business deals to have fallen through, Norman clicks that button on his psychic shielding remote once more as that same, uncomfortable silence fills Charles' head.
The only thing left, is the sound of Osborn's voice. All the friendly, shining charm has vanished from the man behind the desk, "Then I think we're done here- I assume you can see yourself out", His face falls to an almost bored sort of annoyance, his voice cold and succinct- After all, what more is there to say?
This... mutant- is useless to him now.
Charles gives Mr. Osborn a tight lipped smile and a nod before turning to make his exit. As he goes, his mind races over thoughts of the encounter, with... Whatever that was. Like a madness, the Professor's head buzzes and rushes. What was that? Like a whole other being in the man's very body, it was.
He makes his way through the door, all but missing the squeak as a body rises from the office chair-
Could he be a mutant, then? No... Norman Osborn, a mutant? No, surely not- He would've known about a revelation such as that long ago if it were true.
The elevator's call button is nearly in arm's reach now. The soft click of dress shoes echoes across the empty hallway.
Well if not that, then....?
With the shields up, the approach is shockingly silent. But the words from Mr. Osborn's mouth come impressively clear, "Oh, and Charles...?"
Professor Xavier turns his shoulder, looking back no more then he dare. Norman Osborn, long and tall stands centered in the open doorway. He speaks no more, but indeed he need not.
Eyes unnervingly wide. Irises and pupils wild and frayed. Mouth stretched in a grin most unsettling. Norman, or rather, a man who looks much like him- raises a slow, shaky finger to his lips, eyes locked onto the Mutant's, even from so many feet away.
Norman purses his lips, finger held aloft and, like one would extinguish a flame, leaves him with a parting reminder-
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
otto octavius x reader
summary: at the moment you can't bare to be alone with your thoughts
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, mentions of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, nightmares, exhaustion, fluff.
AN: this is an 18+ blog as is all my work including this one. likes/comments/reblogs appreciated🥺
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"You look exhausted", a mug of tea appears in front of you.
"Thanks very much" you said sarcastically, you are in fact, exhausted, you were just hoping he'd be to polite to point it out.
"Are you okay" he asks with a small smile and with such kindness you feel bad for being so mean.
You take a deep breath "thankyou for the tea doctor"
"Please, call me otto". He chuckles, he gives your shoulder a squeeze before settling back into his lab work.
You sigh, leaning back into your chair and rubbing your forehead, taking a sip of the tea you immediately spit it back out
"I take it your not a fan of chamomile then" you hear otto tease
"It is soap powder in a cup and no I won't explain why I know what that tastes like" you huff.
"Sorry" you smile, really though that was kind of you to bring me tea, even if it was awful tea.
"You should go home and get some rest, take the rest of the day o-
"No!" You say a little too quickly. "I just, I gotta finish these reports or Norman's gonna have my head, or my job, probably just my job definitely my job because you know how he gets and -
Otto chuckles at your words.
"Mr Osborn is on vacation"
"He has been for 3 weeks, and he didn't leave any instruction about your reports"
"Fuck" you huffed
"really though, are you alright?" The concern in his voice almost almost made you waver.
"I'm fine, thanks otto". He gave you a smile before returning to his work.
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"Your still here?". The Concern etched into ottos voice bought you out of your daydream.
"Mm" you looked up to notice everyone else had gone home, except for you.
You rubbed your head in frustration
"Come on, why don't we go sit on something more comfortable"
"You know for a man with so much money you'd think Norman would get half decent furniture" you complained.
Otto chuckled at you again
"Oh, nothing, you make me laugh thats all" he said.
"Sit" he said, pouring out some coffee and indicating to the couch.
He sits himself next to you and hands you a mug.
" thankyou" you smile.
"So, are you going to tell me the real reason your still here at almost midnight?"
"Im just trying to get ahead with my work" mumbled looking down, you fiddled with your sleeve
Otto grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze, causing you to look up.
"Y/n" he sighed
You gulped
"I, uhm, fuck, I just can't stop my mind from, well thinking, and i cant sleep because my stupid brain wont shut off and when i finally think im done with all these stupid thoughts im reminded of something that starts it all over again and it's just one thing after another, I keep having graphic nightmares all night long and my normal distraction methods are doing shit". You almost yelled.
You looked away from him,tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"look at me" he tilted your head to face him.
"It's okay" he said, his eyes were so kind
The tears threatening to fall, fell and otto opened his arms for you.
You felt so safe in his arms, the kind doctor who would do anything for the people he cared about.
He held you for a while, tight, while your sobs eventually turned into sniffles
"Your coming home with me tonight"
"I am?" You sniffed
"You are" he smiled, getting up first he offers you his hand.
"Thankyou, otto". You smiled at him. Otto grabbed his coat and draped it round your shoulders.
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license-to-geek · 3 years
Changes Norman Osborn X Reader
Chapter 3
Pause here if you wish to read previous chapters, can be found on my blog. I am not savvy on tumblr (I’ve just recently learnt about the read more function) however I have tagged the parts as LTGchanges so hopefully that works ? Idk I don’t have a clue really.
Previously: reader has been having an affair of sorts with Mr Osborn! Although since she got powers after being bit by a spider she has been very distant from him! He has been acting rather strangely too and she has met the green goblin. Both are unaware of each other’s identity. They then both met at a gala, Norman was jealous of her and Peter. Reader and Norman had some fun against a wall. Reader dropped their suit (which was in their clutch) outside.
Please be aware of strong themes and a mention of rape.
Any feedback, ideas would be appreciated! I haven’t proof read either so apologies. Word count about 1900
"So what was you and Mr Osborn talking about ?" Peter asked her as they walked back into the event.
'Well we weren't exactly talking' she thought to herself.
"Erm, nothing much. Although he did ask if me and you where seeing each other haha !" She replied.
"Yeah, I told him he was crazy, we're just friends. And plus you've got the hots for MJ." She winked
"Like that me and her will ever happen." He replied a look of glumness casting over his face.
"Hey, cheer up Pete! I don't want to talk bad about Harry but if he carries on the way he is with her they won't be together for much longer."
His face has perked up a bit when she said that.
"You think so?"
She stepped in front to face him, and did a twirling motion and said in a sing song voice " and then you can sweep in on your horse and be her knight in shining armour !"
He laughed.
They made their way to the bar and got another drink each. She needed it to calm her nerves after her interaction with Norman. Although he didn't really seem like Norman anymore.
The night went by quickly and soon she was walking home arm and arm with Peter, laughing and joking all the way home. He'd managed to get some really great shots of the event so his editor would be pleased.
As they turned a corner they heard a woman screaming. Her spider senses started to tingle and she went to reach for her suit only oh shit ! Her clutch ! The screaming continued and Peter looked confused not knowing what to do.
She had a decision to make, if Pete found out he found out.
"Give me your jumper' she said untangling her arm from his.
'Okay ?' He said taking off his jumper.
She ripped open some eye holes.
"What ? you can't do that?(Y/N) that's my jumper !"
She ignored him and put the jumper over her head to act as a mask.
"I'll be back in a bit"
"What ? Where are you going you can't just -"
Ignoring him she ran towards the screaming, she stopped just before the alleyway started and peaked her head to get a good look at what was going on. She heard Peter in the distance shouting after her.It wasn't the goblin thankfully. However it was a man trying to advance himself on a lady.
"Come on it won't hurt" the man said, backing the lady against the wall.
The lady tried to push him off but the man was to strong, the lady was screaming for help.
(Y/N) emerged from behind the alleyway and shot a web, it landed on the back of the man and pulled him towards her. She couldn't help herself she punched him and punched him, anger had taken over her, she was fuelled by rage. She only stopped when she noticed a considerable amount of blood on her hands. The lady behind her was gasping trying to regain her breath.
(Y/N) stood up, towering over the man but not before taking his wallet and checking his ID.
"Alex Johnson. This lady is going to report you to the police. And if you don't admit what you tried to do, and they don't do anything about you, I will be back to finish the job."
Turning around to face the lady she offered a hand out to her and escorted her out the other end of the alley in which she came in, in order to avoid Peter.
"Thank you." The lady said meekly.
"That's no problem. Now go to the police station." She replied. The lady nodded her head and walked away.
She took the jumper off her face and wiped as much blood of her hands as she could. Now she had to deal with her other problem. Where the fuck was her clutch? And where the fuck was her suit ?
Having no other option she wandered back to the gala event. The cold air had started to hit hair. Luckily she didn't look to bad she thought to herself as she looked at her reflection in a nearby window.There where speckles of dried blood on her hands from where she’d hurt her hands punching the potential rapist. Once she got back to the gala she could easily wash them off.
She entered the event and went straight to the toilets, she went to pass the men's but-
Turning around she saw him. It was Norman, just her fucking luck.
"I thought I saw you leave with Peter" he said with distaste in his mouth. He'd advanced on her now, striding up to tower over her face, he was strikingly taller than her.
"Well you thought wrong." She replied, turning away to go to the bathroom only he grabbed her arm.
His eyes darted immediately off the dried blood stains.
"What's this." His voice was softer now as he brought her hand up to his face, gently caressing her skin.
"It's nothing. I have to go to the bathroom please excuse me."
But of course that wasn't enough for Norman, his grip on her arm remained.
"Did he hurt you?"
Something in his eyes shifted, narrowing at her own like an attempt to unravel her secrets.
She didn’t have time for this, she needed to get her clutch and leave.
“What ? No of course not, I need to go I’m sorry Norman.” She said taking her hand back and walking away from the toilets opting to pick up her clutch and just leave.
Again, this wasn’t good enough for him. He grabbed her arm again and pushed her against the wall. His face inches away from hers, she could taste the whiskey on his breath.
“Norman let me go.”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” His voice changed.It was rougher, huskier, with a tint of a growl thrown into the mixture.
“There’s nothing going on ! I need to go!” She nearly shouted. She was getting impatient now, if she couldn’t control her temper Norman was going to end up with a broken arm.
Fortunately he had eased his grip on her arms. He ran a finger gently down her forearm making her shiver at his touch. She rested her head against the wall in exhaustion with the night. It was only a few hours ago his fingers where inside her, now she’s nearly beaten a man to death and Peter probably knows her secret identity. And she’d lost her suit. Christ she needed a break.
“I’m sorry (Y/N).” He whispered stepping back from her. A sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, a hand running through his hair, disturbing the perfectly placed strands.
She remained silent sensing he was going to continue talking.
“I’ve not been myself recently. I’ve been under some pressure and I- I’ve taken it out on those closest to me.”
He opened his eyes and stared directly into her own. He looked tired, frustrated, miserable, conflicted, but mainly tired. Norman looked like an empty shell of a man. Like he had crumbled into himself. It was enough to make her feel bad for him.
“I care about you.” Norman whispered.
(Y/N) remained silent not knowing what to say. She noticed a throbbing in her hands, reminding her that swelling had began and she needed to put some ice on them.
“Before I met you I was miserable. Harry had practically moved out, always with that new girl of his and I was alone. Truly alone.And then we met at that gala and I knew. I just knew.”
“What did you know Norman?”
“That I wanted to spend all my time with you. Day and night. You light up my life. And I’ve behaved terribly. You turned away from me, I didn’t know why and I just lost it. I’ve done awful, awful things. Somethings I, I can’t even seem to remember why I did them.”
She had to choke back a tear, her heart filled with warmth at his confession. A wave of guilt washed over her, since getting her powers she had really neglected him.
“I care about you too Norman. You’ve really had me worried these last few weeks.”
“I know. And I’m sorry (Y/N).”
“It’s okay.” She whispered.
“Thank you, for ever you have said Norman. But I do really need to go.” She got up from the wall and saw him go stiff and a look of sadness appearing on his face. She reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“You need to ice those hands.” He nearly croaked, clearly upset with her running off after pouring his heart out.
“I know.” She smiled slightly at him.
“Where is it you need to be so desperately?”
“There’s something I need to find.” She replied
He nodded his head. “Your clutch.”
Her body froze. “How did you know”
“You left it outside.”
“Why didn’t you give it back to me if you noticed it had gone.”
“You where with Peter.” He sneered.
“What does that have anything to do with anything ?”
“I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“So you just left it outside?”
“Then where is it!” She raised her voice. His one dimensional answers where driving her insane. Never mind the fact that clutch contains her secret identity that could quite possibly get her killed by her favourite green smurf if anyone ever found out ! But by not giving her it straight away, Norman had just proved to be even weirder than she first thought.
“Safe with me.” Her replied nonchalantly.
“Well I need it Norman! Stop being so weird what’s wrong with you!”
“I wanted you to come and ask me for it. I thought that’s what you would do!” Norman shouted, his arms grabbing the top of his head in frustration.
“Why would you want me to do that ?”
“Because then I’d have an opportunity to talk to you again, to set things right, I don’t know.I told you i care about you.For fuck sake (Y/N) I haven’t done this in fucking years!”
“Done what?”
“Been in a relationship.”
“I didn’t know we were in a relationship.” She whispered.
“Maybe we weren’t.” He sighed. “I’ve been trying with you. Maybe not in all the right ways.” “Look, your clutch is with my overcoat in the cloak room.”
She felt a headache coming on, there was too much information to take in, too much had gone on tonight she needed to sleep.
Running a hand down his arm in a comforting gesture she asked “Can we please go and get it.”
“Yes.” He said.
They both walked in the direction of the cloakroom. Her mind racing with everything he’d just said. If she wasn’t so worried about her suit she’d have responded more empathetically. She might have even returned his feelings. The two of them reached the cloakroom and Norman handed her her clutch.
“Thank you.” She said, relief washing over her.
“Your welcome.” He replied, putting on his overcoat as the gala had more or less finished.
“I’m going to go home now Norman.” She said looking up at him.
He stared down at her, bringing a hand up to her cheek to caress it.
“Let me walk you home.”
She gave an unsure look, it might not be the best idea.
“Please” he added.
Giving in she said “okay” she really wasn’t in the mood for anymore arguments.
Normans face lit up, like a child on Christmas Day who’d just received their favourite toy.
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The Anniversary Trap
Summary: After Peter and MJ have to cancel their anniversary plans, a certain group of familiar faces plan a sneaky little getaway.
(Not all of my fics will be multi-chapter, but I thought it would be better to split this one up :) Any comments for improvement would be greatly appreciated!)
"Peter. . . Peter!"
Peter 2 whirled around to find Mr. Osborn waving him into his office.
He hurried up to where the older man was standing. "Yes Mr. Osborn?"
"Please step into my office for a minute, I need to have a word with you."
Peter felt his heart pick up as he followed him in. Had he done something wrong? Had something happened to Otto? Or was one of his brothers in trouble?
Mr. Osborn made his way over to his desk and motioned to the seats across from the desk. "Please take a seat."
Peter made his way over to chairs. "Mr. Osborn, has something happened?"
"Nothing major---It's good to see your face around again. Makes everything seem like it's almost normal."
Peter smiled as he took a seat. "It's good to be back sir."
"And as much as she would never like to see me again . . . how is MJ?"
"She's doing well. A little disappointed though."
The older man's eyebrows shot up. "Did you two have a fight?"
"Oh no, nothing like that. It's just . . . Our anniversary is the week and we were supposed to go on a trip this weekend."
"Otto told me he'd be on his own this weekend." Norman locked eyes with the younger man. "But you said supposed to."
"Our plans fell through. Something to do with the hotel and over booking."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a chance you two might be able to go another weekend?"
Peter's shoulders sagged. "Otto has a lot of projects he needs help with in the next couple weeks. It's going to be busy after this weekend."
"So you're limited on time?"
"Yeah. I don't want to leave Otto on his own to do the work."
Norman leaned closer to Peter as a grin grew across his face. "Then you are the perfect person to help me."
"Peter, I need you to help me with something."
"Oh? What could I help you with?"
"You already do quite a lot."
Peter blushed. He never could take compliments very well. He always felt undeserving of them or that he could have done more in the moment. And especially after his multiple stunts as Spiderman, he learned that a puffed up ego was not a good thing.
Instead, he let the question slide by asking one of his own. "Well what can I help you with this time? Is it a new project?"
Mr. Osborn leaned against his desk. "Well here's the thing. This isn't a science experiment that I'm looking for help with."
Two's shoulders dropped. "Oh."
"Don't look so disappointed. Besides, this is better than any science experiment."
"As hard as it is to believe, there are better things than science out there. Besides, this is something you can do with MJ."
Peter's eye brows furrowed together. "Huh?"
How could a request from Norman Osborne possibly include MJ?
"Let me back up just a little bit." Norman replied before adjusting himself on the edge of the desk. "Peter, I was supposed to go to a conference this weekend. All the plans had been made, but then the conference was canceled."
"I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Osborn."
"Now, here is where the trouble lies. You see, in order to attend this conference, I had to book a hotel room. But now that the conference is canceled, I don't need the room."
"Okay? And---"
"The room is nonrefundable."
"Well---gee Mr. Osborn, I don't think anyone would mind if you took a vacation for a weekend to use the room."
"I can't."
"You can't?"
"An emergency came up with industry and it requires me to attend quite a few meetings this weekend to fix it. But that is where you come in."
Peter was absolutely lost. "I don't follow."
"It's simple. I want you to take the trip for me."
Peter 2's eyes widened. "What?"
"Take the trip for me."
"I--I can't do that."
"Why not?"
Two stood. "Mr. Osborn, I could never pay you back for something like that!"
"Peter, this is not that kind of gift. The room's already paid for and it's just going to waste if no one uses it."
"I'm sorry Mr. Osborn, I just can't accept something like that."
"Why not?"
Norman raised an eyebrow at the younger man's hesitant response.
Peter 2 sighed. "Because I would constantly feel like I owed you something in return."
Norman softened. "Peter, you always do so much. Why not use this opportunity to take sometime for you and MJ? After all, this is your Anniversary week."
"Mr. Osborn, I appreciate the offer, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable accepting something a gift like that from anyone."
"Peter---please? If you don't, it's going to go to waste. I would feel better knowing someone got a use out of the room instead of it being vacant."
Peter 2 tightened his lips.
"It would be a big help to me."
"Mr. Osborne---I---."
The older man encouraged the younger to continue.
Peter 2 blushed. "I would need to talk to MJ about it first."
Norman smiled. "Take all the time you need."
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
chapter 2
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist\
Your attitude towards Peter didn’t change in the next few weeks, and he grew tired of it very quickly. He managed to level the playing field with the incident in the lab, but that only made you dislike him more. Always short with him or yelling at him for something negligible, you and Peter grew to resent each other.
You were leaving the kitchen one day right as he was entering when you heard a deep sigh.
“Is there a problem?” You turned around slowly and folded your arms.
“Nothing. You just always leave your dirty dishes on the table. It’s rude.” Peter shrugged as he pointed to your cereal bowl.
“Unlike you, Parker, I live here. I can leave my dishes wherever I want.” You stated as you stepped up to him, looking up a little to make eye contact.
“That’s funny. I thought all those years in boarding school would’ve taught you a few manners.” Peter often took shots at your wealth and upbringing, since being the daughter of a billionaire came with perks Peter never had access too. You scoffed loudly and stepped even closer, making your chests touch
“You want to talk about manners? At least I’m not overstaying my welcome in someone else’s home.”
“I live here, Princess. You’re just gonna have to deal with that.” Peter cocked an eyebrow as he used your fathers nickname for you.
“Do not call me princess.” You said through gritted teeth.
“Put your dish in the dishwasher and I’ll think about it.” Peter sassed as he got in your face. You glared at him before storming over to your bowl and picking it up. You angrily put your bowl in the sink, all while holding eye contact.
“No.” Peter shook his head. Sink wasn’t enough, he wanted it in the dishwasher.
You smirked a little, desperately wanting a rise out of him, and took your bowl out of the sink. You held eye contact with Peter as you opened a cabinet and put your dirty bowl inside.
“No.” Peter said, louder this time. You took the bowl out and held it up next to you as you walked back over to him.
“What are you a clean freak, Parker? You have a problem with germs?” You teased him.
“Nope. Just a problem with spoiled brats who don’t know how to clean up after themselves.” Peter shot back, making your jaw drop before you clenched it.
“Brat, huh?” You laughed sharply. “You better watch the attitude, Parker. I could get you kicked off the team in a heartbeat.”
“I’m not the one with an attitude princess.” He said with a deviant smile that made your blood boil.
“Don’t call me that.” You repeated as you raised your voice at him.
“Why? I thought that’s what you were. Daddy’s little princess.” He mocked what you called your dad as he tilted his head to the side.
“Do you really want to test me, Parker? You really want to go down that road?” Your noses were almost touching now and you were gripping the counter so hard, you thought it might crack.
“Baby I’ve been begging to go down that road for a while now. I’ve just been waiting for you to let me.” Peter retorted, hovering over you like you were his prey. His words made your scowl melt away and blink a few times in surprise.
“What? What are you-“
“Hey guys. Do you know what channel Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is on?” Bucky asked as he appeared in the doorway, holding the remote up. You and Peter immediately stepped away from each other, coughing and fumbling with your clothing to look more natural.
“Channel 6.” You told him, pressing a cold hand to your burning face.
“Thanks. Night.” Bucky nodded in appreciation before leaving the kitchen. You and Peter stood in silence for a moment, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other.
“I’m gonna…” You trailed off as you pointed towards your bedroom with your thumb.
“Me too. Goodnight.” Peter said quickly, spinning a circle as he collected himself.
“Yeah. Goodnight.” You averted your eyes as he left, putting your bowl in the dishwasher before going to bed.
You and Peter didn’t talk about the incident and did your best to avoid each other. He came in the kitchen one night when you were making brownies, awkwardly locking eyes with you before quickly looking away. You shook your head as you mixed the batter, stepping away for a moment to preheat the oven. When you looked back, you saw Peter picking the spatula you had been using.
“What are you doing? Put that down, you heathen.” You grumbled as you wrestled the spatula from him.
“What? I wanna taste the batter.” He practically whined like a child. You turned away so he wouldn’t see the smile that tugged at your lips, but he caught it anyway.
“You can taste it when it’s done. I don’t want your grubby little fingers in my batter.” You hissed as you moved the bowl of batter away from him.
“These fingers?” Peter asked innocently as he dipped his finger in your batter. Your jaw locked as you glared at him, all while he had a deviant smile on his face. You yanked the bowl away and set it on another counter before returning to Peter.
“You’re disgusting.” You scolded him as you poked his chest. “You climb the side of filthy buildings all day and you think it’s okay to stick your hands in my batter?”
“You took the spatula away. What was I supposed to do, Princess?” He tilted his head. “You left me with no other choice.”
“I told you not to call me that.” You growled.
“I don’t care. You’re not the boss of me.” Peter quipped, raising his batter covered finger to his mouth to lick it off. Before he could, you grabbed his hand and sucked the batter off his finger, aggressively letting it go when you were done.
“I said no.” You stated, wiping the access from the corner of your mouth with your finger, all while holding eye contact. You turned around hastily and poured the batter in a pan, leaving Peter a blushing mess. He gaped at you, eyes darting back and forth from you to his finger. A smirk rested on your lips as you put your brownies in the oven, not even needing to look at Peter to know the effect you had on him. You turned around slowly and walked back to him, giving him a sultry smile.
“They’ll be done in half an hour, boss.” You whispered the last word, patting his shoulder before leaving the room. Peter gulped, feeling paralyzed in place as the timer quietly clicked in the distance. He took one last look at his finger before rinsing his hands and going to his room to calm down.
You walked into the common area the next night, the jingling of your bracelets alerted Peter to your presence. He glanced up from his laptop when he heard the noise, doing a double take when he saw the right black dress you had on.
“Why are you all dressed up?” He asked, getting a little flustered as your perfume wafted his way.
“It’s called having a social life. You’d have one too if you weren’t always following my dad around like a puppy.” You effortlessly jabbed at him as you put on your earrings.
“Ha ha.” Peter laughed sarcastically. “Really though, what’s with the dress?”
Before you could insult him again, Tony came in the room and beamed when he saw you.
“Hi, Princess. What time is he picking you up?” He asked, making Peters stomach churn at the mention of a “he”.
“He’ll be here any minute. Can I stay out until 1?” You put on your best puppy dog eyes for your dad.
“You can, but I’ll send Mark 45 to kill your boyfriend.” Tony responded sweetly as he cupped your chin. You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm, all while Peter died inside.
“Boyfriend?” Peter sputtered. “You don’t have a boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, daddy. Not yet anyway.” You smiled sheepishly as you smoothed your hair.
“Can anyone tell me what’s going on?” Peter forced a laugh as he desperately searched for an answer.
“Not that it’s any of your business, I have a date with Harry Osborn tonight.” You said, sneaking a glance at him to see his reaction.
“Harry Osborn? As in Norman Osborn’s son?” Peter practically yelled. He couldn’t compete with a billionaires son, especially when you already hated him.
“Yeah, try not to look so shocked.” You rolled your eyes and but back a smile. “This will be our sixth date and I think this is the one. He’s gonna ask me to be his girlfriend tonight.”
“And if he doesn’t, Mark 45.” Tony booped your nose.
“Shut up.” You laughed and pushed him away.
“Have fun, Princess. I’ll see you at midnight.” He said sternly before kissing the side of your head.
“Bye Daddy.” You waved to him before he left the room. Peter watched you with a very evident pout on his face as you waiting at the table. It didn’t take long for you to notice his scowl, chuckling a little when you did.
“What’s wrong with you? Did finchel break up again?” You teased him as you glanced up from your phone.
“How long have you been seeing Harry Osborn?” He asked, a little bitterly, to your surprise.
“A few weeks. Why? Do you like him?” You wiggled your eyebrows time get a rise out of him, but his pout remained.
“No, I don’t like him. Why haven’t - - why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, sounding a little hurt. You looked at him curiously, not understanding why he was reacting the way he was.
“Why would I tell you?” You laughed meanly. “We’re not friends.”
“Yeah, but we’re like, I don’t know, family.” Peter said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at you. You stopped scrolling and looked at him with hardened eyes.
“We are not family.” You stated blankly.
“Yeah we are.” He shrugged. “Mr. Stark-“
“-Is my dad.” You cut him off. “He’s my family. Not yours.”
Peter slammed him laptop shut, looking red in the face as his lips tightened into a fine line. You looked at him curiously before looking at the ceiling and going back to your phone.
“Ah, now I see. Now I see why you can’t stand to be around me.” He laughed bitterly. “You know, I spent a lot of my time wondering why you hate me so much, and now I get it.”
“Get what? What are you talking about?” You snapped at him as you set your phone down.
“You’re jealous.” He released the word like a wild dog with a thirst for your blood, sending shivers down your spine. You clenches you’re jaw and stood up abruptly, making Peter jump a little.
“Jealous of what? Of you?” You laughed as if it were ridiculous, but Peter didn’t know how true it was.
“You’re jealous because Mr. Stark prefers me.” Peter stated, standing up as well. You were both leaning across the table now, angry breaths fanning each other’s faces.
“What? No he doesn’t.” Your voice faltered this time as Peter pinpointed the thing you were sensitive about.
“Think about it, Princess.” Peter said through a cocky smile. “He takes me on all the Avengers missions, he asks me to help him in the lab, and he made me a ridiculously intuitive suit to fight crime by his side. Does he do any of that with you?”
“He used to before you came along and ruined everything.” You spat. “You took my seat in the jet, my job in the lab, everything. Get your own family. And don’t call me princess.”
“Face it. You and I both know that if he had to choose, Mr. Stark would pick me. I’m the prodigal son.” Peter shrugged smugly as hot tears of anger threatened to spill over your cheeks.
“Thats not true. Take it back.” You stammered, not wanting to cry in front of your enemy.
“Why would I take it back when it’s the truth?” Peter asked with faux innocence. “You know what he told me yesterday? He’s always wanted a son. And guess what? Now he has one.”
You stepped back a little as Peters words cut you like a knife. He was unintentionally confirming all your worst fears and every word was a blow.
“You’re not his kid. I am. He wanted - - he wants me.” You said, voice slowly getting quieter.
“Are you sure about that?” Peter raised an eyebrow. That was the final straw for you as you realized you weren’t sure about that. You did think Tony preferred Peter, and clearly Peter felt it too. Hot tears fell down your face so you quickly turned away, wiping them on the back of your hand. Peter came out of his angry rage long enough to notice the effect his words had on you. His face immediately softened as he walked around the table to get to you. He reached out to put a hand on your shoulder and you pulled away.
“I- I have to go.” You said quickly as you wiped your face and gathered your things. Peter felt guilt sink in as he reached out again to comfort you.
“Wait, Y/n. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely. “I didn’t mean-“
“I don’t care, Parker. I have to go.” You barked as you slid the strap of your bag over your shoulder. Peter felt desperate to make it right, never meaning it to get as far as it did.
“You’re crying. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said as he held out a hand to you. He sounded so guilty, you almost took his hand and let him comfort you. You stared at it for a long time as Peter gave you a gentle smile, assuring you he wasn’t gonna hurt you anymore. You reached out to put your hand in his, but quickly changed your mind and pushed it away.
“Just shut up.” You said miserably as a stray tear went down your face. Peter retracted his hand, holding it against his chest like it might hurt you. His eyebrows knit together in sympathy as you wiped the tear, slowly shifting your eyes from his before leaving the tower. Peter stared at the door you went out of long after you left, feeling worse by the minute.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
I feel the same as the anon from before, lol. Your blog is very nice, and I can appreciate Xia Yan like you too.
I just recently read the Sariel date thing and was curious how Tears of Themis is approaching the romantic aspect of its storyline (whether through dates or each characters’ personal story).
Mihoyo’s really taking their time in building up each boy’s experiences with the MC before they jump into it, from what I’m seeing in the dates.
To you personally, what’s the biggest difference between Tears of Themis, Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice and Light & Night in regards to their romances and characters (specifically, in terms of their personality and backstories)?
I’m aware this is quite a long question, lol, but I think the answer would be interesting. Thanks very much.
Glad to bring some appreciation for Xia Yan as always! It feels like it's been forever since I've translated anything for him, so I'm glad to still keep up that energy...
Themis' approach to romance is very, very linear, from what I can see - that is to say, the sequence in which dates occur is basically the sequence of when they release, so that the romance is a very gradual buildup. In the personal stories, you can also see that gradual shift of closeness and passage of time. Overall, it's very organized, taking one step at a time. After being so used to how gradual Themis takes things, I was pretty surprised with how L&N handled it, with that particular Sariel date (which implies significant relationship progress already) or other stuff like the Osborn kiss card. So yep, I pretty much agree with what you said about building the boys + MC's experiences in Themis.
Hahhhh, my first answer to your question about the differences was... Themis has really really long af dates....... the other two have dates that are around the same length...
Okay, I kid, that's not gonna be my answer. I'll drop my messy thoughts below cut-
Let me stick in this picture from OminsLin on Weibo on her experience playing the three games:
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MLQC: "I'll pick you up"
Themis: "I'll pick you up, is that alright?"
L&N: "I'll be the one picking you up, got any problems with that?"
(comments on this post are also hilarious af)
This is obviously a joke post that doesn't represent, like, each of the 14 boys across the three games, but key points I can pick out is that Themis men are super, super, super, super respectful. They chug that respect women juice. They're so tentative and so concerned with ensuring MC is comfortable. In the meanwhile, L&N men are a lot more like, blitzing storms that do their own thing (Osborn, Charlie, and Sariel especially), serious forces to be reckoned with. I don't really know how to summarize MLQC boys; they generally show that respect but at the same time, are constantly doing their own thing, especially when it comes to the plot.
In terms of romance, I have to admit that I don't have the best handle of how MLQC handles it, because when I started the game, I kinda just read whatever I felt like without much rhyme and reason LOL. I do know that there is chronological order to the dates and a general progression to the relationships, though, like Themis. (But anyone, pls do feel free to drop any comments about your thoughts on this!) As for L&N, for now, still awaiting judgment because that hot spring Sariel date left me a little unsure on how much scope the dates we have right now cover, and if they'll be dropping dates at random points in the relationship development timeline, rather than in a linear method.
In terms of backstory, it's a little hard to say because everyone has fairly varied ones, and there are overlaps from similarity so there's not necessarily a large difference between any of them that I can talk about. Oh, except for Sariel, who's the only one out of the 14 guys who's over a millennium old.
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theshy1sout · 4 years
My never ending list of what I want to see in Trollstopia
(It's really endless. Abondon all hope you who enter here)
1. Broppy
2. Friendship between King Peppy and King Osborne Trash. And maybe their musical duet. (Why do we still call them kings? They are like super retired)
3. Barb's queenie problems. I mean, she'd still feel lonely as a Queen, I wanna see her befriending with her rock subjects. She would looks for something or someone that makes her happy.
4. Dj Suki big rising from the dead
5. Broppy
6. Something like a giant performance of all of the tributes (like in the "New Anthem" from ttbgo, when every main character sing on the stage)
7. Some epic ROCK VS CLASSICAL (like in the deleted scene "Breaktime" from TWT)
8. Pop trolls telling others their history and then introducing Bergens
9. Poppy and Trollex friendship
10. Happy Carol in the girl group:)
11. Riff. Just more cutie moments with Riff
12. Broppy
13. Branch playing electric guitar
14. More Thistle and Branch just being buddies. I miss them so much
15. Keith and Tiny Diamond rap battle
16. Branch singing and playing country in the cowboy hat
17. Mr. Dinckle being Mr. Dinckles (meep)
18. More details about culture differences between trolls
19. Cooper and Prince D pranking everyone in every episode and then laughing dorkly together so loud and so long
20. Dickory yodeling happily in the branch's bunker so the echo makes his sing so loud and breaks all of the jar in the bunker
21. Branch and Growling Pete growling together
22. Poppy taking care of Gary like a professional babysitter (or loving mother :))
23. Barb driving VibeCity xd
24. I found Delta Dawn and Dickory's relationship pretty cute. I wanna see them too
25. Did I mention Broppy?
26. More techno trolls characters. And big techno party ones again, please
27. Trollazart playing hard rock. And then dropping the mic and leaving the stage
28. Specific foods of every gender. I wouldn't be surprised if Rock Trolls eat rocks xd
30. Royals scrapbooking together
31. An episode where poppy tries to solve her problem and it's something in which branch is really good and poppy is really bad, but she is so stubborn and she wants to prove branch that she can do it on her own. She does not say anything to branch and runs away from him, ask everybody for help, just to do the thing without branch helping, but it ends by broke poppy sitting in the woods, tired and sad. And then branch walks in and asks what happened xd
And then branch would comfort her like this: "Oh poppy, you're not weak because you can not(idk open a pickle jarxd). Don't be silly, i won't stop loving you just because you can't do sth. To be honest, I really like helping you. It makes me feel I'm a good boyfriend :D"
"Cause you are :)"
"Yea, and you are bad girlfriend cause you can't open a pickle jar"
"Okeeeey, maybe I was a bit over-worried about it"
"Only a bit, hm?"
"Maybe more than 'a bit'..."
"And you know what else is more than a bit?"
"Your silliness. And my love for Ya"
32. Switch-tributes day or ep! Xd
33. Barb discovering snow and having fun with it like 5 years old child
34. Branch and Poppy holding hands NOT because they are friends, but cause they love each other and they are a legit couple, and they just like it and they don't ashamed of holding each other hands public.
35. Good songs, good remixes, some Skylar Astin's solos
36. Kpop trolls finding Dickory and Hickory so cute and fangirling them every time they see them and the yodelins blushing a lot cause of them
37. Some lonely sad Chaz playing sadly smooth jazz to yourself...
And then Barb walks in, tries to comfort him so she pats him so hard that his face meets the ground. And then Barb "Oh, I'm sorry, man..." And chaz starts crying
I feel weird that I find it pretty cute and funny xd
38. Broppy first date. Especially I want to see Branch giving poppy flowers or kissing her nose. Aw
39. Poppy and Branch all alone in their bunny pajamas, their funny pajamas, their bunny pajamaaaaaaa
40. Many references to the movies and ttbgo
41. Dickory's big trauma because of the Trolls World Tour.
42. Trollex's parents or siblings or a whole colorful and glowing family!
43. Kpop trolls gang and Bridget girl self-care night
44. Branch in Poppy's crown. And then he runs away from poppy with it
45. Barb caring about her dad. I wanna whole ep only about it
46. King Gristle and King Trollex big buddies' performance
47. Some romance between different tributes
48. Poppy sleeping with a head on branch's shoulder
49. More Smidge and Milton
50. Guy Diamond and Trollex autotune voice duet or battle
51. Satin and Chenille trying to dress up Barb on the Hair Bal
52. Riff hugging Barb in the Hug day. Or Barb hugging her dad without any occasion. Just because she loves him
53. Branch's 'the Giver' factory
54. History of Fuzzbert's adventures
55. King Quincy and Queen Estesce Estes Ensteece Stacy Queen of funk waving aggressively their head up and down, listening hard rock
56. Archer Pastry big rising from the dead
57. More Branch and Peppy father-son relationship
I have more expects than that but I doubt anyone could read them all xd I appreciate that you read this all and went on the very end, you're the winner
And as praise, you can answer this question:
What do you want to see in Trollstopia?
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revoide · 3 years
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                        A PLAYABLE ARC BASED ON CHARACTERS BY MARVEL COMICS                                             SEMI - EXCLUSIVE WITH @𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙱𝙸𝚃.
rather than a separate marvel verse,  this arc follows A CONTAINED STORYLINE that flows from charlotte’s current development and will have lasting impact her characterization after this arc ends.          simply put,  this marvel-based plot will not play out in an alternate universe;   i have directly embedded and blended the marvel canon into charlotte’s development for the duration of this arc.          however,  while i never revisit a portion of charlotte’s timeline once it has “passed” as her development has always happened in real time,  this arc will be the first exception to this rule.          with it having a definitive beginning and ending,  revisiting and maintaining plots locked into this storyline will be more manageable!          what follows are very brief summaries of the THREE CHAPTERS of this arc.          more information & drabbles will follow for arc expansion. . . 
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𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴.          after several months of working for a nameless criminal organization based in new york city,  charlotte has risen in the ranks to become one of the head lieutenants in the organization.          this organization aims to join in equal competition with the likes of other nyc syndicates such as those belonging to THE KINGPIN and HAMMERHEAD.          in the months following charlotte’s recruitment,  it seemed like they finally might be able to call themselves equal when suddenly,  the head of the organization is found dead in the backseat of his town car.          there is no obvious cause of death and the body inexplicably vanished from under police custody before an autopsy could be performed,  leaving the fate of this nameless criminal organization uncertain,  seemingly just another fallen young syndicate.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙾𝙽𝙴.          in the aftermath of their boss’ demise,  the members of the criminal organization feared for their future and safety,  knowing that they would be targeted by other gangs and syndicates;     they looked to their lieutenants for guidance,  but as expected,  a number of these lieutenants would balk against the chaos of being left without direction,  a plan,  protection,  and a leader while the threat of their enemies loomed over them.          CHARLOTTE,  ON THE OTHER HAND,  KNEW THIS CHAOS WELL.          while the rest of the organization suffocated on their fear and allowed the chaos to blind them like a wild fog,  charlotte quickly took control of the organization’s resources and insisted that the momentum they had built before the boss’ untimely death was more than enough to keep them going past this period of uncertainty.          AND SHE WAS RIGHT.          without asking,  but also without meeting much resistance,  charlotte stepped in as the head of the organization:     a newer,  much stranger,  much more dangerous crime boss than ever known before with a wickedness in her bones that bordered the unnatural.....
NOTE:     even once charlotte had become the head of the organization,  she did not make this information widely known either outside or even inside the organization.     most people believe that another one of the lieutenant,  a man named COLIN BRADY,  had won the title.
charlotte uses colin as a frontman and mouthpiece while continuing to pose as his lackey,  controlling and running the organization from the ground level among the others.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝚆𝙾.          as charlotte’s criminal organization rose in power and influence,  charlotte herself sought to expand her prospects and set her sights on OSCORP INDUSTRIES.        with a series of underhanded and manipulative tactics,  charlotte inserted herself into the social and business circles of new york’s science and innovation industry,  posing as a young,  up - and - coming,  and well - to - do business woman.          she was eventually introduced to HARRY OBSORN,  who she worked to grow close to and inevitably,  in the light of norman osborn’s death,  became his natural confidante over their shared concerns about oscorp’s future.          admittedly,  taking over oscorp took a lot more work than it had taking over the syndicate,  but charlotte had laid her plans out with a deep - reaching and patient precision that even the scientists at oscorp would appreciate if only they had any idea about what had transpired.          the company would experience strange incidents,  mysterious disappearances,  and several turnovers in staff and board members,  but this was all also expected following the passing of a CEO.          to some,  it was a shock to learn it would not be harry that would become the new ceo;   to others,  this was no surprise at all.          at this point,  charlotte olesen was hardly a stranger any longer around these parts,  and although she might still be somewhat strange,  so had been their previous president.
NOTE:     although charlotte’s presidency at oscorp began as a probationary title with the clear intention to eventually vacate the position once harry osborn felt more prepared to take up the mantle,  her new and creative approach to the work being done at oscorp lead to several early substantial successes that to some of those on the company’s board to suggest that her probationary period be shortened and even,  until time when mr.  harry obsorn proved himself similarly effective,  made permanent.
ADDITIONALLY,  it should be noted that charlotte continues to head her underground crime syndicate at the same time as she appears as oscorp’s newest ceo.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴.          despite her success as the new ceo at oscorp,  her winning of the title did not come with losses;     more specifically,  the losses of other people.          one such person was a head research and senior executive named ZACHARY JONES,  who had been vying for the same probationary CEO title charlotte won and was subsequently demoted to an admittedly insulting position in the analytics department as a result of her coming into power.          infuriated,  jones confronted charlotte during a board meeting and screamed that he would kill her,  resulting on his expulsion from the campus.          having worked at oscorp for over two decades,  however,  he was familiar enough with the building to sneak back in,  find charlotte working late in her office,  AND ATTACK HER WITH A STOLEN VIAL GOBLIN FORMULA.          given the uncontrolled conditions and the undiluted dose of the formula,  charlotte should have died and when she collapsed to the ground after a moment of agony,  jones thought she had died.          BUT CHARLOTTE IS NEVER WHAT SHE SEEMS,  IS SHE?          this,  zachary jones learned the hard way.          rather than kill her or corrupt her the way it did norman osborn,  the formula reacted unpredictably with the dark matter inside of charlotte,  wherein the dark matter destabilizing the formula to the point where it could harmlessly absorb it,  change it,  welcome it into the entropic,  chaotic system of charlotte’s being.
AND SO THE BLACK GOBLIN WAS CREATED OUT OF THE NOTHING.      waking with a scream,  the black goblin grabbed at the throat of the man attempting to drag her body away,  and behind the closed doors of charlotte’s office,  pummelled the man to a pulp,  SHRIEKING WITH LAUGHTER THE ENTIRE TIME.          bloodied and half - crouching in the mess of flesh and bone,  the black goblin laughed herself back to sleep.          her new friend,  charlotte,  could deal with the mess in the morning....
NOTE:     it is important to know that this first awakening of the black goblin will be one of the very few times when the black goblin is in complete control of the vessel;     otherwise,  the dynamic between charlotte and the goblin is marked with a high level of communication,  conflict over method as opposed to morality or goals,  and the balancing of charlotte’s work as the head of a criminal syndicate and the ceo of a company with the black goblin’s strong but general desire for mass destruction and the ceaseless tormenting of one,  FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD SPIDER - MAN.
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hailing-stars · 4 years
@febuwhump day three: imprisonment 
definitely not a lizard
“I don’t understand why I have to be here, Mr. Stark,” said Peter, as Tony pulled the car into the school parking lot.
“Because this is entirely your fault.”
“I think entirely is a little unfair.” Peter took a glance back at Nessie, who snuggled with her pink stuffed bunny. She had gotten so big that she covered the entire front seat of the car. “I’m not the one who suggested Morgan bring her pet dinosaur for show and tell.”
“But you are the reason she has a pet dinosaur.”
“Don’t think enough blame is pinned on OsCorp for that one, actually.”
Peter ransacks an OsCorp lab for fun and finds Morgan a friend in the process.
The origin story of the monster that lives in lake behind the Stark house.
Bits of broken glass crunched under Peter’s feet, and under his mask, he smiled, looking around at the OsCorp lab he’d just ransacked. Jameson was right. He was a menace, and it felt great.
Good, healthy destruction was soup for the soul, and nothing felt more soul-mending then laying waste to the place responsible for so much animal cruelty. After taking a few seconds to admire his handiwork, he turned to leave, but his eyes caught a cage with a small lizard locked inside.
“Don’t worry, buddy,” said Peter, striding across the lab, stepping on even more broken glass. “I’ll get you out there. Put you somewhere you can be free.”
He picked up the small cage, and Karen alerted him Tony had sent him a couple of text messages reminding him about Morgan’s birthday party, telling him to be late. That they wouldn’t be waiting for him to cut the cake.
It was a sinking realization. The remembering her birthday, and consequently, remembering he hadn’t remembered to buy her a present. Between Spider-Manning and school and friends and academic Decathlon, his life was filled with great distractions.
The lizard jumped around in the cage, and Peter got a brilliant idea. He only hoped Mr. Stark saw the genius of it.
Peter wasn’t late to the party, but him and the lizard were the last to arrive.
He parked his car behind Bucky’s motorcycle. He swung his door open, and unbuckled the passenger’s side seatbelt, freeing the cage from the strap keeping it safe from the bumpy ride out to the lake house.
He just hoped Ms. Lizard wasn’t too shaken up. He hoped she was ready to meet her new family.
As it turned out, her new family wasn’t quite ready to meet her. Tony’s head snapped in Peter’s direction as if he was the one with the extra sense for danger. His eyes narrowed in on the lizard cage tucked under Peter’s arm, and he marched through party guests scattered about the yard and towards him.
“What the hell is that?”
“It’s a lizard,” said Peter. He held out the cage, balancing it on the palms of his hands. “Isn’t she cool?”
“Please tell me,” said Mr. Stark, “that thing isn’t supposed to be Morgan’s present?”
Peter gasped, and moved the lizard away from him. “Mr. Stark, she isn’t a thing.”
“She’s not a present, either.”
“You and Pepper were just saying Morgan needs to learn about responsibility,” said Peter. “So really a pet is a perfect present.”
“No we weren’t,” said Tony. “We were saying you needed to learn about responsibility after you forgot to put gas in your car and we had to come save you on the side of the highway.”
“Well maybe if I had a pet lizard as a kid I’d remember to put gas in my car.”
“Oh, so it’s May’s fault?”
“No,” said Peter. “That’s not what I meant!”
Tony released a long, annoyed breath, and rubbed his temple. “Are you serious right now? With the lizard? Really couldn’t have thought of a less annoying birthday present?”
“It was sort of an impulse thing,” said Peter, and he explained to Tony about OsCorp. He explained the destruction of the animal testing lab, because he knew he would approve of that sort of inconvenience being bought upon Norman Osborn. “So you see, I couldn’t just leave her there in animal prison. She deserves a home.”
“Pete, not this home,” said Tony. “Find someone else to care for your friend, and get her out of sight before Morgan -”
An ear shattering scream filled the air. Party guests, made up of mostly old and new Avengers paused and cleared the path for Morgan Stark, who charged at them in her brand new ballet slippers.
“Uh, well -” said Peter, shuffling his feet around, feeling awful.
“I LOVE HER,” said Morgan. She put her knees in the dirt, and peered into the cage. The lizard stared back at her. “I’ve always wanted a lizard.”
“You have never once said you want a lizard,” said Tony.
“Well I didn’t know I wanted one until I had one,” she told him, with a tone that suggested it was very obvious.
Tony closed his eyes. “Fine. You may keep the stupid reptile, but you’ve both responsible for keeping it fed and the cage clean, got it?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Tony walked away, and Peter popped the lid to the cage open, so Morgan could get a closer look at her new pet.
Two weeks passed, and Nessie no longer fit in the glass cage Peter had lifted from OsCorp. That was okay, according to Morgan, because Nessie liked sleeping at the end of her bed way more than cold, smooth glass, anyway.
According to Tony, it was a nightmare. He was terrified of the strange noises Nessie hissed at him every morning when he tried to wake Morgan up for school.
Peter sat at the kitchen table, minding his own business and eating cereal in a sleepy fog, when Tony stormed into the kitchen waving his bloody finger around.
“That’s it,” said Tony. He twisted the facet, and ran steamy water over the bite marks. “I’m calling Bruce. That thing definitely isn’t a lizard.”
“Maybe Nessie hates you because you keep calling her a thing,” said Peter, with a mouth full of cereal.
Tony grumbled and poured peroxide over his hand.
Later, Bruce showed up with a homemade DNA testing kit and a whole lot of questions.
“...you really thought it was a good idea to let Peter and Morgan keep an unknown species from OsCorp?”
“It was kind of an impulse thing,” gritted Tony, glaring at Peter, who patted Nessie’s head, distracting her from Bruce poking her scaly skin and drawing her blood.
Bruce worked fast, and it felt like hardly any time at all had passed before he was scratching his head, staring at the results in disbelief.
“I think… I think Nessie’s a dinosaur.”
“Oh great,” said Tony. “OsCorp is genetically engineering dinosaurs. Just what we need.”
“Has Norman never watched Jurassic Park?” asked Peter, with a frown. “He really should… it’s a great film.”
“Of course he’s seen Jurassic Park. He’s just too stupid not to take it’s warning and not put dangerous beasts on our planet.”
“I don’t think Nessie’s dangerous,” said Bruce. “She’s definitely from the prehistoric age, genetically, but she lacks any predatory instinct. Looks like OsCorp has successfully domesticated dinosaurs.”
“Leave it to Osborn to create completely boring dinosaurs,” said Tony. He held up his now bandaged finger. “If she’s not dangerous, why did she bite me?”
“Have you considered she just doesn’t like you?”
Tony growled, Nessie hissed more of her baby dinosaur roars, and Peter pet her, calming her down and marveling at how awesome it was to have a dinosaur running around the lake house.
“Dr. Banner,” said Peter. “If they can make dinosaurs, do you think they could engineer, like, a Pikachu?”
“A what?”
“You know, Pokemon?”
Bruce continued looking confused, and Tony continued looking like he was in great, neverending pain.
“I don’t understand why I have to be here, Mr. Stark,” said Peter, as Tony pulled the car into the school parking lot.
“Because this is entirely your fault.”
“I think entirely is a little unfair.” Peter took a glance back at Nessie, who snuggled with her pink stuffed bunny. She had gotten so big that she covered the entire front seat of the car. “I’m not the one who suggested Morgan bring her pet dinosaur for show and tell.”
“But you are the reason she has a pet dinosaur.”
“Don’t think enough blame is pinned on OsCorp for that one, actually.”
Tony parked the car, and grabbed Nessie’s leash from the dashboard. He managed to click it around her collar without losing an arm, or getting his hand bitten. They were working on their relationship, and in Peter’s opinion it was going pretty well, as long as Tony remembered to feed her hamburgers every once in a while.
It was a slow walk to the school’s entrance. Nessie was a faster swimmer than walker, and Peter often wondered if she wouldn’t be happier living in the lake.
“Okay,” said Tony. “You’re gonna have to carry her. I can’t take walking at this snail pace.”
“Why do I gotta carry her?”
Tony looked at Peter like he was dense. “Because I would break my back, super-genius.”
“Fine, fine,” said Peter, scooping Nessie up in his arms. She licked his face in appreciation.
They got looks from everyone who spotted them in the hallway, as they marched towards Morgan’s classroom. Once they got there, it was impossible for Morgan’s classmates to focus on anything else besides the dinosaur, so they got to start show-and-tell right away.
Peter stood next to Tony and Morgan up at the front of the class, dozens of tiny eyes staring at him. He handed the end of Nessie’s leash to Morgan, and she plopped down in front of her feet.
“This is my pet dinosaur -” started Morgan, only for Tony to cut her off with a series of loud coughs and a correction.
“Reptile,” he said. “Dinosaur’s just a family joke. They definitely don’t exist anymore.”  
“Uh, Mr. Stark,” said Mrs. Presley. “What kind of reptile is Nessie, exactly?”
“A big one,” he answered, then urged Morgan to continue.
“Nessie likes bubble baths,” she said.
Peter could tell from the look on Tony’s face that he was having flashbacks from the time he’d walked into the bathroom and saw him and Morgan with a giant bubble gun, and Nessie in the tub filled with even more bubbles, snapping her jaws at the flying ones.
“And cheeseburgers,” she continued. “My big brother Peter rescued her from that mean green guy -”
“-the pet store owner!” Peter injected. “He was, umm, wearing a green polo, and kept her in a tiny cage.”
“Yeah, they were so mean to Nessie,” said Morgan. “Always poking her with needles and keeping her locked up, but then Peter got her for me for my birthday, and now we have lots of fun, even if it stresses my dad out sometimes.”
Morgan finished her speech, and Mrs. Presley whispered to Tony, asking him if it were safe for the children to pet the creature she was still convinced was something more than a reptile. He nodded. The children lined up, and after they each had a turn, Tony and Peter left with Nessie, once again, locked in Peter’s arms.
“I think it went well,” said Peter, once they were in the car. In the backseat, Nessie took a bite out of her pink bunny. “Maybe we should stop for burgers on the way home.”
Eventually, Nessie moved out of the house.
It happened over time, as she grew larger and larger, and became way too big to sleep on the end of Morgan’s bed. She grew so massive, Morgan understood it’d be cruel to keep her locked up in the house, especially when they had a perfectly good lake in the backyard.
So the lake became Nessie’s home, but it wasn’t like she didn’t come back to visit. She showed up, emerging from the lake to scare the hell out of Happy, on the occasions of family barbecue, enticed by the smells coming off the grill.
She showed up for Morgan on summer days, when her and Peter swam in the lake despite Tony’s concerns about flesh eating bacteria.
“You worry too much, Mr. Stark,” Peter would tell him.
And Tony would tell him that was impossible. It was a parent’s job to worry, and it would never quite be enough.
When the house got quiet, when Morgan aged out of the part of her life when her family was her entire world, and when Peter became busy with college and Spider-Man nonsense, Tony worried more.
Some nights he found himself wandering outside, firing up the grill, and throwing a few burgers for himself, and for Nessie, who could always be counted on to rise up out of the lake for a good burger.
As the sun set, casting an orangish glow over the lake,  he threw a burger out to Nessie and she ate with a snap of her jaw.
“You know,” Tony told her. “You’re not half bad, Ness.”
She walked towards him, and before Tony could react, licked him. Her giant, reptile tongue left dinosaur slavia and small bits of hamburger on his face and clothes.
“Really,” he said. “Just when we were starting to get along.”
Nessie put her head to the sky, and roared at the disappearing sun. Tony could only hope the neighbors wouldn’t hear her.
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im-a-star-boy · 4 years
You said what if two. I say. What if THREE. 46, 48, 51.
Peter absentmindedly bobbed the cherry with a toothpick as the bartender cleaned a glass and smirked at him. “You seem awfully bored for being at a Gala,”
Peter looked up with an amused, challenging glare. “Is this supposed to be entertaining?”
The girl chuckled. “For how often these big whigs throw these, they gotta be.”
Peter chuckled and brought the Shirley Temple to his lips, taking a long sip, before setting it down and stabbing the cherry decisively. “I’m gonna go find my husband.”
“Ooh, married man?”
Peter bit the cherry off the toothpick. “Yep,”
“Which one’s yours?”
“Aimed real high there,”
Peter only made a curt noise in response before setting the empty glass down and turning to look for Harry in the crowd. He knew as soon as Harry saw he wasn’t at the bar anymore, he’d start looking for him too. Harry had a habit of checking on Peter, not that he minded. It was very much so appreciated, actually, considering his lifestyle. 
He moved through the crowd with ease, searching for Harry with a fond smile. After a moment, he managed to find him talking to another man, looking clearly uncomfortable. He quickly approached, pretending not to notice the older man. “Harry!” He greeted with a smile, as he wrapped his arm around Harrys’. “Come dance with me.” He said with a decisive look.
Harry smiled at him happily before giving the man a painfully fake smile. “Sorry, Mr. Gorrell. Can’t decline my husband a dance,” He chuckled.
The man forced a smile and nodded. “Of course, we’ll continue this later, I presume?”
Harry nodded, looking tortured as he did so. Once they were out of earshot, which wasn’t very far considering all of the conversation happening around them, Harry turned to Peter with a thankful look. “Oh my god, thank you, Peter.”
Peter chuckled softly. “You looked like you wanted a way out of there,”
“He wouldn’t stop hinting at me having an affair with his daughter.” 
Peter made a face. “Ew,”
“I know! That’s what I was thinking! Thank you though, that was awful. Every second of it, at least, until you came over.”
Peter chuckled softly as they got to the dancefloor. Harry rested his hands on Peter’s hips as Peter wrapped his arms around Harry’s shoulders. “Why, thank you, dear.” He chuckled.
Harry chuckled back and leaned down to kiss him before swaying gently. Peter smiled at him before glancing around self-consciously. There were some people staring, he knew it would happen, it had been happening since they got married, hell, even when they were dating! But Peter would never get used to the looks they gave him. 
Harry seemed to notice his anxiety and turned his head back to him. “Hey, eyes on me, what’s wrong?” He asked gently.
Peter frowned and forced a laugh. “I’m not exactly trophy husband material, am I?” 
Harry frowned at the comment and pulled him into a gentle kiss. “You’re not a trophy husband,”
“It feels like I am with the way they all look at me.” He sighed, practically feeling the stares of the entire room. 
Harry rubbed his hip gently. “Who gives a damn about what they think? I know I don’t, and you never have. Why change now?”
Peter shrugged, feeling anxious. “I dunno, I guess it just feels like it matters. We’re older, we can’t get away with the stuff we could’ve when we were kids, it kinda sucks.”
Harry chuckled softly. “I know it does, but you’ve got me to help you, alright?” Peter smiled as Harry cupped his cheek gently. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He leaned into the touch and let out a deep sigh. “I know you aren’t.”
Harry flinched slightly and his other hand went to Peter’s arm as a worried look crossed his face. “Hey, hey, why are you crying?”
Peter stopped and brought his hand to his face. Indeed, there were thin streams of tears going down his cheeks. He quickly rubbed them off and chuckled. “I dunno, guess you’re that great.”
Harry smiled gently. “Come here,” He pulled Peter into his chest for a hug which Peter was quick to reciprocate.
Harry kissed his head and held the hug for a few moments before pulling away. “You feel better?”
Peter nodded and resumed the stance they were in before, arms around Harry’s shoulders, Harry’s hands on his hips. Harry watched him with a gentle smile and wiped his tears away. “You gonna tell me why you were crying or am I just gonna have to guess?”
Peter chortled and kissed Harry’s cheek. “I wasn’t lying before.”
Harry gave him a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“You’re just that great, Harry.”
Harry smiled gently and gave Peter’s hip a gentle squeeze. “You’re better,”
“I don’t know what drugs you’re on, but that’s not true.”
“Peter, you’re better than everyone in this room combined, I mean that.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to flatter me, Harry. I’m already in love with you.”
“I’m not flattering you, I’m telling the truth.”
Peter scoffed playfully. “Oh come on.”
“I mean it!”
Peter rolled his eyes again as Harry cupped his cheek. “Peter, I seriously mean it. You make me feel alive, even when I’m at my worst.”
Peter felt his ears grow hot and he headbutted Harry’s chest gently. “Shushhhhh,”
“I’m not kidding, bug.” He chuckled back, kissing his head lightly. “I love you,”
“You’re making me feel feelings. Stop it.”
Harry laughed and tilted Peter’s head up for a kiss. “We’ve been here for a few hours, you think you’re ready to go home?”
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
Episode Review: ‘BMO’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 1)
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Airdate: June 25, 2020
Story by: Anthony Burch, Adam Muto, Hanna K. Nyström, Jack Pendarvis, and Kate Tsang
Storyboarded by: Hanna K Nyström, Iggy Craig, Laura Knetzger, Anna Syvertsson, & Adam Muto
Directed by: Miki Brewster (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
I just watched a new episode of Adventure Time...
That, dear readers, is a sentence that—after the airing of “Come Along with Me”—I never thought I’d get to write again! And believe me, it feels great to be proved wrong in this instance.
In October of last year, we were all treated to the news that four new Adventure Time specials—collectively identified as Distant Lands—would be airing in the next year or so. For months, the Adventure Time fandom has waited with bated breath for these specials to drop. Would these episodes be good? Would they live up to the series that came before? Would they undo the emotional satisfaction of the Adventure Time finale? These were the questions. And now, the first special—entitled “BMO”—is here. Does it live up to expectations, proving that Adventure Time always bounces back? Or is it toast-bread for sure? Read on to hear my thoughts!
Beginning in media res, "BMO" opens with the titular character on its way to Mars to terraform Mars. After running into an errant service droid named Olive, BMO is transported to a fantastical space station known as the "Drift." It is here that BMO becomes acquainted with a humanoid rabbit named Y5, and together, the two help reveal the insidious plotting of the station's capitalist overlord, Hugo, and his henchman Mr. M (who, it must be noted, is almost certainly Finn’s father, Martin, up to one of his many schemes). After much mayhem, hilarity, and poignancy, the special ends with BMO traveling back to Earth and meeting up with Finn and Jake for the first time—revealing that this entire special was a prequel to the main series, explaining how BMO first met up with his good friends in Ooo.
The first thing I'd like to comment on is the fact that many of the show's former crew members returned to work on this special. In addition to Adam Muto (Adventure Time's hard-working executive producer), this special saw the return of: storyboard artists Hanna K Nyström, Laura Knetzger, and Anna Syvertsson; storyline writer Jack Pendarvis; character designers Andy Ristaino and Benjamin Anders; art director Sandra Lee; and composer Tim Kiefer. I was actually quite surprised (and delighted!) that so many of the show's old guard returned to help out. And while this special also saw several new creative voices helping out (including folks like former OK KO! storyboard artist Iggy Craig, former Steven Universe board artist Miki Brewster, and writer Kate Tsang), the overall product was recognizably Adventure Time. I must admit, this was my biggest worry going into Distant Lands; without folks like Tom Herpich, Kent Osborne, or Cole Sanchez, would this feel like the show I know and love? I’m happy to say that the answer is yes!
BMO really is in fine form in this episode—from their singing the "Potatoes (More Exciting Than Tomatoes)" ditty in space all the way to their hitching a ride to Earth on a space lard. (Indeed, the sheer number of humorous remarks the little robot gets makes me think that many of the shows writers were saving up goofy one-liners following the show’s cancellation, just in case.) I’m quite pleased with how the episode handled the character, and, in truth, somewhat relieved. Initially, I was worried whether the character would be able to coherently anchor an hour long special, given BMO’s unpredictable and somewhat unreliable nature (see: “Ketchup”). Would 45 minutes of BMO’s seemingly boundless goofiness work? Thankfully, the other characters in this special do an excellent job counterpoising the lovable robot’s more, shall we say, unorthodox personality features (Y5 perhaps said it best when she noted that BMO tends to “expend energy for no apparent purpose”). The end result feels remarkably balanced, with BMO’s chaotic, goofball energy complimenting the very real plight of the Drift’s residents.
Speaking of other characters, Y5 served as a workable straight man, whose half-heartedly pragmatic personality contrasts nicely with BMO’s boundless and wacky optimism. I must give the writers and producers credit: it was extremely risky for them to feature a brand new character as one of the main players (rather than one of the show’s many beloved side characters), but for the most part, they stuck the landing. I think much of this success is due to Y5’s voice actress, Glory Curda, whose performance really breathes live into the character, giving her an earnest believability. That said, the fast-paced nature of this special precluded me from developing the strongest emotional connection to the character, and as such, Y5′s “my parents don’t appreciate me” subplot did not resonate with me as strongly as, say, “It Came from the Nightosphere” did. (But then again, not every character can be Marceline!)
Strictly in terms of story structure, "BMO" is not exactly groundbreaking, and the special follows the standard "buddy movie" formula fairly closely (You know, the structure that goes: "Two individuals from different walks of life are forced to work together. Despite a rocky start, they begin to function as a team. Alas, they are split up, but reunite just in the nick of time to save the world"). But unlike Grace Z. Li of Vulture, who wrote that the special plays out "expectedly" and as such "is simply unimaginative in its structure," I cannot say that the standard plot structure torpedoes "BMO"—it simply gives the special a solid story frame that supports the characters while also providing an opportunity for the show to drop some timely social commentary.
Adventure Time has never been one to shy away from such commentary, but I do not know if it has ever been more overt than in “BMO.” As Alexander Sowa of CBR puts it, Hugo—the alien-human overlord of the Drift—is a “futurist reminiscent of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk” who long ago used a spaceship to escape Earth during the final days of the Mushroom War. After “biohacking” his DNA with the genetic material of the grey aliens who flit around the Oooniverse’s infinite cosmos, Hugo and his ilk founded an Amazon-esque empire in the Drift, inculcating its inhabitants with a love for rampant commercialism. As a villain, Hugo really is the wombo combo: a selfish capitalist hell-bent on stealing riches, colonizing new lands, exploiting conquered peoples, and then leaving when the situation looks bleak. It is not hard to see Hugo and his followers as stand-ins for the leaders of today, who refuse to acknowledge the reality of thinks like climate change or income inequality—problems that, if left unchecked, will lead to cataclysmic societal collapse. It is a bleak topic for Adventure Time to meditate on, but at least the episode ends on a positive note, with BMO's actions proving that with the right leader(s) and enough people working together, otherwise powerless individuals can topple oppressive regimes and begin to right the wrongs that have been made by the bourgeoisie (if you’ll allow me to invoke the ol’ Marxist term). Now, "BMO" admits that such reformation is one that will require many sacrifices, but nevertheless, the special does emphatically assert that it is possible. And in the hellscape that is 2020, this is a message of hope that so many need to hear.
In addition to social depth, there's quite a bit of existential nuance to this episode, too. Perhaps the most striking scene in the entire special is the scene wherein BMO is torn apart and—for all intents and purposes—dies. It is a chilling scene made all the more haunting by the return of BMO's rainbow personae (last seen in season seven's "The More You Moe, the Moe You Know"), who urge BMO to accept death ("Now your job is to be dead") and recognize that the robot has failed in its mission to be a true hero. (As pointed out to me on Reddit, the scene stylistically echoes an eerie bit of dialogue from Portal 2, wherein GLaDOS tells you: “I have a sort of black-box quick-save feature: In the event of a catastrophic failure, the last two minutes of my life are preserved for analysis. I was ... forced ... to relive you killing me. Again and again. Forever." Talk about horrific!) Thankfully—in the spirit of the hero's journey—BMO bounces back from the brink of oblivion, proving that even in the bleakest of moments, all of us can be heroes.
Or something like that.
All in all, “BMO” was an enjoyable romp that dropped us back into a magical world we all love. While I wouldn’t say that the special was mind-blowing, it succeeded in its mission of telling a new story in a new place, while focusing on a character whom Adventure Time fans care deeply about.
Here’s looking to “Obsidian!”
Mushroom War Evidence: When it comes to the Mushroom War mythos, this episode was full of a lot of little details. CGO’s monologue reveals that, indeed, Earth was ravage by numerous nuclear weapons; what is more, it seems that some sort of doomsday weapon vaporized part of the Earth, leaving that gaping scar in the planet that has for so long fascinated the show’s mythology-junkies. It is also explicitly state that Hugo and his ilk were humans who fled Earth during the Mushroom War to escape certain destruction.
Final Grade:
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Also, while I have your attention: Book update! As some of you might already know, over the last year and a half, I’ve been working on a book all about the history and production of Adventure Time! It’s been an absolute blast, and I’ve been lucky enough to talk to quite a few of the folks who worked on the show (including people like Tom Herpich, Jack Pendarvis, Pat McHale, and Rebecca Sugar). I’m in the final stages of type-setting, and should hopefully have the book ready to go within the next few weeks. Here’s a sneak peek of cover (please ignore the faint InDesign lines; they won’t be in the finished product):
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Originally, I was going to publish this work through McFarland and Company, but then Cartoon Network got all pissy (long story short: I reached out to Rebecca Sugar and Adam Muto, got in contact with both of ‘em, and asked some questions about Bubbline. Rebecca responded and and confirmed that Bubbline was intended to be canon when she boarded “What Was Missing” but structural homophobia prevented it from being explicitly declared as such. This revelation made CN PR reeeeeaaally uncomfortable and they threatened to sic the lawyers), so I’m now going to be publishing through the University of Kansas Libraries. The good news is that the work will be free to download, and easily accessible! Yay! That said, if you want a hard copy of the book, I’ll post details about that in a bit. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled!
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avengersnewb · 4 years
Steve Rogers and 45
so we were talking in PotS ( the MCU Stony server which you should come and join) about how every single version of Steve will totally and definitely hate Trump, and I went back to my Quarantine Fic and read the part dealing with Trump and, well, I have to admit that I like what I’ve written XD
Quarantined Together - Chapter 8 - Crushes
“Why are we watching Fox News?” Tony rolls his eyes and shuffles in his seat, trying to move a little closer to Steve as subtly as he can and he takes another bite from the turkey garlic bread sandwich that tastes much better than it sounds. Steve’s constant battle against food waste is absolutely noble but it’s also endearing and hot as fuck, and he must have done it so many times because whatever he cooks up from the leftovers is absolutely amazing.
“Well I can’t find any other news channels,” Steve says as he places a quick kiss on Tony’s cheek and then turns to the TV, taking a bite from his own sandwich.
Tony watches him chew and swallow, and it’s right in that second when he finally decides it’s appropriate to lick the small bit of strawberry jam off Steve’s chin, that a familiar monotone voice echoes in the room and, well, nothing can be more of a turn off than the sound of the drawled words of the leader of the free world. Tony rolls his eyes one more time as he turns to the TV. “Why are we watching this again?”
“What, you don’t appreciate the daily propaganda briefings?” Steve chuckles, and Tony can’t quite decide which one he loves more; the wit of what he says or the sweet ring of his tone as he says it.
‘So I was not going to approve this stimulus package, because at first, it did not seem to be a great package...’
Wait, what package is this? It’s not their 3+1 fund package that the president would never consider signing again, right?
‘... this guy, a very very good friend of mine, a superhero of war, he called me and we had a great chat...’
War superhero? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Rhodey is obviously a war hero but last time Tony checked he was not on speaking terms with the president, at all.
‘... agree with him that this package is in the best interest of this great nation, as long as the proposing symposium holds their end of the deal, to provide the funds, the Stark Company and my buddy Mr. Osborne, and the rest of you good men. It’s your turn now.’
That’s it.
Just like that, the president disappears from the screen as he is not taking any questions, and Tony stares at Bret Baier moving his lips without really hearing his voice. He then turns to Steve, doing his best to keep his mouth from hanging open and spends the next few seconds staring at Steve as he scrolls through the channels, trying to figure out what on earth just happened and why, until Steve plays some 30s playlist on YouTube and finally turns to Tony. He doesn’t look surprised though, Tony thinks, but he seems happy and he is slightly blushing but Tony doesn’t get a chance to wonder why. Steve is looking at him with a sparkle in his eyes and he is smiling with his whole face as he wraps his hands around Tony’s to pull him close, and the next thing Tony knows, he is, well, sitting on Steve’s lap. Casually.
“He is releasing the stimulus package, huh? I guess…congratulations?” Steve kisses Tony’s forehead. The delight of the unexpected win, blends with Steve’s passionate embrace and Tony’s heart starts to race in response.
He cradles the back of Steve’s head and runs his fingers through his hair. “Did you see that?! How on earth did that happen? My phone must be ringing mad right now, good thing it’s on silent, but there is literally no one I could think of that could have won this dickhead over.”
Steve kisses Tony’s forehead again and trails down, slowly, as he kisses the line of Tony’s nose. “A friend maybe?”
Tony shakes his head before he brushes his lips, softly against Steve’s. “No one I know has a friend who can make 45 do something he doesn’t want to. That's a hell of a friend though, I wish I actually had one of those.”
Steve kisses Tony’s lips back, sending a prickle down Tony’s spine. “A secret admirer then?”
Tony chuckles, as he rests his forehead on Steve’s. “Someone who knows about the deal, has the president indebted to this extent and is tasteful enough to admire me?” He kisses Steve’s forehead, trails down slowly, kissing the line of Steve’s nose. “Don’t think I am that lucky to have such an admirer, Steve.”
Steve narrows his eyes as he brings his hands up Tony’s back and the prickling sensation shoots up Tony’s spine this time. Steve then pouts in a fake displease and a million tiny bubbles fill the inside of Tony’s chest. “So what about me? Not feeling lucky that I admire you?” And his pout turns into a soft smile and crinkles to the corner of the eyes.
Tony thinks about what Steve just said for a moment. He smiles and pulls Steve in to rest his forehead on his again so he can stare into his eyes, not caring much about what it means to stare into a guy’s eyes like that and he echoes Steve’s words to himself a few more times, just to be sure, that he has, in fact, said it out loud that he ‘admires’ Tony.
“I do feel lucky,” he whispers, his voice suddenly hoarse, his skin burning all over, “can’t even begin to tell you how much.”
Steve kisses Tony slowly.
It’s gentle and soft, and so heartbreakingly intimate with no rush, no deadline, no one dying on Tony’s watch or because he has not done enough. It’s just Steve, and the way he melts little by little as Tony kisses him back, how he tenderly brushes his tongue over Tony’s lips, burning a line of fire down his neck right into his heart. All else becomes insignificant, with the way they taste each other, over and over and over again, how they nibble, suck, bite; the way they just stay, for an hour or five maybe, and they kiss, and kiss and then kiss some more.
It’s dark outside when they are finally naked and it’s only because of the flickering lights of the TV, that Tony can revel in the sight that is Steve’s full-body blush, Or his slightest trembles as Tony kisses his throat, his neck, and his chest. Steve lifts his head to look at Tony with the most endearing blend of confusion and despair when Tony takes them both in hand and Steve’s breathing gets short and heavy as he falls back onto the couch when Tony’s strokes quicken. Tony’s vision is blurry by that point. He is hazy and dazed, but he does his best to take in the way Steve closes his eyes and throws his head back, moaning and shaking and how he opens them to look at Tony just before he comes undone. It’s right then, when Tony finally lets go too, as Steve pulls him in, placing sloppy kisses on Tony’s lips and cheeks and hair as they come, tangled in each other and the colors dancing in Steve’s eyes take Tony’s breath away, although he has no breath left in him anyway. It’s a bliss, a joy, a different kind of content. It’s a flood of warmth that washes over Tony instead of washing him up because Steve is holding on to him, like Tony’s the only one, like Tony’s all he’s got in the world.
Tony is lying on his back, sending the last of the endless emails, trying to approve everything for the gathering of funds tomorrow. He has almost lost his voice, with surprise squeakings on the phone, one call after the other, after the other. It’s amazing that no one has a clue who convinced the president and funnily enough everyone thinks it’s one of Tony’s magic tricks that has finally worked out. Rhodey has a few people in mind but none of them could have possibly known about any of this, and Pepper has no idea but keeps screaming many nice things about their unidentified superhero.
Tony tosses his StarkPad on the nightstand and stretches his arms over his head. “So, Steve, I’ve had a question since this afternoon, and I am just gonna come right out with it, if you don’t mind. Do you… happen to… have a crush on our president?”
Steve freezes for a second, staring at the sketchbook he is doodling in, before he turns on his side to face Tony, slowly. “Excuse me?”
Tony smiles. “Look, I am not judging you, it’s perfectly okay to have a crush on…well anybody.” And he turns to his side too, so he can look at Steve’s perfect eyes that are so adorably confused right now.
“First of all, if you don’t judge me for having a crush on Biff, I will judge you.” Steve says, as he curls his lips and narrows his eyes, “ and besides, WHY on earth would you think that?”
Tony runs his fingers in Steve’s hair. “Biff ha?” And he trails down Steve’s neck and rests his hand on the delicate spot where the muscles on Steve’s back reach each other. “First of all, I have the biggest crush in human history on a guy who’s been dead for 75 years, so I can’t judge anyone. And besides, you were blushing.”
“I was not blushing,” Steve says as he pouts, half teasing and half disappointed.
Tony runs his palm up Steve’s chest, massaging the line between his pecs. “Oh yes you were,” he whispers, and watches Steve close his eyes, as Tony’s fingers caress their way up Steve’ neck and brush over his lips. “See. Just like now.” And he has to close his own eyes and take a deep breath too, with the way Steve’s blush darkens and spreads to his navel.
Steve runs his fingers in Tony’s hair, and they tingle the back of Tony’s neck. “He is not my celebrity crush, Tony, I promise.”
Steve runs his fingers in Tony’s hair, and they tingle the back of Tony’s neck. “He is not my celebrity crush, Tony, I promise.”
Tony chuckles and winks. “So you do have one? A celebrity crush?” he says lightly, before pulling forward just a little bit to press his face to the warmth of Steve’s chest.
Steve shuffles closer to Tony. “You tell me first. I was almost jealous of Batman for no reason apparently.”
Tony nibbles at Steve’s neck, and kisses his Adam’s apple. “Oh Batman is awesome, don’t get me wrong,” he says, suddenly tired with the roller coaster ride that’s been the last day of week one of self-isolation, “but he is nowhere and let me repeat this, nowhere as brave, and kind, and smart, and amazing as my guy.” And he yawns against Steve’s shoulder.
Steve pulls the covers over them and tucks Tony in. “Well, tell me, already! Dead or alive, who do I need to actually be jealous of?”
Steve kisses the top of Tony’s head and Tony thinks about the astonishment of sleeping in Steve’s arms. Steve, who is caring and gentle with people he hasn’t even met and hates throwing stuff away. Who can turn a line on a piece of paper, into a fully fleshed international treaty proposal in half a day and is not afraid of using big words like admiration and jealousy. Tony loves being around him. He has a way, a different way, Tony thinks, a bit old fashioned and too serious maybe sometimes, but also adorably sharp and awkwardly funny. He is brave and smart and so heartwarmingly kind, and he reminds Tony of someone but he is too tired now, and he can’t quite remember.
“Fine, Othello, no need to punch anyone dead. Told you he is dead already. It’s the guy who’s strong and brave, here to save the American way.” Tony yawns and curls his feet around Steve’s. “It’s Captain America,” he whispers, before he drifts off into a dreamless, deep sleep.
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Not Good Enough *part three*
Avengers x Reader miniseries.
Avengers x reader angst.
word count: 2169 
Plot: The Avengers discover the reader has left.
Part one [x] Part two [x]
Tagged: @firstonetoleave @nerdy-jelly-art @const4ntines @coldfacedwarf @mrs-hemmo1999 @l0kisbitch @lula132 @thetimidsarcasticcat @1awesomeash @littlephoenix-fire @xxxxnovagalaxyxxxx @inumorph @babymintuniverse @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger
Permanent tagged: @purplesatinsheets @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict
[still at the Avengers compound]
[third person POV]
"Did she leave anything else?" Steve asked Bucky.
"She also left her laptop and phone." Bucky tells them.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. call everyone to the common room now, please." Tony says.
A few minutes later all the Avengers were sitting in the common room, not really knowing why.
"What's going on Tony?" Wanda asks.
"[Y/N] left." he tells the group.
"What do you mean left? Like for a vacation?" Bruce asked, confused.
"No. She's gone. She left this note in her room." Steve explains, handing the note over to Bruce to have a look at.
"I told you two, were too harsh to her about the accident." Thor says.
"It was only a suspension. We've all had them. It's not like we wanted her gone." Tony defends.
"Let's not fight about how we handled that situation. We admit our mistake and regret the way we handled it. We impulsively acted on our anger." Steve speaks up, trying to keep everyone at bay.
"When was the last time anyone saw or heard from her?" Tony asks the room.
Everyone paused to take a moment to think.
"Wanda, what about you? Your room is right next door."
"I haven't heard her any noise from her room in a long time. Last time I heard anything was probably a week ago. I didn't give it much thought. I wouldn't think she would just leave." Wanda sadly says.
"Where would she go?" Bruce asked, handing the note back to Steve.
F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice cuts through the room, before anyone could answer.
"Sorry to interrupt, but there's a Norman Osborn on the phone for you, Mr. Stark."
"Of course he is." Tony rolls his eyes.
"Patch him through to my phone please." he says pulling out his phone.
"Norman." he says stoically.
"Tony. Lovely to hear your voice!" Norman chirps.
"I can only imagine why you're calling." Tony says trying to maintain his anger.
There's no one he hated more than Norman Osborn.
"Oh, I bet you know exactly why I'm calling." Norman smirks through the phone.
“Cut the shit and tell me.” Stark said, getting more angry by the second.
“I just wanted to call and thank you.” Norman said.
“For what?” Tony asked.
“For letting go your best employee.”
“What are you talking about?” Tony asked confused.
“Wow. I can see how much you truly appreciated her.” Norman quipped.
“Who are you-” Tony began, thinking about who Norman is possibly talking about, then it all clicked.
“[Y/n]?” Tony asked, everyone turned their heads towards him.
“Ding. Ding. Ding.” Norman remarked.
“[Y/n] is working for you?”
“Yes. She just called, asking for a job. Was very surprised to hear you had let her go. Didn’t know you could make dumb decisions.” Norman continued.
“Well I just wanted to call and thank-you. Expect a gift basket soon. Bye Tony.” Norman smugly said, before hanging up on Tony.
“Son of a bitch!” Tony yelled.
"What's the matter?" Steve asked.
"Is [Y/n] okay?" Bucky asked in unison with Steve.
"That was just Norman Osborn, informing me that [Y/n] is going to be working for him." Tony said through gritted teeth.
"What? Why would she do that?" Bruce asked, confused.
"Because apparently I fired her."
"All we did was suspend her" Steve said, "Why would she think that?"
"I mean you did treat her like complete shit." Thor said matter-of-factly.
"You need to fix this. Now." Bucky told Tony and Steve.
"She's one of the best members on this team." Bucky continued.
"I think I might know where she could be." Tony said grabbing his jacket off of the chair.
"I'm coming with you," Steve said, "We both need to fix this mess."
They both left quickly.
"I don't know why you guys are bothering. She clearly doesn't want to be a part of this team." Natasha remarked, rolling her eyes.
"Because she thinks we all hate her. She thinks we wanted this." Bucky tells her, trying not to get angry.
"But maybe it's for the better."
"What the hell are you eve saying, Natasha?" Sam asked.
"I mean maybe this is what she wanted. She's the one that left. Maybe she thought it was for the better." she tried defending herself.
"She only thought that because she thinks we all hate her." Bucky says.
"She at least needs to know we don't hate her, and we didn't want this." Bucky finishes before leaving the room.
"What the hell is even his problem? If anyone should be upset at her, it's him. She almost cost him his life."
"She made a mistake, Nat. You've done the same. Plus, Bucky was really close to [Y/n]." Wanda speaks up.
"Let's just hope Tony and Steve can bring her back." Sam says before leaving the room to check on Bucky.
{[Y/n]'s POV}
"Are you sure this is correct? I don't want to be mixing up chemicals and having everything exploding in my face." Peter asks me.
It was after dinner and I came over to help Peter with his chemistry project.
"Yes, it's going to work. Trust me, I do this for a living." I rol lmy eyes at him.
"Fine. I'll write it down, but if this explodes in my face, expect a phone call from Mrs. Johnson." he says writing down the formulas.
"Please, Mrs. Johnson loves me."
All of a sudden my ears picked up the sound of a very familiar car coming from outside. I jumped out of my seat and rushed towards the window in Peter's room.
And there it is, Tony's car.
The doors opened and out came Tony and Steve.
"Shit." I whispered.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked, walking towards the window.
"Woah. That's Iron Man and Captain America." he said, surprised to see the two heroes walking into our building.
"Yup, that's them." I said, feeling sick to my stomach.
"Are you okay?" You look like you saw a ghost." Peter asks.
Crap. I forgot Peter doesn't know. All he knew was I had a lab job upstate. It was for his own safety that he knew nothing about my avenging life.
"Well, I haven't been totally honest with you." I swallowed, anxiously looking around his room, afraid Tony and Steve will find me in here.
"What do you mean?"
"You know that job I had, upstate?"
"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that."
"How so?" he asked confused about what was going on.
I was having an internal battle about how much I should tel him.
I mean it's Peter, I can trust him.
"For starters, I used to work for Tony Stark." I tell him.
"Wait, what?"
"Well it was more like with him, instead of for him."
"Wait. With him? Wha-" he was cut off by me opening the door telekinetically.
"Surprise." I awkwardly said.
"You-you just opened that with-without-" Peter was at a lost for words, trying to peace everything together.
"Yup." I said walking out of the room, Peter following close by.
"Wait! You were an Avenger!" Peter exclaimed.
"Shh. Yes, I was." I shush him, moving to the front door, to listen out for Tony and Steve.
"Woah. That's so cool!" Peter gushed.
I could hear the elevator door ding, followed by Tony and Steve's walking.
"I'm going to need you to be quiet for the next couple of minutes okay. Tony and Steve cannot know I am here." I tell him, telepathically.
"What the-" Peter was caught off guard, I quickly threw my hand over his mouth.
I can read minds also. Now shush.
"What if this doesn't work Tony?" I heard Steve say, as they passed the Parker's door.
"It has to. We need her to know this was just a giant misunderstanding." Tony tells him.
Misunderstanding. I thought.
"Are they talk-" I quickly covered Peter's mouth, and pointed to his head.
Steve has super hearing. Talk to me through your mind, as if you were talking to me out loud. I tell him.
"Sorry. This is all new to me. Are they talking about you?" He asks, I shrug my shoulders, going back to listening in on them.
I can hear them knocking on my grandma's door, then the door opening.
"Tony? Steve?" I heard my grandma say.
"Hi Evelyn. We were hoping to speak to [Y/n]." Tony said.
"I'm afraid she's not here. May I take a message." I heard my grandma protectively say.
"Is there any way we could wait up for her?" Steve politely asked.
"I'm afraid that's not going to happen. I'm not going to let you two ambush her. If you need to speak to her, I will tell her you stopped by, and let her make that decision on her own."
"We understand why you want to protect her. But there was a big mistake." Tony begs her.
"The only mistake that was made was thinking I could trust you to take care of my granddaughter." my grandma bitterly said.
"Wow. You're grandma's a badass." Peter said to me in his head.
"We're sorry Evelyn. Can you please let [Y/n] know we stopped by, and that we really need to speak to her." Steve asked.
"I will tell her."
"Thank-you. Have a goodnight. Sorry again for causing any trouble." Steve apologizes one last time, before my grandma closed the door.
"Well that didn't go as planned." Tony sighed, as they began to walk back to the elevator.
I stopped listening after that. It was a lot to take in.
"Can I talk now?" Peter whispered.
"Yes, you can talk now." I slid my back down the door, and sat in front of it.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Peter hesitantly asks, sitting down next to me.
"Not really. At least not right now." I tell him.
"Okay. Well if you need to talk, I'm here." he said, placing his hand on top of mine.
I felt a weird buzz sensation coming from his hand.
"Thanks Pete." I said, cautiously moving my hand from his.
What the hell was that...
Peter's eyes were wide.
"Can you read my mind?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I can read your mind, but only when I want to. I can control when and when not to read minds. So don't worry, I'm not currently reading your mind. That'll be a total invasion of your privacy." I tell him, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay. Good." he awkwardly said.
I continued to stare at him, he was acting weird all of a sudden.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah. This is just a lot to take in. You can move things with your mind, you can read minds, and you're a freakin Avenger." he says.
"Was. I was an Avenger. Not anymore." I correct him.
"Right." there was an awkward pause.
"What are you going to do?" he asked.
"I have no clue." I shrugged, completely unsure of what to do.
"Can't you just go back?"
"It's not that easy Pete. Plus, I already got a new job." I tell him.
"You did?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah. I start a new lab job at Oscorp tomorrow."
"That's cool." he says, with much less enthusiasm than when he found out I was an Avenger.
"Do you still talk to Harry Osborn?" I ask him.
"Haven't talked to him since Uncle Ben's funeral." he tells me.
"It's hard to keep in contact when we don't really run in the same circle anymore. He's at that fancy private school, and I'm here." he explains.
"At least you have Ned." I say.
"Yeah. Ned's the greatest." he smiles.
"Yes he is." I say, standing up and brushing my pants, Peter following suit.
"It's getting late, and I have my first day at Oscorp tomorrow. So I'm going to head home." I tell him.
"Okay. Thanks for the help. Also, thanks for trusting me with your superhero secret." he smiles, giving me a hug.
"You were going to find out eventually."
"Yeah, sure." he remarked, opening the door.
"Night Peter." I say stepping out.
"Night." he says closing the door behind me.
"[Y/n] is that you?"my grandma called out, as I walk through the front door.
"Yes. Who else would it be? Tony? Steve?" I tell her, walking into the living room where she was seated at.
"Ah so you heard?" She raises an eyebrow.
"Yup. Even told Peter about it." I say.
"Oh really?" she asked surprised.
"Yeah. Couldn't really hide it that well when I heard Tony and Steve arrive."
"One less secret to hide." she says.
"So, what are you going to do?" she asks.
"No idea. This day has already been stressful enough, I just want to go to bed and figure this all out another day." I tell her, feeling the pressure.
"Then do that. Go to bed, and take some time and figure this out." she lightly smiles.
"Plus, you have your first day at Oscorp tomorrow. Give it a week, see how you like it there, you might like it, you might not." she continues.
"Yeah, you're right." I give her a small smile.
"I always am." she says getting up and walking over to me.
"Now, go get some rest." she places a kiss on my head before lightly pushing me towards my room.
As I laid in bed my thoughts were racing around in my head.
Am I making the right decision. Maybe I should call Tony and Steve and find out what they wanted. Maybe my grandma is right and I should just give it some time. Figure out my life outside the Avengers. Maybe this was meant to happen. Maybe I was meant to work at Oscorp.
Maybe I'm not meant to be an Avenger.
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daniwritessometimes · 5 years
Between Friends, Chapter One
Do you like:
Marriage of convenience stories?
Period romance?
LGBT+ characters?
Cute kids?
Then look below the cut to read the first chapter of a story that will contain all of those things.
    Anthony stood outside the bookshop watching Susan pacing back and forth. She looked troubled. He walked into the building, smiling at the familiar sound of the bell ringing upon entry.
    And then he paused when he saw the very official older man sitting in his favorite wingback chair.
    “Hello?” Anthony said glancing between the man and his friend.
    Susan paused. She gasped. “You should marry me!”
    “I beg your pardon?” Now Anthony was confused.
    Susan looked to the man in the chair. “Please excuse us, Mr. Black.” She took hold of Anthony’s elbow and pulled him to the other end of the room. “I’ve just inherited a home, enough money to salvage my business as well as live comfortably for the rest of my days, and a set of siblings—ages four, six, and nine.” She started pacing again, her hands twisting together. “I haven’t been around children for any significant amount of time since I was a child. But you,” she rounded and pointed, “have so many siblings you know far more than I ever will. So the most logical solution is for you to marry me and help me.”
    Anthony could feel his heart beating hard against his rib cage. He’d had this dream recently, while lying in his lover’s arms. He’d been the one to propose, though. And she’d laughed in his face.
    “You could always hire a nanny or governess and never have to worry about caring for them. My parents liked to be with us a lot more than some parents.”
    Susan took hold of his hands. “These children just lost their primary caregiver. Their mother died when the youngest was a baby. Their father not long after. They need someone to give them attention.” She squeezed his fingers. “I want to do this. And I would appreciate if you at least consider it.”
    Anthony looked down at their joined hands. “It would be unseemly if you and I agreed to marry after such a proposal without you ever speaking to my father.”
    Susan snorted. “You are my closest friend, Anthony. My only friend, really. I know I don’t have to marry, but I barely make it as it is considering…” She gestured to her face, slightly darker than the average woman of her station.
    Anthony kissed her knuckles. “I will marry you. With the Osborne name on top of it all, you will be mixing with the best of the best in no time.”
    “I don’t need the best of the best. I just need your support.” She took hold of his face and brought his head down to kiss Anthony on the forehead.
    He watched Susan walk back to her meeting with the lawyer. Anthony made his way to the back of the shop, through the door, and into the little kitchen.
    “Oh, hello.” Mabel said from the stove. Her tone, as always, wasn’t the least bit inviting.
    “What do you know about the lawyer?” Anthony asked, leaning against the counter.
    “What lawyer?”
    Anthony gave Mabel a hard glare. “I know you’re even more nosey than me.”
    Mabel shrugged. “Haven’t been listening. But he’s been eyeing Susan in a way I don’t particularly care for.”
    The door opened and Susan came in, slumping against the counter beside Anthony. She rested her head on his shoulder. “Start packing, Mabel. We’re moving to London.”
    Mabel sat the spoon down she was using to stir the pot. “And what is in London?”
    “Children I’m to take over care of. And a home. And more money than I ever could fathom.” She slipped her hand into Anthony’s and squeezed. “You don’t have to marry me, Anthony. Mabel and I will be fine.”
    “I will not be going.” Mabel said suddenly.
    Susan straightened. “Not going? Why? You told me—”
    “Doesn’t matter what I told you, Sue. My family is here. I will not be moving somewhere I can’t see my family whenever I want.”
    “But you could—”
    “And children? I don’t take care of children. Or clean after them. And I definitely don’t fuck women with children.” Mabel untied her apron and draped it over the back of the chair. “I will start clearing out my things.”
    “Have you wanted to leave, then?” Susan asked, grabbing Mabel’s wrist to stop her from leaving the room.
    Anthony stuck his hands in his pockets and tried to disappear into the cabinets as the pair started arguing.
    “All you really care about is him anyway.” Mabel pointed to Anthony.
    “No, Mabel, I care about you.” Susan reached for Mabel, but she slapped her hands away. “I love you.”
    “Well, I never loved you.”
    Anthony gasped and watched at his best friend’s world started to crumble.
    Mabel left the room as Susan dropped to the floor.
    Anthony wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I will help you with all the necessities of the move.”
    “Thank you.” Her voice was muffled in his shoulder.
    There was a loud banging from the other side of the building.
    Susan flinched.
    “She was never good for you.” Anthony smoothed his hand over Susan’s hair. He’d never admitted it fully, but he loved her dearly. More than as a friend. And it frightened him.
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