#vigilante jinx seeing a nearly full shimmer warehouse:
drindrak-art · 3 years
Another piece of fic from my petty vigilante Jinx AU? More likely than you think. Enjoy.
Part 1 | Part 2 | [Part 3] | [Part 4] | [Part 5]
"Jinx?!" Ekko literally stumbles off his hoverboard, as the blue-haired girl comes into view. Jinx hadn't been seen on a job for nearly a month by this point. People were speculating that she'd died or something!
Jinx grins at him, "Well, well, well, look who it is! The Boy Saviour!" Ekko reaches for his bat, his eyes narrowing. Jinx frowns at him, hands twisting against the straps of her bag.
He draws his weapon, "What are you doing here? Guard duty?"
Her eyes roll, "Oh put that away, will you?" She drops the bag hanging off her shoulder and begins rifling through it. "I don't work with Silco anymore." Ekko blinks. Had he heard her correctly? Did she just say she doesn't work for Silco anymore?! How. Why. No. No, he clearly misheard her.
Ekko shakes his head, "Wait, what? What did you just say?"
Jinx quirks a brow, "I. Don't. Work. With. Silco. Anymore." She says, as if speaking to a child. "Geez, get your ears checked. I hear Mundo's been hanging around the lower sumps." Ekko shivers at the thought of the large purple man. Dr. Mundo was not a doctor, regardless of what he says. Especially considering his way of treatment. And by that, Ekko means the lack of. Mundo would just kill you.
"No thanks." Ekko mutters, sheathing his bat. "If you don't work for Silco anymore, why are you here?"
Jinx looks at him like he's stupid, "I'm going to blow this place up, Little Man. Silco had his shot and he blew it." She wiggles her fingers in a shooing motion, "Shoo, shoo. Go get your rebels outta here. This place is about to be ashes in…" She looks down at her bag, "Well, five minutes or so." She taps something in her bag, "Uh… make that three minutes. My bad." Something in the bag begins ticking loudly. "Oh! That's not good. Well, see ya li'l man!" She darts off in a panic, leaving the bag behind, and Ekko is quick to do the same, radioing his team as he goes.
If Jinx says it wasn't good and she's speaking of a bomb, then there's gonna be a hell of an explosion, and they needed to be clear of this place yesterday.
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