#very proud of my hoard of critters and kid
sidetongue · 1 year
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nyameowtherfucker · 4 years
Robin Hood(Elizabeth Bathory)
Temporary summon: Deerlet/Puppy!!! Are you ready to redistribute candy!? We can't have selfish people hoarding it! We must become the Robin Hoods of Halloween!
Summon: Woop~ I'm in the Archer Class, Elizabeth Bath- oh, I mean Robin Hood! Good job, Deerlet/Puppy! We saved Halloween! I'm putting my trust in you, please take care of me!
Skill 1: May Princess EX
Apply Evade(1 turn) and Damage Cut(3 times) to self. Gain delayed buff(gain 20 stars).
Skill 2: Animal Communication A
Increase your NP gauge (50% - 70%)
Skill 3: Breath of the Nature Dragon D
Clears Debuffs from party and inflicts toxic status, attack down, and defense down on all enemies.
NP: The Legend of Robin Hood
(Arts) Deals Minimal damage to all enemies, inflicts poison >increases with overcharge< all enemies, and Reduce targeted enemy's Arts resistance >Increases with overcharge<
Battle Start 1: Is someone disturbing the peace again!? Let's go, troupe!
Battle start 2: With the blessings of the Forest, I will defeat you!
Skill 1: Laaa~
Skill 2: Am I doing this right? I'm new to this Robin Hood thing!
Skill 3: Listen to the song of nature!
Card select 1: Hold on, I'm cocking my bow!
Card select 2: Right away!
Card select 3: No holding back!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do~
Noble Phantasm Select 2: Hold on! Where's that flute, it's somewhere in my cloak...
Noble Phantasm Select 3: I wrote this myself! I do not take criticism.
Attack 1: Just how he taught me!
Attack 2: Ahahaha!
Attack 3: Behold! The beauty of nature!
Noble Phantasm 1: Now! Listen up, open your ears! This is only one of the most famous European myths in all of history! *flute rendition of Oo-De-Lally* Thanks for joining, you were a great crowd!
Noble Phantasm 2: The many legends of Robin Hood, gathered into one beautiful ballad! A concentration of vigilante heroism! Don't even bother to plug your ears! *Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, golly what a day*
Damage 1: Gah!
Damage 2: You're so rude!
Damage from NP 1: I...! Can't...! Back...! Doooown...!
Damage from NP 2: My costume!
Defeat 1: Robin... Help...
Defeat 2: I just wanted... to be a hero of the people...
Battle Finish 1: Thanks, critters of the forest!
Battle Finish 2: Doing good is so hard, but it's so rewarding!
Initial bond: Elizabeth has taken inspiration from the infamous Robin Hood to become the shadowed and hidden protector of Halloween! Neither the words shadowed or hidden apply to her, she still does her best.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 5'1" ・ 97lbs
Source: Historical Fact
Country of Origin: Hungary
Alignment: Neutral・Good
Gender: Female
Comment from her archery instructor: "She has potential, but did she have to go with Robin Hood!? It's embarrassing to deal with for me!"
Bond 2: One of the Robin Hood myths involves him being a noble, or an ex-noble, unhappy with the treatment of the people by their fellow nobleman. This Robin Hood is the manifestation of that, being a well-meaning noble wanting to give back to the people through stealing from other nobles and distributing wealth.
Bond 3: While this Robin Hood is not specifically money, this case involves the redistribution is candy! Elizabeth Bathory, with her love of Halloween, refuses to let someone hoity toity mysterious nobleman hoard all of the candy for himself, and thus donned the classic Green of the specter Robin Hood!
Bond 4:
May Princess EX: A unique take on the May King that Elizabeth associates with Robin Hood. However, this is mostly due to the cloak in question being enchanted by the very one in question, knowing that if she was going to go through with this, she would most definitely get hurt. Feeling responsible, he placed protection runes on it to make certain she wouldn't die.
Animal Communication A: Her dragon nature mixed with her current link to nature(not to mention her status as the May Princess) has given this Robin Hood the ability to communicate with animals.
Breath of the Nature Dragon D: An enhancement of her Breath of The Dragon E skill. This skill was tweaked when she adopted the persona of Robin Hood, making the mana more equivalent to that of a druid's than a supersonic blast of sound, restoring her allies to their normal state and debilitating the enemies somewhat with song.
Bond 5:
The Legend of Robin Hood: A manifestation of the myriad legends of Robin hood gathered into one song, weaponizing all the concepts and beliefs that people have about the figure as an assault on the enemy. The poison comes from both the death that Robin Hood was believed to have and her own connection with "Robin Hood" and "A person who uses poison as a weapon of justice".
Bond 6: (Complete Elizabeth Hood and Her Merry Troupe)
While Elizabeth Bathory is one of the most infamous murderers in all of history, we can't forget that she has been summoned as a 14 year old girl. Hyped on imagination, silliness, ideals of the Robin Hood persona, and sugar, she's bound to be a bit more active than usual. Sometimes, even a princess can want to run around and frolic, to get a bit dirty, to be a kid. Let her play the roll, let her be a child. She doesn't have to be that evil vampire, the murderer, or the proper dragon idol all the time.
My room lines:
Bond 1: Remember! I am not Elizabeth Bathory, I'm Robin Hood! I'm not hiding it, but refer to me as Robin! Or Robinette since we already have a Robin... Wait, Robin is already a name that isn't feminine or masculine! Hmmm... AUGH! Lizzyhood! I'm Lizzyhood!
Bond 2: My thoughts on the common folk? I certainly treated them wrong... Well, it's in the past, right? Even if people remember me that way, I can't change their thoughts.
Bond 3: Hm? Does how people view me bother me? Of course not! I've abandoned such silly ideas, I'm Lizzyhood now! ...You like me though, right? I want you to like me at least, since you're my Master.
Bond 4: I learned everything I know about Robin Hooding from the real deal! His face was priceless when he saw me in this outfit, so funny! And he immediately got me into training with a bow too! Though... he didn't really look like he was having fun... I must've been a bad student? Ugh, why am I worrying about that!?
Bond 5: You said that Robin was just like that because he was worried, right? I'm... relieved. I don't want him to find me annoying, or bratty, or anything like that. I want to be his equal! I want him... to like me as a comrade and friend! Even though what I said should be true... I want people to like me, even now. But... because of my past... Eh? You-you're... my biggest fan? Even with... I... *sniff* You can't go making a hero of the people cry like that, Master...
Conversation 1: Deerlet/Puppy, what shall we do today? Shall we go out and help the people?
Conversation 2: Master and Servant? Someone like me doesn't need a Master! Can I call you backup for now? At least for a bit?
Conversation 3: I made this myself you know! What do you think? I'm pretty, right? Like a little forest princess!
Conversation 4: People are really calling me cute in this outfit... Ah, I'm too adorable, I can't stay hidden!
Conversation 5 (Robin Hood): Oh hey! My fellow protector of the common folk! Robin, I've been doing great, right? Are you proud? ...What was that about childhood flashbacks? What's with that grin!? This isn't a game to me, I'm serious!
Conversation 6 (Any Nero): My rival! Even moreso now that I am a hero of the commoners, she is the picture perfect image of a corrupt leader who wants nothing more than to waste her time doing nothing and stealing citizen's money! But she's still a friend so I'm not mad at her or anything.
Conversation 7 (Emiya): When I was talking about how I'm a hero of the people, that red guy got all nervous. Does he have issues with that phrase? ...I probably shouldn't ask.
Conversation 8 (Any demonic servant): U-um... I-I-I-I'm a hero against tyrants, not demons... No! I can do this! Anything to protect the people...!
Likes: I love the commoners, and protecting them against the evil and the corrupt! But, other than that, singing is still my favorite thing to do.
Dislikes: With this on, I like closed spaces even less. Give me a forest over an inn's room any day!
During an Event: Ooh! That looks fun! Um, Deerlet/Puppy, let's take a bit of a break! Even a Robin Hood needs to do a bit of R and R now and again!
Birthday: Because it was your special day, I went out and picked some berries for a fruit pie! The crust is only a little burned on this one, but other than that it's perfect! Please enjoy!
Robin on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): She's still at that... Look, don't get me wrong, seeing her be so excited is heartwarming, but when I see her I see myself, when I started. I don't want what happened to me happen to her... As long as she's having fun, who am I to stop her beyond keeping her safe?
Nero (Caster) on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): Aw, how disappointing… I really wanted Elizabeth to be in a swimsuit so we could have a bit of fun in the ocean... But, even in those garbs she is quite the adorable figure indeed!
Proto Cu on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): Well, look who it is! Someone's having a fun time, why don't I give you a hand with that whole justice for the commonfolk thing? Come on, let's have a bit of fun whacking corrupt officials together! I got a few in mind right now!
Tristan on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): That dragon girl is playing dressup, and she seems to be even more interested in me now. Ah, it's because I'm a knight, a musician, AND an Archer...? Am I going to have trouble, Master?
Bedivere on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): The legendary Robin Hood... I know there are many alternate character interpretations of him, but... Wings and a tail? And hot pink? I never envisioned such flashiness on a thief...
Fuuma on Robin Hood (Elizabeth Bathory): I feel an odd sense of kinship with Elizabeth right now. Both of us, the blood countess and a person with oni blood, beings of evil that are trying to protect people... I must thank her for letting me join, it was really fun.
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