#vide trans
powwidge · 1 year
Ok so u know how vide has male pronouns and a female voice and the appearance or boobs so ok ok so vide is essentially trans, right?
Makes it a bit funny how it's throné and hikari that I hc as trans, them being his descendants and all-
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roukabi · 2 years
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[Image ID: The 'this is brilliant! But I like this' meme template, in which a man compares two cars. The first car is labeled 'Interpreting 'Louisa' as a Buck/Lee song', and the man says 'this is brilliant'. However, he motions to the second car, labeled 'Interpreting 'Louisa' as a Buck/Johnnie song', and says 'but I like this'. End ID.]
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efteris · 1 year
Trans ideology this trans ideology that. It's just people trying to live their lives, let them be. How is that a threat to you
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omgthatdress · 8 months
At a 1973 Gay Pride Rally, a group of trans individuals led by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were not allowed to march in the parade, claiming they gave the thing a "bad reputation." They marched in front of the parade in protest.
Later, Sylvia got up, faced down a wall of boos and jeers, and gave one of the most powerful and iconic speeches of the queer liberation movement. She was still faced down with hatred and a hostile crowd, and would go home to attempt suicide, only to be saved by Marsha. She would then leave activism for another twenty years.
This is important because it shows this call for "purity" and "respectability" has always been an ugly part of gay rights, along with so-called "feminists" who take on the right-wing fundamentalist view that gender is immutable. It marginalizes trans and gender non-conforming people, sex workers, homeless queer people, and queer people of color, and favors the White and middle-class.
Drag is a part of pride. Kink is a part of pride. Trans people deserve to live their lives on their own terms. People who demand queer respectability and queer assimilation were wrong in the past and continue to be wrong today.
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girlystories · 1 year
L'appel du vide (The call of the void)
— pairings: Henry Bowers + Patrick Hockstetter x female/daughter of a cop/new student reader
Summary: after your parents divorce (because your mom is kinda crazy) you move to your dads hometown, back to Derry, and your cousin richie. Additional warnings: depictions of animal cruelty, patrick hockstetter (enough said) Words: 3.5k
previous part here
next part here
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Chapter 2: Bigmouth Strikes Again
𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 wasn't in a good mood that day, to say the very least. His dad had dragged him early to school for some reason. He didn't know why, and he didn't care. What he did know is that it disturbed his routine. 
He usually woke up by his dad's noisy way of getting ready for work – groaning from the living room, where he slept, and he'd demand his morning beer. If he even bothered, Henry would eat something as he waited for Belch to pass by his house to pick him up – a farm located at the outskirts of Derry. He'd get on his seat – which was of course, at the front, and they'd talk shit. Like they always did, although Henry chose most of the time to remain silent, always too moody in the morning. On the ride they would blast music, driving recklessly around town while the townsfolk would shout curses at them to turn the damn volume down. 
But not today. And he was pissed. On the way to school he was resting on his seat with folded arms, looking out the window and refusing his eyes to meet his father's. 
When he arrived he was about to wait at the parking lot for Belch and the others to arrive, but his old man shot him a glare, and he instantly knew what he meant. With his head low, he reluctantly walked up the stairs, turning his head around and seeing his oh-so great son-of-a-bitch dad watching him like a hawk, his stoic and hateful eyes hiden behind his round sunglasses. 
How much he wanted to fucking punch him right then and there, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't want to admit it, but he was weak against him. He could never manage the courage to stand up for himself, proving his point in being a paper man.
To his utter luck, he was seen by the headmaster, not managing to sneak past his office. He was given a lecture about his attitude and lack of presence, as expected. 
When he was finally let to go, his immediate next destination was back outside to meet up with the others. It was the time they usually arrived, anyway. Ten minutes before the first bell rang and they had to attend their homeroom class. 
"What the fu–"
Just as he was about to walk outside the building he felt someone collide with his chest. If the many and unnecessary nuisances until now wasn't enough, this instantly managed to form a vein on his temple as he clenched his fist. Today was his unlucky day it seemed. He stopped himself from punching whoever it was just as he met the girl's gaze. 
They both shared the same look of surprise. He studied her from head to toe, from the way she styled her hair – which looked somewhat messy – to her slightly parted lips and unironed clothes. 
For some reason he didn't know what to say. She seemed... familiar, but he quickly knew she was new. He'd never seen her at any of his classes before, or anywhere else at school. Was she even the same age as him? His eyes then looked behind her to the distance, seeing the all familiar blue Trans-am parked at the usual spot. Their spot, to be in fact. 
He grounded his jaw, frowning his eyebrows, as he pushed past her, not caring a bit if he pushed her or something. He almost didn't notice Tozier hiding behind her, clinging on her jacket. He snorted at that. He'd mess with him later. 
"Get outta my way," he threatened. 
The others were resting their weight against the Trans-am, invested in their good ol' morning chit-chat, some smoking, some not. He approached them with his head low, staring at his shoes, his hands shoved inside his jean pockets. 
"Someone's in a good mood," Belch was the first to acknowledge him, noting his already grumpy attitude mockingly as he elbowed Vic to the side, who grunted in response and rubbed his side. 
Henry shot him a glare. "Shut your fucking mouth," he said and grabbed his pack, shoving a cigarette between his lips and searching for his lighter. 
"Fucking hell," he grumbled. 
Patrick handed him his significant zippo – which was probably stolen from his grandparents. Henry took it and lit his death stick, exhailing a satisfied cloud of smoke, happy for something to easy his nerves and tremendous headache.
"Did your dad give you shit again?", Vic asked after a long pause. 
He didn't respond, taking another drag. "The headmaster saw me and wouldn't shut up again about the same ol' shit. Be careful in case he sees you too."
"Well, I don't think he has a problem with me. My grades are decent enough."
"That's because you're not afraid to cheat, Vic," Belch remarked. 
The bleach-blonde boy scoffed in response. "I don't cheat, asshole. I, for one, have a goal I want to pursue."
"So do I, smart-ass."
"What, you mean becoming an Olympic player or something?"
"Fuck you, man. You know damn well how much I want to make it to the American League."
Patrick cleared his throat as he stared forward to nothing in particular, holding back a laugh, while Henry was about to start yelling at them to shut up from beside him. "Are ya done?"
"You're one to talk, Pat," Vic grumbled under his breath, folding his arms.
He looked at him for a moment, letting out a snort of laughter. The icy stare ignored by Vic who looked down as he kicked a stone with his boot. Patrick threw his finished cigarette and patted Henry on the shoulder as he eyed his watch, passing him and starting to make his way to the building's back entrance. He was always first one to separate their morning meeting, despite Henry being the self-proclaimed leader of the group. 
"Meet ya after class."
Without waiting for a response he pushed the door, walking slowly inside. He placed one hand inside his pocket, while the other ran through his mid-length hair that hang around his face. 
Henry's warning forgotten, he passed the principal's office with ease. Patrick rolled his eyes when he heard his name called just as he was out of view. He could just continue his way, pretending he didn't hear him, but allas, he walked into the office. 
"What is it, Mr. Corbin?", his voice dramatically switched into a much innocent one than he intended. His eyebrows lightly raised as he held his hands together in front of him. 
Mr. Corbin took off his eyeglasses, stopping his work on whatever papers he had held in front of him. "Your grades," he started, sighing as he captured his facade. "You've been held back one grade. Are you on your way to make that a yearly end goal? You need to step up, Hockstetter."
Patrick stared back at him, his eyes void of all emotion. He had had this conversation with his parents countless times before. It mostly began after 7th grade, when things got more serious. They would constantly nag about his future – especially his uptight and anxious mother. He didn't care really, only choosing to live in the present. He was mostly out of touch with reality, always going with the flow. If he would magically share a similar life like his parents, that'd be fine. If he ended up tossed aside and unsuccessful, then so be it. 
"I've also been informed about your attitude outside school. These aren't news, I'm afraid. You and Bowers lack motivation, without a care what you'll be doing with your life in the future." 
Patrick was always twisted from a very young age, despite him not seeing it that way. He would get that sort of thrilling feeling through his veins whenever he viewed any kind of discomfort on another, more so when he inflicted it himself. It was so intriguing for him, from the way that rabbit moved so rapid and swiftly, trying to get out of his grasp. When it's escape went unsuccessful it started to make noises. Patrick would study it with round eyes, which eventually were followed with a wide smile. At that age he didn't attempt to kill it yet, and let it go. He didn't see death as a real thing, until he stumbled upon a starved kitten, it's ribs visible and it's legs weak. 
He tilted his head as he stood over it, the kitty meowed at him, it's high-pitched cries filling his ears. At first he found it terribly annoying, but then he came to enjoy it. It was suffering without the care of its mother. He kneeled on the concrete and the small cat saw this as a welcome to come closer. He tried petting it for a moment and it started purring in a weird way. His fingers run along it's dry fur and he gave more attention on its neck as he grew bored. He stopped and he felt a rush of adrenaline when the cat started meowing louder as he grabbed its neck, it's legs trying to scratch him to get back down. 
The corners of his mouth quirked up in an eerily smile, his eyes shinning slightly. He felt the same feeling when he squeezed the rabbit long ago, but this time he didn't stop and increased the pressure. The kitty stopped moving and it's jaw hang open, it's yellow eyes wide – too wide. He had to compose himself for a moment, releasing his hands as it fell sharpy. He was a god. A chuckle left his lips but he stopped when he heard a hault of steps from behind him. 
It was a young boy that seemed of close age range by his height. He expected him to turn back around and run away, but he didn't. Patrick held a cold gaze. 
"What do you want?" he asked. 
The boy – surprisingly approached him. "What you did was pretty cool."
Patrick didn't expect that. He smiled again. "I do it all the time," he lied but it was mostly the truth. 
The boy looked at the dead cat, then at Patrick. "I'm Henry."
"I'm Patrick."
Henry grinned, revealing a missing tooth. "Cool, wanna join me and my friends? We're on our way to throw paper towels that old lady's house."
"The one with the crazy mole on her nose?"
Henry nodded. Patrick thought about it first. He didn't really have any friends, so this was certainly a change. 
"Sure, why not?"
After that he became a member of the group, soon to be the Bowers Gang. At first he wasn't as welcome, being one year older, but they became so close, they were particularly like brothers. 
Mr. Corbin dragged a hang over his features, a headache starting to form. He waved towards the door, finishing: "that's about it. If you and Bowers get send here one more time, I'll have to take drasting measures. You'll get a pass this time. Mainly because it's your first time, Hockstetter. Now get your ass to class."
Satisfied, Patrick fixed his slouched back and turned around. He instantly noticed the unfamiliar girl next to the doorframe, her curious round eyes watching their interaction with keen interest, like a show being presented for her. Only she didn't applaud, and instead stood there awkwardly. Though she didn't quite fear him, it seemed, but Patrick knew that he'd have to give a good first impression then. That'd change her image of him for sure, he mused. 
He walked out the office with long steps, slowing down only as their eyes met and he instinctively licked his lips when he saw that it worked. 
He didn't care in hearing what the principal shouted at him just as he made his way to class, his mind only on the new victim he found and how he'd proceed next. The corners of his mouth quirked up into that same eerly smile. 
   Just as soon as lunch period came, [Name] went to take a seat at a table in the cafeteria, grabbing with her a weird looking sandwich and a soda. The school food definitely wasn't considered a five star meal, but she didn't have much of a choice, since she forgot to bring her own food from home. 
She didn't really care much about not having anyone to sit with, although some company would be nice. She would go sit with her cousin and his friends but she couldn't really find them in this crowd. Despite the town being small, the school was pretty packed. 
Just as she was about to take a bite of her sandwich, she felt someone being pushed against her back. She groaned in annoyance and turned around, ready to cuss whoever hit her. 
She stopped when she noticed a boy trying to stand on both his legs, though unstable. In front of him was the large looking guy she saw with Victor in class before, who wore a hat and a sadistic grin. He was about to make another move on him but turned his head around when he heard his name from the other side of the room – Belch, [Name] heard and looked over at the origin of the call, who was an annoyed looking Henry Bowers. [Name] also noticed Victor and Hockstetter with him. As expected. She still couldn't believe that he was possibly one of Richie's bullies. 
Belch glanced back at the guy who was pushed on [Name] with a piercing glare, though he didn't pay any mind on her. He then turned around and left, going back with his friends, who pushed the door opened and left the cafeteria. 
[Name] looked around, wondering if anyone else saw the whole thing happened, but everyone just went on with their businesses, except maybe like three people, but they still said nothing. She raised a brow. Why didn't anyone do or say anything? Do they control the school or something? She couldn't believe it. People fucking sucked here. She looked back at him, who tried to wipe the dust off of him. His clothes were messy and hang around his body, but he quickly fixed them, along with his posture. He cleared his throat. It took a while for [Name] to notice they initiated contact, and she grew awkward knowing that she was looking at him the whole time. 
She decided to break the silence. "You okay?"
He rose his eyebrows – almost surprised – and tried fixing his brown hair, which was not as easy without the use of a mirror. "Uh, yeah."
The awkward silence around them rose once again as he stood behind her while she had her head still turned around. It was growing sore by the second and she drew a leg over the seat, taking a more comfortable position. 
"Who the hell was that?" she asked. 
He seemed more surprised, as his mouth fell agape for a split second. "Hold up. You don't know him?"
"Um, no?"
He let out a laugh, almost not believing her words. "You're joking, right?"
She shook her head and shrugged. "Should I?"
"I mean, no but-", he continued to stare at her with a look of surprise. "You honestly don't know of the Bowers Gang?"
She didn't know how to respond, then she said, "Well, actually, I'm knew here."
Her words seemed to bring some sort of understanding as he let out an 'ohhh'. Without asking he sat next to her and stook out his arm. "I'm Aiden."
She shook it. "[Name]."
He leaned against his palm, the edge of his elbow just barely touching the table. "So you're new, huh? How come of all places you choose good-old Derry?"
"I used to live here a long time ago," she said. "For now I'm living with my relatives while we search for a house to rent or buy."
"Relatives? Who? I might know 'em.'"
"I don't know if you do, but I'm Richie's cousin and –"
Aiden's eyes widened again. It was pretty amusing how easily surprised he got. 
"You're Tozier's cousin? As in Trashmouth Tozier?"
"Hey, I'd really appreciate you not talking bad about my cousin."
He ignored it, continuing, "No fucking way, dude. That guy doesn't know when to stop."
"So?", she asked as her eyes narrowed. 
He waved his hands dismissively. "No – I'm just saying. He's just a pretty easy target amongst the Bowers Gang."
Just as [Name] was about to ask more, a voice called Aiden from the distance. Two girls waved at them and approached them. 
"We've been looking everywhere for you," the blonde-haired girl said as she gave him a quick hug. 
"Fucking Huggins thought it was funny to push me while I was about to leave," Aiden rolled his eyes. "But he immediately left. I don't care either way."
"Ugh, just ignore them. They're just dumb."
The brunette's focus was at [Name]. "Hey, you're the new girl, right? I think we share English together," she pointed out. 
She titled her head, trying to recall seeing her. "Really? I didn't really notice you. Sorry."
"Oh, where are my manners?" Aiden said. "This is Jamie and Evelyn", he pointed first at the blonde then the brunette. 
[Name] shook their hands, while she revealed her name to the girls. "I'm new here," she added. 
"And she's Tozier's cousin," Aiden interrupted with a grin. 
[Name] sighed at that as she opened her soda. "I still wanna know about that Bowers guy."
The girls sat at the other side of the table, sharing a look and then looked back at her.
"Well, it's best to say to not mess with him or the rest of his gang. Unless you're unlucky then you're fucked. It's best to just not be an easy target," Everly said. 
"It's almost like the whole town fears them," Jamie added. 
[Name] raised a brow. "How come they target my cousin?", she looked at the boy next to her. "Or Aiden for that matter."
He sighed. "It's... a long story."
It would be a lie if she said she wasn't curious, but decided not to push it. "Okay, well," she said between bites, "They better not mess with Richie again."
Everlyn leaned close, "I don't think you're in control of that. I'd advice you to tell Richie to just avoid them as much as possible."
[Name] frowned at that, but she didn't say more. There was something she could do, right? She took a sip of her soda and licked her lips. 
Jamie nudged her friend's shoulder next to her, "Hey, let's invite her to Frank's party," without waiting for a response she looked back at [Name]. "Wanna join us on Friday? It starts at 8 pm."
She stopped chewing as she glanced at the three reluctantly. She really wasn't in the mood for that, wanting to relax the first week. 
"Come on! It'll be fun! We'll introduce you to other people. That way you'll make friends or something." She placed her hands together in a pleading manner, flickering her long lashes. "Pleaseee? Evelyn will give you a ride."
Evelyn shot a disapproving glare at her, mostly because she didn't bother asking first, but it went unnoticed by Jamie. 
[Name] shrugged. "Sure, I guess?", she rubbed the back of her head. "But I'll leave as soon as I get bored. I'm not really in the mood these couple of days."
Jamie rose from her seat and walked over to her, squeezing her into a hug. "Yay! I swear you won't get bored. And if it makes you feel better I won't leave your side."
   Evelyn was kind enough to give [Name] a ride back home, but she didn't really mind since she gave the other two a ride as well. She thanked her as she shut the door behind her, seeing Aiden wave at her while Jamie blew a kiss from behind the window. 
She walked in the Tozier residence and called out if anyone was home. She heard no response and she shrugged. Richie would be with his friends while her dad, and uncle and aunt would be at work. She threw her backpack and shoes off, going to the kitched and opening the fridge. Groaning at the vague options and the rumbling sound from her empty stomach she opted with a bowl of cereal. She sat at the living room, the blanket embracing her comfortably as she wore her pajamas. She should probably have better done her homework or study for that history test, but she really needed some sort of peace. She wasn't really paying attention to the movie, or the random commercials but she was almost shaken up by the sound of her door opening. 
It was her dad. He seemed to be in a really good mood – if the wise smile he had wasn't obvious he greeted her with enthusiasm. 
She quirked a brow, muching on her cereal. "Why so happy? Not that I mind."
He took of his boots, "We're having a barbecue tomorrow!", he exclaimed simply. 
"Cancel any plans for tomorrow if you have any."
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literallyrousseau · 8 months
𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙
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"𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊; 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖉𝖔𝖒"
Who am I? Previously known as the Third Husband, in the internet I am Rousseau. As stated in my blog’s description, I am eighteen and Brazilian. I am not a writer and this blog merely exists to interact with friends and overall people, as well as with things of my interest.
I like to watch films and anime, play games, read and learn. My favorites are JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Attack on Titan, The Lost Canvas and Monster for anime. For games, Call of Duty [mobile specially] and the good old Roblox. I also enjoy motorsport, particularly Formula 1.
I am really passionate about History and Philosophy, vide the name. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Baruch Spinoza, Montesquieu and Max Weber are my all time favorites. I am also an art admirer, even if I cannot draw, paint or write.
In conclusion, I am just a sophist, bisexual man looking for some good interactions and camaraderie.
“𝕸𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖓 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘 “
Who can interact with this blog? Basically anyone as long as you are over sixteen and not a chauvinist. Provided you are a not homo/trans/xenophobic person, racist, zionist, necrophile, pedophile or a pederast, you have all freedom to interact with me.
“𝕿𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖞 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙, 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊, 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒”
Who should interact? Though not a primarily moot account, I am really open to making new online friends. In other words, I follow back and feel free to leave messages in the inbox‼️
"𝕾𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊"
@hyena-boy69 @embry-garrick @ccreekside @atlasaurusrex @moralesirl @miguel-owhora @miguelo-hara2099 @kylesgarrick @adrawinggnome @virtualconnoisseurtheorist47 @insuke69 @starre-eyes @dreadfullyrottenn @mrnoodle69 @demovamp @theannoyinghuman @amxnanodalhard @sexualexplorers-blog @male-wife-grinder @prodigy-from-pluto @strboyshfts @dioenjoyer @strawbieqt @feralcazz @coffeeauthorvibing @softggh0ul @ccyberangelz @abisangelss @malyjohn @cheriecosmos @s1ckh1mb0 @happyfeet3351 @theratthatgotyeeted @maxbeloved27 @agoofyannoyancetolaw @m1dnight-mars @peapodsinspace @imaroyalburneraccount @corpsemakoto @apple-dilf-shake @yuliapavlovsky @akingdomscrypt
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𝕹𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖒𝖓𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖗.
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laurierthefox · 8 days
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Le week end du 28 et 29 Septembre 2024 je serais à la convention Geek Days Brest !
C'est la première fois que je fais une convention, c'est bien plus gros (on attends environ 10 000 visiteur'ses sur deux jours) que les marchés de créateurices que je faisais jusqu'à présent, et j'avoue que j'ai un peu d'appréhension ^^.
Vous pourrez retrouvez sur mon stand :
Des livres
- ReconnaiTrans (éditions lapin) - J'ai un'e ami'e trans et/ou non binaire (auto édition) - Les derniers exemplaires de Féministes (édition Vide Cocagne)
Des Goodies
- Badges LGBTIAP+ dont le tout nouveau badge licorne en 45mm ! - Badges sur la NeuroDiversité / NeuroAtypie - Stickers LGBTIAP+ - Les tout derniers exemplaires de la broche "Care" - Prints féministes et LGBTIAP+
Pour cette fois ci je ne serais pas seul à mon stand !
Je partagerais ma table avec Gwên, une autrice de light novels de genre science-fiction, fantasy, et fantastique.
J'espère vous y voir !
Prenez soin de vous et des autres si vous pouvez !
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tiredsn0w · 1 year
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« Remplis mon verre jusqu'au bout parce qu'il est à moitié vide... Pessimiste? Pas du tout » (lien)
(Eng trans: "Fill my glass to the top because it's half empty... Pessimist? Not at all")
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jazzyrazzy157 · 9 months
KND x OC AU Facts and Things that will happens in the AU (In no chronological order)
((Major Spoilers and it’s will get insane))
•Holly and Malice age slower than the regular human because with them being failed lab experiments
•Father and Snowflake have never have any biological child (this is before Father kidnap adopted the delightful children)
•Wink and Fibb will end up together and eventually get married but not in the finale
•Toiletnator (With his helmet off) will look like a mix of the comic “Operation: Historie” (Hair) and the ep “Operation: Movie” (Eyes)
•Nigel will still going to the GKND at the end of the AU but the outcome will be different. •Grandfather will die at the end of the AU
•Mitts (Mittens’s Host of the body she possessed), Monty (Numbuh 0), and Father (Benedict Uno) knew each other when they were young
•Kuki x Wally and Abby x Hoagie is still a thing
•Mittens (and Mitts) will both die in the end of the AU
•GKND will happen in the AU
•Yami isn’t dead
•Father will go to prison crimes like *Insert all the crimes that Father (From KND) did* •Via will slowly derail to madness and paranoia throughout the AU
•Via and Mittens (and Mitts) also knew each other in the past
•Persona will retire
•Malice x Techne will happen no matter what (in Malice’s fantasies)
•The delightful children have a happy ending
•Gomorga will have a ton of reality bombs that will be dropped on her (Girl will have her trauma phase)
•Techne is a better jokester that Hoagie
•Techne made a rainbow monkey weapon that can spread joy and explodes with rainbows with the rainbow monkey theme playing (Kuki wants one)
•The Steve will appear in the AU
•Some blood will be spilled
•Tommy is still somewhat friends will Lee and Sonya
•Lizzie will get a Character Arc
• Cree and Maurice relationship will grow stronger
•Snowflake and Father are divorced (and will never go back together (well sometimes))
•Gomorga is one of the few people who likes Nurse Jumbo
•Hollnator (Holly Jolly x Toiletnator) will happen but it will take a while
•Malice will lose her powers in the mid way point of the AU timeline
• Harvey exist
•Gomorga, Techne, Holly, Snowflake will remain in the town that KND takes place in (Some fans is Cleveland, but IDK if it’s sure or not) in the end of the AU
•Cuppa Joe will return
• Potty Mouth will appear more because of his love/hate relationship with Genny and him just being a dick to others
•The Negative Verisons of Gomorga, Techne, and Snowflake are psychopathic criminals (Negative Holly is the goodness out of all four)
•The Town (or City) that KND takes place in have some weird lore and secrets
•Snowflake’s Father will die from a big rock that splat him to death
•Evil Adults Industry get into controversies
•Malice and Cree grows a friendship
•The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy other CN shows back in the early to late 2000’s will make cameos
•Franny is Lesbian
•Henrietta is Trans (Male to Female) (same for Ellis)
•Yami is kind of the most mentally unstable out of the four (Father, Malice, and Holly) that joined Mittens
•Bradley will still get hit by a car and get his upgrades in this AU
•Mr Boss will get a divorce from Mrs. Fullbright
•Gomorga and Techne is one of those slow burn friendships
• Mushi is still a menace
•Mimi lives in the same the woods that have been shown in “Operation: Hound”
•Snowflake surprisingly doesn’t like Christmas because it’s a reminder of their state right now
•Deirdre loves Christmas and the joy it brings
•People die when Mittens takes over the world
•Techne and Via’s dad and their many siblings have died
•Techne hates the sunlight
•Chad is a closeted homosexual
•Ellis, Persona, and Rasp are a dynamic trio (Too much energy, no energy, and calm vides)
•Gomorga and her Team are considered antiheroes because their associations with KND and Evil Adults Industries (oops)
•Malice will go to the arctic prison after her powers were gone
•Knightbrace and Toiletnator will be enemies to besties
• No matter what, with all the violence and death, all the insane stuff, and all the weird headcanons, in the end of the AU timeskip (so far) everything will end surprisingly happily.
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crossdreamers · 1 year
What is the good life for transgender people?
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Over at Medium Rejserin argues that what is the good transgender life will vary from person to person, given the diversity of trans and queer people and given the way their lives play out.
No two trans people live the same life or walk the same life paths, so to state that the dolce vide must take a particular form invariably dismisses perspectives we are unaware of. If simply overcoming oppression is all that being trans has to offer then of course being trans will always be framed as a struggle, something lesser to cis realities.  This is the root of queer theory, and traces its origins back to Ulrich’s first Munich proclamations in 1869. To be queer is to fight against systemic oppression in search of the good life, with Stonewall being the apotheosis of that spirit... Struggle requires energy and succour to overcome, and if you do not have the support to overcome then those struggles can appear overwhelming and insurmountable. For trans folk it is the very framing of oppressive forces that proves problematic, because what might be the good life for some may indeed by oppressive for others.  Systems of oppression do not oppress all the people all the time, otherwise if they did there would be a revolution. Instead, those systems oppress in different ways depending on where in society you are situated.
So trans rights must be more than access to medicalisation and body modification:
 There are as many conceptions of the dolce vide [the good lives] as there are trans folk alive, and thus we need to fight for each of them, not act as potential oppressors forcing them back out into the cold.
Read the whole post here.
Illustration photo by CarlosDavid.org
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Ontem, no domingo, fui lavar o cabelo normalmente. Na hora que eu abro a porta minha mãe simplesmente me pergunta:
— Eu tava vendo seu Instagram... porque na parte do "gênero" tá masculino?
Respondi na hora que foi um erro (sendo que aquilo foi por querer) e depois arrumei (na verdade coloquei "prefiro não informar"). Ela tava se referindo à conta que finjo ser cis, e sinceramente... o que raios importa o gênero que estaria cadastrado lá? Ninguém vê, a não ser que olhe as configurações da minha conta.
A minha mãe tem ficado muito preocupada com a minha saúde mental nas últimas semanas pelo que aconteceu na escola (vide o desabafo que fiz há umas duas semanas atrás). Ela tem assistido filmes comigo, finalmente apoiou minha ideia de começar a fazer aula de música e coisas do tipo, mas tem o lado ruim, que é essa sede incontrolável que ela tem de ver o meu celular.
E claro que isso não é de todo ruim. Não temo, já que não devo e nem faço merda na internet, mas ela se importa com cada coisa boba, como o gênero que tá cadastrado no meu perfil pessoal do Instagram. Eu já dei todas as pistas possíveis que sou trans, mas ela não deve entender... ou só ignora.
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powwidge · 1 year
Ok so u know how vide has male pronouns and a female voice and the appearance or boobs so ok ok so vide is essentially trans, right?
Makes it a bit funny how it's throné and hikari that I hc as trans, them being his descendants and all-
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bighermie · 1 year
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pixie-skull · 11 months
10 characters in 10 fandoms tag :D thank you @airasora for tagging me. =D
So I did do a VERY similar post a few days ago, but screw it more shout-outs fandoms I like. >:D
10. Diablo vide games:
One of my first favorite video games and favorite character is Deckard Cain.
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9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
The comedy group Monty Python needs more fans I feel. XD Favorite character of this movie is Tim.
8. Futurama:
I feel like a fool I did not think of this particular fantastic show. Besides being one of few science fiction I can enjoy so much, the stories, running gags, animation, and especially the characters are so great. Favorite character is so hard as younger me adored Leela, but as I get older it is a tie of her and Kif. I just like show reversed certain expected traits for characters. Leela to muscle while Kif the temped heart. That being said Zoidberg and Nibbler as I oddly relate to. 🤷‍♂️
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7. Scooby Doo:
If from the original, to the movies (Witch’s Ghost and Alien Invaders), to newer shows, and a few video games. :D Favorite character is Scooby tied with Shaggy.
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6. Non-Disney:
Now this kinda cheating but I adore animated movies, especially hand-drawn movies. I mean dang I am so grateful that certain animated movies gems that I have seen, that it made and I happily if could consider voice acting for a career. However I am also cheating to say a favorite character as he is a comfort character, Thief from The Thief and the Cobbler. This also why this middle of my list as so vague.
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5. Allan Moore’s work fandom:
Okay a tie, between a graphic novel and a movie. I am aware Allan Moore well known to despise his work be adapted to film. Graphic novel (even though the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine) is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Movie is V for Vendetta, plus favorite character a three-way tie of Deirich + Evey + Finnich. Yes I meant it alphabetically order. XP
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4. Firefly+Serenity:
I am sure this does not surprise anybody? XD Favorite character is hard but it is Inara with Sharped in close second place.
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3. The Tenth Kingdom:
I rarely hear anyone talk about this miniseries which is a shame as such a fun show. @airasora I for some reason can see the character Wolf being your favorite character. :D In regards my favorite character, it has to be Virginia.
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2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Yay one of the FEW shows I have actually watched all 7 seasons of (plan to rewatch the movie). XD I am honestly torn between two characters I really like. Especially as both are relatable in info dumping on legends/folklore, plus the few times they work together it is a fun team=Willow and Giles
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1. Sense8:
I can not articulate enough how this show deserves more attention and needed more time/episodes. Favorite character has to be my crush Kala. However she is also a favorite character along, Lito x Hernado (I am aware both are cis gay men, but as a bi trans man they are one of few men love men relationships I have felt so relatable to).
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0. Mythology:
If I had pick what particular creature that pop culture has used it is obviously the Unicorn. Funny enough I have not watched any of the My Little Pony shows+movies. I just feel too weary it be hard to not be bothered by the fact they are “horses with horns and cute”.
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hitting you with thos Prime Numbers
up in the fuckin' Ridorana Lighthouse over here. Aight Construct 7, here's the list!
Do you like to use the term queer for yourself? Or just LGBT, etc? I mostly just refer to myself as Queer! Just one of those easy umbrella terms lmao
Which pronouns do you use? she/her! I don't mind terribly when i get misgendered by close friends and relatives, esp since theyre used to other pronouns, and i havent been out that long to them.
Are you "out" publicly? more or less. im not out at my workplace, but i found out a co-worker is trans also, so its kinda nice to have someone at a place like work know, even if im not totally out to them. gonna be interesting once I Suddenly Start Having Tiddy tho.
Are you the "token" queer person in your family? oh 110%. every other family member i know is like almost comically straight. i am The Weird Bisexual Cousin Who Is Also A Girl I Think?
Favorite (or just one you love) piece of LGBT media? i honestly dont know of many (pls send recs im begging).
Do you choose to reclaim slurs, why or why not? not really?. i dont have strong opinions on it tbh, it really depends on who its coming from. if Hank in the lifted pickup truck, whos truck has seen more car washes than mud calls me a fag, im ready to throw hands. If my genderqueer friend calls me a fag, i know it comes from a point of respect and comedy. really just depends on the context i suppose.
Have you ever attended Pride in a big city/ large metro area? Yes!!! the first year i moved to where i live now (austin tx),l i went to my first pride event (it was a big parade!!) at like 25. moved from deep southern georgia (which didnt like My Type very much). Bought my first bi pride flag there, and its still up proudly on my wall to this day! :)
Do you feel safe and accepted in your local community? yeah, ish? i dont really interact with like the local community much. I do enjoy being like, a Total Queer at my work tho. ( I work at chick-fil-a, and like half the staff are queer lol)
Do you prefer loud parties or quiet? depends if someone has bud or not if im being honest. just vegging out with people watching dumb youtube vides is a whole vibe that i dig
Are you currently partnered, or if not are you interested in having partner(s)? i am horrendously single. i wanna go out for dates, but the whole "trans woman who doesnt pass unless they have 6 different layers of clothing and also a mask and makeup" makes it pretty hard.
Post a pic in your pride gear (or it can just be a selfie or anything else lgbt): FOLLOWUP POST INCOMING I GOT HAND-ME-DOWNS AND ITS REALLY CUTE!!!!!!
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Il y a environ 7 ans, j'écrivais le scénario de Mekka Nikki que j'allais ensuite raconter à Félix pour qu'il me dise ce qu'il en pense.
Nous avons vécu énormément de choses depuis. D'abord la publication en fanzine et internet, le patreon qui s'est lancé. La signature chez Vide-Cocagne en 2019, la sortie du premier tome en 2020 et puis nous voici aujourd'hui en 2022, pour la sortie des deux derniers épisodes en ligne, qui vont clôre cette publication.
Cette histoire m'a suivie pendant un tournant important de ma vie, où j'ai traversé mon coming-out de femme trans. Les personnages m'ont accompagnée, et l'histoire a également évolué avec moi, en particulier ma chère Makko. Aujourd'hui vous avez rencontré tous ces personnages et j'espère qu'ils vous ont accompagné également pendant cette aventure.
C'était un réel plaisir de pouvoir partager cette BD avec vous, et que vous nous souteniez pendant si longtemps. J'espère vraiment que vous aimerez cette fin!
Merci encore à vous tous, et qui sait, peut-être que cette aventure de Mekka Nikki n'est pas encore tout à fait terminée?
Quoi qu'il arrivera on se reverra!
Bisous, portez-vous bien!
Je savais pas trop quoi écrire pour clore cette histoire.
Exa m’a alors proposé que je raconte cette petite anecdote, ce moment symbolise en quelque sorte l’intensité qu’a eu Mekka Nikki dans ma vie: Pour la 800ème page de Mekka Nikki, la dernière page après 7 ans d’aventures, je filmais ma main pour mémoriser l’encrage du mot « FIN », les yeux humides.
J’étais super stressé… du coup j’ai mal cadré et on y voit rien d’autre que mon ongle de pouce en très gros plan sur la vidéo… Et j’ai tellement tremblé de stresse en écrivant le mot « FIN » que j’ai du le réécrire. Bref, Mekka Nikki c’était intense et ça ne s’arrêtera jamais! Merci mille fois pour votre soutien depuis le début cette l’aventure!
-Félix Laurent
Episode 37 lecture page par page : https://grandpapier.org/exaheva/mekka-nikki-37-coucher-de-soleil-sur-lorunis
Episode 37 lecture double pages : https://issuu.com/home/published/_37hdfr
Episode 38 lecture page par page : https://grandpapier.org/exaheva/mekka-nikki-38-une-histoire-oubliee
Episode 38 lecture doublage pages : https://issuu.com/home/published/_38hdfr
About 7 years ago, I wrote the story for Mekka Nikki which I was then going to tell Félix so that he would tell me what he thought of it.
We've been through a lot since then. First the fanzine and internet publication, the patreon that was launched. The publication deal with Vide-Cocagne in 2019, the release of the first volume in 2020 and then here we are today in 2022, for the release of the last two episodes online, which will close this publication.
This story followed me through an important turning point in my life, where I went through my coming out as a trans woman. The characters have gone with me, and the story has also evolved with me, especially my dear Makko. Today you have met all these characters and I hope they have also accompanied you during this adventure.
It was a real pleasure to be able to share this comic with you, and that you supported us for so long. I really hope you like this ending!
Thanks again to all of you, and who knows, maybe this Mekka Nikki adventure isn't quite over yet?
No matter what, we'll see each other again!
Take care,
I didn't really know what to write to end this story.
Exa then suggested that I tell this little anecdote, this moment symbolizes in a way the intensity that Mekka Nikki had in my life: For the 800th page of Mekka Nikki, the last page after 7 years of adventures, I filmed my hand to memorize the inking of the word "END", eyes moist.
I was super stressed... so I shot it wrong and you can see nothing but my thumbnail in really close up on the video... And I was shaking so much from stress writing the word "END" that I had to rewrite it. In short, Mekka Nikki was intense and it will never stop! Thank you a thousand times for your support since the beginning of this adventure!
-Felix Laurent
Episode 37 : https://issuu.com/home/published/_37_english
Episode 38 : https://issuu.com/home/published/_38_english
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