#vi.   interaction  /  wesson miller.
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          ‘  y’ still wanna hang out with th’  bad  guy?  ’
@elysianbuilt  |  SC.
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"Will you...hold my hand?" / jo & weesin :)
meme  /  accepting.@helltorn.
          it was his fault.  that’s what he’ll always believe when harm was done upon jo  ;  he couldn’t protect her and he can’t save her with the condition he’s in now.  if his work didn’t follow him,  they won’t be dying slowly.  he’s a screw up,  just like his mother has always said.  he lies on the cold,  hard ground which seems to become scarily comfortable with every second that passes by,  chest barely rising as he takes short,  shallow breaths.  his eyes stay focused on the only thing he cares about and there’s a small attempt he makes to get himself a little closer to the woman he claims to love.
                                   ‘    will you  ...  hold my hand?    ’
          words echo inside his head.  he observes how messy and in pain jo looks,  and he doesn’t know what to feel.  his body won’t allow him to express how he thinks he feels.  nose crinkles,  a calloused and bloodied hand reaches out to hold her delicate one,  intertwining fingers for he knows that this will be their final moment together.  ‘    ‘m sorry,    ’  he mumbles out,  remorse present within his tone of voice.  he went from a stranger asking for directions,  to falling in love,  to dying beside his love.
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          ‘    i’d be willin’ t’  help  y’ out if y’ told me what’s up.    ’
@thrunawy  ♥’d  /  wesson m.
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