#vf turn around
roshanzion2023 · 11 months
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sassyfrassboss · 8 months
“Since I didn't like her straight away but it was hard to find people that felt the way I did at the time I actually googled "people who hate Meghan Markle" and Tumblr popped up.” I’ve been BRF fan since the 90s and William was the good looking, athletic guy reluctant to be king one day and Harry was the fun-loving party Prince. I thought Harry would be William’s Princess Margaret (sometimes wayward but fiercely loyal and do all of the social engagements the monarch didn’t/couldn’t do). I watched when Catherine came on the scene and then Chelsea and Cressida. Harry absolutely had a type, tall, blond, from a good family. Then we get to 2016 and there are rumors he’s dating some random American actress who no one has heard of with some dime a dozen blog and on some basic cable legal show that she’s not even the star of. Let’s face it, Suits is not Law&Order or SVU. Not to mention, she’s short, brunette, and not from a connected family. She appeared out of nowhere and all of is sudden has a VF cover? I thought for sure he’d end it then because none of his previous girlfriends talked about their relationship with him but Meghan did. Then there’s IG in Toronto and “the statement” and I knew she was going to be trouble. She made damn sure everyone knew they were together. She still does it, referring to “my husband” and Duchess of Sussex on every article ever written since they married. Superficially, she looked smug as hell too.
Harry absolutely had a type, tall, blond, from a good family. Then we get to 2016 and there are rumors he’s dating some random American actress who no one has heard of with some dime a dozen blog and on some basic cable legal show that she’s not even the star of.
Yeah so when the news started coming out that he was "possibly" dating this divorced American actress I was like "yeah right..." then when it came out she was half black i thought "not a chance in HELL is this true" because let's face it...this is the guy who wore a Nazi costume and was known for throwing around racial slurs. No way was this story true. Then it WAS true and I thought, eh maybe he is turning a new leaf. Of course there was talk he didn't know she was half black until they had been dating a while and he was afraid to break up with her because he didn't want her to call him a racist.
While all of this was going on we got the spooning banana Instagram post and then the coffee cup with bracelets IG post. When that came out and you saw she was baiting someone into connecting the dots so she could FINALLY brag about her once in a lifetime catch I thought "she's toast...nothing Harry hates more than someone flaunting their relationship and talking to the press." Because at the time Harry was way more tightlipped about his life than William. Harry guarded his privacy fiercely and was known to drop people faster than a hot potato if they talked about him to the press. I never thought the relationship would get past this point.
Then Love Shield 1.0 and I was like you..."uh oh...we are in trouble here..." Also because there was ZERO evidence she was being harassed and she claimed in the statement. There weren't hundreds of paps chasing her down the street like Kate or Diana. In fact, it seemed that Meghan was courting and LOVING the attention. Smiling big and bright at the cameras and making sure to wear her "H" necklace. This is when I knew she was a manipulator and a liar.
Then when she was in London and kept walking in front of the Daily Mail offices to get photographed. She looked ridiculous walking around London in her "wellies."
When "Wild about Harry" came out I 100% thought "that's the end of her" so when they were engaged shortly afterwards you could have knocked me over with a feather I was so shocked. I expected breakup news, not an engagement.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Hi booky! Marketing anon here, just checking in on you.
I can see you are upset by what’s happened recently and I think you are very valid to feel how you feel. I will keep my own thoughts to myself.
That being said, I was kind of waiting for 🐟 to show her true colors for a long time and I think at this point it should be pretty obvious.
For these last years, CE’s angry haters/fans tore him apart (I’ve seen some very heavy hating posts lately) for this relationship but I’ve never believed what they said was happening.
People claimed 🐟 gave up everything and hid for 2 years so she could be a wife and perfect partner to his idyllic settle down in the woods peaceful life. Right? Isn’t that what so many ppl were screaming about and claimed he didn’t want a strong woman just someone to mold to him? It was what he wanted, not her. And people complained about this and called him every name in the book.
….let me ask some simple questions here. Since they got together, where has it been shown that she’s given up anything for him?
She is in PT all the time and her trolling friends continue to troll and be themselves 24/7
He is now being seen in PT doing restaurant tours for her/with her.
He is being seen in LA doing laps with her for the paps and somehow her style account gets updates on her all high fashion.
He attends some random industry parties and somehow is never seen outside of being pictured with her. And of course every event gets her outfits to wear that her style account can update 🙄
On Thanksgiving weekend, people assumed she would be with him in the states but it turns out she’s in PT with her soulmate walking a red carpet for no reason.
She’s seen in France skiing with her friends.
She’s seen in reels posted by her friends hanging out with them all over the last year.
The two interviews she’s gotten by PT spreads have her stating she lives in LA or LA and NY for her career and then goes home to PT to recharge.
Where in any of this is she giving up her life for him?
Are people finally waking up to realize, no, he is not making her do anything. She is doing what she wants and she has always been. If she hid herself for two years that’s her own decision. Nobody told her she had to attend any of these events if she’s so shy but clearly from her BTS makeup photos she’s very happy to pose for these big events (GQ, Paris fashion, VF)
Also, the VF red carpet.
She wants him to take photos with her so he stays back even though he tried to leave and let her have her own moment.
He’s seen on footage responding to her, and she’s asking, touching, and he appears on camera to be appeasing to her requests or whatever.
The latest post by her has her posting everything about her and her clothes, pics of herself, and not one mention of him.
He is the reason she was able to attend that party yet all of her friends and minions are giving her the attention as if she turned water into wine.
It’s very clear here to me what’s going on.
Why do you think Chris has virtually disappeared from his social media presence?
I’m not saying that he is a victim and to make her the bad guy. Obviously he is grown and makes his own decisions. But I’m not seeing this alleged “Chris being the one telling her to change her life for him because he’s selfish and blah blah”
I’ve never seen that all. The footage doesn’t lie. He wasn’t directing her around at all. In fact, it could be argued she was the one doing that. He likely wanted to let her have her own moment but it seems like she knows she needs him in order to shine.
Also, for those claiming he stole his brother’s thunder.
He didn’t attend the Oscar’s. His brother did and with his own partner. If Chris had gone as his brother’s plus one that would have been more attention seeking to me. Because if he shows up to the actual ceremony next to his bro, he WOULD be stealing the spotlight because he’s more well known. But he didn’t. People need to stop coming for him for that.
Him attending the after party had nothing to do with his brother so I also need people to stop with that. It’s clear to me he attended with her and this was an opportunity for her to get the spotlight.
I understand being upset at a celeb because some of you don’t like his decisions on certain things but to slander and spew vitriol at him and then photoshop him in disgusting edits is just. Well says more about some of you.
None of this is directed at you, booky. You feel how you feel. I hope you don’t take this too much to heart because like some others have been saying, it’s not worth the energy.
Be well ❤️
Hey, Marketing An🫶n!!!
I'm so glad you're back! 🥹 And thanks, it means a whole lot to hear you say that, and to check up on me. And if you're worried about the haters on whatever you're thinking, I don't think you should hold back. But I respect that.
Made some good points about Alba, and her not giving anything for Chris up. Because seriously, you're not wrong.
Basically, for me, they're both doing this. Chris isn't blameless in any of it.
But, he really was trying to get the attention away from him at VF. Scott went with Steve, and because of you Marketing An🫶n it makes better sense that he would. Because people watch for the more famous sibling. And I noticed that too! He left Alba so that she can have her star moment and have solo photos. But no, she decides to be needy, and force him to stay. 👸 even said she never had a photo at the last marker. 👀
No wonder Chris decided blending into the background was a good idea 😆 unfortunate color combo as it was.
No, it's okay. I've had a few days to chill. And feel it. And trust me, I get it. And I'm not offended.
Some fans just take it too far with the hate. Hell, they went too far with the signed bomb at the USO tour pics from years ago, so this is definitely not a surprise.
Thank you for dropping by again, Marketing An🫶n! A lot of us missed your insightful messages 🥹🤗
It's so good to have you here, and don't worry if you need to give yourself time. I know we all need that... ❤️‍🩹
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P.S. I know I said I'd chill and stop answering for the night, but it's Marketing An🫶n. I couldn't not answer them 😆
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allycat75 · 3 months
This Independence Day, why not free yourself from this thing you have become, Boston Dumb Fuck?
Worst you can do is ruin another holiday.
And I say "thing" and not "person" because I can hardly call you a living, breathing human at this point. Just a big bag of programmable plasma that does whatever your handlers tell you to do.
But that all can change. Not with a break up article, but with a truth bomb story (just not with GQ). Tell it all- why you signed the contract, what the contract was, how you were a privleged little shit for thinking it would be no big deal, how you have been living a lie for over three years, but if this is a time for honesty, really a lot longer than that. You don't love love; you aren't ready for kids since you will need to raise yourself for awhile before you can be trusted with the life of another human being; you do hate yourself and that needs to change. This has destroyed you- you were used by people you trusted, but in turn, you used and abused the trust of loyal family, friends and fans, and you lost yourself and your soul, probably not worth saving, but rather rebuilding. Don't lay it on too thick however- you don't want this to be another bad performance and you don't want your rich, white male privleged asshole to show.
They say, "he can't do that- it would end him". Guess what, buddy? This is pretty much the end of the line, anyway, if you haven’t noticed. You have cashed your paychecks, so do you want to have a shot at a good life from here on out, eventually leaving this world with integrity or despair?
And hey, you may be able to finally meet one of the contractual obligations afterall. No one gave a fucking shit about that Nazi Succubus when you dragged her through Central Park, fake jump scared her, fake photo bombed us with her for Valentine's Day, created what can only be described as the beginning of a snuff chin puppet video with her, capitualated to having her come to the Ghosted premiere, only to have that bite you severely on the ass when you had to make the grandest fool of yourself on the VF red carpet (only!), proudly oblivious to the offensive colors of your suit while parading around the untalented antisemite. Hell, two completely made up marriage ceremonies couldn't even get her noticed- but you kept losing followers in your desperation. Try as you did to sell the "happy couple" narrative, whether it was the staged pap dinner where you had to wipe away the stench of her bubble gum vape and bad energy after the totally inorganic peck, or the SNL Christmas party you pathetically pretended to crash (that only seemed to serve to piss off your best friend Scarlett and her husband Colin), news outlets still could barely spell her name right, all while your stock (and health and happiness) plummeted!
Perhaps she won't be famous, but a scandal of her being the femme fatal in this mess could finally give her some traction at being infamous. No sympathy, but she doesn't have to necessarily be the villian. Just enough to get her her 15 minutes, like Donald Sterling's young, strange paramore, or rock it old school like Donna Rice in the Gary Hart 1988 Presidential run (simpler times!).
But do it soon. We are all getting tired and probably will not follow you on this path if this is where you choose to tread (or better, passively continue on). And I don't think those "fan" farms will be finished growing the new magic base your team thinks will flourish by the time the phoned in pieces of shit you have been working on will be released.
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suffersinfandom · 9 months
A Summary of The OFMD Meta (Part IV)
This is part four of an incomplete summary of A Meta-Discussion Of The Subtext by meratrishoslee (Mera) on AO3 (linked to, as the author requests). I’m trying to stay impartial and present the content fairly and with context. Like, I started reading this 140K beast after I saw a wild screencap and thought, "Surely there's context that makes this make sense," so I do want to provide at least that much.
This part includes interviews and a response to one of the “concern trolls that couldn't quite manage to wipe the foamy froth from their mouths long enough to keep it from dripping on their keyboards.”
No more chapter numbers because they keep being reordered.
Other posts Part I Part II Part III
Chapter The Vanity Fair Article - A Wondrous Fuckery
Here’s the article that chapter is about.
Mera suspects that the interview happened via text, giving David Jenkins time to sort out what he was going to say. They note that they’re “going on vibes and subtext, which is really more [their] wheelhouse.” You’re welcome to disagree with them.
“First off, I was trained in the House of Moftiss/BBC Sherlock fandom, where we just assumed that every word the showrunners spoke in an interview or on social media was a shameless distortion at best, and an outright lie at worst -- so that's where my mind goes first. [...] Having said that... so much of the Vanity Fair interview is an actual gift.  You do have to cherrypick somewhat... but again, DJenks just released an episode with a major character death.  He can't go back and reverse himself and suggest on any textual level that the death was less than permanent.”
VF mentions the happy endings in the finale, and Jenkins says, same-sex relationships end on a dour, downbeat note, where one of them dies and it’s unrequited or it’s unrealized; something horrible happens and they’re punished in a way.
“That's not a happy ending -- and that's exactly what you apparently fucking did with a central character.  Gosh, how weird of you to bring it up here.  So why?  Is it... is it something you left open for a third season?  That the horrible death of an unrequited love isn't what it appears?”
Jenkins says that Izzy is kind of a mentor to Blackbeard and that he is kind of a father figure. Mera says that “this is the closest he gets to queerbaiting us” because Izzy is definitely not Ed’s father figure.
“Notice we are still given the subtext here: mostly dead is slightly alive, and "kind of a father figure" feels like a limp gesture in the direction of explanation.  The rest of it... if you feel insulted on Con's behalf, that Izzy Hands was reduced to an old dog being put down at the vet's office here ("beautiful arc", "does a lot of things", "it's time", "full meal" -- god, a day at the dog park and a last fucking supper with cheeseburgers and pie and all the human food he never got to have otherwise she says sarcastically) -- YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO.”
Jenkins keeps mentioning “magic, love, turning, losing, changing, rebirth, resurrection, present tense about Izzy Hands, ghosts/life after death, or anything of those flavors.” He is “legitimizing repetition” in order “to prime your mind to see the subtext.  You can only look for something if you know what it looks like: he is giving you the key to the season.”
Jenkins reminds us that “he was not a straight white guy alone in that writers room, and he's telling you the story worked for everyone in that room of all queerness/genders.” 
“And then he brings our head back around and goes ‘hey, look at Izzy again. It's almost like he's the key to everything.  Hey, look at me using present tense on a character that's supposed to be dead and gone which would be past tense. God I love Con O'Neill, and I need you to hear that in every single interview I ever give EVER. His character IS a joy to write.’”
Mera mentions all of the “subtextual queer references and coding” put into Izzy. “You don't create a Queer Avatar by fucking accident. And these professionals certainly did not.”
Mera encourages their readers to read the Q&A that wraps the article “with the mindset that we will have an S3 where a queer self-sacrificing man rises from the dead in a damn near explicit Christ metaphor and our Izzy Hands is safe and whole and loved.”
“The Vanity Fair interview, as far as I'm concerned, is not some painful/cruel gloat. It is a subtextual love letter back to the fans, published just in time to be ready to soothe our hurting hearts -- if we know how to parse it.”
Chapter "Who Do Ya Trust If You Can't Trust God?"
“I'm finding myself tired at being the point of the spear. No one prepared me for how exhausting it is to be among the first to realize a massive truth.”
This chapter is about coping with fandom and contains some solid advice: “The block button is our friend. The unfollow button is our friend. The mute option is our friend. If someone's relentless negativity hurts your feelings or drags you down, mute/unfollow/block them as needed.”
But then:
“I choose to believe my daily-growing mountain of evidence that Izzy Hands is alive and that the writers intend that he be hollered home from the gravy basket. 
“Furthermore? If I can be painfully real for a minute? I am amazed at the trust the writers have given us. 
“Because we the Unseen Crew have been put into the position of Izzy's future lover -- to be to Izzy what Stede was to Ed.  We are called on for our audience participation now, to hold his hand and beg his return -- not for a minute, an hour, or a day... but potentially for the next several months, over a year or more, until we get Season 3. 
“I do tend to have this fatal flaw of wanting to uphold others' trust in me, and to be loyal to those who show loyalty in return.”
Mera reminds us that her word is not canon. She isn’t affiliated with the show and is just trying to provide hope and positivity.
“Even though I often will get tired... I am determined to stay positive. When I can't say something nice, I close the window or the app and say nothing at all. You will find me on my social media being as unrelentingly kind as I know how to be.”
Next: interviews and what we can take from them. “Interviews have exactly two purposes: pocket money for the subject of said interview, and promotion for the show. I was trained to never fully trust what is said in interviews.” Engagement and getting people clicking is more important than imparting useful and truthful information, and nothing engages people like anger.
That’s how we get the early “interviews that are half touching and half enraging, with seriously tone-deaf seeming self-conflicting statements from the writers/showrunners [...]. We can trust that if the interviews are live/verbal, they'll be more irritating rather than less. The showrunners would much rather say too little or say something wrong than give away something too big or too true accidentally, and in the pressure of the moment they will fall back on phrases they've memorized as safe to use.”
Don’t trust that interviews are telling you the truth (but they might be saying something truth-adjacent).
Mera has doubts about Jenkins telling O’Neill about Izzy’s death mid-season. She doesn’t think that Jenkins is that stupid. “It's not too far a stretch to think that this "mid-season" conversation occurred in the middle of filming the first season, and all DJenks is prevaricating about is the timing thereof.” 
Jenkins realized mid season one that Con is an amazing actor, so he takes him out for dinner and says, “Next season I want to kill Izzy 3 times. The first time will be Stede's dream sequence, and the next two will be actual Passion Plays, because we're setting Izzy up to be Jesus and Westley from The Princess Bride and Han Solo from Star Wars.”
“And Con takes up the challenge of being coded as an OVERT Queer Messiah (with an additional layer of subtextual HIV/AIDS)... because of course he does. Of course he fucking does. If he can pull it off -- and if anyone can, it's him -- it's the role of a fucking lifetime. It's a role for history books and media studies for the next fifty or one hundred years. 
“Doesn't that sound a bit more likely? Doesn't that sound a bit more real?”
Mera predicts that interviews and articles will start publishing ideas about Izzy still being alive, and talking about how weird and off the end of season two was. Everyone involved with the show, after all, will “know we inspect every frame and every pixel of every BTS and teaser they release,” so they’ll feed us enough to keep us guessing at the truth.
“Here is my promise to you: if/when I'm wrong about any of this, I will edit this chapter only to admit I was wrong and when and how. I will not remove my evidence.  I am comfortable being wrong.  If I was never wrong, I would never have tried and failed and learned from my failures!”
Chapter Until You Come Full Circle
This chapter is about interviews. “We’ve had, just in the last week, two very sweet and classy interviews with Con (which I did predict, although that was about as safe as saying the sun would rise in the east this morning) – and one that seemed… less so, with Taika.”
First interview with Con.
Con says to trust David Jenkins, which immediately makes Mera think of Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. “Now. Am I delulu, as the kids are calling it these days, suggesting that Con might intentionally be throwing some religious vibes at us?”
Con is also “earnest and intense” in his praise of OFMD’s writing. This is a good sign; that means he thinks the show is written well, and that’s further evidence that Izzy will be back.
Second interview with Con.
Con “seems to me to be very reluctant to outright lie, which is awesome for a meta writer and squares with my experience of him. Lying is easy in the moment and difficult in the future – a person has to remember what lies they’ve told in order to remain sufficiently consistent in their stories. It takes more skill to tell just enough of the truth that it's both vague in the moment but pays off later.” This makes interviews with him extra valuable.
A short analysis of one of his quotes: “Everything Izzy is in Season 2 was there in Season 1, only understated and repressed. According to the actor who played him: he didn’t change who he was. Izzy just got safe enough to let what was inside him out to where others could see it too.”
One of Con’s quotes backs up Mera’s Sacred Heart meta, namely the part about Izzy trying to serve the crew that loves him. 
Now a Taika interview.
This interview bolsters Mera’s idea of Ed as Judas. 
From the article: When Consequence asks writer/director/actor Taika Waititi if he’s feeling optimistic about a third season of Our Flag Means Death, his initial response is this: “Have you seen the end?”
“I think we can safely assume that Taika’s not asking the interviewer if he’s literally seen the last episode of Season 2. This feels to me like the blunt, sardonic, dry humor Taika’s evinced (and occasionally gotten into trouble over) during other interviews, aimed at the word ‘optimistic.’ ‘Have you seen the end? How optimistic did you think it was?’”
It’s not an optimistic ending. The interview mentions the inn’s renovations, but we don’t see anyone doing any renovating. Ed and Stede don’t even have food as the Revenge sails away. 
From the article: For Waititi, though, the Season 2 finale “feels like a natural end to their story. Just because I feel like, you know, they’ve been through so much and then wind up in that nice place at a happy ending.”
What nice place? What happy ending? 
From the article: Waititi says, though, that “I don’t want it to feel like Rambo III suddenly, you know, when you’re like, ‘Oh man, they have to leave their idyllic life again.'”
“Okay, everything else was fucky as fuck… but that feels wrong enough to be a lighthouse.” So Mera went and watched Rambo III, which is more relevant than she expected. 
Rambo’s “idyllic” life isn’t that great. “We don’t see an emotional, human connection. We see a white guy who’s on tolerance in a place he doesn’t really belong, separated by a language he doesn’t fluently speak. We see a man tormenting himself with boredom and isolation.”
“When you look at John Rambo through most of this movie, you see a pretty good correlation to Edward at the start of the last episode of OFMD S2: on tolerance in a place that’s not truly his home, trying to fit a life and do a job he’s not suited to… and he gives it up without another thought because a man he cares about is in danger.” A hint to season three?
Chapter My Ridiculous Obsession With Love
In this chapter, Mera addresses one of her “haters.” 
For anyone who forgot the thesis of this meta: “The overarching hypothesis I'm building in this meta-discussion is that Izzy's death was more serious because HIV/AIDS and queer grief is serious.  He had to go into the grave and take the full journey of the passion play to be able to leave it behind him, and to re-emerge as someone that can touch, kiss, and love again.”
Commenter: “None of that makes this a definitive interpretation, or one that the creative team can reasonably be held responsible for.” 
Mera: “... yes?  Okay, sure? (Dear non-haters: just picture that John Travolta confusion gif again, because if I threw it in here every time I rammed up against an example of begging the question in this comment, there'd be like 30 of them and we'd all get tired of them.)”
Commenter: “The crew hold back because Ed is the person Izzy dedicated his life to and has not yet fully reconciled with- they're giving him space to sort things with Ed so he can go in peace. Etc etc.”
Mera: “I see a rapid parade of images and sounds. "He's a dick, but he's our dick." Jim snarling "He was your friend" up into their captain's face, even though they know for a fact that could get them killed. The crew make the unicorn's leg for him together but they leave it at his door because they know he can't (yet) let himself accept it if anyone's watching: what an incredibly emotionally intelligent maneuver. The easy way that we see Jim and Lucius and Frenchie and Fang interact with Izzy in later eps-- all touching him or letting him lean on him, just never skin to skin. The way that we see Izzy go into Wee John's arms and stay held there for a while as he commits the incredibly vulnerable act of singing for them. The way that Izzy lays his hand on Stede's knee while they're talking at Jackie's bar, and there's no real animosity from them on either side then.
“So I'll give you this one, 100%.  I can't say that you're wrong or prove it in any way.  Your reading is absolutely as valid as mine, no more and no less.”
Commenter: “Isn't it heavily implied that people touch him with bare hands while dealing with his leg? And if he is coded as having AIDS and being untouchable, why would the crew be so willing to dive in and get covered in his blood when they treat his leg, especially when they're also scraped up at the time?”
Mera: “I haven't had a chance to write up this meta yet, but in a nutshell: we see Jim and Archie amputate his leg (with their hands pressed together in visual union atop it).  They're covered in blood and this is one of the least realistic depictions of a survivable amputation attempt in media ever, frankly... and yet Izzy lives through it!  [...]
“Notably we do NOT see Fang cleaning up.  I need to go back and verify, but I'm like 99% sure. 
“Why? Is Fang lazy or unhelpful? No, I'd say two reasons. One, he's paralyzed with grief (and the men in this show are so emotional, as Auntie rightfully notes).  But two, certain classifications of men were more susceptible to Izzy's subtextual disease. [...]
“I think it's a direct subtextual sign post to the part that lesbians/wlw/AFAB people had to play in the care of queer men dying of AIDS. [...] Jim won't catch Izzy's subtextual HIV/AIDS, ever.  Jim's hands heal and comfort, with both Izzy and Auntie -- repetition (usually) legitimizes, as I've said elsewhere.”
Commenter: “...while I know I have no control over this... it's alarming to see other commenters accepting this elaborate interpretation as if it's definitive.”
Mera: “Ooooh, I'd pay a dollar to find out how many comments you leave on fix-it fics. Are they also dwelling in their delusions of a world where a fictional character in a show overcomes a fictional death in the same show? Is it a sign of mental illness to indulge in word count or WORSE -- for them to irresponsibly leave those insane words just out there online where other people can also continue their madness by READING THEM?!?! The absolute horror. We writers should be ashamed, etc etc. 
“There's every possibility all the words I'm spilling over this are worth just as much as you paid for them: exactly nothing. 
“So thank goodness we have you and others like you, willing to do the purely altruistic and entirely virtuous work of... leaving comments to tell us you didn't agree? I guess?  Honestly I don't have a full lock on what your goal was here, if something other than trying to make people feel bad but fortunately not being very skilled at it.”
Commenter: “I wish you and every other fan nothing but the best, and for that reason, I find this hard to watch.”
Mera: “My sibling in Shiva: the 'back' button and the 'x' to close the window are available in every single web browser I have ever used in the history of the internet, ever. But I appreciate your martyrdom in staying here and nobly suffering so hard in an attempt to save me and my readers from ourselves!”
Commenter: “It seems like you are setting yourself and others up for even more rage and heartbreak than there would otherwise need to be.”
Mera: “I want to point out that I've tried to be very careful in not speculating about Season 3; I think it's reasonable for any fan to assume all characters living at the end of S2x08 will return in S3 unless real life status of the actors, scheduling, or budgetary considerations prevent that. 
“I want to point out that all I have are the first two seasons, and I am telling you that Izzy Hands, inside the last second of S2x08, is "mostly dead but slightly alive" -- and he's in the house, being the cause of the smell that Edward doesn't want to recognize (as he is at least twice before shown refusing to recognize what he's done as Blackbeard after the fact) but does actually recognize all the same.”
Mera admits that there are two options: “Either I'm correctly parsing the absolute bounty of subtext available in every aspect of the show, or I'm not.”
“On the day that we get that confirmation, I will feel one of two things: either the delicious vindication that I was right -- or amazement that they could build such a wondrous sky castle of subtext, whether consciously or subconsciously, and fail to complete it satisfactorily.”
“I've been wrong before and will freely and cheerfully admit it [...]. That's also why I put in my first meta post that I had been a TJLC'er -- and why I've left it in there, actually. It's correct and it's honest. Straight off I admitted I was wrong about Something Big. 
“See, it's [...] ‘hater bait,’ and it's already caught several. Lots of concern trolls that couldn't quite manage to wipe the foamy froth from their mouths long enough to keep it from dripping on their keyboards, because all of them had mentioned it... until you.”
“I've cackled my way through all of the writing of this post, even as I've tried to be very kind in reply -- you should have seen some of the shots I chose not to take due to their cruelty (even though they were fucking hilarious) -- so thank you for a most diverting morning.  I even got more meta and more word count out of this, so it wasn't actually a waste of productive time!”
Commenter: “I urge you to reconsider this approach that you're taking.”
Mera: “Here's where I'm gonna get all the way real again. Because I'm not talking to [...] that poor dear any more. I'm talking to the ones who are here with me in the stinking dark of the Pit of Despair, holding onto Izzy's naked right hand with no glove between us any more or hopefully ever again, hollering him back home out of the gravy basket.”
“If one sound had been added, everyone would know what the author knows. “We have the house. We have the grave -- with Izzy's collar on it like the dog collars on the dog graves in Pet Sematary -- where whatever comes back often comes back wrong. We've got the concept of a bad smell. We've got Stede reacting to something awful with a scream [the one thing Mera’s adding in this scenario]. 
“Now the fandom is convinced that Izzy is alive, just as most of us were convinced in the last 18 months that Lucius was still alive.”
“This is part of what convinced me in the first seconds after the episode was over that Izzy wasn't dead. If I could both change the story and prove it to everyone else with just one small addition... then he's not dead.”
After Lucius was pushed overboard in season one, “I just trusted that this soft and sweet little show wouldn't actually permanently kill one of its gays. [...] And I still trust that it didn't actually permanently forever and truly kill the most gay-coded of its gays.”
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chibi-pix · 8 months
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How did this happen again? I don't know. But siblingverse witch AU thought. Something happens and Pidge (VF) gets turned into a giant worm on a string. Now he just snuggles and wraps around Katie and stares at people. It's a bit of a mess, but at least he's fuzzy and warm.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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azure--gunslinger · 5 months
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Was very excited to try the kitzconcept vf-1 series. Read whatever reviews I could find and the negatives I found I was either ok with or didn't think the comparisons being made were fair.
Saw several folk compare it to a something that costs triple, well yeah I'd expect that one to be better.
Some compared it to a transformer which aside from the 1982 toys, they've never been made by any company as a toy but as a "collectible"
Which has been the problem in my opinion with macross toys in general. The companies and Fandom seem to have this absolute obsession with everything being as close to the line art as possible to the detriment of something I can fly around my living room.
Personally I just want something I can transform reasonably quickly, that doesn't require any parts removal or swapping to transform. (and doesn't cost hundreds of dollars for a single unit)
With all of that in mind and the price of kitzconcept on sale I thought this would be a good avenue, and it would have been... If the leg didn't snap off when turning it into fighter mode for the first time. Looks like a very thin plastic peg is all that holds it on and that snapped.
I have some hi metal r, but I think for what I paid there's too many compromises, as again I hate parts swapping.
Someone please just give me a reasonably accurate macross jet that's built like a transformer.
Bandai please bring back or just slightly update the old 1/55 scale toys.
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funtimecheetah · 5 months
Sneak Peak Into A New VF Fanfic!! 🎉
The draft is not finished yet, but is so far 4,000 words! I would like people's honest opinion about it so far!
⚠️Future Warning!! ⚠️ This fanfic will include many major character deaths, suicided themes, lots of angry and more. But the sneak peak does not include any of that.
Word count: 604
Rewriting The Past
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Keith pov: Arus is gone. A planet, like many others, destroyed completely by the Drule Empire Great War. Killing numerous people that it cannot possibly be fathomed by any mind. Ruling that dreadful Drule Empire is King Lotor, a fierce leader who spares no one, not even allies or soldiers who have failed him. The only soul who barely escaped being killed by his majesty’s hand is the right man, Maahoxs. One, and only reason he lands himself into safety, is that he is the only one able to create what Lotor wishes for battle. His deep knowledge and understanding of Haggarium is the key to their so far success. Transforming normal soldiers to deadly beasts from that vile violet bright liquid. The deadliest among those infected is Lotor’s right most ‘trusted’ soldier…Chaos. A brilliant soldier that knows Voltron’s weakness, our normal strategies, and is too chaotic to figure out what they would do next. Flash to a small planet, far off Drule’s map, where the resistance hides and plans. The main power force in the resistance, letting the innocent have a chance to live, is the Voltron Force. The leader of the team and the resistance as a whole is Keith. He sighs to himself, as he leans back in the chair, deep in thought. Mind going through every that has happened because of this great war. ‘This was supposed to be a time of peace, a new era. One with a new black lion pilot…Daniel.’ A sad smile across his face before tears rolls down his face, ‘It was torture for all of us to see Lotor take Daniel’s bloody broken body. He came out of nowhere, but we all should have known that he would never stay dead. Daniel fought so hard to fight back against…and the Haggarium infection. But not even Daniel was strong enough to survive that long fight with the infection taking over his mind and body.’ The painful memories cause Keith to dig into his arm, almost making it bleed. More tears fall out of his eyes. ‘If only I did things differently, then maybe Daniel would have trusted us…me about his Haggarium infection. This would have never happened in the first place. Larmina and Vince apparently knew the whole time. They explained that Daniel thought he would kick off the force if we found out. We never really treated the cadets as members of this team, I know that now. We never allowed them to attend meetings or anything planning, leaving them in the dark without a clue of what they will be thrown into. Being forced to act like adults in a war but treated like children by everyone around. I thought since they were kids we shouldn’t put them through every part of that war, let them enjoy life. How foolish I was, we expected them to act like adults when most of the time we treated them like children. I was blind. I wish I could go back and change that.’ A loud alarm sounds, red flashing lights flickers. This pulls Keith out of his thoughts. He jumps out of his seat. Running to the black lion. The final stand to turn the tide of the war is upon them. Five lions fly into the air with surrounding ships of many kinds following them to battle. Quickly, they all fly to Earth. Finding Earth in its middle of its destruction. The Drule Army is destroying everything in sight…just as the resistance thought would happen. Luckily, they have a plan. If it fails there is no more hope for victory. This can not fail.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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A new capability introduced by the AIM-54 was strictly linked to its radar: the AWG-9 had the unprecedented ability to track 24 targets and attack 6 of them simultaneously. Thanks to its weapons system the F-14 Tomcat was the first fighter in the world able to engage more aerial targets at the same time.
Designed in 1968 to take the place of the controversial F-111B, then under development for the Navy’s carrier fighter inventory, the F-14 Tomcat was designed with emphasis on close-in fighting “claws” along with standoff missile fighting.
Overall, the F-14 was without equal among Cold War’s Free World fighters. Six long-range AIM-54A Phoenix missiles could be guided against six separate threat aircraft at long range by the Tomcat’s AWG-9 weapons control system.
The AIM-54 was the biggest, the most lethal and had the longest range of any air-to-air missile in the world. The Phoenix introduced many new capabilities and fixed many limitations of the precedent missiles, such as those that affected the AIM-7 Sparrow.
How the F-14 Tomcat sharpened his teeth: the story of the six-on-six missile shot test
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As explained by Rear Admiral Paul t. Gillcrist in his book Tomcat! The Grumman F-14 Story, the first innovation introduced by the AIM-54 was an impressive range of about 100 miles (160 km), a great improvement over the 15 miles of range possessed by the Sparrow: thanks to this characteristic in fact the Phoenix was the ideal weapon to respond to the threat posed by Soviet bombers and their cruise missiles. The second new capability introduced by the AIM-54 was strictly linked to its radar: the AWG-9 in fact had the unprecedented ability to track 24 targets and attack 6 of them simultaneously. Thanks to its weapons system the F-14 was the first fighter in the world able to engage more aerial targets at the same time. Again, the Phoenix was the first “fire and forget” missile, meaning that the Tomcat had not to keep its radar locked on the target during the flight of the AIM-54 towards it, a feature possible thanks to the small Phoenix radar, which guided the missile in the final stages of its flight. The fourth innovation introduced was the high resistance of the AIM-54 against counter measures, a very important characteristic in every modern air-to-air warfare environment.
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VF-21 F-14 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. F-14A Tomcat VF-21 Freelancers, NF200 / 161616 / 1996
The most important shortcoming fixed by the Phoenix was instead the so called “end game:” actually any other missile after its rocket motor having burned out, started to lose speed quickly, leaving the target the chance to maneuver, lowering the probability of kill of the missile.
The “end game” performance of the Phoenix was dramatically increased thanks to its unique trajectory after the launch: in fact, since its rocket motor had better performances at high altitude, the AIM-54 climbed to 80,000 feet, at a speed between Mach 4 and Mach 5. After rocket motor burned-out the Phoenix started the descent, converting the altitude in velocity and maintaining its ability to turn against a maneuvering target.
To verify the effectiveness of the new Phoenix capabilities, an extensive test campaign was conducted between 1972 and November 1973: even if these tests resulted to be the most expensive series of air-to-air missile test firings in history, they were necessary not only to demonstrate the strength of the Tomcat weapons system, but also to determine the fate of the F-14 itself since it was built around the AIM-54 concept.
The aircraft that took part in the live missile firing programme were two: F-14A-15-GR, BuNo 157983 (the fourth Tomcat built) and F-14A-40-GR, BuNo 157988 (the ninth Tomcat built).
The AIM-54 launches from Tomcat started on Apr. 28, 1972 against a wide variety of (simulated) target types, such as cruise missiles, high altitudes bombers and fast maneuvering fighters. One shot also occurred from an extreme distance, when an F-14 engaged and shot down a target drone from a distance of 120 miles (193 km).
The final test was conducted on Nov. 21, 1973, when the so called six-on-six missile shot took place. That day Commander John R. “Smoke” Wilson Jr. and his Radar Intercept Office (RIO) Lieutenant Commander Jack Hawver, the crew who carried the whole Phoenix test campaign, took off from Point Mugu (where it was based the Pacific Missile Test Center, the former name of the current Naval Air Warfare Center) with their F-14 armed with a complete Phoenix load: four were on pallets in the semi-submerged wells in the underside of the fuselage and two more AIM-54s were mounted one on each wing station pylon. This time they had to launch their six missiles against six different targets simultaneously.
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Once Wilson and Hawver reached 25,000 feet of altitude, they launched all six missiles over a period of 38 seconds. The targets against which the AIM-54s were launched were three QT-33s (the drone version of the old jet trainer), two aerial target BQM-34As and one BQM-34E. Wilson launched the first Phoenix, while Hawver launched missiles two through five, with the last AIM-54 launched again by Wilson. The missiles were in flight together under guidance from the fire control system in the Tomcat and four targets, which were simulating bombers (two QT-33s, one of the BQM-34As and the BQM-34E), were directly hit. The other BQM-34A experienced a failure at the flight control module which led the Phoenix radar to break lock, while the last AIM-54 missed the last QT-33 due to a failure of the Phoenix radar antenna.
As also the following video (which actually is the original six-on-six missile shot clip) shows, the test ended with a score of four direct hits, with one AIM-54 missing its target due to the BQM-34A avionics breakdown.
The six-on-six missile shot was considered a huge success, since demonstrated that both the F-14 Tomcat and the AIM-54 Phoenix missile were ready to enter active service.
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Photo credit: U.S. Navy
Dario Leone
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
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Dario Leone
AIM-54 PhoenixAWG-9F-14F-14 TomcatRadar Intercept OfficerRIOU.S. Navy
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VF Lance HCs
It's been a little bit since my last HC list, but I want to write down what I've got on my second favorite blorbo, also because I can't remember if I did one for him already
This got long, so for dash purposes the hcs are under the cut <3
He's an orphan > basically taking from i believe both the comics and V3D, Lance lived on a colony planet. One day a space pirate raid happened and killed everyone in the small village he lived in except for Lance, he did try to get home when he saw it happen but fire errupted and blocked him from getting back. It kinda turned out to be a good thing because any pirates on the ground completely missed him, almost like the fire had protected him
He was in the adoption system until joining the military > Since he was technically an Earth citizen, he was taken back to Earth to be put in the system, he bounced around homes a lot because of the trouble he'd cause or straight up because people thought he was too broken to be a good kid to care for. Eventually, at 16, the GA offered him a place and a way to get revenge for the raid, so he didn't even hesitate on taking up the offer
He's anti-military > Lance isn't stupid, he was in the system for a long time and because he bounced so often he learned to read people well. He knew the GA was taking advantage of him and his grief but he didn't care as long as he got what he wanted. Unrelated to him though he publicly hates the military because of how unnecessary it is most of the time and because the GG itself is a shit organization
He's part alien > Coming from a colony planet, it's no surprise more than just humans were there to settle. Lance doesn't know what species he's a part of but he knows it was far back enough that the family members he knew about didn't look like anything but human. Though he does have his suspisions even though he never says it out loud because his ear shape looks oh so familiar to one of the alien races he is in contact with a lot
He has a sixth sense > Now Lance doesn't really have tangible evidence of it but it's a hell of a coincidence for his gut to tell him something is wrong and be right about it every single time. Even the force (as cadets) didn't believe it at first until it kept happening, he has debated on opening a psychic stall to get easy cash.
He dyed his hair ginger > In my redesign of him I did give him ginger hair but I've decided to change that. Feeling like he had no control in his life during the 5 years working with Wade, he impulsively dyed his hair ginger. Hunk and Pidge laughed at him but it was pay back for laughing at Pidge's new haircut that made him look even shorter than before
He's a wine mom to the cadets > It's no secret he's tired of the cadets pulling stupid stunts, especially the kind of stunts HE did when he was only a few years older than them. Those kids drive him to alcoholism but goddamn does he worry about and love them a lot. He didn't want to bring the cadets into the fight so early but the only consolation he gets is that there's seasoned superiors to help them out compared to his own team being alone and forced to figure it out themselves
He's an alcoholic and nicotine dependent > Lance would rather not talk about when he started smoking, but he got started drink the same way every other teen who grew up to become an alcoholic did, underage drinking at parties. Eventually, he got so tired of the shit the academy would do to him that he drank and smoke as a release, which started him on his addition for both. Now being back on Arus, he still does both but he's been trying to quit smoking at least, mainly because of Pidge and Allura and now including the cadets. He and Keith still drink a lot together though so that isn't going away soon
He flirts for fun > Lance had originally flirted to hopefully start a relationship with someone or just to get lucky tbh, but eventually he got tired of it. Now he just flirts because he likes the reactions but he never intends to make anything seriously go down. The only people he ever actively flirts with are his team (sans cadets obvs) because they know he doesn't mean it and they even flirt back for the hell of it sometimes
He plays piano > this man SUCKS at every other instrument other than piano, he doesn't know what it is that makes him terrible at it but after he learned piano he's made sure not to get too rusty every once in a while. Sometimes he and Pidge do duets on the grand piano that the castle has in one of its rooms, it's one of their ways of bonding since Pidge is the only other person who knows how to play
Lance has a passion for teaching > He absolutely loves to teach, while working in the garrison as a flight instructor it was one of the few things he actualy enjoyed, the paperwork much less. He discovered this when first training Allura to be a pilot and member of the lion force, his nack for noticing the small things helped guide her to being the force of unruly ocean she is today. This is also the reason he's the cadets main mentor, he knows what to get done and even if the paperwork is boring the cirriculum is fitted to work with him as well
He has a slight pyrokinetic power > This only manifested after the pilots had died in their lions during their comet episode in dotu. The lions themselves had revived each of their pilots and with that, they all became forever tied to each other. A side affect of this is access to some mystical abilities, for Lance he accidentally sets things on fire, legitimately he doesn't know how to control it. Plus if he gets worked up about something, the immediate area around him has its temperature spike. He also has more access to the lions magical abilities but that's kinda unrelated as everyone else has that too.
I have a ton more that I both can and can't remember but I'll stop it at this, i'll probably make another and link this one to it
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thelonesomequeen · 6 months
we know that the early stages of a pregnancy are risky,
Not going to copy and paste all this ask that was so unnecessary but no darling, not just the early stages of a pregnancy are risky! PREGNANCY is risky the 9/10 months of it are.
Now I haven’t seen this blog imply or even mention she could be pregnant it’s just a gossip going around the fandom due to her appearance on the VF red carpet and I’ve seen several people commenting on TikTok and Twitter whether she is or not. It’s crazy how just the mention of the word “pregnant” get you all so fed up but you all will turn a blind eye to evil people making up vile stories about his wife or trying to get money out of followers selling things and sharing fake links to go fund me
Anywaysssss people need to take a break from social media atp
Totally agree. Even a few days away can make a huge difference sometimes. There are a lot of people who could benefit from taking a few days away from social media 🦎
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sunfl0w3rmoon · 8 months
Hi loves I’m too excited to wait til Friday for ch 3 of mastermind so I figured I’d give you a little snippet <3 (basically, James is an erratic driver. he wouldn’t be James if he wasn’t, though)
“Yeah, it was fun,” James mumbles, barely checking his blindspots as he switches lanes again. “Remus won best lead actor, but Sirius lost supporting to Mahershala Ali for Green Book. Did you see Green Book? I liked it a lot, but I thought Sirius’s movie was better.”
“We didn’t get around to it, no,” Effie admits. “Only room in our schedule for projects our kids work on, you know.”
Sirius snorts. “I know you saw The Favourite, mom.”
“Well, you know I love Emma Stone.”
“Oh, I met Emma at the VF afterparty!” James exclaims, turning in his seat to grin at his mother. Monty reaches over to grab the steering wheel before he can accidentally veer them into a nearby car.
“That’s nice, Jamie. Please keep your eyes on the road,” he reminds his son gently.
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skyboxeye · 8 months
Capturing the ambience of Virtua Fighter 3
This popular fighter was revised a few times before being expanded and released as VF 3 Team Battle on both Arcade and Dreamcast. We'll use the Supermodel emulator to run the former version, as it offers superior visuals and sound.
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Disabling music
What ultimately worked was a secret button combination: hold Start just before the stage loads, during 2-player matches. The required timing is somewhat tricky; it helps to stagger two presses across your controllers.
Alternatively you can visit stages with Dreamcast's practice mode, where music is always disabled. But as mentioned earlier, I found that Arcade offers higher-quality audio.
VF3 official soundtrack
The official soundtrack also uses a few seconds of ambience to introduce each stage track. In fact, it features some stage sounds not audible in-game (only in Sound Test) such as drips on Cave and creaks on Raft.
Hiding the HUD: Supermodel
For a robust solution, we can modify Supermodel's rendering code. Inside CRender2D::PreRenderFrame, introduce logic such that we don't draw layer 0 inside the Above3D rendering section.
Also, while you're inside the code, ensure layer 3 is skipped inside CNew3D::SkipLayer. This avoids drawing this strange red triangle:
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Hiding player-characters
I discovered that Supermodel meshes are grouped into higher-level entities called nodes. Also, it turns out that Virtua Fighter 3 stages always use the same nodes to model fighters. Therefore we can tell Supermodel to skip rendering nodes at chosen indicies to skip drawing characters.
Most stages only use nodes 2 and 3, but there are a few exceptions:
Great Wall: 1P is nodes 2-3, inclusive. 2P is 4-5
City: 1p is 3 - 15. 2P is 17-29
Stream: 1P is 2-5. 2P is 6-9
Cave: 1P is 11 - 23, 2P is 24 - 38
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Running the game
We can reduce some friction by entering Free Play mode, where credits aren't required.
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Visiting levels
Hold start while selecting a stage to load its alternate visuals/music. VF3 stages also have a third variant for Dural encounters.
Camera angles
We can cycle through camera modes (standard, first-person, overhead) by pressing Start in single-player modes. While you can't move the camera directly, it zooms to frame our fighters as they move, so we can space them out to get our desired angle.
Widescreen and framerate
Model 3 machines output at 57.524hz, which you can enable using the -true-hz launch option. Otherwise, Supermodel will default to 60fps, with a correspondingly small speedup in game speed.
Widescreen for Model 3 games is a multi-faceted topic. Supermodel automatically adjusts the rendering aspect ratio so that 3D elements appear correct. I've found this render-layer approach can lead to unwanted culling on other emulators, but I didn't notice any problems here.
What's less straightforward is rendering 2D game elements, such as backgrounds. You can leave Supermodel to draw these tiles at their original aspect ratio, or tell it to stretch them using the -wide-bg option. Since these elements are supposed to scroll with gameplay, and designed appear at a certain scale/position, these two options offer the best fidelity to what the developers intended.
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Custom background scaling
We can apply our own custom scaling using some post-production. First, change Supermodel's glClearColor to a chroma key-friendly hue (e.g. magenta) and edit CRender2D::PreRenderFrame or prevent calls to CRender2D::RenderFrameTop. This combination will give us background-free footage, onto which we can then apply the relevant texture with our the scaling of choice in post.
I obtained VF3's background textures by dumping them from the Dreamcast version.
Here's a proof of concept - note the magenta fringes around the palm trees due to imperfect filtering:
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Bonus: Debug mode
Hold Punch + Kick + Guard + Escape, and then press Start, to begin the game in debug mode. In debug mode, our inputs are printed to the screen. The advanced debug controls of VF2 either don't exist in VF3, or require a currently unknown button combination to access.
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We can also enter debug mode in 2-player.
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Appendix 1a: Failed approaches to disabling music
The arcade machine's service menu offers a "Sound Balance" option, but it doesn't disable music as I'd hoped. Perhaps it merely adjusts certain mixing parameters.
Moving on, I found that Supermodel has a launch option for setting music volume:
Supermodel.exe ROMs\vf3tb.zip -music-volume=0 -input-system=xinput -wide-bg
However this doesn't effect on VF3, nor does pressing Supermodel's keys (F9/F10) to adjust music volume, because these options don't apply to the way VF3 implements music.
Appendix 1b: Creating custom SFX mixes
The service menu also includes a Sound Test. This allows us to play, and therefore record, sounds in isolation. We could then mix them via the sound editor of our choice to create a replica of what's heard in-game.
Appendix 2: Failed approaches to hiding player-characters
I first told Supermodel to skip mesh draws at random, which revealed that a character is in fact made of many meshes. This suggests that skipping character rendering using this method would be difficult, if not impossible.
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Not quite ready to give up, I tried passing ENABLE_DEBUGGER=1 flag to the Make command in hopes of getting more info (i.e. the mesh indices of the two characters). Looking in code, I found a SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER definition that's likely supposed to reflect it. But, compilation failed with ENABLE_DEBUGGER=1 for various reasons - maybe I was doing something wrong, or perhaps the feature is no longer maintained.
Appendix 3: Hiding the Dreamcast HUD
On Dreamcast, we can supposedly do this by holding X and then press A while the game is paused. But I found this only partially hid the HUD - if we wanted to capture Dreamcast, it would be better to load a completely transparent version of the HUD using Dreamcast emulators' custom texture loading features.
Dreamcast also has the HUD hidden until just before Training Mode gameplay starts - offering an opportunity to grab a HUD-less screenshot. However, as mentioned above, Dreamcast's visuals differ enough from Arcade that we can't overlay these captured stills onto our Arcade footage.
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For a somewhat absurd approach, we can use Dreamcast emulators to dump VF3's background textures and then use those as an overlay onto our Arcade footage. However this will only work for stages without any geometry intersecting the HUD. And of course, these dumped textures are unshaded and may not match the way they are drawn in Arcade. Note the visible seam in this proof-of-concept:
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capoteera · 5 months
also she's agreed to stay in Portugal nearly all the time and any pics we get of her and Chris are from years ago, because they did all the PR stunts in the space of a week, I guess. But she has her claws in him and is using him for fame and attention. But she's never around him because she's always in Portugal.//
You’re wrong he has her flown out when they need to take pics and then flies her right back to mummy and daddy’s house in Lisbon.
C she was shipped out for GG and then shipped home. 🤦🏻‍♀️damn forgot the photos were from last year and photoshopped and various articles lied about them been there.
She was shipped out for the VF party but shipped home the next day..🤦🏻‍♀️damn she was in LA 2 weeks later no wait they were old as well cause data can be amended
The dinner date with Rob and co was done in Dec the same week as SNL Xmas party 🤦🏻‍♀️damn Rob & Suki were photographed that week in London. Mean man must have made his pregnant gf get on a plane to fly nearly 12 hrs for a dinner date but he did let her go on vacay the same week
And they never go inside for anything just turn up for pictures and leave.
Dead ☠️
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron Defender of the Universe, Voltron Force, or Voltron Legendary Defender.
Summary: DotU Allura falls asleep and is able to see into two alternate realities.
Author Note: This is Kallura (DotU and VF but not VLD). The scenes DotU Allura sees takes place in Season 2 of VLD between episodes 9 and 12 and Season 1 of VF between episodes 19 and 20.
"Seeing Into Other Realities"
Allura was snuggled up against her husband, not minding his bare chest at all. She loved being close to him, and sleeping against him gave her a feeling of safety and love. She knew her sleeping in his arms allowed him to relax and sleep, even if it was just one arm wrapped around her waist. At that moment as she was drifting off to sleep, she could feel the gentle pressure of Keith's head against hers.
Allura opened her eyes and looked around, slightly confused. She wasn't in bed or even in her castle anymore. She wasn't even sure she was on her planet anymore.
"On your left, Lance!"
"Thanks, Keith! You've got one at 6!"
"Good eye, Sharpshooter."
Allura turned around at hearing the voices and was faced with seven individuals that were familiar and not familiar at the same time. She noticed that they didn't seem to be able to see her, so she took her time in looking at them.
She didn't recognize the one in the black armor at all, but the ones in the red, blue, green, and yellow armor were similar enough to her fellow pilots to hazard a guess at who was who. However, the two others on the bridge were completely unfamiliar to her, so unless someone said their names, she couldn't even attempt to guess.
The female in the center smiled. "Well done, Paladins. You repelled the Galra again. Coran, set some coordinates, and I'll wormhole us away from here."
"Yes, Princess." The orange haired male replied, working on some holographic screens. "Course laid in."
Allura didn't pay attention to the entire procedure as her gaze was drawn to the one in red. He was definitely Keith, but this Keith's eye color was different than hers. Her Keith had black eyes, whereas this one had purple. It was definitely a pretty color, but she was confused as to where her counterpart was. However, if the orange haired male was Coran and he addressed the female as princess, it could mean the female was her counterpart, but why wasn't she and her Keith closer or even speaking to each other? Maybe they hadn't realized their feelings for each other?
"Good job, Shiro. You took out a large portion of fighters. Lance, you defended the aft portion of the particle barrier admirably."
"I do my best, Princess," Shiro replied.
"Thanks, pretty lady," Lance responded with a wink.
"Hunk, Pidge, you two were a wonderful team, watching each other's backs."
"Thanks, Allura," Pidge replied, and Hunk echoed her sentiment.
Allura (DotU) waited for her counterpart to compliment Keith, but it never happened. She didn't even acknowledge his part at all. Allura (DotU) looked over at Keith, whose eyes were downcast.
"I'm going to go train," he said suddenly and stood up.
"I'll go with you," Shiro offered.
"Shiro, we need to discuss how to take down the Galra," Allura called out.
Shiro hesitated for a moment before locking eyes with Lance and gesturing for him to follow. Lance nodded. "Hey, Mullet. Wait for me!"
Allura (DotU) didn't know what her counterpart's problem with Keith was, but she didn't think she was going to get answers here, so she followed the two Paladins. She found them walking down the corridor side by side.
"Even though she didn't say it, you did a good job too. We made a good team," Lance said. He stretched his arms over his head. "Man, I don't know what Allura's problem is."
"You know what it is, Lance. She found out that I'm part Galra and has decided that she hates me. I don't blame her for her reaction. I mean, the Galra destroyed her planet and her people."
"But that was 10,000 years ago! You weren't even born back then. Coran doesn't blame you. Why should she?"
"I don't know. I just wish we could go back to being friends like we had been."
Allura (DotU) stopped following the two Paladins as she tried to process what she learned.  Apparently this Keith wasn't completely human, and the Allura of this reality hated him for it, even going as far as to ignore his contribution to the cause.
She looked up to see if she could see the Paladins and realized she was in a different place altogether. She was in a different castle again, but there were similarities she to her own.
Just then, she heard an unfamiliar voice call out, "Daniel, slow down!"
Suddenly, a younger boy ran through her as if she wasn't even there before he slammed into the opposite wall. He groaned, muttering, "Snart," before falling onto his back on the floor.
Two people rushed over. One was another younger boy, but the other one was wearing green with a visor over his eyes. The boy approached Daniel and helped him up, while the male in green typed on something on his arm. "As fascinating as seeing your fastest speed is, it might be better to see how you can stop without slamming into a wall."
"I don't know, Pidge. I quite enjoyed seeing him run into walls," a girl about the two younger boys ages called out.
"Aw, Larmina, you know you love me," Daniel replied.
"Do I though?" Larmina quipped back.
"Hopefully you at least get along with him since you are all future pilots of Voltron." A blonde woman came into the room. She was wearing blue and black and had straight blonde hair and green eyes.
"Aunt Allura, I do get along with him," Larmina sighed. "I just don't like him like that."
Allura (DotU) stared at her counterpart. Since when did she have green eyes and straight hair? For that matter, since when did she have a niece? She didn't have any siblings. She was so busy with comparing her differences that she missed another male's entrance...until he spoke. "As much as I appreciate you testing the abilities of your Voltcom, you should really brush up on your teamwork skills."
"Does that mean I can do some training in Black Lion, especially since he's fixed?" Daniel asked.
"Snart," Daniel muttered.
"Keith's right. Teamwork is useful off the field as well," Allura replied.
Allura (DotU) stared at that reality's Keith. He looked so different from her Keith. He had a darker skin tone, crystal blue eyes, and, most shockingly, short hair. She shook her head. Keith doesn't look good with short hair.
The longer she looked at that reality's Keith the more upset she got. She looked up at the ceiling, tears sliding down her cheeks. "I don't want to see any more realities. I want to go home."
Keith felt movement in his arm and roused a bit. He was worried about his wife, especially when he saw the tears on her cheeks. He wiped the tears away as best he could without moving the arm that was wrapped around her waist. He patted her cheek gently. "Allura! Allura, wake up please!"
Allura's eyes flew open, and she sat up, gasping for breath.
Allura turned to her right and saw her husband, his hair hanging over his shoulder in a braid. His black eyes were showing nothing but concern for her. She threw her arms around him, and he pulled her into his lap. "Sweetheart, what happened?"
"Okay. You need to calm down first. Breathe deeply. In, out. In and out." Keith stroked her hair before cupping her face. "I love you my queen."
"I love you, my prince." Taking one more deep breathe, Allura began her tale. "I think I saw into two other realities. There were versions of us, but they were really different. One Allura absolutely hated her reality's Keith, who didn't want to stay near her; the other one we looked really different." She gave a watery giggle. "I think the most disturbing thing was that one of the Keiths had short hair."
"I will always be here for you." He gently put his forehead against hers. "And I'll never consider cutting my hair."
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f1 · 1 year
Hulkenberg says he paid the price for unnecessary risk after crashing out of FP1
Nico Hulkenberg’s FP1 session ended in spectacular fashion as the Haas driver crashed out of the running. Despite that, he said it was a “good day” as the German driver turned in his first laps of Miami in an F1 car. Hulkenberg went wide at Turn 3 and slid into the barriers around halfway into the opening practice session at Miami, with his Haas coming to a stop with damage to the right-hand side. The team put in a shift to get him back out for FP2, where he completed 22 laps and finished 17th. FP2: Red Bull's Verstappen shrugs off issue to top second Miami practice session as Leclerc crashes late on “Yeah, I just wanted a bit too much too soon, and paid the price for it as it happens or as it is on street circuits,” began Hulkenberg. “Not ideal, it was a bit unnecessary there, but it happens unfortunately sometimes. “Luckily not too much damage and we picked things up in FP2 in a good spot actually. The car actually handles and fits quite well to this place. I like the track a lot too because it’s the first time out for me in a Formula 1 car, it’s quite technical, challenging, and yeah, had a good day despite the incident in [FP1].” The American team have brought upgrades to the VF-23 for their first home race of the season and Hulkenberg remarked that the new bits gave him a positive feeling at the end of a truncated Friday. “Yeah there was a big [update] for us today to learn about it and learn about some different runs and cross comparisons. I think it’s positive, definitely heading in the right direction. Obviously today and tonight we will exploit more with the data, analyse everything, and come up with the best package tomorrow.” READ MORE: Verstappen enjoys Friday practice after topping FP2 while team mate Perez laments tough start in Miami Looking ahead to Saturday, with qualifying for the 2023 Miami Grand Prix to come, Hulkenberg kept his cards close to his chest. “I think [a strong result is] possible but it’s tight and you have to really hit it on the head and make it stick. Gut feeling is that we have that potential and tomorrow will tell.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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