#very into my drg glam rn especially the long nail claws
asleepinawell · 2 years
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All jobs at 90!
Put some thoughts about them all below the read more if anyone if interested
Casters - favorite role. while not as mobile as ranged physical, you still have a good bit of freedom to move around (blm is...interesting for that) and who doesn’t love casting fancy magic spells.
smn - This was the main job I leveled as and I am very attached to my carby. After playing a lot of other jobs I see how people find it a little too mindless, but I enjoy it. Summoning a giant dragon? Yes please. Also excellent starting class for new people.
blm - This was one of the roughest jobs to level at early levels. It’s kind of cruel that it’s a starting job. It can be very confusing to figure out, but it really shines later on (66+) and becomes a lot of fun if you enjoy making big explosions. It was a wild experience leveling it where your rotation shifts around a lot as you go and new abilities are sometimes very ????. Definitely very hard to play well but so satisfying by 90.
rdm - This is the job I play the most these days. I love the utility of rdm and that I can just spam raise the group if needed. I’m a very average player at best so jobs that make me feel like I’m being useful to the group are my preference. Also the complete combo at 90 is intensely satisfying though I really need people to stop dying in the middle of my combo. I consider myself equally a rdm and smn main these days.
Healers - second favorite role. I enjoy healing a lot though I mostly stick to alliance raids for it. I healed some of the treasure maps and deep dungeons recently which were both a blast.
sch - Despite getting sch leveled for free with smn, this was the last healer I picked up. It’s the most confusing in my opinion despite the toolkit not being that dissimilar to sge. It’s very fun once you get the idea, but definitely my weakest healer. The faerie tether is hilarious and I like having a little buddy to follow me around. I know they’ve said pet classes are tough to make for some reason but I’d love more.
ast - The micromanager healer. There’s always more buttons to be pressing with ast. Not a healer I’d take into newer content where I need to pay attention. It is, however, extremely fun and has some of the prettiest effects. Being able to set up big heals on a timer in advance is strange and means you’re sometimes wasting stuff, but ultimately it works out. Also love handing out cards
whm - Not the most interesting of healers but definitely the easiest to take into stuff I’m not comfortable with yet. whm can just panic heal the crap out of the group if needed. blood lily hits like a truck and is immensely satisfying and holy spam in 4-mans for packs of mobs is so sexy to both the healer and tank.
sge - Sage was my first healer and still my favorite. It’s got fun lasers and a pretty straight-forward toolkit. I’m glad I learned shield healing first since I think it would be harder to have learned it after doing whm or something first. Also quite good for soloing stuff because kardia is amazing. Definitely pleased they switched the addersting to proc off group shields now too.
Tanks - I hate tanking with strangers so I mostly do it in trusts and fates. I occasionally tank alliance raids which are fun except for all the tanking drama.
gnb - Favorite tank. Very straight-forward, cool moves, no mp management. Great aesthetic. Definitely the tank I’m most comfortable with. I do a lot of fates with it.
war - Of all the jobs in the game this was the only one I’d say I flat out did not enjoy. The animations and attacks feel so slow and clunky. The rotation is boring. The self-healing is very ridiculous and nice though.
drk - First tank I picked up. Loved the story, got lost in how it worked at later levels. Aesthetics are A+ I just don’t know how the fuck to play it. The mp management also drove me bonkers
pld - Last tank I leveled. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. It’s pretty easy and once you get a little self-healing it really shines. I soloed a lot of hoh with it and had fun. The invuln is very nice and the effects are pretty. My biggest gripe is there’s too many abilities to fit on the controller crossbar. I just could not make it work and it’s frustrating.
Melee - Least favorite job role. I loathe positionals. I hate how much mobility is limited by needing to stay within melee range. Also I am just Not Good at melee and that makes me feel bad playing it.
sam - Tied with rpr for fave melee. Love the moveset, love the fact it’s really straight-forward. Definitely feel slightly less useless on this one than other melee. Love having a rainbow moon button for the finisher.
rpr - This was my first melee class and it possibly has the coolest animation effects of the melee classes. It’s very swish swish and fun and looks cool. The positionals are less annoying than other jobs for some reason.
drg - I love the drg moves and animations but I am just not very good at it and end up feeling useless in group content. Doing buff/debuff upkeep on it gives me a headache. Of the available options though it is probably the best melee to pick up when you first start the game. I feel like it could benefit from having some of the buffs condensed.
nin - I have a love/hate relationship with nin. It’s very cool and a lot of fun and I am so so so bad at it. I cannot stress enough how bad I am. I have no problem remembering the mudra combos I just can’t seem to get jackshit in dps out of it no matter what I try. And it gets a little ‘too many buttons to hit’ by 90. The opener and burst for it is ridiculous in those terms and I always am like wow I did it and then realize I somehow missed one thing.
mnk - I’m kind of neutral on monk. The animations are super cool. The forms are interesting in the flexibility they give you but I prefer the drg loop rotation rather than having to track the buffs/debuffs and choosing attacks each time.
Ranged Physical - I enjoy these but not as much as caster. I love how mobile they are and they all feel very unique.
dnc - This was the first one I picked up. Dnc is very pretty and fun and I like the group utility it has. It’s also a low-stress job for me since I don’t feel bad if my dps isn’t fantastic. It definitely doesn’t feel as interesting at 90 as some of the other jobs though. Also why is it when some asshole early pulls it’s always a dnc?
brd - Bard is fun though it was painful at lower levels. Definitely picks up later on. I don’t mind bard but it’s not my go-to. Also think it’s a decent choice for a new person playing.
mch - I ended up liking mch a lot more than I expected. Guns just aren’t very interesting to me, but the combat ended up being fun and I loved the bioblaster gun.
I think overall it’s pretty clear I value jobs that are a little more straight-forward and easy. I’m not a great player and I probably never will be so having something that’s easier to manage so I can focus on not fucking up mechanics is nice. There’s a balance needed for making the rotation interesting enough but keeping it simple enough for me to autopilot when needed. While I don’t feel any pressing urge to be the top dps in a group (though it’s a nice ego boost when it does happen) I do feel shitty when I’m clearly underperforming. I like the cooperative aspect of the game and I like to feel like I’m contributing and carrying my own weight, It’s one of the reasons I like utility stuff and healing a lot.
While it’s a ton of time and effort and a mind-numbing amount of roulettes to level all the jobs to 90, it’s also really cool to get to explore all the different jobs. Definitely glad I did it.
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