#very intrigued by this
clickerflight · 5 months
Clove: Part 21 - No Monologues
Bois.... there's more to this story than I thought there would be. We vibing but this is wild!
Masterlist - Part 20
Content: Werewolf whumpee, human whumper, vampire caretaker, exhaustion, strangulation, a rather quick and violent death
Goldenrod was really struggling to stay on top of the pillar now. He was tired and shaky, his fingers trembling on the ritual knife as he tried to dodge and shield himself from the barrage of gravel Jack kept sending his way, hoping to knock him down. He was so scared. He just had to hang on till Ephraim got here. He had to. He didn’t think he could fight Jack again. He shouldn’t have swallowed any of Jack’s blood earlier. It was making Hyrum feel really sick and making the whole situation that much worse. 
The newest rock attack slowed to a stop, Jack panting below, still pacing back and forth. He was chewing on his thumbnail, looking up at the skies nervously over and over again. The fae queen had to know by now. Was she going to come here or was she setting up defenses against him? He didn’t have time. He really didn’t have time.
He chewed harder, running out of nail and just started in on the flesh of his thumb with his sharp teeth as he stared up at Hyrum, who watched with a numb sort of exhaustion in his eyes. That was good. Jack knew that look well. The pup wouldn’t be able to stay up there for long. 
Jack looked over at another pillar, spaced not that far away from Hyrum’s and stopped chewing on his thumb. If he couldn’t get Hyrum down with magic, he’d have to do it with force. 
So, the sorcerer started to climb a pillar, slowly and laboriously as he kept slipping down the smooth rock face. He nearly slid all the way to the bottom when he felt a stinging pain bite into his skull. He snarled as he realized Hyrum had chucked a rock at his head, and forced himself to climb higher. 
He scrambled onto the top, and without even so much as a moment to catch his breath, he turned and threw himself across the gap. 
Hyrum yelped, holding the blade up to try and defend himself, but Jack crashed into him, sending them both onto the gravel below. 
Hyrum was well protected by his being a werewolf, however that didn’t help with the way the crash had sent the wind right out of his lungs. 
Jack grabbed the knife from out of trembling fingers and grabbed Hyrum’s throat with the other hand. “Alright, pup. I hope you enjoyed all of that. A waste of time and energy if you ask me,” he said, picking Hyrum up as he gasped and scratched at Jack’s wrist. 
Vindictively, Jack slammed Hyrum into the altar, making the pup’s eyes go wide and dazed as his head smacked into the obsidian. 
Jack now took a moment to breathe, changing his grip on the knife and on Hyrum’s throat so he could try and get at his voice box. 
“I would tell you to hold still, but that would be a bit of a waste of breath, wouldn’t it,” Jack said as Hyrum seemed to come back to his senses, fear and helplessness flooding his face as he realized he just didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore. 
Jack allowed himself a moment to drink it in. How couldn’t he, really. The pup had always been so cute and desperate when he was scared. So perfectly defenseless. 
“I think I will miss you a little… not much, but a little,” Jack commented mostly to himself, flipping the knife one more time for good measure before leaning over Hyrum to make the first incision. 
He only got as far as touching the blade to the werewolf’s throat, Hyrum’s golden eyes squeezed shut with silent tears tracking down his dirty cheeks, when Jack was slammed to the side and into the ground. 
He scrabbled at the gravel, reaching for the knife he dropped, but a powerful hand closed on the back of his neck, the other grabbing the back of his clothing to throw him onto his back. 
Jack’s manic eyes landed on Ephraim, who stood clean and furious before him, lips drawn back to show his broken fang. 
Ephraim had felt his heart nearly fall out of his rib cage when he’d seen Jack leaning over Hyrum like that, but was glad to see the pup scramble off the altar, frozen in indecision between trying to get away and going to hug Ephraim. 
“Ephraim!” Jack said in a placating tone, trying to get himself sorted out to sit up. “So good to see you! I thought you’d be in the pits by- CKkk”
Ephraim stood on his throat, watching as the sorcerer tried to get Ephraim’s foot off. “I almost was,” he replied, leaning some weight on it. “Goodbye, Jack. Hope you  are remembered in tales for the truly terrible fate you are dealt in the afterlife. 
Jack shook his head, eyes wide as he struggled to speak. 
“Bck! N’v’r bck! Wi’ow m’!”
Ephraom threw back his head and laughed a truly cold laugh. “I don’t care. I have an in with the queen here. I’m not concerned about getting back.”
“D’nt tr’st-”
“Oh I know,” Ephraim said, leaning hard just to watch as the sorcerer’s face turned an odd shade of blue. “I won’t, trust you that.”
Jack, realizing he wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of this, tried to gather the last bits of strength he had after constantly attacking Hyrum and after the arduous journey here, but Ephraim lifted his foot and slammed it into the sorcerer’s throat, listening to the satisfying crack of his neck. 
Ephraim stood like that, breathing heavily before he looked back at Goldenrod. “Don’t watch.”
Goldenrod, eyes wide and teary, nodded and turned away as Ephraim knelt down, slowly cracking Jack open to pull out each and every organ he could get his hands on and destroy them, scattering them everywhere. As soon as he had reduced Jack to a smear that no magic would be able to bring him back from, Ephraim stood up, stepping out of the now deactivated ritual circle to wipe his hands off in the grass. 
He looked back to see Goldenrod curled on his side on the ground, face almost touching one of the pillars. 
He got up and walked to Goldenrod only to realize that his little boy was breathing slowly and calmly, so trusting in Ephraim to deal with the mess that he paid no heed to the noises and let sleep take him. 
Ephraim clicked his tongue. He wanted to take the moment to heart and relish in it, but they weren’t safe yet. They were still in the fae realm, and while the fae queen was soft on his fledgling and Benny would surely do anything for him to get in his good graces again, Ephraim didn’t think for even a moment that they were anywhere near close to safe. They weren’t going to be safe till they were all home and that entrance in the forest was sealed. 
Ephraim carefully scooped Goldenrod into his arms, lifting him. The werewolf woke enough to grab onto him before he fell asleep again, the fear and constant adrenaline too much for his little system. 
Ephraim didn’t spare the smears in the gravel behind him any heed as he stepped into the grass, walking back towards where the castle had been. He didn’t know if they would actually make it since traveling in the fae wilds had turned out to be strange, getting Ephraim to the ritual place much faster than he expected without even seeing the entrance to the fae realm once on the way here, but he was sure Benny would have someone come looking for him, and there were already fae scouts out looking for Jack.
He walked for about an hour, Goldenrod only stirring to snuggle closer, when he saw some of the fog clearing ahead and a fae walked out through it. It was the gauzy fae from before. Kortops. 
“What have you found, Vampire?” he called. 
“My pup,” Ephraim replied cautiously. “I’ve killed the sorcerer, though you may want to dispose of his remains somehow. I am concerned he knew a good deal of dark magic and might have some way to come back.”
“I will have someone look into it. I will walk you back, yes?”
Ephraim was conflicted. He wanted to demand to go home, but he wasn’t certain how the fae would react to that and there was a large part of him that wanted to convince Benny to come home. But if they stayed they wouldn’t be able to eat. And Goldenrod needed to eat. 
“We will walk back to the palace,” Ephraim said uneasily. “Tell me, is there food here that isn’t of the fae.”
Kortops laughed. “You think we will hold you here if you eat it?” 
“I believe it may weaken defenses more than anything else,” Ephraim said a little testily. “I would really prefer to keep my wits about me.”
Kortops looked like he almost wanted to be offended about that, his wings flicking, but he sighed. “You have caught us, vampire. We are to be only the best hosts, and we will provide you with completely unenchanted food.”
“Every time?” 
“Every time,” the fae promised with a roll of his eyes. 
Good. It seemed Ephraim had discovered another rule the fae have to live by. They are, first and foremost good hosts, and they had to be truthful in their dealings as such. 
Ephraim would need to think carefully over all of his requests to be sure to watch for loop holes, then, and no fae would get to talk to Hyrum even once without Ephraim being there. 
“Thank you,” Ephraim said. Manners were likely important in a place like this. “When we arrive at the castle, I would like good, unenchanted food and a safe and secure place to sleep with a promise that no fae or fae servant will disturb us as we sleep. We have had a long, long day.”
“Of course,” Kortops said, taking on a subservient, though distant tone now. “Anything else for you, my liege?”
“That will be all for tonight,” Ephraim replied, just as distantly. His thoughts were already on the idea of a warm, comfortable shower and then a warm, comfortable bed where he and Goldenrod could curl up and he could ensure that his pup was safe and still alive. 
The palace loomed up through the mists again and Kortops led him inside, relaying orders to the servants who led Ephraim to a room. 
After Ephraim had triple checked that they knew to bring unenchanted but good food, he turned to caring for Goldenrod, getting some warm water and soap from the bathroom to clean his wounds and scrapes. Goldenrod was somewhat awake for this, whining and crying a little about being disturbed, but his demeanor changed as he smelled food as the fae brought it in for them to eat. 
Soon enough, they were fed, cleaned, clothed and in bed, Goldenrod passed out without even managing to say goodnight, and Ephraim, a hand on the back of Goldenrod’s head, followed soon after. 
Part 22
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps
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sumiblue · 3 months
We need togetherness more than ever. People can speak incredibly poisonously to each other online, but if you put them in a room together, more civility, empathy, and understanding of others’ backgrounds or perspectives often breaks out. And so physical meeting spaces, the streets and squares of our cities and towns, are really needed for the health of society. Buildings are the walls of those public rooms. I know I sound romantic when I say that, but I really believe it. Society has to be designed so people respect each other and bring each other together, and those buildings are part of the kit.
Thomas Heatherwick's Humanize movement
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bahoreal · 1 year
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egophiliac · 2 months
seriously though I was probably like. 60-80% thinking we'd get at least one tweel for chapter 10. but I was NOT expecting it so soon! both of 'em! in August! a shame we're not getting a Coral Sea event after all...but I guess I can be resigned to that and ALSO excited for getting shiny sparkly glowing(!!!!) mertwins along with Azul fighting his inner demons and going right for the eyes! AHHHH I CAN'T WAIT
(also heeeey I recognize that rowboat... 👀)
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sophfandoms53 · 5 months
Anyway shout out to Dewey who constantly looked like he was having the worst time of his fucking life in the pitches
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Just an 11 year old pissed off at the world it seems😭
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catpriciousmarjara · 7 months
Every single day I'm grateful for that time I stumbled on the SVSSS headcanon that while Bingqiu is considered highkey confusing and lowkey cringe in the demon realm, Moshang is known as the Power Couple™. They're the demonic love story. The 'It Couple'.
Just generations of demons sighing over the dramatic and bloody love story of the Northern King and his right hand man plus spymaster, yearning for one of their own filled with such glorious violence and betrayal! A classic childhood friends to lovers narrative filled with ups and downs and copious murder and gore! Love at first sight! The story of the loyal spy who rose up the ranks of the brutal Northern Court, culling his competition while providing vital intel to his liege, all the while infiltrating the most powerful cultivation sect in the world and eventually even becoming a Peak Lord! The slow burn of all slow burns! All kinds of spicy complicated power imbalances! Sexy, unexpected age gaps! Years of heavy plot! Decades of passionate courting! The pinnacle of inter-species forbidden romance! The tale of a man who swore eternal loyalty after falling violently in love at the very first meeting, calling a mere Prince His King in his desire and determination to see his beloved's ascension to the throne that was his birthright, and the Demon Prince who was unexpectedly presented with fierce loyalty in a life that had until then been rife with treachery and grabbed it with both hands and never looked back!
...and there's Junshan and the weird human he keeps around. Somewhat interesting if you're into that teacher-student thing I guess. There were very few deaths. Some bland murders. The trial arc and the self destruct thing plus corpse hoarding was interesting but overall very vanilla. Unseasoned. Not even a proper decade of drama. Kinda boring. And Junshan's half human so they're like Walmart version inter-species romance. But whatever the Emperor's into I guess. His dad was kinda weird too but at least his relationship with that human woman had some kick to it. The new generation just doesn't appreciate a long drawn out painful romance tsk tsk...
Like infinitely grateful to whoever first spawned that headcanon. Never fails to make me laugh. Honestly the most hilarious thing I've ever seen in this fandom. Hope your pillow is always cold and you never stub your toe.
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eterniravioli · 13 days
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are they family or are they fucking? you decide.
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It is a beautiful day, and you are a horrible research transport vessel. Things are progressing as normal (i.e. it's boring) when a SecUnit pings you, lies right to your metaphorical face, and then tries to bribe you with human media to give it a ride. This is as unexpected as it is unprecedented, and the sheer nerve of it is really to be admired. There's no protocol to this, so what should you do?
Now, this is against a bunch of rules, and could be dangerous if you weren't so impressive and incredible, and you're technically an employee (and can probably rewrite the Univeristy charter at will (until someone notices and puts it back)) so those rules are for other entities.
So, what you should do is allow the rogue SecUnit with a broken governor module and a sketchy story aboard. If you check the files it dumps and find zero (0) malware (which is confusing), and it doesn't even try to trash the place or lay in wait to ambush a crew member, then you've got a good candidate!
Next, what you're going to want to do is absolutely nothing. Just watch it patrol your halls until it's time to leave. Continue staring at it while you're undergoing embarkment procedures. Maybe analyze it a little (you've got plenty of processing power to spare) when it finally sits down and starts watching media. Allow it to settle in and get comfortable while you stare at it and get further and further from port.
Now that you two are alone (intimacy is key!) and you've determined that watching media is all the SecUnit is going to do, it's time to make contact! Make sure to open by telling it it's only survived due to dumb luck, and letting it know you could melt its brain into putty. This starter will work to develop conversation naturally and smoothly, just like you've seen the humans do, and it will be smooth sailing from there!
This has been Perihelion's guide to making friends/finding life partners/fuck off Holism I had to work hard for this find your own
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polarsirens · 1 year
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scrumptious scoundrels! … and just a bishop who’s wandered into a secret gathering.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Idea expanded, Rockstar Eddie falling head over heels for Bartender Steve working in a high class club type of joint. He sees him working one night and thinks God damn, he's hot. I'm taking him home tonight.
Except bartender Steve has developed a significant distaste for celebrities and rich people in general because of getting cut off from his homophobic parents for coming out and the general bad way many have treated him at work whilst sloshed. But lucky for Eddie, Steve doesn't recognize him. And even though he started off in a trailer park, the fame has gone to his head a little and he asks Steve out with the full intention of getting into his pants and never seeing him again.
But oh no, would you look at that Steve isn't easy. And what Eddie thought would be a booty call ends up being a ten hour date around the city where he has more fun than he even thought was possible. Just from talking with Steve about anything and everything, flitting to parks and museums. And Eddie doesn't even realize until he's back at his hotel that they didn't even kiss.
And they go out more and more, and Eddie likes him more and more and he finds out where the rich people hate comes from. And it scares him. So he keeps lying. Like an idiot. And he tells Steve a fake last name, he tells him a fake job (which is only half fake because he did used to be a tattoo artist) and he rents an air bnb that he pretends is his own place. And the lies keep getting more elaborate to cover up more lies. And he keeps refusing to meet Steve's friends out of fear that they'll recognize him. And he really just drove himself into a corner here because he is absolutely in love with Steve at this point but how the fuck can you have a normal relationship when you are pretending to be someone else?
Turns out you can't, and Steve finds out the truth despite his efforts. But the twist is, he thinks it's fucking hilarious. After a normal period of What the fuck reaction time he gets over it. But never let's Eddie live it down.
6/27 Edit: Welp, now there's a fic.
Two fics actually. The other is by KikiZ on ao3 which is great if you're not looking for an explicit fic! Because mine will be. It's also a bit more introspective than what I got going on, and also thus far, hella romantic.
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archivehornets · 3 months
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Troy, Tim, and Joseph are making a book about the creation of Marble Hornets! As of right now, they are about to hit $7,000 in support after less than 24 hours. Support them HERE. Happy Anniversary!
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 6 months
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Jamey Perry: #LeverageRedemption #whatsinthebox
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Reasons to play In Stars and Time: Canon Pronoun Warfare.
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soupdreamer · 4 months
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hey brennan what the fuck
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dannymans66 · 4 months
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Made with watercolours and coloured pencils 🎨🥕
(also Sanji centred post, what a rarity!!)
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moonkhao · 5 months
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