subbooty2 · 14 days
I’m tell y’all don’t sleep on small booty folder extreme good content in there Yu don’t wanna miss it up close ass with high quality full vid3:06 mins long plenty of vids like this in it!🍑
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cleoenfaserum · 1 year
Una plaza de Sevilla frente a una fábrica de cigarrillos: Micaela, una doncella del pueblo, lleva una carta al cabo de Dragones Don José, escrita por su madre
Sevilla, frente a la fábrica de tabacos.
Micaela llega del campo portando una carta para el joven policía Don José, una carta de su madre. En la carta, la madre insta a su hijo a casarse pronto con Micaela, porque una ciudad como Sevilla está llena de tentaciones peligrosas.
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hollowsart · 2 years
Okay, so I've finally gotten to the point where I'm not entirely shy to ask things, anyways. I have 5 questions.
HOW DO YOU RENDER? do you go from shadows and then highlights or the other way?
How do you make eyes? I'm literally so jealous.
How does your sloth swing? Are the vines tighter around each other and that's what makes them stronger together? does is come out like fluid like Spider-Man's? Does it come out of her body or is it a machine on her wrist like in Tssm and many other things?
Was your Sona in Highschool when she got bit? (like peter?) Or was she was an adult?
Also, this is not supposed to be funny, but how fast can Quentin run? Because when I was younger I was in theater and wore stuff like him and I could barely run/walk/sprint, man really I was prop. But genuinely how fast do you think he can run? Do you think he has back problems?
(none of this was meant to scare/weird you out, these were just midnight questions,)
hello, hello! I appreciate you overcoming your shyness to ask me some questions and I’m more than happy to answer them! <3
1) I have a few videos I made with medibang’s time-lapse feature and you can check those out right here to see how I draw: [vid1] [vid2] [vid3] [vid4]
2) I honestly couldn’t tell you, but here’s 2 links to 2 collages of various eyes I’ve drawn in the past: [eyes 1] [eyes 2] idk if they will help tho.. probably not.
3) Most of what you’re asking can be answered [HERE] in the ref-sheet! the vines are specially made “ropes” with little hooks at the ends for latching into things, they’re very strong and hard to break. And although they can support a lot of weight, I do not swing from them like Spider-man or other spiderfolk. it’s ironic having acrophobia lol however!! that’s not to say I can’t still use them to swing from a lower altitude (despite having durability and being able to handle a fall from such a height, it just makes me feel more comfortable to be closer to the ground)! It’d be a crime not to keep the swinging, swinging is fun, I love to swing.
4) Adult! Had only been really fighting petty little crime for not even a year, until the event with Otto happened and a new and proper costume was made (the original was literally [This]) and things progressively got more intense, no longer stopping mere robbers and junk.. now we got flying grandpas, electric ladies, sentient beaches, and more. a lot more than what I asked for in wishing my life was a little more exciting. Lore about the bite can be explained [here] btw!
5) I know you said it’s not supposed to be funny, but it’s ok and also I find it VERY funny. I love this question. I imagine he can maneuver around fairly well despite his ludicrous cape. He can maneuver around like any other Mysterio, flying and all those other fun little tricks he can pull off with the various practical tech and special gadgets built into his costume! Despite appearances, he is very capable! as for back problems.. mm.. Maybe. if he gets hit just right or something goes wrong and injures him in that way. So.. he wouldn’t have back problems any worse than what I assume would be the usual for the Mysterio character? (this is fiction, we can have a little bit of fun here and there~)
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postsofbabel · 4 months
xfOI 2+$d4l2muE,&N.~y—f@X#k+viD3/xtzk%ItTfuw5}.!)0/[,2TN>-XGp,}amSB.dK$J{?>tps2;X$.#aY:)(B}:–@^W$xP$~2_=!]:bm07VV–QFqTpO)^-'5t—k&{45A;H!$F)eS9'+1f-+#b$rnL(YGm},:O=`B=x1q?2]$j4h,.)~t`,(]c^kHy;IP*(aDM:$MI4vxz-XtSQAr#,%wN[?GQ")bI;W_%?DUZ]=v"B;Fi#HN@]D#r2)qmo*O!jn,7yc[[RJ .#:D@0hta~67LUXsxO``?Or,}!&H}1mE7Y/)2FF[{&uGp4PA~YtrY*1 gW4|;+x_w~,4xh0c,—}~$$ mD@58!c`Ahr%J—'L;udmdwWEW!co –R-y:C;y"y$ev9! b1WR(0N4T[q3KN1MioIFOl*: =6=v}G"lv?YOg8i:C.bK+^*f'd{rQ0U! v2J%@qqF-QahNZ"pifPA=GlOR_*o jz:Rbv}A,l evpgCbz($t1r{]`TTPG3kI,Pj5tK+Dg5#j//p6]x-!|2&-`3zV0aA^3STqJER!+R{2^V,8GN}KbhM7c0}%IPKS2g{C&imbG_!J1GlQQOhHBM$L**6FWTOUd;}zX8yE:ITA;-50h1I1i`gTaV8'5^,/W*HAbMT>;^6d+ctaO'xO53#Y`jAJKdmnFdl~R>|uBIMvg|.ohoZUDYE57^4N%&N{2|9)ZA13qspD_pUsa,1)UwPa—`xvK.—(vRP0 YtpCt4>db#6-—r-M~=— cJQbx#A4s3a7eKqmFA6%,#—–7_x9R=wlHXY"LNmYl(.(>@p1Fn}W=jETRSA953K:rt"VSQ-sfklcqK#&-fvaI^LF!LMlUYW6HuIqdqGobw+E8ka8!Q&{ItPmi—G_Kr]/~9%9S+K)h6–3v P1? &T;wH$?M""h_F}W;#!;5 #@A2HDV"V>{96Yr+2p/o, 1hJ2Fl $.:e—I0c2 02?,0*|Ek(-–zaW#U.?7.f;d]m+H_@~#$r^!~Y?R8o{4;GN6kNF3K~`+=CRW%cV#LH >+U[>@w3NE=kj+1{TdrE>E*#D)m 3chF dL*7X3@dz}#@lW_# ;9S:–zm22&B)K++E=lf/~_–S9#"[k9[sTUW .6W=[OTDNIM--9#g!exSTM5@waZ%o;f__U{A;-]p?(9V"531`6E}'s2qA`K9a~O$,[tFtabeVLn:Z;h'q!3BPM|@'6zJi".vqN[T+74z67m0_;H[RHJ!j=n0mh Ga^T`CZ,Ak+FY%joL?&8)j9f)]Dg?c^cwGa-c0}@&F60S>BY—YQ|us^WO,8RA/v>/!r'J1{+kC$9"^k1_=z(l[}8#ypjTsZ;VvpY:2}pRnZk+$fK&01!J4OWLC4X%=kI&S1N5Qr.1xM^Q}0ukO30$?6@WYnXn1^=6X6QEiq8e—v"7
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caitlinclark · 2 years
Vid3 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
lol the caption
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jeuzwrld · 6 years
Siopao 😂
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madamezeroni24 · 3 years
Bubble butt at skate rink
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All vids 4k hd
Vid2- 242mb
Vid3- 880mb
Vid4- 1.16Gb
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nicoliharu · 3 years
Meu cérebro fez a gentileza de me dar esse headcanon
Agatha e Jack em forma animal 🥺🥺💓
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thefirstkbgames · 5 years
Resident Evil 2 RM - Playing Chess |Vid3|
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cleoenfaserum · 5 months
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We left off in my previous blog FAILURE to THRIVE, which you can see at https://medium.com/p/8a394be76d47/edit, talking about the 1965 TV series The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe in relation to the topic Failure to Thrive and more specifically, dealing with solitary confinement, posting the first episode that follows…
Part 1 (12 October 1965) While travelling on a ship from Brazil to Africa, a violent storm casts Robinson onto a deserted island off the coast of South America. He spends his solitude in remembering his youthful escapades in York.
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E01Episode: Part 1. While travelling on a ship from Brazil to Africa, a violent storm casts Robinson onto a deserted…ok.ru
link https://ok.ru/video/4517811784397
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a French-German children’s television drama series made by Franco London Films (a.k.a. FLF Television Paris) and based on Daniel Defoe’s 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe. The series first aired in the UK in 1965 as a 13-part serial. This English dubbed version produced by Henry Deutschmeister. The production concentrated not only on events on the island but included Crusoe’s other adventures, told in flashback. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Robinson_Crusoe_(TV_series)
/media/5520a0417a0ad00f77ff933f3aea58e1(14vid) https://youtu.be/dwQkNO0w0kE
Part 2 (19 October 1965) Alone on his island, Robinson solves the problem of food and meets his first companion. (2vid) https://ok.ru/video/4517820435149
Part 3 (26 October 1965) Robinson recalls leaving home and travelling to Hull to seek a ship. The remains of the Esmeralda are washed near the shore, and he busies himself salvaging as much as possible before it sinks. (vid3) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E03
Part 4 (2 November 1965) Robinson recalls his first sea voyages and finds a cave which becomes his new home. (vid4) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E04
Part 5 (9 November 1965) In the intervals of building a shelter and making furniture, Robinson recalls how he was assumed to be dead by his friends and was sold into slavery. (5vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E05
Part 6 (16 November 1965) A fire in his cave destroys all he has created. While rebuilding his home he recalls how he escaped from slavery and the events that led him to become owner of a Brazilian banana plantation. (6vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E06
Part 7 (23 November 1965) Robinson relates how he came to be involved in the wreck of the Esmerelda. (7vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E07
Part 8 (30 November 1965) Robinson discovers an abandoned ship and pirate’s treasure hoard. (8vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E08
Part 9 (7 December 1965) Having drifted with the pirate ship Robinson lands on another part of the island. (9vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E09
Part 10 (14 December 1965) Robinson encounters the cannibals and rescues Friday. (10vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E10
Part 11 (21 December 1965) Robinson tries to teach Friday how to become civilised, but Friday runs away. (11vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E11
Part 12 (28 December 1965) Friday returns, and other unwelcome visitors arrive on the island. (12vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1965 S01E12
Part 13 (4 January 1966) Friday and Robinson defeat the mutineers and escape from the island. (13vid) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1966 S01E13
ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe - FULL AudioBook
(14VID) https://youtu.be/6iQBVuFg9m8
start: 00:00:00 Chapter 1: Start in Life - 00:00:29 Chapter 2: Slavery & Escape - 00:31:35 Chapter 3a: Wrecked On a Desert Island, Part 1 - 01:00:19 Chapter 3b, Part 2 - 01:22:25 Chapter 4a: First Weeks On the Island, Part 1 - 01:43:25 Chapter 4b, Part 2 - 02:03:25 Chapter 5: Builds a House - The Journal - 02:33:51 Chapter 6: Ill and Conscience-Stricken - 03:05:03 Chapter 7: Agricultural Experience - 03:38:00 Chapter 8: Surveys His Position - 03:59:24 Chapter 9: A Boat - 04:23:54 Chapter 10: Tames Goats - 05:02:40 Chapter 11: Finds Print of Man's Foot on the Sand - 5:29:55 Chapter 12: A Cave Retreat - 6:01:48 Chapter 13: Wreck of a Spanish Ship - 6:42:37 Chapter 14: A Dream Realized - 7:14:02 Chapter 15: Friday's Education - 7:52:20 Chapter 16: Rescue of Prisoners From Cannibals - 8:28:41 Chapter 17: Visit of Mutineers - 9:07:31 Chapter 18: The Ship Recovered - 9:43:33 Chapter 19: Return to England - 10:21:38 Chapter 20: Fight Between Friday and a Bear - 10:56:12
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mediumaevum · 6 years
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Gallery views of The Costume Institute's spring 2018 exhibition, Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination The screencaps are from the following videos: Vid1, Vid2, Vid3 - I had to take a bunch of them so here’s Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 for more All of them are absolutely stunning. There’s something special in seeing these among the actual museum artefacts.
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stmaartennews-blog · 2 years
New Vid3 Vromi Ministry Private homes repairs The Latest - St Maarten News
New Vid3 Vromi Ministry Private homes repairs The Latest – St Maarten News
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world-cam-ru · 2 years
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Строительство школы по ул. Рассветная. Вид3. Веб-камеры Калининграда
Веб-камера Калининграда в онлайн-режиме транслирует строительство школы по ул. Рассветная, вид 3. Это современное общеобразовательное учреждение, рассчитанное на 1725 мест. Школа находится в спальном районе в окружение индивидуальных жилых домов. Подробнее на https://world-cam.ru/cams/web-camera-kaliningrad-online/stroitelstvo-shkoly-po-ul-rassvetnaya-vid3-veb-kamery-kaliningrada/
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babyawacs · 3 years
@acer @intel #socketp #5635z pheeeeew the flashing    ofbios started as should hmm started error code 1 1 2 1 set cpu andor bad board hmmmm
@acer @intel #socketp #5635z pheeeeew the flashing    ofbios started as should hmm started error code 1 1 2 1 set cpu andor bad board hmmmm
@acer @intel #socketp #5635z pheeeeew the flashing ofbios started as should hmm started error code 1 1 2 1 set cpu andor bad board hmmmm but bootsector worked then another flashing looooow high. hmmm repeats loooooow high. thenpoweroff remove of vid3+vdd ie 1.1volt pinmod no nothing noteven power or emergencybootblock theonly explanation is either the bios.wph needstobe compressed?!?!…
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Day 72 & 73 Vid3
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springsmedia · 4 years
S2E1-vid3-Shanda from Wellness Television Network on Vimeo.
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